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SS-EN 12799: Brazing Non-Destructive Examination Standard

SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
Kundnummer/Customer no 141546-1, Beställningsdatum/Order date 2017-03-24
SS-EN 12799
Fastställd/Approved: 2001-02-02
Publicerad/Published: 2001-02-02
Utgåva/Edition: 1
Språk/Language: engelska/English
ICS: 25.160.50
Hårdlödning – Oförstörande provning av hårdlödda lödförband
Brazing – Non-destructive examination of brazed joints
SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
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Europastandarden EN 12799:2000 gäller som svensk standard. Detta dokument innehåller den officiella
engelska versionen av EN 12799:2000.
The European Standard EN 12799:2000 has the status of a Swedish Standard. This document contains the
official English version of EN 12799:2000.
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EN 12799
July 2000
ICS 25.160.50
English version
Brazing - Non-destructive examination of brazed joints
Brasage fort - Contrôles non destructifs des assemblages
réalisés par brasage fort
Hartlöten - Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2 July 2000.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart, 36
© 2000 CEN
All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved
worldwide for CEN national Members.
B-1050 Brussels
Ref. No. EN 12799:2000 E
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Page 2
EN 12799:2000
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 General principles
4 Visual examination
5 Ultrasonic examination
6 Radiographic examination
7 Penetrant detection
8 Leak testing
9 Proof testing
10 Thermography
Annex A (informative) Imperfections in brazed joints
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential
requirements or other provisions of EU Directives
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Page 3
EN 12799:2000
This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121
"Welding", the secretariat of which is held by DS.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by
publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2001, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by January 2001.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports
essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral
part of this standard.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards
organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European
Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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Page 4
EN 12799:2000
1 Scope
This European Standard describes non-destructive examination procedures and test
piece types necessary to perform the tests on brazed joints.
The non-destructive examination methods described are as follows:
visual examination (see clause 4);
ultrasonic examination (see clause 5);
radiographic examination (see clause 6);
penetrant examination (see clause 7);
leak testing (see clause 8);
proof testing (see clause 9);
thermography (see clause 10).
The brazed joints to which these tests are applied can either be test samples
manufactured to obtain brazed joint design data, or manufactured as part of the
approval testing of a brazing procedure, or parts of a brazed assembly. The type of
test piece described for each test can be quoted or incorporated in engineering
application standards that deal with brazed assemblies.
This European Standard does not recommend the number of samples to be tested or
the repeat tests allowed. Neither does it specify methods of sampling brazed joints,
except to give guidance regarding the precautions necessary, nor does it comment on
the acceptance criteria applicable to any of the tests. No attempt is made to define
which test or tests, if any , should be applied in any situation. This is a matter to be
established before any particular method of test is selected.
The methods of non-destructive examination are not associated with any particular
type of brazed assembly but lay down the general principles of the types of testing
described. It is emphasised that a satisfactory examination method can only be
developed and used after taking into account all the relevant factors regarding the
equipment to be used and the characteristics of the test piece being examined.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from
other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in
the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated
references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including
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Page 5
EN 12799:2000
EN 444
Non-destructive testing - General principles for radiographic
examination of metallic materials by X- and gamma-rays
EN 473:1993
Non destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT
personnel - General principles
EN 571-1
Non destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General
EN 583-1:1998
Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 1: General
prEN 583-2:1997
Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 2:
Sensitivity and range setting
EN 583-3
Non destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 3:
Transmission technique
EN 1593
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Bubble emission
EN 1779
Non-destructive testing - Leak testing - Criteria for method and
technique selection
EN 12668-1
Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of
ultrasonic examination equipment - Part 1: Instruments
prEN 12668-2:1998 Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of
ultrasonic examination equipment - Part 2: Probes
EN 12668-3
Non-destructive testing - Characterization and verification of
ultrasonic examination equipment - Part 3: Combined
prEN 13184:1998
Non destructive testing - Leak test - Pressure change method
prEN 13185:1998
Non destructive testing - Leak test - Tracer gaz method
3 General principles
Imperfections may be observed when brazed joints are examined non-destructively.
They may reduce the quality and performance characteristics of the joint or the brazed
This European Standard does not give guidance regarding the cause of the
imperfection or its effect upon the joint quality or the effects of single or multiple
imperfections upon the performance characteristics of the brazed assembly. This will
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Page 6
EN 12799:2000
depend upon the life-limiting processes to which the joint is subjected and the life
requirements and performance specific to the brazed assembly.
The majority of brazed joints are designed with the component parts in a lap
configuration. Because of the capillary nature of a brazed joint, most imperfections will
be contained within the joint region, with the principal axes parallel to the plane of the
joint. Any other imperfections are caused by stresses in the brazing metal or the
parent materials, or were already present before brazing. Guidance is given regarding
the types of imperfections that are observed when non-destructive tests are applied;
these are defined diagrammatically in annex A.
NOTE The importance of tolerances to typical imperfections, the cause for
rejection, the method of imperfection interpretation and the method of
presentation of observations have to be established before a specific method of
test is selected.
The use of any method should always be considered in relation to testing as a whole.
The benefits of using any particular method can only be obtained by consideration of
the results in conjunction with results obtained by using other test methods. The most
appropriate method or methods of examination should be selected.
4 Visual examination
4.1 General
Simple visual examination is the most fundamental and commonly used method of
non-destructive examination. The examination described in this clause relates to the
quality of the joint and does not include dimensional inspection.
Consideration shall be given at the design stage to the provision of adequate access
to permit visual examination.
Before any visual examination is undertaken it shall be established which joints (and
fillets of joints) are accessible for inspection; a suggested criterion for accessibility for
satisfactory inspection, either directly by eye or viewed in a mirror, is shown in
Figure 1.
4.2 Principle
The brazed joint and adjacent parent material are visually examined (unaided and
aided) to check the appearance, soundness and contour.
4.3 Qualification of personnel
Personnel who carry out visual examination shall:
be informed about the braze process used and the possible imperfections;
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Page 7
EN 12799:2000
have vision tested in accordance with 6.3 of EN 473 : 1993;
have received instruction in the specific requirements in accordance with 4.4;
have received instruction in the general application standard.
When training records are kept, they shall verify compliance with items a) to d) and
contain a supervisor’s statement that an acceptable level of attainment has been
achieved. Visual examination does not require personnel with qualifications in addition
to that detailed in items a) to d).
4.4 Requirements specific to the examination
The following shall be established before any examination is undertaken.
Manufacturing stage at which visual examination is to be carried out; this
should include consideration as to whether inspection is carried out on-line;
Requirements for surface preparation for inspection;
NOTE 1 There is usually no such preparation after fluxless brazing
processes. After brazing, flux and flux residues are normally removed (see
Minimum relevant imperfection size;
NOTE 2 The recommended minimum relevant imperfection size for visual
examination is 0,5 mm as defined in 4.8 b), unless otherwise specified.
Extent of visual examination as defined in 4.7;
Acceptance criteria (see 4.8);
Any requirements for a written inspection procedure;
Reporting requirements;
Any aids to visual inspection additional to those listed in 4.6.
4.5 Information to be supplied for visual inspection
Before commencing examination, the following shall be available to the operator.
All the information required in 4.4;
A written inspection procedure, if applicable.
4.6 Inspection aids and equipment
The following are likely to be required.
Suitable illumination;
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EN 12799:2000
A wide-angle low-magnification (x5) viewer, e.g. a standard universal benchmounted device that leaves both hands free and may also incorporate
A comparison gauge for the minimum relevant imperfection size, e.g. either:
a mounted wire of this diameter to hold alongside the imperfection, the
end of which may be bent for easy alignment with the major axes of
the imperfection; or
an x8 loupe with graticule;
A plain small mirror, e.g. a dental mirror, for partially accessible joints;
Means of locally illuminating areas in shadow, e.g. optic fibre lightguides;
Approved methods of marking individual joints if detailed in 4.9, e.g. certain
types of waterproof felt marker pens.
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Page 9
EN 12799:2000
4.7 Extent of visual inspection on each workpiece
As many work pieces have a proportion of fillets that either have difficult access or can
be examined only by special techniques, the extent of inspection shall be defined for
each workpiece and shall be established before the examination is undertaken and
not left to the discretion of the inspector.
The specified inspection sites shall be shown on the assembly drawing or, in complex
cases, on a drawing prepared for this purpose. The drawing shall also state, or
reference, the acceptance criteria.
45° 45°
1 Axis
2 Viewing angle
Figure 1 - Access for visual inspection: joints to be viewable within a stated
angle of joint axis or exit plane
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EN 12799:2000
Detail X
1 Bottom of recess to be visible at 45 ° to the joint axis
Figure 2 - Access for visual inspection: recessed fillet, when recessed fillets are
4.8 Acceptance guidelines
The following points should be considered.
Flux and flux residues (when appropriate to the brazing process used). The
extent of removal of flux and flux residues to permit inspection should be
Minimum relevant imperfection size. Imperfections having a maximum
dimension smaller than an agreed minimum size are to be disregarded. It is
recommended that the minimum relevant imperfection size is 0,5 mm;
NOTE The acceptability for service of brazed assemblies which may require
greater integrity should be determined by additional tests, e.g. leaktightness.
Continuity of fillets. It should be stated whether complete or incomplete fillets
are acceptable. Where incomplete fillets are acceptable, the description
should be as direct as possible and avoid possible errors. For example,
‘incomplete fillets with x gaps maximum each not exceeding y mm’ is
preferable to ‘incomplete fillets with gaps not exceeding 20 % of total length’;
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EN 12799:2000
Recessed fillets. Recessed fillets may be due to brazing gaps at the upper
limit for the braze process employed or insufficient filler metal. It is difficult to
estimate the depth of recess and if the condition is acceptable it is suggested
the criterion shown in Figure 2 is adopted;
Excess filler metal. When it is a requirement that filler metal does not
encroach on a surface adjacent to a brazed joint, that area has to be
accurately indicated on the assembly drawing. This is necessary firstly as a
guide to the application of stop-off agents during preparation before brazing
and secondly for inspection purposes;
Surface erosion. Certain processes, such as brazing aluminium, may be
characterized by erosion of parent metal by filler metal. When applicable,
acceptable degrees of surface erosion should be detailed by reference to a
permanent record such as a sketch, photographs or samples. These should
illustrate conditions agreed as both acceptable and unacceptable;
Cosmetic appearance of braze fillets. If requirements exist controlling
acceptance, these should be established before any examination is
undertaken. They may affect decisions on the detail and cost of the braze
process. A permanent record of such agreement is required, such as a
sketch, photographs or samples. These should illustrate conditions detailed
as both acceptable and unacceptable.
4.9 Examination procedure
The brazed joints shall be inspected according to the detailed extent of inspection (see
4.4 d)) and the detailed inspection criteria (see 4.4e)).
Consideration shall be given to the use of low-power magnification to reduce eye
strain and improve productivity; bench-mounted wide-angle x5 magnifiers leave both
hands free to handle workpieces and manipulate them where necessary to best view
A minimum imperfection size gauge (see 4.6c)) shall be used. This is to ensure that
the visual acuity of individual operators does not determine the minimum size
Fibre optic light guides or other convenient means shall be used to illuminate joints in
A proper means shall be provided for both the segregation of uninspected and
inspected workpieces and the segregation of acceptable and unacceptable
For workpieces having many joints to be inspected, an appropriate plan shall be used
for methodical inspection.
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EN 12799:2000
NOTE It is recommended that joints are marked in an acceptable manner to
distinguish those that have been inspected from those that have not and,
further, to identify any individual joints that are found to be defective. Spots
from felt marker pens of a composition not deleterious to the workpiece are
recommended. They may be green for acceptable joints and red for
4.10 Test results and information to be reported
Records shall be kept of the extent of inspection, acceptance criteria and the result.
Where it is agreed that an inspection report separate from other records is required,
the following minimum information is recommended.
Name of organization carrying out visual inspection;
Workplace name and/or drawing number;
Unique identification number of the batch of components to which the report
Extent of inspection;
Acceptance criteria applied;
NOTE In cases where the information detailed in items d) and e) is
described in a written procedure it is sufficient to state its reference and
issue number. Alternatively a drawing may be referenced provided that it
gives sufficient specific information for inspection purposes.
Total batch quantity inspected and the number passing;
Name and signature of the inspector;
Date of inspection.
5 Ultrasonic examination
5.1 General
This clause describes the ultrasonic examination of brazed joints by the ultrasonic
pulse echo technique; techniques other than the pulse echo technique may be
applicable to brazed joints, in particular the transmission technique as described in
EN 583-3.
General requirements relating to ultrasonic examination are contained in EN 583-1.
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Page 13
EN 12799:2000
The most common imperfections in a brazed joint that can be detected by ultrasonics
incomplete flow into the capillary gap;
large pores or flux inclusions;
longitudinal cracks;
fine pores;
incomplete wetting of the parent metal surfaces;
transverse cracking.
5.2 Principle
Examination is most commonly carried out using the direct echo technique, illustrated
in Figure 3, where the ultrasonic beam is normal to the plane of the joint.
In the case of a sound joint, relatively little ultrasonic energy is reflected from the joint
line, and, where the geometry of the joint is suitable, a large back-wall echo is
obtained. Where the brazing is unsatisfactory, a large signal is received from the joint
line, accompanied by a reduction in or a total loss of the back-wall signal.
Where the configuration of the joint does not allow the use of a normal beam probe,
two angle probes, operating as a separate transmitter and receiver, may be used, as
illustrated in Figure 4.
When scanning normal to the joint plane, the reflection characteristics of the
imperfections listed in 5.1 are summarized in Table 1.
In the case of a sound joint, the approximate amplitude of the reflected signal may be
calculated, but it is better determined experimentally on a known imperfection-free joint
of the type to be examined.
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EN 12799:2000
Table 1 - Reflection characteristics of brazed joints
Imperfection type
Reflection characteristics
a) Incomplete flow
b) Large pores/inclusions
c) Longitudinal cracks
Total reflection if area of imperfection
exceeds that of the ultrasonic beam.
d) Fine pores
Partial reflection depending on the
density of porosity or the degree of
e) Incomplete wetting
f) Transverse cracks
Characteristics as for sound joint.
NOTE Usually this type of
imperfection will only be detected by
scanning at an oblique angle to the
joint plane.
Sound joint
Low level of reflection depending on
the differences in acoustic properties
of the materials being brazed and the
brazing filler metals
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Page 15
EN 12799:2000
a) Signal from good bond is from back wall
b) Signal from poor bond is from unbrazed area
1 Couplant
2 Probe
3 Back wall echo
4 Parent material
5 No back wall echo
Figure 3 - Direct echo technique
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EN 12799:2000
a) Two-crystal ultrasonic probe
b) Signal from poor bond is from unbrazed area
c) Signal from good bond is from back wall
1 Parent material
2 Brazed area
3 Receiver
4 Transmitter
5 Tube
6 Probe body, internal probe
7 Probe handle
8 Brazed joint
Figure 4 - Indirect echo technique
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EN 12799:2000
5.3 Requirements specific to the examination
The following shall be established before any examination is undertaken.
Qualification of personnel;
Manufacturing stage at which examination is to be carried out;
Any requirements for surface preparation;
Method of setting test sensitivity;
Evaluation level;
Acceptance/reporting levels;
Any requirements for a written procedure;
Reporting requirements.
5.4 Information to be supplied to the operator
Before commencing any examination, the operator shall have the following information
All the information contained in 5.3;
Written test procedure, where applicable;
Reference number of the joint to be examined;
If located in a complex structure, the location of the joint to be examined;
Joint preparation, including a sketch (drawing) of the joint design;
Guidance on the location and type of possible imperfections;
Retest procedure.
5.5 Equipment
5.5.1 General
The ultrasonic instrument and probe(s) shall comply with the requirements of
EN 12668-1 and prEN 12668-2:1998, respectively. They shall also comply with the
requirements for the verification of performance specified in EN 12668-3.
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EN 12799:2000
5.5.2 Coupling
The coupling between the probe and the surface of the object under examination shall
be maintained either by immersing the brazed joint in a liquid (e.g. water), or by
applying a paste or similar medium suitable for the purpose.
This shall be compatible with the material under test, and shall not affect the eventual
performance of the brazed construction if residues are not completely removed at
completion of the test.
Where necessary, the probe shall be shaped to fit the contour of the object under
5.5.3 Probe selection
The choice of probe will depend on a number of factors, namely the joint configuration,
the thickness of material to be penetrated and its ultrasonic attenuation, and
particularly the resolution required at the joint line, which in turn will depend on the
minimum size of imperfection that it is required to detect and evaluate. High resolution
is achieved by higher frequencies, small probes and/or beam focusing.
The test frequency will normally lie within the range 1 MHz to 10 MHz, but higher
frequencies may be used for special applications, e.g. on thin components where a
very accurate plot of any unbrazed areas is required in order to evaluate a possible
leak path through the joint.
General guidance on the choice of probes is contained in 6.2 of EN 583-1:1998.
5.6 Preparation for examination
5.6.1 Test surface preparation
The surface condition of the test piece shall be such that satisfactory coupling
between the probe and the surface can be maintained. The surface roughness of all
surfaces from which scanning is carried out shall not exceed 6,3 µm Ra.
When specified, the surface being examined shall be modified as necessary by
grinding or any other agreed method so that there are no confusing surface signals
(see 5.3 c)).
5.6.2 Parent material examination
Whether or not the parent materials have been ultrasonically tested prior to the
brazing operation, examination shall be carried out after brazing to establish the quality
of the parent materials and to detect any imperfections through which the ultrasonic
beam might pass during the examination of the brazed joint.
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5.6.3 Calibration and sensitivity setting
The time base calibration and sensitivity setting shall each be carried out in
accordance with one of the appropriate methods specified in prEN 583-2:1997
(see 5.3 d)).
The scanning sensitivity and evaluation level to be used during the examination shall
be determined on a specific block similar to the brazed object under examination, and
containing either natural imperfections of an agreed size and position, or simulated
imperfections produced by machining. In either case the required scanning sensitivity
and evaluation level shall be as specified in 5.3 e).
If the test is to be conducted at a temperature other than ambient, the time-base
calibration and sensitivity setting shall also be carried out at this temperature.
5.7 Examination
5.7.1 Scanning pitch
Scanning may be carried out either manually or automatically and shall cover the full
area of either the whole joint or that part of it specified in the referencing document(s).
The pitch between adjacent scan lines shall not exceed the 6 dB beam width of the
probe as measured at the joint line.
5.7.2 Scanning speed
For manual examination the scanning speed shall take into consideration the ability of
the operator to recognise and record any imperfection signals. The maximum
permissible speed will decrease when the size of imperfections it is required to detect
is reduced.
The scanning speed for automatic examination will be higher than for manual, but is
limited by the pulse repetition rate and the ability of the instrument and any recording
system to respond to brief ultrasonic signals. Further guidance is given in 9.2.2 of
EN 583-1:1998.
5.7.3 Evaluation of indications
The data obtained from the test, either by manual or automatic recording of any
apparently defective areas, shall be presented as part of the report of results, together
with the results obtained on the specific block(s).
The effects of single and multiple imperfections upon the total bond area, and the
effect upon properties such as total leak barrier (if this is a critical aspect of the
specification) shall be calculated and recorded.
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5.8 Examination procedure
When a written procedure is specified, it shall comply with the requirements of clause
11 of EN 583-1:1998.
5.9 Test results and information to be reported
Records shall be kept of the extent of inspection, acceptance criteria and the result.
Where it is agreed that an inspection report separate from other records is required,
the following minimum information is recommended.
Name of organization carrying out ultrasonic examination;
Complete identification of the joint examined, including contract and part
numbers, location of joint on the brazed structure, as applicable;
Stage of manufacture and state of joint examined (e.g. as-brazed or after
heat treatment);
Reference to applicable contract documents (e.g. product standard);
Reference to a written examination procedure, if applicable;
Identification of equipment used (type and serial number of ultrasonic
instrument, and type of probe(s));
Test sensitivity, and ultrasonic response on identified specific block(s);
Any deviation from the specified procedure, or any information that may
affect the test results (e.g. couplant temperature or environmental
Acceptance criteria applied;
Results obtained (imperfection size, position and type) and evaluation of
Name and signature of inspector;
Date of inspection.
6 Radiographic examination
6.1 General
Radiography is a method of non-destructive testing that uses penetrating radiation for
the detection of imperfections in brazed joints and enables critical internal
imperfections to be identified. The assessment of the importance of those
imperfections will be specific to each user’s application. The intensity of the
penetration is modified by its passage through the material and by imperfections in the
material. In film methods the rays will affect a photographic emulsion and the presence
of a discontinuity or unbounded region will be distinguished on the developed
photographic film. In the case of the examination of brazed joints by this technique, the
sensitivity of the method is influenced by the composition of the brazing filler metal.
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If the X-ray absorption coefficient of the filler metal is only slightly higher than that of
the parent materials, e.g. when nickel-based filler metals are used to join together
stainless steel components, for all practical purposes, the use of X-ray methods for the
examination of small capillary joints presents considerable difficulty. However, if filler
metals exhibiting differential absorption from the parent material are used, then X-ray
techniques may be feasible for the examination of brazed joints depending on the
relative thicknesses of the filler metal and parent materials.
Non-film methods of radiography are being rapidly developed but should be used with
caution as adequate and reproducible sensitivity may be difficult to achieve.
The configuration of the brazed test piece or brazed assemblies is also an important
consideration. Expert advice should be sought before the technique is specified.
Visual guidance should be provided to the operator regarding the typical imperfections
likely to be observed on the radiograph. This shall indicate the method of assessing
imperfections such as single and multiple porosity. The visual guidance shall be in a
similar form to that presented in Annex A. If the total area of porosity is an important
consideration, this is evaluated by the use of a graticule device or some automatic
method of assessing the area of porosity in relation to the total area of the brazed
6.2 Principle
The principle of the test is to examine the brazed joint with the aim of locating
imperfections, to determine their size and position and to produce a two-dimensional
record of this information.
6.3 Examination procedure
Perform the radiography in accordance with one of the techniques described in
EN 444.
6.4 Test results and information to be reported
The test report shall be in accordance with EN 444.
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7 Penetrant detection
7.1 General
Penetrant detection can be applied to brazed joints and is used to locate surfacebreaking imperfections such as porosity, incomplete filling and lack of wetting.
Penetrants delineate an imperfection to a much greater extent than visual testing and
thus the method can be used in production to improve the reliability of inspection
EN 571-1 describes the procedures and techniques for penetrant testing of materials.
When considering the compatibility of penetrant components with the parts to be
tested, it should be noted that it may be difficult or impossible to completely remove
them, particularly from interconnected porosity. If re-brazing of failed assemblies is not
forbidden, this technique should only be used if complete removal of penetrant
components can be achieved, since the presence of penetrant is likely to interfere with
the reflowing of the filler metal.
7.2 Principle
Testing is carried out on a clean and dry surface. A suitable penetrant is applied to the
test area and it enters into imperfections that are open to the surface.
After the appropriate penetration time has elapsed, the surface excess penetrant is
removed by a suitable method, e.g. wiping with a cloth dampened with a solvent
remover. Developer is then applied. Penetrant remaining in imperfections will then
bleed out to stain the developer giving a clearly visible indication of the imperfection.
Penetrants may be of the fluorescent or colour contrast types. Excess penetrant
removers and developers are available in a wide variety of forms. When testing is
carried out in accordance with EN 571-1, the penetrant and excess penetrant remover
used are to be from the same manufacturer.
7.3 Preparation
The brazed assembly or object shall be prepared as required by the relevant test
procedure or specification.
Any flux residues or masking components (stop-off) in the vicinity of the brazed joint
shall be completely removed.
The need for the surface of the fillet to be dressed shall be established before any
examination is undertaken. If the surface is to be dressed, it shall be ensured that this
process does not mask any deeper imperfections.
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NOTE The surface of an 'as-brazed' fillet may contain shrinkage irregularities
capable of retaining penetrant. The degree of irregularity varies depending
upon factors such as the filler metal and rate of cooling. The probability of dye
retention has to be considered in establishing acceptance criteria.
7.4 Examination procedure
7.4.1 The examination shall be carried out in accordance with either:
EN 571;
other specified methods.
7.4.2 In drawing up the procedure consideration shall be given to which surfaces of
the brazed joint are to be examined and the practicability of applying penetrant,
remover and developer to these surfaces.
NOTE Many brazed assemblies are complex structures and often only one
side of a joint can be readily accessed.
7.4.3 Consideration shall also be given to the feasibility of viewing the joint surface,
particularly when using a fluorescent penetrant requiring the use of UV radiation.
Clause 4 of this European Standard provides details of the visual examination of
brazed joints.
7.5 Safety precautions
Particular attention shall be paid to the safety requirements in EN 571-1.
7.6 Test report and information to be reported
The test report shall be in accordance with EN 571-1.
8 Leak testing
8.1 General
Leak testing can be used to establish either the total leak rate of an object or brazed
joint or the specific location of a leak site on a particular joint. Leak tests can be used
to quantify or measure the leak rate which is expressed in Pascal cubic metres per
second (Pa·m3/s).
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8.2 Principle
There are two basic forms of leak testing.
Detection of gas flow out of an object through the brazed joint (pressure
Detection of gas flow into an object through the brazed joint (vacuum testing).
Where the leakage rate across a brazed joint has to be measured this can be done to
a higher degree of sensitivity by the vacuum method rather than by a pressure test
method such as the bubble test. Using helium as the tracer gas and a massspectrometer leak detector the minimum detectable leakage is 10 -10 Pa·m3/s for the
vacuum method. The bubble test, where the joint is pressurized and submerged, or
covered with suitable surfactant, has a minimum detectable leakage of 10-1 Pa·m3/s.
Leak testing may be carried out at stages during manufacture, i.e. subassemblies
before final brazing into a complete object. Testing may also be carried out at the final
acceptance stage.
8.3 Preparation
8.3.1 The brazed assembly or object shall be prepared as required by the relevant test
procedure or specification.
8.3.2 In the case of vacuum testing, all volatile compounds shall be removed before
NOTE 1 Porous joints and materials may give rise to spurious indications of
NOTE 2 To speed up cleaning time the object may be prepared by baking at
an appropriate temperature.
Care shall be taken to prevent moisture contacting the test region as this may mask
small leaks. The object shall have a leak-tight connection between it and the testing
8.4 Examination procedure
8.4.1 The examination shall be carried out in accordance with the following.
NOTE A guide to the method selection is detailed in EN 1779.
Bubble test method : in accordance with EN 1593;
Tracer gas method: in accordance with prEN 13185:1998;
Pressure test method: in accordance with prEN 13184:1998.
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8.4.2 The specific details of the examination shall be established before selection of
the method. In particular the temperature of the test shall be specified if this is not
already detailed in the procedure.
8.5 Safety and environmental factors
8.5.1 General
For both vacuum testing and pressure testing the object shall withstand the pressure
differential so as not to distort thereby causing injury to personnel or damage to plant.
Advice should be sought from experts and, when required, permission sought from
relevant authorities.
Many mass-spectrometer leak detectors contain liquid-nitrogen-cooled traps.
Pressures that are in excess of atmospheric pressure and might cause mechanical
failure can be generated when these traps are allowed to warm up. Accepted venting
procedures shall therefore be followed.
Attention is drawn to the need to comply with any appropriate national legislation
covering this type of test.
8.5.2 Hazardous materials
As the object to be tested may contain hazardous materials, due account shall be
taken of this and measures taken before testing begins to prevent escape of the
hazardous materials. Account shall also be taken of the properties of the test gas, for
ammonia is a toxic, flammable gas which can be corrosive in the presence of
halogen-containing gases cause significant damage to the upper
most gases, including inert gases such as helium and nitrogen, are
All gases shall be handled with caution. When ammonia is used, an adsorption
treatment and a subsequent neutralisation shall be used.
8.5.3 Electrical hazards
As high voltages are used in many vacuum components, including total pressure
gauges and mass spectrometers, consideration shall always be given to electrical
safety. Adequate earthing shall be provided for all electrical components or parts of
the system that could produce a discharge.
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8.6 Test results and information to be reported
The test results and information to be reported shall include the following.
Name of organization carrying out leak testing;
Reference, e.g. contract number, part number, location on brazed assembly,
as applicable;
Test site of test;
Detail specific to the particular test;
Conditions of test, including site temperature and any other interacting
Acceptance criteria applied;
Operator’s actual recorded observations;
Name and signature of the inspector;
Date of inspection.
9 Proof testing
9.1 General
Proof testing is a method of inspection that subjects the brazed assembly to loads
higher than those that the assembly will have to support during its subsequent life,
but which will not cause permanent deformation. The magnitudes of the loads
should be specified to take into account all the relevant design requirements and the
appropriate codes. In some cases representative samples of a manufacturer’s
production may be tested by this method or, for critical applications, all such brazed
assemblies may be tested by this method. For checking workmanship and for the
quality control of manufacturing processes, the test piece should generally be the
brazed assembly. Attention is drawn to the need to comply with any relevant safety
NOTE 1 The frequency of testing, the test method, and the magnitude of the
test load should be established before any testing is undertaken.
NOTE 2 The applied load can be static or dynamic and the temperature of
testing can be ambient or other agreed testing temperature.
NOTE 3 If the brazed assembly withstands the test then the test is nondestructive. If the brazed construction fails to withstand the test, the test is
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It is normal practice for the test results to be evaluated to take into account all the
design requirements and the appropriate codes, if applicable.
NOTE 4 For some applications an independent body or notified body may also
be needed to evaluate the test results and confirm the interpretation.
9.2 Principle
The principle of the test is to confirm the design calculations, to check the quality of
materials used to manufacture the brazed assembly, and the ability of the brazed
assembly to withstand the life-limiting processes to which it will be subjected.
NOTE The proof testing should be the last procedure after final heat treatment,
cleaning and any other finishing process likely to influence the result of the
9.3 Preparation of the test piece
For testing design calculations and performance requirements, the test piece shall be
the brazed joint of a similar configuration to the brazed joint in the brazed assembly. It
shall, if necessary, be modified so that it can be accommodated in the test rig. The
modification shall in no way influence the result of the test.
9.4 Examination procedure
9.4.1 The test shall be conducted by methods most suitable for the shape of the test
piece. For items manufactured to comply with an application standard, the
requirements of the application standard shall be satisfied.
The specified load shall be applied by one of the following:
tensile or compressive loading;
hydrostatic methods;
pneumatic testing;
spin testing;
thermal shock or cycling;
other methods agreed between the contracting parties.
NOTE For tensile loading, the proof testing load is typically 20 % greater than
the maximum load applied during the service life of the brazed construction.
9.4.2 Measurement of the dimensions and changes in the dimensions of the test piece
shall be taken during the conduct of the test.
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9.4.3 The extent of the measurements to be made and the methods to be used shall
be established before any examination is undertaken.
9.4.4 The test piece shall be visually examined during the test and, in the case of
hydrostatic testing, the operator shall look for leakage at the brazed joint and in the
construction generally.
9.5 Test results and information to be reported
The observations made during the test shall be recorded. Any unexpected occurrence
such as leakage shall be made the subject of a special note.
The test results and information to be reported shall include the following.
Name of organization carrying out the proof test;
Reference, e.g. contract number, part number, location on brazed structure,
as applicable;
Method of test;
Test conditions (temperature, load, etc.);
Any other relevant information relating to the test;
Name and signature of inspector;
Date of inspection.
10 Thermography
10.1 General
The thermographic testing of brazed joints involves the examination of the distribution
of heat through or in a brazed joint. This method will only detect unbonded areas but is
a comparatively new technique that has proved successful for the testing of some
brazed joints. It has been applied for the examination of brazed joints of honeycomb
assemblies, when the brazed joint is difficult to examine by other non-destructive
testing methods. The testing method involves the examination of the test piece when
cooling from a specified temperature, or the examination after cooling of the test piece
to a uniform temperature and then examining it as it is allowed to return to ambient
temperature. The examination is by infra-red imaging techniques.
The difficulties of applying the technique are as follows:
the uniformity of the heating cycle needs to be controlled with sufficient
accuracy to give a signal capable of analysis;
the variability of surface emissivity can produce a confusing contrast;
convective cooling effects can give spurious results.
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The advantages of the method are as follows:
it can be applied in many cases when one side only of the brazed
assembly is accessible;
the test is rapid for multi-joint assemblies;
the interpretation time involved is comparable with other nondestructive test methods;
the safety requirements are not as demanding as they are in
radiographic examination.
The infra-red image should be examined and compared with either the application
standard, or criteria of acceptance or rejection established before the test is
undertaken where there is no application standard.
10.2 Preparation of the test piece
The surface of the test piece that is to be examined shall be prepared by the removal
of stop-off, flux, paint, grease, non-uniform oxide film or surface dirt of any type so that
the surface properties do not affect the observations from which the results are
interpreted. The object of this preparation is to produce uniform emissivity so far as
this is possible.
10.3 Procedure
The test piece shall be examined immediately upon removal from the brazing furnace
or heat source.
The surface(s) of the test piece shall be inspected according to the inspection
schedule that is to be established before the test is undertaken. The observed
variation in the heat pattern shall be recorded either manually or automatically
depending on the monitoring equipment being used and the criteria being applied.
10.4 Test results and information to be reported
The test results and information to be reported shall include the following:
Name of organization carrying out the thermographic inspection;
Reference, e.g. contract number, part number, location on brazed structure,
as applicable;
Surface preparation and condition;
Test method;
Instrument used;
Scanning method;
Results obtained, including records of the infra-red images;
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Any other relevant information;
Name and signature of the inspector;
Date of inspection.
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Annex A (informative)
Figures A.1 to A.7 illustrate imperfections in brazed joints.
Imperfections in brazed joints
1 Filler metal melts, no flow
2 Lack of flow into capillary gap
Figure A.1 - Incomplete flow at fillet and in capillary
1 Crack in filler metal
2 Crack in parent material (ceramic failure)
3 Interfacial crack
Figure A.2 - Longitudinal cracks
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1 In brazed joint
2 Propagating into parent material (liquid metal attack)
Figure A.3 - Transverse cracks
1 Large pores
2 Linear porosity
3 Cluster of small pores
4 Gas pore or flux inclusion
Figure A.4 - Porosity and inclusions
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EN 12799:2000
Considerable reaction between parent metal and filler metal with consequent erosion
of former
1 Vertical when brazing
2 Original face of parent metal
Figure A.5 - Erosion
Figure A.6 - Excessive filler metal flow
, ,
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Figure A.7 - Incorrect component assembly
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Annex ZA (informative)
Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other
provisions of EU Directives
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports
essential requirements of Directive 97/23/EEC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States
concerning pressure equipment.
WARNING: Other requirements and other EU Directives may be
applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.
The following clauses of this standard as detailed in Table ZA.1, are likely to support
requirements of the Directive 97/23/EEC.
Compliance with these clauses of this standard provides one means of conforming
with the specific essential requirements of the Directive concerned and associated
EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 - Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive
Clauses/sub-clauses of
this European Standard
Essential requirements of
Directive 97/23/EEC
Annex 1, section 3.1.3
Annex 1, section 3.2.1
Qualifying remarks/Notes
Annex 1, section 3.2.2
Proof test
Non-destructive tests
Final inspection
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Här har vi samlat de förkortningar som oftast används i standardiseringssammanhang och förklarat dem kortfattat.
Förkortningarna är sorterade i alfabetisk ordning.
European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation). Utarbetar Europastandarder för
områden som inte täcks av CENELEC.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation Electro-technique).
Utarbetar Europastandarder inom el.
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement. Tekniskt dokument utarbetat av CEN- och CENELEC-organiserad arbetsgrupp.
Europastandard från CEN/CENELEC.
European Telecommunications Standards Institute. De utarbetar Europastandarder inom telekommunikationsområdet.
Final Draft International Standard. Slutligt förslag till global standard från IEC eller ISO.
International Classification for Standards. Ett internationellt klassificeringssystem för standarder.
International Electrotechnical Commission. Utarbetar internationell standard inom området el.
International Organization for Standardization. Utarbetar internationell standard inom alla områden utom
telekommunikation och elteknik.
Informationstekniska standardiseringen. Utarbetar och bevakar standardisering inom informationsteknik.
En av de svenska medlemmarna i ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
International Telecommunication Union. Utarbetar internationella standarder inom radio och telekommunikation.
ISO Workshop Agreement. Tekniskt dokument utarbetad av ISO-organiserad arbetsgrupp.
En konsoliderad standard har sitt tillägg inarbetat och ersätter tidigare utgåva.
Publicly Available Specifications. Tekniska dokument inom IEC och ISO.
Förslag till Europastandard från CEN, CENELEC eller ETSI.
SEK Svensk Elstandard. Svarar för standardiseringen inom området el i Sverige. Svensk medlem i
SIS, Swedish Standards Institute. Svensk medlem i CEN och ISO.
Technical Report. Teknisk rapport som beskriver resultat av undersökningar eller andra studier.
Technical Specification. Teknisk specifikation som anger tekniska krav som ska uppfyllas av en produkt,
process eller tjänst.
SIS Workshop Agreement. Överenskommelse som ger regler, riktlinjer eller kännetecken för aktiviteter
eller deras resultat.
SIS Workshop. Standardiseringsprojekt med syfte att snabbt ta fram SIS Workshop Agreement.
Svensk standard. Fastställs av SIS, SEK eller ITS. SS ingår som första led i beteckningen för svensk standard
fastställd efter 1 januari 1978.
Tillägg 1 till svensk standard.
Europastandard fastställd som svensk standard.
Rättelse till Europastandard fastställd som svensk standard.
Tillägg 1 till Europastandard fastställd som svensk standard.
Internationell standard från ISO som blivit Europastandard och fastställd som svensk standard.
Rättelse till standard från ISO som blivit Europastandard och fastställd som svensk standard.
Tillägg 1 till standard från ISO som blivit Europastandard och fastställd som svensk standard.
Internationell standard från ISO/IEC som blivit Europastandard och fastställd som svensk standard.
IEC-standard fastställd som svensk standard.
ISO-standard fastställd som svensk standard.
SS-ISO Amd 1
ISO-standard fastställd som svensk standard. Tillägg 1.
SS-ISO/Cor 1
ISO-standard fastställd som svensk standard. Rättelse 1.
Working Draft. Förslag till internationell standard eller Europastandard utarbetade i WG.
Working Group. Arbetsgrupp tillsatt av t. ex. en internationell kommitté.
Work Item. Ärende, en avgränsad arbetsuppgift som avser att resultera i en standard.
SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
Kundnummer/Customer no 141546-1, Beställningsdatum/Order date 2017-03-24
Here are a number of the abbreviations/acronyms frequently used in standardisation contexts,
with brief explanations. The abbreviations are in alphabetical order.
European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation). Develops European standards
for areas not covered by CENELEC.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation Electro-technique).
Develops European standards in the electricity sector.
CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement. Technical document developed by CEN- and
CENELEC-organised working group.
A consolidated standard incorporates its supplement and replaces previous editions.
European standard from CEN/CENELEC.
European Telecommunications Standards Institute. Develop European standards in the telecommunications field.
Final Draft International Standard. Final proposal for global standard from IEC or ISO.
International Classification for Standards. An international classification system for standards.
International Electrotechnical Commission. Develops global standards in the electricity sector.
International Organization for Standardization. Develops global standards in all areas except telecommunications
and electrical technology.
ITS Information Technology Standardisation. Develops and monitors standardisation in information technology.
A Swedish member of the ETSI, European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
International Telecommunication Union. Develops global standards in radio and telecommunications.
ISO Workshop Agreement. Technical document developed by ISO-organised working group.
Publicly Available Specifications. Technical IEC and ISO documents.
Draft European standards from CEN, CENELEC or ETSI.
SEK Svensk Elstandard. Develops and monitors standardisation in the electrotechnical sector. Swedish
member of the CENELEC and IEC.
SIS, Swedish Standards Institute. Swedish member of CEN and ISO.
Technical Report. Technical report describing the results of investigations or other studies.
Technical Specification. Technical specification describing what requirements a product, process or
service must fulfil.
SIS Workshop Agreement. An agreement setting out rules, guidelines or criteria for activities or their results.
SIS Workshop. Standardisation project aimed at rapidly developing an SIS Workshop Agreement.
Swedish standard. Established by SIS, SEK or ITS. SS is the first step in all standard classifications to
emerge since 1 January 1978.
Supplement 1 to a Swedish standard.
European standard established as Swedish standard.
Correction to the European standard established as Swedish standard.
Supplement to the European standard established as Swedish standard.
International and European standard established as Swedish standard.
Correction to the international and European standard established as Swedish standard.
Supplement to the international and European standard established as Swedish standard.
International and European standard established as Swedish standard.
IEC standard established as Swedish standard.
ISO standard established as Swedish standard.
SS-ISO Amd 1
ISO standard established as Swedish standard, with Amendment 1.
SS-ISO/Cor 1
ISO standard established as Swedish standard, with Correction 1.
Working Draft. Proposed international or European standard developed by the Working Group.
Working Group. Appointed by an international committee or some other body.
Work Item. A delimited task designed to result in a standard.
SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
Kundnummer/Customer no 141546-1, Beställningsdatum/Order date 2017-03-24
1. Parter
Detta licensavtal är ingått mellan
SIS Förlag AB (”SIS Förlag”) och det
företag/den person som licensierar
de produkter som medföljer eller
levereras under licensen (”Kunden”).
2. Upphovsrätt till Produkten
Den produkt som medföljer eller leve­re­ras
under detta licensavtal (”Produkten”) är
skyddad av svensk och internationell
upphovsrättslagstiftning och tillhör den
eller de upphovsrättsinnehavare som
finns angivna på Produkten.
3. Upplåtelse av nyttjanderätt
SIS Förlag upplåter till Kunden en ickeexklusiv, icke-överlåtbar nyttjanderätt att
använda Produkten enligt följande:
(a) Om Produkten levereras i pappersform
har Kunden rätt att använda det exemplar
av Produkten som levereras med detta
(b) Om Produkten levereras i elektronisk
form har Kunden rätt att installera
Produkten på en (1) dator, vilken ägs,
hyrs eller kontrolleras av Kunden.
Kunden har även rätt att flytta Produkten
till en annan dator, under förutsättning att
Produkten avinstalleras från den första
datorn. Produkten får inte användas på
två eller flera datorer samtidigt och inte
heller i nätverk.
4. Begränsningar i nyttjanderätten
Kunden har inte rätt att kopiera, anpassa,
förändra, översätta, hyra eller leasa ut,
sälja, underlicensiera eller på annat sätt
distribuera eller överlåta Produkten på
annat sätt än som uttryckligen anges i detta licensavtal. Kunden får inte ta bort eller
förändra någon upplysning om upphovsrätt
och äganderätt som finns på Produkten
och ansvarar vidare för att de upplysningar
om upphovsrätt och äganderätt som finns
på originalexemplaren av Produkten återges
på samtliga kopior (om några) som Kunden
har rätt att göra enligt detta licensavtal.
5. SIS Förlags ansvar samt
SIS Förlag ansvarar för att innehållet i
den textmassa som Produkten omfattar
levereras till Kunden i det skick som den
kommit SIS Förlag tillhanda. I övrigt
levereras Produkten i ”befintligt skick”
och SIS Förlag ansvarar inte för att den
information som Produkten förmedlar är
korrekt eller fullständig, eller för resultatet
av användningen av Produkten.
SIS Förlags ansvar omfattar endast
direkta skador och ej indirekta skador
såsom exempelvis förlorad handelsvinst
och inte i något fall förlust av data. I inget
fall ska SIS Förlags totala skadestånds­
ansvar enligt detta licensavtal överstiga
ett belopp motsvarande den avgift som
Kunden betalat för nyttjanderätten enligt
detta licensavtal.
6. Intrång i immaterialrätt
Om det, enligt SIS Förlag föreligger risk
för att krav avseende intrång i tredje mans
immateriella rättigheter kan komma att
ställas på grund av användningen av
Produkterna, har SIS Förlag rätt att på
egen bekostnad (i) utverka rätt för Kunden
att fortsätta med användning av Produkten,
(ii) förändra eller ersätta Produkten eller
del därav med andra produkter i syfte att
undvika sådant krav, eller (iii) stoppa
Kundens användning av Produkten och
återbetala de avgifter som erlagts för den
tid då utnyttjande av Produkten inte kunnat
SIS Förlag ansvarar inte gentemot Kunden
för krav som kunde ha undvikits om Kunden
accepterat ersättningsprodukt eller om
användningen av Produkten stoppats.
7. Export
Kunden äger inte rätt att exportera eller
reexportera Produkten eller del därav,
tillhörande information eller teknologi i
strid med gällande svensk och annan
tillämplig exportlagstiftning.
8. Avtalstid och uppsägning
Detta avtal gäller tills vidare. Kunden har
rätt att säga upp licensavtalet när som
helst. SIS Förlag kan säga upp Licens­
avtalet till omedelbart upphörande om
Kunden bryter mot bestämmelse i licensavtalet. Då licensavtalet upphör ska
Kunden omedelbart upphöra med
användningen av Produkten och
förstöra samtliga kopior av denna.
9. Tillämplig lag
Svensk lag, förutom dess bestämmelser
om lagkonflikter, ska tillämpas på detta
licensavtal, och tvister ska avgöras
genom förfarande vid svensk domstol.
10. Övriga bestämmelser
Detta licensavtal utgör en fullständig
reglering av vad som avtalats mellan
parterna avseende användningen av
Produkten och ersätter samtliga tidigare
skriftliga eller muntliga avtal, utfästelser
eller överenskommelser parterna emellan.
Ändring i licens-avtalet kan endast ske
genom skriftligen upprättad handling vilken
undertecknats av SIS Förlag. Om en
bestämmelse i licensavtalet skulle förklaras
ogiltig av någon anledning, ska licens­
avtalet revideras endast i sådan omfattning
som är nödvändigt för att göra licensavtalet
giltigt, och sådan revidering ska (i) inte
påverka giltigheten av den ogiltigförklarande
delen under andra omständigheter, eller
(ii) påverka övriga delar av licensavtalet.
SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
Kundnummer/Customer no 141546-1, Beställningsdatum/Order date 2017-03-24
End user license
1. Parties
This License Agreement is by and between
SIS Förlag AB (”SIS Förlag”) and the
company/ individual licensing the products
distributed and/or delivered with the
License Agreement (“Customer”).
2. Rights to the Products
The Product distributed and/or delivered
with the License Agreement (“Product”) is
protected by Swedish and international
copyright and other intellectual property
laws and are the exclusive property of
the proprietary owner/s stated on such
3. Grant of Rights
SIS Förlag grants to Customer, a nonexclusive, non-assignable, limited right
to use the Products as follows:
(a) If the Product is distributed in paper
format you may use the copy of the
Product distributed with this License
(b) If the Product is distributed in
electronic format you may install the
Product on one (1) computer owned,
leased or otherwise controlled by Customer.
Customer may transfer the Product to
computer, provided that the Product is
removed from the computer from which it
is transferred. Neither concurrent use on
two or more computers nor use in a local
area network or other network is permitted.
4. Restrictions in Use
Except as expressly permitted by this
Agreement, Customer shall not copy,
adapt, modify, translate, rent or lease,
sell, sublicense or in any other manner
distribute or transfer the Products.
Customer shall not remove or change
any copyright notices or proprietary
legends on the Products, and is responsible
for and shall ensure that each copy of the
Products which Customer is allowed to
make under this License Agree­ment
(if any), are distributed with all copyright
notices or proprietary legends contained
on the original Products.
5. Limited Warranty, Limitation
of Liability
SIS Förlag warrants that the content of
the text encompassed by the Products
is delivered to Customer in the same
condition in which it was delivered to
SIS Förlag. Except as provided for in
this section 5 the Products are delivered
“as is” and
SIS Förlag does not give any warranty of
correctness or completeness as to the
information conveyed by the Products or
for the result of the use of the Products.
SIS Förlag’s liability pursuant to this
Agreement shall only be for direct damage
and not for indirect damage, including
but not limited to loss of profit. Under no
circumstances shall SIS Förlag be liable
for loss of data. SIS Förlag’s total liability
pursuant to this Agreement shall never
exceed the fees paid by Customer for the
rights granted pursuant to this license
6. Intellectual Property Infringement
If, in the opinion of SIS Förlag, there is
a risk of a claim is instituted against
Customer, alleging that a Product
distributed by SIS Förlag hereunder
infringes any duly issued intellectual
property right of a third party, SIS Förlag
may, at its sole option and expense: (i)
procure for Customer the right to use or sell
such Product; (ii) substitute a functionally
equivalent, non-infringing unit of the
Product or modify such Product so that
it no longer infringes but is substantially
equivalent in functionality; or (iii) stop the
Customer’s use of the Product and refund
the License Agreement paid by Customer
for such Product during the time hen such
Product could not be used. SIS Förlag
shall have no liability to Customer for
claims that could have been avoided if
the Customer would haveaccepted a
replacement product or if the use of the
Product would have been stopped.
7. Export
Customer shall not export or re-export,
in whole or in part, the Products or any
information regarding the Products, in
contradiction to any stipulations contained
on the Products or contrary to Swedish or
any other applicable export legislation.
8. Term and Termination
This License Agreement will continue
for an indefinite duration. Customer may
terminate this License Agreement at any
time. SIS Förlag may terminate this
License Agreement immediately upon
breach of any provision of this License
Agreement. Upon any termination of
this License Agreement, Customer
shall immediately discontinue the use
of the Product and destroy all copies
of the Product.
9. Governing Law
This License Agreement shall be
governed by the laws of Sweden
without reference to its conflict of law
provisions and any dispute shall be
settled by Swedish courts.
10. Miscellaneous
This License Agreement constitutes
the complete and exclusive agreement
between SIS Förlag and you with respect
to the subject matter hereof, and supercedes
all prior oral or written understandings,
communications or agreements not
specifically incorporated herein. This
License Agreement may not be modified
except in writing duly signed by an
authorized representative of SIS Förlag
and you. If any provision of this License
Agreement is held to be unenforceable
for any reason, such provision shall be
reformed only to the extent necessary to
make it enforceable, and such decision
shall not affect the enforceability (i) of
such provision under other circumstances,
or (ii) of the remaining provisions here of
under all circumstances.
SIS fleranvändarlicens/SIS Multi User Licence: DEKRA Industrial AB, Endast för internt bruk/For internal use only.
Kundnummer/Customer no 141546-1, Beställningsdatum/Order date 2017-03-24
SIS, Swedish Standards Institute och SEK Svensk Elstandard leder arbetet med standardisering i Sverige. Tillsammans
med företag och organisationer jobbar vi med att förenkla, förbättra, kvalitetssäkra och skapa gemensamma standarder.
SIS kunder har inflytande i internationell standardisering genom CEN i Europa och ISO globalt. SEK samordnar svensk
medverkan i CENELEC i Europa och IEC globalt.
Du kan få dina standarder i olika format och media, detta är ett av dem. SIS Förlag AB är störst i Norden på att leverera
standarder och allt som rör dess tillämpning. En tryckt standard från SIS Förlag AB är alltid tryckt på miljövänligt papper.
Vill du veta mer om vårt utbud och tjänster? Ring oss på 08-555 523 10
eller besök oss på www.sis.se
The Swedish Standards Institute (SIS) and SEK Svensk Elstandard share principal responsibility for standardisation in
Sweden. Working with various agencies, enterprises and organisations, we seek to simplify, to introduce improvements,
to secure quality and to establish common standards. SIS customers influence today’s international standardisation work
via CEN in Europe and ISO globally. SEK coordinates Swedish participation in CENELEC in Europe and in the IEC at the
global level.
You can obtain your standards in different formats and in different media – this is just one of them. SIS Förlag AB is the
leading supplier in the Nordic area of standards and all related applications. Printed standards from SIS Förlag AB are
always printed on eco-friendly paper.
Would you like to know more about our range of products and services?
Phone us at +46 8 555 523 10 or visit us at www.sis.se
SIS Förlag AB SE-118 80 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone +46 8 555 523 10. Fax +46 8 555 523 11
E-post sis.sales@sis.se www.sis.se