Uploaded by Kasra “My lovly panad cat” Cheraghi seifabad

Cheragh Seifabad Kasra assign1 ENG2003

Kasra Cheraghi Seifabad
Phone# 6476792383
February 2nd,2024
Employer: Bluestar Engineering Ltd
To whom it may concern,
I would like to express my interest in the co-op job Junior Electrical Engineer posi on adver sed
through Workopolis.com.
My degree program is Electrical Engineering at York University and as I am about to finish my third
year, I have gained an acceptable knowledge regarding electrical equipment as well as cost and project
scheduling. I am confident that I have developed proper skills in electrical engineering calcula on and
CAD drawing during my coursework, that I believe will help me accomplish this job perfectly.
During my co-op job at WSP Global Inc, last summer, I assisted the director of transportation,
Electrical & ITS department on matters pertaining to highway lighting and traffic signals,
including calculating bill of materials from technical drawings, cad drawings, electrical
calculations, lighting analysis, documentation, and asset management. The experience I gained
during my journey at WSP, helped me improve my communication skills, the ability of working
as a team under the supervision of a senior engineer, the ability of writing technical
documents, reports while being mindful of deadlines.
Please find enclosed a copy of my resume with more details about my educa on, experience and skills.
I believe I will be a good fit and I would be delighted to have the opportunity to be invited for an
interview. Thank you for your me and considera on.
Best regards
Kasra Cheraghi Seifabad
As I had worked on mul ple cover le ers for applying for many different coop jobs, I already had
some experience wri ng cover le ers therefore there was no need for me to use any genera ve AI
tools at all.