GOVERNMENT OF MADHYA PRADESH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SCHEDULE OF RATES For ELECTRICAL WORKS in force from August 1st 2014 Issued by PROJECT DIRECTOR Public Works Department (P.I.U.) M.P. BHOPAL Price : Rs. 500/(Excluding Postage and forwarding Charges etc)1 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 1 of 114 GENERAL NOTES 1. Definitions: a) ’Specification’’ refers to the General Specification for Electrical Works issued by CPWD with amendments up to date. b) “Engineer-in-Charge” shall mean the Executive Engineer (E/M) PWD of respective division. c) ISI, IS, BIS shall mean the relevant Indian Standards. 2. Only Copper conductor (ICPCI approved) multi-strand cable with PVC Insulated Fire Retardant (FR) having minimum oxygen index value 29% is to be used. Where FRLS PVC wires are proposed to be used in the wiring system in place of FR PVC wires by the technical sanctioning authority, they may use the schedule of rates by suitably modifying the description of item. No separate rate has been proposed, as the variation in cost of the item is nominal. 3. The point wiring for light/fan/bell, socket outlet 6A, 16A includes switches, sockets, ceiling rose, lamp holder conduit, copper multi strand FR wire with copper lugs ( required to be compulsorily used ), fixing and drawing of all items and green colour PVC insulated Multi strand FR copper wire as earth wire. However, Switch Board with sheet - modular or non-modular type is not included in the rates of point wiring and shall be paid separately and switch boards should be selected so as to accommodate at least similar one switch & socket in future. 4. Circuit wiring is to be done in 2.5 sq mm cable. The rates of the earth wire of green colour of 2.5 sq mm copper Multi strand FR to be run inside the same conduit shall be payable separately as per actual measurements. Similarly, green colour earth wire for sub-main shall run inside the same conduit and shall be paid separately. Separate conduit shall be used for point, circuit and sub-main wiring. 5. Modular accessories are to be used in residential buildings of "E type and above and in case of non-residential buildings costing more than 50 Lac. All non-modular and modular accessories are to be of polycarbonate material only. 6. The rates of wiring have been taken considering the FR wire only. If anywhere, the FR-LSH wire is used, 3% rates may be paid additionally.3 7. Star rating ceiling fans confirming to IS: 374/1979 with amended up to date, ISI SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 3 of 114 marked and Star rated distribution Transformer, Arial Bunched cable of 1.1 KV, 11 KV, 33 KV, LED Luminaries, domestic & street lights, step light are added. 8. Only XLPE insulated LT/HT cables are to be used and rates have been provided accordingly. Modular accessories, in addition to normal (non-modular), are also introduced and rates have been given accordingly. 9. Chapter on overhead electrification is also enhanced covering as per Norms of MPSEB. 10. The rates given in this SOR are based on the following classification: CLASSIFICATION OF POINTS: Point Light / Fan / Bell / 2 Way Points Power Wiring 16A / Socket 6A etc. Short Up to 3m. Up to 3m. Medium Above 3m up to 6m Above 3m up to 6m Long Above 6m up to 10m Above 6m up to 10m Extra Long-I Above 10m up to 15m Extra Long-II Above 15m up to 20m Extra Long-III Above 20m up to 25m NOTE: 1) Special Points – Actual material used above 10 m (Light Point etc)/ 25m (Power Wiring) shall be paid as per actual measurements on linear basis. 2) Any special wiring not covered above shall be measured on the linear basis and shall be paid as per SOR items. 11. In this S.O.R. on chapter No. 40 the rates of dismantling of wiring in F/G/H/I type qtrs and rewiring of same have been taken as single item. The rate of item 40.1 does not include service line, earthling system, Fans and light fixtures. 12. In this S.O.R. on chapter No. 40 the rates of new wiring in standard F/G/H/I type qtrs have been taken as single item. The rate of item 40.2 include Fans and light fixtures. 4 13. The material is to be used as per “List of approved electrical material” annexed SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 4 of 114 CONTENTS CHAPTER No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 DESCRIPTION PAGE No. WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID P.V.C. CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID P.V.C. CONDUIT (HMS)SYSTEM WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID P.V.C. CASING-N-CAPING SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR POWER WIRING IN CONCEALD RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID PVC CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR. POWER WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID PVC CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID PVC CASING-N-CAPING SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRING IN EXISTING CONCEALED RIGID CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR WIRING IN EXISTING SURFACE RIGID CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR SUPPLYING AND FIXING RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED CONDUIT SYSTEM SUPPLYING AND FIXING RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR SURFACE CONDUIT SYSTEM SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC CONDUIT FOR SURFACE CONDUIT SYSTEM SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC CONDUIT(HMS) FOR CONCEALED CONDUIT SYSTEM SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC CASING - N - CAPPING ON SURFACE SYSTEM METALLIC SWITCH BOXES & MODULAR BOXES 8 WIRING IN EXISTING CONDUIT/ PVC CASING-N-CAPPING WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR MAINS AND SUB MAINS IN SURFACE STEEL CONDUIT WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR SUB-MAIN IN CONCEALED STEEL CONDUIT WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 21-22 23 246 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 6 of 114 22 SUB MAINS IN SURFACE PVC CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR 25 23 SUB-MAIN IN CONCEALED PVC CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR REWIRING IN EXISTING RIGID STEEL / PVC NON- METALLIC CONDUIT WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR CONTROL SWITCH GEARS BUSBAR CHAMBERS AND BUS TRUNKING MCCBs, ISOLATORS ,MCBs ,RCBOs ,MCB DBs FIXING OF SFU ,DBs ,BUSBAR ,MCCBs ,MCBs, ISOLATORs & RCBOs WIRING ACCESSORIES,PANELS,LAMPS, FAN LUMINAIRES MISCELLANEOUS LABOUR RATES FOR WIRING PAINTING DISMANTLING OF CIVIL & ELECTRICAL WORK CIVIL WORK EARTHING, LOOP EARTHING, LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR TELEPHONE, LAN, TV CABLE SINGLE / THREE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE / OPENWELL / CENTRIFUGAL MOTOR PUMP SET. WIRING OF OLD STANDARD F/G/H/I QTRS & NEW WIRING OF NEW STANDARD F/G/H/I QTRS UNDER GROUND CABLES EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION AND OVERHEAD LINES LIST OF APPROVED MATERIAL ANNEXURE -1, GUIDE LINE FOR REWIRING 26 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 27-28 29-33 34-36 37-42 43-44 45-49 50-51 52-60 61-63 64-65 66 67-68 68 69-73 74-75 76-78 79 80-93 94-111 112-113 1147 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 7 of 114 CHAPTER – 1 WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Description of Item Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in surface rigid steel conduit ISI Marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit including painting, etc. as required as per specification for :Light Point/Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets ) for 3/5 pin 6 Amp. Socket outlet point with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in surface rigid steel conduit ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit with required materials as per specification on same board Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in surface rigid steel conduit of ISI marked suitable size including painting etc. as required as per specification a) 2x2.5 b) 4x2.5 c) 6x2.5 d) 8x2.5 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es Each Each Each 445 959 1546 533 1047 1634 Each Each Each 453 996 1626 647 1189 1820 Each Each Each 417 888 1424 526 997 1533 Each Each Each Each 480 1032 1680 606 1158 1807 91 285 182 253 304 356 182 253 304 8 356 meter meter meter meter SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-1 Page 8 of 114 CHAPTER – 2 WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 2 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Concealed rigid steel conduit ISI Marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit including painting, etc. as required as per specification for :- 2.1 Light Point/Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets ) for 3 pin 6 Amp. Socket outlet point with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Concealed rigid steel conduit ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit with required materials as per specification on same board Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Concealed rigid steel conduit of ISI marked suitable size including painting etc. as required as per specification a) 2x2.5 b) 4x2.5 c) 6x2.5 d) 8x2.5 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es Each Each Each 481 1028 1685 569 1116 1772 Each Each Each 488 1049 1764 683 1258 1959 Each Each Each 439 936 1536 556 1054 1654 Each Each Each 498 1060 1732 616 1183 1860 Each 91 285 metre metre metre metre 200 270 321 373 200 270 321 9 373 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-2 Page 9 of 114 CHAPTER – 3 WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID P.V.C. CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 3 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. conduit (MMS) ISI Marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit etc. as required as per specification for :- 3.1 Light Point/Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets) for 3 pin 6 Amp. Socket outlet point with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. conduit (MMS) ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit with required materials as per specification on same board . 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. conduit (MMS) of ISI marked suitable size etc. as required as per specification a) 2x2.5 b) 4x2.5 c) 6x2.5 d) 8x2.5 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es Each Each Each 240 432 736 335 548 842 Each Each Each 253 498 824 454 723 1044 Each Each Each 213 399 615 283 474 696 Each Each Each 258 503 816 381 649 956 Each 91 285 Metre Metre Metre Metre 93 153 204 255 93 153 204 10 255 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-3 Page 10 of 114 CHAPTER – 4 WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID PVC CONDUIT(HMS) SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No. Description of Item 4 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches,sockes,lamp,holders,ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) ISI Marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit etc. as required as per specification for :- 4.1 Light Point/Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets) for 3 pin 6 Amp. Socket outlet point with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit with required materials as per specification on same board . 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es Each Each Each 294 564 942 394 671 1083 Each Each Each 302 601 1022 503 780 1192 Each Each Each 268 509 821 388 637 983 Each Each Each 335 638 1048 486 812 1285 Each 91 285 Metre 117 176 225 277 117 176 225 11 277 Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) of ISI marked suitable size etc. as required as per specification a) b) c) d) 2x2.5 4x2.5 6x2.5 8x2.5 Metre Metre Metre SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-4 Page 11 of 114 CHAPTER – 5 WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID PVC CASING AND CAPPING SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No. Description of Item 5 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. CASING AND CAPPING ISI Marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside casing & capping etc. as required as per specification for :- 5.1 Light Point/Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets ) for 3 pin 6 Amp. Socket outlet point with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. CASING AND CAPPING ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside casing & capping with required materials as per specification on same board 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es Each Each Each 228 447 699 339 584 866 Each Each Each 236 483 779 453 727 1053 Each Each Each 235 453 706 332 534 767 Each Each Each 269 521 808 399 677 994 Each 91 285 Metre Metre Metre Metre 102 153 204 254 102 153 204 12 254 Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C. CASING AND CAPPING of ISI marked suitable size etc. as required as per specification a) b) c) d) 2x2.5 4x2.5 6x2.5 8x2.5 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-5 Page 12 of 114 CHAPTER – 6 POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID STEEL CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No 6.1 6.2 Description of Item Unit Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet ) for 3 Pin 16 Amp. Socket Outlet Point With 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid Steel Conduit ISI Marked of suitable size including painting etc. with 16 Amp. Switch & Socket / S.S.Combined 6/16 Amp. of ISI Marked and 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit as per specification for :On Separate Board Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessorie s s A. Short Point Each 659 914 B. Medium Point C. Long Point D. Extra Long –I E. Extra Long –II F. Extra Long –III Same board switch socket 6/16 Amp Each Each Each Each Each Each 1360 2173 3170 4287 5660 213 1615 2428 3425 4542 5915 468 CHAPTER – 7 POWER WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID STEELCONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 7.1 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet ) for 3 Pin 16 Amp. Socket Outlet Point with 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Concealed rigid Steel Conduit ISI Marked of suitable size including painting etc. with 16 Amp. Switch & Socket / S.S.Combined 6/16 Amp. of ISI Marked and 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit as per specification for :- Unit Rate (Rs) Using Using Flush Type Modular Normal Accessorie Accessori s es On Separate Board A. Short Point B. Medium Point C. Long Point 7.2 D. Extra Long –I E. Extra Long –II F. Extra Long –III Same board switch socket 6/16 Amp Each Each 691 1384 950 1645 Each Each Each Each Each 2194 3216 4349 5666 213 2459 3486 4623 5944 13 468 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-6-7 Page 13 of 114 CHAPTER – 8 POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID P.V.C.CONDUIT (MMS) SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 8.1 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet ) for 3 Pin 16 Amp. Socket Outlet Point With 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C, Conduit (MMS) ISI Marked of suitable size etc. with 16 Amp. F.T. Switch & Socket / S.S.Combined 6/16 Amp. of ISI Marked and 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit as per specification for :On Separate Board A. Short Point B. Medium Point C. Long Point D. Extra Long –I E. Extra Long –II E. Extra Long –III 8.2 Same board switch socket 6/16 Amp Unit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Rate (Rs) Using Flush Using Type Modular Normal Accessories Accessorie s 477 919 1442 2111 2846 3586 213 732 1174 1697 2366 3101 3841 468 CHAPTER – 9 POWER WIRING IN CONCEALED RIGID PVC CONDUIT (HMS) SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.N. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs) 9.1 Using Flush Type Normal Accessori es Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet ) for 3 Pin 16 Amp. Socket Outlet Point With 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Concealed rigid P.V.C Conduit (HMS) ISI Marked of suitable size etc. with 16 Amp. F.T. Switch & Socket / S.S.Combined 6/16 Amp. of ISI Marked and 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit as per specification for Using Modular Accessorie s On Separate Board A. B. C. D. E. F. 9.2 Short Point Medium Point Long Point Extra Long –I Extra Long –II Extra Long –III Same board switch socket 6/16 Amp Each Each Each Each Each 574 1113 1730 2474 3280 816 1335 1930 2643 3417 Each 4089 4193 Each 213 468 14 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-8-9 Page 14 of 114 CHAPTER – 10 POWER WIRING IN SURFACE RIGID PVC CASING AND CAPPING SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.N. 10.1 10.2 Description of Item Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet) for 3 Pin 16 Amp. Socket Outlet Point With 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in Surface rigid P.V.C.CASING AND CAPPING ISI Marked of suitable size etc. with 16 Amp. F.T. Switch & Socket / S.S Combined 6/16 Amp. of ISI Marked and 4 Sq. mm. PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside capping as per specification for :On Separate Board A. Short Point B. Medium Point C. Long Point D. Extra Long –I E. Extra Long –II F. Extra Long –III Same board switch socket 6/16 Amp Unit Rate (Rs) Using Flush Using Type Modular Normal Accessories Accessories Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 493 963 1518 2231 3014 3797 213 747 1215 1768 2479 3259 4039 46815 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-10 Page 15 of 114 CHAPTER – 11 WIRING IN EXISTING CONCEALED RIGID CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.N. 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Description of Item Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in existing Concealed rigid conduit ISI Marked of suitable size with PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour as per specification including earthling of regulator etc as required for :Light Point / Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Unit Rate (Rs) Using Flush Using Type Modular Normal Accessories Accessories Each Each Each 184 350 542 269 435 627 Each Each Each 188 354 545 374 540 731 Each Each Each 157 279 420 242 364 505 Each Each Each 224 395 589 347 518 71216 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-11 Page 16 of 114 CHAPTER – 12 WIRING IN EXISTING SURFACE RIGID CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs) 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including switches, sockets,lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5 Sq. mm. PVC insulated cable with Copper Stranded Conductor ISI marked in existing surface rigid conduit ISI Marked of suitable size with PVC insulated copper earth continuity conductor of green colour as per specification including earthing of regulator etc as required for :Light Point / Fan Points. a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on Separate Board a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Call Bell / Buzzer Points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Twin Control light points a) Short point b) Medium point c) Long point Using Flush Using Type Modular Normal Accessories Accessories Each Each Each 178 344 535 263 429 620 Each Each Each 181 347 539 367 533 725 Each Each Each 150 272 413 235 357 498 Each Each Each 217 388 582 340 511 70517 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-12 Page 17 of 114 CHAPTER – 13 SUPPLYING AND FIXING RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR CONCEALED CONDUIT SYSTEM S.No 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Description of Item Supplying and fixing rigid steel conduit ISI marked along with the accessories in concealed system including cutting the wall and plastering & repainting the wall with matching colour to bring in its original condition as required H.G. Conduit 20 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 25 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 32 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 40 mm, wall thickness-2.0mm H.G. Conduit 50 mm, wall thickness-2.0mm Unit Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Rate(Rs) 116 137 198 307 424 CHAPTER – 14 SUPPLYING AND FIXING RIGID STEEL CONDUIT FOR SURFACE CONDUIT SYSTEM Description of Item S.No Unit Rate(Rs) 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Supplying and fixing rigid steel conduit ISI marked along with the accessories on surface including painting etc. as required H.G. Conduit 20 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 25 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 32 mm, wall thickness-1.6mm H.G. Conduit 40 mm, wall thickness-2.0mm H.G. Conduit 50 mm, wall thickness-2.0mm Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 99 124 180 283 39318 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-13-14 Page 18 of 114 CHAPTER – 15 SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC. CONDUIT FOR SURFACE CONDUIT SYSTEM S.No 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Description of Item Unit Rate(Rs) Supplying and fixing PVC conduit ISI marked along with the accessories on surface etc. as required PVC . Conduit 20 mm (MMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 25 mm (MMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 32 mm (MMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 40 mm (MMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 50 mm (MMS) Metre 39 51 72 103 151 CHAPTER – 16 SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC CONDUIT(HMS) FOR CONCEALED CONDUIT SYSTEM S.No 16 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 Description of Item Unit Supplying and fixing PVC conduit ISI marked along with the accessories in concealed system etc. as required PVC . Conduit 20 mm (HMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 25 mm (HMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 32 mm (HMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 40 mm (HMS) Metre PVC . Conduit 50 mm (HMS) Metre Rate(Rs) 61 72 108 137 196 CHAPTER - 17 SUPPLYING AND FIXING PVC CASING - N - CAPPING ON SURFACE SYSTEM S.No 17 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 Description of Item Supplying and fixing PVC Casing-N-Capping (Double Fold) ISI Marked along with accessories on surface etc. as required PVC Casing-N-Capping (Double Fold) 20 mm x 12mm PVC Casing-N-Capping (Double Fold) 25 mm x 12mm PVC Casing-N-Capping (Double Fold) 32 mm x 12mm PVC Casing-N-Capping (Double Fold) 38 mm x 20mm Unit Rate( in Rs) Per Mtr Per Mtr Per Mtr Per Mtr 40 48 49 6619 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-15-17 Page 19 of 114 CHAPTER – 18 METALLIC SWITCH BOXES & MODULAR BOXES S.No 18.1 18.1.1 Description of Item Unit Rate(Rs) Supplying and fixing factory fabricated hot dip galvanized switch box for normal flush type accessories of minimum 1.2 mm (18 SWG gauge) thickness with earth terminal stud with nut and washer, with 3 mm thick synthetic phenollic resin bonded laminated sheet conforming to grade P-I of IS:2036-1974 on surface / concealed including painting etc. as required as per specification: FOR SURFACE/CONCEALED MS Box 100 mm X 100 mm X60mm deep Each 98 18.1.2 MS Box 200 mm X 150 mm X 60 mm Deep Each 181 18.1.3 MS Box 180 mm X 100 mm X 60 mm Deep Each 133 18.1.4 MS Box 125 mm X 300 mm X 60 mm Deep Each 237 18.1.5 MS Box 200 mm X 250 mm X 60 mm Deep Each 271 18.1.6 MS Box 250 mm X 300 mm X 60 mm Deep 1.6mm(16swg) Each 427 18.1.7 MS Box 300mm X 380 mm X 60 mm Deep 1.6mm(16swg) Each 594 18.2.1 Supplying and fixing of approved make modular type metal box with modular frame/ base plate and cover plate including fixing in concealed / surface excluding switch,socket etc. as required for:1 Or 2 Module Each 156 18.2.2 3 Module Each 208 18.2.3 4 Module Each 236 18.2.4 6 Module Each 326 18.2.5 8 / 9 Module Each 400 18.2.6 12 Module Each 487 18.2.7 16 Module Each 532 18.2.8 18 Module Each 560 18.3.1 Supplying and fixing of approved make modular type P.V.C. box with modular base and cover plate including fixing on surface excluding switch,socket etc. as required for:1 OR 2 Module Each 151 18.3.2 3 Module Each 184 18.3.3 4 Module Each 218 18.3.4 6 Module Each 280 18.3.5 8 / 9 Module Each 356 18.3.6 12 Module Each 453 18.3.7 16 Module Each 18.2 18.3 492 20 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-18 Page 20 of 114 CHAPTER -19 WIRING IN EXISTING CONDUIT / PVC CASING CAPPING WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No 19 19.1 Description of Item Unit Rate(Rs) Supplying and drawing single core PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in existing rigid PVC Casing-N-Capping / conduit in surface or concealed as per specification. 1 X 1.5 sq mm 19.1.1 (a) 1 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 21 19.1.2 (b) 2 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 36 19.1.3 (c) 3 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 51 19.1.4 (d) 4 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 67 19.1.5 (e) 5 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 82 19.1.6 (f) 6 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 97 19.1.7 (g) 7 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 113 19.1.8 (h) 8 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 128 19.1.9 (i) 9 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 143 19.1.10 (j) 10 X 1.5 sq mm Per Mtr 159 19.2 1 X 2.5 sq mm 19.2.1 (a) 1 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 30 19.2.2 (b) 2 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 54 19.2.3 (c) 3 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 78 19.2.4 (d) 4 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 103 19.2.5 (e) 5 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 127 19.2.6 (f) 6 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 151 19.2.7 (g) 7 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 176 19.2.8 (h) 8 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 200 19.2.9 (i) 9 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 224 19.2.10 (j) 10 X 2.5 sq mm Per Mtr 225 19.3 1 X 4.00 sq mm 19.3.1 (a) 1 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 41 19.3.2 (b) 2 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 76 19.3.3 (c) 3 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 111 19.3.4 (d) 4 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 147 19.3.5 (e) 5 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 182 21 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-19 Page 21 of 114 19.3.6 (f) 6 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 196 19.3.7 (g) 7 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 252 19.3.8 (h) 8 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 288 19.3.9 (i) 9 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 323 19.3.10 (j) 10 X 4.00 sq mm Per Mtr 358 19.4 1 X 6.00 sq mm 19.4.1 (a) 1 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 58 19.4.2 (b) 2 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 111 19.4.3 (c) 3 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 163 19.4.4 (d) 4 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 216 19.4.5 (e) 5 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 269 19.4.6 (f) 6 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 322 19.4.7 (g) 7 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 374 19.4.8 (h) 8 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 427 19.4.9 (i) 9 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 480 19.4.10 (j) 10 X 6.00 sq mm Per Mtr 532 19.5 10.00 Sq mm cable 19.5.1 1 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 88 19.5.2 2 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 170 19.5.3 3 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 252 19.5.4 4 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 334 19.5.5 5 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 416 19.5.6 6 X 10.00 sq mm Per Mtr 498 19.6 16.00 Sq mm cable 19.6.1 1 X 16.00 sq mm Per Mtr 136 19.6.2 2 X 16.00 sq mm Per Mtr 268 19.6.3 3 X 16.00 sq mm Per Mtr 399 19.6.4 19.7 4 X 16.00 sq mm Per Mtr 530 25.00 Sq mm cable 19.7.1 1 X 25.00 sq mm Per Mtr 207 19.7.2 2 X 25.00 sq mm Per Mtr 408 19.7.3 3 X 25.00 sq mm Per Mtr 610 19.7.4 19.8 4 X 25.00 sq mm Per Mtr 811 35.00 Sq mm cable 19.8.1 1 X 35.00 sq mm Per Mtr 288 19.8.2 2 X 35.00 sq mm Per Mtr 571 19.8.3 3 X 35.00 sq mm Per Mtr 854 19.8.4 4 X 35.00 sq mm Per Mtr 1136 22 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-19 Page 22 of 114 CHAPTER - 20 SUB MAINS IN SURFACE STEEL CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No 20 20.1 20.1.1 20.1.2 20.1.3 20.1.4 20.1.5 20.1.6 20.1.7 20.2 20.2.1 20.2.2 20.2.3 20.2.4 20.2.5 20.2.6 20.2.7 20.3 20.3.1 20.3.2 20.3.3 20.3.4 20.3.5 20.3.6 20.3.7 20.4 20.4.1 20.4.2 20.4.3 20.4.4 20.4.5 20.4.6 20.4.7 Description of Item Wiring for sub-mains with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in surface rigid steel ISI marked conduit of suitable size(conduit included) including accessories long neck threaded type, connection painting etc ,as required as per specification 2 WIRE SUB MAIN a) 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit b) 4.0 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit c) 6.0 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit d) 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit e) 16.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit f) 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit g) 35.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 WIRE SUB MAIN a) 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit b) 4.0 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit c) 6.0 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit d) 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit e) 16.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit f) 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit g) 35.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 1/2 WIRE SUB MAIN a) 3 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit b) 3 x 4.0 + 1 x 2.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit c) 3 x 6.0 + 1 x 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit d) 3 x 10.0 + 1 x 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit e) 3 x 16.0 + 1 x 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit f) 3 x 25.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit g) 3 x 35.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 4 WIRE SUB MAIN a) 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit b) 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit c) 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit d) 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit e) 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit f) 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit g) 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit Unit Rate(Rs) Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 177 193 236 314 412 589 744 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 195 235 271 396 543 790 1031 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 209 267 324 453 661 1004 1239 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 217 277 339 514 711 1075 138623 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-20 Page 23 of 114 CHAPTER - 21 SUB-MAIN IN CONCEALED STEEL CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 21 Wiring for sub-mains with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in recessed / concealed rigid steel ISI marked conduit of suitable size(Conduit included) including accessories long neck threaded type, connection painting etc ,as required as per specification 2 WIRE SUB MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 WIRE SUB MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit 3 1/2 WIRE SUB MAIN 3 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 3 x 4.0 + 1 x 2.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 6.0 + 1 x 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 10.0 + 1 x 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 16.0 + 1 x 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 x 25.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 x 35.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit 4 WIRE SUB MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit 21.1 21.1.1 21.1.2 21.1.3 21.1.4 21.1.5 21.1.6 21.1.7 21.2 21.2.1 21.2.2 21.2.3 21.2.4 21.2.5 21.2.6 21.2.7 21.3 21.3.1 21.3.2 21.3.3 21.3.4 21.3.5 21.3.6 21.3.7 21.4 21.4.1 21.4.2 21.4.3 21.4.4 21.4.5 21.4.6 21.4.7 Unit Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Rate(Rs) 189 209 258 331 425 607 857 211 259 306 410 597 897 1200 225 281 338 457 679 1041 1336 235 291 353 492 728 1098 148324 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-21 Page 24 of 114 CHAPTER - 22 SUB MAINS IN SURFACE PVC CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 22 Wiring for sub-mains with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in surface rigid PVC conduit (MMS) ISI marked of suitable size(Conduit included) including 2mm thick accessories, connection etc ,as required as per specification 2 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 1/2 WIRE SUB-MAIN 3 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 4.0 + 1 x 2.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 6.0 + 1 x 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 10.0 + 1 x 6.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 x 16.0 + 1 x 10.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 x 25.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 x 35.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 4 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 22.1 22.1.1 22.1.2 22.1.3 22.1.4 22.1.5 22.1.6 22.1.7 22.2 22.2.1 21.2.2 21.2.3 21.2.4 21.2.5 21.2.6 21.2.7 22.3 22.3.1 22.3.2 22.3.3 22.3.4 22.3.5 22.3.6 22.3.7 22.4 22.4.1 22.4.2 22.4.3 22.4.4 22.4.5 22.4.6 22.4.7 Unit Rate(Rs) Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 93 127 143 200 336 477 668 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 117 159 191 271 320 678 933 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 141 183 222 342 580 835 1063 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 153 195 240 367 633 915 122025 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-22 Page 25 of 114 CHAPTER - 23 SUB-MAIN IN CONCEALED PVC CONDUIT IN COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No 23 23.1 23.1.1 23.1.2 23.1.3 23.1.4 23.1.5 23.1.6 23.1.7 23.2 23.2.1 23.2.2 23.2.3 23.2.4 23.2.5 23.2.6 23.2.7 23.3 23.3.1 23.3.2 23.3.3 23.3.4 23.3.5 23.3.6 23.3.7 23.4 23.4.1 23.4.2 23.4.3 23.4.4 23.4.5 23.4.6 23.4.7 Description of Item Wiring for sub-mains with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in recessed / concealed rigid PVC conduit (HMS) ISI marked of suitable size(Conduit included) including 2mm thick accessories, connection etc ,as required as per specification 2 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit 3 1/2 WIRE SUB-MAIN 3 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 3 x 4.0 + 1 x 2.5 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 6.0 + 1 x 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 3 x 10.0 + 1 x 6.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 x 16.0 + 1 x 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 3 x 25.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 3 x 35.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit 4 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2.5 sq mm cable in 20 mm conduit 4.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 6.0 sq mm cable in 25 mm conduit 10.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 16.0 sq mm cable in 32 mm conduit 25.0 sq mm cable in 40 mm conduit 35.0 sq mm cable in 50 mm conduit Unit Rate(Rs) Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 111 141 172 241 376 517 708 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 140 172 219 351 498 728 1003 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 145 192 249 396 578 857 1132 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 153 202 264 431 627 928 127826 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-23 Page 26 of 114 CHAPTER -24 REWIRING IN EXISTING RIGID STEEL / PVC NON METALLIC CONDUIT WITH COPPER CONDUCTOR S.No Description of Item 24 Rewiring in existing surface /concealed rigid steel /PVC non metallic conduit with PVC insulated cable FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked and other materials as required including replacement of worn-out /damaged/missing material, painting etc. complete as per specification. This shall include all work, arrangement required for wiring but shall exclude switch, ceiling rose fitting etc. Light /Fan/3Pin 6AMP socket outlet on separate board / Call Bell/ Buzzer Points :- 24.1 24.1.1 24.1.2 24.1.3 24.2 24.2.1 24.2.2 24.2.3 24.3 24.3.1 24.3.2 24.4 24.5 24.5.1 24.5.2 24.5.3 24.5.4 24.5.5 24.5.6 24.5.7 24.6 24.6.1 24.6.2 24.6.3 24.6.4 24.6.5 24.6.6 24.6.7 24.7 24.7.1 Short Point Medium Point Long Point Twin Control Light Point Short Point Medium Point Long Point Circuit Wiring 2 X 1.5 Sq mm. 2 X 2.5 Sq mm. 3 Pin 5 Amp Socket Outlet Point on Same Board 2 WIRE SUB-MAIN 2 X 2.5 Sq mm 2 X 4.00 Sq mm 2 X 6.00 Sq mm 2 X 10.0 Sq mm 2 X 16.00 Sq mm 2 X 25.00 Sq mm 2 X 35.00 Sq mm 3 WIRE SUB-MAIN 3 X 2.5 Sq mm 3 X 4.0 Sq mm 3 X 6.0 Sq mm 3 X 10.0 Sq mm 3 X 16.0 Sq mm 3 X 25.0 Sq mm 3 X 35.0 Sq mm 3 1/2 WIRE SUB-MAIN a) 3 x 2.5 + 1 x 1.5 sq mm Unit Rate(Rs) Each Each Each 188 378 586 Each Each Each 218 438 674 Metre Metre Each 46 64 56 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 64 79 121 180 278 419 591 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 89 122 174 263 409 621 87927 Metre 105 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-24 Page 27 of 114 24.7.2 24.7.3 24.7.4 24.7.5 24.7.6 24.7.7 24.8 24.8.1 24.8.2 24.8.3 24.8.4 24.8.5 24.8.6 24.8.7 b) 3 x 4.0 + 1 x 2.5 sq mm c) 3 x 6.0 + 1 x 4.0 sq mm d) 3 x 10.0 + 1 x 6.0 sq mm e) 3 x 16.0 + 1 x 10.0 sq mm f) 3 x 25.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm g) 3 x 35.0 + 1 x 16.0 sq mm 4 WIRE SUB-MAIN 4 X 2.5 sq mm 4 X 4.0 sq mm 4 X 6.0 sq mm 4 X 10.0 sq mm 4 X 16.0 sq mm 4 X 25.0 sq mm 4 X 35.0 sq mm Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 147 210 316 492 752 1010 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 114 158 228 345 541 823 115628 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-24 Page 28 of 114 CHAPTER-25 CONTROL SWITCH GEARS S.No Description of Item 25.1 Supplying of I.S.I. Marked Switch Fuse Unit (rewirable) double pole conduit /cable gland entry with two earthing terminals -16 Amps. 250 Volts 32 Amps. 250 Volts Supplying and fixing of I.S.I. 32 Amps 240 Volts D.P. switch flush / surface type with indicator fuse unit front operated totally enclosed pattern ( suitable for main switch as well as control switch for appliances ) D.P. with two earthing terminals -Suppyling of ISI Marked Switch Fuse Unit (rewirable type ) triple pole with neutral link ,415 Volt having conduit / cable gland entry with two earthing terminals confirming to IS : 13947(Part I & III) . 16 Amps. 32 Amps. 63 Amps. 100 Amps. 200 Amps. 320 Amps. Supplying of ISI Marked iron clad / metal clad triple pole and neutral switch fuse unit with two earthing terminals & without HRC fuses -16 Amps. 415/500 Volts. 32 Amps. 415/500 Volts. 63 Amps. 415/500 Volts. 100 Amps. 415/500 Volts. Supplying of ISI Marked Change over switches in sheet enclosure confirming to IS : 4064 / IS : 13947 (part I & III ) with side handle operated 4 pole with two earthing terminals 16 Amps. 415/500 Volts. (off load ) 32 Amps. 415/500 Volts.(off load ) 63 Amps. 415/500 Volts.(off load ) 100 Amps. 415/500 Volts.(off load ) 200 Amps. 415/500 Volts.( off load ) 320 Amps. 415/500 Volts.( off load ) 400 Amps. 415/500 Volts.( off load ) 630 Amps. 415/500 Volts.( off load ) 25.1.1 25.1.2 25.2 25.3 25.3.1 25.3.2 25.3.3 25.3.4 25.3.5 25.3.6 25.4 25.4.1 25.4.2 25.4.3 25.4.4 25.5 25.5.1 25.5.2 25.5.3 25.5.4 25.5.5 25.5.6 25.5.7 25.5.8 Unit Rate (Rs) Each Each 547 1371 Each 124 Each Each Each Each Each Each 1325 1627 3385 6340 9867 12463 Each Each Each Each 1325 1678 3737 6847 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1944 2340 4759 9547 14141 17338 2265829 35431 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-25 Page 29 of 114 25.5.9 25.6 25.6.1 25.6.2 25.6.3 25.6.4 25.6.5 25.6.6 25.6.7 25.6.8 25.6.9 25.6.10 25.6.11 25.6.12 25.6.13 25.6.14 25.6.15 25.6.16 25.6.17 25.6.18 25.6.19 25.7 25.7.1 25.7.2 25.7.3 25.7.4 25.7.5 25.7.6 25.7.7 25.7.8 25.7.9 25.7.10 25.7.11 25.7.12 25.8 800 Amps. 415/500 Volts.( off load ) Supplying of ISI Marked On-Load Change over switches panel mouniting type confirming to IS : 13947 (part I & III ) with front operated 4 pole, 415 V with two earthing terminals if required. 63 Amps. (open - execution ) 100 Amps. (open - execution ) 125 Amps. .(open - execution ) 160 Amps. (open - execution ) 200 Amps. (open - execution ) 250 Amps. (open - execution ) 320 Amps. .(open - execution ) 400 Amps. .(open - execution ) 630 Amps. .(open - execution ) 800 Amps. .(open - execution ) 63 Amps. (With enclosure ) 100 Amps.(With enclosure ) 125 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 160 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 200 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 320 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 400 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 630 Amps. .(With enclosure ) 800 Amps. .(With enclosure ) Supplying of ISI Marked Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) confirming to IEC : 60947-1 & IEC : 60947-6-1 with automatic inbuilt time delay 4 pole, 415 V with two earthing terminals if required. Each 44172 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 3901 5105 7654 8405 10133 13731 15631 23150 27027 40052 5516 6926 10249 11249 12898 19188 28264 32542 48230 100 Amp (open execution ) 160 Amp (open execution ) 200 Amp (open execution ) 315 Amp (open execution ) 400 Amp (open execution ) 630 Amp (open execution ) 100 Amp (with enclosure ) 160 Amp (with enclosure ) 200 Amp (with enclosure ) 315 Amp (with enclosure ) 400 Amp (with enclosure ) 630 Amp (with enclosure ) Supplying of Two Way Centre off MCB Changeover Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 40907 53525 68075 80577 100596 124194 46075 59059 74091 87058 110614 13710230 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-25 Page 30 of 114 Switch confirming to IS:13947 (part III ) / IEC : 60947-3, 2/4 pole ,AC 240 / 415 Volt, 50 Hz 25.8.1 25 Amps, Double Pole (DP) 25.8.2 40 Amps, Double Pole (DP) 25.8.3 25 Amps, Four Pole (FP) 25.8.4 40 Amps, Four Pole (FP) 25.9 Supplying of ISI Marked Switch Disconnector Fuse (SDF), open execution (Panel mounting cubicle type) confirming to IS:13947 (part I & III ) 2 pole , AC -23A ,50 Hz , 415 Volt with 2 HBC fuses complete. 29.9.1 32 Amps 29.9.2 63 Amps 29.9.3 100 Amps 29.9.4 125 Amps 25.10 Supplying of ISI Marked Switch Disconnector Fuse (SDF), in sheet steel enclosure (Panel mounting cubicle type) confirming to IS:13947 (part I & III ) 2 pole , AC -23A ,50 Hz , 415 Volt with 2 HBC fuses complete. 25.10.1 32 Amps 25.10.2 63 Amps 25.10.3 100 Amps 25.10.4 125 Amps 25.11 Supplying of ISI Marked Switch Disconnector Fuse (SDF), open execution (Panel mounting cubicle type) confirming to IS:13947 (part I & III ) 3 pole and neutral , AC -23A ,50 Hz , 415 Volt with 3 HBC fuses complete. 25.11.1 32 Amps 25.11.2 63 Amps 25.11.3 100 Amps 25.11.4 125 Amps 25.11.5 160 Amps 25.11.6 200 Amps 25.11.7 250 Amps 25.11.8 320 Amps 25.11.9 400 Amps 25.11.10 630 Amps 25.12 Supplying of ISI Marked Switch Disconnector Fuse (SDF), in sheet steel enclosure (Panel mounting cubicle type) confirming to IS:13947 (part I & III ) 3 pole and neutral , AC 23A ,50 Hz , 415 Volt with 3 HBC fuses complete. 25.12.1 25.12.2 25.12.3 25.12.4 25.12.5 25.12.6 32 Amps 63 Amps 100 Amps 125 Amps 160 Amps 200 Amps Each Each Each Each 1204 1806 2299 3602 Each Each Each Each 1672 2529 4932 5673 Each Each Each Each 2491 3257 6016 6208 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1990 2733 5962 6820 7811 9591 11541 15021 18073 27831 Each Each Each Each Each Each 3780 4591 8237 9561 10360 1274831 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-25 Page 31 of 114 25.12.7 250 Amps 25.12.8 320 Amps 25.12.9 400 Amps 25.12.10 630 Amps 25.13 Supplying of ISI Marked Direct On-Line Starters confirming to IS : 13947-4 with suitable over load relay range and contactor size, 415 V , 3 -Phase with two earthing terminals 25.13.1 0.75 / 1.0 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 5.0 / 7.5 HP 25.13.2 10 HP 25.14 Supplying of ISI Marked Automatic Star-Delta Starters confirming to IS : 13947-4 with suitable over load relay range and contactor size & timer 415 V , 3 -Phase with two earthing terminals 25.14.1 12.5 HP 25.14.2 15.0 HP 25.14.3 20 HP 25.14.4 25 HP 25.14.5 30 HP 25.14.6 35 HP 25.14.7 50 HP 25.14.8 75 HP 25.15 Supplying & fixing of High Breaking Capacity (HBC) Fuse Links bolted connection type as per IS : 13703 : 1993 & IEC : 60269 :1986 with 80 kA breaking capacity of approved make 25.15.1 20 Amp. to 32 Amp 25.15.2 36 Amp to 63 Amp 25.15.3 80 Amp to 125 Amp 25.15.4 160 Amp to 250 Amp 25.15.5 300 Amp to 315 Amp 25.15.6 400 Amp to 500 Amp 25.15.7 630 Amp 25.16 Supplying & fixing of High Breaking Capacity (HBC) Fuse Links knife (DIN) type as per IS : 13703 : 1993 & IEC : 60269 :1986 with 80 kA breaking capacity of approved make 25.16.1 20 Amp. to 100 Amp 25.16.2 125 Amp to 160 Amp 25.16.3 200 Amp to 315 Amp 25.16.4 350 Amp to 400 Amp 25.16.5 425 Amp to 630 Amp 25.17 Supplying & fixing of ISI marked Porcelain Rewireable type fuse carrier & base unit of approved make & confirming to IS: 2086-1993 Each Each Each Each 15017 18416 21582 32156 Each Each 2218 3323 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 7840 7886 9857 11743 12612 20336 31569 54649 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 69 100 208 313 460 945 1691 Each Each Each Each Each 261 315 599 686 1051 25.17.1 25.17.2 Each Each 11132 185 16 Amps./240 Volts 16 Amps./415 Volts or 32 Amps/240 Volts SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-25 Page 32 of 114 25.17.3 25.17.4 25.17.5 25.17.6 25.17.7 25.18 32 Amps /415 Volts 63 Amps /415 Volts 100 Amps /415 Volts 200 Amps /415 Volts 300 Amps /415 Volts Supplying & fixing of ISI marked DMC /Nylon Fuse holder fitting / Fuse Base for knife type HBC fuse Links of approved make & confirming to IS:13703-2-1 Each Each Each Each Each 192 337 609 1141 1646 25.18.1 25.18.2 25.18.3 25.18.4 25.18.5 25.18.6 25.18.7 25.18.8 DMC /Nylon Fuse holder fitting 20 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse holder fitting 32 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse holder fitting 63 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse holder fitting 100 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse Base 160 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse Base 250 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse Base 400 Amps /415 Volts DMC /Nylon Fuse Base 630 Amps /415 Volts Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 126 184 220 902 273 541 721 98433 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-25 Page 33 of 114 Chapter-26 BUSBAR CHAMBERS AND BUS TRUNCKING S.No Description of Item 26.1 Supplying of metal clad ISI Marked bus bar chamber made of heavy gauge iron sheet complete with copper strip and bus bar supports as per specification confirming to IS -4064 32 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 60/63 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 100 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 200 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 300 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 400 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way 500 AMP 415 VOLTS, 4 way Supplying, erection and testing of out door Aluminium Sandwich bus trunking System 415V 3P 4W comprising of Aluminium Conductor processed with Copper & TIN plated and Class B insulated, housing fabricated with 1.5mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure IP 65 protection duly powder coated. Every joint should be provided with monoblock joint and shearoff nut. The mounting bracket shall be paid seperately, including necessary material, anchor fastner, bolt, nut, connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :630A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 800A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 1000A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 1250A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , 1600A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , 2000A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , Supplying, erection and testing of accessories for out door Aluminium Sandwich bus trunking System 415V 3P 4W comprising of Aluminium Conductor processed with Copper & TIN plated and Class B insulated, housing fabricated with 1.5mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure IP 65 protection duly powder coated. Every joint should be provided with mono block joint and shear off nut including necessary material, anchor fastener, bolt, nut, connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 630A HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 800A HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 1000A HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 1250A 26.1.1 26.1.2 26.1.3 26.1.4 26.1.5 26.1.6 26.1.7 26.2 26.2.1 26.2.2 26.2.3 26.2.4 26.2.5 26.2.6 26.3 26.3.1 26.3.2 26.3.3 26.3.4 Unit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr each each each each Rate (Rs) 1862 2091 2798 6186 6994 11924 15559 21483 22044 22387 24838 29938 34954 22461 23157 28112 3091734 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-26 Page 34 of 114 26.3.5 26.3.6 26.3.7 26.3.8 26.3.9 26.3.10 26.3.11 26.3.12 26.3.13 26.3.14 26.3.15 26.3.16 26.3.17 26.3.18 26.3.19 26.3.20 26.3.21 26.3.22 26.3.23 26.3.24 26.3.25 26.4 26.4.1 26.4.2 26.4.3 26.4.4 26.4.5 26.4.6 HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 1600A HORIZONTAL ELBOW RH STD 20000A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 630A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 800A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 1000A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 1250A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 1600A VERTICAL ELBOW RH STD 2000A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 630A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 800A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1000A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1250A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1600A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 2000A ADAPTOR BOX COPPER FLEXIBLES 630A COPPER FLEXIBLES 800A COPPER FLEXIBLES 1000A COPPER FLEXIBLES 1250A COPPER FLEXIBLES 1600A COPPER FLEXIBLES 2000A Supplying, erection and testing of indoor Aluminium Sandwich bus trunking System 415V 3P 4W comprising of Aluminium Conductor processed with Copper & TIN plated and Class B insulated, housing fabricated with 1.5mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure IP 55 protection duly powder coated. Every joint should be provided with mono block joint and shear off nut with 3 plug in provision per 3 mtr including necessary material, anchor fastner, bolt, nut, connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :630A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 800A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 1000A 415V 3P 4W, 50 kA , 1250A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , 1600A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , 2000A 415V 3P 4W, 80 kA , each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr Mtr 36998 39869 32795 13375 34069 34913 35756 38060 20412 25466 26733 27095 30098 32796 12463 25964 31157 36350 41543 51929 67508 20875 21499 22901 24251 30108 3499035 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-26 Page 35 of 114 26.5 26.5.1 26.5.2 26.5.3 26.5.4 26.5.5 26.5.6 26.5.7 26.5.8 26.5.9 26.5.10 26.5.11 26.5.12 Supplying, erection and testing of accessories for indoor Aluminium Sandwich bus trunking System 415V 3P 4W comprising of Aluminium Conductor processed with Copper & TIN plated and Class B insulated, housing fabricated with 1.5mm thick CRCA sheet enclosure IP 55 protection duly powder coated. Every joint should be provided with monoblock joint and shearoff nut with 3 plug in provision per 3 mtr including necessary material, anchor fastner, bolt, nut, connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 630A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 800A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1000A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1250A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 1600A TRANS FEED RH STD - BOARD 2000A HANGER WITH BRACKET AND SPRING (RISER) HANGER SUSPANSION END COVER PLUG-IN BOX 125A IP55 EMPTY PLUG-IN BOX 160A IP55 EMPTY PLUG-IN BOX 250A IP55 EMPTY each each each each each each each each each each each each 20412 25466 26733 27095 30098 32796 3523 339 12243 19860 19918 4523036 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-26 Page 36 of 114 CHAPTER – 27 MCCBs, ISOLATORS, MCBs, RCBOs, MCB DBs Description of Item S.No 27.1 27.1.1 27.1.2 27.1.3 27.1.4 27.2 27.2.1 Supplying of ISI Marked and approved make of Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) suitable for 3 phase,3 pole, 50 Hz, 415 Volts, AC supply with respective interrupting capacity (KA) at 415 Volts cited against their range standard conforming to IS – 8828 MCCB with Breaking Capacity 10 KA at 415 V Current Rating -25 to100 Amps MCCB with Breaking Capacity 25 KA at 415 V Current Rating -25 to100 Amps & 80% -100% adjustable Current Rating -125 Amps & 80% -100% adjustable Current Rating -160 Amps & 80% -100% adjustable Current Rating -200 Amps & 80% -100% adjustable MCCB with Breaking Capacity 35 KA at 415 V Current Rating -160 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Current Rating -200 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Current Rating -250 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Current Rating -315 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Current Rating -400 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal Current Rating -500/630 Amps & Adjustable: 80% -100% thermal MCCB with Breaking Capacity 50 KA at 415 V Current Rating -800 Amps & Adjustable: 70% -100% thermal & 4-10 times magnetic setting Supplying of ISI Marked and approved make of Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Micro-Processor Release ( current setting for overload & short circuit ) suitable for 3 phase & Neutral, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 415 Volts, AC supply with respective interrupting capacity (KA) at 415 Volts cited against their range standard conforming to IS – 8828 MCCB with Breaking Capacity 25 KA at 415 V 40 & 100 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. adjustable 160 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable 250 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load Unit Rate (Rs) Each 1693 Each Each Each Each 5601 7229 9879 13219 Each 10927 Each 14289 Each 16615 Each 21632 Each 24115 Each 27988 Each 45448 Each 13325 Each Each 1733437 23831 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-27 Page 37 of 114 27.2.2 27.2.3 27.3 27.3.1 27.4 27.4.1 27.4.2 27.4.3 27.4.4 27.4.5 27.4.6 27.4.7 27.4.8 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable MCCB with Breaking Capacity 36 KA at 415 V 40 & 100 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. adjustable 160 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable 250 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable 400 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable 630 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable MCCB with Breaking Capacity 50 KA at 415 V 800 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable 1250 Amps 3 Pole & Micro-Processor Release, over load 40% -100% x In. & short circuit 1.5 - 8 x Ir. Adjustable Supplying of approved make Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) without protection release suitable for 3 phase, 3 pole, 50 Hz, 415 Volts, AC supply standard conforming to IS – 8828 MCCB with Breaking Capacity 36 KA at 415 V MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -200 Amps 3 Pole without protection Release MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -400 Amps 3 Pole without protection Release MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -600 Amps 3 Pole without protection Release MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -200 Amps 4 Pole without protection Release MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -400 Amps 4 Pole without protection Release MCCB Swtch Disconnector Rating -600 Amps 4 Pole without protection Release Supplying of ISI Marked and approved make of Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) with Microprocessor release with LCD screen showing kW, kVA, PF, maximum demand with breaking capacity of 50 kA , 4 pole , 415 Volts conforming to IEC : 60947-2 / IS :13947-II 630 Amp,manual,fixed 800 Amp,manual,fixed 1000 Amp,manual,fixed 1250 Amp,manual,fixed 1600 Amp,manual,fixed 2000 Amp,manual,fixed 630 Amp,manual,drawout 800 Amp,manual,drawout Each 14096 Each 17352 Each 25298 Each 30635 Each 33728 Each 56970 Each 93204 Each 11839 Each 15909 Each 18187 Each 15193 Each 20464 Each 23637 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 105593 107640 112884 130708 143289 15955338 129299 131803 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-26 Page 38 of 114 27.4.9 27.4.10 27.4.11 27.4.12 27.5 27.5.1 27.5.2 27.5.3 27.5.4 27.5.5 27.5.6 27.6 27.6.1 27.6.2 1000 Amp,manual,drawout 1250 Amp,manual,drawout 1600 Amp,manual,drawout 2000 Amp,manual,drawout Supplying of ISI Marked and accepted standard of Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) of 'C' series suitable for 240/415 Volts, 50 Cycle , 10 kA Value AC supply confirming to IS : 8828 : 1996, IEC : 60898 :2002 but without enclosures :SINGLE POLE (SP) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating SINGLE POLE & NEUTRAL(SPN) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating DOUBLE POLE (DP) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating FOR TRIPLE POLE (TP) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating FOR TRIPLE POLE & NEUTRAL(TPN) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating FOUR POLE(FP) 0.5 Amp to 5 Amp Rating 6 Amp to 32 Amp Rating For 40 Amps. Rating only. 50 Amp to 63 Amp Rating Supplying of MCB Isolators suitable for 240/415 Volts, 50 Hz AC supply with KA value rating 10 kA of approved make confirming to IS :13947-Part III : 1993 & IEC :609473:2001 (without enclosures ) :SINGLE POLE 40 Amps. 63 Amps. DOUBLE POLE Each Each Each Each 137717 151322 174201 189480 Each Each Each Each 304 205 447 472 Each Each Each Each 843 647 994 1031 Each Each Each Each 811 617 982 1022 Each Each Each Each 1166 985 1483 1527 Each Each Each Each 1668 1391 1991 2033 Each Each Each Each 1607 1358 1923 1975 Each Each 236 26439 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-27 Page 39 of 114 27.6.3 27.6.4 27.7 27.7.1 27.7.2 27.7.3 27.7.4 27.7.5 27.7.6 27.7.7 27.8 27.8.1 27.8.2 27.8.3 27.8.4 27.8.5 27.9 27.9.1 27.9.2 27.9.3 27.10 27.10.1 40 Amps. 63 Amps. TRIPLE POLE 40 Amps. 63 Amps. FOUR POLE 40 Amps. 63 Amps. 80 Amps. 100 Amps. Supply of approved make powder coated sheet steel encloser SPN MCB DB inclusive of Bus bar, Neutral bar, Earth bar & two earth terminals etc. complete as per IS:13032( exclusive of MCB & isolator )2 way single door 4 way single door 4 way Double Door IP 43 protection 6 way Double Door IP 43 protection 8 way Double Door IP 43 protection 12 way Double Door IP 43 protection 16 way Double Door IP 43 protection Supplying of approved make TPN MCB DB Metal Double Door IP 43 protection with provision for FP MCB/Isolator/RCCB/RCBO as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoing inclusive of Bus bar, Neutral bar, Earth bar & two earth terminals etc. complete as per IS:13032( exclusive of MCB & isolator ): 4 way (4+12) 4 way (8+12) 6 way (8+18) 8 way (8+24) 12 way (8+36) Supplying of approved make Vertical TPN MCB DB Metal Double Door IP 43 protection with provision for FP CB/Isolator/RCCB/RCBO as incomer and SP/TP MCBs as outgoing inclusive of Bus bar, Neutral bar, Earth bar & two earth terminals etc. complete as per IS:13032( exclusive of MCB & isolator ) 4 way (8+12) 8 way (8+24) 12 way (8+36) Supplying of approved make, powder coated Metal Double Door Vertical TPN MCB DB IP 43 protection with provision for MCCB up to 160A TP/ FP 36kA as incomer and space for SP/TP MCBs as outgoing (without MCCB / MCBs) inclusive of bus bar & connections etc Each Each 389 505 Each Each 701 802 Each Each Each Each 880 926 1052 1132 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 150 905 1185 1280 1478 1794 2228 Each Each Each Each Each 2639 2961 3650 4379 6552 Each Each Each 7261 9250 12344 4 way without MCCB Each 852140 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-27 Page 40 of 114 27.10.2 27.10.3 27.11 27.11.1 27.11.2 27.11.3 27.12 27.12.1 27.12.2 27.13 27.13.1 27.13.2 27.14 27.14.1 27.14.2 27.14.3 27.14.4 27.15 27.15.1 8 way without MCCB 12 way without MCCB Supplying of approved make, powder coated Vertical Metal Double Door TPN MCB DB IP 43 protection with provision for MCCB upto 250A TP /4P upto 50kA as incomer and space for SP/TP MCBs as outgoing (without MCCB/MCBs) inclusive of busbar &connections etc 4 way without MCCB 8 way without MCCB 12 way without MCCB Supplying & fixing of approved make Industrial type metal plug & socket DBs (without MCB) SPN sheet encloser (dust protected ) inclusive of 2 pole and earth metal plug and socket and space to incorporate SP MCB complete as per specification as required. 10 Amps 20 Amps Supplying & fixing of ISI marked Industrial type metal plug socket D.B.s (without MCBs) for TPN encloser three pole and earth metal plug and socket including space incorporating TP MCB complete as per specification as required. 20 Amps 30 Amps Supply & fixing of approved make Industrial type metal plug & socket, 3 pin (2P + E) conforming to IEC : 60309 1&3 complete as per specification 10 Amps Plug only 10 Amps socket only 20 Amps Plug only 20 Amps socket only Supplying and installing of RCBOs (Residual current circuit breaker with overload and short circuit protection) ISI marked complete as per I.S. standard confirming to IEC:61009-2-1 & IS:12640-2:2001,240/415V 50 Hz with 10 kA short circuit withstand capacity for earth leakage, overload & short circuit protection including connection in existing enclosure in approved manner as per specification. DP(4 module) 2 pole 6 to 25 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 2 pole 32 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 2 pole 40 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 2 pole 63 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 2 pole 6 to 25 Amps, 100 mA sensitivity 2 pole 32 Amps, 100 mA sensitivity 2 pole 40 Amps, 100 mA sensitivity Each Each 10815 14341 Each Each Each 17233 20166 21201 Each Each 1036 1092 Each Each 2341 2640 Each Each Each Each 145 145 159 169 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 3029 3029 3783 4527 3738 3597 413841 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-27 Page 41 of 114 27.15.2 27.16 27.16.1 27.16.2 2 pole 63 Amps, 100 mA sensitivity FP(8 module) 4 pole 16 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 4 pole 25-32 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 4 pole 40 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 4 pole 63 Amps, 30 mA sensitivity 4 pole 16 Amps, 100/300 mA sensitivity 4 pole 25-32 Amps, 100/300 mA sensitivity 4 pole 40 Amps, 100/300 mA sensitivity 4 pole 63 Amps, 100/300 mA sensitivity Supply & fixing of approved make accepted standard sheet steel enclosure ( dust protected ) duly powder coated paint Neutral bar suitable for MCB / RCBOs/MCCB of capacity as required etc. complete as per specification ( exclusive of M.C.B./ MCCB/RCBOs ) For MCB DP/TP/FP Enclosure FP RCBO Enclosure For MCCB 63/100A 3P/4P Enclosure 160A 3P/4P Enclosure 250A 3P/4P Enclosure 250A ER 3P/4P Enclosure Each 4789 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 4092 4223 4287 5114 4666 4505 4641 5261 Each Each 537 910 Each Each Each Each 1650 3091 5491 657542 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-27 Page 42 of 114 CHAPTER - 28 FIXING OF SFUs, DBs, BUSBAR, MCCBs, MCBs, ISOLATORs & RCBOs Description of Item S.No 28.1 28.1.1 28.1.2 28.1.3 28.2 28.2.1 28.2.2 28.2.3 28.3 28.3.1 Fixing of metal clad enclosure on 25 X 5 mm flat iron clamps including supplying and fixing of clamps as required duly embedded in masonry including cable connection and other required material as per specification :16 Amps SP/DP Switch /SPN DB up to 4 way 32 Amps DP switch /SPN DB up to 8 way /16 AmpTPN DB up to 3 way per pole or 16 Amps TP or TPN switch / 16 Amps 415 V Isolator 32 Amps TP or TPN switch/ 32 Amps 415 V Isolator / 16 Amps TPN DB up to 6 way per pole /32 Amps 415 Volt bus bar 4 way Fixing of metal clad enclosure on 25X 25 X 5 mm angle iron clamps including supplying and fixing of clamps as required duly embedded in masonary including cable connection and other required material as per specification :Fixing of 63 Amps TP or TPN main switches/ DB 63 Amps. 240/415 Volt 4 to 8 way or 63 Amps change over switch /63 Amps 415 Volt Isolator /30 Amps 415V TPN DB up to 6 way per pole and bus bar 4 way Fixing of 100 Amps TP or TPN main switch or 100 Amps change over switch /100 Amps 415 Volt Isolators and busbar 4 way Fixing of 200 Amps TP or TPN main switch or 200 Amps change over switch /200 Amps 415 Volt Isolators and busbar 4 way Fixing of metal clad enclosure on 35X 35 X 5 mm angle iron clamps including supplying and fixing of clamps as required duly embedded in masonary including cable connection and other required material as per specification :Fixing of 300/400 Amps TP or TPN main switch or 300/400 Amps change over switch /300/400 Amps 415 Volt Isolators and bus bar 4 way Unit Rate (Rs) Each 124 Each 155 Each 172 Each 266 Each 296 Each 320 Each 57243 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-28 Page 43 of 114 28.3.2 28.4 28.4.1 28.4.2 28.5 28.5.1 28.5.2 28.5.3 28.6 Fixing of 500/600 Amps TP or TPN main switch or 500/600 Amps change over switch 500/600 Amps 415 Volt Isolators and busbar 4 way Each Fixing of MCB /MCCB/ Isolator in sheet steel enclosure as required as per accepted practice, including mounting on busbar and cable connection etc. complete (Labour only ) MCB / Isolator SP/DP Each MCB /MCCB Isolator TP /TPN/FP Each Labour charges for fixing sheet steel enclosure, MCB DB surface mounting type, as per accepted practice on 25x5mm flat iron clamps duly embedded in wall,cable connection etc. complete. FOR S.No :27.7.1 to.27.7.4 27.7.5 & 27.8.1 to 27.8.2 27.8.3 to 27.8.4 & 27.9.1 Labour charges for fixing sheet steel enclosures, MCB DB surface mounting type,as per accepted practice on 25x25x 5 mm angle iron clamp,including supplying and fixing of clamps duly embedded in wall,cable connection etc. complete :- 28.7 FOR S.No :27.7.6 & 27.7.7; 27.8.5 ; 27.9.2 & 27.9.3 & 27.10.1 to 27.10.3 ; 27.11.1 to 27.11.3 Labour charges for fixing sheet steel enclosures, MCB DB flush mounting type, as per accepted practice, duly embedded and end plate completely flushed in wall, cable connection etc.complete :- 28.7.1 28.7.2 FOR S.No :27.7.1 to 27.7.7 ; 27.8.1 to 27.8.3 & 27.9.1, 27.8.4 & 27.8.5 ; 27.9.2 to 27.9.3 ; 27.10.1 to 27.10.3 & 27.11.1 to 27.11.3 28.6.1 637 11 22 Each Each Each 135 184 201 Each 334 Each 232 Each 27144 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-28 Page 44 of 114 CHAPTER - 29 WIRING ACCESSORIES,PANELS,LAMPS, S.No Description of Item 29.1 Supplying and fixing as per specification Polycarbonate pendent Holder of approved make including flexible cord up to 3 Meter length with necessary materials complete Supplying and fixing as per specification Polycarbonate Batten Holder / Angle Holder of approved make with necessary materials complete Supplying and fixing as per specification Call bell / buzzer of approved make with necessary materials complete. Buzzer Ding Dong bell Musical bell Remote/cordless bell Gong bell Supplying and fixing as per specification Modular Call bell indicator 230 Volt A.C. including reset and buzzer of approved make with necessary materials complete. Bell Indicator with Reset( 1 Module) 250V Buzzer Modular (2 Module) Supplying and fixing of multi core round HRFR / FR PVC insulated copper (flexible) conductor & PVC sheathed cables 1100 Volts as per IS:694-1990 of approved make ( 16 /0.2 mm )Three core 0.5 ( 24 /0.2 mm ) Three core 0.75 ( 30 /0.25 mm ) Three core 1.5 ( 50 /0.25 mm ) Three core 2.5 ( 56 /0.3 mm ) Three core 4.0 Supplying and fixing in position incandescent lamp of approved make as per IS specification 15 Watt 250 Volt 25 Watt 250 Volt 40 Watt 250 Volt 60 Watt 250 Volt 100 Watt 250 Volt 200 Watt 250 Volt 15 Watt 250 Volt coloured lamp Supplying and fixing as per specification Switch of approved make ISI marked with necessary material complete. 6 Amp Flush type 20 Amp Flush type 29.2 29.3 29.3.1 29.3.2 29.3.3 29.3.4 29.3.5 29.4 29.4.1 29.4.2 29.5 29.5.1 29.5.2 29.5.3 29.5.4 29.5.5 29.6 29.6.1 29.6.2 29.6.3 29.6.4 29.6.5 29.6.6 29.6.7 29.7 29.7.1 29.7.2 Unit Rate (Rs) Each 31 Each 32 Each Each Each Each Each 58 107 248 1018 93 Each Each 272 174 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 23 25 41 67 107 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 20 21 21 21 23 31 20 Each Each 23 9045 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-29 Page 45 of 114 29.7.3 29.7.4 29.7.5 29.7.6 29.8 29.8.1 29.8.2 29.8.3 29.8.4 29.9 29.9.1 29.9.2 29.9.3 29.10 29.10.1 29.11 29.12 29.12.1 29.12.2 29.13 29.14 29.14.1 29.14.2 29.15 29.15.1 29.15.2 29.15.3 29.15.4 29.15.5 29.15.6 29.15.7 29.15.8 29.16 6 Amp S.P. 250 Volt two way Flush type 6/10 Amps S.P.250 Volt Modular Switch 20/16 Amps S.P.250 Volt Modular Switch 6/10 Amps S.P.250 Volt Modular Switch 2 way Supplying and fixing as per specification socket outlet of approved make & ISI marked with necessary material complete 6 Amp 250 Volt 3 / 5 Pin Flush type 16 Amp 250 Volt 3 / 6 Pin Flush type 10 Amps 3 Pin Uni Modular Socket 20 / 10 Amps Twin Modular Socket Supplying and fixing as per specification 6 Amp 250 Volt Bell Push switch of approved make ISI marked with necessary material complete. 6/10 Amps S.P.250 Volt Modular Switch Bell Push Flush Type Bell Push Surface Bell Push 6A Supplying and fixing as per specification switch socket combined of approved make & ISI marked with necessary material complete 20/10 Amp 250 Volt 3 / 6 Pin Flush type Supplying and fixing as per specification Polycarbonate Ceiling rose 3 Plate of approved make ISI marked with necessary material complete. Supplying and fixing of approved make 3 pin plug top ISI marked 6 Amp 250 Volt 3 Pin 16 Amp 250 Volt 3 Pin Supplying and fixing as per specification Ball Socket of approved make with necessary material complete. Supplying and fixing as per specification Caution / Danger Board as required of approved make & design with necessary material complete. Small Size Large Size Supplying,Fixing and Testing of MPP condensor 440 Volt Single Phase of approved make as required as per specification Condensor 2.5 mfd 440V Condensor 3.15 mfd 440 V Condensor 4.00 mfd 440 V Condensor 6.00 mfd 440 V Condensor 36.00 mfd 440 V Condensor 45.00 mfd 440 V Condensor 50.00 mfd 440 V Condensor 60.00 mfd 440 V Supplying,Fixing and Testing of MPP condensor 250 Volt Each Each Each Each 31 128 190 156 Each Each Each Each 44 105 207 333 Each Each Each 154 35 35 182 Each 22 Each Each 61 79 Each 24 Each Each 80 160 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 32 38 46 86 404 437 490 51246 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-29 Page 46 of 114 29.16.1 29.16.2 29.16.3 29.16.4 29.16.5 29.16.6 29.16.7 29.17 29.17.1 29.18 29.18.1 29.19 29.19.1 29.19.2 29.19.3 29.19.4 29.19.5 29.19.6 29.19.7 29.20 29.20.1 29.20.2 29.20.3 29.20.4 29.21 29.21.1 29.21.2 Single Phase of approved make as required as per specification Condensor 4 mfd 250 V Condensor 8 mfd 250 V Condensor 10 mfd 250 V Condensor 15 mfd 250 V Condensor 20 mfd 250 V Condensor 33 mfd 250 V Condensor 42 mfd 250 V Supplying, Fixing and Testing of mixed die-electric ultra heavy duty APP capacitor 440 Volt, 3 Ph., peak inrush current upto 500 x In, over current upto 3 x In(normal current), operating losses total not more than 0.35 W / KVAr, operating life not less than 300000 hrs, switching 20000 operation / year, as per IS:13340-1993, IS:133411992, IS:13585-1994, of approved make as required as per specification 5 to 25 KVAr bank Supplying, Fixing and Testing of MPP - H heavy duty capacitor 415 Volt, 3 Ph., peak inrush current up to 250 x In, over current upto 1.8 x In(normal current), operating losses total not more than 0.35 W / KVAr, switching 8000 operation / year, as per IS:13340-1993, IS:13341-1992 of approved make as required as per specification 5 to 25 KVAr bank Supplying,Fixing and Testing of Flourescent Tube rod ISI marked of approved make as required as per specification 4' X 40 Watt 4' X 36 Watt 2' X 20 Watt 2' X 18 Watt T - 5 Lamp - 14 Watt T - 5 Lamp - 24 Watt T - 5 Lamp - 28 Watt Supplying,Fixing and Testing of SV lamp SON-T (tubular clear type) ISI marked of approved make as required as per specification 70 Watt 150 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Supplying, Fixing and Testing of MH lamp Single ended type ISI marked of approved make as required as per specification 70 Watt 150 Watt Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 58 78 107 136 175 234 307 P KVAr 633 P KVAr 390 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 50 50 45 48 125 166 133 Each Each Each Each 444 577 643 754 Each Each 832 94247 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-29 Page 47 of 114 29.21.3 29.21.4 29.22 29.22.1 29.22.2 29.23 29.23.1 29.23.2 29.23.3 29.23.4 29.23.5 29.23.6 29.23.7 29.23.8 29.23.9 29.23.10 29.23.11 29.24 29.24.1 29.24.2 29.24.3 29.24.4 29.24.5 29.24.6 29.25 29.25.1 29.25.2 29.26 29.26.1 29.26.2 29.26.3 29.26.4 29.27 29.28 29.29.1 250 Watt 400 Watt Supplying, Fixing and Testing of MH lamp Double ended type ISI marked of approved make as required as per specification 70 Watt 150 Watt Supplying, Fixing and Testing of Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) with inbuilt electronic ballast ISI marked BC / ES cap of approved make as required as per specification 5 Watt 8 Watt 11 Watt 15 Watt 18 Watt 20 Watt 23 Watt 26 Watt 45 Watt 65 Watt 85 Watt Suppling,Fixing and Testing of Compact ,Fluorescent Lamp Non-Retrofit ISI marked of approved make as required as per specification 9 Watt, 2Pin /4 Pin 11 Watt, 2Pin / 4 Pin 13 Watt, 2Pin 18 Watt, 2Pin / 4 Pin, D Type 18 Watt, 4Pin / 4 Pin, L Type 36 Watt, 4Pin L Type Supplying, Fixing and Testing of Halogen Rod of approved make as required as per specification 500 Watt 1000 Watt Supplying, Fixing and Testing of Ball Bearing of approved make as required as per specification 6201 6202 6203 6204 Supplying and fixing of approved make Resistance type Fan regulator including connection etc. as required on existing board Supplying and fixing of approved make step type electronic Fan regulator including connection etc. as required on existing board 100 Watt (socket type) Each Each 1083 1090 Each Each 643 665 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 161 166 177 194 227 227 255 288 604 721 832 Each Each Each Each Each Each 107 113 142 148 175 180 Each Each 99 110 Each Each Each Each 138 150 163 200 Each 84 Each 29148 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-29 Page 48 of 114 29.30 29.30.1 29.30.2 29.31 Supplying and fixing of approved make electronic dimmer / regulator including connection etc. as required on existing board 450 Watt 1000 Watt Supplying and fixing of approved make step type Modular electronic Fan regulator including connection etc. as required on existing board Each Each 228 390 29.31.1 29.31.2 29.32 100 Watt (1 Module) 100 Watt (2 module) Supplying and fixing of approved make step type Modular electronic dimmer including connection etc. as required on existing board Each Each 574 689 29.32.1 29.32.2 650 Watt (1 Module) Each 1000 Watt (2 module) Each Locking arrangement for Switch Gear Mounting Supplying, fixing, testing & commissioning wall / floor mounted LT Panel primer coated with powder coated paint & provided with required gasket for dust / vermin proof with degree of protection IP42 suitable for 415V 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 wire system fabricated out of CRCA sheet up to 2 mm thick (1.6 mm for doors) duly compartmentalized for incomer, bus section, outgoings, cable alleys & CT, PT Ampere Meter, Volt Meter, selector switches, Frequency Meter, phase indicating lamps, Energy Meter complete including cost of busbar supports, detachable cable gland plates, 2 earthing terminals, internal wiring & fixing of separately supplied MCBs, MCCBs , ACB, panel mounted Changeover switch / SFUs, etc. as required but excluding cost of bus bar strips, Ampere Meter, Volt Meter, Selector switch as per approved design & specification Kg Supplying and fixing of LT Panel accessories of approved make in existing LT Panel including connections required as per spececification 567 842 29.33 29.34 29.34.1 29.34.2 29.34.3 29.34.4 29.34.5 Digital Ampere Meter with CTs with selector switch Digital Volt Meter with selector switch & HRC fuse Frequency Meter Copper Bus bar strips with PVC sleeves Aluminium bus bar strips with PVC sleeves 29.34.6 LED lamp indicator 180 per set per set Each Kg 1950 2100 1200 650 Kg each 250 20049 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-29 Page 49 of 114 CHAPTER - 30 FAN S.No Description of Item 30.1 Supplying, erection and testing of approved make electric Ceiling fan of double ball bearing complete with standard down rod, canopy, hanging shackle, Aluminium blades, without regulator, A.C. 230-250 volts including connections with all necessary material complete of approved as required confirming to IS :374/1979 with up to date ammendments. Unit Rate (Rs) 30.1.1 30.1.2 30.1.3 30.2 Ceiling Fan (5 star & ISI)-1200 mm Sweep Each Ceiling Fan Ornamental (5 star)-1200 mm Sweep Each Ceiling Fan ( ISI )-1400 mm Sweep Each Supplying, erection and testing of approved make Wall Mounting fan complete with Wall Bracket ,canopy, blades, speed Regulator etc .A.C 230-250 volts with connections and including raw bolt/Anchor hole fastener etc. complete finished of approved as required. 2276 2690 2619 30.2.1 30.2.2 30.3 300 sweep 400 sweep Supplying, erection and testing of approved make Cabin fan oscillating type with base, blades, guard, etc. AC 230-250 volts with connections and including raw bolt/Anchor hole fastener etc. complete finished and as required. Each Each 2198 2771 30.3.1 30.4 300 sweep Supplying, erection and testing of approved make 'Fresh Air Fan' AC 230-250 volts with connection and including frame bolt/Anchor hole fasteners etc. complete finished of approved as required. 150mm sweep 225mm sweep 300mm sweep Supplying and fixing of Deluxe fresh air fan with louvers ( ventilating fan ) with self closing louvers of decorative PVC blades mounting square frame of approved make complete with all necessary material as required Each 2201 Each Each Each 1264 1368 1437 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm Each Each Each Each 1483 1599 1669 179650 30.4.1 30.4.2 30.4.3 30.5 30.5.1 30.5.2 30.5.3 30.5.4 RPM1300/1400 RPM1300/1400 RPM1300/1400 RPM1300/1400 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-30 Page 50 of 114 30.6 Supplying, erecting and testing of approved make Exhaust Fan heavy duty with mounting frame, blades AC 230-250 complete connection and including, frame bolt/ Anchor hole fastners etc. complete finished of approved as required. 30.6.1 30.6.2 30.6.3 30.6.4 30.7 300mm sweep 900 RPM 380mm sweep 900 RPM 450mm sweep 900 RPM 600mm sweep 900 RPM Supplying and testing of approved make Pedestal fan A.C. 230-250 volts with blades, inbuilt speed regulator, adjustable height etc duly wired with all necessary material complete of approved as required 30.7.1 30.8 400 mm Sweep Supplying and testing of approved make Air Circulator fan A.C. 230-250 volts with blades etc duly wired with all necessary material complete of approved as required as mentioned below: 30.8.1 Air circulator Wall mounting 450 mm Sweep inbuilt speed regulator 600 mm Sweep 30.8.2 Air circulator Pedestal Adjustable height 450 mm Sweep inbuilt speed regulator 600 mm Sweep 30.9 supplying and replacement of cooler fan 500 mm (20") ISI marked with all necessary material including connection complete of approved as required 30.10 30.11 Each Each Each Each 2918 3450 4723 7349 Each 2979 Each Each 6077 7176 Each Each 6768 8388 Each 2073 supplying and replacement of cooler submersible water pump complete with all necessary material including connection of approved as required Each Supplying and fixing of cooler / A.C. MS angle iron stand including flat iron supports, including grouting in wall, if required, welding and painting with primer and two coat of superior quality paint complete. Kg 581 8051 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-30 Page 51 of 114 CHAPTER - 31 LUMINAIRES Description of Item S.No 31.1 31.1.1 31.2 31.2.1 31.3 31.3.1 31.3.2 31.3.3 Fluorescent Tube Fitting Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of T- 5 lamp channel luminaries with plastic extruded housing with in-built electronic control gear, decorative end caps, diffuser including necessary materials connection etc. complete as required (without lamp) T - 5 Lamp 1 X 14 watt Supplying fixing and testing of T- 5 lamp Batten type Tube fitting with epoxy white powder coated CRCA sheet steel complete with electronic ballast (HF), rotor holders, duly wired ( without tube rod ) fixing wall/ceiling on PVC clamp/round plate with necessary materials complete as required. T - 5 Lamp 1 X 28 watt Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make T- 5 lamp channel luminary with epoxy white powder coated CRCA sheet steel housing box type channel with reflector cover including electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30% complete duly wired (with tube rod) as per specification & fixing as below: I) Fixing on wall/Ceiling on PVC plate Anchor fasteners and other necessary materials including connections etc. and as required. II) Fixing by stiff pendant arrangement with two pieces of steel conduit 19/20 dia 16 SWG and other necessary materials such as ball socket, wooden round block with 'J' hook/Anchor hole fasteners fixed in Ceiling including connection and as required for length upto 1.5 Meter III) Fixing by pendant arrangement with two pieces of approved metallic chain and other necessary materials such as wooden block with 'J' hook Anchor hole fastner fixed in Ceiling including connection as required for length up to 1.5Metre T-5 Mirror Optics -Surface Mounted Unit Rate (Rs) 535 Each 535 Each 1172 Each 1360 Each 124752 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 52 of 114 31.4 31.4.1 31.4.2 31.5 31.5.1 31.5.2 31.6 31.7 Supplying, fixing and testing of approved make surface mounting mirror optics luminaries for single/twin 28 watt T5 fluorescent lamp comprising of white powder coated CRCA sheet steel housing raw silk / navy brown / white colour M.S. low profile flat housing complete with all accessories i.e. electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30%, duly wired (without tube rod) and high purity anodized aluminium reflector assembly along with cross louvers as per specification and fixing as below. Fixing on wall/Ceiling on wooden round block with 'J' hook/Anchor hole fastener fixed in Ceiling and other necessary materials including connections etc. and as required. 1x28w 2x28w Fixing by stiff pendant arrangement with two pieces of steel conduit 19/20mm dia 16 SWG and other necessary materials such as ball socket, T.W. block with 'J' hook/ Anchor hole fastener fixed in Ceiling including connections and as required for length up to 1.5 Meter. 1x28w 2x28w T-5 Mirror Optics (recessed/concealed) Supplying, fixing and testing of approved make recess mounting mirror optics luminaries for single/twin 28 watt fluorescent lamp comprising of white powder coated CRCA sheet steel housing raw silk / navy brown / white colour M.S. low profile flat housing complete with all accessories i.e.electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30%, duly wired (without tube rod) and high purity anodized aluminium reflector assembly along with cross louvers as per specification and fixing . 1x28w 2x28w BULK HEAD Supplying, fixing and testing of approved make bulk head luminary consisting of pressure die aluminium housing lamp holder, prismatic glass cover, rubber gasket and wire guard, deluxe type, including fixing on wall as required, with necessary material complete Fitting suitable for Retrofit 10W CFL / GLS Lamp Supplying, fixing and testing of approved make modular integral step / skirt LED light suitable for 3 module box and plate including fixing on wall as required, with necessary material complete Street Lights 2463 3584 2651 3772 2302 3584 Each 594 Each 66853 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 53 of 114 31.8 31.8.1 31.8.2 31.8.3 31.9 31.9.1 31.9.2 31.9.3 31.9.4 31.10 31.10.1 31.10.2 31.10.3 31.10.4 H.P. SV / MH Fitting Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make H.P. SV / MH fitting consisting of single piece sheet aluminium alloy deep drawn housing highly polished anodized aluminium reflector clear acrylic cover, gasket and equipped with accessories; such as ballast, condensor, ignitor, skirted ceramic lamp holder (without lamp) suitable for end mounting duly wired, including fixing with 32/38 mm dia G.I. pipe Light 'A' class of required length upto 2 Meter for mounting on wall/existing pole/on existing D bracket including bending the pipe to required shape and connections including all materials as required 70 watt 150 watt 250 watt Supplying ,fixing and testing of approved make of H.PSV/MH side road lighting/ main road lighting lantern consisting of single piece cast aluminium housing complete with all accessories suitable for tubular 70W /15OW /250W/HPSV / HPMH lamp pot type high purity electromechanically brightened anodized aluminium reflector/ with ripples embossing above the lamp, lamp holder, clear toughend glass cover & 3/5 stainless steel toggle, ignitor & ballast, condensor (without lamp) i/c fixing with 32/38 mm dia G.I. pipe Light 'A' class of required length upto 2 mtr. for mounting on wall/existing pole/on existing "D" bracket i/c bending the pipe to required shape and connections, i/c all material as required & suitable for: 70 Watt 150 Watt 250 Watt 400 Watt Flood Lighting Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of integral type SV / MH compact flood light fitting consisting of cast aluminium housing complete with all accessories such as aluminium reflector, lamp holder heat resisting toughned clear glass cover and mounting bracket with aiming disc, including fixing & connections as required position with all necessary materials required, suitable for single / double ended lamp (without lamp) 70 Watt S.V./ M.H. Lamp ( Tubular Lamp) 70 Watt metal halide Lamp (Double ended) 150 Watt S.V./ M.H. Lamp ( Tubular Lamp) 150 Watt metal halide Lamp (Double ended) Each Each Each 4753 6014 7703 Each Each Each Each 5433 7217 9220 10998 Each Each Each Each 5664 5632 7269 683054 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 54 of 114 31.10.5 31.10.6 31.11 31.11.1 31.11.2 31.11.3 31.11.4 31.12 31.12.1 31.12.2 31.12.3 31.12.4 31.12.5 31.12.6 31.13 31.13.1 31.13.2 31.13.3 250 Watt S.V./ M.H. Lamp ( Tubular Lamp) 400 Watt S.V./ M.H. Lamp ( Tubular Lamp) Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make H.D. asymmetrical / symmetrical beam flood light fitting suitable for tubular single lamp consisting of cast aluminium housing aluminium faceted reflector assly toughned glass cover, mounting bracket and aiming disc, seperate control gear box required for HPSV/M.H. Lamp (without lamp) including fixing & connection as required in position with all necessary material required 1 X 250 watt S.V. Lamp/Metal Halide with control gear box. 1 X 400 Watt S.V. Lamp/metal Halide with control gear box 1 X 400 Watt S.V. Lamp/metal Halide with control gear box symmetrical 2 X 400 Watt S.V. Lamp/metal Halide with control gear box POST TOP LANTERNS Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of integral type decorative post top lantern consisting of aluminium canopy opal / clear acrylic bottom cover and cast aluminium spigot complete with all accessories and control gear box (without lamp) including fixing on gate pillers/ existing G.I. pipe, pole with connection and all required material on required size of G.I. pipe, suitable for 1 X 18 Watt CFL (Opal) 1 X 18 Watt CFL (Clear) 2 X 18 Watt CFL (Opal) 2 X 18 Watt CFL (Clear) For 1 x 45W Retrofit CFL (Without control gear) LED 40 Watt Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make globe type polycarbonate post top lantern, consisting of cast aluminium spigot complete with all accessories, lamp holder, ( without lamp) including fixing on gate Pillers/exiting G.I. pipe, pole with connection & all required materials on existing required size of G.I. pipe, suitable CFL for mentioned below sizes :200 mm ( 8" ) dia. 250 mm ( 10" ) dia. 300 mm ( 12" ) dia. Each Each 9053 10496 Each 9053 Each 11040 Each 12567 Each 22410 Each Each Each Each Each Each 3145 4003 5666 6744 4652 1205 1596 225055 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 55 of 114 31.14 31.14.1 31.14.2 31.14.3 31.15 31.15.1 31.15.2 31.15.3 31.15.4 31.15.5 31.16 31.16.1 31.16.2 31.16.3 31.16.4 31.16.5 31.17 Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of integral type bollard cyclindrical shape housing cast aluminium dome shape top cover fixed with cylindrical shape poly carbonate cover having base plate with holes for direct mounting complete with all accessories and control gear box (without lamp) including preparatoion of foundation including fixing with connection and all required material as required. 2 X 18 Watt CFL Height > 700mm LED 9 Watt Height > 700mm LED 9 Watt Mashroom shape Height > 600mm LOW WATT MOUNTINGS Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of low watt surface mounting luminaires, made of white powder coated CRCA sheet steel housing with aluminium mirror reflector complete with electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30% , wired upto terminal block on a detachable tray including fixing on wall/ Ceiling on wooden round block including wiring & connection as required and suitable for CFL as follow :- (without lamp) 2 nos. 11 watt CFL aluminium mirror reflector 2 no. 18 watt CFL aluminium darklight reflector( P 5 Louvers ) 2 Nos 36 watt CFL (597 mm X 597 mm ) aluminium darklight reflector( P 5 Louvers ) 3 Nos 36 watt CFL (597 mm X 597 mm ) aluminium darklight reflector( P 5 Louvers ) 2 Nos 36W CFL Clean room clear acrylic cover Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of low watt recessed mounting luminary made of CRCA sheet steel housing with false Ceiling clips, finished in stove enameled white inside/outside fitted with high purity anodized aluminium mirror reflector and complete with electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD < 30%, including fixing with recessed mounting arrangement with necessary materials connection etc. complete as required and suitable for twin/three CFL as follows :-(without lamp) 2 nos. 18 watt CFL aluminium mirror reflector 2 nos. 36 watt CFL aluminium reflector 2 Nos 36 watt CFL (597 mm X 597 mm ) aluminium darklight reflector( P 5 Louvers ) 3 Nos 36 watt CFL (597 mm X 597 mm ) aluminium darklight reflector( P 5 Louvers ) 2 Nos 36W CFL Clean room clear acrylic cover Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make low watt 9478 9214 9702 Each 1756 Each 2492 Each 4438 Each Each 4628 7629 Each Each 1376 2777 Each 3964 Each Each 4486 705956 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 56 of 114 31.17.1 31.18 31.18.1 31.18.2 31.19 31.19.1 31.19.1 31.20 31.20.1 31.21 32.21.1 31.21.2 surface mounting CFL down lighter luminaire with white powder coated CRCA aluminium cover & opal acrylic cover, wired with electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.9 including necessary materials connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :- (without lamp) CFL 2 X 18 watt Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make low watt recessed mounting horizontal CFL down lighter luminaire with white powder coated CRCA ring including spring loaded adjustable mounting bracket & Satin brite Matt finish aluminium reflector, wired with suitable electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.9, including necessary materials connection etc. complete as required for mentioned below :- (without lamp) CFL 1 X 18 watt CFL 2 X 18 watt Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of low watt CFL roadway / street light luminary with epoxy powder coated sheet aluminium / steel housing with epoxy white powder coated CRCA sheet steel gear tray, electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30%, clear acrylic cover with necessary materials connection including mounting with GI pipe Light 'A' class 25/32mm OD, clamps on existing wall / pole etc. complete as required (without lamp) CFL 1 X 18 watt CFL 1 X 36 watt Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make CFL street light fitting consisting of metallic sheet aluminium alloy housing, highly polished aluminium reflector clear acrylic cover, gasket and equipped with accessories; such as lamp holder (without lamp) suitable for end mounting duly wired, including fixing with 32/38 mm dia G.I. pipe LIght 'A' class of required length upto 2 Meter for mounting on wall/existing pole/on existing D bracket including bending the pipe to required shape and connections including all materials as required Up to 85 watt CFL Supplying, fixing & testing of approved make of low watt T5 Lamp roadway / street light luminary with epoxy powder coated sheet steel / Aluminum housing with epoxy white powder coated CRCA sheet steel gear tray , electronic ballast (HF), PF > 0.95, THD <30% , clear acrylic cover with necessary materials connection including mounting with GI pipe Light 'A' class 32/38 mm dia, clamps on existing wall / pole etc. complete as required (without lamp) T - 5 Lamp 2 X 24 watt T - 5 Lamp 4 X 24 watt Each 2444 Each Each 1067 1352 Each Each 1704 1941 Each 2253 3535 752357 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 57 of 114 31.22 31.22.1 31.22.2 31.22.3 31.22.4 31.23 31.24 31.24.1 31.24.2 31.24.3 31.25 LED LIGHTING Supply and fixing Led tube rod comprising of LED tube with non integral / integral driver, 6500K color temp having 40000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy > 80 lm/W. LED driver PF 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer mandatory i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. 1 X 5/8W Integral Tube fitting complete 1 X 18/20/22W, Integral 1 X 18/20/22W, Non Integral with driver LED Retrofit tube only 18/20/22W 3 - 6K without box suitable for replacing existing 36/40W FTL Supply & fixing Mounting rail / Batten made of CRCA powder coated with suitable lamp holding brackets for LED Tube rod 1200mm Single on wall / ceiling including connection testing etc complete as required. Supply and fixing of recessed mounting type Led light fixture, LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy>80lm/W. LED driver, PF 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Housing made of CRCA with glare free diffused polycarbonate cover. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. Led luminiare 1' X 1', 24W , 4-6.5k Each Led luminiare 2' X 2', 36W, 4-6.5K Each Led luminiare 2' X 2', 45W, 4-6.5K Each Supply and fixing of surface mounting type Led light fixture, LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy>80lm/W. LED driver, PF 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Housing made of CRCA with glare free diffused polycarbonate cover. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory. i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer.58 1620 2208 3067 2515 669 4753 9811 10226 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 58 of 114 31.25.1 31.25.2 31.25.3 31.26 31.26.1 31.26.2 31.26.3 31.27 31.27.1 31.27.2 31.27.3 31.28 31.28.1 31.29 Led luminiare 1' X 1', 24W , 4-6.5k Led luminiare 2' X 2', 36W , 4-6.5k Led luminiare 2' X 2', 45W , 4-6.5k Supplying and fixing surface mounting LED down lighter, LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy>80lm/W. LED driver PF 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Housing made of CRCA powder coated frame with glare free diffused polycarbonate cover. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer mandatory. i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. 7 W/8 W, 100/150mm 15 W , 180/200mm 30 W , 300mm Supplying and fixing recessed mounting LED down lighter, LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy>80lm/W. LED driver PF 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Housing made of CRCA powder coated frame with glare free diffused polycarbonate cover. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory. i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. 8 W , 100/150mm 12 W, 180/200mm 15 W, 180/200mm Supplying and fixing integral post top lantern LED fitting comprises of copper dust finish cast aluminium spigot and spun aluminium canopy fixed with opal polycarbonate, pipe arrangement for vertical mounting, open construction driver and accessories are wired up to terminal block. LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with efficacy>80lm/W. LED driver PF 0.95 & surge protection 2KV. The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory. i/c connection wire, testing etc. to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer.59 40 W LED Supplying and fixing street light with high power LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, system lumens 4753 11126 10251 2348 3822 6955 1657 2348 2763 16654 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 59 of 114 31.29.1 31.29.2 31.29.3 31.29.4 31.29.5 31.29.6 31.30 31.30.1 31.30.2 31.30.3 31.30.4 31.30.5 31.30.6 31.31 31.31.1 31.31.2 output with efficacy>90 lm/W. luminiare having color temp 6500K & 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Luminiare comprises of driver, PF 0.95 & surge protection 3KV. Housing made of pressure die cast aluminium with heat resistant flat glass / Lens type, IP65 protection. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory i/c 50mm.dia G.I. Pipe bracket upto 2 mtr. long in required angle/shape, connection lead, testing etc to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. 24W / 25W 40W / 48W 60W, 90W, 120W, 150W, Supplying and fixing flood light with high power LED of 1 to 3 W each assembled on single MCPCB, system lumens output with efficacy>90 lm/W. luminiare having color temp 6500K & 50000 burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70. Luminiare comprises of driver, PF 0.95 & surge protection 3KV. Housing made of pressure die cast aluminium with heat resistant flat glass, IP65 protection. Submission LM 80-08 Form LED Source Manufacturer & LM79-08 / IS16106 from NABL approved lab. Manufacturer manadatory i/c connection lead, testing etc to complete the job. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. 10W 30W 60W, 90W, 120W, 150W, Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of Red colour Aviation light LED integral type comprising of Aluminium powder coated housing with polycarbonate enclosure IP 65 on existing pipe/ support including connection, testing etc. as required. 2 Yrs Guarantee certificate from manufacturer. :180 LED 300 LED 9138 18634 22584 23923 35585 44283 4628 10184 24048 25378 25378 34257 Each Each 6053 846560 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-31 Page 60 of 114 CHAPTER - 32 MISCELLANEOUS S.No Description of Item 32.1 Fixing of Fluorescent Tube fitting on wall /ceiling on wooden round block with anchor fastener /J hook & necessary material including connection with 3 core flexible wire etc. complete as required. 32.2 32.2.1 32.2.2 32.3 32.3.1 32.3.2 32.4 32.5 32.6 32.6.1 32.6.2 32.6.3 32.7 Unit Each Fixing of Fluorescent Tube fitting with pendant arrangement of two pieces of approved metallic chain with necessary material including connection with 3 core flexible wire etc. complete as required. For pendent length up to 1.5 Metre Each Add additional pendent length in excess of 1.5 Metre Metre Fixing of Fluorescent Tube fitting with stiff pendant arrangement of two pieces of steel conduit and with anchor fastener /J hook & other necessary material including connection with 3 core flexible wire etc. complete as required. For pendent length up to 1.5 Metre Each Add additional pendent length in excess of 1.5 Metre Metre Fixing of Fluorescent Tube recessed / concealed mounting Fitting in existing recesses with necessary material including connection with 3 core flexible wire etc. complete as required. Each Providing and fixing circular/Hexagonal cast iron or M.S.sheet box for ceiling fan clamp of internal dia 140mm, 73mm height, top lid of 1.5mm thick M.S. sheet with its top surface hacked for proper bonding, top lid shall be screwed into the cast iron/M.S. sheet box by mean of 3.3mm dia. round headed screws, one lock at the corners. Clamp shall be made of 12mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape as per standard drawing. Each Supplying and fixing fan clamps of 12 mm dia steel bar as per specification complete :For stone slab roof "J" Type hook Each For R.C.C. Slabs / Beams Each For existing old R.C.C. Slabs / Beams Each Supplying and fixing fan clamps with hook on existing T.W. beam/ trusses with required size flat iron per specification complete :Each Rate (Rs) 67 242 128 383 227 107 140 60 38 95 8161 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-32 Page 61 of 114 32.8 32.9 32.10 32.11 32.12 32.12.1 32.12.2 32.13 32.13.1 32.13.2 32.14 32.15 32.16 32.16.1 32.16.2 32.16.3 32.16.4 32.17 32.18 32.19 Erection of ceiling in in position with regulator on existing switch board including wiring testing etc. with necessary material complete as required. Fixing of fan Regulator on existing switch board in position with necessary material connection etc.complete as required. Erection of exhaust fan on existing hole / wall bracket fan/cabin fan in position with required PVC cable, rawl bolts etc. complete including connections and making wall surface good. Supplying and fixing down rod of MS pipe for ceiling fan including threading, painting, making holes etc. as required complete :Numbering of ceiling fans or fittings with approved paint including all labour material etc. complete as required :Lettering up to 7 cm height Lettering above 7 cm but up to 15 cm height Providing and fixing wooden board of suitable size (maximum 12" X 18" ) for fixing of house service Metre with necessary materials and connection testing etc. complete as per specification : Single phase Meter Three phase Meter Shifting of Window Air Conditioning unit 1.0TR / 1.5 TR / 2 TR capacity excluding facia and cutting, welding work complete as required. Shifting, Installation, testing & commissioning of Split Air Conditioning unit 1.0TR / 1.5 TR / 2 TR capacity including indoor/ out door unit complete as required Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning suction/ discharge copper pipe line in split Air Conditioning unit 1.0 /1.5 TR/2 TR /3 TR capacity including brazing, nitride rubber insulation, etc complete as required. Copper tube 1/4" Copper tube 1/2" Copper tube 3/8" Copper tube 5/8" Chemical Servicing of Window /Split Air Conditioning unit 1TR/ 1.5 TR/2 TR/3TR capacity including cleaning of cooling & condensing units,filters,grills etc & all other parts oiling & greasing of fan motor, testing of A.C unit etc. Gas ( F 22 ) charging of Window /Split Air Conditioning unit including flushing of cooling & condensing units with nitrogen gas & rectification of leakage, replacement of filter, flair nut etc. if any. Gas charging of Refrigerator upto 300 Ltr capacity including flushing of cooling & condensing units with nitrogen gas & rectification of leakage, replacement of filter, etc. if any. Each 95 Each 23 Each 124 metre 114 Each Each 3 5 Each Each 101 133 Each 800 Each 2000 P. Mt. P. Mt. P. Mt. P. Mt. 190 250 460 400 Each 800 P. Ton Each 1000 100062 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-32 Page 62 of 114 32.20 32.21 32.22 32.23 32.24 Providing, replacement & connection thermostat switch of required size & capacity for Refrigerator upto 300 Ltr capacity including all required material to complete the job. Each Providing, replacement & connection starting relay of required size & capacity for Refrigerator upto 300 Ltr capacity including all required material to complete the job. Each Providing & fixing of wood wool / Khas pads of normal size desert / room cooler panels set of 3 Nos including fixing wiremesh on pads. Each Servicing & overhauling of cooler fan motor, pump including replacemnt of distribution & delivery pipes, PVC elbows, painting etc. as reqd. complete with necessary material & labour Each Rewinding of fans by copper enameled wire of suitable gauge including all required material, insulation, varnishing,connection leads,oiling .greasing etc complete with testing including dismantling & refitting of fan at site.Scrap old material is not returnable to the department. 32.24.1 Ceiling Fan 1400 mm sweep old model /Exhaust Fan 450 mm sweep 32.24.2 Ceiling Fan 1400 mm sweep new model / Exhaust Fan 380 mm sweep 32.24.3 Ceiling Fan 1200 mm sweep old model / Cooler Fan 500 mm ( 20" )sweep 32.24.4 Ceiling Fan 1200 mm sweep new model / Exhaust Fan 300 mm sweep 32.24.5 Fresh Air Fan up to 300 mm sweep / Wall Bracket /Cabin Fan 400 mm sweep 32.25 Cleaning, overhauling, servicing of ceiling / Exhaust / Wall bracket fan by applying grease & oil, including testing with mounting / Hanging arrangement including replacement of safety pins, check nuts,lock nut,nut bolts etc. making perfect alignment & refitting at site as required. 32.26 32.27 32.27.1 32.27.2 32.27.3 32.27.4 450 105 99 Each 546 Each 338 Each 417 Each 298 Each 211 Each 102 Supply and fixing of GI sheet 22 SWG Exhaust fan cowl including grouting bolt, nut, & finishing etc on existing hole to complete the job. Sq.Mt. Supply and fixing of GI sheet 24 SWG Exhaust fan Louvers including grouting bolt, nut, & finishing etc on existing hole to complete the job as mentioned below :Sweep 300mm Sweep 380mm Sweep 450mm Sweep 600mm 450 Each Each Each Each 950 750 1000 1500 200063 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-32 Page 63 of 114 CHAPTER -33 LABOUR RATES FOR WIRING S.No Description of Item 33.1 Labour rate for point wiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in (open) surface rigid steel conduit system. 33.2 33.3 33.4 33.5 33.6 33.7 33.7.1 33.7.2 33.7.3 33.8 33.9 33.10 33.10.1 33.10.2 33.10.3 Unit Each Labour rate for point wiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in recessed/concealed rigid steel conduit system. Each Labour rate for point wiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in (open) surface rigid PVC conduit / Casing- n- capping system. Each Labour rate for point wiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in recessed/concealed rigid PVC conduit system. Each Labour rate for point wiring a Power Point in surface rigid steel / PVC conduit / Casing-N-Capping system including labour for fixing earth continuity conductor . Each Labour rate for point wiring a Power Point in recessed / concealed rigid steel / PVC conduit system including labour for fixing earth continuity conductor . Each Labour rate for fixing rigid steel / PVC conduit in surface /concealed conduit wiring system, as per specification . 20 mm Conduit Metre 25 mm & 32 mm Conduit Metre 40 mm & 50 mm Conduit Metre Labour rate for rewiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in rigid steel / rigid PVC non metallic conduit / PVC Casing-NCaping in (open) surface conduit wiring system. each Labour rate for rewiring a Light / Fan / Twin control light / Socket out let on separate board / Call bell Point in rigid steel / rigid PVC non metallic conduit in recessed/concealed conduit wiring system. each Labour rate for fixing rigid PVC conduit as per specification in recessed/concealed conduit wiring system. 20 mm Conduit Each 25 mm & 32 mm Conduit Each 40 mm & 50 mm Conduit Each Rate (Rs) 137 179 98 143 208 251 13 15 25 164 174 19 23 3664 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-33 Page 64 of 114 33.11 33.11.1 33.11.2 NOTE Labour rate for drawing cables in existing rigid steel / PVC conduit / Casing-N-Capping (surface or recessed/concealed) "A" 2 Wires -2.5 sq mm / 4 sq mm / 6 sq mm metre 10 sq mm / 16 sq mm / 25 sq mm metre 35 sq mm metre "B" 3 Wires & 4 Wires 2.5 sq mm / 4 sq mm / 6 sq mm metre 10 sq mm / 16 sq mm / 25 sq mm metre 35 sq mm metre 29 32 33 31 34 34 1. The socket outlet point on the same board shall be treated as 1/2 point in the respective system of wiring 2. Labour rate for point wiring are inclusive of labour for fitting all accessories and fitting such as conduit, switch, Ceiling rose sockets, brass lamp holders etc. as required 3. Labour rate for each circuit shall be same as one point in respective system of wiring .65 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-33 Page 65 of 114 CHAPTER- 34 PAINTING Description of Item S.No 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.4.1 34.4.2 34.4.3 Painting of ceilling fan including making surface clean and spray painting of fan Motor, blades, etc. with two coat of required shade complete with material and labour including dismantling and erection, preparation of surface Unit Rate (Rs) Each 218 Each 540 Painting of desert cooler including making surface even, prima paint coat from inside & outside and spray painting of body, fan Motor, blades, etc. with two coat of required shade complete with material and labour. Painting of water cooler including scraping of old paint making surface even, prima paint coat and spray painting of body, etc. with two coat of required shade complete with material and labour. Each PAINTING OF POLES :Removing of old paint from steel and other metallic surface per sq and making surface even. Metre Primer coat over new steel and other metallic surface with red oxide/ zinc chromide paint complete with supply of per sq material labour etc. including preparation of surface. Metre Final coat with aluminium paint, brushing complete including per sq material and labour. Metre66 649 18 47 59 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-34 Page 66 of 114 CHAPTER - 35 DISMANTLING OF CIVIL & ELECTRICAL WORKS Description of Item S.No 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 35.7 35.8 35.9 35.10 35.11 35.12 35.13 Dismantling of existing light / Fan / Bell / Socket out let point on separate board / Wiring and circuit with insulated wire in cassing / conduit / Batten complete with fitting and accessories Making the site clear of the dismentalled installation by refilling the hole with cement mortor & finished with paint gitties and replacing to match the colour of wall / ceilling. Dismetalling of existing socket outlet point on same board in any system of wiring Dismentalling the existing armoured / unarmoured cable or 2/3/4 wires of submain, main , in any system of wiring including recoiling. Dismentalling of existing undreground cable safely with its accessories and refilling the trench to ground level including recoiling of dismentalled cable. Dismentalling of D.F. Board, D.P. Switch, T.P. &T.P.N. Switch or D.B. of any size complete with board or angle / flat iron frame and making site clear including the refilling hole & repainting to match colour of wall. Dismentalling of D.F. Board , D.P.Switch , T.P. & T.P.N. Switch or D.B. of any size only Dismentalling the existing ceiling / exhaust / cabine fan with complete accessories and making the site clear. Dismentalling of existing steel pole, R.S.Joist, girder with bracket clamps insulator or stay from the cement concrete foundation and making the site clear by refilling the pit to ground level i/c transportation to required destination within township. Dismentalling of existing overhead ACSR, AAAC, GI , conductor and making the site clear i/c transportation to required destination within township. Dismentalling of existing water tight flourescent tube fitting / M.V. Lamp fitting with making the site clear. Dismentalling of existing water tight fitting S.V/M.H/L.E.D Lamp fitting with extension bracket, clamp from pole or wall with making the site clear. Dismentalling of existing geyser or storage type water heater and making the site good by colour wash required. Unit Rate (Rs) per point 17 per point 30 per point 11 per meter 11 per meter 34 Each 38 Each 15 Each 36 Each 1066 per meter 4 Each 30 Each 3967 Each 61 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-35 Page 67 of 114 35.14 Providing recess in brick wall suitable for erection of exhaust fan up to 600mm sweep complete with grouting of nut bolts, plastering and colour wash to match the colour of wall. 35.14.1 For wall thickness up to 9" 35.14.2 For wall thickness up to 15" 35.14.3 For the stone wall thickness up to 15" 498 778 907 Each Each Each CHAPTER - 36 CIVIL WORKS S.No Description of Item Note: Items regarding civil works shall be taken and executed on the basis of rates of current respective civil S.O.R. Rate (Rs) Unit 68 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-35-36 Page 68 of 114 CHAPTER - 37 EARTHING , LOOP EARTHING,LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR Description of Item S.No 37.1 37.2 37.2.1 37.2.2 37.3 37.4 37.5.1 37.5.2 37.6 37.7 37.8 Earthing with G.I. Earth pipe 4.5 Metre long and 40 mm dia with masonary enclosure in cement mortor, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top etc.(but without charcoal or coke and salt) complete as required. Add Extra for using salt and charcoal / coke for pipe earth electrode as required including excavation & refilling. Excavation 2.5 cum by manual labour Excavation by making hole with Auger Earthing with G.I. Earth plate 600mm X 600mm X 6mm thick including accessories and providing masonary encloser in cement mortor, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top and G.I. watering pipe 20mm dia 2.7 Metre long etc. (but without charcoal or coke and salt ) complete as required. Earthing with Copper Earth plate 600mm X 600mm X 3mm thick including accessories and providing masonary encloser in cement mortor, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top and G.I. watering pipe 20mm dia 2.7 Metre long etc. (but without charcoal or coke and salt) complete as required. Add Extra for using salt and charcoal / coke for G.I. Plate or Copper plate earth electrode as required including excavation & refilling. Add Extra for using salt and charcoal / coke for G.I. Plate or Copper plate earth electrode as required including excavation in hard rock and refilling the pit with black soil. Unit Rate (Rs) Each 3017 Each Each 1572 1068 Each 2951 Each 8013 Each 1841 Each 3353 Supplying and laying 8 SWG (4 mm) copper wire at 0.5 Metre below ground level as conductor earth electrode including soldering etc. as required. metre Supplying and laying 6SWG (5.6mm) G.I. wire at 0.5 Metre below ground level as conductor earth electrode including soldering etc. as required. metre Supplying and laying 25mm X 5mm G.I. strip at 0.5 Metre below ground level as strip earth electrode including soldering etc. as required. metre 85 23 9569 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-37 Page 69 of 114 37.9 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 37.14 37.15 37.16 37.17 37.18 37.19 37.20 37.21 37.22 37.23 Supplying and laying 25mm X 6mm G.I. strip at 0.5 Metre below ground level as strip earth electrode including soldering etc. as required. metre Providing & fixing 25mm X 5mm copper strip in 40mm dia G.I.pipe (B class) from earth electrode as required. metre Providing & fixing 25mm X 5mm G.I.strip in 40mm dia G.I. Pipe (B class) from earth electrode as required. metre Providing and laying earth connections from earth electrode with 4.00 mm dia G.I. wire in 15mm dia G.I. Pipe (B class) from earth electrode as required. metre Providing and laying earth connections from earth electrode with 4.00 mm dia copper wire in 15mm dia G.I. Pipe (B class) from earth electrode as required. metre Providing & fixing 25mm X 5mm copper strip on surface or recessed for connection etc. as required. Providing and fixing 25mm X 4mm G.I. strip on surface or in recessed/concealed for connection etc. as required. Providing and fixing 6 SWG (5.6mm) G.I. wire on surface or in recessed/concealed for loop earthing as required. Providing and fixing 4.00mm copper wire on surface or in recessed/concealed for loop earthing as required. Supplying and laying 50mm X 6mm G.I. strip at 0.5 metre below ground level / surface as strip earth electrode including jointing etc. as required. 113 1043 423 149 204 metre 808 metre 123 metre 19 metre 86 metre LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial made of 25mm dia 300mm long copper tube having single prong at top with 85 mm dia 3 mm thick copper base plate including holes complete as required. Each Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial made of 25mm dia 300mm long G.I. tube having single prong at top with 85 mm dia 6 mm thick G.I. base plate including holes complete as required. Each Fixing of lightning conductor finial made of 25mm dia 300mm long copper tube / G.I. tube having single prong at top with base plate etc complete as required. Each 95 Rivetting / Sweating and soldering of copper / G.I. Tape (with another copper / G.I. Tape, base of finial or any other metallic object ) as required. Each Providing and fixing copper tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall of lightening conductor as required ( for Horizontal runs ) metre 2482 1222 281 114 36870 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-37 Page 70 of 114 37.24 37.25 37.26 37.27 37.28 37.29 37.30 37.31 37.32 37.33 37.34 37.35 37.36 Providing and fixing copper tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall of lightening conductor as required ( for Vertical runs ) metre Providing and fixing G.I. tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall of lightening conductor as required ( for Horizontal runs ) metre Providing and fixing G.I. tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall of lightening conductor as required ( for Vertical runs ) metre Fixing of copper / G.I. Tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall for lightening conductor as required ( for Horizontal runs ) metre Fixing of copper / G.I. Tape 20mm X 3mm thick on parapet and surface of wall for lightening conductor as required ( for Vertical runs ) metre Providing and fixing " Testing Joint" made by 20mm X 3mm thick copper strip 125mm long with 4 Nos of tinned Brass bolts, Nut, check nuts and spring washers etc. complete as required . Each Providing and fixing " Testing Joint" made by 20mm X 3mm thick G.I. strip 125mm long with 4 Nos of G.I. bolts, Nut, check nuts and spring washers etc. complete as required . Each Providing and laying copper tape 32mm X 6mm thick for earth electrode directly in ground as required metre Providing and laying G.I. tape 38mm X 6mm thick for earth electrode directly in ground as required . metre Laying of copper / G.I. tape 32mm X 6mm thick for earth electrode directly in ground as required. metre EARTHING FOR DOMESTIC ELECTRIC INSTALLATION Providing and fixing earthing arrangement with 16mm dia 2.5 metre long galvanized iron or steel rod electrode including packing of charcoal powder and salt as per specification watering pipe 19mm dia G.I. Connection, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top etc. complete with refilling the pit as required, including excavation of earth pit in soil/ soft rock. Each Providing and fixing earthing arrangement with 38.1mm dia 2.5 metre long galvanized iron pipe electrode including packing of charcoal powder and salt as per specification watering pipe 19mm dia G.I. Connection, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top etc. complete with refilling the pit as required, including excavation of earth pit in soil / soft rock Each Supplying and laying G.I. earth lead duly installed on wall or in G.I. Pipe including connections etc complete as required. 411 71 114 32 75 287 124 1283 161 58 2287 272871 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-37 Page 71 of 114 37.36.1 37.36.2 37.36.3 37.37 37.37.1 37.37.2 37.38 37.39 37.39.1 37.39.2 37.39.3 37.39.4 37.39.5 37.40 37.40.1 13 sq mm ( 4 mm dia ) Metre 25 sq mm ( 5.6 mm dia ) Metre 40 sq mm ( 7.1 mm dia ) Metre Providing and laying earth continuity conductor including fixing with copper clamps and other necessary materials as per specification along the run of conduit. Aluminium Earth Continuity Conductor :6 Sq mm. 10 Sq mm. 16 Sq mm 25 Sq mm. G.I. Or Steel Earth Continuity Conductor :6 Sq mm. 10 Sq mm. Providing and laying earth Continuity Conductor of 4 Sq mm Aluminium along the run of final sub circuit in PVC conduit in an approved manner. 17 26 37 Metre Metre Metre Metre 17 28 54 95 Metre Metre 12 15 Metre 13 4 Sq mm Metre 6 Sq mm. Metre 10 Sq mm. Metre 16 Sq mm Metre 25 Sq mm. Metre supplying and erecting earth pit of minimum bore dia. 150mm size , approved make Safe Earthing Electrode consisting Pipe-in-Pipe technology as per IS 3043-1987 made of corrosion free G.I. Pipes with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive compound with high charge dissipation suitable for effective and maintenance free earthing as mentioned below : With 2 mtr. G.I. Pipes having outer pipe dia of 50mm having 80-200 micron galvanizing, Inner pipe dia. of 25mm having 200-250 Micron galvanizing, connection terminal dia.of 12mm in nominal soil with 25 kg (one Bag) Back filling Compound. Each 41 58 88 136 207 Supplying and drawing PVC insulated copper cable ( Earth Continuity Conductor ) of Green colour FR with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in existing conduit along with other wires as required as per specification : 686372 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-37 Page 72 of 114 37.40.2 With 3 mtr. G.I. Pipes having outer pipe dia of 50mm having 80-200 micron galvanizing, Inner pipe dia. of 25mm having 200-250 Micron galvanizing, connection terminal dia.of 12mm in nominal soil with 50 kg (Two Bag) Back filling Compound. 37.40.3 With 2 mtr. Pipe of 80mm outer dia. , 40mm inner dia and 14mm terminal dia. In soft rock/marshy soil with 25 kgs. (one Bag) Back filling Compound. 37.40.4 37.41 37.42 37.42.1 37.42.2 37.43 Each 10006 Each 16673 With 3 mtr. Pipe of 80mm outer dia. , 40mm inner dia and 14mm terminal dia. In soft rock/marshy soil with 50 kgs. (Two Bag) Back filling Compound. Each Providing Back Filling Compound suitable for safe earthing device. Kg Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Lightning protection system with Early Streamer Emission (ESE), OPR (Optimized Pulse Rod) technology, of protection level -1, having a coverage range and mounted at a height as mentioned below including stainless steel mast & mounting structure kit as per specifications. OPR 30, radius 67Mt., Height 3 Mt Each OPR 60, radius 97Mt., Height 3 Mt Each Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of Lightning Discharging Counter to verify the lighting discharge occurrence. Each 19195 30 180000 216000 4500073 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-37 Page 73 of 114 CHAPTER - 38 TELEPHONE, LAN, TV CABLE Description of Item S.No 38.1 38.2 38.2.1 38.2.2 38.2.3 38.2.4 38.3 38.3.1 38.3.2 38.3.3 38.4 38.4.1 38.4.2 38.4.3 38.4.4 38.5 38.6 38.7 Unit suppling and drawing Co-axial T.V. Cable RG-6 Grade , 0.7 mm Solid Copper conductor PF Insulated , Shielded with fine tined copper braid and protected with PVC Sheathed in the existing surface / concealed ,steel / PVC. Conduit as required. Metre Supplying and drawing following pair of 0.5 mm size solid annealed copper conductor PVC Insulated telephone cable as per DOT Specifications in existing surface / concealed steel / PVC Conduit / Casing-N-Capping as required. Rate (Rs) 28 (i) 1 Pair (ii) 2 Pair (iii) 4 Pair (iv) 10 Pair Supply installation, testing commissioning of 0.5 mm size Solid annealed copper, Jelly Filled Telephone Cables, Polythene Insulated, Petroleum Jelly Filled with Poly-al laminate moisture barrier, Polythene Sheathed, Unarmoured Polythene Jacketed Telephone Cables as per DOT Specifications of following sizes 10 Pair 20 Pair 50 Pair Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of telephone Tag block Krone connector with enclosure and lock complete as mentioned below :- Metre Metre Metre Metre 7 11 22 53 Metre Metre Metre 70 126 297 10 Pair 20 Pair 30 Pair 50 Pair Supply, fixing and testing RJ - 11 Telephone Jack Single with shutter F.T Supply, fixing and testing of RJ 11 telephone jack modular (1 Module) Supply, fixing and testing of T.V. Outlet F.T each each each each 263 273 297 341 each 57 each 12974 34 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-38 Page 74 of 114 38.8 38.9 38.10 38.11 38.12 38.12.1 38.12.2 38.12.3 38.12.4 38.13 38.14 38.15 38.15.1 38.15.2 38.15.3 Supply, fixing and testing of T.V. Outlet Modular (1Module) Supply, Installation testing and commissioning RJ - 45 Computer Jack cat 6 with shutter Modular (1Module) each Supply, Installation testing and commissioning RJ - 45 Computer Jack cat 6 with shutter Modular (2Module) each Suppling and drawing 4 pair shielded, 0.5 mm PVC.Insulated copper conductor un-armoured Cat-6 computer cable FR in existing surface / concealed ,steel / PVC. Conduit/Casing-NCapping as required. per Mtr Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of patch cord as mentioned below :CAT 6 RJ45 Patch Cord F/UTP 1 Mtr. each CAT 6 RJ45 Patch Cord F/UTP 2 Mtr. each CAT 6 RJ45 Patch Cord F/UTP 3 Mtr. each CAT 6 RJ45 Patch Cord F/UTP 5 Mtr. each Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of 19" Modular Patch - 1 U Patch Panel 24, RJ 45 Cat-6 connector each Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of 19" Modular telephone Patch Panel 24 - 1 U with RJ 11 connector each Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of wall mounting rack, for computer switches complete as mentioned below :6U cabinet 371.30X600X500, wall mounting with power supply and Fan etc. each 9U cabinet 504.65X600X500, wall mounting with power supply and Fan etc. each 12U cabinet 638X600X500, wall mounting with power supply and Fan etc. each 129 491 501 46 407 450 585 698 10926 20018 13187 15809 1748775 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-38 Page 75 of 114 CHAPTER - 39 SINGLE / THREE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE / OPENWELL / CENTRIFUGAL MOTOR PUMP SET. Rate S.No Description of Item Unit (Rs) 39.1 Supplying & Installation of required capacity of single phase, 50 Hz,220V, deep well submersible pump Stainless Steel body, as per IS of approved Make, suitable for 4"/6 " tube well with Control Panel Starter suitable for Submersible pump with dry run protection, connections, including clamps, bore cap etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe, SS/Nylon wire rope and connection cable. 0.5 H.P. with 6 to 7 stages, Head Mt 46-13, Discharge LPM 10-55 1 H.P. with upto 5 stages, Head Mt 35-15, Discharge LPM 40-125 1 H.P. with 7 to 8 stages, Head Mt 61-18, Discharge LPM 25-90 1 H.P. with 10 to 11 stages, Head Mt 74-21, Discharge LPM 15-55 1 H.P. with 12 to 14 stages, Head Mt 91-28, Discharge LPM 10-45 1.5 H.P. with up to 6 stages, Head Mt 42-17, Discharge LPM 65-150 1.5 H.P. with 7 to 8 stages, Head Mt 56-21, Discharge LPM 40-125 1.5 H.P. with 10 to 11 stages, Head Mt 84-26, Discharge LPM 25-90 1.5 H.P. with 16 to 17 stages, Head Mt 114-33, Discharge LPM 15-55 1.5 H.P. with 18 to 20 stages, Head Mt 130-41, Discharge LPM 10-45 2 H.P. with 7 to 8 stages, Head Mt 56-16, Discharge LPM 65-205 2 H.P. with 10 to 11 stages, Head Mt 77-30, Discharge LPM 40-125 2 H.P. with 14 to 15 stages, Head Mt 114-36, Discharge LPM 25-90 2 H.P. with 20 to 22 stages, Head Mt 147-42, Discharge LPM 15-55 2 H.P. with 25 stages, Head Mt 163-58, Discharge LPM 1045 each 22837 each 24129 each 24539 each 25421 each 26209 each 28661 each 29449 each 28945 each 29039 each 31182 each 32783 each 33067 each 31743 each 31271 each 3637676 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-39 Page 76 of 114 39.2 39.3 39.4 3 H.P. with 10 to 12 stages, Head Mt 84-23, Discharge LPM 65-205 3 H.P. with 15 to 17 stages, Head Mt 119-45, Discharge LPM 40-125 3 H.P. with 20 to 22 stages, Head Mt 167-51, Discharge LPM 25-90 Supplying & Installation of required capacity of Three phase, 50 Hz,415V, deep well submersible pump Steel body, as per IS of approved Make, suitable for 6 " tube well with Control Panel Starter suitable for Submersible pump with dry run protection, single phase preventer, connections, including clamps, bore cap etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe and connection cable. 3 H.P. with up to 6 stages, Head Mt 55-7, Discharge LPM 60-510 5 H.P. with up to 5 stages, Head Mt 55-13, Discharge LPM 120-510 5 H.P. with 8 to 9 stages, Head Mt 83-32, Discharge LPM 60-270 5 H.P. with 10 to 11 stages, Head Mt 101-40, Discharge LPM 60-270 7.5 H.P. with 8 to 10 stages, Head Mt 117-31, Discharge LPM 60-420 7.5 H.P. with 13 to 14 stages, Head Mt 129-52, Discharge LPM 60-270 7.5 H.P. with 15 stages, Head Mt 138-60, Discharge LPM 60-270 10 H.P. with 16 stages, Head Mt 147-64, Discharge LPM 60-270 10 H.P. with 20 stages, Head Mt 184-80, Discharge LPM 60-270 Supplying and laying of submersible flat cable ISI marked 3 core copper wire of suitable size with proper clamping of approved make. 2.5 multi strand 4.0 multi strand 6.0 multi strand 10.0 multi strand Supplying and laying of approved Make HDPE pipe as per IS : 4984 and IS : 14333 with latest amendment for installation of submersible pump with necessary connection, socket/couplings, Tees,etc. as required (PE-63 & working Pressure 10 kgf/sq cm)77 each 35178 each 36238 each 34800 each 39529 each 44349 each 47375 each 50022 each 55383 each 62999 each 65426 each 68956 each 76015 per mtr per mtr per mtr per mtr 132 185 274 442 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-39 Page 77 of 114 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 39.9 39.10 25 mm Outer Dia. 32 mm Outer Dia. 40 mm Outer Dia. 50 mm Outer Dia. Supplying and laying of approved Make Nylon rope 12 mm thick complete with binding for support of pump and motor. Supplying and laying of approved Make Stainless Steel wire rope 6 mm thick complete with binding for support of pump and motor. Supplying & Installation of approved Make required capacity single phase, 50 Hz,220V, Centrifugal Mono-block pump self priming, with Starter , connections, base channel foundation etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe and connection cable. 1 H.P. Head Mt 6-30, Discharge LPH 2400-900 1 H.P. Head Mt 21-45, Discharge LPH 1800-400 (Domestic Model) Supplying & Installation of approved Make required capacity single phase, 50 Hz,240V, Centrifugal Mono-block pump, with Starter , connections, base channel foundation etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe and connection cable. 1 H.P. Head Mt 3-24, Discharge LPH 27000-1500 1.5 H.P. Head Mt 3-21, Discharge LPH 39600-6000 2.0 H.P. Head Mt 3-18, Discharge LPH 48600-3000 Supplying & Installation of approved Make required capacity 3 phase, 50 Hz, 415V, Centrifugal Mono-block pump, with Starter i/c single phase preventor, connections, base channel foundation etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe and connection cable. per mtr per mtr per mtr per mtr 83 115 171 248 per mtr 75 per mtr 171 3.0 H.P. Head Mt 6-15, Discharge LPM 740-465 5.0 H.P. Head Mt 6-33, Discharge LPM 1380-450 7.5.0 H.P. Head Mt 24-37, Discharge LPM 780-320 Supplying & Installation of approved Make required capacity 3 phase, 50 Hz, 415V, Open Well Submersible pump, with Control Panel Starter with Dry Run Protection, single phase preventer, connections, etc. as required as per specifications but excluding Pipe and connection cable. 3.0 H.P. Head Mt 15-24, Discharge LPM 615-195 5.0 H.P. Head Mt 15-24, Discharge LPM 930-420 each 13114 each 8144 each each each 12572 15102 16764 each each each 21195 25967 33241 each each 24724 2657478 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-39 Page 78 of 114 CHAPTER - 40 WIRING OF OLD STANDARD F/G/H/I QTRS & NEW WIRING OF NEW STANDARD F/G/H/I QTRS S.No. Description of Item 40 Wiring of Old standard F/G/H/I qtrs and New wiring of new standard F/G/H/I qtrs. 40.1 40.1.1 Re-wiring of Old standard F/G/H/I qtrs Dismentalling of wiring in "I" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Dismentalling of wiring in "I" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Dismentalling of wiring in "H" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Dismentalling of wiring in "H" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Dismentalling of wiring in "G" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Dismentalling of wiring in "G" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Dismentalling of wiring in "F" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Dismentalling of wiring in "F" type quarter and rewiring in same in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Wiring of newly constructed F/G/H/I qtrs. Wiring in newly constructed "I" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Wiring in newly constructed "I" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Wiring in newly constructed "H" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Wiring in newly constructed "H" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Wiring in newly constructed "G" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Wiring in newly constructed "G" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. Wiring in newly constructed "F" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Conduit system. Wiring in newly constructed "F" type quarter in surface Rigid PVC Casing-N- Capping system. 40.1.2 40.1.3 40.1.4 40.1.5 40.1.6 40.1.7 40.1.8 40.2 40.2.1 40.2.2 40.2.3 40.2.4 40.2.5 40.2.6 40.2.7 40.2.8 Unit Rate (Rs) Using Flush Type Normal Accessories Each 26802 Each 26833 Each 30268 Each 30326 Each 35971 Each 36426 Each 61944 Each 62516 Each 33749 Each 33780 Each 38887 Each 38757 Each 47240 Each 47779 Each 76908 Each 77480 Note:- Above comprehensive(composite) items include points as detailed in Annexure-179 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-40 Page 79 of 114 CHAPTER -41 (External) UNDER GROUND CABLES S.No. 1 41.1 41.1.1 41.1.2 41.1.3 41.1.4 Description of Item 2 Unit 3 Rate 4 Supply of XLPE Insulated power cable (confirming IS-7098 Part-I ) 1100 Volt grade, 1 core /2 core /3½ core/4 core ISI MARKED with Alu. Stranded /solid conductor UNARMOURED 1 Core 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 S.qmm. 150 300 ARMOURED 1 Core 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 300 UNARMOURED 2 Core 2.5 4 6 10 16 ARMOURED 2 Core 2.5 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 48 61 76 98 130 168 210 256 316 Metre 83 101 122 148 188 212 255 303 553 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 50 77 86 110 134 Metre 8680 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 80 of 114 41.1.5 41.1.6 41.1.7 41.1.8 4 6 10 16 UNARMOURED 3 Core 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 ARMOURED 3 Core 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 3½ CORE UNARMOURED 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 3½ CORE ARMOURED 25 35 50 Metre Metre Metre Metre 93 109 133 159 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 78 101 130 180 231 299 414 526 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 127 151 168 219 277 348 468 584 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 210 262 345 477 608 765 921 1158 1478 1818 2345 Metre Metre Metre 252 311 40181 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 81 of 114 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 41.1.9 4 CORE UNARMOURED 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 41.1.10 4 CORE ARMOURED 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 41.2 41.2.1 Supply of approved High-Tension XLPE cable (conforming IS-7098/II/85 ) as per ISI standard single core Armoured with Alu. Solid/stranded conductor ISI MARKED as required SINGLE CORE XLPE CABLE 11 KV GRADE 50 70 95 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 538 677 846 1003 1240 1567 1909 2440 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 93 121 162 226 291 379 528 675 849 1044 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 140 181 197 272 345 443 591 746 923 Metre 1125 Metre 358 Metre Metre 408 45982 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 82 of 114 41.2.2 41.3 120 150 SINGLE CORE XLPE CABLE 33 KV GRADE 95 120 150 Supply of approved High-Tension XLPE cable (conforming IS-7098/II/85 ) as per ISI standard 3 core Armoured with Alu. Solid/stranded conductor ISI MARKED as required 41.3.1 41.3.2 41.4 3 CORE XLPE CABLE 11 KV GRADE 50 70 95 120 150 3 CORE XLPE CABLE 33 KV GRADE 95 120 150 Supply of XLPE Insulated power cable (conforming IS7098 ) 1100 Volt grade/Heavy duty power cable 2 core / 3 core ISI MARKED with copper Stranded /solid conductor 41.4.1 ARMOURED 2 Core 2.5 Duty) BRASS COMPRESSION GLAND Supplying and fixing heavy duty cable gland for P.V.C. insulated armoured cable with brass washer, Rubber ring complete erected with cable and lead connection etc. as per specification complete. 41.5 41.5.1 41.5.2 41.5.3 41.5.4 41.5.5 41.5.6 41.5.7 Gland Size 22mm suitable for cable 2,3,3½ & 4 x up to 6 Gland Size 22mm suitable for cable 2/3, 3½, 2/4 x 10 or 2x 16 Gland size 28mm for 3/4 x 16 Gland size 32mm for 2/3, 3½, 4 x 25 OR 2/3, 3½ x 35 OR 2/3 x 50 Gland size 38mm 3½ x 70, 3x95 Gland Size 45mm 3/3½ x 120, 3½ x 95 3 x 150 Gland Size 50 mm 3½ x 150, 3 x 185 Metre Metre 518 571 Metre Metre Metre 803 884 945 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 841 999 1193 1377 1537 Metre Metre Metre 2057 2362 2562 Metre 176 Each 34 Each Each 46 70 Each 80 Each 115 Each 137 Each 17783 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 83 of 114 41.5.8 Gland Size 57mm 3 x 225, 3 ½ x 185 41.5.9 Gland Size 70mm 3 x 240, 3½ x 300 41.5.10 41.6 41.6.1 41.6.2 41.6.3 41.6.4 41.6.5 41.6.6 41.6.7 41.6.8 41.6.9 41.6.10 41.6.11 41.6.12 41.6.13 41.6.14 41.7 41.7.1 41.7.2 41.7.3 41.7.4 41.7.5 41.7.6 41.7.7 41.7.8 41.7.9 41.7.10 Each 244 Each Gland Size 82mm 3½ x 400 Each Supplying and fixing ferrules as per IS - specification suitable for following size of cable for circuit identification including connection as required complete 333 433 For Conductor Size2.5 to 6.00 10.00 16.00 25.00 35.00 50.00 70.00 95.00 120.00 150.00 185.00 240.00 300.00 400.00 LUGS:Supplying and fixing cramping type Alum. lugs as per I.S.S. Specification suitable for following size of cable with Alu. /Copper solid/stranded conductor evently cramped with high/pressure tool and connected to switch gear/Bus/M.C.C.B./ M.C.B. etc. as required complete. For Conductor Size6mm to 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 180 240 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 2 2 3 3 5 8 9 13 18 22 36 52 75 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 2 4 5 8 11 16 21 30 40 5584 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 84 of 114 41.7.11 41.7.12 41.8 300 Each 400 Each Supplying & fixing pin terminal lugs as per ISS specification suitable for cable evently cramped with high pressure tool & connection to switch gear terminal. 41.8.1 Aluminum Lugs Pin Type Up to 16 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size Up to 25 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size 35 Conductor Size Copper Lugs Pin Type Up to 16 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size Up to 25 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size 35 Conductor Size Aluminum Lugs Tube Type Up to 16 Conductor Size 25 Conductor Size 35 Conductor Size 50 Conductor Size Copper Lugs Tube Type Up to 16 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size 25 Sq.mm2 Conductor Size 35 Conductor Size 50 Conductor Size Cable Jointing Providing & Making cable end termination with HEAT SHRINKABLE jointing kit complete with all accessories including lugs suitable for 33 kV/11 kV single core XLPE alum. conductor cable as required as per specification and as per accepted standard including connection testing complete. Heat shrinkable joint,kit 11 kV XLPE Single Core Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable O.D. termination a. 1 x 16-35 b. 1 x 50-95 c. 1 x 120-185 Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable I.D. termination a. 1 x 16-35 b. 1 x 50-95 c. 1 x 120-185 41.8.2 41.8.3 41.8.4 41.9 41.9.1 72 115 Each Each 7 8 11 Each Each Each 17 26 28 Each Each Each Each 1 3 5 8 Each Each Each Each 6 11 15 23 Each Each Each 4082 4361 4770 Each Each Each 2944 2988 339585 Each SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 85 of 114 41.9.2 41.10 41.10.1 41.10.2 Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable Straight Through termination a. 1 x 16-35 b. 1 x 50-95 c. 1 x 120-185 Heat shrinkable joint,kit 33 kV XLPE Single Core Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable O.D. termination a. 1 x 35-70 b. 1 x 95-150 c. 1 x 185-240 Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable I.D. termination a. 1 x 35-70 b. 1 x 95-150 c. 1 x 185-240 Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable Straight Through termination a. 1 x 35-70 b. 1 x 95-150 c. 1 x 185-240 Providing & Making cable end termination with HEAT SHRINKABLE jointing kit complete with all accessories including lugs suitable for 33 kV/11 kV 3 core XLPE alum. conductor cable as required as per specification and as per accepted standard including connection testing complete. Heat shrinkable joint,kit 11 kV XLPE, 3 Core Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable O.D. termination a. 3 x 16-35 b. 3 x 50-95 c. 3 x 120-185 Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable I.D. termination a. 3 x 16-35 b. 3 x 50-95 c. 3 x 120-185 Heat shr.jointg. kit 11 kV XLPE cable Straight Joint a. 3 x 16-50 b. 3 x 70-95 c. 3 x 120-185 Heat shrinkable joint,kit 33 kV XLPE, 3 Core Each Each Each 7170 8353 9203 Each Each Each 7121 7959 8770 Each Each Each 4484 5270 7063 Each Each Each 17428 21861 25908 Each Each Each 10355 11768 13078 Each Each Each 13570 14906 15691 Each Each Each 20106 22009 26902 Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable O.D. termination86 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 86 of 114 41.11 41.11.1 41.11.2 41.11.3 41.11.4 a. 3 x 35-70 b. 3 x 95-150 c. 3 x 185-240 Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable I.D. termination a. 3 x 35-70 b. 3 x 95-150 c. 3 x 185-240 Heat shr.jointg. kit 33 kV XLPE cable Straight Joint a. 3 x 35-70 b. 3 x 95-150 c. 3 x 185-240 Supply and making cable straight joint / end termination with HEAT SHRINKABLE jointing kit complete with all accessories including lugs suitable for 1.1 kV XLPE/HD alum. conductor cable as required as per specification and as per accepted standard including connection testing complete for (I.D../O.D.) termination. Heat shr.jointg. kit 1.1 kV XLPE/HD cable end termination jointing.kit (I.D../O.D.) a. 6-16 sqmm 1 core b. 25-50 sqmm 1 core c. 70-150 sqmm 1 core d. 185-300 sqmm 1 core e. 400-500 sqmm 1 core Heat shr.jointg. kit 1.1 kV XLPE/HD cable straight through jointing.kit (I.D../O.D.) a. 6-16 sqmm 1 core b. 25-50 sqmm 1 core c. 70-150 sqmm 1 core d. 185-300 sqmm 1 core e 400-500 sqmm 1 core Heat shr.jointg. kit 1.1 kV XLPE/HD cable I.D/O.D. end ternmination a. 6-50 sqmm 3 core b. 70-150 sqmm 3 core c. 185-300 sqmm 3 core d. 400-500 sqmm 3 core Heat shr.jointg. kit 1.1 kV XLPE/HD cable I.D./O.D. end ternmination87 Each Each Each 21158 25166 31337 Each Each Each 16745 17405 24135 Each Each Each 47950 59503 81057 Each Each Each Each Each 455 515 704 1074 1290 Each Each Each Each Each 851 921 1131 1337 1548 Each Each Each Each 1665 1939 2534 3072 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 87 of 114 41.12.1 a. 6-50 sqmm 4 core b. 70-150 sqmm 4 core c. 185-300 sqmm 4 core d. 400-500 sqmm 4 core Heat shr.jointg. kit 1.1 kV XLPE/HD cable straight through jointing.kit (I.D../O.D.) a. 6-16 sqmm 3½ / 4core b. 25-35 sqmm 3½ / 4core c. 50-95 sqmm 3½ / 4core d. 120-185 sqmm 3½ / 4core e. 225-300 sqmm 3½ / 4core f. 400-500 sqmm 3½ / 4core Suppying & installing G.I. Pipe for protection of underground cable fixed on wall/support/in trench/fixed between two rigid existing support of wall/beam for erection of ceiling Fan/down rod for stiff pendent for light luminaries /fan/protective for earthing, lightening conductor down strip/overhead service line/for submersible cable or centrifugal pump for water supply with necessary iron clamp coupler, bend, tee, elbow, nuts and bolts etc. complete in an approved manner as required to complete excluding cost of excavation/dismentalling & other finshed masonary Item complete. For 'B' Class pipe ISI Marked (IS-1161-68) 15mm 20.00mm 25.00mm 32.00mm 40.00mm 50.00mm 65.00mm 41.12.2 80.00mm 100.00mm 150.00mm A' Class G.I.Pipe ISI Marked (IS-1161-69) 15mm 19/20mm 25.00mm 32.00mm 40.00mm 41.11.5 41.12 Each Each Each Each 1817 2120 2685 3292 Each Each Each Each Each Each 1610 1947 2583 3437 4910 7176 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 130 168 239 301 351 465 Metre Metre Metre Metre 586 761 1070 1753 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 111 155 210 271 32788 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 88 of 114 41.13 41.13.1 50.00mm 65.00mm 80.00mm 100.00mm Supply and laying rigid PVC single socket and, nonmetallic pipe ISI Marked (IS-4985-2000) 10 Kg/ class 5 for protection of under ground cable/or for water pump delivery side, for water supply complete with necessary clamp coupler, band, Tee, Elbow etc. in an approved manner excluding cost of excavation etc. 50.00mm O.D 41.13.2 41.13.3 41.13.4 41.13.5 41.14 75.00mm O.D 110.00mm O.D 160.00mm O.D 200.00mm O.D Supplying and installing Double wall corrugated pipes (DWC) of HDPE ( IS 14930 Part II -marked ) for cable laid under ground with necessary material and at required depth upto 90cm. below road/ground surface, including excavation, back filling with excavated material, ramming and making the surface good. 41.14.1 41.14.2 41.14.3 41.14.4 41.14.5 41.14.6 41.14.7 50.00mm outside dia. 63.00mm outside dia. 90.00mm outside dia. 110.00mm outside dia. 120.00mm outside dia. 180.00mm outside dia. 210.00mm outside dia. CABLE LAYING Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size not exceeding 25 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioining, protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1.kV grade of size exceeding but not exceeding 120 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioing, protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1.kV grade of size exceeding 120 Sq mm but not exceeding 400 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, and sand 41.15 41.16 41.17 Metre Metre Metre Metre 414 547 658 920 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 127 295 645 1274 1978 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 137 180 233 264 299 412 554 Metre 202 Metre 21189 Metre 229 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 89 of 114 cushioning protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. 41.18 41.19 41.20 41.21 41.22 41.23 41.24 41.25 Laying of one number additional armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size not exceeding direct in ground in the same trench in one tier horizontal formation including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioing protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Laying of one number additional armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 25 but not exceeding 120 direct in ground in the same trench in one tier horizotal formation including excavation, sand cushioing, protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Laying of one number additional armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 120 Sq mm but not exceeding 400 Sq mm direct in ground in the same trench in one tier horizotal formation including excavation, sand cushioing, protective covering and refilling the pit etc. as required. Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1:1 kV grade of size not exceeding 25 in the existing RCC Hume/Stone ware/G.I. pipe / surface in existing trench as required. Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1 kV grade of size exceeding 25 but not exceeding 400 Sq mm in the existing RCC Hume /Stone ware/G.I. Pipe/ surface in existing trench as required. Metre 111 Metre 120 Metre 138 Metre 25 Metre 43 Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1 kV grade of size not exceeding 25 in th existing masonary open duct as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured power cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding but not exceeding 400 in the existing masonary open duct as required. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as required. Metre 20 43 13890 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 90 of 114 41.26 41.27 41.28 41.29 41.30 41.31 41.32 41.33 41.34 41.35 Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade 33kV of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground including excavation sand cushioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as required Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 in the existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / G.I. Pipe / surface in existing trench as required. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 in the existing masonary open duct as requied. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 in the existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / G.I. Pipe / surface in existing trench as required. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 in the existing masonary open duct as requied. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 11kV grade of size not exceeding 150 on wall / pole etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number single core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 on wall / pole etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade 33kV of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground including excavation in all soil / murrum / soft rock, sand cushioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as required Metre Laying of one number additional 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground in the same trench in one tier horizontal formation including sand cusioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench as required. Metre 138 27 31 31 36 63 22 188 19791 130 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 91 of 114 41.36 41.37 41.38 41.39 41.40 41.41 41.42 41.43 41.44 41.45 41.46 Laying of one number additional 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 direct in ground in the same trench in one tier horizontal formation including sand cushioning, excluding protective covering and refilling the trench etc. as requied. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 in the existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / G.I. Pipe / surface in existing trench as required. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable of grade exceeding 1.1kV but not exceeding 11kV of size not exceeding 150 in the existing masonary open duct as requied. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 11kV grade of size not exceeding 150 on wall / pole etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 in the existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / G.I. Pipe / surface in existing trench as required. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 in the existing masonary open duct as requied. Metre Laying of one number 3 core H.T armoured / unarmoured power cable 33kV grade of size not exceeding 150 on wall / pole etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size not exceeding 25 on surface in existing trench etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 25 but not exceeding 120 on surface in existing trench etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 120 but not exceeding 400 on surface in existing trench etc. as required. Metre Excavation of the trenches in Hard Rock not exceeding 1.5 metre in width and lift upto 1.5 metre including getting out the excavated metal and disposal of surplus excavated soil/metal as directed within the lead of 50 metre (without blasting) Cu. Mtr. 139 52 52 108 52 52 52 20 34 43 50692 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 92 of 114 41.47 41.48 41.49 41.50 41.50.1 41.50.2 41.50.3 41.51 41.52 41.53 41.54 41.54.1 41.54.2 41.54.3 41.54.4 41.54.5 Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size not exceeding 25 on wall/truss with approved type of iron clamps etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 25 but not exceeding 120 on wall/truss with approved type of iron clamps etc. as required. Metre Laying of one number armoured / unarmoured cable 1.1kV grade of size exceeding 120 but not exceeding 400 on wall/truss with approved type of iron clamps etc. as required. Metre Laying of underground cable armoured./ unarmoured as per specification in air suspended on existing approved type of iron clamps, G.I wire 7/1.6mm & shackle insulator / insulated strip complete. 1/2 / 3 / 4 Core cable up to 16 1 / 2 / 3 / 3½ / 4 Core cable 25 to 120 1 / 2 / 3 / 3½ / 4 Core cable 150 and above Laying of cement concrete or approved type of cable cover/flag stone over L.T. / H.T. cable & refill trench as per specification. Supply of approved type cable cover flag stone 200mm width & 32mm to 50mm thick of required length inclusive of transport as required. Supply & Fixing Cable Route Marker round / square size 100mm, 5mm. Thick, G.I. Plate duly bolted/welded on 35mm x 35mm x 5mm angle iron 60cm long including excavation, grouting in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement and 2 coarse sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) foundation of size 20cm x 20cm x 30cm duly embedded in ground 30cm depth or as required. Supply and erection of hot dip G.I. cable tray perforation not more than 17.5% for specific dimensions along with tees, bends.. The cable tray shall be hang from ceiling/ fixed to wall with necessary angle/flat iron / hanging rod, for ceiling suspensions, clamps, anchor fastner, nuts, bolts, washers, not mor than 1.5 mtr. apart complete as per specification to complete the job. The tray shall be as follows :100 x 50 mm x 1.6mm thick 150 x 50 mm x 1.6mm thick 300 x 50 mm x 1.6mm thick 450 x 50 mm x 2 mm thick 600 x 50 mm 2 mm thick 40 90 105 Metre Metre Metre 11 20 34 Metre 11 Metre 45 Each per Mtr per Mtr per Mtr per Mtr per Mtr 250 495 572 844 1296 160393 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-41 Page 93 of 114 CHAPTER-42 (External) EXTERNAL ELECTRIFICATION AND OVERHEAD LINES S.No. Description of Item 42.1 SUPPORT FOR OVER HEAD LINE Supply of support for overhead line Rail pole of I.S. standard including base plate, welding, drilling of required hole etc. complete as required. 42.1.1 42.1.2 42.2 42.2.1 42.2.2 42.2.3 42.2.4 42.2.5 42.2.6 42.3 42.3.1 42.3.2 42.3.3 42.3.4 42.3.5 42.3.6 42.3.7 42.3.8 42.3.9 42.3.10 42.3.11 42.3.12 42.3.13 42.3.14 42.3.15 42.3.16 42.3.17 Rail pole standard weight 60 kg/per metre Rail pole standard weight 52 kg/per metre Supply of support for overhead line RS joist /'H' Beam of I.S. standard including drilling of required hole etc. complete as required. R.S. Joist 100x200-25.4 kg/per metre R.S. Joist 175 x 85 - 19.3 kg/per metre R.S. Joist 150 x 100 - 17 kg/per metre R.S. Joist 150 x 80 - 14.9 kg/per metre R.S. Joist 125 x 75 - 13 kg/per metre H - Beam 152 x 152mm, Std weight 37.1 Kg / Mtr Supply of steel tubular pole swaged type as per IS:27131980 Complete with base plate and top Canopy 410 SP-2 - 7.00 metre 410 SP-5 - 7.50 metre 410 SP-8 - 7.50 metre 410 SP-11 - 8.00 metre 410 SP-14 - 8.00 metre 410 SP-17 - 8.50 metre 410 SP-20 - 8.50 metre 410 SP-23 - 8.50 metre 410 SP-26 - 9.00 metre 410 SP-29 - 9.00 metre 410 SP-32 - 9.00 metre 410 SP-35 - 9.50 metre 410 SP-38 - 9.50 metre 410 SP-41 - 10.00 metre 410 SP-44 - 10.00 metre 410 SP-47 - 10.00 metre 410 SP-50 - 11.00 metre Unit Rate Metre Metre 4116 3568 Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre Metre 1678 1275 1123 984 859 2545 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 7968 8623 11242 9059 12115 9714 12552 16154 10042 13643 16809 14080 17464 14735 18337 24122 1604594 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 94 of 114 42.3.18 42.3.19 42.3.20 42.3.21 42.3.22 42.3.23 42.3.24 42.3.25 42.3.26 42.3.27 42.3.28 42.3.29 42.3.30 42.3.31 42.3.32 42.3.33 42.3.34 42.4 42.4.1 42.4.2 42.5 42.5.1 42.5.2 42.5.3 42.5.4 42.6 42.6.1 42.6.2 42.6.3 42.6.4 42.6.5 42.7 410 SP-53 - 11.00 metre 410 SP-56 - 11.00 metre 410 SP-59 - 12.00 metre 410 SP-62 - 12.00 metre 410 SP-65 - 12.00 metre 410 SP-68 - 13.00 metre 410 SP-71 - 13.00 metre 410 SP-73 - 14.50 metre 410 SP-76 - 14.50 metre 410 SP-77 - 16.00 metre 410 SP-80 - 16.00 metre 410 SP-10 (Bend type) 8.00 metre 410 SP-16 (Bend type) 8.50 metre 410 SP-25 (Bend type) 9.00 metre 410 SP-34 (Bend type) 9.50 metre 410 SP-40 (Bend type) 10.00 metre 410 SP-49 (Bend type) 11.00 metre Supplying of prestressed cement concrete (PCC) pole conforming to IS: 785 at work site including required transportation. PCC pole 8 mtrs. Long 140 kg PCC pole 9.1 mtrs. Long 280 kg Supplying and drawing All Aluminum Alloy conductor (AAAC) of approved make confirming to IS 398-1979 Pt. IV, including binding at existing insulator, jointing, jumpering, tearing off, connecting etc. as required including clearing of obstacles (if any) AAAC 0.03 sq inch (34 Al. EQ. ) - (Weasel) AAAC 0.05 sq inch (55 Al. EQ. ) - (Rabbbit) AAAC 0.075 sq inch (80 Al. EQ. ) - (Raccoon) AAAC 0.1 sq inch (100 Al. EQ. ) - (Dog) Supplying and drawing of stranded Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) confirming to IS:398-1976 of approved make, stringing, making off complete with binding at existing insulator, jointing, jumpering, tearing off, connecting etc. as required and clearing of obstacles (if any) etc. ACSR 0.02 Sq inch (20 Al. EQ. ) - (Squirrel) ACSR 0.03 sq inch (34 Al. EQ. ) - (Weasel) ACSR 0.05 sq inch (55 Al. EQ. ) - (Rabbit) ACSR 0.075 sq inch (80 Al. EQ. ) - (Raccoon) ACSR 0.1 sq inch (100 Al. EQ. ) - (Dog) Supplying and fixing guard insulator or split insulator Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 19974 26305 21502 28269 34163 30670 36346 34054 41476 37219 45405 7640 8186 8514 13316 13971 15281 Each Each 2033 3812 Km. Km. Km. Km. 30876 51356 64688 77891 Km. Km. Km. Km. Km. 32227 39602 49132 73831 8934695 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 95 of 114 42.7.1 42.7.2 42.7.3 42.8 42.9 42.10 42.11 42.11.1 42.11.2 42.11.3 42.12 42.12.1 42.12.2 42.13 42.14 complete: 25x25mm Pair 37x37mm Pair 50x50mm Pair Supplying and drawing guard wire/earth wire/bearer wire 13mm2 (4mm. Dia) G.I. including stringing, binding at existing insulators or brackets, jointing, jumpering, connecting & cradle etc. as required and clearing of obstacles (if any) Km. Supplying and drawing guard wire/earth wire/bearer wire 18.62 mm2 (4.87mm. Dia / 6swg) G.I. including stringing, binding at existing insulators or brackets, jointing, jumpering, connecting & cradle etc. as required and clearing of obstacles (if any) Km. Supplying and drawing G.I. bearer wire 7/1.6mm including stringing, binding at existing brackets / pole, etc. for cable support in air as required and clearing of obstacles (if any) PM Supplying and erection of guards for existing overhead lines as required including split insulator required as per specification: Cradle type Each Hexagonal type Each Ring type Each Supplying and erection of water tight terminal box made of 16 SWG M.S. Sheet (1.6mm thick) i/c rubber gasket of required size suitable for kit kat/ MCB/ Switch including 2 Nos. pole clamp of M.S. flat iron size 32x3mm, nut and bolts, 4 Pole epoxy connector nut & bolt type, 30Amp., 500Volt. The box shall be powder coated. Excluding the cost of the Kit Kat/MCB/Switch complete as per specification. 20x15x10Cms. Each 30x20x10 Cms. Each Erection of RS Joist pole / 'H' Beam / steel tubular / steel rail pole of length 7 metres but not exceeding 10 metres in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 core sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) base, foundation, muffing including excavation and back refilling etc. as required. Each Erection of RS Joist pole / 'H' Beam / steel tubular / steel rail pole of length exceeding 10 metres but not exceeding 13 metres in cement concrete M-10 (1 cement:3 core sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) base, foundation, muffing including excavation and back refilling etc. as required. Each 21 26 33 14690 17198 17 25 18 16 730 971 3316 402796 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 96 of 114 42.15 42.16 42.17 42.18 42.19 42.20 42.21 Erection of R.C.C./P.C.C. pole of length 8 metres but not exceeding 11 metres in brick ballast and ramming the foundation including excavation and refilling required. Each Erection of metallic street light pole length upto 2 metres in cement concrete M-10 (1cement:3coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation with cement concrete coller of size 0.4 metres dia x 0.3 metres height to accommodate the looping type cable end box including excavation and refilling etc. as required. Each Erection of metallic street light pole length 3 metres but not exceeding 6 metres in cement concrete M-10 (1cement:3coarse sand:6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation with cement concrete coller of size 0.4 metres dia x 0.5 metres height to accommodate the looping type cable end box including excavation and refilling etc. as required. Each Erection of RS Joist pole / 'H' Beam / steel tubular / steel rail pole strut in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1cement:3coarse sand: 6 aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling and secured with holding clamps, nuts and bolts, etc. as required. Each Erection of RCC/PCC pole strut in brick ballast and ramming the foundation including excavation and refilling and secured with holding clamps nuts and bolts etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of stay set complete (Galvanized) 19mm. Dia x 1.8 metre long stay rod anchor plate of size 300 mm x 300 mm x7.5mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle (19mm dia x 600mm),7/4.00mm dia G.I. Stay wire etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1 Cement : 3 Coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of stay set complete (Galvanized) with 16mm dia x1.8 metre long stay anchor plate of size 200mm x 200mm x 6.0mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle 19mmx600mm, 7/3.15mm dia G.I. stay wire etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1 Cement : 3 Coarse and : 6 granded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required. Each 1555 1027 1935 2844 1608 3906 313097 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 97 of 114 42.22 Supplying and erection of stay set complete with 19/20mm.dia 1.8 metre long stay rod, turn buckle, ancher plate of size 300mm x 300mm x 7.5mm, thimble, stay clamps, bow tightener, 7/4.00 dia G.I. stay wire etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1 Cement : 3 Coarse and : 6 granded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling etc. as required. 42.23 Supplying and erection of stay set complete with 16mm.dia 1.8 metre long stay rod, turn buckle, anchor plate of size 200mm x 200mm x 6.0mm, thimble ,stay clamps, bow tightener, 7/3.15 dia G.I. stay wire etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1 Cement : 3 Coarse and : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling etc. as required. 42.24 42.25 42.26 42.27 Each 3775 Each 2994 Each Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanized) with 19mm dia x 1.8m long stay rod, anchor plate of size 300mmx300mm x 7.5mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle 19mmx600mm, 7/4.00mm dia G.I. stay wire and bow tightener, etc. in cement concrete M-10 ( 1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling and also with 0.6m long brace of size 50mmx 50mmx6mm angle iron with 50mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required. Each Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete (galvanized) wiith 16mm dia. X 1.8m long stay rod, anchor plate of size 200mmx200mmx6.0mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle 19mmx600mm, 7/3.15 mm dia G.I. Stay wire and bow tightener, etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling and also with 0.6m long brace of size 50mmx50mmx6mm angle iron with 50mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required. Each Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete with 19mm dia x 1.8m long stay rod, anchor plate of size 300mmx300mm x 7.5mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle 19mmx600mm, 7/4.00mm dia G.I. stay wire and bow tightener, etc. in cement concrete M-10 ( 1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling and also with 0.6m long brace of size 50mmx 50mmx6mm angle Each 1818 Erection of stay set complete in cement concrete M-10 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling etc. as required. 4185 340898 4054 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 98 of 114 iron with 50mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required. 42.28 42.29 42.30 42.31 42.32 42.33 42.34 42.35 42.36 Supplying and erection of bow stay set complete wiith 16mm dia. X 1.8m long stay rod, anchor plate of size 200mmx200mmx6.0mm, thimble, stay clamps, turn buckle 19mmx600mm, 7/3.15 mm dia G.I. Stay wire and bow tightener, etc. in cement concrete M-10 (1cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and back refilling and also with 0.6m long brace of size 50mmx50mmx6mm angle iron with 50mm dia pulley fixed at one end of the brace as required. Supplying and erection of 50mm x 65mm shackle insulator with G.I. bolts, nuts and straps etc. as required. Supplying and erection of 75mm x 90mm shackle insulator with G.I. bolts, nuts and straps etc. as required. Supplying and erection of 100mmx110mm shackle insulator with G.I. bolts, nuts and straps etc. as required. Supplying and erection of Aluminium Knob / bobin with nut, bolts & straps etc. as required. Supplying and fixing of 19mm/20mm dia. M.S. pipe 1 mtrs. In length for CFL / LED street light / Bulkhead / water tight bracket including bending to shape and wiring with 1.5sqmm W.P./PVC wire etc. as required. Supplying and fixing of 19mm/20mm dia. G.I. pipe 2 mtrs. Long for CFL / LED street light / Bulkhead / water tight bracket including bending to shape and wiring with 1.5sqmm W.P./PVC wire etc. as required. Supplying and fixing of 32mm dia. X 2.00 mtr. Long G.I. pipe (Medium class) bracket for mounting of fluorescent / S.V/ M.H/ L.E.D Lamp street light fittings on poles including bending the pipe to the required shape and wiring with W.P. / PVC wire etc. as required. Each 3239 Each 71 Each 78 Each 84 Each 93 Each 245 Each 365 Each 601 Supply, fabrication and erection of Angle/Chanel/Flat iron fitting for over head line & sub-station etc such as 'D' bracket, cross arms, top clamp, 'V' cross arms, Back/Support clamps or other similar work etc. including nut bolts of required size, making holes, fabrication, welding, cutting, etc. and painting with one coat of red oxide paint & two coat of aluminium paint as required as per specification. Kg. 8099 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 99 of 114 42.37 42.38 42.39 42.40 42.41 42.42 42.43 42.44 42.45 42.46 42.47 42.48 42.49 Labour charges for erection of Angle/Chanel/Flat iron fitting for over head line & sub-station etc such as 'D' bracket, cross arms, top clamp, 'V' cross arms, Back/Support clamps or other similar work etc. including nut bolts of required size, as required as per specification. Kg. Supplying and erection of 11kV Porcelain pin insulator complete with long steel head G.I. pin, nut, washer etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of 11kV Porcelain disc insulator for 11kV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts washer etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of 33kV Porcelain pin insulator complete with long steel head G.I. pin, nut, washer etc. as required Each Supplying and erection of a set of three 11kV porcelain disc insulators for 33kV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of a set of four 11kV porcelain disc insulators for 33kV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Each Labour for erection of 11/33kV Porcelain pin insulator complete with hardware as required. Each Labour for erection of 11kV Porcelain disc insulator for 11kV overhead lines complete with hardware as required. Each Labour for erection of a set of three/ four 11kV porcelain disc insulators for 33kV overhead lines complete with hardware as required. Each Supplying and erection of 11kV (5 KN) Polymer pin insulator complete with long steel head G.I. pin, nut, washer etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of 11kV (45 KN) Polymer disc insulator for 11kV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts washer etc. as required. Each Supplying and erection of 33kV (10 KN) Polymer pin insulator complete with long steel head G.I. pin, nut, washer etc. as required Each Supplying and erection of 33kV (45 KN) Polymer disc insulators for 33KV overhead lines with galvanized insulator fittings, ball and socket type, and complete with galvanized strain clamp, bolts, nuts, washers etc. as required. Each 7 268 497 503 1212 1788 91 91 219 295 404 430100 661 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 100 of 114 42.50 42.51 42.52 42.53 42.54 42.55 42.56 42.56.1 42.56.2 42.57 42.57.1 42.57.2 Labour for erection of 11/33kV Polymer pin insulator complete with hardware as required. Labour for erection of 11/33kV Polymer disc insulators for 11/33KV overhead lines complete with hardware as required. Supplying and erection of single piece non linear resistor type lighting arrestor (Set of 3 Nos) for 3 wire, 11kV overhead lines/sub-station with rated voltage of 9kV (rms) with a nominal discharge current rating of 5 KA and complete with galvanized clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washer etc. as required. Supplying and erection of single piece non-linear resistor type lightning arrestor (Set of 3 Nos.) for 3 wire, 33kV overhead lines/sub-station with rated voltage of 30kV (rms) with a nominal discharge current rating of 5 KA and complete with galvanized clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washer etc. as required. Supplying and erection of single piece non linear resistor polymer type lighting arrestor (Set of 3 Nos) for 3 wire, 11kV overhead lines/sub-station with rated voltage of 9kV (rms) with a nominal discharge current rating of 10 KA and complete with galvanized clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washer etc. as required. Each 91 Each 146 Set 3391 Set 31467 Set 3643 Set Supplying installing, testing & commissioning of outdoor H.T., AB switch assembly set gang operated with brass contact parts, including required GI pipe operating rod, handle & locking arrangement on On-Off position conforming to IS complete with required material and installing on existing DP structure to complete the job as required as per specification.(Set of 3 nos.) 11 kV, 400A. set 33kV, 600A. set Supplying installing, testing & commissioning D.O. fuse assembly with brass part contact for 33 or 11/0.4 KV DP Structure set of 3 Nos. with fuse barrel i/c required fuse element & other materials as per specification on existing D.P. structure as required.101 36006 11kV 33kV 3275 14485 Supplying and erection of single piece non-linear resistor polymer type lightning arrestor (Set of 3 Nos.) for 3 wire, 33kV overhead lines/ sub-station with rated voltage of 27kV (rms) with a nominal discharge current rating of 10 KA and complete with galvanized clamping arrangement, G.I. bolts, nuts, washer etc. as required. set set 6843 21291 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 101 of 114 42.58 42.58.1 42.58.2 42.59 42.59.1 42.59.2 42.60 42.60.1 42.60.2 42.61 42.62 42.63 42.64 42.64.1 Supplying & replacement of D.O. fuse barrel with brass parts for 33 or 11 KV i/c required fuse element according to load as per specification on existing D.P. structure as required. 11kV Each 33kV Each Supplying & replacement of D.O. fuse barrel for 33 or 11 KV as per specification on existing D.P. structure as required. 11kV 33kV Supplying & replacement of D.O. fuse element according to load for 33 or 11 KV as per specification on existing D.P. structure as required. 11kV 33kV Supply & fixing anti climbing device with 2 ply G.I. barbed wire 1 Kg. per pole complete as per specification. Each Supply, laying and fixing of G.I. earth coil of 4mm dia G.I. wire having 120 turns of nearly 50mm dia. and 3 mt. long tail in existing pit duly earthed with pole etc complete as required as per specification. Each Supplying and fixing 33/11/0.4 KV enamel coated danger board size 200x250mm with clamp on existing HT/LT structure / poles. Each Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 11/0.4 K.V. 3 Phase 50 Cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled, out door type transformer connected delta on H.T. side and star on L.T. side, hand operated off load Tap changer switch above 100 kVA, oil conservator with drain valve, plug 63 KVA and above, dehydrating silica gel breather on eye level, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal, lifting lugs, oil level gauge, drain valve with plug, temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, oil filling hole with plug, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns, explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V. side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil upto desired level and transformer installing on existing structure with all required materials arrangement as required as per IS specification. Marked ISI & 3 Star rating Aluminium wound 25 kVA Each 63 kVA Each 100 kVA Each 200 kVA Each 295 769 208 249 66 79 126 220 148 82986 142093 200006102 336138 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 102 of 114 42.64.2 Copper wound 200 kVA 315 kVA 500 kVA 42.65 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 33/0.4 K.V. 3 Phase 50 Cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled, out door type transformer connected delta on H.T. side and star on L.T. side, hand operated off load Tap changer switch above 100 KVA, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal, lifting lugs, oil level gauge, drain valve with plug, temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, oil conservator with drain plug, oil filling hole with plug, dehydrating silica gel breather on eye level, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns, explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V. side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil up to desired level and transformer installing on existing structure with all required materials arrangement as required as per IS specification. Marked ISI & 3 Star rating 42.65.1 Copper wound 100 KVA 200 KVA 315 KVA 500 KVA 42.66 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 33/0.4 K.V. 3 Phase 50 Cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled, out door type transformer connected delta on H.T. side and star on L.T. side, hand operated off load Tap changer switch, rating and diagram plate, two earthing terminal, lifting lugs, oil level gauge drain valve with plug, temperature not exceeding 50ºC on load, temperature dial gauge, bucholz relay, oil conservator with drain plug, oil filling hole with plug, dehydrating silica gel breather on eye level, four unidirectional roller, arcing horns, explosion vent, terminal arrangement bushing on H.V. side and cable box on LV side, first filling of oil up to desired level and transformer installing on existing structure with all required materials arrangements as required as per IS specification. Marked ISI & 3 Star rating 42.66.1 Copper wound 630 KVA 750 KVA 1250 KVA Each Each Each 403804 656083 688687 Each Each Each Each 363434 479044 792148 880667 each 1064480 each each103 1248293 1658027 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 103 of 114 42.67 42.68 42.69 42.70 42.71 42.71.1 42.71.2 42.71.3 42.71.4 42.71.5 42.72 42.73 42.74 Shifiting, erection, & commissioning of of 100/ 200 / 315 / 500 KVA (11/0.433 KV) distribution transformer on existing structure including Bi-metallic clamp, ACSR/AAAC Conductor i/c colour code sleeve, for connection from H.T. Line to transformer as required as per specification. each Supplying and fixing Limit switch with accessories & arrangement on existing HT/LT structure / poles AB switch handle for inter locking between distribution panel main incoming LT switch gear/ system as required to complete the job. each Supply & fixing fencing of chain link mesh 100 x 100 mm, 12 SWG GI wire for for D.P. structure electric sub-station including single post of angle iron size 50x50x5mm, 2.5 mt long should be provided up to 2.00 mt. apart or as required .The panel frame with required angle iron/ flat iron members /cross members including mesh welded in frame panel, shall be erected between the post. The angle iron post shall be erected in cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 20 mm graded metal ) foundation, including excavation of pit and refilling the same . The fencing shall be provided with one entrance gate including locking arrangement as required as per specification. The height of fencing shall be 2 mt. above ground level. Fencing shall be painted with required shade. Sq.Mt Supply & fixing fencing of chain link mesh 100 x 100 mm, 12 SWG GI wire for electric sub-station switch yard including single post of angle iron size 50x50x5mm, 2.5 mt long should be provided up to 2.00 mt. apart or as required with required angle iron/ flat iron members /cross members for frame between the post & welded mesh including cement concrete, excavation of pit and refilling the same . The fencing shall be provided with one entrance gate including locking arrangement as required as per specification. The height of fencing shall be 2 mt. above ground level. Fencing shall be painted with required shade. Sq.Mt Supplying & fixing of Fire Extinguisher/Refills as per IS specification ABC type duly refilled 6 Kg & ready to use each ABC type duly refilled 4 Kg &ready to use each ABC type -Refill only- 6Kg each ABC type -Refill only- 4Kg each 4 buckets set with sand, self supported M.S.stand i/c shed duly painted with red colour as per IS. each Supply of Rubber mat 2 x 1.0Mtr, 1100V Tested each104 Supply of Hand Gloves 11KV Tested pair Supply of Hand Gloves 33KV Tested pair 8191 1778 1110 773 3616 3277 1356 1017 4407 1582 622 938 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 104 of 114 42.75 42.76 42.77 42.78 42.79 42.80 42.81 42.82 42.83 42.83.1 42.83.2 42.83.3 42.84 Supply of Fiber Discharge Rod I/C Connection copper Lead Tested Supply of Fiber D.O Operating Rod for 11 / 33KV Tested Supply of First Aid Box complete with medicine & bandage as per specification. Supply of shock instruction chart duly framed with glass, as reqd. Supply and fixing transformer breather with silica gel suitable for 100 -500 KVA as reqd. Supply and filling of new transformer oil of desired break down value for topping as reqd. Filtration of transformer oil for 33/0.4 K.V., 11/0.4 K.V. 3 Phase 50 Cycle oil immersed, naturally cooled, distribution transformer up to desired break down value. each each set 565 each 339 each 300 Ltr. 140 Ltr. 15 Designing and construction of Pedestal (Plinth) for transformer of desired size including excavation in hard rock/soft rock, base concrete 1:4:8, 20mm thick and pedestal of RCC 1:2:4 including required tar steel reinforcement for required height as per IE Rules from base concrete including shuttering and finishing with 10mm thick plaster in cement mortor 1:3 curing & white washing etc. complete as per specifications. Cu. Mt. Collection and spreading of metal dust, Murom and 40mm graded hard metal in sub-station yard or as required as mentioned below (i) Metal Dust Cu. Mt. (ii) Murom Cu. Mt. (iii) Metal 40 mm Cu. Mt. Supplying & drawing / laying of PVC insulated XLPE Aerial bunch power cable conductor H2/H4 grade Aluminium Solid/stranded confirming to IS-7098 Part-ll, Alu. Alloy messenger of approved make in Air with necessary material as per specification of required size as mentioned below – 42.84.1 11KV grade Arial Bunch Cable : 3 x50 + 1 x 70 3 x70 + 1 x 70 3 x95 + 1 x 80 3 x150 + 1 x 120 42.84.2 33KV grade Arial Bunch Cable :-105 3 X 50 3 X 95 3 X 150 2995 2656 8328 860 602 1087 P.Mt. P.Mt. P.Mt. P.Mt. 911 1056 1233 1600 P.Mt. P.Mt. P.Mt. 1579 2002 2459 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 105 of 114 42.85 42.85.1 42.85.2 42.86 42.87 42.88 42.88.1 42.88.2 42.89 Supplying & drawing / laying of PVC insulated XLPE Aerial bunch power cable conductor H2/H4 grade Aluminium Solid/stranded confirming to IS-14255- 1995, Alu. Alloy insulated messenger 1100 volts grade cable of approved make in Air with necessary material as per specification of required size as mentioned below – (i) Single Core cable( Insulated neutral messenger) (a) 2x25, 1x16( Insulated neutral messenger) (b) 2x35, 1x16( Insulated neutral messenger) (ii) Single Core cable( Insulated neutral messenger) (a) 3x25, 1x16(St.Light), 1x35( Insulated neutral messenger) (b) 3x35, 1x16(St.Light), 1x35( Insulated neutral messenger) (c) 3x50, 1x16(St.Light), 1x35( Insulated neutral messenger) (d) 3x70, 1x16(St.Light), 1x35( Insulated neutral messenger) (e) 3x95, 1x16(St.Light), 1x50( Insulated neutral messenger) (f) 3x120, 1x16(St.Light), 1x70( Insulated neutral messenger) (g) 3x150, 1x35(St.Light), 1x95( Insulated neutral messenger) Supplying & fixing of Aerial bunch cable accessories suspension clamps i/c required attachment for single core cable of approved make on pole with clamp, necessary material as per specification for required size. P.Mt. P.Mt. 153 181 P.Mt. 208 P.Mt. 211 P.Mt. 288 P.Mt. 390 P.Mt. 584 P.Mt. 703 P.Mt. 891 Each 343 Each Supplying & fixing of waterproof Insulation Piercing connector for Aerial bunch cable i/c required attachment for single core cable of approved make in Air with necessary material as per specification of required size as mentioned below – Main:, Tap: Each Main:, Tap: Each Supplying & fixing of Spring loaded bus bar screw less connector with enclosure of approved make including required clamps, nut, bolt, connection, testing as per specification to complete the job. 106 371 Supplying & fixing of Aerial bunch cable accessories Tension clamps(Dead end) i/c required attachment for single core cable of approved make in Air with clamp, necessary material as per specification for required size. 123 153 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 106 of 114 42.89.1 42.89.2 42.90 Single Phase 1Ph, 1In+2Out 1Ph, 1In+3Out 1Ph, 1In+4Out 1Ph, 1In+5Out 1Ph, 1In+7Out 1Ph, 1In+8Out Three Phase 3Ph, 1In+2Out 3Ph, 1In+4Out 3Ph, 1In+6Out 3Ph, 1In+7Out 3Ph, 1In+8Out Providing and erecting 12mt High Mast Lighting system suitable to install 6 No. 2 x 400 w M.H / S.V flood light fitting and control gear with integral Power tool, weight 340 kg. comprising of 1 section of hot dipped galvanized materials as per BSEN ISO 1461 thickness 3 mm, dia 100mm & 360mm for top and bottom respectively, stress fitting arrangement on site with 350mm overlap dynamic loading to withstand max wind pressure as per -IS 875 part III, parameters for structural & foundation design must be taken from Wind Tunnel test. Lightning protection of GI single spike 800mm at top and at base inside compartment with double internal lock with adequate size of MCB erected on PVC board complete with base plate of 25mm thick 520mm dia. and foundation bolts having 4 nos. bolts of 24mm dia, 750mm long (EN8 grade), Anchor plate 445 PCD, including accessories viz.(1) Lantern carriage of 50 NB ERW class-B, MS pipe covered with PVC sleeve suitable to carry 250kg. load and upto 6 fittings symmetrically.(2) Trailing Copper cable 5x2.5, EPR insulated PCP 107 Sheathed (3) Double Drum / 350Kg Winch having gear 53:1, oil bath (SAE90/140) arrangement. (4) 2 nos. Stainless steel wire ropes 5mm dia (7/19) breaking load capacity 1450 kg.x 2, (5) Integral power tool 3-phase, 0.75 HP 2m/min single speed. (6) Feeder pillar fabricated out of 14 SWG CRCA sheet and comprise of incoming MCB 32 A TPN switch, HRC fuses, single dial timer, suitable size of contactors for lighting and power tool, 2 nos. outgoing, reversing switch for motor. (7) Foundation drawing, test certificate and guarantee certificate shall be provided by manufacturer. (Without fixture and lamp) Each Each Each Each Each Each 2144 2204 3190 3365 3541 3668 Each Each Each Each Each 5194 6352 8334 8566 8797 each 332757 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 107 of 114 42.91 Providing and erecting 16mt High Mast Lighting sytem suitable to install upto 8 No. 2 x 250/ 400 w M.H / S.V flood light and control gear with integral Power tool, weight 450 kg. comprising of 2 sections of hot dipped galvanized materials as per BSEN ISO 1461 thickness 3 mm & 4 mm, dia 150mm & 360mm for top and bottom respectively, stress fitting arrangement on site with 500mm overlap dynamic loading to withstand max wind pressure as per -IS 875 part III, parameters for structural & foundation design must be taken from Wind Tunnel test. Lightning protection of GI single spike 1200mm at top and at base inside compartment having double internal lock with adequate size of MCB erected on PVC board complete with base plate of 25mm thick 520mm dia. and foundation bolts having 6 nos. bolts of 24mm dia 750 mm long (EN.8 grade) Anchor plate 445 PCD, including accessories viz. (1) Lantern carriage of 50 NB ERW class-B, MS pipe covered with PVC sleeve suitable to carry 500kg. load and upto 8 fittings symmetrically.(2) Trailing Copper cable 5x2.5, PVC insulated PVC Sheathed (3) Double Drum 350Kg Winch having gear 53:1, oil bath (SAE90/140) arrangement (4) 2 nos. Stainless steel wire ropes 5 mm dia (7/19) breaking load capacity 1450 kg x 2, (5) Integral power tool 3-phase, 0.75HP 2m/min single speed .torque limiter up to 500 kg adjustable (6) Single LED 300 Nos. aviation light (7) Feeder pillar fabricated out of 14 SWG CRCA sheet and comprise of incoming MCB 32 A TPN switch, HRC fuses, single dial timer, suitable size of contactors for lighting and power tool, 2 nos.outgoing, reversing switch for motor. (7) Foundation drawing, test certificate and gurantee certificate shall be provided by manufacturer. (Without fixture and lamp) each108 447501 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 108 of 114 42.92 42.93 42.93.1 Providing and erecting 20mt High Mast Lighting system suitable to install upto 10 No. 2 x 250/ 400 w M.H / S.V flood light and control gear with integral Power tool, weight 450 kg. comprising of 2 sections of hot dipped galvanized materials as per BSEN ISO 1461 thickness 3 mm & 4 mm, dia 150mm & 410mm for top and bottom respectively, stress fitting arrangement on site with 500mm overlap dynamic loading to withstand max wind pressure as per -IS 875 part III, parameters for structural & foundation design must be taken from Wind Tunnel test. Lightning protection of GI single spike 1200mm at top and at base inside compartment having double thickness 3 mm & 4 mm, dia 150mm & 410mm for top and bottom respectively, stress fitting arrangement on site with 500mm overlap dynamic loading to withstand max wind pressure as per -IS 875 part III, parameters for structural & foundation design must be taken from Wind Tunnel test. Lightning protection of GI single spike 1200mm at top and at base inside compartment having double internal lock with adequate size of MCB erected on PVC board complete with base plate of 25mm thick 570mm dia. and foundation bolts having 8 nos. bolts of 30mm dia 850 mm long (EN.8 grade) Anchor plate 490 PCD, including accessories viz.(1) Lantern carriage of 50 NB ERW class-B ,MS pipe covered with PVC sleeve suitable to carry 500kg. load and up to 10 fittings symmetrically.(2) Trailing Copper cable 5x4.0, PVC insulated PVC Sheathed (3) Double Drum 750Kg Winch having gear 53:1, oil bath (SAE90/140) arrangement (4) 2 nos. Stainless steel wire ropes 6 mm dia (7/19) breaking load capacity 2350 kg.x 2,(5) Integral power tool 3-phase, 1HP 2m/min single speed .torque limiter up to 500 kg adjustable (6) 2 Nos. LED 300 Nos. aviation light (7) Feeder pillar fabricated out of 14 SWG CRCA sheet and comprise of incoming MCB 63 A TPN switch, HRC fuses, single dial timer, suitable size of contactors for lighting and power tool, 2 nos. outgoing, reversing switch for motor. (7) Foundation drawing, test certificate and guarantee certificate shall be provided by manufacturer. (Without fixture and lamp) each Providing and erecting hot dipped galvanized octagonal poles in single section made from 3mm thick sheet having lockable weather proof flush door junction box complete erected in an approved manner on provided foundation. Suitable size & type of foundation bolts 4 nos. 'J' type (EN8 grade) 3 mtrs. Height 130 X 70mm A/F, 200x200x12mm base plate, 4 nos X 16 x 450mm bolt each109 516348 8125 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 109 of 114 42.93.2 42.93.3 42.93.4 42.93.5 42.93.6 42.93.7 42.93.8 42.94 42.95 42.96 42.97 42.97.1 42.97.2 42.97.3 42.98 42.99 4 mtrs. Height 130 X 70mm A/F, plate, 4 nos X 16 x 450mm bolt 200x200x12mm base 5 mtrs. Height 130 X 70mm A/F, 200x200x12mm base plate, 4 nos X 16 x 450mm bolt 6 mtrs. Height 130 X 70mm A/F, 220x220x12mm base plate, 4 nos. X 20 x 600mm bolt 7 mtrs. Height, 130 X 70mm A/F, 220x220x12mm base plate, 4 nos. X 20 x 700mm bolt 8 mtrs. Height, 135 X 70mm A/F, 225x225x16mm base plate, 4 nos. X 20 x 750mm bolt 9 mtrs. Height, 155 X 70mm A/F, 260x260x16mm base plate, 4 nos. X 24 x 750mm bolt 10 mtrs. Height, 175 X 70mm A/F, 275x275x16mm base plate, 4 nos. X 24 x 750mm bolt Providing and fixing of sword canopy type single arm GI bracket upto 2 Mtr. Long for 70mm A/F top octagonal pole Providing and fixing of sword canopy type double arm GI bracket upto 2 Mtr. Long for 70mm A/F top octagonal pole Providing and fixing of ring carriage dia. not less than 600mm made of 50mm dia. GI pipe Light 'A' class for 70mm A/F top octagonal pole with required clamps, nut, bolt etc as required. Providing and erecting black painted galvanized decorative designer poles in different section, top 60mm dia., bottom 140mm dia. with gold colour painted ornamental cast aluminium ring having lockable weather proof flush door junction box in bottom section, base plate dia. 290mm having 4 holes of 22mm dia. complete erected in an approved manner on existing foundation. Suitable size & type of foundation bolts 4 nos. X 16mm X 450mm 'J' type (EN8 grade) 3 Mtr. Height 4 Mtr. Height 5 Mtr. Height Designing & casting of Open raft shallow footing foundation with M-20 cement concrete suitable for 12mtrs. High Mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10 T/sqm at 2mtrs. Depth including excavation, foundation nut bolts in an approved manner. Designing & casting of Open raft shallow footing foundation with M-20 cement concrete suitable for 16mtrs. High Mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10 T/sqm at 2mtrs. Depth including excavation, foundation nut bolts in an approved manner. each 10112 each 12098 each 14797 each 16783 each 18988 each 24908 each 29403 each 3478 each 5645 each 2583 each each each 31323 34260 43069 each 45000 each110 60000 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 110 of 114 42.100 42.101 Designing & casting of Open raft shallow footing foundation with M-20 cement concrete suitable for 20mtrs. High Mast considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10 T/sqm at 2mtrs. Depth including excavation, foundation nut bolts in an approved manner. each Designing & casting with M-20 reinforcement cement concrete foundation suitable for Octagonal poles considering the safe soil bearing capacity at site as 10 T/sqm at 2 mtrs. Depth including excavation, foundation nut P. bolts in an approved manner. Cu.M111 70000 14435 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014/CHAPTER-42 Page 111 of 114 LIST OF APPROVED ELECTRICAL MATERIAL / ACCESSORIES TO BE USED GROUP 'A' S.No. ITEM MAKE 1 PVC insulated copper conductor insulated & Sheathed flexible conductor FR ISI marked 2 PVC insulated Telephone / Cat 6 / TV cable ISI marked FR 3 PVC conduit pipe ISI marked & accessories 4 5 , PVC copper PVC casing-N-capping ISI marked & accessories Steel conduit pipe ISI marked & accessories 8 9 Non- Modular type flush type switch, socket , ceiling rose, lamp holder , call bell, Modular type flush type switch, socket , ceiling rose, lamp holder, call bell, Phenolic laminated sheet MCB, Isolator, RCCB, RCBO, MCB-DB 10 XLPE insulated cable, Air Bunch Cable(ABC), 11 GLS, CFL, SV,MH, Lamp 12 LED lamp 13 Luminaries SV, MH, CFL, FTL-T5 14 Luminaries LED, 15 GI pipe ISI Mark 16 ACSR , AAAC conductor 17 Electronic ballast 18 Electric Ceiling fans 19 Wall mounting fan, Cabin fan, Exhaust fan, 20 21 22 23 Steel tubular pole Octagonal pole High mast Ornmental pole 24 Cable gland 6 7 REMARK Havell's , Finolex Anchor, standard, polycab, HPL, RR Kabel, Havell's , Finolex, Anchor, standard, polycab, RR Kabel, Legrand BEC , Modi, Shrinath, Kent, Precision, Polycab, Presto plast , Press fit, Shrinath, Modi, BEC, Precision, BEC , AKG, Modi, Anchor, SSK, HPL, CPL Legrand, Anchor Roma, C&S, L&T, Wipro North West, HPL, Hylum, Anchor Legrand, L&T, C&S, Finolex, Polycab, Havell's , RAVIN Cables, Paramount, AEI, V-Mark, Gupta Power, Daimond Power, RR Cable, Philips, Bajaj, Crompton, osram, GEC, Philips, Bajaj, Crompton, Wipro, osram, SYSKA Philips, Bajaj, Crompton, Wipro, Philips, Bajaj, Crompton, Wipro, SYSKA, Panasonic TATA, Swastik TT, Jindal, Surya Grandlay , Bhopal Wires, Gupta Power, Daimond Power, Philips, Bajaj, Crompton, Wipro, Cromton , Bajaj, Usha, Orient, Havell's Almonard, Crompton , Bajaj, Usha, Orient, As per IS 2713-1980 Bajaj, Philips, Valmont Bajaj, Philips, Valmont Bajaj, Dwarka, Homedec Comet , Calter(National), Cosmos, 112 Jainson, ascon, sigma SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 112 of 114 Annexure-1 Guide Line For Rewiring 3 4 5 Call Bell Point CFL 5 Watt CFL 18 Watt In Club housing including blocks, there shall be one pipe earthing. Hence separate earthing will not be provided for each quarter. Service line shall be taken in actually required length separately Additional electrical point can be taken with the permission of Executive Engineer Extra required Fans, Fixtures etc can be taken with the permission of Executive Engineer115 6 7 8 9 Socket on Same Board 2 1 2 2 2 Separate Socket Point 3 4 5 6 Power Point 2 3 4 5 Street light Point I- Type H- Type G- Type F- Type Exhaust Fan Point Tube light Point 1 2 3 4 Holder Point Type of Qtr Bulk head Point S.No. Ceiling Fan Point 1 The following provisions are being made for specified quarter Details of Fans / Fixtures etc 1 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 SOR ELECTRICAL 2014 Page 114 of 114