NOVEL CORONAVIRUS ADVICE The situation of the Novel Coronavirus is evolving. Human to Human transmission is confirmed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the virus transfer route and high personal hygiene standards are the most effective prevention strategy. The following procedures outlines the following: 1. General Cleaning and Location Cleaning 2. Decontamination in response to suspected infectious. Cleaning and Disinfection Advice Recommended General Cleaning Continue to review with cleaning vendors and cleaning staff capabilities to increase cleaning man-power and frequency. General office cleaning – 2 times per day Common area cleaning – 6 times per day (Recommended every 90 minutes between 9.00am and 6.00pm) Restroom Cleaning – 6-8 times per day (every hour between 9.00am and 6.00pm) Temperature monitoring of all staff and external stakeholders entering premises to be undertaken where security provision and capability in scope. Health Corner set-up to accommodate those showing symptoms via allocation of a first aid room or isolated restroom facility. Masks disposal through normal rubbish bins unless advised by government other disposal is required and specialist mask disposal bins established. Hand sanitizers available in pantries and meeting rooms, and entrance ways to property, residential areas. Review to consider restricting access to certain floors or rooms to visitors. *Common areas are defined as meeting rooms, copy rooms, corridors, pantries, visitor areas, kitchen areas, elevator lobbies, mother’s room, medical room, quiet room, shower rooms and reception. Cleaning of Areas of Affected by Confirmed or Suspected Cases All personnel clean in areas suspected by contaminated areas must be equipped with enough personal protective equipment, including goggles, mask, protective clothing, overs shoes and gloves. Gloves or other reusable PPE shall be soaked in 1:49 bleach solution for 30 minutes before use again. Inform relevant Building Management to seek advice to adjust the air conditioning system to prevent circulation of the indoor air to other areas. Replace the localized AHU and PAU filter immediately. Use 1:49 bleach solution to be sued to clean the area, including workstation and desk phone and other property/office furniture. Use 1:99 bleach solution or 70% alcohol to clean the property/office area general surfaces. Soft furnishings i.e. curtain and sofa cushion in a property/office use 70-80°C hot water with normal cleansing agent to wash. Pour 1:99 bleach solution into the u-channel and floor drains on all floors. For carpet cleaning, use a high efficiency vacuum cleaner with filter media e.g. HEPA, to clean, If carpet is obviously contaminated, use 70% alcohol to soak the contaminated area and further clean by steam cleaner. Engineering Controls Confirm the last cleaning and replacement of air conditioning and filtration. In Office areas of confirmed or suspected cases, replace the localized AHU and PAU FILTER. Conduct some general inspection to ensure fixed and portable extraction fans, kitchen extraction fans are clean and in good repair. Ensure you have contact details for engineering vendors and keep informed of your contractors’ capability and charges to undertake additional filter cleaning. Client and Staff Communication Plan, discuss and communicate your cleaning and disinfection plans/proposals with tenants and clients as necessary. Know and review your Business Continuity Plans and Frameworks. Ensure the contact information of critical vendors, staff and clients are up to date and communicated. Provide staff with advice and tips on good handwashing. Personal Hygiene Advice Human to Human transmission is still confirmed by World Health Organization (WHO) as the virus transfer route and high personal hygiene standards are the most effective. In areas on high or emergency status, maintain high standards or personal hygiene and wash hands when travelling to and from the workplace. Consider using face masks only if necessary and replace when wet or damaged. Provide hand carry sanitizer. When cleaning vomitus and highly infectious matter, seek medical attention, follow the advice of your medical practitioner and inform your supervisor/ manager. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus(2019-nCoV), please report it to your manager. Home Working Policy Adhere to the relevant home working policy and travel exclusion policies by the company.