Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century – Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode Module 3: Labor and Migration First Edition, 2019 Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., stories, songs, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them. Published by the Department of Education Secretary: Leonor M. Briones, MBA Undersecretary: _______________________________ Assistant Secretary: _______________________________ Development Teamof ofthe theModule Module: Development Team Authors: Jorey Lagno- Ludeña Authors: Jorey Lagno- Ludeña Editor: Arrianne Christelle J. Apostol Editors: Arrianne Christelle J. Apostol Illustrator: Vianna Dominique B. Gaston Reviewers: Illustrator: Management Team: Layout Artist: Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III Management Team: Regional Director Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayucot , CESO III Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V Regional Director Asst. Regional Director Co-chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. Gracia , CESO V Mala Epra B. Magnaong Assistant Regional Director CES, CLMD Mala Epra B. Magnaog Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr. CES , CLMD Regional ADM Coordinator Dr. Bienvenido V. Tagolimot Ray Butch M. Mahinay EPS - ADM EPS-Designate- AP Printed in the Philippines by ______________________________________ Printed the Philippines by: Department of Resources Education –(DepEd-BLR) Regional Office 10 Department ofinEducation – Bureau of Learning Office Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Office Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000 Telefax: (088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072 Telefax:E-mail Address:(088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072 E-mail Address: ii 12 /1 Trends, Networks, and 2 Critical Thinking in the 21st Century QUARTER 1 - MODULE 3 LABOR AND MIGRATION This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at We value your feedback and recommendations. Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines iii Table of Contents Cover Page Copyright Page Module Title Writers’ Profile Table of Contents What I Need to Know What Should I Expect What I know i ii iii iv v vii vii viii CONTENTS Lesson 1: Examples of Various Activities In One’s Daily Life That Show The Concrete Effects Of Globalization What I can do 5 What is it 7 Lesson 2: The Comprehensive Effects of Globalization What I can do What is it 8 9 Lesson 3: The Interconnectedness of Peoples and Nations What I can do What can I do more What is it 10 11 11 Lesson 4: The Benefits of Collaboration and Cooperation What I Know What is it What I can do more 12 13 13 Lesson 5: The Different Contributions of the Parts to a Whole What I can do What I can do more What is it 14 15 15 Lesson 6: The Important Role of The Creative Imagination in Putting Together The Various Parts of A Whole What I know 16 What can I do more 17 v Lesson 7: The Origins of The Different Components of a Gadget, Business Enterprise, Industrial/Technological/Agricultural Product, etc. What is it 19 What I can do 20 What can I do more 21 Lesson 8: Write a Reflection Essay on the Insights Generated from the Map What I can do 22 What is it 24 Assessment 25 References 28 Midterm Exam 31 vi MODULE 3 LABOR AND MIGRATION WHAT I NEED TO KNOW What is labor? Can you relate to globalization? Globalization or globalisation is the process of interaction and integration among individuals, companies, and governments worldwide. It is primarily an associated process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects. How labor and migration has been institutionalized to reply to the utilization crisis within the country? These queries will be answered as you embark the journey to the activities designed to assist you to understand the content of this subject. What this module all about? This module can show you the concrete effects of globalization, coupled with the interconnections of peoples and nations. It will additionally demonstrate the advantages of collaboration and cooperation so as to equip the learners with the knowledge and skills required which can be used to help them face the challenges of the fast changing society nowadays. What I Need to Know After finding out this module, you will be ready to: 1. Provide examples of various activities in one's daily life that show the concrete effects of globalization. 2. List down the comprehensive effects of globalization. 3. Determine the interconnectedness of peoples and nations. 4. Cite examples of collaboration and cooperation. 5. Determine the various contributions of the parts to a whole. 1 What I Know This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge about the topic to be discussed in this module; Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the following questions below. 1. Which of the following reasons of migration from one country to another is considered the most important in today’s world? a. Better living conditions b. Higher wages c. To escape persecution d. For a better climate 2. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines? a. Zero b. Below 50 percent of the population c. Above 50 percent of the population d. About 80 percent of the recent population 3. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in Philippines than in the United States? a. Philippines lack much of the infrastructure of the U.S. b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does. c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force. d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S. 4. What are the effects of the labor migration in the country? a. Skilled workers will be insufficient. b. Decrease in the remittances c. Increase in the remittances d. Both a and c 5. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine population is compared to the beginning of the 20th century? a. Much greater (more than ten times as large) b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large) c. About the same d. Somewhat smaller (between one tenth as large and half as large) 2 6. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino population? a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 40 percent 7. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed within Asia? a. Middle East b. East Asia c. Europe d. South East Asia 8. a. b. c. d. Which country has the biggest proportion of migrants deployed? Asia and United States China and India Australia and New Zealand Saudi Arabia and Dubai 9. Mass migration takes place in the Philippines primarily because of what reason? a. The government is lazy to help the poor b. The government is rich enough to employ the jobless c. Failure of government to provide decent jobs and decent wages to its people. d. Failure of the government to equally distribute its wealth. 10. How common is it for people to migrate from one developing country to another? a. More common than migration from developing countries to developed countries. b. Less common than migration from developing countries to developed countries, but more common than migration between developed countries. c. Less common than migration between developed countries, but more common than migration from developed countries to developing countries. d. Less common than migration from developed countries to developing countries, but more than migration from developing countries to developed countries. 11. What is the main the reason why migrant Filipinos called new economic heroes? a. It is because they contribute a lot in the economy. b. It is because they are exploited and abused. c. It is because they are the product of extreme poverty in the country d. It is because they died in other country. 12. What do you call a person who searches for a job sequentially? a. Searches while employed b. Accepts the first job offers c. Accepts the best job offer after applying for a pre-specified number of jobs d. Accepts or rejects job offer as they arrive 3 13. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines? a. Zero b. Below 50 percent of the population c. Above 50 percent of the population d. About 80 percent of the recent population 14. How many countries and destinations do these overseas Filipino workers found? a. 100 countries b. 200 countries c. 300 countries d. 400 countries 15. How can a compensation systems influence? a. By motivating the workers b. By the quality of workers who work at the firm c. By the workers who quit and who stay on the job d. All of the above 4 Lesson 1 EXAMPLES OF VARIOUS ACTIVITIES IN ONE’S DAILY LIFE THAT SHOW THE CONCRETE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION In the preceding lessons, you have learned about trends and fads. This time, you will start an observation and analysis about the society to be able to share insights that are based on your real –life observation and experiences. This is where you can use your critical thinking based from your understanding on the topic. This lesson will help you analyze how people interact with each other. At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Give examples of various activities in one’s daily life that show the concrete effects of globalization. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-1 What I can do Directions: Use the picture below to describe the concrete effects of globalization. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Source: 5 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Source: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Source: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Source: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________ Source: 6 What is it Notes to remember: ❖ Labor is the work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker. ❖ Labor relation refers to the relationship between employers and employees in industry along with the political decisions and laws that affect it. ❖ Migration improves the quality of people’s. It helps improve the aspect of the social life of every individual as they embark new customs, culture, and languages that improve brotherhood among people. ❖ Labor migration means migration for the purpose of seeking employment. ❖ The main reason of migration is uneven development along with factors like poverty, landholding system, and fragmentations of land, lack of employment opportunities, large family-size and natural calamities. ❖ Globalization refers to the connection of various parts of the world which results in expansion of multicultural, political, and economic activities. ❖ Globalization is defined as the integration of goods and people among various countries as they move from one country to another. ❖ The positive effects of globalization include a number of factors namely education, trade, technology, competition, investments and capital flows, employment, culture and organization structure. ❖ The negative effects of globalization include influence in multinational corporations which focus on promoting a consumer culture, exploitation of workers and markets and influencing societal values. ❖ Collaboration refers to the process of working together to create something new in support of a shared vision. ❖ Cooperation is important in networks where individuals can exchange relevant information and resources in support of each other’s goals rather than focus on share goal. Lesson 2 THE COMPREHENSIVE EFFECTS OF 7 GLOBALIZATION 7 Lesson 2 THE COMPREHENSIVE EFFECTS OF 7 GLOBALIZATION At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Explain the comprehensive effects of globalization HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-2 What I can do Directions: Use the alternating flow chart to show positive and negative effects of globalization. • Use facts to support ideas cite sources to support claims of your ideas • Cite for related information to support claim • Show the positive and negative effects of globalization present ideas clearly to convinced the audience opinion based on facts 8 What is it Notes to remember: ❖ Globalization means connection of different parts of the world which results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities. ❖ Thus, globalization is the movement and integration of goods and people in various countries. ❖ Globalization has positive effects which include a number of factors namely education, trade, technology, competition, investments and capital flows, employment, culture and organization structure. ❖ Globalization enhances goodwill and goodwill in various countries. ❖ Globalization concept can lead to the loss of cultural identity. ❖ The negative effects of globalization include influence in multinational corporations which focus on promoting a consumer culture, exploitation of workers and markets and influencing societal values. ❖ Globalization can cause the spread of communicable diseases and cause social degeneration. ❖ Globalization has improved the standard of living through improved education due to the global expansion of corporations. ❖ Thus, globalization makes an individual more competent and globally competitive. Lesson 3 THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF PEOPLES AND NATIONS 9 9 Lesson 3 THE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF PEOPLES AND NATIONS 9 At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Show the interconnectedness of peoples and nations. (HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-3) What I can do Directions: Use the space below to make a collage / drawing to show the interconnectedness of peoples and nations. What I can do more 10 Directions: Use the equation below to show the sequential steps to depict a result on the relationship between peoples and nations. peoples nations present your ideas or opinion clearly What is it Notes to remember: ❖ Interconnectedness of peoples and nations produce a transcontinental collaboration in the society. ❖ Interconnectedness tells about interactions between domestic and global affairs. ❖ Interconnectedness of peoples and nations speed up the process of communications, information and merging ideas. ❖ It also increases the scope of trade, business and finance in the country. Lesson 4 THE BENEFITS OF COLLABORATION AND COOPERATION 11 11 Lesson THE BENEFITS OF COLLABORATION AND COOPERATION 4 At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Explain and demonstrate the11benefits of collaboration and cooperation. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-4 At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Explain and demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and cooperation. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-4 What I know What I know Instructions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. Write your answer on your notebook. 1. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization creates an exchange of ideas and information between countries and its people. Instructions: Write if the statement is true and F if ittraditional is false. Write your answer 2. Collaboration andT cooperation in globalization are and obsolete. on your 3. It notebook. adapts understanding of new cultures, beliefs and values. 1. Collaboration cooperation in globalization createsconversation an exchange of digital ideas 4. It allows to lossand personal touch and replaced personal with and information between countries and its people. communications. 2. It Collaboration and cooperation in globalization are traditional and obsolete. 5. increases the opportunity of employment. 3. It It protects adapts understanding new cultures, beliefs values.improvement. 6. a country fromofsocial degradation andand scientific 4. Collaboration It allows to loss personal touchinand replaced personal digital 7. and cooperation globalization may not conversation be working in with family and communications. people. 5. It increases the opportunity of employment. 8. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization will build a gap of social classes 6. in It protects a country from social degradation and scientific improvement. the society. 7. It Collaboration and cooperation in globalization notmodern be working in family and 9. speaks of modernity and optimistic approachmay in the society. people. 10. It promotes exploitation and abuses particularly in the vulnerable sectors. 8. Collaboration and cooperation in globalization will build a gap of social classes in the society. 9. It speaks of modernity and optimistic approach in the modern society. 10. It promotes exploitation and abuses particularly in the vulnerable sectors. What is it Notes to remember: What is it Notes to remember: 12 ❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization speaks of modernity and optimistic approach in the modern society. ❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization protects a country from social degradation and scientific improvement. ❖ It adapts understanding of new cultures, beliefs and values, increases the opportunity of employment. ❖ Collaboration and cooperation in globalization creates an exchange of ideas and information between countries and its people. What I can do more Directions: Use the space below to explain the benefits of collaboration and cooperation. Lesson 5 THE DIFFERENT CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE PARTS TO A WHOLE 13 13 Lesson 5 THE DIFFERENT CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE PARTS TO A WHOLE At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Identify and discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-5 13 are expected to: At the end of the lesson, the learners 1. Identify and discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-5 What I can do Directions: Use theI given picture to conceptualize the importance of various What can do parts to make it a whole. Directions: Use the given picture to conceptualize the importance of various parts to make it a whole. What I can do more What I can do more 14 Directions: Use your creative thinking to identify and discuss the different contributions of the parts to a whole. __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ What What is it Notes to remember: ❖ Politics, economy, migration, and environment constitute the components of a whole. ❖ This component creates a domino effect if one part plays least. ❖ The combination of all parts into creative whole will result to innovations. ❖ These components will become the key to survival if it acts creatively and sustainability. ❖ It is important to maintain balance to all these parts to avoid disintegration. Lesso n 6 THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF THE CREATIVE IMAGINATION IN PUTTING TOGETHER THE VARIOUS PARTS OF A WHOLE 15 about the effects of globalization and In the previous lesson you learned 15 the interconnectedness of people and nations. You can now demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and cooperation in the process of globalization. In this lesson, you will discover the important role of the creative imagination by putting Lesso n 6 THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF THE CREATIVE IMAGINATION IN PUTTING TOGETHER THE VARIOUS PARTS OF A WHOLE 15 about the effects of globalization and In the previous lesson you learned the interconnectedness of people and nations. You can now demonstrate the benefits of collaboration and cooperation in the process of globalization. In this lesson, you will discover the important role of the creative imagination by putting together the various parts of a whole. With creative imagination you can create At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Stress the important role of the creative imagination in putting together the various parts of a whole. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-6 What I know Directions: Use the Hexagon cluster to conceptualize the importance of various parts to make it a whole. Use your creative thinking to say something about the picture by writing a short essay in the space provided. How does it function? Identify this part of the cell phone If this two parts are missing, can you make a whole cellullar phone to function/ 16 16 What I can do more Directions: Use the Ishikawa Fish Bone Diagram to stress cause and effect of the important role of the creative imagination in putting together the various parts of a whole. Questions: 1. Based from the activities presented can you explain the important role of the creative imagination in putting together the various parts of a whole? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 17 2. In the above activity, discuss the different causes and effects that make a part into a whole. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 3. Write a paragraph out of the fish diagram above to show your understanding on the topic. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Lesson 7 ORIGINS OF THE DIFFERENT COMPONENTS OF A GADGET, BUSINESS ENTERPRISE,INDUSTRIAL/ TECHNOLOGICAL/AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT 18 At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Create a map to show the origins of the different product, components of a gadget, business enterprise. Industrial/ technological/ agricultural product, etc. HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-7 What What is it Directions: Read the text entitled, THE PHILIPPINES: A Global Model on Labor Migration The Philippines has been publicized as a global model for labor export. In some international gatherings, Philippine officials have been lauded for their ways of handling of the country’s labor-export program. Officials of labor-exporting countries have even asked the Philippine government officials to give them pointers in managing and developing their labor-export programs. With some 8.7 million migrants, overseas Filipino workers (OFWs), and undocumented worker overseas who remit more than 12 billion dollars each year, the Philippines has a number of laws in place and agencies mandated to the serve the needs of its overseas workers and their families. Several international instruments to promote migrants’ rights have also been put in effect the past decade. In many cases, however, Filipino migrants still find themselves in vulnerable situations and unable to realize their rights guaranteed by national and international instruments. Do the Philippines live up to its image as a model for overseas labor export? Do its laws and agencies really serve the needs of Filipino overseas workers and their families? Has the country been able to draw on international instruments in promoting the rights of Filipinos abroad? This document seeks to lay bare the concept of a “global model” by presenting current Philippine and global realities. It deals on how these affect and influence labor outmigration in the country. It will further examine the Philippine labor migration policies, not merely in theory but also in terms of realities on the ground. Based on the facts, readers can either remains convinced that the Philippines really is a “model” that should be emulated, or they can turn into critics of the current labor export program. 19 What I can do Direction: Answer the following questions below: 1. What are your personal opinions on the title of the text above? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2. Do you agree that the Philippines is a global model of labor migration? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. How do Filipino migrant workers contribute to the economy? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ What I can do more Directions: Draw a map to show the origins of the different product, components of 20 a gadget, business enterprise. Industrial / technological / agricultural product, etc. on your notebook. Lesson 8 WRITE A REFLECTION ESSAY ON THE INSIGHTS GENERATED FROM THE MAP At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to: 1. Write a reflection essay on the insights generated from the map. 21 HUMSS_MCT12-If-g-8 What I can do Directions: Write a reflection essay on activities that you think will help improve our country’s labor system which is generated from the map of the previous lesson. Essay Rubric Features 4 3 2 1 Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner 22 Quality of Writing • • Grammar, Usage & Mechanics • Piece was written in an extraordinary style and voice Very informative and wellorganized • Virtually no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors • • Piece was written in an interesting style and voice Somewhat informative and organized • Few spelling and punctuation errors, minor grammatical errors • What is it Notes to remember: 23 • Piece had little style or voice Gives some new information but poorly organized • A number of spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors • • Piece had no style or voice Gives no new information and very poorly organized So many spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors that it interferes with the meaning ❖ Labor and migration problems and issues increase in the twenty first century. ❖ The Philippines is that the world's third biggest supply of migrant workers in the world, next to China and India. ❖ For the last 5 years, preparation figures have inflated by an annual average of three .6%. ❖ In January 2009, despite the global crisis in economy, the full range of deployed migrants was 25% more than the previous year's. ❖ The migration of Filipinos abroad maybe a product of a deepening crisis in economy in the country. ❖ Overseas Filipinos represent 10% of the entire Filipino population. ❖ Their range by the last of December 2007 was placed at 8.7 million. ❖ They are found in more than 193 countries and destinations. ❖ The largest proportion of migrants is deployed within Asia and in the United States. ❖ Migrant Filipinos heaps within the economy through their remittances. ❖ They shall be entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work and a socially acceptable living allowance. ❖ Filipino migrants realize themselves in situations where they are vulnerable to abuses. ❖ The State has the duty and obligation to safeguard the migrant workers as mandated within the Constitution. What I know 24 Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the following questions below. 1. Which country from the option below has the biggest proportion of migrants is deployed within Asia? a. Middle East b. East Asia c. Europe d. South East Asia 2. Which of the following reasons of migration considered the most important in today’s world? from one country to another is a. Better living conditions b. Higher wages c. To escape persecution d. For a better climate 3. How many percent do overseas Filipino workers constitute to the total Filipino population? a. 10 percent b. 20 percent c. 30 percent d. 40 percent 4. Which of the following will not contribute to hourly wages being lowered in Philippines than in the United States? a. Philippines lacks much of the infrastructure of the U.S. b. Philippines has less capital per worker than the U.S. does. c. Philippines labor force is less educated than the U.S. labor force. d. Philippines technology lags behind that of the U.S. 5. How does immigration now into the United States as a fraction of the Philippine population is compared to the beginning of the 20th century? a. Much greater (more than ten times as large) b. Somewhat greater (between twice as large and ten times as large) c. About the same 25 d. Somewhat smaller (between one tenth as large and half as large) 6. How can a compensation systems influence? a. by motivating the workers b. by the quality of workers who work at the firm c. by the workers who quit and who stay on the job d. all of the above 7. What do you call a person who searches for a job sequentially? a. searches while employed b. accepts the first job offers c. accepts the best job offer after applying for a pre-specified number of jobs d. accepts or rejects job offer as they arrive 8. Mass migration takes place in the Philippines primarily because of what reason? a. the government is lazy to help the poor b. the government is rich enough to employ the jobless c. failure of government to provide decent jobs and decent wages to its people. d. failure of the government to equally distribute its wealth. 9. How common is it for people to migrate from one developing country to another ? a. More common than migration from developing countries to developed countries. b. Less common than migration from developing countries to developed countries, but more common than migration between developed countries. c. Less common than migration between developed countries, but more common than migration from developed countries to developing countries. d. Less common than migration from developed countries to developing countries, but more than migration from developing countries to developed countries. 10. What is the world's third biggest source of migrant workers in the world? a. China b. India c. Philippines d. Indonesia 11. What is the natural rate of unemployment in the Philippines? a. zero b. below 50 percent of the population c. above 50 percent of the population d. about 80 percent of the recent population 12. Which country has the biggest proportion of migrants deployed? 26 a. Asia and United States b.China and India c.Australia and New Zealand d.Saudi Arabia and Dubai 13. How many countries and destinations do this overseas Filipino workers found? a.100 countries b.200 countries c.300 countries d.400 countries 14. What are the effects of the labor migration in the country? a. skilled workers will be insufficient. b. decrease in the remittances c. increase in the remittances d. both a and c 15. Why are migrant Filipinos called new economic heroes? a. because they contribute a lot in the economy. b. because they are exploited and abused. c. because they are the product of extreme poverty in the country d. because they died in other country. References: A.BOOKS Azucena, Cesario A. (2013). Labor Standards and Welfare (Volume1) Labor Code of the Philippines with Comments and Cases. 27 Mangiduyos, Gladys P. (2017) Trends , Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century National Labor Relations Commission. What is the Constitutional Provision on the protection to Labor? “ Retrieved from: accessed: December 2018. Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert (2009) THE PHILIPPINES: A GLOBAL MODEL ON LABOR MIGRATION? Published by: Center for Migrant Advocacy (CMA) . SyGaco, Sonia B. (2017). Through The Looking Glass : Trends , Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century B.ENCYCLOPEDIA Encyclopedia Britannica.2016. C.INTERNET SOURCES How to create Fish Bone 10,2018 Analysis accessed: Diagram.. November Informal Essay Rubric. Retrieved from: Date accessed: January 2020. Technology by Sephko is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Retrieved from Date accessed: November 2018. TED TALK. Date accessed: November 10,2018 KEY TO CORRECTIONS PRE- ASSESSMENT 1. A 2. C 3. B 28 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D POST- ASSESSMENT 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. A 29