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Global Marketing Cheat Sheet: Key Concepts & Strategies

Global Marketing: Focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats.
Market Penetration: Existing/Existing Market Development: Existing/New Market Product
Deveopment: Exisiting/New Duversufucation: New Market New Product
Ethnocentric Orientation: Ignoring other countries culture and traditions
Polycentric: Each business in each country is unique
GDP = C(consumer spending) + I(Investment spending) + G(government purchases) + NX(net
World Trade Organization: Allows trade between countries to be successful
Global Consumer Culture Positioning: different cultures consume differently.
Subcultures: a smaller group of people with their own ideas and cultures
Low context culture: specific messages
High Context culture: messages where little context is given for the verbal part of the message
and is based on the context given
Individualistic cultures: concerned with themselves
Collectevistic cultures: All of society’s are connected in a way (not self-centered)