Uploaded by Ryan Seth

6-Week Push-Up & Pull-Up Improvement Training Guide

Welcome to your 6-week push-up pull-up training guide.
Regardless of what type of training you do Push-ups and Pull-ups will always be two
of the most important fundamental exercises for upper-body strength. They are
ultimate performance testers, yet I know so many who really struggle to increase
these two areas, myself included.
In this guide you will find a clear defined plan of attack to really help you start seeing
those results. I have utilized some of the different variations and come up with the
perfect combo that works and will get you seeing those increases fast.
Not only are these two exercise important I have also included a guide to core
circuits that will boost your performance overall. A strong core is vital in all of your
training and especially for that big testing day.
On the following pages you will find all the information you need to implement and
get the best results. It is different, I'm sure, to any other add on plan you have
performed before so please make sure you go over the explanations carefully.
Thanks again for jumping on board and enjoy your training.
No matter your current level, this 6-week plan is designed to help walk you
step by step through the process of increasing your overall max push-up and
pull-up count. Before you begin I want you set up for success. Please read over
the following pages carefully so you can grasp a true understanding of how to
perform this plan and achieve your best results.
There are 3 small workouts per week for each exercise and each session
should take you approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Choose which days
best suit you to add this into your schedule as long as you perform all 3
workouts required per week for that exercise.
I recommend performing them with 1-2 days in-between so your muscles have
time to recover. You can do both the push-up and pull-up days together, in fact
I recommend performing it that way in order to allow for days off in between.
This plan is not designed as a complete workout so to add this into your
schedule I recommend performing this from your other training if
possible, so your muscle are fresh and not fatigued.
At the end of this training plan you will find a section with core workouts.
These core workouts that are provided are not compulsory, however they will
give you a boost and strengthen the required muscles to aid your push-up and
pull-up performance.
It’s now all up to you…..
Please be aware that like any kind of training, persistence is key. You will need
to follow this plan exactly to get the best possible results, and I cannot
guarantee your results if you do not stick to it. If you can nail these two
foundation exercises, you will have a fool proof way to improve your workouts,
physique and dominate your testing days.
To begin with we need to remember that correct form is everything. It doesn't
matter if you can perform push-ups and pull-ups all day long if your form isn't
correct, I can assure you that you aren’t going to be strengthening the correct
muscles. This will only waste your time and hinder your preparation for testing
day. Even If you think you have a grasp on correct form I encourage you to read
over these tips to refresh, sometimes we all need to be reminded of the basics.
Here are 7 key points to watch for when
performing your push-ups, to keep that
form in check.
1) Straight head and neck position
Focus on keeping in a neutral position,
don’t look up or down.
2) Keep shoulders down
Keep them away from your ears, they
should be down, back and stable.
3) Correct hand position
Keep you hands inline with your chest, by
your ears is not helping.
4) Protect your wrists
Focus on keeping the pressure on the
outside of your palm, it will help take the
extra strain or pressure off your wrists.
5) Straight hips and torso
Don’t get lazy, keep your hips inline with
your torso. Not too high and not too low.
You really want to focus on engaging your
core muscles as well.
6)Use a full range of motion
With every rep aim to get your chest to
come within an inch from the ground, then
extend so your arms are straight (not
locked out).
7)Control the tempo
A one second up two second down count is
ideal, unless you are purposely changing
up the tempo.
Correct form is vital for pull-ups. Before
you begin make sure you are using a
stable bar that is ideally two feet above
your head.
However, if you need to perform these at
home in your bedroom and only have a
doorway attachment that is fine.
Quick tip, I do recommend putting
some padding down underneath you, as
I have seen these break frequently and
coming down on your knees isn't fun.
Follow these next steps in order to
perform the perfect pull-up.
1) Reach up and grasp the bar
slightly wider than shoulder width.
2) Raise your feet off the floor by
bending your knees and bringing
your feet up behind you.
3) Hang with straight arms.
4) Pull by engaging the back and
driving your elbows down to the
5) Keep your elbows in tight to the
6) Pull until your chin has passed the
bar and hold for a moment.
7) Lower yourself down slowly until
you are in a deadhang position
with your arms straight again.
8) Breathe and repeat.
During this plan you will be performing variations of push-ups and pull-ups. Your
training has been developed this way to add variety and strengthen all of the muscles
needed for a greater performance equally.
For the push-up portion of this plan we will be using regular push-ups, wide pushups and diamond push-ups. Regular push-ups are explained previously, and there
are only slight differences in your hand positioning in order to perform wide and
diamond push-ups.
In order to set up for wide push-ups start
by lying flat on the ground on your chest
and place your hands down slightly wider
than shoulder width. From here move
them out one more hand width. This is
how wide your hands should be. (We are
not trying to be drastic here by having our
hands 5 foot apart).
When performing wide push-up a
common fault is having your upper arms
at the wrong angle, at a 90 degree angle to
your body so you look like a “T”. If you can
imagine when you perform regular pushups you should look like an “Arrow” with
your arms at around 45 degrees from your
body. With wide push-ups you want your
arms to sit in-between that 90 degree “T”
and 45 degrees, so more of a 60-70 degree
The reason I have included wide push-ups
is they place more emphasis on the chest
and strengthen this area while taking away
some of the stress on the triceps to allow
them to recover.
To set up for these push-ups, you will
need to start on your knees. Make a
diamond with your hands by spreading
your thumb from your index finger and
place your hands directly under your
chest. Although we will call these
diamond push-ups, just have your hands
together as close as is comfortable for
you. Having your hands too close can
aggravate some peoples shoulders so
don’t be afraid to move them out slightly
When lowering make sure to tuck your
elbows into your sides and keep your
shoulders down. As a note, when
lowering yourself your thumbs should be
in line with the bottom of your chest.
The reason I have included this variation
is for the opposite reason of the wide
push-up. Diamonds places more
emphasis on your triceps and
strengthens this area while taking away
some of the stress on your chest.
For the pull-up portion of the plan we will be using Regular grip pull-ups, wide
grip and Chin-ups. Regular pull-ups are explained previously, and there are only
slight differences you need to make to perform wide pull-ups and chin-ups.
These are performed exactly the same
as regular , however this time with a
wider grip. To work out your grip reach
up as before. Note where your pinky
finger is on the bar, from here move
your index finger to this position so
your hands are approximately one hand
width wider than usual. After a while
this will become natural and you will
know where to put your hands
I have included wide grip pull-ups as
these focus more on strengthening your
back muscles and put slightly less stress
on your biceps.
Similar again to regular pull-ups
except you will have your hands
facing toward you and your grip will
be slightly in more to shoulder width.
If you are struggling to find your grip
width, try this tip. Stand below the bar
with good posture (shoulders back)
and perform an imaginary bicep curl.
From there shoot your arms straight
up and grasp the bar. Now perform
the exercise as you would regular pull
I have included this exercise as it
requires greater emphasis from your
biceps and forearms. It is rarely
tested, but is still great to be
proficient in and who doesn't want
bigger biceps.
We all begin at different levels. To alter this plan to your level I have included a list
below of the variations you can work through starting from very beginner up to
elite. Choose from the list below where you feel you are at, and use that scaling
option for that days workout.
Note: Don’t be afraid to use this guide to help you take that step back to
strengthen those muscles more and build up into achieving the normal level for
both. In turn if the normal is too easy for you, make sure you push yourself with
the advanced options below.
Level 1 = Inverted Rows
These are performed with a bar that is between waist and shoulder height. Your
feet will remain on the floor and you should position them so that when you pull
yourself towards the bar, the bar will make contact with a point on your body just
below your upper chest at the completion of the rep.
Level 2 = Assisted Pull-ups
Invest in resistance bands and use them to assist you while performing the pullups or find a partner to either hold your feet to take some of the weight off or get
them to push up slightly from your lower to middle back as a spotter.
Level 3 = Negative Pull-ups
To perform a negative pull-up, jump to the top position and slowly lower yourself
for 2-3 seconds.
Level 4 = Regular Pull-ups
**These are performed as described earlier.
Level 5 = Weighted Pull-ups
These are performed the same as regular pull-ups but
with extra weight attached to your body in order to
create more resistance and build your strength. Use a
weighted vest or a Dip/Chin belt with a weight plate or
kettle-bell attached.
Understand although I have
detailed advanced exercises,
this plan is developed for
Military / Law Enforcement
and other Servicemen so I
will not be including any trick
exercises. We are focusing
on performing the basics to
an elite level.
Level 1 = Kneeling Push-ups
Perform as the original description, however your knees remain on the floor. Make
sure to still keep your core tight when performing kneeling push-ups.
Level 2 = Push-ups w/ your hands raised
Instead of having your hands placed on the floor, place them on a bench or box
that is between knee and hip height.
Level 3 = Knees elevated push-ups
For this exercise, you will find a bench or box that is knee height or lower and place
your knees near the edge. Make sure it is stable! From here you will perform pushups.
Level 4 = Negative push-ups
To perform this exercise, you will raise yourself to the starting position of a regular
push-up then slowly lower yourself to the ground in 3-5 seconds. And repeat.
Level 5 = Regular push-ups
These are performed as described at the beginning but can be done with many
different hand positions. We will be focusing on Narrow, Shoulder width and Wide
Level 6 = Explosive Push-ups
These should only be performed sparingly. If you wish to add these in to the
program, you should use them in workout ONE. These can be performed in many
different ways but I recommend two variations.
Clap push-ups - Perform your normal push-up then at the top (with momentum)
quickly lift your hands off the ground and clap them underneath your body before
placing them back into position for your next push-up.
Simplified - Explode off the ground. When you reach the top of your push-up, like
above, only don’t clap keep your arms straight in the same position. This is used
often when you can’t get enough height or don’t have the speed to perform a clap
and resume the normal position before you hit the ground again. We don’t want
any broken faces!
Level 7= Loaded Push-ups
If you want to go full-blown meathead and get super strong then these are for you.
Simply focus on the normal push-up form while using anything that increases the
resistance such as;
• Bands
• Chains
• Weighted vests
• Plates loaded on your back
Before we start you need to know your current max reps of regular push-ups and
regular Pull-ups. This will be used as a base for your training so need to be tested before
you begin this plan. To begin, make sure your upper body is completely warmed up and
ready to go as we want to prevent injury.
Perform the maximum amount of strict push-ups you can do in one go, without pausing
or stopping for a break. Record that number. That will be your current max.
Max regular push-ups= ________
Perform the maximum amount of pull-ups you can do in one go, without pausing.
Record that number. This will be your current max.
Max Regular Pull-ups (Shoulder width grip) = ________
perfect form.
Clap in front of you, explode as fast as
possible on each rep. Continuous reps. It
does not count if you must rest in the top
This test was a requirement for foreign
special forces, as the weight is what they
are carrying at most times on their body
when performing operations.
It is good to know what to aim for
when beginning any sort of new plan/
challenge. I have laid out below the
performance indicators and elite
military standards for you to challenge
yourself towards.
Please note that these standards
are of the military elite so do not
expect to be here overnight.. This is
just something to aim for and
visualise yourself achieving.
If you stick to this program
consistently and put 100% intensity
into your sessions, then you can
expect to push yourself to this next
Throughout this plan you will be working with 3 different variations of Pushups. Regular Push-ups, Wide Push-ups and Diamond Push-ups. You will pair
each type of Push-up with 1 workout (I, II, or III) for that week. Then rotate the
workout each week. Eg…
Week 1
Regular push-ups for workout I
Wide push-ups workout II
Diamond push-ups workout III
Week 2
Wide push-ups workout I
Diamond push-ups workout II
Regular push-ups workout III
Work from the table below and perform all three workouts in your week. Track
your progress by writing your stats in the table below, or in a notebook book
somewhere. This is so important so please take time to do this.
Workout I
Workout II
Workout III
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Final stats MAX reps for regular push-ups ______
Rest 5 secs
Rest 10 secs
Rest 15 secs
Perform sets of 2/4/6/8/10/12..
and so on until you can not keep
Start by performing 2 push-ups
then rest with your knees on the
ground for 5 seconds. Then
perform 4 push-ups and rest for
10 seconds. 6 push-ups, rest 15
seconds and so on.
**Refer to the table to the right
as your example so you don't
have to do the maths yourself.**
Rest 20 secs
Rest 25 secs
Rest 30 secs
Rest 35 secs
Rest 40 secs
Rest 45 secs
Rest 50 secs
Rest 55 secs
Rest 60 secs
Rest 65 secs
Remember to keep breathing,
many people will rush into this
and start pumping out the
reps but not focus on
controlling their breathing and
therefore tire out very quickly.
Rest 70 secs
Rest 75 secs
Take your score for your max push-ups, (your current max repetitions we
recorded at the beginning) Then cut it in thirds. For example if your max pushup score is 30 repetitions, for this workout you will use 10 repetitions.
Start a stop watch, Perform a set of “1/3 Max” repetitions. Continue to perform
sets on the minute every minute until you can do no more.
If you are still going at the 15 minute mark, we have made this too easy and
you need to STOP. Next time you do this workout with one of the advanced
push-up options.
Perform 10 push-ups, it takes you 15 seconds. You now have 45 seconds to
rest until you start your next set. Start your next set and perform 10 push-ups
which take you 20 seconds, you now only have 40 seconds to rest before you
start the next set.
Perform all movements in a
controlled fashion, if you do all
of the push-ups with poor form
very quickly, you will have
more time to rest. However
you're only cheating yourself.
For this workout you will perform 5 sets of as many strict
push-ups as you can. Rest = 2 minutes between sets.
Now record your highest number of reps, as it will become your
new max reps, which next weeks Workout II will be based on.
Today is very simple and straight-forward. Perform as many reps
as you possibly can. Rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat four more
With the other workouts you can
get away with not performing a
thorough warm-up. With this
workout as you are going straight
into a max set, I recommend at
the very least getting warm and
performing some dynamic
stretches for the shoulders / chest
before you begin.
Throughout this plan we are working with 3 different variations of Pull-ups.
Regular Grip Pull-ups, Wide Grip Pull-ups and Close Grip Chin-ups.
Just the same style as the push-ups, we are going to pair each type of Pull-up
with 1 workout for the week then rotate the workout each week.
Week 1=
Wide grip pull-ups for Workout I
Regular Pull-ups for Workout II
Diamond push-ups Workout III
Week 2
Regular pull-ups for workout I
Close grip chin-ups for workout II
wide pull-ups workout III etc..
Work from the table below and perform all three workouts in your week. Track
your progress by writing your stats in the table below, or in a notebook book
somewhere. This is so important so please take time to do this.
Workout I
Workout II
Workout III
Week 1
Close Grip
Week 2
Close Grip
Week 3
Close Grip
Week 4
Close Grip
Week 5
Close Grip
Week 6
Close Grip
Final stats MAX reps for regular pull-ups ______
Rest 10 secs
Rest 20 secs
Rest 30 secs
Rest 40 secs
Rest 50 secs
Rest 40 secs
Rest 30 secs
Rest 20 secs
Rest 10 secs
Perform a Pyramid of Pull- ups
starting from 1 repetition working
up to 5 repetitions then back
down to 1 again. You will then rest
2 minutes and perform the
pyramid once more.
Equalling 50 total repetitions.
Perform 1 Pull-up then rest 10
seconds, perform 2 Pull-ups then
rest 20 seconds, you will do this all
the way up to 5 repetitions then
back down to 1.
Take your score for your max pull-ups (your current max repetitions). Then cut
it in thirds. For example if your max pull-ups score is 9 repetitions, for this
workout you will use 3 repetitions.
Start a stop watch, perform a set of “1/3 Max” repetitions.
Continue to perform sets on the minute every minute until you can do no
If you are still going at the 15 minute mark, this is too easy for you STOP. Next
time you do this workout you will either slow down the tempo of the
repetitions or wear a weighted vest.
Perform 3 pull-ups, it takes you 10 seconds. You now have 50 seconds to rest
until you start your next set. Start your next set and perform 3 pull-ups which
take you 12 seconds, you then only have 48 seconds to rest before you start
the next set.
Today you will perform 5 sets of Max repetitions. Rest will be 2
minutes between sets. You will need to make sure to record your
highest number of reps as it will become the new baseline which
Day II will be based on.
Today is very simple and straight-forward. Perform as many reps
as you possibly can. Rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat four more
With the other workouts you can
get away without performing a
thorough warm-up. With this
workout as you are going straight
into a max set, I recommend at
the least getting warm and
performing some dynamic
stretches for the shoulders/lats
before you begin.
As much as you will strengthen your core by purely performing push-ups and
pull-ups, it is always good to add in extra exercises that specifically contribute to
improving your performance in these exercises.
The following will be a number of core workouts that you can add on to the end
of the push-up / pull-up sessions to speed up your results and also improve
your all round effectiveness on the battlefield.
50 each side
1 minute each side
15 each side
1 minute each side
Hands overhead then touch feet.
With 2 sec hold at top.
The following is a small plan to add muscle fast to your chest, back, shoulders and
upper arms. Designed to be used only at times when an upper body boost or a
challenge is required. This upper body builder plan, is Ideal for those on exercise or
deployment who are looking to increase muscle mass in those 4 key upper body
Perform the following for 21 days
5 days on / 2 days off
This should not be done at the
same time as the push-up pull-up
improvement plan and is a
completely different style of
I do not recommend implementing
this for improved performance in
the weeks leading up to a testing
day as you will only fatigue your
muscles hindering performance.
The above is your requirement for each working day. Choose to split these reps up
into as many sets as you require but make sure each set does not go to failure, stop
and rest 1-2 repetitions short of failure. We want to do this to make sure we prevent
burn out from happening. Reps can be split over the whole day or done in one single
Split the reps in half, perform 50 Push-ups and 25 pull-ups in the morning and
repeat in the afternoon.
During this time make sure you only take your final set of each day to failure in order
to prevent burnout. The majority of the time you will stop the set 1-2 repetitions short
of failure.
Congratulations, you have made it through the entire 6—weeks of training. By
now you should be performing push-ups and pull-ups with ease and crushing
any tests that come your way.
If your push-up and pull-up performance is still your priority and you need to
keep crushing it then yes, you definitely can work through this plan again. I
would however, recommend taking at least a full 7 days off this training before
you start it again to give your muscles time to rest and recover.
This training plan was designed to be used as an add-on to your current
training, as a way to increase your performance. If you want to really step up
your game and are ready for a full training plan then I recommend checking out
our Tactical Athlete Plan.
Tactical Athlete.
Best for those who want to really focus on getting their performance levels up,
it’s our most job specific training. Perfect training to prepare you to perform
beyond that testing day.
For any other questions or help I am here to support you feel free to reach out
to me here at support@hardtokillfitness.co