SIKA® CARBODUR® CALCULATION SOFTWARE PROJECT: SYMPHONY ELEMENT: SPANDRAL-S5 INDEX 1. DESIGN CRITERIA AND REGULATIONS................................................................................................................................ 3 2. CALCULATION ASSUMPTIONS............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1. Geometry............................................................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Concrete............................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3. Internal shear reinforcement................................................................................................................................ 3 2.4. Strength reduction factors.................................................................................................................................... 4 2.5. Load factors.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.6. Exposure conditions.............................................................................................................................................. 4 3. SHEAR STRENGTHENING.................................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1. Properties of FRP system...................................................................................................................................... 4 3.2. Concrete contribution to shear strength............................................................................................................... 4 3.3. Steel reinforcement contribution to shear strength.............................................................................................. 4 3.4. FRP Contribution to shear strength....................................................................................................................... 5 4. ANTICIPATED COMBINATIONS OF LOADS.......................................................................................................................... 5 4.1. Expected loads (strengthening design).................................................................................................................. 5 5. RESULTS............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 5.1. Summary of results............................................................................................................................................... 6 5.2. Ultimate limit states............................................................................................................................................. 6 5.3. Fire resistance (t=0 min.)...................................................................................................................................... 7 5.4. FRP arrangement.................................................................................................................................................. 7 Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 1/11 6. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION.................................................................................................................................................. 7 6.1. Bonded SikaWrap® fabrics.................................................................................................................................... 7 6.1.1. Concrete surface preparation......................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.2. SikaWrap® fabrics........................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.3. Epoxy Adhesive............................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1.4. Application procedure..................................................................................................................................... 9 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER............................................................................................................................................................ 11 8. ABOUT SIKA® CARBODUR® CALCULATION SOFTWARE....................................................................................................... 11 Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 2/11 1. DESIGN CRITERIA AND REGULATIONS Shear strengthening of beam. - ACI 440.2R-17 - ACI 318 - Country: Sri Lanka 2. CALCULATION ASSUMPTIONS 2.1. Geometry Width (b) = 600 mm Height (h) = 1150 mm 94 900 1150 Concrete cover (d1) = 94 mm 600 2.2. Concrete Compressive strength of concrete Concrete strength (f'c) = 50 MPa Cylinder specimen = 50 MPa Cube specimen = 60 MPa 2.3. Internal shear reinforcement Steel fy (MPa) Es Number x ds C. to c. spacing Angle (MPa) (mm) (mm) (°) (Grade 420) 420 200000 4 x 10.0 Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 3/11 100 90.0 2.4. Strength reduction factors Defined by (ACI 318) φ = 0.75 2.5. Load factors ACI combinations Dead loads Live loads Strengthening limits 1.10 0.75 Expected loads (strengthening design) 1.20 1.60 Fire situation 1.00 1.00 2.6. Exposure conditions Fiber type: Carbon Exposure conditions: Interior exposure (Ce = 0.95) 3. SHEAR STRENGTHENING 3.1. Properties of FRP system Wrapping scheme: 3-sided "U-wrap" Discrete strips Height of FRP reinforcement hf : 900 mm Sf : 500 mm C. to c. spacing εfu Laminate Ef (MPa) * 1/2 SikaWrap® 600C WV - 50 cm (25 cm) 0.0159 200000.00 Thickness tf Width Number n (mm) (mm) 0.331 5 250.00 3.2. Concrete contribution to shear strength Nu Vc = 0.17 ⋅ 1 + 14 ⋅ A g ⋅λ ⋅ f 'c ⋅ bw ⋅ d Vc : 761.64 kN Nu (kN) Ag (mm²) 0.00 λ 690000 1.00 f'c (MPa) bw (mm) d (mm) 50 600 1056 3.3. Steel reinforcement contribution to shear strength 1 Vs = ⋅ A v ⋅ fyt ⋅ d ⋅ ( senα + cos α ) ; fyt > 420 MPa s Vs : 1393.36 kN s (mm) Av (mm²) fyt (MPa) d (mm) α (°) 100 314 420 Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 4/11 1056 90.0 3.4. FRP Contribution to shear strength The contribution of the FRP system to shear strength of a member is based on the fiber orientation and an assumed crack pattern (Khalifa et al. 1998). The shear strength provided by the FRP reinforcement can be determined by calculating the force resulting from the tensile stress in the FRP across the assumed crack. The shear contribution of the FRP shear reinforcement is then given by Eq. Vf = A fv ⋅ ffe ⋅ ( sin α + cos α ) ⋅ dfv sf Vf : 486.31 kN Where A fv = 2 ⋅ n ⋅ tf ⋅ w f Afv : 827.50 mm² The tensile stress in the FRP shear reinforcement at nominal strength is directly proportional to the level of strain that can be developed in the FRP shear reinforcement at nominal strength ffe = ε fe ⋅ Ef ffe : 364.57 MPa Effective strain in FRP laminates ε fe = κ v ⋅ε fu ≤ 0.004 εfe : 0.0018 κ : 0.12 le : 14.65 mm k1 : 1.51 k2 : 0.98 The bond-reduction coefficient is a function of the concrete strength, the type of wrapping scheme used, and the stiffness of the laminate. The bond-reduction coefficient can be computed from Eq. k1 ⋅ k2 ⋅ Le ≤ 0.75 11900 ⋅ε fu κv = The active bond length Le is the length over which the majority of the bond stress is maintained. This length is given by Eq. Le = 23300 (nf ⋅ tf ⋅Ef ) 0.58 The bond-reduction coefficient relies on two modification factors, k1 and k2, that account for the concrete strength and the type of wrapping scheme used, respectively. Expressions for these modification factors are given in Eq. f' k1 = c 27 k2 = 2 3 dfv − L e dfv 4. ANTICIPATED COMBINATIONS OF LOADS 4.1. Expected loads (strengthening design) Dead loads VDL : 1300.00 kN NDL : 0.00 kN Live loads VLL : NLL : Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 5/11 200.00 kN 0.00 kN The live load acting on the member is not expected to be present for a sustained period of time 5. RESULTS 5.1. Summary of results The design shear strength should be calculated by: φ⋅ Vn ≥ Vu Strengthening limits (ACI440.2R-17, 9.2) Loading φ Vu (kN) Vn (kN) Su = 1.10 · SDL + 0.75 · SLL 0.75 1580.00 2155.00 φ·Vn ≥ Vu Un-strengthened section Strengthened section under anticipated loads Loading φ Vu (kN) Vn (kN) Su = 1.20 · SDL + 1.60 · SLL 0.75 1880.00 2568.36 φ·Vn ≥ Vu Strengthened section Fire resistance (t=0 min.) Loading Vu (kN) Vn (kN) Su = 1.00 · SDL + 1.00 · SLL 1500.00 2155.00 Vnθ ≥ Vu (Vnθ = Vn) Un-strengthened section 5.2. Ultimate limit states Strengthening limits. Minimum combination of loads to be resisted by the un-strengthened member (ACI440.2R-17, Section 9.2). Su = 1.10 · SDL + 0.75 · SLL φ⋅ Vn = φ⋅ ( Vc + Vs ) Vc : 761.64 kN Vs : 1393.36 kN Strengthened section with factored expected loads Su = 1.20 · SDL + 1.60 · SLL The nominal shear strength of an FRP-strengthened concrete member can be determined by adding the contribution of the FRP external shear reinforcement to the contributions from the reinforcing steel (stirrups, ties, or spirals) and the concrete φ⋅ Vn = φ ⋅ ( Vc + Vs + ψ f ⋅ Vf ) Vc : 761.64 kN Vs : 1393.36 kN Vf : 486.31 kN ψf : Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 6/11 0.85 5.3. Fire resistance (t=0 min.) Case of fire. Un-strengthened section. Su = 1.00 · SDL + 1.00 · SLL Vn = ( Vc + Vs ) Vc : 761.64 kN Vs : 1393.36 kN The nominal strength of the un-strengthened member exceeds the combination of loads corresponding to the fire situation. The FRP strengthening is therefore not necessary during a fire situation, and does not need to be protected. If a certain fire rating is necessary, the designer must evaluate the need for a protection of the RC element (concrete and steel reinforcement) according to the local codes. 5.4. FRP arrangement The previous results correspond to the following FRP scheme: 5 layers of 1/2 SikaWrap® 600C WV - 50 cm (25 cm) Wrapping scheme: 3-sided "U-wrap" Discrete strips C. to c. spacing: 500 mm 250 500 6. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 6.1. Bonded SikaWrap® fabrics The strengthening shall be achieved using unidirectional carbon fibre fabric, impregnated and externally bonded to the structure with epoxy adhesive Sikadur®-300 The fibers should be aligned and free of torsion. The material shall have a long track record (> 25 years) for structural strengthening. The fibre fabric shall be unidirectional and fabricated of PAN based carbon fibres. Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 7/11 Installation in several layers shall be possible. Measured values of mechanical properties of laminated fabrics shall be provided, minimum test series of 20 samples. 6.1.1. Concrete surface preparation Any unsound material shall be removed and removed concrete shall be repaired as described above. Large blowholes and honeycombing shall be filled with a suitable repair mortar. Repair materials shall be fully compatible with the adhesive. The actual strength of the concrete substrate shall be verified with at least three pull-off tests. The concrete shall be older than 28 days. The laitance layer on the substrate surface shall be removed and an open-textured surface shall be created. The substrate surface shall be cleaned so that it is free from oil, grease and any other contaminants as well as loose particles and dust. For fibre fabric application, all corners shall be rounded to a minimum radius of 20 mm and any sharp edges shall be removed. The substrate moisture content shall be less than 4% pbw. 6.1.2. SikaWrap® fabrics The materials shall comply with the performance characteristics described as follows: Typical Properties of 1/2 SikaWrap® 600C WV - 50 cm (25 cm) fabric: Typical dry fiber properties: E-Modulus EN 2561/ASTM D3039 ≈ 230000 N/mm² (MPa) Tensile Strength EN 2561/ASTM D3039 ≈ 4000 N/mm² (MPa) Strain at break EN 2561/ASTM D3039 1.59 % Typical laminate properties (related to fibre thickness): E-Modulus EN 2561/ASTM D3039 ≈ 235000 N/mm² (MPa) 6.1.3. Epoxy Adhesive The adhesive shall be epoxy based. The 1/2 SikaWrap® 600C WV - 50 cm (25 cm) fabric shall be impregnated with resin before placement on the structure with Sikadur-300 Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 8/11 Typical Properties of Sikadur®-300 adhesive The adhesive must comply with EN 1504-4. Chemical base Epoxy resin Density 1.16 kg/l (at +23°C). +15ºC ≈ 2000 mPas Viscosity (shear rate 50/S) +23ºC ≈ 700 mPas +40ºC ≈ 200 mPas Thermal expansion coefficient -20ºC to +40ºC 6.0 x 10-5 per °C Curing 7 days, +15ºC +43ºC 7 days, +23ºC +49ºC 3 days, +40ºC +60ºC 7 days, +40ºC +66ºC Service temperature 23ºC Curing -40ºC to +45ºC Tensile Strength DIN EN ISO 527-3 45 N/mm2 (7 days at +23°C) Thermal stability. HDT (ASTM D648) Bond Strength (sandblasted substrate) DIN EN ISO 4624 Concrete fracture (> 4 N/mm²) E-Modulus (flexural) DIN EN 1465 2800 N/mm2 (7 days at +23°C) E-modulus in tensile DIN EN ISO 527-3 3500 N/mm2 (7 days at +23°C) Elongation at break DIN EN ISO 527-3 1.5% (7 days at +23°C) 6.1.4. Application procedure The wrap shall be cut to size with special fibre scissors. A primer layer of the impregnating resin shall be applied on the substrate surface, using a toothed trowel or a roller. Distribute 2/3 of the expected Sikadur®-300 quantity on a clean PE sheet and then place the pre-cut fabric onto the resin covered sheet. Saturate SikaWrap® fabric by rolling with a mohair or plastic roller in the fibre direction until the resin penetrates through the fabric. Distribute the remaining 1/3 of the Sikadur®-300 onto the fabric and evenly spread with roller to fully saturate fabric. Remove the excess of resin. The fabric shall be placed on the substrate, pressed on gently, and the resin shall be worked into the fabric with an impregnation roller until the fabric is completely saturated. Additional layers shall be installed as described above, preferably wet-on-wet. In case of a cementitious overcoat, the resulting resin surface shall be broadcasted with quartz sand. Impregnation shall always be performed in fibre direction. After application, the finished fibre fabric installation of shall be protected from rain, sand, dust and any other contaminants. Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 9/11 If necessary, the applied system shall be protected with a suitable coating (compatibility tests between the coating and the fabric shall be available). Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 10/11 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE APPLICATION AND THE RESULTS DERIVED FROM ITS UTILIZATION ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR USE BY PROFESSIONAL USERS WITH EXPERT KNOWLEDGE IN THE AREA OF THE INTENDED APPLICATION. USERS MUST INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE RESULTS BEFORE ANY USE AND TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE SITE AND APPLICATION CONDITIONS, PRODUCT DATA SHEET AND PRODUCT LITERATURE, TECHNICAL STATE OF THE ART AS WELL AS LOCAL APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. With respect to the software application and results derived from its use, SIKA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS AND SIKA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION AND RESULTS DERIVED FROM ITS USE. Sika shall not be liable for any consequential, punitive, incidental, exemplary, or special damages (including but not limited to loss of business opportunity or loss of profit) arising out of the evaluation or use of the software application and results derived from its use. The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika's recommendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other advice offered. The user of the product must test the product's suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request. Except as indicated otherwise, all information, text, graphic images, features, functions, and layout contained in this software are the exclusive property of Sika and may not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, without the Company's express written consent. By transmitting information to Sika, you grant to the Company the unrestricted irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, modify, distribute and perform such information. Personal identity information is used by Sika only to process a request for information by you or for marketing our products and services. © Copyright Sika Services AG 2016 8. ABOUT SIKA® CARBODUR® CALCULATION SOFTWARE Engineered by: Cype Software - Eusebio Sempere, 5 - 03003 Alicante (Spain) Sika Services AG Element: SPANDRAL-S5 Date: 06/12/2023 Corporate Tech. Dept. Editor: NB Project: SYMPHONY Tüffenwies 16 Remarks: 8048 Zürich (Switzerland) 11/11