Vital Signs Criteria 1.) Performed hand hygiene.* 2.) Ensured privacy (closed door or curtain). 3.) Introduced self to patient & checked two identifiers.* 4.) Explained what is to be done. 5.) Helped patient to a comfortable position. 6.) Assessed patient pain level on scale of 0-10.* 7.) Obtained oral temperature.* 8.) Palpated brachial pulse. Ensured arm was at level of heart, palm up, legs uncrossed & feet flat on floor. * 9.) Obtained electronic BP.* 10.) Obtained manual BP.* 11.) Selected appropriate site for pulse ox. *Checked patient’s capillary refill and digit temperature.* 12.) Applied pulse oximeter with light over nail bed. 13.) Obtained electronic heart rate.* 14.) Obtained oxygen saturation using pulse oximeter.* S U Comments Vital Signs 15.) Obtained respiratory rate.* 16.) Obtained manual radial pulse.* 17.) Told patient obtained values. 18.) Educated patient about values. 19.) Recorded values. 20.) Ensured patient comfort. 21.) Performed proper hygiene when leaving room.* 22.) Documented patient’s vital signs. (verbalize). Student’s Name: _____________________________________ Final Grade: _______________________ (17 or above = >77%) Evaluator:_____________________________________ Signature: __________________________________ Date____/________/__________ *If a student receives a “U” on three steps containing asterisks (*), or if they fail to perform any vital sign check as outlined on the rubric, they will fail the check off. *