See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Large-Scale Hydrogen Jet Flame Radiant Fraction Measurements and Modeling Conference Paper · September 2012 DOI: 10.1115/IPC2012-90535 CITATIONS READS 6 1,758 5 authors, including: Isaac W. Ekoto W.G. Houf Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories 43 PUBLICATIONS 869 CITATIONS 61 PUBLICATIONS 1,466 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Air Force Office of Scientific Research View project Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards View project All content following this page was uploaded by Isaac W. Ekoto on 25 August 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 Available online at ScienceDirect journal homepage: Updated jet flame radiation modeling with buoyancy corrections I.W. Ekoto a,*, A.J. Ruggles a, L.W. Creitz b, J.X. Li b a b Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94551-0969, USA Air Products and Chemicals Inc., Allentown, PA 18105, USA article info abstract Article history: Radiative heat fluxes from small to medium-scale hydrogen jet flames (<10 m) compare Received 18 January 2014 favorably to theoretical predictions provided the product species thermal emittance and Received in revised form optical flame thickness are corrected for. However, recent heat flux measurements from 26 February 2014 two large-scale horizontally orientated hydrogen flames (17.4 and 45.9 m respectively) Accepted 28 March 2014 revealed that current methods underpredicted the flame radiant fraction by 40% or more. Available online 5 May 2014 Newly developed weighted source flame radiation models have demonstrated substantial improvement in the heat flux predictions, particularly in the near-field, and allow for a Keywords: sensible way to correct potential ground surface reflective irradiance. These updated Flame radiation methods are still constrained by the fact that the flame is assumed to have a linear tra- Flame integral model jectory despite buoyancy effects that can result in significant flame deformation. The Hydrogen flame current paper discusses a method to predict flame centerline trajectories via a onedimensional flame integral model, which enables optimized placement of source emitters for weighted multi-source heat flux prediction methods. Flame shape prediction from choked releases was evaluated against flame envelope imaging and found to depend heavily on the notional nozzle model formulation used to compute the density weighted effective nozzle diameter. Nonetheless, substantial improvement in the prediction of downstream radiative heat flux values occurred when emitter placement was corrected by the flame integral model, regardless of the notional nozzle model formulation used. Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction A primary hazard associated with the unintended release and subsequent ignition of hydrogen from storage, transport, and delivery applications is radiant heat flux exposures and elevated temperatures from hydrogen jet flames that can result in potentially lethal burns and severe respiratory damage [1]. Detailed flame simulations have provided useful information about the interplay between flow dynamics and combustion chemistry [2,3], but are prohibitive for practical safety applications due to the significant computational resources required. Reduced order models developed from empirical observation are often used instead to determine hazard boundaries [4e12]. These models require relevant release conditions (e.g., nozzle diameter/shape, mass flow rate, gas type) to estimate flammable envelopes and the amount of flame energy converted into escaping radiant * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (I.W. Ekoto), (A.J. Ruggles). 0360-3199/Copyright ª 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 20571 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 energy, defined here as the radiant fraction, c. Schefer et al. [13] reported that as with hydrocarbon flames, hydrogen jet flame radiant fractions, defined as the radiative energy escaping relative to chemical energy released, exhibit a logarithmic dependence on flame residence time, tf. However, the absence of CO2 or soot in the product stream results in lower overall radiant fractions [14]. Based on these observations, Molina et al. [15] developed a unified expression that treated the flame as a blackbody emitter with the radiant fraction expressed a function of flame residence time, adiabatic flame temperature ðTad;H2 ¼ 2390 KÞ, and Plank’s mean absorption coefficient for the product species ðaf ;H2 O ¼ 0:23 m$1 Þ. ! " c ¼ 0:08916$log10 tf af T4ad $ 1:2172 (1) Note that tf is in milliseconds. A gap remains between computationally expensive simulations and low-fidelity empirical models that have limited applicability in realistic scenarios. To bridge this gap, Air Products and Chemicals Inc. commissioned radiative heat flux measurements from two large-scale hydrogen flames, and worked with Sandia National Laboratories’ Hydrogen Safety, Codes and Standards research group to analyze results and develop improved modeling approaches. Radiant heat flux predictions derived from conventional single point source models [6,11] underpredicted measured values by 40% or more, particularly in the near-field. For most locations, the difference was accounted for if multi-source models were used and reflective surface addition from steel and concrete below the release path was included [16]. The exception was from a radiometer placed directly downstream of the expected flame length, which recorded radiative heat fluxes far below the model predictions. It was noted that curved centerline flame trajectories due to buoyancy effects were not captured and may have increased optical path lengths between the flame and radiometer. The present paper discusses the development of a one-dimensional flame integral model to predict flame centerline trajectories, which can then be used to optimize the source emitter placement. Model entrainment coefficients were calibrated from detailed flame velocity and scalar data and model performance was evaluated against large-scale horizontally propagating hydrogen jet flame images. Large-scale flame experiments Two large-scale hydrogen jet fire experiments were conducted at the GL Noble Denton Spadeadam Test Site in North Cumbria, UK. Compressed hydrogen gas was released from a nominal 60 barg stagnation pressure through a horizontally orientated 1 m long stretch of pipe with respective internal diameters of 20.9 and 52.5 mm, and located 3.25 m above the ground. Boundary and ambient condition details for each test are summarized in Table 1 while images of the release setup and delivery system schematic are given in Fig. 1. Since the storage and delivery lines had previously been used for similar tests of natural gas flames, 3 consecutive hydrogen purges were performed prior to the experiments to remove any residual natural gas from the system. A 25 m by 15 m concrete pad below the release path was used to prevent surface dirt entrainment into the flame. To protect against spallation, the pad was further covered with steel sheeting. Mass flow rates were calculated from upstream temperature measurements and the pressure drop across an orifice plate in accordance with ISO 5167 parts 1 and 2 [17]. Orifice pressure drop and static temperature were respectively measured by a Druck STX 2100 differential pressure transducer (0e2.0 bar range, 0.2% full-scale accuracy) and type ‘T’ thermocouples with outputs linearized by a Pretop 5331B temperature transmitter (%100 & C, 0.05% full-scale accuracy). Static pressure and temperature were measured at 3 locations in the release pipe via Druck PTX-1400 pressure transducers (0e100 barg range, 0.15% full-scale accuracy) and the same thermocouple systems used for upstream mass flow rate measurements. Incident thermal radiation was measured by a wide-angle Medtherm radiometer (150& field of view, 0.3e11.5 mm transmission, 1.0 s response time, %5% full-scale accuracy) that was mounted on a tripod and orientated towards the projected flame center. Radiometer measurements were recorded over a 5 s averaging window. Radiometer positions and the predicted flame center for both flames are given in Table 2, while a schematic in Fig. 1 illustrates the relative placement. Flame envelopes were recorded by 2 standard definition cameras positioned perpendicular to the cross-stream field of view. Visible flame lengths were established by averaging maximum visible extents from each cross stream video image, with standard deviations reported in Table 2. Wind speed/direction, ambient temperature, and relative humidity were measured at a weather tower located w111 m upstream from the release point. Ambient pressure was reported from a nearby weather station located at Carlisle, Cumbria, UK. The flames were oriented 67& relative to true north. Further details about test setup and operating procedures can be found in Ekoto et al. [16] d note that in Ref. [16] the flame length for the larger release was reported at 48.5 m, which corresponded to the maximum observed flame length rather than the average value of 45.9 m as reported here. Weighted multi source flame radiation model Observer heat flux, q, is proportional to the portion of flame surface radiant energy emitted to the observer defined here as the view factor, VF, the total radiative power, Srad, normalized Table 1 e Boundary and ambient conditions for each large-scale jet flame. Note that wind directions are where the wind is coming from relative to true north while the release direction is the direction of the release path. Flame 1 2 dj[mm] _ [kg/s] m p0 [barg] T0 [K] RH [%] Tamb [K] pamb [bar] uwind [m/s] 4wind [& ] Lvis [m] (rms) 20.9 52.5 1.0 7.4 59.8 62.1 308.7 287.8 94.3 94.5 280 280 1.022 1.011 2.84 0.83 68.5 34.0 17.4 (1.1) 45.9 (2.5) 20572 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 Fig. 1 e Image of the pipe release setup at the GL Noble Denton Spadeadam Test Site and a schematic of the storage reservoir and release setup with radiometer/camera placement along with a conceptual illustration of the weighted multi-source model. by the flame surface area, Af, and the atmospheric transmissivity, s: Srad _ ; where Srad ¼ c$m$DH q ¼ VF$s$ c Af (2) _ is the mass flow rate and DHc is the hydrogen heat Here, m of combustion (¼119 MJ/kg). Atmospheric transmissivity was expressed by simple BeereLambert expressions that account for the H2O and CO2 concentration in the view path [18]. Hankinson and Lowesmith [12] recently developed a weighted multi-source model that was found to have good near-field agreement with heat flux measurements. From their model the transmission corrected view factor-to-surface area ratio can be expressed as: s N VF X wi cos bi $ ¼ si ; where Af pD2i wi ¼ n $ i¼1 wi ¼ iw1 n$1 N$n$1 % ðj $ n þ 1Þ w1 Here, D and b are respectively the distance and angle between the observer unit normal and the point emitter, while w is an emitter strength weighting parameter. A total of 80 source emitters, selected based on a convergence study as part of the work in Ref. [16] were evenly distributed along the flame centerline from the jet exit to the predicted flame tip. To estimate flame residence time for the radiant fraction calculation in Equation (1), the model by Turns and Myhr [14] that relates residence time to fuel mass flow rates and flammable volumes was used: tf ¼ 2 p rf $Wf $Lf Ys pamb MWst ; where rf ¼ _ 12 RuTad m (4) Here, Ys, is the hydrogen stoichiometric mass fraction, rf is the flame density, pamb is ambient pressure, MWst is the stoichiometric molecular weight of the product gases, and Ru is the universal gas constant. The visible flame length, Lf, and i ( 0:75N i > 0:75N ; N X wi ¼ 1 (3) i¼1 width, Wf, were estimated from correlations by Delichatsios [19] where: Lf ¼ L' $ ' d and Wf z0:17Lf Ys (5) 20573 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 Table 2 e Visible flame lengths and radiative heat flux predictions initiated by 5 different notional nozzle models for the large-scale flames. Source emitters for Equation (3) were placed along the centerline, with trajectories specified either by the straight flame assumption or the flame integral model. Notional nozzle model Flame 1 Measurement Birch et al. (1984) w/Abel-Noble Yüceil & Ötügen (2002) w/Abel-Noble Harstad & Bellan (2006) w/Abel-Noble Schefer et al. (2007) Molkov et al. (2009) Flame 2 Measurement Birch et al. (1984) w/Abel-Noble Yüceil & Ötügen (2002) w/Abel-Noble Schefer et al. (2007) Harstad & Bellan (2006) w/Abel-Noble Molkov et al. (2009) Lf [m] qrad (Straight flame) [kW/m2] qrad (Curved flame) [kW/m2] 17.4 19.6 17.5 22.7 17.5 20.1 e 6.2 4.4 11.2 4.4 6.8 4.7 5.9 4.3 6.5 4.4 6.2 45.9 49.3 44.6 44.6 52.7 49.9 e 97.3 34.8 34.8 189.8 113.2 23.9 29.9 23.8 28.1 13.2 25.6 The non-dimensional flame length, L*, was expressed as a function of the flame Froude number: L' ¼ & 13:5Frf0:4 1 þ 0:07Fr2f L' ¼ 23 '0:2 for Frf < 5 where; for Frf * 5 (6) ueff Ys1:5 Frf ¼ & '0:25 & '0:5 reff Tad$Tamb $g$deff ramb Tamb The visible flame length of Equation (5) was proportional to pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the mass weighted effective diameter, ðd' hdeff reff =ramb Þ [20], where deff and reff were the jet exit diameters and densities derived from notional nozzle models that account for complex jet-exit shock structure. For the present study, 5 source models were examined. Each model preserved mass and energy conservation [21,22], and successively added momentum [13,23,24] and entropy conservation across a normal shock [25] to reduce the number of assumed boundary conditions. Note that the Birch et al. [21], Yüceil and Ötügen [24], and Harstad and Bellan [25] models were updated with the Abel-Noble equation of state as described by Ruggles and Ekoto [26] to account for real gas effects. Flame integral model ! " MWH2 cH2 þ cH2 O MWH2 ¼ YH2 þ YH2 O MW MWH2 O d dS (7) Z2p ZN rVrdrdf ¼ ramb E ðmass conservationÞ Z2p ZN rV2 cos qrdrdf ¼ 0 ðx $ momentum conservationÞ 0 d dS 0 (8) 0 0 (9) d dS A flame integral model was used to determine centerline trajectories that resulted from external body and surface forces (e.g., buoyancy and wind), with only buoyancy considered here for brevity. For the flame integral model, the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and mixture fraction, f, were integrated over the flame cross-sectional area and differentiated along the flame centerline; a schematic is provided in Fig. 2. Mixture fraction, f, was used in lieu of species mass fraction since it is a conserved scalar with the form: f¼ The variables c and Y respectively represent the species mole and mass fractions. The flame was assumed to issue from the origin at some arbitrary angle (q0 ¼ 0& for the present flames). Initial conditions were specified by the notional nozzle models referred in Section 3 and the parameters from Table 1 for both flames. The zone of flow establishment between the notional nozzle and established flow zones was modeled following the method described by Winters [27] for an unignited buoyant jet, under the assumption that the jet ignited at the end of this zone. The established flow zone began at point S0, with the centerline flame axis given by the streamline coordinates S and q. Radial distances perpendicular to S and the azimuthal angle about S are designated r and 4 respectively. Gravity, g, is parallel to the vertical (y-axis) and directed downward. Integral flame conservation equations are as follows: Z2p ZN 0 0 rV2 sin qrdrdf ¼ Z2p ZN ðramb $ rÞgrdrdf 0 0 ðy $ momentum conservationÞ Fig. 2 e Schematic of the one-dimensional buoyant jet flame model. (10) 20574 Z2p ZN 0 rVfrdrdf ¼ 0 ðmixture fraction conservationÞ (11) 0 dx ¼ cos q dS ðx $ centerline coordinateÞ (12) dy ¼ sin q dS ðy $ centerline coordinateÞ (13) Here V and r are the local time averaged velocity and density respectively, ramb is the ambient air density, x and y are the flame centerline coordinates, and E is the local entrainment rate. Measurements by Cheng et al. [28], Barlow et al. [29], and Flury and Schlatter [30] indicated radial mixture fraction and velocity profiles were self-similar and nearly Gaussian, which thus meant they could be expressed as: ! r2 (14) f ¼ fcl exp $ 2 2 lf B V ¼ Vcl exp $ r2 l2V B2 ! Fig. 4 e Comparison of flame integral model cenetrline trajectories with 5 notional nozzle models for the largescale flames (20.9 and 52.5 mm release diameters) with a 60 barg source pressure. (15) where Vcl and fcl are the time-averaged centerline values for velocity and mixture fraction and B is the characteristic jet width. Respective mixture fraction and velocity spreading ratios relative to B are given by lf and lV. It was noted by Cheng et al. [28] that radial velocity and mixture fraction profiles had similar spreading ratios; accordingly the reported value (l ¼ 1.24) was used for both. Although significant endothermic chemical reaction resulted, energy conservation was not explicitly calculated. Instead, the mixture was assumed to be thermally perfect with the local enthalpy, h, expressed as a function of ambient enthalpy, hamb, heat of combustion, and local composition: h ¼ Cp ðTÞT ¼ hamb " ! ramb þ DHc f $ YH2 r To model local entrainment, the approach by Houf and Schefer [31] was adopted where the turbulent entrainment rate was composed of momentum, Emom [32], and buoyancy, Ebuoy [33], components. - 2 .12 2 pDexit rexit Vexit ; E ¼ Emom þ Ebuoy ; Emom ¼ am 4 ramb Z N g ðramb $ rÞdr Ebuoy ¼ 2pab sin q 0 BVcl rexit Since radial density profiles were not self-similar, the integrated radial density normalized by the characteristic jet width was used instead. Equation (17) indicates momentum dominates the initial jet development, while buoyancy forces strengthen as centerline velocities decrease; observations that qualitatively agree with flame imaging from Ekoto et al. [16]. Entrainment rate constants am (¼3.42 + 10$2) and ab (¼5.75 + 10$4) were empirically determined from in situ scalar and velocity measurements [29,30] of a vertical turbulent (16) Radial mixture composition and temperature, T, were iteratively computed from Equations (14) and (16), under the assumption that the mixture was in chemical equilibrium with heat-loss was neglecteddmeasured mixture fraction profiles were in very close agreement with the equilibrium solution [28,29]. Temperature and mixture composition were then used to specify the local density in Equations (8)e(11). 80 0.12 All Radials V/V 1.0 Barlow et al. (1999) Flury & Schlatter (1996) Present Flame Integral Model All Radials f/f 2 2 2 60 1/Vcl V/Vcl f/fcl 0.09 exp[−r /(O B )] 0.8 0.6 (17) 0.06 40 0.03 20 1/fcl d dS i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.05 0.10 r/y 0.15 0.20 0.25 0 0 0.2 0.4 y/Lf 0.6 0.8 0 1 Fig. 3 e Collapsed mean velocity and mixture fraction [29,30] measurements compared to the radial fit from Cheng et al. [28] (right), along with measured centerline velocity and mixture fraction decay rates relative to the flame integral model results (left). i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 hydrogen jet flame that issued from a tube with a 3.75 mm diameter and had an exit Reynolds number of 10,000. Equations (14)e(17) were applied to the conservation Equations (8)e(13), with differentials of the 6 independent variables (Vcl, fcl, B, q, x, and y) brought outside of the integral. The remaining radially dependent terms were numerically solved via the trapezoid rule (3000 uniform steps and an upper radial limit of 6B). Larger limits and smaller step sizes did not appreciably change the numerical results. Independent variables were simultaneously solved at each step via the Matlab ODE45 routine. Normalized mean velocity and mixture fraction measurements from Refs. [29,30] in Fig. 3 agreed well with the self-similar collapse from Cheng et al. [28]. Also compared in Fig. 3 are centerline velocity and mixture fraction measurements from the same studies relative to the flame integral model predictions. Again, the match for both statistics was excellent and the general behavioral was well captured. Large-scale flame results and discussion Still standard video images of the two large-scale jet flames described in Section 2 envelope are provided in Fig. 4. A representative still image that closely matched the mean 20575 flame envelope characteristics was selected. Overlaid on the images are the predicted centerline trajectories produced from the flame integral model with the 5 notional nozzle models described in Section 3 used as the input boundary condition. Significant centerline trajectory curvature was observed for both flames beyond the midpoint, and this qualitative behavior was well captured by the integral model regardless of the notional nozzle model used. Note that the most complete source model by Harstad and Bellan [25] vastly over-predicted flame curvature for both flames while the simpler models by either slightly under-predicted (Schefer et al. [13], Yüceil and Ötügen [24], Birch et al. [21]) or closely matched (Molkov et al. [22]) the actual flame trajectory. The result suggests buoyancy driven entrainment is too high for the flame integral model results initiated by the Harstad and Bellan source model. Calculated flame lengths and downstream radiative heat fluxes from the “straight” (i.e., linear) or “curved” flame paths from the integral model are tabulated in Table 2 along with the measured values for both blames. Note that the calculated radiant fraction (Equation (1)) for each flame was 0.141 smaller and 0.167 for the larger flame. Flame lengths were well-predicted with all input source models except for Harstad and Bellan, which Ruggles and Ekoto [26] noted tends to over-predict effective source diameters, and hence Fig. 5 e Predicted radiative heat flux contours at different IFC exposure limits from the large flame (52.5 mm diameter). Emitter placement was specified by the “straight” flame assumption with the Birch et al. source model and the integral flame model for each of the 5 notional nozzle models for comparison. 20576 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 flammable extents, due to the incorrect assumption that all fluid passes through the Mach disk. Accordingly, the predicted radiative heat flux from the “straight” flame was significantly higher than the measured value since the sensor resided within the flame envelope. To a lesser degree, the Molkov et al. and Birch et al. models also over-estimated visible flame lengths, and hence radiative heat fluxes, if no flame curvature was assumed. However, when source emitter placement was adjusted by centerline flame curvature, predicted heat fluxes more closely approached the measured values. In particular, the Yüceil and Ötügen model with flame curvature corrections performed very well, with downstream radiative heat flux and flame length predictions within 10% of the measured value for both flames. Ruggles and Ekoto [26] have conjectured that at higher source pressures the barrel shock size will increase, which will result in a larger portion of the mass flow rate to be from the subsonic core just after the Mach disk rather than from the surrounding supersonic slip region. Accordingly, the accuracy of predictions that use the Harstad and Bellan source model are expected to improve as the pressure increases. For the larger flame, radiative heat flux contours that correspond to the 2012 International Fire Code (IFC) exposure limits for property lines (1.577 kW/m2), employees (4.732 kW/ m2), and non-combustible equipment (25.237 kW/m2) [34] are displayed in Fig. 5 for all 5 source models investigated. Overlaid on the contours are the projected flame centerlines and the heat flux sensor location (asterisk). The upper left plot of the “straight” flame with the Birch et al. notional nozzle model indicates that d in contrast to the measurements d the sensor resided within the elevated heat flux boundary. However, when flame curvature was considered, the heat flux predictions from most notional nozzle models were in excellent agreement with the measurements as flame curvature directed the heat flux boundary upward and away from the sensor on the ground. The exception was for the flame integral model with the Harstad and Bellan source model as the input, where severe curvature from led unreasonably long path lengths between the flame surface and sensor with significant under-predictions of radiative heat flux values. Finally, it should be noted that heat flux measurements from crosswind sensors located near the predicted flame center at discrete radial locations (see Ekoto et al. [16] for further details) were also evaluated. However, there was no appreciable change in predicted radiative heat flux values with source placement via the linear or curved flame trajectories, regardless of the notional nozzle model used. This was attributed to the fact that the strongest curvature occurred downstream of the measurements with no real impact on the optical path lengths between the flame emitter. Hence, those results were excluded from the current analysis. Conclusions A new flame integral model has been developed to account for flame centerline trajectory distortion by buoyancy effects. The model was based on the observation that velocity and mixture fraction radial profiles collapsed to a uniform Gaussian profile when appropriately scaled. Centerline statistical quantities and trajectories were calculated from a differential solver along with numerical integration of radially dependent variables in the conservation equations. Mixture compositions were specified from the local mixture fraction and the assumption that the flame was in chemical equilibrium. Local air entrainment rate was split into momentum and buoyancy dominated terms, with entrainment rate coefficients for each component specified from high-fidelity turbulent hydrogen flame scalar and velocity data. The flame integral model was used to predict downstream flame trajectories for 2 large-scale hydrogen jet flames (20.9 and 52.5 mm internal diameters) with nominal 60 barg source pressures. Mass weighted effective source diameters used to calculate flame lengths and integral model input boundary conditions were computed by 5 different notional nozzle models of varying complexity. Predicted flame trajectories were found to be highly dependent on the notional nozzle model used for input boundary conditions. Relative to the flame imaging, the most complex model by Harstad and Bellan that accounted for mass, momentum, energy, and entropy conservation over-estimated the flame length and amount of curvature, while a simpler models by Schefer et al. that neglected entropy conservation across the normal shock underestimated flame path curvature. A similar model by Yüceil and Ötügen along with basic models by Birch et al. and Molkov et al. that further neglected momentum conservation were found to produce path trajectories that best agreed with the imaging data. Research is ongoing as to why the simpler models performed better; the current theory is that the assumption that all fluid passes through the Mach disk is faulty and needs to be revisited. Radiative heat flux boundaries were predicted using a weighted multi-source model with source emittance tuned by radiant fraction correlations. Source emitter location was specified by either assuming a conventional linear trajectory or by placing the emitter along the predicted flame centerline path from the integral flame model. Downstream radiative heat flux predictions were substantially improved relative to the measurements when flame curvature was accounted for, regardless of the notional nozzle model used, as this increased the distance between the observer and the flame envelope. These results demonstrate the efficacy of the flame integral model, which can be an effective tool to reduce separation distances for flames expected to have large buoyancy components. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the United States Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office, under the Safety, Codes, and Standards subprogram element managed by Will James. Sandia is operated by the Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the U.S. DOE under contract No. DE-AC04-94-AL8500. The authors gratefully acknowledge Michael Acton from GL Noble Denton and Barbara Lowesmith from Hazard Analysis Ltd. for acquisition and analysis of the original datasets along with productive discussions regarding follow-on interpretation of experimental results. i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 0 5 7 0 e2 0 5 7 7 references [1] LaChance J, Tchouvelev A, Engebo A. Development of uniform harm criteria for use in quantitative risk analysis of the hydrogen infrastructure. Int J Hydrogen Energy 2011;36:59e66. [2] Coelho PJ. Numerical simulation of radiative heat transfer from non-gray gases in three-dimensional enclosures. J Quant Spectrosc Ra 2002;74:307e28. [3] Richardson ES, Yoo CS, Chen JH. Analysis of second-order conditional moment closure applied to an autoignitive lifted hydrogen jet flame. P Combust Inst 2009;32:1695e703. [4] Chamberlain GA. Developments in design methods for predicting thermal-radiation from flares. 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