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APA In-Text Citation Examples

APA examples: in-text citations
Survey evidence shows that about 85% of psychotherapists have sought
treatment at least once, either during their graduate training or, more
often, afterward (Bike et al., 2009; Orlinsky et al., 2011).
3 or more authors: use the
first author’s last name,
followed by et al. and the
Alphabetize in-text citations
according to the first author’s
last name and separate with a
A survey by Bike et al. (2009) showed that about 85% of psychotherapists
have sought treatment at least once, ….
APA examples: in-text citations
While one research study showed that attending psychotherapy sessions
resulted in increased feelings of efficacy and reduced burn-out for
therapists (Pantesco & Smith, 2020), another suggested….
1 or 2 authors: list both
last names
Punctuation comes after the
APA examples: reference list
Bike, D. H., Norcross, J. C., & Schatz, D. M. (2009). Processes and
outcomes of psychotherapists’ personal therapy: Replication and
extension 20 years later. Psychotherapy, 46 (2), 19-41. doi:
Orlinksy, D. E., Ronnestad, M. H., & Wilutzki, U. (2004). Fifty years of
psychotherapy process-outcome research: Continuity and
change. In M. Lambert (Ed.) Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of
psychotherapy and behavior change (5th ed., pp. 307-390). New
York, NY: Wiley.
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