dandita rabodAoma hcley Axan hillac gelin Azan Lheath Sohunnn cell hode ot Ranuier. ALon temina Frontal Bone Lupraarbital Ingaabitnl margin mengin ygomatibone Cqlabella Lupercilliaxy arch. nasalbone Heli > Antihelin phattrum, nasolabial Taaqus duleus Lobuleot awiele Tuberele et uppen lip angle o7 mardible Submandibulo retubenee gland Thynid cartilage Jugulan hatch Traperius m Ingeir bey og m bhyoid Brachialplae olaielar head o Aenal head o nodedbmataiddm. tenodledomata meag eto Brain pinard NS neen Relay am. n mwe newn Etecton meto ’ Jensary nuren Heat Pain kin in Recepteu Receptany = PARASYMPATHETIC CRANIOSACRAL-RESTNG SYMPATHETIC) THORAC9;uNBAR Afronta 12 14 15 O) Frartaliu Caugato buperoilli Depnasjarn bupeiui 1D Zygematieus maje cbieula oiu Ris aus Pruoceu. Ordbi ul DepeuaL Labil int nior eeui prataual lauata Labii laea,i na0 Nasali Pact Zygematiu mine Mentalu Depresa anqui arit 1 Platysema Luell ok Pruinepal Dem atonet . Cy- Luel o chauicle C6 limb Linb Co%-Latenal Digita Ta T3 C-Medial duiqte Ty-leuel o, nipple T5 To Tio-loul ol umblier Li-tnguinal Megian and Tio TL T2 proximal anterion LI thigh L Sa L3 Ly Lu antero medial Louer limb nd gluteal raqian foot Ly medialleg sPexteno latenal Louer imb and dons um ak boat S- lateal hoot Doal opthalmierue Lpina n (fugeminal nee (V) Va Branehe kram Mandiblane nee Muscle Maueto k Mastieatian : and Tempeelis Musele Latral PAeygod mucle medial Pteygoid muele Lymgh Nodes -hich dain th btuetwe nd eutlying grap Teuminal Crreupt o head nd neel ane ditibuted n tormunal Related to corotioid heath and lies aleng the intuna Also calsd the desp trical graup oyot ymph nodes. Lymph esele a Jugular vein Fronta Bone CoronalL Temp oral Autue Jin ietal Bone Sagittal Be utuu anietal orcamen Lambdoid oecifdal dutue Bone " Lambda Extena ccipital Bupeior nuchaL Aupreme Highect ucha Ingerio eciptta ectenal huehalL prustubeanee Line tandyaid Fossa Gecipitol Bone t Line Saguta dute Candye acipital eramn gnun Atyloid Pruece. Masteid Process Poietol Fonamen nietal tbe ParietaBone Squamau Part Bone. pat tylomatteid PetrosTemparalL Mateid 7onaman Rutue onamen Lambdoid Autuns Sutae oripato orenal utune 9 and E xtual aeeipital Zygematie bone frsn Mart prec Qcausti Bone aval (10)N meatut -PSpheneid arital Moilla (OD cond matoid matoid ’Tempora Decipital parceto (4)(5 pr pteian okQutline styt th meotiapeet 15 anch Zygomatie (9)- euture Latenal tteuan A (18)’ Supnameateid Ethmeid bo temparal lambdoid tht at et mateid apart m po (3 2y9go matie pro is oy hrontoJL Bone 63)’ Tempotal kurtaee * qneaten uing spheneid bone (32 (24 middle eoncha naya boren Injisr Nasa Coneha l (2) 27) 2ygomatie 65)’ fruental pr maaiua (24’ Thcu uee 20 trontal Preceu o 243omatie bons ygomatico momllary konamen ygomati ca maaillary 9) ’ frontal tibe Arent enas a Freortomei DMaataid konamtn (2) EBtenal aeiptal protubUano (3) Supeiern nucha lin (Ptenygoid pletsa () Posteruiar fNas al spine (8) Createn and lnen (4) Gciptal bont palatina konamina (5) Tuquln boramen O4gomabie pndcss (() trtbuA tampoaL (6 Mandibulan ossa ( Palatine Bona 3) chaana a0) Palatine ProCess Bauioccaput tylomaataid 7oraman (o) foramen magnum 15 ( FRONTAL 65)foraman laceum e).-Hypophyseal oa 0) 32 ETHMOID SPHENOID SPHENO1D 4 -TEMPORAL PARIETAL oebelar (19 Ct oa 0cc1P1TAL (22)purguw temponal 0Tugula joramen O’ frLontal eut 34 GLbitaun plate o hmoid 3) ’ Ehmoid al spün uing ot phenaid phenaidal (3) t. (15) ypogloual canal 33) anteiov thmadal koramon 39) potvian ehmeidal horamen 394 ftortal bone (1) (18) ’ (1) foramen magnm intonel eceijtall intenal pruotwberaneo POSTERIOR MIDDLE ANTERIOR phenaid spheneid ecipital Apheneid Temponal Panietal Temporal Ehmaid fronta erier aspect Iny ot tlarto axial Jaint. O median antouion ch atlonto anin Dens (ut) jaint Fonamen truonLsa ruun Spunalcond PostoiaL auh TranuL for lateraL Liqamunt atlantooinl (ot 0+ Baidan pat acciptal bone ut jut in fror mogun Antein margin Axi 6) AxiA Capsle o attanto Dceipal Iaint. 6 Antoien atlatomagnun. ceeiptal Artanian langtudinaL igament membrane Cap tule at atarto aiol iaint Dotous manqin ot horaman magnum atlanto eccipital jairt u'amentum Hawum atlantoaual L Anteruo ach 9 el atla Anteien Longitudinal 6 inteontebral diue (G) hnd 6 ligament euial Membana tuct wontebra @rua petuuian Longitudihal ontinuLigamunt uppun boand th aticula pat a h mandibula o the tumparalLbene laita lso ealled hd qlen The andible -rhe heod o quntly mondble ü markedy cenen antropateisn The articulr dile à made o 1cbro cantilags and nto diide th an wppr menç ca thmp orral campartrent anda Ls mandibwlar campartment. upper meneo temporabetwen the ontieular diue and the Louen menisce mandib ula - betuueen the actiula diue a Iniectior into pte unteian mandibls (3) Modial Inueti into mmed k mandi part ingu