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NFPA 70 National Electrical Code 2020 Edition

Copyright© 2019 National Fi1·e Protection Association®. All Rig hts Reserved.
NFPA 70®
National Electrical Code®
2020 Edition
T his edition of NFPA 70, NatjonalElecliical Cndf, was prepa1·ed by the National Elecu·ical Code
Committee and acted on by NFPA at it~June Association Tech nica l Meeting held June l 7-20, 2019,
in San Aiuonio, T X. It was issued by the Stanclarcl~ Council 0 11 August 5, 2019, with an effective dare
ofAugu~t25, 2019, and supe1·se<les all previous editions.
This Code was issued with Tentative Interim Ainendmen ts (T!As) that impacted provisions in
210.52(C)(2), 240.67'(C), 240.87 (C), 72Fi.l 21 (C), and Aimex D:t For more information on TIAs, see
www.nfpa.org/ 70 and Section 5 of the Regulalions Goveming the Devewjmumt of NFPA Standards
available al www.nfpa.org/ regs.
This edition of NFPA 70was approved as an Am erican Natio na l Standard 0 11 Au g ust 25, 2019.
History and Development of the National Electrirol Code®
The National Fin.' Protection A~sociation has acted a~ spo nsor of the NationolE[r,rtr/1:"l Cod11 since
l 9 I l. The m·igina l Code document was developed in I 897 as a result of the united effo rts of vari01.L5
insurance, e lec:u·ical, architectural , and a llied i.nteresL~.
In accordance with the Regulations Governing the DevP!ofnnenl of NFPA Standards, a National Elertiicn.l
Corle first draft 1·epo1·t con taining proposed amenrlme n t~ to the 20 17 Nationall.tPctrfol1l Code was
published by NFPA inJ uly 20 J 8. This report recorded the actions of the va1fom code-making panels
and tl1e correlating committee oftJ1e Na tio nal Electrical Code Committee on each public input and
first revision th at had been made to revise the 2017 Code. The report wa.5 published at
www.nfjJa.org/ 70. Following th e close oftJ1e pltblic commenl period, the code-making pane ls me t,
acted on e ac h comment, and created s(1111e second revisions, which were reported to the correla ting
committee. NFPA published d1e MilionalEleclrical Code second draft report in April 2019, which
recorded the actions of the code-maki.ng panel.5 a nd th e correla ting committee on each public
comme nt on the National Electrical Code Committee firs t. draflre port. The National Eln-triml Code
firs t draft report and the Natinnal ElPctrical Code second draft report were presented to the 2019 June
A5sociation Technical Meeting for adoptio n.
NFPA has a n Electrical Section that provides particular opportunity fo ,- NFPA membe rs interested
in electrical safety to become better informed a nd to conu·i bute to the development o f IJ1e Nntional
Elflrtrital Code and other NFPA electrica.l standards. At IJ1e Elecu<ical Section codes and standards
review session held at IJ1e 2019 NFPA Confe rence a nd Ex po, section memb e rs had the oppornmicy
to discLL5S and review d1 e report of d1e Natio n al Elec1yical Code Committee prior to the adoption of
this edition of IJ1e Code by the association at iL~ 20.1 9 June Technical Meeting.
This 55d1 edition supersedes all othe1· previou.~ edition.~, supple men L~. a nd printings dated l897,
1899, L901, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911 , 191 3, 19 15, 19 L8, 1920, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1928, 1930,
1931 , 1933, 1935, l937, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 19.59,
1962, 1965, 1968, 1971, 1975, l 978, 1981. 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011 ,
2014, and 2017.
This Code is purely advi6or y as far as NFPA is con cerned. It is made availa ble for a wide variety of
both public and private uses in the inte rest of life and properl.)' protection. These include both u se in
law a nd for regu latory purpt)$es a nd u~e in private self-regula tion and standardizatio n activities such
as insuran ce underwriting, building and faci lities construc tion and management, a nd product
testing a nd certification.
NFPA 70. Nation a l Electrical Code. NFPA a nd National Fire Pror.ect.ion A~sociatio11 a re regi,t~red trademarks of lhe NaLiona l Fire P ro1cction A_<;sociation .
Quincy, Ma.~sachusetts 1l'.!16!l.
Introduction ............................. ............................ 70- 29
Chapter I General
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan IV.
Pan V.
D efinitions ........................................................... .
General ..................... ................................... ........ .
Over !000 VolL~, Nominal ................................... .
H azardous (Classified) Locations (CMP-14) ....
Requirements for Eleci:rical Installations .......... .
General .............. ....... .................... ....................... .
!000 Volts, Nominal, or Less .................... .......... .
Over I 000 Volrs, Nominal ... .......... ..... ............... .. .
Tunnel lnstallaLions over 1000 Volts, Nominal ..
Manholes and Other Electrical Enclosu res
Intended for Personnel Entry ............................ .
Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection
Grounding Elecrrocle System and Grounding
Electrode Conductor ...........................................
Pare IV.
Enclosure, Raceway, and Service Cable
Pan \I.
Bonding ................................................................
Pan VI.
Equipmem Grounding and Equipmem
Grounding Conductors.......................................
Pan Vil. Mei hods of Equipment Grounding Conductor
Connections.......................................... ...............
Pan VIII. Direct-Cur-re nt Systems ........................................
Pan IX.
lnstrurnems, Meters, and Relays.........................
Grounding of Systems and Circuits of ove.r
1000 VolL~ ............................................................ .
70- 73
70- 73
70- 74
70- 7fi
70- 108
70- 109
70- 109
1 IO
70- 125
70- 125
70- 129
70- 133
70- 135
70- 136
70- 137
Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Matedals
Use and IdenLilicat.ion of Grounded
Conductors .................................... ............... ........
Branch Circuits ................................................... .
Part I.
Genera I Provisions .............................................. .
Pan 11.
Branch-Circuit Ratings ...... ..... .......... .................. .
Part UI. Required Outlets ......................................... ........ .
Feeders ...................................... .................... ....... .
Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Load
CalcuJations ........................................ ................. .
Part I.
Genera l ................ ................................................ .
Pan 11.
Branch-Circuit Load CalcuJations ............. .... ..... .
Pan Ill.
Feeder and Service Load Calcu lations .............. .
Part rv:
0 pt.ion a I Feeder and Service Load
CalctLlations ......................................................... .
Farm Load Calculat.ions ...................................... .
Pan V.
Ourside Branch Circuits and Feeders .................
Pan I.
General ................................................... ............. .
Pan II.
Bu[ldlngs or Otl1er Su·ucrures Supplied by a
Feeder(s) o r Brandi Circuit(s) ................... ....... .
Pan Ill.
Over 1000 Vol LS............ ....................................... .
Services .............................. .................................. .
Part I.
General ................ ................................................ .
Pan II.
Overhead Service Conducto rs ........... ..... ............ .
Part IIL
Underground Service Conductors .... ................. .
Part rv:
Service-En trance Conductors ............................. .
Service Equipment - General ...........................
Part VI.
Service Equ ipment- Disconnecting Means .... .
Pan Vil . Service Equipment- Overcurrent Protect.ion ..
Pan V UI. Services Exceeding l 000 Volts, Nominal ............
Overcurrent Protection ....... ............... ..... ........... .
Part I.
General .......................... ............... ....................... .
Part II.
Location ....................... .................... .................... .
Enclosures ................................................. .......... .
Pan rv:
Disconnecting and Guarding ............................. .
Plug Fuse$, Fuse ho ldus, a nd Adapters ..............
Part VI.
Cartridge Fuses and Fuse hold ers ..................... .. .
Pan VU. Circu.it Breakers ........................................ .......... .
Part VIU. Supervised lndusi:rial Installations ..................... .
Part IX. Overcurrent Protection over 1000 Volts,
Nominal ............................................................... .
Overvohage P rotection ............. .......................... .
Part I.
General ......................................... ....................... .
Parr II.
Surge-Protective Devices (SPDs), 1000 Volts or
L ess ......................................................... ............. .
Part IIL
Surge Arresters, Over l000 Volrs ................. ....... .
Grounding and Bonding .................................... .
General ................ ................................... ............. .
Part I.
Pan II.
Sy~tem Ground.ing .............................................. .
70- 120
Part l.
Part II .
Part J.
Part ll .
Part Ill.
Pa rt J.
Pan 11 .
Pan !IL
Part IV.
Part I.
P art II .
P art I.
Pan 11 .
Part II L.
Pan lV.
Part I.
Part II .
Pan Ill.
Pa n I.
Part II .
P an Ill.
Pan I.
Part LI .
P a rt II L.
Part I.
Pan II .
Part 11 L.
P art 1.
Part n.
P art UL
Part l.
Pan II.
General Requirements for Wiring Me tl1ods an(l
General Requirements .......................... ...............
Requ irements for over IO00 Volts, Nominal ......
Conductors for General W iling ..........................
General ......... ........................................ ................
Consr.ruction Speci fic;it.ions ............................... .
Installation ............ ................................................
Medium Voh age Conductors and Cable............
General ............................. .................... .......... ......
Construction Spec.ilications .......................... ......
Installation .. ..........................................................
Ampacities ............................................................
Cabinets. Cutout Boxes, ru1d Meter Socket
Enclosures .. .................... .......... .......... ............... ...
Scope and Installation .........................................
Construction Sped lica1.ions .......................... ......
Outlet. Device, Pull, and Junction Boxes ;
Conduft Bodies: F,rt.ings; and Handhole
Endosures .. ..... .....................................................
Scope and General ...............................................
Installation ............................................................
Construction Spec.i lications ................................
Prill ancl.JuncL.ion Boxes, Conduit Bodies, ru1d
Hanclho le Enclosures for Use on Systems over
1000 Voll~, Nominal ......................................... ....
Armored Cable: Type AC .....................................
General .................................. .............. ,................
Installation .. .......... .............................. .......... ........
Construction Sped lications ................................
Flat Cable AssembJies: Type FC ...........................
General ................................................ ,................
Installation ............................................................
Construct.ion Spedlka1.ions .......................... ......
Flat Conducrnr Cahle: Type FCC ........., ..............
General .................................................................
Installation ............................................................
Construction Sped lica1.ions ................................
lnregraLed G,,;; Spacer Cable: Type l GS ..............
General .................................................................
Installation ............................................................
Construct.ion Specifications................................
Metal-Clad Cable: Type MC .................................
Genera l .................................................................
fnstallat.ion ...................... ......................................
Construction Specifications............................... .
Mine ral-Insulated. Meta.I-Sheathed Cable: Type
Ml ......... ..... ....................................................... ....
General ............................................ .....................
Installation ..................................... ..... ..... .............
70- 170
70- 179
70- 182
70- 197
70- 197
70- 197
Part ill.
Part I.
Part IJ .
Part llJ.
Pan I.
Pan 11.
Pan llJ.
Pan I.
Part II.
Part IIJ.
Pare I.
Pare II.
Pare Ill.
Pan I.
Part IL
Pan Ill.
Part I.
Pan IJ .
Part Ill.
Pan J.
Pan IJ .
P,u·1. Il .
Pm·1. JJJ..
Pm·1. IJ.
Pm·1. HI.
Pan. I.
Pm·1. Ill.
Pm·1. J.
P,u·1. .U .
Part JJ.
P,u·1. JJJ..
P,u·1. J.
Pan JJ.
Pm·1. lJJ.
Parl I.
Pan ll .
Pan ill.
2020 ll\lirjon
Construction Specifications ................................
Nonme calJic.Sheathed Cable : Types NM and
NMC ......................................................................
Ge neral ..................... .......... ..................................
Installation ............................................................
Construnion Specifications................................
Power a nd Contro l Tray Cable: Type TC ...... ......
Ge neral ..................... .......... ..................................
Installation ............................................................
Construction Specifications ................................
Type P Cable ............................ .............................
General .................................................................
lnstallai,ion ............................. ...............................
Constructio n Speci ficatio ns ............................ ....
Service•Entrance Cable: Types SE and USE .......
Gene ral ............................... ..... .............................
I.n stallation ............................................................
Construction Specifications............................ ....
Underg rounp Feeder a nd Branch-Circuit
Cable: Typ e U F .....................................................
Ge neral ............................... ..................................
lnstalla1.ion ............................. ...............................
Construction Specificatio ns ............................ ....
Inte rmediate Me tal Conduit: Typ e IMC .............
Gene ral .................................................................
Installatio n ............................................................
Construction Specifications ................................
Rigid Mew.I Cond uit; Type RMC .........................
General..................... ............................................
Installation .................................. ..........................
Construe Lio n Speci ficatjo ns .................. ..............
Flexib le Meta.I Conduji: Type FMC .....................
General .......................... ..... ..................................
Installatio n ............................................................
Li9ufrltigh1. Flexible Meta.I Conduit: Type
LFMC ......... .................... ..... ..................................
General . ......................... ..... ..................................
Insta llatio n ............................. ...............................
Conslructio n Specifications .................. ..............
Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit: Type PVC .....
General.......................... .......................................
InsLallation ............................. ...............................
Construction Speci ficatjo ns .................. ..............
High De nsity Polyethyle ne Conduit: Type
HOPE Conduit .....................................................
lnsta ll<1tion ....................................... .....................
Construction Specificatio ns................................
Nonmeta!Ec Unde rground CondniL with
Conductors: Type NUCC .............................. .......
Installation ............................................................
Constructio n Sped ficatio ns .................. ..............
Reinforced The rmosetting Resin Conduit: Type
RTRC .......................... ..... .......... ............................
General ...... .................... ..... ..................................
In stallation ............................................................
Construnion Specificatjons ................................
Liqu.idtigh1. Flexible Nonmeta.llic Condu.it: Type
LFNC .....................................................................
Gene ral..................... ............................................
Installation ............................................................
Construct.ion Specifications................................
Elec1.rica.l Memllic Tabing: Type El\1T ................
Gene ra l ..................... ..... .......................................
Lnsi.allation ................... .........................................
ConsLrucLio n Specifi.caLio ns ............................ ....
70- 198
2 15
Part l.
Part III.
Part 1.
Part II.
Pan II I.
Part I.
Pa rt II.
Pa rtJII.
Pa rt I.
Part JI.
Part II I.
Part IV.
Part I.
Part II.
Pa rt I.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Pan III.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Part Ill.
Pan I.
Part III.
Part I.
Part II.
Pan I.
Part fl l.
Pan I.
Pa rt II.
Pan III.
P<1rt I.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan L
Pan II.
Part III.
P an l.
Part II.
Pan IL
Pan Ilf.
P artl.
P an IL
Flexible Metallic U tbing: Typ e FMT ........ ...........
General ...................................................... ..... ......
Installation ............................................... ..... ........
Construction Specifications ...... ..........................
Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing: Type ENT .........
General ......... ............................................. ..... ......
Installation ..................... ............................... ........
Consu·uction Specifications ................................
Auxiliary Gmters ............................................ ......
Ge neral ......... ..... ........................................ ...........
Installation ....... ............................................. ........
Construction Specifications ................................
Busways ..................... ..... .............................. ........
General Requirem en L, ..................... ....................
Installatjon ....... ........................................ .............
Consu·uction ............................................... ..........
Require ments for O ver 1000 Vo lts, Nominal .....
Cablebus ......... ......................................................
General .............. ...................................................
Installation ....... .............. .......................... ..... ........
Construction Specifications ...... ..... .....................
Cellular Co.ncrete Floor Raceways ......................
General ................................................. ..... ..... ......
Cellular Metal Floor R<1ceways ............................
General .... .................................................. ,..........
Inst.a.llat:io ,1 ............................................................
Construction SpecHic<1Lions ................................
Meta.I W.i reways ......... ..................,.........................
Ge neral .... ............... ......................... .......... ...........
Insta.llation ............................................................
Constrnction Specitications ...... ..........................
Nonrneta.11.ic Wireways ........................... ..... ..........
General ...................................................... ...........
Insta.llat:ion ............................................... .............
Consu·uction Specifications................................
Mult.ioutlet A,sembly ........ ..... ..............................
General .... ............... ................................... ..... ......
Inst.a.llat:ion ....... .....................................................
Nonme ta.llic Extensio ns .......................................
General .... ............... ................................... ...........
Inst.a.ll<1tion ....... .....................................................
Const.ruction Spedtic<1tio ns ( Concealable
Nonmeta.llit Extensio ns Only) ............................
Strm-Typ e C han nel Ritceway .................. .............
Ge neral .................................................................
Insta.llat:ion ....... ........................................ .............
Constrnction Spec:ificatio.ns ..................... ...........
Surface Metal Raceways ................ .......... .............
Gene ral ...................................................... ...........
lnst.a.11<\t:ion ....... .....................................................
Consm,ction Specifications........... .....................
Surface Nonmetallic Raceways ............................
General ......... ........................................................
Insmllation ............................................................
Construction Specifications................................
Unde rfloor Raceways....................... ....................
Gene ra l ......... ............................................. ...........
Installation ............................................................
C,ble Trays...........................................................
Ge ne ra l .................................................................
Installation ............................................................
Consu·u ction Specifications........... .....................
Low-Vo ltage Suspended Ceil.ing P ower
Disuibution Systems............................................
Genera l ................................................. ..... ...........
Insmllation ....... .....................................................
21 ~)
70- 244
70- 244
70- 244
Part 111.
Part I.
Part II.
Parr Ill.
Part I.
Part II.
Part I.
Part II.
Part Ill.
Co nstrucr.ion Speci~icar.ions ....................... .........
Concealed Kno b-and-Tube Wiring.....................
General ........... .......... ............................................
lnstallaLinn .................................. ......................... .
Constructio n Specilicatio ns ................................
Messenger-S1.1pported Witing ..............................
General ........... .......... .......... .......... ............... .........
lnstallaifo n ......... .............................. .....................
Open Wiring on Insulators ................... ..... .........
General ........... ... ....... ................................... .........
Installation ......... ............... ............... .....................
Constn.telitrn Specilicar.io ns ....................... .........
Outdoo r Overhead Conductors over
I 000 Volts ............ ............... ..... ............... ..... .........
Pan I.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan lV.
Pan I.
Pan ll.
Pan Ill.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan Iv.
Pan Vil.
Part VW .
Parr IX.
Part XI.
Pan X II.
P artXIU.
Pan XIV.
P an XV:
Pru·t XVI.
Part I.
P an II.
Pru·r m.
Part IV.
Part V.
Part I.
F1ex.ible Cords a nd Flexible Cables .....................
Gene ral ................ .................................................
Construction Specificatio ns ................................
Po rtable Cables Over 600 Volts, Nominal ..........
Fixrnre Wires .......................................... ..............
Switc hes....................... ............... .......... ................
lnswllation ............................................................
Construct.ion SpecificaLio ns ............................... .
ReceJJtacles. Cord Connectors, a nd Attachmem
Plugs (Caps) .................... .................... ...... .......... .
S"ilch boards. Switch gear, and Pane.lboards ......
General . ............... .................................................
Switchboards and Switchgear ..............................
Panelboards ......................................................... .
Construct.ion Specitications ................................
Ind ustrial Comro l Pane ls ................................... .
Gene ra l ........... ..... ............... ................................. .
lnswllation ........................ .................... ............... .
Construct.ion Specifications ............................... .
Lurninaires, L·unpho lders. and Lamps .............. .
General ............ ... ................................................ .
L urninaire Locations ..................... ...................... .
Provisions at L urninaire OLuJet Boxes.
Canopies, a nd Pans ............................................. .
Lurninaire Supports ............................................ .
Grnuncling ............... ........................................... ..
Wiring of Lu m inaires ....... ................................... .
Construct.ion of Lumina.ires ............................... .
lns ta.llalion of Lampho lde rs ............................... .
Lamps and Aux.iliary Equipmem ..... .................. .
Special Provisions for Flush and Recessed
L wninaires ..... ......................................................
Construction of Flush a nd Recessed
L wninaires .......................................................... .
Special Provisions for Elecu·ic-Discharge
Lighting Systems of 1000 Vo ll~ o r Less .............. .
Special Provisions for Elecu·ic-Discharge
Lighting System s of More Tha n JOO() Volts ....... .
Lighting Track ............. ........................................ .
Decor ative Lighting and Similar Accessories .... .
Special ProvLqions for H n rriculrural Lighting
Equ.ipment ........................................................... .
L ow-Vo ltage Lig h ting .......................................... .
Appliru1ees .................. ......................... ................ .
General .......................... .................... .................. .
los wJlation ........................................................... .
DisconnecLi.ng Mean s .............................. .............
Construction ........................................................ .
Marking ............................................................... .
Fixed Elecuic Space-Heating Eqttip me nt ......... .
General .............................................. .................. .
Pan IV.
Part V.
Part VJ.
Pa rt Vil.
Parl VIII .
Part IX.
Pa rt X.
70- 24\l
Chapter 4 Equipment for General Use
Pan I.
Pan ll.
Pan Ill.
Pan II.
Pan H .
Pa rt Ill.
Part I.
Pa rt II.
Part Ill.
Pa n IV.
Part V.
Pa rt VJ.
Pa rt Vll.
Part I.
Part J I.
Part 111.
Part IV:
Pa rt V.
Pa rt VI.
Pa rt I.
Pa rt II.
Part Ill.
Pan IV.
Part V.
Pa rt VJ.
Pa rt VU.
Pa n I.
Pan II.
Pa n Ill.
Pa nV.
70- 282
70- 283
70- 283
70- 284
70- 285
70- 285
Pa n V II.
Part I X.
Pan XL.
Part XU.
Pa rt XUL
Pan XIV.
Pa rt I.
Pa n II.
Pan Ill.
Pan rv.
Pa rt V.
Pan V II.
I nstaJlation .. ..... ..... .......... ..... .......... ..... .......... ........
Co ntrol and Pro tection of Fixed Elecuic SpaceHea tingEquiprnem ........... ..................................
Ma rking of H eating Equipment ..........................
Electric Space-Healing Cables .............................
Duct Heaters ....................................................... .
Resistance-Type Bo ilers ....... .......... ..... ..................
Elecu-ode-Type Boile rs .........................................
Electric Radiant Healing Panels and H earing
Pa nel Sets .... .......... .......... ............... ..... ..................
Low-Voltage Fixed Elecu·ic Space-H eating
Equipmem ........................................................... .
Fixed Resistance and Electrode Industrial
Process H eating Equipment ................................
General ......... .......... .............................. .......... ......
Installation ............................................... .............
Conu·ol and Protection of Fix ed [ndusuial
Process H eatin g Equipmen t ....................... .........
Ma rking of H eating Equipment ............. .............
Fixed Industrial Process Duct H eaters.............. .
Fixed Industrial Process Resistance-Type
Boile rs ....................... .............. .......... ............... .....
Fixed Indusu-ial Process Electrode-Type Boile rs
Fixed Outdoor Electric De.icing and SnowMelting Equipment .............................. .......... ......
Gene ral ......... .......... ............... ...............................
Installatio n ........................... .................................
Resistance H eating Eleme n ts ......... ..... ................
Impedance.Heating .............................................
Skin-Effect Heating................ .................... ..........
Conu·ol and Protection............. .................... ..... .
Fixed E lectric Healing Equipmen t for Pipelines
and Vessels ....................... ................................... ..
Gene ral ......... .......... ..... .................... ..... ..... ...........
Installatio n ...................... ..... .................... .............
Resistance H eating Elem e n ts ..............................
Impedance H eating ............................. ..... ...........
Induction Heating ........................... ............... .....
Skin-Effect Heating................ ..............................
Co n tro l and Protection............. ......................... .
Mowrs, Moto r Circui tS, anrl Contro llers .. ..........
General ................... ..... ............... .......... .......... ......
Mawr CircuitCondncLOrs ...................................
MoLOr and Branch-Circuit O verload P rotection
Mowr Branch -Circuil Sho n -Circuit and
Ground-Fault Prntectlon .....................................
MoLOr Feed er Sh on-Ci rcu it and Ground-Fault
Protect.io n .............................................................
Mawr Comro l CircL1its ........................................
Moto r Concrollers .. ..............................................
Motor Concrol Cem e.rs ........................................
Disconnecting Means ...........................................
AqjusL-ible-Speed D rive Systems ..........................
O ver 1000 Volt5, Nomina l ....................................
Protect.ion of Live Paris - All Voltage.-'> ..............
Ground.ing· - All Voltages ............. .....................
Tables .............. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ............... ..............
_Ajr,Co nd.itjoning and Refrigerating Equipment
General ................... .................... ..........................
Disconnecting Means ...........................................
Branch-C ircuit ShortcCircuit and Ground-Fault.
Protection ...... .................................................. .....
Brru1ch -Circuit Conducto rs .................................
Conlrollers for Mornr,Compressors ....................
Moto r-Compressor and B ranch.{;ircu.it
Overload Protection . ..... .................... ............... ..
Provisions for Room Air Cond itione rs .. .......... ...
70- 29 1
70- 297
70- 2!J8
70- 2!)9
70- 2!J9
70- 2\l!J
70- 299
70- 30 I
70- 301
70- 30 I
70- 302
70-- 31'.3
70- 315
70- 318
70- 337
70-- 338
70-- 339
70- 339
70-- 340
Part I.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan I.
Part U.
Part I.
Pan II.
Part I.
Part II.
Part I.
Part IL
Part IU.
Parr IV.
Parr V.
Generators ............................................................
Transfom1ers an(! Transformer Vaults
(Indu!iing Secondary Ties) .. ..............................
General Provisions .......... ............... ......................
Specifi c Provisions Applicable to Differem
Types ofTransfonners ..................... ....................
Transfom1er Vaults ............... ..... ............... , ...........
Pha~e Converters ......... .........................................
Gen eral ............................... ..... .............................
Specitic Provisions Applicable to Differe nt
Types of Phase Conveners ...................................
Capacitors ............................................................ .
1000 Volts, Nominal, and Under ........................
Over 1000 Volts, Nominal ................................. ...
Resistors a nd Reactors ........................ ................ .
1000 Volts, Nominal, and Under ........................
Over l000 Volts, Nominal ....................................
Storage Batteries ..................................................
Equipmem Over 1000 Volts, Nominal ................
General ................................................................ .
Equi pment- Specific Provisions ..................... ..
Equipmem - Switchgear a nd Industrial
Con trol Assemblies ..............................................
Mobile and Porrable Equipmen t ....................... .
Electrode-Type Bo ile rs ..................... ................... .
70- 340
70- 34'.:'
70- 34'.:'
70- 346
70- 348
70- 349
70- 349
70- 357
70- 359
70- 360
Chapter 5 Special Occupancies
50 1
Pan L
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Pan Ill.
Pan L
Pan IL
Pan Ill.
5 14
Pan I.
Part II.
Pan JU.
Part IV.
Pan V.
Pan I.
Pan ll.
Part ill.
Part IV.
Part V.
2020 ll\lirjon
Hazardous (Classitied) Locations, ChL~ses I, LI.
a.nd Ill, Divisio ns l and 2 ... ............... ..... ..............
Class I L ocations ...................................................
Gene ml ............................... ..................................
Eqoipment ............................................................
Class II Locations ..........,...... .......... ......................
Gene ra l .................................................................
Wiring ...................................................................
Eqoipment .................................... ........................
Class Ill Locations .......................... ......................
Gene ml ............................... ..................................
Wirin g................................. ..................................
Eqoipmen t ............................................................
Intrinsically Safe Systems .....................................
Zone 0, l , ,md 2 Locations ..................................
Zone 201 21, a nd 22 L ocations for Combus1jb(e
Dusts o r lgnitible Fibe rs/ flyings .........................
H azardous (Classified ) Locations - Specific ....
Commercia.l Garages, Repair and Smrage .........
Aircraft Hangars ...................................................
MOLor Fuel D ispensing Facilities .........................
Bulk Storage Plants ........................................ ......
Spray Application , Dippin g, Coating, an d
Printing Processes Using Fla mmab le or
Combustible Macerials .........................................
Gene ra l ............................... .................... .......... ....
Open Containers .. ................................................
Spray Application Processes ................................
Spray Application Operations in Membrane
Enclosures .............. ..... .........................................
Printing, Di pping, and Coating Processes ..........
H ealth Care Facilities ...........................................
General ..................... ............................................
Wiring and Protection .........................................
Essential Elecuica.1 System (EES) ........................
Inhalation Anesth elizing Locations ....................
X-Ray Installations...............................................
Part VL
Pa rt VU.
5 18
Part U.
Part ll l.
Pa rt IV.
Part \I.
Pa rt VI.
Part VU.
Pa rLl.
Part II.
Pa rt .III.
Pan I.
Part II.
Part JII.
Part IV.
Pa rt I.
Pa rt II.
Part JI I.
Part IV.
Part V.
Pan \IL
Parr 1.
Part 11 1.
Part IV.
70- 402
70- 408
70- 409
70- 411
70- 414
70- 420
Pa rt I.
Part II.
Pan I.
Part II.
Part Ill.
Pa rt I.
Pa rt II.
Pan III.
Pan \!.
Pan VI.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Part Ill.
Pan lV.
Communications, Signaling Systems, Daca
Systems, Fire Alarm Systems, and Systems Less
Than .120 Volts, Nominal .....................................
Isolated Power Systems .......................................
Assembly Occupancies .........................................
Theaters, Audience Areas of Motion Picture
and Tele,isio n Studios, Perfornrnnce Areas, and
Similar Locations .................................................
General ......... ..... ...................................................
Fixed Stage Switc hboards ....................................
Fixed Stage Equipment Othe r Than
Swiech boards............................ ............................
Portable Switchboards on Stage .................. ,.......
Portable Scage Equipment Other Tirnn
Switch boards............................ ............................
Dressing Rooms, Dressing Areas, and Makeup
Areas. ....................................................................
Equipmen t Groundjng Conductor .....................
Comrol Systems fo r Pe rma ne n1 Amusement
Am-actions.................. ..........................................
General .................................................................
Comrol Circujts ....................................................
Com rol Circuit Wiring Meth ods .........................
Carniva.ls, Circuses, Fairs, and Similar Events ....
General Require m ents .........................................
Pm~er Sources ......................................................
Wiring Meth ods .............................. .......... ...........
Equipment Groundjng and Bonding ...... ....... ....
Motion Picture and Television. Studios a nd
Similar Locations ......... ........................................
General .............. ........................................... ,.......
Stage or Set .................. .. .......................................
Dressing Rooms ....................................................
Viewing, Cutting, and Patching Tables ...............
Cellulose N itrate Film Storage Vaults .................
Substatfons ............................................................
Motion Pic1ure Projection Roo m s ......................
General ........... ...................................... ..... ...........
Equipmen Land Prqjectors ofL11e Professio nal
Type ............................................................. ..........
Nonprofessional Projectors .................................
Audio Signal Processing, Amplification , a nd
Reproduction Equipment.......... .........................
Mamtfacturecl Bu il(lings a nd Relocmahle
Sa·unures .................................................. ...........
General .............. ...................................................
Relocatable Strucnires ................ .. .......................
AgricuJLura l Builrlings ................................ ..........
Mobile H omes. Manufacwr ed H omes, and
Mobile H ome P ark!,.............................................
Genera.I .................................................................
Mobile an.d Manufacu.1recl Homes ......................
Services a nd Feeders............................................
Recreational Vehicle.san d Recreational Vehicle
Parks ......................................................................
General ...................................................... ...........
Com bination Electrical Sysrem s .. ........................
OL11er Power Sou rces........................... ................
Nominal 120-Voltor 120/ 240-VoltSystems ........
Factory Tests............. ............................................
Recreational Vehicle Parks ........... .......... .............
Park. Traile rs............................ .............................
General .............. ...................................................
Low-Voltage Systems ............................................
Combination Electrical Systems..........................
Nominal 120-Vohor I 20/ 240-VoltSysten1s ........
Factory Tests ........ .................................................
70- 450
70- 451
70- 452
70- 453
70- 453
70- 454
70- 455
70- 457
70- 459
70- 460
70- 460
70- 467
70- 468
70- 468
J>an I.
Part II.
Pan Ill.
Marinas, Boacyards, Float.ing Bi,ildi ngs, and
Comm e rcia l and Noncommercial Docking·
Facilit.ies ................................................................
General ............ .. ....... .......... .......... ............... .........
Marinas, Boatyards, a nd Docking Faci lities ........
Floating Buildings ......................... ............... ........
Temporary Installations .............. .........................
Chapter 6 Special Equipment
Part I.
Pan II.
Electric Signs and Outline Lighting ...................
General . .................... .......... .......... ............... ..... ....
Fie ld-Installed Skeleton Tubing, Outline
Lighting, a nd Seconc1al)' Wiring .........................
Manufactured Wiring Systems............................
OHice Furnish ings...............................................
Cranes and Hoist~ ......................................... .......
Pan I.
General .................................................................
Wiring ...................................................................
Part Ill.
Con met Co ndLLcrors ....................... ..... , ................
Pan Iv:
Disconnecting Means .............................. .............
Pan V.
Overcurrent P rotect.io n .......................................
Parr VI.
Contro l.................................................................
Pan VII. Grounding and Bo nding.............. .......................
Elevators, D umbwaiters, Escalators, Moving
Walks, Platform Lifts. and Stairway Chairliti.s .....
Pan I.
General ........... ................................... ...................
Pan 11.
Concluctors ...........................................................
Pan Ill.
Wiring ............. .................................. ,...................
Pan Iv:
Installation of Conductors ...................................
Traveling Cables ....................................... ............
D isconnecting Means and Control .....................
Pan VII. Qvercurre nt Protect.in n .......................................
Pan VIII. Machi ne Rooms. Control Rooms, Machiner y
Spaces, and Control Spaces . .......... ......................
Pan IX.
Grounding and Bo nd ing.............. ..... .......... ........
Eme rgency a nd Standby P ower Systems .............
Electric Vehicle Power Transfer System..............
Pan I.
General .................................................................
Pan 11.
Equipme ruConstruction ............................ .........
Part Ill.
Installation ............................................................
Pan Iv:
Wireless Power Transfer Equipment...................
Electrified T ruck P arking Spaces ............. ...........
Genera l .............. ................. ..................................
P arr I.
P art II.
Electrified Truck Parking Space EleCLrical
Wiring Systems.....................................................
P art Ill. Elecrrified Truck Parking Space Suppl)•
Equipment ..................... ..... .................... ..............
Pan Iv:
T ransporr Refrigerated U n its (TRUs) ................
Electric Welders ...................... .................... .........
Pan I.
Gene ra l .................................................................
Pan II.
A.re Welders ........................... ..... .......... .......... ..... .
Parr IIL
Resisrance Welders ...............................................
Parr JY.
Welding-Cable ................................... ..... ..............
Audio Signal Processing, Amplification. and
Reproduction Equipment ...................................
Parr I.
General ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ............... .......... ..... .........
P arr II.
Pe rma nent Audio System Installations ...............
Parr III.
Portable and Temporary Audio System
installations........................................... ...............
ln fonnation Technology Equipme nt ..................
Modular Data Cenrers .........................................
P arr I.
General .................................................................
Parr II.
EqLLipment ................................................... .........
P arr III.
Liglning ............ .......... ......................... ..... ............
Pan rv.
Workspace ...... .......... ..... .......... ............... ..............
Sensitive Electronic EqLLipmem ............. .............
Pipe Organs ............. .............................................
70- 508
70- 508
70- .~12
70- 5 14
70- 515
70- .~16
70- 516
70- 517
70- 519
70- 520
70- 520
70- 521
70- 521
70- 536
70- 542
70- 542
70- 544
X-Ray Equipment.............. ..... .................... ..... .....
General ......... ........................................ ................
Control .............. ..... .................... ......................... .
Transformers and Ca pacitors ..............................
Guarding and Grounding...................... .............
Induction and Dielectric H eating Equi pmen t ...
Pa rt J.
General................... ..............................................
Part II .
Guarding, Grounding, a nd L abeling ..... .............
Elecu·olytic Cells ............. ............... ..... ..... ..... ........
Elecu·oplali ng .... .......... .......... ............... .......... ......
Industrial Machinery .......... .................................
Electrically Driven or Controlled hTig-at.ion
Machines ...............................................................
Pan l.
General ......... ..... ............... .................... ................
Part JI .
Center Pivo t lrrigat.ion Machines ........................
Swimming Pools, Fountains, a nd Similar
Installations ..........................................................
Part J.
General ......... .......... ............... .......... ..... ................
Pa rt II .
Pe rmane ntly Installed P ools ........ ............... .........
Part Ill.
Storable Pools, Storable Spas, Storable Hot
TLLbs, a nrl Storable Imme rsion P ools .................
Part JV.
Spa5, H ot Tubs, and Permanently JJ1sralled
Imme rsio n Pools ..................... .............................
Part V.
FoL1ntains .. ....................................................... .....
Pa rt VJ.
Pools and TLLbs for Therapeutic Use ..................
Part VII. Hydromassage Batl1tuhs .................. ....................
PartVlll. Electrically P owered Pool Lifis .... ..... ...................
Natural and A rtificially Made Bodies or Water ..
Part L
General ......... .......... ......................... ..... ............... .
Part II .
Installation ...................... .................... ..................
Pan JI I.
Grow1ding and Bonding................................ .....
Integrated E lecu;cal Systems..............................
Part I.
General ....................................... ......... , ................
Pan II .
Orderly Shutdown ................................................
Solar Photovollaic (PV) Sysrems . ........................
Part I.
Ge ne ral ................................................ ,................
Part II.
Circuit Req11Jreme111s ..........................................
Part II L.
Disconnect.ing Means ............................ ...............
P an IV.
Wiring Me d1ods and MaLerials ............................
Pa rLV.
Grounding· ancl Bonding .......................... , ..... .....
Marki ng ....................................................,...........
Pan VII. Connection to Other Sources .................... .........
ParLVIII . Energy Storage Syste ms .......................................
~r~e-Scale P hotovoltaic (PY) Electric Supply
Stallons .................................................................
Fue l Cell Systems ..........., ......................................
P a rt I.
C,eneral ................... .......... ..... ..... .......... ................
Part II.
Circuit Requlremenr.s ..........................................
.Part II L
Disconnect.ing Means ...........................................
Pa n IV.
Wiring Me d1ods ..... ..............................................
Pa n V.
Grounding ............................................................
Pan VI.
Marki ng................................................................
P an VII. Connection to Other Circuits ............ .................
Wind Elenric Sys rems ..... .................... .................
Pa rt I.
Gene ral ................................................. ................
P art II.
Circuit Require m e n r.s ..........................................
.Pan Ill.
Disconnect.ing Means ...........................................
Pan fV.
v\1iring Meth od~ ...................................................
Grounding· and Bonding .......................... , ..........
P a rt VI.
Marking...... ..........................................................
P a rt V i l. Connection co OLher Sources ............... ..............
Fir·e Pumps ................................... .........................
Part l.
Part JI.
Part Ill.
Part IV.
.~6 1
70- 562
70- 562
70- 564
70- 564
70- 564
70- 567
70- 573
70- 574
70- 576
70- ·578
Chapter 7 Special Conditions
Pa rt L
Pan rr.
Emergency Systems . .......... ..... ............... ............... 70- 605
General .... ........................................ ..................... 70- 605
Circuit Wiring ....................................................... 70- 607
Part ill.
Part IV.
Part V.
Pan VI.
Part I.
Part II.
Part 111.
Part IV.
Part I.
Part II.
Pan I.
Part II.
Pan I.
Pan II.
Part ill.
Pan IV.
Pare V.
Parr VI.
Pan I.
Part 11.
Part IU.
Pan IV.
Pan V.
Pan !.
Pfu·1. U.
Pan Ul.
Pm·t IV.
Pm"L VI.
Pm·t VII.
Pm·t J.
Pm·t IJ .
Pan IJI.
Pm·t JV.
Pfu·1. I.
Pm·t U.
Pfu·1. UI.
Pm·1. J.
Pm·t Jl.
Pan ill.
Pan IV.
ParL V.
ParL VJ.
Sources or Powe,· .... ............................................. .
Emergen cy Syst.em Circuits for Lighting and
Power ................................................................... .
ConLrol - Emergency Lighting Circuits ............
Overcu rrent Protection ...................................... .
Legally Required Standby Systems ..................... .
General ..................... ........................................... .
CircuiLWiring .................................................... ...
Sources of Power ..................................................
Overcurrent Protection ..........,...... ...•..................
Optional Standby Systems ...................................
General ................................................................ .
Wiring ................................. ................................. .
lnterconnec1ed Electric Power Production
Sources ..................................................................
General ................................•....,.......................... .
Microgrict Systems .. ...................................... ........
Energy Storage Systems ......... ..............................
General .....................................,.......................... .
Disconnectin.g Means ........................................ ...
Installation Requirements .................................. .
Circuit RequiremenLS ..............................., ......... .
Flow Batt.ery Ene rgy Storage Systems ..................
Other Energy Storage Technologies .................. .
CriLical Operatio ns Power Systems (CO PS) .......
General ................................................................ .
CircuiL Wiring and Equipment ......... .......... ....... .
Power Sources and Connenio n ......................... .
Overcurrent Protection ...................................... .
System Pe rforma nce a nd Analysis .......................
Stand-Atone Systems ........................................... .
Direct Current Microgrids ...................................
General ................................................................ .
Cirn ,i t Requirements ..........................................
Disconnecting Means ............... ............................
Wiring Methods ...................................................
Marking ....................... ......................... ..... ..... ..... .
Protection .................. .............................. .............
Sys rems over 1000 Volts .......................................
Cirn ,i ls and Equipment Operating :u Less
Than 50\/olts ................................................... ....
Class J , Class 2, m1d Class 3 Remote-Control.
Signal ing, and Power-Limited Circuits .............. .
General .......................... .......................................
Class l Circui ls .....................................................
Class 2 a nd Class 3 CircuiLS .................. ............... .
Listing .Reqniremenls ...........................................
lnstrwnentation T ray Ca hie: Type ITC ...............
Fire-Resistive Cable Syslems .............................. ..
Energy Managemem Syscems ..............................
Fire Alarm Systems .............................................. .
Gene ral ................................................................ .
Non- Power-Limited Fire Alarm (NPLFA)
Cirn1i ts ......................... ........................................ .
Power-Limited Fire Alarm (PLFA) Circu.irs ....... .
Listing Reqni rements ...........................................
Optical Fiber Cables ...................................... ..... .
General ................................................................ .
Cables Outside and Enrering Buildings .............
Protection ... ..... .....................................................
Grou nding Methods ........................................... .
LnstallaLion Methods Within Buildin b'S ...............
Listing Req.uiremenL~ ...........................................
6 10
6 1()
6 1l
6 15
6 1.5
2020 ll\lirjon
Part Ill.
Part V.
Part I.
Pa rt II.
Part Ill.
Part IV.
Pa rt I.
Pa rt II.
Part IIJ.
Pa rt LV.
Part V.
Part VI.
Part I.
Part LI.
Part Ill.
Part LV.
Pan V.
Pan VT.
J'an L
Pan II.
Pan In.
Pan V.
Parl VI.
70- 631
General Requireme n ts for Co ,.r nnunicalions
Systems ....... ..... ......................... .......... ..... .............. 70- 664
Part Ill.
Part LV.
Part V.
Pa rt I.
Pa rtll.
8 1()
Chapter 8 Communications Systems
Pa rt I.
Pan IL
70- 608
Part VIJ..
General ......... ......... .................................... ...........
W ires and Cables O utside and Entering
Buildings ...............................................................
Grounding Methods....... .....................................
lnstalla1ion Meth ods Within Building-s ...............
Lisr.ing Require ments ...........................................
Communications Circuits .... ..... ...........................
General ...................................................... ...........
Wires and Cables Outside a 11dEntering
Buildings ...................... ........................................ .
Protect ion .............................................................
Installation Meth ods Within Buildings ...............
Listi ng Require ments ...........................................
Radio a nd Televisio n Equipment ........................
General .................................................................
Receiving Equipmem - Antenna Systems ........
Amateur and Citizen Band Trnnsmitting and
Receiving Srntions - Antenna Systems ..............
In terior Installation - Tra nsmitting Sra1jons ....
Community Antenna Television and Radio
Distribution Systems ................ ............................
Ge neral .............. ................................... ..... ...........
Coaxia l Cables Outside and Entering Buildings
P rotect.ion .............................................................
Grounding Methods.. ........................................ ..
lnsLalla1ion Methods W ithin Bnildings ...............
Listing Requirements ...........................................
Network-Powered Broadband Com municarlons
Systems ..... .................... .........................................
General .... ............................................. ................
Cables O,nside and Entering Buildings.............
Protection .............................................................
Grounding Met.hods............................................
Installa1jon Meth ods Within Buildings .............. .
Listing R equi remen lS ... ................................ ........
Prem i.ses-Powe reci Broadband Communicalions
Sysr:ems ..... ...... ... . ... ....... ...... .............. ..... . ... .... .. ..... .
General ...................................................... ...........
Cables Outsicie a ndEnte1i ng Builrlings .............
Protection ............................... ..... .........................
Grouncting Melhods ............................................
lnstallatio11 Methncls With.in Buildings ...............
.Premi.ses Poweling of Communicatio ns
Equipment over Corn municatinns Cables ..........
Listing Requi remems ............................ ..... ..........
70- 664
70- 683
70- 683
7 07070707070-
fi(J I
70- 693
70- 693
Chapter 9 Tab]es
II (A)
Pe rcem of Cross Section of Conduit and
Tubing fr,r Conduc.t ors and Cables ................... ..
Radius ofCond,tit and Tubing Bends................
Dimensions and P ercem Area of Conduit and
Tubing (.Area.., of Conduit or T ubing for the
Combinations of Wires Perm.irled in Table I ,
Chapter 9) ........................... .................................
Dimensions ofl nsulated Co nductors a nd
Fixture Wires ............................................. ...........
Compact. Copper and.Aluminum B uilding Wire
Nominal Dimensions** and Areas ......... ..... ........
Conducwr Properties ..........................................
Alternating-Current Resistance and React.ance
for 600-Volt Cables, 3-Phase., 60 Hz, 7!'i°C
(167°F) -Three Single Coorluctors in
Conduit .... .............................................................
Cond ucror Stranding .............. .............................
CJa5s 2 and Class. 3 Alcernating-Currem Power
Source Limitations ...............................................
70- 6%
70- 695
70- 6\16
70- 700
70- i04
70- 705
70- i06
70- 707
70- 707
PL!i'A Alternating-Curren L Power Source
Limitations ........................................................... 70- 709
In-formative Annex G: Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) ................................................. .... 70- 83!l
J nfom1ativeAnnex;\; Product Safety Stanrla.rd.s .......... 70- 710
lnformacive Annex H: Administration a nd
Enforcement ......................... ......................... ................. 70- 834
J n fom,ativeAnnex.B: Application Informal.ion for
Ampaci cy Calculation ..................................................... 70- 716
Informative Annex C: Conduit, Tubing, and Cable
Tray Fill Tables for Conductors anrl Fixture Wires of
t.he Same Size ............................. ............... .......... ............ 70- 729
lnformaLive Airnex D: Examples ................................... 70- 8 15
lnfom1ative Annex I: Recommended Tigluenjng
Torque Tables from UL Standard 48f:iA•486B .............. 70- 840
Informative AnnexJ : ADA Stanrlard5 for Accessible
Design ......... ......................... .......... ..... .......... .................. 70- 842
Index ... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... .......... ..... .......... ..... ..... ..... ...... 70- 845
JnformaLiveAnnexE:Types ofConstruction ............... 70- 829
Ln fom1ative Annex F: Availability and Reliability for
Critical Operations Power Systems; and Development
and Implementation of Functional Performance Tests
(FPTs) fo r Crilical Operal.ions Power System$ .............. 70- 831
These lists represent the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the final text of this edition.
Since that time, changes in the membership may have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the back of this
docume nt.
Correlating Committee on National Electrical Code®
Michael}- Johnston, Chair
Natio na l Elecirical Con u·actors Associa tio n, MD [IM]
Mark W. Earley, &cretrwy (Nonvoting)
Natio nal Fire Protec1jo n Associatio n , MA
Sanh D. Caldwell, Ted1,,i1:al Comntilu:e 1ldmi11ist.r(l.lor (Nonvoting)
Natio nal Fire P rotec tio n A.~sociation, MA
James E. Brunssen, Te lco rdia Technologies (Ericsso n ), NJ [UT]
Re p. Allia nce for Telecommun ications Industry Solutio ns
Kevin L. Dressman, U.S. Departme111 of Energy, l'vlD [ U ]
Palmer L. Hickman, Electrical Training AUiance, MD [L]
Rep. ln te rna1io nal Brotl)e rhood of Electrical Workers
David L. Hittinger, Indep en de nt £lec1rical Com racwrs of Greater
C incinnati. O H [IM]
Rep. Ind e pe nde n t Electrical Contractors, lnc.
Richard A Holub , The DuPonl Com pany, Inc., DE [U]
Rep. Am e rican Che01istry Council
John R. Kovacik, UL LLC, IL [RT]
Alan Manche, SchneiderElectric. KY [M]
Roger D. McDaniel, Georgia Power Compa ny, GA [UT]
Rep. £lec1ric Lig h1 & Power Grou p/ EEi
David A. Williams, De lta Ch arter Towns hip, Ml [E ]
Rep. In ternational Association of Elecu·ical lnspen.ors
Lawrence S. Ayer, Biz Com Elenric, Inc., OH [lM ]
(AIL. to David L. Hitti nger)
Roland E. Deike, Jr., Ce nte rPoint Energy, Inc., TX [ UT]
(AIL. LO Ro ge r D. McDaniel)
James T. Dollard,Jr., IBEW L ocal Unio n 98, PA [ L)
(Al l. lo Palmer L. H ickman )
ErnestJ. Gallo, Telcordia Technologies (Ericsson ), NJ [UT]
(Al L to J ames E. Brunssen)
Robert A. McCuUo ugh, Tucker mn, ~ [ El
(AI L to David A. Williams)
RobertD. Osborne, U L LLC, NC [RT]
(Alt. r.o j o h n R. Kovacik)
Christine T. Porter, lmertek Testing Sewices, WA [RT]
(Voting Alt.)
George A. Straniero, AFC Cable Systems, Inc., NJ [M]
(Voting Ali.)
Timothy J. Pope, Can adia n Standa rds A~ociatjon. Canad a [SE]
Rep. CSA/Canadia n Elecrrical (',ode Co mmittee
William R. Drake, Fair field, CA [ M]
(Me mbe r Emerillls)
D. H arold Ware, Lib ra Electric Com pany. OK [[M]
(Member Emeritus)
Mark W. Earley, N FPA Staff Lia ison
2U20 Edition
Code-Making Panel No. 1
Articles 90,100, 110, Chapter 9, Table 10, Annex A, Annex H , Annex I, and Annex}
Kenneth P. Boyce, Chair
Louis A. Barrios, Sh e ll Global Solutio ns, TX [U]
Rep. American Chemistry Council
Roland E. Deike, Jr., CenLerPoint Energy, Inc., TX [UT]
R ep. Electric Ligh1 & Power Group/ EEi
Ernest]. GaUo, Telcordia Technologies (Ericsson ), NJ [VJ
Rep. Alliance for Te lecc;imm unicaLions Industry SoluLions
Palmer L. Hickman, Electrical Training A lliance, MD [L ]
Re p. tmernational B rotherh ood nfE.lectrirnl Wc;irkers
David L. Hlttinger, I ndependem Electrical Contrac 1nrs of G re;uer
Cincinnati, 0 1-l [IM]
Rep. lnclepenclent Elecuical Contractors, lnc.
Donald R. [verson , National Elec1rical Manufac1urers Association,
Ml [ Ml
Rep. National Elecu·ical Manufacturers A~sociarion
James F. Pierce, l merrek Testing Services, O R [RT]
Harry J. Sassaman, fo resr.Eleccric Co,porarion, NJ [IMJ
R ep. National Elecrrical Contractnrs AssociaLion
Kent A. Sayler, P2$ Inc., CA [U)
Rep. 1.nsLitnte of Electrical & Electronks Engineers, Inc.
Mohinder P. Sood, Cicy of A lexandria, VA [El
Rep. lmernational Association of Elecuical Jnspecrors
James E. Brunssen , Telcordia Technologies (E,icsson) , NJ LUJ
(Al t. to Ernestj. Gallo)
Mark Christian, Electrical Training Alliance, T N [L]
(Alt. to Palmer L. H ickmat1)
Jon Coulimore,JC Elewic, Inc., WA [IM]
(Alt. to David LJ-littinger)
TimotJty Garland, Keene State College, N I-I [U]
(Voti ngAlc.)
Larry Geyer, QLtali ty Electric Inc.. ID [IM]
(Ale. to H an-yj. Sassaman)
Joseph Marquardt, ExxonMobil Productio n Compa n}, TX [U]
(AJ1. co Louis A. Barrios)
Roger D. M cDaniel, Georgia Power Company, GA [UT]
(AJt. to Ro land E. Deike.J r.)
Kenneth L. McKinney, Jr., UL LLC, NC [RT]
(Alt. lO Kenne th P. Boyce)
Donald R . Offerdahl, lntenek Testing Sen~ces, N D [RT]
(AJt. to J ames F. Pierce)
Michael C. Stone, National Electrical Manufacturers A%ociation,
CA [M]
(AJt. 10 Donald R. Iverson)
Frank E. Tyler, The Du Po n t Co!llpany, Inc.. DE [U)
(AIL to KemA. Say.le r)
Charles VaJaer, City Of G lendale Californ ia, CA LE]
(Alt. t0 Mohincler P. Sood )
Ark Tsisserev, AES Engineering, Canada [SE]
Rep. CSA/ Canadia n Electrica l Code CommitLee
Code-Making Panel No. 2
Articles 210,220, Annex D, Exam.pies Dl through D6
Mark R. Hilbert, Chr,ir
MR Hilbert Elenrical lnspectfon ~ & Training, N I-I [E)
Rep. In ternational Association of Electrical inspectors
Mathher Abbassi, N ew York City Depa run em O f B uildings, NY [El
Charles L. Boynton, The DuPont Company, Inc., TX LU]
Rep. Am e rican Chemistry Council
Daniel Buuck, National Association o f Ho m e Blti.lders ( NAH B) . DC
Re p. National Association of HQme .Builders
Steve Campolo, Levito n ManLtfacturin g Company, Inc., NY [M]
Thomas A. Domitrovich, Eaton Corporation, MO [Ml
Rep. National Electrical Ma nufacwr ers Association
Nehad El.Sherif, Saskatoon, SKCanacla [U]
Rep. lnstian e of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
TI1omas L. Harman, U ni versity of Housto n.Clear Lake, TX [SE]
DavidW. Johuson, CenTexJEC, TX [ IM ]
Rep. Independent E lectrical Con tracto rs, Inc.
Alan Manche, Schneide r Electric, KY [Ml
John McCan,ish, NECA IBEW Elecrrical Training Ce111.e r, OR [L ]
Rep. l m e rna tio nal Brothe rhood ofElecuical Workers
Christopher J. Pavese, Duke Ene rgy, KY [ UT]
Rep. Electric Light & P ower Group/ EEi
Frederick P. Reyes, U L LLC, NY [ RT]
Michael Weaver, M&W Electric, OR [ IM]
Rep. National Electrical Contractors A~sociation
William B. Crist.Jr., lES Residential Lnc., TX [JM]
(Al t. to David W. J ohnson)
Andrew Kriegman, Le,~ton Manufacturing Company, J nc., NY [M]
(Ah. 10 Steve Campolo)
Brett Larson, Schneider Electric, lA [M]
(.A.It. LO Alan Manch e)
Cesar Lujan, National Association ofl-fome Builders (NAHB), DC
(AIL LO D aniel Buuck)
Roger D. McDaniel, Georg ia P ower Compan y, GA [UT ]
(Al t. LO ChristopherJ. Pavese)
Daniel J. Naughton, .JATC of Greater Boston. MA [L)
(Alt. lo.J ohn McCamish)
Fred Neubauer, Neubauer Electric Inc.. CA [lM]
(Alt. 1.0 Mkhael Weaver)
Robert D. Osborne, UL LLC,NC [ RT ]
(Alt. to Fred e rick P. Reyes)
Femando E. Pacheco, Methanex Chile SA. TX LU]
(Ah. to Charles .L. Bni~1ton)
BrianE. Rock, H ubbell Incorpo rated, CT [M]
(A.11. to Thomas A. D o rnitrovich )
JosephJ. Wages, Jr., lmernaLio naJ A~oclation ofElectricaJ
Inspeck,rs, TX [El
(Alt. to Mark R. Hilben)
Douglas A. Lee, U.S. Consume r Product Safety Com.mission, MD
R ep. U.S. ConsLU11er Product Safecy Commissio n
2020 lldirjon
Andrew M. Trotta, U .S. Con sumer Product Safety Commissio n, l\lID
Rep. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Colllrnissio n
Code-Making Panel No. 3
Articles 300, 590, 720, 725, 727, 728, 760, and Chapter 9, Tables 11 (A) and (B), and Tables 12(A) and (B)
Robert A.Jones, Chair
l ndependem Electrical ContracLOrs, Inc., TX [IM]
R ep. Independent Electrical Co nu-actors, Inc.
Randolph J. Ivans, UL LLC, NY [RT]
Chad M.Jones, Cisco Systems, O H [ M]
T. David M.ills, T. David l\llills Associates. LLC, GA [U]
Rep. lnstitme ofEiecu·ical & ElecLronks Engineers, Inc.
Steven j. Owen, Steven j. Owen, Inc., AL [IM]
Rep. Associated Builders & Conu.ictors
David A. P ace, Olin Corporation. AL [VJ
Rep. American Ch emistry Council
Charles j. Palmieri, Tow11 n!'Norwell, MA LE]
Re p. lmernational Association
Elecu'ical Jnspectors
John E. Sleis hts, Travelers Insurance Company, CT [I )
George Allan Zimmerman, CM_E Consu lting, Inc., CA [SE]
Rep. Ethernet Allia nce
Richard S.Anderson, RTKLAssociates lnc.,VA [M)
Rep. Bujlding. Industry Consulting Services lnternauonaJ
Douglas P. Bassett, XFinicy H ome, FL [ IM]
Rep. Elenronic Sec uricy Association
Larry G. Brewer, lmertek Testing Services, NC [RT]
Steven D. Burlison, Duke Energy, FL [UT)
R ep. Elenric Light & Power Group/ EE!
Paul J. Casparro, Scram o n Electricians JATC, PA [L]
Rep. lmernatio nal Brmhe rhood of Electrical Workers
Shane M. Clary, Bay Alarm Compa ny, CA [M)
R ep. A utomatic Fire Afarn1 Association, Inc.
Raymond W. Horner, Allied Tube & Conduit, IL [M)
R ep. National Elenrical Manufacturers A~sociation
Adani D . Corbin, Corbin Elecrrical Services, lnc., NJ [IM)
(AIL to Rohen A.J o nes)
Mich aelJ. Farrell ill, Luca~ County Building Regulation, Ml [L]
(Alt. r.o Paul.J. Casparro)
J oel Goergen, Cisco Syste ms, Inc., CA [Ml
(AIL LO Chad M.Jones)
Ward Judson, Pencair/ ERICO Lnrernationa l Corporation. O H [M]
(AIL r.o Richard S. Anderson)
Kyle Krueger, National Electrical Contractors- Milwaukee Ch apter,
Wl [1.M]
(Voti ng AIL)
J ohn Lupacchino, Ga)ilorEleCLric lnco ,vomted, IN [ LM]
(AIL to Steve n .J. Owen)
Jack M cNamara, Bosch Security Systems, NY [M]
(Alt. to Shane M. C lary)
Timothy J . Mikloiche, Town of Wesr. H artford, CT [E]
(Alt. to Charles.). Palmieii)
MarkC. Ode, ULLLC,AZ [RT]
(Alt. LO Randolph J. Ivans)
Christopher J . Pavese, Duke Energy, KY l UT]
(AJL to Steven D. Burlison)
Dmitriy V. Plotnikov, l ntertek Testing Services, NJ [RT]
(AIL LO L 1tT)' G. B rewer)
Rick D. Sheets, AT&T Digira.l Life. TX [IM]
(AIL to Douglas P. Basseu)
George A. Straniero, AFC Cable Systems, Jo e., NJ [Ml
(Ah. m Raymo nd W. H orner)
William C. Sze to, McKinney, TX [U J
(AIL Lo T. David Mi lls)
Rebecca S. Templet, Shell Chemical, 1A [UJ
(AIL 10 David A. Pace)
Edward C. Lawry, Oregon, WL [E]
(Member Emeriws)
70-1 2
Code-Making Panel No. 4
Articles 690, 692, 694, 705
JamesJ. Rogers, Chair
To-.11S of Oak Bluffs, T isbury, West Tisbury, MA [El
Rep. International Association ofElecLrirnl lnspecwrs
William F. Brooks, Brooks Engi neering, GA [U)
Rep. Photovoltaic lnrlusr.ry Code Council
Bill Brown, Schneider Eleccric, T N [M)
Rep. National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Thomas E. Buchal, hnenek Testing Services, NY [RT]
James G. Cialdea, CE Power Engineered Services, LLC, MA [IM]
Rep. l.n terNational Electrical Testing A~sociat.ion
Timothy M. Croushore, Fi rsl.Energy Technologies, PA [UT)
Rep. Electric Ligh t & Power Croup/ EEi
Jason M. Fisher, Tesla Inc., VA [U J
Rep. Solar Energy Industries Association
Todd Fries, J-lellem1annTyLOn, Wl [M]
Mark D. Gibbs, URSICH2M Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR), TN [U]
Rep. lnstitme of Electrical & Elenrnnics Engineers, lnc.
Rebekah Wharton Hren, IPP NC LLC, NC [U]
Rep. Solar Energy Internationa l
Lee M. Kraemer, Fi,~~t Sola,; OH [Ml
Rep. Large-Scale Solar Association
Matthew Paiss, San.Jose Fire Department, CA [L]
Rep. International Association of Fire Fighters
Irozenell Pruitt, TI1e DuPont Company, Inc., TX [Ul
Rep. American Chemistry Council
DukeW. Schamel, Electrical Service Solutions, In.c., CA [£Ml
Rep. Independent Electrical ConcraClo rs, Inc.
RonaldJ. Toomer, Toomer Eleetrical Company Inc., LA [IM]
Rep. National Electrical Contracrors Association
Wendell R. Whistler, I BEW 1547, O R [L]
Robert H. Wills, Tmergrid, LLC. NH [ U)
Rep. American Wind Energy A.ssociation
Tunothy P. Zgonena, UL LLC, lL [RT)
J ohn S. Berdner, Sola rcowboyz, CA [Ul
(Ah. co William F. Brooks)
Ron Borowski, Ealon Corporation, WI [MJ
(Ah. to 13ill Brown)
Ward I. Bower, Solar Energy I nrlustries Association, NM [U J
(AJ L LO .Jason M. Fisher)
Mark Gillespie, TMlElec1ric, OH [lM]
(Alt. to Duke W. Sch amel)
Anthony Granato, Manchester Fire Rescue EMS, CT [ LJ
(All. lO Matthew Paiss)
Howard Liu, lntenek Testing Services, NY [RT]
(AIL t0 TI10rnas E. Buchal)
Brian Mehalic, Winston-Salem. NC [UJ
(AIL to Rebekah Wharton Hren)
Harold C. Ohde, IBEW 134/ Electrical j oimApprenticeship
Trai ni ng & Tn.Lst, IL [ L]
(AJL LO Wen dell R. Whistler)
Isaac Opalinsl<y, Sunpower Corporation, MD [MJ
(Alt. to Lee M. Krae mer)
Rhonda Parkhurst, Ory of Palo Alto, CA [El
(Alt. 1.o J amesJ. Rogers)
Robert W. Preus, National Re newable Energy Lab. CO [U)
(AIL to Robert H. Wills)
Kent Whitfield, Underwriters L'lboraLOries, CA [RT)
(Alt. to Timo1J1y P. Zgone na)
Leo Zieman, Florida Power & Light (Nexcera Energy), FL [UT )
(Alt. to Tirnorh y M. CroLIShore)
Stephen W. Douglas, QPS Evalnation Services Inc., Ca11ada [SE)
Rep. CSA/ Canadian Elecu·ical Code Commictee
2020 ll(l.irjon
Code-Making Panel No. 5
Articles 200, 250
Nathan Philips, Chai,·
lntegr;uerl Elenronic Systems, OR [ IM]
Rep. National Elecu·ical Contractors Association
Paul W. Abernathy, Encore Wire Corporat io n , TX [Ml
R e p . The AlLLmimunA~sociation. lnc.
Joseph F. Andre, Slee! Tube Institute, WA [M]
Rep. Steel Titbe Institute of North America
Gary A. .Beckstrand, Utah Elec.trical .JAT C, UT [L]
Rep. International Brotherhood of Elecu-ical Workers
Trevor N. Bowmer, Telcorclia (Ericsson ), NJ [UJ
Re p. Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
David .B.-ender, Copper D evelopmemA~sociation, Inc., NY [Ml
Re p . Copper Developmem A<;sociarion Inc.
Paul Dobrowsky, Innovative Tech no logy Services, NY [UJ
Re p. American Ch emistry Council
David A. Gerstetter, UL LLG, IL [RT)
G. Scott Harding, F. B. Harding, Inc., MD [IMl
Rep. LnrlependentElectrical Contractors, lnc.
Joseph Harding, Power Tool Institute, OH [M]
DaJeep C. Mohla, DCM Eleccrical Consulting Services, Inc., TX [U]
Rep. lnstimce of"Elecu-ical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Mike O'Meara, Arizona Public Service Company, AZ [UT]
Rep. Electric Lig ht& Power Group/ EEi
William A. Pancake, Ill, CAP Governmenc, FL [E]
Rep. lmernational Association of Elecu;cal Jnspecrors
Christine T. Porter, lntertek Testing Services, WA [RT)
Nick Sasso, Srnte of Wyoming, W'Y [El
Gregory J. Steinman, Thoma~ & Betts Corporation, T N [M]
Rep. National Elecffical Manufacturers Association
Larry Albert, Stan ley Black A nd Decker, MD [M]
(AIL to.Joseph I-larding)
Derrick L Atkins, Minneapolis Elecu-icalJ ATC, MN [L]
(A1L r.o Gary A. Beckstrand)
Kenneth S. Crawford, Ch emou rs Company, WV [U]
(Alt. to Paul Dobrowsky)
Joseph P. DeGregoria, UL LLC, NY [RT]
(AIL to David A. Gemener)
Raymond Dunnigan, lntertek, NY [RT]
(AIL to C hristine T. Porter)
Ernestj. Gallo, Telcordia 'Technologies (Ericsson ), NJ [U)
(Voti ng Al t.)
Bobby J. Gray, H oydar/ Buck, Inc., WA [(Ml
(Alt. to Nathan Phili ps)
Buster Grissett, Mississippi P mver Company, MS [UT]
(Alt. w Mike O 'Meara)
Raymond W. Horne r, Allied Tube & Conduit, IL [Ml
(Alt. m .Joseph F.Anrlre)
Ronald Lai, Burndy LLC, NI-I [M]
(Alt. lo Gregory.I- Steinman)
Karin Manfredi, AFG Cable Systems/Atkore, MA [M]
(AIL LO Paul W. Abernathy)
Richard M. O'Brien, IAEI, NV [ E]
(Alt. to William A. Pancake , Ill)
Davidj. Picatti, Picaui Bros. Inc. , OBA lndusu-ial Service & Elecu·ic,
WA l1Ml
(AIL to G. Scott Harding)
Phil Simmons, Simmons Elecuirnl Services, WA [l\•l l
(Al t. l0 David Brende r)
Robert A. N elson, Canadian Sl.-.nd.,rds .Associatio n , Canad a [RT ]
70-1 4
Code-Making Panel No. 6
Artlcles310, 311,320, 322,324,326,328,330,332,334,336 1 337, 338,340,382,394,396,398, 399,400, 402,
Chapter 9, Tables 5 through 9, Annex B and Example D7
Susan Newman Sce arce, Chair
City of Humboldt, T N, T N lE)
Rep. l nLernational As.sociatio n of Elecu-ical Inspectors
Todd Crisman, !BEW Local 22.JAT C, NE [ L)
Rep. lnternaLio nal Brothe rhood of Elenrical Workers
Joseph W. Cross, Eastma n Chemical Company. TN LU]
Rep. American Chemistry Council
Timothy Earl, G BH lmernational. MI [M)
Rep. The Vinyl lns1:iru1e
Christel K. Hunter, Cerro Wire, NV [M)
Rep. The A lurni11Lun Associarjo n , Inc.
G erald W. Kent, KenL Elecu-ic & Plumbing System s, TX [IM]
Rep . l ndepe ndenL Elecu-ical ConLractors, Inc.
Charles David Mercier, Soutl1\,'ire Company, GA [M]
Rep. National Electrical Manufacturen Association
Dennis A. Nielsen, Lawren ce Berkeley Natio nal Laboratory, CA [Ll]
Rep. Ins1jwre of Elec1rical & Electronics E ngineers, Inc.
Michael Thomas Porcaro, National Grid, MA [UT)
Rep. Electric Lig h r & P ower Gro up/ EEl
Kenneth Riedl, l menek Testin g Services, NY [RTJ
Rep. l m enek Testing Services
Susan L. Stene, UL LLC, CA. [RT )
George A. Stranjero, A FC Cable System s, l11c., NJ [M]
Rep. C',apper D evelopme n t Association Inc.
Wesley L. Wheele.r, National Electrical Contractors Association , MD
Re p. National Electrical Con tractors Associac:inn
David Carroll, Florida Power And Ligh t, FL [UT ]
(AIL Lo Mic hael Thomas Po rcaro)
Chris]. Fahrenthold, Facili1y Solutions Group, TX [IM )
(Alt. Lo Gerald W. Kem)
Samue l. B. Fdedman, Gene ral Cable Co,poration, RJ [Ml
(Ah. to C harles David Me rcier)
Herman]. Hall, ALL~Lin , TX [M]
(Alt. t0 T imothy Earl)
Samuel R. La Dart, City of Me mphis, TN [LJ
(Al t. LO Todd Crisman)
2U20 Edition
Kelly Lamp, Idaho Chapter NECA, LO [IM]
(AIL to Wesley L. \¥heeler)
Borgia Noel, State ofWyo ming Fire Marsha l's Office, WY [El
(Alt. to Susan Newm an Scearce)
Kevin T. Porter, Encore Wire Co1poration, TX lM)
(A lt to Christel K. Hunte r)
Mario Xerd, UL LLC, NY [RT ]
(AIL r.o Susan L. St.ene)
Joseph S. Zimnoch, TI,e Okonile Company, NJ [Ml
(AIL to George A. Srraniero)
Code-Making Panel No. 7
Articles 545, 547, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 604, 675, and Annex D , Examples D11 and Dl2
L. Keith Lofland, Chair
lme rnatio naJ A5soclation ofEJec.rrkal Inspectors (IAEI) , T X [E]
Rep. Internat ional Association of Elecrrical l nspeetors
Jorge L. Arocha, Flo rida Power & Liglu , FL lUT)
Rep. Edison Electric lnslicme
Joseph R. Chandler, lndependemE!ecrrical Conrractors-Dallas, TX
[ IM]
Rep. lndependem Elecui cal Comractors. I nc.
Wade Elliott, Utili ty Services Group, Inc., WA [U ]
Re p. National Associa tio n of RV Parks & Campgrounds
Robertj. Fick, AHiant Energy, Wl [U]
Rep. American Sociery of Agricultural & Bio logical Engi neers
Robert A. Garcia, Cavco f ndusu-ies/ Fleetwood Hornes , Inc.. AZ [Ml
Bruce A. Hopkins, R ecreatio n Vehicle Industry Associatio n , VA [M]
Ryan H yer, Testing Engineers lmernationa l, UT [RT]
Thomas R.Lichtenstein, UL LLC, IL [RT]
Doug Mulvaney, Karnpgrounds of.America, Inc., MT l U]
Clifford Norton, Belling ham Ma rine ULiJiries, FL [ IM]
Richard A. Paredes, IBEW Local J 64 .JATC. NJ lL]
Rep. lncernational B rotherhood ofElecu·ical Wo rke rs
Stephen G. Rood, Legrand North America, NY [M]
R ep. National Electrical Ma nufacwre rs Associatio n
Dave Watson, Southwire, (;A [M]
Rep. The Aluminum Associatio n, Inc.
Wesley L Wheeler, Nalional Electrical Contractors.Associa\io n, MD
Rep. National Eleccricai Contract.ors. Associatio n
Michael L. Zieman, RADCO, CA [M]
Rep. Manufactured H ousing Jnsliuu e
Barry S. Bauman, Allian t Energy, WI [U]
(AIL to RobenJ. Fick)
William Bruce Bowman, Fox System s, Inc., GA [IM]
(Alt. r.o.Joseph R. Chandle r)
Byron Carroll, Carro l Woods Inc., NC [UJ
(AIL LO Wade Elliott)
Gerald D. Dix, H ampto n Roads J o imApprenticeship Training
Committee, VA [ L]
(AIL LO Richa rd A. P aredes)
Dean C. Hunter, Minnesota Depa nm enc of L abo r &. Jndusuy. MN
(Alt. to L. Keith Lofland)
J e ffrey Kreidler, Kampgrnunds of' America J nc., MT [ UJ
(Ale. ro Do ug Mulvan ey)
Mark C. Ode, U L LLC, AZ lRT]
(AIL. LO TI10mas R. Lichte nstei n)
Kent Perkins, Recreali0n Vehicle Industry A5Socialion, VA LM ]
(AJL LO Bruce A. H opkins)
Paulj. Reis, A FC Cable Systems, Inc., MA [M]
(AIL LO Dave WaLSon)
Matthew J. Samojeden, Hubbell inco rporated, CT [M]
(Ah. co Stephe n. G. Rood )
Code-Making Panel No. 8
Articles 342, 344, 348, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358, 360, 362, 366, 368, 370, 372, 374, 376, 378, 380, 384, 386,
388, 390, 392, Chapter 9, Tables I through 4, Example DI3, and Annex C
Larry D. Cogburn, Chair
Cogburn Bros., Inc .. FL [ IM]
Rep. National Electdcal ConrraCLors Association
Doug Adams, MP L-I usky LLC, SC [M]
Rep. Cable Bus ManufacLUrers Association
Rkha.i-d.J. Berman, ULLLC, IL [RT]
David M . Campbell, AFC Cable Systems, Inc., MA [M]
Rep. The A luminum Association , Inc.
Kenneth W. Hengst, 4C2 E lectrical Specialists, TX [ IM]
Rep. Indepenclent Electrical Conrrnctors, Inc.
Pete Jackson, City of Bakersfield. California, CA [El
Rep. l nternatinnal Association of Electrical Inspectors
David H . Kendall, Thomas & Beus Corporation, TN [MJ
Rep. TI1e Vinyl Institute
Richard E. Loyd, R & N Associates, AZ [M)
Rep. Steel Tube Jnstitute ofNon:h America
Michael C. Martin, ExxonMobil Research & Engineering, TX [U]
Rep. American Chemistry Corn1c.il
PauIW. Myers, Nutrien, OH [U]
R ep. l ns ti ru te of Electrical & Electronics Engl nee rs, Inc.
Donald R. Offerdahl, Intenek Testing Services, ND [Rn
Rhett A. Roe, IBEW Local Unio n 26 JATC, MD [L)
Rep. International Brnr..herhood of Electrical Wnrkers
Rodney J . West, Schneider Electric, OH [M]
Rep. National Electrical Man1.1fac1.urers Association
Jay Burris, WheaLlancl Tuhe ( Div. ofZekelman lndusLries), OH [M)
(Alt. to Richard E. Loyd)
Stephen P. Poholski, Newkirk Elecuic Associates, Inc., Ml [ IM)
(Alt LO L-,rry D. Cogb urn)
Joel (Joey) Crider, AEP, O H [UT ]
(Voting AIL)
Brian D eacy, Allied Tube Condu..i1 Corp0raLio n, J.L [M]
(AIL LO D avid H . Kendall)
Dan Rodriguez, IBEW Lncal Unfon 332, CA [L]
(AIL io Rheu A. Roe)
FredericF. Small, Hubbell IncorporaLed, CT [Ml
(AIL m Rodney .J. West)
03.11 Suriyamongkol, Adviu1ced Cable Bus, SC [M]
(AIL m Doug Adams)
Raul L. Vasquez, Independent Elecuical Contractors, TX [IM]
(AJL m Kennelh W. Hengst)
Dave Watson, SouLl11vjre, GA [M]
(AIL Lo David M. Campbell)
David A. Gerstetter, UL LLC, IL [RT]
(AIL. LO Richa rd.). Bemmn)
J. Grant Hanunett, Colorarlo Stme Electrical Board, CO [E)
(Alt. to Pete.Jack.son)
Gary K. Johnson, D ow Corning Corporation, L\ [U]
(Ah. IO Michael C. Martin)
Stephen W. Dougfas, Q PS Evaluation Services Inc., Canada [SE]
Rep. CSA/ Canadian Electrical Code Committee
2U20 Edition
Code-Making Panel No. 9
Articles312, 314, 404,408, 450,490
David G. Humphrey, Chair
Coumy of 1-Je nrico, Virginia, VA [EJ
Rep. International Association ofElecrtical Inspectors
Richard Anderson, Fluo r Corporation , TX [U]
R ep. A~sociated BujJde rs & Concracrors
Timothy Schultheis, T.S.B Inc .. Schultheis Electric, PA [ IM]
Rep. Natio nal Electrical Contractors Association
Rodney D. Belisle, N ECA-LBEW Electrical Training Trust, O R [L]
Rep. Internatio nal Brmherhood ofElecrrical Workers
Carmon A. Colvin", Brigh t Future E lecffic, LLC, AL [ IM]
Rep. lndependem Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Frederic P. Hartwell, 1-lartwell Electrical Services. tnc., l\llA [SE]
Kevin R. Miller, I m e rLek Testing Services. WA [RT]
Robert D. O sborne, UL LLC, NC [RT ]
Bradford D. Rupp, Allied Moulded Pmducts, I nc., OH [M]
Re p . National Electrical Ma nufactu re rs A.~ociatio n
Paul B . Sullivan, DuPo nc, SC [ U ]
Rep. lnstituLe of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Darrell M. Sumbera, Centerpoi nr Energy, TX [ UT]
Rep. Edison Elecu·ic Institute
Ralph fl. Young, Easunan Ch emical Company. TN [U]
Rep. American l.11ernistry Council
Jeffrey A. Fecteau, Underwriters Laboratories LLC, AZ [RT]
(Alt. r.o Robert D . Osborne)
Ken Filips, Bergelectric, OR [ JM]
(AIL to Carmon A. Colvin)
Barry N. Hornberger, PECO Energy Com pany. PA [UT ]
(Alt. to Darre ll M. Sumbera)
Ronnie H. Ridgeway, Siem ens lnd ttsU')', Inc.. TX [M]
(AIL LO Bradford D . Rupp)
Pat Griffith Rose, City of Greensboro, NC [E]
(Alt. t(l David C. H umphrey)
Michael Simister, Intenek Testi ng Sen1ces, T X [RT)
(AIL to Kevi n R . l\lljlJer)
Michael O'Connell, J ointApprentice & Training Corrnnittee of
Gremer BosLOn, MA [ L]
(Alt. to Rodney D. Be lisle)
70-1 8
Code-Making Panel No. I 0
Articles 215, 225, 230, 240, 242
Julian R. Burns, Chair
Qualicy Power Solutions, Inc., NC [IM]
Rep. Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc.
Paul D. Barnhart, UL LLC, NC [RT )
Scott A. Blizard, American Electrical Testing Company. Inc., tvlA
Rep. lnterNational Electrical Testing As.~ocintion
James T. Dollard, Jr. , IBEW Local Union 98, PA [ Ll
Rep. lnternalional BroLherhood of Elecu·ical Wo rkers
Ed Koepke, Nirtec Mornr Corporal.ion, MO [Ml
Kenne th]. Rempe, Siemens lndtL~try lr1c., GA [M)
Rep. National Elenrical Manufacrurers A.~ociation
Vincent]. Saporita, Eaton's Bussmann Business, MO [M.]
Roy K. Sparks, ill, E li Lilly and Company, IN [U]
Rep. American Chemis1sy Council
StevenE. Townsend, General Motors 0)mfX111Y, Ml [U)
Rep. Institute ofElecuical & E lenronicsEn gineers, Inc.
Christopher R. Vance, National Grid, NY [ UT]
Rep. Elecu·ic Ligh t & Power Group/ EE!
David A. Williams, De ir.a Ch anerTownship, Ml [El
Rep. ln LernationalAssociarion of E lectrical Inspectors
Anthony Dawes, DTE Energy, MJ [UT]
(AlL LO C hri~toph er R. Vance)
James Dorsey, Do ug las C,)unry Eleccrical lnspecrnr, CO [EJ
(Alt. to D m1d A. Williams)
Kevin]. Lippert, Eacon Corporation, PA [M]
(Ah. Lo Vincentj. Saporita)
Richard E. Lofton, II, IBEW Local Union 280, O R [ L]
(AIL lOJ amesT. Dollard, J r.)
Alan Manche, Sch neider Electric, KY [Ml
(All. LO Kenneth.]. Rempe)
David Morrissey,American E lectrical Testing Company. I nc., MA
[ IM)
(All. to ScouA. Blizard)
2020 ll(l.irjon
Nathan Philips, Integrated Electronic Systems. O R [IM]
(Voting· Alt.)
Steve A. Struble, Freeman's Electric Service. Inc., SD [I.M]
(AIL r.o J u lian R. Burns)
Peter R. Walsh, Tea ticket Technical A.~oci,nes, LLC, MA [U]
(AIL r.o Steven E. Townsend)
D anish Zia, UL LLC, NY [ RT)
(AIL to Paul D. B arnhan)
Code-Making Panel No. 11
Articles 409,430, 440, 460,470, and Annex D, Example D8
Dirk R. F. Mueller, Chair
UL LLC, Germany [ RT]
Luis M. Bas, In tenek TesUng Services, FL [ RT]
John E. Cabaniss, Easm1an Ch e mical Company. TN [U ]
R ep. American Chemisrry Councfl
Terry D. Cole, Hamer Electric, Inc ., WA [I Ml
Re p. lnrl.ependem Electrical Co111racmrs, Inc.
Zivorad Cosic, ABB Inc., WI [M ]
Robert G. Fahey, City ofJ a t1esville, WI lE]
R ep. l mernaUonal Association ofE1ecuical lnspec10rs
Paul E. Guidry, Fluor Enterprises, Inc., TX [U]
R ep.Associated Builde rs & Conrractors
Stephen M.Jackson, Smu.hern Company, GA [UT]
Rep. Elec1ric Light & Powe r Group/ EEi
Arthur S. Neubauer, Arseal Technologies, GA [ U]
Rep. American Petrolernn lns tirute
JebecUahJ. Novak, Cedar Rapids Elecrrirnl.JATC. IA [L]
Rep. lmernationa.1 Brm herhoocl orElecrrical Workers
Joe Schomaker, Eaton, MQ [M]
Arthur J. Smith, III, Waldemar S. Nelson & Company, Inc., LA [U]
Rep. lnsti[ule of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Keilh Waters, Schneider Elecrric, KY [M)
Rep. National Eleccrica.l Manufacrnrers AssociaUon
Ron Widup, Shennco Jndustries, TX [IM]
Rep. l merNational Electrical Testi ng Association
Se th J. Carlton, UL LLC, IL [RT]
(Alt. LO Dirk R. F. Muelle r)
Donald P. Deachin, DTE, Ml [ UT]
(Alt. LO Steph e n 1\11. J ackson)
Eric Gesualdi, Sh ell Oil Company, T X [ U )
(Alt. wArt hm S. Neubauer)
Chester K-elly; DuponLCh esuwL Run Plaza, DE [U]
(A.It. 10 J o hn E. C'.abaniss)
Trm LaLonde, H askin Electric, Jnc., WA [IM]
(Alt. 10 Ten-y D . Cole)
Charles Littlefield, Goochla nd Coumy, VA [EJ
(Alt. tO Robert G. Fahey)
Charles A. Goetz, Siemens lndtLStry, I nc., IL [Ml
(Alt. r.o Ke.i th Waters)
Darryl Hill, Wichita ElecrricalJ ATC/ IBEW 271, KS [L j
(Alt. 10J e bedia h.J. Novak)
Tim Hinson, Miller Electric Co m pany, FL [I M]
(Vo ting Alt.)
VmcentJ. Saporita, Eaton's Bussman n Business, MO [Ml
(Alt. m J oe Schomak er)
Steven E. Townsend, General Motors Company. Ml [U]
(Alt. 10 Arthur.J, SniiLh , Ill)
Bobby A. Walton, lmenek, TX [RT]
(A IL 10 Lujs M. Bas)
Code-Making Panel No. 12
Articles 610, 620, 625,626, 630,640, 645, 646, 647, 650, 660, 665,668, 669,670, 685 and Annex D , Examples D9
and D10
Scott Cline, Chair
Mcl\forirey Electric, Inc .. CA [IM)
Rep. Natio nal Electrical Con tractors Associa tio n
J oseph M. Bablo, UL LLC, IL [RT ]
Frank Anthony Bello, Internation a l Un io n of Elevator Constructors,
CA [ L )
J effrey W. Blain, Schi mlle r Elevator Corporalion , NJ [M)
Rep. National Elevator I ndustry Inc.
Philip Clark, Cicy o f Southfield, Ml LE)
Rep. Internatio nal Associatio n of Electrical Jnspectors
Karl M . Cunningham, Alcoa, Corporation. PA [Ml
Rep. The AluminLLrn Associatio n , In c.
Joel Goergen, Cisco Systems, In c., CA [M]
Jody B . Greenwood, Navy Crane Cemer, VA [ UJ
Jeffrey L. Holmes, I.BEW Local Unio n l .JATC, MO [ L]
Rep. In ternational Broth erhood of Elecu-ical Workers
Robert E . Johnson, ITE Safety. MA [U)
Rep. In formation Tech nology l ndusuy Council
MarkS. Jo iner, Office State Fire Ma rsha l, LA [EJ
Stanley Kaufman, CableSafe, lnc./O FS, GA [M]
Rep. Plastics lndusu·y Association (Plastics)
To dd R. Konieczny, lntenek Testing Services, MA [RT ]
Rep. l n terrek Testi ng Services
To dd F. Lotbnann, Eato n 's Bussmann Business, PA [M)
Rep. Natio n~! Electrical Ma nufacturers Association
Karl Re ighard, Delmarva P ower and Liglu, MD [UT]
Rep. Ediso n Elecrric Institute
Edward E. Rodriguez, Walker Engineering, Inc., TX [IM)
Rep. Independem Electrical Comracto rs, Inc.
James E. Tarchins k.i, Gen eral MoLot-s Com pany, l\lU [ UJ
Rep. SAE H ybrid/ EV Tedrnical Standards. Committee
Robert C. Tunter, lnductOLherm Corporarion , .PA [M ]
Rocco DeLuca, Jr., City An d Coun ty Of Broomfie ld, CO [El
(Alt. Lo Philip Clark)
Jacob Haney, General Cable Corporatfon, JN [ M )
(Ah . LO Karl M. Cunningha m)
JohnD. (Doug) Henderson, ThyssenKrupp Elevator MMufacturing
Inc .. T N [M J
(AIL to.J effreyW. Blain)
John R. Kovacik, UL LLC, IL [RT]
(AJL to .Josep h M . Bablo)
Richard (Tony) O 'Brien, Cisco Sys1ems. In c., CA [M)
(Al t. toJoel Goergen )
Mike 0 1Meara, Arizona Public Service Company, A2 [ UT ]
(Ah. ro Karl Reighard)
Joseph F. P r'isco, IBM Corporation , M N [U)
(Alt. to Rohen E. J o h nson)
P e ter Sedor, l merrek, NIA [RT]
(AJL to Todd R. Ko nieczny)
Richard R. Shawbell, Jr., Flo rida East Coast ElectricalJ ATC, FL [L]
(Alt. r.oJ effrey L. Ho lmes)
David B. Stump, lndependem Electrical Comractors, TX [I.M]
(Alt. to Edw;i rd E. RodrigL1e2)
Emad Tabata.baei, l nductotherm Corporation, l\[J [M]
(Alt. 1.0 Roben C. Turner)
Frank Tse, Leviton Man ufacturi ng Company, Inc., NY [MJ
(AJL Lo Todd fl. Lotunann)
N onvoting
Andre R. Carta!, Yard ley, PA [E]
(Member Emeritus)
2U20 Edition
Code-Making Panel No. 13
Articles 445, 455, 480, 695, 700, 701 , 702, 708, 750, Annex F and Annex G
Linda J. Little, Chair
IBEW L ocal l Elewicia ns.JATC, MO [L]
Martin D. Adams, Adams Electric, Inc., CO [ IM]
Rep. National Electrica l Comracwrs Association
Steve Baldwin, In tertek, CA [RT]
R ep. lmenek Testing Services
GregJ. Ball, Tesla, CA [M]
Krista McDonald Biason, HGA Architects a nd Engjneers, MN LU)
Rep. Americ;an Society for Heah.hcare Engineering
Daniel]. Caron, Bard, Rao+ Athanas Consulting Engineers, LLC,
Richard D. Currin,Jr., NorU1 Carolina State U niversity, NC [ll]
Rep . American Society of'Agriculrura l & Biological Engineers
Neil A. Czarnecki, Relia nce Co nu·ols Corpo ra1jo 11. W I [M]
Re p. N aliom1I Electrical Ma nufac1urersAssociation
Ste ven F. Froemming, City of Fran klin, Wl [E)
Rep. lmernaLio nal Associatio n of Electrical Inspectors
Robert 'E. Jordan , A laba ma Power Company, AL [UT]
R ep. Elecu·ic Liglu & Power Croup/EEi
John R. Kovacik, ULLLC., IL [RT]
Greg Marchand, Briggs & Straito n, WI [M]
Rep. Portable Generawr ManttfacLL1rers' Association
Daniel R. Neeser, Eaton's Bussmann Division. MO [Ml
Shawn Paulsen , CSA Group, Canada [RT]
ArnoldoL. Rodriguez,LyonclelJBasell Industries. TX [U]
Rep. Ame rican C11emistry Council
Mjchael L Savage, Sr., Mario n County Building Safety, FL [E]
Mario C. Spina, Verizon Wire less, OH [UJ
R ep, InslitUle ofEleccrical & E lectronks Engineers, Inc.
Kendall M. Waterman, Draka Cable ce<J. MA [MJ
Rep. Copper DevelopmemA~sociatio n Inc.
James R. White, Sh ermco Indnstries, Inc., TX [IM)
R ep. ln cerNalional Electrical Testing Association
Timothy P. Windey, Cummins P ower Gene ration , MN [ M]
Lawrence S. Ayer, Biz Com Electric, lnc., OH [ IM]
(Vo ling AIL)
Barry S. Bauman, Allialll Energy, WI [U]
(Ale. r.n Rjchard D. Currin.Jr.)
Glenn Brown, CJL Engineering, PA [U)
(Alt. LO Krista McDo na ld Biaso n)
William P. Cantor, TPI Corpora1jo n. PA (U]
(Ale. LO Mario C. Spina)
James S. Conrad, RSCC Wire & Cable, CT [M]
(Alt. LO Kendall M. Waternrnn)
Timothy Cmko, Eato n "s .Bussmann Business. MO [M]
(Ale. to Danje l R Neeser)
James T. DoUard, Jr., I.BEW Local Union 98, PA [L]
(Alt. lo Lind a j. Lillie)
Laurie B. Florence, UL LLC, LL [RT)
(Alt. to J ohn R. Kovacik)
Travis Foster, Sh ell Oil Company, TX [U]
(Alt. ro Arnoldo L. Rodriguez)
Richard Garbark, BC E, MD [UT]
(Alt. lll Robert E ..Jordan)
Jan Gromadzki, Tesla, CA [M]
(Ah . 10 Greg.). Ball)
Jeff Jonas, Generac Power Systems, Inc., Wl [M]
(Voling Alt.)
Chad Kennedy, Schne ider Electric, SC [M)
(Alt. t(1 Neil A. Czarnecki)
Raymond Richard Prucha, Bard. Rao ;.. Amhanas Consulting
Engineers, LLC. NY [SE]
(Alt. lo Da nielJ. Caron )
Daniel Schlepp, Wacke r Neuson , WI [MJ
(Ah. to Greg Marcha nd)
Rich Scroggins, Cr,mmjns Power Generatioo. MN [M]
(Alt. 10 Timo 1.h y I'. Windey)
Rkhard Tice, VEC, Inc., 01-1 [IM]
(AI L LO Martin D. Adams)
Anton Tomasin, City Of Rochesier Hills, MI [E]
(Alt. lo Steven F. Froemming)
Mkhael Wilson, CSA Group, Canada [RT]
(Alt. to Sha wn Paulsen )
Code-Making Panel No. 14
Articles 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 510, 511 , 513, 514, 515, 516
Michael W. Smith, Chair
Sch aefler E leclric Co mpany, MO [IM]
Rep . N ation al Elecu·ical Comracm rs Associa tio n
Donald W. Ankele, UL LLC, JL [ RT]
Steven]. Blais, Applecon G roup, IL [ MJ
Rep. National Elenrica l Man ufacture rs Association
Corey Cahill, U.S. CoascGuard, D C [El
Mark A. Chrysler, Cii:y of San Diego, CA [El
Rep. lm e rnario nal A'iSociation ofElenrical l nspeccors
William T. Fiske, Tnrenek Testing Services, NY LRT)
Mark Coodtnan, Mark Goodman t lecll'ical Consu lting, CA LU]
Rep. Am e rica n Petro le um lnslirnte
William C. Lawrence,Jr., FM Glohal, NL'\ [ I)
L. E vans Massey, Baldor Electric Company, SC [MJ
Rep. Instrumenr,ation, System s, & Autom a tio n Society
William E. M cBride, CO NA M Co nstruction Company, AK [VJ
Rep. Ins titme o f Electrical & Electronics Eng ineers, Inc.
Jeremy Neagle, U .S. Burea u ofAlcoho l, Tobacco, Firearms &
Explosive!', MD [U]
Thomas L. Pottschmidt, Indlanapolis P ower & Ligh t, IN [ UT]
Rep. Edison Electric l nstinne
Lowell Reith, l nterstates Constructio n Services, Inc., KS [IM]
Rep. Indep ende n tElectrical Concrncro rs, l nc.
John L. Simmons, Flo rida East CoastJ AT C, FL [L]
Re p. Inte rnatio nal Broth e rho od of E lectrical Wo rke rs
Ft-ed K. Walker, U .S. De partme nt Of The Air Fo rce, FL [El
DavidB. Wechsler, Go nsu lta nt, T X [ U]
Rep. Ame rican Che mistry Counc.il
M ark C. Wirfs, R & W Engineering, Inc., OR [U]
Rep. Grain Elevator a nd P rocessing tiocie cy
Alter n ates
Miliail Bantic, l n tertek, TX [RT]
{Alt. LO William T. Fiske)
Dave Burns, Shell P&T, Tn novatio n/ R&D. TX fU l
(All. Lo Mark Goodma n )
Cory Cole, Ha me r Electric, Inc., WA [IM]
{AlL LO Lowell Reith)
Thomas E. Dwme, Lo ng lslanrl j oint Ap pren ticesh ip & Train ing
Committee, NY [L]
(AIL to.Jo hn L. Simmo ns)
Andrew Hernandez, Asu·aZen eca Pharmace micals, DE [U]
(AJL co WiJliam E . McBride)
Richard A. Holub, The Du Pon t Company, Inc., D E [ U]
(AIL. Lo D avid B. Wec hsle r)
Paul T. Kelly, UL LLC, JL [RT]
(A lt. r.o Do nald W. Ankele)
Haywo od Kines, P rince William Co u n ty Building Develo pment, VA
(Alt. Lo Ma rk A. Ch rysle r)
Edmund R. Leubner, Eato n's Crouse-Hinds Business. NY [M]
(AIL LO Steven .J. B lais)
Ed die Ramirez, FM Glo bal, l\llA [I]
(AIL LO William G. Lawre nce. Jr.)
Ted H . Schnaare, Rosem o unLIncorpo rated, MN [M l
(A lt.. Lo L. Evans Massey)
Mich aelE. Aaron, Wiss.Ja nney Elstner Associales, Inc., lL [SE]
R e p. T C o n Airpo n Facilities
2020 ll(l.irjon
Timo thy J. P op e, Canadian S4"1nda rds A,sociaLion, Canada [RT )
Code-Making Panel No. 15
Articles517,518, 520,522,525,530,540
Lawrence E. Todd, Chair
lme n ek Testing Services, KY [RT]
Chad E.- Beebe, AsHE • AH A, WA [U]
David A. Dagenais, Panners/ Wentwonh-Douglass Hospi tal, NH [ U ]
Rep. NFPA H eald1 Care Sectio n
Matthew B . Dozier, !Design Services, TN [U]
Rep. Lnstimre of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, lnc.
Joe L. DuPriest, City of SL Cloud, FL [E]
Rep. Inte rnatio nal Associatio n of Electrical Inspecto rs
Kenneth J. Gilbert, Florida Power & Lig ht Company, FL [UT ]
R ep. Electric Light & Power Gro,1p/ EEI
Pamela Gwynll, UL LLC, NC [RT]
R e p. ULLLC
Mitchell K. Hefter, Signify, TX [ IM]
Re p. 111um.inati ng Engineering Society of North AmeriGI
Kim Jones, Fun ta~tic Sh ows, OR [U]
Rep. Ourdoo r Amusement B usiness Association , J nc.
Edwin S. Kramer, Radio City Music Hall, NY [ L]
Rep. 1111.e rnat.io nal Alliance ofTheairical Stage Employees
Gary J. Krupa, U.S. Depanm enc ofVet.erans Affairs, NE [U]
Kevin T. Porter, Encore Wi1·e Corporation, TX [M]
Rep. TI1e Aluminum A5sociation, Inc.
Brian E . Rock, Hubbell Incorporated, CT [M]
Rep. National Electrical Ma mtfacru re rsAssociatio n
James C. Seabury Ill, Ence rprise Elect.ric, LLC, T N [IM]
Rep. lnrlependem Electrical Comracwrs, Inc.
Bruce D. Shelly, Sh elly Electric Company. Inc., PA [IM]
Re p. National Electrical Co ntractors Associa tio n
Michael D. Skinner, CBS Studio Center, CA LU]
Rep. Alliance of Motion Picture and Televis io n Produ cers
Steven R. Terrr., Electronic Theatre Controls Inc., NY [M ]
R e p. U.S. lns tit.me for Theatre Technology, Inc.
Michael A. Anthony, Standards Michigan , Ml [U]
(AIL LO MauJ1ew 8 . D ozier)
Gary A. Beckstrand, Ucah ElecuicalJAT C, UT [ L]
(Voting Alt.)
David M. Campbell, AFC Cable S)'s tems, In c., MA LMJ
(Alt. to Kevin T. Poner)
Carmon A. Colvin, Briglu Future Electric. LLC . AL [ IM]
(Al L LO.James C . Seabury Ill)
Connor Wright Frazier, HGA A rchitecLs And Engineers. MN [CJ]
(AIL ro Chad E. Beebe)
Samuel B. Friedman, General Cable Corporation . R1 [M]
(AIL to Brian E. Rock)
Edward Joseph, Underwrite rs Laboratories Inc., NY [RT]
(Alt. tO Pamela Owynn)
Jay Y. Kogoma, lntertek Testing Services, CA [RT]
(Alt. to Lawre nce E. Todd)
FrankNovitzki, U.S. DeparunemofVeteransAffairs, VA [ U]
(AlL LO Gary J. Krupa)
Don Rabel, Micl-Wesc Electric Company, T X [I M]
(Alt. 10 Bruce D. Sh e lly)
Douglas Rbeinbeimer, Paramount Pictures, CA [ U ]
(AIL. to Michael D . Skinner)
Alan M. Rowe, lnternational Alliance of Theatrical St_age
Employees, CA [L)
(Alt. LO Edwin S. Kram et)
Clinton Bret Stoddard, Cit.y of Rexburg, ID [E]
(Alt. Lo Jo e L. DuPriest )
Walter N. Vernon, IV, Mazzet.t.i, CA [SE]
(Voong AIL)
R. Duane Wilson, Geo rge C. lze no ur Assocfaces, Inc., NM [IM]
(Alt. to Mitch e ll K. 1:i.erter)
Code-Making Panel No. 16
Articles770, 800, 805, 810,820, 830, 840
Thomas E. Moore, Chair
City of Beachwood, O l-1 [El
Rep. International Association or Elecuical l nspectors
G eorge Bish, Amazon/ Ri ng Protect Inc .. NC [ IM ]
Rep. Satellire Broarlcasting & Communications Association
James E. Brunssen, Telcordia Technologies (Ericsson), NJ [U)
Rep. Al liance for Telecommun ications lndusu-y Solutions
Terry C. Coleman, Electrical Traini ng,A lliance, TN [LJ
Rep. Interualional Brotherhood of Elecu·ital Workers
Robert Davies, Davies E lectric Company. CA [LM)
Rep. Naliona l Elecirical Contractors Associatio n
Fred C. Dawson, Chemours, Canada [U]
Re p.Am erican Chemisu-y Council
Gerald Lee Dorna, Belrlen Wire & Cable Co., IN [M)
Rep. Insulated Cable Engineers Associalion, Inc.
Robert W.Jensen, dbi-TelecommunicaLion l nfrastrncm re D esign,
T X [Ml
Rep. Buildi ng Industry Consulting Services International
Steven C. Johnson,J ohnson Telecom, LLC, T X [UT ]
Rep. Society of Cable Telecommunicatio ns Engineers (SGfE)
William]. Mc Coy, Telco Sales, Inc., TX [U]
Rep. lnstirme of Electrical & E lecrronics Enginee rs. Inc.
Michael F. Murphy, l ntertek Testing Ser vices, MA [ R1]
Thomas ]. Parrish , Telgian Corporation , Ml [M)
Rep. Aurnmatic Fire Alarm Association, Inc.
Roy Pollack, Comcast Xfiniry Home, FL [UT )
Rep. Electronic Security Association
Luigi G. Pre zioso, M, C. Dean. Inc .. VA [ IM]
Rep. Independent E lectrical Cnn tracrors, 1.nc.
Rodger Rei!mrig, J oh nso n Controls, FL [M]
Rep. National Electrical ManufanurersAssociation
Masood Shariff, Commscope, NJ [M]
Rep. Telecornmun.ications Industry Association
Anthony Tassone, UL L LC, NY [ RT J
Leo Zieman, Florida Power & Ligh t ( Nexcera Energy), FL [UT )
Rep. Electric Ligh c & Power Group/ EEi
Rendell K. Bourg, Natio nal Fire Protection Company Inc., 1--ll [MJ
(All. to ThornasJ. P arrish )
Trevor N. Bowmer, Telcordfa (Ericsson ), NJ [U]
(Ah . Lo.James E. Brunssen)
Larry Chan, City of New O rleans, LA LEJ
(AIL. Lo TI10mas E. Moore)
Timothy D. Cooke, Times Fiber Commun ications, Lnc., VA [UT]
{Alt. to SLeven C.Jo hnson )
Rando lph]. Ivans, UL LLC, NY [ RT ]
(Alt. Lo Anthony Tasso ne)
John A. Kacperski, P2S Engi neering, Inc.. CA [MJ
(Alt. to Robert W. J ensen)
Stanle y Kaufman , CahleSafe, Inc./OFS, GA [M]
(AIL. to Gerald Lee Dorna)
2020 ll(l.irjon
Eric Lawrence, Berk-Te k, A Nexans Company, PA [M]
(Alt. to Masood Sh ariff)
Diana M. Lettkeman, Dish Network Service, LLC, CO [ IM]
(Alt. to George Bish)
Christopher Rawson , Jnte rnalio na l Bro th e rhood of Elend caJ
Worke rs-- Tech nical I.nstirur.e (IBEW), LL [L]
(A lt. to Terry C. Colem an)
David B. Schrembeck, DBS Communicarions, Inc., O H [ IM]
{Ale. r.n Luigi G. Prezioso)
Carl R Wetterhan, General Cable Industries, Inc.. KY [M)
{AIL to Rodger Reiswig)
Code-Making Panel No. 17
Articles 422, 4241 426, 427, 680, 682
Donald R. Cook, Chair
Sh e lby Coumy Deparm1em of Developme nt Services. AL [ E]
Rep. lncernational Association of Elecrrical Inspectors
Thomas V. Blewitt, UL LLC, NY [RT]
Jerry Lee Daniel, Texas Department of Licensing Regulation, TX
E. P. Hamilton, lli, E. P. Hamilto n & A~sociaces, Inc., TX [M]
Rep. Associatio n of Poo I & Spa Professionals
Emmanuel (Lee) De Wayne Jones, Georgia P ower Company, GA
Rep. E leCLi-ic Ligh t & Power Group/ EEi
Brian Myers, lBEW Local Unio n 98, PA [L ]
Rep. International .Brotherliood of Electrical Workers
Timothy R. O'Brien, C hula Vista Electr.ic, CA LIM)
Re p. National Electdml Contractors Association
D ennis Michael Querry, Trini cy River A,,thority, TX [ll\ll]
Rep . Indepe ndent Electrical Contractors, fn c.
Chester L. Sandberg, C L Sandberg & Associates, LLC, CA [U]
R ep. Lnstitute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Kenneth M . Shell, nVem T h ermal ManagemenL. CA [Ml
Rep. Copper Developmem Associ;ujon Inc.
Kam Fai Siu, lmerrek Testing Services, Hong Ko ng [ RT]
Rep. lntercek Testing Services
P eter C. Swim, 'Whirlpool Corporation, Ml [M)
Re p. Air-Conditioning, H eating, & Refrigeration lnsti n11.e
Marce lo E. Valdes, GE Energy Industrial Solutio ns, NC [M]
Rep. National Electrica l Manufacturers Association
Matt B. Williams, Associatjo n of H ome Appliance Manufacturers
(AHAM ), DC [M]
Rep. Association of Home Applia nce ManufaCLure rs
PauJ W. Abernathy, Encore Wire Corpo ratio n , T X [Ml
(AJt. LO Ke nneth M. She ll)
Ryan Andrew, Ala~kaJ o inr Electrical Apprenticeship and Training
Trust, AK [L]
(Alt. tn Brian Mye rs)
Bernie Donnie Bell, Gulf Power Company, FL [UT]
(AJt. LO Emma nuel (Lee) DeWayneJ o nes)
Masud Chowdhury, AssociaLion of Home Appliance Man ufucwrers
(AH.AM), VA [M]
(Alt. tO Mat! .B. Williams)
Chris Faucette, State of Nonh Carolina, NC [E]
(AJL ro DonaJd R Cook)
StepbenR. Kuscsik, Underwri ters L,boratories Inc., LL [RTJ
(AIL w "n 10 mas V. Blewin)
Armando M . Lozano, MSF"Electric , lnc. , TX [IM]
(AIL to Dennis Michael Querry)
Stephen Macey, Watkins Manufacturing Corporation, CA [M)
(Al L LO E. P. H amil ton, 111)
Bernard Poton, lnLenek, TX [RT]
(AIL. to Kam Fai Siu)
Larry Reichle, Texas Depanme nt Of Licensing Regulation, TX [EJ
(Alt. m J erry Lee Daniel)
Svetlana Ulemek, H ubbel/ BLtrndy LLC. NH [ M ]
(Ah. co Marcelo E. Valdes)
Thomas H. Wood, Cecil B. Wood, Inc., IL [ lM]
(Alt. to Tiiuoihy R. O'Brien)
Andrew M. Trotta, U .S. Consume r Product SaJety Com.mj ssio n. MD
Douglas A. Lee, U.S. Con sumer P roduc t Safety Com miss.io n, MD
Re p. U.S. Consurne·r Product Safety Commissio n
Rep. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Co mmission
Code-Making Panel No. 18
Articles 393, 406, 410, 411, 600, 605
Bobby J. Gray, Chair
H oydar/ Buck, Inc., WA [IM]
Rep. National Electrical Contractors Association
Ron D.Alley, Northern New Mexico lEC, NM. [IM]
Rep. lndepe ndenl Electrical Concracmrs, Inc.
Frederick L. Carpenter,Act.ticy Brands Lighling. GA [M]
Rep. National Electrical Manufacwrers Association
Kw·tJ. Clemente, Clark Nexsen, Inc., VA [U]
Rep. lnscirute of Elecu;cal & Elecu·nnics Engineers, Inc.
Paul Costello, NECA and IBEW Local 90 JATC, CT [L]
Rep. lnte rnalional Brotherhood ol'Electrical Workers
Hakim Hasan, lnterLek, GA [RT]
Charles S. Kurte n , UL LLC, NY [RT]
William Ross McCotcle, American Electric Power, O K [UT]
Rep. Electric L ight & Power Group/ EEI
Michael S. O'Boyle, Philips Lightolie r, MA [MJ
Rep. American Lighting A~socialion
Wesley j . Wilkens, Persona., Inc., SD [M]
Rep. International Sign Association
Randall K Wright, RKW Consulting, PA [SEJ
Jack E.Jamison,Jr., Miller Engineeling, I nc., \l\'V [E)
Rep. International Association ofElectlical Inspectors
Alte rnates
D onald Berlin, lmermatic Inc.. IL [M]
(Alt. 10 Michael S. O'Boyle)
Juan M. Caamano, ULLLC, NY [RT]
(AJL to Ch arles S. Kurten)
Mark CoshaJ, !ES Commercial of San Amonio, TX [IM)
(All. LO Ron D. Alley)
Gabriel A. Griffin, Clear Sign and Design Inc., CA [M]
(Alt to Wesleyj. Wilkens)
Richard Hollander, City ofn1cson, AZ [E)
(AIL. to.J ack E ..Jarnison,J r.)
Robert Setaro, l ntertek. GA [Rl]
(Alt. 10 Hakim H asan)
Frank Tse, L eviton Manufacturing Company, Inc., NY [tvl]
(Alt. 1.0 Frederick L. Carpenter)
Daruel Van Sickle, ill, Elecu·ical Tra,njng Alliance of.Jacksonville.
F'L [L]
(Alt. t.n Paul Costello)
Paul Yesbeck, ACU Sign Corporation . FL [IM]
(AlL to Bobby J. Gray)
Committee Scope: Thi~ Committee shall haveplimary responsibility for documents 011
minimizing the risk of electricity as a source of electric shock and as a po ten Lia I igni1jon
source of Ii res and explosions. It shall also be responsible for teX:t to minimize t.he
propagation or lire and explosions due 10 electrical installatio ns.
2020 lldirjon
NFPA Electrical Engineering Division Technical Staff
Gordon S. Frost, Division Manager
Mai·k w. Earley, Chief Electrical Engineer
Mark Cloutier, Senior Electrical En~ineer
Christopher Coache, Senior Elecuical Engineer
Sarah D. Caldwell, Technical Committee Aclrn:inisu-amr
Kimberly H . Cervantes, Senio r Technical Con tem Ed itor
Erik Hoheogasser, TechnicaJ Lead. Electrical
RichardJ. Roux, Senior Electi-ical Specialist
Jeffrey S . Sargent, Principal Elecu·ical Specialist
Barry Chase, Senior Enf(ineer
National Electrical Code
2020 Erulion
IMPORTANT NOTE: Th is NFPA ilocument is made available for
use su~ject to important notices a nd legal disclaimers. These notices
and discfoimers appear in all publications con/a.ining this document
and may be found under the heading ''1mportant Notices and
Disclaimers Concerning NFPA Standards. " They can also be viewed
at www.,,jpa.org/disclaimers or obtained on request from NFPA.
NFPA codes, standards, recommended practices, and guides (i.e.,
NFPA Standards) are released on scheduled revision iycles. This
edition may be superseded by a later one, or it may be ame,uled
outside of its scheduled revision c:yde through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs). An official NFPA Standard at any
point in time consists of the current edition of the document, together
with all TlAs and Errata in effect. To verify that this document· is the
current edition or to determine if it has been amended by TlAs or
Errata, please consult the National Fire Codes® Subscription Service
or the "List of NFPA Codes & Standards" at www.nfpa.org/doci:nfo.
In, addition lo TIA:; and En-ata, the document informr:ttion ,pages alro
include the aption to sign up for aleits for individual documents mid
In be involved in the development ofthe next edition.
(C) Relation to Othe1· International Standards. The requirem e n t~ in tl1is Code address the fundamental principles of
protection for safety contained in Section 131 of Inter:natior1a l
Electrotechnical Commiss ion Standard 60364-1, 1:.t edrical installation~ of Buildings.
lnformational Note: IEC 60364-l , Section 131, conu'lins fundamental principles of protection for safety tlrnt e ncompas.5 prOLec1.ion against elecuic s hock, protection aiainst themrnl effects,
prntecl.inn against overcurrem, prmecl.ion against fault c1.U-ren1s ,
and protection agains1 overvoltage. All of these potential
hazards are addressed by the requirements in ,his Codi/.
90.2 Scope .
(A) Covered. This Code covers the installation and removal of
electrical conducto rs, equipment, and raceways; sig naling and
communicatio ns conductors, equ ipment, and raceways; and
optic.al fiber cables for the fo llowin g:
( 4)
Public and pl'ivate premises, including buildings, stn.1ctures, mobile hom es, 1·ecreational vehic.les, and floating
Yards, lo ts, parking lots, carnivals, and industrial substations
Installations of conductors and equipm ent th at connect
to the supply of elecrrici t)'
ul.!;talla tions used by the electric u tility, such as office
buildings, warehouses, garages, m achine shops, and
re creational buildin gs, tliat are not an integral part of a
generating planl, substation, or conu·ol center
Insta llations supplyin g shore power to sh ips a nd watercraft in marinas and boatyards, includi ng monitoring of
leakage currenl
Installations used to export elecu·ic powe r from vehicle~
to premises wirin g or for bidirectional current fl ow
(B) Not Covered. This Corle does not cover the following:
90.1 Purpose.
( J)
(A) Practical Safeguarding. The pmpose of this Corle is th e
practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards
arising from the use of elec tricity . This Corle is not intended a~ a
design specification or an instruction manual for untrained
persons .
(B) Adequacy. This Cod1: co ntains proV1s1o ns Lha t are conside1·ed n ecessary for safety. Compliance th erewith and prope1·
maintenance result in an installation that is essentia lly free
from hazard but not n ecessarily efficient, convenient, or
adequate fo r good sen1ice or furure expansio n of electrical use.
Informational Nore: H azards often occur because of overloading
of wiring systems by method~ o r usage nor in conformit)' with
this Code. This occLtts because iniLia.1 ,,,iring did noL provide for
increases in the lLSe of electrici1y. An iniL.ial adequa,e insrallaLio n
and reasonable provisio ns for system changes provide for fu ture
increa.~es in the use ofelectriciLy.
2020 ll\lirjon
Installation.~ in ships, watercraft ot11er than fl oating buildings, railway rolling stock, a.iro·aft, or automo1:ive vehicl es
o tl1e r t11an mobile homes and reo·eational ve hicles
I n formation a l Nme: Altho ugh the scope of this Code indicates
thaL th e Goilt does nm cover ins1a llar.ions jn ships. portions of
this Code are inco rpo rated b y reference into Title 46, Code of
Fede ral Regula Lions. Parts 110- 113.
Insta llations undergrnund in mines and self-prope ll ed
m obil e surface min in g mac hine ry a nd il.5 atten dant electrical u·ai ling cable
Installations of railways for generation, transformation,
transtuissio n, e ne rgy storage, or d istribution of p ower
used exclusively for operation of rolliJ1g stock Qr i.nstallations used exclusively fo1· signaling an d communications
Installations of communications equipm ent unde r th e
exclLt~ive conu·ol of communications utilities located
outdoors or in building spates used exclusively for su ch
(.5 )
Installations under Lhe exclu.~ive co11n-ol of an e lecn-ic
ut.ility whe1·e such installations
a . Consist of service d rops or service laterals, and associated metering, or
b. Are o n property owned or leased by tl1e e lectric ut.ility
for the purpose of communications, metering, gene1·•
ation, co11trol, u-ansformation, u-ansmission, energy
storage, o r distribution of e lectric energy, or
c. Are located in legally established easem ents or rig h t~of~way, or
d . Are located by other written agreements either designated by or recognized by public service commissions,
utility comm issions, or other 1·egulato1-y agencies
having j1Lrisdiction fo r such installat.ions. These written agreements shall be limited to installations for the
prn:pose of cornmunications, meteri ng, generation,
control. transforn1ation, tran~mission. energy storage,
or distributio n of elecu·ic energy where legally established easemenL~ or righ ts-of-way cannot be obtained.
These installations shall be Limited to federal land~.
Native A meric,µ1 reservations through the U .S.
Department of d1e In terior Bureau of Indian Affairs,
military ba~es, lands controlled by port aum.orities
and state agenc ies and deparUlJents, and lands owned
by railroads.
Informational Nme LO (4) and (5): Examples of utilities may
include those enriLie.s Lhat are typically designated or recognized
hy governmen tal law or regulation by p1tblic service/ m.ility
commissions and that install, operate, and maintain elecr.ric
supply (such as g·enera1ion, r.ransmission, or disLribuLion
systems) or communications sys1ems (such as telephone, CATV,
Internet, satellite, or dat,-i servi ces). ULiliLies may be su~ject 10
compliance with codes -and sr.andards covering their regulated
acrivities as adopted under governmental law or regulation.
Additional inJorn1ation ca n he found through consultation with
the appropriate governm ental bodies. such a~ ~tale regulatory
com missions, Lhe Federal ~~nergy Regulatory Commi5sio n, and
the Feder.ii Comm unicalion~ Commission.
(C) Special Permission. The autl1ority having jurisdiction for
enforc;ing thi~ CQ(le may gr-ant exceptio n fqr tl1e installatio n of
conductors and equipment that ar e not unde1· th e exclusive
control of the e lecu·ic utilities and are LL5ed LO con nect the electric utility supply system to the service conductors of the premises served, provided such installa tions are outside a building or
structure, or terminate inside at a 1·eadily accessible location
nearest the point of enu·ance of d1e service conductors.
90. 3 Code Arrangement. This Code is d ivided in to the inu·o·
duction a.nd nine c hapters, as shown in Fig ure 90.3. Chapters 1.
2, 3, and 4 apply generally. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 apply to special
occupancies, special equipment, or odie1· special conditions
and may s u pplem ent or modify tlle requirements in Chapters I
through 7.
Cl1apter 8 covers commw1ications syste ms and is not subject
to th e reguiremerns of Chapters l tl1rough 7 except where the
requirements are speci fically referenced in Chapter 8.
Ch apter 9 consists of tables mat are applicable as referenced.
Jnfomrntive annexes are not part of m e requirements of d1is
CorlP but are included for informatio na l purposes only.
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 - Wiring and Protection
Chapter 3 - Wiring Methods and Materials
Chapter 4 -
Equipment for General Use
Supplements or modifies
Chapters 1 through 7
I. Chapter 8 -
Applies generally
to all electrical
I Chapter 5 I Chapter 6 -
{ IChapter 7 -
Communications Systems
Chapter 9 - Tables
Informative Annex A through
Informative Annex J
Special Equipment
Special Conditions
Special Occupancies
Chapter 8 is not subject
to the requirements of
Chapters 1 th r~ugh 7 except
where the reqt11rements are
specifically referenced In
Chapter 8.
Applicable as referenced
} Informational on ly;
not mandatory
Code Arrangement.
90.4 Enforcement. This Code is intended Lo be suitable for
mandatory applicatio n by governmental bodies ciiat exercise
legal jurisdic tio n over elecu·ical installations, including signaling and communications systems, and for use by insura nce
iMpectors. The autl1ority having jmisdiction fo1· enforce ment
of d1e Code has the responsibility for making interpretations of
the rules, for decicUng on d1e approval of equipme nt and materials, a nd for granti ng tl1e special pen nission contemplated in a
number of die rules.
By special permissio n, d1e auU1ority having ju rl~dic tio n may
waive specific requirements in th is Cod11 o r pe rmit a lternative
med1ocl5 where it is a~sured that equivalent o bj ectives can be
achieved b y establishing ,mcl maintaining effective safely.
Th is Corl(! may require new products, consn·uctions, or materials that m<1y not yet he available at tl1e time U1e Code is adopted. In such event, d1e aud10rity having jurisdiction may permi t
the use of the products, constructions, o r materials m at comply
with die most recent previous edition of d1is Code adopted by
the jur isdiction.
90.5 Mandatory Rules, Permissive Rules, and Explanatory
(A) Mandatory Rules. Ma ndatory rules of th is Cod11 a re those
that ide n tify actions tllat are specifically required or prohibited
and are characterized by 1.h e use of the terms shall or shn11 not.
(B) Permissive Rules. Permissive rules of this Cor/p, are those
that ide nti fy actions tl1at are a llowed b u t not req11i 1·ed, a1·e
normally used to describe optio ns or alternative methods, and
are characteri zed by the ll5e of the terms shall bti permilled or
shall. not bP rrqui-red.
(C) Explanatory Material. Explanatory material, such as references to other standards, references to related secLions of this
CIJllti, or information re lated to a Corle rule, is included in this
Code in the form of informational notes. Such notes are inforrnational only and are not enforceable a~ req uirements of this
Brackets con taining section references to anoci1er NFPA
document are for infonll;itional purposes only a nd are provided as a guide to indicate the source of the exo-acted text.
These bracketed references immediately fo llow the exu·acted
additional spaces a llow for future increases in electric power
a nd communications cit-cuit~. D istrilmLion centers located in
readily accessible locations provide conven ience and safety of
o peration.
(B) Number of Circuits in Enclosures. It is elsewhe1-e provided
in this Codi! d1at the number of circ uit~ confined in a single
enclosure be vaqing ly reso·icted. Limiting the number of
circuit;.~ in a single enclosw-e minimizes the effect~ from a short
circuit or ground fault.
90.9 Units of Measurement.
(A) Measurement System of Preference. For the pw-pose of
Infom1ational Note: The fonnat an<! language used in this Code
follows guidelines es1ablished hy NFPA and publishe<1 in d1e
NEC Sty/p Manual Copies of this manual can be obtained from
this Code, meuic unit~ of measurement are in accordance wid1
ci1e modernized meu-ic system known as ci1e Internationa l
System of Un.its (S I) .
(D) Informative Annexes. Nonmandatory information relative
to the nse of the NEC is provided in informative annexes. Informative annexes are not part of the enforceable requiremenL~ of
ci1e NEC, but are included for irrformation purposes only.
(B) Dual System of Units. SI units sha ll appear first, a nd inchpound units shall immediately follow in parend1eses. Con version from inch-pound units to SI uniLi shall be based on ha1-d
conversion except a5 provided in 90.9(C).
90.6 Formal Interpretations. To promote uniformity of interpretation and applicaLion of this Cod11, formal interpretation
procedures have been established and are found in the NFPA
RegulaLions Governing Committee Proje cL5.
(C) Permitted Uses of Soft Conversion. The cases g iven in
90.9(C)( l ) L11rough (C) (4) shall not be required tO use ha rd
conversion and shall he permitted to use soft conversion .
90. 7 Examination of Equipment for Safety. For specific items
of equipment and materials referred to in this Code, exami nations for safety made w1cler standard conditions provide a basis
for approval where ci1e record is made generally available
through pro mulgation by organ izations properly equipped a11d
qualified for experi.mental testing, inspe ctions of the run of
goods at factories, and service-value determination through
field inspections. This avoids the necessity for repetition of
examinations by different exantiners, frequenlly with inadequate facil ities fo r such work, and the confusion ciiat would
result from conflicti11g repo rts on the sui.rabilit:y of devices and
materials examined for a given purpose.
It is the intent of this Code that factory-installed internal
wiring or the construction of equipment need not be inspected
at the time of installation of the equipment, except to detect
alterations or damage, if the equi pment has been listed by a
qualified electrical testing lab oratory that is recognized as
having the facilities described in the preceding paragraph and
that requires suitability for installaLion in accordance with this
Corle. Suita bili ty shall be determined by application of requirements ci1at are compatible wici1 this Code.
Informational Note No. 1: See recp.uremenis in 1 10.3.
Informational Note No. 2: Listed is defined in Article 100.
Informational Note No. 3: Informative Annex A con rains a lis1 o f
product safety standards 1.hat are compatible with 1his God,:.
90.8 Wiring Planning.
(A) Future Expansion and Convenience. Plans and specifications ci1at provide amp le space in racewa)'S, spare raceways, and
2020 ll\lirjon
(1) Trade Sizes. Where me actual measured size of a product
is not the sam e a5 the nomina l size, u-ade size designarors shall
be used rather cha:n d imensio ns. Trade practices shall be
followed in all cases.
(2) Extracted Material. Where material is extracted From
a nother standard, ci1e context of the original mate rial shall not
be compromised or violated. Any edi ting of the exu-acted text
shall be confined to making the style consistent wiLh that of the
(3) Industry Practice. Where indLL5try p r;i_cLice is to expres.s
units in inch-potmcl units, the inclusion of SI tmit5 shall nor. be
(4) Safety. Wh ere a negative impact on safety would result,
soft conversion shal l be u sed.
(D) Compliance. Conversio n from inch-pound unit~ to SJ
LltliLs sha ll be permitted to be an a pproximate conversion.
Compliance with the numbers shown in e ithe r me SI system or
the inch-pound system shal.l constitute compliauce ¼ith this
Informational Nole No. I; Hard conversion is considered a
change in dimensions or prope rties of an ii.em into new sizes
tha1 mighL or rnighr not be interchangeable with the sizes used
in rJ1e original m easu remenL Sot\. conversion is conside red a
direcc maLhematical conversion and involves a change in r.he
description of an existing measurement but not in the actual
d ime nsion.
lnformational Note No. 2: Sl conversions are based o n LEEE/
ASTM SJ 10-1\197, Stcwdiml.for th,i ll.w• uf the l nlematioual Syi ll.•m o/
Units (SI): Thr. Mo,lem Metrir S)\511,m.
Chapter l
Scope. This article contains only those definitions essentia l to
the application of chis Code. It is noL intended to include
comm on ly defined general terms o r commo nly defined technical terms fro m related codes and standards. In general, on ly
those terms tl1at are used in t:"1110 or mo re articles a re defined in
Article lOO. DefiniLions are aL~o found in XXX.2 sectio ns of
other articles.
Part I of th is article contains defmitions intended Lo apply
whereve1- the terms are used throughout Lhis Code. Part IT
contain..~ definitions applicable to installa l.ions and eg uipment
operating at over 1000 volts, nominal . Part m contain.~ definitio ns appl icable to Hazardou~ (Classified) Locations.
Part I. General
Accessjble (as applied to equipment). Capable of bein g
reached for operation, renewal, and U'L~pection. (CMP-1)
Accessible (as applied to wiring methods) . Capable of be u1g
removed or exposed witlm ut damaging the building structure
or fi nish or not p ermanently closed in by tl1e su-ucttu-e or finish
of the building. (CMP-1)
Accessjble, Readily (Readily Accessible) . Capable of being
reached quickly for operation, renewal, o r inspections without
requiring those tO whom ready access is requisite to rake
actions suc h as to use tools (other than keys), to cl imb over or
under, to remove obstacles, or to resort to portable Ladders,
and so forth. (CMP-1)
Informational Note: Use of keys is a common practke unde1·
conU"o lled or supervised conditions and a common alLernaLive
to 1.he ready access requiremem5 under such supervised condi.Lions as provided elsewhe re in th e NEC.
Adjustable Speed Drjve. Power con version eqt1.ipmem tha t
provides a means of adjusting the speed of an e lectric moLOr.
(CMP-1 l )
Informational Note: A variable frequency drive is one type or
elecrronic a(\jL1stahle speed drive Lha1. comrols 1he rota.tio nal
speed of an ac eleci.ric mmor by controlling 1.he frequen cy a nd
voltage of 1.he elecu'ical power supplied LO rhe mOLor.
Adjustable Speed Drive System. A combination of an acljustable speed drive, its associated motor(s), a nd auxiliary e<]uipment. (CM P-11 )
Ampacity. 111e m aximum current, in amperes, that a conductor can cany continuoll5ly under tl1e conrliLion.s of use witl1om
exceeding it5 temperature rating. (CMP-6)
Appliance. Uti lizalion e<]Uipment, generally other than industrial, that is normally built u1 standardized sizes 01· types and L5
installe d or connected as a unit to perform one or more fw1ctions suc h a~ clothes washing, air-condiLioning, food mixing,
deep f1y ing, and sofonh. (CMP-17)
Acceptable to the autl1ority havi ng juriscliction.
Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupte r (AFCn. A device inte nded to
p1-ovide protection from tl1e effect5 of a.re fau lt5 by recognizing
cl1aract;eristics uniq ue to a rcing and by functionin g to deenergize m e circuit when an arc fau lt is detected. (CMP-2)
Askarel. A gene ric tenn for a group of nonAammable synthe tic
chlorinated hydrocarbons used as elecu·ical insulating media.
fn formationa l Note: Askarels or various cornposiLional types are
used. Under arcing cond.iLions, rhe gases produced, 1,hile
consisting predominanrly of noncombusLible hrdrogen chloride, can include varying amounts of combus1.ible gases, depending 011. the askarel type.
Attachment Fitting. A device tllal, by insertion mto a locking
s upport and mounting receptacle, establis hes a connection
betwee n th e cond1-1ctors of the attached 1.1tilization equipment
and the b ranch-ci1-cuit conductors connected to the locking
support and mounting receptacle. (CMP- 18)
Informational Note; An auachme111 liuing is different from an
:rnach1uent p lug because llO cord is associated with 1.he fi tting.
An attachmenc titting in combination wirl1 a locking support
and mo1.1111jng receptacle sec1.1r1~s the associated uLilizaLion
equipment in p lace and supports irs weighL
A ttachment. Plug (Plug Cap) (Plug). A device tl1at, by inse rtion
in a receptacle, establishes a connection between th e conductors of the a ttached flexihle cord and tJ1e conductors connected pennanently to tl1e receptacle . (CMP-18)
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). An o rganization, office,
or iJ1tlividual r esponsible for e nforcin g the requi remen t~ of a
code or standard, or f'or a pprovmg equipment, mate rials, an
instal laLion, or a procedtu-e . (CMP-1)
Tnfo nnalional Note: The phrase "aurl10ri1:y having jurisdiction."
or its acronym AHJ, is 1.1sed in Nl"PA documents in a broad
manner, since jurisdictions and approval agencies l"ary, a;; do
their responsfoilities. 'v\fhere public safety is primary, rhe authority having jurisdinion may be a federal, srai.e, local, or 111.her
regional departmem o r individual such as a lire chief; fire
marsh al: chief of a fire prevention bureau, labor department, o r
health deparnnem; build ing official; electrical inspector; or
orherll having statutory authority. F'o-r insurance purposes, an
insurance inspenio n deparu11enL, raring bureau, or ot her insurance compa ny represe ntative may he the amhorii:y having jurisrliclion. Jn many circwnstances, rhe properly owner or his or
her designa1ed age111. a.~sumes the ro le o f 1.he aurl1oricy having
jurisdiction; a1 governmem insr.allat.io ns, the commanding officer or deparunen~,I official may be the a urhori1.y havingjllrisdic6011.
Automatic. Performing a function with out the necessity of
h Ltman intervention. (CMP-1)
B athroom. An area. including a sink (basin) with o ne or more
of tl1e fo llowing: a toilet, a urinal , a tub, a shower, a bid e L, o r
similar p lumbing fixtures. (C..MP-2)
Battery System . interconnected batter y subsystems consisting
of one rn- 111.ore strn·age ba tteri es a nd battery chargers, a nd. can
inclurle inverters, converters, and associated electrical equipment. (CMP-13)
Bonded (Bonding). Connected to establish eleco·ical continuity and conductivity. (CMP-5)
Bonding Conductor or Jumper. A reliable conductor to e nsure
th e required e lectrical conductivity between metal parts
required to be electrically con nected. (CMP-5)
Bonding Jumper, Equjpment. The connection between Lwo or
more portions of the equiprnent grounding condu ctor.
Bonding Jumper, Main. The connecticm l;>elween the grow1ded ci rcuit conductor a nd the equipment grounding conductor, or the supply-side bonding jumper, or both, al the se1vice.
Bonding Jumper, Supply-Side . A conductor installed on the
supply side of a service or within a service equipment enclosure(s), or for a separately derived system, that enst\l'es th e
required electrical conductivity between metal parts required
Lo be electrically co1mected. (CMP-5)
Bonding Jumper, System. The connect.ion between the grounded circuit conductor and the supply-si<;le bondingjumpei~. 01·
d1e e<]uipment grounding condu ctor, or born, at a separately
derived system. (CMP-5)
Branch Circuit. The circuit conductors between me final overcurrent device protecting me circui t and the o udet(s) .
Branch Circuit, Appliance. A branch circuit that supp lies
energy to one or more outlets to which appliances are to be
connected and that ha~ no permanently connected luminaires
d1at are not a part of an appliance. (CMP-2)
Branch Circuit, General-Purpose.
A branch circuit d1al
supplies two 01· more receptacles or outlet.~ for lighting a nd
appliances. (CMP-2)
Branch Circuit, Individual. A branch circuit drnt supplies on ly
one utilization equ.ipm ent. (CMP-2)
_Branch Circuit, Multiwire. A bra n ch circuit that consisrs of two
or more ungrotmded conductors tlrnt have a voltage between
them, and a grounded conductor that h a-, eC]Ual voltage
between it and each ungrounde d conductor of the circuit and
d1aL L~ connected to the neutral or grounded conductor of the
system. (CMP-2)
Building. A stn.1cture that stands a lone or that is separated
from acljo ining scructures by fire walls. (CMP-1)
Cabinet. An enclosw·e that is designed for e ither surface
mounting or flush mounting and is provided with a fram e, mat,
or u·im in which a swinging door or doors are or can be hung.
CabJe, Coaxial. A cylindi-ical assembly composed of a conductor centered inside a metallic tube or sh ie ld, separated b y a
dielectric material, and usually covered b)' an insulatingjacket.
(CMP- l fi)
Cable, Optical Fibe1·. A factory assembly or field assembly of
one or more optical fibers having an overaU covering.
(CMP- l fi)
2020 ll\lirjon
lnfr>rmarlonal Nme: A lie lcl-a~sembled opl.ical fiber cable is an
assembly of one or more op Li cal fibers wirhin a jacker. TI1e
jacket, without optical liber.s, i.s installed in a manner similar to
conduit or raceway. Once the jacker i~ installed. the opl.ical
fibers are insened inm the jacket, completing the cable assembly.
Cable, Optical Fiber, Composite. A cable containing optical
fibers and current-canying e lectrical condu ctors. (CMP-16)
Cable, Optical Fiber, Conductive. A factory assembly of one or
more optical fibers having an overaU covering and containing
non-current-carrying conductive member(s) suc h a5 metallic
su·ength member(s), metallic vapor h arrier(s) . metall ic armor,
or m etallic sheath. (CMP-16)
Cable, Optical Fiber, Nonconductive. A factory assembly of
one or more o p tical fibers havi.ng an overall covering and
containing no electricaUy conducti11 e materials. (CMP-16)
Cable Routing Assembly. A single c ha,mel o r c01mected multiple c ha nnels, as well a5 a5sociated fittings, forming a SU'Uctural
system d1at is used to support and route communications wires
and cables, optical fiber cables, data cables associated with
information technology and commun ications e<]uipment,
Class 2, Cla.5s 3, and Type PLTC cables, and power-limited fire
a larm cables in plenum, rise1~ and general-purpose a pplications. (CMP-16)
Charge Controller. Eqttipme nt Lhat con trol~ de voltage o r de
current, or botJ1, and dial is used to charge a battery or otJ1er
e nergy storage device . (CMP-13)
Cfrcuit Breaker. A device designed to open and close a c ir cuit
by nonautomatic means and to open the c ircuit automatically
on a predetermined overcurren t wimo ut damage to j tqelf when
prope d y applied within it5 rating. (CMP-10)
Informationa l No1e: The automatic opening rne<1ns can be integral, direct acting with the circuit breaker, or remote l'rom 1he
Adjustable (as appluid lo rimdt brPaliers). A qualifying term indicating diat the circuit breaker can be set to u·ip at variom
values of ctu-renl, time, or both, within a predetermined range.
lnsta.nl11nmw; 'trip (as 11J1plinl to circuit brealun:1). A q ua lifying
term indicating diat no delay is purposely inu·oduced in tJ1e
tripping action of die c ircuit breaker.
lnversf Time (as applier/ /.o circuit 1:n-ealle,:O. A qualifying term i nclicating tl1at the1·e is purposely introduced a delay in the tripping
action of tJ1e circuit hreake,~ which delay decreases as the
magnitude of th e current inCl"ea~es.
Nmwdjustablf (as a/1plied to drcuit bmalle1:r). A qualifying term
indicating tl1aL the circuit breaker does nm have any adju~tmenl to a lter m e value of die current at which it will n-.ip or die
time required for it~ operation.
Setting (of cirr1.ti/. bmakers). The va lue of current, Lime, or both, al
which a n adjustable c ircui t breaker is set to trip.
Circuit Integrity (CI) Cable. Cable(s) LL\ecl for remote-control,
signal.ing, or power-limited system s that supply c1i tical c ircuits
to e nsure survivability for continued cir·cuit o peration fot' a
specified time LU1der fire conditio t1s. (CMP-3)
CJass I Circuit. The porlion of the wi ring system between the
load side of me overcurrent device or power-limited supply and
the connecLed eguipment. (CMP-3)
lnformational Note: See 725.41 for voltage and power limimuons of Cla.$S l circ1-1irs.
Class 2 Circuit. The portion of the wiring system bet-ween the
load side of a Class 2 power source and the connected equipment. Due to iL~ power limitatio1L~. a Class 2 circuit considers
safety from a fire initiation standpoint and provides acceptable
protection from electric shock. (CMP-3)
Class 3 Circuit. The portion of the wiring syste m between the
load side of a Class 3 power source and the connected equipment. Due to its power li1nitations, a Class 3 circuit considers
safel)' from a fire initiation standpoint. Since higher level~ of
voltage and current than for Class 2 are pern1ittecl, adrlitio nal
safeguards are specified to provide protection from an e lecU"ic
shock hazard that could be encountered. (CMP-3)
Clothes Closet. A nonJ1abitable room or space inte 11ded
primarily for storage of garmenl~ and apparel. (CMP-1)
Communications Equipment. The elecb·onic equipment that
performs the telecommrn1ications operations for the tran.~mission of audio, video, and data, and in cludes power equipment
(e.g., de converters, inverters, and batteries), technical support
equipment (e .g., computers), and conductors dedicated solely
co the operalion of the erruipment. (CMP- 16)
Lnforrnational Note: A.s the telecommunications network minsii:ions IO a more data-cen1.ric network, computers, routers, servers. and !heir powerin,g equipmen1. a 1·e becoming essential to
the transmission of a1-1dio. video. and data and are finding
increasing application in communkauons equipmenr insmllacions.
Control Circuit. The cirCLtit of a conu·ol appararus or system
that carries the electric sign,1ls directing the performance of
the conu·oller but does not carry the main powe1· curre nt.
Controller. A device 01· group of devices that se1·ves to govern,
in some predetermined manner, the e lectric powei· delivered
to the apparatus to which it is connected. (CMP-1)
Cooking Unit, Counter-Mounted.
A cooking appliance
designed for mounting in or on a counter and consisting of
one or more heating elements, internal ·wiring, and built-in or
mountable controls. (CMP-2)
Coordination, Selective (Selective Coordination). Localization
of an overcurrent condition to restrict outages to the circuit or
equipment affected, accornpli.5hed by the selection a nd inst:albtion of overcurrent protective devices and tJ1eir ratings or
settings for me full rnnge of available overcurrents, from overload to the available fault cw-rent, and for th e foll range o r
overcurrent protective device opening times associated with
those overcurrents. (CMl'-10)
Copper-Clad Aluminum Conductors. Conductors drawn from
a copper-clad aluminum rod, with the copper metallurgically
bonded to an alum.inu1u core, where the copper forms a minimum of l O percent of the cross-sectional ,u·ea of a .~olid
conductor or each strand of a sU"anderl condu ctor. (CMP-fi)
Cutout Box. An enclosure desig ned for surface mounting that
has swinging doors or covers secured d irectly to and telescoping wici1 the walls of the enclosure. (CMP-9)
DC-to-DC Convertet A device ci1at can provide ,u1 output de
voltage and cm-rent at a higher or lower Vo=1lue than the input
de voltage and current. (CMP-4)
Concealed. Rendered inaccessible by the su·ucture or finish of
the building. (CMP- 1)
Dead Front. v\Tithour live parts exposed to a person on die
operating side of the egwpment. (CMP-9)
lnformacional Note: Wires in concealed raceways are considered
con cealed. even though 1:hey may become accessible by wir.hdrawing them.
Demand Factor. The ratio of tJ1e m a-ximum demand of a
system , or part of a system , to tl1e total connected load of a
system or the pa.rt of the system under consideration. (CMP-2)
Conductor, Bare. A conductor having no covering or elect1·ical
insulation whaLsoever. (CMP-6)
Device. A Lmit of a n electrical s-ystem, other than a conducto1·,
that carries or controls e lecu·ic energy a~ its principal function.
Conductor, Covered. A conducror enca5ed wi thin material of
composition or thickness that is n ot recognized b y ci1is CodP as
e lecu·ical insulation. (CMP-6)
Conductor, Insulated. A conduc tor encased within material of
composition and ci1ickness that is recognized by this CodP as
electrical insulation. (CMP-6)
Conduit Body. A separate portion of a condttil or tubing
system that provides access tJ1rough a removable cover(s) to
the inte rior bf the system at a junction of two or more sections
of the system or at a terminal point of the system.
Boxes such as FS and FD or larger ca5t or sheet meta l boxes
are not classified as conduit bodies. (CMP-9)
Connector, Pressure (Solderless). A device that establish es a
connection between two or more conductors or between one
or more conductors and a terminal by means of mechanicaJ
pressure and without ci1e use o f solder. (CMP-1 )
Continuous Load. A load where the rua-ximum current i~
expected to conti nue fo r 3 lwurs or more. (CMP-2)
Disconnecting Means. A device, or group of d evices, o r other
means by wh ich the conductors of a circuit can be clisconnect.ed from their som ce of s11pply. (CMP-1)
Dormitory Unit. A building o r a space in a building in which
group sleep ing accommodations ar e provided for more d1an
16 perso1L5 who are not membe rs of the same family in one
room, or a se1·ies of closely associated rooms, under j oint occupancy and single m anagement, witJ1 or w ici1out meals, bu t witJ1oUL individual cooking facilities. (CMP 2)
Duly, Continuous. Operation at a substan tially constant load
for a n indefinite ly long time. (CMP-1)
Duty, Intermittent. Operation for a lternate intervals of( ! )
load and no load; or (2) load and rest; or (3) load, no load,
and rest. (CMP- l )
Duty, Periodic. l ntennittent operation in which the load
conditions are regularly recurrent. (CMP-1)
Duty, Short-Time. Operation at a substan tially constant load
for a short and definite, specified time. (CMP-1)
Duty, Varying. Operation at loads. and for i.ntervals of time,
both of which may be subject to wide variation. (CMP-1)
Dwelling, One-Family. A bui.kling that consist5 solely of one
dweUing unil. (CMP-1)
Dwelling, Two-Family. A building that consists sole ly of two
dwelling units. (CMP-1)
Dwelling, Multifamily. A building that contains three or more
dwelling units. (CMP-1)
Dwelling Unit. A single unit, providi.ng complete and independent Living facilities for one or mo1·e persons, iucluding
permanent provisions for living, sleepi ng, cooking, and sanitation. (CMP-2)
Effective Ground-Fault Current Path.
An intentionally
cor1.rnT1cted, low-impedance elecu·ically conductive path
designed and intended to carry current m1der ground-fault
conditions from the point ofa ground fault on a wiring system
to the electrical supply smu-ce and that facilitates the operation
of the ove1·current protective device or ground-fault detectors.
Electric Power Production and Distribution Network. Power
production, distribution, and utilization equipment and facilities, such as e lecu·ic utility systems that ar e con nected to premL~es wiring and are external to and not conu·olled by an
interactive system. (CMP-13)
Electric Sign. A fixed, stationary, or portable self-contained,
electrically operated and/ or electrically illuminated milization
equipment with words or symbols designed to convey info1rnation or attract attention. (CMP-18)
Electric Vehicle (EV). An automotive-type vehicle for on-road
Llse, such as passenger automobil es, buses, truck.~, vans, neighborhood e lecu-ic vehicles, electric motorcycles, anc;l the like,
primarily powered by an electric m otor that draws current from
a rechargeable stornge batte1·y, fuel cell, photovoltaic army, or
other source of electric cu1TenL Plug-in h ybrid e lectric vehicles
(PHEV) are electric vehicles li.aving a second source of motive
power. Oll~road, selC-prope lled electric mobile equipme nt, su ch
as industrial trucks, ho ist~, Li.fts, transports, golf carts, ajrline
ground support equjpment, tractors, boats, and the Jjke, are
not considered elecu-ic vehicles. (CMP- 12)
Electrical Circuit Protective System A $}'Stem consisting of
components and materials intended for installation as protection for specific elech·ical wi ring systems with respect ro the
disruption of electrical c i1-cui t integrity upon exterior fire exposure . (CMP-16)
Electrical Datum Plane. A specified distance above a water
level above which e lectrical equipment can be installed and
elecu·ical connections can be made. (CMP-7)
Enclosed. Surrounded by a case, housing, fen ce, or wal.l(s) that
prevent5 persons from accidentaUy contacting energized parts.
Enclosure. The case or housing of apparatus, or the fence or
walls surrounding an installation to prevent personnel from
accidentally contacting energized parts or to protect the equipm ent from physical damage. (CMP-1)
Informational Not.e: See Table 110.28 for examples of enclosure
Energized. Elecu·ically connected to,
(CMP -1)
is, a source of voltage.
Equipment. A general tern1, including fittin gs, devices, appliances, luminaires, apparan1s, machinery, and the like med as a
part ol·; or in connectio n with , an e lectrical installation.
Equipotential PJane. Accessible conductive parts bonded
togeth er to 1~ed11ce voltage gradients in a designated area.
Exposed (as applied to live parts). Capable of being inadvertently wuched o r approached neai·er than a safe distance by a
pe1-son. (CMP-1 )
lnfrirmariona l Note: This Lenn applies to partt that are not suitably guarded, isolated, o r insulated.
Exposed (as applied to wiring methods). O n or attached to the
smface or behind panels designed to a llow access. (CM P-1)
E.xtemally Operable. Capable of being operated without
exposing the operator to contact with live parts. (CMP-1 )
Fault Current. D1e nu-rent delivered at a point on the system
du1i.ng a sh o rt-circuit condition. (CMP-10)
Fault Current, Available (Available Fault Current). The largest
amount of current capable of being delivered at a poin t on the
system during a short-circuit condition. (CMP-10 )
Informational Note; A short-circuit can occur during abnormal
conditions s1.1cl1 as a fault between circuit conductors or a
ground fau lt. See lnfonuational Nore Figure 100.1.
Feeder. All circuit conductors between tl1e service equipment,
the soLu·ce of a separately derived system , or other power
supply source and the final branch-circuit overcurrent device.
Festoon Lighting. A string of outdoor Lights that is stt5pended
between two point~. (CMP-18)
Field Evaluation Body (FEB). An organization or p,u·t of an
organization ihat performs field evaluations of electrical or
other eq uipment. (790, 2018] (CMP-1)
Electric-Discharge Lighting. Systems of illumination utilizin g
fluorescent lamps, high-inte nsity discharge (HID) lamps, or
neon tubing. (CMP-18)
Informational Noce: NFPA 790-2018, Star,tlmd Jc,,: G'o·mptJ(tnl)' of
17iitd-Pctr~ Field b1a.ltwtian BoditS, provides guidelines lo r esral>lishing rhe qualification and competency of a body performing
fi eld evaluat.ions of elecu:ical products and assembles with elec1rica.l components.
Electronically Actuated Fuse. An overcmrem protec tive device
that generally consists of a control module that provides
cun:ent-sensing, eleetronicaUy de1·ive d time-etuTent ch aracteristics, energy to init.iate tripping, and an interrupting module
that interrupts current when an overcurrem occurs. Such fuses
may or may not operate in a current-limiting fash ion, depending on the type of conu-ol selected. (CMP-JO)
Field Labeled (as applied to evaluated products). Equipment
or mate1·ials to wh ich has been attach e d a label, symbol, or
other identrfying mark ofan FEB indicating the equipment or
material~ were evaluated and found to comply with requirements a~ described in at1 accompanying fie ld evaluation 1·eport.
[790,20 181 (CMP-1)
2020 ll\lirjon
Grounded (Grounding). Connected (connectin g) to ground
or to a conductive b ody that extends the groLmd connectio n.
Supply source: ac or de
Grounded, Solidly. Connected to groLmd wid1our inserting any
resistor or impeda n ce device. (CMP-5)
Grounded Conductor. A system or circuit conductor that is
intentionally grounded. (CMP-5)
Available fault current
Informational Nme: AlLhough an eqnipmenL grounding
conducrnr i.s grounded. it is not considered a grow1clecl conclLtcto1:
Equipment with a short-circuit
current rating
Overcurrent protective device--'---'
with an interrupting rating
__ _J
lnformatinna.l Nore: Class A ground-fault c ircuit imerrnpleri;
u'ip when the ground-fault currem is 6 mA or higher and do not
trip when the grnund-faulr. current is less than 4 mA. For forther
information, see U L 943, Strmdard for Grot(.'lld-Frwll Gi1n1il lnl.L1·rnp1ers.
Available fault current
Informational Note Figure 100.1
Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI). A device intended
for the protection of personnel th a t functions to de-energize a
circuit o r portion thereof within an established period of time
when a ground-fault current exceeds the values established for
a Class A device. (CMP-2)
Available Fault Current.
Fitting. An accessory such as a locknut, bushing, or other part
of a wiring system tha t is intended primati_ly to perform a
mechanical rather than an electricaJ function. (CMP-1)
Free Au· (as applied to conductors) . Open or ventilated environment that allows fo1· heal dissipation and air flow around an
installed conducwr. (GMP-6)
Fuel Cell. An electroch em ical system that consumes fue l to
produce an electric current. In such cells, the m a in chemical
reaction used for producing electric power is not combu~tion.
However, th ere may be sources of combustion used within the
overall cell system, su ch as reformers/ fuel processors. (CMP-4)
Ground-Fault Current Path. An elecu·ically conductive pal11
from the po int of a ground fault on a wiring system th rough
n ormally non-current-carrying conductors, grounded conductors, equipment, 01· die earth to the e lectrical supply source.
lnfomrnUonaJ Nore: E.xamples of ground·faulr curre m paths are
-any comhinaUon of equipmem grounding conductors, metallic
raceways. metallic cable shearhs. e lecu·kal e<]uipmenr. and any
mher electricall)' conducLive material such as metal, warer, and
ga~ piping; steel framing members: srucco mesh: metal ~lucling;
reinforcing sceel; shields of communicat.ions cables; grounded
conductors; and the earth itself'.
Ground-Fault Protection of EquipmenL A system intended tO
provide protection of equipment from damaging Ii ne-toground fault currents by operating Lo cause a disconnecting
means to open all ungrounded conductors of the faulted
circuit. l11is protection is p rovided at c urrent levels less than
those required to protect conductors from damage through
d1e operation of a supply circuit overcunent device. (CMP-5)
Fuel Cell System. l11e complete aggregate of equipment used
to convert chemica l fuel into usable electricity and typically
consi~ting of a refo1·mer, stack, power inverte1·, and auxiliary
equipment. (CM P-4)
Grounding Conductor, Equipment (EGC).
A conductive
path (s) d1at is part of an effective ground-fault current path
and co11.11ects normally non-current-can-ying me ta l parL~ of
equipment toged1er and to the system grounded conductor o r
to L11e grounding electrode conductor, or both. (CMP-5)
Garage. A building or porti on of a building i.n which one or
more self-propelled vehicles can be kept for use, sale, storage,
rental, repair, exhibition, or demonstration purposes. (CMP-1)
In formaUona l Note No. 1: Ir is recognized chat the equipment
grounding condLtctor a lso performs bonding.
lnformaUonal Note: For comme1·dal garages. re pair and storage, see Article 51 I.
Generating Capacity, Inverter. The sum of parallel-connected
inverter maximum continuou5 output power at 40°C in watts or
kilowatt~. (CMP-4)
Ground. The earth. (CMP-5)
Ground Fault.
An unintentiona.l, electrically conductive
conn ection between an w1grounded conducto1· of an e lectrical
circuit a.nd the normally non-current-carrying conductors,
metallic enclosures, m etallic raceways, metallic equipment, or
earth . ( CMP-5)
In formationa l Note No. 2: See 250.118 for a list of acce ptable
equipmenL grounding conductors.
Grounding Electrode. A conducting ol:!ject through which a
direct connection to earth is established. (CMP-5)
Grounding Electrode Conductor. A conductor used to connec t
the system grounded conductor or the equipment to a grounding e lecn·od e or to a point on the grow1ding e lecu·ode syste m.
Guarded. Covered, shielded, fenced, e nclosed, or otherwise
protected by means af suitable covers, casings, barriers, rails,
screens, mats, or platforms to remove the like lihood of
approach or contact by persons or objects w a point of danger.
Guest Room. An acco11unodation combining living, sleeping,
sanitary, and storage fac ilities within a compartment. (CMP-2)
Guest Suite. An accommodation \vith two rn· more contigumL5
rooms comprising a compartment, with or without doors
between such rooms, that provides living, sleeping, sanitary,
and storage faciJities. (CMP-2)
Habitable Room. A room in a building for living, sleeping,
eating, or cooking, but excluding bathroom.~, toilet rooms, closet,;, hallways, stonJge or uti lity spaces. and similar area5.
Handhole Enclosure. An enclosure for use in u.ndergrow1d
systems, provided with an open or closed bottom, and sized to
allow personnel to reach into, but not ente1·, for the ptu·pose of
installing, operating, or maintaining equipment or wiring or
both. (CMP-9)
Hermetic Refrigerant Motor-Compressor.
A combination
consisting of a compressor a nd mot01; both of which are
enclosed in the same housing, with no external shaft or shaft.
seals, wid1. the motor opei-ating in the refrigerant. (CtvrP-11)
H oistway. An y shaftway, hatchway, well hole, or other vertical
opening 01· space in which an e levator or d umbwaiter is
designed to operate. (CMP-12)
The indusuial control panel does not include the conn·oUed
equipment (CMP-11)
Information Technology Equipment (ITE). E9ttipment and
system.5 raced 1000 vol ts or less, n ormally found in offices or
o d1er business establishments and similar environments classified as ordinary locations, tJ1at are u sed for creation and
manipulation of data, voice, video, and similar sig nal5 that are
not communications equipmenL as defined in Pan I of Articl e
LOO and do not process com munications circuits as defined in
805.2. (CMP-12)
l nform::nlonal Note: Fo r informarjo n on listing re.qufrernenLS for
both information technology eq,tipmem and communications
equipment, see UL 60950-1-2014, fojimnation Terlmology Eq11i/>·mmL - Safety - Pat/ I: Gmernl Requimme11Lr or UL 62368-1-20 14.
A11dio/Vid,'o Infi1rmatio11 anri Com.1111.miralion Technology l!:qui/muml
Pr,rt 1: Sctfaly R.equir11111.11nls:.
Information Technology Equipment Room. A room within tJ1e
information technoloi,,iy equipment a rea th at contains d1e
information technology equipment. f75:3.3.14l (CMP-12)
Innerduct. A no nmetallic raceway placed ,vit11in a larger raceway. (CMP-16)
Interactive Inverter. An inverter i_ntended for use in parallel
1\litl1 power soLU·ce(s) such as an elecu·ic utility ro supply
commo n loads and capable of deli\1ering power to the utility.
Interactive System. An elecu·ic power production system tJ1at is
operating in parailel with and capable of delivering ene1-gy to
an electric primary som ce supply system. (CMP-4)
Hybrid System. A system comprised of multiple power sources.
These power sou rces could includ e photovoltaic, wind, microhydro generators, engine-driven generators, and others, but do
not include electric power production and disu·ibution
network systems. Energy storage systems sucl1 a5 batteries,
nywheels, or superconducting magnetic storage equipment do
not constitute a powe1· source for d1e purpose of this definition. The energy regenerated by an overhauling (descending)
e levator does not constitute a power source for the purpose of
this de finition. (CMP-4)
Interrupting Rating. The highest currem at ra ted voltage tJ1at
a device is identified co interrupt under standard test concliLiom. (CMP-10)
Identified (as applied to equipment). Recognizable a~ suitable
for the specific purpose, function, use, environment, application. and so ford1, where described in a pa.rticula1· Code req u.i1-ement. (CMP-l )
Intersystem Bonding Termination. A device that provides a
means for connecting intersystem bond ing conductors for
communication.5 systems to the grounding electrode system.
Informational Note: Some examples of ways to determine suitabi lity of equipmem for a specific purpose, e nviro nme nt., or
app]jcation include investigations by a qualified rest.ing laboralO',i (listing and labeling), an inspec tion agency, or other organizations concerned with product evaluation.
In Sight From (Within Sight From, Wilhm Sight) . Where this
Codi' specifie:s that one e9uipme nt $hall be "in ~ight from ,"
"wi thin sig ht from,"' o r "within sight oe'" and so forth, another
e9uipmem, the specified equipment is r.o be vi~ible and not
more tl1.111. L5 m (50 ft) d istant from the other. (CMP-1)
Industrial Control Panel. An a5sembl)' of two or more components consisting of one of the following: (l ) power circuit
compone nts only, such a5 motor controll ers, overload re lays,
fu~ed disconnect switches, and c ircuit breakers; (2) control
circuit component5 only, such as push buttons, pilot light5,
selector switches, timers, switches, and conu·ol .relays; (3) a
combinatio n of powe r and control circuit components. These
components, with a5sociated wiring and terminals, are mounted on, or con tained -w ithin, an endostu-e or mounted on a
2020 ll\lirjon
Informational Note: Equipmem intended LO interrupt current at
j L~ interrupting 111r.ing implied
in pther ratings, such as horsepower or locked rotor current.
01.her than fault le\lels may have
Inverter. Equipment that changes de to ac. (CMP-4)
Inverter Input Circuit. Conductors connected to tl1e de i11put
ofan inverter. (CMP-13)
Inverter Output Circuit.
Conductors connected to d1e
ac outpu t ofan inverter. (CM P- 13)
Inverter, Multimode. Equipment having tJ1e capabilities of
bodl tl1e interactive inverter a nd the stand-alone inverter.
Island Mode. The operational mode for stand-alone power
productio n equipme nt o r an isolated microgrid, o r for a multimode inverter or an in terconnected microg1-id tha t i.5 disconnected from an e lectr ic power production and distribution
network or other primary power sotu-ce. (CMP-4)
lnformat.ional Nore: Isolated microgrids are distingujshed from
interconnected microgri<ls, which are addressed in Article 705.
Isolated (as applied to location). Not readi ly accessible to
persons unless special means for access are ·used. (Cl\1P- l )
Kitchen. An area with a sink and permanent provision.~ for
food preparation and cooking. (GMP-2)
Labeled. Equipment or materials to which has· been attached a
label, symbol, or other iden ti.fyin g mark of an organizatio n Lhar
is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and
concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic
inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials,
and by whose labe ling tJ1e manufacn,rer indicates compliance
with appropriate standards or perfrn-ma nce in a specified
manner. (CMP-1)
lnformal.ional Note: Lf a l.i sted product is of such a size, shape,
material. or s urface texture thar iris not possible LO apply legjhly
rhe complete label m the proclLJct, rhe complete label may
appear on the smallest 1.111il contmnet in which the product is
Laundry Area. An area containing or designed to contain a
laundry tray, clod1es washer, or clothes rlryer. (CMP-2)
Lighting Outlet. An outlet intended for the direct connec tion
ofa lampho lder or luminaire. (GMP-18)
Lighting Track (Track Lighting). A manufactured assembl)'
designed to support and en ergize lumina.ires that are capable
of being readil y repositioned on the track. Its length om be
altered by tJ1e addition or subtraction of sections of track.
Listed. Equ·ipment, material~, or services included in a list
puhli~herl by an organization that is acceptable to the authority
having jurisd.iction a nd concerned with evaluation of products
or services, that ma intains periodic inspection ofp1-oduction of
listed equipment or materials or periodic evaluation of services,
and whose listing states that e ithe ,- Lhe equipment, material, or
se1-vice meets appropriate d esign ated standards or has been
tested and found suitable for a specified purpose. (GMP-1)
Informational NOLe: The means for ide ntifying lis1ed equipmem
may vary for each organization con cerned with product evaluaLion , some ofwh·ich rlo nOL recognize equipment as lisLed unless
iL is also labeled. Use of Lhe sysLem employed by Lhe Jjsting
organizal.ion a llows Lhe aL1Lhoriiy hal'ingjurisdictio n to idenLify a
lis1ed product.
Live Parts. Energized conductive components. (CMP-J)
Location, Damp. Locations protected from weather and not:
subject to satLu·ation with water or othe1· liquids but subject to
moderate degrees of moisture. (CMP-1)
Informational No Le: Examples or such locaLions inc lude partially
protecLecl locations under canopies. marCJuees. roofed o pen
porches, and like locations, and imerior focal.ions subjen LO
moder,1te degrees or moisture, SLJch as some basements, some
barns, and some colcl-s1orage 1varehouses.
Location, Dry. A location not normally subject to dampness o r
wetness. A location classified as dry may be temporarily subject
to darnpnes$ or werness, as in the case of a building 1111der
constrnction. (CMP-1 )
Location, Wet. Installations underground or in concrete slabs
or masonry in di.re ct con tact with tJ1e earth; in locations subject
to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle wa~hing :u-eas; and in w1protected loc.a.tions exposed to weather.
Lum.ina.ire. A comp lete lighting unit consisting of a light
sow-ce such as a lamp or lamps, together with the parLs
designed to position tJ1e light source and connect it to the
power supply. It may also include parts to protect the light
source 01- t;he balla~t or to disu-ilmte the light. A lampholder
itself is notaluminaire. (GMP-18)
Messenger or Messenger Wire . A wire that is run along with o r
integral with a cable or conductor to provide mechanical
support for d1e cable or conductor. (GMP-6)
Motor Control Center. An assembly of o n e or more enclosed
sections having a common power btt~ and principally containing motor conu-ol units. (CMP-11)
MultioutJeLAssembly. A type of surface, flush, or freestanding
raceway designed to hold c.on_ductors and receptacles, a~sembled in the field or at the factory. (GMP-18)
Neutral Conductor. The conductor connected to the n eLLD·al
point of a system that is intended to carry cu rrent w1der
normal conditions. (CMP-5)
Neutral Point. The common point on a wye-connection in a
polypha~e system or midpoint on a single-phase, 3-wire system,
or midpoint of a single-phase port.ion of a 3-phase delt.;, system,
or a midpoint of a 3-wire, direct-current system. (CMP-5)
lnfomrnLional Nore: At the ne uLral poinL of the sysLem, Lhe
vectorial sum of the no,ninal volta.ges from all other phases
within Lhe system Lhat ul.ilize the neurral. with respecL Lo the
neut.ml point, is zero poLenLial.
Nonautomatic. Requiring human intervention to perform a
function. (CMP-l )
Nonlinear Load. A load where tJ1e wave shape of the steadystate current does not follow the wave shape of the a pplied voltage. (CMP-1)
lnformationaJ Note: 'Electronic equipment, eleCLronic/ e lectricclischarge liglning, :cidjustat,le-speed drive systems, and similar
equipmenLmay be nonlinear loarls.
Outlet. A point on the wiring system at which current is taken
to supply utilization equipment. (CMP-1)
Outline Lighting. An arrangement of incandescent la mps,
electric-discharge lighting, o r other elecu-ically powered light
sources to o utline or call attention co certain featw·es s uch as
the shape of a building or the dee.oration of a window.
Overcurrent. Any current in excess of the rated current of
equipment or the ampac.ity of a conductor. l t m ay result from
overload , sh ort circuit, or ground fault. (CMP-LO)
lnJornrnLiona l NOLe: A currenL in excess of rating may be accommodated by certa.in equipme nt and conductors for a given set of
conditions. The refore, the rules lor overct.1rre 11t protecrjon are
specific for particular situations.
Overcurrent Protective Device, Branch-Circuit, A device capable of providing protect.ion for service, feeder, a nd branch
circuit5 and equipment over the full range of overcurrent5
between its rated nu-rent and iL~ interrupting ratin g. Su ch cle,.,ices are provided with interrupting ratings appropriate for the
intended u se hut n o less tJ,an 5000 amperes. (CMP-10)
Overcurrent Protective Device, Supplementary. A device intended to provide limited overc1u-rent protection for specific
applications and utilization equipment such as lum.ina.ires and
app.liances. This limited protection is in addition to the protec-
AITTICU: 100 tion provided in the required branch circuit by the branchcircuit overcurrent protective device. (C'v!P-10)
Overload. Operation of equipment in excess of normal , fullload rati.ng, or of a conductor in excess of it~ a mpacity that,
when it persists for a sufficient length of time, would cause
damage or dangerous overheating. A fau lt, such as a short
circuit or ground fau lt, is not an overload. (CMP-10)
Panelboard. A single panel or group of panel un.its designed
for assembly in the form ofa single panel, includ.ing buses and
automatic overcurrent devices, and equipped wit.h or wid1out
switches for the conU'ol of light, heat, or power circuits;
designed to be placed in a cabinet or c utout box placed in or
against a wall, partition, or o ther support; and accessible only
from d1e front. (CMP-9)
Photovoltaic (PV) System. The total components, cir·cuits, and
equipment up to and including tJ1e PV system clisconnecting
means tlial, in combination, convert so lar energy into e lectric
energy. (CMP-4)
Pier. A su-ucture extending over d1e water a nd supported on a
fixed foundation (fixed pier), or on flotation (floating pier),
diat provides access ro d1e water. r303:3.3. I 7] (CMP-7)
Pier, Fixed. Pier co11SU-ttcted on a permanent. fixed fow1dation, such as on piles, that permanently establishes the eJevation of the strucltlre deck 1vitll respect lo land. f3 03:3.3.1 7.2 l
Pier, Floating. Pier designed with inherent no tation capability
that allows th e struct:1.11·e to float on the water su rface and rise
and faU with W,lter level changes. [303:] (CMP-7)
P]enum. A compartment or chamber to which one or more air
d u cts are connected and that forms part of the air disu·ibution
system. (CMP-3)
Power Outle t. An enclosed assembly that may include receptacles, circuit breakers, fuseholde1·s, fused switches, buses, and
watt-ho ur merer mounting means; intended to supply and
control power to mobile homes, recreational vehicles, park
trailers, or boats or to serve as a means for disti·ibuting power
required to operate mobile or temporarily installed eqttipment.
Powe r Production Equipment. Electi-ical generating equipment supplied hy a ny source other tJ1a.11 a utility servi.ce, up to
the source system disconnecting means. (CMP-4)
ln fonnational No Le: Examples of power production equipmenL
include such jLems as generaLors, solar phomvoltaic systems, and
fue l cell sysLems.
Power-Limited Tray Cable (PLTC). A factory assembly of two
or more insulated conductors rated at 300 volts, with or without associated bare 01· insulated equipment grotu1.din.g conductors, under a nonmetallic j acket. (CMP-3)
Premises Wiring (System). l nterior and exterio r 1viring, inch.tding powe1~ lighting, control, and signal circu.it wiring together
wid1 all their associated hardware, fittingi;, and wiring devices,
both permanently and temporarily installed. Thi~ includes
(a) wil"ing from the service point or powet· source to die outlet~
or (h) wii-ing from and including the power source to the
outlets where there is no service point.
2020 ll\lirjon
Such wiri ng does not include wiring intern al to applia nces,
lurninaires, motors, controllers, motor control centers, and
similarequipmenl. (CMP-1)
l n.forrn<1riona l Note: Power source.;, include, but are not limited
LO, imerconnected o r stand-alone hatLeries, solar phowvoltaic
systems, oLher dis1ributefl generation systems, or generacors.
Prime Mover. The machine diat supplies die mechanical
horsepower to a gen erator. (C...MP-13)
Qualified Person. One who ha.5 ski lls and knowledge rel:;1ted to
~he construction and oper-ation of tJ1e elecu-ical equipment and
installations a nd has received safety training to recognize and
avoid tJ1e hazards involved. (CMP-1)
I nfrurna1fonal Note: Refer to NJ•PA 70£'.!()18, S1a11d(m/Jhr Elerlrical Srt{f.ly in 111,, Worhpia,,,, for electrical safety u-aining requiren1ents.
Raceway. An enclosed channel designed expressly fo r holding
wit-es, cables, or busbars, with additional functions as pern1.itted
in thi~ Cod6. (CMP-8)
Informational Note: A raceway is identified within specifi c anicle rlefinitions .
Raceway, Communications. An enclosed chan nel of nonmetallic mate1ials designed expressly for holding communications
wires and cables; optical fiber cables; data cables associated
1vith i.n formati.on technology and communications equipment;
Class 2, Qass 3, and Type PLTC cables; a nd power-litUited fire
a larm cables in plenum, rise1~ and general-purpose applications. (CMP0 J 6)
Rainproof. Constructed, protected, or treated so as to prevent
rain from in Lerfering witJ1 the su ccessful operation of the apparatus under specified test conditioJ1s. (CMP-1)
Raintight. Consu·ucted or protected so d1ar exposw·e to a beating rain will not result in the entrance of water tmder specified
test conditions. (CMP-1)
Receptacle. A contact device installed at die outlet for the
connection of an attachment plug, or for the d irect connection
of electi·ical 1Jti.lization equipment designed to mate with die
corresponding contact device. A single recept:acle is a single
contact device with no od1er contact device on the same yoke
o r su-ap. A multiple receptacle is two or more contact devices
on the same yoke or su·ap. (CMP-18)
Informational No1e: A duplex receptacle is an example of a
multiple r eceptacle that has rwo receptacles on the same yoke 0 1·
Receptacle Outle t. An outlet where one or more receptacles
are i11Stalled. (CMP-18)
Reconditioned. Electromechanical systems, equipment, apparatus, 01· components d1at are restored to operating conditio ns.
This process differs from normal servicing of equipment that
remains within a facility, or replacement of listed equipment on
a one-to-one basis. (CMP-10)
rnformationa l Note: The term reco11dili01ied is frequenrly reterred
Lo as relntill, ntf'ud1ishnl, or w1t1m.11fm:tured.
Remote-Control Circuit. Ail)' electrical circuit U1at controls any
other circuit through a rela)' or an eqttivalem device. (CMP-3)
Retrofit Kit. A gen eral term for a complete s uha~sembly of
part~ and devices for field conversion of utilization eq uipment.
Sealable Equipment. Equipment enclosed in a case or cabinet
tJ1at is prnvided with a m eans of sealing or locking so that live
parts cannot b e m ade accessible without opening the e nclosure. (CMP-1)
Informational Nme: The equipment may or may not be operable wiL110L1t opening th e enclosure.
l nformaLiona l Note: TI1e service poim can be descl'ibei;I as the
point of dernarcaLion becween whe,·e che serving utility e ncl!; and
the premises wiring begins. The serving utility generally speci fies
the location of' the service point based o n Lhe conditions of service.
Short-Circuit Current Rating. The pros pective w mmetrical
fault cutTen t a t a nominal voltage to which an apparatus or
system is able to be connected without sustaining damage
exceecling defined acceptance criteria . (CMP-10)
Separately Derived System. An electrical source, other than a
service, h avi ng n o d irect connection. (s) to circLtit conductors of
any other e lectrical source other th a n those establ ished by
grounding and bonding connections. (CMP-5)
Show Window. Any window, including windows above doors,
used or designed to be med for the display of goods or advertising mate1-ial, wh e U'ler it is fully or partly e nclosed or e n tirely
open at U1e rear and wheU1er o r· not it has a platform rai~ed
higher than the st1-eet floor level. (CMl'-2)
Service. The conductors and equipment con necti ng the sen'ing utility to the wiring system of the p1·emises ser ved.
Signaling Circuit. An y electrical c ircuit that ene,-gizes sig na ling
equipm ent. (CMP-3)
Service Cable. Service conductors made up in the forn1 of a
cable. (CMP-10)
Service Conductors. The cond uctors from the service point to
the service di,~con necting m eans. (CMP-10)
Service Conductors, Overhead. The overhead conductors
between the service point a nd the first point ol' connection to
the service-entrance conducrm-s at the building o r othe r structure. (CMP-10)
Service Conductors, Underground. The underground conduc,.
tors between the service point and the first point of connectio n
to the service-entrance conductors in a terminal box, meter, or
other enclo~ure, inside or outside the buildi11g wall. (CMP-10)
Informational Note: Where there is no terminaJ box, meter, or
oLher enclosure, che poini of connecLion i$ considered to be I.he
point of entrance of the service condltctors imo the building.
Service Drop. T he overhead conductors between the serving
utility and U1e service point (CMP-10)
Service-Entrance Conductors, Overhead System. The service
condu ctors b etween the termina ls of the service equipment
and a point usually o u tside the building, clear of building walls,
where j o ined by tap or splice to U1e serv ice drop or overhead
service conductors. (CMP-10)
Service-Enttance Conductors, Underground System. The service conductors b etween th e terminals of the ser vice equipme nt
and the point of connection to the sen~ce lateral or undergrou nd ser vice conductors. (CMP- 10)
lnformacional Note: Where service equipment is locmed out~ide
the building walls, there may be no -erv ice-entrance conductors
or chey may he enLirely ouLside che building.
Service Equipment. The necessary equipme nt, consisting of a
ci rcuit breaker(s) or switch(es) and fuse(s) and their accessories, connected to the serving utility and intended to constitu te
the ma in con trol a nd clisconnect of the se1v ing utility:
Service Lateral. The unde rground conducto rs between th e
utility elecn-ic su pply system and the service point. (CMP-:10)
Service Point. The point of connection between the fac ili ties
of the sensing utility and tl1e premises wiring. (CMP-10)
Single-Pole Separable Com1ector. A device that is installed at
the e nds of portable, fl exible, si ng le-conductor cable tha t is
LL~ed to establish conneCLion or d isconnection b etween two
cables or one cable and a single-pole, panel-mounted separable
connector. (CMP-18)
Special Permission. The written consent of th e a uthority
havingjw-isdiction. (CMP- L)
Stand-Alone System. A system that i.~ capab le of supplying
power independent of an electric power production and d.istr:ibution network. ( CM P-4)
Structure. T hat which is built or constructed, other than
equipm ent. (CMP-1)
Surge Arrester. A p rotective device for limiting su rge voltages
by di,~chargi ng or bypassing sm·ge cunent; it also prevent~
continu ed flow of fo llow current while r emaining capable of
repeating these .func tions. (CMP-10)
Surge-Protective Device (SPD) . A protective device for limiting
trarL~ient voltages by diverting o r limiting surge curre nt; it also
pi-event~ continued flow of fo llow current while remaining
capable of repeati ng these functio ns and is desig n ated a.~
Type 1: Perman enLl)' conn ected SPDs intended for installation between the secondary of the se rvi ce u-ansformer and the
line side oJ the service cli~connect overcurrent device.
T)'Pe 2: PennanenUy conn ected SP Ds intended for installatio n o n the load side of rh e service disconnect overcurre n t
device, including SPDs located at the branch panel.
T ype 3: Po in t of utilization SPDs.
T ype 4: Compone nt SPDs, including discrete components, as
well as assemblies. (CMP-10)
lnfr1m1ationa l Nore: For farther information on Type 1, Type 2,
Type 3, and Type 4 SPDs, see UL 1449, Slllndard.for S11rge Pmtci:ti.Vl! Devicl!S.
Switch, Bypass Isolation. A manual, nonautomatic, or a L1tomatic operated device used in cortjun ction wi th a transfer
switch Lo provide a means of directly co11.11ect:ing load tonductors to a power soLtrce and of d isconnecting tl1e transler switch.
Switch, General-Use. A switch inte n ded for use in gen eral
disuibution and branch circuits. It is rated in amperes, a nd it is
capable of interrupting its rated c urrent at its rated voltage.
Switch, General-Use Snap. A form of general-use switch
constructed so that it can be instaJled in device boxes or on box
cover·s, or od1erwise used in c01tjun ction with wiring systems
recognized by this Code. (CMP-9)
Switch, Isolating. A switch in tended for isolating an electrical
circuit from the source of power. It has no interrupting rating,
and itis intended to be operated only after tJ1e circuit ha~ been
opened by some od1er means. (CMP-9)
Switch, Motor-Circuit. A switch rated in horsepowe r that is
capable of intermpting tJ1e maximLtm opernting overload
current of a motor of the same horsepower rati ng a~ the switch
at the rnted voltage. (CMP-L1)
Switch, Transfer. An automatic or nonautomatic device for
transferring one or more load conductor con nec tions from
one power source to another. (CM P-13)
Switchboard. A Large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels
on which are mounted on the face, back, or both, switches,
overcurrem aml othe.r protective d evices, buses, and usually
instrument~. These a~semblies are generally accessible from the
rear as well as from dle front and a re not intended to be
installed in cabinets. (CMP-9)
Switchgear. An assembly completely e nclosed on all sides and
top with sheet metal (except for ventilating openings ru1d
inspection windows) and containing prima.r)' power circuit
switch ing, interrupting devices, or both, with bmes and
conuections. T he assembly may include control and auxiliary
devices. Access to the intetior of tJ1e enclosure is provided by
doors, removable covers, o r both. (CMP-9)
lnfortnational Note: AU switchgear subject LO NEC requiremenu;
is metal enclosed. Switchgear rared below 1000 V or l~ss may he
ide nLitied as "lmv-vohage pmver circuit breaker swiLcl1!\"ea1:"
Switchgear rated over LOO() V may he identified as "metalenclosed switchgear" or "meLal-clad switchgea1:'' Switchgear is
av~1jJable in non- arc-resisrant or an;:-resistnnL C(u1su·uc6ons.
Thermal Protector (as applied to molors). A protective device
for assembly a5 an integral part of a motor or motorcompressor that, when properly applied, protects dle motor
against dangerous overheating due t.o overload and failure to
stan. (CMP-Ll )
Informational Note: The thermal protector may consist of one
o r more sen.sing elemenlS imegral with the motor or motorcom press or and an exrernal comrol device.
Thermally Prolected (as applied to motors). A motor o r
motor-compressor tlrnt is provided with a tl1ermal protector.
Ungrounded. Not connected ro grotmd or to a conductive
body dlat extends tl1e ground connection. (CMP-5)
Uninterruptible Power Supply. A power supply tL5ed to provide
a lternating ctuTent powe1· to a load for some pe1·iod of ttme in
tl1e event of a power failure. (CMP-13)
Informational Note: In addition, it may provide a more constant
voltage and frequency s,1pply to the load, reducing the elfecLS of
voltage and frc<Juenc y variations.
Utilization Equipment. Equipment tl1at utilizes elecu·ic e nergy
for electronic, elecu·omechanical, chemical , heating, Lighting,
01· simil,u· pmposes. (CMP-1)
Voltage (of a circuit). The greatest root-meai1-sqt1are (nns)
(effective) difference of potential betwee n any two conductors
of tl1e circuit concerned. (CMP-1)
lnfrmnational Note: Some systems, such as :>-phase 4-wire,
single-phase 3-wire, and 3-wire direct current, may have vrn·ious
circuiL~ ofv.-1rious vo ltages.
Voltage, Nominal. A nominaJ value assigned to a circuiL or
system for tl1e pLtrpose of conveniently desig nating its voltage
cla5s (e.g.. 120/ 240 volts. 480¥/ 277 volts, 600 volts) . (CM P-])
ln'lormarlonal Note No. 1: TI,e actual voltage a1 which a circu iL
opera1es can v,u-y from the nominal within a range that permit$
smisfactory operation of equipment.
Informational Nole No. 2: See ANSI C84.l-201I. Vnl/flr;t Haling.\
for Eie1;1rir Power Systems a11d Eqttifnnent (60 1-li).
Informatio nal Note No. :I: Certain bar.tery uni LS may be con sidered Lo be rated a1 nominal 48 vol IS de, bl.IL may have a chai:ging
tlom voltage up to 58 volts. In de applications. 60 vohs is used t0
cover Lhe entire range oHloat voltages.
Voltage to Ground. For grounded circuits, the voltage between
the given conductor and tlrnt point or conductor of the c ircuit
tJ1at is grounded; for ungrounded c ircuits, the greatest voltage
between the given conductor and a ny other conductor of dle
circuit. (C..MP-] )
Watertight. Constructed so that moisture will not en ter the
enclosw·e under specified test condition,,. (CMP-1 )
Wead1e rproof. Constructed or protected so that exposLLre to
the weather will not interfere with successfiil operation.
Informational Nme: Rainproof", rainl.ight, or watertight equipmem can l\.tllill the requirements for weatherproof where varying weather conditions 01J1er than wetness, such as snow. ice,
dust, or r.emperawre exr.rernes, are nola factor.
Part II. Over 1000 Volts, Nominal
Electronically Actuated Fuse. An overcLUTent protective device
that generally consists of a control module that provides
current sensing, electronically derived time-curren t characteristic$, e nergy to initiate u·i pping, and a n interrupting module
that interrupts current when an overcurrent occurs. Electronically actuated fuses may or may not operate in a currentlimiting fa5hion , dependi.ng o n the type of control se lected.
Fuse. An overcurrent protective device with a circuit-opening
fusible part dlat. is heated a nd severed by tl1e passage of overc w-re n t through it. (CMP-10)
lnforrnat.ional Note: A fuse comprises all 1:he pans thar. form a
unit capable of performing Lhe presc ribed functions. ILm,1y or
may not be the complete device neces.sary LO connect ir into an
electrical circuiL
Con/rolled Vtmtecl Power h.1sf. A !i.tse wit11 provi.~ion for controlling discharge circuit interruption $uch Lhat no solid matedal
may be exhausted into th e surrounding atmosphere.
Informational No1e: The ti.,se is designed so chat discharged
gases ,,~II noL ignire or damage insulation in the path or 1.he
2020 ll\lirjon
Part m. Hazardous (Classified} Locations (CMP-14).
discharge or propagate a flashover LO or berween grounded
members or conducl.io n membe rs in Lhe palh of d1e discharge
whe re che distance be1ween the vcnL -and such insulaLion or
tonducl.ion members conforms to manufacturer's recommenda-tions.
Aircraft Painting Hangar. An aircraft hangar co11.~tructed fo1·
d1e express purpose of spray/ coating/ dipping applications and
provided widi dedicated ventilation supply and exhaust.
J,,,.1n1lsion.Fuse Unit (E,;pulsion Fusr). A vented fuse unit in which
the expulsion effect of gases produced by the arc and lining of
the foseholde1~ either alone or aided by a s pl'ing, extinguishes
the arc.
Associated Apparalus. Apparatus in which t he circuits are nol
necessarily intrinsically safe themselves but that affects the
energy in the intrinsically safe circuit~ and is relied on to maintai n intr.insic safety. Such app::u-at1.ts is on_e of the following:
Nonvented Power P1tse. A fuse without i11tentional provision for
the escape of arc gases, liquids, or solid particles to the atmosphere during circuit interruption.
Power Puse Unit. A vented, nonvented, or con u·olled vented fuse
unit 'in whicl1 the ar·c is extinguished by being drawn through
solid material, granular material, or liquid, eithe1· alone or
a ided by a spring.
lnformatjonal No1.e No. 1: AssociaLed apparatus has idemified
inu:insically safe connection.5 for inuins.icaJly safe apparatus and
also may h;we connections for nnnintrinsically sale apparatus.
Vented Power Fuse. A fu5e with provision for die escape of arc
gases, liquids, or solid paxticles LO the surrounding am1osphere
during circuit interruption.
lnfom1a1.ional Nme No. 2: An example of associated apparatus is
an in1rinsic safety barrier, which is a network designed to limi1
the energy (vohage and curre111) available r.o the protected
cirnLil in Lhe hazardous (classitied) locmjon, w1der specifiecl
fuul1 condi1Jo11s.
Multiple Fuse. An assembly of Lwo or more single-pole fuses .
Substation. An assemblage of e<]uipment (e.g., switches, intern.1pting devices, circuit breake1·s, buses, and transforme1·s)
through which electric energy is passed for the pw-pose of
distribution, switching, or modifying its characteristics.
Switching Device. A dev ice designed to close, open, or both ,
one or more elecu-ical circuits. (C'MP-l )
Cirmit Breake,: A switching de1Tice capable of making, carrying,
and interrupting c urrents under normal circui t conditions, and
also of making, carrying for a specified time, and interrupting
current~ under specified abnormal c ircuit conditions, such as
th ose of short c ircuit.
Ciilont. An assembly of a fuse support wid1 e idler a fuseholder,
f·use carrie1~ or disconnec ting blade. The fuseholder or fLL5e
carrier may include a conducting elemem (fuse link) or may
act as the disconnecting blade b y the incl1.L5ion of a non fusible
Discrmnecting Means. A device, group of devices, or 01.her means
whereby the conductors of a cir·cuit can be disconnected from
thei1· source of s upply.
Disconnecting (or isolating) SwiU:h (Di.sconnector, Isolator).
mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or
equipment from a sou1·ce of powe r.
lntern.t/1/er Switch. A switch capable o-f making, carrying, and
inlerrupting specified current.5.
Oil Cit/out (Oil-Filled Culo1.1t). A cutout in wh ich all or part of th e
fuse support a nd itq fuse li.nk. or d isconnecting blade is mounted in o il with complete immersion of the contacts and the fusible portion of the conduning e le m em (fLt5e link) so that arc
intern.1ption by severing of the fuse link or by opening of the
contacu wi ll occur under oil.
Oil Switrh. A swilch having contacts that operate unde 1· o il (or
askarel or other suitable liquid).
Regulator Bypass Switch. A specific device
devices d es.igned to bypa~s a regulator.
combination of
Electrical apparatus that h as an a lternative type of protectio n for use in the appropriate hazardous (classified)
Electrical apparatus not so protected that shall not be
used within a hazardous (classified) location
Associated Nonincendive Field Wiring Apparatus. Apparnms
in which the circuits are not necessarily nonincendive themselves but that affect the energy in nonincendive field wiring
circuit~ and are re lied upon to maintain noni.ncendive e nergy
leveL5. Such apparal1.t5 are one of the following:
(] )
Electrical apparatus that has an a lternative type of protectio n for use in the appropriate hazardous (cl,1.ssified)
Electrical apparatus not so pr<>tected dial shall not be
used in a hazardous (classified) location
lnfom,ational Note: Associa1.ed nonincendive field wiring appa·
ra1 us has designated associated nonincendive fie ld wiring apparallls connecLions for nonincendive fi e ld wiring apparatus and
may also have connections for OLher e lectrical apparaLus.
Combustible Dust. Dust particles that are 500 microns or
smaller (i.e., material passi.ng a U.S. No. 35 Standard Sieve as
defined in ASTM Ell-2015, Standard Specification for WoVfm Wire
Test Sieve Cloth 1.ind Tesi Sieves) , and preseut a fire or explosion
ha7..ard when dispersed and ignited in air.
ln fom1aLional Nore: See ASTM EI22!:>-2012a. Sllmdard Test
Method for E~plosil>ility qf Dust (,"[111uLs, OI' ISO 6184-1, Explosion
/1ro/./!cli01, sysllims - Port I : Di'/em,inalicm of f!Xf,losio1r iudiUIS of
combustible dust, in air. for procedures for deLermining the explosibility of dusLS.
Combustible Gas Detection System. A protection technique
utilizing stationary gas detectors in indLL~u·ial establishments.
Control Drawing. A drawing or od1e1· document prnvided by
the manufacturer of the inu·insically safe or associated apparatus, or o f the noni.ncen dive field wiring apparatus or associated
nonincendive field wiring apparatus, that details 1.he allowed
intel'Connections b et.ween the inu·insically safe and associated
apparan1s or between the nonincenclive field wiring apparatus
or a~sociated nonincendive fie ld wiring a pparatus.
Cord Connector. A fitting intended to term inale a cord to a
box or simila1· device and reduce the strain at points of term.ination and may include an explosionproof. a dustigni1.ionproof, or a Ila me proof seal.
ARTICLE IO0 Different Intrinsically Safe Circuits. Inrrinsically safe circ uiL~ in
which the possible imerconnections have not been evaluated
a nd identified as intrinsically safe.
Dust-Ignitionproof. Equipme nt enclosed i.n a manner that
excludes d1_1sts a nd does no t permit arcs, sparks, or heat otherwise generated or liberated inside of the enclosure Lo cause
ignition of exterior accumulations or atmqsphe ric suspensio ns
oh1 specified dust on or in the vicinity of t he enclosw-e.
Informational Note No. 1 : Fo r furth e r information on duslignirionproof e nclosm es, see ANSI/ UL 120'.>-201 5, Exf1losionProof" n,•11d Duslrlff11ilion ..Pmof Ei,,;Jrica/ Eq11i/mie11.t foi Hazarr/011.s
(Classified) Lowtions.
Jn formational Nore No. 2: Dust-igniLionprnof e ,1closures are
sometimes additionally marked Type 9 pe r NEt\llA 250-2014,
E11c/osuresfar E/er1trfral Equ ipmnl.l.
Dusttight. EnclosLtres consu·ucted so that dust will not enter
under specified lest conditions.
lnfom1ational Nole No. I: For furth e r informa tion, see
ANSI/ UL 121201-2017, Noninrendit1e Ell!Clricat Eqttl/nnm1 for Ufe
in Closs I mu/ II, Division 2 and (,"lass ill, Division.< I mill 2 H azc,rdm,s (Classified) Localions.
lnl'ormati<mal Nme No . .2: Enclosure Types 3, 3X, 3S, 3SX, 4,
4X, 5, 6. 6 P. 12, 121<, and 13, per N EMA :!W-20.14., Er11:losur'"'' .fin·
lilectrical Equipment a nd ANSI/UL 50£-2015, E11r/Qswr.1 far Eleclrital .t:quipment, Envim,1r11m1r!I Ccmsidemtim,s, are conside red dusttighL
Electrical Resistance Trace Heating "60079-30-l ''. Type of
pro tection for the purpose o f producing heat on the principle
of e lectrical resL5tance a nd typically composed of one or mo re
metallic conductors and/ or an elecu-ically conductive m.aterial,
suitably electrically insulated and protected.
Informational Note: See ANSI/ UL 600?!)-30-1-2017 . l:.'.>:plosiv;
At1110Jt1!11:res - Pm·/ 3(J.l: Elertriml R esislance Trace Healing General rmd Testing Requiirwwnl<.
Encapsulation "m". Type of protection where e lec â–¡·i cal p,u-ts
tha t cou ld ign ite a n explosive atmosphere by either sparking· or
heating are e nclosed in a compotmd in such a way that d1is
explosive atmosphe re cannol be ignited.
Informational Nole: See ANSI/U L i\0079- 18--2015. Ex/!losive
atuwspheres - Pn,rl 18: Eq11i/mw11protec1;on IJ)• enCO;psulalion "m".
Explosionproof Equipment. Equipment endosed u1 a case d1at
is capable of withstanding an explosio n of a specifie d gas 01·
vapor that may o ccur within it and of preve nting d1e ign ition of
a specified gas or vapor surrounding die enclosure by sparks,
flashes, or explosion of the gas 01- vapor within, and that operates at such an exten1al temperature that a surrounding flammable a â–¡nosphere wi ll not be ignited th ereby: (CMP-14)
Informational Note Nu. 1, For further informaLion, see ANSI/
UL 120'.~2()1!",. t:x/ilusio,1-Proof and Dtt.1l-lg11ition-Pmof El✓:tt1fral
E,r,,ifmwntfor UsP in Haz.1Lrduus (Classifiul) L ocation\.
Infonnadonal Note No. 2: Explosionproof enclosures are som eLimes addi1fonally markec! Type? per NEMA 250-2014, Et,dosums
for EiJJLlriwl Equipm,ml
Flameproof "d". Type o f protection where the e nclosure will
withstand an internal explosion of a fl ammable mixture d1a l
ha~ p enetrated into the interior, wid1ouL suffering damage and
without causing ignition, through anyjoints or structural openings in the enclosure o f an external explosive ga~ a unosphe 1·e
2020 ll\lirjon
consisting of o ne o r more of d1e gases or vapors for which it is
desig ned.
Informationa l Note: See ANSl/UL 60079-1-20 15, lix/>losive AtnwsJ>hrres-Par/ I , Equip111r11tPmtn:1i01, l>y i'1mneproo(Endosw~s ·rt •.
Hermetically Sealed. Equipment sealed against the en trance
of an external atmosphere where the se<1l is made b yfmion, for
example, solde ring, b razing, welding, or the fusio n of glass to
Informational Note: Fo r forLher in formation, see ANSI/
ISA- 12. 12.01-2013, Nonincendive Elerlrirnl Equip11umt for Us, h,
Class I and ll, Division 2, and Clr1ss Ill, Divisionr 1 rmd 2 Hrtz.rmio11~
(Classifml) Lotations.
Increased Safety "e". Type of protection applied to elecn-ical
equipme n t that does not p roduce arcs or sparks in normal service a nd under specified abnormal conditions, in which additional 1Tteasures are applied so as to g ive increased senu-ity
against the possibility of excessi,7 e temperatures and of the
occ w-rence of arcs and sparks.
Informational Note: See ANSI/UL 60079°i- 2()17, E.-,:fllOSiVP.
Atmospheres- Parl 7: Eq11i/>menl,Prolei:l;on IJ)• lnr,rer1.,ed Safely "e".
Inherently Safe Optical Radiation "op is". Type of protection
to min imize the risk_ of ignitio n in explosive atmospheres from
optical radiation where vi~ible o r in frared radiation is inca pable of producing sufficien t ene1·gy unde1· normal or specifi ed
fault cond itions to ig ni te a specific explosive a tmosphere.
l nformaLional Note: See ANSI/U L 60079-28-20 17, E.,;/ilosiVII
Atmospherns - Part 28: Protec/ion of i1'quipnumt and 1hinsmission
,\)'sl.t.ms U1ing Opticitl Rruliatim,.
Intrinsic Safe ty "i''. Type of proteclio n where a ll)' spark_ or
th ermal effect is incapable of causing ignitio n of a mi'Xtu re of
flammable 0 1· combustible material in air unde1- prescribed test
l nformariona l Note: See UL !)13-201.5, lntriusicalty Srife Appamluo
an cl Associated A}1/10:mlns .for Use h1 Cla.1.1 I, rI, and IfI, Division 1
Hriumlott.S (Classified) Locotim1s; and ANSI/ UL 6007!J- l l-2013,
Exjilnsive Atm,,1phereJ - Pnrl JI: Equipmm1 protarliM, lry intrinsi,
safely "i ".
Intrinsically Safe Apparatus. Apparatus in which all the c ircuits
are inu·insicalJy safe.
Intrinsically Safe Circuit. A circuit in which an y spark o r the1-rnal effect is incapable of causing ignilion of a mixture of flamma ble or comhLL5tible material in a ir tmder prescribed Lest
lnfonnational Note: TesL condil ions are described in ANSI/
UL HJ 3-20 I 3, Standard for Saft (\', lnl,insically Safe Af1(1aralt1S aud
A<sociattld. ApfJamltlS far Us; in Class I, II, and Ill, Div~rion 1,
I-lr1zardo11s (C/11ssijii:rl,) Locations.
Intrinsically Safe System. An assembly of it1terco1rnecLed
inu-insically safe apparatus, associated apparatus, and u1tercon11ec ting cables, in that Lhose part~ of the system that may be
used in hazardo us (classifi ed ) locations a1·e u1u·insically safe
c ircuit~.
lnformaLio nal Note: An inu-insically sale system may include
mnre than o ne inLrinsically safe ci rcuiL.
Limited Finlc;hing Workstation. An apparatus that is capable of
confining d1e vapors, mist~. residues, d LL~ts, 01- deposiL~ that a re
generated by a spray applicatio n process but does not meet Lh e
requirements of a spray booth or sp ray room ,
defined. f33:3.3.18.l]
Informational Nole: See Section 14.'.{ of NFPA 33, !:,~fmt/mrl Jin·
Spray Appiicalion ll.<il,g 1'Y{1111.11111bfPor Co-mlnirlih!;, JWa,t,,.ria/s, fo r limited lini$hing worksl,ltions.
Liquid Immersion "o" . Type of protection where e lectrical
equipmenL is immersed in a protective liquid in such a way that
an explosive atmosphere that may be above tl1e liquid or
out5ide the enclosure catrno t b e ignited.
Informational Note: See ANSI/ UL fi007V-6-2lH 6, ExplvsiveAt111osPart 6: Equipmrnt prolectio" /})' liq1tid immHsion "o ".
f1lwres -
Major Repair Garage. A building or portions of a bldlding
wh e re major repairs, such as engine overhauls, painting, body
a nd fender work, and repairs thaL requi1·e draining of Lhe
motor vehicle fuel tank are performed o n m otor vehicles,
including associa ted floor space used for offices, parking, or
showrooms. l"30A:3.3.l2.1l
Membrane Enclosure. A temporary e nclosure used fo r th e
spraying of workpieces that cannot be moved into a spray
booth wh ere open spraying is not practical due to the proximity to other operations, finish quality, or concerns su ch as the
collecrion of overspray.
lnformational No te: See Ch apler 18 of NfPA 33-201 6, Slandard
for S/Jmy Apfilil:ation U.1ing Flam·11,ab{1• ur Combusti/ilP Moteriat,, fo r
in formation on the constructio n anct use of membrane enclo-
Informational NOLe: For further informacion, see ANSI/
IS,.\-1 2.12.01-2013, Nm,i111:,ndi:0P Elatrical Eqnipuuml for Usr1 in
Closs I awl fl, Dillision 2, rmd Clr•rs Ill, Divisil)ns J m,d 2 Hr,.zardous
(Classified) Locr!.lfom.
Nonincendive Equipment. Equipment h aving electrical/e lectronic circuitry that L~ incapable, un.de1· 1101·mal o perating
conditions, of causing ig nitio n of a specified flammable gas-air,
vapor-air, o r dust-air mixture due to arcing o r thermal means.
lnfom1aLional Nme: For fitrd1e r informatio n, see ANSI/
ISA-12.12.01-2013, Nuni>1cendiv, .Electrical Eqaip111enl for Use ill
Class l a-nd If, Diliisio11 2, rmd Clr1s.1 Ill, Division,r 1 amt 2 Hr1.zardous
(Classified/ Loaitions.
Nonincendive Field Wiring. \ 1Viring thal enters or leaves an
equipment enclosure a nd, under normal operating conditions
of the equipment, is n ot capable, rlue to arcing or the rnial
effect~, of igniLing the flammable ga~-a.ir, vapor-air, or dtlSt-air
mixture. Normal operatio n includes opening, sho1·ting. o r
grounding the field wir ing.
Nonincendive Field Wiring Apparatus. Apparatus intended w
be connected Lo nonincendive field wiru1.g.
l nformatio nal Note; For further infom1ation, see ANSI/
ISA-12.l'.:!.0l-2013, Noninr.endiv, Ei£ctrical Eqai/mwnt fur Use in
ChL,~ I and fl. Division 2. awl Ctr.-. ill, Divi.,iow; 1 and 2 Ha.u,mlou;
(Classijitd) Localions.
Minor Repair Garage. A building or portions of a bttilding
used fo1· lub1·ication , i1L~pectio11, and mu1o r automotive mainten,rnce work, such as engine tune-ups, replacerne:nt bf parts,
flttid changes (e.g., o il, antifreeze, transmission fluid, brake
fluid, aiL conditio11ing refrigerants) , bra ke system repairs, tire
rotation, a nd similar 1-outine maintenance work, including
associated floor space used for offices, parking, or sh owrooms.
[30A:3.3. l 2.21
Mobile Equipment. Equipment with electrica l component~
sLLitable to be moved only with mechanical a ids 01· is provided
with wheels for movement by per~on (s) or powered devices.
Motor Fuel Dispensing Facility. That portion of a property
wh ere motor fue ls are stored a nd dispensed from fixed equipme nt into tJ1e fuel tanks of motor vehicles or marine craft or
into approved containers, including a ll equipment used u1
connection therewith . f30A:3.3 .1 l1
lnforrnauonaJ Nme: Refer Lo Articles ,,10 and 511 with respecr
m e lectrical wiring and equipment for ocher areas 1Jsecl as luhri1.Qriums, service rooms, repair rooms, ofl-lces. salesrooms,
cc1mpressor room s, and similar locations.
Nonincendive Circuit. A circuit, oth e r than fie ld wmng, in
wh ich any arc or the rmal effect p rodu ced unde1· inte nded
operating co nditions of tl1e equipme n t, is not capable, under
specified test conditions, of igniting the fl ammable ga~-ai,~
v-apor-ai1~ or d usl'-air m ixtLtre.
lnfo,·macional Note: Condit.ions a re de.scribed in ANSI/
ISA-] 2.12.01-2013, Nonim:endh!II Elecllfral Equijmient for l'se i n
Class I and II, Division 2, (IIUl Class Ill, Dillisions I and 2 Ha:umlous
(Classi/iarl) Lomlio11.1.
Nonincendive Component. A compon en t having conracL~ for
making or breakin g a.11 in cen d ive circuit and the contac ting
mechanism i.~ constructed so that the compon e nt is incap able
of ign iting th e specified flammable gas-air or vapor-air
mixture. The housin g of a nonincendive com pon elll is not
u1tended to exclud e the flammable a tmosphere or contain an
Oil Immersion. Electrical equipme n t imme rsed in a protective
liquid i11 su ch a way that a n explbsive atmosph er e tJ1at may be
ab ove tJ1e liquid o r o utside the enclosu re cannot be ig nited.
Optical Radiation. Elecu-omagnetic radiation at wavelen gth.~ u1
vacuum b etween the region of tra nsitio n to X-rays a nd th e
region of transition to radio waves, that is a pproximately
between l nm and J000 µm.
In.fom1arional Nole: Fo,· acldicional inforn1:11ion on rypes of
prmecrion chat can be applied to minimize che risk of ignilion
in explosive aunospher~ from oprical racUatio n in the w,wele ngrh range J'rorn '.180 nm ro LO µm, see ANSI/ UL
6007!}-.28-2017, ExjJ/osivPAtm.o:,ph.eres - Prm 28: Protedio11 ofb"'quipmerit (rnd 1immnission Systems Using O/ilia,l R,;uiiafio,1_
Optical System With Interlock "op sh". Type of protection to
minim ize th e risk of ig nitio n in ex-p losive a mmspheres fro m
opticaJ radiation where visible or infra red radiation is confined
inside o ptical fibe r o r other transm.issio n medium with inte rlock cu t-off provided lo relia.bly redu ce tl1e rmconfin ed beam
su-ength to safe levels within a specified tim e in case tJ1.e
confineme nt fails and th e radiation becomes uncon fined.
Informalional Noce: See ANSI/ U L (i0079-28-20l7, Exj)/osi,Jf•
AlnWS/Jhere., - Part 28: Proteclim,. qj' Equipnw-111 mu/ Tm11s11,issitm
Sy.<lenLI U,irrg O/ilical Radinlion.
Outdoor Spray Area. A spray area d1at is o utside the confines
of a building or that has a canop)' or roof th at does no t limit
the dissipation of the h eat of a fi re o r dis persion of fl ammable
vapors and does not resD·ict fire-fighting access and control.
For d1e purpose o f this standard, an ou tdoor spray area can be
tre,ited as an un enclosed spray area. [33: l
Portable Equipment. Equipment with e lectri cal components
suitabl.e to be moved by a su1gle pe1·son witho ut mech a nical
Powder Filling "q". Type of protection w here elecu-ical part5
capable of ig niting an explosive atmosph ere are fixed in position and completely surro unded by filling ma ter ial (glass o r
quartz powder) to prevent the ign ition of an external explosive
a nd 25 mW, o r a passive component tliat does not rli~sipate
more tJian 1.3 watt5 a nd is compatible with the inu·insic safety
of the circuiLin wh ich it is used.
l n.frirmational Note No. 1: The following apparatus are examp les of simple apparatus:
Informaci0nal Note: See ANSI/ U L 60079-5-2016. Ex/ilns;V(,Atmosplwre,<- Part 5: Eq1iijmum1 /mJWlion IJy /1owd1:rjillinK "q ".
(I )
Pressurized. The process of supplying an enclosw·e wiJh a
prntective gas with o r witho ut continuous flow, at sufficie nt
pressure to prevem the eno·ance of combustible dmt or igniLible fib ers/ flyings.
Pressurized Enclosure "p". Type of prntection for e lectrical
equipment tha t use s the tech nique of g uarding against the
ingress of the external atmosphere, whic h may be explosive,
into an e nclosw ·e by maint<\ining a protective gas tJ1ere in at a
pressure above that of the exte rnal aonosphere.
Informational Note: See ANSI/ UL~0079-2-2017, Explosil!l•Atmospheres - Part 2: Equ.ipment protfttion l,y pressurized enclosures "p ··.
Process Seal. A seal between electrical systems a nd flammable
or combustible process fluids ,vhere a failure could allow the
migrntion of process fluids into tl1e prem ises' wiring system.
Protected Optical Fiber Cable. Optical fiber cable protected
from relea~ing o ptical radiatio n into the atmosph ere during
normaJ operating conditions and foreseeable malfun ctio ns by
additional armoring, concluiL. cable u·ay, or raceway.
l nfom rntional N ote: See ANSI/ UL 60079-28-2017, Ex/1!0.<ive
Al111osp1im,f - Part 28: Protection of Equi/nnent rmd 7'rrmsrnissiou
S_rs1,m,s Using Optical Radiation.
Protected Optical Radiation "op pr". Type of protection to
minimize the risk of ignition in explosive atmosph e res from
optical radiation where visible o r infrared radiation is confined
i11side optical fiber ox other u·ansmL5sion m edium Lmrler
normal consu·uctions or constructions witl1 add itional mechanical protectio n based o n the assumption that there is no escape
of radia tion from the confinement.
Informational Note: See ANSI/ UL 60079-28-2017, E,plosive
Atmosfiherl'f - Part 28: Protertion of Eq11i/111u1nt m,d n-m1smissio1,
Systems Using O/ilical H(U[ialim,.
Protection by Enclosure "t". Type of protection for explosive
dLL~t atmospheres whe ,-e elecn·ical eq uipment is provided with
a n e nclosure providing dust ingress protection and a m eans to
limit stu-face tempern,tures.
Informatio nal Note: For additio nal in fo nn.ation, see ANS1/
UL 6007\l-~ 1-2015, fa/J/osive Atmospheres - Part 3 1: Eqrtipment
Dmt Ignition Pmtel'lio11 t,y Endo,rnm "l".
Purgecl and Pressurized. T he proce~s of ( I ) purging, supplying
an e nclosw·e with a proLective gas at a sufficie nt flow a nd positive p1·essure to reduce the concenu·ation of an y fla mmable gas
or vapor initi.aUy presem m a n acceptable level; and (2) press1u-ization, supplying an enclosure with a protective gas with o r
witho uL con tinuo us fl ow at sufficient pressure to preve nt tJ1e
e nu·ance of a flamma ble gas o r V'ilpor, a combustible dust, or an
ignitibl.e fiber.
Informational Note: Fo r furd1er in formation, see ANSJ/ NFPA
-l 96-2013. Purged and Ptt:ssttJ"k.erlEndum1nforEl,:tlrical b,r1uipmenl.
Simple Apparatus. An e lecn·ical component o r combina tion of
component5 of simple constructio n. with well-defined e lec lxical
parameters tha t does nol generate more than 1.5 volt~, 100 mA,
2020 Edition
Passive compone nt~; for example, switc hes, instrum enL
connecrors, p)ugs and sockets, junction boxes, resistance
temperature devices. and simple semicond uctor devices
s uch as LEDs
Sources of stored e nergy consist.ing of single components
in simple circuits 1viLh well-defined para meters; for example, capacitors or inductors, whose values are considered
when determining 1.he overall safety of the syscem
Sources of generated energy; for examp le, thermocouples
a nd phoLOceUs. rJ1at do not generate more dian 1.5 vohs.
l00m.A, and 2.~ mW
[nformationaJ Note Nu. 2: Fo r funher information, refer ro
ANSI/UL 9 1:1-2013. Jntiinsically Safe f l jJ/J(lralus ancl Assor:iawd
Alif;amllls for U.e i11 Chu I, II, III. Divi,io11 1, Hazardo11,· (Clr,ssijifd)
L ocaLions; and ANSI/ U L 60079- 11-110 13. £:>.-plosive Atmosphems Pm·t 11: Eq,.tipmeul Prottction l>y Intri·,1stc Safely ·;,"
Spray Area. Any fully enclosed, par1Jy enc losed, or unenclosed
area in which dangerous quantities of fl a mma ble o r combtL5tible vapors, mist5, re.5idu es. dlL5ts, o r rleposit~ are present due to
the ope ration of spray processes, including ( 1) an y area in tl1e
d irect path of a spray applicatio n process; (2) the inte rior of a
spray bootJ1, spray room, or limited finishing workstatio n , as
herein defined; (3) tJ1e interior of an y exhaLL5t plenum, elimina tor section, or scrubber se ction ; ( 4) the interior of <1.ny
exhaLL5t d uct o r exhaust stack leading from a sprny app li.catio n
process; (5) the interiot· of a ny air recirculation patJi up Lo and
includ ing recirculatio n particu late fi lters; (6) a ny solvent
concentrator (pollu~ion abatement) unit or solvent recovery
(distillation) un it; and (7) the inside of a membrane enclosure.
The following are not part of the spray area: ( 1) fresh a ir ma keup LLl1it5; (2) a ir snpply duc t5 and a ir supply plemuns; (3) recirc ula tio n a ir supply d ucts downsu-earn of recirculation
particulate fil ters; an d (4) exhatL5t ducts from solvent concenu·aLOr (po llution a batement) LUlit~ . r33:
lnfi;irmatio nal Note: Une nclose~l spray areas are locations
o utside of buildings or are localized operations within a larger
room or space. Such are normally provided with some local
vapor extraction/ ventilation system. In automated operations,
die area lim.iti; are the maximum area in th e direc1 path of spray
operations. In man11al operatio ns, the area lin:Lii:s are the m aximum area of spray when aimed a1 90 deg~'ees to the applicatio,1
Spray Booth. A power-ventilated e nclosure for a spray a pplication operation or process tJ1at confines and limits the escape of
th e material being sprayed, including vapors, mist~. dusts, and
residues tha t are produced by tJ1e .~praying operatio n and
conducts o r d irects these mate1-ia ls to a n exhaust syste m.
l nfrirmatfo naJ Note: A spray bomh is an enclosure or insen
wiLhin a larger room used for spray/ coating/ dipping applicaLions. A spray booth L,t ll be ti.illy e ncloserl or have open front or
face and can include separate conveyor enu·ance and exit. The
spray booth ,s prol'ided with a ded icated venti lation exh aust
1vi1h supply ai r fro m rJ1e larger room or from a dedicated air
Spray Room. A power-ventila ted fully enclosed room used
exclusively for open spraying of fbnunable or combustible
mateiials. r33:3.3.16l
o r 01.h er Iimital.ions and o the r peninem informal.ion may be
marked o n rhe equipment. included in rJ1e product inslructions,
Qr included in che a ppropriate listing and labeling Information.
Suitabilicy of equipmen t ma)' be evidenced by listing or labeling.
Type of Protection "n". Type of protect.ion where electtical
equipment, i.n normal operation, is not capable of igniti.ng a
surrow1ding explosi.ve gas atmosphere and a fault capable of
causing ignition is not likely to occur.
lnfonnal.ional NOLe: See ANSI/ UL 60079-15-2013, Explo,;iw
Atmosph,'11/S - Parl 15: Eqt1ifmum1 ProlffliOfl iJy Ty/>e of Prolt!l:/ioll
..,,, ".
Unclassified Locations. Locations determined to b e ne ither
Class I, Di.visio n l ; Class I, Division 2; Zone O; Zone 1; Zone 2;
Cla5s JJ, Division I ; Class Il, Division 2; Class III, Divisio n I ;
Cla~s Ill , Division 2: Zone 20; Zone 2 1: Zone 22: nor a nr combina tion the1·eof.
Unenclosed Spray Area. Any spray area that is n ot confined by
a limited finishing work.~ta1.ion, spray booth , or spray room , as
herein defined. [33:
Ventilated. Provided with a means to permit c irculation of air
sufficient to 1·emove an excess of heat, fumes. or vapors.
Volatile Flammable Liquid. A flammable liquid having a fla~h
po int below 38°C (I00°F), or a flammable liquid whose
temperau.u·e is above its flash point, 01· a Class TI combu~tible
liqLtid that has a vapor pressure not exceeding 276 kPa
(40 psia) at 38°C (l00°F) and wh ose temperature is above its
flash point.
Mechanical strength a nd durability, including, for parts
designed to enclose a nd protect o ther equipment, the
adequacy of the protection drns provided
Wire-bending a nd connect.io n space
Electrical insulation
Healing effec~ under norma l conditions of use and a l50
under abnormal conditions likely to a rise in service
Arc ing effects
Classification by type, size, voltage, curre nt capac ity. and
speci fie tt~e
Other factors d1at contribute to the practical safeguarding o f pe1·sons using o r likely to come in contact with the
(B) Installation and Use. Equipment that is listed, la be led, or
both shall be installed and u~ed in accordance with any instructions included in the listing or labeling.
(C) Listing. Product testing, evaluation, and listing (product
certification ) sha ll be performed by recognized qualified electrical testing la boratoi-ies a nd shall be in accordance with applicable product standards recognized as achieving equivalent
and effective safety for equipment installed to comply with this
Requirements for Electrical Installations
Part I. General
110.l Scope. This article cove1·s general requireme n ts for the
examina tion and approvaJ, installation and use, access to and
spaces about electrical conductors and equipment; enclosures
intended for personnel enu-y; and tunnel in~talla t.ions.
lnformar.ional Note: See l nformaLil'e Annex J fm information
regarding ADA accessibili ty design.
110.2 Approval. The conductors and equipmem required o r
permitted by this Code shall be acceptable only if approved.
l.nformal.io nal Note: See ~J0.7, Examination of Equipme m to r
Safety, and 110.3, Exam.inalion, Identific:uion, Installatio n , and
Use of Equipmen L See definitions of Apprrroed, ldmtifi,d, Labet,,d,
and Ust.nf.
110.3 Examination, Identi.lication, Installation, Use, and Listing (Product Certification) of Equipment.
(A) Examination. In judging equipm.ent, co11..~ide rat.ions s uch
as the following shall be evaluated:
Suitabi.Litv for installation a nd use in con forn1 ity wid1 d1is
ln fo rma lio nal Note No. I : Equipmem may be new, recondi.tioned, refurbished , or remanufacrnrerl.
Lnfo nnal.ional Note No. 2: Suitabili ty of equipme m use may be
identified by a descripl.ion ma rked o n or provided wi1h a produce LO idenLify rhe snitabili1y of the product for a specific
purpose, environment, or applical.ion. Special conditio n.5 of use
lnJ-ormatio nal Note: The O ccupal.ional Satecy and HealrJ1
Aclminisu-al.ion (OSHA) recognizes qualified electrical ces1ing
laboratories lhat per form evaluat.ions, LeSLing, and cerlifical.io n
of certai11 produces tn e ns ure (ha t Lhey meet the requireme n ts of
both the construcl.io n a nd gene ral indusCT)' OSHA eleccrical
standa rds. If the listing (product cer1jficarion) is done unde r a
C)Uali.fied e lectrical testing laborarory p rogram, t.his listing ma1'k
signifies tha1 the tested and certified prod1.1ct m m plies with th e
requireme nts of o ne or more appropriate product safecy rest
110.4 Voltages. Throug ho ut this Code, d1e voltage conside red
shall be that at which the circuit operates. The voltage rati ng of
elecu-ica l equipment sha ll not be less than the nominal voltage
ofa circuit to which it is connected.
110.5 Conductors. Conductors LLsecL to carry current shall be
of copper, aluminum. o r copper-clad a luminum unless otherwise prnvide d in th is Code. Where the conductor materia l is not
specified, the sizes given in th.is Code sha ll apply to copper
conductors. Whe re o d1e r materials a re used, the size shall be
changed accordingly.
110.6 Conductor Sizes. Conductor sizes are expressed in
American Wire Gage (AWG) or i.n circular mils.
110.7 Wiring Integrity. Comple ted wiri ng installatio ns shall be
free from sho rt c ircuit~, grmrnd faults, or an y connect.ions to
ground othe r than as required o r permitted elsewhere in d1is
110.8 Wiring Methods. Only wiring methods recognized a.~
suitable are included in this Code. The recogn izecl me thods of
wiring shall he permitted t.o be installed in a ny type o:fhuilding
or occupancy, except as otherwise provided in this Code.
110.9 Interrupting Rating. Equipment intended to interrupt
current at fault levels shal l have a n i.nterrupting rating at nominal circuit voltage at least equal Lo the curre nt that i.s availa ble
at the line terminals ofd1e equipment.
2020 EdiLion
Equ_iprne nt intended to inten upl current at other than fa ult
levels sha ll have an inte1Tupting rating at nominal circuit voltage at lea5t equal to the ctu-rent that mtist h e inten-upted.
ll0 .10 Circwt hnpedance, Short-Circuit Current Ratings, and
Other Characteristics. The overcurrent prntective devices, the
total impedance, the equipment short-circuit curren t ratings,
a nd other characteristics of the circuit to be protected s hall be
selected and coordinated to permit 1..he circuit protective devices LL~ecl to clear a fault to d o so without extensive damnge r.o
the elecu-ical equipment of the circuit. This fault sh all be
assumed to be eithe r be twe en two or more of the circuit
conductors or between any circuit conduccor and the equip1ne nt ground ing co nductor(s) permitted in 250.118. Listed
equipment applied in accordance with their listing shall be
conside1·ed to meet the require ment5 of th is section.
110.ll D eteriorating Agents. Unless identified fo r u se in the
operating e nvironment, no conductors or eq uipme nt shall he
located in d a mp or wet locations; where exposed to gases,
fumes, vapors. liq uid5, or o ther agent5 that have a deterio ra ting
effect o n the conductors o r equipmen t; or whe re exposed to
excessive temperatLu·es.
InformaLionaJ Note No. I : See 300.6 for pro1ecLion against
Informational Note No. 2: Some c lea ning a nd luhrirnti ng
compounds can cause severe deLe1iormio n o r many plastic materials u sed for insulaLing a nd scrnccural applicaLion s in eqLtipment.
Equipment not ide ntified for 01.1tdoor u se and equipment
ide ntified only for indoo1· u5e, such as "d.ry locations," '"indoor
use on ly," "damp locations," or e nclosure Types l , 2, 5, 12, 12K,
and/or 13, shall be protected agains t c;lamage from the weather
during construction.
Informational Note No. 3: See Table 110.28 for appropriate
e nclosure-Lype designations.
ln fom1atio nal Note No. 4: Minimum Hood p rovision s are provid ed in NFPA 5000-201 5 Building Construclion mul Saftly Code, 1he
lnltrm(iliurwl Building Code (!BC), and the Intemalional Residenlial
Cud1:jar One- c,11(( Ttua-F11mi(v Dwellings ( m C).
110.12 Mechanical Execution of Work. Electt·ical equipment
shall be installed in a neat and workman like manner.
Informational Note: Accepted indusu-y practices are described
in ANSI/NECA. 1-20 15. Sta11drml Jnr Good WorkmcmshijJ in Eleclrirnl Cnnst,w:lion, and o l.he r ANSI-approved installa tion standards.
(A) Un used Openings. Unused openings, oth er tforn those
intended for the operation of equip ment, those intended for
mounting ptu-pose$, or tJ1ose pe rmitted as part of tJ1e desig n
for listed eq uipment, shall be closed to afford protec tion
substantially eqttivalent tO the wall of the equipme nt. Whe1·e
metallic plugs or plates a re LL~ed wi tJ1 nonmetallic enclostu·es,
they shall be recessed at lea~t 6 mm (1/,1 in.) from the o ute1·
sudace of the e n.closw·e.
(B) Integrity of Electrical F.quipmenl and Connections. Internal parts of e lecb·ical equipme nt, incJuding busbars, wiring
terminals, insulawrs, and othe r s u rfaces, shall not be damaged
or contaminated b y foreign materia ls such as paint, plaster,
cleaners, abrasives, or corrosive residues. The re shall be no
damaged parts that may adversely affect safe oper a tion or
mechanical strength of the equipment such as parts U1at are
broken; bent; cut; o r deteriorated b)' cor rosion, c he mical
action, 01· overheating.
2020 Edition
110. 14
(C) Cables and Conductors. Cables and conductors insta ll ed
exposed on the surfaces o f ceilings and sidewalls shall be
supported by the building structure in such a manner tJ1at tJ1 e
cabl es a nd conductors will not be damaged by normal building
use. Such cables and conducto rs shall be secured by h ardwa1·e
incluiling straps, staples, cable ties, hangers, or similar fittings
designed and installed so as n ot to damage tJ1e cable. The
installatio n shall also conform with 300.4 a nd 300. ll. Nonmetallic cable ties and o ther non metallic cab le accessories u5erl to
secure a nd support cables in other spaces used for e n vironme n tal air (plenum;;) shall be listed as having low smoke and
heat release properties.
Informationa l NOLe No. I: Accepted inclusuy prac1ices a re
described in ANSI/ NECA/ FOA :101-2009, Strmdaid for Im,lalli11g
,mil 71!sting Fiber OJ;tic Cnh/Ps, and other ANSI-approved ins1allacion smndarcls.
lnformarfo nal Note Nn. 2: See 4.3.IL2.6.5 a nd 4.'. of
NFPA. 90A-2018 , Standard for //,e l nstallatio11 qf Air-Gorulitioning
cmrt Ve111ilali11g Systems, for discrete co mb1JsLible com ponenrs
ins1alled in accordance with 300.22 (C).
lnf-ormaLional Note No. 3: Pa int, plaHe•~ cleaners, abrasives,
corrosive residu.es, or oth er contaminanLS n1ay resulLin an unde-
lermined alteration of optical liber cable properties.
110.1 3 Mounting and Cooling of Equipment.
(A) Mounting. Elec trical eq1.1ipme nt shall be firm ly secure d to
the surface on whicl1 it is mow1ted. Wooden p lugs driven into
ho les in mason ry, con â–¡-ete, plaste1; o r similar materials shall
not be used.
(B) Cooling. Electrical equipment that dep ends on Lhe natural circulatio n o f a ir and convection principl es for cool ing of
exposed surfaces shall be i nstalled so tha t room airflow over
s uch sm·faces is nor preven ted by walls o r by adjacent instaUed
equipment. For e qu.i.pmem d esigned for fl oor mounting, clearance be t\veen top surfaces a nd adj acent surfaces shall be provided to dissipaLe rising warn1 air.
Electrical equipmen L provide d witJ1 ventila ting openings
shall be installed so that walls or oth e r obstructions do not
prevent the free circulation of air through lhe eq uipment.
110.14 Electrical Connections . Becau se of d iffe re nt c haracteristics of dissimilar metals, d evices sud1 as pressure te rmi nal or
pressure splicing conneccors and solde ring lugs sha ll be ide ntified for tJ1e material of the conductor a nd sh all be p roperly
installed and u~ed. Conductors of d issimilar metals shall no t. be
intermixed _in a term.inaJ or splicing connector wh ere physical
c0t1.tact occurs bet\vee n dissimila r conductors (such as copper
and a luminum o r altrn1inum and coppe1~clad a luminum),
unless the device is identified fo r the purpose and con d itions
of use. Materials such as solde r, fluxes, inhibitors, and
com pounds, where employed, shall be suitable for the use and
shall h e of a type tha t will no t adve rsely a.fleet the conductors,
installatio n, or equipmen t.
Con nectors and termina ls for conduc to rs more fin e ly stranded tJ1a.n Class B a nd C lass C stranding as shown in Chapte1· 9,
Tobie 10, shall be iden tified for the specific conductor class or
(A) TerminaJs. Connection of conductors to terminal parts
shall ensure a thoroughly good connection withoul damaging
the conductors and sha ll be made by means of pressure
connectors (including set-screw type), solder lugs, or splices to
flexible leads. ConnecLion by means of wire-binding screws or
studs and nuts that have upturned lugs or l11e equivalent shaU
be permitLed for LOAWG o r smaller conductors.
Terminal~ For more Ll1an one conductor and termi nals used
r.o connect a luminum shall be so identified.
(B) Splices. Conductors shall be spliced o r joined with splic-
ing <levices identified for Ll1e use or by b razing, we lding, or
soldering with a l"LL~ible metal or alloy. Soldered splices shall
first be spliced or joined so as to be mechanically and electl"ically secure without solder and then be soldered. All splices
and joints and the free ends of conductors shall be covered
with an insulation equivalent to that of the conductors or with
an identified insulating device.
l nformaLional No1e: WiLh respect m 110.14(C) (1) anc;I (C) (2),
equ.ipmenL markings or lisLing informal.ion ma)' addiLionally
resuict the sizing and temperature ratings of connected conductors.
(D) Terminal Connection Torque. Tig hte ning torque values
for termi na l connections shall h e a~ indicated on equi.pment 01·
in insta llation insu-·uctions provided b)' the manufacturer. An
approved means sha ll be u.~ed to achieve the .indicated torque
l nformaLional Note No. I: Examples of approved means of
achieving· L11e indicarecl 1orque vaJ11es include torque rools or
devices such as s hear bolts o r breakaway-style devices wiLh ,~sual
indicators chat demonstra1e 1hat 1he proper tqrque ha$ been
Informational Nme No.~: The equipmem mam1fac1urer can be
contaCLed if numeric torque values are 1101. indicaied on the
equipment or if the inscallation instrucLions are not available.
Informative An nex J of UL Standard 486A486B, Sllmdard .fnr
Sapty-WirP Cm,nedars, provides torque values in the absence or
manufacturer's recommendations.
vVire connectors or splicing means inMalled on conductors
for direct bw·ial shall be listed for such use.
(C) Temperature Limitations. T he temperature rating associated with the ampacity of a conductor shall be selected and
coordinated so as nol to exceed the lowest temperatLtre rating
of any connected Lermination, conducwr, or device. Conducto1·s with temperature ratings hig her man specified for terminations shall be pem1 itLed to be used fo r ampacit)' arljustment,
correction, o r both.
( 1) Equipment Provisions. The detennination of ter mination
provisions of equipment shall be ba~ed on l I 0.l 4(C) ( J) (a) or
(C)( l )(b). Unless the equipment is listed and marked otherwise, conductor ampacilies used in determining equipment
termination provisions shall be based on Table 3J O. I 6 as appropriately modified by 310.l 2.
(a) Termination provisions of equipment for circuits
raLed JOO amperes or less, or marked for 14 AWG through
l AWG conductors, shall be used on ly for one of the follmvin g:
Conductors rated 60°C (140°F).
Conductors with higher temperatme ratings, p rovided
the ampacity of such conductors is determined based on
me 6D°C ( 140°F) ampacity of the conducto1· size LL~ed.
(3) Conductors with h igher temperature ratings if the equipment is listed and identified for use wiLh such conductors.
(4) Fo1· motors marked wiili design letters B, C, o r D, conductors having an insu lation rating of 75°C (l 67°F) or hig her
shall be permitted to be used. provided the ampacity of
such conductors does not exceed the 7!'i°C ( l 67°F )
(b) Termination prov1s10ns of equipment for circuits
rated over LOO amperes, or marked for conductors larger than
l AV•lG, shall b e used o nly for 011,e of the fo Llo,ving:
(l )
Conductors rated 75"C (l67°F)
Conductors with h igher temperatme ratings, provided
rl1e ampacity of such conductors does not exceed the
7.5°C (167"F) arnpacity of the conductor size used, or up
to their ainpacity if t11e equipment i.~ listed and identified
for use wirl1 such conductors
(2) Separate Connector Provisions. Separ:;1tely installed pres,
sure connectors shall be used with conductors at the arnpacities
not exceeding the ampacity at the listed a nd identified temperamre rating of l11e connector.
lnformationaJ Nme No. 3: Additional information for torquing
tJ1readed connections and terminations can be found in Section
8. 11 of NFPA 70B-20] 9, H,rom11li!"nded Pmllire }or Eleclrictil J:,r/ttifr
men/ l\1ai1tll'l'1anu.
110.1 5 Hig h-Leg Marking. On a 4-wi,·e., delta-con nected ryste m
w he 1·e the rnidpoi.nt o f one phase winding is g rounded, o nly
the conductor or bLL~bar having rl1e highe r phase voltage to
ground shall be durably and permanemly marked by an outer
fin ish that is o range in color or by othe r effective means. Such
identification shall be placed at each point on the system where
a connection is made if me grounded cond uctor is al50
110.16 Arc-FJash H azard Warning.
(A) General. Electrical eqLtipment, such as switchboards,
S\vitchgear, pa ne lboards, industrial contro l panels, meter socket
en closw·es, an d motor comrol centers, that is in other thai1
dwelling unit.~, and is likely to req11ire examination, adj ustment, se1·vicing, or ma.intenance while e nergized, shall be field
or factory marked r.o warn q ua lified persons of potential elecuic arc flash hazards. The marki11g shall meet the requireme nt~
in 110.21 (B) and shal l be located so as to be clearly visible to
quali fied persons before exam ination, acljustment, servicing, Dr
maintenance of the equipment.
(B) Service Equipment. In other l11an dwelling wuls, in addi-
tion to the requirement5 in 11 0.16(A) , a permanent la be l shall
be fie ld or factory applied to se1·vice equipment i-ated
1200 amps 01· more. The label shaU meet the requirements o f
11 0 .2 1 (B) and contain t11e following inforn1atio n:
Nom ina l system voltage
Avai lable fau lt curre nl al the service overcurrenl p rotective devices
The cleai·ing time of se1v ice overc,:urrent protective devices based o n rl1e available fau lt curre nt a t the service
The date the label was applied
Excl'{1tio_n: Servic.R equipment labeling shall not be required if an arr
flash la.bet is af1plir.d in atcordrm1;e with aw1ptable indusl1y pmdia.
l nformationaJ Note No. 1: NFPA 70&201$, Slandrml.for lilectricat
Safety i'II lhe Workplare, provides guidance, such as cerermining
severity of pmential exposure, planning sate work practices. arc
Has h labeling. and selecting personal protective equipmen1.
Jnfomrncional Note Ne,. 2: ANSI 2535.4-2011, Pmduc/ &ifi!ty Signs
and Labefr, provides guidelines for Lhe des.ign of safety signs and
labels for application 10 products.
lnfo1111acional Note No. 3: Acceptable indusrry practices for
equipment labeling :ire described in NFPA 70£-2018, Slrmdard jor
Elei'lrir'al Softly i11 lite Worhji/arn. This sw11dard provides specific
criLeria for developing arc-flash labels for equipment chac
provides nominal system voltage, incidem encrg)' levels, arc-l'lash
bou.ndaries, minimum required levels of personal protective
equipmem, and so lhrth,
110.18 Arcing Parts. Part~ of e lectrica l equipment. that in ordinary operation produce arcs, sparks, fl ames, or molten metal
sh all be enclosed o( separated and isolated from all co1nbustible matet-ial.
l nfomrndonal Note: For hazardous (classified) locations, ~ee
Ankles 500 1hrough 517. For motors, see 430. 14.
110.19 Light and Power from Railway Conductors. Circuits for
lighting and power shall not be connected to any system that
contai n.~ trolley wires with a ground rettu-n.
Exce/Jlion: S,ach. circuit connections .~hall be perrnilled in car houses,
potvff houses, or pas.w;nger and freight stntirms opera/eel in umnrction
wi.ll1 elecl1ic milways.
110.21 Marking.
(A) Equipment Markings.
(1) General. Th e manufactm·er's name, u·ademark, or other
descriptive marking b y which the o rganization responsible for
the product can be identified sha ll be placed on a ll electrical
equipment. Othe1· ma_rkings that indicate voltage, current,
wattage, or other ratings shall be provided a5 specified e lsewh ere in this Code. Th e marking o r labe l shall be of sufficient
rhu·ability co withstand the e nviro n ment involved.
(2) Reconditioned Equipment. Reconditioned equipment
shall be mai-ked with the name, trademark, or other descriptive
m,u-king b y which the 01·gan.ization responsible for reconditioning the elecu·ical equipment can be identified, a lo ng with the
date of the reconditio ning.
Reconditioned equipment shall be ide ntified as "reconditioned" and the original listing mark removed. Approval of rJ1e
reconditioned equip me n t shall not he b ased solely on the
equipment's o riginal listing.
Exteption: I n industrial o/'l'·uj)ancies, 1/Jh(II·~ conditions of 11winlenan('(1
and supr>rvision ensure that only qualified f1mons service lhe equiprnrmt, the markings indicaled in 110.21 (A)(2) ,hall no/ be mruired for
~q·ui/nnent lhal i5 reconditioned by 1h11 01.,m.11r or operator as /1art of a
,egular equi/nnent mainlenmu:e Jnvgmm.
Informational No1e No. l : Industry standards are available for
application of recondii:inned and refurbished equipmenL
ln fonnarional Note No. 2: The rerm m;rmditioued may be incerchangeable wirh the rerrns rebuill, re.f11rbisl111d. or remar,i!flltlumd.
Informational Note No. 3: The original listing mark 11lfl)' include
the mark of the certifying body and not the emire equ ipmem
(B) Field-Applied Hazard Markings. Where caution, warning,
or clanger sig ns or labe ls are required by this Code, the labels
slcal l meet the following requiremen t~:
( 1)
The marking shall •.varn of the hazards using effective
words, colo rs, symbol~, or any combination the reof.
2020 ll\lirjon
Informational Nme: ANSI 2535.4-20 11 , Prod11ct Safety Signs m,r/
Label;, provides guidelines for suitable fom sizes, words, colors,
symbols, and location requiremenLS for labels.
171e la be l shall be permanently affixed to the equipment
or wiring method a nd shall not be handwritten.
Exce/Jti<m to (2): Portions of lrlbels or markings that are variable, or
tltal could b11 subject to changes, shall be /1ermitled lo bf handwrilten
and shall be legible.
171e la bel shall be of su.fficien l d urability to w ithstand the
environment involved .
Informational Note: ANSI 2,,%.4-201 l, Product Sa,(i:ty Sig11s a11d
Lal/Ills, provides guidelines for che design and durabili Ly of safety
signs and labels for application ro electrical equipmenc.
I I 0.22 Identification of Djsconnecting Means.
(A) General. Each d isconnecting means shall be legibl)'
marked to indicate it~ p urpose unless localed and arranged so
the purpose is evident. In other than one- o r two-family dwellings, 1.h e marking sha ll include the identification of th e c ii·cuit
source th at su pplies the d isconnecting means. T he marking
shall be of sufficie n t durability to withstand 1,.he envi ronment
(B) Engineered Series Combination Systems. Equipment
enclosu res for circuit breakers 01- fuses appl.ied in complia nce
with sei:ies combina tion ratings selected under eng i.neering
s upetvision in accordance with 240.86(A) shall be legibly
marked in the field as d irected by th e engineer to indicate the
equipment h as been applied with a se r·ies com bination rati11g.
T he marking shall rneet the requirements in 110.2l ( B) and
shall be readily visible and state the following:
(C) Tested Se ries Combination Systems. EqLtipm.ent enclos ures for circuit b reakers o r fuses applied in compliance with
1.he series combinatio n rati ngs marked o n th e equipment by
rhe manu factu rer in accordance with 240.86( B) shall be legibly
ma rked in the fie ld to .indicate th e equipme nt has been appli ed
wi1.h a series com bination rating. T he marking sha ll meet the
requiremem~ in l 10.21 ( B) and shall h e readily visible and state
the following:
Informational Note: See I EEE 3004.5-2014 Recomm,m,rlecl Pmcliu'
for lhl' Jlfi!ilicaliun of Luw-\lollag, Cin;uil Breakers ill hulu,tlrird rmd
Cmn•111en·ial Power Systems, for funher infonnar..ion on series cested
110.23 Current Transformers. Unused cw-rent n-a.nsformers
associaced with pocentially energ ized circuits sh all be shortcirc uited.
110.24 Available Fault Current.
(A) Field Marking. Serv ice equipment at other than dwelling
Lui.its shall be legibly ma rked in the fie ld with the available fault
c mrent. The field marking(s) shall inc.lnde the date the faultcurre nt calculatio n was pei-fonned a nd be of suffkient durability to withstand the e.nviro1m1e nt involved. The calculation shall
be documented and made available w those authorized to
design, install, inspect, maintain, or operate the system.
lnfomrntional Note No. 1: The available fauh--currenl mark-ing(s) addressed in l l0.24 is related Lo required sho[t--ci rcuir
curren1 and internqxing ratings of eqttipmen1. MPA 70J.;.2018,
Sirmdcml far J:.:/ew-;rr,[ Safaty in the Wurkpla.a, provides assistance in
determini11g 1.he severity of pote ntial exposure. planning safe
work practices. and selec1ing personal protective equipment.
Lnformational Note No. 2: Values of available fau lt current fc11·
use in determining appropriate minimum shon--circwL current
and interrupting ratings nfservice eqwpment are availal,le from
electric utilities ·i n published o r o tl1er forms.
(B) Modifications. ',i\lhen modifications to the electrical installation occur that affect the avai !able fault current at the service,
the availabl e fault current shall be verified or recalculated as
necessarr to ensure the service equipment ratings ru·e sufficient
for the available fau.lt current at the line terminals of the equipmenL The requi.red field marking(s) in l l0.24(A) shall be
aclju~t.ed to renect the new level of available fault current.
Exceptioii: The jiPld m.arhing requiremenLt in 110. 24(AJ and
l 10.24(B) shall not be mquired in indust1ial installations tvhl'/"e conditions of nwinlenance and supervision rnsui-e tlwt only q11alijied
pm:wns seruir:e the 11q(li/1mt:nl.
110.25 Lockable Disconnecting Means. If a disconnecting
means is required to b e lockable open elsewhere in this Code, it
shall be capable of be ing locked in the ope n position. The
provisions for locking shal l remain in place with or without the
lock i.mtallecl.
t:xl'eption: Lod1ing provisions for a rnrd--mul--plug connettio-n shalt no!
/)p rnquii"l!d to remain in plac,, witho1tl the lol'k installed.
Part II. 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less
110.26 Spaces About Electrical Equipment. Access and working space shall be provided and m.aintained about all electrical
equipment to permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equ.ipmenl.
(A) Working Space. Working space for equipment operating at
1000 volt5, nominal, or less to ground and likely to req ui.re
examination, adju~011ent, servicing, or maintenance wh ile
energized shall comply with the dimensions of 110.26(A) ( .1 ),
(A) (2), (A) (3), and (A) ( 4-) or as required or permitted elsewhere in this Corti'.
Informational Note: NPPA 70E-2018, Stancl,inl for- t:lettrir«l Srl/i-ly
i n Lhe l¼1rk/1Lar.e, provides guidance, such as deLern1ining severi1y
or potential exposure, plauning safe work practices including
establishing an eleCLrically sal·e work condition, arc flash labeling, and selecting pe1·sonal protective ec1uiprnem.
( 1) Depth of Working Space. The d e ptJ1 o f the working space
in tJ1e dfrection af live part~ shall not he less than Lhat specified
in Table 110.26(A) ( 1) unless the requirements of 110.26(A) (! )
(a). (A)( l )(b), or (A)(J )(c) are met. Distances shall be measured from the exposed live part~ or from the e.nclosw·e or
opening if tJ1e live parts are enclosed.
(a) Dead--Fro11.l Assnn/Jli1.1, Working space shall not be
required in the back o r sides of assemblies, such as d e ad--front
switchboards, s,vitchgear. or motor control centers, where all
connection,~ and all renewable 01- acljustable part~, such as fuses
or switches, are accessible from locations other than the back
nr sides. , ,vhere rear access is required to work on nonelectrical
parts on the back of enclosed equipmem, a minimum horizon-t;_'ll wodang space of762 mm (30 in. ) shall be provided.
(b) Low Vollage. By special permi.~sion, smaller working
~paces shall be permitted where a ll exposed live part~ operate
at not greater than 30 volt~ rms, 42 volts peak, o r 60 volts de.
(c) l!,m sting Buildings. In exi,~ci.ng buildings where elecu·i-cal equipment is being replaced, Condition 2 working clearance shal l be perm itted between dead--front switchboards.
s1vitchgear, panelboarrls, or mot01- conu-ol centers located
across the aisle from each other where conditions of maintenance ,rnd supervision ensure that written procedures h rwe
been adopted to prohibit equipment on both sides of the aisle
from being open at tJ1e san1.e ti.me and qualified pe1·sons who
are authorized will service tl1e instal lation.
(2) Width of Working Space. The width of tJ1e working s pace
in front of the elecu·ical eq uipment shall he the wicltJ'l of tJ1e
equipment or 762 mm (30 in.), whichever is greater. 1n all
cases, the work space shall permit a t lea~t a 90 degree opening
of equipment doors or hinged panels.
(3) Height of Working Space. The work space shall be clear
and extend from the grade, floor, or platform to a height of
2.0 m (6½ ft) or tJ1e height of tJ1e equipment, wh ichever is
g reater. Within tl1e he ight requirements of th.is section, other
equipment or support structures, such a,5 concrete pads, associated witJ1 the e lectrical i.t1sLallation and located above or below
the electrical equipment shall be pem1itted to extend not more
tJ1an 150 mm (6 i.t1.) beyond the front of the electrirnl equipment.
E-:cej>lion No. I: On batle1y systems mounted on open racks, lh.P top
dJ<armu:p shall comply with. 480.1 0(D ).
i',xception No. 2: In existing dwelling 1.1nils, service equipment or /Janel-boards that do not exceed 200 amf>eres shall bP pmnittell in sf){trl/S
where the height ofthe wo,d1ing sf1ar:e is ll/Ss than 2. () 111 (61/2 ft ),
E.-:cf'f1tion No. 3: Nltters that 1Jre imtalled in 11/Pter sachets shall bP
f1ennittPd to e:A1end b1yond the olhm· equifmu"nt. The m.elfr socket shall
be required to follotv the rules of this section.
Table 110.26(A)(l) Working Spaces
Voltage to
Min:inuun Oear Distance
Condition l
Condition 2
Condition 3
900 nill1 (3 l't)
900 mtn (3 ft)
900 mm (3 ft)
900 lllm (3 ft)
J.2 Lil (4 lt)
900 mm (3 ft)
l.2 m (4ft)
1.5 m (5 ft)
Note: Where the condi Lions are as follows:
Condition 1 - Exposed live parts on one side of the working space and
no live o r gronnded parts on the other side of the working space. or
exposed live parts on holh ~des oft he working space 1hm are
effectively guar<led by insulating materials.
Condition 2 - Exposed live parts o n crne sicle of the working space and
gro11nded part~ on tJ1e other side of the working space. Concre te,
brick, or tile walls shall be. considered a~ groun<led.
Condition 3 - Exposed live part~ on both sides of th e working space.
(4) Limited Access. '1\'here equipment operating at LO00 volt5,
norninal, or less to ground and likely to require examination,
acljustment, se1vicing, or maintenance wh.ile energized is
required by installation instructions or function to be located
in a space with limited access, all of the following shall a pply:
( 4)
Where equipment is installed above a lay-in ceiling, there
shall be a n o pening not smaller than 559 mm x 559 mm
(22 in. x 22 in.) , or in a crawl space, there shall be an
accessible opening not smaller than 559 mm x 762 mm
(22 in. x 30 in.) .
The width of the working space shall be the width of the
equipment enclosure or a minimum of 762 mm (30 in.),
whichever i.~ g reater.
All enclosure doors or hinged panels shall be capable of
opening a minimum of90 degrees.
The space in front of the enclosure shall comply with the
depth requirement5 of Table ll0.2fi(A)(l ) . The maximum heig ht of the working space shall be the height
necessary to install the equipment in the limited space. A
ho rizontal ceiling structural member o r access panel shall
be permilted in this space .
(5) Separation from High-Voltage Equipment. Where switch es,
cutout5, or other e(]ltipment operating at 10Q0 volt5, nominal,
or less are installed i n a vault, room, or enclosure wh ere the1·e
are exposed Jive part~ or exposed wiring operating over
I 000 volts, nominal, the high-voltage e(]uipment shall he effectively separated from tJ1e space occupied by the low-voltage
equipment by a suitable partition, fence, or screen.
(B) Oear Spaces. vVorking space required by this section s halJ
not be used for storage. Vlhen normaUy enclosed live parts ,l!'e
exposed for inspection or servicing, the working space, if in a
passageway or ge neral open space, shall be suitably guarded.
Entrance to and Egress from Working Space.
(I ) Minimum Required, At least one entrante of sufficient
a1-ea shall be provided LO give access to a nd egress from working space about elecu-ical eqttipment.
(2) Large Equipment. For large eq uipment that contains overcurre nt devices, switching devices, or control devices, rl1ere
shal l be one entrance co and egr·ess from the required working
space not less than 610 mm (24 in.) wide and 2.0 m (6½ ft)
high at each end of the working space. This ref]LLirement shall
apply to either of the following conditions:
( I)
For e(]uipment rated 1200 amperes or more and ove1- 1.8
m (6 ft) wide
for service disconnecting n1eans installed in accordance
with 230.7 1 where the combined ampere rating is 1200
amperes or more a nd over 1.8 m (6 ft.) wide
Open equipment rloors shal l not impede the e nuy to or
egress from the working space.
A single enu·ance to and egress from the required working
space shall be permitted where e ither of the conditions i.J1
I 10.26(C)(2) (a) or (C) (2)(b) is met.
(a) UnnbstrttcfPd Lgress. '"'here the location permits a
continuous and unobsu·ucted way of egress u·avel, a single
en trance to the working space shall be permitted.
(b) Extra Working Space. Whe1·e the depth of the working
space is twice that reqtLi.J-ed by ll0.2fi(A)(I), a single e no-ance
shall be permitted. It sha ll be located such chat the clistante
from the equipment to the nearest edge of the e ntrance is not
less than the mininuun clear distance specified in Table
2020 Edition
11 0.26(A) ( I) for equipmem operating at that voltage and in
that condition.
(3) Personnel Doors. Where equipment rated 800 amperes or
more that contai11s overcurrent devices, s,vitch.ing devices, or
control devices is installed and there is a personne l door(s)
intended for enu·ance to and egress from the working space
less than 7.6 m (25 fl) from the nearest edge of the working
space, the door(s) sh all open in the direction of egress and be
equipped with listed panic hardware or listed fire exit hardware.
lnfrumariona l Note: For informarfon on panic hardware, see UL
Standanl Fur Safrly Fur Pa11ir Hartl,ll(m. for lire exit hardware, see U L 305, Slmuiard For Panic Hm,lware, and UL IOC,
Sl/'i-nrlanl for Sll{ely for Pos:irive Pmss wi Fin, Tests of Door Assemhlies.
(D) Illumination. Illumination shall be provided for all work-
ing spaces aboul se1v ice e(]uipmen t, switchboards, switchgear,
panelboards, or motor control centers installed indoors.
Control by a utomatic means shalJ not be permitted to control
al l illumination ,vithin the working space . Additional lighting
outlet~ shall not be required where the work space is illuminated by an adjacent light source or as p ermitted b)' 210. 70(A)
(I), Exception No. I, for swi tched receptacles.
(E) Dedicated Equipment Space. All swi tchboards, switchgear,
panelboards, and motor control centers shall be located in
dedicated spaces a nd protected from damage.
Exoption: Control equipment that by its very ·11.at·ure or becanse of other
ruLPs of the Code must be adjru:ent lo or within sight of its opemting
marhinery shall be /1ermilted in lhnse locations.
(1) Indoor. lndoor installations shall comply with LJ0.26(E)
( l) (a) through (E)( l )(d ) .
(a) Dedicated I!.'lec('ricrzl S/xu;e, Th e space equal LO the ,vidth
and depth of the equipment a nd extending from the floor to a
hei ght of 1.8 m (6 ft) above the equipment or w the structural
ceiling, whichever is lower, shall be dedicated to tl1e elecn-ical
installation. No piping, ducts, leak protection appai:atus, or
other equipment foreign to tJ1e elecn·ical installation shall be
loca ted in th.is zone.
E,cceptinn: Suspended ceilings with rernovable paneL.1 shall be /1ermilled
wilhin the lJ/,m (6-Ji,) z1me.
(h) Fonign Systems. The area above tJ1e dedicated space
re(]uired by I 10.26(E) (1) (a) shall be permitted LO contain
foreign systems. provided protection is installed to avoid
damage to the electrical equipment from condensation, leaks,
m- breaks in such foreign systems.
(c) Sprinhler Protec/ion. Sprinkler protection shall be
permitted for the dedicated space where the piping compli es
with this section.
(cl) Stts/1mdPd Ceilings. A dropped, suspended, or similar
ceiling that does not add strengrl1 to the building structure
shall not be considered a su·uctural ce iling.
(2) Outdoor. Outdoor installations shall comply with
ll0.26 (E)(2)(a) throug h (E)(2)(c) .
(a) hlst(l.llettion Requimnenls. Outdoor electrical equipment shall be the follmving:
( 1)
installed in identified e nclosw·es
Pro tected from accidental contact by unauthorized
personnel or by vehicular u-affit
Pro tected from accidental spillage or leakage from piping
(h ) Woth Space. The working clearance space sh all
include the zon e d escribed in 110.2fi(A) . No a rchitectural
app u rten ance or o ther equi p ment sh a ll be located in t hi~ zone .
(c) DPdicaled Equipmmt Space. T he space equal to the
width and dep th o f th e equipme n t, a nd exte nding fro m grade
to a heig ht o f 1.8 m (6 ft) above th e e quipment, sh all be dedicated to the e lectrical installa tio n. N o piping or oLher eq Ltipment fore ign to the e lectrical installatio n sh a ll be located in
tJ1is zone .
Table 110.28 sh all be used for selecting these en closures for
use in specific locatio ns oth er th ar1 h azanlous (classified) locations . Th e e n clostu-es are not intended to protect against
condition s such as condensation, ic ing, cor rosio n, or con tamination th at may occu r within tl1e enclosure o r e n ter via tJ1e
raceway or un$ealed openings.
Exception: Structural overhangs or mof extensions shall /JP pennitted in
th.is zone.
Part IlL Over 1000 Volts, N ominaJ
(F) Locked Electrical Equipment Rooms or Enclo sures. Electrical equipm ent rooms or e nclos LLres housing e lectrical apparatus th at are controlled by a lock(s) shall b e considered
accessible to q u al ified persons.
1 10.27 Guarding of Live Parts.
(A) Live Parts Guarded Against Accidental Contact. Except a5
e lsewh ere required or permitted b y th is Corle, live pat-ts of elecu·ical equip m em operaLing a l 50 to 1000 volL5, nominal sh a ll be
gu arded against accidental contact by approved e nclosu res o r
by any of the following m eans:
By location in a room , vault, or similar en closure thaL is
accessible o nly to q ua li fied persons.
By p e n mment, substantial part.itions o r screens arran ged
so tJ1a L only qualified pe rsons h ave access to Lhe space
wi thi n reach of the Live parts. Any openings in such partition s or screens shall be sized a n d localed so that persons
a1-e n ot likely to come into acciden tal con tact with the Live
parts or to bring cond u cting o bjects into contact wiLh
By location on a balcony, _gallery, or p latform e levated and
arran ged so as to exclu de unqua lifi ed persons.
By e levaLi.on above the floor or olher workin g surface ,;t.5
A minimum of 2.5 m (8 ft) for 50 vol ts to 300 voltq
between ungroun ded cond uctors
b. A 1ni.nim um of 2.6 111. (8 ft. 6 i n.) fo r 301 volL5 to
600 volt5 between 1.mgroLm ded conductors
c. A m in i.mum of 2.62 m (8 fl 7 in .) for 60 1 volLs to
1000 v0IL5 between m1.groundecl conductors
(B) Prevent Physical Damage. In locations wh e re e lectrical
equipme nL i5 likely to be exp osed to physical da mage, e n closu res or g uards shall be so arranged a nd of such strength a5 to
prevent su ch dam age.
(C) Warning Signs. En trances to room s an d o ther gua rded
locations that contain exposed live part5 shall be marked wi th
conspicu o u.5 warning signs fo rbidding unqualified pe1·so ns to
enter. Th e marking shall meetthe req uiremen ts in 110.21 (B) .
Informational Nole: For motors, see 4:l0.2'12 a nd 4'10.2'1'!. For
over l000 volt.,, see 110.34.
1 10.28 Enclosure Types. E nclos tLres (otl1er than SlUTound ing
fences o r wal ls covered in 110.31) of switchboards, switch gear,
panelboards, industrial control panels, motor con u·ol centers,
me ter socket5, e nclosed switches, tramfer switch es, power
o u tlets, circuit b reakers, adj ustable-speed d rive systems, p ullo u t
switches, portable power d istrib ution e q u ip ment, termination
boxes, general-pu rpose u·ansfo.rme1-s, fire pum p con trolle rs.
fire p u mp motors, a n d motor con tro llers. rated n ot over
1000 volt5 nomina l and intended for su ch locations, sha ll be
marked wi th an enclosu re-type number as shown in Table
11 0.28.
110.30 General. Cond u ctors a n d eq uipment used o n circui L5
over 1000 volts, n om ina l, sh a ll comp ly with Part l of tJ1is article
and with 110.30 through 11 0.41, which sup ple mem o r modify
Part r. In no case sh all tliis part apply to eqLLipm en t o n the
supp ly side o f the se1v ice po int.
110.31 Enclosure for Electrical Installations. E lectrical insta1lati.01L~ i n a vaulL, 1-00111, o r clo.~el or in a n area SLUTounded by a
wall, screen, or fe nce, access to whic h is co ntrolled by a lock(s)
or o ther approved means, sh a ll be consid e red to be accessible
to q ualified persons o nly. The type of enclosure LL5ed in a given
case sha ll be design ed and c onSUTLcted according to 1J1e natu re
and d egree o f Lhe h aza1"d(s) associated with the installation.
For installations othe r drnn equip ment as described in
110.31 ( D), a wall, screen, or fence sh a ll be used to enclose an
OLLtdoor elecu-ical in stal lation lo deter access b)' persons who
are no t q ua lified. A fe nce sh a ll not be less th a n 2.1 m (7 ft) in
h eight or a co m b ination of 1.8 m (G ft) or m ore of fen ce fab1-ic
an d a 300 mm (1 tl) o r more exLensio n. u ti lizing lhree or more
so-a nds of barbed w ir e or eqLtivalen t. The di.stan ce from tl1e
fe n ce Lo live parts sh all h e n ot less Lha.n given in Table 110.:~ I.
lnformationaJ No te: See Article ,150 for conw·uction requ ire,
rnenrs for transformer vau lrs.
{A) Electrical Vaults. Whe re a n electrical vau lt is requ ired or
specified for con du ctors a nd equipme n t JI 0.31 (A) (1) to
(A)(5) shall apply.
(l ) Walls and Roof. 1l1e walls a nd roof shall be constructed of
U1ater ials th a t h ave adeq1.1ate structura l strengtli for the conclitio ns, wi.th a minimum fire rating of 3 h m ll's. For tJ1e p urpose
o f tl1L5 section, studs a n d wall board consu·uction sh all n ot be
(2) Floors. The floors of vault5 in contact witli die earth sh al l
be o f concrete tl1at is n()t less than I 02 m m (4 in.) t11ick, but
wh e re the vaulL is constn1cLed witli a vaca.nL space or o th e1"
stories below it, die floor s ha ll have adequ ate structural
stren gth for the load imposed on iLa n d a m inimum fire resisLance of 3 h o u rs.
(3) Doors. Each d o o rway lea.ding into a vault fro m th e building interior shall be pro~ided with a tigh t-fi tting door that has a
min imu m fire rating of 3 h ou rs. The au th ority havingjurisclicLio n sh a ll b e pe rmitted to requ.i.re such a door fo r an exLerio r
wall o pening wh ere conditions warran t.
l!.xrej>tion l.o (1 ), (2), and ( 3): Where the vault i,s f.rmtectPd with automatfr spri.nkler, wal.er ,ij1my, car&on dioxide, fir halou, constrtlclifln
with rt 1-lwur mting shall he p,1rmiU1'd.
110. 31
Table ll0.28 Enclosure Selection
For Outdoor Use
Provides a Degree of Protection
Against the Following
Environmental Conditions
Incidental contact with the
encloscc.l eqttipnlC'nt
Ra in, snow, and sleet.
Windblown dtL,t
Con-osive agents
Temporary submersion
Prolouged submcrsiou
Enclosure Type Number
Provides a Degree of Protection
Against the Following
Environmental Conditions
Incident.al contact. with the
enc:losed equiprncnt
Falling d irt
Falling liquids and light
s plashing
Circulating d us t, lj11t, fibers,
For Indoor Use
Enclosure Type Number
and !Iyit1gs
Settli ng airborne dust, li n t,
fibers, and !lyings
I-Ioscdown and splash ing water
O il aud coola11 t seepage
Oil or coolant spraying and
Corrosive agents
Tempor,u-y submersion
Prolonged sub,1,ersion
*Mechanism shall be operable when ice covered.
Informational No 1e No. I: The cerm rain.tight is tY)lically used in coruunction wid1 EncloSLLre Types 3. 3S, 3SX, '.1X, 4, 4X, 6, and 6P. The term mfoproof
is typically LLsecl in co,~junction v,,ith Enclosure Types 3R and 3RX. The Lerm watertight i.s typicall)' used in co1~junction wiLh Enclosure 1:vpes 4, 4)(. 6,
and 6 P. The term rlrif!tigltl is typically used in co,tjunction wi1.h E:nclosure Types 2, 5 . 12. 12K, and 13. The term d11slli{{hl is cypically used in
conjunction wiLh Enclosure Types :I, 3S, :ISX, '.3X, 4, 4X, .~, 6, 6P, 12, 12K, and 13.
Informational Note No. 2! Ingress protection (LP) ratings may be found in ANSI/IE:C 60529, Degrusof Protection Pmvided try Enclosures. IP ratings are
nm a substitute for Enclosure Type racings.
Informational Note No. 3: Dust tight enclosures are suitable for use in hazardous lc,carions in accordance with 502.10(B)(4), 503. lO(Al (2), and
Informational No1e No. 4: D1.1sttigh t enclosc1res are suitable for use in unclassified localions and in Class tr, Divisio n 2; Class UI.; and Zone 22
hazardous (classified) locations.
(4) Locks. Doors s hall be equipped with lock~, and doors sha.11
be kept locked, with access allowed only to q ualified persons.
Personnel doors shall open in tl1e direction of egress and be
equipped with listed panic hardware or listed fire exit ha rdw,u-e.
(5) Transformers. Where a u·amformer is inst.ailed in a vault
as r equired by Article 450, the vault shal l be consO'ucted in
accordance witl1 the requirements of Part TII of Article 450.
Informational Nore No. l : For additional information, see
ANSI/ ASTM E 11 9-20 1Sa, M11thorl/Qr Fim Te.Sis of"Bnildiug ConstTUreion and Materlalf, and N FPA 80-2019, Standanl for Fitf Doors mul
Table 110.31 Minimum Distance from Fence to Live Parts
Minimllill Distance to Live Parts
Nominal Voltage
I 001- 13, 799
J 3,800- 230,000
4. .':i7
Over 230,000
Note: Fo r cle,u.rnces of co nductors for specific system voltage.:; anrl
typical BIL ratings, see ANSI/ IEEE C2-2017, Nrtlimw/ Efeclrical Sa{fly
Ollu:r 0/1e11ing Piu/JitliVPs.
Informational Note No. 2: A typical ;}hour construction is
150 mm (6 in.) thick re in-fi;m;:ed c() ncreie.
2020 ll\lirjon
1 10.31
(B) Indoor Installations.
110.33 Entrance to Enclosures and Access to Working Space.
(1) In Places Accessible to Unqualified Persons. Indoor electrical installations that are accessible to unqualified person5
shall be made with metal-enclosed e quipment. Switchgear,
transformers, pull boxes, connection boxes, a nd oth e 1· similar
a5sociated e quipment shall be marked with appropria te caution
signs. Openings in ventilated d.ry-t-yp e transformers or similar
openings in othe1· equipment shall be designed so th at foreign
objects inserted th ro ugh these o pen ings are deflected from
energized parts.
(A) Entrance. At least one entrance to e n.closu1·es for elecu·ical
instal lations as described in ll0.31 not less than 610 mm
(24 in. ) wide and 2·.o m (6½ ft) high sha ll be provided to give
access to the working space a bolll electrical eq uipment.
(2) In Places Accessible to Qualified Persons Only. Indoor
electi-ical i.nstallacions considered accessible only to quali fied
persons in accordance with this section shall comply with
l 10.34, l 10.36, and 490.24.
(C) O utdoor Installations.
( 1) In Places Accessible lo Unqualified Persons. Outdoor electrical installations that a.re open to unqualified pe rsons shall
comply with Parts I., IT, ,lnd UI of Article 225.
(2) In Places Accessible to Qualified Persons OnJy. Outdoor
elecu·ical installations that have exposed live part5 sha ll be
accessible to qualified pe,·sons only in accordance with d1e first
paragraph of this section a nd shall comply wid1 110.34, 110.36.
and 490.24.
(D) En closed Equipment Accessible to Unqualified Persons.
Ventilating or similar openi11gs in eq uipment shal l he designed
such that foreign o bjecL~ inserted throug h these openings are
deflecLed from energized parts. Whe,-e exposed to physical
damage from vehicular tsaffic, suitable guards sha ll be provided. Equipment located outdoors and accessible to unqualified
persons shall be designed su ch that exposed nuts o r bolts
cannot be readily removed, permitting access to live parts.
Where equipme nt is accessible to unqualified persons and the
bottom of the enclosme is less than 2.5 m (8 fl) ab ove the fl oor
or grade level, the enclosure door o r hinged cover sha ll be kept
locked. Doors and covers of e nclosures used solely as pull
boxes, splice boxes, or junction boxes shall be locked, bolted,
or screwed on . Underground box co vers that weigh over
45.4 kg ( 100 lb) shall be conside red ,is meeting this requi re1ne nl.
110.3 2 Work Space About Equipment. Si1fficient space s ha ll h e
provided a nd maintained abou t electrical equipment to permit
ready and safe operatio n and maintenance of such equipme nt.
\<\'here energized parts are exposed, the minimum clear work
space shall be not less than 2.0 m (6½ ft) h igh (measlU·ed vertically from die noor o r platform) and the width of Lhe equipment or 914 mm. (3 ft) wide (measured parallel to th e
equipme nt), whic hever is greater. The depd1 sha ll be as
required in 110.34(A). In all cases, the work space shall perm.it
at least a 90-degree opening of doors or hinged panels. Within
rJ1e he ight requirements of d1is sectio n, o ther equipme nt that
is associated wid1 the e lectrical installation and i.5 located above
or below the electrical equipment shall be permitted to extend
not more than 150 mm (6 in. ) beyond the front of tile e lecu·ical e quipment. Working space required by this section shall not
be used for storage. When normal.ly enclosed live parts are
exposed for inspection or servicing, the working space, if in a
passag·eway 01· general open space, sha ll be suitably g ua.i·ded.
( 1) Large Equipment. On switchgear and control pa nel~
exceeding 1.8 m (6 ft) in widtl1, tl1e re shaU be one e ntrance at
each end of the equipme nt. A single entrnn ce to the required
working space shall be pe rmitted where e ith e1· of the conditions in l.10.33(A) (1) (a) o r (A) ( 1) (b ) is met.
(a) Unobst,w:ted Exit. Where tl1e location permit~ a
continuous and tU1obsu·ucted way of ex.it travel, a single
enu-ance to the working space shall be permitted.
(b) Exira Working Space. Whe,-e the depth of the worki ng
space is twice t hat required by l 10.34(A) , a single enu-a nce
shall be pe rmitted . It sh all be located so that the dist,ince from
the equipme nt to tl1e nearest edge of th e entrance is nor. less
than the minimum clear distance specified in Ta ble I l0.34(A)
for equipment open1ting at d1at voltage a nd in that condition.
(2) Guarding. Where bare energized pa rts at a ny voltage or
insulated energized parts a bove 1000 volt~, nominal, are located adj acent to suc h entrance, they shall be suitably guarded.
(3) Personnel Doors. Wh ere ther e are personne l doors inte nded for e nu-ance to and egress from the working space less
tl1an 7.6 m (25 ft) from the nearest edge of the working space,
the doors shall open i11 the direction of egress and be equipped
with listed panic ha rdware or lisLecl fire exit ha.i·dware.
(B) Access. Perma nent ladders or stairways sh all be provided
to give safe access to the wo1·king s pace around el.ecu·ical equipment instal led on platforms, balconies, or mezzani.ne floors or
in attic o r roof rooms or spaces.
110.34 Work Space and Guarding.
(A) Working Space. Except as elsewh ere required or permitted
in this Code, equipment like ly to require examinatio n, adjustmen t, servici.ng, o r maintenance while ene1·gizec;l shall h ave
clear working space in the direcLion of access to live parts of
the e lectrical equipment a nd shal l he not less than specified in
Table l l0.34(A) . Distances sha ll be measu red from tJ1e live
parts, if such are exposed, o r from the enclosure fro nt or opening if such are enclosed.
ExcejJtion: Wor/1ing sfiru;e shall not be required in back of equipment
SI.I.Ch as switchgear or control assemblies where lhere are no renewablt or
adjustable /1ar/s (such as fuses or switches) on the back and where all
wnnections are accessible fmm locations othrr than the badl. Where rl'.ar
access is mquirnl lo work on nondrct1i1:ol parts on the bark of rmtlosed
eqnipmenl, a minim11111. working spar.e of 762 mm (30 in.) h.01--i:z,ml.ally
slwll b~ provided.
(B) Separation from Low-Voltage Equipment. Where switches,
cuto uts. or other equipm ent operating at 1000 volts, no mina l,
or less are installed in a vaul t, room, o r enclosure where tl1ere
are exposed li.ve part~ or e xposed wiring operating a t over
1000 volts, nom ina l, the hig h-voltage equi pmen ohal l be effectively separated from the space occupied by the low-voltage
equipment by a suitable partition, fence, or screen.
.ExrPj1tion: Switches or oi,her nr1tijmumt operating at 1000 volts, nmn.inal, or ll'ss and se'IVing only r.quipmml. within, the high-llOltagf vault,
room, or endosure shall bf jJem1ittl'd to bf inslallPd in the high-voltage
vault, rornn, or enr;/nsare tvithout rt f1artition, Jenee, or screm if aci:essiblr to qualified fJl'rsons only.
Table 110.34(A) Minimum Dep1h of Clear Working Space at
Electrical Equipment
to Ground
1001-2500 V
2501-9000 V
9001-25,000 V
25,001 V-75 kV
Above 75 kV
Minimum Clear Distance
Condition l
Condition 2
!:JOO mm (3 ft)
1.5 Ill ( 5 ft)
l.8 111 (6ft)
1.2 m
1.5 rn
l.8 m
2.5 m
2.5 m (8ft)
3.() lTl
(5 ft)
(6 ft)
(8 fl)
(1() ft)
Condition 3
1.5 Ill (5 ft)
1.8 n, (6 ft)
2.8 Ill (\J !'t)
3.0 m (JO rt)
3.7 m ( 12 ft)
Note: Whe re the conditions are as follows:
( l ) Condition I -.Exposed live pans on one sid e of rl1e working space
and no live or g1·01.111ded pans on rJ,e orJ1er side or the working space,
o r exposed live pans on bo1h sides of the working space th at are
effectively guarded by insulating materials.
(2) Condition 2 - Exposed live parn on one s ide of the working space
anrl grounded parts on I he other side of the working space. Concrete,
brick, or tile wall s shall he considered as grounded.
(3) Condition 3 - Exposed live part~ on both sides of the working
(C) Locked Rooms or Ehclosures. The e n trance tO all buildings, vaults, rooms, or enclosures containing exposed live part~
or exposed condu ctors operating at over J 000 volts, nomi11al,
shall be kept locked unless such e ntrances are under the o bservation ofa qualified person at all times.
Permanent and conspicuous danger signs shaU be provided.
The danger sign shall meet th e requirements in I 10.21 (B) and
shall read a5 follows:
(D) Illumination. mumination shall be provided for a ll working spaces about electrical equipment. Conu-ol b y a utomatic
means only shal l n ot be permitted. The lighting outlets shaJJ be
ai:ranged so that. persons ch anging lamps or mak.in g repairs on
d1e lig hti.ng system are not endangered by Live parts or other
The points of control shall be located so that persons are n ot
likely to come in contact with any live part or m oving pan of
the eq uipment while turning o n the light5.
(E) Elevation of Unguarded Live Parts. Unguarded Jive parts
above working space shall be maintained at elevations not le5,~
than required by Table 11 O.,H(E).
{F) Protection of Service Equipment, Switchgear, and Industrial Control Assemblies. Pipes or duct5 foreign to tl1e electrical installatio n and requiring periodic maintenance 01- whose
malfunction would endan ger th e operation of the electrical
system shaU not be located in tl1e vic inity of the service equipment.., switch gear, or i ndustrial control assemblies. Protection
shall be provided where necessary to avoid d;;unage from
condensation leaks a n d breaks in su ch foreign system~. Piping
and other facil ities shaU not be consid ered foreign if provided
for fire protection of the electrical instaUation.
110.36 Circuit Conductors. Circuit conductors shall be perm.itted to be installed in raceways; in cable trays; as metal-clad
cable Type MC; as ba1·e wire, cable, a nd busbars; or 35 Type MV
cables or conductors as provided in 300.37, 300.39, 300.40, and
300.50. Bare live conductors shaU comply w ith 490.24.
Insulators_, togetl1er witJ1 the ir mounting and conductor
,;1tta.clu11em s, where LL5ed as supports for wires, si11g le-conductor
cabl es, t,r busbars, shall be capable of safely witl1standing the
maximum magnetic forces cha t would prevail if two or more
conductors of a c ircuit were sul~ected to short-circuit current.
Exposed runs of insulated wires and cables tl1at have a bare
lead sheath or a braided o uter covering sh a ll be supported in a
manner d esigned to prevent physical damage to the bra id or
sheath. Supports for lead-covered cables shall be designed to
prevent electrolysis of the sheatl1.
110.40 Temperature Limitations at Terminations. Conductors
shall b e permiued to be terminated ba~ed on the !)0°C ( 194°F)
temperature rating and ampac.ity as g iven in Table 3 1 l.60(C)
(67 ) through Table 3ll.60 (C) (86), Lmless o tJ1erwise identified.
110.41 Inspections and Tests.
(A) Pre-energization and Ope.rating Tests. Whe1·e required
elsewhere in tl1is Code, the complete e lecu·ical system des ign,
including settings for protective, switch i11g, and control
circuits, sh all b e prepared in advance and made available on
request to the autho1-ity havingjurisrliction and shall be tested
when first in.staUed on-site.
(B) Test Report. A test report covering the results of tl1e tests
required in 110.41 (A) sh all be availa ble to tl,e autl101-iry having
jw-isdiction prior to energization and made available to tl10se
authorized to install, operate, test, and ma in tai.n the system.
Part IV. Tunnel Installations over 1000 Volts, Nominal
110.51 General.
Table l 10.34(E) Elevation of Unguarded Live Parts Above
Working Space
Nominal Voltage,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Between Phases
1001-7500 V
7501-35,000 V
Over 35 kV
2020 ll\lirjon
A dd 9.5 mm per kV
above 35 kV
9ft6 in.
Add 0.37i.n. per kV
above 35 kV
(A) Covered. This part sha ll appl)' to the installation and use
of high-voltage power d istribution and utilizatio n equipment
that is p ortable, mobil e, or bo tJ1, such a~ substations, trail ers,
cars, mobile shovels , draglines, hoists, drill5, dredges, compressors, pumps, conveyors, underground excavators, and th e like.
(B) Other Articles. The requirements of tl1is part sha ll b e
additional to. or arnemla to 1·y of, those prescribed in Articles
100 through 490 of this Code.
(C) Protection Against Physical Damage. Conductors and
cables in trnmels shall be located a b ove the t1.u me l floor and so
p laced or guarded to protect them from physical damage.
110.52 Overcnrrent Protection. Motor-operated equipme nt
shall be protected from ove1·curre nt in accordance with Part5
III, IV, and V of Article 430. Transformers sh.all be p rote cted
from overcurrenr in accordance with. 45 0.3.
110.53 Conductors. High-voltage conductors in tunne ls s hall
be installed in meta l conduit or other metal rnceway, Type MC
cable, or o ther approved multicondu ctor cable. MulticonducLo r portable cable shall he pe rm.irted to supply mobile equipment.
110.54 Bonding and Equ.ipment Grounding Conductors.
(A) Grounded and Bonded. All non-curre nt-can-yi ng metal
parts of elecu-ical equipment and all m e tal raceways and cable
sheaths shall be solidly groLU1ded a nd bonded to all me tal pipes
and rails at the portal and at intervals not exceeding 300 m
(1000 ft) throughout the tunnel.
(B) Equipment Grounding Conductors. An
grnunding conducto1· shall be 1·un with circuit conductors
inside the metal raceway or inside the multiconductor cable
jacket. The equipment grounding conductor sh all be permitted to be insulated or bare.
110.55 Transformers, Switches, and Electrical Equipment. All
transformers, switches, mo tor conu·ollers. motors, rectifiers,
and other equipment installed belowground shall be protected
fro m physical damage b y location o r g uarding.
110.56 Energized Parts. Ba.re terminals of u, msfonners.
switches, motor cono·olle rs, and othe r equipment shall be
e nclosed to prevent accidental contact with e nergized parts.
110.57 Ventilation System Controls. Electrica l controls for the
venti lation system shall be arranged so that the airflow can be
110.58 Disconnecting Means. A swi_rch or circuit breaker that
simultaneotL5ly opens a ll ungrounded conducto rs of the circuit
shall be installed with in sight of each transformer 01· motor
location for disconnecting the o-ansforme r o r motor. The
switch or circuit breaker for a transformer sha ll have an
ampere rating not less than the ampacit)' of tJ1e transformer
supply conducto rs. The switch or c ircuit breaker for a n1.oto r
shall comply with the applicable reqLtiremenL5 of Article 430.
110.59 Enclosures. Enclosures for u se in tunnels shall be dripproof, weatJ1erproo£; or subme rsible a-. required by the e nvironmental conditions. Switch or contactor e nclosures shall not
be used as junction boxes or as raceways for conductors fe eding tJ1roug h o r tapping off to othe r switch es, unless the en cloStires comply witJ1 312.8.
Parl V. Manholes and Otl1er Electrical Enclosures Intended
for Personnel Entry
110.70 General. Electrical e nclosures inte nded for personnel
e ntry and specifically fabricated for this purpose shall be of
sufficie nt size ro provide safe wo1·k space about e lectrical equipment with live parts that is likely to r equire examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized. Such
enclosures shall have sufficient s ize to permit read y instal lation
or withdrawal of the conductors employed without da mage to
the conductors o r to tJ1ei.r insulation. 111.ey sha ll comply wi th
this part.
Exci>fllion: Whl're electrical enclosures covered by Part V of this artirle
r1re part <if (In indmtrial wi1·ing ;ystem operating under m11ditiorrs of
rn.aintencmce and s·uperuision that ensure that only qualiji,Pd pe1;mm
monitor a.nrl sufm,.JisP th,, system, they shall be fJPm1iUer.l to be designed
and installed in accordance wilh npproprialt rngineering jm1ctice. If
mquirrrl by lite r.111lho1ity having jmisdictirm, rlr:sign do1wr11mtation
shall /J,, fmwided.
110.71 Strength. Manholes, vaulL5, and their means of access
shall be de.signed unde r qualified e ngin eering supervisio n and
sha ll withstand all load~ likely to be imposed 011 the su-uctures.
InformaLio nal No1e: See ANSI C2-20()i, National Eleclrlml Srfely
Codi!, for additional info rma tio n o n (he loading Lh ar can be
expected LO bear o n underground e nclosu res.
110.72 Cabling Work Space. A dear work space not less than
900 mm (3 ft) wide shall. be provided where cables are located
on both sides, and no t less than 750 mm (2½ ft) where cables
are o nly on one side. The vertical headroom shall be not less
than 1.8 m (G ft) unless the open ing is within 300 mm ( 1 fr),
measured ho1izontaUy, of the adjacent interio1· side wall of the
Excej1tion: A manhole mnlciining only o·,u, or 11!011' of thr following
shall he perm.it/ea IO have ont of the horizontal worh spare dirnensiom
reduced to 600 mm (2 fl) where the other horizontal dear wm-/: space is
incrrased so the IWn of the two dimensions is not less than I.8 111 ( 6 fl):
(l )
( 3)
Optical film· rables as cover/id in A rtide 770
Pmuei•limiled fire alarm tircuils supplie,t in accordance tuitlt
Class 2 or Class 3 rernotf-i:Onlrol and signaling circuils, or bot.h,
supplied in r.u:conhince with 725.121
110.73 Equ.ipment Work Space. Where elecu·ical e quipment
with live parts that is likely to require exam.ination, adjustment,
servic ing, or maintenance whi le e nergized is instal led in a
manhole, vault, or o ther enclosw·e d esig ned for personne l
access, the work spate and associated requirements in 11 0.26
shall be met for installations operating at 1000 volts or less.
'"' her e the installa tio n is over 1000 volt5, the work space and
associated requirement~ in 110.34 shall be met. A ma nhole
access cover that weighs over 45.4 kg (100 lb) shall be considered as meeting the 1-equire ments of 11 0.34(C).
110.74 Conductor Installation. Conductors installed
manh oles and other e nclosures intended for personnel enu)'
shall be cabled, racked up, or a rranged in an approved manne1·
that provides read y and safe access for pe1·sons to enter for
installation and maintenan ce. The insta lla tio n shall comply
with ll0.74(A) or l 10.74(B), as applicable.
(A) 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less. Wire be nding space for
conductors operating at JOOO volts or less sha ll be provided in
accordance with the requirements o f 3 l 4.28.
(B) Over 1000 Vohs, Nominal. Conductors o perating a t over
1000 volts shall be provided with bending space in accordance
with 314 .71 (A) and (B), as a pplicable.
ExrPJ>lion: " 'lwre 314. 71(B ) applies, eath row or column of dtwts on
one wall of Ote m/Jlosure shall be ral1:ulated inriivitlttally, and the
single row or column /hat fn-oviries lhP maximum distance shall be
110.75 Access lo Manholes.
(A) Dimensions. Rectangular access ope nings shall no t be less
than 650 mm x 550 mm (26 in. x 22 in.) . Round access o pen-
2020 Edition
ings in a m anho le sha ll h e not less th a n 650 mm (26 i.n. ) in
d iameter.
Exception: A rnrmhole that has fl fixed laddn· thrrt does nol obstnu;J the
op,m-i.ng or that contains only one or mrn·e of lhf. following shall be
permillnl to reduce tllf rninirrmrn wver diamP/.ttr to 600 rnrn (2 fl):
Oplica,l fibn· cables ar covered in Article 770
Powe1°limitfd fire alarm r·hrnits supplifd in accmrlanCf with
760. 12 1
Class 2 or Class 3 renwte-contml ancl signuling cin;uils, or both,
supplied in accordance with 725. 121
(B) Obstructions. Manho le ope nings sh all be free o f pro n·usio ns that could injure pe rsonne l 01· prevent ready egress.
(C) Location. Manhole o penings fo r personnel shall be located wh e re th ey are n o t d ire ctly ab ove ele cn·ical equipme n t o r
condu ctors in the e n closu re. Whe re this j s not practicable ,
eitl1er a pro tective barrie r or a fixed ladder shall be p rovided.
(D) Covers. Covers shall be over 4fi kg ( HI() lb) or o tl1en ~ise
d esign ed to re quire the LL5e o f too l5 to o pe n. T h ey sha ll be
d esign ed or restrained so tlley canno t fall into the m anho le o r
prnn·ude su fficie ntly to contact electrical condu ctors or equipm e nt w ithin the 111.anh ole.
(E) Marking. Manh o le covers sh a ll have a n iden tifying m ark
or logo that promin ently indicates tl1eir functio n, su d 1 as "elecu-ic ."
2020 ll\lirjon
110.76 Access to VauJts and TunneJs.
(A) Location. Access o penings for personne l sh all be located
wh ere tlley ru·e n o t d irectly above e lect1i cal equipmen t OT
con d u ctors in the e nclosure . Otlle r o pe nings shall be pe rmitted over equipme n t to fac ilitate instal la tio n , ma intena nce, o r
replacement of e quipment.
(B) Locks. Tn adilition to compliru1ce with the re quire me n ts of
110.34, if applicable, access o pen ings for personnel sh a ll b e
an-an ged su ch tha t a person o n the i nsid e cru1 ex it wh en tl1.e
access doo r i,.~ locked fro m th e outs ide, or in the case o f
no rn1ally locking by padlock, tl1.e lock in g ru-ra n gemen t shall b e
such that the padlock can be closed on the locking syste m to
preven L locking from the o u t~ide .
110.77 Ventilation. Whe re ma nho les, tunnels, and vaults h ave
communicating op e nings into e n closed are as used b y th e
public, ventilatio n to open a ir sh all be provid ed whe rever pract icable.
110.78 Guarding. v\7h ere con d uctors o r equipm ent, or both ,
cQuld be contacted by o bject~ falling or be ing push ed t h rough
a ven tilatiJ1g grating, both co n d u ctors a nd live part~ sh a ll b e
p rotected iJ1 accordance wi tl1 the requirements o f J l0.27(A)
(2) o r II0.3 l (B)( l ), d e penilingon the voltage .
110.79 Fixed Ladders. Fixed lad der s sh all be co rrosion resistant.
Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection
Ewi,ption No. I: The requirement for grouping or identifying shall not
aptJly if the branch-circuit or feeder conductm:~ enter Ji-om a mble (rr a
rai:1Jwa:y uniquf tn the rimuit that rnalies tht gnntping obvious.
Use and Identification of Grounded
200.1 Scope. This article provides requirements fort.he following:
Ide ntification of terminals
Grounded conductors in premises wiring systems
Identification of grounded conductors
200.6 Means of Identifying Grounded Conductors.
(A) Sizes 6 AWG or Smaller. An irm.tlated grounded conductor of 6 AV1IG o r smaller shal l be identified by one of the f-o llowing means:
In fo rmatio nal Note: See Article 100 for definitions of Crom,de/t
Con(l11-rto1; .equipment Orom,ding C',,md'llclm; and Oro11ndil1g E/,;ctrorlr
( I)
200.2 General. Grounded
200.2(A) and (B) .
Exre/>Lion No. 2: Thr requirement Jiir gnmping or irl1mtifying shall not
apply where br(l.m:h-cirruit conrl-uctors /Jass through a box or co11du.it
body without a loop as rlemiberl in 314.16(8)(1) orwitluml a splice or
(A) Insulatio n. The grounded conductor, if insulated, shall
have insulation that is ( I ) suitable, other than color, for any
ungrounded conductor of the same circuit fo r sy~tems of
1000 volts or less, or impedance grounded neutJ.·,l l systems of
over 1000 volts, or (2) rated not less than 600 volt~ for solidly
grounded .neutral systems of over I 000 volts as described in
(B) Co ntinuity. The continuity of a grot.mded conductor shall
not depend on a connection to a metallic enclosure, raceway,
o r cable armor.
lnfo nmuional Nore: See 300.l3(B) for Lhe conrjnuity or grounded conduclors used in mu.lliwire branch circui ts.
2 00.3 Connection to Grnunded Sys tem, Grounded conductors
of premises wiring systems shall be electrically connected to the
supply system grounded conductor to ensure a common,
continuous grou nded system. For the purpose of this section,
elPctricrtlly connected shall mean making a direct e lectrical
connection capable of carrying current. as distinguished from
induced cmrents.
T he insulated conductor shall have a continuous white
outer finish .
The insulated conducto,- shall have a con tinuous g ray
outer fi n.ish.
The insulated conductor shall have three continuous
white or gray stripes along the conductor's entire length
on other th an green insu lation.
Insulated conductors that have the ir o uter covering
finished to show a white or gray color but have colored
u-acer threads in the braid idemifying the source of
mam tfacture are acceptable means of identification .
A single-conducto1~ sunlig ht-resistant.. outdoor-rated cable
used as a solidly grounded conductor in photovoltaic
power systems, as permitted by 690.41, shall be identified
at the time of installation by markings at terminations in
accordance with 200.fi(A) (J ) through (A) ( 4) .
The grounded conductor of a mineral-insulated, metalsheathed cable (Type Ml) sha ll be identified at the rime
of installation by d istinctive marking aL its terminations.
Fixture wire shall comply with the requiremenL~ for
groLmded conductor identification as specified in 402.8.
For aerial cable, the identificarjon shall comply with one
of the methods in 200.6(A)(l) th rough (A)(5), or by
means of a ridge located on the exterior of the cable so a~
to identify it.
Exceplion: Listed
fr1.tl!rartivl' invertn:s identified for LISP. in distrilnllrd
rrsowre g1mmntion !fJSl.nns ~Ul'lt. as photovoltaic and fi.wl eel/, f1ower
(B) Sizes 4 AWG or Larger. An insulated grounded conductor
4 AWG or large1· shall be identified by one of the following
sy.wms shall IHi /iermittel/ to be connP.cted Lo premises tviring with.out a
gnnmded rnndw;tnr if the connected premises tuiring or utility system
includes a grrnmded conduclm:
200.4 N eutral Conductors. Neuu·al conductors
installe d in accordance with 200.4(A) and (B) .
(A) Installation. Neutral conductors shall not be lL5ed for
more than one branch circuit, for more than one mulliwi.re
branch circuit, or for more than one set of ungrnunded feeder
conductors unless specifically permitted elsewh ere in this Corle.
(B) Multiple Circuits. Where more than o ne neutral conduct.or associated with different c.ircuit5 is in an enclosure, g round ed circuit conductors of each circuit shall be ide ntified or
grouped to correspond with the ungrounded circuit conductor(s) b y wire markers, cable ties, or sim ilar means in at lea~t
o ne location within the e nclosure.
A continuous white outer fi n ish .
A continuot.L5 g ray outer finish .
Three continuous wh ite or gray stripes along the conductor's entire length o n other than green insu lation.
AL the time of instal lation, by a distinctive white or g ray
marking at its term inations. This marking sha ll enc ircle
d1e conductor or insulation.
(C) Flexible Cords . An insulated conducto,- that is imended
for LL5e ai, a grcmnded conductor, where contained withi n a
flexible cord, sha ll be idemified by a white or gray outer finish
or by methods permitted by 400.22.
(D) Grounded Conductors of Different Syste ms. Where
grou nded conductors of d iffe1·ent systems are installed in the
same raceway, cable, box, aLLxiliary guller, or other type of
enclosu re, each grounded conductor shall be identified b y
system. Ide ntification that distinguishes each system grow1ded
conductor shall be permitted by one of the fo llowing means:
( 1)
O ne system grounded conductor shall have an ouler
cove1·ing conforming to 200.6(A) or (B) .
The grounded concluctor(s) of olher syste ms shall have a
different outer covering conforming to 200.6(A) o r
200.6( B) or by an outer covering of white or gray wi1.h a
readily disti.nguishable colored stripe other than green
running a lo ng the insulation.
Other and different means of identification allowed by
200.6(A) or (B) shall distinguish each system grounded
( I)
(2 )
The means of ide ntification sha ll be docmnented in a
mam1er that is readily available or shall he permanently posted
where the conductors of differenL systems o riginate.
Excrption No. 1: Conductm:t with.in rnulticonductor cables shalt be
pr:rmitled lo /Jp rr-irl!!ntifir,rt nt their tirrminations at the tinw of instnltation by a distiru;tivt white ar gray rnm'hing or other equal!J ejfr'r.t.ivt
If part of a cable assern bly that has the insulation permanently reidentified to indicate it~ use as an ungrounded
conductor by marking tape, painting, or o ther effective
means at its termination and at each location wh ere the
conductor is visible a nd accessible. Iden tification sh al l
e ncircle the insulation and sha ll be a color o ther than
white, gray, or green. If used fo.r $ingle-pole, 3-way or
4-wa)' switch loop s, the reidentifi ed conductor with white
0 1· gray insulatio n 0 1- three conti11uous wh ite or g ray
stripes shall be used only for tl1 e suppl)' to the switd1, but
not as a return conductor from the switch co U1e outlet.
A fl exible cord having one conductor identified by a
white or gray ol.ller finish or three continuous white o r
g ra)' stripes, or by a ny other m eans permitted b y 4-00.22,
tl1at is tL5ed for connecting an applian ce or equipment
pe rmitted by 400. l 0. Th is shall a pply to flexible cords
connected to outleL5 wheth_e r o r not the outlet is suppli ed
by a circuit that has a grow1ded conduc tor.
Informational Nme: T he color gray may have been Ltsed in the
past as an ungrounded conducto ,: Care s hould be mken whe n
working o n existing sysLems.
(E) Grounded Conductors of Multiconductor CabJes. The
insulated grounded conductor(s) in a multiconductor cable
shaJI be identified by a continuous white or gray outer finish o r
by three continuous white or gray stripes o n other than green
insulation a long its entire length . For conductors that are 4
AWG or larger in cables, identification of the grow1ded
Cl) nductor shall be permitted to comply with 200.6(B) . For
multiconductor flat cable with cond uctors that are 4 AWG o r
larger, an external ridge shall be permitted to ickntify the
g rounded cond ucto1:
200.9 Means of Identification of Terminals. In devices or
u tilizatio n equipme nt with polarized connections, identification of lerminaJs to which a grounded conductor is to be
connected shall be substantially wh ite or silver in color. The
identification of oth er tenn inaJs shaJl be of a readily d isti.ng1.1ishable different colo r.
Exception: Whae the ronditions of maintmana and supervision
enswre that only qMlijied /1ersrms servire the in.'ila.llatians, tl'l'nunalr
for gn:mnded conductors shal.l be permitted lo be permanently identified
at the tirne of installnlion by a distinctive white marking or 0//11,r
eq1ially ejfective mPans.
200.10 Identification of Terminals.
Excef>tion No. 2: The grounded cond'I.Lctor of a multii:1m.ductor
vamisherl-cloth-insulalNl cable shnll be /Jenni/ te,t to be identified a:t its
t1<r111inations at the time of 'mstallatio11 by rt rlisti111;tive while marking
or other equally effective means.
(A) Device Terminals. All devices, excluding pane lboard s,
p rovided witJ1 terminal5 for the attachmenl of conductors and
intended for corrnection to more tJ1an one side of the c ircuit
shall have terminals prope rly marked for identificalion, unless
the electrical connection of the termjna l intended lO be
connected to the grounded conductor is clearly evident.
Informational Nore: The color gray may have been used in the
pasL a;; an ungrounded conductor. Care ~h ould be 1.aken when
working on existing ysLems.
200.7 Use of Insulation of a White or Gray Color or with
Three Continuous White or Gray Stripes.
(A) General. The following shall be used only fo1· the grou nded circLtit conductor, unless otherwise permitted in 200.7(B)
and (C) :
A conductor with continuo us white or g ray covering
A conductor with th ree continuous white or grn.y stripes
on other than green insulation
A markiJ1g of white or gray color at the termination
(B) Circuits of Less Than 50 Volts. A conductor with wh ite o r
gra)' color insulation or three co11tinuo11s white stripes or
having a marking of white o r gray at the termination for
circuits of less than .50 volts shall be required to be grounded
only as required by 250.20(A).
(C) Circuits of 50 VoJts or More. The use of insulation that is
white or gray o r thal has three continuous white or gray stripes
for other than a grounded conductor for circuits of 50 volts or
more shall be permi creel only as in ( I ) and (2).
2020 ll\lirion
Excr,ptitm: Tenninal identificat ion shall not bP required for deuices lhitt
haue a normal rnrrent rating of over 30 am/>eres, other than jJolari:z.erl
rittadirnenl plt1g~ and /JOlarized receplades for attachment j1lngs flS
requ,ired in W0.J0(B).
(B) Receptacles, Plugs, and Connectors. Receptacles, polarized attachme nl plugs, a nd cord connectors for plugs and
polarized plug·s shaJI have the terminal intended for connection to the grounded cond uctor identified as follows:
( 1)
l clenlification shall b e hy a metal Qr metal coating tl1a t is
substantially white or silver in colo1· or by the word
"white" or the letter "Vv' located adj acent to the identified term.inal.
If the terminal is not visibl e, the conduc tor e n trance hole
for the connection shall be colored white or marked with
the word "white"' o r the letter ''W."
Informational Nme: See 2!i0. J 26 for ide ntificatio n of wiring
device equipm e ll r grounding conducto r rerminals.
(C) Screw Shells. For devices witJ1 screw shells, the terminal
for tl1e grounded conductor shaJ l be the one connected to the
screw shell.
(D) Screw Shell Devices with Leads. For screw s h e l.l devices
with attached leads, the conductor attached to the screw shell
shall have a white or gr:ay finish. The outer finish of the other
conductor shall be of a solid color that will not be confused
with the white or gray finish used to identify 1.h e g rounded
Informational Note: The color gray may have been usi;d in the
past as an ungrounded cond11cror. Ca.re should be taken when
wor'king on existing sys1ems.
(E) Appliances. Appliances that have a single-pole switch or a
single-pole overcurrenl. device in the line or any line-connected
screw shell lampho lders, and that are to be connected by (1) a
permanent wiring met.hod or (2) field-installed attachment
plugs and cords with three or more wires (including the equipmenl. grounding con.duel.or), shall have means to identify the
terminal for tJ1e grounded circuit conductor (if any).
200.l l Polarity of Connections. No grounded conductor s haU
be attached to any rermi1ial or lead so a~ to reverse th e designated polarity.
210.4 Multiwire Branch Ci.i-cwts.
(A) General. Branc h circuits recognized by thi~ article shall be
permitted as mltltiwi.re circuits. A multiwire circuit shall be
permiued lo be considered a5 mulliple circ uits. All conductors
of a multiwire brancl1 circuit sha ll orig inate from the same
panelboard or similar distribution equipmenl..
Informational Note No. 1: A 3-phase, 4.-wire, wye-<:onnected
power system used ro suppl)' power to nonlinear loads ma~
necessitate that Lhe power system d esign a llow ror the possibility
of high hanuonic currenis on the nemral conducwr.
Informational Note No. 2: See 300.l 3(8) for continuity of
grounded cond11ctors on mu! tiwi re ci rcu iL~-
(B) Disconnecting Means. Each multiwi.re branch c ircuit shall
be provided with a mearrn that wi ll simultaneously disconnect
all ungrounded conductors at the point where the branch
circu il. originates.
Informational Note: See 240.15 (B) for information on the use
of single-pole circuit breakers, a5 the disconnecting means.
(C) Line-to Neutral Loads. Multiwire brancl1 circuits shall
supply o nly li ne-to-neutral loads.
l!.'xi:.ption No. 1: A mnUiwirr branch cin;uit thal S'1tf>plies only
ulilb.nlirm 1'quipmenl.
Branch Circuits
E-,;ce/J/ion No. 2: Where all ungtnunderl cnndi1dor.r of the rmiltiwirf
branch ci1ritit are n,penerl simultlmPmtsly by 1h11 bmnch-drmil ovrrcu,
rent rievicP.
Part I. General Provisions
210.1 Scope. This article provides the general requirement~
for branch circuit~.
210.3 Other Articles for Specific-Purpose Branch Circujts.
Table 210.3 list~ references for specific equipment and applica1.ions not located in Chapters 5, 6, a11d 7 tl1a1. amend or suppl ement the requirements oftl1is article.
(D) Grouping. The ungrounded and g1-ounded c ircuit
conducto1-s of each multiwire branc h cit-cLtit shal I be grnu ped
in accordance with 200.4(B).
210.5 Identification for Branch Circuits.
(A) Grounded Conductor. The grotu1ded con c;htcl.or of a
branch circuit shall be identified in accordance with 200.6.
(B) Equipment
Groundmg Conductor. The equip1nent
grow1ding conductor shall be identified in accordance with
(C) Identification of Ungrounded Conductors. UngroLmded
conductors shall be identified in accord,rnce with 210.5(C) (] )
or (2), as applicable .
Table 210.3 Specific-Purpose Branch Circuits
Air-conditioning anrl
refrigerating equipment
•140.6, 440.3],
Central heating equipment
<1thcr than fixed e lecti-ic
sp ace-healing equipment
Fixed clcc:tric heating
eq uipmen t for pipeline,
and vcsseb
Fixed electric s pacc-hca1.i,,g
eq uipme nt
Fixed o utdoor elecuical
dcicing and snow-melting
Infrared lamp industria l
h eating equipment
:vlolors, mot.or circuits, and
S1,~tchbo<1rds and '])anelboards
422.48, 424.3
(1) Branch Circuits Supplied from More Than One Nominal
Voltage System. Where the premises wiring system has bra nch
circu it5 supplied from more thai1 one nominal voltage syste m ,
each ung rounded conduc;1.o r of a branch circ uit shall he identified by phase or Lin e a.nd by system voltage class at a ll termination, connection, and splice points in compliance with
210.5(C) ( 1) (a) and (b ). Different systems within the same
premi~es that hrwe the same system voltage class shall be
permitted to u se tl1e same identification.
(a) Means <rf identification. T he means of identification
s hall be pe1-mitted to be by sepai-ate color coding, marking
tape, 1.agging, or other approved m ean s.
(b) Posting of ldentijicatirm Means. The method utilized for
conductors origiJ1al.ing within each brai1ch-circuit pane lboa rd
or similar brai1ch-circuit d istribution eqttipment shall be documented in a manner that i.~ readily available or shall be permanently posted at eac·h branch-circuit panelboard or similar
branch-circuit distt·ihution equipment. The label shall be of
s ufficient durability to withstand tl1e environment invo lved an d
s hal.l n ot he handwritte n.
Exception: In eJdsting install«tiom tvhe:rl' a voltage systern(.t) already
e,xisls and rt difjPrent voltage syslem is bPing added, ii s/t(lll be pennissible lo marh only the -new system vollage. Existing unidentified syslems
shall not be requin,d to be identified al each termination, connection,
and s/1licP point in compliance with 2 / 0.5(C)(l)(a) and (h). Ln,beling
.ihall br, required at mrh voltng/1 systmn distriln1tion equi/nnent to identify that only one voltage system has been rnarfled for n new systnn(s).
ThP new system lr1bel(s) shctll includr, the words "olht!r unidentified
systems exist on thl' /m•mises. "
(2) Branch Circuits Supplied from Direct-Current Systems.
·whe re a bran ch ci rcuit is supplied from a de system ope rating
at mo re tha n 60 volts, each ung rom1de d conductor of 4 AWG
o r larger shall be idenl.ified by polarity at all termina l.io n ,
connection, and splice poin~ by ma rking ta pe, tagging, o r
o ther a pproved means; each unground e d conduc to r o f (j AWG
or smaller sh all be ide ntified hy po larity at all te rminatio n,
connection, a nd splice point5 in complian ce with
2 I0.5(C) (2 ) (a) and (b) . The ide ntificatio n me tJH)dS utilized
for conductors o rigina ting within each bran ch-circuit pane lboard o r simihu- bran ch-circuj t d i5tributio n e quipme nt shall be
docume nte d in a ma nner that ~~ readil)' available o r shall be
pe rmane ntly posted at each bran ch-circuit panelboard or simila r branch-circuit dist1·ib1.1tio11 equipmen t.
Positive Polarity, Sizes 6 A WC ar S1nalle1: Where the positive p ola rity of a d e syste m d oes not serve as the connection
po int for the gro unded conducto 1~ each positive ungrounded
conductor shall be id entified by on e of the fo llowi ng means:
A continuous redome rfinish
A contin uou s red stripe durably 1mu·kecl a lo ng the
conductor's e ntire lengtl, on insula tion of a color other
than g reen , white, gray, or black
(3) lmp1inted plus signs (+) o r tl1e word POSITIVE o r POS
dura bly ma rke d o n insulation of a colo1· oth er than
g reen , white, gray, or black and re peated at inte rvals no t
exceeding 610 mm (24 in.) in accordance with 310.S(B)
( 4) An approved permane nt marking mea ns su c h as sleeving
or sh.rink-tubing th a t is suitable for the conductor size, a t
qll termination, connen io n , a nd splice po ints, wit!,
imprinted plus sign s (+ ) o r the word POSITrvE o r POS
durably marke d on insulation o f a color o ther tha n
green , white, gray, or black
(b) Negative Polarity, Sizes 6 A WG or S111.alle1: Wh ere tJ1e
negative polarity o f a d e system d oes no t serve a~ th e co nne ction po in t fo r the g ro w1ded conclucto 1~ each negative ung ro und ed conducto r shall be ide ntified by o ne of Lhe followin g
mean s:
( 1)
( 1)
A conLinuous black outer fini sh
A conl.inuo us black su·ipe dm'ably ma rked alo ng the
cond uctor's e n ti re le ngtl1 on insulation of a color o ther
tl1an g ree n, white, gray, or red
Imprinted minus sig ns (-) or tl1e word NEGATNE or
NEG d mably marked o n insulatio n of a colo r otJ1e1· tha n
g reen, white, gray, or red and repeated at inter vaL5 n ot
exceeding 6 10 mm (24 in .) in accorda nce with 310.8(B)
A..n ap proved pe rmanent marking means suc h as sleeving
or sh rink-n.1bi.ng tha t: is suitable for the conductor size, at
all termi nation, conn ecri o n, and splice po in ts, with
im p rinted minus signs (-) o r the word NEGAT[VE o r
NEG durably ma rked o n insula tio n o f a colo r other than
green , whi te, gray, or reel
2020 ll\lirjon
210.6 Branch-Circuit Voltage Limitations. The no minal voltage
of branch circui t~ shall not exceed the values pe rmitt ed by
210.fi (A) tlu-oug h (E) .
(A) Occupancy Limitation. In dwelling units an d g uest ro oms
o r guest suites of hotels, mote ls, a nd simila r occupa ncies, the
voltage shall n ot exceed 120 volts, n o mina l, be tween conductors that supply Lhe ten n i na ls of tl,e foll owing:
(J )
Cord-and-plug-connec ted loads 1440 volt-amperes, nominal, or less o r less tban 1/, hp
(B) 120 Volts Between Conductors. Circuits not exceed ing
120 volts, nominal, between conductors sh all be pennitte d to
supply the fo llowing:
(2 )
The terminals of lampho lde rs applied within tl1e ir voltage
Auxil ia1)' eg ui pment of elecu·ic-clischa rge lamps
Information a l Note: See 410. 137 f'or awdJiary equ ipme111 limita•
utili zal.io n e quipme nt
permaJ1 en tly co1rnected
(C) 277 Volts to Ground. Circuits exceed ing 120 volt~, no mi-
na l, be twe en co nductors but no t exceeding 277 vol t5, no mina l,
g round sha ll be permitted to supply cord-and-plugco nnecte d o r perma ne ntly connected u til izati on egLLipme nt, o r
the following types of IL~ted ILmtina'ires:
(l )
Electric-discha rge lumina ire~ witl1 integral ba llasts
LED luminaires witJ1 LED drivers bee-ween the bra nch
circuit a nd tl1e la mpho lders
Incandescent or LED lumina ires, equipped with mediumbase o r smaller screw she ll lampho lders, whe re the la mpholders are supplied at 120 volts o r less from l11e output
of a ste pd own autou·a nsform e1; LED driver, or oth e r type
o f p ower supply tl1at is a n integral compo ne nt of the
ln!ormaLio na l Note: See 410.90 for requiremen ts regarding the
connect.ion of screw sh e ll lampholders to grounded conducto rs.
Luminaires e quipped with mogul-base screw sh ell la mp•
Luminaires equipped with la mpholders, otl1e r than the
screw sh ell type, whe n u sed within tl1eir voltage ratings of
tl,ei r la m pholders
Luminai res witl1out la.mp holders
Informatio na l No1e: Luminaires wid1 no nserviceable LEDs a re
examples of ILm1inalres withow lampho lrlers.
Auxilia ry equipment of e lectric-discha rge or LED-type
la mps
Informatio na l Noce: See 410. 137 f'o r auxiliary eq u ipmen t limita1.ions.
Luminai res converted witl1 listed retrofit kits incorpo rating integral LED lig h t som·ces or accepting LED lamps
that also con.fo rm5 witl1 210.6(C) (J ), (C) ( 2), (C) (3), (C)
(4), or (C) (5)
(D) 600 Volts Between Conductors. Circuits exceedin g
277 vol t~, nominal, to ground a nd not exceeding 600 volts,
non1inal, b enveen conductors shall be permitted to supply the
fo llowing:
The arndlia ry equipm.ent of elecu-ic-clischarge la mps
mounted in permanently installed lumina ires where the
luminaires are mo unted in accordance witl1 one o f the
a . Not less than a height o f 6 .7 m (22 ft) on po les or
similar sn-ucLUres for tl1e illumination o f outdoor
areas su c h as. highways, road~, bridges, athletic fields,
o r parking lot~
b. Not less tha n a heig ht of 5.5 m ( 18 ft) on other srructures su ch as tunnels
ln forma1jonal Note: See 410. 137 for auxiliary equipmen t
limi tations.
Cord-and-plug-connected or permanently connected
utilization equipment other than luminaires
Luminaire.~ powered from direct-curre nt systems where
eimer of the followi11g apply:
a . The luminaire contains a listed, de-rated ballast mat
provides isolation be l"\vee n the d e power source and
the lamp circuit and prmection li·om electric sh ock
wh e11 c ha.ngi ng lamps.
b. The luminair·e contains a listed, dc-nlted ballast a nd
has n o provision for changing lamps.
Excef>lion No. 1 to (B). (C), rmrl (D): For larnpholders of infrared
indiistrial heating a/Jpfiances r1s provided in 425.14.
Fo r the p urposes of this sectio n, when determini11g tJ1e
d istance from rece ptacles the distance shall b e measu red as the
s hortest patl1 the supply cord of an appliance connected to the
receptacle would follow witho ut piercing a floo r, wall, ceiling,
or fixed barrier, o r the shortest path without passing mrnugh a
(A) Dwelling Units. Ali l 25-volt through 250-volt receptacles
installed i11 t:he locations spi:cified in 2 l0. 8(A)( I ) through
(A) (11) a nd supplied by single-phase branch ci1·cuits rated
150 volts or less Lo ground shall h ave ground-fault circuiti.nterrupter protection for personnel.
(1) Bathrooms
(2) Garages a nd a l~o accessory buildings tha t have a fl oor
located at or below grade level not inte nded as habitable
roo ms and limited to storage area5, work a re.'ls, an d
a rea5 of similar use
( 3) Outdoors
f.xcej1lio11 to (3): Rr!f:11ptades th(l.t rm· not rPadily accessible and rm·
supplied by a branch circuit rlerlicalerl lo electrir snow-melting, deicing,
or pipeline rmrl vessfl heating equifnnent slwll be permitted to be
ins/rifled in accord.anu with 426.28 or 427.22, CL~ n/1plicable.
( 4)
Informational Note: See 760.41 (.8) a nd 760.121 (B) fo r power
supply requirements fo r fire a la rm systems.
210.7 Multiple Branch Circuits. Where two or more branch
circuits supply devices o r e quipment on me sam e yoke or
mowHing stra p, a m eans to simultaneously disconnec t the
ungTOLmded supply conductors sha ll be provided at th e point
at which the branch circuits 01-igin ate.
210.8 Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel. Ground-fault c ircuit-interrupter protectio n for personn el
shall be provided as required in 2 10.8(A) throu g h (F). The
grow1d-faull circ uil interrupte r sha ll be installed in a readily
accessible location .
Informational Note No. 1: See 215.9 for ground-faLtlt circuit.interrupte r protection for personnel o n feeders.
Informational Note No. 2: See 4225(A) fo r GFCl requfrernems
for appliances.
Informational Note Nn. 3: See 555.9 fo r GFCI reqLLiremen rs for
boat ho ists.
l.nfonnational Nme No. 4: Additional G FC I require rn enL~ for
specific circuit,~- and equipme m are contained in Ch apters 4. 5,
a nd 6 .
at or below grade level
Exce/1tion lo (5): A re1;r,ptacle s1.1f1plying only a /Jemumently installer.t
fire 1Jl0:rrn or l;wglar alarm S')l/ilfl1n shall no! be requi:red to have groundfmtli cirntit·internJ41ter protel'lion.
Excrption No. 2 to (B ), (C), and (D): For railru1iy profH1rlies ris
descri.bed in 110.19.
(E) Over 600 Volts Between Conductors. Circuits exceeding
600 volts, no mina l, between conductors shall b e permitted to
suppl y utilizatio n equipment in installations where conditions
of maintenance and supervision ensure tl1al only qualified
persons .~ervice tJ1e instal lation.
Crawl spaces Basemen ts
( 10)
Receptacles installed under d1e exceptio n to
2 I 0.S(A) (5) sh all not b e cons idered as meeting the
requirements of210.52(G) .
Kitchens - where the receptacles a re insta ll ed to serve
the countertop surface s
Sinks - where recepta cles a re installed within 1.8 m
(6 ft) from th e top inside ed ge of tl1e bowl of m e sin k
Boatho uses
Ba thtubs 0 1· showe r stalls where receptacles are
installed wi tllin 1.8 m (6 ft) of the o u tside edge of the
barn tub o r s hower stall
Laundry areas
I:.):r:ff1lion to (I) through ( 3 ), ( 5) through ( 8), and ( I 0): Li.ste1l locking
.mpport and mowit,ing 'lrt!'('/1tades utilized in /'0111bination with com/Jatible auachment fittings installed for the pu>-pose of serving a ceiling
lwninain: or t:eili ng Jan shaft not bf required Lo be ground-fault dn:ititinterrnpler f1mlected. if a gmeml-putj1ose ronvPni,mc11 ree11ptacle is inllfgml Lo Liu, ceiling fmninaire or l'eiling fan, GFCJ /nvteclion shall be
Indo or d a mp and wet locations
(B) Othe r Than Dwelling Units. All 125-volt d1rough 2 50-vol t
receptac.les s upplie d by single-phase brancJ1 circuits 1-ated
150 volts or less to ground. 50 amperes o r less, and all receptacles supplied by three-phase bra n ch circllits rated 150 volt~ or
less to groun d. 100 amperes o r less, installed in the locations
specified in 2 l0.8(B)( l ) tluoug h (B)( l 2) sh all h ave groundfault circuit-inte rrupter prntection for personnel.
( l ) Batlu·ooms
(2) Kitch ens or areas witn a sink ai1d perman e nt provi~ions
for eime r food p reparation or cooking
Exception: Recrptacles on rooftops shall. not be required to he readily
affessiblR other than fmm thR mofl(}jl.
E~1;eption No. 1 to ( 3) and (4 ): Rrrep!ades that mw not rmrlily llCtessible and ar,J .m/Jf>lied 0,, a branch circuit dedicatPr.l to Plectric snnwrnelting, deicing, m· pipPline and vessfl luating equipnuml shall be
permilled to bP installed in aceori:lmu;p with 426.28 or 427.22, as
Exce/ilion No. 2 lo (4 ): in ind1.1,Strial estoblislwu:nts only, wherP lhP
conditions of 1naint11nanct1 ancl suf11/rvisinn 1111si1re that only qualified
/Je1:sonnl!f are involved, an asmred equifmient gmunding cmulw·tor
program os specified in 590.6(8)(2) shall be perrnif/edfor only those
m;eptade millets its11d ta supp!,y equipment that would 1Tentr r1, grmler
hazard if f>awer is interrupt.ed or having a design Iha! is not mmj1atible
tvith GFCJ f1rotection.
Sinks - where receptacles are installed within 1.8 m
(6 ft) from the top inside e dge of the bowl of the sink
ExcPption No. l to (5): In industrial laboratories, rPl'epi.acles ll5ed lo
rnp/11:y equipment wfwrf' removal rif poruer would iritmdw;r a 6rrmter
hazard shall bf' permitted to be imtalled wWtO'Ul GFCJ pmtertion.
ExCPption No. 2 Lo (5): Remptadfs localed in fJOlient bed locations qf
Cal.egcn-y 2 (genrml care) or Clltegcny I ( critirnl atrP) spar.es of hmll/1,
careJacililies shall be pennilled to comply tuith 517. 21 .
Indoor damp and wet locations
Locker rooms with associated showe1·ing faciliti es
Garages, accessory buildings, service bays, and sim.ilar
a reas othe r tha n vehicle exhibition h alls and sh owrooms
Crawl spaces - a t or below grade level
Unfinished areas of basements
Exception to (1) through (5), (8), anrt (10): ListPd lod:ing supporl. rmd
-mounting rP.cPf>lades ttlW.ud in combination with compatible attachm,e11i fittings inst11fled for the fni.rpose of serving a ceiling lwminaire or
ceiling Jan shall not. be requi rerl lo be gm·u.11.tlfa·ull cirruit-intemipter
f1mteded. If 11 geneml-pwfJOSP convenience rewptatlP is integral lo th~
ceiling lurninaire or chlingJan, GFf'J /1rolection slrnll be fJrOvided.
( 11 ) Law1dry area~
( 12) Bathn,1l;s and shower stalls - whe re receptacles are
in.stalled with in 1.8 m (fi ft) of the o uLside edge of the
bathtub or shower stall
(C) Crawl Space Lighting Outlets. GFCI p rotection sh all be
provided for lig hting outlet~ not exceedi11g 120 vol es installed
in c.rawl spaces.
(D) Specific Appliances. Unless GFCI protection is provided
in accordan ce with 422.5(B)(3) th rough (8 )(5), the outlet5
supplying t11e appliances specifi ed in 422.5(A) shall have C FCI
protection in accordance with 422.5(8 ) ( J ) o r (B) (2) .
Where the applia nce is a ve nding machi.11e as specified in
422.5(A) (5) and GFCI p rotection is n ot provided in accorda nce with 422.5(B)(3) or (B)(4), bra nch circuiLs supplying
vending machines shall have CFC! protection in accordance
with 422.5(B) ( I ) o r (B) (2) .
(E) Equipment Requiring Servicing. GFCI p rotection shall he
provided fix the receptacles required h y 2 10.63.
supplied by single-phase branch ci.rcuits rated 150 volts to
ground or less, 50 amperes o r less, shall h ave ground-fault
circuit-interrupter protection for personnel.
Exception: Grou,nd-Jaull. cirtuit-inlr.rmpter fJrof.ecti.on shall not bf
rpquirnd on lighting oullets other than those rnvered in 2 10.8(C).
210.9 Circuits Derived from Autotransformers. Bran ch
c ircuit~ shall no t be derived from autou·a11.5formers unless the
circuit supplied has a g rounded conductor tl1at is e lectrically
connected to a grounded conductor of the system supplying
the au totransformer.
Excepti<m No. 1: An 1mtotransfonncr shall be f.>errnitted without the
connection to a gimmded conductor where tmnsforrning Jrcmi a nmniual 208 volL1 to o, nominal 240-voll suj1ply or similarly fiwn 240 volts
lo 208 volLt.
Exception No. 2: in industrial occ:ujJanries, where conditions of maintenance antl si1pervision ens'!tre that only q1a1lijifd persons srrvice the
installation. mit0Lraniforn1n~ sh.all be permit/Pd to supply nominal
600-volt loads from -nominal 480-voll systnns, r.md. 480-volt loads Jivrn
nominal 600-volt syst-em.s, without th.P tO'll'nt!Cliou, to a similar gmund,er.l cmul1u·to1:
210.10 Ungrounded Conductors Tapped from Grounded
Systems. Two-wire de circuit5 a nd ac circuits of two or more
ungrow1ded conductors shall be permitted to be tapped from
the ungrounded condL1ctors of circu.it5 that have a g1·ounded
ne utral conductor. Switching devices in each tapped circu it
sha ll have a pole in each w1grou11ded conductor. All poles of
rnultipo le switching devices shall manuall)7 switch together
whe1·e such switching devices a lso ser·ve as a d isconnecting
means as required by Lhe following:
(l )
410.93 for double-pole switd1ecl la mpholders
410.1 04(B) for electric-discharge lamp a uxi lia ry equipme nt switching devices
422.3 1(8 ) for an applia nce
424.20 for a fi xed e lecu·ic space-h eating unit
426.51 for e lectric deicing and snow-me] ting equipme n t
430.85 for a motor conu·oller
430.103 for a motor
210.11 Branch Circuits Required. Branch circuiL5 for lig hting
and for appliances, including motor-operated appliances, shall
be provided to supply the load s calculated in accordan ce with
220.10. In addition, branch circuits shall be provide d for
specific loads not covered by 220.10 where requi1·ed elsewhere
in this Code an d fo r dwelling unit loads a5 specified in
210.l l (C) .
(A) Number of Branch Circuits. The mmmmm number o[
branch circuit5 shall be determined from the tocal calculated
load and the size or rating of the ci.rcuiL5 used. In a ll installatiom, the number of circuits shall be sufficie nt to supply the
load ser ved. In no case shall the load on a ny c ircuit exceed the
maxi mum specified by 220. 18.
(B) Load EvenJy Proportione d Among Branch Circuits. Where
the load is calculated o n the basis of' volt-ampe res pe1· square
meter or per square foot, the wiring syste m up to and including
the branch-c ircuit panelboard(s) shall be provided to serve not
less than d1e calculated load. This load sha ll be evenly proportioned among multioutlet branch circuit5 within die pa.nelboard(s) . Bra nch-circuit. overcurrenr devices a nd c ircuiL5 shall
be required to be installe d o nly to serve the connected load.
(F) Outdoor Outlets. All outdoor o utlets for dwellings, other
than tl10se covered in 210.8(A)(3) . Exception to (3), that are
2020 Edition
(C) Dwelling Units.
(1) Small-Appliance
numbei- of branch
section, two or mm-e
shall be provided
Branch Circuits. In addition to the
circuits reguired by otl1e1· parts of this
20-ampere sma U--appliance branch circuit5
for all receptacle outlets ~pecified by
(2) Laundry Branch Circuits. In addition to the number of
( 4)
branch circuit5 required b)' oilier pat-L5 of th is section, at Least
one additional 20-ampere branch circuit shaU be provided to
supply the laundry receptacle outJet(s) required b y 2 10.52(F).
This ci.rcuiLShall have no other outlets.
(3) Bathroom Branch Circuits. In addition to the number of
branch circuit5 requi.red by other pans of tliis section, one or
11101·e 120-volt, 20-ampere branch c ircuit shall be provided to
supply bathroom (s) receptacle outlet(s) required by 210.52(D)
and any countertop and sin1ilar work srn·face receptacle outlets.
Sucl1 circuit5 shall have no otl1er outlets.
Exreptivn: When, lhR 20-mnpft-e circuit supplu:s ll singl,r. bathroom,
rmtlets for other pq•uipment within the satnP hath.room shall b,, fiermilfed
to be snpfJliPd in acrordana with 210.23(A)( I) and (A)(2).
(4) Garage Branch Circuits. In addition to the mui1ber of
branch circuits reguired by otl1er pans of tl1is section, at least
one 120-volt, 20-ampere branch cirrnit shall be installed to
supply receptacle outleLS required by 2 L0 .52(G) ( I ) for
attached ga1·ages and in detached garages with electric powei-.
This circuit shall have n o other outlets.
1.-.'xcefilion: This circuit shall be pemiilled to ,51.1.pfJfy readily accessible
outdoor receptaclt outlets.
b. The maximum le ngth of the branch-circuit w1rmg
from the branch-ci1·cui t overcurrent device to the firsc
outlet shall not exceed 15.2 m (.'50 ft) for a 14 A\lllG
conductor or 21.3 m (70 ft) for a 12 AV·iG conductor.
c. l11e first outlet box in the branch circuit sh a.11 be
marked to indicate tl1al il is the first outlet of the
A listed outlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault circuic interrupter installed a t the first outlet on tl1e branch circuit in
combination witl1 a listed bnu1ch-circuit overcurrent
protective device where all of the following conditio ns are
m et:
a . The branch-circuit wiring sh a ll he continuous from
the branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outJet
branch-circ uit arc-fault circuit interrupte1:
b. The maximum le ngth of tlie branch-circuit wiring
from the b ranch-circuit overcurrent device to the first
outlet shall not exceed 15 .2 m (50 ft) for a 14 AWG
conductor or 21.3 m (70 h) for a L2 AWG conductor.
c. The first o utlel box in the branch circuit shall be
marked to indicate that it is tl1e first outlet of tJ1.e
cl. l11e combination of the branch-circuit ove1-ctuTent
device and o utlet brancb-circu.iL A.FCl shall be identified a.5 meeting tl1.e requirements for a system
combination-type A.FCl and shall be listed as su ch .
If metal raceway, metal wireways, metal a uxiliary gutters,
or Type MC, o r Type AC cable meeting tlie applicable
requirement~ of 250. l!S, witli metal b oxes, metal conduit
bodies, and metal e nclosures are installed for tlie portion
of the branch circuit between the branch-cirCLtit overcurrent de,,ice a nd tl1e first outJet, it sh all be permitted to
imtall a listed o utlet branch-circuit-type A.FCl at tlie first
outlet to provide protectio11 for the rema ining portion of
tlie branch cit-cttit.
v\1here a listed m etal or nonmetallic conduit or tubing or
Type MC cable is encased in not less tl1an 50 mm (2 in. )
of concrete for the portion of the brallch circuit between
the branch-circuit overcurren t device and the first outleL.
it shall be permitted to install a listed outJet branchcircuit-Type AFCI at tl1e first o utlet to provide protection
for the re maining portion oftl1e branch circuit.
210.12 Arc-Faull
Protection. Arc-firnlt
circuit-interrupter protection shall he provided as required in
210.l2(A) , (B), (C), and (D) . The arc-fault cirrnit interrupter
shall be installed in a readily accessible Location.
(A) Dwelling Units. AU 120-voll, single-pha~e, 15- and 20ampere branch circuits supplying outlets or devices installed in
dwelling unit kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living
rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sun rooms. recreation
rooms, closet~, hallways, law1cl1-y areas, or similai- rooms or
areas shall be protected by a n y of the means described in
2 L(). 12(A)( l ) through (6):
t'xception: AFC/ protection shrill not be required for an individual
(l )
A listed combination-type arc-fault circuit interrupter
installed to provide protection of tlie entire branch
A listed branch/ feeder-type AFCJ installed at the origin
of the branch-circuit in combination with a Listed outlet
branch-circuit-ty pe arc-fault circuit interrupter installed a.t
the first outlet box on the branch c ircuit. The first outlet
box in the brand1 c ircuit shall be marked to indicate tliat
it is tl1e first outlet of the circuit.
A listed supplemental arc protection cirntit breaker
installed at tlie origin of the branch circuit in com bination with a listed outlet branch-circuit-type arc-fault
ci rcui t interrupter installed at the first outlet box on tlie
branch circuit where a ll of the following conditions are
a . The branch-cirntit wiring shall b e contit1uotL5 from
che branch-circuit overcurrent device to the outlet
branch-circuit arc-fault c ircu it i.n ten-upler.
branch circ1.1.it, sufJfJlying a fim aln,m1 system installed in nccmdanre
wilh 760.4J(B) or 760.121(B). The branch cirr:1.1.itshall bp installn! in
a metal mCPW(~Y, me/al att:>,,'ilia-t)' gutter, sleel-a-nnored cablP, 7)'p,i MC
or TypP AC, meeting the applit;able ·mquirernent1 of 250.118, with
metal boxP.s, conduit bodies, and enclosures.
Informational Note No. 1: For information on c;ombination-type
and branch/ feeder-type arc-fault circuit in1.errupters, see UL
1699--2011, Standrmi ,far An°Fault Circuit hllenupt11rs. For information on 0LL1l et branch-circui1 type arc-fault circuit inrerruplers,
see UL Subjecc 1699A, 01./lhlle of lm111s1;gnlim1 f or 011/lt;l Bmnc/1
Cim11il J\r,;,Faull Cfrc11il-h,terrup1ers. For information on system
combinaLio n AFCl s, see UL Subjeer J699C, Outline of lnve11igalionj'ot Sysl,tm Combi 11ali011 An:-Fault Circuit hlil'rruf>/.ers.
Informational Nore No. 2: See 29.6.3(5) of NFPA 72-201'1. .
Nalional hr; Alonn rind Sig;nali-l1K Codt, for information relater! LO
secondary power-supply requiremems for smoke alarms installer!
in dwelling uniLS.
Informational Note Nn. 3: See 760.41 (B) and 760.121 ( B) for
powe1°supply requirements for fire alarm systems.
(B) Dormitory Units. All J 20-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20ampere branch circuit5 supplying outlet~ and devices installed
in dormitory unit bedrooms, living rooms, hallways, closers,
bathrooms, and similar rooms shall be protected by any of the
means described in 2 LO. J2(A) ( I ) through (6) .
(C) Guest Rooms, Guest Suite s, and Patient Sleeping Rooms
in Nursing Homes and Limited-Care Facilities. A ll 120-volt,
sing le-phase, l .'i- and 20-ampere b ranc h circuit~ supplying
o utlets and devices installed in guest rno1n5 a nd guest sui tes of
hotels and motel5 and patient sleepi11g rooms in nursing
homes and limited-care facilities shall be protected b y any of
tl1e means desc1·ibed in 2 10. L2(A) ( I ) through (6) .
(D) Branch Circuit Extensions or Modifications - Dwelling
Units, Dormitory Units, and Guest Rooms and Guest Suites.
Whe1·e branch circuit wiring for any of the areas specifi ed i.n
2L0. 12(A), (B}, or (C) is modified, replaced, or extended , the
b ranch circuit shaJI be protected by o ne of the fo llowi ng:
( 1)
By an)' o f the means described in 210.12(A)( l) through
(A) (6)
A listed outlet branch -circuit-type AFC! located at me fi rst
receptacle outlet of tl1e existing branch circuit
Exce/Jlion: AFC/ pmtection shalt not be requirecl where thP extension of
the r:;.irling /Jmnd, 1:i,rru.it tond'l,1ttors ir not more than 1.8 m (6 fl) llnd
does not ·include any additional outlPt,~ or devices, other than spliring
devices. This mtasim.rment shllfl not include the conductors insidP an
endosure, cabinet, orjunction box.
210.1 3 GroUild-Fault Protection of Equipment. Each b ranchcircuit d isconnect rated l000 A or more and installed on solic!Jy
grotmded wye electrical systems of more than 150 vol t5 to
grnund, but not exceeding 600 volts phase-to-pha~e. shall be
provided with ground-faul t protection of equipment in accordance with 230.95.
Informational Note: For buildings that contain health care occupancies. see the reqLLirememsof5 17.17.
l!.x1;eption No. 1: This section shall not apt>ly to ,1 clisronnecting means
for a rontinuo'l/S indu.st·ri.al process wlwre 11 nonorrler!y shutdown will
intmdua additional or incmmd ha:umLt
Exmption No. 2: 771iJ se,;tion shall no/ af1/Jly if gmundf@lt fnvtection
of equifrmenl is f1rovided on the suf1p!:y side of the branch cin:uil and on
thr load sidr ofany lran.ifcmner supplying thr branr.h ri:rrnit.
210.15 Reconditioned Equipment. The follmving shall n ot be
recondition ed:
( 1)
Equi pment tliat provides ground-fault circuit-interrupte1protection for personnel
Equipme nt that provides arc-fault circuit-inten-upter
p rotection
Equ·iprnent tlrnt provides gTound-fault protection of
210.17 Guest Rooms and Guest Suites. G uest rooms and g uest
suites tl1at a.re pr0\7 ided wim permanent provisio ns for cooking
shal l have branch circuits instaJled to meet the rules for dwelling unit~.
Part IL Branch-Circuit Ratings
210.18 Rating. Branch circ uit~ recognized by this article sha.U
be rated in accordance with tl1e maximum permitted ampere
rating or .~etting of tl1e overcurren t device. The rati ng for other
2020 E(lition
210. 19
tlian individual branc h circu its sha ll be 15, 20, 30. 40, and 50
amperes. Whe1·e conductors of higher a mpacity are used for
any reason, the ampere rating or ~etting of tl1e specified overcurrent device sha ll determine tl1e circuit rating.
Excepti<m: Multiou//,el brr.cnrh cirr.uits grmter than 50 mnfJl'res slwlf be
/Jermitted to stt/1p!:y nonligh.ting outl,et loads 011 industrial premise,
whem amditions of mainlenant:f' cmd stLperuision rmsw,, that only
qnalified persons senlicl' th.r eq aipmmt.
210.19 Conductors-MinimumAmpacity and Size.
(A} Branch Circuits Not More Than 600 Volts.
Informationa l Note No. 1: See 310.14 for ampacicy and temperature limimtions of conductors.
Ln.formational NoLe No. 2: See Part U of ArticJe 430 for rninirating of motor branch-circuit conduc1ors.
Informational Note No. 3: Conducmrs for branch circu.irs as
defined in Article 1()0, sized LO prevent a voltage drop exceeding
3 percent at the farr.hesr outlet of power. heating, and lighting
loads, or combinations of such loads, and where the maximum
total mil.age drop on both Jee<;lers and branch circuits to 1he
farthest ot11let does nm exceed !i percent, provide reasonable
efficiency of operation. See I nfonnational Note No. 2 of
~15.2(A) ( I) for voltage drop on feeder conduc1ors.
(1) General Branch-circuit conductors ~hall have a n ampacity
not les tkm tl1e larger of 2I0. 19(A)( l )(a) or (A)( l )(b ) and
comply with ll 0.14(G) fo r equipme nt term inations.
(a) Where a branch circuit supplies continuo us loads or
an y combination of contim.1otL5 and noncontinuous loads, the
minimum bra nch-ci1·c uit conductor size shall have an ampacity
not less man the noncon tin uous load plus 125 percent of d1e
conti.n uous load i.n atcorc;lan ce with 3 I0.1 4.
(b) The minimum bnmch-cfrcuit conductor size shall
have an ampaci1y not less tha n the maxi mum load Lo be served
after me a pplication of any adjtt~tmen t or correction factors in
accordance with 310.15.
Exception No. 1 to /1 J(a): If the a.ssernbl)\ in.duding lh.f ove.rcu.rrenl
de1.1ii;e~ jJrolecting lht branch d ,rnit(s), i1 listed for operation at
JOO J>ercnit of its rriling, th.e mn.jJar.it.y of the l1rand1.-r,i.1ruit cond'l.tctors
shall b~ f1ermittfd to be not less- than the nirn of Ifie C<mlinumis load
fJlits the noncontinuou.t load in accordance utith 110.14(C).
faception No. 2 lo ( l )(a) and ( l )(b): Where a portion of a branch
circu.il. is tonnecled at both its supply and load ends lo sefmrntrfy
imtalled pre.mire tonnections (LI i:overed in 110. 14(C)(2), it sh.all bt>
perrn-itlerL to have an allowable 11mj>11city, in accordance uritlt 310.15,
not less than tht> sum of the continuous load jJlus the noncont.imwus
load. No fwrtion of a bmnrh circuit installed im.der this Pxnption shall
extend into an enclosurt> containing liither the l1r(mrh-drruil su.f1ply or
the branrh..;;irmit /o!l(l terminations.
(2) Branch Circuits with More than One Receptacle. Conductors of b ranch circuiL~ suppl)~ng mo re than one receptacle for
cord-and-plug-connected portable loads sha ll have a n ampacity
of not less than tl1e rating of the branch ci1·cuit.
(3) Household Ranges and Cooking Appliances. Bra n chcircuit conductors supplying househo ld ranges, wall-mounted
ovens, counte 1°mounted cooking units, and o the r ho useh o ld
cooking appliances shall have a.n ampacity not less tha n the
rating of the branch ei rcuiL anrl not less than the maximum
load to be served. For ranges of 8¼ kW or more rating, tl1e
minimum branch-circuit rating shall be 40 a m peres.
Exc&{ltion No. 1: Conrlur:tors tapped from. a &ranch circuit not exceeding 5 0 amjm·es s upj1lying elPCtric ran1,ms, wall--mmmt,erl elect1ir ovenr,
and cQimter-moiml ed electrir cooking un·ity shall have an am.pacity of
not less than 20 rlilnperes rmrl shall be sufficient for the loar.l to be
served. These tap r;ondur:tors include any conditctnn that are a /mrt of
the li•ads .1'1.1ppliecl with lhe appliancr, thr.tt arP smaller than the {1ranchrircuil condurtors. The ttlf>s shall not be longer than nec.essary Jar snvidng /ftp 11ppliance.
(A) Continuous and Noncontinuous Loads. Where a branch
circuit supplies continuou~ loads o r a n y combina tion of continuo us and noncontinuou.~ load~, tJ1e rating of the overcun·e n t
device shall not be less rhan the noncontinuo us load p lu s
125 p ercent of tl1e continuous load.
l 'xteption: Whn-e. the a.~~fmbl)', induding the overcurrenl devices
protecting tlu: branrli d rcuit(s), is listrd fin· oprration at 100 fJl'ri:ent of
it,~ rating, the arn.j>Prf rating of thP over,:urrmt device .1hafl l!t j)('l'mitted
lo f1e not less than llu1 surn. of the amtirw.<Jus lorul fll'!IS tlu1 noncontinu-
Exception No. 2: Tiu: neutral condurt,or of a 3-wire branch l'iiruit
supplying a ho·Use!J.old elect·ric range. a tvafl.-mm1ntrd oven, nr a
cou:nteic1no·unt~d rnoking ii.nit shalt bf pn711i/ted to br smalln than the
11.ngmu:ndul condw:/ors where the r11.axi.rm1.rn de11utnd of a mnge of
8 31, kW or morn rating has been calculated according to Column C of
Tab[,, 220.55, but such mnductor shall have an amjJarit:y of not lf'Ss
th.an 70 f>err,Pnl of the branc/1-circuit rating and shall not bP sma!lrl'
than 10AWG.
{B) Conduclor Protection. Conductors shaJI b e protected in
accordance with 240.4. .E'lexible cords and fixtu re wi.res shall be
protected in accordance with 240.5 .
(4) Other Loads. Branch-circuit conductors that suppl)' loads
o ther than those specified in 210.3 and otJ1ei- th an cooking
appliances as covered in 2l0.19 (A) (3) shall have an ampaci ty
sufficient for tJ1e loads served and shall not be smalle r than
(D) Outlet Devices. The rating o r setting shall n o t exceed that
specified in 210.21 for outle t devices.
Exception No. 1 : Tap cond11rtors shall !tavR an ampacity sufficient for
the loctd served. l n addition, lluy shaft havr rm mnj>acity of not fess
lhan 15 firr i;i,muilf mled lrss than 40 amprres and not lf.tf llwn 20 for
rircuits rated al 40 or 50 am,/11'1-e.s and on~ wherf these la/1 conduct(n;f
supply £171)' of t!tt following loads:
( 1)
Individual lamplwlden or lmnin.aires with laps i<Xlending not
longer than 450 mm ( 18 in.) bfyond r.my portion of the la.rnjr
holder or lamina.ire
A lmninairr having tap rnndttctor.1· as j11rroit.fPd in 4 IO. 11 7
individual o-utlets, othrr than rece/Jlad.e oul{fJS, with taps 1wt
over +50 rnrn (18 in.) long
i nfrared larnp industrial heating appliances
N!mlu:ati 11g lec1ds njr{,eii;ing and ~-nml!-tn.elting rnbles and mals
E.xr:eption No. 2; Fixt1.1re wires and jlP>,,'ib/f rn-rds shall be t>Rrmitted to b~
smaller than 14 A.WG tts /JPrmitted by 240.5.
(B) Branch Cin:uit,; Over 600 Volts. TI1e ampac ity of conductors shall be in accordance with 3 10.14 and 311.60, as applicable. Brauch-cir·cuit conducto rs over 600 volts shall b e sized in
accordance wit11 210.l 9(B) ( 1) or (B) (2) .
(1) General. The a mpac ity of branch-circuit conductors sha U
not be less than I 25 pe rcent of the d esign ed pote ntial load of
utilization equipme nt t11at will be operated simult.."lneou sly.
(2) Supervised Installations. For supervised installa tions,
branch-circuit conductor sizing shall be p e rn1itted to be determined by qualified persons under e n g ineering supe1v ision.
Supervised installatio n.~ are defined as th ose portions o f a
facility where b o th of the fo llowing conditio ns are met:
Conditio ns of design a nd imtallation are provided nnder
engineering supervision.
Q ua lified persor1.5 witJ1 documemed training a nd experie n ce in ove1· 600.volt systems provide mainte nance, monitoi-i.ng, and servicing of the system.
210.20 Overcurrent Protection. Branch -circuit conductors a nd
equipment sh a ll be protected by overcurre nt protective devices
t11at h ave a ra ting or settin g that complies with 210.20(A)
through (D ) .
(C) Equipment. TI1 e rating o r setting of the overcurrent
protective device sha ll not exceed th at specified in the applicable articles refe renced in Ta ble 240.3 for equipm e nt.
210.21 Outlet Devices. Outlet devices shall have an a mpere
rating that is n o t less tha n tJ1e k1ad to be served a n d sha ll
comply with 210.21 (A) and (B).
(A) Lampholders. Where connected to a branch c ircuit h aving
a ratin g in excess of 20 amperes, la mpholders shall be of the
h eavy-duty type. A h eavy-duty la mpholde r shall have a rating of
n or less than 660 watt~ if of t11e admedium type, or not less
t11a n 750 watts if of any other type.
(B) Receptacles.
(1) Single Receptacle on an Individual Branch Circuit. A
sing le receptacle installed on a n ind ividual branc h c ircuit shall
have an ampere rating not less t11an that oftJ1e branch circuit.
Exce/>lion No. I: A 1-pcrp!adt instt.illed in accorr.lancr• wilh 430.81(8).
.Exce/1lion No. 2: A receptcu;/f instal/frl rxclusi.rnry for lhr 'USP of a. rorrlr
awl-pl?ig-connerted an: welder shall bP fJP1-rnit1ed to have an arnf,erf
rating not less than the minim wn bmnclt-fircuil cmulw'/or 1u114xuity
det,mniner.l by 630. l l (A) for arr welders.
l nformaLion~I No1e: See rhe definido n of rectj1lr,ct,, in Anicle 100.
(2) Total Cm·d,and-Plug-Connected Load. Where connected
to a branch circuiL supplyin g two or mo re r ecepta cles or
outJets, a receptacle sh aU not suppl)' a total cord-and-plugconnected load in excess of the maximum specified in Ta ble
210.21 (B) (2) .
(3) Receptacle Ratings. Whe re connecte d to a bra n ch circui t
supplying two o r mo re receptacles m· outlet5, receptacle ratings
shall conform to the values listed in Tobie 210.2 l (B )(:3 ), or-,
whe1-e rated high er t11an 50 amperes, t11e receptacle rating sh all
not be less than tJ1e branch-circuit rating.
Table 210.21 (B)(2) Maximum Cord-and-Plug-Connected Load
to Receptacle
Receptacle Rating
Maxim.um Load
15 or 20
Circuit Rating
2020 Edition
210. 25
Exception No. J.- Receptacles installed exclu..1ively for the we of one or
rnore rmd-and-plug-connectPd an: welders shall lie permitted lo have
ampere ratings not less llw:n ihf rninim:u.m branch.-ci:rcuit conduCLor
arnpacity detrrmined by 630. 1l (A) or (B) for arc welders.
(1) Cord-and-Plug-Connected Equipment Not Fastened in
Place. The rating of a ny one cord-and-plug-connected utilization equipment not fa5tened in place sha ll not exceed
80 percent of rl1e bran ch-circuit a mpere rating.
Exception No. 2: The arnpen: rating of ti receptacle instal/Pd for elertric
,tisch.mge lighting ~hall be permitted to be based on 410.62(C).
(2) Utilization Equipment Fastened in Place. TI1e tota l rating
of utilization equipment faste ned in p lace, o ther than luminaires, shall not exceed 50 perce nt of 1.he brancJ1-circuit ampere
,-al:ing where lighting units, cord-and-pl ug-connected utilizati on
equipment not fastened in p lace, or both, a re a l50 su pp lied.
(4) Range Receptacle Rating. T he ampere rating o f a range
receptacle shall be permitted to be based on a sing le range
demand load as specified in Table 220..'55.
210.22 Pern:ussible Loads, Individual Branch Circuits. An individual branch circuit shall be permitted to supply any· load for
which it is rated. but in no ca~e sha ll 1.he load excee d the
branch-circuit ampere rating.
210.23 Pern:ussibJe Loads, Multiple-Outlet Branch Circuits. In
no ca5e shall the load exceed tJ1e bmnch-circ uit ampere rating.
A branch circuit supplying two or m ore o utle ts or receptacles
shall supply only the loads specified according to iL5 size as
specified in 210.23(A) th.roug h (D ) and as summarized in
210.24 and Ta ble 2 I0.24.
(A) 15- and 20-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 15- or 20-a mpere
b ranch circuit shall be permitted to supply lighting units or
other utilization equipment, or a combination of both, and
shall compl)' with 2 l0.23(A) ( 1) and (A) (2) .
Exception: The sm(![l,.af;pli,ance bm-ni;lt cin:uits, lmmdry /Jmnl'h
cirwils, and bathroom branch circuits requirl!ll in a dwelling unit(s) by
210.11 (CJ( 1), (C)( 2), and (C)(3) shall .mf>ply only thl' rneptade
oi1,tlets specified in that sPclion.
Table 210.21 (B)(3) Receptacle Ratings for Various Size
Circuit Rating
Not over 15
15 or 20
40 or 50
(C) 40- and 50-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 4(}. o r 50-ampere
branch circ uit s hall be permitted to su pply cooking a ppliances
that are fastened in place in a n y occupancy. In other than
dwelling units, suc h circuits shall be permitted to s upply fixed
lighti ng wliL5 with heavy-du ty lampholders, infrared hea ting
u n.its, or other utilization equipme nt.
(D) Branch Circuits Larger Than 50 Amperes. Bn1.11ch c ircuit5
larger U1an 50 amperes sha ll su pply only nonlighting o utlet
210.24 Branch-Circuit Requirements
Summary. The
requi rements for circuiLS th a t have two or m ore o utlets o r
receptacles, other than the receptacle circuit5 of 210.11 (C) (1),
(C) (2) , a nd (C)(3), are summarized in Tab le 210.24. This table
provides o nly a s ummary of m inimum requirem e nts. See
210.19, 210.20, and 210.21 for th e specific requ.irement5 a pplying to br,rnch circuit5.
210.25 Branch Circuits in Buildings with More Than One
(A) Dwelling Unit Branch Circuits. Bra nch cirCLtits in each
dwelling uni t sha ll supply o nl y load5 within that dwelling unit
or loads a5sociated o nly with that dwelling unit.
Receptacle Rating
(B) 30-Ampere Branch Circuits. A 30-ampere branch c ircuit
shall be permitted to supply fixed lighting units with heavy-duty
lampholders in o the1' than a dwel ling unit(s) or utilization
equipme nt in any occupancy. A rating of any one cord-andplug-connected utiliza tion equipment shall 11ot exceed
80 percent of the hra nch-circ uiLa mpen" rating.
(B) Common Area Branch Circuits. Brnnch circuits insta ll ed
for lig h ting, central alarm, signal, communications, or other
purposes for public or common ,1.reas of a two-family dwelling,
a multi fa mily dwelli ng, o r a multi-occupancy build ing shall not
Table 2 10.24 Summary of Branch-Circuit Requirements
Circuit Rating
Overcurrent Protection
Outlet d evices:
Lampho lders permi1.ted
Rcccp1.aclc rating~
Any type
15 max. A
Any type
15 or 20 A
I-lcavy duty
Heavy duty
40 or 50 A
H eavy d uty
Maximum Load
40 A
See 2I0.23(C)
Sec 210.23(C)
Conductors (m i11. size) :
Circuit wires 1
Fixl.llre \\~res and corcl5
- see 240.5
Sec 2J0.23(A)
See 210.23(A)
Perm issible load
Sec 2J0.23(B)
'These gaug-es are for copper co nduno rs.
For receprncle rating of' cord-connecred electric-di.Kharge luminai res, see 4 I 0.6\!(C).
2020 Edition
be supplied from equipment that supplies an individual dwelling unit or tenant space.
Informational Note: E.xarnples of public or common a.reas
include, but are not limited LO, .lobbies, corridors, stairways,
laundry rooms, roofs, elevmors. washrooms, store rooms, driveways (parking), and mechanical rooms.
sha ll
lnformar.ion::tl Note: See In.formative Annex .I for informafion
regarding ADA accessibrncy design.
(A) Cord Pendants. A cord connector tl1at is supplied b y a
permanently connected cord pendant sha ll be considered a
receptacle outJet.
(B) Cord Connections. A receptacle outlet shall be .installed
wherever fl exible cords witl1 attachment p.lugs are used. Where
flexible cord~ are permitted to be permanently connected,
r eceptacles shall be permitted to be o nutted for such corcL~.
(C) Appliance Receptacle Oullers. Appliance receptacle
outlets installed in a dwelling w1it for specific appliances, such
as laundry equipment, shall be installed with in 1.8 m (6 ft) of
the intended location of the appliance.
210.52 Dwelling Unit Receptacle OutlelS. This section
provides require ments for 125-volt, 15- and 20-ampere receptacle o utlets. The receptacles 1·equi1-erl by this section shal.l be in
addition to an.y receptacle tl1ati.s as fo llows:
Part of a luminaire or appliance, or
Controlled by a listed wall-moun ted control device in
accordance witJ1 2 I0.70(A) ( J ), Exception No. 1, or
Located within cabinets o r c upboard~, or
Located more than 1.7 m (5½ ft) above the floor
Permanently installed elecn-ic baseboard heaters equipped
witJ1 factory-installed receptacle oullets or omlet~ provided as a
separate assembly hy the manufacturer shall be permitted as
tl1e requ ired outlet or outlets for the wall space utilized b y su ch
pem1anenlJy installed heaters. Such receptacle outlets shall not
be connected to the h eater circuiL~.
lnformar.ional Note: Listed baseboard heaters include instruccions thar may not permit their installaifon below recepracle
o utlets.
(A) Genera.I Provisions. In every kitche n, family room, din ing
room, living room, parlor, library, den, sw1room, bed.room,
recreation room, or similar r oom o r area of clwelJing unit~.
receptacle o utleL5 shall be installed in accordance with the
general provisions specified in2L0.52(A)( L) through (A)(4) .
( l ) Spacing. Receptacles shall be installed such tl1at no point
measured horizomall)' along the floor li11 e of any wall space is
more man L.8 m (6 Ii.) from a recep tacle outlet.
(2) Wall Space. As used i.n this section, a wall space s hall
include the following:
Any space 600 mm (2 ft) or more in width (including
space measured around corners) a nd unbroken along the
floor line by doorways and similar openings, fireplaces,
and fixed cabinets that do not have coLmtertops o r similar work surfaces
The space occupied by fixed panels i11 walls, excluding
sliding panels
The space afforded by fixed room clividers, such as freestanding baH:ype counters or railings
(3) Floor Receptacles. Receptacle outlets in or o n floors shal l
not be coLL11ted as part of the required number of receptacle
out.l et5 unless located within 450 mm ( 18 in. ) of Lhe wall.
Part III. Required Outlers
210.50 Receptacle Outlets. Receptacle ouLlets
installed ,t~ ~peci.fied in 210.52 through 210.65.
(4) Countertop and Similar Work Surface Receptacle Outlets.
Receptacles installed for colu1te:rtop and similar work smfaces
a5 specified in 210.52(C) shall not be considered as tl1e receptacle ouLlets required by 2 I0.52(A).
(B) Small Appliances.
(l) Receptacle Outlets Se1·ved. In l11e kitch en, pantry, breaklast room, dining room, or similar area of a dwelling unit, the
two or more 20-ampere small-appliance branch circuit5
required by 210.ll (C)(l ) shall serve a ll wall and floor receptacle o utlet.~ covered by 210.n2(A), all countertop o utlets covered
b)' 210.52(C), and receptacle outlet5 for refrigeration equipment.
E:tce/1Lion No. 1: Tn addition to thP required receptacles specified by
210. 52, switrherl rwptaclPs supf1lied frorn a general-pmpo.w' 15- or 20-ampere branch circuit as require,t in 210. 70(/\)(1), Exreption No. 1,
shall be /1ermi1ted.
Exuption No. 2: l n addition lo lhP required rn:eptncles s/)111:ified by
210.52, a receplacle outlet to St'rve a sper:ific apt1liance s!tc1ll be /Jermilted to be .mfrpli"d from an individual branch circuit ratfd 15 amperes
or grea/e,:
(2) No Other OutlelS. The two or more small-applia nce
brnnch circuits specified in 210.52(B) ( I ) shall have n o otl1er
outJ ets.
Excej1tion No. 1: A ·rec.eptadt inslolled solf(V for the flP(trical swptl!:y lo
and support of an e!n:tric dol'k in any of tfu, rooms specified in
2!().52(B)( I ).
E..,;cl'{Jtion No. 2: Receptacle:, insutl!.ed to pmvirle potvP>· jlJI" .wipplemenlal equifmient and lighting rm gos-fired ranges, mwns, or /'Ountei~
mounted cooking wnits.
(3) Kitchen Receptacle Requirements. Receptacles in.5talled in
a kitchen to serve countertop surfaces shall b e supplied by not
fewer than two small-appliance brnnch ci.t·cuits, e itl1er o r bo tl1
ofw luch shall also be permitted to supply 1·eceptacle outlet5 in
l11e same kitchen and in other rooms specified in 210.52(B)
( 1). Additional small-appliance branch circuits shall be permit:
ted to supply receptacle o utle ts i.t1 ilie kitchen and o!J1e1- rooms
specified in 2 L0.52(B) (l ) . No small-appliance branch circui t
sha.11 serve more than o ne kitchen.
(C) Countertops and ·work Surfaces. In kitchens, pantries,
breakfasl rooms, dining rooms, and similar areas o f dwelling
units. receptacle outlet~ for countertop and work surfaces tJ1at
are 300 mm (12 in.) or wider shall be installed in accordance
witJ1. 210.52(C)(l)tl1rough (C)(3) and sh;:\11 not be considered
a~ the receptacle outlet~ required by 210.52(A).
For the purposes of this section, whe1·e ming multioutlet
a.~semblies, each 300 mm ( 12 in. ) of multioutl et assembly
con taining two or more receptacles installed in individual or
continuous lengths sha ll be considered co be one receptacle
(1) Wall Spaces. Receptacle outlets shall be installed so that no
point along tl1e wall line is more tllan 600 mm (24 in.) measured horizontally from a receptacle outlet in t hat space.
1:.':,.cception: Receptacle oullets sludl not bf' required directly behind a
range, coimter..,mnunted conking unit, or sink in lhe installation
described in figure 210.52(C)( 1 ).
(2) Island and Peninsular Counlertops and Work Surfaces.
Recepr.acle o utlet5 shal l be in.stalled in accordance witl1
210.52(C)(2) (a) and (C)(2) (h).
(a) At least one receptacle outlet sha ll be provided for
tl1e first 0.84 ni (9 fti), or fraction thereof, of the countertop
or work surface. A 1·eceptacle outlet shall be provided for every
additional J .7 111 2 (18 Ft2 ), or fraction tJ1ereof, of the countertop m- wrn-k surface.
(b) At least one receptacle o utlet shall be located witl1in
600 mm (2 ft) of the outer end of a peninsular countertop or
work surface. Additional required receptac.le outlet~ shall be
permitted to be located as determined by the installer,
designer, or buikling owner. The location of the receptac le
outlets shall be in accordance witl1 210.52(C) (3).
space exempt from wa
ti t "th·
- . 0 u e WI in ;-+ r 1"f X 300
(12 . ) - - Ou et WI 111 .600 mm (24 in-)
600 mm (24 in.)
A peninsular coLm tertop shalJ be measured from th e
connected perpendicular wall.
(3) Receptacle Outlet Location. Receptacle outlet5 shall be
localed i11 one or more of the following:
On or above countenop or work surfaces: On or a bove,
but nol more tJian .500 mm (20 in.) a bove , tl1e countertop or work surface.
In countertop or work su rfaces: Receptacle o utle t assemblies listed for LL.5e in countertops or work surfaces shall
be permitted to be installed in coumertops or work surfaces.
Below co1mtertop o r works sm-faces: Nol more d1an 300
111111 ( 12 in. ) below tl1e countertop o r work surface.
Receptacles i11st,illed below a countenop or work surface
shall not be located where the countenop o r work surface
extends more than 150 mm (6 in.) beyond its support
Receptacle outlets rendered not readily access.ible b y applia nces fa5tened in place, appliance garages, sinks, or rangetops
as covered in 210.52(C) ( I ), Exception , or appliances occupying a5signed spaces sha ll not be considered a.5 tl1ese required
outlet5 .
Informational Note No. I: See 406.5(E) and 406.5(G) for installal.ion of receptacles in co1.ui1enops and 406.S(F) and 406.5(G)
for insLallalion of recepcacles in work rnrfaces. See 380. 10 fo,·
ios1al lal.ion nfnrnltio1.,tlec a.ssemblies.
Informational Nme No. 2: See Annex J and ANSI/ ICC
Al 17.1-2009, Slm1d1ttd on Acr:11s,ibk at!tl Usablt B11ildfr1gs and Fatili-
.Range, counter-mounted cooking unit, or si nk
extending from face of counter
Space exempt from wall line
if X < 450 mm (18 in.)
Outlet within 600 mm (24 in.)
(D) Bathrooms. At least one receptacle outlet sha ll be
installed in bathrooms within 900 mm (3 ft) of the out5ide
edge of each basiH. The receptacle outlet sha ll be localed o n a
wall or partition that is adjacent to tl1e basin or basin cou11 tertop, located o n the countertop. or installed on the side 0 1- face
of tl1e basin cabinet. ln no case shall tJ1e receptacle be located
more tJ1a11 300 mm (12 in.) bek1w tJ1e top of tJ1e basin or basin
counte rtop. Receptacle outlet assem bli es ILsted for use in countertops shall be permitted to be iJ1sta lled in the countertop.
Informationa l Note: See 406 ..~(E) and 4()6.!i(GJ for requireme nc~ for installatio n of recepmdes in countertops.
(E) Outdoor Outlets. Outdoor receptacle o utJelS shall h e
installed in accordance wiLh 2l0.52(E) (1) through (E)(3).
lnformal.ional Note: See 210.S(A) (:~).
(1) One-Family and Too-Family Dwellings. for a one-family
dwelling and each unit of a two-family dwelling tJiat is at g rade
level, at leas t one receptacle o utlet readily accessible from
grade and not more than 2.0 m (6½ ft) above grade leve l shal l
be i.nsr.alled at the front and back of tlie dwelling.
Outlet within
(2) Multifamily Dwellings. For each dwelling unit of a multifamily dwelling where tl1e dwelling unil is located at grade leve l
a nd provided with incJjvidual exterior entrance/ egress, at lea5t
one receptacle outlet readily accessible from grade and not
more than 2.0 m (6½ ft) above g,ade level shall be installed.
Range, counter-mounted cooking unit, or sink
mounted in corner
FIGURE 210.52(C) (1) Determination of Area Behind a
Range, Counter-Mounted Cooking Unit, or Sink.
2020 Ei;lition
(3) Balconies, Decks, and Porches. Balconies, decks, and
porch es tl1at are witJ1 in 102 mm (4 in.) horizontally of tJ1e
dwelling unit shal l have at least one receptacle omJet accessible
from the balcony, deck. OI- poi-ch. The rece ptacle outle t shall
not be located more than 2.0 m (6½ fr) above U1e balcony,
deck, or porch walking su rface.
(F) L·mndry Areas. In dwelling units, at least one receptacle
outlet shall be installed in areas designated for the installation
oflaundry equipment.
Excef1ti11n No. 1: A receplacle Jar la·1.mrby eq11ipmml sh.all nol be
required in a dwelling unit of a multifi.imil:y building wlwre laundry
facilities are p1miided on the f>re·misesJor !L5e by all building ocrupan/,J.
Excef1lion No. 2: A reuplaclP /!Jr lmmthy equipment sludl not be
requirPd in other than onefamil~ dwellings whmJ laitnd1)' fariliti~s are
not, to be installed or permitted.
(G) Basements, Garages, and Accessory Buildings. for oneand two-famil y dwellings, and multifamily dwelling-s, at least
o n e receptacle outlet shall be installed in the area~ specified in
210.52(G) ( l ) tl1rough (G) (3). T hese receptacles shall be i.n
addition to receptacles required for specific equipment.
( 1) Garages. l n each attached garage and in each detached
garage with electric power, at least one receptacle outlet shall
be i.nstalled in each veh icle bay and not. mo1·e tl1an 1.7 m
(5½ ft) a bove tl1e noor.
Exception: Garage spar.es not altarh.l!lt lo an individual dtvelling unit
of a multifarnily ilwelling shall not require a receptacle otitlel in each
vehiclt bay.
(2) Accessory Buildings. In each accessory building wilh electric power.
(3) Basements. In each separate unfinished portion of a basement.
(H) Hallways. In dwelling uni.ts, hallways of 3 .0 m (10 [t) or
more in length shall have at least one receptacle outlet.
As used in tl1is subsection, the h a llway length sh all b e considered the length along lhe centerline of the hallway without'
passing through a doo1way.
(I) Foyers. f oyers ~hat are not part of a hall way in accordance
witJ1 210.52( H ) and tJ1at have an area that is greater than
5.6 nl (60 ft') sh,1ll h ave a receptacle(s) located in each wall
space 900 mm (3 ft) or more in widtJ1. Doorways, doo1~side
windmvs that extend to the noor~ and similar openings shall
nol be considered wall space.
3.7 Ii.near .m ( 12 linear ft) or major fracti.on thereof of show
window area meas1.u·ed horizontally at it~ maximum width.
210.63 Equipment Requiring Servicing. A 125-volt, singlephase, 15- or 20-am pere-raled receptacle outle t sh all be
installed at an acce.'isible location w ithin 7.5 m (25 ft) of the
equipment as specified in 210.fi3(A) and ( B) .
(A) H eating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment.
The required receptacle outlet shall be located on the same
level a~ the heating, au'--cond.itioning, and refrigeration equipment. The receptacle outlet sha ll not be conn ected to the load
side of the equipment's branch-circuit d isconnecting means.
E:,;ception: A rect>ptade o-utlet shall not. bt required at one- and IW<>Ja,mily dwellingsfor the seivim ofevaporativPciwlers.
(B) Other Electrical Equipment. Tn o tl1e1· than one- and twofamily dwellings, a receptacle outlet sh all be located as specified in 210.63(B) ( 1) and (B) (2) .
(J) Indoor Service E<iuipmenL The required receptacle outlet
shall be located within the same room or area as t.l1e service
(2) Indoor Equipment Requiring Dedicated Equipmen t
Spaces. Where equipment, other tJ1ai1 service equipment,
requires dedicated equipment space as specified in 1 l0.26(E ),
the required receptacle outlet shall be located within the sam e
room or area as tl1e elecu·ical equipment and shal l not be
connected to the load side of the equipment's branch-circuit
disconnecting means.
210.65 Meeting Rooms.
not more than 93 m 2
( 1000 fl~) in otJ1er than dwell ing unit~ sh a ll have o utlern fo1·
non.lockin g-Lype, 125-volt, 15- or 20-ampere receptacles. The
outlet. sh all be installed in accord<Ulce with 210.6.~(B). \.\There
a room or space is provided with movable partition(s), each
room size shal l be determined witl1 tl1e partition in tl1e position
tl1at result5 in the smalles t size meeting room.
(A) General. Each meeting room
lnfom1ationa.l Note No. 1: For d1e purposes of r.h'is section,
meeting rooms are ty pically rlesigned or intended for the gathering of seated occupants for such purposes as conferences,
deliberations, or similar purposes, where portable e lectronic
ec1u.ipme m such as computers, projectors, or simjbr equipment
is likely lo be used.
210.60 Guest Rooms, Guest Suites, Dormitory Units, and Similar O ccupancies.
(A) General. Guesl rooms or guesl suites in hotels or motels.
sleeping rooms in dormitory w1itS, and sim.ilar occupancie~
shall have receptacle out.lets installed in accordance with
2 l0.52(A) and (D) . Guest rooms 01· guest suites provided wilh
permane nt provisions for cooking shall have receptacle outlet5
installed in accordance witJ1 all of t.l1e applicable rules in
(B) Receptacle Placement. 111e total numbe r of receptacle
outlets shall not be less than required in 210.52(A). These
receptacle outlets shall be permitted to be located conveniently
for permanent ftm1i tm·e la)•out. At least two receptacle outlets
shall be readily accessible. Where receptacles are installed
behind tJ1e bed. the receptacle shall be located to prevent the
bed from contacting any attachment plug that may be installed
or the receptacle shal l be provided witJ1 a sujtable guard.
210.62 Show Windows. At least one 125-volc, sing le-phase, 15or 20-ampere-rated receptacle outlet shall be irL~talled within
450 mm (18 in .) of tl1e top of a show window for each
Informational Note No. 2: Examples of rooms chat are not meeting rooms include auditoriums, schoolrooms, and coffee shops.
(B) Receptacle Outlets Required. The total number of receptacle outlet~. inclucl.iJ1g floor outlets and receptacle outlets in
fixed furniture, sh all not be less lhan as determined in ( 1) and
(2) .
(J) Receptacle Out.leis in Fixed Walls. The 1·equired number
receptacle o utlets sh all be determined in accordan ce witJ1
210.52(A)(1) through (A)(4) . These receptacle o utlets shall be
permittecl. to be located as determined l)y the installer,
designet~ or building owner.
(2) Floor Outlets. A meeting room with a ny Ooor dimension
that is 3.7 m ( .I 2 fl) or greate r in any direction and that has a
floor area of at least 20 m ~ (215 ft2 ) shall have at leasl one floor
receptacle outl.e t, 01· al lea~L one floor o u1Jet to serve receptacle(s), located at a di.stance not Jess than 1.8 m (6 f-t) from any
fixed wall for each 20 m 2 ( 215 ft2) or major portion of floor
space .
Informa tional Nore No. l : See 314.27(8) for tloor boxes used
fo r receptacle~ locared in the floor.
ln fonmJcional Nole No. 2: See Article 5 18 for a~se,ubly occupancies designed for LOO o r more persons.
210.70 Lighting Outlets Required. Lig ht ing outlets shall be
installed where specified in 2 10.70(A), ( B), and (C) .
(A) Dwelling Units. In dwelling unit5, lighting outlet~ sha ll be
installe d in accordance w ith 21 0.70(A)( l ). (A)(2), a nd (A)(3) .
(1) Habitable Rooms. At least one lighting outlet con trolled
by a listed wall-mmmted conu·ol device shq]I be installed in
eveiy h abita ble room, kitche n , and bathroom. The wallmounted conu·ol device shall be localed nea1· an e n u,1nce to
the room on a wall.
Exception No. 2: Lighting outlets shall br pnwtitled lo /)e controlled by
occnj)mwy sensors Llwl are ( 1) £n addition lo listed Wllllr11wtmled
wnlrol devicts or (2) located at a cuslomtl1)' wall swilrh In cation and
rquip,ped with r1 mamwl ov1'1Tide that allotus 1hr semor to funrtion as
a wrdl switch_
(C) All Occupancies. For attics and w1.de1floo r spaces , utility
rooms, and ba5ements, a t lea5t o n e lig hting o utle t conta ining a
switch or conu·olle d by a wall switc h or listed wall-mounted
conn·ol device sha ll be instal led where these spaces are used for
storage Ol- contain equipment requit-ing servicing. A point of
control shall be at each enu-y that permit~ access to tl1e attic
a nd underfl oor space, utili ty room , or baseme nL. \'\1h e re a lig h ting outlet is installed for equipment req uir ing service, the lig·hti ng outlet sh a ll be installed at or near tl1e equipme nt.
Ex«,ptinn No. 1: In other than lritrlums and balhromns, onr. or morf
rec&ptac/,es controlled by a lifted wall-11wunted con/ml device slwLl be
pcnniltfd in lifu of lighting outle/.s.
Ext:fption No. 2: Lighting outlets shall br prrrnitted to be contmllfd by
ocmpancy sensors that a re ( 1) in nddition to listed wall-moimled
i:ontrot d;,vii:es or (2) lomtrd al ri customary w111/ switdt loc£1tion and
equij1ped with. (I mam1al override thal toill allot.ii thf sensor to function
as a wall switrh.
215.l Scope. This article co vers the insta lla tion require ment~,
overcurre nt protectio n require men ts, minimLUn size , and
ampacity of conducto rs fo r feeders.
(2) Additional Locations. Additiona l lig hting outlets shall be
i1uralled in accordance w ith the following:
Exception: Feedn~ for electrolytic cells as covered in 668.J(C)( l ) and
(l )
215.2 Minimum Rating and Size.
At lea5t one lig hLing outlet controlled by a listed wal lmounted conu·ol device shall be installed in ha llways,
stairways, attac hed garages, and detached garages with
e lecu·ic power.
for dwelling uni ts, attached garages, and detached
garages with elecu·ic powet~ at l.ea5t one lighting outlet
controlled by a listed wall-mounted con trol device sha ll
be installed to provide illumination on the exterior side
of outdoor entrances or exits with grade-level access. A
vehicle door i.n a garage sha ll not be conside red a.5 an
outdoor enu-ance o r exit.
\i\7here one or more ligh ting outlet(s) are installed for
interior stairways, tl1ere shall be a listed wall-moun ted
control device a t each floor level a.nd landing level tha t
in cludes an e nu-yway to control the lig h ting outle t (s)
where the stairway between floor levels ha5 six riser o r
l!):crption to (A)(2)(1), (f\)(2)(2), 11n1t (f\)(2)(3): In hallways, in
stairways, and al ouldoor entrancPs, mmote, central, or autmnatic
i:ontrol of fighting shall /Jr, pmnitlrd.
( 4)
Lig h ting outlet5 controlled in accordance witl1 2 10.70(A)
(2)(3) shall not be conu·olled by ll5e of listed wallmow1.ted cono·ol devices unless they provide the full
range of dimming conn·ol at e ach location.
(B) Guest Rooms or Guest Suites. In hoteL5. mote ls, o r similar
occupa ncies, guest rooms or g uest suites sh all have a t least o ne
lighting ouLlet conn·olled by a listed wall-mo unted conu-ol
d evice iru,talled in every ha bitable room a nd bathroom.
l!.xception No. 1: in other tluin bathrooms and kitclu·ns where prrJt!ided,
onf or nUJre receptacles controlled by a listed wall-mounted con/ml device
shall be permitted in liru of lighting IJtLilets.
2020 ll\lirjon
(A) Feeders Not More Than 1000 VoJts.
(l) General. f eed er conductors shall have an ampacity not
less than the larger of 21.'>.2(A) (]} (a) or (A)(]) (b ) and shall
comply with ll 0.14(C) .
(a) '"'h ere a feeder su pplies continuous loads or a ny
combination of con tinu oLL5 and noncon tinuous loarfa, tl1e
minimLtm feeder conductor size ~hall have a n ampacity not less
than the no ncontinuotL5 load plus 125 pe rcen.c of the con tinuous load.
txception No. 1: 1cf the assembly, inrtuding thP ovetrnrrent rleoires
prote,;ting tlw feeder(.~), is listrd for oj1emlion at I 00 percent of ils
ra:ling, the am.padty of th,,feeder conductors shall be pennil/ed ta be not
fi,ss than the sum ofthe rontinuous load plus the nonr:ontinuous load.
Excepti<m No. 2: \iWiere a /Jortion of a feedflr is c<mnected at both its
.mp/J/:j and load ends lo sPfi4ratef:v installed pressure connections CL,
rnvemd in 110.l 4(C)(2), it shall be pennittnL to hav,1an ampr.1cil~ no/
less than lhe smn of the continuou.r lnad f1/u:; the nonconti:n·iwiL5 load.
No po1tio11 of a feeder insll1lftd wuwr tfiL5 exar/1tion J/ut!f extend into
a:n enclosure containing eithn the feeder su/>ply or the f eedfr [o(ld lPrminations, as 1;ov111r,d in 110.14(C)( 1 ).
Exupti1Jn No. 3: Grmmded mnduclors tlwt are no/ mnnl'CtPd to an
overrnrrent devim sh(lll he penn£1ted lo bP sized al 100 perrml of lit/'
c<mtin uom and noncontinuous load.
(b) The minimum feeder conducto r size sha ll have an
ampacit1, not less than th e maximum load to be 8erved after the
a pplication of any adjustment or correc tio n factors in accordance with 310.1 4.
lnformaf.iona l Note No. l : See Examples DJ d1rough D 11 in
lnfr,rmative Annex D.
ARTICLE 2 15 -
lnformat.ional Nme No. 2: Conductors for feeders, as c;iefined in
Article LOO. sized ro prevent a voltage drop exceed ing 3 percenL
at the farthest outlet of' power, heating, and light.ing loads, or
cornbinat.ions of such loads. and where d1e maxi.mum total voltage drop on both feeders and b ranch circuits m the far1 hes1
outlet does not exceed 5 percent, will provide reasonable effi.
ciency of operat.ion.
Informational Note No. 3: See 2IO.l 9(A) , Info rmational Note
No. 4, fot voltage drop for bran ch circuits.
(2) Grounded Conductor. The size of the feeder circuil grounded condu ctor sha ll not be smal ler than that required by
250.1 22, except that 250.1 22(F) shall no t apply whe re grolmded conductor5 a re run in paral lel.
Additiona l mi nimum sizes shall be as specified in 215.2(A)
(3) u nder th e cond itio ns sti pula ted.
(3) Ampacity Relative to Service Conductors. The feeder
co ndu ctor ampacity sha ll not be less than that of th e service
conductors where the feeder conductor s can-y the tota l load
supplied by service condu ctors with an ampacity of 55 am peres
or less.
(B) Feeders over 1000 Volts. The a mpacicy of conduCLors s hall
be in accordance with 310.14 and 311.60 as applicable. Where
installed, th e size of the feeder-circuit grow1ded con d uctor
sh all not be sma lle r than that requi red by 250.1 22, except rh at
250. J 22 (F) sha ll not apply where grounded conductors are rw1
in parall el. Feeder conductors over I 000 volts sha ll be sized in
accordance with 2 15.2(B)( I ), (B) (2), or (B) (3) .
( 1) Feeders Supplying Transformers. The a mpacity of feeder
conductors shall not be less than the sum of the na me plate
ratings of Lhe tra nsforme rs sup p.lie d when o nly transformers
are suppli ed.
(2) Feeders Supplying Transformers and Utilization Equipment. T he am pacity of feeders su pplying a combination of
transforme rs a nd u tilization equipmen t sha ll not be less tha n
the swn of the namepla te ratings of the transforme1·s a nd
125 percen t of the designed potential load of the utilizatio n
equipmem that,vi ll be o pe rated sim ultanenu~ly.
(3) Supervised Installations. Fo t· su pe1·vised installa tio ns,
feeder conductor sizing sha ll be permitted to b e determined by
qualified persons unde r engineering su pervision in accord ance
with 3 10.l 4( B) or 3 l l.60( B) . Supervised installations are
defined as Lhose portions of a facility where all of the following
conditions are met:
Conditions of desig n a nd ir1~talla tio.n a1·e provided under
engi neering supe1-vision.
Qualified persons with documen ted tn.in ing a nd expe1ie nce in over 1000-volt systems provide maintenan ce,
monitoring, a nd serviciJ1g of the system.
215 .3 Overcurrent Protection. Feeders shall be prorected
against overcu rren t in accordan ce with Part 1 or Ar ticle 240.
Whe1·e a feeder sup plies continuo us loads o r a ny combination
of continuo us and noncontin uou~ loads, the ra ting of th e overcurre nt d evice shall no t be less Lha n the no ncontin uous load
plus 125 pe1-cel1l of the contin uous lo<1d.
Excej>tion: Wherr thr as.mmbly, including the (J(Je1nmrml devites
prot n:ting the jPeder(s ), is listed for o/Jeration al LOO j,e,r;en.t of ifs
rating, the am/Jere mting rif the overrnmmt devicr slwfl be pP.nniUed to
be nnl less than t.l,e sum of!.hr rnntin't tmls load plus the nonconliniww
215.4 Feede1-s wilh Common Neutral Conductor.
(A) Feeders with Common Neutral. Up to tlu·ee set5 of 3-wire
feeders or Lwo set~ of 4-wire or 5-wfre feeders sha ll b e permitted
to utilize a com mo n neutral.
(B) In Me tal Raceway or .Enclosure. ,i\,'here Lnstalled in a me tal
raceway o r o th er metal enclosu re , a ll conductors of a ll feed ers
using a commo n ne utral conductor sha ll be e nclosed within
the same raceway or 0 Lhe1· e nclosure a~ requi red in 300.20.
215.5 Diagrams of Feeders. If required by the a utho rit)'
havi ng jurisdictio n, a d iagra m s howin g feeder details shall be
p rnvided prior to t he installa tion of th e feeders. Such a
diagrnm sh a ll show the a rea in square feet of the building or
other su·ucture supplied by each feeder, the total calcul ated
load before applyi ng demand fact.ors, the demand factors used,
the calculated load after applying dema nd factors, and tl1e size
and typ e of cond ucto rs to be m ed .
215.6 Feeder Equipment Grounding Conductor. \<\fhere a
feeder supplies branch circuit~ in whicl1 equipment grounding
con d uctors are required, the feeder sh a ll in clude or provide an
equipment ground ing cond uctor, to whic h th e e quipme n t
g rounding cond uc tors of the bra nch circuits shall be connected. Wher e the feeder supplies a separate building or su·ucture,
the re quirement~ of 250.32 shall apply.
215.7 Ungrounded Conductors Tapped from Grounded
Systems. Two-wire de c ircuits and ac c ircui ts of two 0 1· more
u ngro tmded con d uctors sh a ll be pe rmitte d to be tapped from
the tu1grounded conductors of circu its having a grou nded
n euu·al conductor. SwiLching de vices in each ta pped circui l
shall h ave a pole in each u ngrounded conductor.
215.9 Ground-Faull Circuit-Interrupter Protection for Personnel. Feeders shall be per m.itted to h e protected by a grow1dfaulLc ircuit.interrupter installed iJ1 a readily accessible locatio n
in lie u of the pro visio ns for such interrupte rs as specified in
210.8 and 590.6(A).
215.10 Ground-Fault Protection of Equipmenl. Each feeder
d isconnect rated IO00 a mperes or m ore an d installed o n solid ly
grounded wye electr ical systems of mo re tha.n 150 volts to
grow1d, but no t exceeding 600 volt5 phase-to-phase, ~hall be
provided witl1 ground-fault protection of equipme m in accordan ce with 230.95.
l nfo rma t.io na l Nme: For bu.il(lings 1.h at cont,,fo health care occupancies, see 517. 17.
1.-'.xr:ep!.inn Nn. 1: This section shall not aj1ply lo a disconnr.cting nieans
for n continuous industrial proffSS whmr a nrmorderly shnl.down will
introduc,, additional or in.creased haz.mrls.
l!.'xct/1Lion No. 2: This section shall not app{y ifgrrmndfa·1tlt f1rntection
ofequifnnrmt is fYrovi4ed on thr .mf1ply side of lhl' f Pfder rind 1m the load
si.de of any lransfonner S'!Lf>plying the fefde1:
Excl'j1lion No. 3 : If temporary feeder cond1uto1~· are used to wnnect a
(I farility for repair, nwinlenance, or emngencies, grm.vndc
fau/J. /Jmtection ~f equi/nnent shall not be required. Temporaly feedn:i
with.out ground-fault pmtection shall he perniilted for /he time pnind
necemiry b~il :;hall not. exceed 90 daJw.
genflmlor lo
215.11 Circuits Derived from Autotransformers. Feeders shal l
n ot be derived from au totransformers un less the system
supplied has a grounded conduc trn· tl1qt is elecffically connected to a grounded conducto r of the system supplying th e a utotransformer.
Excepi·ion No. 1: An autotransformer shall be pemlitted without lhe
connection to a gmunded rnndw:tor whm! tmnsforming from n nominal 208 vol!s lo a nmni·nal 240-voll supp{v or similar~ Jmm 240 volls
to 208 volts.
l.xcfption No. 2: in indwlri.nl occupancies, whrre rnndilions of maintenance and si1/1eroisinn ensitrf that only quolifi.ed person.t servicr the
imtallation, autotmnsformen shall br permittrd to .rnf>/1/y nornini1l
600-volt lor;ds from nominal 48()..volt systnns, and 480.voll loads from
nominal 600-volt ~ysterns, witlwut lite connertion to a similar gm unded conductm:
An approved permanent marking means such as sleeving
or shrink-tubing tliat is suitable for the conductor size, at
all ternlinatiou, connection, and splice poinL5, witl1.
imprinted plus signs (+) or tl1e word POSITIVE or POS
durably marked on insulation of a color other tl1an
g1·een, wh ite, gray, or black
(b) Nr.gativP Po(arity, Sizes 6 A WG or Smalle1: \\There the
negative polarity of a de system does not serve as tl1e connection for the g ro unded conductor, each negative LU1grouncled
conducto1· shal l be identified b)' one of the following means:
215. 12 Identification for Feeders.
(A) Grounded Conductor. The g1·ounded conducto1· of a
feede1; if insulated, shall be identified i.t1 accordance with
(B) Equipment
Grounding Conductor. The
grounding conductor shall be identified in accordance with
250.1 19.
(C) Identification of Ungrounded Conductors. Ungrow1ded
conductors shal l be identified in accordance with 2 I5.12(C) ( l )
or (C)(2), as ,1pplicable.
(1) Feeders Supplied from More Than One Nominal Voltage
System. \!\There tl1e prem.ises wiring system has feeders
supplied frbm more than one nominal voltage system, each
ungrounded conductor of a fee der shall be identified by phase
or line and system ar all termination, connection, and splice
points in compliance with 2 15.12(G) (1) (a) and (b).
(a) Means of ldentijiration. The means of ide ntification
shal l be permitted to be by separate color coding, marking
tape, tagging, or other approved means.
(b) Posting ofldrmtification Means. The method utilized for
conductors 01·iginating wi thin each feeder panelboard or similar feeder distribution equipment shall be documented in a
marn1er that is readily available or shall be permanently posted
at each feeder panelboard or simila1· feeder disu-ibution equipment.
(2) Feeders Supplied from Direct-Current Systems. Where a
feeder is supplied from a de system operati11g at more than
6() volts, each ungrnunded conductor of 4 AWG or larger shall
be identified by polarity al all termination, connection, and
splice point~ by marking tape, tagging. or other approved
means; each ungrounded conductor of 6 AWG or smal.le1- shall
be identified by polarity al all termination, connection, and
splice points in compliance with 215.12(C) (2) (a) and (b) . The
identification methods utilized for conductors originating
within each feeder pwelboard o r _simila1· feeder distribution
equipm em shall be documentect in a manner tha,t is readily
available or shall be permanently posted at each feeder panelboard or similar feeder disu·ibution equipment.
(a) Positivf Polw·ily, Sizes 6 A WG or Srnalle1: 'Where the positive polarity of a de system does not serve as tl1e connection for
the grounded conductor, each positive ungrounded conductor
shall be identified by one of the following means:
A continuous red outer finish
A continuous reel stdpe durably marked a long the
conductor's entire lengtl1 011 insulation of a color other
than green, white, gray, or black
Imprinted plus signs (+) or the word POSITIVE o r POS
dw-ably marked on insulation of a colrn· otl1er than
green, wh ite , gray, 01· black, and repeated at intervals not
exceeding 610 mm (24 in.) in accot·dance with 310.S(B)
2020 ll\lirjon
A con ti.nuou.5 black o uter finish
A continuous black stri pe dw·ably ma1-ked along the
conductor's entire le ngth on insuJati.on of a color otlu;r
than green, white, gray, or red
lmpri.t1ted minus signs (-) or tl1e word NEGATIVE or
NEC durably marked on insulation of a color other than
gi·een, white, gray, or red, and repeated at intervals not
exceeding 610 mm (24 in.) in accordance witl1 3 10.S(B)
An approved permanent ma1·king means such a5 sleeving
or shrink-tubing that is suitable for the conductor size, at
all termination, connection, a nd splice point~, witl1
imprinted mimrn signs (-) or the word NEGATIVE o r
NEG durably marked 011 insulation of a color other thw
green, white, gray, or red
Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Load
Part I. General
220.1 Scope. This article provides requirement5 for calcnlating branch-c ircuit, feede1; and service k,ad5. Part 1 pi-ovides
general requirements for calculation meth()d5. Part II provides
calculation metl10cL5 for branch-circuit loads. Part5 ID and IV
provide calculation methods for reeder and service loads.
Part V provides calculation methods for farm loads .
Informal.iona l Note No.
Annex D.
I, See examples in Informative
[nformal.ional Note No. 2: See Figure 220.1 for informal.ion on
che organi1.alion of Anide 220.
220.3 Other Articles for Specific-Purpose Calculations. Table
220.3 shall provide references for specific-pLU·pose calculaLion
requirements not located in Chapters 5, 6, or 7 that amend or
supplement the requirement5 of tl1is a,rticle.
220.5 Calculations.
(A) Voltages. Unless Other voltages are specified, for purposes
of calculating branch-circuit and reeder loads, nominal system
voltages of J 20, 120/ 240, 208Y/ J20, 240, 347, 480¥/277, 480,
600¥/ 34-7, and 600 volt~ shall be used.
(B) Fractions of an Ampere. Calculations shall be permitted to
be rOLmded ro the nearest whole ampe1°e, witl1 decimal fractions smaller tl1an 0.5 dropped.
Part I General
Part II Branch-circuit load calculations
(B) Energy Code. Where the building i~ designed and
constructed to comply with an energy code adopted by th e
local authority, the lighting load shall be permitted to be calculated using the un it values specified in the energy code where
the following conditio ns are met:
( I)
Part Ill
Feeder and
service load
Part IV
feeder and
service load
Farm dwellings
Farm dwellings
A power moniw1-ing system is installed tllat will provide
contiJrnou s in formation regarding the total general lig hting load of th e build ing .
The power mon itoring system 1vi.ll b e set with alarm
values to alert the building own er or m anager if tl1e lighting load exceecl~ t he values set by the en e rgy code. Automatic mean s lo take action to 1-educe the connected load
shall h e permitted .
The demand facto rs specified in 220.42 are noLapplied to
the gen eral lighting load.
The continuous lm1d multiplier of l 2!'i percen t sh a ll be
FIGURE 220.J Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Load
Calculation Methods.
220.1 4 Other Loads - AH O cc·u pancies. In alJ occupa ncies,
the minimum load for each outlet for genera.I-use receptacles
and outleL~ not u sed for general illumination shall not be less
tl1a11 that calculated in 220.l 4(A) through (M), tl1e loads
s hown being hased on nominal br;m ch-circ;uit voltages.
Part II. Branch-Circuit Load Calculations
1'..'xctj1Linn: The loads of nullets serving switchbolvrds and switching
Jmmes in t,eleplwne fxclumges shall b~ waived from the mlc1.dalions.
Part V Farm load calculations
220.10 General. Branch-circuit loads shall be calculated as
sh own in 220.12, 220.1 4 , and 220.16.
220.11 Floor Area. The floor area fo r each floor sha ll be calculated from the o u t5ide dimensions of the building, dwelli.ng
unit, or other area involved. F or dwelling units, the calculated
fl oor area shall not include open porch es, garages, or unused
or nnfini.shed spac;:es not adaptable for furu,re use .
220.12 Lighting Load for Non-Dwelling Occupancies.
(A) General. A unit load of not les, than tJ1at specified in
Table 220.12 fo r non-dwelling occupancies and the floor are a
determined in 220.11 shall be used to calcLLlate the miJ1imum
lighting load. Motors rated less tl1an 1/g HP and con nected to a
lighting circuit s hall be con sidered general lighting load.
Informa tional Note: The 11ni1 values of Tohle 220.12 are based
on minimum load condirjons and 100 percem power facwr an<l
may 1101 provide sufticiem capacity for the i nsLallai.lon cnmemp laterl.
(A) Specific Appliances or Loads. A J1 outlet for· a specifi c
appliance or otl1er load not covered in 220. J4(B) tl1rough (M)
shall be caln1lated based on the ampere rating of tl1e appliance
or load served .
(B) Electric Dryers and Electric Cooking Appliances in Dwellings and Household Cooking Appliances U sed in Instructional
Programs. Load calcula tio n s sh a ll be permitted as specified in
220.54 for electric dryers and in 220.55 for electric ranges ,md
other cookiJ1g applian ces.
(C) Motor Outlets. Loads for motor outlet~ ~hall be calc11lated
in accordan ce wi.t h the require ments in 430.22, 430.24, an d
(D) Luminaires. An o utle t supplying luminaire(s) shall b e
calculated based on tl1e max.imum volt-ampere rating of tl1e
equip m ent and lamps for whic h ilie luminaire(s) is i-ated.
(E) Heavy-Duty Lampholders. Outlets for h eavy-du ty lam pholde1·s shall be calcu lated at a minimum o1' 600 volt-amperes.
Table 220.3 Specific-Purpose Calculation References
Air-conditioning and n ::h;gerating equipme nt, br,mchc-ircuit conductor sizing
Fixed clccui c heating equipmer\t for pipelines and vc~scls.
branch-circuit sizing
.Fixed e lt'Cl.ric s pace-hearing equipment, br,lnch-circuil sizing
.Fixed o utdoor electric deicing and snow-melting equipment,
branch-circuit ,izing
Motors, feeder dem and faCLor
:\fotors, m ulti.motor and combin<ltion-Joad cq uipmcm
Mo tors, several mo tors or a motor(s) and otbcr load(s)
Over 600-voli. branch-circuit calCLLla1iom
Over 600-volt feeder calcula tions
Pha.~c c<rnveners, conducto rs
Storage-type wate1- hc.1ters
Section ( or Part)
Part N
2l 5.2(B)
422. ll (E)
Table 220.12 General Lighting Loads by Non-Dwelling
Unit Load
Type of Occupancy
Automotive fac ility
Convc11tion ccnte ,Counh.ous(·
Exercise center
Fin: station
Healtl1 care clin ic
Ho tels ,\nd 111o tels,
includ ing ap:u·tmcnt
houses without p rovisions
for cooking by tenants"
ManufaCtLuing facility"
Motion picture theater
Parking garage"
Pe nitentiary
Performing arts theater
Po lice statio n
Post office
Re Ligious facility
School/ universil)'
SporL~ arena
Transp ortation
l !j
l .4
No Le: 171e 125 percenL m ulciplier for a concinuous load as specified in
210.20(A) is included when using the unit loads in Lhis table for
calculating the rninimLLm lighcing load for a specit-ied occupancy.
"Armories and auditoriums a re considered gymnasiunHyPe
bLodge rooms are similar to hote ls and motels.
' lndusrrial cornmercial loft bufldings are considered manufacruringtype occupancies.
dBanks are office-type occupan cies.
cGarages - commercial (storage) are considered parking garage
C lubs a re considered reswuranc occupancies.
•'Barber .shop~ and beauty parlo rs are considered retail nccupancies.
hStores a re considered retail occupanc ies.
(F) Sign and Outline Lighting. Sign and outline Lighting
outlets shall be calculated at a nunimum or 1200 volte-amperes
for each required bra n ch circuiL speci fied in 600.5(A) .
(G) Show Windows. Show windows shall h e calcula te d in
accordance with either of the fo llowing :
( L)
The unit load per outlet a~ req11i1-ed in other provis'ions
of th is section
At 200 volt-amperes per linear 300 mm ( 1 ft) of s how
wi ndow
2020 ll(lirjon
220. 14
(H) Fixed Multioutlet Assemblies. Fixed 111ultiouLle1. assemblies used in other th<lll dwelling units or the g u est rooms or
guest suites of h otel.s or m otels sh a ll be calculated in accorda n ce with (H ) ( 1) or (H ) (2) . For the purposes of this section,
the calculation shall b e permitted to b e based o n th e portion
that contains receptacle outlet~.
·w here applian ces are w1likely to be lL~ecl simultaneously,
each 1.5 m (5 ft) or fraction thereof of each separate and
conti11uous length shall b e con sidered as o ne o utlet of
n ot less than 180 volt-amperes.
Where appliances are like ly to be used simultan eou sly,
each 300 mm ( I fL) o r fraction tl1ereof shall be conside red as an outlet of not less than 180 volt-am peres.
(l) Receptacle Outlet.$. Except a5 covered in 220. 14(1) and
(K), receptacle outlets s hall be calcula ted a,t not less than
180 volt-ampe res fo r each single oi- for each multi ple receptacle o n one yoke. A single piece of equipment consL~ting of a
multi p le receptacle comprised of four or more receptacles
shall be calculated at n o t less tl1an 90 volt-amperes per receptacle. This provision sh all not be applicable to th e receptacle
outlet5 sp ecified i.J1 210.l L(C) (l ) and (C)(2) .
Q) Dwelling Units. In one-fmnily, two-family, and multifamily
dwelli.J1.gs, the minimum LLnit load sh a ll be not less tJ1an '.~3 voltamperes/ m~ (3 volt-amperes/ fc2) . The ligh ti.J1g and recep tacle
o utlet~ s pecified in 220. l 4(J)( l ) , Q)(2), and (1)(3) are included in the minimum unit load. No addi tional load calculations
shall be required for such outlets. The minimum lighting load
s hall be d etermined using tl1e minimum unit load and tl1e
floor a rea as dete rmined in 220.11 for dwelling occupancies.
Motors rated less than Ys hp and connected to a Lig hting c ircuit
s hall b e cons idered part of the minimum lig hting load.
( 1)
All general-use receptacle outleL~ of 20-ampere rating or
less, includ i.J1g receptacles connected to tl1.e circuits in
210.ll (G)(3) and210.ll (C)(4)
1l1e receptacle outlets specified in 210.52(E) and (G)
TI1e lighting o utlets specified in 2 10.70
(K) Office Buildings. In office b11.ild i11gs, the receptacle loads
shall b e calculated to be the larger of (l ) or (2) :
(l )
TI1e calculaterl load from 220. 14(I) after a ll demand
factors h ave b ee n a_pplied
11 yolt-amperes/m~ o r l vol t-am pe re/ ff
(L) Other Outlets. OtJ1er outlet~ not covered in 220.1 4(A)
through (K) shall b e calculated based on 180 volt-amper es per
(M) Hotel and Motel Occupancies. In g uest rooms or guest
suites of h otels a nd m otels, tl1e lighting mi.cl receptacle outlet~
s pecified i.J1 220.1 4(M) (1 ), (M) (2), and (M) (3) a re included in
1J1e minimum unit load in Table 220. l 2. No additional load
calculations shal l be requi red for such o u tle ts. The 111.i.J1i.mum
lig hting load shall be determined using the m ini.Ju um unit load
and the floor area as determined in 220.11 fo.r hotel a n d m otel
occupanc ies.
(I )
All generah1se receptacle outlet~ of 20-ampere rating or
less, including receptacles connec ted to the circuits in
210 .11 (C) (~) and 21 O.ll (C) (4)
T h e receptacle outlets specified i.J1 210 .52(E) (3)
The lighting outlets specified in 210.70
220.16 Loads for Additions to Existing Installations.
Table 220.42 Lighting Load Demand Factors
(A) Dwelling Units. Loads added r.o an existing dwelling
un it(s) shall comply with the following as applicable:
Load~ for structural additions to an existing dwelling unit
or for a previously unwired portion of an existing dwelling unit shall be calculated in accordance with 220. 14.
Loacl5 for new circ uit5 or extended circuits in p reviously
wi1·ed dwelling units shall be calculated in accordance
wilh 220.14.
(B) Other Than Dwelling Units. Loads for new circu.it5 or
extended circuits in other than dwelli ng unit5 sh all be calculated in acconlance with eid1er .2 20.12 or 220.14, as applicable.
220.18 Maximum Loads. The total load shall not exceed the
rating of the br,1nch circuit, and it shall not exceed the maximum loads specified in 220. 18(A) through (C) under the
conditions specified therein.
(A) Motor-Operated and Combination Loads. Where a circuit
supplies on ly motor-operated loads, Article 430 shall apply.
Where a circLLit s upplies only air-conditioning equi pment,
refrigerating equ ipment, or both, Article 440 shall apply. for
circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utiliza tion
equipment that is fastened in place and has a motor larger
than ½ hp in combination with oLher loads, th,e total calculated
load shall be based on L25 percent of the largest motor load
plus the sum of the other loads,
(B) Inductive and LED Lighting Loads. For circuits supplying
lighting units Lhat have ballast~, transformers, autotransforme rs, or LED d rivers, the calculated load shall be based on the
total ampere ratings of such LmiL~ and not o n the mtal watts of
die lamps.
(C) Range Loads. ft sha ll be permissib le to apply demand
factors ror range loads in accordruice widi Table 220.55, including Note 4.
Part ill. Feeder and Service Load Calculations
220.40 General. T he calculated load of a feeder or se1vice
shall not be less than the sum of the loads on the brru1ch
circuits supplied, as determined by Part Ir of thi~ article, after
any applicable demand factors pem1itted by Pan III or N or
required by Pan V have been applied.
Informational Nme: See Examples D l(a) through D10 in Informative Annex D. See 220.18(8) for the maximum load in
amperes permitted for lighting ,.lllil~ operating at less than
100 pe rce m power facio r.
220.42 General Lighting. The demand factors specified in
Table 220.42 sha ll apply to dial portion of die total bra nchcircuit load calculated for general illumination. They shall not
be applied i11 deLennining the numbe 1- of branch cirn 1its for
general illumination.
220.43 Show-Window and Track Lighting.
(A) Show Windows. For show-window l.ighting, ,1 load o f not
less than 660 volt-amperes/ linear meter or 200 volt-amperes/
linear fool shall be included for a show window, measured horizontally a long its ba.5e.
Type of Occupancy
Dwelling uniL5
HoLc:ls and motels,
apartment houses
wi Lhou t pro~i.sion
for cooking by
All others
Portion of Lighting Load to
Which Demand Factor
First 3000 at
From 3001 to 120.000 at
Remainder over 120,000 at
First 20,000 o r less a1.
From 20,0UJ to l 00,000 at
Remainder over 1OU ,000 at
First l 2,500 or less at
Remainder over J2,500 a t
Total volt-amperes
*The demand fanors of this Lab le shal I not apply to the calculaLed load
of feeders or services s upplying ar eas in hotels and rnmels where cbe
entire lighting is likely r.o be l.Lsecl aL one Lime. as in ballrooms or dining
(B) Track Lighting. Fo1· track lighting in other than dwelling
units or guest rooms or guest suites of hotels o r mote ls, an
additional load of l !'iO volt-am peres sh all be included for every
tiOO mm (2 ft) o f lighting u-ack or fraction thereof. \!\There
multicircuit u-ack is in s talled , d1e load shal l be considered robe
divirled equally between the track circuiL5.
J,):aption: if the track lighting is rnppli.ed tlmmgh a device tlwt limits
thP current to the track, the load shall be jm'milled lo be calculated
ba.~nt on the rating of thi' d~vire med lo limit the 1.11:nrmt.
220.44 Re ceptacle Loads - Othe1· Than DweIJing Units.
Receptacle loads calculated in accordance wid1 220.l 4(H) and
([) shall be permitted to be made subject to d1e demand
facto rs gi1>en i.n Table 220.42 or Table 220.44.
220.50 Motors. Motor loads shall be calculate d in accordance
widi 430.24, 430.25, a nd 430.26 llild with 440.6 for hermetic
refrigerant motor-compressors.
Table 220.44 Demand Factors for Non-Dwelling Receptacle
Portion of Receptacle Load to
Which Demand Factor Applies
First JO kVA or less al
Remainder over JO kVA at
Demand Factor (%)
lnfomrntional Note: See 220.l4(G) for branch circuits supplying
show windows.
220.51 Fixed Electric Space Heating. Fixed elecu-ic sp aceh eating load s shall b e calculated at I 00 percent o f the total
crnrnected load. H owever, in no case s haJl a feed er or se1-vice
lo ad cu rre n t rating b e l ess tha n the rating of t h e la rgest bra n ch
circuit supplied.
1-.xcP/Jlion: \i\11,,er,, reduced loading of the conductors resulls fmm units
operating on du/;y-{,ydP, intf>nnitten.tl;y, orfmm all ·1,miti not opmiting
al the same limP, the aur,hority having jurisdiction mny gmnt. /Jt1·111issum for jfedl!I" and service amductors to have an ampacity less than
100 fiucent, pmvided the condw:tors havP an am.pacify for !he lond so
Dwelling Unit.
(A) Small-Appliance Circuit Load. In each d welling l Ulit, the
lo ad s ha ll be calculated at lEi00 volt-ampe 1·es for each 2-wire
sma ll-a ppliance branc h circui t as covered by 210 .ll (C)(l ) .
Whe re the load is subdivided th rough two o r m o re feeders , the
calculated load for each sh all include n ot Le.~s than 1500 volta mperes fo r each 2-wire small-ap p lia n ce b ranch circuit. These
loads sha ll b e pe rmitted to be included with th e gen eral ligh ting load a nd subjected ro t he d e m and factors p rovid e d i11 Ta ble
Exception: nw individuol branrh circuit t1wmitted by 210.52(B)(l),
.t'xception No. 2, shall be permitted lo be excluded jh,rn Lhe calrnlation.
required by 220.52.
(B) Laundry Circuil Load.. A load of n ot less tha n 1500 volta mperes s h all be incl uded for each 2-wire laund ry bra n ch
circuil install ed as cove red by 210. l J (C)(2) . This load s hall be
pe nnitte d to be included witJ1 th e general lig hti11g load a nd
sh all be s ul~ected to t he demand factors p rovided in Ta ble
220.53 Appliance Load - DweJling Unit(s) . lt s hall be permissible to a pply a d em an d factor o f 75 percent to the na m e p late
rating load of four o r m01·e applia n ces rnted 1/i hp or g reater, or
500 watt.~ o r gre ater, th a L a re fasten ed i n place, a nd th at are
served b y the same fe eder o r service in a o ne-family, two-family,
o r m ultifa mily dwelling . This d e m and facto r s hall n o t a p ply to:
H o useh o ld electric cooking equip me n t th at is fasten ed in
p lace
Cloth ei; d ryers
Space h eatin g eq uipme n t:
Aii~cond itioning equipme n t
220.54 Electric Oolhes Dryers - Dwelling Unit(s) . The lo ad
for h o useh old elecu·ic clotJ1es d rye rs in a d welling uJlit(s) shall
b e e ither 5000 watts (volt-am peres) or the n a meplate ratin g ,
whichever is large r, for each ch·yer served. Th e use of the
demand factors in Table 220.54 shall b e permitted. Where two
or more sing le-phase dryers are supplied by a 3-pha~e, 4-wi.re
feed er or service, the total load shall be calculated o n the b asis
o f tw ice the m axim um number connected b e tween a ny two
phases. Kilovolt-ampe res (kVA) s hall be considered equivale nt
to ki lowatt5 (kW) for Load s ca lculated in th is section.
2020 ll\lirjon
Number of
Demand Factor
220.52 Small-Appliance and Laundry Loads -
(l )
Table 220.54 Demand Factors for Household Electric CJothes
12- 23
47% minus 1 % for each dryer
exceeding 11
3.5% minus 05% for each dryer
exceeding 23
43 and over
220.55 Electric Cooking Appliances in Dwelling Units and
Household Cooking Appliances Used in Instructional
Programs. The load for househo ld e lectric 1-anges, wallmo un ted ovens, coLmte r-mo Lmted cooking mtits, an d o ther
househ o ld cooking a ppliances individua lly rated in excess of
11/t kW sha ll be p e rmitted to be calculated in accordan ce with
Table 220.55. Kilovol t-amperes (k\lA) sh all be conside red
equivale n t to kilowatts (kW) for loarl5 calculated l mde r this
sectio n.
Wh ere two o r more singl e-phase ra n ges are supplied by a
3-phase, 4-wi re feed er 01· ser vice, the total load sh a ll b e calculated o n th e basis o f twice 1J1e maxim um number connected
b etween any two p h ases.
Informa tio na l Nole No. I: See Lh e examples in Informative
A nnex D .
Informational Nme No. 2: See Table 220 ..56 lor commercial
cooking equipme n L
220.56 Kitchen Equipme nt - Other Than Dwelling Unit(s). It
s hall h e pe rmissible to calcula te the load for comme rcia l e lectric cookir1g equipmem , d ishwashe r booster heaters, wate1·
heaters, a nd o th er kitchen equipment in accorda n ce with
Ta ble 220.56. These d e ma nd factors sh all b e a ppli ed to a ll
e quipme n t t h at h as e ither th ermosta tic con trol or i.nternlitte nt
use a5 kitch en e quipmen t. The.~e d em a nd fac tors shal l not
apply to s pace-h eating, ventilati ng, o r a ir-conclitioning equipm ent.
H owever, in n o case s ha ll Lh e feeder or service cakuh1ted
load be less than t he s um of tJ1e la rgest two kitch e n eqLtip ment
load s.
220.60 Noncoincident Loads. Whe re it is u nlike ly that two o r
mo re noncoincident loads will be in LL5e simulta n eously, it shall
be pe rmissible to use o nly th e la rgest load (s) that will b e used
at o ne Lime for calcula ting the total l oad of a feede1· o r service.
\!\Th e re a moto r is pan o f t h e no ncoin cident load a nd is n ot t h e
largest of th e n oncoincident loads, 125 pe rcen t of the moto r
load sh all b e u sed in th e calculation if it is th e la rgest mo to1·.
Table 220.55 Demand Factors and Loads for Household Electric Ranges, Wall-Mounted Ovens, Counter-Mounted Cooking Units,
and Other Household Cooking Appliances over 1% kW Rating (Column C to be used in all cases except as otherwise permitted in
Note 3.)
Demand Factor (%) (See Notes)
Column A
(Less than 3½ kW Rating)
(3½ kW through 8¾ kW Rating)
Number of Appliances
Maximum Demand (kV.')
(See Notes)
(Not over 12 kW Rating)
15 kW+ l kW for each range
41 -50
25 kW + ·1/, kW for each rn.11gc
61 and over
I. Over 12 kW lhrough 27 kW ranges a ll of same racing. For ranges individually rated more lhan 12 kW but not more than 27 kW; the maximum
demand in Column C sh;ul he increased .5 percent for each additional kilowan of rating or major fract.ion thereof by which che rating of in,;lividLtal
ranges exceeds .12 kW.
2. Over 83/, kW 1.hrougl1 27 kW ranges of unequal rat.ing~. For ranges indivirlua.l ly rated more than 8 ¾ kW and of different ratings. hue none exceerling
27 kW, an average value of racing shall be calcularecl by adding togeLher the raLings ofaU ranges ro obrain the total connected load (using 12 kW for
any range rated less Lhan 12 kW) and dividing by the total number of ranges. Then the maximtu11 rlemand in Column C shall be increased r, perce nt
for each kilowan 01· major fraction thereof by which 1his average value exceeds 12 kW.
~- Over 13/, kW through 81/, kW. In lieu of the meLhod provided in Column C, iLShall be perm issible m add 1he nameplate ratings or all household
cooki ng appliances rated more than 1-¼ kW but not more chan 8'¼ kW and multiply the sum by the demano facLOrs specifie,;I in Column A or
Column B for the given number or appliances. Where che rating of cooking appliances falls ,mcler ho1h Column A and Column B, che deman(I
fuccors for each column shall be applied to the appliances for that column, and the result~ added together.
4. Br,rnch-CircuiL Load. II shall -be permissible LO calnJace the branch-circuir .load for one range in accordance with Tab le 220.55. TI1e branch-circuit
load for one wall-mounted oven or one counrer-mow1Led cooking unit shal l be the nameplate rating of the appliance. The branch-circ uit load fora
counte r-mounted cooking unit and nor more th,111 cwr,, wall-mounted ovens, all supplied from a single branch circuit and located in the same room.
shall be calculaLed by adrling the nameplate rating of the individual appliances and treating this total ,L< equivale111 LO one range.
5. TI1is rable shall a lso apply co household cooking appliances raced over I ¾ kW and used in instructional prog1-ams.
Table 220.56 Demand Factors for Kitchen Equipme nt Other Thao Dwelling Unit(s)
Demand Factor
Number of Units of Equipment
6and over
220.61 Feeder or Service Neutral Load.
(A) Basic CalcuJation. The feeder or service n e urral load shall
be 1be maximnm unbalance of the load determined by this article. The maximum unba lanced load sh all be the maximum net
calculated load between the neutral conductor an.cl any one
ungrounde d conductor.
220.82 Dwelling Unit.
(A) Feeder and Service Load. This sectio n applies to a dweUing unit having the total connected load served by a single
L20/ 240-volt or 208Y/ 120-volt sec of 3-wire service or feeder
conductor-s with a11 ampacity of 100 or greate,·. It shall be
permissible to calculate the feeder and service loads in accorda11ce with this section instead of the method specified in
Part ITT of this artic le. The calculated load shall be the result of
adding the loads from 220.82(8 ) a nd (C). Feede,- a nd se rviceenu·ance conductors whose calculated load is <letenninecl by
this optional calculation shall be permitted to have the neutral
load detem1ined by 2W.61.
(B) General Loads. The general calculated load shall be nor
less than 100 percent of the first 10 kVA plus 40 percent of the
remainder of the fol.lowing loads:
(J )
Exception: For 3-win, 2-phaM or 5-wirP, 2-phasP systn11s, the rnaxi-mum
·unbalanad load shall be the rnaximmn nPt calcitlaWJ load bettuPen llu•
nmtt:ra.l 1:ond11ttor rind any onP 1tr1.grol/,n{.led rnn1factor rnultipli./?d by
140 percent.
(B) Permitted Reductions. A service or feeder supplyi11g the
fo llowing loads shall be permitted to have an additional
dema11d factor of 70 percent applied to the amount in
220.61 (B) (I ) or portion of the amount in 220.6 1 (B) (2) dete rmined by the foBowing basic calculations:
A feeder or service supplying household e lectric ranges,
wall-mounted ovens, coumer-mowited cooking units, and
electric dryers, where the maximum unbalanced load has
been determined in accordance witJ1 Table 220.5.1'\ for
ranges and Table 220.54 for dryers
That portion of the unbalanced load in excess of
200 amperes where the feeder o r service is supplied Ei·om
a 3-wire de or sing le-phase ac system ; or a 4-wire, 3-phase
system; or a 3-wire, 2-phase system; or a 5-wire, 2-phase
(l )
(C) Prohibited Reductions. There shall be no reduction of the
neuu·al or grounded conductor capacity appl ied to the amount
in 220 .6 L(C)(l), or portion of tJ1e amoum in (C)(2), from that
cletem1i.ned b y the basic calculation:
Any portion of a 3-wire circuit consisting of 2 Lmgrounded conductors and the neutral conductor of a 4-wire, 3phase, ,vye-connected system
That portion consisting of nonlinear loads supplied Ei· om
a 4-wire, 1vye-co1mected, 3-phase system
Informational Note: A 3-phase. 4-wire, wye--co nnected power
system llSed ro supply power tO nonlinear loads may necessitate
ll1a1 the po wer system design allow for the possibilit) of high
harmon'ic n eutral conductor curre nLi,
Part IV. Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations
33 volt-amperes/m'.!. or 3 volt-amperes/ ft~ for general
lighting and general-u se receptacles. The floor ai-ea for
each floor shall be calculated from the o ut5ide dimensio ns of th e dwelling unit. The calculated floor area shall
not in clude open porches, garages, or unused or unfinished spaces n o t adaptable for future use.
1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-a111.pere smal.1applia nce bra11ch circuit and each laun<li-y branch c ircuit
covered in 210. ll (C)( l ) and (C)(2) .
The n ameplate rating of the following:
a. All appliances that are fastened in place, pe1·manently
connected, o r located to be on a specific circuit
b. Range s, wall-mounted ovens, counteHnounted cooking uniL5
c. Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry
b ranch circuit specified in item (2)
cl. Water heatei-s
The nameplate ampere or kVA rating of all permanently
connected motors not included in item (3).
(C) Heating and Air-Conditioning Load. The la1·gesc of the
following six selections (load in kVA) shill be included:
lnforni;1Lional Note: See Ex,1mples Dl (a) , Dl (b), D 2(b), D4(a),
and D.~(a) in In fo rmative Annex D .
100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the air concliLioning and cooling.
100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the h eat plrnlp
when die heat pump L5 used without any suppleme ntal
e lectric h eating.
100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the heat pump
compressor and 65 percent o f the supple mental electric
heating for central e lectric space-h eati ng systems. If tJ1e
heat pump compressor is prevented fro m operating at
the same time as the supple mentary heat, it does not
n eed to be added to Lhe supplementa1·y h eal for tJ1e tolal
centra l space h eatin g load.
65 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of electric ~pace
h eating if less tJ1a11 four sepai·ately conu·ol led lllliL5.
40 percent of the nameplate ratin g(s) of electric space
h eating if four or more sepai·ately controlled units.
100 percent of the nameplate ratings of e lectric chennal
storage and other h eating systems where the LLmal load is
expected to be con tinuous at the full nameplate val ue.
Systems q uali fying under this selection sh all not be calculated under an y other· selectio n in 220.82(C).
220.80 General. Optional feeder and service load calculatio ns
shall be permitted in accordance with Part TV.
2020 ll\lirjon
220.83 Existing Dwelling Unit. This section shall be permitted
to be used to determine if the existing senrice or feeder is of
sufficie nt capacil-y to serve additional loads. Where the dwelling
unit is served by a 120/ 240-volt or 208Y/ 120-volt, 3-wire service,
it shall be permissible to calculate the tolal load in accordance
with 220.83(A) or (B ) .
(A) Where Additional Air-Conditioning Equipment or Electric
Space-Heating Equipment Is Not to Be Installed. The following percentages sh all be LL,ed for existing a nd additional new
Load (kVA)
Percent of Load
First 8 kVAof load a t
Remainder of load at
220.84 Multifamily Dwe lling.
(A) Feeder or Service Load. It shall b e permissible to calculate
the load of a reeder- or service thaL supplies three or more
dwelling units of a multifamily dwelling in accordance with
Table 220.84 instead of Part ill of this a rticle if all the following
conditions are met:
( 1)
Excrption: When tlw mlrulated loadfor mnltifhrnily dwellings without
elecl.rit- coo/ling in Par/, ill of lhis article exceeds l.h.al calcula!.erl undr.r
Part IV for the identical load /1/us eledric cooking (based on 8 kW per
unit), 1hr lesser ofthe li.vo loads sh.nil br permit!Pd to bP used.
Load calculations shall include the following:
General lighting and general-use receptacles at 33 volramperes/ m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ft2 as determined by
1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere smallappliance branc h circuit and each laund1·y bran.ch circuit
covered in 2 10.l l (C) (1) and (C) (2)
The n ameplate rating of the following·:
a . All appliances that are fastened in place, permanently
connected, or located to be on a specific circuit
b. Ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking un its
c. Clot.hes drye1·s that a re not connected to the latuiclt-y
branch circuit s pecified in item (2)
d. Waler heaters
(B) Where Additional Air-Conditioning Equipment or Electric
Space-Heating Equipment l'> to Be Installed. The following
percentages shall be used for existing ,md ;Jdditicmal new loads.
The larger connected load o.f a ir conditioning or space heating, but not both, shall be used.
Percent of Load
Air-c()nditioning equipment
Ccntrd.l electric space ht'ating
Less than four separdtc ly
co111ro lled space-heating units
First 8 kVA of all other loads
Remainde r of all o ther load;;
(B) House Loads. H ou se loads s hall be calculated in accord ance with Par t III o f this article and s hall be in addition to the
dwelling unit loads calcu.lated in accordance with Table 220.84.
(C) Calculated Loads. The calculated load to which the
demand factors of Table 220.84 apply shalt include the following:
33 volt-amperes/m2 or 3 volt~mperes/fti for general
lig hting and general-use receptacles
1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere smallappliance branch circ uit and each latmdry branch circuit
covered in 210.11 (C) ( l ) and (C) (2)
Table 220.84 Optional Calculations - Demand Factors for
Three or More Multifamily Dwelling Units
N umber of
Dwelling Units
Demand Factor
General lighting and gen e ra.I-u se receptacles at 33 voltamperes/ m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ ft~ a~ determined by
220.1 2
1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere smallapplia n ce branch circuit and each laundr)' brancl1 circuit
covered in 210 .11 (C)( l ) and (C)(2)
T he nameplate rating of the following:
a . AU appliances that are fastened in place, permanently
connected, or located to be on a specific c ircui t
b. Ranges, wall-mounted oven.~, cou11te 1'-mou11ted cooking units
c. Clothes dryers that are nor connected to the la undry
branch circ uit specified in item (2)
cl. Water h eaters
Each dwelling unit is equipped wi th e ithe r electric space
heating or air conditioning, or boLh. Feedern ;md service
conductors whose calculated load is determined by this
optional calculation shall be permitted to have the
neuu·al load determined by 220.fil.
Other loads shall include the following:
No dwe lli ng unit is s upplied by more than one feeder.
Each dwelling tmit is equipped with elecu-ic cooking
eqLtipmen t.
61 and ove r
T he nameplate ratin g of the following:
a . All a p p liances that are fastened in p lace, permanen tly
connected, o r located to be on a specific circui t
b. Ranges, wall-moLmted ovens, cou nter-mou nted cooking u n its
c. Clothes dryers that are not conn ected to the l,1undry
branch circuit specified in item (2)
d . Wate,· heaters
T he n ameplate ampere or kVA rating of al l permanently
conn ected motors not included in item (3)
T he larger of the air-con ditionin g load o r th e fixed electr-ic space-heating load
220.85 Two Dwelling Units. ' "'h ere two dwelling ut1.iL5 are
su ppl ied by a sin gle feeder and the calculated load under
Part ll[ of this article exceeds d1at for three identical un its
calculated under 220.84, 1.he Lesser of 1.he two l oads s hall be
perm itted to b e used.
220.86 Schools. The calculation of a feeder or service load fo1·
scl1ools shall be permi tted in accordance with Ta ble 220 .86 in
lie u of Parr III of this ar ticle wh e re equipped ,vith electric space
h eating, air conditio ning, or b oth . T he connected load to
w hich the demand factors of Table 220.86 apply shal l include
a ll of t he inte1·ior and exterior ligh ting, powe1~ water heatin g,
cooking, other loads, and the lar ger of t he air-con d itioning
Load or space-heating load ,vithin the build ing or structure .
Feeders a nd se1vice con ductors whose calculated load is
determined by this o ptional calculation shall be pern"l.i tted to
h ave the neutral load deten 11.ined by 220.6 1. Where IJ1e building or structure load is calculated by this optional metl,od,
feeders \vitl1.in the b uild ing or structure shall have ampacity as
permitted in Part m of this artid e; h oweve r, tl1e ampacity of an
ind iv idual feeder shall not be required to h e larger th an the
a m paci ty for t he en tire b uild ing.
This section shall not apply to portable classroom build ings.
220.87 Determining Existing Loads. The calculation of a
feeder or service load for existin g i11stallations shall be pe,-mitted to use actual ma.xi.mum demand Lo determ.in e IJ1e existing
load under a ll of th e following conditions:
( 1)
T he m aximum deman d data .is available fo r a 1-yea.r
Exmption: If the maxim·um demand data for a I-year period i.s not
available, the calculated lortd shall bl' jJm'11titted lo be based on {hH
maximum. demrm1l ( the highest nveragl' kilowatts reached and maintrtined for ri 15-nrinute interval) rnntirmo!Lsl.y wcorded ov,w n mini-
Table 220.86 Optional Method - Demand Factors for Feeders
and Se rvice Conductors for Schools
Connected Load
First 33 VA/ m"
Plu s,
Over 33 through
(3 through 20 VA/ fl~) a l
220VA/ m 1
Remainder ove1·
220 VA/ m~
2020 E,;lition
mmn 30-day ptriod using a recording mmneter or potvl'r meter
connecled lo the highe.1t loaded fihose of the jPeder or srrvire, based on
!he initial loading al lhl' sta·rt of the rl'cording. The recording shall
rejlel't llu! ma:dmwn demand of 1h11 jfeder or serviCI' by bf'ing taken
when the building or s/Jare is ocr.11f!ied and shall inrlude by mea.mrement ar mlc-ulalion the largn- of thr. heating or cooling equipment load,
and othl'r loads that -may be fmiodic in nalurf du.e lo SPasonal or similar conditions.
T h e m aximum demand at 125 percent. p lus the new loa.d
does not exceed tJ1e a m pacity o f the feeder or ratin g of
the se1vice.
ll1e feeder has overcLu-t·en t protectio n in accordance
\'/ith 240.4, a n d d, e service has overload protection in
accordan ce with 230. 90.
l!.xception: If the feeder ar servi.tl' hos any renewable energy system (i.e.,
.1olar p!wtovolli1ic .1yslenu or wind e/Pctrii- systems) or employs any form
of peak. load shaving~ thi1 calrnlation ·method sholl not bl' /)f'rmitted.
220.88 N ew Restaurants. Calculation of a service o r feeder
load, wher e the feede r se,ves the total load, for a new restaurant sh all b e permitterl in accordan ce with Table 220.88 in lieu
o f Part Ill of this article.
The overload protecti on of the service con ducLOrs s hal l be in
accordance with 2~0.90 a nd 240.4.
Feeder condu ctors sh all n ot b e req u ired to be of greater
arn pacit)' th an t h e service con ductors.
Ser vice or feeder conductors wh ose calcula ted load is determ ined by this optiona l calculation sha ll be pen n ilted to h ave
tJ1e neutral l oad determined by 220.61.
Part V. Farm Load Calculations
220.100 General. Farm loads sha ll be calculated i n accordance
\vid1 Pan V.
220.102 Farm Loads- Buildings and Other Loads.
(A) Dwelling Unit. The feeder or se1v ice load of a Jann dwelling u n it s hall be calculated in accordan ce with the provisions
for dwellings i n Part III 01· IV of this article . \/11h e re the dwelli ng
has e lectric heat and 1.he farm has e lecu·ic grain-d1ying systems,
Part IV of tl1is article s hall not be used to cal culate the dwelling
load where tJ1e dwelling and farm loads a1·e su pplie(l by a
com mon service.
(B) Other Than Dwelling Unit. Wh ere a feeder o r sen~ce
supplies a fann b u ilding 0 1· oth e r load having LWO or more
separate branch circuits, t h e load for feeders, service conductors, a nd service equi p ment shall be calculated in accordance
with demand factors not less tJ1an indicated in Table 220.102.
220.103 Farm Loads - Total. Where s u pplied by a common
service, th e total load of the fa.rm for se,v ice conductors and
service eq uipment sh all be calculated in accordance with the
farm dwelling u nit load a nd deman d factors specified in Tabl e
220.103. Where there is equipmen t in two or more farm equipme n t b uildings or fo r loads havin g the sam e function, s u ch
loads sh all be calcu lated in acco1·dance with Table 220.1 02 and
s hall be permitted to he combined a5 a single load in Tabl e
220.103 for calculating the total load.
Table 220.88 Optional Method-Per.mitted Load CalcuJations for Service and Feeder Conductors for New Restaurants
Total Connected
Load (kVA)
O ver 800
All Electric Restaurant
Not All Electric Restaurant
Calculated Loads (kVA)
Calculated Loads (kVA)
10% (amow1t over 200) + 160.0
50% (amount over 325) + 172.5
50% (amountover800) +410.0
50% (amoum over 200) + 200.0
45% (amount over 325) + 262.5
20% (amount over 800) + 476.3
Note: Add al l elec u·ical loads, including both heating and cooling loads, 10 calculate th e to ral connecred load. Selecr d1e one dem and factor that
applies from the r.able, rhen m,,1Liply the toral connected load by d1is single demand factor.
Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders
Table 220.102 Method for Calculating Farm Loads fQr Other
Than Dwelling Unit
Demand Factor
Ampere Load at 240 Volts Maximum
225.1 Scope. This a rticle covers requirements for ouL~ide
branch circuits and feede1·s run on or between buildings, 5tructUt·es. or poles o n the premises; and electrical equipment and
wiring for the .~upply of utilization equ ipmenl that is located on
or attached to the outside of buildings, su·,1ctLU·es, or po les.
Informatio nal Note: Fo r additiona l into rmaUo n o n wiring over
1000 volts, see ANSI/IE,EE C2-2017, National Elecl1i.:al Safi1ly Code.
225.3 Other Articles. Application of other articles, including
additional requirements to specific cases of e quipment a nd
conductors, is shown in Table 225.3.
Part I. General
225.4 Conductor Covering. Where wi thin 3.0 m ( 10 ft) of any
building o r strnc ture oll1er than supporting poles or towers,
open individual (ae1·ial) overhead conductors shall be insulated
for the nominal voltage. The insulatio n of conductors in cables
o r raceways, except Type MI cable, shall be of thermoset or
the1·mo plas tic type and, in wet locations, shall comply with
310.lO(C) . The ins ulation of conductors fo1· festoon lighting
shall be of l11e thermoset or thermoplastic type,
Exceptiou: J:,qui/1117,pnf grmmding conducton and grou,,uJPd rirruil
conduclo1:f shall be jJermittell lo be br1re or covered as sjm-rfirally permit-
/Pd elsetvheir in this Code.
225.5 Size of Conductors 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less. The
ampacity of o utdoor branch-ciJ·cuit a nd feeder conductors shall
he in accordance with 3 10.14 ba~ecl on loads 3$ determined
under· 220.10 and Part III of Article 220.
225.6 Conductor Size and Support.
(A) Overhead Spans. Open individua l conductors shall noL be
sma lle r than the following:
For 1000 volts, nominal, or less, JO AV\TG copper or
8 AWG aluminum for spans up to 15 rn (50 ft) in le ngl11 ,
and 8 AWG coppe r o r 6 AWG aluminum fo r a longer span
LU1le.~s supported by a messenger wiJ·e
For over 1000 volL~, nominal, 6 AV-,!G copper or 4 ,'-\';,VG
aluminum where open individua.1 conductors, and 8 AWG
copper or 6 AWG a luminum where iJ1 cable
(B) Festoon Lighting. Overhead conductors fo r fesloo n ligh ting shall not be smaller than 12 AWG unless l11e conductors are
supported by messenger wires. In all spans e.xc,eeding 12 m
The greater of the following:
Al.I ·1oads Lhat arc expected LO opernte
siniulurneornly, QI'
125 percent or the fu ll load current of the
largest moto1; or
First 60 amperes of the load
Next 60 a mpe res ofalJ o the r· lo ads
Remainder of c)ther loads
Table 220.103 Method for Calculating Total Farm Load
InclividuaJ Loads Calculated in
Accordance with Table 220. l 02
Demand Factor
Largest load
Second largest load
Third largest load
Remaining loads
Nme: Tor.his total load, add the load of the fa rm dwelling unit
calculared in accordance with Pan Ill or IV of this a rticle. Where the
dwelling has electric heat and die fa,·m has electric g rain-dryi ng
systems, PartN of this article sha ll not be used LO calculate d1e
dwelUn~ load.
(40 ft), the conductors sha ll be suppo rted by messenger wire.
The messenger wire shall be supported by su·ain insulators.
Conductors m· messenger wires shall not be attached to a ny fire
escape. downspout, or plumbing equipme n t.
225.7 Lighting Equipment Installed Outdoors.
(A) General. For the supply of lig hting equipme nt installed
ouLdoors, the br,mch c ircuiL~ sha ll comply with Article 210 and
225 .7 (B) through (D) .
(B) Common Neutral. The ampacity of the ne1m-al conductor
shall not be less tha n the ma.,-ximm11 net calcula ted load cm-rent
between tl1 e neuu-al conductor and a ll ungrounded conductors
ton netted to a ny o ne p hase of the circuit.
(C) 277 Volts to Ground. Circuits exceedi ng 120 volt~, nomin a l, between conductors and not exceeding 277 volt~. nomina l,
to ground shall he permitted to supply l.u.mina ires for illumi11ation of outdoor ,u·eas of industrial establishm ents, office buildings, .~chools, stores, a nd other commercial or public buildings.
Table 225.3 Other Articles
Equ.ipment/ Condt1ctors
Branch circuiL~
CJass 1 , Class 2, and Class 3 remmecontrol, signaling, and power-limited
Communications circuiL~
CommLmity an tenna television and radio
distribution systems
Conductors for geneml wiring
Electrically diiven or con t,·olled
irrigation machines
Electric signs and o utJinc light.ing
Fire alarm systems
Fixed o utdonr e lectric d eicing and snowruelti.ng equipment
Floating buildings
GrOLmding and bonding
Hazardous (classified) locations
Hazardous (classified ) locatio ns specific
Marinas a11d bmuyanls
Medium-voltage conducwrs and cab le
Messenger-su pported wiring
Mobile hon1cs, manufactured homes,
and mobile home parks
Open wit;ng on insulators
Over 1000 volts, general
Ove rcu1Tent p1·otcctio11
Radio and telc,isio n equipment
Solar pho tovoltaic ")'Stems
Swimming pools, fotmtains, and similar
Use and ide ntification of grounded
3 11
( 16)
( l 7)
Type MC cable
Type MI cable
Type SE cabl e
( I 8) Type T C-ER cable
( 19) TypeUF cable
(20) Wireways
C ircuit~ of over LOOO volt5, nom.inal, shall be installed as
provided in :100.37.
225.11 Feeder and Branch-Circuit Conductors Entering, E.xiting, or Attached to Buildings or Structures. Feede r and
branc h-circ uit conductors e n tering 01· exiting buildings 01·
structures shall be installed in accordance with the re9uirements of 230..152. Overhead b ranch cit-cuit~ and feeders
attached to buildings or structures sha ll be installed in accordance with the requirements of 230.54.
225.12 Open-Conductor Supports. Open conductors sha ll be
supported on knobs, racks, bracket5 , or strai n insulators, that
are made of glass, porcelain, 01· o the r approved materials.
225.14 Open-Conductor Spacings.
(A) 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less. Cond uctors of I 000 voltS,
nomjna l, or less, shall com ply w ith d1e spac ings prnvided in
Table 230.Sl(C).
(B) Over 1000 Volts, Nominal. Conductors of over 1000 volt5,
nominal, shall comply with die spacings p rovided in 11 0.36 and
490.24 .
(C) Separation from Othei· Circuits. Open conductors shall he
separated from open conductors of od1e r circuits or systems by
not less than 100 mm (4 in.) .
(D) Conductors on Poles. Conducto rs on poles shall h ave a
separation of not less tl1an 300 mm (1 ft) w here not placed on
rack5 or hracket5. Conductors supported on poles sha ll prnvicle
a hori zo ntal climbing space not less d1an the fo llowing:
(D) 1000 Volts Between Conductors. Ci1-cuits exceeding
277 vollS, nomi11al, LO ground and not exceeding 1000 volt~,
nomjnal, between conductors sha ll b e permitted to supply the
al.Lx.iliary e quipmenl of e lectric-discharge lamps in accorda nce
with 210.fi(D)( l ) .
225.10 Wiring on Buildings (or Other Structures). The installatio n of o u tside wiring on smfaces of buildings (or other stn.1ctures) shall be permitted for circuits not exceeding l000 volt5,
nominal, as Lhe following:
( I) Auxilia1·y gi.m e rs
Cable trays
Electrical metallic tubing (EMT)
Flexible metal conduit (FMC)
Intermediate metal condui t (IMC)
Liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC)
Liq uidtigh t fl exible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC)
Messenger-supported wiring
Open wiring o n insulators
Reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC)
Rig id metal conduit (RMC)
Rig id polyvmyl c hlo ride conduit (PVC)
( 11 )
( 14)
2020 ll\lirjon
Power conductors below com munications conductors 750 mm (30 in.)
Power conducto rs alo ne or above com mun icaLions
a. 300 volts o r less-600mm (24 in. )
b. o,,er 300 volts - 750 mm (30 i.n. )
Communicati ons conductors below power conductors sam e as powe1- conductoL~
Com mw1icati ons cond uc tors a lo ne - no requirem e nt
225.15 Supports over Buildings. OuL~ide branch-circuit and
feeder conductors passing over a building shall be secure ly
225. 16 Attachment to Buildings.
(A) Point of Attachment. The point of attachment
ing shall be in accordance with 230.26.
a build-
(B) Means of Attachment. Th e means of attachm ent to a
building shall be iu accordan ce with 230.27.
225. 17 Masts as Suppo1·ts. Only .feeder or bra nch-circuit
conductors specified within th is section shall be permitted to
be attached to the feed e r a nd/ or branch-circuit mast. MasL~
used for the support o f final spa ns of feeders o r b ranch c ircuits
shall b e installed in accordauce with 225.17 (A) a nd (B) .
(A) Strength. The mast shall have adequate strength or be
supported by b races or gu y wires to safely withstand the strain
imposed by tJ1e overhead feeder or bran ch-circuit conductors.
Hubs intended for use with a conduit serving as a masL for
support of feeder or branch-circuiL conductors shall be identified for use with a mast.
nonbui.lcling or nonbridge s1Tuctures, clearances - vertical,
d iagonal, and horizontal - shall not be less thm1 900 mm
(3 ft) .
(B) Attachment. Feeder and/or branch-circuit conductors
shall not be auachecl to a ma.st where me connection is
between a weatherhead or the end of the condui t and a
coupling where me coupliHg is located a bove the la5t point of
securement to the building or other su·ucture, or where the
coupling i.~ located above the building or other structure.
(D ) Fmal Spans. Final spans of feeders or branch ci1 n1iL~ shall
comply witJ1 225 .J 9(D) ( 1), (D) (2), a11d (D ) (3).
225.18 Clearance for Overhead Conductors and Cables. Overhead spans of open conductors and open multiconductor
cables of not over LOOO volts, nom.inal, shall have a cleara11ce of
not less than the following:
3.0 J11 (JO ft) - above fmished grade, sidewalks, or from
any platform or projection that will permit personal
contact where the voltage does not exceed l.i'iO volts to
ground and accessible to pedestrians only
3 .7 111 ( 12 ft) - over residential property and driveways,
and those commercial areas not sul:iect to truck traffic
when" tJ1e voltage d-0es not exceed 300 volts m ground
4.5 111 (15 Ft) - for those areas listed in the 3.7 m ( 12 Ft)
classification where the voltage exceeds 300 volt5 ro
5.5 m ( 18 ft) - over public streets, alleys, roads, parking
areas subject to truck traffic, driveways on other th an residential prnperty, and other land traversed by vehicles,
such as cultivated , grazing, forest, and 01-chard
7.5 m (24½ ft) - over u·ack rail5 of railroads
225.19 Clearances from Buildings for Conductors of Not o ver
1000 Volts, Nominal. Oved1ead spans of open conductors a nd
open multiconcluctot· cables shall comply with 225.Hl(A), (B),
(C), and (D) .
(A) Above Roofs. Overhead spans of open conductors and
open muJticonductor cables shall have a vertical clearance of
not less tl1an 2.7 m (8 ft 6 in .) above t he roof surface. The vertical clearance above the roof level shall be maintained for a
di.stance not less tha11 900 mm (3 Ft) in all directions from the
edge of tl1e roof.
Exception No. I: The arPa above a roof surjr1ee subject lo fJedPslrinn or
vehimlar trafjit slwll have a vertical clem-ance from !he mof smfare in
accordanre urith thi> clettrante requirements <if 225. 18.
Exception No. 2: WhP.m the vollage bettoem cond.uctors does not txceed
300, and the mof luir n slope of 100 mm in 300 mm ( 4 in. in 12 in.)
ar greate1; a reditclion in clearance lo 900 rnrn (3 fl) shall be /Jermilled.
Exception No. 3: Wl,.em /he vollagP bftween conduCIO'IS does no/ exceed
300, a reduction in clfanmce above <m~ the overhanging portion of the
roof to not ll/S$ than 450 mm, ( 18 in.) shall be permitted if (1) not more
than 1.8 rn (6 fl) 1>[ lhr wnd'l1ct11rs, 1.2 m (4 fl) horizonta,llJ, j1ass
above the roof overhang, mu:l (2) they fl.re lfnninriled at a thro·ugh-them1>[ raceway or 11j1provrrl .mpf1ort.
l!.'xcej1tion No. 4: Tfu, 1r,qidremml for maintaining the vertical clertrante 900 mm (3 fl).frorn /he edge ofthr roof shall not apply to the final
rnnduclor span wlum1 the l'<mdw:tors mr· attarhed to the side rif n bu-ild-
(C) Horizontal Clearances. Clearances shall nor he less lha11
900 111111 (3 ft).
(l ) Clearance from Windows. Final spa11s to the build.iJ1g they
supply, or from which they are fed, shall be permitted to be
attached to the building, bur they sh all be kept not less man
900 mm (3 ft) from windows tl1at are designed to b e opened,
a11d from doors, porches, balconi es, Ladders, stairs, fire escapes.
or similar locations.
Excej1tion: Condw:tors run abnvl! the top Imel of a window shall /;e
permitled to be less than //,p 900 mm (3 Ji) requirement.
(2) Vertical Clearance. The vertical clearance of final spa11s
above or witl1in 900 mm (3 ft) measured horizo n tally of platforms, prqjecti.ons, or surfaces that will permit personal contact
shall be maintained in accor dance with 225.18.
(3) Building Openings. The over·head branch-circuit a11d
feeder conduclors shall not h e inst<\,llecl beneath. openings
through which materials may be moved, such as open ing-s in
fann and com mercial build ings, and shall not be installed
whet·e they obstruct enu·ance to tJ1ese o pe nings.
(E) Zone for Fire Ladders. ,l\lhe re buildi11gs exceed tlu·ee
stories or l 5 m (50 ft ) in height, overhead lines shall be
aJTanged, where practicable, so that a clear space (or zone) at
least 1.8 m (6 ft) wide will be left eitJ1er adjace nt m tl1e buildings or beginrting not over 2.5 m (8 fL) frorn them to facil itate
the raising of ladders when necessary for fire l'ig hti11g.
225.20 Pr<>tection Against Physical Damage. Conductors
installed on buildings, structures, or poles shall be protected
against physical damage as provided for services in 230.50.
225.21 Multiconductor C.ables on Exterior Surfaces of Buildings (or Other Structures). Supports for multi conductor cables
on exterior surfaces of buildings (or other str:uctures) shall be
a~ provided in 230.51.
225.22 Raceways on Exterior Surfaces of Buildings or Other
Structures. Raceways on exteriors of buildings o r other structures s hall be arranged to d ra in and shall be lis ted or approved
for use in wet locations.
225.24 Outdoor I..ampbolders. Wh ere outdoor lampholders
are attached as pendants, the connections to tl1e circuit wires
shall be staggered. v\lhere such lampholders have terminal~ of a
type tl1at puncture the insulation and make contact with tl1e
conduclors, they shall bl;! attached only to conductm·s of the
stranded type.
225.25 Location of Outdoor Lamps. Locations of lamps fo r
outdoor ligh ting shall be below a ll e n e,-gized conductors, transformers, or o ther electric utilization equipment, m1less e ither
of me fo llowi ng apply:
(J )
ClearaJ1ces or other safeguards aJ·e provided for 1-elamping operations.
Equipment is conu·o llecl by a disconnecting means that is
lockable open in accordance with .I 10.25.
(B) From Nonbuilding or Nonbridge Structures. From signs,
chimneys, radio and television antennas, tanks, and other
225.26 Vegetation as Support. Vegetatio n suc h as trees sha ll
not be used for support of overhead co nd uctor spans.
225.27 Raceway Seal. \,\There a raceway enters a build ing or
su-uctw·e from out5ide, it shall be sealed. Spa re or wrnsed raceways shall a lso be seale d. Sealan ts sh a ll be ide ntified for use
wi U1 cable insulatio n, conductor insula tio n, ba re conductor,
shie ld, o r othe r componen t5.
Part JI. Buildings or Other Structures Supplied by a Feeder(s)
or Branch Circuit(s)
225.30 Number of Supplies. A build ing o r othe r structure d,al
is served by a b ranch circuit or feed e r o n d1e load side of a
service disconnecting means sha ll be supplied b)' o nly one
feede1· o r bra nc h circuit unless permitted in 225.30(A)
d1ro ugh (E) . For the p urpose of this section, a multiwire
b ranch circuit shall be con sidered a single cir cuit.
Wh ere a b ranch ci.1-cuit or fee d e r o riginates in U1ese additio nal build ings or o m er su·uctures, o nly one feeder o r b ranch
circuit sha ll be pe rm itted co supply power back lo the o.rigina l
buildi ng or structure, unless pe rmitted in 225.30(A)
th roug h (E) .
(A) Special Conditions. Ad d iti onal feeders o r branch ci.rcuit5
shall be permitted to supply th e following:
( 1)
Fire p umps
(2) Emergen cy systems
(3) Legally required standby system.5
( 4)
O p tio na l stand by systems
Pa ra llel power p1·oductio n systems
Syste ms design ed fo r connection to multip le sources of
supply for the purpose of e nha nced reliability
Electric vehicle cha rg ing systems liste d , la be led, a nd ide ntified fo r more U1an a sing le b ranc h circuit o r feede 1·
Docking faci lities and pie rs
(B) Common Supply Equipmenl. Wh ere feed e1- cond uctors
0 1iginate in the same -pan e lboard, switchboard, o r 0 U,e 1· d istributio n equipme n t, and each feeder termin ates in a sing le
disconnecting mean s, not mo re than six feede rs shall be
permitted. Whe re more tha n o ne feeder is installed in accorda nce wiU, this section, a ll feeder disconnects supplying the
building or structure sha ll be grouped in the same locatio n ,
a nd U1e require me n t~ of 225.33 shall not appl)'. Each disconnect sh a ll be ma rked to ind icate the load served.
(C) Special Occupancies. By sp ecia l permission, additional
feeders o r bra nc h circuits s ha ll be permitted for e ither of the
fo llowing:
(1 )
Multiple-occupa ncy build ings whe re the re i~ no space
available [or su p ply equipment accessi hie lo all occu pant5
A sing le building or od1er structure sufficiendy large to
make two or more supplies necessary
(D) Capacity Requirements. Additional feede rs o r b ranch
ci rcuits sha U be pennitted whe re the capacity require ments a re
in excess of 2000 amp eres at a su ppl)' voltage of 1000 volt5 or
(E) Different Characteristics. Ad d itio na l feeders or b ranch
circuits sha ll b e permitted for different voltages, freque ncies,
or phases, or for d iffe re nL uses such as con trol of out5ide lighting from multiple locations.
2020 ll\lirjon
(F) Documented Switching Prncedures . Additio nal feeders or
br a nch circui t~ shall be permi tted to supply installations under
sing le man ageme nt where d ocLLmented safe switching p roced ures a re esta blished and maintained for disconnection.
225.31 Disconnecting Means. Means shal l be provided for
disconnecting a ll ungro w1ded conductors d,at supply o r pass
th rou g h th e build ing or strl1cture.
225.32 Location. The disconnecting m eans sh all be insta ll ed
eiUu:r inside o r OLLt5ide of d1e build ing or structme served or
wh ere the conductors pass d1rough m e building or su·uc ture.
TI1e di5co1111ecting means sha U be al a readily accessible locatio n nearest d1e point of e nu·ance of the conductors. For th e
purposes of this sectio n , the requirem ents in 230.6 shall be
u tilized.
Excepti<m No_ 1: For installations under single managmien t, where
doc1Jrnented .wife stuitrhing procedurrs me esiabfahed and 111aintained
j<1r discDnnettion, and where the installa/,i1m is monilorl'II by qualified
inrliviriualr, the d iscnnnecting m.eans shall be f1trm.iued to bP lor,ater,f,
elsf111hen' on the frremi.ses.
Exc1,pt:i<m No. 2: For buildings or other stnu:tnre$ qualifying under
Artirle 685, lhe disconnecting w.eans shall be firnnillal to be located
PLw,.vluwe on 1,/w fmm1ises.
Exu,plion No. 3: For lowers or poles u.sed as lighting slamlards, the
o-rl. !hi'
disconnecting means shall bt' j)en nilled lo be localed elsewh.tre
&cepti<m No. 4: For jJoles or similar structures used only for mpjim·t of
signs installed in accordanc/i iuith A rticll' 600,. !he disconnecting means
shall bl' permitted to br lomtn/. PLwwhew on thl' premises.
225.33 Maximum Number of Disconnec ts.
(A) General. The d isconnecting means for each supply
permitted h )' 225.30 shall con sist of no t more man six switch es
o r si.x ci rcuit breakers mo unted in a sing le enclosure, in a
grou p o f separate e nclosures, or in o r o n a switchboard or
swiLchgear. The re shall be no mo re d1an six d isco nn ect~ per
supply grouped in an y o ne locatio n.
Exception: For the /m1j1oses of this secli.rm, disconnei;ling means med
solely for lhf control ci'lmil of the gruund-frmlt protection system, or the
control circuit of the power-operatPd supply disronnecting means,
install/id as jiart of the li.rtrd equipment, shall not be considmnl tt
s 1.tpj)ly. discowwcting 111mns.
(B) Single -Pole Units. Two or Uiree sing le-po le switches or
breake1-s capa ble of individu a l o pe ratio n sh all be pennitted on
multi.wire circ uit~, o ne pole for each ung ro unded cond uctor, as
o ne mu.ltipole d iscon nect, provided d1ey a re equi p ped wim
iden tified hand le ties or a master ha ndle LO d.isconnect all
ung rounded con.d uct01·s wid1 no mo1·e th an six o peratio ns of
the h a nd.
225.34 Grouping of Disconnects.
(A) General. T he two to si.x disconnects as pen11ittecl in 22.5.33
shall be g rouped. Ea.ch disconnect sha ll be m arked to indicate
Lhe load served.
1.xti!jJri:on: One of thP /rvo Lo six disrnnnecting means /:iermitted in
225.33, 111/u,r!' imd only for a writerpurnp also intended to fnvvidi' jirr
/Jroti'ction, shall be permitted to bP located remote fr/Jrn the other disr.on11.erting means.
(B) Additional Disconnecting Means. The one or more additional disconnecti11g means for fire pumps o r for e m er ge11cy,
legally required standby or optional standby system permitted
b y 225 .30 shall be installed sufficiencly remote from the o ne to
six disconnecting me ans for normal supply to nli.ni.rnize Lhe
possibili ty of sim ultaneotL~ interruption o f supply.
switchgear section is ma.r'ked to indicate a g rounded conductor
disconnect is contained within th e equipment.
225.35 Access to Occupants. In a multiple-occupancy building, each occupant shall h.we access to the occupant's supply
disconnecting means.
225.39 Rating of Disconnect. The feeder o r branch-circuit
disconnecting means shall have a rating of n ot less 1.han the
calcul<1ted load to be supplied, determined in accordance witl1
Parts l and TI of Article 220 for b ra.ri ch c ircuits, P,irt III or JV of
Article 220 for feeders, o r Part V of Article 220 for fa.rm load5.
vVhere the branch circuit o r feede r disconnect.i.n g me ans
consist5 of m o re than one switch 01· circuit breaker, a5 permit,.
ted by 225.33, combining Lhe ratings of a ll the switc hes or
circuit breakers for determining th e rating of the disconnecting m eans shall be permitted. Tn no case shall the rating be
lower than specified in 225.39(A), (B), (C), or (D) .
1!.'.-cref1tion: ln a miiltiple-occitfxtniy building where eln:tril' supply and
electri.cal mainlPnance ,11-e provided by the building mrm.agernenl and
whel"I' these are 11-nrkr contfou.ous building num.agemmt sup«rv(,wn,
the s·tt/J/1~\I disconnt>cting rn.e1ms supplying more tlian one offtt,Pancy
shall be penniUed to bP accessible to authorized managnnent pt>rsonnel
on ly.
225.36 Type of Disconnecting Means. The disconnec ting
means specifie d in 225 .3 1 shaJI be comprised of a circuit
breaker, molded case switch, general-use switch, snap switch , or
other approved means. \.\'he re applied i11 accordan ce with
2 50.3 2 (B) . Exception No. l. 1.he disconnecting means shall be
suitable for u se as service equipm e nt.
225.37 Identification. Where a building or stnicture ha5 any
combination of feeders, branch circuits, or services pa5sing
tl1rough it or supplying it, a permanent plaque o r directory
shall be installed al each feeder and branch-circ uit disconnect
location denoting all other services, feeders , or branch circ uits
supplying that building or su·ucture or pa5sing through that
bui.lding or strucnire a nd the area served b y each.
Excef1tion No. I: A f1laquf or dire,;tmy shall not be 1,'1f!li111d for largecaf1acity rnultibwlrting industrial installations under single management, where it is ens-m-ei.l that di.sconr1ection can be a,;cmnfJlished by
esta(Jlishing anll maintrtining .wife switdl.ing procedures.
Excef1tion No. 2: This irlentijication shall not be required for branch
circuits installed /min a dwdling 11-nit to a second building or st1·ttdm-e.
225.38 Disconnect Construction. D isconnecti ng means shall
meet the requirements of225.38(A) through (D ) .
(A) Manually or Power Operable. The disconnecting means
sh all consi.~t of either ( 1) a manuaJly operable switch or a
i;irnrit breake r equipped with a ha ndle or o t11er suitable o pe rating m eans or (2) a power-operable switc h or circuit. breaker,
provide d Lhe switch or circuit breaker can be opened by hand
in the event ofa power failure.
(B) SimuJLaneous Opening of Poles. Each building o r structure disconnecting means shall simultaneously disconnect all
ungrow1ded supply conductors that it controls from the building or st.nicture wiring system.
(C) Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. Where Lh e building or stsuctw ·e disconnecting means does not disconnect the
grc,unded cc,n ductor from the grounded conduc wrs in the
building or strncnu-e wiring, othe r means shall be provided for
th L5 pw,pc,se a t 1.he location of Lhe di5connecting means. A
terminal or bus to which all grounded conductors can be
attached h y means of pressure connectors shall be permitted
for this purpose .
1n a mulLisection switchboard or switc hgear, d isconnects for
the groLmded conductor shall be permitted to be in any sec tion
oft.he switchboard or switchgear, if the switchbmu·d section or
(D) Indicating. The building or structure disconnecting
means sh all plainly indicate wh e the r iLis u1 the o pen or closed
(A) One-Circuit Installation. For installations to supply only
Limited loads of a single b ra.nch circuit, Lhe bra nch circuit
disconnecting means sh a ll ha,1 e a rnti.i1g of not less than
15 a mperes.
(B) 1\vo-Circuit Installations. For installations consisting of
not more than Lwo 2-wire branch cirnlits, tl1e feede1· or branchcircuit disconnecting means shaJI h ave a rating of not. less than
30 amperes.
(C) One-Family Dwelling. For a one-fami ly dwelling, the
feeder disconnecting means sha ll have a rating of n o t less than
100 ampe1-es, 3-wire .
(D) All Otl1ers. For all o ther installations, tl1e feeder or
branch-circuit disconnecting means shall have a rating of not
less tlian 60 amperes.
225.40 Access to Overcurrent Protective Devices. \,\The1·e a
feeder overcurre nt device is nc,t readi ly accessible, branchcircuit overcurrent devices shall be installed on the lo ad side,
shall be l110Lu1Led in a readily accessible location , and shall be
of a lower ampe re rnting Lha n the feeder overcnrrent device.
Part Ill. Over I 000 Vol ls.
225.50 Sizing of Conductors. The sizing of conduct0rs over
1000 volts shall. be in accordan ce with 210.19(B ) for branch
circu it~ and 215.2(B) for feeders .
225.51 Isolating Switches. Where oil swi tch es or ai.t\ oi l.
vacuum , or s ulfur hexafluoride ci rcuit b reakers constintte a
building disconnecting m ea.r1s, an i~olating swi tch witl1 visible
break con tact.~ and meeting the requi rement5 o f 230.204(B),
(C), a nd (D ) shall be installed on the supply side of the d isconnecting means and all associated eq uipmenL
.Excej1tion: The i~olating switch shall not be rrquiml whem lhe disrnnnecting means is mounted on remo11ablP trud1. pantls or swilchgPm'
•units that cannot be opened unless the circuit i.s disconnected and that,
tohen removed fivm the nonnal ojierating position, aulomalically
disamnecl the circuit brmk.er or switch from all energized fJarts.
225.52 Disconnecting Means.
(A) Location. A building or struc ti.u·e d isconnecting mean s
s hall be localed in accordance with 22.''i.32, o r, if not readily
accessible., iL shall be operable b y mecha nical linkage from a
readily accessible po int. For multibuikling indusu·ia l installa-
tions tmder single management, it shall be permitted ro be
electrically operated b y a readily accessible, re mote-contrnl
device in a separate building or su·ucture .
(B) Type. Each lmilcling or su·ucture disconnect s hall simulta-
neously disconnect all ungrounded supply conductors it
contro ls and s hall have a fault-closing rating not less than t he
available fault current al it5 supply terminals.
Exception: Whem llw individ'ltal discon·nerting rnerm,5 CIJ'Tlsisi5 of/1.t,W!ll
C'l-tlouls, the sinmlla11t1011,,,· disconnertion of all ungmwnded supj1ly
conductors shall n o/ be reqiiireil if there -is a rne,ms to diiconnect thP
load before opPn ing the cillou/s. A /wnnrment [fgible sign shall be
installed arljorml lo the fused m_itonlr r.md shall read DJSCONNJ::cr
Where fused switches or separately m ounted f uses are
installed, the fuse characteristics s hall be permitted to contribute to the fault-closing rating of the disco1rnecting means .
(C) Locking. Disconnecti.ng means shall be lockable open in
accordance with 11 0.25.
Exception: Mlhe1l' cm individual llisa;n1111rting rnerms 1xmsists offusecl
Clll outs, n suitable mdo.wr~ tapable of being lor.k.ed and siud to
contain all cutout Jnsr holder.; shall bl' ,instnlletl at a crmveni;mf !oration to the fuserl ciaouts.
(D) Indicating. Disconnecting means shall clearly imlicate
wheLher they are in the open "off' or close d "on:' position.
(E) Uniform Position. Where disconnecting means handles
are operated vertically, the "up" position of the handle shall be
the "on" position.
l.xception: A switching devir;e having rnore than one "on" position,
such (l,S a do11ble lhrotv switch, shall not OP '11'/Jllirrd lo cmnt1z~ wilh lhis
(F) Identification. Where a building or ~tructure has any
combination of feeders, branch c ircui ts, or services passing
through or supplying it, a pe rman ent p laque or directory s hall
b e installed at each feeder and branch-circtdt di5connect location that denotes ail other services, feeders, or brancl1 circuit~
supplytng that build ing or structure 0 1· pass ing through that
building or structure and the area served by ead1.
225.56 Inspections and Tests.
(A) Pre-Energization and Operating Tests. The complete elecu·ical system design, including setdngs for protective, switc hing,
and control circuits, sh all be prepared in advance and made
available on request to UH" authority having jmisdiclion and
shall b e performance tested when first installed on-site. Each
protective, switching, and control circuit s hall be a(ljusted in
accordance with the system de5ign and tested by actual operation using q.1rrent i1tjec tion or equivalent meth od s as n ecessary
to ens ure that each and every s uc h circuit operates cotTectly to
the satisfaction of the authority h aving jurisdiction .
(1) Instrument Thansformers. All insu·ume nt tra.nsforme ns
shall be tested to verify correct polarity and burden.
(2) Protective Relays. Eac h protective relay shall be demonstrated to operate by i1tjecting c urrent or voltage, or hoth, a t
d1 e associate d insu-ume nt tI'ansfonner output termina l and
o bserving that d1e associated switching and signaLi11g function.~
o ccur correctly and in prnper Lime and sequence i:o accomplish
tl1e protective li.111ction inte nded.
2020 ll\lirjon
(3) Switching Circuits. Each switching circuit shall be observed
to o perate the associated equip ment being switcl1ed.
(4) Control and Signal Circuits. Each conu·ol or·signaJ c ircui t
shall be o bserved to perform its proper conu·ol function or
produce a coITect signal output.
(5) Metering Circuits. All metering c ircuits s hall b e verified to
operate correclly from voltage and current sources in a simi lar
man.net- to protective relay circuits.
(6) Acceptance Tests . Complete acceptance tests shall b e
performed., aft.er the substation installation is completed, on all
assemblies, e quipment, conductors, and conn-ol a nd protective
systems, as applica ble. to verify tJ1e integrity of ail the syste m s.
(7) Relays an.cl Metering Utilizing Phase Differences. ALI rela ys
and m e tering tl1at use phase differences for operation shall b e
vel'ified by measuring phase angtes at the relay under actua l
load conditions after operation commences.
(B) Test Report. A test report covering tl1e 1·esults of the tests
required in 225.56(A) shall be del ivered to the authority
having jurisdiction prior to energization.
Informatio nal Nore: For an example of acceptance s pecificacions, see ANSI/ NETA ATS-2013, rlcre/1tar,ce Te.,ling Specif,mtiom
for Ete,:triraL Power DistlibUlion 1'.'guijmuml n11r/ Systems, pubLish ed b y
lhe lnterNa1jonal Electrical Testing Association.
225.60 Clearances over Roadways, Walkways, Rail, Water, and
Open Land .
(A) 22 kV, Nominal, to Gro und or Less. The clea rances ovi:r
roadways, walkways, rail, waler, and open lan(l for conductors
and live part~ up to 22 kV, nominal, to grotmd or less sh all b e
not less than d1e value s shown u1 Table 225.60.
(B) Over 22 kV N ominal to Ground. Clearances for the categories shown in Table 225.60 shall be increased by 10 mm
(0.4 .in.) per kV above 22,000 volts.
(C) Special Cases. Fo r special cases, such as where crossings
will be made over lakes, rivers, o r areas using large vehicl es
such as mining operations, specific designs shall be engineered
conside ring th e special circumstances and shall be approved by
the authority having jurisdiction.
l nformarional Nore: For adclirional info mrntion, ~ee ANSI/ IE£E
C2-2017, Nr,tioi,al Etm,Oimt Safety Code.
Table 225.60 Clearances over Roadways, Walkways, Rail,
Waler, and Open Land
Ope n land s ubject t◊ vehicles,
cul Livation, or gra zing
Roadways, d1iveways, parking lots.
and a lleys
Spaces ,md ways for pedesuians
and restricted traffic
Wat.er areas no t s uitable frn'
18 ..5
225.61 CJearances over Buildings and Other Structures.
Overhead Service Conductors
Underground Service Conductors
Service-Entrance Conductors
Service Equipment- General
Service Equipment- Disconnecting Means
Service Equipment- Overcurrent Protectlon
Services Exceeding 1000 Volts. Nominal
(A) 22 kV Nominal to Ground or Less. The clearances over
buildings and other structures for conductors and live part5 up
to 22 kV, nominal , to ground or less shall he not less than the
values shown in Table 225.61.
(B) Over 22 kV Nominal to Ground. Clearances for the categories shown in Ta ble 225.61 shall be increased by 10 mm
(0.4 in. ) p e r kV above 22,000 volt~.
Serving Utility
In forma tio nal Note: Fo r add itio nal informat.io n, $ee ANSl/ lEEE
C2-W I7. N,11io11at EIHctrirnt Safely Coc/P.
Table 225.61 Clearances over Buildings and Other Structures
Part 11
Clearance from Conductors
or Live Parts from:
Building walls, prnjections,
a nc.l windows
Balconic~, catwalk~, and
similar areas accessib le to
Over or wider roots o r
projectio ns no t readil y
accessible to people
Over rool:s accessible to·
veh icles but not trucks
Over roofs accessible to
0 th er struc.t,1res
Last pole
Street main
service conductors
Part 111
service conductors
Depth of burial
and protection
Service head
Terminal box,
meter, or other
Grounding and bonding
l l:l.5
Service equipmentdisconnectlng means
Part VI
Service equipmentovercurrent protection
Part VII
Part IV
Service equipment-general
Part V
Article 250
Articles 21 o, 225
Articles 215, 225
Branch circuits
230. l Scope . This article covers service conductors and equipment for control an.rt protection of services and th e ir installatio n re qui remen t~.
lnf'orma uo nal Note: See Fig ure 230 ,1.
FIGURE 230.1
(1 )
230.2 Number of Services. A b~Li ldi11g o r other stru cture
served s hall b e supplied b y on ly one service LU1less permitted in
2 30 .2 (A) through (D) . Fo r the purpose of 230.40, Exception
No. 2 only, unde rgro u nd sets of conductors, l / 0 AWG and
lar ger, running to the s,une locatio n and con11ected together at
th eir supply end but not connected t0getl1er at their l oad e nd
shall be considered to b e supplying o n e se1·vice.
(A) Special Conditions. Additional se1-vices shall be permitted
to supply the fo llowing:
Fire pumps
Eme rge ncy syste ms
Legally requixed sta ndby syste ms
Optional standb y systems
Pa1·allel powe r productio n system s
System s d esigne d fo1· conne ction to muJtipl e sources of
s upply for th e pmpose of enJian ced reliability
(B) Special Occupancies. By sp ecial p e rm ission, additio nal
services s hall be permitted for e ither of the following:
Parl I. General
(l )
(4 )
Part I
Part 11
Part Ill
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Multiple-occupan cy buildings wh e re the re is no available
s pace for service equ ipmen t accessible to a ll occupan ts
A singl e build ing o r t1th e r struc ture sufficie ntly la1·ge to
m a ke two o r more services necessary
(C) Capacity Re quirements. Additional
permitted under any of rl1e fo llowin g:
sh all
\!\The re the capacity re[Juirement~ are in ex cess of
2000 amperes at a supply vo ltage of J000 volt~ or le ss
W he re the load requiremen ts of a single-phase installatio n a re g reater rl1an the serving agency no rmally
supplies thx·ough one service
By special permission
(D) Different Characteristics. Adrlitional services shall be
p ermitted for diffe re nt vpltages, freque ncies, or phases, or fo r
di.fferent mes, s uch as for differe m rate schedules .
(E) Identification. v\'he re a building or structure is suppli.erl
b y more tha n o n e ser vice , or any combinatio n o f branch
ci rcuits, feed e rs, and services, a permane nt plaque o r directory
shall be installed at e ach service disconnect locatio n d e noting
a ll othe 1· se rvices, fe ed e rs, and bra nch c ircuit~ supplying tha t
building o r str uc ture and the aJ·ea served by each. See 225.37.
230.3 One Building or Other Structure Not to Be Supplied
Through Another. Se rvice cond uctors supplying a building or
othe r structLU·e shall no t pass through the inte 1·ior of another
building or o thersu-ucrure .
230.6 Conductors Considered O utside the Building. Conductors sha ll be considered out~ide o f a building o r oth er su·ucture
Lmder an y o f th e fo llowing conditio ns:
(l )
Where insta lled unde r not less than 50 mm (2 in.) o f
conc re te be neath a building o r other sLn1ct1.tre
Where installed within a building o r o the r structure in a
r aceway tha t is e ncased in conc rete or brick no t less tha n
50 mm (2 in.) thick
Where installed in a ny vault that meets tJ1e construc tio n
requirem ents of Article 450, Pa rr ill
\!\'here installed in conduit and under no t less tha n
450 rnm (1 8 in.) o f earth be neatJ1 a buildi11g or other
\'\'here installed within rigid metal conduit (Type Rl\llC)
o r inte rme diate m eta l cond uit (Type IMC) used lo
accomm odate th e clearan ce reqult·eme nt~ in 230.24 and
routed d i rectl y through a n eave hut no t a wall a f a building
230.7 Other Conductors in Raceway or Cable. Cond ucto rs
o ther tha n service conductors sha ll no t be insta lled in tJ1e same
service raceway or service cable in whic h the service cond uctors
a 1·e installed.
Exmption No. 1: Oroimdin[I el,1ctrode wnductors or s1.1j)f1ly side bonding.furnrpers or conductors shall be permitted ttJith-in service raceways.
Exception No. 2: l oad management control rondiu:lors having ovrrc1.1rrent protection. shall be f1Prmitted tuithin semice raceways.
230.8 Raceway Seal. ,'\There a ser vice raceway e nte rs a building
o r su·uctw·e fro n, an u nd e1·g-r0 Lmd distributio n syste m, it sha ll
be seale d in accord.rnce with 300.5(G) . Spa re or uJ1used raceways shall a lso be seale d. Sealan ts sh a ll be identified for tL~e
witJ1 tJ1e cable insulati on , shie ld, o r o ther compo ne n t~.
230.9 Clearances on Buildings. Service conductors a nd fina l
spa ns shall comply with 230.9(A) , (B), and (C) .
(A) Clearances. Service conductors installed as ope n conducto rs o r multiconduc tor cable witho ut an o verall outer j acket
shall have a clea rance o f not less than 900 mm (3 ft) fro m
windows that are desig·ne d to be opened, d oors, po rches, ba lconies, Ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locatio n s.
Exwptian: Conductors run above the Lop level rrf a window shall be
perrnill.ed l o he li>.ss than the 900 rnm (3 JI) requirnnenl.
(B) Vertical Clearance. The vertical clearance of final spans
a bove, o r wid1 in 900 mm (3 ft) measu red h o rizontally of platfo rms, p roj ectio ns, or surface s tJ1at will permit persona l con tact
shall be ma intaine d in accord ance wi th 230.'i!'l(B) .
(C) Building Openings. O verhead service condu ctors sha ll n ol
be insmlled benea d1. op enings thr()ugh which materials may he
moved, such as o pe nings in farm a nd commercial build ings,
2020 ll\lirjon
and shall no t be installed where they o bstruct e n tran ce co th.ese
building o pen ings.
230.10 Vegetation as Support. Vegetation such as trees shal l
not be used fo r suppo rt o f overhead service cond ucrors o r service e quipme nt.
Part II. Overhead Service Conductors
230.22 Insulation or Covering. Individual cond ucto rs shall be
insn Ia ted or covered.
Excepti<m: The grounded ronductor of a multirnnr.tuctor cable sluill be
permiUed to be ha:re.
230.23 Size and Anlpacity.
(A) General. Conducto1·s shall have sufficien t am pa city to
carry the curre nt for the lo ad as calcula te d in acco rda nce with
Article 220 an d shall have ad e gua te mechanical su·ength.
(B) Minimum Size. The conductors shall no t be sm aUer U1an
8 AWC coppe r or 6 AWC a lurnimun or coppe r-clad aluminum.
l:.'xce/1tion: Condtu:lors siipplying only lirnilNl loads rrf a sing!,e branrh
ci1ruit - such as s111r1ll polyplwse f)()wer;_ con/rolled waler h.eatn:1, and
similar load~ - shall not be srnalkr than 12 A WG hcml-rlrawn m/Jper
o-r equivrdent.
(C) Grounded Conductors. The grounded cond uctor shall
no.t be less d1an the minim u m size as re quired hy 250.24(C).
230.24 Clearances. O verhead ser vice conductors shall not be
readily accessible and sha ll comply with 230.24(A) throug h (E )
for services n ot over LOOO volt~, no min al .
(A) Above Roofs. Conducto rs sha ll have a vertical clearnnce of
nor less tJ1a n 2.5 m (8 ft) above the roo f sw·face. The vertical
cleara nce a bove the roo f level shall be ma intaine d for a
distance o f no t less tha n 900 mm (3 fl) in a ll direc tions fro m
the e d ge of t11e roof.
Exceptimi No. 1: ThP rnm above a. mofsniface s11b.fecl lo j)ridPstrian or
veh.icidar traffic shall have a vertical dearanfl' from the roof s-i irfaa in
accordanrr tvith the rlearance requiremm1ts of230.24(B).
J,,xceptirm NQ. 2: Where the volt1.1gr' bett(•ren C<mductors does no! exCPed
300 and the roof has a slope of 100 mm in 300 mm (4 in. in 12 in.) m·
gr1:aln; 11 rpdi1.rtion in d mrance Lo 900 mm (3 ft) slwll be /mwiiLtrd.
ExCf'Plion No. 3: Where the voltagP. betwe1m umdm:tm·s dors not exawf
300, a mdi1cLion in cluirancf! above only the overhanging portiou of lit/'
roof lo not less than 450 mm (18 in.) shall be />Brmitted if ( 1) not more
than 1.8 1ll (6 fl) of overhead service condurtors, 1.2 in (4 fl) horizontally, J>a.ss abovr1 tlw roof overhang, and (2) they a.re terminated al o
1hm1.i.gh-1h.e-mof ratlfl.u(1y or (lj1fnv11Pt,l S?lflfJOrt.
Informationa l Nme; See 230.28 for rna.sLsupporLS.
J:.'xcept-i,m No. 4: The requirement for ma.irrtafning the ve,tical clearance 900 mm (3 fl) from the edge of the wof shall not apjJly lo thP final
rnnductor span whern tlw service dmjJ or ovG'rhfad servicfl cm1.dv1"tor.;
are a11adwl to the sidP of a liuilding.
Bxreption No. 5: Where the vollag~ bt>ltur.en condurtors does not exceed
300 and tft1, roof area is guarded or isolated, a redtteli<m in cleamnre
to 900 mm (3 ft) shall b~ permitted.
(B) Vertical Clearance for O verhead Service Conductors.
Overhead se1-vice conductors, where n ot in excess of 1000 volts,
nominal, shall have the fo llowing minimum clearance from
final g rade:
,HJ m (] 0 ft) - at the electrical .~ervice enmmce to buildingi,, al50 at the lowest point of the drip loop of the building e leca·ical entrance, and a bove a rea.5 or sidewalks
accessible only to pedestrians, measured from final gnde
01· orher accessible surface o nly fo r overhead service
conductors supported on and cabled together witJ1 a
g rounded bare messenger where the voltage does not
exceed 150 volt5 to g1·otmd
3.7 rn (12 ft) - over residential property and driveways,
and those commercial areas not subject to truck traffic
where the voltage does not exceed 300 volts to ground
4.!'i m (15 ft) -for those areas Listed in the 3.7 m (12 ft)
classification where th e voltage exceeds 300 volL5 to
5.5 m ( LS ft) - over public streeL5, alleys, roads, parking
areas subject co truck traffic, driveways on 01.he1· than residential property, and other land .5u ch as cultivated, grazing, forest, and orchard
7.5 m (24½ ft) over cracks of railroads
230 .29 Supports over Buildings. Service conducto rs passing
ove1· a roof shaU be securely supported by substantial structures. For a grounded ~')'Stem, whe1·e the substantial su·uccure is
metal, it shall be bonded by means of a bonding j umper and
listed connector to the grounded overhead service conducto1·,
1,Vhere practicable, such supports shall be independent of the
Part fil Underground Service Conductors
230.30 Installation.
(A) Insulation. U nderg:row1d service conducto1·s shaU be insulated for the applied voltage.
E>::ception: A grounded cond11.ctor shall be fJe-rmilled to b1• uninmlated
as follows:
( 1)
( 4)
(C) Clearance from Building Openings. See 230.9.
(D) Clearance from Swimming Pools. See 680.9.
(E) Clearance from Communication Wires and Cables. C lear-
ance from communication wires and cables shaU be in accordance with 800.44(A) (4).
230.26 Point of Attachment. ll1e point of a ttachment of the
overhead se1-vice conductors to a building o r oth er structure
shall provide the m inimum clearances a5 specified in 230.9 and
230.24. In no case shall th is point of attachment be less than
3.0 m ( 10 ft) above finis heel grade.
230.27 Means of Attachment. Multiconductor cabl es used. for
overhead service conductor·s shall be attached tO buildings or
oth er strucrures by fittings identified for use with se rvice
conductors. Open conduc tors shall be attached to fitting·s identified for use with service conduc tors or to noncombustible,
nonabsorbent insulators securely attache d to w e building or
other structure .
230.28 Service Masts as Supports. Only power se1-vice-drop or
overhead service conductors shaU be permitted to be attached
Lo a service masL Service ma~ts used for the support of servicedrop or overhead service conductors shall be installed in
accordance with 230.28(A) and (B) .
(A) Strength. The service ma.~t shall be of adequate su-ength
or be supported by braces or gu)' wires t.o withstand safely the
stra i.n imposed b y th e ser-vice-drop or overhead service conductorn. Hubs intended for U5e with a conduit tJrnt serves as a service mast shall be ide n tified for use witJ1 sen~ce-entrance
(B) Attachment. Service-drop or overhead service conductors
shall not be attached. to a service ma~t between a wead1erhead
or the end of the conduit and a cotipling, where d1e coupling
is Located a bove the last point ofsecureme.nt to the building or
other structw·e or is located above the building o r od1er structLtre.
Bare cof)j}fr used in a ral'eway
Barf coPfurrfor dimt lmrial wlumt bare. copf*r is
af,prvved for the
soil conditions
Barr ,;opj1w for dirert bmial wilhout 1y,gard lo soil rm1dilions
where part of a cable assem/J9, identified for undr,rground me
A lwnimtrn or co/1/>eH;lad alurninwm witho1.tl indiuidua,l insulation or covering where /Jart of a cable assembly identified for
wndergrmmcl usr in a raceway orfor dir('(;t bwictl
(B) Wrring Methods. Underground service conducwrs shal l
be in..5talled .u1 accordance with the applicable 1·equiremencs of
this Corlr, covering the type of wiring method tL,ed a nd shall be
Iimi ted to the follo\\in g methods:
Type RMC conduit
Type IMC conduit
Type NUCC conduit
Type HDPE cond uit
Type PVC conduit
Type RT RC comlLtit
T)'pe IGS cable
Type USE conductors o r cables
T)rpe MV or Type MC cable identified for d irect burial
(Hl ) Type MI cable, w here suitably protected agains t physical
damage and corrosive conditions
230.31 Size and Ampacity.
(A) General. Underground service conductors shall have SLLfficien t ampacicy to carry 1:he ctu-ren t fo r the k1ad as calculated in
accordance with Article 220 and sha ll have adequate mechanical strength.
(B) Minimum Size . The conductors shall not be smaller tl1an
8 AWG copper or 6 AWG aluminum or copper-dad a lurn i1rnrn.
J.-.xce/1tion: Conduc/ots supplying only limiled load~ of a singl.e branch
rin:uit - sw:!t as small pol)1Jftase /1ower, controlled water heatn-s, and
sirnilar loads - shall nol be smaller than 12 A \IVG copper or I OA WC
alwnim.1,m, or coppeH:lad al'wminwn.
(C) Grounded Conductors. T he grou nded conductor shal l
not be less than tl1e mu1imum size required b y 250.24(C) .
230.32 Protec tion Against Damage. Undergro w1d servi.ce
conductors shall be protected against damage in accordance
with 300.5. Service conductors e ntering a buildu1g or other
stru ctLtre shall be installed in accordance with 230.6 01· protected hy a racewaywiru1g me thod identified in 230.43.
230.33 Spliced Conductors. Service conductors shall be
permitted to be spliced or tapped in accordance with 110.14,
300.5(E), 300.13, and 300.1 5.
Part IV. Service-Entrance Conductors
230.40 Number of Service-Entrance Conductor Sets. Each
service drop, set of overhead service ci;rnductors, set of underg round service conductors, or service lateral shall supply o nly
one set of se1vice-en u·ance conductors.
Exceplion No. 1: A building tni.th rnmt than one orcuprJnry shall be
/Jwmitted lo have one set of sRrvice-entrancR ronductors for mdi service,
a.r permil.led in 230.2, nm lo each occ'UJ/>ancy or gm-up of occw/1ancies.
If tlu nurnb1tr of service disrnnned [orations for any givRn classification
of service does nol exrPe,t si.x, lhe requirements of 230.2(£) shall af>ply
at each lorn.tfon. if tlw number of service dfo:onru<,;/ {orations r,:,:,;e11ds
six for any given S1.1.f1p!:y classijira1ion, all servicP disconnect loi·a1ions
for all s·u/1pl:y clmracleri.stics, togrthtr with any branch 1-imiit or jfeder
supply sources, if a/1plica/Jle, sh(J,ll be rlmr~ described using graphics or
wxt, or both, on O'lle or 1110/"P plaques ln,;ated in rm fl,/J/Jmv11d, readily
accessible location(s) on lhe building or s/ruct-u·w sn-ved and as near as
j>rarticable to !he point(s) of 11ttachment or entry(ies) for earh service
drof> or service lateral rm(l for each set of overhead or wnder6n-ound servir:(1 conr.litr.lon.
Exception No. 2: Where two to six sl'rvi1,P dfo:onn11rting means in sepo,ratP mc!nsitrPJ a:re grouped at one location and supply sepam,tP loads
from one servicP dro/1, set of overhead service conducto1:f, set of 'I.I nd11rgmwnrl service conduclor.1, m· servir.e latem,L one set of se1vice-entrance
rnndi1,ttors slwll be fHfl'!llitled to sup/1ly mch or sroeml s·uch service
equi/nnen t enrlosures.
.Exception No. 3: A. onefamily dwelling uni.t and its accessmy sJ,mctures shall be p11rmilifd to luiv11 one s<ft of servire-eritrance conductors
run lo each jr01n a single service drop, sPt of overhead service conductor.., sel of unde,gmund .w,rvi1:e mnd1,1don, or servite lateral.
Exception No. 4: Twofr.tmily dwPllings, multifmnil:y rlwellingr, and
mnl/iple occupancy buildings shall br /Je17n.i/f.ed to luwf onr srt of
servi1:e-e•ntmnte condutlors installed to su.pply thr circuits covered in
Exception No. 5: One set of service-'i!ntra.nct' conductors connected to lhe
.sit/>ply side <if the normal srrvit:e disconnecting 111rans shall b<i pennWed
lo si.1ppl:y eacl, or several systems ravered by 230. 82(5) or 230.82(6).
230.41 Insulation of Service-Entrance Conductors. Serviceenmrnce conductors entering o r on the exterio r of buildings
or other su·uctures shall be insulated.
Excrption: A gnmndPd conditclor shall be /Jennilled to be iminsulaled
Bare copper usnl in a mct.1.uay or part ofa service cable tJ,,5Sembly
&trf copper for direcl bwial where barP i:optJer if o.pjm1ved for the
soil conditiom
Bare cof>jJer for direr/ burial wilhoul regrmt lo soil mnditi<ms
where part ofa a1blr ass1m1bly identified Jqr 1.mdergmund ti.St'
Aluminwn or ro/1/Jrr-dwi al'l.lmimJ•rrt iuilhoul individual insulation or covering where /Jar/ of a cabll' (lssembly or idmtified for
undergtrn.vnd usr in a rw:nuay, orfor direct b·witd
Bate conduct.ors used in an auxiliary [!yl ter
230.42 Mmimum Size and Ainpacity.
(A) Geueral. Service-enmtn ce conductors sh a ll have a n
ampacity of not less than the maximum. load to be served.
2020 ll\lirjon
Conductors sh a ll be sized not less tha n the la rgest of 230.42(A)
( 1) or (A)(2) . Loads shall be determined in accor·dance with
Part Ill, IV, or \I of Article 220, as applicable. Ampa.city shall be
determ ined from 3 10. 14 and shall complyw:ith 11 0.14(C). The
maximum current of busways shall be that value for which the
hLL~way has been listed or labeled.
l nlonnational No1e: For information on buswavs, see UL 8fi7,
Slri-nrlard(or Safely for B11s-wr,ys.
Vlfhere the service-entrance conductors supply conti.nuous loarfa or any combination of n o n continuous and
continuous loads, the minimum service-enu·ance conductor size shall have an ampacity not less than the sum of
the noncontinuous loads plus 125 percent of con tinuous
Excl'pli<Jn No. I: Omunded rnnductm;~ //tat arp not conneclnl lo an
overcttrrenl devia shrill be pennilled t.o bi' sized at 100 perrml of lhP
.57,mi of lite contimwus and noncontinuous load.
Exception No. 2: The sum of the noncontinuous load and !he contirmous load if the service-entrancl' cond·11ctors J,errninale in an overcurre-nt
droice whn·~ both Liu: cmerrnrmnl device and i fs a,1Scrnbly cirf! listPd for
o/111ration at I />~rrenL of (heir rating shall be jJermitted.
The minimum service-enu·ance condm;to1· size sh a ll have
an a mpacity not less than d1e maximum load to b e served
after d1e application of any adjustment or co1Tection
(B) Specific Installations. In addition to d1e req1.ti.remenl~ of
230.42(A), t11e m inimum ampacity for ungrounded conductors
for specific installa tions sh all not be less than th e nlting of the
service disconnecting mea11.~ specified in 230. 79(A) through
(D) .
(C) Grounded Conductors. 1l1e grnunded conduclor shal l
not be smaller d1an d1e minimum size a~ required by
230.43 Wiring Methods for 1000 Volts, Nominal, or Less.
Service-enu·ance conductors sha ll be insta lled in accordance
wil11 the applicable requiremeJ1t~ of d1is Code covering the type
of wiring metJ1od used and shall be limi ted to d1e following
( 1)
( 11 )
( 12)
( I '.~)
( 14)
( 15)
Open wi1ing on i11.5u la tors
Type IGS cable
Rigid meta l conduit (RM.C)
Intermediate tUetal conduit (Th1C)
Electrical metallic tubing (EMT)
Electrical nonmetallic tubing
Service-enu·ance cables
Auxiliary gutters
Rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit (PVC)
Type MC cable
Mine ral-insulated, metal-sheathed cable, Type Ml
Flex ible metal conduit (FMC) not over 1.8 m (fi ft) lo ng
or liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) not ove1·
1.8 m (6 ft) long between a raceway, or b etween a raceway and service equipme nt, wid1 a supply-side bo nding
jumper routed wil11 l11e flexible meta l conduit (FMC) or
the liquidtight fl exible metal conduit (LFMC) according
to 250.102(A), (B), (C), a nd (E)
( 16) Liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit (LFNC)
( L7)
High density polyeth ylene conduit ( H OPE)
Nonmetallic underground conduit with condu ctors
Re info rced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC)
Type TC:-ER cable
( 19)
230.44 Cable Trays. Cable tray sys tems shaU be permitted to
support service-en tran ce conductors. Cable tTays used to
support service-en1:1:a11ce conductors sh all cont.iin only serviceentrance conductors a nd sh all be Limited to th e following
Type SE cable
Type MC cable
Type l'v11 cable
Type lGS cable
Single conductors l / 0 and la1-ger that are liste r! for use in
cable u-ay
Type TC-ER cable
Such cable trays shaU be identified wil.h pe rmanently affixed
label~ with the wording "Service-Entra n ce Conductors.'' The
la bels sha ll be located so as to be visible after ins tallation with a
spacing not to exceed 3 m ( IO ft) so that th e service-emrance
conductors are able to be readily traced thro ug h the e ntire
length of the cable tray.
Exception: Con.rfoclors, oth11r than seivice-mtrance conductors, shall he
fNrmitted lo he insl.a/led in a cabtr, tray with s1Jrvice-entranN condurtors, /1rovided a solid fixed barrier of a waterird annpatible with the
cable tray is installed lo separate I.he servim-nitmnce condw:lors jfrnn
other tondittlors installed in Litt cabl,e l·ray.
230.46 Spliced and Tapped Conductors. Service-en trance
conductors sha ll be permitted to be spliced or tapped in
accordance with 110.1 4, 300.5 (E) , 300. l 3. and 300. 15. Power
clistributio n blocks, pressure connectors, and devices for splices
and taps sha ll be listed. Power distributio n blocks irt~taJled on
service conductors shall be m arked "suitable for LL~e on the line
side of the service equipment" or equivalent.
Effective J a nuar y l , '.:!023, press ure connectors a n d devices
for splices a nd taps installed on se rvice conductors shall be
marked "suitable for use on the line side o f the service equipme nt" 01- equivale n t.
230.50 Protection Against Physical Damage.
(A) Underground
Conductors. Un dergrntmd service-entran ce conductors shall be protected again~t
physical damage in accordance with 300. 5.
conductors, shall be protected against physical damage as
specified in 2 30.50 (B) ( l ) or (B) (2) .
( I ) Service-Entrance Cables. Service-entrance cabl es, where
s ul?jec1. to physical damage, sh a U be protected by a ny of the
follow ing:
(l )
(2 )
(.5 )
Rigid metal conduit (RMC)
Inte rmediate metal conduit (IMC)
Sch edule 80 PVC conduit
Elecu·ical metallic tubing (EMT)
Re inforced the rmosetting resin conduit (RTRC)
Other approved means
(2) Other Than Service-Entrance Cables. Individua l open
con d uctors and cables. other tl1an service-entrance cables, sh all
not b e in~talled witl1in 3.0 rn ( I O ft) of grade level or w he re
exposed to physical cla,.mage.
Exclj1tion: ?3'/1e Ml and ?ypt MC cable .1lwll be f1ermiltn} within 3. 0 m
(10 ft) of grade level where not exposed to physical damagr1 or where
/1rot.tcted in acco·,danre with 300.5(D).
230.51 Mounting Supports. Sen~ce-emrance cables or individual open se1v ice-e nu·,mce conductors shall be suppo rted a~
specified in 230.51 (A), (B ), or (C) .
(A) Service-Enttance Cables. Service-entra n ce cables shall be
su pported by straps or o ther approved mea ns within 300 mm
( l 2 in .) of every service head , gooseneck, or connection to a
raceway or en closure and a t interval~ not exceeding 750 mm
(30 in.) .
(B) Other Cables. Cables tl1at are n ot approve~! for mou11Ling
in contact with a building o r other su-i.1cnire sh a U be mo unted
on insula ting supports installed at inte1val5 n ot exceeding
4.5 m (15 ft) and in a manner tl1at maintains a clearance of n o t
less than 50 mm (2 in .) from the smface over which they pass.
(C) Individual Open Conductors. Individual open conductors
shall be installed in accordance with Table 230.51 (C). Where
exposed to the weatl1e r, tl1e conduc to rs shall be mounte d o n
insulators o r on insulating supports attached to racks, b rackets,
or other approved means. Where not exposed to ~he weatl1e1~
the conductors sh all be m ounted on g lass o r porcelain kn o bs.
230.52 Individual Conductors Entering Buildings or Other
Structw·es. Vl'here individual open conductors enter a building o r otl1er structure, tl1ey shall en.ter throu gh roof bushings
or tl1rough t11e wall in a n upward slant tl1roug h i11dividual ,
n oncombusti ble, nona bsorbent ins ulating rubes. Drip loops
shall b e formed o n the conductors before t hey enter tl1e tubes.
(B) All Other Service-Entrance Conductors. All other se1-vicee nu-ance conductors, othe r than w1derground service e ntrance
Table 230.!>l(C) Supports
Minimum Clearance
Maximum Distance Between
Between Conductors
From Surface
*Wh ere n ot exposed to weath er.
230.53 Raceways lo Drain. Where exposed co the weather,
raceways enclosing service-entrance conductors shall be Listed
or approved for use in wet locations and arranged to drain.
Where embedded in masonry, raceways shall be arranged to
230.54 Overhead Service Locations.
(A) Service Head. Service raceways shall be equipped with a
service head at the point of connection to service-drop or overhead service conductors. The service head shall be lt5ted fot·
use in wet locations.
(B) Service-Entrance Cables Equipped wilh Service Head or
Gooseneck. Se rvice-entrance cables shal l be equipped with a
service head. The service h ead shall be listed for use in wet
1'.'xception: Type SE cablP shnll be permilled l.o be fc111ned in a goosenPck.
and taf1Nl with a selfsmling wealheMesistant lhemt0/1lastic.
(C) Service Heads and Goosenecks Above Service-Drop or
Overhead Service Attachment. Service heads on raceways or
service-entrance cables and goosenecks in service-ent.r~mce
cables shall be located a b ove the poim of attachment of the
service-drop or overhead sen1ice conductors to tl1e building o r
otJ1er strucuu-e.
Exception: Whe1e il is im/1rru;ticnble to locaLP. the service head or goosfnerk r1bo11e the. point. of attadwwnl, the Sl'l't1ice hrnd or goosem'd: lotr1r
lion shall be f1enniiled not farther Lhan 600 m.m (24 in. )from the jJoinl
of attaclirnent.
(D) Secured. Se1·vice-e ntrnnce cables sh a ll be he ld securely in
(A) En.closed. Energized parrn sh a ll be enclosed so rJ1at they
will not be exposed to accidental contact or sha ll be guarded as
in 230.o2(B) .
(B) Guarded. Energized pai·ts that are not enclosed shall be
installed on a switchboard, panelboard, or control board and
guarded in accordance with 110.18 and 110.27. Where energized parts are guarded as provided in 110.27(A)( l ) and
(A)(2), a means for locking or seal ing doors providing access
to energized parts shall be provided.
(C) Barriers. Barriers shall be placed in service equipment
such that 11.0 tminsulaled. ungrounded service bmbar or service tenninal is exposed to inadvertent contact by persons or
maintenance equipme nt while servicing load terminations.
230.66 Marking.
(A) General. Service equip1nent rared at 1000 volts or less
shall be marked to identify it as b eing suitable for use a~ service
equipment. All service equipment shall b e listed or field evaluated.
(B) Meter Sockets. Meter socket5 sha ll not be considered service equipment but .~hall be listed and rated for the voltage and
current rating of the service.
Exceptim1: Meter socliet.s suf!'pli.ed hy and wnder the exclusive control of
an electrir utility shall no/ be req'lliil'd lo be listed.
230.67 Surge Protection.
(A) Surge-Protective Device. All services supplying dwelling
units shall be provided with a surge-protective device (SPD).
(B) Location. The SPD shall be an integral part of the service
equipment or shall be located immediately adjacent there LO.
(E) Separately Bushed Openings. Service heads shall have
conductors o:f different potential brought out through separately bushed openings.
Exception: 171.e SPD shall nol be required lo be localed in the servir.e
equipment as required in (B) if located at ear:h next ll!tJel distribution
t:xCPption: For jarketed mullimndnrtor servict-mtrrtncP w/)[e w-il/101.1.t
eqnipment rlownstn:11111 toward the load.
(C) Type. The SPD shall be a Type J or Type 2 SPD.
(F) Drip Loops. D rip loops shall be formed on individ ual
conductors. To prevent Lhe entrance of moisture, servi.ceenu·ance conduclors shal l be c(rnnected to tJ1e service-drop or
overhead service conductors eitJ1er (l ) below the level of the
service head or (2) below the level of the termination of the
service-entrance cable sheatJ1.
{D) Replacement. Where service equipment is replaced, a ll of
the requirement5 oftJ1.is section shall apply.
(G) Arranged That Water Will Nol Enter Service Raceway or
Equipment. Service-entrance and overhead service conductors
shall b e atTanged so that water will not e nter service rnceway or
230.56 Service Conductor with the Higher Voltage to Ground.
On a 4-wire, delta-connected service where th e midpoint of one
phase winding is grounded, the service conductor h aving the
higher pha5e voltage to ground shall be dttrably and permanently marked by an outer fu1ish that is orange in colo1~ or by
otJ1er effective means, at each termination or junction point.
Part V. Service Equipment - General
230.62 Service Equipment - Enclosed or Guarded. Energized parrn of service equipmem sh a ll be enclosed as specified
in 2S0.62 (A) or guai·cled a5 specified in 230.62 (B).
Part VL Service Equipment- Disconnecting Means
230.70 Gen.era!. Means sh a ll be provided to disconnect all
ungrounded conductors in a building o r other structure from
the service conductors.
(A} Location. The service disconnecting me ans shall he
installed in accordance with 230. 70(A) ( 1), (A) (2), and (A) (3).
(I) Readily Accessible Location. The service disconnecting
means sh all be installed a t a readily accessible location either
ou tside of a building or structtu·e or inside nearest the poiHL of
entrance o f the service conductors.
(2) Bal.brooms. Senice disc;:01rnect.ing means sh a ll not be
installed in bathrooms .
(3) Remote Control. Where a n :mote control device(s) is used
to acmate rJ1e servic;e di~connecting m e;u1s, the senrice disconnecting means shall be located in accordance ·with
(B) Marking. Each service disconnect shall be permanently
m arked to identily it as a service disconn ect.
2020 ll\lirjon
(C) Suitable for Use. Each service disconnecting means shall
be suitable for the prevailin g conditio ns. Service equipment
installed in hazardous (classified) locations shall comply with
tJ1e require ments o f Articles 500 through 5 17.
230.71 Ma.xi.mum Nmnber of Disconnects. Each service shall
h ave only one disconnecting means unless the requirements of
230. 7 1 (B) are m el.
(A) General. F01- the (JLu-pose of this section, disconnectiJig
means installed a5 part of listed equipment and tL5ed sole ly for
the following shall not b e considered a service disconnectiJig
( 1)
Power monitoring equipme nt
Surge-protective device(s)
Control circuit of the ground-fault protection system
Powe r-opera ble service disconnecting rnea11.5
(B) Two to Six Service Disconnecting Mean1,. Two to six service disconnects shall be permitted for each service permitted by
230.2 or for each set of se1vice-enu·an ce co nductors permitted
by 2 30.40, Exception No. l , 3, 4, o r 5. The Lwo to six service
d isconnecting mea11s sh all be permitted to consist of a co mbination of any of the following:
Separate enclosures with a main se1v ice d isconnecting
means in each e nclosure
Panelboards with a main service disconnecting mea ns in
each pa.ne lboard e nclosuxe
Switchboanl(s) where the re is only o ne service disconn ect in each separate vertical seccion where there are
barriers .~eparating each vertical section
Sen?ice dhconnect~ jn switchgear o r metei-i..ng centers
where each disconnect is located in a separate compartm e nt
Lnfonnatinnal Note No. I : Metering centers are addressed in UL
67. Standmd(or Pane/boards.
lnfornrn l.lnnal Note No. '.!: Examples of separate e nclosures wir.h
a main service disconnecLing means in each e ncJns11re include
b ut are nol limiterl to moLOr control cemers, fused disconnects,
circu it breaker enclosu res, and U.J.nsfer swicches 1.hat a re suitable
for lL~e as service equipmen c.
230.72 Grouping of Disconnects.
E:xc,:ption: ln a m·u lliple-ocmpanL)' building tuhere electric servir,e and
elel'tri,;al mainlenanre m·p f1mvided by thf b'uilding rnanag11numl. and
tuhere LhPse are under Ctmli1w.om buildi.ng mana,gement supervision,
the service disconnecting means supplying more than one oanjJanty
.f/wll be permitted to be accessible to rw lharized 111anagemen/ fJersonnet
230.74 Simultaneous Opening of Poles. Each service d isconnec t shall simnltaneow;ly- disconnect <1ll ungrn1111ded service
conductors diat it controls from the prem ises wiring syste m.
230.75 Disconnection of Grounded Conductor. Where die
service disconnecting means does not di~co nnect the grounded
conductor fro m tJie premises wii-i.ng, otJi er means shall be
provided for dus purpose in Lhe service e quipment. A terminal
or bus to which all g rounded conduc tors can be attached by
means of pressure connectors shall be pern1itted for th is
pLU'pose. ln a multisection switchboard or switchgear, disconn ect, for the growided conductor shall be permined to be in
all)' section of the switchboard o r switchgear.
Informational Note: In switchgear or multisection switchboards,
che disconnecl.lng means prO\ided fo r th e grou nded conductor
is typically identified as a neutral disconnect link and is typical ly
loc,tted in the bus m which th e service gro w1ded conductor is
230.76 Manually or Power Operable. The service disconn ecting means for ungro unded service conductors shall consist o f
one of the following:
A manually operable switch or c ircuit breaker equipped
with a hand.le or od1e,- suitable o perating m eans
A p ower-opera ted switch or circuit breake1~ provided die
switch or circuit hreaker can be opened b y h a nd in d1e
event of a power supply failure
230.77 Indicating. The setv ice disconnecting m eans sh all
plainly indicate whed1er it is in the open (off) or closed (on )
p osition.
230.79 Rating of Service Djsconnecting Means. The service
disconnecting meani; shall h ave a rating no t less than the calcula ted load to b e carried, dete rmined in acco,-dance with
Part ]JI, IV. or V of Article 220, a~ applicable. In no ca~e sh all
the ratiJig be lower dian specified in 230.79(A), (B), (C), or
(A) General. The lwo to six disconnect~, if pe.rm itted in
2 30.71 , shall be grouped. Each disconnect shall be marked to
indicate the load served.
1.-.'xcefilion: One of lhr two to six urvia disconnecting rneans permitted
in 230. 71, where twrl only for a water purnfJ alw1 intn11lerf lo pmvide
Jfre protection, shall be pmnilled to be located rnnQlP jh)llt the ot!ter
disconnecting means. If remotely instalkd in acl'ordancr tuilh this
exception. a plaque shall be posted at lhe location of 1/11• remaining
grouped dis,;onneds denoting its lorn/ion.
(B) Additional Service Disconnecting Means. The one OT
mo1·e addjtional service disconnecting mea1is for fire pumps,
e m ergency systems, legal ly re quired standby, 01· optional
standby services permitted by 230.2 sha U be installed remote
from the one to six serv ice disconnecting means for normal
service to minim ize the possibility ofsirnuJ tan eous interruptio n
of supply.
(C) Access to Occupants. In a multiple-occupa11ey building,
each occupant shall have access to the occupant's service
disconnecting mea1i s.
(A) One-Circuit Installations. Fo.r installations to supply only
limited loads of a sing le bra nch circuit, the service disconnect~
ing m.ea11s shall have a rating of not Jess than 15 amperes.
(B) Two-Circuit Installations. For insta llations consis ting of
n ot m ore tJ1an two 2-wire bran ch circuits, the service d iscon necting mean., shall have a rati ng of not less than :~0 a111peres.
(C) One-Family Dwellings. For a one-family dwelling, the sen1ice disconnecting means shall h ave a rating of not less d1an
1.00 amperes, 3-wire.
(D) All Others. for all other installations, tJie service disconn ecting means sh all have a ra ting of not less than 60 amperes.
230.80 Combined Rating of Disconnects. Where d1e service
disconn ecting mea ns consist5 o f more d1an o ne switc h or
cirCLtit breake r, a5 pern1itted by 230.71 , die combined ratings of
all the switch es or circuit breakers used shall n ot be less than
the rating required b y 230.79.
230.81 Connection to Terminals. The serv ice conductors shall
be connected to 1J1e se1-vice disconnecting m ean s by pressu re
connectors, clamps, or other approved means. Co nnections
that depend on solder shall not be used.
230.82 Equipment Connected to the Supply Side of Service
Disconnect. Only the following eguipmenl sha ll be permi.tted
to b e connected to the supply side of the service disconnecting
(l )
Cable limiters.
Meters and meter sockeL5 nominally rated not in excess
of l 000 volts, if all metal housings and service enclosures
are g rOLmded in accordance with Part VII a.nd bonded
in accordance with Part V of Article 250.
(3) Meter disconnect switches nominally rated not in excess
of 1000 volt5 that have a short-circuit current r a ting
equal to or greater than the available fault c urrent, if all
metal hoi1sings and service enclosures are grounded in
accordance with Pan VIT a nd bonded in accordance
with Part V of Article 250. A meter disconnect switch
shall b e capable of interrupting the load served. A m eter
disconnect shall be legibly field marked o n it~ exte1-ior in
a ma1me1· suitable for the enviro nment as follows:
(4) Instnunent transformers (current and voltage), irn pedance shw1t5, Load ma nageme nt devices, surge arresters,
and Type ] surge-protective de,~ces.
(5) Conductm·s LL~ed. to supply load management devices,
cil'cuits for standby power systems, fire pump equipment, and fire a nd sprinkler alarms, if provided with
service equipme nt and installed in accordance with
requirements for se rvice-entrance conduc tors.
(6) Solar photovoltaic systems, fue l cell systems, wind elecu·ic systems, e nergy storage systems, or interconnected
electric power production sources, if provide d with a
di~c01111ecting means Li.~ted as suitable for use as service
equipment, and overcurre nt protection as s pecified. in
Pa rt VII of Article 230.
(7) Control circ uit5 for power-operable service disco nnecting means, if suitable overcutTent protection and disconnecting means are provided.
(8) Ground-fault -protectio n systems or Type 2 su rgeprotective devices, where installe d as part of listed equjpme nt,
if suitable overcmrent protection and
disconnecting means are provided.
(9) Connections used only to supply listed communications
equipment unde r the exclusive control of the serving
e lectric n tili ty, if suitable overcu rrent protection a11d
disconnecting means a re provided. for installations of
equipment by the sening elecu·ic utility, a cliKonnecti ng
mean s is n ot required iJ the supply is installed. as part of
a meter socket, suc h that access can on ly be gained with
the meter removed.
( 10) En1e rgency disconnects in accordance with 230.85, if a ll
metal l10usings and service enclosures aJ'e grounded in
accorda nce with Part Vll and bonded i.n accordance
with Pa rt V of Article 250.
( 11 ) Mete 1~mounted mmsfer Sl\~tches nominally rated not in
excess o f 1000 volt5 that have a sh ort-circuit curre nt
rnting egual to or greater tha11 the available fault
curre nt. A meter-mo unted trans fer switch shall be listed
a11d be capable of U<11Hferring the load serve d. A metermounted trat"L~fer switch shall be marked on it~ exterio r
with both of the following:
a. Meter-mounted transfer switch
2020 ll\lirjon
b. Not service e quipment
230.85 Emergency Disconnects. For one- and two-family dwelling units, all service conducto rs shall terminate in disconnecting mea ns having a short-circui1 current rating equal to or
grea te r than the availa ble fau lt current, install ed in a readily
accessible outdoor location. If more than one disconnect is
provided, they sha ll be grouped. Each d isconnect shall be one
of the fo llowing:
( 1)
Sen~ce d isconnects marked a~ fo llows:
Meter disconnects installed. per 230.82(3) and m a rked as
Other listed disconnect switcl1es or circ uit breakers on
the supply sid e of each service d isconnect that are suitable for use a..~ se1·vice equipme nt and marked as follows:
Markings shall comply with l L0.2 1 (B).
Part VIl. Service Equipment -
Overcurrent Protection
230.90 Where Required. Each UJ1grounded service conductor
shall have overload protec tio n.
(A) Ungrounded Conductor. Such protection shall be p rovided by an overcurrent device in series with each trngrorn1ded
service conductor t11at has a rating or setting not higher than
tJ1e am pac ity of the conductor. A set of fuses sha ll be considered all the fuses re quired to pro tecl all the ungrounded
conductors ofa circuit. Sing le-pole circuit breakers, grouped in
accordance wit11 230.7 1 ( B), sha ll be conside red as o ne pro tective de,ice.
Exceprinn No. I: Fnr motar-strtrting currents, ratings th.al cmnply tvit h
430.52, 430. 62, and 430. 63 shall lie permitted.
E.,ccr,plion No. 2: P1.1ses and tirciiit brenkel'.5 with 11 mting or sPt/ing thal
rnm/1lirs tvith 240. 4(B) or (C) and 240. 6 shall be pmnilled.
Exrn/llinn No. 3: 11110 lo six cirtuit breaker.. or sets of jil.ses .1hall bP
permitler.t as the overcurrenl device to Jm1vide the overload /m1tection.
T he sum of the ratings ofthe rircuit breakers orj1L5es shall be /Jerrnitted
lo exi:n1d thri ampacity of lite servit:e wndw:tors, pmvided .the m lrul.ated
load does not exreerl the 4rnfJacity of thf' sf'.rvirR conductors.
.Exceptinn Nn. 4: Overlo«d protection for fire pump su.pjJly cnnduct,ors
shall i:omp!:y with 695.4(B)(2)(a).
Exc1:jJti1m No. 5: OverlJ.Jad protntionfor 120/24 0-volt, 3-wire, singlliphase dtvr!ling services shall be jiermiUerl in rttcordance tvilh the
wquirements of310.12.
(B) Nol in Grounded Conductor. No O\'ercurre n t d evice shal l
be inser ted in a grounded service conductor except a c ircuit
brea ker t11at simultaJ1eously opens a ll conductors of the c ircuit.
230.9 1 Location. The servi ce ove rcurrenL device sha ll be an
integral part of the service disconnec ting means or sha ll be
located immediately adj acent thereto. , vh ere fuses are u5ecl as
the service overcurrenL device, the disconnecting means shall
be located ah ead of the supply side of th e fuses.
230.92 Locked Service Overcurrent Devices. V\lhere the ser""
ice overcun-ent d evices are locked or sealed o r are not readily
acces•;ible to the occupant, branch-circuit or feeder overcw·rent devices shall be installed on the load side, shall be mounted in a readily accessible location, and shall be of lower
ampere rating than the service overctuTent device.
230.93 Protection of Specific Circuits. Where necessary to
prevent tampering, an automatic ove1-curren t device th<1t
protects se1-vice conductor·s supplying onl)' a speciftc load, such
a~ a water heater, shall be permitted to be locked or sealed
where located so as co be accessible.
230.94 Relative Location of Overcurrent Devfoe and Other
Service Equipment. The overcurrent device shall protect all
circuits and devices.
Excej1tion No. 1: TIU' service switch shall be permil.ted on the supj,ly
l!.'xcef1tion No. 2: High-impPdance shunt circuilf, surge arresters,
Typ,, I .mrgp-protertivl' dr,vir:es, snrge-protective wpa1;ilor.1~ and instmmnit transformers (current, and voltagp) shall be pn-nlilled lo be connerted and insta/lnl o-n tfu, supply sic/I' of the service disconnerting mams
as permillerl by 230.82.
l.xcef1tion No. 3: Cirwits for lorut management devires shall be permit/rd lo be con11erterl on the sttfJ/Jly side of tlw sn·vice overcurrent df'llil'I'
wll11te se/J1Zralely /1rovid~d with overrurrenl /nvterlion.
Excef1tion No. 4-: Cirrnils usrd nnly for the opera/ion offii'P alann, other
protective sign11ling syslmns, or the su/tply to fire pump eq•tiifmienl shall
be /1ennitted lo be mnnl!f;ted on the si1pply sidP of the srrvicR overcurrenl
r/evfoe whem separately fJrovid11d with overcurwnt protertion.
Exreption No. 5: Meters nominally ratNl not in exr;fss of 600 voltr sha.ll
br fwrrnitu-d, provided all rnetal lumsin~ and servire enr:ln.mre.,s- arP
Excej,ti.Qn No. 6: Whem srr,1.,ife equ.ifJtn.rnt is power operable, the control
circuit shali be /1rrmitted lo be connected ahead of lhe servicr equipm.enl
if mitab/P OVfl"C!trrent pmt~rtirm rmd dimmnerting means Cl/'IJ {:l'rovi-
mum time delay shall be one second for ground-faul t current5
equal to or greater than :IO00 amperes.
(B) Fuses. If a switch and fuse combina tion is used, the fuses
employed shall be capable of interrupting any current higher
tha n the interrupting· capacity of th e switch during a time that
the gi·ow1d-fault prntective system will not cause the switch to
(C) Performance Testing. T he ground•fauJL protection system
shall be performa nce tested when first installed on site. T h is
testing shall be conducted by a qualified person(s) using a test
process of primary current injection, in accordance with
instructions th at shall be provided with the equipm enl. A wriL•
ten record of th.is testing s hall be made and sha ll be availa ble to
the a uthority havi11gjurisdiction .
Jnfom1aLiona'I Note No. I: Ground-fuulc protection. lha1 ftLnctions Lo open the service disconnec1 affords no protection from
fau! LS on che line side of che protective elemenL L1 serves o nly to
limi1 d,1mage lO conducwrs and equipment on 1he load side in
the even1 of an arcing ground fault on 1he load side of 1he
protective element.
[nfom1aLional Nore No. 2: This added prorective equipment a1
the service eqLtipmenL may make it necessa1y to review the overall wiring system for proper selective overcurrent protection
coordina1inn. Addi1jonal ins1al.la1ions of ground-fault protective
eqtripment may be needed on feeders and branch ci rcuits where
maximum continuity of e lec rric service is necessary.
Informational Nore No. 3: Where ground-fault protection is
provided for the service disconnect and interconnection is made
wich another supply system by a Lransfer device, mea11S or devices may be n eeded m ensure proper grnund,faull sensing hy the
ground-fault protecLion equipmenL
lnfomrnt.ional Note No. 4: See 517.l 7(A) for informa1fon on
where an additional s1ep nf g1:ound-fauh protection i, required
for hospitals and other buildings wir.h critical are,lS or life
sup pore eriuiprnen L.
Part VIII. Services Exceeding 1000 Volts, Nominal
230.95 Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment. Ground-fault
protection of equipment shall be provided for solid ly grounded
wye electric services of more than 150 volts to ground but not
exceeding 1000 volt5 pha5e•to-phase for each service d isconnect rated 1000 amperes or more . The grounded conductor
for the solidly grounded wye system shall be connected directly
to ground through a g ro unding electrode system. a5 specified
in 250.50, without inserting any resistor or impedance device.
230.200 General. Service condu ctm-s and equipment ·used on
cil"Cu it5 exceeding 1000 volts, nominal, shall comply with all the
applicable preceding sections of this article and w ith the following sections that supplement or modify the preceding sect.ions.
l.n no case shall the provisions of Pa n V1l1 apply to e quiprnent
on the supply side of the service point.
The rating of the service d isconnect sh all be considered to
be the rating of the largest fuse that can be installed or the
highest continuo us cun-ent trip setting fo1· which the acn.1al
overcu1-rent device i.mtalled in a circuit breaker is rated or can
be adjusted.
ExreJ1tion: 171e gronndfr111tt j.rrolection jmroisions of lids srction sha.ll
not rippty to a servirP di5connPct for a conlinttQllS in.rl'tLtl'lial process
wherr' a nonorr.lr<rly shutdown will introduce additicmal or inaensed
(A) Setting. The gmtmd-fau.lt protection system shall ope rate
to cause the service d isconnect to open a ll u ngrounded
conductors of the faulted circuit. The maximum setting of the
ground-fault protection shall be 1200 amperes, and the maxi-
Informational Note: f or clearances of conductors of over
l000 volL~. nominal, see ANSI/IEEE C2-2Ul7, Nalionetl t:uxtriml
Safety G,dt!.
230.202 Service-Entrance
Conduc tors. Set-vice-en trance
conducto1·s to building-s 01- enclosures shall be installed to
conform to 230.202(A) and (B).
(A) Conductor Size. Service-entra nce conductors shall not be
smalle r- than 6 AWG unless in mult iconductor cable. Multiconductor cable shall not be smaller than S AWG.
(B) Wiring Methods. Service-enffance con ductors shall be
installed by one: of d1e wiring methocL5 covered in 300.37 and
230.204 Isolating Switches.
(A) Where Required. V\'here o il switches or air, oil, vacuum, 0 1·
sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers constitute the service
ARTfCLE 240 -
disconnecting mea.i1$, a.i1 isolaLing switch with visible break
contact.~ shall be installed on the supply side of the disconnecting means and a ll associated service eqLtipmenl.
Exception: A n isolating switch shall no/, be required where the circuit
breaker or switch ·is mounted on removable tmd, />lmeLs or switchgew·
units where both of !he following conditions appl~•:
Cannot be Cf{1ened unless the circwil is disronnel'ted
Wh11re all energized /Jarts are automaticrilly disconnected whe11
the t in:uil bmohcr or switch is removed fmm the normal operr.tting
(B) Fuses as Isolating Switch. Where fuses a.re of the type that
can be operated as a disco nnecting switch , a set of such fuses
shall be permitted as the isolating switch.
(C) Accessible to Qualified Persons Only. The isolating switch
shal l be accessibl e to qualified persons o nly.
(D) Connection to Ground. Isolating switch es sh all be provided wit h a m eans for 1·eadily connectin g the load side conductors to a grnunding e lectrode system, equipme nt ground
btL~bar, or grounded steel s1Tucture when disconnected from
the source of suppl)'.
A means for grounding the lm1d side conductors to a
grOLmdin g electrode system , equi.pment grow1ding bmbar, or
grounded structural steel shall not be required fo1· any duplicate isolating switch instal.led and ma in tained by the e lectric
supply company:
230.205 Disconnecting Means.
(A) Location. The service disconnecting mean s shall b e located in accordance with 230.70.
For either overhead or unde1·ground primary d.isa-ibut.io n
systems on private property. the se rvice disconnect shall be
permitted to be located in a location that is n o t readily accessible, if the discormecting m ean s can be operated by mech an ical
linkage from a readil)' accessible point, or e lectronically in
accordance with 230.205(C), where applicable.
capable of detecti.ng an d imerrnpting all value s of c urren t, in
excess of it5 trip setting or rnelting point, that can occur at it5
location. A fuse rated in continuous a mperes not to exceed
three times the ampacity o f the condu ctor, or a circ uit breaker
with a trip setting of not m ore than six times the a mpacity of
the conductors, s hall b e con sidered as providing the re quired
short-circuit protectio n.
Informational Nole: See Table 31 l.6U(C)(67) through Table
3ll .60 (C) (86) for ampacities of conducwrs raLed '.!001 volLs LO
35,000 volts.
Ove1·cunent d evices shaLl conform to 230.208(A) a nd ( B).
(A) Equipment T}pe. Equipme nt used to protect servicee ntnmce condu ctors sh all meeL t he requi remenrn of Article 490, Part IL
(B) Enclosed Overcurrent Devices. The
resu-ic tto n to
80 percenc of ci1e rating for a n enclosed o ve rcurrent device for
continuous loads shall not apply to ovet·cwTent devices
installed in systems operating a t over LOO() volL5.
230.209 Surge Arresters. Surge arresters installed in accordan ce wit h the require ments of Article 242 shall be pe rmitted on
each ungrounded overh ead service conductor.
Informatio nal Note: Surge arresters may he referred Ill as lig htning arresters in older documents.
230.210 Service Equipment - General Provisions. Se1·vice
equipment, including instrum ent tra nsformers, s h a ll conform
to Atiicle 490, Part I.
230.211 Switchgear. Switchgear shall consist of a substantial
metal su-ucture and a sh eet metal e nclosnre. Where insta lled
over a combustible floor, suitabl e protection thereto sh a ll b e
230.212 Over 35,000 Volts. "''here the voltage exceeds
35,000 volts b etween conductors t hat enter a build ing, t hey
shall terminate in a switch gear compartment o r a vault
con formi n g to ci1e requirem e n ts of 450.4 1 through 4.150 .48.
(B) Type. Each service disconnect shall simultaneornly disconnect all ungmunded service conductors that it controls a.i1rl
shall h ave a fau lt-closing rati ng that is .not less tha n th e available fault current at it~ s upply terminals.
Whe1-e fused switche.~ or separately m o unted fuses are
installed, th e fuse charac teristics sh all be permitted to con u-ibute to the fault-closing rating of the disconnecting mea.i1s.
(C) Remote Control. For multibuilding, indu~trial installations Lmder single manageme nt, th e service disconnecting
means s ha.11 be permitted to be located at a sepa rate building
or sa-uctw·e . ln su ch cases, ci1e se1·vice disconnecting m eans
shall be pern.1 itted LO be electrically o perated by a readily accessible, remote-control d evice.
230.206 Overcurrent Devices as Disconnecting Means. ,.\There
the circ uit b1·eaker or alternative for it, as specified in 230.208
for service overctu-rent devices, meets the requirements specified in 230.205, it sh all constitute the service di~connecting
mean s.
230.208 .P rotection Requirements. A short-circuit protective
device shall he p rovided on th.e l oad side of, or a5 an integral
pa rt of, tJ1e service disco nnect, and s ha ll protect all ung round ed condu ctors that it supplies. The protective device sha ll be
2020 ll\lirjon
Overcurrent Protection
Part I. General
240.l Scope . Part5 I tluoug h VII of thi.~ article provide the
gen eral require ments for overc w·rent pmtection and overcurr en t protective d evices n ot mo1·e tha n 1000 volt~, no minal.
Part VIll covers overcun-ent protection for those portions of
s upe rvised inclustt·ial installations operating at voltages of not
more than 1000 volt5, n ominal. Part lX cove rs overcurrent
protection o ver 1000 volts, nomina l.
l nfi:,rmatio nal Note: Ove rcurre nt protectio n for conductors aod
eq uipment is provided to open l he circuit if rhe curren1 reaches
a value t hat will cause a n excessive or dangerous temperature in
conductors or conducwr insulation. See a lso I 10.!-) for requireme n ts for inte rrupting rat.ings and 110. 10 fo r require me nts for
prmect.ion against fmtlt curre n u;.