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MiniMatura Unit 7: English Exam (A2+/B1)

Unit 7
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50
1 TRACK 8 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Lucy i Matta. Zdecyduj, które zdania (1–5)
są zgodne z treścią nagrania (True – T), a które nie (False – F).
Matt’s holiday started well.
Matt’s brother listened to his advice
They had enough money to buy some clothes.
Matt’s plans included shopping and sightseeing.
They got their bags eventually.
2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując nazwy miejsc. Pierwsze litery tych nazw zostały podane.
You can buy some vegetables and fruit at a greengrocer’s.
1 You can buy a magazine at a n___________.
2 You can buy some meat, like chicken, at a b___________.
3 You can buy new boots at a s___________ s___________.
4 You can send a letter or buy a stamp at a p___________ o___________.
5 You can buy lots of different things at a d___________ s___________.
3 Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki. W ramce podano dwa dodatkowe słowa.
Jeff Bezos of Amazon is a very successful entrepreneur.
1 My dad works at a/an _______________ agent’s – he sells houses.
2 If I buy this product today, what will be its ___________ date?
3 A good leather jacket will last for _______________.
4 I’m very disappointed with the ___________ of their clothes – it used to be better.
5 You should always keep the ___________ after you buy something.
4 Zamień podane zdania na stronę bierną, uzupełniając luki maksymalnie pięcioma
słowami. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów zdań.
China produces lots of tea every year. Lots of tea is produced in China every year.
1 Amy Galliano created this company in 1969.
____________________ by Amy Galliano in 1969.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Unit 7
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
2 My bank offers various online services.
Various online services ____________________.
3 Where did they find my credit card?
Where ____________________?
4 Someone opens the bakery every morning at seven o’clock.
____________________ every morning at seven o’clock.
5 They haven’t cleaned the bookstore yet.
____________________ yet.
5 Wybierz słowa, które poprawnie uzupełniają zdania.
Molly hasn’t seen some / any glasses that she likes at the optician’s.
1 I can’t buy any more perfume this month. I’ve got very little / very few money left.
2 The new shop manager has to fix a lots of / lot of problems very soon.
3 How many / How much time do you spend shopping?
4 There are too much / too many people in the queue.
5 I know a few / few good shops in Hope Street. I’m sure you’ll find something nice there.
6 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi A–C wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać
logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst.
The world’s biggest mall
If you just need to buy a _____ of tea, the Dubai Mall is probably not the shop for you. It is
the largest shopping centre in the world and it 1_____ by thousands of shoppers every
The mall has 2_____ – shops, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, a hotel, an aquarium and a
theme park! Are the products in the mall cheaper than in other countries? Usually not, but
if you’re lucky, you can find some nice things on special 3_____. But you don’t have to buy
anything if you have 4_____ money. You can still enjoy yourself if you go window 5_____.
With more than fifty-four million people visiting every year, it’s usually noisy and crowded.
Although there are 14,000 parking spaces, don’t be surprised if it takes some time to find
A pair
B bottle
C packet
1 A visits
B is visited
C has been visited
2 A anything
B something C everything
3 A bargain
B price
C offer
4 A little
B a few
C too much
5 A buying
B shopping
C looking
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Unit 7
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
7 Przetłumacz zwroty podane w nawiasach na język angielski. W swojej odpowiedzi
użyj wyrazów zapisanych drukowanymi literami.
Do you prefer to buy things on the Internet or go to a real store?
Do you prefer to shop online or go to a real store? (online)
1 Clothes from designer shops in the High Street are very expensive and are only for rich people.
Clothes from designer shops in the High Street _______________ and are only for rich
people. FORTUNE
2 This computer is more than we can afford.
We can’t buy this computer – it costs _______________. TOO
3 Henry bought something for a low price at the sports shop yesterday – a tennis racket for
only £10!
Henry _______________ at the sports shop yesterday – a tennis racket for only £10! PICKED
4 What does he do as a job?
How does he _______________?’ MAKE
5 There are no sales assistants here. Where are they?
There _______________ to serve the customers! Where are all the sales assistants?
8 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl A, B, C albo D.
No more plastic bags
In 2011 a new law, the first of its kind in the UK, was passed in Wales. Shops were no
longer allowed to give away free plastic bags to their customers. Instead, they had to
charge a tax of 5p per bag, which was collected and given to charity. The results were
amazing – within a year, the demand for supermarket bags fell by about ninety-six
percent. The extra charge was enough to make Welsh shoppers change their habits and
remember to take their own bags whenever they went shopping.
The tax was the result of a huge campaign, which was supported by a national
newspaper, the Daily Mail, as well as various politicians and green campaigners. It is
increasingly popular too. When it was introduced, it was supported by about fifty-nine
percent of the Welsh population, but after only six months the figure was seventy percent.
There is no doubt that plastic bags are bad news for the environment. Every year in the
UK about eighteen billion (18,000,000,000) plastic bags are given away by supermarkets
– that’s about 290 bags per person. Most of them end up in landfill sites, where they
remain for hundreds of years, and polluting the environment. Wildlife is affected too. For
example, every year a million seabirds die when they mistake bags floating on the sea for
All this is bad enough, but plastic bags damage the environment in other ways too. Before
they reach the shops, they have already travelled thousands of miles – most of them are
made in China or India and then shipped to countries in Europe, including the UK. Then,
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Unit 7
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
when they have been used (for an average of twenty minutes each) and thrown away,
they are often shipped back again, because we are running out of space here.
The solution to this problem is obvious – stop producing so many plastic bags, and stop
giving them away – but shoppers in the UK have been very slow to change their ways.
However, the success of the Welsh tax shows that it is possible to change people’s
shopping habits. According to researchers from Cardiff University, part of the reason for
the popularity of the tax is that the money goes to charity, not the government. Certainly,
hundreds of thousands of pounds have been raised since the tax was introduced. The
money has gone to a variety of good causes, including local children’s charities and the
RSPB (the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds).
It is safe to conclude that the plastic bag tax has brought positive change to Wales.
1 In 2011,
Welsh shops stopped giving away free plastic bags.
plastic bags were made illegal in Wales.
Welsh shops stopped selling plastic bags.
Welsh shoppers stopped using plastic bags.
2 Every year in the UK eighteen billion plastic supermarket bags
are used.
are eaten by birds.
are bought by shoppers.
go to landfill sites.
3 Most plastic bags in the UK
are imported from the rest of Europe.
come from outside Europe.
are made locally.
go to landfill sites in Europe.
4 The tax is popular in Wales because the money
goes to India and China.
goes to good causes.
changes people’s habits.
helps the government.
5 In this article, the author shows
support for supermarkets.
no opinion.
approval of the tax.
sympathy to shoppers
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)
Unit 7
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
Kilka tygodni temu kupiłeś/kupiłaś w angielskim sklepie internetowym prezent dla członka
rodziny. Nadal nie otrzymałeś / nie otrzymałaś przesyłki. Mimo kilku prób nie udało ci się
skontaktować ze sklepem telefonicznie. Napisz e-mail z reklamacją.
1 Napisz, co kupiłeś/kupiłaś i kiedy dokonałeś/dokonałaś zakupu.
2 Poskarż się, że nie otrzymałeś / nie otrzymałaś przesyłki.
3 Wyjaśnij, że próby kontaktu telefonicznego się nie powiodły.
4 Przedstaw oczekiwany przez ciebie sposób rozwiązania problemu.
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila powinna
wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain about a product bought from your Internet store.
Yours faithfully,
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 2 SECOND EDITION (A2+/B1)