SOLUSI UNIVERSITY P.O. Solusi Bulawayo, Zimbabwe FACULTY OF COMERCE DEPARTMENT OF BUSINES ADMINISTRATION ASSIGNMENT IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE COURSE: (MKGT404) – SERVICES MARKETING MANAGEMENT DUBE PASSMORE SU: 190115E LECTURER TSHUMA N. BIMESTER 2nd BIMESTER 2023 Question: Topic: Customer experience, actors shaping customer experiences, strategies for creating good customer experience and highlighting how dimensions of service quality influence customer experience. 1|Page Solusi University 2023 Introduction Customer experience has become one of the most practiced competitive business model in a globalized service marketing. Key to its establishment is the need to sustain a competitive advantage embedded in the quality of service that companies provide. Shemwell, (1998) indicates that effective customer retention is critical to drive business success at the same time meeting customer needs. Building positive relationships is a winning strategy that an organization would use, targeting customers and delivering superior value over competitors, (Kotler, 2009). Customer service experience goes hand in glove with an organization providing excellent service quality that exceeds customer expectations, this will help the firm remain competitive on the long run and as a result attain its key objectives such as organizational profitability and competitive edge. In this write up, customer experience is the main subject of discussion where we explore further, actors that shape customer experience in the service marketing industry. In addition we will delve into outlining strategies that create good customer experience. It is of great concern to indicate the importance of these strategies as they help companies fulfil a mandate to provide quality services through a number of service quality service dimensions such as tangibles , responsiveness to name a few. The dimensions to quality services have shown a great influence in the provision of quality services to customers in view of the service provision. Definition of Key terms Service is defined as an activity rendered by the service provider to the service purchaser in order to satisfy the needs indicated by the client. Doodey &Paquete describe services as an economic activity that does not consist in the production of physical goods. Key to customer experience is the first impression obtained by customers after an interaction with a company brand from awareness to purchase and to loyalty or churn. Delivery of quality services also influence customer’s perceptions and expectations. Customer service is the provision of services to customers before, during and after every purchase made. Service quality is defined in Newman (2001), as the degree and direction between customer service expectations and perceptions. Customer journey is defined as the processes of purchasing and experiencing products and services as seen from a customer’s perspective and can be thought of as a walk in the customer‘s shoes. (Holmlid &Evenson, 2008).A service quality is a comparison of perceived 2|Page Solusi University 2023 expectations of a service with perceived performance which gives rise to understanding user’s needs and fulfilling expectations is a responsibility of service providers as customers have greater expectations from service providers. Such expectations have resulted into experiences that would offset their expectations. Customer Experience concept Customer experience brings new ways of strengthening customer relationships. Verhoef et al (2009), highlight that practitioner attention is devoted to the concept of customer experience. In a study by McCarthy &Schadler, (2014) in Forester research findings, customer experience, is the main priority for a number of executives in various organizations worldwide. This is further considered a key determinant of long term success by McCarthy &Schadler, (2014). Customer experience has led to the boom of several internationally leading brands such as MacDonald’s Apple, Tesla and Google to name few. Their great aim has been in delivering a superior customer experience by incorporating the mission, vision and value statements. Research into Customer experience has become integral for academic marketing literature and this is highlighted by MacColl-Kennedy et al ,(2015), suggesting that customer experience has brought an impactful and insightful scholarly work published in recent years. This notion is supported by, Bolton, et al (2014). Customer experience is borrowed from the hedonic consumption contexts like entertainment and hospitality where service offering is the creation of extra-ordinary experiences as stated by Arnould &Price, (1993). In a growing business to business markets, Witell et al, (2020) reiterate that customer experience is as a predecessor of customer satisfaction has gone through radical changes that has shaped the service market today. The advent of technology has changed the way people view customer experience .From time immemorial, customer expectations have been radically changing and each time, becoming faster than the speed at which companies strive to improve their customer experience. Customers have great expectations from end-to-end interaction as they expect it to be the best experience they can obtain within a company. The customer experience concept, from the manager’s view of service management, oversees every step of service delivery process, which is an experience that creates a touch point where 3|Page Solusi University 2023 the service environment’s design, function, and customer interaction with service providers affect customer experience, Jaakkola, et al (2015). Oracle in its global research study has found that 74% of senior executives believe that customer experience impacts the willingness of a customer to be a loyal advocate. This indicates that investing in their experience lead to customer loyalty. Customers put great emphasis on brand of their choice and they become happier with the company that strive to take care of their needs through building a strong customer relationship. For those customers who feel poorly treated or ignored on their customer service emails, they are more likely to discontinue any business interactions with the organization. This has led to a number of companies to deliver a superior customer experience that surpass that of their competitors. This now entails competitors to keep studying the business matrix more often and less with theirs. In fulfilling customer experience, a company should consider one of the following aspects such as: Setting customer experience as number one brand differentiator in the industry Customers may leave a brand they love after just one bad experience Customers are willing to pay a price premium for luxury and indulgence services, simply by receiving a great customer experience. Buyers make impulsive purchases after receiving a more personalized customer experience. Customers that rate companies with a high customer experience score are bound to spend more time and remain loyal for a longer period of time. Customer journey A customer centric perspective oversees the customer journey, hence to understand the emergence of customer experience one need to walk in the customers’ shoes. A search online for customer journey yields many thousands of results and demonstrate that interest in the customer experience concept which entails organizations to stay so close to the customer seeing through their journey. American Express’s research findings, found that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for them to enjoy a better experience with products or services on offer. As a result a number of companies across the globe, find it prudent investing in customer experience. In actual fact, organizations that successfully implement a robust customer 4|Page Solusi University 2023 experience strategy achieve a higher customer satisfaction rate, a reduced customer complaints resulting in an increased revenue generation. Surprisingly, a small number of organizations in America are willing to seriously invest in the customer experience as it has proven its importance in increasing organization’s profitability. Actors in Customer Experience Providing a memorable customer experience tend to increase loyalty, sales volumes and recommendations through feedback from customers. Customer experience as defined by Zendesk Customer Experience trends report (2019), outlines it as an experience which focuses on the relationship between a business and its customers , with every interaction, no matter how brief and even if it doesn’t result in a purchase. In addition, Forrester Research position customers experience as a perceived interaction of customers with your company. This briefly indicates that customer experience is an emotional state of the customer in response to their interaction with your brand. The interaction relates to the company brand promise and continued reputation as it seek to position itself in the service market. The most common players to customer experience are customers, employees, technology and the brand. To offer positive customer experience, organization should consider four aspects that need to work hand in glove to provide an optimal customer experience. Of the four actors, the brand creates the highest level of expectations by your customers. From the side of the organization, eemployees need to deliver on the brand expectations as is promised in the organizational brand initiative. Customers on the other hand come up with their own perceptions of the brand promise leading them to greater expectations. The company employees need to act accordingly, through delivering on the brand promise in perfect alignment with organizational goals and on the other side giving customer befitting service that satisfies their needs. To get going, let's define these actors one by one as follows: The brand A brand relays messages in the form of advertisements, emails, ads, Chatbot to tell current and prospective customers on what the organization is planning in terms of delivering their experiences and satisfaction, known as the brand promise. Nowadays organizations prioritize electronic advertisement than the traditional one delivered through TV, print media, and radio. On the contrary, online advertising media such as, direct mail or email, has taken advantage of technological advancement of the 21st century to develop seamless customer experience. 5|Page Solusi University 2023 Social media through social networking sites such as Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok and do provide a platform for either current or past customers to refute or endorse the brand promise. This they do by telling their emotional stories through interaction with your brand. As a result, prospects analyse these comments or reviews by combining them with your brand message which help form their initial expectations from the organization. Big companies encourage employees to make use of the golden rules to business engagement, such as “Treat your customers as you want to be treated.” As simple and easy rule it might be to follow, it has the power to exterminate the overall organizational business. The assumption of this rule is that customers need to be treated the same way, although in reality, different customers want to be treated differently. For instance, some customers want high touch and a lively welcome when they walk into a retail store like TM Pick n Pay and some just prefer to be left alone until they ask for assistance. The golden rule to business has good intentions, contrary it can potentially cause harm to your business’ end results. The platinum rule to business assert that: “Treat customers as they want to be treated”, it thus seems so a simple statement but it has numerous execution elements. Companies are thus reminded to conscientize their employees to live and abide by this rule, through imparting a corporate culture, hiring practices, training, performance and evaluation, as well as incorporating compensation structure that will enhance the organization achieve customer satisfaction. The customer Customers journey, help customers develop expectations and perceptions about your company and its products. These customers are acquainted to actively interact with the employees such as the salesman because they now need to have a realistic experience with your service provision. At every turn of each interaction, emotional responses are born, with some emotions more intense than others .This is so, because customers perceive and expect different services they need based on which one is more important at a given time. It is evident that a company exceeding customer’s expectation creates a positive emotion, and when the company falls short of these expectations, the customer definitely exhibits a negative emotion. For example, Langa buys the wrong size of shoes from Bata Shoe Company. He goes back and get it changed without a concern, eventually Langa will express some positive emotions because the company has just helped him out. 6|Page Solusi University 2023 However, as expected, it won't be an event that will lead the customer to compliment the organizational efforts considering that it is the very first time. A customer becomes so loyal to the company when they continue to have more positive emotions than negatives and to build such relationship and confidence, it is the duty of the organization to maintain its status quo. Furthermore, customer expectations are dynamic in nature hence they continually change with brand messaging and how they get to enjoy ttheir experiences with your company really matters. Technology Influence The advent of technology has brought about new ways of dealing with customer experience. Technology has brought a sigh of relief as organizations obtain alternative ways of satisfying customers. In every way possible, technology is key in delivering memorable customer service. This can only happen if the organization embrace it and change the way it does business. Technology has brought about effortless and seamless customer experience in that where customers would travel long distances to acquire your services, they can now obtain them at the comfort of their homes. A few years back in 2019, a world- wide pandemic reminded organizations that customers won't need to always frequent your shop or business premise to get a service as this can alternatively be done through online means. For example Google has rolled out a number of initiatives to help customers enjoy effortless and seamless service such as Google Assistant without them having to travel to a Google shop. This shows us how important technology has become in bringing in, a memorable customer experience. Technology has brought about an enhanced engagement between customers and service providers. A good case study is, a Chinese online company that has strived so well through the use of technology. The company offers top of range services to its customers globally where they can conduct business through their cellphones, get the goods or services delivered to them in no time and thus reducing transportation and agent costs. As a result of technology advancement, companies are focused on accelerating customer service provision because the internet is tightly packed with other competitors waiting to offer differentiated services to your disgruntled customers. Customers through technology enjoy a seamless switch from one vendor to the other, hence keeping a healthy customer base now rests with the employees who are frontline representatives of the organization. As has been noted, employees are the face of the organization because they are the ones who firstly interact with customers. 7|Page Solusi University 2023 This creates the need to ensure that employees are conversant of technological innovations that drive customer experience for the betterment of the organization’s long term and short goals and objectives. Improving and upgrading your technology, employees, brand helps the organization retain its position as a market leader. This comes from the assumption that customer taste is dynamic and unpredictable and as a result understanding and improving service marketing relationship helps build a long lasting bond beneficial to both the organization and the customers. Ways to improve Customer Experience Improving customer experience has become a major issue as companies seek to position themselves in an ever-changing customer experience. There is need to consider seven ways to create a holistic customer experience strategy that helps an organization increase customer satisfaction, reduce complaints as it affects revenues inflows and outflows. Creating a clear customer experience vision A customer experience strategy should have a clear focused vision that directly communicates the customer message to the organization. One of the simplest ways to define the vision is through creation of a set of statements that will act as a guiding principle to the vision statement. For example, Chicken-Inn uses their core values embedded into their culture, such as delivering a top of the range service and embracing change. Putting these principles into practice help drive the culture and behaviour of the organization. Every member is a team player of your organization and thus they should know and be guided holistically by these principles which is embedded into all areas of training and development initiatives. Understanding who your customers are The next step in building customer experience principles and strategies is bringing to life the different types of customers who may directly deal with customer support teams. If an organization is poised to get to know customer needs and wants, it should be able to connect, interact and empathize with different challenges that customers face as it directly affects their customer experience. 8|Page Solusi University 2023 One major breakthrough is segmenting your customers and create personas and or customer profiles to give each persona a name and personality. For instance, Tafadzwa is 29 years old, she is interested in exploring new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and is conscious of technology aspects such as following a video tutorial on her own, whereas Nobuhle who is just 19 years old needs a set of instructions so she can be able to follow through to understand what is expected of her on a web page. Creating personas, helps the customer support team to recognize and better understand who they are. This is very important aspect of ensuring a customer centric approach is guaranteed. Create an emotional connection with your customers Emotional contact with customers is so important to establish a lasting bond .In this case there are phrases such as “it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it” should come to your mind because the way you express yourself has a bearing on the outcomes of your initiative as an organization. Presenting yourself well to the customer creates a long lasting impression, beneficial to business growth. For one to establish the best customer experience, it is ideal to capacitate your team members so as to build an emotional connection with a customer. For instance creating an emotional connection comes from public library, in circumstances where a customer is late on returning a text book due to her mother getting very sick. When the librarian finds out what had really transpired, they take care of the situation, to the surprise of the customer, the next day, he arrives home to find out a bouquet of flowers with a note from the public library customer service team who sent their condolences, after hearing of the sad news on the passing of the customer’s mother. Retaining such an emotional experience will leave a lasting affection in the mind of the customer. Emotions and attitudes drive decisions. In most circumstances customers become loyal because they are emotionally devoted to the company .This will make them remember their general attachment whenever they use your product or service. A business that settle for an emotional connection is bound to outperform its competitors, thus guaranteeing a competitive advantage in the service market. 9|Page Solusi University 2023 Nowadays positive customer experiences means a lot to the business continuity and studies have proven this assertion from time to time such as that , a number of loyal customers are more likely to recommend a brand to their peers if it offers seamless experience through a well-defined communications channel. In most cases customers recommend a product or service based on their previous experience and how they might have received a great and memorable service experience. A sizable number of customers find a positive experience with a brand to be more influential than the company’s advertisement initiative. Capture customer feedback in real time Customer feedback is one of the pillars of developing a vibrant customer service market. So many times, organizations lose a lot of customers because they don’t include customer inputs in formulating business policies and processes. Feedback gives direction of where the organization is going in terms of understanding the experiences of customers as customers drive business success in a number of ways. It should come to sense of any organization that it find ways of delivering a WOW customer experience as it cement a vibrant customer relationship. Getting to know what the customer thinks about your services helps the organization re-align efforts in its product and service improvement. Externally ask so as to internally understand the position of your service offering in the market. Ideally as a service manager you do this by capturing feedback in real time. The use of live chat tools like real time conversations with customers, as well as assembling them to come up with the real picture will improve customer engagements. A follow up and update on customers’ opinions need to be send through email reaching out to all company customers. At this stage use of post-interaction surveys and similarly customer experience tools will do wonders for the organization’s customer base growth. For example online based SuperOffice Service helps individual customers to collect feedback in real time, through email-based support, live chats and a self-service knowledge base. A number of organizations find it so important to make outbound sale calls to customers so as to gather more insightful feedbacks that would direct decision making process with regard to customer service experience. Another initiative is to link customer feedback to a specific customer support agent, as they help show every team member the difference they are making to the business. 10 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 Use quality framework for team development By following the steps above, you now know what customers think about the quality of your service compared to the customer experience principles you might have defined. The next step is to identify the training needs for each individual member of your customer support team. Many organizations assess the quality of cell phone and email communication system in which a quality framework takes this assessment one step further by scheduling and tracking your team’s development through coaching, eLearning and group training methods. Act upon regular employee feedback Most organizations have an annual survey process where they capture the overall feedback of your team and how engaged they are. It also include the business ability to deliver an exceptional service to customers. A continuous employee feedback can play a role using tools that allow staff to share ideas on how to improve the customer experience and for managers to see how staff is feeling towards the business. For example, using project management software or social media tools help create a closed environment where your organization can post continuous feedback. Measure the return on Investment Businesses exist for the purposes of getting something out of their investments. In this case it is vital for the firm to know if such investments in manpower (service teams), technology, processes and procedures are yielding any positive results. This comes after delivering quality service to drive up customer experience which helps encourage customers to come for more services in future. Measuring customer experience is one of the biggest challenges faced by organizations today. As a result a substantial number of companies collects valuable information from customers by asking a single open ended question such as "How best can you rate our services?” This helps firms improve on service offering and correct mistakes they do in trying to deliver a service. 11 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 Personalize experiences Personalization help a service company differentiate itself from competitors by creating unique customer experiences, and offering more personalized services. This is a trend which has increasingly become important for customers today. This is so, because in one way or the other, customer service experience has become completely sophisticated than ever before. Thus, personalized experiences enables service providers to understand their customers better and respond to their needs more quickly, Kotler, (1994). This entails service companies to keep up with the latest trends and technologies that enhance personalized experiences as it helps an organization remain competitive in the market. For example a number of customers prefer ads that are customized based on their interests. To enhance customer satisfaction rates, organizations have to tailor-make experiences based on customers’ specific needs and choices. Through creation of health customer experience, developing innovation, and continuously improving service performance, an organization gains a significant competitive edge over its rivals. Also, by partnering with some service providers in multiple locations or areas, business organizations can benefit from economies of scale and further optimize customer experience through a wider service delivery method. Making use of customer data analytics helps organizations collect insights from past interactions and preferences. A wise use of this vital information impacts personalization of target offers, communication and recommendation from stakeholders such as sales person, service marketing team. Creating a seamless channel experience. Technological advancements has brought about seamless experiences across a number of touch points and services channels. In view of the above, a number of online shoppers prefer multiple channels to satisfy their shopping needs. This gives them a bargain power over existing distributors. Helping customers to consistently connect and engage with the company through multiple channels and platforms, such as electronic mail helps them enjoy effortless service experience. It’s also vital to implement strategies that provide smooth transitions between platforms, such as synchronized communication system, a unified customer database and customer service wall chat. 12 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 Optimising customer journey maps Creation of a great customer experience, through their entire customer journey map can be of great importance because, McKinsey’s research suggests that customer journey maps are significantly strongly interconnected with business outcomes than with touchpoints. This means that an organization would need a clear and thoughtful end-to-end experience with the customer interaction at each point. An emphasis on customer’s journey, and identifying their grieving problems, offers new opportunities to create a great customer experience for the organization. As a result, it enables service teams to brainstorm on ideas that would reduce resistance, improve customer relationship, and subsequently increase business growth. When it comes to performance, a customer journey is more strongly correlated with customer satisfaction than with performance on touchpoints as it strongly correlate with business outcomes. Dimensions of Service Quality that influence customer experience Service quality dimensions as stated by some scholars like Juwaheer and Parasuraman highlight that assurance, tangibility, empathy, reliability, and responsiveness are among the paramount features of service quality, Johnson, (2006). The first of the five dimensions of service quality include assurance which refers to competence, credibility, and security of services, Ross, (2003). Secondly, tangibility is viewed as the attractive appearance of equipment, personnel, facilities, and communication materials (Sentosa, 2013). Raza, (2012) indicate that, empathy is the care, understanding, and attention towards the customer. Applying these dimensions will help an organization refine its service quality to satisfy customer needs. The fourth service quality dimension is reliability which outlines ability and a realised promise from the service providers to deliver dependably and accurately as emphasised by Osman, (2013). The last service quality dimension is responsiveness which is a continuous willingness to provide services in various situations of the customer journey. The key to success and sustenance for any organization lies in delivering quality services to the target market. Provision of quality services is critical to ensure companies achieve customer’s satisfaction which plays a pivotal role in customer retention within an organization. In addition, it help minimize customer switching behavior, Mohammad et al, (2018).The service market is of the view that the fittest ones survive. 13 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 Resultantly firms that offer high quality services tend to increase and improve their efficiency in delivering services because it enhance realization of high profit margins over its competitors and in the process building a positive customer experience. Service quality as defined by Newman, (2001) is the degree and direction between customer service expectations and perceptions. Service quality helps an organization understand how critically customers get satisfied with services rendered. Arasli et al, (2001) reiterates that service quality directly impacts customer satisfaction and for the company, it helps maintain and retain loyal customers. Meeting the expectations and perceptions of customers is what puts the organization on the right path to business and market growth. It is because of this assertion that, customers always seek to obtain actual experiences that exceed their expectations. Organizations gain an edge in a competitive market as long as it offer quality services to customers. In a stiff market competition, products may be so similar but what differentiate your organization from the rest is the way it delivers customer service. As a result delivering services of high quality directly impacts customer experience in that it influences their perceptions on services rendered to them. Service quality with its dimensions greatly impacts the customer experience in many ways. To understand this assertion, companies always ensure that they make use of these dimensions to achieve customers’ satisfaction. Through experiences, customers are prepared to pledge their allegiance to the organization and as a result one finds out that, service quality dimensions greatly influence customer experiences. Service dimensions as indicated in Zeithaml, et al, (2006), include tangibles, reliability, assurance, empathy and responsiveness. In outlining service quality dimensions, we need to consider, its impact on customer experience and expectations from services rendered. Reliability Reliability is one major service quality dimension that ensure companies fulfill what they have promised to deliver to their customers. O'Neil &Palmer (2003) gives an in-depth approach to customer service quality. He indicates that a service provider is compelled to fulfill promises made to their customers. In circumstances where customers fill frustrated due to delays in delivering a service, they end up giving up on their much hyped experience from the organization. For example, Tawanda sends his BMW for servicing at Crocco motors. The service provider assures Tawanda that the vehicle will be ready for collection in five hours’ time. 14 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 When Tawanda calls to confirm if all is done, the receptionist assures him that, the vehicle servicing is almost complete and that he can proceed and collect it. To his surprise, Tawanda finds out that the car is not yet finished and it would require him to wait for hours. As a result, Tawanda is not happy with the service delivery, as what he expected is different from reality. As a result the service provider has failed to offer reliable services to this customer and it is likely that Tawanda will possibly next time look for the service elsewhere to save on the delay costs. Such poor service delivery will definitely affect customer experience as the customer won’t be able to enjoy poor services given to him. Assurance An offer of assurance is significant in service quality as it instills a degree of confidence and trust that the service provider would engrave in a customer’s mindset. Based on the interactions between the customer and the service marketer, assurance guarantees security of services provided in that they are of high quality. Customers expect and perceive high service provision that gives them much needed satisfaction. Many service providers fail to give a valid assurance and as such, customers tend to lose trust in them. This results in no guarantee that customers will come back for more services in future and for a company losing loyal customers is a big blow to their status in a competitive market as this subsequently hurts the organization’s business. For any service provider, assurance boost confidence and when customers are offered the service, their experiences won’t be far away from their expectations. In that regard, dimension of service quality such as assurance plays an integral part on both parties in that, customers obtain satisfaction which arouse their experiences. O’Neil &Palmer, (2003) support this claim by concurring that interactions between both parties build confidence and trust. The knowhow and manner of interaction with the customer stimulates credibility and trust because customers can better know you through service experiences that appeals to their need. Customer experience is such that perceptions and expectations towards the organization is driven by the way in which an organization render its services to customers. When there is no traits of quality in service provision, customers won’t enjoy experiences in them and it is probable that they won’t come again in future. This happens so because those experiences of poor service will paint a bad picture about the organization. 15 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 The organization should exhibit reliableness so as to retain existing customers and attract new ones. This shows a direct relationship between the provision of quality service and customer experience. The dimension of service quality play a critical role as it influences the way by which customers view the organization based on service offerings in a competitive market. One thing that guides this point is that, products are the same in most circumstances and to be competitive, the organization should offer services of quality much better than rivals. Assurance alone cannot do it all for the customer’s expectations, hence delivery of quality services does the wonders. Tangibles Zeithaml et al., (2006), and O’Neill &Palmer, (2003), postulate that tangibles are physical cues that are part of the service delivery process. Tangibles help facilitate smooth interaction process between the customer and the sales representative of the company on what service customers would expect .These come in the form of signage , leadership hierarchy layout , parking’s and so forth . In view of the intangibility of services, tangibles help customers have a clue of what they would expect be it inside the shop or a hotel. For example Cresta hotel, Victoria Falls has raised one of the most decorated and attractive signage that help market services they offer at the hotel .This gives customers a sense of great expectations and perceptions of what they would enjoy when they finally reach the hotel and book for those services as advertised on the signage. As we see, tangibles help customers visualize and as a result they are eager to experience those services as shown through tangibles. Service quality has an effect on customer loyalty and according to Heskett, (2002), loyalty is experienced by an organization when the perceived service quality experienced by customers exceeds that which offered by its rivals. Empathy According to Zeithaml, (2006), service quality impacts on relationship marketing as customers are willing to build strong relationships with organizations that provide service quality. In this case we explore how empathy contributes to a realized customer experience as a dimension of service quality. Empathy entails treating the customer in such a way that they feel honored and respected by the organization. This happens when their needs are taken care of through receiving care and personalized attention, (Zeithaml, (2006). 16 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 Empathy as a an integral dimension to service quality builds a strong affection of the company and their customers because drawing customers so close to the heart of the company gives them a dignified state of importance to the organization .Customers who continuously interact with the organization are so close in that their experiences are a priority to the company and as such the organization won’t lose grip of them. At the same time, customers are prepared to offer whatever vital feedback that can help the company improve on aspects where it is lagging behind or maintain where it is doing quite well. From empathy to customer experience, it is the duty of organizations to ensure they walk the talk in quality service provision. Responsiveness According to Zeithaml, et al, (2006), responsiveness is the willingness on the part of the service provider to deliver assistance to the customer. A service provider is a key player to responsiveness because customers always expect to get a positive response that would solve their problems even in dire circumstances. Service provision involves response to customer needs and attending these needs entails providing a befitting quality service to customers to enhance their experience. One would ask why customers always expect more from service providers, this is because their taste is dynamic and as such to satisfy customer needs, organization has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they can provide services which are far much better than that of their competitors. Customer’s expectations is that they should obtain services that offset their monetary value. Responsiveness helps organization widen their customer base because customers go where they are taken care of. Responsiveness encourages organizations to put the needs of the customer first and as a result the company is indebted to give customers a lasting experience on services of high quality. 17 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 CONCLUSION Customers have greater expectations, more than ever before and the word of mouth travels fast than we thought. When the customer becomes more empowered, it increases the importance of customer experience. As we all know, customer experience is an important area that needs constant nurturing and care from all interested parties. With the greater focus on customer experience strategy, companies will realize customer loyalty, higher retention and increased revenue growth. The customer service concept has the potential ability to change the way people see business. This can be achieved by incorporating strategies and dimensions to service quality as they impact the organization’s customer relationship in an ever-changing service market. 18 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3 References Ayasli, et al (2005).A Comparison of service Quality in the Banking Industry .International journal of Banking Marketing, 23(7), 508-526. Heskett, J.L. (2002).Beyond Customer loyalty: Measuring service quality, 12(6), 355-357 accessed on (23/10/23) accessed on (28/10/23) Becker, L., & Jaakkola. E. (2020). Customer experience: Fundamental premises and implications for research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 630–648. Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80, 69–96. McColl-Kennedy, J.R. et al, (2015). Fresh perspectives on customer experience. Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 430–435. O’Neill, M. & Palmer, A. (2003). An Exploratory Study of the effects of Experiences on Consumer Perceptions of the Service Quality Construct, Managing Service Quality, 13 (3), 187-196. Zeithaml, V. A. &Bitner, M.J (2003). Service Market9ing Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm .Boston, McGraw hill, International Edition Zeithaml, V. A. (2000). Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: What we know and what we need to learn. McGraw hill, International Edition 19 | P a g e S o l u s i U n i v e r s i t y 2 0 2 3