Uploaded by Nguyễn Vũ Anh Thư

Review for Midterm Speaking 1 (1)

Part 1:
- Are there many small businesses in the place where you live?
Yes, there are quite a few small businesses in my area.
- Do you prefer to buy things from a small business or a large company?
I prefer buying things from small businesses because it feels more personal and supports the
local community.
- Do you want to work in a small business?
I'm open to working in a small business if the opportunity aligns with my interests and skills
- Have you ever thought about starting your own business?
Yes, I've considered starting my own business someday, but I haven't made any concrete
plans yet.
- Do you like old buildings?
Yes, I like old buildings for their charm and historical significance.
- What's your favorite old building in your country?
My favorite ancient building in my country is the Hue Citadel
- Would you prefer to live in a modern or old building?
I like to live in a modern building for the convenience of modern amenities.
- What problems can old buildings have?
Older buildings can face problems such as structural damage, outdated infrastructure, and
maintenance difficulties.
- Are you a polite person?
Yes, I consider myself a polite person.
- Do you think people should be polite?
Yes, I believe people should be polite as it fosters positive interactions and respect.
- How do people in your culture show good manners towards others?
In my culture, showing good manners involves greetings, using polite language, and showing
consideration for others.
- Who taught you to be polite?
My parents and teachers taught me to be polite from a young age.
- How important is politeness for you?
Politeness is essential to me as it contributes to harmonious relationships and effective
Social media
- Do you like using social media?
Yes, I enjoy using social media for staying connected and getting updates.
- Do you think that you are using too much social media?
I try to balance my social media use and avoid excessive screen time.
- Do you want to work in social media?
Working in social media could be interesting, but it depends on the role and responsibilities.
- What's the most popular social media in Vietnam?
The most popular social media platform in Vietnam is Facebook.
- Who are you close to your family?
Yes, I am close to my family, especially my parents and siblings.
- Do you often spend time with your family and friends?
I try to spend quality time with both my family and friends regularly.
- Have you ever had a disagreement with a family member?
Yes, disagreements with family members are a normal part of relationships, but we always
find ways to resolve them.
- Should we realize heavily on our families or is it better to be independent?
Balancing dependence and independence is crucial. While family provides support, it's also
essential to cultivate independence for personal growth.
- What games are popular in your country?
In my country, popular games include traditional board games, card games, and sports like
- Do you play any games?
Yes, I enjoy playing both board games and video games.
- How do people learn to play games in your country?
People usually learn to play games through family, friends, or organized sports teams in my
- Do you think it's important for people to play games?
Playing games is important as it promotes social interaction, strategic thinking, and physical
- Do you think playing game is a waste of time?
While excessive gaming can be a waste of time, moderate and purposeful gaming can have
cognitive and social benefits
- What are some health benefits of playing games?
Health benefits of playing games include improved coordination, enhanced cognitive skills,
and stress relief.
Part 2
Describe a successful company that you know
You should say:
What it is
How you know about it
How it becomes successful
And explain how you felt about it
- One successful company that comes to my mind is Tesla, a leading electric vehicle and
clean energy company founded by Elon Musk.
- I've known about Tesla through various sources, including news articles, company updates,
and public awareness.
- Tesla's success can be attributed to its innovative approach to electric vehicles, cutting-edge
technology, and commitment to sustainability.
- I feel impressed by Tesla's accomplishments, as it has not only changed the perception of
electric vehicles but has also demonstrated that sustainability can be integrated into
mainstream consumer products.
Describe a businessman that you admire
 Who this person is
 How you knew this person
 What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person
- The businessman I admire is Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong, the founder and Chairman of Vingroup,
one of the leading conglomerates in Vietnam.
- I became acquainted with him through business news and the remarkable success that
Vingroup has achieved across various sectors.
- Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong has established a comprehensive business empire that includes real
estate, education, healthcare and automobile manufacturing. His long-term strategic vision in
investing in large projects has positively contributed to the country's economic development.
- I admire Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong because of his business success but also for his strategic
foresight. He has consistently demonstrated innovation and development, playing a
significant role in changing the business landscape of Vietnam.
Describe your dream home.
You should say:
• Where you are living now
• Where you want to live
• What kind of home is your dream home
And explain why you think it is your dream home.
- I currently live in a bustling city in a boarding house.
- my dream is to live in a peaceful coastal area where I can enjoy the peace of the ocean and
the beauty of nature.
- In my dream home, I envision a beach house with large windows overlooking panoramic
ocean views. It will have a spacious, open design, combining modern amenities with rustic
- I believe this dream home will provide a peaceful retreat and connection to nature, allowing
me to relax and find inspiration in the soothing rhythm of the waves.
Describe a modern building. You should say:
where it is
 what it is used for
 and why you like/dislike it.
- Landmark 81 is a modern building in my downtown area.
- It serves as a modern office complex that houses many businesses and corporate offices.
- I appreciate the beautiful design and innovative architecture of this building with its glass
facade and energy-saving features.
Describe an interesting house or apartment that you have visited.
You should say
where the house or apartment was
who lived there
what it looked like on the outside and/or inside
and explain why you found this house or apartment interesting.
- I once visited an attractive house in the countryside.
- It belongs to my cousin's family. They creatively transformed their home into a beautiful
and cozy living space.
- From the outside, the house has a unique exterior with colorful walls and a well-kept
garden. - Inside, each room has unique furniture, handcrafted decorations and a variety of
- The creative atmosphere and individual touches have made the house a charming and
memorable space, reflecting the unique personalities of the owners.
Describe a time when you gave advice to others. You should say:
 When it was
 To whom you gave the advice
 What the advice was
 And explain why you gave the advice
- A few days ago, I gave advice to a classmate who was having trouble managing his time.
She feels overwhelmed and stressed because of the heavy workload.
- I suggest creating a priority list and breaking tasks into smaller, more logical steps. I
emphasize the importance of dividing urgent and non-urgent work.
- I give advice because I want to help them improve their study-life balance and reduce stress,
promoting a more positive and productive learning environment.
Describe a time when you helped someone.
You should say :
who you helped
how you helped them
how you felt when you helped them
and explain how this person benefited from your help
- I helped an elderly woman cross the street last week.
- She was struggling to navigate the traffic, so I offered her my arm and guided her safely to
the other side.
-I feel a sense of satisfaction and warmth knowing that I could make a positive impact on
someone's day.
- The elderly woman benefited from my help by safely crossing the street without any
difficulty, and it seemed to bring her a sense of relief and gratitude.
Describe a time when you helped a child
You should say:
 When it happened
 Where you were stuck
 What you did while waiting
 And explain how you felt in the traffic jam
- I helped a child in a traffic jam last month.
- We were stuck on a busy road and I noticed a little girl feeling uncomfortable in the car next
to mine.
- While I waited, I played a simple game of peek-a-boo with her, which seemed to cheer her
- I felt happy and connected, turning a frustrating situation into a joyful moment for both of
Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
 When it was
 When you saw it
 What you saw
 And explain why you think it was interesting
- I saw a viral video of a dog trying to "speak" by imitating human speech that was quite
amusing on social media last week during my lunch break.
- The video is very interesting and touching because the dog's communication efforts are
surprisingly convincing.
- I find it interesting because it showcases the unique and sometimes unexpected talents of
animals, brings a smile to my face and brightens my day.
Describe a website that you often use. You should say:
 what type of website it is
 how you found out about it
 what it allows you to do,
 and why you find it useful.
- I often use Facebook, a social media website.
- I found out about it through my friends.
- It allows me to connect with people, share updates, and see what others are doing.
- I find it useful for staying in touch and keeping up with friends and family.
Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with
You should say:
 who it is
 when you are usually together
 what you do together
 And explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family
- I spend the most time with my younger sister.
- We're usually together in the evenings.
- We do various activities like watching movies, playing games, or simply chatting.
- I spend time with her because we share a close bond, and it's important to me to be a part of
her life and support her.
Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child
You should say:
• what the game was
• who you played it with
• how you played it
• where you played it
And explain why you liked playing that game.
- I played "Monopoly" when I was a child.
- I played it with my siblings at home.
- We rolled dice, moved game pieces, and bought properties.
- We played it in our living room.
- I liked it because it was fun, competitive, and brought the family together for an enjoyable
Describe a game you enjoy playing.
You should say:
 what kind of game it is
 whom you play it with
 where you play it
 and explain why you enjoy playing this game.
- I enjoy playing "Among Us," a multiplayer online game.
- I play it with friends over the internet.
- We usually play from the comfort of our homes.
- I enjoy it because it's a social and strategic game that fosters teamwork and deduction skills,
making it both entertaining and engaging.
Part 3
Situation 1: Staff motivation.
A company wants to motivate staff to work harder. Talk together for about two minutes.
About some of the things the company could do to motivate them and then design together,
which three things would be the best.
 Higher salaries
 More training
 Bonus payment
 More holiday
 Flexible working hours
 Private health insurance
 New offices
 Free company transport
Person A: Hey, I've been thinking about how we can motivate the staff to work harder. What
do you think we could do?
Person B: Well, maybe we could consider higher salaries. I mean, who doesn't like more
Person A: True, but it might not be sustainable in the long run. What about more training?
That could help them develop new skills and feel more valued.
Person B: Yeah, good point. Also, bonus payments could be a great incentive. People always
appreciate extra cash.
Person A: Absolutely. And how about offering flexible working hours? It gives them more
control over their schedule.
Person B: That's a good idea. Another option could be private health insurance. It shows we
care about their well-being.
Person A: Agreed. What if we throw in some more holiday days too? Everyone loves a bit
more time off.
Person B: Nice one. And maybe new offices or a fresh work environment? It could boost
Person A: And what about free company transport? It could make their commute easier.
Person B: Hmm, tough choices. I'd go with higher salaries, more training, and bonus
payments. What do you think?
Person A: Yeah, solid choices. It covers financial incentives and personal development. Let's
pitch these to the management.
Situation 2: Gifts
A large company is choosing some gifts to help promote their company. Talk together for
about two minutes about the different gifts and design, which three would be the most
 shirt
 Umbrella
 Pens
 Caps
 Raincoat.
 Calendar.
 Tote bag
 Water bottle
Person A: Hey, we need to pick out some promotional gifts for the company. What are your
Person B: Well, shirts could be cool. People like free clothes, right?
Person A: True, but it might not appeal to everyone. How about umbrellas? Practical and our
logo would stand out in the rain.
Person B: I see your point, but people might find them bulky. Pens, maybe? They're small
and everyone uses them.
Person A: Pens are a safe bet, but they're a bit traditional. Caps? People wear them often.
Person B: Caps are okay, but not everyone's style. What about raincoats? Unique choice, and
it could be practical.
Person A: Raincoats might be too much. How about calendars? A year-long promotion.
Person B: Calendars feel a bit old-fashioned. Tote bags, perhaps? Practical, and our brand
would be visible.
Person A: Tote bags are everywhere nowadays. Water bottles? Useful, and everyone needs
Person B: Water bottles are kind of generic. Tough choices. I'd go with shirts, umbrellas, and
Person A: Interesting mix. Shirts might appeal, and pens are always handy. Let's pitch these
to the team.
Person B: Agreed. A bit of variety and practicality. Let's see what they think.
Situation 3: Conference
A large company is organizing a three-day conference for its employees from different parts
of the country. Talk together for about two minutes about the things that need to be organized
and decide are the three most important to be prepared first.
 Location and venue
 Transport
 Accommodation
 Catering
 Equipment.
 Entertainment.
 Decoration and display
Person A: Okay, we've got this conference to organize. What's the first thing we should
Person B: Definitely location and venue. We need a place that's accessible and suits the
Person A: Right. But don't you think transport is equally crucial? We need to ensure everyone
can get there hassle-free.
Person B: Fair point. Once they're there, we can't overlook accommodation. We want them to
be comfortable.
Person A: Agreed. Now, what about catering? We can't have people sitting through sessions
on empty stomachs.
Person B: Good call. But let's not forget equipment. We need proper tools for presentations
and workshops.
Person A: Absolutely. Now, entertainment. A conference can get dull without engaging
Person B: True, but I'd argue that decoration and display are equally important. We want a
professional and inviting atmosphere.
Person A: Okay, so we've got location and venue, transport, and accommodation. Let's get
those sorted first.
Person B: Hold on. We can't overlook equipment. Imagine technical glitches during
Person A: Fair point. So, location, transport, and equipment. That covers the essentials.
Person B: Agreed, but let's not go overboard with entertainment. It's a conference, not a
Person A: Right, a balance is key. Quality content with a touch of engaging activities.