Uploaded by gikey69558

Linux Command & System Notes

 linuxfd part1:
find -name *.txt = to find the file with .txt from current directory only
grep "name" file.txt -> basic searching a name on file
& = operator allows to run commands on background
&& = combine multyple commands in one line
-> = output redirector but it overrides the existing data
>> =same as above but it doesnt overrite the existing data on a file
linuxfdpart2: /etc -> stored system files that are used by os
sudoers,shadow,passwd files
/tmp -> like ram
-> vim dedicated room https://vim.rtorr.com/
-> scp(secure copy) -> allows to transfer files bw two computers
scp user@ip:/home/folder/file.txt my_file.txt ( file.txt get stored on the current computer as my_file.txt)
-> process -> programs run by computer.managed by kernel. it have id called pid
60th process 60 pid
ps command to view running process
ps aux command to view the process run by other users and system process
top command -> real time statistics about processes, it refreshes every 10s.
-> managing processes -> kill command used to kill the process
kill id
fitst process after start -> systemd
any process of software we start is child of systemd
systemctl allows to contact systemd process/daemon
ctrl+z -> pausing the execution of script
fg -> bring back the background program to terminal.