Uploaded by Reah Mae Abat

LAC Reflection Journal: 21st Century Skills & Teaching

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Date: September 23, 2023
Name: Reah Mae R. Abat
Position: Teacher I
Designation: Facilitator (School-Based)
Topic: Developing 21st Century Skills and Assessment
Insights or Realizations (Being a mother of my 1 child and a second mother of my
learners I have learned a lot what style or strategy used to discipline my own family
and learners.)
What influences a
parent’s choice of parenting style?
A. A totally new concept
C. A familiar concept but learned something new
Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)
A. Easy points (what was easy to learn or apply to learners and why)
B. Challenging points (what difficult to learn or apply to learners and why)
Next Course of Action
(what to do next to address challenges encountered)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato
Name: Reah Mae R. Abat
Position: Teacher I
Topic: Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered
Insights or Realizations (Being a mother of my child, Pia and a second mother of my
learners I have learned a lot what style or strategy used to discipline my own family
and learners.
D. A totally new concept
What influences a parent’s choice
of parenting style?
F. A familiar concept but learned something new
Lessons Learned (personal experiences of how the strategy) or not in his/her class)
C. Easy points (what was easy to learn or apply to learners and why)
D. Challenging points (what difficult to learn or apply to learners and why)
Next Course of Action
(what to do next to address challenges encountered)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of South Cotabato