IELTS Writing Task 1 TRENDS Jamshid Safarov IELTS Writing Task 1 1 Vocabulary for Introduction Starting Presentation Type Verb Description The/ the given / diagram / table / shows / represents / the comparison of… the supplied / the figure / illustration / depicts / the differences… presented / the graph / chart / flow enumerates / the changes... shown / the chart / picture/ illustrates / the number of… provided presentation/ pie presents/ gives / information on… chart / bar graph/ provides / data on… column graph / line delineates/ outlines/ the proportion of… graph / table data/ describes / the amount of… data / information / delineates/ information on... pictorial/ process expresses/ denotes/ data about... diagram/ map/ pie compares/ shows comparative data... chart and table/ bar contrast / indicates / the trend of... graph and pie chart figures / gives data the percentages of... ... on / gives the ratio of... information on/ how the... presents information about/ shows data about/ demonstrates/ sketch out/ summarises... Just after you finish writing your 'Introduction' (i.e. General Statement + General overview/ trend), you are expected to start a new paragraph to describe the main features of the diagrams. This second paragraph is called the 'Body Paragraph / Report Body". You can have a single body paragraph/ report body or up to 3, (not more than 3 in any case) depending on the number of graphs provided in the question and the type of these graphs. There are certain phrases you can use to start your body paragraph and following is a list of such phrases --- 2 Sample usage 1. As is presented in the diagram(s)/ graph(s)/ pie chart(s)/ table... 2. As (is) shown in the illustration... 3. As can be seen in the... 4. As the diagrams suggest... 5. According to the... 6. Categorically speaking... 7. Getting back to the details... 8. Now, turning to the details... 9. The table data clearly shows that... 10. The diagram reveals that... 11. The data suggest that... 12. The graph gives the figure... 13. It is interesting to note that... 14. It is apparently seen that... 15. It is conspicuous that... 16. It is explicitly observed that... 17. It is obvious... 18. It is clear from the data... 19. It is worth noticing that... 20. It is crystal clear/ lucid that... 21. It can be clearly observed that... 22. It could be plainly viewed that... 23. It could be noticed that... 24. We can see that... 3 Words to describe Changes Vocabulary to show the changes: Trends Verb form Increase rise / increase / go a rise / an up / uplift / Noun Form increase / an rocket(ed) / climb / upward trend / upsurge / soar/ a growth / a shot up/ improve/ leap / a jump jump/ leap/ move an upward/ improvement/ a skyrocket/ soar/ climb. surge. Decrease fall / decrease / a fall / a decline / plummet decrease / a / plunge / drop / reduction / a reduce / collapse / downward deterioriate/ dip / trends dive / go down / /a downward take a nosedive / tendency / a slum / slide / go decline/ into free-fall. drop / a slide / a a collapse / a downfall. Steadiness unchanged / level a steadiness/ out / remain a plateau / a constant / remain stability/ a steady / plateau / static remain the same / remain stable / remain static Gradual increase an upward ------------ trend / an upward tendency / a ceiling trend Gradual decrease a downward ------------ trend / a downward tendency / a descending trend Standability/ level(ed) off / Flat remain(ed) No change, a constant / flat, a plateau remain(ed) unchanged / remain(ed) stable / prevail(ed) consistency / plateaued / reach(ed) a plateau / stay(ed) uniform /immutable / level(ed) out/ stabilise/ remain(ed) the same. Examples: 1. The overall sale of the company increased by 20% at the end of the year. 2. The expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6 months but the profit rose by almost 25%. 3. There was a 15% drop in the ratio of student enrollment in this University. 4. The population of the country remained almost the same as it was 2 years ago. 5. The population of these two cities increase significantly in the last two decades and it is expected that it will remain stable during the next 5 years. 4 Vocabulary to represent changes in graphs: Type of Adverb form Adjective Change form Rapid dramatically / dramatic / change rapidly / rapid / sharp sharply / / quick / quickly / hurried / hurriedly / speedy / speedily / swift / swiftly / significant / significantly/ considerable considerably / substantial / / noticable. substantioally / noticably. Moderate moderately / moderate / change gradual / gradually / progressively progressive / / sequential. sequentially. Steady steadily/ steady/ change ceaselessly. ceaseless. Slight slightly / slowly slight / slow / change / mildly / tediously. mild / tedious. Example: 1. The economic inflation of the country increased sharply by 20% in 2008. 2. There was a sharp drop in the industrial production in the year 2009. 3. The demand for new houses dramatically increased in 2002. 4. The population of the country dramatically increased in the last decade. 5. The price of the oil moderately increased during the last quarter but as a consequence, the price of daily necessity rapidly went up. 5 Vocabulary to represent frequent changes in graphs: Type of Verb form Noun form Change Rapid wave / waves / ups fluctuate / fluctuations / and oscillate / downs vacillate / palpitate oscillations / vacillations / palpitations Example: 1. The price of the goods fluctuated during the first three months in 2017. 2. The graph shows the oscillations of the price from 1998 to 2002. 3. The passenger number in this station oscillates throughout the day and in early morning and evening, it remains busy. 4. The changes of car production in Japan shows a palpitation for the second quarter of the year. 5. The number of students in debate clubs fluctuated in different months of the year and rapid ups and downs could be observed in the last three months of this year. Tips: 1. 4. DO NOT try to present every single data presented in a graph. Rather pick 5-7 most significant and important trends/ changes and show their comparisons and contrasts. 2. The question asks you to write a report and summarise the data presented in graphs(s). This is why you need to show the comparisons, contrasts, show the highest and lowest points and most striking features in your answer, not every piece of data presented in the diagram(s). 6 Types of Changes/ Differences and Vocabulary to present them: Great change / Huge difference: Adjectives Adverbs Overwhelming Overwhelmingly Substantial Substantially Enormous Enormously Big change / Big difference: Adjectives Adverbs Significant Significantly Considerable Considerably Medium change / Moderate difference: Adjectives Adverbs Somewhat Somewhat Moderate Moderately Minor change / Small difference: Adjectives Adverbs Fractional Fractionally Marginal Marginally Slight Slightly Dates, Months & Years related vocabulary and grammar: » From 1990 to 2000, Commencing from 1980, Between 1995 and 2005, After 2012. » By 1995, In 1998, In February, Over the period, During the period, During 2011. » In the first half of the year, For the first quarter, The last quarter of the year, During the first decade. » In the 80s, In the 1980s, During the next 6 months, In the mid-70s, Next 10 years, Previous year, Next year, Between 1980 - 1990. » Within a time span of ten years, within five years. » Next month, Next quarter, Next year, Previous month, Previous year. » Since, Then, From. 7 Percentage, Portion and Numbers: Percentages: 10% increase, 25 percent decrease, increased by 15%, dropped by 10 per cent, fall at 50%, reached to 75%, tripled, doubled, one-fourth, three-quarters, half, double fold, treble, 5 times higher, 3 timers lower, declined to about 49%, stood exactly at 43%. Fractions: 4% = A tiny fraction. 24% = Almost a quarter. 25% Exactly a quarter. 26% = Roughly one quarter. 32% Nearly one-third, nearly a third. 49% = Around a half, just under a half. 50% Exactly a half. 51% = Just over a half. 73% = Nearly three quarters. 77% = Approximately three quarter, more than threequarter. 79% = Well over three quarters. Proportions: 2% = A tiny portion, a very small proportion. 4% = An insignificant minority, an insignificant proportion. 16% = A small minority, a small portion. 70% = A large proportion. 72% = A significant majority, A significant proportion.89% = A very large proportion. 89% = A very large proportion. 8 Words/ Phrases of Approximation Vocabulary: » Approximately » Nearly » Roughly » Almost » About » Around » More or less » Just over » Just under » Just around » Just about » Just below » A little more than » A little less than. !!! Using the word ‘Number’ Did you know that the word ‘ Number’ can be used as a verb as well as a noun? • number – present verb • numbered – past verb • • the number of – noun outnumber – verb Examples sentences: 1. Cars produced in Japan number around 9 million units at present 2. Car production in Japan numbered around 9 million units last year 3. Coal exports in The USA outnumbered steel exports throughout the whole period. 4. In September 2017, the total number of EU migrants to the UK was just under 100,000. 5. The number of cars produced in Japan last year stood at around 9 million, outnumbering the USA (7 million). For ‘people’ we also use the word ‘number of’ as ‘people’ is a countable noun. • The number of + countable noun ‘The number of people living in London has risen to around 10 million since 1970’ • When comparing things or people you can also use the word outnumber ‘The number of users on Facebook last year reached around 2 billion, outnumbering Twitter which stood at 1.5 billion users.’ Note: A good way of paraphrasing ‘the number of ‘ is to use ‘the proportion of..’ so I can also write: ‘The proportion of users on Facebook last year reached around 2 billion, outnumbering Twitter which stood at 1.5 billion users.’ Using Comprised / accounted for To get a good score in vocabulary you need to vary your language. Here are 2 examples: ‘Energy production in France comprised 6% hydro power and 24% nuclear power in 2010′ ‘In 2010, hydro power and Nuclear power accounted for 6% and 24% of Energy production in France respectively Using the word ‘Total’ • totaled – past verb • in total – noun phrase • the total number /amount of – noun 1. The number of cars produced in Japan totaled around 9 million last year 2. The total number of cars produced in Japan last year stood at around 9 million, outnumbering the USA (7 million). 3. In total, 300,000 iPhones were manufactured in the last quarter of 2016 4. The total amount of electricity produced in the first half of 2016 was around 2 million kilowatts Using the word ‘Amount’ • The amount of + uncountable noun 1. The amount of electricity produced in Canada from Hydroelectric power has risen sharply since 2012 2. The amount of coal used in Australia doubled throughout the whole period. 2. Car production in The USA amounted to around 250,000 vehicles in the first half of 2015. Sometimes you can use the word ‘amounted to’ (past tense) or ‘amounts to’ (present tense) This is a synonym for ‘in total’ . The cost of repairs amount to $700 (present) / The cost of repairs amounted to $700 (past) Using the word ‘Figure’ This is useful if you want to reduce repetition in your writing instead of constantly using ‘ the number of’ or ‘the proportion of’ • uncountable nouns: the figure for unemployment. • countable nouns: the figure for people • countries: the figure for the USA. • percentages: the figure for…… rose by 10%. 1. The figure for people entering University reached a peak by 2014 2. The figure for CO2 emissions in The UK dipped slightly by the end of the 30 year period. 3. The population figures for India rose by 12% over the two decades. 4. The figure for unemployment dropped to 5% in 2015. Using the word ‘Period’ This is a good way to paraphrase a date range especially in the overview where it is best to avoid numbers or details , so rather than writing for instance, ‘from 2000 to 2010’ you can write: • ‘in a ten year period’ • ‘throughout the ten year period’ • ‘throughout the whole period.’ In a graph with a time period, If I want to talk about the first year I can write ‘at the start of the period’and for the last year I can write ‘at the end of the period’ Practice Here are 2 charts from BBC news stories about migration from the UK and people arriving and leaving before and after Brexit. (Note that this is for practice purposes only and not official Cambridge IELTS material. Source: BBC and ONS) To see the News story click here for the link to the BBC, this is worth reading as there is some useful IELTS academic task 1 vocabulary that you could make notes on. Try the exercise below and then check your answers. Note that the grammar will need to be in the past tense here. Use these words: The proportion of / The figure for / outnumbered / the whole 10 year period amounted to / The number of / numbered 1. EU migrants ___________ around 90,000 in December 2012 and rose steadily until June 2016. 2. _______________ EU migrants rose steadily from December 2012 to June 2016. 3. _______________ non EU migrants _____________ slightly over 200,000 by September 2017. 4. Non EU migrants ___________ EU migrants throughout the ____________________ 5. __________________ non EU migrants in December 2007 amounted to 200,000. Show Answers Use these words: numbered / The figures for / outnumbered / the figures The number of / The proportion of / amounted to 1. ______________ EU citizens who arrived in the UK 12 months after Brexit ___________ approximately 240,000. 2. ______________ Non EU citizens that arrived in the UK a year prior to Brexit, ______________those for the period 12 months after Brexit. 3. EU citizens who left the UK in the 12 months following the vote _____________ 123,000. 4. _______________ people leaving the UK before and after Brexit were almost equal. 5. Overall, more people arrived in the UK prior to Brexit compared to the year after the vote, according to ___________