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Unoccupied Bed Making Procedure Guide

“Good morning, I am
bed making.”
and I’m going to demonstrate UNOCCUPIED
Principles are:
1. To prevent the spread of microorganism or infection.
2. Maintain proper body posture or proper body mechanics.
Assessment guidelines are:
Check the activity order of the patient.
Assess the patient.
Check the linen’s condition on the bed.
Check the special needs of the patient.
1. Enter the room with courtesy. Knock. “Good morning, I am
_ and
I’m going to change your beddings. Kindly state your full name?” Double
check the wrist tag. “So, I got the right patient. Ma’am/Sir, according to
your doctor you can manage to walk. Would you mid stepping out from
the bed for me to change your beddings?”
2. Lay the linens upside down. Arrange from bottom to top.
I have:
 Bottom sheet
 Rubber sheet
 Cloth draw sheet
 Top sheet and,
 Pillow case
3. Obtain laundry or hamper basket.
4. Raise the bed in an appropriate working height. It should be waist linelevel
and make sure that the wheels are locked to avoid the bed from moving.
5. Remove the call light and other personal belongings of the patient on the bed.
6. Do handwashing and wear gloves.
7. Get the pillow and remove the pillowcase. Avoid touching the pillow to
prevent cross contamination.
8. Untucked the soiled linens and roll them at the center of the bed. Go to the
other side of the bed and do the same thing. Place the soiled linens on the
hamper or laundry basket.
9. Remove gloves and do handwashing.
10. Get the bottom sheet, look for the edge. Use the centerfold as a guideline.
Spread partly and do fanfold. Tuck the upper part of the bottom sheet, miter
the corner and tuck the remaining part.
11. Get the rubber sheet. Look for the edge and use centerfold as a guideline.
Spread partly and do fanfold. Tuck the remaining part. The use of the rubber
sheet is to prevent the bottom sheet from getting wet.
12. Get the cloth draw sheet, look for the edge. Use centerfold as your guideline.
Spread partly and do fanfold then tuck the remaining part. The use of the
cloth draw sheet is for lifting and transferring the patient andso that the
patient will not get irritated from the rubber sheet.
13. Go to the other side of the bed.
14. Pull and spread the other half of the bottom sheet, tuck the upper part
and miter the corner and tuck the remaining part. Palms down to prevent
15. Pull and spread the other half of the rubber or plastic draw sheet and tuck.
16. Pull and spread the cloth draw sheet and tuck.
17. Get the top sheet. Look for the edge and use centerfold as guideline. Spread
partly. Fold 16-18 inches or down to the shoulder level and spread the half of
the top sheet on the other side of the bed. Measure 6-8 inchesand fanfold
2-3 inches for the toe pleat. Tuck the bottom part and miter the corners.
18. Replace the pillowcase. Avoid touching the pillow to avoid cross
19. Bring back the pillow. The opening of the pillow must be facing the wall
or against the door.
20. For my evaluation:
Prepared the bed smooth and wrinkled free surface
Tight corners
Low bed position
Put the call light within patient’s reach
“Good morning, I am
and I’m going to demonstrate OCCUPIED bed
Principles are:
1. To prevent the spread of microorganism or infection.
2. Maintain proper body posture or proper body mechanics.
Assessment guidelines are:
Check the activity order of the patient.
Check orders for restrictions related to position.
Assess the patient.
Check the linen’s condition on the bed.
Check the special needs of the patient.
1. Enter the room with courtesy. Knock. “Good morning, I am
_ and
I’m going to change your beddings. Kindly state your full name,
Ma’am/Sir?” Double check the wrist tag. So, I got the right patient.
“Ma’am/Sir, according to your doctor you cannot manage to walk so please
bear with me as I change your beddings.”
2. Lay the linens upside down. Arrange from bottom to top.
We have:
 Bath blanket
 Bottom sheet
 Rubber sheet
 Cloth draw sheet
 Top sheet and,
 Pillow case
3. Obtain laundry or hamper basket.
4. Raise the bed in an appropriate working height. It should be waist linelevel
and make sure that the wheels are locked to avoid the bed from moving.
5. Remove the call light and other personal belongings of the patient on the bed.
6. Get the bath blanket, look for the edge. Use the centerfold as guideline.
Spread partly and do the same thing on the other side. The use of the bath
blanket is to provide warmth and comfort as well as privacy to the patient
while doing the entire procedure.
7. Do hand washing and wear gloves. “Ma’am/Sir, please hold the bath
blanket as I slide down the top sheet.”
8. Slide and roll down the top sheet and place soiled linen in the hamper
9. Side rails up and go to the other side of the bed and adjust the pillow to
the left/right side of the bed.
10. Position the patient in recovery or side lying position. “Ma’am/Sir, as I count
from 1-3 please help me turn your body to the left/right side.” Provide
11. Untuck the spoiled linens one by one and roll them at the center of the bed.
12. Remove gloves and do hand washing.
13. Get the bottom sheet, look for the edge and use centerfold as your
guideline. Spread partly and do fanfold. Tuck the upper part of the bottom
sheet and miter the corner. Tuck the remaining part.
14. Get the rubber sheet or plastic drawsheet. Look for the edge. Use
centerfold as guideline. Spread partly, do fanfold and tuck the remaining
15. Get the cloth drawsheet, look for the edge and use centerfold as
guideline. Spread partly, do fanfold and tuck the remaining part.
16. Side rails up.
17. Do proper hand washing and wear gloves.
18. Go to the other side of the bed. Put the side rails down and do the same
19. Reposition the patient in a flat or supine position.
20. Adjust the pillow on the other side of the bed and position the patient in
recovery position. “Ma’am/Sir, as I count from 1-3, please help me turn
your body at the side of the bed.” Provide privacy.
21. Untuck the soiled linens and put them in the hamper or laundry basket.
22. Remove gloves and do hand washing.
23. Pull and spread the remaining half of the bottom sheet, tuck the upper
part and miter the corner and tuck the remaining part.
24. Pull and spread the remaining half of the rubber or plastic drawsheet
and tuck the remaining part.
25. Pull and spread the remaining half of the cloth drawsheet and tuck.
26. Go to the other side of the bed and put the side railing down.
27. Reposition the patient in flat or supine position and arrange the pillow.
28. Get the top sheet, look for the edge, use centerfold as guideline and spread
partly. Measure 16-18 inches or down to the shoulder level of the patient and
spread to the other side. “Ma’am/Sir, would you mind holding the top sheet
as I slide down the bath blanket.”
29. Slide and roll down the bath blanket and place it in the hamper basket.
30. Place the patient’s toes pointing the ceiling of dorsiflex, tuck the bottom
part of the top sheet and miter the corners and tuck the top sheet.
31. Do handwashing and wear gloves.
32. Get the pillow and remove the pillowcase. Avoid touching the pillow to
prevent the spread of microorganisms and place the soiled pillowcase in
the hamper basket.
33. Remove gloves and do handwashing.
34. Put on the clean pillowcase.
35. Put back the pillow. The opening of the pillow must be facing the wall or
against the door.
36. Ask for the patient’s comfort. “Ma’am/Sir, are you comfortable with your
new beddings?”
“I prepared the bed with smooth and wrinkle-free surface and tight corners.”
Put back and remind the patient with the call light.
“Don’t hesitate to press the call light if you need my assistance.”
Make sure that the side rails are up before leaving the patient.