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Educart English 2024

Reading comprehension tests the ability to understand or to make meaning out
of a written passage. Above is a typical example where data interpretation and
analysis is needed as part of the comprehension. CBSE has made quite a few
changes in the pattern lately. This chapter will explain in detail the new types of
passages, along with lots of solved examples to hone your Reading Skills!
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conceptual clarity.
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Reading comprehension tests the ability to comprehend or make
meaning out of a written passage. Traditionally, it only entailed the
application of a set of isolated skills such as identifying words, searching
for the main idea, identifying cause and effect relationships, comparing
and contrasting, and sequencing the events as they occurred. But,
recent research has proven reading comprehension to be a complex
and active process of constructing meaning, that is not solely based on
skill application. Reading, which many people feel to be a simple and
effortless activity, actually consists of a set of complex, well-developed,
and well-practiced skills and abilities.
Marking Scheme
In the latest pattern of CBSE Class XII English Core, two types of
passages with a combined word limit of 700-750 words are asked.
These passages are incorporated with the aim of developing the skill set
included in the course curriculum for this grade. The two passages are
of the following types:
Descriptive / Literary Passage (12 marks)
• One passage of 350-400 words will be asked, to test comprehension,
interpretation, analysis, inference, and vocabulary skills.
• Extracts from fiction, drama, poetry, essay or biography can also be
• MCQ/Objective Type Questions and Short Answer type questions (to
be answered in 40-50 words) will be asked.
• Skills tested: Skimming, scanning, reading for details, comprehending
the writer's opinions clearly, etc.
Case-based Factual Passage (10 marks)
• One case-based factual passage of 300-350 words will be asked,
based on visual input, statistical data, chart, illustrations, etc., to test
comprehension, inference, evaluation, analysis and interpretation.
• MCQ/Objective Type Questions and Short Answer type Questions (to
be answered in 40-50 words) will be asked.
• Skills tested: Developing the ability and knowledge required in order
to engage in independent reflection and inquiry.
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Tips and Tricks
Reading comprehension passages can be energy-sapping, informationintensive, and mind-boggling at times! So, it is important to bear a few
things in mind while attempting reading comprehension questions to
sail through smoothly.
1. Always read the questions first
It is vital that you read the questions (MCQs) first and then quickly
skim through the passage. This will prepare you to focus on the things
you need to look for in the passage. Focus on the questions, and not
on a particular option to answer questions correctly.
2. Make predictions and think ahead
While reading, always remember to think and reflect. It is vital to gain
understanding of the passage and this also makes you a quick reader.
3. Attempt the easiest passage first
Look at both the passages and get a basic idea of what these are
talking about. Focus on the one that you can manage more easily.
Then you can go back to the tricky passage later with a calmer mind.
4. Concentrate on the main idea of the passage
While the details in a reading passage are important, don't get carried
over when reading examples, illustrations, and so on. You just need to
understand the main points of the text and not the examples. Being
able to gauge the overall flow and structure will help you analyse
and answer questions.
5. Focus on the overall structure of the passage
You do not need to memorise each word in the passage. Getting a
hang of the flow, organisational structure and main points in the
passage should be your main priority. For factual or specific point
questions, you can always re-read the passage.
6. Remember that the correct answer is present in the passage
The right answer is always based on the information given within the
passage. In case you get confused, remember that any option that is
Reading Comprehensions
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out of the scope of the passage or one which requires you to know
something from your background knowledge is never the correct
7. Study the table, figure or graph thoroughly
In order to answer the questions related to visual or graphical
data, it is neccessary to read the information in the given reference
8. For the vocabulary question
Look at the lines mentioned to infer and identify the word that needs
to be replaced in the given phrase. If you do not know the correct
word, read the referred lines again. Try to understand the sentences’
meaning as given in the questions, and then find out the related work
from the given lines.
Descriptive / Literary Passage
A discursive/literary passage is often based on a person’s opinion which
is generally argumentative, persuasive, or interpretative. These types of
passages help develop the student’s grasp of the difference between
opinions and reality, or to distinguish between the literal and figurative
meanings. After reading such a passage, students need to arrive at
a conclusion through reasoning and intuition, rather than through
deciphering straightforward facts. The purpose of such passages is to
make students evolve into independent thinkers.
Example 1.
Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions
that follow:
1. India stands at a unique juncture in its history, with roughly half of its
population between the age of 25 to 30. India is poised to become
the country with the highest number of young people on the planet
in less than five years. Despite attempts by the ruling dispensation to
impose monolithic notions of ‘national unity’, India’s diversity remains
one of its greatest strengths.
2. Among the biggest challenges confronting the country’s youth are a
broken education system, lack of opportunities for decent jobs and
abysmal public healthcare facilities. We are projected to provide
English Core Class XII
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the planet close to one out of five software engineers. However,
certain demographers believe we are home to the world’s most
undernourished, ill and illiterate in terms of sheer numbers; we have
more mobile phones than usable toilets.
Young women and men in India understand that the flip side of
diversity is the deep divisions and inequalities that exist. Divisions
not only on the basis of age, gender and sexual orientation but also
class, ethnicity, region, religion and - last but not the least – the most
pernicious system of discrimination of them all, the caste system. In
the recent years, however, the gap between the rich and the poor has
widened and placed India among the most unequal countries in the
For the first time, in a country of 1.3 billion people, there are around
one billion SIMs. It is safe to assume that in most parts of urban
India, there are more SIMs than human beings. The Internet has
transformed human society in a way few could have imagined a
decade and a half ago. The Internet was meant to be ‘a universal
commons’ (like the air we breathe) that would not just inform but
also educate the ordinary citizens. What has changed in the last 25
years is that the Internet has come to be dominated by a few giant
conglomerates who want to control what we read, hear and watch.
These corporates are clubbed together under the acronym FAAAAN
– Facebook (including WhatsApp), Amazon, Apple, Alphabet (the
holding company of Google), Alibaba and Netflix.
For people of India, the biggest challenge while accessing the
Internet is to distinguish between truth and falsehood, fake news and
even between misinformation and disinformation – information is
deliberately disseminated for political or commercial reasons despite
being untrue, aka propaganda.
Young Indians must realise that by law, hate speech that propagates
intolerance among groups is not freedom of expression. It’s
interpretation, of course, along with the reasonable restrictions to the
right to free speech, is up for debate. In the recent months, the manner
in which people have been lynched based on rumours circulated on
WhatsApp groups is particularly horrifying and deplorable. This is
clearly a law and order problem; the law agencies seem ill-equipped
to handle violent mobs. The problem is not medium of communication
but that which is communicated. Don’t shoot the messenger, fix the
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7. It is worth repeating the analogy about what information in the
digital age signifies: The World Wide Web has become akin to a
surgeon’s scalpel that can heal and also kill. The sharp knife that
can remove a diseased part of a human body to make it healthy or
the scalpel that is misused to maim and murder. Young Indians in
different walks of life have to constantly evaluate and negotiate both
the power of information in strengthening freedom and the shocking
threats to freedom, life and livelihood. The relationship is a complex
one – but then we are living in an increasingly complex world. At the
same time, some things are simple and incontrovertible. The youth
will determine the future.
On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer
the questions given below:
(A) When the author mentions
that India stands at a unique
juncture in its history with
roughly half of its population
between the age of 25 to 30,
the author intends to say
(a) Young women and men
in India understand that
the flip side of diversity
are the deep divisions
and inequalities that
(b) The youth will determine
the future of India.
(c) India is poised to become
the country with the
highest number of young
people on the planet in
less than five years.
(d) Young Indians in different
walks of life have to
understand that some
things are simple and
Fact-based question
This is a direct question
about the main idea of
the passage. Since the
passage talks about the
different types of literature
in this passage, students
need to skim through in
order to derive the correct
English Core Class XII
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(B) “Certain
believe we are home to the
phones than usable toilets.”
Pick the option in which the
meaning of the word ‘home’
is NOT the same as it is in
the passage.
(a) The church itself was
frequently the home of
(b) He sat down in a chair,
and stretched out his
legs, with an air of being
at home.
(c) Nothing of this kind was
ever seen before in the
home of animal species.
(d) India is home to lakhs of
persons with disability.
Context-based question
This question talks about
the meaning of a word in
the context of the passage.
Look for words that
describes the keyword. In
such questions, the direct
meaning of the word is not
Context-based question
The question asks you to
(C) Share evidence from the text,
find evidence from the text
in about 40 words to support
to support the writer’s
the writer’s view that India’s
point of view given in the
question. You need to find
aspects as well.
a particular paragraph
from the passage and
answer the question using
Ans. (A) (b) The youth will determine the future of India.
Explanation: The author means that the youth will determine the
future of India. The youth in India are in majority by sheer numbers.
They will play an integral role in shaping the immediate and longterm future of India. Hence, option (b) is the right answer..
(B) (b) He sat down in a chair, and stretched out his legs, with an
air of being at home.
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Explanation: The meaning of ‘home’ in the passage is a place
where we live and can relax. In (a), home means a place, (c) means
place of animals and (d) means place where one can live. Hence,
(b) is correct.
(C) The writer has talked about the ‘flip’ side of diversity, which
refers to the deep divisions and inequalities that exist in India.
These divisions exist not only on the basis of age, gender and
sexual orientation, but also class, ethnicity, region, religion and
English Core Class XII
[ 12 marks ]
Passage 1 :
Read the passage given below:
1. What’s the one thing that you associate with your college days? For
me, it was consuming copious amounts of chai. A cup of tea was a
panacea to all troubles and the companion to all joys. In this exclusive
interview, we caught up with 65-year-old Deepak Garg, owner of
Ganga Dhaba, a spot that every officer from National Academy of
Administration has visited multiple times.
2. Deepak begins, ‘‘My family has been here for almost 90 years. It was
my grandfather who first started working here as the supplier to the
hotel that existed then.’’ ‘‘In 1964, when Deepak was all of eight, he
lost his father and the responsibility of raising four children, fell on his
3. ‘‘Our growing up years were a huge struggle. My mother used to
teach home science at a local balwadi school, and this was also
where my siblings and I studied,’’ he says. In 1978 , Deepak says that
he started a food joint that he named Om Chinese restaurant. ‘‘In
those days, there was a huge liking for Chinese food and hence the
name and the choice of cuisine,’’ he says.
4. For almost 17 years, things continued and then Deepak got a Public
Call Office (PCO) installed for the Officer Trainees. The business did
so well that soon he had installed more than ten telephones, with
separate cabins, to allow them some privacy while they made and
received their calls.
5. ‘‘The OTs who would talk on the PCO from here would always refer
to the place as ‘Ganga Dhaba’. It was because this place is so close to
the Ganga hostel inside the academy, that slowly the name changed
and it became Ganga Dhaba, ‘‘Since it was the OTs that gave us our
identity, we decided to change the name and call it Ganga Dhaba",
he says.
6. There have been instances when Deepak and his family members
have learnt dishes from the OTs. He says, ‘‘So many dishes on our
menu today are because some officer came in and decided to teach
us how to make them.’’
7. We have seen two generations of officers, served the parents, who
now as the parents come back to drop their children at the academy
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and tell us to take care of them. What more can we ask for? While
the money we make is not great, the respect and the love we have
accumulated over the years is what keeps us going,’’ says Deepak,
proudly. (400 words)
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions
given below:
(A) What according to the author, gave him solace during the
bad times in his college days?
(a) Friends
(b) Family
(c) Tea
(d) Telephone
(B) Read the following statements:
(I) Mr. Deepak named his food joint Om Chinese.
(II) Chinese food was then popular among people.
Choose the correct option :
(a) (II) is the cause for (I).
(b) (I) is the cause for (II).
(c) (I) is true and (II) is false.
(d) (I) is false and (II) is true.
(C) The writer says that ‘tea was a panacea to all troubles and
companion to all joys’. Share evidence from the passage
to suggest that the food joint business was Deepak Garg's
panacea to all of his troubles.
(D) Fill in the blank with an appropriate inference:
When Deepak says that it was the Officer Trainees (OTs)
who gave the dhaba its identity, he means to say that
............................. .
(E) ‘‘................ his family members learnt dishes from OTs.’’
Choose the option that lists the inference with reference to
the above statement.
(a) OTs were equally good connoisseurs of food.
(b) His family was mediocre in cooking.
(c)His family had close association and good rapport with
(d)His family wanted to learn more recipes to expand their
(F) Explain, in about 40 words, one instance from the passage
that shows Deepak had an acute business sense.
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Ans. (A) (c) Tea
Explanation: It is given in the passage that a cup of (c) tea was
a solution to all of the author’s troubles. Hence, (c) is the right
(B) (a) (II) is the cause for (I).
Explanation: It is clearly given in the passage that ‘in those days,
Chinese food was popular among people and hence, the author
kept the name of his joint as Om Chinese. Thus, (a) is the right
(C) Deepak Garg believed in keeping a deep and healthy
relationship with his customers. He did not earn a lot of profit
but the love and respect he received from the Officer Trainees
at the institution kept him going. We can say that his food
joint business was a panacea to all troubles and companion
to his joys.
(D) Most of the repeat customers there were OTs.
(E) (c) His family had close association and good rapport with
Explanation: OTs frequently used to visit the Ganga Dhaba as
it was close to the Academy and thus, they had induced good
rapport with the joint’s owners as they used to teach various
dishes to the owners. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(F) When Deepak got a Public Call Office (PCO) installed in his
restaurant, the business did so well that he decided to add
ten more telephones. He also added separate cabins to allow
for caller privacy when customers made or received calls. This
shows his acute business style.
Passage 8 :
Read the passage given below.
1. Ghost nets aren’t supernatural, but they are legitimately scary. A
ghost net is a fishing net that’s been lost or abandoned in the ocean.
They are one particularly appalling part of the global ghost fishing
problem, which includes fishing gear abandoned in the water. Any net
or line left in the ocean can pose a threat to marine life. Just because
a net is no longer used by fishers doesn’t mean it stops working.
These nets continue to trap everything in their path, presenting a
major problem for the health of our oceans and marine life.
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2. Ghost nets entangle sea turtles, dolphins and porpoises, birds, sharks,
seals and more, apart from catching fish. The nets keep animals from
moving freely, cause injuries and keep mammals and birds from rising
to the surface for air. Since hundreds of animals can be caught in a
single net, this threat is monumental. The ghost nets harm coral reefs
too—breaking corals, exposing them to disease and even blocking
the reefs from needed sunlight.
3. Ghost nets are also a major contributor to the ocean plastics’ crisis.
Most modern nets are made of nylon or other plastic compounds that
can last for centuries. According to a 2018 study in Scientific Reports,
ghost nets make up at least 46 percent of the Great Pacific Garbage
Patch. Those abandoned fishing lines and nets that do breakdown
never go away; they just become smaller pieces of plastic. Marine
animals mistake this microplastic for food and eat it, which can harm
internal organs, keep them from eating and expose them to toxic
4. Exorcising ghost nets from our oceans will require commitment,
cooperation and innovation. Many groups are working to remove
ghost nets from the sea and are collaborating with local fishers and
governments around the world to identify target areas and remove
as many nets as possible. In 2015, a single World Wildlife Fund for
Nature (WWF)-led mission in the Baltic Sea hauled up 268 tons of
nets, ropes and other material.
5. To stop these nets from becoming ghosts in the first place, conservation
organisations advocate for fishing gear that can be traced to its
owner so anyone dumping nets can be fined and refundable deposits
on nets to encourage returning or recycling rather than littering.
Tools like sonar reflectors that can make ghost nets easier to find and
working with small-scale fisheries to develop more sustainable fishing
gear and practices are other suggestions. It is only by attacking this
problem from all sides, together with conservation partners, fishers
and supporters, can we banish ghost nets and protect our oceans.
(437 words)
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Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions
given below.
Complete the sentence by choosing an appropriate option.
(A) Ghost nets have been named so because they ................ .
(a) cause much harm to the marine life.
(b) are functional though not in use by fishers.
(c) are not owned by anyone.
(d) act as a snare for all animals in oceans.
(B) Comment on the writer’s reference to the ghost nets in
paragraph one, as a health problem for the oceans. Write
your answer in about 40 words.
(C) List the two ways being entangled in a ghost net is likely
to impact a walrus. (Clue: Think about the type of animal a
walrus is)
Ans. (A) (c) are not owned by anyone.
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: Ghost nets are so called because they are unidentified
fish nets which do not belong to any fishermen as they are lost in
the ocean. Hence, (c ) is the right answer.
(B) The ghost nets are the reason the marine life is frequently sick.
If not addressed, this ‘health issue’ would soon be chronic.
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: Ghost nets are the main reason for the sickness and
ill-health of the marine animals. They trap the animals, restrict
them from food and getting air, which leads to the bad health of
marine life.
(C) [walrus is a mammal]
1. entangle and cause injuries
2. entangle and prevent resurfacing, leading to death by drowning
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: A walrus is a mammal who needs to come to the
surface for air. Ghost nets trap walrus and prevent them to come
to the surface. They drown them and severely injure them by
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[ 10 marks ]
Passage 1 :
Read the passage given below.
1. Air pollution is a major threat to human health. The United National
Environment Programme has estimated that, globally, 1.1 billion
people breathe in unhealthy air. The World Health Organization
(WHO) has estimated that urban air pollution is responsible for
approximately 800,000 deaths and 4.6 million people lose their lives
every year around the globe.
2. Traffic and transportation problems. inadequate drainage system,
lack of open spaces, carbon emission, and the accumulation of waste
aggravate the problem. Air pollution is associated with increased risk
of acute respiratory infections (ARI), the principal cause of infant and
child mortality in developing countries.
3. Urban air quality in most mega cities has been found to be critical
and Kolkata is no exception to this. An analysis of ambient air quality
in Kolkata was done by applying the Exceedance Factor (EF) method,
where the presence of listed pollutants’ (RPM, SPM, NO2, and SO2)
annual average concentration are classified into four different
categories; namely critical, high, moderate, and low pollution. Out
of a total of 17 ambient air quality monitoring stations operating
in Kolkata, five fall under the critical category, and the remaining 12
locations fall under the high category of NO2 concentration; while
for RPM, four record critical, and 13 come under the high pollution
category. The causes of high concentration of pollutants in the form
of NO2 and RPM have been identified in earlier studies as vehicular
emission (51.4%), followed by industrial sources (24.5%) and dust
particles (21.1%).
4. Later, a health assessment was undertaken with a structured
questionnaire at some nearby dispensaries which fall under areas
with different ambient air pollution levels. Three dispensaries have
been surveyed with 100 participants. It shows that respondents
with respiratory diseases (85.1%) have outnumbered waterborne
diseases (14.9%) and include acute respiratory infections (ARI) (60%),
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) (7.8%), upper track
English Core Class XII
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respiratory infection (UTRI) (1.2%), Influenza (12.7%), and acid-fast
bacillus (AFB) (3.4%)
5. To live a healthy life and have better well-being. Practising pollution
averting activities in one‘s day-to-day activities is needed. These
pollution averting practices can only be possible when awareness
among the masses is generated that the air they breathe outdoors is
not found to be safe.
Pollution in India
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Fig. 1
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions
given below:
(A) Infer the reason why air pollution is becoming a problem
that is getting difficult to control. Write your answer in
about 40 words.
(B) Select the option that displays the correct ‘cause and
effect’ relationship.
(a) Traffic
transportation 4.6 million deaths
(b) Lack of open spaces
Mega cities
(c) Air pollution
(d) Air quality monitoring stations
Emission of NO2
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(C) How is air pollution connected to child mortality rates in
developing countries?
Ans. (A) Air pollution is becoming a problem that is getting difficult to
control by governments and other civil authorities around the
world. The population increase in cities, along with traffic and
transportation problems, inadequate drainage systems, lack
of open spaces, carbon emission and accumulation of waste
are some of the main reasons for this.
(B) (c) Air pollution Respiratory disesases
Explanation: As per the passage, due to air pollution the Acute
Respiratory Infections (ARI) has increased. This shows that the air
pollution is the cause and the respiratory infection is the effect.
Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(C) Air pollution is associated with increased risk of acute
respiratory illness (ARI), the principal cause of infant and child
mortality rates in developing countries.
Passage 10 :
Read the passage given below:
1. In the present technetronic world, protecting ourselves from
cybercrimes is a necessity. According to the National Crime Records
Bureau (NCRB) report, a total of 50,035 cybercrimes were registered
in 2020. That figure stood at 27,248 in 2018 and 44,735 in 2019. A
total of 18,420 persons were arrested and subsequently convicted
by the court for crimes. The report also revealed an alarming rise in
the rate of cybercrimes against children.
2. Everyone should be mindful of the importance of cyber security
awareness. We cannot cease ourselves from digitalizing; it is essential
that we move with the flow. Hence, taking measures to protect
ourselves is important.
3. A descriptive study was conducted to identify the level of basic
knowledge of cybersecurity among a group of post-graduate
students, who were prospective teachers, studying in a reputed
university in Uttar Pradesh. The sample included 100 respondents
including 40 males and 60 females. Data was collected using a
questionnaire on certain dimensions of password hacking, virus
attacks, cybercrime and the misuse of social media. The table below
shows the responses of the participants in the study.
English Core Class XII
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Table 1: Responses to aspects that relate to cyber security
Parameters Tested
Yes' Responses
(in %)
'No' Responses
(in %)
Password Strength
Reuses previous password
Uses same password for
each account
Uses common dictionary
words as password
Virus Attack
Protects laptop using
Antivirus software
Checks viruses with a
virus scanner
Downloads free software
Has been a victim of a
cybercrime investigation
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Information Technology
Social Media Behaviour
Has unknown people as
friends on social media
information on social
4. The study also revealed that in many cases, friends family members
or even partners are found to be guilty of the crimes reported. Also,
though men and women are both prone to cybercrimes, it was
noticed that women were victims of these crimes more than men.
Everyone must make a unified effort towards building a safe digital
world for all.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions
given below.
(A) Does the following statement agree with the information
given in the passage? It is appropriate that parents
withhold their children from accessing social media until
they are at least 13 years old. Select from the following:
True - if the statement agrees with the information False if the statement contradicts the information Not Given - if
there is no information on this.
(B) Since today’s children are familiar with the internet from
an early age, is it necessary that they are trained in cyber
safety? Support your answer with reference to the text.
(C) The most likely reason for including point (ii) under 'Social
Media Behaviour' is to find out if respondents ........................
(a) are truthful about their personal details being shared
(b) check whether people like to stay connected virtually
(c) are at the risk of their shared personal details being
(d) check whether privacy settings on social media are
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Ans. (A) Not Given
Explanation: The passage neither takes an explicit position regarding
whether children should or should not access social media, nor does
it mention a specific age for the same. Hence, the correct answer is
not given.
(B) Yes, because the NCRB report shows that there is an alarming
rise in the rate of cyber-crimes against children.
(C) (c)are at the risk of their shared personal details being misused
Explanation: Point (ii) refers to cybercrimes and people’s experience
with it. Out of the four options, only option (c) relates to a type of
cybercrime – stealing of personal details from the internet. Hence,
option (c) is the right answer.
Reading Comprehensions
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announcement. It is issued to inform the general public or students of a school
about an activity or event that is to happen at a given time and place, or regarding
lost and found items. It could also be specifically issued for a selected group.
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Since a notice is a formal announcement, the tone of the text and writing
style must be formal and factual. It is important to note that a notice is
never informal. The events for writing a notice could be a competition,
an inauguration, exhibition or excursion, that is to take place in the near
future, an information regarding examinations, lost and found items,
society meetings, etc.
Marking Scheme
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on notice for 4 marks
(with internal choice). The marks breakdown as per CBSE guidelines is as
Format (1 mark)
• Format (style) of ‘Title’ is pre-defined.
• At the top, the title should have the name of the organisation putting
the notice.
• The next line includes the word ‘Notice’.
• Upper case is not mandatory but is preferred to capture attention.
Content (2 marks)
• It is the main body of a notice. It should be within 50 words.
• It should be precise yet deliver all the essential information.
• It usually answers the questions : what, how, when, where, why,
• Should cover all suggested CBSE value points (necessary information)
to easily score 2 marks.
Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1 mark
should be given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
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This is to bring to the notice of the ......................... (target group) ...............
that ............ (event...).....is being organised by the school / organisation,
as per the details given below :
Chief Guest (if any)
For further clari cation, please contact the undersigned.
Types of Notices
I. Notice for meetings/discussions.
II. Notice for academic and cultural events like, competitions, fests,
excursions celebrations, annual functions, sports activities, etc.
III. Notice for Lost and Found.
IV. Notice for literary events or training sessions like seminars, workshops,
debates, speeches, etc.
V. Notice for warning or appeal
VI. Notice for official changes
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This type of notice is put up by schools, communities, societies, clubs, etc,
to inform members about some meeting to be held in the near future.
Example (Objective type):
1. You are Rishi. You have to write a notice for a meeting to be
attended by the school teachers for celebrating the occasion of
‘World Environment Day’.
(A) The most appropriate heading of the given notice should
(a) Meeting of the Environment Studies Society
(b) Meeting
(c) Fair
(d) Environment
(B) Which is the most appropriate place to put up this notice?
(C) Choose the correct format of writing the date in a notice.
(a) 10th May, 20XX
(b) May, 20XX, 10th
(c) 20XX, May 10th
(d) 10th 20XX, May
(D) Would Rishi give the name of the school in the notice?
(a) No, it is not required.
(b) Yes, it is mandatory as per the format.
(c) No, it is not in the format.
(d) Yes, it looks good.
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Ans. (A) (a) Meeting of the Environment Studies Society
Explanation: Since the notice is to inform about the meeting of
the environment studies society, the heading should be option (a).
Hence (a) is the correct answer.
(B) (c)
Explanation: The most appropriate place for this kind of a notice
is the student's notice board as this is meant for the teachers of
the school. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
(C) (a) 10th May, 20XX
Explanation: The correct format of the notice is the Day and
Month, followed by the Year. Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
(D) (b) Yes, it is mandatory as per the format
Explanation: Rishi has to give the name of his school because the
name of the issuing authority/ organisation has to be present in a
notice. Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
 Read the given excerpt in the question carefully.
 Understand the theme of the notice.
 Give the date, venue and time for the meeting.
 Try to analyse the images in relation to the given excerpt.
 Focus on the format of the notice for the question related to the structure.
Example (Subjective type):
You are Amit/Amita, head boy/head girl of DAV Public School, Delhi.
Keeping in view the risk involved in offline examinations due to the
global pandemic, the school has decided to conduct a meeting to
discuss upon the situation. All the teachers and cultural heads are
required to attend the meeting. Write a notice for the meeting in not
more than 50 words.
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21st March, 20XX
Meeting Regarding Offline Examinations
This is to inform all the teachers and cultural heads of the
school that a meeting has been organised by the Principal
to discuss the ways of conducting offline examinations as
the pandemic is at its peak currently. The details of the
meeting are given below:
Date/Time: 25th March, 20XX, 10:a.m.
Venue: Conference Hall
(Head boy/Head girl)
 Write about who has asked to gather for a meeting
 Briefly explain the reason behind the meeting
 Give the date, venue and time for the meeting
 Contact details for further enquiries or submissions of any proof by the members
thereof to be given
 Give the designation of the person issuing the notice
English Core Class XII
2. You are Tripti/Trilok Lahiri, Secretary, ABL School Cricket
Association. It has been decided that a meeting of all the
members of the school cricket team will be held to discuss
plans and strategies for the coming Zonal Tournament. Write
a notice in not more than 50 words informing the members of
the team about the meeting and requesting them to attend it.
[CBSE 2014]
16th January, 20XX
Cricket Association Meeting
All the members of the school cricket team are invited to attend a
meeting that has been planned to discuss the plans and strategies
for the coming Zonal Tournament. The members shall report at
11 a.m. in the sports room on 18th January, 20XX. For further
details, please contact the undersigned.
Tripti/Trilok Lahiri
3. Sarvodaya Education Society, a charitable organisation, is
coming to your school to distribute books among the needy
students. As Head Boy/Head Girl, Sunrise Public School, Surat,
write a notice in about 50 words asking such students to drop
the list of books they need in the box kept outside the Principal's
office. You are Navtej/Navita.
[CBSE 2015]
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14th February 20XX
Free Books for Need Students
This is to inform all the students that Sarvodaya Education
Society, a charitable trust, will distribute free books to underprivileged children of the school. Those who want free books,
may write the name of the books with their names and grade,
and drop the list in the boxes kept outside the Principal’s office.
For further enquiries, please contact the undersigned.
(Head boy/ Head girl)
4. You are Nivedita, Sports Captain, St. John’s School, Delhi. Write
a notice informing the students about an inter-school tennis
match to be played in your school. Invite them to watch and
cheer the teams.
(A) What is the first thing that Nividita will write in the notice?
(a) Delhi
(b) St. John’s School
(c) St. John’s School, Delhi
(d) Tennis match
(B) The body of the notice should include:
(a) Date and time of the match
(b) Date, time and venue of the match
(c) Name of the schools and list of the students
participating in the match
(d) Name of the writer
(C) Which is the most appropriate place to display this notice?
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(a) On the school outside wall
(b) Anywhere in the school
(c) On the school notice board
(d) In each classroom
(D) The above mentioned notice comes under which category?
(a) Notice for a meeting
(b) Notice for literary events/training sessions
(c) Notice for academic/cultural events
(d) Notice for official changes
Ans. (A) (c)St. John’s School, Delhi
Explanation: Notice begins with the name of the issuing authority.
Here, it is St. John’s School, Delhi. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
(B) (b)Date, time and venue of the match
Explanation: The body of the notice must include all the important
information within the word limit. Only the date, time and venue
of the match are important. The name of the schools and list of
students will only increase the word count. Hence, (b) is the correct
(C) (c)On the school notice board
Explanation: The school notice boards are meant for notices to be
displayed. If it is placed somewhere else, it might not be read by
all. Hence, (c) is the correct answer.
(D) (c)Notice for academic/cultural events
Explanation: An inter school match is a sports competition. It’s
not for a meeting, official change or a literary event. Hence, (c) is
the correct answer.
5. While walking in a park in your neighbourhood, you found a
small plastic bag containing some documents and some cash.
Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park notice
board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You
are Amrit/Amrita 939912XXXX.
[CBSE 2017]
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17 January, 20xx
Lost And Found
Found a small plastic bag in the park yesterday evening under
the bench near the swings. Owner is requested to identify and
collect it from the undersigned anytime between 2:00 p.m. and
7:00 p.m. after providing details about the content of the bag.
Contact No.: 939912XXXX
6. The Principal, Sunshine Public School, Dindigul has invited the
Inspector of Police (Traffic) to deliver a lecture on ‘Road Safety’
in her school. Draft a notice in about 50 words informing
students to assemble in the school auditorium.
[CBSE 2017]
3rd January, 20XX
Road Safety Lecture for Students
This is to inform the students that the city is witnessing a
dense fog due to which lots of people are getting injured in
road accidents or even losing their lives daily. Hence, a lecture
has been organized by the Inspector of Police (traffic) on
‘Road Safety’ on 10th January, 20XX from 10 am to 12 pm.
Attending the lecture is compulsory for all the students.
English Core Class XII
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I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
and Replies
An Invitation is a type of personal notice sent to individuals to invite them for an
event or an occasion. Generally, Invitations are printed cards or letters through which
we invite our guests for weddings birthdays anniversaries, house warming ceremonies,
inauguration of a shop/factory, etc. They can be formal or informal. Replies include
acceptance or refusal of such invitations.
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Invitations are of two types: (1) Formal (2) Informal.
Formal invitations can be in the form of an invitation card or a note of letter
that is formal, polite, pleasant, and courteous; whereas informal invitations
are generally written only in the form of personal letters. In informal invitations, the tone and treatment is relaxed, informal, and friendly.
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on invitation and replies
for 4 marks (with internal choice). The marks breakdown as per the new pattern is as follows:
Format (1 mark)
• In case of the invitation card, the name of the organisation or person hosting the event will come at the top.
• In case of the invitation letter, sender's address, date, receiver’s name and
address and subject should be there.
• The font and style of writing must be eye-catching.
• The ideas presented in the invitation or the flow must be well organised.
Content (2 marks)
• It is the main body of an invitation. It should be within 50 words.
• The content should be precise yet deliver all the essential information.
• An invitation card answers the questions of who, when, where, what time
and for what i.e., the occasion, name of the host, date, time and venue.
• At the end of the invitation card, RSVP and the name and contact details of
the person inviting or the host is written.
• An invitation letter describes all the questions as that of the card, but in the
form of a body of a letter.
• At the end of the invitation letter, the name and designation of the receiver
is written.
Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1 mark should
be given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
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Mrs. & Mr. Ajay Singh Invite You
25th Wedding Anniversary
Indiana Plaza
Mr. Ajay Singh
Invitations are of two types:
I. Formal Invitation
II. Informal Invitation
This type of invitation can be written in two forms, i.e., a card or a note of
letter. Formal invitations are used to invite people using a formal and crisp
Example (Objective type):
Answer the questions given below.
You are Rakesh Bansal. Your school is organising the annual ‘fete’
in the school playground on the coming children’s day. You have to
draft an invitation to the mayor of Agra for attending the same.
(A)Select the appropriate title that Rakesh would give to the mayor
for the event.
(a) Audience
(b) Guest of Honor
(c) Chief Performer
(d) Best Man
Invitations and Replies
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(B)Select the details that Rakesh has to include in the invitation.
(1) date & time for the event
(2) venue of the event
(3) entry fees
(4) dress code
(5) sender’s name
(a) (1), (4) and (5)
(b) (2) and (3)
(c) (1), (2) and (5)
(d) (1) and (2)
(C)Should Rakesh write his name at the end of the invitation?
(a) Yes, because he is the inviting authority.
(b) No, because it doesn’t matter.
(c) Yes, because it makes it look formal.
(d) No, because it is not in the format.
(D)Choose the correct starting of the invitation by Rakesh.
(a) Rakesh Bansal wants to invite………
(b) St. Agnes invites you to…..
(c) We want to invite ……
(d) There is an event on this Children’s Day……
Ans.(A)(b) Guest of Honor
Explanation: The honorable mayor is invited by Rakesh to attend the annual ‘fete’ of the school as a ‘guest’. The mayor is not invited as a mere (a)
audience or to (c) perform. Option (d) is also irrelevant here. Hence, (b) is
the right answer.
(B)(c) (1), (2) and (5)
Explanation: An invitation to an event has to include (1), (2) and (5). But
as Rakesh is inviting the mayor to the event, he should not include details
like (3) entry fees and (4) dress code. It has nothing to do with the mayor
because he will be the ‘guest of honor’ for the event.
(C)(a) Yes, because he is the inviting authority.
Explanation: Rakesh’s name is required as it is a part of the format. So,
that makes (b) and (d) wrong. It is not written for making it look formal
but because it is necessary. This makes option (c) also wrong. Hence, option (a) is the right answer.
(D)(b) St. Agnes invites you to…..
Explanation: Rakesh is only the sender of the invitation on behalf of St.
Agnes. It is not his personal event. So, (a) is wrong. (c) is not clear as to
who wants to invite. (d) is an incorrect way of starting an invitation while
(b) is the correct way. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
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 Read the excerpt twice carefully.
 Understand the occasion/event in the question.
 Keep in mind the correct format/structure of a formal invitation.
Invitations and Replies
1. You
are Fiaz/Falak Mazumdar living at 39, Udampur Colony, Shimla.
You decide to hold a dinner party to congratulate your grandparents on
their golden wedding anniversary. Draft a formal invitation in not more
than 50 words to all family members to attend a grand dinner at home.
[CBSE 2018]
Ans. The Mazumdars
39, Udaipur Colony
12th April, 20XX
Dear all,
We request the pleasure of your company on the auspicious occasion of the
50th Wedding Anniversary celebration of our beloved grandparents on April
25th, 20XX at Hotel Prime at 8 p.m. You are requested to mark your gracious
presence and bless the lovely elderly couple.
Yours affectionately,
Faiz/Falak Mazumdar
The Mazumdar Family
Ph. : 0123456782
This type of invitation can also be written in two forms, i.e., a card or a note of
letter. Informal invitations are used to invite people informally using a friendly
and warm tone of language.
Example (Objective type):
1. Answer
the five questions given below.
You are Anvi Arora. You have recently opened your new dress collection showroom at 12/C, Meera Road, Mumbai. You want to hold
an inauguration ceremony for the same on 25th October, 20XX. You
have to write an invitation to your friends for it.
(A)Choose the correct beginning of the invitation by Anvi.
(a) Miss Anvi Arora requests your benign presence……..
(b) I want to invite you to ………..
(c) The inaugural ceremony will take place on……..
(d) Miss Anvi Arora wants you to be present on……..
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(B)Which of the following details will Anvi’s invitation card NOT have?
(a) Venue
(b) Date and time
(c) Showroom’s name
(d) Showroom’s cost
(C)What could be Anvi’s showroom’s name according to the context?
(a) ANVI Electricals
(b) ANVI Beauty & Cosmetics
(c) ANVI Dress Emporium
(d) ANVI Opticals
(D)Will Anvi’s name come under R.S.V.P on the invitation card?
(a) Yes, as she is the owner of the showroom.
(b) No, as it is wrong as per the format.
(c ) Yes, as she is the host for the event.
(d) No, as she is not the sender.
Ans.(A)(a) Miss Anvi Arora requests your benign presence……..
Explanation: Option (b) is inappropriate for an invitation. (c) is not supposed to come at the beginning as it is an additional detail about the
ceremony. (d) is authoritative in tone so it is wrong. However, (a) is appropriate and humble in tone. Hence, (a) is the right answer.
(B)(d) Showroom’s cost
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (c) are all to be mentioned in the invitation card sent by Anvi but (d) the cost of showroom is not supposed to be
there on the card as it is an irrelevant information Hence, (d) is the right
(C)(c) ANVI Dress Emporium
Explanation: As per the context, Anvi has opened a new dress collection
showroom which makes (c) the correct option. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(D)(c) Yes, as she is the host for the event.
Explanation: R.S.V.P holds the name of the person throwing the party or
an event. It is the host of the event that waits to hear from the invitee.
Here, Anvi is the host as she is the person behind the event. Hence, (c) is
the right answer.
Invitations and Replies
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 Read the excerpt twice carefully,
 Understand the occasion/event in question.
 Keep in mind the correct format/structure of an informal invitation.
2. You
are Sameena Sheikh. You got selected in the UPSC IRS examination. You want to invite your friends and family over the success party for the same and thus, you have to send them the invitation.
(A)Select the correct way of starting the invitation.
(a) I, Sameena, want to invite you………….
(b) Please come to my success party as I…………………
(c) Ms. Sameena wants your benign presence on ……………..
(d) Ms. Sameena is throwing a party where…………..
(B)Will Sameena sign her name at the end of the invitation?
(a) No, it is not essential.
(b) Yes, as she is the host for the event.
(c) Yes, as she is an IRS.
(d) No, it is rude.
Ans.(A)(c)Ms. Sameena wants your benign presence on ……………..
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (d) are inappropriate for starting an
invitation as they are wrong, vague and rude. Only (c) is correct to
start the invitation with. Hence, (c) is the right answer.
(B)(b)Yes, as she is the host for the event.
Explanation: Options (a) and (b) are wrong as it is not rude or
unnecessary for Sameena to add her name at the end of the invitation.
In fact, it is essential to do that as the R.S.V.P. holds the name of the
host of the event. Here, Sameena is the host so, (b) is correct. Option (c)
is also wrong due to the given reason. Hence, (b) is the right answer.
A reply is a personal notice sent from the invitee to the individuals who have
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invited the said person for an event or occasion. A reply either confirms or
declines the invitation sent by the host of the event.
Replies are of two types: (a) Formal (b) Informal.
Marking Scheme
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on invitation and replies
for 4 marks (with internal choice). The marks breakdown as per the new pattern is as follows:
Format (1 mark)
• In case of the formal reply, the sender's name is written at the top if it is
in the form of the reply card. However, if it is written in the form of a letter,
sender’s address comes at the top while their name will come at the end
of the letter, to the left side.
• In case of the informal reply, the sender's address is written at the top of
the letter note with date and salutation.
Content (2 marks)
• It is the main body of a reply. It should be within 50 words.
• A reply must state the consent whether the sender has accepted or denied
the invitation sent to her/him.
• If the sender has declined the invitation, the reason of the same must be
written in the reply.
Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1 mark should
be given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
Mrs. & Mr. Ahuja
Have much pleasure in accepting the invitation
Hosted by
Mrs. & Mr. Anil Mathur
At Grand Plaza, on 10th May, 20xx
Invitations and Replies
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Types of Replies
Replies are of two types:
I. Formal Reply
II. Informal Reply
This type of reply can be written in two forms, i.e., a card or a letter note.
However, a card format is usually common amongst students. Formal replies
are used to accept or deny invitations sent by schools, organisations, trusts or
sometimes even by family.
Example (Subjective type):
Write a formal reply in not more than 50 words to Mrs. and Mr. Yadav,
accepting the invitation to attend the birthday party of their daughter.
You are Mr. Sikander Awasthi. Invent other details yourself.
Mrs. and Mr. Sikander Awasthi thank Mrs. and Mr. Yadav for inviting them on
the occasion of the 6th birthday of their daughter, Amrita, on Saturday, 24th
January, 20XX at Hotel Mont and assure that they will be glad to attend the
function. They will be present to wish the girl, "many happy returns of the
Best wishes,
 Keep the language formal in both the form of formal replies, i.e., card or
 In case of accepting the invitation, ensure the presence.
 Give the reason for declining the invitation for the event.
 Always write in third person.
3. As
the principal of a reputed college, you have been invited to inaugurate a Book Exhibition in your neighbourhood. Draft a reply to the
invitation in not more than 50 words, expressing your inability to at-
English Core Class XII
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tend the function. You are Tarun/Tranvi.
[CBSE 2014]
Ans. 123 Colony,
12th April, 20XX
Subject: Reply to the invitation
Respected Sir,
Thank you for your thoughtful invitation for the inauguration of the Book
Exhibition. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend it
due to a prior engagement. I extend my warm wishes to you and all those
involved in the event.
Best regards,
PQR College
This type of reply is commonly written in a note of letter. Informal replies
are used to accept or deny invitation sent mostly by near and dear ones like
friends and family.
Example (Subjective type)
You are Navita/Navtej. You have been invited to attend the wedding of
your friend’s sister during summer vacation. Respond to the invitation, regretting your inability to attend it.
Ans. 123, Colony
4th April, 20XX
Dear Priti,
Thank you for your cordial invitation on the occasion of your sister’s wedding.
I, however, regret my inability to be with you on this happy occasion as we
shall be leaving for Shimla for summer holidays on 1st April, 20XX. Please
excuse my absence. Do convey my regards and best wishes to the couple.
Yours sincerely,
Invitations and Replies
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 Keep the language friendly and cordial.
 In case of accepting the invitation, ensure your presence.
 Give the reason for declining the invitation for the event.
 Always write in third person.
4. You
are Amber/Ambika. You have received a letter from your close
friend, inviting you to attend the marriage of his sister. But, unfortunately, you cannot attend it due to previous commitments. Write him
a letter regretting your inability to attend the marriage ceremony.
Ans. 24-A, Galaxy Apartments
25 April, 20XX
Dear Sambhav,
I feel honoured to be invited to attend the marriage of your elder sister,
Praniti. Please accept my thanks and congratulations. Unfortunately, due to
some unavoidable previous commitments, I shall not be able to attend the
ceremony. My blessings are always with you and your family.
Yours sincerely,
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Letter Writing
Letter writing is one of the most common means of written communication known
to mankind. Until recently, before telephone and internet took over our lives completely,
letter writing was the only known means of staying connected with family and friends
who were far away. In spite of modern communication technology, a letter is very
much in prevalence in all formal activities of public representation, complaints, official
correspondence etc. to date. Therefore, it is imperative to hone the art and craft that
letter writing entails.
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conceptual clarity.
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Writing as a means of communication dates back to as early as 3400 to 3200
BC. First glimpses of what was akin to writing were seen in the Sumerian
archaic cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Letters came to be used to
communicate with like-minded people in the early 18th century. Letter
writing is recognised as an art. It portrays a person’s communication skills,
mostly formal. A letter is the written message exchanged between two
people, pertaining to some matter of common concern.
The format of letters has seen many changes over time. The most
contemporary format is what we concern ourselves with, as part of class 12
syllabus. Even though letters may broadly be divided into two categories, on
the basis of their recipients and tone as - Informal and Formal, we are only
focusing on honing our formal letter writing skills as per the syllabus. Let us
re-visit everything we have learnt about formal letters and revise the key
points to remember when writing formal letters.
Formal letters are written for official purposes. They have a formal and
business-like tone and content. The recipients of these letters are people
holding offices of authority. The purpose of formal letters may range from
making enquiries and registering complaints to seeking/providing information,
placing/cancelling orders besides several others. Writing applications for a job
opening and conveying concern on issues of social or political relevance to the
editor of a newspaper too, formal letter writing. Communication with office
authorities whether to intimate absence from an educational institute/office
for some reason, or to appreciate a colleague or even to resign from a job
are all commonplace examples of it. Letters written to the police department,
bank official, or a local/national government authority such as the Municipal
Commissioner also count as formal letters. It is interesting to note that
different kinds of letters follow different conventions, and the format and type
must match.
Marking Scheme
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on letter for 5 marks (with
internal choice). The marks breakdown as per the new pattern would be as
English Core Class XII
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Format (1 mark)
• The title includes the sender’s address, date, receiver’s address, subject and
• The subject of the letter should be precise, brief yet complete.
Content (3 marks)
• It is the main body of a letter. It should be within 120-150 words for formal
letters and 100-120 words for Job Application letters.
• The topic given in the question must be included in the content smartly.
• The facts given should be precise yet deliver all the essential information.
• All the social issues, problems, complaints, placing orders, or job applications
should be comprehensive and logical.
• Should cover all suggested value points given in the question.
• The whole composition should be divided into different paragraphs having
a link to each other.
• There should be logical connection between the paragraphs.
• The initial sentences should tell the purpose of writing or introduction
of the issue, the middle part should provide the facts and details about
it comprehensively and the last few lines should state hope, request or
concluding comment.
Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1 mark should
be given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
Letter Writing
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43Z-Ashok Vihar
Sender's address
11 April, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Address of the addressee
(Receiver's deisgnation
and address)
Subject :
Subject to focus
Body of the letter : 1. Introduction
2. Main Content
3. Conclusion
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely/faithfully/truly,
Complementary close
Sender's name
Designation (if applicable)
Types of Formal Letters
Formal Letters are of four types:
I. Letters to the Editor
II. Job Application Letters (including resume/bio-data)
English Core Class XII
1. Write
a letter to the editor, ‘The Indian Times’, Jaipur highlighting
the need to tap the sports talent at a young age by sports teachers,
coaches, etc., so that it does not go unrecognised. Thus, we shall have
a large pool of young talented sports persons who can be groomed.
You are Poorva/Paras of 78, Inderpuri, Jaipur. (120-150 words)
[CBSE 2020]
Ans.78, Inderpuri
27th April, 20XX
The Editor
The Indian Times
Subject: Need to tap sports talent at a young age
Respected Sir/ Ma’am,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to express my
views on the need to tap sports talent at a young age to create a pool of
brilliant sportspersons who can be groomed to achieve something big in
their sports career.
In India, we have several people who are good at different sports. Despite
that, we fail to achieve success at various levels of championships and
tournaments. The reason behind it is the late training that has been
provided to sports enthusiasts. It is important to tap this enthusiasm
among the people at early stages of life when the scope and learning
ability is wider. This way, by the time they are ready to take up
championships, they will be fully trained in their sport.
Therefore, I request you to take the necessary measures to help schools
and communities create a sports pool at a young age.
Yours truly,
Letter Writing
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2. You
are Tapas/Tapasya of A-150, Mount Road, Chennai. You have
seen an advertisement in the newspaper, ‘The Chennai Times’ for the
post of Manager (Accounts) in Sundaram Westside, Chennai. Apply
for the post with your complete biodata. (120-150 words) [CBSE 2020]
Mount Road
26th April, 20XX
The Manager
Sundaram Westside
Subject: Application for the post of Manager (Accounts)
Sir/ Ma’am,
In response to your advertisement in ‘The Chennai Times’ dated 24th
April, 20XX, I wish to be considered for the position mentioned above.
I feel my qualifications and experience are good enough to enable me
to discharge my duties. I herewith attach the attested copies of my
certificates and my complete bio-data. If given a chance, I assure you
that I shall discharge my duties with utmost honesty.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Tapas / Tapasya Verma
Encl.: Bio-data
English Core Class XII
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Tapas/Tapasya Verma
Father’s Name
Mr. Jagdish Verma
A-150, Mount Road, Chennai
Date of Birth
23rd December, 1991
Educational Qualifications
CA in 20XX
(ii) M. Com. (Accounts) in 20XX from St.
Stephens, Chennai
(iii) B. Com. (Hons.) in 20XX from St. Stephens,
Senior Accountant in Geet Ltd. Anand,
Salary Ex-pected
90,000 p.m. + perks
Marital Status
Languages known
Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu
(i) Dr. H.C. Smith, H.O.D. Accountancy, St.
Stephens, Chennai
(ii) Mrs. Anjula Singh, Senior HR, Geet Ltd,
3. Sunshine
Public School, Pune requires two sports coaches (one
male and one female). Each should be a degree holder in physical
education as well as an SAI certified coach in athletics. You have
seen their advertisement and you know that you have these
qualifications. Write an application in 120–150 words along with your
resume. You are Praveen/Praveena, M-114, Najafgarh, Delhi.
[CBSE 2017]
Letter Writing
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2nd May, 20XX
The Principal
Sunshine Public School
Subject: Application for the post of sports coach
Sir/ Ma’am,
This is with reference to your advertisement in The Tribune, dated 1st
May, 20XX, for the post of a sports coach.
I wish to apply for the same. I have all the qualities that would suit the
post best. I am a certified SAI Coach in Athletics and I hold a bachelor’s
degree in Physical Education. I have served as a Sports Coach in DAV
Public School, Pune for four years and then I joined the ACS Academy,
Pune, from where I got my SAI certification.
I will be highly thankful to you if you shortlist me for the personal
interview. I am enclosing my resume for your perusal.
Yours faithfully,
Praveen / Praveena Shah
Encl. : Resume
Praveen/Praveena Shah
M-114, Najafgarh, Delhi
Date of Birth
13th, April, 19XX
Marital Status
Educational Qualifications
: (i) B.PEd from Astha Institute, Pune
(ii)SAI certification in athletics from ACS
Job Experience
four years
Sports Coach in DAV Public School, Pune for
Expected salary
English Core Class XII
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Letter Writing
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
An article is a long writing composition that is written for a wide audience.
An article is usually published in a newspaper, school magazine or journal. Writing an
article is a tough task as readers might disengage themselves in the middle if the
writing style is not catchy or interesting. So, it is essential to attract and retain the
readers' attention.
Watch Author's One-shot videos for
conceptual clarity.
Download solutions of Self-practice Q's
(look for icon inside ).
Scan above to access both
The main purpose of writing an article is to raise concern towards social
issues or attract the attention of readers towards an event, place of interest,
activity, etc. Students must write the article coherently, arranging the points
into logical paragraphs to score maximum marks in the examination.
An article does not require an individual’s perspective or stance of their own
on the given topic; rather, it needs to be a detailed description about a topic
in order to raise awareness or concern of the general public. The aim of an
article is to make people aware of the topic and not to provide the speaker’s
perception or thoughts on the same.
Marking Scheme
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on article for 5 marks (with
internal choice). The marks breakdown as per the new pattern is as follows:
Title (1 mark)
• The title should be self-explanatory as to what the article is about.
• It should be eye-catching.
• It should be precise yet complete.
• Writer’s name must be given under the title towards right of centre.
• To make the title look more attractive, write it in uppercase.
Content (3 marks)
• It is the main body of an article. It should be within 120-150 words.
• The cues given in the question must be utilised in the content smartly.
• The facts given should be precise yet deliver all the essential information.
• All the views or approaches given should be logically explained.
• Should cover all suggested value points given in the question.
• The whole composition, if divided into different paragraphs, should maintain
a link throughout.
• There should be a relevancy to the statements and arguments put forward.
• The initial sentences should present the subject of discussion or give the
introduction to the event; the middle portion should provide the facts and
details about it and the last few lines should give a clear verdict on the
topic or conclusion of the event.
English Core Class XII
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Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1m should be
given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
By Xyz
Education is the most
(Main body of the Article)
for a developed nation.
Example (Subjective type):
The invention of mobile phone can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove
to be a curse. Write an article in about 120-150 words on this invention.
You are Rajat / Riddhima Sen.
By Rajat / Riddhima Sen
The invention of mobile phones is one of the major advancements in human
history. Mobile phones have changed the way people communicate with
each other. They are the easiest devices to use, and probably, the most
portable ones to share information from one person to another over a
distance of thousands of kilometres. Undoubtedly, the advantages of mobile
phones are many. However, the disadvantages of mobiles are also equal in
Adolescents and teenagers are continuously distracted from their studies
or other work because of mobile phone usage. They are seen talking and
texting at all places, even while walking on the road, while driving and
even during classes. This leads to accidents and also bad performance in
academics. Often they get involved in notorious criminal activities through
their phones. They easily fall into the traps of cyber-criminals. Parents
should be vigilant enough of their children’s activities when it comes to
phones and ensure that they use it for good.
 Write about the topic in a thought-provoking way.
 Provide facts or information related to the topic.
* Cues to board questions before 2020 are not given as they were not available.
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 Do not state the speaker’s individual perception or give any conclusion
based on its thoughts.
 Do not use colloquial language.
 Avoid repeating ideas or writing the same point again.
English Core Class XII
1. Venu is a member of Co-existence, a school club that actively promotes
animal rights and care. He has to write an article emphasising the
need for prevention of cruelty to animals and peaceful co-existence
between animals and human beings.
(A)Select the option that lists an appropriate title for Venu's article.
(a) Man and Animal-A Struggle to Co-exist
(b) The Rehabilitation and Conser- vation of Species
(c) Remodelling the Future by Peaceful Co-existence
(d) Smart Moves-Survival of the Fittest
(B)Which option (1-4) should Venu choose to elaborate on reasons for
cruelty to animals?
using pet & wild animals for
work to earn money
pet animals
malicious intent & neglect
Government policies, NGOs
and animal shelters
lack of
materialistic gains
harm to environment
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lack of
malicious intent
poaching, habitat
destruction, prejudices
starvation, insu cient
health-care, abandonment
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(C)Which option would help Venu organise his ideas appropriately for
this article?
(a) Expressing concern about several cases of cruelty to animalsExploring the reasons-Stating the effects-Providing suggestions
for peaceful co-existence- Presenting a conclusive outlook
(b) Stating the effects of cruelty to animals- Presenting a
concluding viewpoint-Providing suggestions for peaceful coexistence-Expressing concern for animal cruelty- Exploring the
reasons for cruelty to animals
(c) Introducing the purpose of the article-Information about
policies and laws for animal protection-Exploring the reasons
for the laws- Providing suggestions for peaceful co-existence
-Presenting a pledge for awareness
(d) Exploring the laws for animal protection-Questioning the
efficacy of the laws-Providing suggestions for improvements in
the behaviour towards animals- Introducing the purpose of the
article-Appeal for joining Co-Existence
(D)Which suggestions, from those given below, would be appropriate
for Venu's article?
(a) reducing human-wildlife conflict, banning habitat destruction,
creating more wildlife sanctuaries
(b) protecting the environment, penalising poachers
(c) strengthening execution of animal rights' laws, increasing
awareness, reducing human- wildlife conflict
(d) creation of more wildlife sanctuaries and promotion of research
on animals.
(E)Read a sentence from Venu's article. Draft and help him complete
it by selecting the most appropriate option.
As animals find their natural habitat shrinking daily, their
interactions with humans keep rising, often to the (I) of the humans
and with (II) for the animals.
* Cues were not used to be given in board questions before 2020
English Core Class XII
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(a) (I) joy (II) dangerous outcomes
(b) (I) thrill (II) lethal consequences
(c) (I) irritation (II) minimal effects
(d) (I) fear (II) disastrous results [Mod. CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (A) (c) R
emodelling the Future by Peaceful Co-existence
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: The heading doesn't talk about a struggle between
man and animals given in option (a), rehabilitation and conservation
option (b), or survival of the fittest option (d). The main idea is peaceful
existence so (c) is the correct option.
(B) (d) Option (4)
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Options (a) talks about poaching, a legal crime; and
(b) talks about government's efforts to protect animals; (c) talks
about harm to environment. All these are not the main concern with
reference to the context. Option (d) mentions the ways to take care of
animals without making any change in their habitat or harming them.
Hence, it is the correct answer.
(C) (a) Expressing concern about several cases of cruelty to animals-Exploring
the reasons-Stating the effects-Providing suggestions for peaceful coexistence- Presenting a conclusive outlook.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Option (a) is the correct option as it provides proper
sequence of the ideas to include in the article, i.e., introduction to the
topic, cause, effects, solution and concluding statement. Other options
are not arranged sequentially and are incoherent.
(D) (c) Strengthening execution of animal rights' laws, increasing awareness,
reducing human-wildlife conflict.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Option (c) is the correct answer as it focuses on reducing
human-wildlife conflict, leading to a peaceful coexistence-the main
idea of the article. Other options are related to actions taken after the
harm is done so these are not the right answers.
(E) (d) (I) fear (II) disastrous results
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: When animals enter human territory due to
deforestation and the destruction of their habitat, it is a matter
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of concern for human beings. Animals attack humans and in fear,
humans defend themselves by killing animals. This is disastrous for
animal population. Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
With rising population in big cities of the country, the rate of crime
has also increased proportionately. The police needs to be trained
in new methodologies of combating crime besides changing the
mindset. Write an article in 120-150 words on the “Role of Police in
Maintaining Law and Order” in the metropolitan cities. Use the given
cues. You are Smith/Smitha.
(1) Rate of crime increasing
(2) Ways of crime becoming diverse
(3) Police need modern solutions
(4) Police to regain the trust of people.
By Smith / Smitha
Every morning, people start their day by reading the news of crime prevailing
almost everywhere. The rising population in the big cities has led to a resource
crunch, which in turn gives rise to crime. The law and order machinery needs
to be changed as per the changing society.
The police needs to be trained in new methodology of combating crime
besides changing the mindset. The police have to shed their anti-people
image and work out strategies to regain the trust of the people. They should
not have a bad attitude towards people who are ready to help them. Today,
anyone witnessing a crime or an accident refrains from coming forward to
help as it will involve a very stressful interaction with the police.
The police play the main role in the maintenance of law and order in the
metropolitan cities and thus, they really need to re-invent their image to gain
the trust of the populace.
English Core Class XII
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1. During the season of marriages you have seen people spending a
lot of money only to satisfy their ego. All the money thus wasted
can be put to some constructive use. Write an article in 150 – 200
words on ‘Simple Marriages’. You are Anu/Anup.
[CBSE Topper 2019]
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English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The example above is a typical company performance report, created by the CFO.
A report is a written composition or a of a personal experience. It is an account of something
heard, seen, done, studied, etc. It can be a long composition of a particular event,
company performance (in this case), incident, programme. etc., It is an which can
also be published or broadcasted.
Watch Author's One-shot videos for
conceptual clarity.
Download solutions of Self-practice Q's
(look for icon inside ).
Scan above to access both
A report helps to create awareness about an issue or warn the public in
general about an ongoing mischief or problem. It also makes students aware
of the events or incidents happening in their school. Reports voice many social
issues and help to curb them by spreading awareness among the masses.
Reports are always written in the past tense as they describe an event that
happened in the past. The most important thing to be kept in mind is that a
report shall never provide the conclusion or opinion of the reporter. It must
only state the facts and details of the event.
Marking Scheme
As per the new pattern, CBSE will ask one question on speech for 5 marks
(with internal choice). The marks breakdown as per the new pattern will be as
Title (1 mark)
• The title should be eye-catching and precise.
• It should give a glimpse of the event or incident.
• Upper case is not mandatory but is preferred to capture attention.
Content (3 marks)
• It’s the main body of a report. It should be within 120-150 words.
• Must be written in third person.
• All the points about the event or the incident should be explained in detail.
• Should state the facts like time, duration, organisation, damage, loss, etc.,
given in the question.
• Should avoid ornamental language and be written as an eye-witness
Expression (1 mark)
• The overall quality of writing is judged to decide if the final 1 mark should
be given or not.
• Grammatical accuracy, sentence structure and spellings are the main
English Core Class XII
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Heading of a Report
By Xyz
Place, Date : Yesterday XYZ Public School celebrated its rst
Annual Function ..................................
Types of Reports
Reports are of two types:
I. Newspaper Reports
II. Magazine Reports (Events/Functions/Celebrations)
Ranikhet district, Uttarakhand, on the occasion of Basant Panchami
celebrations, organised a three-day cultural festival. You are
Bhupinder/ Priyanka Bhisht. Your newspaper had deputed you to
cover the inaugural event of this festival. As a newspaper reporter,
use the given cues along with your own ideas to write a report about
the same in 120-150 words.
• Big crowds -main grounds of the marketplace
• Colourful decorations
• Inauguration-local panchayat member to inaugurate
• Folk dance and songs
• Speeches [CBSE SQP 2020]
Ushering in Spring
By Priyanka Bhisht, the Reporter
Ranikhet district,
9th January 20XX:
In Uttrakhand,
Ranikhet district was decorated in vibrant colours to usher in spring and
celebrate Basant Panchami. The annual festival draws large crowds each
year and this year was no different.
The ground was overflowing with large crowds dressed in the state’s
traditional costume and the sky was filled with beautiful kites. The market
and the entire district was decorated and people waited eagerly for the
festivities to begin. At 9:00 am the chief guest arrived and the inauguration
ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp. This was followed by a special
prayer seeking the blessings of Goddess Saraswati. Roul, a tourist from Spain,
spoke to us, ‘I am so glad that I decided to come here. This is India at her best.
The amazing colours and dances are spectacular.’
The folk dancers and singers from the neighbouring districts kept the
spectators enthralled. Gayathri, a folk dancer from Nainital said, ‘The interest
of the crowd and their applause keep us motivated and we come here every
year to entertain them.’
Festivals like this serve as a reminder of our rich heritage. More of such
festivals should be organised in cities to showcase the vibrant culture of our
English Core Class XII
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This type of report is usually written by school students. It contains descriptions
of events, celebrations, annual functions, competitions, exhibitions, etc., that
happen in school.
Example (Objective type):
1. Answer
the seven questions given below.
Anvita is a head girl of St. Agnes School. There was a seminar in her
school on ‘How to get out of the Mental Traumas of the Pandemic?’
Students from IX to XII attended it. Anvita has to write a magazine
report on the same.
(A)Which of the following cues is NOT related to the context?
(a) Attended by senior classes
(b) Mayor and staff present
(c) Motivational speeches by experts
(d) Tips to conserve water
(B)Select the appropriate title for Anvita for the report.
(a) Seminar on Coping with the Traumas of Pandemic held at St.
(b) A Seminar was conducted at School
(c) There was a Seminar for Senior Students of School
(d) An Incredible Seminar
(C)Choose the sentence that can NOT be a part of the motivational
speech given at the seminar.
(a) Focus your mind on the things that you love to do………..
(b) Be productive and creative in your activities…………
(c) Talk to your friends and family and show them love………..
(d) Cut the cord with everyone and be alone to recover……..
Ans.(A)(d)Tips to conserve water
Explanation: It is clear from the context that the seminar was taken
on the topic of ‘how to get out of mental traumas of pandemic’, not
‘conserving water’. So, (d) is wrong. Options (a), (b) and (c) can be part of
the report on the given topic. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
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(B) (a) Seminar on Coping with the Traumas of Pandemic held at St.
Explanation: Options (b) and (d) are incomplete while (c) is in sentence
form. Option (a) is a complete and catchy phrase. Hence, (a) is the right
(C) (d) Cut the cord with everyone and be alone to recover……..
Explanation: The speech was to be given on the tips to get over the
trauma of the pandemic. Options (a), (b) and (c) are tips suggesting what
to do to come out of that phase of pandemic life and how to divert the
mind while (d) tells to get back into over-thinking by breaking ties with
everyone and being alone. This will not help to get out of the trauma.
So, it can’t be the part of the motivational speech. Hence, (d) is the right
Last week on your way to school, you witnessed an incident of chain
snatching near your school. A couple of senior students of your school
chased the snatcher, caught him and handed him over to the police.
Write a report on this daring act in 100-125 words for your school
magazine. You are Amar/Amrita..
[CBSE 2013]
The Brave Students of Our School
By Amar/Amrita
We all have heard the phrase that ‘bravery knows no age’. However, it turned
into reality on the 12th of February, 20XX, when a couple of senior students
from our school saved a victim from a chain-snatcher. They chased and
caught him on the spot and handed him over to the police. Akshat Verma of
Class XII- A, Dev Ahuja and Arhaan Khan of Class XII- C were returning to
their homes after school when they saw a lady get hit by a chain-snatcher
in an attempt to steal her necklace. The robber ran away after snatching the
chain but our brave students chased the robber without fearing anything and
caught him quickly. The students then handed over the chain-snatcher to the
The lady thanked the students and appreciated their concern for others. The
police were amazed by the daring act of the young students and appreciated
them by making them “heroes of the week”. The students were also given a
cash award for this brave act by the school.
English Core Class XII
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I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Last Lesson
— Alphonse Daudet
'The Last Lesson' is a story by French writer, Alphonse Daudet. The narrator of the
story, Franz describes a memorable nal lesson given by his teacher, M. Hamel, during
the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). The Prussian government had captured the
french province of Alsace, and ordered them to teach only German schools from the
next day onwards when a new teacher would arrive. The narrator pays a lot of
attention unlike other days. There is immense sadness in the class because of the
departure of their teacher.
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Characters in Brief
He tells the story of attending the
last class of his French teacher, and
how it impacted him.
He is a carefree and
perceptive boy.
He teaches his last
lesson with passion
and attention.
He is a strict, disciplined
and patriotic teacher.
M. Hamel
He also gives a moving speech about the beauty of
the French language and its connection to national identity.
Chapter in Detail
Franz Gets Late for School Again
On a warm and bright day, Franz started for school quite late. He
dreaded the idea of a participle quiz in M. Hamel’s class. For a short
while, he entertained the thought of running away and spending the
rest of the day outdoors but stopped himself.
A Crowd Gathers Around the Town Bulletin Board
As Franz passed by the town bulletin board, he noticed a crowd there.
No good news ever came from the bulletin board as they had discovered
the past two years. This made him wonder if some bad news awaited
them. Wachter, the blacksmith asked him to slow down as he had plenty
of time to get to school. Franz thought that the blacksmith was mocking
Character's Mood
 Perplexed; Ignorant.
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Franz Enters M. Hamel’s Class
With much trepidation, Franz made it to class, out of breath. At once,
he noticed that the school was unusually quiet. Ordinarily, school was a
noisy place where students opened and closed desks, repeated lessons
loudly together and the teacher tapped the ruler on the desk. It was
never that silent. He watched his classmates already sitting in their
regular places. But when he entered the class, M. Hamel did not scold
him but asked him to go take his place.
Franz Notices Many Unusual Things in His Class
As soon as Franz sat down, he noticed several unusual things about
the class. His teacher wore his best clothes, which he only wore when
there was an inspection. The whole school was serious and grim. Some
villagers were sitting in the back benches including the former mayor,
old Hauser.
M. Hamel Makes a Few Announcements to Franz’s Surprise
The teacher, M. Hamel, stood up on the chair and explained that this
class was to be his last one.He had been given orders by Berlin, the
seat of the Prission government, to teach only German in the schools
Alsace. Hence, the next day, a new teacher was expected to arrive.
M. Hamel asked everyone to pay attention. Franz was shocked at this
news. All this time, he never really cared for the French language and
grammar, but now that it was being taken away from him, he was not
happy. This was when he understood why his teacher wore his best
Sunday clothes and why the villagers were attending this class. It was
their way of paying respect to the teacher who taught for forty years in
that school.
Character's Mood
Incredulous; Sad.
Example 1. Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and his school changed.
Ans. When Franz came to know that his teacher M. Hamel could not
continue teaching them, his feelings changed. Earlier, he was a
reluctant student and now he become eager and enthusiastic
The Last Lesson
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Franz Attempts the Dreaded Participle Quiz
Suddenly, the teacher called on Franz to recite the rule for participles,
but he could not. M. Hamel did not scold Franz like he ordinarily would.
He commented that Alsace put off learning for tomorrow thinking there
was lots of time. He argued that, as a result others could accuse them
(the French) of not knowing their own language. He continued that Franz
was not the only one to blame. Franz’s parents wanted him to work in
the fields and the teacher himself sent him to water his flowers or given
a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.
M. Hamel Talks About the Beauty of the French Language
M. Hamel emphasised the beauty and logic of the French language and
warned his listeners to never forget it. He explained that for an enslaved
people (here, the French), language was a key that could unlock their
prison. Franz listed all the activities that they did that day. They did
grammar and writing; history for the older students and pronunciation
and writing for the younger ones. For once, Franz understood grammar
since he was paying attention. Everyone worked quietly. It was a sad
and solemn occasion. Franz noticed M. Hamel looking pensively out of
the window and watched the tears fall from old Hauser’s eyes as he
joined the students in spelling letters from his own textbook.
Example 2. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even
the pigeons?” What could this mean? Rationalise.
Ans. M. Hamel had told Franz that they would be learning German
from the next day onwards as per orders from Berlin. German,
the oppressor’s language was being foisted on the French people.
When Franz saw some pigeons in the class, he wondered if the
Prussians would make these pigeons sing in German too. This
means he wondered if the oppressor’s language could be forced
on the pigeons living in France as well. It is a far-fetched thought,
but it shows how sad Franz was
English Core Class XII
Significant Morals
(1) The identity of a people is deeply connected to their language. If the
language is taken away, the identity of a people is also taken away.
(2) Using a language is one way to express patriotism for a country.
(3) Attention leads to better understanding.
commotion a disorderly
outburst or tumult
an introductory
something or
someone that
annoys you or
causes trouble for
easily annoyed or
causing fear, shock
or suffering
uproar, turmoil
peace, calm, quiet
irritable, grumpy,
terrible, awful,
happy, amiable,
pleasant, pleasing,
pleasure, delight,
The Last Lesson
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
[ 1 mark each ]
1. "There was usually a great bustle and noise when school
began, but it was all very quiet".
Which of the following describes Franz’s emotions most
(a) Shock and awe
(b) Disappointment and anxiety
(c) Confusion and distress
(d) Curiosity and uncertainty
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. (b) Disappointment and anxiety
Explanation: Franz was anxious because the school was quiet and
disappointed because he wouldn’t be able to sneak in. Hence, this
proves that option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d)
are incorrect descriptions. So, they are not the correct answers.
2. Which of the following quotes captures the essence of M.
Hamel’s last lesson?
(a) Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while
loving someone deeply gives you courage.
—Lao Tzu
(b) Courage is grace under pressure.
—Ernest Hemmingway
(c) Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence
of fear.
—Mark Twain
(d) It takes courage to grow up and become who you really
are. —E.E. Cummings
Ans. (b) Courage is grace under pressure.
—Ernest Hemmingway
Explanation: All the quotes talk about courage but only one talks
about grace under pressure, which captures the essence of M.
Hamel’s talk. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a)
and (d) do not fit the context. Option (c) mentions fear which does
not apply to M. Hamel. Hence, they are incorrect.
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Extract Based Questions
3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
Poor man! It was in honour of this last lesson that he had put on
his fine Sunday clothes, and now I understood why the old men
of the village were sitting there in the back of the room. It was
because they were sorry, too, that they had not gone to school
more. It was their way of thanking our master for his forty years
of faithful service and of showing their respect for the country that
was theirs no more.
(A) Why does the narrator refer to M. Hamel as ‘Poor man!’?
(B) Which of the following idioms might describe the villagers’
act of attending the last lesson most accurately?
(a) ‘Too good to miss’
(b) ‘Too little, too late’
(c) ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’
(d) ‘Too cool for school’
(C) Choose the option that might raise a question about M.
Hamel’s “faithful service”.
(a) When Franz came late, M. Hamel told him that he was
about to begin class without him.
(b) Franz mentioned how cranky M. Hamel was and his
“great ruler rapping on the table”.
(c) M. Hamel often sent students to water his flowers, and
gave a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.
(d) M. Hamel permitted villagers to put their children “to
work on a farm or at the mills” for some extra money.
(D) Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
The given extract is prominent in the chapter because this
is when Franz ............................... the reason for M. Hamel’s
Sunday clothes and why the old men of the village were
sitting in class.
(E) Infer what Franz’s emotions must be in the extract.
(F) Comment on the mood inside the classroom.
[Mod. CBSE Question Bank 2021]
The Last Lesson
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Ans. (A) Franz felt sorry for M. Hamel because was his last day in that
school and that is why he said, ‘Poor man!’.
(B) (b) ‘Too little, too late’
Explanation: The villagers were attending M. Hamel’s last
class to honour him, but it was a bit late. So, option (b) is the
correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) are not idioms that
match the intentions of those villagers who attended his class.
Hence, they are not the correct answers.
(C) (c) M. Hamel often sent students to water his flowers, and gave
a holiday when he wanted to go fishing.
Explanation: M. Hamel was also guilty of some trespasses.
During his ‘faithful service’ as teacher, he had sent students to
run some errands for him. Therefore, option (c) is the correct
answer. Options (a), (b) and (d) are incorrect reasons. Hence,
they are not the correct answers.
(D) Realised
(E) Franz must be feeling disappointed and sad after getting to
know that this will be his last lesson with M. Hamel.
(F) The mood inside the classroom was full of regret and lament
because their teacher was leaving the next day. There was an
air of helplessness and gloom because they were not allowed
to learn their mother tongue from now on.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions
[ 2 marks each ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
4. “You realise the true value of a thing only on losing it.”
Comment on this statement in the light of the story, The Last
[CBSE SQP 2022]
Ans. Fr Prussians put a ban on the French language - People realized
the importance of holding onto their mother tongue.
M Hamel was considered strict and the classes / work given by
him were not taken seriously - After he was ordered to leave the
country, villagers realized the importance of his contribution to the
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
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Explanation: In the chapter ‘The Last Lesson’, people of the village
and students in the school did not use to pay attention towards their
mother tongue, i.e., French earlier. However, when the Prussians had
put a ban on the use of the language and replaced it with German,
people realized the importance of their own language. It was then
the people knew the value of their mother tongue.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions
[ 5 marks each ]
5. What was the difference between M. Hamel as a teacher before
and after the Berlin order?
Ans. Before the Berlin order, M. Hamel was a strict teacher who used
his ‘terrible’ iron ruler and scolded children who did not revise
their lessons or were late. Children were scared of his ruler. He
sometimes sent students like Franz to do errands, such as to water
his plants. He also took it easy when it suited him, sometimes
giving the day off to the students if he wanted to take off himself.
After the Berlin order, M. Hamel changed. He did not use the
iron ruler. He became a kind and considerate teacher. He did not
scold Franz when he was late for the class and didn’t answer the
question on French participles. Instead, he took a philosophical
view of his failure. He was also emotional since the Berlin order
ended his career as a teacher in that school after forty years.
The Last Lesson
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Lost Spring
— Anees Jung
— Anees Jung
'Lost Spring: Stories of a Stolen Childhood' is a story by the Indian writer, Anees Jung. It
of vignettes
 rst
is about
'Lost Spring:
a Stolen
Childhood' is
a story The
by the
Jung. It
to a community
of barefoot ragpickers
of vignettes
of two underprivileged
children. The
rst in
is about
who belongs to a community of barefoot ragpickers living in Seemapuri on of
has been
sellers forisgenerations.
of Delhi.
The bangles
second vignette
about Mukesh who belongs to a family of
Firozabad, that has been bangles sellers for generations.
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Characters in Brief
She narrates a true perspective
of being an under privileged
human, based on her one-on-one
conversation with the boys.
She is an Indian writer
who meets Saheb and
Mukesh, and provides vignettes
of the boys’ life in pover ty.
(Anees Jung)
Chapter in Detail
Saheb Rummages for ‘Gold’
The author met Saheb, a ragpicker boy who was looking for ‘gold’ in the
garbage dump. By that, he meant something valuable like currency notes and
coins. He was from Dhaka, Bangladesh, but he left his country long ago. When
the author suggested that he should go to school, he said that he couldn’t as
there were no schools in the area. So, she asked in jest if he would attend a
school in case she started one. He agreed enthusiastically. A few days later
when she met him again, he asked her if she had started the school yet. She
was embarrassed because she had meant it as a joke.
Street Children Do Not Wear Footwear
Months after meeting Saheb, the author got to know his full name. It was
ironical that his name Saheb-e-Alam, meant ‘Lord of the Universe’, as he was
just a barefoot ragpicker amongst many in that locality. Slowly, the author
came to recognise each of the children. When the author asked each of them
why they did not wear 'chappals', all of them had different answers. The
author wondered if the reasons given were a way of masking their poverty.
This reminded her of a priest’s son in Udupi who used to pray for a pair of
shoes each day on his way to school. Thirty years later, when she visited the
place again, she found another priest’s son wearing shoes. The author mused
how many children could afford shoes now, but some like the ragpickers still
could not.
Life at Seemapuri, the Settlement of Ragpickers
The author visited Seemapuri, situated on the outskirts of Delhi where 10,000
ragpickers lived in temporary structures of tin and tarpaulin. They had been
living there for over thirty years without permits, but they had ration cards,
which they used to get ration. These families had come to the city from the
villages of Bangladesh, which were beautiful and green, but they could not
survive the storms there. But, here in the city, they scrounged in garbage
dumps to earn a living. For Saheb, garbage is gold because sometimes he
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gets currency like a 10 rupee note. For adults, the garbage dump is a means
of survival; while for the children, it is a place of wonder.
Saheb and the Tennis Players
Saheb liked watching men play tennis in a neighbourhood club, by standing
behind the fence. He told the narrator that the gatekeeper allowed him inside
to play on the swing when no one was around. He also wore tennis shoes like
them but they were some rich boy’s discarded shoes. Though, this didn't bother
him at all. The next time the narrator met Saheb, he had started working at
the local tea shop. He was paid 800 rupees for delivering milk. When asked
if he liked his job, he became glum. The plastic bag he carried when hunting
‘gold’ was his own, but the steel canister he carried around belonged to the
owner of the tea shop; and hence, it felt heavy.
Example 1. Is Saheb happy working at the tea-stall? Rationalise.
Ans. Saheb is not happy working at the tea-stall. When the author asks
him if he likes working there, he becomes despondent. He prefers the
pleasure of taking his plastic bag and scrounging for ‘gold’ (currency) in
the garbage dump rather than the paid job of delivering milk in a steel
The Lost Spring
scrounging to gather something you
want or need from what is
offering, giving
in a confident, but
thoughtless way
smooth, facile,
hesitant, quiet,
continuing for ever in the
same way
constant, persistent, temporary, brief,
the outer edge of an area
perimeter, edge,
centre, core,
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Select
the suitable option for the given statements based on your
reading of Lost Spring.
(1) The writer notices that Saheb has lost his carefree look.
(2) Saheb has had to surrender his freedom for ` 800 per month.
(a) (1) is false but (2) is true.
(b) Both (1) and (2) are false.
(c) (2) is a fact but unrelated to (1).
(d) (1) is the cause for (2).
[CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (b)Both (1) and (2) are false.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Note: The correct answer of this question is not listed in the options given
in the SQP issued by CBSE. However, in the MS issued by them, the answer
is correct, i.e., both (1) and (2) are true.
Explanation: As per the story in the chapter, Lost Spring, both the given
statements are true. Hence, it is the correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given and answer the questions that follow:
"I have nothing else to do," he mutters, looking away. "Go to school," I say
glibly, realising immediately how hollow the advice must sound.
"There is no school in my neighbourhood. When they build one, I will go."
"If I start a school, will you come?" I ask, half-joking. "Yes," he says, smiling
broadly. A few days later I see him running up to me. "Is your school ready?"
"It takes longer to build a school," I say, embarrassed at having made a
promise that was not meant. But promises like mine abound in every
corner of his bleak world.
(A)Saheb's muttering and 'looking away' suggests his:
(a) anger
(b) shyness
(c) embarrassment
(d) anxiety
(B)Of the four meanings of 'glibly', select the option that matches in
meaning with its usage in the extract.
(a) Showing a degree of informality
(b) Lacking depth and substance
The Lost Spring
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(c) Being insincere and deceitful
(d) Speaking with fluency
(C)Why does the author believe that asking Saheb to go to school is
‘hollow advice’?
(D)Why has Saheb’s world been termed ‘bleak’ by the author?
(E)Complete the sentence using ONE word:
The first sentence of the extract suggests that one of the reasons
Saheb scrounged amidst the trash was to abate .................. .
(F)Give one evidence from the extract to show that Saheb was fond of
the idea of going to school.
[Mod. CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (A) (c) embarrassment
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: Saheb was not angry, shy or anxious while answering.
He was embarrassed of his situation, hence (c) is the correct answer.
(B) (b) lacking depth and substance
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: The narrator knew that it is difficult for Saheb to go
to school in such difficult conditions he lives in. Yet he made the
suggestion that seems hollow and meaningless, in other words
something impractical. So, option (b) is the correct answer.
(C)The author realises that asking Saheb to go to school was hollow
advice because there were no schools around, and his parents could
not afford to send him to school.
(D)The author has used the word ‘bleak’ to describe Saheb’s world
to suggest that he would probably not be able to achieve his true
potential. She referred to his present and future prospects as ‘bleak’.
(F) When the author asked Saheb if he would come to the school she
would start, he smiled eagerly as he said yes. This shows his eagerness
to go to school.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
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How do you think the author’s life might have been impacted after
her interactions with the children and their families mentioned in
‘Lost Spring’?
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. The author Anees Jung would have become even more sensitive to the
plight of street children and child labourers. She might have even been
inspired to start an organisation to help these children.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
‘Food is more important for survival than an identity.’ Examine ‘Lost
Spring’ by Anees Jung in light of this statement.
Ans. The ragpickers of Seemapuri came from Dhaka in Bangladesh. They
travelled a long distance to get to the outskirts of Delhi. This migration
was not voluntary. Their homes and fields were washed away by harsh
storms. So, they had to move to a place where they could at least be
able to eat. When the moved from their courty, they lost a part of their
identity. When they arrived here, they had to live near garbage dumps
in Seemapuri in temporary shelters made of tin and tarpaulin, without
proper running water, sewage or drainage facilities. For thirty years, they
stayed here without proper identity. Because of their Indian ration card,
they could get some provisions. Even these appalling conditions were
preferable to starvation. This is why one of the women from Seemapuri
said that food was more important than an identity.
The Lost Spring
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Deep Water
— William Douglas
'Deep Water' is a story by the American writer and United States Justice, William
Douglas. It tells the story of his childhood trauma associated with water that he overcomes with much
di iculty. To  nally get rid of his fear, he hires a swimming instructor who trains him
to face his fear of water, stroke by stroke. He continues to swim in di erent
locations till he slowly recovers and overcomes associated with water his crippling
fear of water.
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Characters in Brief
Through dogged determination
and perseverance, he is able to ! nally
break the shackles of his fear that
he had since childhood.
He is a brave boy who
overcomes his paralysing
fear of water.
William Douglas
He was once thrown into the swimming pool by a bully just for fun. That
time, he didn't know how
to swim and thus, was almost dead by drowning until he was saved by
people. That incident
made him traumatised for years.
Chapter in Detail
Douglas Enrolls for Swimming Class
When Douglas was nine or ten years old, he decided to learn swimming. He
lived with his family near Yakima River in Washington, USA. His mother always
warned him about the river, so Douglas thought that learning in a swimming
pool at the Y.M.C.A would be a safer choice. He felt shy showing his skinny
legs at the beginning but soon got over it.
Character's Mood
 Shy; uncomfortable.
Douglas Remembers the Incident at California Beach
Douglas disliked water which could be traced back to when he was three or
four years old. His father took him to the beach in California. As he stood by
his father’s side holding onto him in the surf, the waves washed over him. He
couldn’t breathe and was terrified as a result. The swimming lessons at the
Y.M.C.A. pool made him remember that stressful time.
Character's Mood
 Panicky; Terrified
An Older Boy Throws Douglas in the Water
With practice at the Y.M.C.A. pool, Douglas eased into swimming. That was
when tragedy struck. One day, when he was alone at the pool waiting for
people to join, an older boy of about eighteen years threw him into the deep
end of the pool for fun’s sake.
Character's Mood
 Startled; Vulnerable
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Douglas Fights for His Life Underwater
At first, he was scared but not terrified. He knew that he would hit the bottom
of the pool and then he would jump up to the surface. But that did not work.
Slowly, the panic started to build. He began to suffocate and tried to shout,
but nothing could be heard in the yellow-tinged water. His legs felt heavy
like lead. When his second attempt of jumping from the bottom of the pool
failed, he was petrified. He was still in the water with nothing around him that
he could grab on to. He grew agitated and thrashed about a lot. He tried his
technique of jumping for the third time. This time, he felt no panic, but rather
slid into a calm and blissful state. Finally, he became unconscious in the water.
Character's Mood
 Terrorised; agitated;
Douglas is Rescued but Develops a Mortal Fear of Water
Douglas was rescued. He remembered waking up by the side of the pool
vomiting. The older boy who threw him into the water confessed that it was
supposed to be a joke. He was taken to the locker room. Hours later, he went
home. During the next few days, Douglas was weak and cried a lot. The fear
haunted him. He could not do anything strenuous without feeling unsteady
and queasy.
Character's Mood
 Shaken, feeble
The Misadventure Leaves a Deep Impact on Douglas
A few years later, when Douglas wanted to explore the waters of the
Cascades and wade along a river, the old familiar terror paralysed him and he
couldn’t. A few more years rolled by, but the situation didn’t change. Even trout
fishing and salmon fishing, activities which required him to stand in shallow
water, were clouded by his childhood trauma. All water-connected activities
were slowly being wiped out from his life, be it fishing, boating, canoeing or
Character's Mood
 disturbed; upset;
Example 1. How did the experience at the pool affect Douglas over time?
Ans. After Douglas's brush with drowning, he was deeply affected. The
incident left him weak and emotional. A few days immediately after
the misadventure, he cried a lot and was unable to do anything that
Deep Water
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required effort. His knees were wobbly, and he had a sickening feeling at
the pit of his stomach. He could also not go swimming because he was
afraid of water. In the long term, he could not participate in any waterrelated activity because of his dreadful experience.
extremely dangerous
deceitful, false,
safe, true,
a feeling of intense dislike
hate, distaste,
desire, love,
too strong to be able to
an instance of misfortune
mishap, disaster,
blessing, luck,
showing fear and lack of
a strong, tough person
thug, bully, ruffian
English Core Class XII
diffident, brave, bold,
brain, dark,
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Choose
the quote that DOES NOT resonate with the central idea of
the chapter.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Explanation: The central idea of the chapter is to be motivated to
overcome one’s fear. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a),
(c) and (d) are incorrect since they don’t match the central idea. So, they
are not the correct answers.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Tiny vestiges of the old terror would return. But now I could frown and say
to that terror, "Trying to scare me, eh? Well, here's to you! Look!" And off
I'd go for another length of the pool. This went on until July. But I was still
not satisfied. I was not sure that all the terror had left. So, I went to Lake
Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived off a dock at Triggs Island, and swam
two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. I swam the crawl, breast
stroke, side stroke, and back stroke. Only once did the terror return. When
I was in the middle of the lake, I put my face under and saw nothing but
bottomless water. The old sensation returned in miniature.
(A)Why did Douglas go to swim at Lake Wentworth?
(a) To showcase his skills for all who had doubted him.
(b) To honour the efforts of his swimming instructor.
(c) To build on his ability of swimming in a natural water body.
(d) To know for sure that he had overcome his fear of drowning in
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(B)Select the option that lists the correct inference based on the
information in the extract.
(a) Triggs Island and Stamp Act Island are both located in Lake
(b) Lake Wentworth is a part of Triggs Island.
(c) Stamp Act Island is two miles away from New Hampshire.
(d) Lake Wentworth is connected via docks to New Hampshire.
(C)What was the reason for the 'return' of terror?
(D)Douglas mentions that the old sensation returned in miniature.
What does he mean by this?
(E)How did Douglas handle the 'old sensation'?
(F)Complete the following sentence using ONE word only:
When the author says things like ‘Trying to scare me, eh? Well,
here’s to you! Look!’, he is trying to give it a ....................... form.
[Mod. CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (A) (d) To know for sure that he had overcome his fear of drowning in water.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: It is clear from the extract that Douglas wanted to be
fully sure that he had overcome his fear of swimming so option (d) is
the correct answer.
(B) (a) Triggs Island and Stamp Act Island are both located in Lake Wentworth.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: The statement- I went to Lake Wentworth in New
Hampshire, dived off a dock at Triggs Island, and swam two miles
across the lake to Stamp Act Island- supports the answer. So option
(a) is the correct option.
(C)Douglas was afraid of swimming because of a past experience
of drowning. He was under terror for several years but had overcome
the fear now. The same terror returned for a moment when he was in
the middle of the lake.
(D)Miniature means a small-sized version of something. Douglas means
to say that his feeling of terror came on a small scale.
(E)Douglas felt fearful just for a short while and swam the whole length
of the lake to prove that he had conquered his fear.
(F) Human/physical
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SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
How did the instructor turn Douglas into a swimmer? [CBSE 2019, 13]
Ans. The instructor made a step-by-step plan for Douglas. First, he asked
Douglas to perfect each individual swimming action separately. Then,
he asked him to combine them together and practise them.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
How did Douglas’s experience at the swimming pool in Y.M.C.A affect
him? How did he get over this effect?
[CBSE 2015]
Ans. Douglas was thrown into the swimming pool by a young boy. He was
rescued in time. There were short and long-term effects that he felt as
a result. Immediately out of the water, he vomited and felt weak and
emotional. That night he couldn’t eat as he was still shocked. For the
next few days, he was haunted by the terror of drowning. Even the least
effort made him exhausted. The physical effects resolved themselves in a
few days, but the psychological ones lingered on. Years later, he couldn’t
go fishing, swimming or canoeing because his old fear surfaced.
To get over the psychological effect, he got an instructor who taught
him how to swim in a systematic manner. Even then, the terror didn’t
disappear completely. So, Douglas faced his fear again and again till he
swam across a large lake. This is how he overcame his terror.
Deep Water
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Rattrap
— Selma Lagerlöf
'The Rattrap' is a story by the Swedish writer, Selma Lagerlöf. A poor peddler makes
rattraps to survive. He believes that the whole world is a giant rattrap for which the
bait are riches and joys of the world. Once, he take shelters at a crofter's house from whom
he steals money. Then he seeks shelter in an iron mill. The ironmaster mistakes him
for his friend and invites him home. Later, the ironmaster and his daughter realize that
the peddler is a thief. However, at the end, the peddler goes through a 'change of heart'
due to the kind treatment he receives from the iron master's daughter.
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Characters in Brief
He formulates ‘the world is
a rattrap’ theory, based on
his nasty worldly experiences.
He is a poor and
pessimistic man.
The Rattrap Seller
She is a caring and
compassionate daughter
of the ironmaster.
She feels pity on the peddler
and invites him to her home.
Edla Willmansson
Chapter in Detail
A Peddler Sells Rattraps for a Living
There once lived a poor man who begged for materials like wire at shops
and farms to make rattraps by hand. But selling rattraps was not a profitable
business so, he was forced to steal and beg to survive. That too did not suffice
so, he looked always hungry and unkempt.
Character's Mood
 Complaining; dissatisfied.
The Rattrap Peddler Has a Revelation
Living a hard and sad life, the peddler had a revelation one day that the world
and everything in it was nothing but a huge rattrap, and the bait that lured a
person into the rattrap were the riches, joys and comforts of the world.
Character's Mood
 Disappointed; hurt.
The Peddler Seeks Shelter with an Old Man
One evening while selling rattraps, the peddler knocked on the door of an old
man who was a crofter, and asked for shelter. He did not expect to be given
shelter. But the old man gave him room to stay. The old man was also lonely,
so he wanted a companion to talk to. He gave the peddler food and a big
chunk of his tobacco roll and a place to sleep for the night. They played a card
game, mjölis, till dinner time. While talking, the old man let it out that he was
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once a crofter (who rents and works a small farm) at Ramsjö Ironworks but
now that he was old, he could not work there anymore. So, he relied on his
cow for his livelihood. He even showed the peddler the three ten-kronor notes
that he earned the previous month.
Character's Mood
 Surprised; amazed.
Example 1. Why did he show the thirty kronor to the peddler?
Ans. The old crofter showed the thirty kronor to the peddler because
he thought the peddler did not believe him. The peddler’s surprise was
misread as disbelief by the old crofter.
The Peddler Steals from the Old Man
The next morning, the peddler and the old man woke up early for different
reasons. The old man had work to do, and the peddler could hardly stay in
bed while his host was out of the house. They both left the cottage at the
same time. The peddler, however, was back in thirty minutes, broke a pane
of glass and stole the money the old man had shown him the previous night.
Then, he stuffed the money into his pocket.
Character's Mood
 Sly; Cunning
The Rattrap
monotonous tediously repetitious or
lacking in variety
dull, boring, tedious exciting,
interesting, lively
continuous and profound
musings, thinking
unaccustomed; unused;
not made familiar by
infrequent, rare
customary, typical,
characterised by feeling
treasured, precious, despised, unloved,
or showing fond affection dear
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. “Left
to his own meditations”, one day the peddler fell into “a line of
thought, which really seemed to him entertaining”. What does the
peddler’s conception of the world as a rattrap, signify about him?
(a) The peddler had a lot of time on his hands, with nothing much to
(b) The peddler was a reflective man whose wisdom did not depend
on his status.
(c) The peddler was a lonely vagrant trying to make sense of his
(d) The peddler was a rattrap seller, and his work deeply inspired him.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(c) The peddler was a lonely vagrant trying to make sense of his fortunes.
Explanation: The peddler was down on his luck and was trying to
understand why this should happen to him. Hence, option (c) is the
correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (d) are incorrect assumptions. So,
they are not the correct answers.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
“Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I was a captain,
I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain — for I do
not want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief;
but you can give back the money to the old man on the roadside, who
has the money pouch hanging on the window frame as a bait for poor
The rattrap is a Christmas present from a rat who would have been
caught in this world’s rattrap if he had not been raised to captain, because
in that way he got power to clear himself.
“Written with friendship
and high regard,
Captain von Stahle.”
(A)Which of the following CANNOT be attributed to the peddler,
according to the above extract?
(a) Indebtedness
(b) Reform
The Rattrap
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(B)Why did the peddler gift a rattrap as a Christmas present?
(C)The word ‘frame’ has been used to indicate a rigid structure that
surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane.
There are other meanings of ‘frame’ too.
Choose the option that DOES NOT list the meaning of ‘frame’.
(1) a person’s body with
(2) a single complete picture in
reference to its size or build
a series forming a cinema,
television, or video film
(3) the triangular structure for (4) a thin solid object that seals a
positioning the red balls in
container or hole; a lid
(a) (1)
(b) (2)
(c) (3)
(d) (4)
(D)Complete the following using ONE word only:
The extract can be summed up by saying that no good deed ever
goes ___________.
(E)Infer the meaning behind the phrase ‘got power to clear himself ’
as used in the context of the extract.
(F)Is the usage of ‘bait’ in the phrase ‘money pouch hanging on the
window frame as bait for poor wanderers’ an example of simile?
[Mod. CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(A)(c) Self-pity
Explanation: The peddler expressed his indebtedness and selfawareness and showed that he had reformed himself. Therefore,
options (a), (b) and (d) are not the correct answer. He did not express
any self-pity. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.
(B)It was all the peddler had that he could give away, and represented
his turn to honesty.
(C) (d) (4)
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (c) are other meanings of ‘frame’.
Hence, they are incorrect. Only option (d) isn’t a meaning of ‘frame’. So,
it is the correct answer.
(E)The peddler says this because he got to come back to a life of
honesty. ‘To clear oneself of charges’ means to free oneself from past
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(F) Yes, the given instance is an example of simile because the peddler
compares the money pouch to a bait using the word ‘as’.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
What might be the significance of setting the story’s events during
Christmas? Justify your opinion.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. Christmas is a time of giving. This extends to beyond friends and family
to donations to charity. So, what Edla did was not unknown or unheard
of. The peddler’s transformation can be taken to be a Christmas miracle
since he was reformed through kindness and charity.
The Rattrap
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LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
The peddler believed that the whole world is a rattrap. How did he
himself get caught in the same ?
[CBSE Topper 2017]
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
— Louis Fischer
'Indigo' is a chapter taken from the book by the American journalist, Louis
Fischer. It tells the story of Mahatma Gandhi's involvement in getting justice for
indigo farmers in Bihar, and his push for 'The Life of Mahatma Gandhi', the end
of British rule in India. Gandhi wants India to be self-reliant; to the end that he
refuses the support of an English paci€ st, Charles Freer Andrews, who wanted to
in getting help Gandhi.
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Characters in Brief
He comes to the aid of the
oppressed share croppers
in Champaran, Bihar.
He is a principled
and far-sighted lawyer.
Mahatama Gandhi
Chapter in Detail
Mahatma Gandhi Meets Rajkumar Shukla
Gandhi recounts to Fischer the story of how he urged the British to leave India
when he visits Gandhi at his Sevagram ashram in 1942. It goes back to the
year 1916. Gandhi attended the annual convention of the Indian National
Congress in Lucknow. Among his many visitors was Rajkumar Shukla. He was
from Champaran, Bihar and wanted to take Gandhi there. Gandhi hadn’t even
heard of the place which was at the foothills of the Himalayas, near Nepal.
The sharecroppers (tenant farmers who had to give up a part of their crop as
rent) in Champaran were suffering because of the unjust taxation system of
the British, so someone had directed Shukla to Gandhi.
Shukla Follows Gandhi Everywhere
Gandhi was not immediately available to go anywhere. He had appointments
in Cawnpore (now Kanpur), and then at Sevagram near Ahmedabad. Shukla
followed him everywhere. Gandhi was impressed with his determination. He
asked him to come to Calcutta from where they would go to Champaran.
Character's Mood
 Determined; strong-headed.
Example 1: Why is Rajkumar Shukla described as being ‘resolute’?
Ans. R
ajkumar Shukla is described as being ‘resolute’ because even though
he was poor, illiterate and emaciated, he travelled all the way from
Champaran to Lucknow to meet Gandhi and to take him to Champaran.
Shukla Meets Gandhi in Calcutta and They Travel to Patna
Months later, Shukla kept his word and turned up in Calcutta to meet Gandhi.
He waited patiently till Gandhi was free before meeting him. Then both of them
took the train to Patna, Bihar. Shukla took him to the house of a lawyer called
Rajendra Prasad, who later became the President of the Congress Party and
of India. He was not in town then. His servants recognised Shukla as a peasant
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who kept approaching Prasad for help. They let him stay on the grounds along
with his fellow peasant, who was Gandhi himself. But they were not allowed
to draw water from the well on house premises for fear of being untouchables.
Example 2. Why do you think the servants thought Gandhi was another
peasant? Validate.
Ans. T
he servants thought Gandhi was another peasant because he was
travelling with a peasant, and also because Gandhi wore very simple
clothing (dhoti and shawl) in order to relate to the common person.
Gandhi Goes to Muzzafarpur
Gandhi decided to go to Muzzafarpur before Champaran to gain more
information about sharecroppers. So, he contacted Professor J.B. Kriplani whom
he met at Tagore’s Shantinketan. On the midnight of 15th April 1917, Kriplani
met Gandhi at the station with a crowd of his students. Gandhi appreciated
Kriplani for sheltering him at a time when no government professor would
have done so. In smaller towns, people did not readily show their support for
Gandhi Analyses the Sharecroppers’ Problems
News spread to Muzzafarpur and Champaran that Gandhi was there to solve
the sharecroppers’ problems. People arrived on foot and by other means of
transport. The Muzzafarpur lawyers who usually represented the sharecroppers
in court informed him about the cases and their fees. Gandhi rebuked the
lawyers for charging high fees and told them that the law was of no use here
because the peasants were living in fear, and their spirit was crushed. They
needed to be free from fear.
very thin, especially
from disease, hunger
or cold
firm in purpose or
a common man; a
arrival that has been
gaunt, skinny,
chubby, obese, fat
determined, stubborn,
farmer, agriculturist
irresolute, weak,
fragility, weakness,
emergence, arrival
departure, leaving,
landowner, master
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Gandhi’s
protest in Champaran is most appropriately a great model
(a) power
(c) charity
(b) leadership
(d) sponsorship
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) leadership
Explanation: The protest at Champaran is a great model of leadership
that Gandhi demonstrated. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Options (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect assumptions. So, they are not the
correct answers.
2. Which
incident in the chapter shows that untouchability was
practised in India?
(a) Gandhi and Shukla staying on the grounds of Rajendra Prasad’s
(b) Gandhi reading out his statement pleading guilty in court.
(c) Gandhi refusing to accept the help of the British pacifist C.F.
(d) Gandhi staying at J.B Kriplani’s house in Muzzafarpur.
Ans.(a) G
andhi and Shukla staying on the grounds of Rajendra Prasad’s
Explanation: Gandhi and Shukla could not see Rajendra Prasad as he
was not home. The servants allowed them to stay on in the grounds but
not in the house. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer. Options (b), (c)
and (d) do not exhibit any instances of untouchability.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Morning found the town of Motihari black with peasants. They did not
know Gandhi’s record in South Africa. They had merely heard that a
Mahatma who wanted to help them was in trouble with the authorities.
Their spontaneous demonstration, in thousands, around the courthouse
was the beginning of their liberation from fear of the British.
The officials felt powerless without Gandhi’s cooperation. He helped
them regulate the crowd. He was polite and friendly. He was giving them
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concrete proof that their might, hitherto dreaded and unquestioned,
could be challenged by Indians.
The government was baffled. The prosecutor requested the judge to
postpone the trial. Apparently, the authorities wished to consult their
Gandhi protested against the delay. He read a statement pleading guilty.
(A)Choose the quote that best summarises Gandhi’s attitude in this
(a) It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good
citizen. —Aristotle
(b) One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. —Martin Luther King Jr.
(c) You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is
right. —Rosa Parks
(d) It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and rebellion. —Oscar Wilde
(B)Why does the author say that Motihari was ‘black with peasants’?
(1) Thousands of peasants were standing close.
(2) The peasants brought black flags.
(3) The peasants wore dark clothes.
(4) The sun-burnt peasants appeared dark.
(a) (1) and (2)
(b) (1) and (3)
(c) (1) and (4)
(d) (3) and (4)
(C)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
The support that Gandhi received from the crown outside the
courthouse left the British officials in a state of bewilderment. A
word from the extract which points to this is ..................... .
(D)Gandhi pled guilty even though the prosecutor requested for a
postponement of the trial. Why do you think Gandhi acted this
(E)Comment on Gandhi’s polite and friendly demeanour when
regulating the crowd in front of the courthouse.
(F)Why did the crowd assemble around the courthouse in large
numbers for a man they had not even heard about?
Ans. (A) (b)One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
—Martin Luther King Jr.
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Explanation: All the quotes talk about civil disobedience but only one
talks about unjust laws, which is the focus here. So, option (b) is the
correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) do not summarise Gandhi’s
attitude accurately. Hence, they are incorrect.
(B)(c) (1) and (4)
Explanation: The writer was describing a sea of peasants, so he meant
that the peasants were sun-burnt and they were packed close together
in that area giving the appearance of the place being ‘black with
peasants’. So, option (c) is the correct answer. Options (a) and (b) are not
completely correct. Option (d) is factually inaccurate. Hence, that is an
incorrect answer.
(C) Baffled
(D)Mahatma Gandhi held on to his moral consciousness throughout his
life. He was guilty in front of the law because he had disobeyed the
government’s orders. Thus, he pled guilty for the charge.
(E)Gandhi was polite and friendly when regulating the crowd in front of
the courthouse because he was aware of the power he possessed at
that moment. His demeanour suggests that he was calm and unafraid
during the situation.
(F) The crowd had gathered in large numbers to support Gandhi because
they had heard that he was a lawyer who had come to help them, but
had got in trouble with the authorities.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
The peasants got only a compensation of 25% from the British
landowners. Yet Gandhi considered this a victory. Why?
[CBSE 2018, 16, 15, 12]
Ans. Gandhi believed that the amount of compensation was not as
important as the principle behind it. The landowners agreed to pay a
part of the money owed to the sharecroppers, and this way they lost
some of their prestige as well.
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SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
1. Though the sharecroppers of Champaran received only one-fourth of the compensation, how can
the Champaran struggle still be termed a huge success and victory ?
[CBSE Topper 2018]
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Poets and
— Asokamitran
'Poets and Pancakes' is a story by which Tamil writer, Asokamitran. The whole
chapter is a series of humorous episodes. It starts with an account of a makeup
routine at Gemini Studios in the days gone by which especially included a brand
called 'Pancake'. It is applied to all actors making them look hideously ugly. The
writer continues to give funny accounts of the time spent at Gemini Studios.
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Characters in Brief
He is a talented
and cheerful person.
He is second-in-command
at Gemini Studios.
Kothamangalam Subbi
Chapter in Detail
Pancake is Applied at Gemini Studios
Gemini Studios is an old film studio based in Madras (now Chennai). The
author reminisces about his times there starting with ‘Pancake’, an, old brand
of make-up that was used there. He referred to yesteryear actresses who had
used it, such as Greta Garbo (in Hollywood) and Vyjanthimala, but not laterday actresses like Rati Agnihotri. The author mentions next that the makeup department was situated in a building which was believed to be Robert
Clive’s stables. It is believed that Robert Clive had many houses in the city,
and he even married his wife at St. Mary’s Church in Fort St. George.
The Make-up Department is a Symbol of National Integration
Next, the author details the ethnic composition of the make-up department.
He calls it national integration since it had people from almost every Indian
state. It had a Bengali, who left. Then it was filled in succession with a
Maharashtrian assisted by a Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian,
an Anglo-Burmese and, of course, Tamils. They would apply layers of Pancake
on actors, making them look hideously ugly. There was a strict hierarchy of
work in the department. The chief make-up person would apply make-up for
the chief actors and actresses. The senior assistant would apply make-up for
the ‘second’ hero and heroine. The junior assistant would apply make-up for
the main comedian. And so on. The last in the hierarchy was the office ‘boy’
who would apply make-up on the actors who acted as the crowd. The office
‘boy’ was actually a man in his forties, who had come to the studio in the
hope of becoming a star actor, script writer, director or lyrics writer.
The Author is Interrupted at His Desk
The author’s job was to cut newspaper articles and keep them as a record.
He sat in a cubicle bracketed by French windows, a name he didn’t know back
then. Sitting at a desk on the film sets made people think he was not doing any
work. Hence, people would barge in anytime. One person who was guilty of
this behaviour far more frequently than others was the aforementioned office
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‘boy’, who lectured him on the way great literary talent was being wasted
in the department. This made the author pray for frequent crowd scenes to
keep the office ‘boy’ away from him.
Character's Mood
 Agitated; annoyed.
A Portrait of the Poet and Director Kothamangalam Subbu
Kothamangalam Subbu was the No. 2 or the second in command after the
Boss at Gemini Studios. People vented their frustration at him. Even the
office ‘boy’ thought that Subbu was the reason for his problems. The author
explained that Subbu had to face many obstacles himself. Subbu was as
educated as the office ‘boy’. However, since he was an upper caste Brahmin, he
was privileged. Subbu constantly wore a cheerful face, even if his films flopped.
He would always work with somebody, never alone. So, he was deeply loyal
to them. His talent was legendary. He would know how to visualise a scene in
umpteen different ways. For him, filmmaking was very easy. His work in films
eclipsed his literary work. He wrote poems and a long novel which had welldrawn characters. In addition, he was a talented actor and genuinely liked
people. Many relatives piled on him, yet he didn’t have a problem with that.
He was happy to provide for all of them. The author wondered what grouse
the office ‘boy’ would have against a man like that. He added that perhaps it
was his closeness to the Boss, his servile appearance or the fact that he had a
good word for everybody who crossed his path.
Poets and Pancakes
incandescent extremely bright or
glowing, luminous,
dim, black, obscure
very ugly or
frightening in
horrible, ugly,
beautiful, attractive,
a system in which
people or things are
arranged in order of
order, rank
unordered, unranked
a state of dishonour
shame, disgrace,
honour, dignity,
the choice of words
used in a speech or
piece of writing
phrasing, enunciation, denial, silence, quiet
choice of words
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following quotes captures Subbu’s attitude to filmmaking
at Gemini Studios?
(a)We don’t make movies to make more money. We make money to
make more movies.
—Walt Disney
(b)The more successful the villain, the more successful the picture. —
Alfred Hitchcock
(c)People will say, ‘There are a million ways to shoot a scene’, but I
don’t think so. I think there’re two, maybe. And the other one is
—David Fincher
(d)A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head
of a poet. —Orson Welles
Ans.(d) A
film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of
a poet. — Orson Welles
Explanation: All the quotes talk about filmmaking but only one focusses
on the role of a poet in filmmaking. In addition, Subbu was a poet and
novelist who made films. So, option (d) is the appropriate quote. Options
(a), (b) and (c) are all incorrect because they don’t adequately capture
Subbu’s attitude to filmmaking.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
In those days I worked in a cubicle, two whole sides of which were
French windows. (I didn’t know at that time they were called French
windows.) Seeing me sitting at my desk tearing up newspapers day in
and day out, most people thought I was doing next to nothing. It is likely
that the Boss thought likewise too. So anyone who felt I should be given
some occupation would barge into my cubicle and deliver an extended
lecture. The ‘boy’ in the make-up department had decided I should be
enlightened on how great literary talent was being allowed to go waste
in a department fit only for barbers and perverts. Soon I was praying for
crowd-shooting all the time. Nothing short of it could save me from his
(A)Infer why the office boy in the make-up department thought that
his department was fit only for barbers and perverts.
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(B)Which image best suits the description of ‘a French window'?
(C)It can be inferred that ‘doing next to nothing’ is the same as
................... .
(D)It can be inferred that the expression ‘his epics’ means:
(a) his talented writing.
(b) his pancake application.
(c) his make-up sessions.
(d) his long lectures.
(E)Who is the office boy referring to when he says ‘great literary
talent was being allowed to go to waste’?
(F)Comment on the relationship between the narrator and the office
boy, as mentioned in the extract.
Ans.(A) It is possible that the office boy thought this because applying makeup was something that was done only in boutiques and salons by
professional barbers or hairdressers. Similarly, make-up is normally
used by women, and this could be why he thought that the men
employed in the profession were perverts.
(B) (c)
Explanation: A French window is ‘a pair of glass windows that reaches
to the floor, opens in the middle, and is placed in an exterior wall’. Only
option (c) fits this description. Hence, it is the correct answer. Options
(a) and (d) are windows. Option (b) is a door. So, they are incorrect.
(C)doing nothing
(D)(d) his long lectures.
Explanation: ‘His epics’ stand for ‘his epic sessions’ or ‘long lectures’,
which was what the author dreaded. This points to option (d) as the
correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (c) are factually incorrect.
(E)The office boy was referring to himself when he mentioned that ‘great
literary talent’ was being allowed to go to waste.
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(F) From the extract, we can see that the narrator is sarcastic about the
actions and behaviour of the office boy. On the other hand, the office
boy did not think that the narrator did any work at the studio. Both of
them had a low opinion of each other.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
How did Subbu illustrate the creativity required in filmmaking?
You may begin your answer like this:
Creativity in filmmaking is different from other media ............... .
Ans. Creativity in filmmaking is different from other media. Through his powers
of creative visualisation, Subbu showed that a filmmaker had to be able
to envision a scene in several different ways.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Compare and contrast the two visits by artists from foreign countries
at Gemini Studios in Madras.
Ans. There were two drastically opposite visits by foreign artists at Gemini
Studios. The first visit to Gemini Studios was by Frank Buchman’s Moral
Re-Armament army in 1952. The MRA was like an international circus as
they had plays and circus acts in their programme. The two plays they
staged, ‘Jotham Valley’ and ‘The Forgotten Factor’, were a huge success
as the Gemini staff kept watching them again and again. The message
of the plays was not as impressive as the sets, which influenced the
sets of Tamil plays. For years afterwards, almost all Tamil plays had a
sunrise and a sunset scene just like in ‘Jotham Valley’. The second visit
by a foreign artist was by the English poet and editor, Stephen Spender.
This visit was in complete contrast to the MRA. The editor came and
spoke in accented English, which made everything incomprehensible to
the people at Gemini. His visit did not make that much of an impact. The
audience were more mystified than impressed by him.
Poets and Pancakes
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English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Interview
— Christopher Silvester
'The Interview' is a chapter divided into two parts. The rst part is an article by
the English writer, Christopher Silvester. It deals with the origins of the interview
as a form of journalism. The second part is an extract from the interview
conducted by an experienced editor of the Hindu, Mukund Padmanabhan of,
professor and novelist, Umberto Eco.
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Characters in Brief
He is a knowledgeable
and talented writer.
He is a journalist who
conducts the interview.
Christopher Silvester
Chapter in Detail
Part : 1
The Author Introduces the Interview
Christopher Silvester declares in the introduction to The Penguin Book of
Interviews that the interview was 130 years old. Today, it is a staple of journalism.
Anyone who is literate today would have read one interview at least. On the
other hand, there are celebrities who have been interviewed many times.
Therefore, different people hold different opinions on the function, merits and
methods of the interview. Silvester continues that some people think that it is a
source of truth and some perceive it as an art to be practised. However, some
people who are interviewed see it as an unwanted intrusion into their lives.
Character's Mood
 Conflicted; Explanatory.
The Author Quotes Writers’ Reactions
To substantiate his claims, the author shares what famous writers thought about
interviews. V.S. Naipaul felt that people are hurt by interviews. The author of
Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, never gave interviews as he was horrified by
them. He was afraid that he would be feted by interviewers, acquaintances and
autograph hunters so much that he took special pleasure in narrating stories
of how he silenced them. Rudyard Kipling felt even more antagonistic towards
interviews, and a record of his attitude can be found in his wife’s diary. She
noted him as saying that his day was wrecked by two reporters from Boston.
In addition, she reported that her husband refused to be interviewed because
he believed that it was immoral and an assault on the person. However, Kipling
himself had interviewed Mark Twain a few years ago. H.G. Wells too found the
interview an ordeal, but interviewed Joseph Stalin forty years later. Saul Bellow,
who had given many interviews, thought that interviews were like ‘thumbprints
on the windpipe’. The author wrapped up the introduction by saying that no
matter what the drawbacks of the interview were, it was an extremely effective
medium. He quoted Denis Brian who said that the most detailed impressions
of our contemporaries were captured via interview. The interviewer had a lot
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of power since everything of importance came from one person interviewing
Example 1. Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed?
Ans. C
elebrity writers despise being interviewed because they are hounded
by many reporters, which makes it an irritating rather than pleasurable
experience. Also, interviews can turn unprofessional and become an
intrusion of privacy.
Twisting someone’s words and minsinterpretation of what is being said
are more reasons why celebrities shy away from interviews.
exceeding due bounds; lavish, excessive,
cheap, thriftly, plain
incapable of being
justified or explained
justified, reasonable,
entrance by force,
without permission or
invasion, trespass,
courtesy, attention
The Interview
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. According
to Christopher Silvester, the interview can be “in its highest
form, a source of truth”. Choose the option that does NOT enable this?
(a) An interview allows for discovery of new knowledge about the
interviewee and/ or the subject being discussed.
(b) An interview enables the interviewer to probe deeply, seek
clarifications, and confirm understandings.
(c) An interview represents an opportunity to open doors to experiences
that may not otherwise find a voice.
(d) An interview requires the interviewer to have in-depth prior
knowledge of the interviewee and the subject.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(d) An interview requires the interviewer to have in-depth prior knowledge
of the interviewee and the subject.
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (c) all enable the interview to be a source
of truth. Hence, they are not the correct answers. Only option (d) talks
about researching before the interview. So, option (d) is the correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Umberto Eco: And then I have a secret. Did you know what will happen
if you eliminate the empty spaces from the universe, eliminate the
empty spaces in all the atoms? The universe will become as big as my
fist. Similarly, we have a lot of empty spaces in our lives. I call them
interstices. Say you are coming over to my place. You are in an elevator
and while you are coming up, I am waiting for you. This is an interstice, an
empty space. I work in empty spaces. While waiting for your elevator to
come up from the first to the third floor, I have already written an article!
(A)The secret that Eco shares with us in the extract is related to which
aspect of his life?
(B)Infer the qualities of Umberto Eco that come out in the extract.
(C)What can be inferred as the meaning of the sentence, ‘I work in
empty spaces’?
(a) He works while teaching in a university.
(b) He works in the gaps between activities.
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(c) He works while travelling in an elevator.
(d) He works while being interviewed.
(D)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
Through the example of interstices, Eco has basically given us a
lesson on ....................... management
(E)What are the ‘empty spaces’ referred to in the extract?
Ans.(A) U
mberto Eco tells us that he uses the ‘empty spaces’ or 'interstices’ of
his life to write. He uses these brief gaps to increase his productivity.
It relates to the writing aspect of his life.
(B) His
innovative thinking and practical mindset are two values that
come out in the extract. He is able to use the brief gaps of time that
he calls ‘interstices’ to add to his writing output. It shows both his
innovative thinking and practical mindset.
(C)(b) He works in the gaps between activities.
Explanation: Umberto Eco said he works in ‘interstices’, which are
gaps. So, this points to option (b) as the correct option. Options (a), (c)
and (d) are not the correct answer as they are not stated in the extract.
(D) Time
(E) The ‘empty spaces’ referred to in the extract are called interstices by
Eco. They refer to pockets of time that we get in between our regular
activities and schedule.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
How would you evaluate Mukund Padmanabhan as an interviewer?
Mention at least two qualities he displays in his interview, supported
by textual evidence.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. The first quality is Mukund Padmanabhan can improvise. He asks a question
based on what Umberto Eco says. For example, when Eco says he does
many things but actually he is doing the same thing, Padmanabhan picks
it up and asks, ‘Which is?’ Second, he connects Eco’s answer to the following
question. For example: Eco says, ‘Novels satisfied my taste for narration’.
Padmanabhan asks his next question with, ‘Talking about novels…’.
The Interview
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LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Mukund Padmanabhan was gifted ‘The Penguin Book of Interviews An Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day’ edited by Christopher
Silvester, after interviewing Eco.
He shared his thoughts on his personal blog exploring his own
concerns about interviewing a distinguished writer like Eco, followed
by an evaluation of the interview in light of his reading.
As Mukund Padmanabhan, write the blog post.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.Interviewing Eco; Reading Silvester
Recently, I had the good fortune of interviewing Umberto Eco. It was a
thought-provoking experience. He was humble and down to earth. I was
intrigued by his idea of ‘interstices’. He spoke about how he writes in these
interstices, and also about 'The Name of the Rose'. I enjoyed speaking to
such a learned mind. He straddled so many genres with such ease.
Right after I interviewed Umberto Eco, I read ‘The Penguin Book of
Interviews - An Anthology from 1859 to the Present Day’ edited by
Christopher Silvester. I am glad I read the introduction after my interview
with Eco. I didn’t know that so many writers did not like being interviewed!
I do hope Umberto Eco is not one among them. This is a useful book
for journalists like me. It gives a historical perspective to the art of the
interview, which I have not found elsewhere.
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Going Places
— A. R. Barton
'Going Places' is a story by contemporary writer A.R. Barton. It is the story did of
Sophie and her imaginary dreams. She makes up a false story about meeting
Danny Casey, a famous football player, at the arcade. Neither Geo , her brother
nor did her father believe her, as she does not have any autographs to prove it.
Even at the end of the chapter, Sophie imagines a meeting with Danny Casey
when she watches him play and score a goal for his team.
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Characters in Brief
She is a practical and
gossipy school girl.
She is Sophie's friend.
Chapter in Detail
Sophie and Jansie Walk Home from School
As Sophie and Jansie return from school, Sophie expresses her desire to own
a boutique. The ever-practical Jansie responds by saying that it would require
a lot of money. The two working class girls would be going to work at the
biscuit factory eventually. Sophie’s flights of fancy distressed Jansie. Sophie
wanted in turns to become a boutique owner, a manager, an actress or a
fashion designer. Both of them reached Sophie’s house while walking. Jansie
tried to make Sophie think practically but Sophie was adamant. As she went
into her house, Sophie continued to dream of coming into money, which she
would use to start her own venture. Sophie’s father heard her and commented
that if she came into money, she would buy them a decent house to live in.
Character's Mood
 Sophie: dreamy; excited; optimistic
 Jansie: practical; ignorant; content.
Example 1. What were the options that Sophie was dreaming of ? Why
does Jansie discourage her from having such dreams?
Ans. Sophie dreamed about becoming a boutique owner, manager, actress
or fashion designer. Jansie discouraged her from having these dreams
because it would take a lot of money to start these enterprises, and
they were both assigned work at the biscuit factory.
Sophie Feels Suffocated at Home
When Sophie entered her home, she saw her father eating shepherd’s pie,
and her younger brother Derek hanging from the back of their father’s chair.
He commnented that Sophie thought money grew on trees. Sophie looked
around the house at her mother’s apron strings, at the smoke from the kitchen
that steamed the room, and her father sitting at the table covered in sweat
and eating. Sophie felt very claustrophobic at that moment.
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Sophie is Fascinated by Geoff ’s World
Sophie went to find her brother Geoff who was tinkering with a part of a
motorcycle. He had left school three years ago and was now an apprentice
mechanic. He barely spoke at home. When he was silent, it was as if he was
in another world, a bigger and exotic world of which Sophie had no idea. Yet,
she longed to be a part of his world. She wanted her brother to care about
her more deeply so that he would introduce her to his world. She knew that
there was a whole wide world waiting for her arrival. She imagined entering
it with her brother, and everyone applauding them.
Sophie Makes up a Story about Meeting Danny Casey
While Geoff worked on his bike, Sophie made up a story that she had met
football star, Danny Casey at the arcade. Geoff did not believe her. Then
she explained that she met Danny Casey while looking at clothes in Royce’s
window. When asked what he looked like, Sophie was evasive. Geoff then told
his father that Sophie met Danny Casey. He too didn’t believe her. Geoff and
his father discussed Casey’s game. Sophie interrupted them saying that he
was going to buy a shop. Her father was shocked, but then guessed that it
was one of Sophie's wild stories. Then Geoff told their father how Sophie had
met Danny Casey. But he didn’t believe her and warned her that she would
get in trouble one day for telling false tales. Her father said Geoff did not
believe her as well even if he wanted to.
Going Places
designate (funds
or resources) for a
particular purpose
allocated, assigned,
ignore, neglect,
thrown away
sophisticated having or appealing
to those having
worldly knowledge
and refinement
refined, complex,
filled or scattered
with a disorderly
accumulation of
objects or rubbish
littered, disorderly,
clean, neat, in order
to fiddle with
something in an
attempt to fix, mend
or improve it
pottering, fiddling,
leaving alone,
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. “He
said little at all, ever, voluntarily. Words had to be prized out of
him like stones out of the ground.”
Choose the option that states the characteristics of the person being
talked about in the above lines.
(1) rigid
(2) stubborn
(3) distant
(4) invincible
(5) reserved
(a) (1) and (4) (b) (2) and (5)
(c) (2) and (3) (d) (3) and (5)
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(d) (3) and (5)
Explanation: Prying words out of a person is like squeezing them out by
force. This means the person is quite reserved and distant. Hence, option
(d) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (c) are incorrect combinations
and conclusions. So, they are incorrect.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
“When I leave,” Sophie said, coming home from school, “I’m going to have
a boutique.”
Jansie, linking arms with her along the street; looked doubtful.
“Takes money, Soaf, something like that.”
“I’ll find it,” Sophie said, staring far down the street.
“Take you a long time to save that much.”
“Well I’ll be a manager then — yes, of course — to begin with. Till I’ve got
enough. But anyway, I know just how it’s all going to look.”
“They wouldn’t make you manager straight off, Soaf.”
“I’ll be like Mary Quant,” Sophie said. “I’ll be a natural. They’ll see it from
the start.
I’ll have the most amazing shop this city’s ever seen.’”
Jansie, knowing they were both earmarked for the biscuit factory,
became melancholy. She wished Sophie wouldn’t say these things.
(A)Why did Jansie look doubtful?
(1) She knew what Sophie’s talents were.
(2) She knew about Sophie’s financial circumstances.
Going Places
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(3) She knew that work at a biscuit factory awaited them.
(4) She knew that Sophie would buy a boutique.
(a) (1) and (2) (b) (2) and (3)
(c) (3) and (4) (d) (4) and (1)
(B)Which can be inferred from the extract?
(a) Sophie and Jansie were both practical.
(b) Neither Sophie nor Jansie was practical.
(c) Sophie was more practical than Jansie.
(d) Jansie was more practical than Sophie.
(C)What does it mean to be ‘earmarked’ for something in the context
of the passage?
(D)Why does Jansie remain unsupportive towards Sophie’s ambitions?
(E)Why do you think Jansie wished that ‘Sophie wouldn’t say these
Ans.(A)(b) (2) and (3)
Explanation: Jansie was doubtful because she was well-acquainted
with Sophie’s financial circumstances and that they were both going
to work at the biscuit factory. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Options (a), (c), and (d) are not the correct answers since they are either
partially or completely incorrect.
(B)(d) Jansie was more practical than Sophie.
Explanation: Jansie realised that Sophie’s dreams could not be
made into reality until money was involved and that was not going
to happen easily. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer. Options (a),
(b) and (c) are not the correct answer because they cannot be inferred
from the extract.
(C)To be ‘earmarked’ means reserved or kept for a particular purpose.
Here, it refers to the expectation Jansie and Sophie would start working
at the biscuit factory after school ends.
(D)Jansie remained unsupportive towards Sophie’s ambitions because
she felt that Sophie was being unrealistic about them.
(E)Sophie’s fantasies and dreams were unrealistic. It depressed Jansie
to hear them because she knew that Sophie could not turn them into
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
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Sophie is caught between the world she lives in and the world she
wants to live in. Elucidate.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. Sophie’s present world is one of hard work, anxiety and discomfort as seen
in her life with her parents. She therefore lives in her active imagination
where she has ambitions for her future and meets interesting people like
Danny Casey.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many times they
become role models for them. What is wrong if Sophie fantasises
about Danny Casey and is ambitious in life ?
[CBSE Topper 2016]
Going Places
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English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
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According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
My Mother at
— Kamala Das
'My Mother at Sixty-Six' is a poem by the Indian poet, Kamala Das. The poem is
about how a the poet confronts her fear of losing her mother for which she is
unprepared. The poet does not want to dwell on this ageing aspect of loss and
tries to drive that thought out of her mind by looking outside the vehicle. The
poet looks at her mother again, this time feeling the familiar ache of her old
childhood fear revisiting her.
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About the Poet
Kamala Das was born on March 31, 1934, in Malabar, Kerala. She is identified
as one of India’s leading poets. Her works are known for their originality,
creativity and native taste. She started her career as a poet under the name
MadhaviKutty. She has published many novels and short stories in English and
Malayalam, her mother tongue. Her poems speak the truth and showcase the
harsh realities of life.
Poem in Detail
Lines 1 to 6
Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with pain
that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away,…
The poet was driving with her mother to Cochin Airport. Her mother was
sitting next to her. The movement of the car made her doze off open mouthed.
When the poet looked at her, she realised that her mother’s face was ashen
like a dead body. This led to the painful realisation that she looked as old as
she was, which was sixty-six. But this realisation hurt so much that she tried
to distract herself with other thoughts.
Poet's Mood
 Upset; worried.
Lines 6 to 12
… and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airport’s
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
as a late winter’s moon…
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The poet wanted to avoid the idea that her mother was looking old, so she
looked out of the vehicle at the young trees and happy children coming out
of their houses. When they reached the airport, the poet went to the airport’s
security check. While she did that, she looked back at her mom and again saw
her pale and colourless face, which she compared to a late winter's moon.
Example 1. Why has the mother been compared to a ‘late winter’s
Ans. A late winter's moon looks dull, ashen and hazy due to the misty, dull
sky. Similarly, the poet's mother's face has become dull and corpse-like
due to her old age.
Lines 12 to 15
… and felt that old
familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,
all I did was smile and smile and smile......
After looking at her mother’s face from the other side of the security check,
the poet felt an old familiar pain again. But these were such deep feelings
that the poet could not voice them, and just smiled at her Amma saying that
she would see her soon.
Poet's Mood
 Gloomy; disheartened
My Mother at Sixty-Six
Poetic Devices
(1) Alliteration: A figure of speech in which consonants at the beginning of
words, or stressed syllables, are repeated.
• familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
(2) Assonance: Assonance refers to the repetition of similar vowel sounds
(usually in words found close together) used to achieve the effect of being
pleasing to the ear.
• Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday
• morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
• doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
sleep lightly or for a snooze, nap, sleep
short period of time
awaken, arouse, wake
anaemic looking from pale, pallid, grey
illness or emotion
rosy, healthy, glowing
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The
phrase ‘old familiar ache’ has been used to refer to a fear in this
extract. This phrase can also be used to:
(a) compare physical pain with mental agony.
(b) elicit someone’s unanswered queries.
(c) substantiate reasons for aches and pains.
(d) describe a longing one has been aware of.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(d) describe a longing one has been aware of.
Explanation: The meaning of an old familiar ache is option (d) describe a
longing one has been aware of. Hence, it is the correct answer. Options (a),
(b) and (c) are not the correct meaning of the phrase. So, they are incorrect.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Driving from my parent’s home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother, beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with pain
that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away,…
(A)Complete the following sentence appropriately:
The extract can said to be a recollection of the poet because
....................... .
(B)Choose the book title that perfectly describes the condition of the
poet’s mother.
Title (1)
Title (2)
Title (3)
Title (4)
You're only
Dr. Seuss
The Gift
of Years
the End
Diana Athill
The Book You
Wish Your
Had Read
Philippa Perry
(a) Title (1) (b) Title (2)
(c) Title (3)
(d) Title (4)
(C)State whether the following statement is True or False:
The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly
because the poet didn’t want to confront the inevitability of fate
that was to dawn upon her mother.
My Mother at Sixty-Six
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(D)Choose the option that displays the same literary device as in the
given lines of the extract. State whether the following statement is
True or False:
The poet wards off the thought of her mother getting old quickly
because the poet didn’t want to confront the inevitability of fate
that was to dawn upon her mother.
her face
ashen like that
of a corpse…
(a) Just as I had this thought, she appeared and…
(b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when …
(c) I think like everyone else who…
(d) I like to think aloud when …
(E)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
The description of the poet’s mother in the stanza highlights her
........................ .
(F)What does the realisation that her mother 'was as old as she looked'
tell us about the poet?
[Mod. CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(A) she is talking about the memory of her mother accompanying her to
the airport to see her off.
(B)(b) Title (2)
Explanation: The extract is about the poet’s aged mother. Hence, option
(b) is the correct answer. The extract is not about growing old once, the
absolute last years and the book that parents should have read. So,
options (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect.
(C) True
Explanation: From the extract, it is known that the poet put her thoughts
away. We also know that the poet didn’t want to confront her mother’s
mortality. Hence, the reason can be inferred.
(D)(b) My thoughts were as heavy as lead that evening when …
Explanation: The poetic device used is a simile. Only option (b) uses a
simile and is the correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) are not examples
of the usage of simile. Hence, they are incorrect.
(E) frailty/ infirmity
(F) The poet did not realise how much her mother had grown old in age
before seeing her doze in the car, open-mouthed on the way to the
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SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
The pain of separation is expressed both literally and metaphorically in
this poem. Elucidate.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. The pain of separation in 'My Mother at Sixty-Six' is one of physical
separation since the poet was leaving her mother in Cochin while catching
flight. The metaphorical separation is one that the poet fears. She fears an
eternal separation from her mother because of her death.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Imagine the mother gets to know the poet’s personal fears. Write a
letter, as the mother, telling her daughter why she must not dwell on
these fears.
You may begin this way:
Cochin, Kerala
22 August ‘60
My dear Kamala
I am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt
something wasn’t right. Judging by how little you spoke that day ......
With love
Amma[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Cochin, Kerala
22 August ‘60
My dear Kamala,
I am writing to you because when you left me at the airport, I felt
something wasn’t right. Judging by how little you spoke that day and
My Mother at Sixty-Six
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the way you were looking at me as if you had seen a ghost, I thought I
must write to you. I know what you were thinking. That one day on the
trip to the airport, I might not be sitting next to you at all. Don’t worry;
that day is very far away. I have to tell you I may look a bit old but I am
tough as nails. I am also sticking around whether you like it or not. You
grandmother lived to a ripe old 98. I have those genes. Please don’t think
about all these things now. There will be time to deal with it.
With love
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
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like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
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(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Keeping Quiet
— Pablo Neruda
'Keeping Quiet' is a poem by the Chilean poet and diplomat, Pablo Neruda. It is a
meditation on stillness and silence. The poet asks everyone to be still up to the
count of twelve. He asks people to not speak in any language and not move their
arms about much. The poet clari es that this stillness that he asks for is not to be
confused with inactivity. It is the stillness of life. It has nothing to do with death.
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About the Poet
Pablo Neruda was born in 1904 in the town of Parral, Chile. Neruda’s poems
are intelligible to a reader and are known for their beauty. His original name
is Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. His poems were first published in the local
newspaper, and he received immense recognition and fame for his work. He
was one of the best known Chilean poets. In this poem, he talks about the
importance of self -analysis understanding others, and unity between human
Poem in Detail
Stanza 1
Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
The opening lines of the poem set the tone for the rest of it. The poet invites
human beings to keep still till the count of twelve. The mention of twelve could
point to the clock, which is divided into twelve parts. So, it could therefore refer
to the twelve hours of a day. It could also in a broader generic sense, refer to
the twelve months of a year.
Stanza 2
For once on the face of the earth,
let’s not speak in any language;
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so much.
In this stanza, the poet imagines that for once, no language would be spoken
on earth while humans keep still till the count of twelve. He also asks people
to not move their hands around much. Moving their hands indicates a sense of
restlessness. The word ‘arms’ also have the added sense of warfare. The poet
invites everyone to pause their restlessness and tendency for war.
Stanza 3
It would be an exotic moment
without rush, without engines,
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
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If the world remains still till the count of twelve, the poet imagines that it would
be a strange moment. No one would be rushing. No machines would be moving
during this time. It would be a truly unique moment on earth. However, everyone
would be together during this strange time.
Poet's Mood
 Peaceful; relaxed.
Poetic Devices
(1) Alliteration: A figure of speech in which consonants at the beginning of
words, or stressed syllables, are repeated.
• Now we will count to twelve
• would look at his hurt hands.
• For once on the face of the earth
• in a sudden strangeness
(2) Analogy: The illustration of an idea by means of comparison to a
recognisable parallel is called an analogy.
• Perhaps the earth can teach us
as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
(Here, the poet illustrates the idea of silence and stillness by comparing
it with the earth’s apparent stillness.)
(3) Assonance: Assonance refers to repetition of similar vowel sounds (usually
in words placed close together), to achieve the effect of being pleasing to
the ear.
Keeping Quiet
• For once on the face of the earth
• victory with no survivors,
• Life is what it is about;
foreign, especially
in an exciting way
strange, striking,
familiar, conventional,
a disposition to
remain inactive or
inaction, idleness,
activity, action,
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which
of these is NOT a theme in the poem 'Keeping Quiet'?
(a) The importance of being content with our lives.
(b) The importance of reflecting on our lives silently.
(c) The importance of being earnest in all our pursuits.
(d) The importance of a sense of brotherhood among humans.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans.(c) The importance of being earnest in all our pursuits.
Explanation: In the poem 'Keeping Quiet', the poet reflects on the ideas
given in the option (a), (b) and (d). However, he nowhere talks about (c)
the importance of being earnest in all our pursuits.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving–
and for once could do nothing
Perhaps a huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
and of threatening ourselves with death.
(A)The poet’s intention in the first line is to:
(a) give a warning to the readers.
(b) give right direction to the readers.
(c) give choice to the readers.
(d) give a clarification to the readers.
(B)Select the option that best explains the stand of the poet in the
expression: ‘‘I want no truck with death’’.
(a) He advises people to escape death.
(b) He asserts that death is inevitable.
Keeping Quiet
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(c)He assures that he does not advocate death.
(d) He expresses his desire not to die.
(C)State True or False:
The poet is full of regret when he says 'If we were not so singleminded/about keeping our lives moving'
(D)According to the poet who is to blame for the condition of
threatening ourselves with death?
(a) Stressful life
(b) Keeping quiet
(c) Lack of understanding
(d) State of confusion
(E)What is the tone of the poet in the expression ‘‘perhaps a huge
might interrupt this sadness’’?
(F)Complete the following using ONE word only:
The poet suggests that the reason human beings do not understand
themselves is because they are always ........................ .
[Mod. CBSE Term-1 2021]
Ans.(A)(d) give a clarification to the readers.
Explanation: Clearly, in the first line of the extract, the poet wants the
reader to not confuse what he says with total inactivity. This means
that he wants to make it clear to readers about what he actually
means. Options (a), (b) and (c) is wrong. Hence, (d) is the right answer.
(B)(c) He assures that he does not advocate death.
Explanation: The given phrase is used by the poet to make readers
realise that he is all about life and its beauty and (c) doesn’t advocate
death. He doesn’t want people to get engaged in wars and fights, but
rather live in peace and without the fear of death. Hence, (c) is the right
(C) True
Explanation: The poet regrets that people are so single-minded about
‘moving forward in their lives’ that they don’t take time to be silent.
(D)It is clearly given in the extract that ‘never understanding ourselves’
leads to threatening us with death. Hence, (c ) is the right answer.
(E)Here in the given line, the poet uses the word ‘perhaps’, which shows
his hopefulness, while the word ‘might’ shows that he is not sure if it
will work for all.
(F) hurrying/ rushing
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SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
The world has become a global village, and people across boundaries,
nationalities and communities are now connected to one another.
With the advancement of technology, and the advent of social media,
do you think that the task of keeping quiet, as envisaged by Neruda,
has become easier or more complicated? Justify your stance.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. It is precisely because we are more connected than ever before that
the task of keeping quiet has become more complicated. Earlier, it was
possible to divide day and night activities, but now everything is on for
twenty-four hours, be it the media or the internet. Keeping quiet is more
necessary but also more difficult at this time.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Does Pablo Neruda perceive industry in a positive or negative light in
his poem ‘Keeping Quiet’?
Ans. Pablo Neruda in ‘Keeping Quiet’ does not see industry in a positive light.
The first industry mentioned is fishing. Fishing is a very polluting industry.
Tonnes of waste from fishing land gather up in the ocean, harming other
species like whales. Neruda is aware of it, since he includes fishing in
one of the first positive side effects of achieving stillness and silence
(‘Fishermen in the cold sea/would not harm whales’). The second industry
mentioned is the salt industry. Workers in the salt industry perform
strenuous manual labour under extremely hot conditions. Neruda knows
about this too, because he mentions the next positive effect saying, ‘the
man gathering salt/would look at his hurt hands.’ The stillness would
give him a chance to assess the damage done to him done by the salt
industry. The third industry that Neruda mentions is war. Production of
ammunition is a huge industry. Neruda wants people to introspect in
silence so that those who start wars would seek peace if they could be
still and silent for a while.
Keeping Quiet
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English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
A Thing
of Beauty
— John Keats
'A Thing of Beauty' is a poem by the British Romantic poet, John Keats. In this
poem, the poet talks about the beautiful things that give us joy and remove our
su ering and sorrow. The poem begins with the proverbial line about how
beauty is a source of endless joy. The rest of the lines of the poem lists all the
things that represent beauty. The poet closes with the conclusion that beauty on
Earth comes from an immortal and divine source.
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About the Poet
John Keats was born on October 3, 1795, in London, England. He was
anEnglish Romantic poet whodevoted his life wholly to poetry. The following
is an excerpt from his poem ‘Endymion; A Poetic Romance’. The poem is based
on a Greek legend, in which Endymion, a handsome young shepherd and
poet who lived on Mount Latmos, had an imagination of Cynthia, the Moon
Goddess. He made a decision to find her, and so he dawdled through the
forest and beneath the sea.
Poem in Detail
Lines 1 to 5
A thing of beauty is a joy forever:
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
The first line of the poem is probably one of the most famous lines in English
poetry. The phrase in the first line ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ is the central
idea of the poem. The rest of the lines are an explanation of this phrase. The
phrase is a complete sentence, which has through repetition become almost a
proverb. It shows a certain aesthetic sense. The poet says that a beautiful thing
gives joy to the people who see it. The beauty increases with time, without
fading away. The joy given by a beautiful thing provides a shade where one can
sleep and have sweet dreams, good health and relaxation.
Poet's Mood
 Joyful; relaxed.
Lines 6 to 13
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Spite of despondence, of the in human dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.
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In these lines, the poet explains that every morning we create a connection
with the earth through the bond of beauty. It is this very bond that helps us tide
over sad and depressing days. In spite of all the gloom that covers the world,
it is beauty in some way that helps to remove this cover and lifts the veil of
depression from our spirits. In other words, the world is made more bearable
because of the presence of beauty that nature provides.
Example 1. What does the line, ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band
to bind us to earth’ suggest to you?
Ans. T
he poet suggests that every day, human beings create a bond with the
earth because of the beauty present in it. Even though life can be tough
and depressing, for the human being, it is the beauty of life on earth that
keeps us here.
Poetic Devices
(1) Alliteration: A figure of speech in which consonants at the beginning of
words or stressed syllables are repeated.
• Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
• Trees old and young, sprouting a shady boon
• For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
(2) Antithesis: It is the use of opposites terms used together to highlight the
• Trees old and young, sprouting a shady boon
A Thing of Beauty
(3) Assonance: Assonance refers to repetition of similar vowel sounds (usually
words placed close together), used to achieve the effect of being pleasing
to the ear.
• Its loveliness increases, it will never
nothingness the absence or
cessation of life or
extinction, void,
life, being, existence
a pleasant shady
place under trees or
climbing plants in a
garden or wood
arbor, alcove
desert, arid region
the next or following
tomorrow, next day,
the following day
yesterday, the
previous day
to interweave or
cross one with
twisting, winding,
untwining, uncoiling
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Pick the statement that contradicts the idea as expressed by the poet:
(a) People are beautiful not in looks but just in what they are.
(b) Beautiful people have known suffering, struggle and loss.
(c) We must think of all the beauty that is left around us and be happy.
(d) We must dwell on the beauty in life and be inspired by it.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) Beautiful people have known suffering, struggle and loss.
Explanation: It can be inferred that only option (b) contradicts the idea
of beauty as expressed by John Keats in his poem. Hence option (b) is the
correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect since they support
Keats’ idea of beauty.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
‘Beauty is best left undefined’. Support your position on this statement
with your rationale, coupled with ideas in the poem.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. I agree that beauty is best left undefined. In defining beauty, something
is lost. For example, the beauty of nature cannot be captured in words
no matter how wonderful the words are. Even the beautiful John Keats’
poem pales before the beauty of nature.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Imagine you are Sophie from the chapter 'Going Places'. You read
Keats' poem 'A Thing of Beauty' and decide to create an entry in your
journal based on your understanding of the poem. Contrast it to the
ugly and drab surroundings of your house to explain what beauty
means to you.
Ans. W
e studied John Keats’ poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ in class today.
According to Keats, a beautiful thing is a source for joy forever, and that
A Thing of Beauty
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beauty lifts our spirits and makes life tolerable. I was completely taken
aback by Keats' interpretation for why we need beauty in our life. My life
is becoming more dull everyday. That is the reason I daydream beautiful
dreams - such as becoming an actress or meeting Danny Casey. I hope
I have understood the poem correctly. What else could it mean but to
surround ourselves with beautiful thoughts and dreams? I will try to
keep my eyes and thoughts away from the reality of my home and
family, and will only look at beautiful things from now on..
English Core Class XII
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According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
A Roadside
— Robert Frost
'A Roadside Stand' is a poem by the American poet, Robert Frost. It describes a
farmer's shed built by the side of the road where farmers sell their produce. The
poet wonders if some of the money that goes towards the city can be directed
towards rural farmers. It seems to him that the city folk are mean and they don't
like to share their plenty with their rural counterparts.
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About the Poet
Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco, California.
He was an American poet who was highly known for his portrayal of the
lives of people living in rural areas. He wanted the world to be aware of
their miserable conditions. The poem, ‘My Butterfly: An Elegy’ was his first
professionally published poem. He gained immense popularity as a poet after
this poem.
Poem in Detail
Stanza 1
The little old house was out with a little new shed
In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,
A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,
It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,
But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.
The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,
Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint
Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong
Offered for sale wild berries in wooden quarts,
Or crook-necked golden squash with silver warts,
Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,
You have the money, but if you want to be mean,
Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along.
The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint
So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:
Here far from the city we make our roadside stand
And ask for some city money to feel in hand
To try if it will not make our being expand,
And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.
The poet starts the poem with a description of the farmer’s shed, which was
at the corner of the plot facing the road. The farmers were not pleading for
charity, but rather the shed was put up for some extra money. The ‘polished’
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traffic ignored the shed and went by straight ahead into the city. If they ever
looked at the shed, they were irritated by the crude N and S signs which were
turned wrong. The roadside stand offered fresh produce like wild berries and
golden squash in wooden quarts, as well as attractive scenery. Then the poet
asked why people pass the shed along missing all the things it had to offer.
It was almost as if the city people wanted to be mean to the rural folk. He
continued that the scenery would not mind being ignored, but people do. The
poet wondered that the unsaid thoughts brought in sorrow. Right about here,
the poet reports the dialogue of the farmer. There are no quotation marks,
just the use of the second person to set apart this dialogue from the rest of
the poem. He said that the rural farmers had made their roadside stand far
from the city to earn money and live a better life, just like the movies (moving
pictures) promised. But the ruling party had not delivered on their promise to
improve the farmer’s situation.
Example 1. What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside
stand? [NCERT]
Ans. The plea of the folk who had put up their roadside stand was for
customers to stop at their stand and buy the produce that they offered
such as wild berries and golden squash. By doing so, they would prosper
in their lives, so that eventually, they would get to live the life that they
saw in the movies.
Stanza 2
It is in the news that all these pitiful kin
Are to be bought out and mercifully gathered in
To live in villages, next to the theatre and the store,
Where they won’t have to think for themselves anymore,
While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey,
Swarm over their lives enforcing benefits
That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,
And by teaching them how to sleep they sleep all day,
Destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way
In this stanza, the poet relates that he had read/heard in the news that the
rural folk were to be relocated next to the theatre and the store. This would
mean that the whole cycle of farming would get disrupted, and they would
have to leave their old ways behind. They would not think for themselves
as they did before and submit to the will of the market forces and people in
power. The poet uses the image of a ‘swarm’ to show how he felt about the
A Roadside Stand
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rural relocation scheme. Rural people are forced to accept ‘benefits’ which are
actually not beneficial, and are meant to stop them from being independent.
The scheme, if successful, would force them to work at night.
Poet's Mood
 Disappointed; disheartened.
Poetic Devices
(1) Alliteration: A figure of speech in which consonants at the beginning of
words, or stressed syllables, are repeated.
• A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,
• Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,
• While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey,
• For the squeal of brakes, the sound of a stopping car,
(2) Assonance: Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds (usually in
words placed close together) to make the verse sound pleasing to the ear.
• But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
• The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.
• So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:
(3) Dramatic monologue: A poem in which there is one imaginary speaker
addressing an imaginary audience. Here, a part of the poem uses dramatic
• You have the money, but if you want to be mean,
English Core Class XII
Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along.
The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint
So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:
Here far from the city we make our roadside stand
And ask for some city money to feel in hand
To try if it will not make our being expand,
And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.
benefit paid by
the state to the
grant, gift, donation
earning, income, pay
decaying, drooping
growth, development
fretful, on-edge, badtempered
good tempered, good
out of sorts having a tendency to
be easily annoyed or
A Roadside Stand
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Choose the option that correctly categorises the given literary devices
as per the given analogy.
selfish cars : …............. :: …................ : metaphor
(a) personification; polished traffic
(b) transferred epithet; trusting sorrow
(c) metaphor; pitiful kin
(d) oxymoron; greedy good-doers
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) transferred epithet; trusting sorrow
Explanation: ‘Selfish cars’ is a transferred epithet while ‘trusting sorrow’
is a metaphor. This points to option (b) as the correct answer. Options
(a), (c) and (d) do not match the phrases with the correct literary devices.
Hence, they are not the correct answers.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
And another to ask could they sell it a gallon of gas
They couldn’t (this crossly); they had none, didn’t it see?
(A)Which does ‘another’ refer to here?
(a) The roadside shed
(b) A farmer
(c) A car
(d) An open window
(B)Who were being asked if they could be sold a gallon of gas?
(a) The poet (b) The farmer
(c) The car
(d) The city people
(C)Why were the people ‘cross’?
(D)State True or False:
When the farmer asks the stopping car if they didn't see that they
had no gas, the tone of voice is one of concern.
(E)Complete the following sentence:
The poet suggests through this extract that cars would stop by at
the shed for every reason except to ...........................
(F)Complete the following analogy:
They : Farmers : : It : .........................
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Ans.(A)(c) A car
Explanation: ‘Another’ refers to another car that passed by the roadside
shed. This points to option (c) as the correct answer. From the poem, it
is evident that ‘another’ cannot refer to options (a), (b) and (c). Hence,
these options are incorrect.
(B)(b) The farmer
Explanation: Another passing car asked the farmer waiting near the
shed if they sold gas. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a),
(c) and (d) cannot be inferred from the poem or these lines. Thus, they
are incorrect.
(C) The roadside shed had wild berries in wooden quarts and golden squash
on display. Hence, the rural people were cross that the people in the car
would think to ask if they sold gas.
(D) False
Explanation: The farmer was annoyed that the person in the car didn’t
notice that they sold farm produce.The tone is not of concern.
(E) Buy what the farmers were selling.
(F) Car
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
The roadside stand and the moving cars are a contrast around which
the entire poem is woven. Expound.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. Indeed, the farmers in the stationary roadside stand wait for the moving
cars to stop and buy their fruits and vegetables all through the poem. The
roadside stand symbolises rural folk, and the urban folk are in the moving
cars. The poem is woven around this contrast and contradiction.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Imagine a child from the farmer’s family migrates to the city for
their education. As the child, write back to your family telling them
whether you would or would not want to turn into a city-person.
Use the context of the poem “A Roadside Stand” in mind to pen down
this letter.
You may begin this way:
12, Davidson County
23 January ‘XX
A Roadside Stand
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Dear mom
I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately. Now
that I find myself surrounded by city-people all the time, I
With love
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans.12, Davidson County
23 December ’21
Dear Mom,
I have been thinking about the roadside stall lately. Now that I find myself
surrounded by city-people all the time, I think that we were better off
in the country. You might be wondering why I would say something like
that. For three reasons: first, I find the food better in the country. Of course,
your cooking is the best. But I’m talking about the quality of the produce.
It’s not that great here. Second, there is less pollution in the countryside.
Here, all day long, I inhale vehicle smoke. I long for the clean air of the
countryside. Third, there is just so much noise. I long for the silence of the
country. A silence filled with birdsong, cricket calls and the whistle of the
wind. I wish I could be back with you.
With love,
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I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
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(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Aunt Jennifer's
— Adrienne Rich
'Aunt Jennifer's Tigers' is a poem by the American poet, Adrienne Rich. It's a poem
which speaks about tigers in a way that tells a lot about Aunt Jennifer's sad
married life. The poem describes the world of an oppressed woman's life through
the metaphor of the tigers she describes the embroidered on the tapestry.
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About the Poet
‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is written by Adrienne Rich. She was born in 1929 in
Baltimore, the USA. She was titled “one of the most influential poets of the
second half of the twentieth century. Her poems revolve around the themes
of women’s roles in society, racism, and sexism. She has published nineteen
volumes of poetry, three collections of essays, and other writings.
Poem in Detail
Stanza 1
Aunt Jennifer’s tigers prance across a screen,
Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
The poet Adrienne Rich starts the poem with a description of Aunt Jennifer’s
embroidered tigers. The poet, who was probably Aunt Jennifer’s niece, drew
this picture of her through her craft. The poet describes Aunt Jennifer’s
embroidered tigers as being on an embroidery screen. This means the tigers
are still being embroidered. They are yellowish-orange in colour on a green
background. The poet continues that the tigers are unafraid of the men
beneath the tree. These men could be part of the embroidery. The embroidered
tigers are elegantly pacing on the screen, which shows Aunt Jennifer’s skill
with the needle. In embroidering these elegant tigers, Aunt Jennifer tries to
live her dream of being free and unafraid. This gives a hint of the trouble that
Aunt Jennifer faced, which is explored in the second stanza.
Example 1. How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of
the tiger’s attitudes?
Ans. A 'denizen' is a citizen of the particular place. The tigers are denizens of
the natural world, which makes them free and unfettered by customs.
‘Chivalric’ shows that the tigers are compared to knights, who are polite,
devoted and courteous. Hence, this means that the tigers’ attitudes are
independent and polite.
Stanza 2
Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
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The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
In this stanza, the poet focuses on the troubles in Aunt Jennifer’s life. She is in
a marriage where she is either physically or mentally stressed. Because of the
stress or injury, her hands shakes as she works on her embroidery. She finds
it difficult to pull the woollen thread through the fabric. The poet mentions
that a heavy wedding band sits on aunt’s hand. This weight has not just the
physical weight, but an emotional weight as well. The misery of her marriage,
which is symbolised by the wedding band, has weighed Aunt Jennifer down.
Poet's Mood
 Concerned; worried; upset.
Poetic Devices
(1) Alliteration: A figure of speech in which consonants at the beginning of
words, or stressed syllables, are repeated.
• They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.
• Aunt Jennifer’s fingers fluttering through her wool
• Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.
(2) Contrast: The juxtaposition of disparate or opposed images, ideas, or both,
to heighten or clarify a theme or episode.
• Meek Aunt Jennifer and the proud tigers
(3) Imagery: Visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary
work, is called imagery.
• Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
• The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand.
to walk in an exaggerated bound, dance, leap
or showy manner
denizens the inhabitants of a place residents,
natives, people
trudge, plod, wait
foreigners, outsiders,
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following does NOT represent the contrast between Aunt
Jennifer and the tigers?
(a) Uncertainty and confidence
(b)Terror and fearlessness
(c) Fiefdom and freedom
(d) Authority and autonomy
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(d) Authority and autonomy
Explanation: The contrast between Aunt Jennifer and the tigers is one of
confidence and lack of confidence (option a), fear and fearlessness (option
b) and freedom and oppression (option c). Hence, these are not the correct
answers. The contrast is NOT about power and independence (option d).
Thus, option (d) is the correct answer.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
Why did Aunt Jennifer create animals that are so different from her
own character? What might the poet be suggesting through this
[CBSE 2019, 15, 11]
Ans. A
unt Jennifer embroidered these fierce animals which are so different
from her, because she wanted her creations to have a life that was
denied to her. A life in which they are liberated and free instead of being
weighed down by duties and responsibilities.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
The poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is about the power of art. Justify or
Ans. Indeed, Adrienne Rich’s poem ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’ is about the power
of art. Aunt Jennifer lived a troublesome life as is evident from the poem.
While she took time out of her busy life to create embroidered tigers, her
Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
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life was very far from a rosy tapestry that she was stitching. Primarily,
fear ruled her life. She embroidered fearless tigers as a way to get over
the fear in her real life. When she stitched, her fingers fluttered, either
because she was afraid or because she was abused and injured. She
found it difficult to pull an ivory needle through the fabric. The wedding
ring that bound her life to Uncle was heavy in life, and heavier after her
death. What made it all bearable and tolerable was that she made art.
The author Neil Gaiman said, ‘Make good art.’ Aunt Jennifer did just that.
The power of her art is what made her become the subject of a poem.
There would not even be a poem if Aunt Jennifer did not create those
elegant prancing tigers on a panel.
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Third Level
— Jack Finney
941 Willard Street
Galesburg Illinois
July 18, 1894
I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing
you were right. And, Charley, it is true; I found the third level!
I've been here two weeks, and right now, down the street at the
Daly's, someone is playing a piano, and they're all out on the front
porch singing 'Seeing Nelly Home.' And I'm invited over for
lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep looking till you
find the third level! It's worth it, believe me!
'The Third Level', by the American author Jack Finney, is a story about Charley, a
New Yorker in the present times, who  nds a way to the third level of the Grand
Central Station that doesn't exist. Charley tells his discovery to Sam, his
psychiatrist who believes it's a symptom of his urge to escape. But later, Charley
gets a letter from Sam, telling him that he has found the third level and has
escaped into it.
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Characters in Brief
Initially, he doesn't believe
Charley about the existence of
the third level, but later
on, he does.
He is a psychiatrist Charley's
Chapter in Detail
Charley Tells His Psychiatrist Friend About the Third Level
Charley was a thirty-one-year old married man who to his friend Sam, a
psychiatrist, the story of his encounter of the third level at Grand Central
station. It was believed that it had only two levels, but he could say with
confidence that there were three levels because he had been to the third
one. As a precaution, he consulted his psychiatrist friend, who analysed this
incident as Charley’s urge to escape unhappiness, and listening to this upset
Charley’s wife Louisa. Then Charley explained that the psychiatrist meant
that he was unhappy with the modern way of life because of its wars, worry,
fear and insecurity. Even his friends agreed with this diagnosis, and painted
to his stamp collection as an example of his need to escape from reality.
Charley reasons that if this were true, his grandfather who started the stamp
collection didn’t need it, since his life was peaceful and nice. His grandfather
and President Roosevelt both collected stamps. This was how Charley
disproved his diagnosis.
Charley Explains How It All Started
One day, he wanted to get home early from work, so he decided to take the
subway at Grand Central Station since it was faster than the bus. He was wearing
a tan gabardine suit, and a straw hat with a fancy band. When he entered Grand
Central from Vanderbilt Avenue and took the steps down to the first level, he
ducked into an arched doorway and got lost. Charley did not find this surprising
since he always found a new door or corridor when walking through the Grand
Central. He believed that the Grand Central was like an organic entity, growing
corridors and staircases like a tree grows roots. He imagined that at that exact
moment, there were long tunnels growing towards Central Park and Times
Square. He admitted that he didn’t tell this to his psychiatrist for fear of proving
his analysis right.
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Character's Mood
 Anxious; lost
Example 1. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for
Charley? Why?
Ans. T
he third level was a medium of escape for Charley because he was
unhappy with the complications of modern life, which is full of insecurity,
wars, conflicts and worry. He wanted to live a peaceful life in a simpler
Charley Describes How He Found the Third Level
As Charley continued walking down the slanting corridor that he had discovered
earlier, he heard footsteps echoing. These were his own. Then he heard a hollow
roar, which indicated an open space and people talking. Before long, he came
out on the third level of Grand Central.
a train timetable that
gives details of trains
and their schedule.
schedule, calendar,
a place or situation
providing safety or
shelter, asylum,
trouble, exposure,
The Third Level
the residential part of
a city, away from the
commercial center
residential, housing,
commercial centre
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. ‘The
Third Level’ refers to the third level at the Grand Central Station.
As a metaphor, which of the following would NOT be an appropriate
explanation of the title?
(a) The convergence of reality and fantasy.
(b) The bridge between the past and present.
(c) The oppressive monotony of modern life.
(d) The need for an alternate plane of understanding.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(c) The oppressive monotony of modern life.
Explanation: Options (a), (b) and (d) are appropriate metaphors for the
explanation of the title, and hence, cannot be the correct answer. Only
option (c) is not an appropriate metaphorical explanation. So, it is the
correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Sometimes I think Grand Central is growing like a tree, pushing out new
corridors and staircases like roots. There’s probably a long tunnel that
nobody knows about feeling its way under the city right now, on its way
to Times Square, and maybe another to Central Park. And maybe —
because for so many people through the years Grand Central has been
an exit, a way of escape — maybe that’s how the tunnel I got into... But I
never told my psychiatrist friend about that idea.
(A)Why does Charley say that the Grand Central is growing like a
(B)Infer why the Grand Central was an exit and an escape for many
people through the years. Choose an option.
(a) Because people leave and return to the city through this train
(b) Because people enter New York City through the Grand Central.
(c) Because travel by itself is a way to escape the grind of life.
(d) Because of the beauty and grandeur of the Grand Central
(C)Complete the following sentence appropriately:
The fact that Charley did not tell his psychiatrist friend about his
idea tells us that ......................... .
The Third Level
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(D)Bring out the qualities that Charley has ascribed to the Grand
Central in this extract.
Ans.(A) C
harley says that Grand Central is growing like a tree because he
keeps on finding new corridors and areas in the station that he did
not know existed.
(B)(c)Because travel by itself is a way to escape the grind of life.
Explanation: People travel for many reasons, one of which is to escape
the grind of life. People use the Grand Central in this sense as an exit
and an escape. So, option (c) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b)
and (d) are all factual responses not inferential ones. Hence, they are
(C) He was unsure how his friend would take this idea, and that he might
diagnose him with a disorder.
(D) Charley has described the Grand Central as a living organism that
keeps growing like a tree. He feels that the station is slowly growing
because he keeps discovering new corridors and areas in it.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
How would you evaluate Sam’s character? Elucidate any two qualities,
and substantiate with evidence from the text.
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. Sam Weiner was neither a good friend nor a good psychiatrist. His
diagnosis that Charley had imagined his wish fulfillment of escaping the
modern world was wrong. Charley did find the third level. He was not
a good friend because he took Charley’s idea without telling him and
followed it. His only saving grace was that he wrote Charley a letter
from 1894.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
In the story ‘The Third Level’, Charley wanted to go to Galesburg,
Illinois in the year 1894. If you had an opportunity to go to another
time and place, where would you like to go? Why?
How would Sam analyse your choice of alternate time and place?
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
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Ans. If I had an opportunity to go to another time, I would love to go to the
United Kingdom right before the Second World War. The lessons of the
First World War were just being observed, and everyone was trying
to make sure that another war like that did not take place. I’d love to
go to a school in the countryside called Donington Hall, in North West
Leicestershire, which had an experimental curriculum that included
dance and theatre. This was unusual, as were the children who studied
there. Some were from the elite super rich of Europe and some were the
local shoemaker’s children. Being in the countryside, the effects of the
First World War was not so visible. Besides, food was in plenty because of
the farm and vegetable gardens attached to the school. Clothing came
from the village nearby. Going back there would satisfy my urge to
study at an experimental school, and get an all-round holistic education.
Sam Weiner would analyse my wish as an urge to erase the regular
education I received, and perhaps see it as a wish to rewrite my own
educational history.
The Third Level
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Tiger King
— Kalki
'The Tiger King' is a short story written by the Indian author Kalki, under his pen name
Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy. It is a story of the king of Pratibandapuram, who is
predicted to be killed by the 100 tiger as per the astrologers. So, he goes about his life
trying to avoid this danger by killing all the 100tigers. However, he meets his death by
the 100 tiger that is made of wood.
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Characters in Brief
He is the arrogant and proud
king of Pratibandapuram.
He wants to prove the
prophecy of his death wrong.
The Tiger King
Chapter in Detail
A Prophecy is Made of the Death of the Newborn Tiger King
The Tiger King was what everyone called His Highness, JamedarGeneral, Khiledar-Major, Sata Vyaghra Samhari, Maharajadhiraja Visva
Bhuvana Samrat, Sir Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur, M.A.D., A.C.T.C., or C.R.C.K of
Pratibandapuram. The way he would die was foretold on the day he was
born. The astrologers predicted him to be a great and majestic king. When
they announced this, it was said that the great and majestic king, who was
then a ten-day-old infant, spoke, asking for clarity on how his death will come
about. The astrologers said it was going to be because of a tiger. This episode
was said to be a rumour, but the writer says that there was a kernel of truth
in it in hindsight.
Example 1. The story is a satire on the conceit of those in power. How
does the author employ the literary device of dramatic irony in the story?
Ans. Dramatic irony is a literary device in which the audience knows more
about the story/characters than the characters themselves. In ‘The Tiger
King’, the author tells the reader at the beginning of the story that the
Tiger King was no longer alive. The satire lies in the treatment of the
story. The excesses of the Tiger King in wiping out the tiger population of
two kingdoms, just to disprove a prophecy, comes to a halt at the hands
of an inexpensive wooden toy tiger.
The Tiger King Grows Up
The crown prince grew up like all the other crown princes with a western
education and upbringing. At the age of twenty, he inherited his kingdom.
When whispers of the prophecy about his death reached the King’s ears, The
Tiger King started his hunt for tigers. The astrologer was adamant that the king
could kill ninety-nine tigers, but he asked him to be careful of the hundredth
one which would be the cause of his fall. The king was arrogant and proud, so
he asked the astrologer what he would do if the hundredth tiger were to be
killed. The astrologer vowed to give up his practice.
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The Tiger King Hunts Tigers
As a result of the prophecy, tiger hunting was banned in Pratibandapuram.
Tigers were protected, and any person who wished to harm a tiger would be
punished. Only the Tiger King would hunt them from now on. Sometimes with
a bullet and sometimes with his own bare hands (when the bullet missed),
the Tiger King killed many tigers.
Character's Mood
 Fierce; determined; stubborn.
The Tiger King Refuses the British
A high-ranking British officer wanted to hunt tigers in Pratibandapuram.
The Tiger King refused him permission. He offered hunts for boars, mice or
mosquitoes, but not tigers. He did not allow even when the secretary said
that the British officer did not want to kill the tiger himself, which meant the
Tiger King could kill the tiger while the British officer only posed with it in a
photo. The Tiger King refused this as well, as the photograph could attract
more British officers to hunt tigers. His advisors were scared that the British
might now take over the princely state of Pratibandapuram, like they did the
other states. To mitigate this possibility, the Tiger King sent some designs of
expensive diamond rings to the wife of the British officer from a famous British
company of jewelers in Calcutta. They thought she would choose one or two
diamond rings and send the rest back, but the British lady chose the whole
lot. The Maharaja had to pay a bill of rupees three lakh, which he was happy
to do to stop the British from taking over his kingdom.
The Tiger King
the identification of
long-term goals and
the means of achieving
tactical, diplomatic,
improvised, random,
enunciated to have conveyed in
appropriate or telling
said, expressed,
suppressed, stifled
spoken, voiced,
silent, mum
spoken rather than
English Core Class XII
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
‘Even the threat of a Stuka bomber will not throw me off track.’
This sentence shows that the author has a:
(a) firm resolve to narrate the story.
(b) humourous way of conveying an idea.
(c) logical style of convincing the reader.
(d) rhetorical manner of writing a story. [CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) humourous way of conveying an idea.
Explanation: Referencing the Stuka bomber as something that will not
push the writer off his track is a way of inserting humour in the story.
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Options (a), (c) and (d) are incorrect
since they do not explain the author’s intention correctly.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
The Maharaja’s anxiety reached a fever pitch when there remained
just one tiger to achieve his tally of a hundred. He had this one thought
during the day and the same dream at night. By this time the tiger farms
had run dry even in his father-in-law’s kingdom. It became impossible
to locate tigers anywhere. Yet only one more was needed. If he could
kill just that one single beast, the Maharaja would have no fears left. He
could give up tiger hunting altogether.
(A)Was the Maharaja hunting tigers for sport?
(B)How has the writer employed irony in this extract?
(C)If the Tiger King lived in our times, which act would he be violating
for hunting tigers?
(a) The Environment Protection Act, 1986
(b) The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
(c) The Forest Conservation Act, 1980
(d) The Indian Forest Act, 1927
Ans.(A) N
o, the Maharaja was not hunting tigers for sport. Rather, he only
wanted to kill a hundred tigers to disprove the prophecy about his
The Tiger King
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(B) The writer has employed irony in the extract when he says that the
king would give up hunting tigers if he could get his hands on the
hundredth one.
(C)(b) The Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
Explanation: If the Tiger King lived in the present time, his tiger hunt
would violate the Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972. So, this points to
option (b) as the correct option. Options (a), (c) and (d) are not the
correct answer because those acts are responsible for the forest and
the environment, not wildlife.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
What was wrong with the Tiger King’s logic of killing hundred tigers?
Ans. T
he Tiger King vowed to kill a hundred tigers because the chief astrologer
asked him to be careful of the hundredth tiger, as it would bring about the
king’s fall. The flaw in the logic was that the Tiger King only calculated
all the living tigers in his count. He didn’t count the wooden toy tiger
which would eventually prove to be fatal.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
The king was callous as a ruler and behaved whimsically. Thus, the
people in his kingdom suffered while he fulfilled his desire of killing a
hundred tigers.
Do you find leaders or politicians in the world today being indifferent
to the needs of the people and behaving in the same way? Comment
with relevant examples.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. The Tiger King neglected his kingdom to disaprove a prediction of his
astrologers at his birth. He bribed a British high-ranking officer to have
all the tigers in his own kingdom to himself so that he could kill them. He
arranged his marriage to work in a way that helps him kill more tigers.
The Tiger King is not alone. There are many contemporary leaders and
politicians who neglect the needs of the common people. A recent example
is the pandemic sweeping the world. In 2020, the Brazilian president did
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not even acknowledge the existence of the novel coronavirus at a time
when it was spreading through the country. As a result, the instructions
to wear a mask or make social distancing were not conveyed, nor were
they followed. This led to a large-scale disaster, and many Brazilians lost
their lives.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Even today so many among us believe in superstitions. An astrologer
predicted about ‘the Tiger King’ that he would be killed by a tiger. He
‘killed’ one hundred tigers yet was himself ‘killed’ by a tiger. How did
the superstitious belief ‘prevail’ ?
[CBSE Topper 2015]
The Tiger King
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English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Journey to the
End of the Earth
— Tishani Doshi
'Journey to the End of the Earth' is by the Indian author Tishani Doshi. It is the story of
her journey to Antarctica as part of the Students on Ice programme. Doshi boards the
Russian research vessel the 'The Akademik Shokalskiy' to visit Antarctica. There she
witnesses the beauty and desolateness of the continent at the end of the Earth. She
shares her unforgettable experience in the prose.
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Characters in Brief
He is an environment-conscious
person, and the pioneering
founder of ‘the Students on
Ice’ Programme.
He wants to contribute
positively to planet Earth.
Geo Green
Chapter in Detail
The Author Boards the Akademik Shokalskiy
Tishani Doshi describes her journey to Antarctica. She boarded the Russian
research vessel, the 'Akademik Shokalskiy', to go the coldest, driest and
windiest continent in the world. She started from Madras (Chennai) and
crossed nine time zones over hundred hours to reach the desolate, bare,
expansive landscape filled with relief and wonder. The author exclaimed that
it was a marvel that India and Antarctica were one land mass at one time.
Character's Mood
 Wonderment; excited.
The Author Traces the History of the Earth
Doshi traced the history of the Earth to when there was only one supercontinent
called Gondwana in the southern hemisphere, and it was located in the same
area where Antarctica is now. The climate was warm, and it had flora and
fauna. This was way before the time humans arrived. She continued that to
understand the nature of Earth back then, and the various ways in which the
continents moved, one had to study Antarctica.
Antarctica Is a Giant Ping-Pong Ball
Tishani Doshi stated that Antarctica stores 90% of the Earth’s total ice volume,
and spending two weeks at such a cold place was a chilling prospect for her,
both physically and psychologically. She compared it to walking on a giant
ping-pong ball without any human markers like trees, houses, billboards
and buildings. It made her lose her earthly sense of perspective. Antarctica
supported life at both microscopic and macroscopic levels – from mites to
whales. The days were 24-hour long in the austral summer light, and silent
except for the crack of breaking ice, which did not signal anything good for
Antarctica Faces Climate Change
Antarctica, just like other continents, was not impervious to climate change.
Human civilisation was a mere blip on the radar of geological time. In just
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12,000 years, humans have managed to change the world and establish
their dominion over nature with their urbanising zeal. This led to the increase
in green house gases like carbon dioxide, which in turn, led to an increase in
global temperatures. Climate change was a topical issue. Many questions
about climate change could be answered by studying its effect on Antarctica.
Half a million-year-old ice cores held carbon records within it, making the
southernmost continent the perfect recordkeeper of Earth’s past. Therefore,
to study the past, present and future of the Earth, Antarctica was the perfect
Example 1. ‘The world’s geological history is trapped in Antarctica.’ How
is the study of this region useful to us?
Ans. Antarctica is the recordkeeper of the Earth’s geological history, holding
the secrets of life as it used to be in its million-year-old ice caps. Scientists
can study them to understand the Earth’s past, present and future.
The Author Introduces the ‘Students on Ice’ Programme
Doshi next wrote about the 'Students on Ice' programme. The aim of the
programme was to expose students to the life-changing experience of
visiting Antarctica. The Canadian founder, Geoff Green used to take celebrities
to Antarctica, but was tired of taking people who didn’t care about the
environment. Thereafter, he shifted his focus to students, since these future
scientists and policy makers who have been touched by their Antarctic
experience will give back in a far more substantial way. On their trip, the
students witnessed the melting of ice caps due to global warming, which
made the experience very real for them.
Character's Mood
 Realisation; enlightenment.
Journey to the End of the Earth
significant or extreme in
degree or intensity
intense, acute, deep
the state or characteristic magnitude,
of being immense
enormity, extent
consisting of different
qualities or elements
mixed, varied,
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. ‘Take
care of the small things and the big things will take care of
themselves.’ Choose the option stating the significance of this
statement depending on the textual context:
(a) We should try to focus on smaller regions like Antarctica to improve
the rest of the world.
(b) We should tend to smaller grasses which eventually become a
part of the food chain in order to expect bigger things like animal
and human lives to change.
(c) We should give more opportunities to the younger generation
than the older generation if we want to see a change in the world.
(d) We should save a little every now and then in order to explore
bigger opportunities in terms of travel and tourism.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) W
e should tend to smaller grasses which eventually become a part of
the food chain in order to expect bigger things like animal and human
lives to change.
Explanation: Doshi explains the role of phytoplankton, the grasses of
the sea, in the environment of Antarctica. What has an impact on the
single-celled phytoplankton will eventually impact bigger animals and
the global carbon cycle. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. Evidence
for options (a), (c) and (d) cannot be found in the chapter. Thus, they are
not the correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
Human civilisations have been around for a paltry 12,000 years — barely
a few seconds on the geological clock. In that short amount of time, we’ve
managed to create quite a ruckus, etching our dominance over Nature
with our villages, towns, cities, megacities. The rapid increase of human
populations has left us battling with other species for limited resources,
and the unmitigated burning of fossil fuels has now created a blanket of
carbon dioxide around the world, which is slowly but surely increasing
the average global temperature.
Journey to the End of the Earth
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(A)‘The rapid increase of the human population has left us battling
with other species for limited resources…’
Explain the given sentence from the extract by giving ONE example.
(B)Look at the image of the geological clock. In which hour did modern
humans appear according to the extract?
Dinosaurs appeared 22:46
Bokkeveld fossils 21:52
Table Mountain
sandstone 21:20
rocks 03:44
algae 17:36
gold deposited
Vredefort meteorite
impact 13:13
(a) At around 3:17
(b) At about 12:22
(c) At around 18:35
(d) After 23:59
(C)What does the author mean by saying that human beings have
managed to create ‘quite a ruckus’ in a short amount of time?
Ans.(A) O
ne example of this would be the depleting forest cover which has
led to an increase in conflicts between human beings and wildlife.
(B)(d) After 23:59
Explanation: According to the extract, human beings appeared barely
a few seconds on the geological clock. Since humans appeared late in
the geological history of earth, it can be inferred that they appeared a
few seconds to midnight. This places them at nearly midnight or after
23:59 hours. Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b)
and (c) are incorrect as they are not to be found in the extract.
(C) The author means to say that human beings have only arrived
on Earth relatively recently, but have affected or altered natural
processes significantly by harnessing natural resources for their own
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
Based on the chapter, elucidate any three consequences that global
warming will have on Antarctica.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. G
lobal warming will melt the ice sheets in Antarctica, and cause
levels to rise. Fish in the Antarctic ocean may die because of increased
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temperatures. Crabeater seals might become extinct since their food
source may dry up.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Why is Antarctica the place to go to understand the Earth’s past,
present and future?
[CBSE 2020]
Ans. A
ntarctica is the cold and desolate continent at the bottom of the
Earth. It’s so remote, so frigid and so windswept that no human can live
there. Yet, the effects of human made climate crisis can be found there
in the melting ice. Antarctica is an important factor in the discussions
around the climate crisis. Not only because it is a pristine place, but also
because it has ice cores which contain half-a-million-year-old carbon
records trapped in them. This is valuable information for scientists and
environmentalists. Using this information, they can study the planet’s
past which in turn helps them make predictions for the present and
future. Hence, it is important to go to Antarctica to understand the
Earth’s past, present and future.
Journey to the End of the Earth
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
The Enemy
— Pearl S. Buck
'The Enemy' is by the American novelist Pearl S. Buck. It is a touching story of a
Japanese doctor Sadao Hoki who saves an enemy soldier during the Second
World War. Japan-born and America-educated Dr Hoki gets trapped between his
patriotism and duty as a doctor. But ­ nally, he chooses humanity over
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Characters in Brief
He is a morally conscious and
patriotic Japanese doctor.
He saves the life
of an American soldier.
Sadao Hoki
She is the compassionate
and supportive wife
of Dr. Sadao Hoki.
She helps him nurse
the soldier back to health.
Chapter in Detail
A Background to the Life of Sadao Hoki
Sadao Hoki’s house was set upon rocks by the Japanese coast. As a child, his
father pointed to the islands of the South Seas, and told him that they were
stepping stones to the future for Japan. When the young Hoki pressed him
further, his father replied that the future was what they made of it. Whatever
his father wanted, Sadao did. He studied hard and went to complete his degree
in medicine from a college in the United States. He was famous for knowing
how to keep wounds clean. The General was being treated for an illness, so Dr.
Sadao Hoki was kept on standby in Japan for when the General would need
him. His father passed away after watching him become a famous surgeon
and scientist.
How Sadao Hoki and Hana Met and Got Married
Sadao Hoki's wife peered outside and joined him on the veranda. They had
met when they were students in the United States. A professor and his wife,
both of whom he did not like, had invited him for dinner. He had nearly not
gone. But when he did, he met Hana and fell in love with her. They came
back home to Japan after finishing their studies, and got married in the old
Japanese way.
Sadao Hoki and Hana See a Shadow in the Mist
While standing on the veranda, Sadao saw the clouds rise from the ocean.
Suddenly, they both saw the shadow of a man appear and disappear. Next,
they saw him lying face down on the ground. He was injured. At first, Sadao
thought it was a fisherman. The thought of the man’s suffering from having
being thrown on the dangerous rocks moved him and his wife. When he turned
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the man, they saw that he was a white man with yellow hair and beard. He was
unconscious. Sadao examined the man’s wounds and found that he was shot
and bleeding. He used sea moss that was strewn around the area to stanch the
flow of blood. He considered putting the man back into the sea. Hana agreed
because the man looked American. The cap gave away the clue – he was an
American sailor in the US Navy. This meant he was an enemy since Japan
and the United States were at war at that time. They deliberated again about
saving him since he was wounded. If he was not wounded, Sadao Hoki would
not have been in any doubt and would have handed him over to the police.
Hana reasoned that they could not throw him back into the sea. He decided to
tell the servants that they intended to hand him over as soon as he was well.
Otherwise, they would all have been in danger. They lifted the man together
and carried him inside. They were shocked as to how light he weighed.
Character's Mood
 Perplexed; worried.
Sadao Hoki and Hana Take the Wounded Sailor to Their Father’s Room
Dr. Sadao Hoki and his wife took the sailor to their father’s bedroom. It was an
entirely Japanese room just the way his father liked. The sailor was so dirty that
he had to be washed. But it was repulsive for Hana to let Sadao touch the white
man. So, she went to ask Yumi, and to explain the situation to the servants.
Sadao decided that the sailor needed to be operated on or he would die. Hana
was aghast that her husband was trying to save this man who they planned
on giving up to the authorities. But Sadao’s oath as a doctor intervened and he
could not let a man die in his care.
The Enemy
to interweave or
cross one with
twisting, winding,
unwind, unravel,
talking easily and at
garrulous, loquacious, taciturn, hesitant,
unaware without
rashly, hastily,
beachcombers people who are lazy
or idle
loafers, vagabonds,
doer, go-getter,
to stop or restrict
(the flow of
stem, halt
abet, accelerate,
a state of nearunconsciousness or
torpor, daze, inertia
vigour, vitality,
English Core Class XII
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
Sadao's servants leave his house, but none of them betray the secret
of the American P.O.W. Select the option that explains this.
(a) The servants truly believed that they must not be a part of the
household which sheltered a prisoner of war, but their love and
loyalty to Sadao made them keep the secret safe.
(b) The servants knew that any information about the P.O.W would
result in punishment for them and their families which is why
they revealed nothing.
(c) The servants were superstitious and scared with a white man on
the premises, and so chose to remove themselves and stay silent
about the situation.
(d) The servants did not want to incur the wrath of Dr. Sadao and
lose their jobs, therefore they chose to exit instead, and return
[CBSE Term-1 SQP 2021]
Ans. (a)The servants truly believed that they must not be a part of the household
which sheltered a prisoner of war, but their love and loyalty to Sadao
made them keep the secret safe.
[CBSE Marking Scheme Term-1 SQP 2021]
Explanation: The servants showed their loyalty to their country by
leaving Dr. Sadao's house but they kept his secret of nursing the enemy's
soldier as they were part of Sadao's household since his childhood. So,
option (a) is the correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
The man moaned with pain in his stupor but he did not awaken.
“The best thing that we could do would be to put him back in the sea,”
Sadao said, answering himself. Now that the bleeding was stopped for
the moment he stood up and dusted the sand from his hands.
“Yes, undoubtedly that would be best,” Hana said steadily. But she
continued to stare down at the motionless man.
“If we sheltered a white man in our house we should be arrested and if
we turned him over as a prisoner, he would certainly die,” Sadao said.
The Enemy
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“The kindest thing would be to put him back into the sea,” Hana said. But
neither of them moved. They were staring with curious repulsion upon
the inert figure.
(A)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
We can infer from the text that the prisoner was .........................
(B)Infer the meaning of ‘curious repulsion’ in the context of the
(C)Pick the idiom that best describes the situation in which Sadao
and Hana were in:
(a) to be like a fish out of water
(b) like water off a duck’s back
(c) to be dead in the water
(d) to be in hot water
(D)Comment on the moral dilemma that Sadao and Hana come
across in the situation mentioned in the extract.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(A) almost/partly
(B)Dr. Sadao and his wife Hana were curious as to how the white man
ended up washed up on their shore. But, at the same time, they were
repulsed by him because he was American, and hence their enemy.
(C)(d) to be in hot water
Explanation: ‘To be in hot water’ is to be in trouble. Therefore, only
option (d) matches the situation Sadao and Hana are in. Hence, it is
the correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (c) have different meanings.
Thus, they are not the correct answer.
(a) to be like a fish out of water – being uncomfortable in a situation
(b) like water off a duck’s back – warnings that have no effect
(c) to be dead in the water – (of a ship) unable to move
(D)Dr. Sadao and Hana come across a wounded American prisoner of war
who had washed up on the shore close to their house. They faced the
moral dilemma whether to save his life or take him to the authorities,
who would surely kill him.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
English Core Class XII
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The author has used ‘blood’ as a symbol in the story. Comment on its
impact on the reader.[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. The cook killed a fowl and poured its blood on the wisteria. The author
calls it the ‘best of fertilisers’. There was a ‘stain of red’ on Tom’s side
when Sadao and Hana find him. Blood symbolises a common humanity
between people of different nationalities and animals as well. It also
symbolises nationalistic pride which ‘fertilises’ racism and prejudice. The
reader is both shocked and disturbed by it.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Doing the right thing no matter what is a skill that only a few can
master. Have Sadao Hoki and Hana mastered this skill? Substantiate
with reference to the text.
Ans. Dr. Sado Hoki and Hana have indeed mastered this skill. Sadao was
trained as a doctor so he would have sworn the Hippocratic Oath to
save human lives. Hana was a natural humanitarian who believed in her
husband and assisted him. When they found the wounded sailor, they
were confused as to how to follow their moral compass while being loyal
to their own country. They resolved it by deciding to save the wounded
soldier and later, hand him over to the authorities. Hana washed him
herself because the servants refused to handle him. They did not give
up even when the servants walked out on them. Sadao tried to do his
patriotic duty by asking the General’s help but the assassins didn’t turn
up. He was nervous about them too. Finally, when he couldn’t bear it, he
himself made a plan to le the soldier escape and instructed him to do as
he said.
The Enemy
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
On the
Face of It
— Susan Hill
'On the Face of It' is a play by the English playwright, Susan Hill. It has two main
characters, Derry and Mr. Lamb. Both the characters have fateful disabilities,
However, their view towards life are totally di erent from each other. Derry is a
depressed teen while Mr. Lamb is a positive man. He introduces Derry to a new
perspective towards life, which is full of positivity.
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conceptual clarity.
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Characters in Brief
He wants to spend some
time in a garden. He is also
known as Derek.
He is a de ant and cynical
fourteen-year-old boy
with an acid-scarred face.
Chapter in Detail
Derry Meets Mr. Lamb in the Garden
In the first scene, Derry climbs over the garden wall on a beautiful autumn
day, to reach Mr. Lamb’s garden. Mr. Lamb was the owner of the house
and garden. He had fought in the war, and as a result, had lost a leg which
was replaced with a tin one. Derry jumped over the garden wall to get into
the garden. As he was walking tentatively into the garden, Mr. Lamb heard
him and called out to mind the apples. Derry was nervous since he had not
realised that there was someone there. He thought the house was empty.
Mr. Lamb explained that it was indeed empty, since he was out here in the
garden. He also added that he had seen Derry come in over the wall when he
could have used the gate. Derry defended himself saying that he wasn’t there
to steal. Mr. Lamb agreed that older boys did not steal but younger ones did.
He guessed Derry’s age to be thirteen, which Derry corrected to fourteen.
Then he felt awkward and a bit guilty about climbing the wall, so he said he
would leave. But Mr. Lamb indicated that he had not asked Derry to leave. He
welcomed Derry and asked him to stay. But Derry was emotionally raw and
hurting from all the cruel and piteous comments he had to hear because of
the disfiguration of his face. Derry challenged Mr. Lamb to see the ‘ugliness’
of his scarred face. He said he himself was scared to look at his own reflection
in the mirror. Mr. Lamb was far more understanding than Derry expected. He
said that the reflection was not the complete person. Derry was happy to
have been understood by someone.
Character's Mood
 Derry: Shy; hesitant.
 Mr. Lamb: Understanding; polite.
Example 1.What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of
himself ?
Ans. Everyone either is afraid of Derry or pities him, including his mother. But
Mr. Lamb is not afraid of him nor does he pity him. He does not ‘see’ his
English Core Class XII
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scarred face, but only him. Mr. Lamb treats him as a human being. Derry
is therefore drawn to him, in spite of all the hurt he carries inside.
The Story of Derry's Disfigured Face and Mr. Lamb's Tin Leg
Mr. Lamb thought that was the end of whatever it was that was troubling
Derry, and changed the topic to his crab apples, of how when the weather
would get a bit cooler, he would pick them and make jelly out of them. And
Derry could help him. But Derry clearly had more on his mind. Now that he
had found someone who understood him, he wanted to talk more. He asked
Mr. Lamb why he had changed the topic. He assumed that it was because
Mr. Lamb was also like the others, pretending that his face wasn’t scarred, or
maybe because he was afraid to ask. Mr. Lamb broached the topic of his face
by guessing that Derry might have been injured in a fire. Derry told him that
his face was eaten by acid. Mr. Lamb did not ask any more questions which
made Derry wonder aloud if he was not interested in his story. Mr. Lamb said
that Derry was a boy who came into his garden. He was interested in many
things like what was beside the far wall. He asked Derry to look. Derry was
so clouded by his trauma that he couldn't see anything beyond himself. He
saw grass and weeds. Mr. Lamb told him that he grew weeds. He asked Derry
what difference there was between one flowering plant which was called a
weed and another one which was called a flower. They are all the same in his
eyes. Just like Derry and Mr Lamb. But Derry could not see that. He disagreed
that they were alike. Mr. Lamb did not see exterior differences like age, burnt
face or tin leg. He asked, ‘Where’s the difference?’ Derry didn’t know that Mr.
Lamb had a tin leg. He said that he could hide it so no one saw it. Mr. Lamb
said that it didn’t matter since people soon got bored and found other things
to look at like flowers and nature. Derry called them ‘things’.
On the Face of It
in a way that lacks hesitantly,
surprised and slightly scared, surprised,
an apple or other
bonanza, jackpot,
fruit blown down
stroke of luck
from a tree or pushed
down by the wind
an overwhelming
alarm, fear, scare
feeling of fear and
definitely, boldly
calm, unsurprised,
misfortune, scourge,
calm, composure,
English Core Class XII
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OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. If
Derry were in a library at the beginning of the play, which of the
following sections of books would he NOT explore?
(1) science fiction (2) fantasy
(3) self-help (4) non-fiction
(a) (1) and (2)
(b) (2) and (3)
(c) (3) and (4)
(d) (1) and (4)
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) (2) and (3)
Explanation: At the beginning of the play, Derry was closed and
resentful. He was not open to any advice nor was he ready to imagine
a different world for himself. Therefore, the correct option is option (b).
Options (a), (c) and (d) are either completely or partially incorrect. Hence,
they are not the correct answer.
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
DERRY: What do you do all day?
Mr. LAMB: Sit in the sun. Read books. Ah, you thought it was an empty
house, but inside, it’s full. Books and other things. Full.
DERRY: But there aren’t any curtains at the windows.
Mr. LAMB: I’m not fond of curtains. Shutting things out, shutting things in.
I like the light and the darkness, and the windows open, to hear
the wind.
DERRY: Yes. I like that. When it’s raining, I like to hear it on the roof.
Mr. LAMB:So you’re not lost, are you? Not altogether? You do hear things.
You listen.
DERRY: They talk about me. Downstairs, When I’m not there.
(A)According to Mr. Lamb, what does the idea of being ‘lost’ signify?
(B)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
We know from Derry’s comment that he liked listening to the
sound of the rain. It shows that he was a(n) ..................... person.
On the Face of It
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(C)Suggest two qualities about Mr. Lamb that come out in the extract.
(D)“You do hear things. You listen.” Choose the option that captures
the difference between hearing and listening.
hear: listen :: ........... : ...........
(a) shut in: shut out
(b) smile: laugh
(c) act: reflect
(d) chance: attend
[Mod. CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(A) M
r. Lamb believes that a person is lost if they are unable to see the
beauty of the world around them.
(B) Observant
(C) Mr. Lamb comes across as a well-read and self-reflective person. He
did not like to shut himself to the world, but embraced everything
that came his way.
(D)(d) chance: attend
Explanation: Sounds can be heard but to listen, one needs to pay
attention. Hearing can be by chance but listening required attendance
of the mind. Hence, option (d) is the correct option. Options (a), (b)
and (c) are not accurate pairs of words that capture the relationship
between hear and listen. Thus, they are not the correct answers.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
‘It is not merely age but experience that counts.’
With reference to any one example from the text, comment on how Derry
found Mr. Lamb different from the other adults he had encountered.
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. Mr. Lamb had experienced disability and ostracisation, which made him
different from other adults and experienced enough to ignore Derry’s
disability and acknowledge the person behind it. For example, he never
asked Derry about his face, and did not want to know what happened
unless Derry himself wanted to talk about it.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
English Core Class XII
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How did Mr. Lamb’s meeting with Derry become the turning point in
life? [CBSE 2015]
Ans. Before he meets Mr. Lamb, Derry is an angry and defiant fourteen-year
old boy. He is afraid of meeting people because people comment about
his appearance, especially his disfigured face which is the result of acid.
The way the world treats him makes Derry retreat into his own world.
When he climbs into Mr. Lamb’s garden, he doesn’t know that it would
change his life. At first, he is scared, but projects an exterior bravado by
challenging Mr. Lamb several times. Mr. Lamb is an old eccentric who
has a tin leg. He is calm and serene, close to nature and likes to talk
to people. As Derry talks with Mr. Lamb, slowly he changes. Mr. Lamb
makes him see the beauty of the world, whether that is a weed or a
flower. He also makes him see that living itself is taking a risk and no one
can afford to live inside a room all their life. He also makes him see that
there are friends everywhere if Derry cares to look for them. He offers his
hand in friendship to Derry who accepts reluctantly. The encounter with
Mr. Lamb therefore changes Derry’s life.
On the Face of It
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23
Memories of
— Zitkala-Sa and Bama
'Memories of Childhood' is a compilation of two autobiographical episodes, written by
Zitkala-Sa and Bama respectively. 'The Cutting of My Long Hair' tells the story of
Zitkala-Sa's forced assimilation into western culture. She is devastated as she is cut o
from her Native American identity. 'We too are Human Beings' by Bama is about a
young girl's brush with intouchability. An incident of casteism witnessed by her leaves
a deep impression on her.
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conceptual clarity.
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Characters in Brief
She gets mentally traumatised
when her long braids are
forcefully cut.
She is a sensitive and de ant
Native American girl.
She is an observant and
innocent young Indian girl.
She experiences the discrimination
and cruelty of untouchability.
Chapter in Detail
I. The Cutting of My Long Hair— Zitkala Sa
Zitkala-Sa is Unsettled on the First Day at School
The first story is about Zitkala-Sa’s childhood. On the first day of her western
education, Zitkala-Sa noticed that the weather was cold. Snow was still on the
ground and the trees were without leaves. The bell rang for breakfast. It sent
reverberations into her sensitive ears. She heard unfamiliar voices, the shuffle
of feet and loud noises. All of which made her feel unsettled. She wanted to
be free but felt bound.
Character's Mood
 Uncomfortable; disturbed.
II. We Too are Human Beings— Bama
Bama Walks Home from School
The second story was about Bama’s childhood. When Bama was in third grade,
she liked to walk back home from school. The school wasn’t very far from
home and would have taken a maximum of ten minutes, but it took Bama
at least thirty. That’s because she was distracted by the many spectacles
offered by the street and its people. There were performing monkeys, a
competitive cyclist, the sweet stall, the narikkuravan huntergypsies who had
wild lemurs in cages and so on. Sometimes, political parties also made their
speeches there, and sometimes there were street plays or puppet shows or
stunt performances. Even if entertainers weren’t there, there were streetside
coffee shops and the almonds dropped from the almond tree. There were
sweetmeat and fruit sellers as well.
English Core Class XII
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marginalised the relegation to the alienated,
fringes of society due subjugated, sidelined
to a lack of access to
rights, resources, and
elevated, promoted,
prolonged cruel or
unjust treatment,
especially through
the exercise of
compassion, mercy
a dome-shaped
cupola, dome, ceiling
ornamental structure
located on top of a
larger roof or dome
base, bottom, nadir
a state of complete
calm, harmony,
disorder, confusion,
Memories of Childhood
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In
the light of the following statement, choose the option that lists
the characteristics of Zitkala-Sa:
“No I will not submit! I will struggle first!”
(1) servile
(2) audacious
(3) cocky
(4) brash
(5) resolute
(6) gutsy
(a) (1), (2) and (5)
(b) (2), (5) and (6)
(c) (1), (3) and (5)
(d) (2), (4) and (6) [CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(b) (2), (5) and (6)
Explanation: Zitkala-Sa continued to protest up till the last minute when
the cold scissors touched the nape of her neck. This shows that she was
audacious, resolute and gutsy. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
Options (a), (c) and (d) are partially correct. So, they are not the correct
Extract Based Questions
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
When I heard this, I didn’t want to laugh any more, I felt terribly sad. How
could they believe that it was disgusting if one of us held that package in
his hands, even though the vadai had been wrapped first in a banana leaf,
and then parcelled in paper? I felt so provoked and angry that I wanted to
touch those wretched vadais myself straightaway. Why should we fetch
and carry for these people, I wondered. Such an important elder of ours
goes meekly to the shops to fetch snacks and hands them reverently,
bowing and shrinking, to this fellow who just sits there and stiffs them
into his mouth. The thought of it infuriated me.
(A)The elder handing snacks reverently, bowing and shrinking to the
fellow indicates that the ‘fellow’ was:
(1) condescending
(2) unassuming
(3) submissive
(4) disdainful
(5) aggressive
(6) domineering
English Core Class XII
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(a) (2), (3) and (6)
(b) (1), (4) and (5)
(c) (1), (4) and (6)
(d) (2), (3) and (4)
(B)Complete the following sentence using ONE word:
Bama’s tone in the given extract is full of ......................, after realising
the negative attitude other people had towards people of her caste.
(C)Based on the extract, do you think children are too young to
understand the evils of caste?
(D)‘I wanted to touch those wretched vadais myself straightaway’
Which quality of Bama is highlighted in this statement?
[Mod. CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans.(A)(c) (1), (4) and (6)
Explanation: The fellow was condescending, disdainful and domineering.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer. Options (a), (b) and (d) are
partially incorrect. Thus, they are not the correct answer.
(B)Anger / spite
(C)Bama was initially unaware about the concept of caste until her older
brother told her about it. But, she straightaway realises the unfair and
evil nature of caste, and vehemently opposes it.
(D)Bama’s rebellious nature comes through in this statement.
SHORT ANSWER Type Questions (SA)
[ 2 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 40-50 words:
Bama’s innocence was lost when she came face to face with the
ugly truth of racial discrimination. Do you think children who have
a difficult childhood become even more resolute than children who
have a comfortable one?
[CBSE Question Bank 2021]
Ans. Yes, children who have a difficult childhood grow up to become resilient
adults than children who are protected from all troubles. Bama’s
experience of caste discrimination as a child would have played a role in
making her the strong and resilient author she is today.
LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)
[ 5 marks ]
Answer the following questions in 120-150 words:
Untouchability is not only a crime; it is inhuman too. Why and how
did Bama decide to fight against it?
[CBSE 2017]
Memories of Childhood
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Ans. Bama had a brush against untouchability as a third-grade student. On
the way back from school, she used to watch the mesmerising sights
of an Indian street bazaar with its food stalls and entertainers. One
day, she noticed an elder from her street carrying a packet of fried
vadai for the landlord in a careful way so as not to pollute it for the
upper caste landlord. She initially found it funny, but later she was told
the entire story by her older brother Annan. That is when she realised
the unfairness and inhumanness of the practice. This enraged her. Her
brother told her to study well and educate herself so that people would
come to her on their own. She followed his advice and stood first in her
class which drew people to her and they became her friends. She fought
against the scourge of untouchability by becoming a contemporary
author specialising in social justice issues like untouchability.
English Core Class XII
I relied on NCERT as the Bible. But I also
referred to different difficulty level Q's
like from PYQs and new pattern Q books
that my teachers recommended.
It is also a must!
(97.4%), CBSE Science Topper 2023
According to this year's topper Yashita Puri, PYQs and New
pattern Q's all difficulties is a must for each Chapter. Keeping
this in mind, my special book covers the below things:
Important Events
Character's Mood
Ch-wise Past 10 Years Q's
(with explanations)
Ch-wise 100+ New Pattern Q's
(objective + subjective)
Rita Gupta
HOD, Social Science
Reputed CBSE School
These books are the best reference books that every
CBSE student should have so they can cover each
Chapter in a structured manner, along with school
teaching. The best part I found is the quality of
answers & coverage all possible Questions
I scored 99.2% studying from Educart books. They
know exactly what the students need and it really
helped me do focused NCERT-driver revision and
practice. Must buy book!!!
Shriniketan RH
Regional Topper
CBSE 2022-23