During the holidays. Olivia and Natasha spent more time with Greg and Ryan than before. They alternated between Olivia's house and Natasha's, where they played pool. listened to music and just ‘chilled'. Neither death nor school were mentioned. but the blissful period eventually ended. School started on a cool Monday morning. and the first assembly had them back in full swing within the first ten minutes. The new principal, Mrs Bhamjee. was announced. She would be acting principal until a permanent principal was appointed. She was a stern. middle-aged woman, with pitch-lack hair pulled into a tight bun. She wore a gold sari under her black school gown and a red velvet tikka shone on her smooth dark forehead. After the introduction of Mrs Bhamjee. the term ahead was outlined for the learners. Career Guidance Day was scheduled for the end of the month. The learners knew they would be facing many lectures regarding their future. subject choices. and the importance of working hard at school in order to secure employment. They groaned at the prospect. Lastly inter-high athletics was announced. The more serious athletes were happy but for the rest thoughts of inter-house and the fools they'd made of themselves earlier in the year flooded back. They would be forced to take part and were no longer willing to be humiliated by their seniors. Many learners moaned audibly. Those who didn't take part in sport hated being forced to support this annual compulsory event. "I can’t understand he senior," Natasha spoke as the friends walked to class. "Supporting the school is so cool". why don’t they want to take part! Why don't they get excited about sport!" Although they trained hard, none of the friends made team and they, too. became supporters. By then. even enthusiasm was waning they sat one rainy day cheering on half-hearted learners training for events they didn't believe they could win. 'the. spirit of the school sank to its lowest ebb ever. Olivia and Natasha couldn't wait for Saturday evening when (hey could go out with their boyfriends. Their relationship i had been growing steadily and becoming deeper, and though the girls worried about where these relationships were going, they had no desire to stop them. It was only when they were alone together that they discussed their boyfriends and how far and fast things were progressing. Then they became nervous enough to face up to the truth. "I'm happy to just wait and see, I think," Olivia said to Natasha after a lengthy discussion on the subject. "Me. too, only because I don't want to face the possibility of breaking up. I know I'm not ready for anything more than kissing and even that scares me a little. I can feel Greg getting carried away and I have to keep moving his hands back to safe places." "l knows. It's so scary, but ... but I enjoy it. It's very confusing.