DFM3 — DFM3 TASK 3: ADDRESSING MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES: INTERVIEW AND COMMUNITY SOURCES By Ismael Dejesus Part 1: Interview A. • Brandon Alden Teachers assistant • Cranston Public School • 2/19/24 5:30 PM 1. a. Depression and anxiety b. The school social worker meets the needs of a student with depression by creating a safe space for the student to be able to talk. Being someone, she can trust. The school Behavior interventionist meets the needs of a student by acknowledging their triggers. Giving students the time to take space when needed. Part 2: Community Resources B. The YMCA on Breakneck Hill Rd Lincoln RI. They have a guidance counselor there who addresses issues like the ones in part A1. 1. The Job coach at the YMCA helps students with anxiety during job training. He does this by helping students find the accommodations they need to be successful.