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Deur Fanie Viljoen
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BUTCHER – Dok Pienaar, Skoolhoof, Eienaar van
BAKER – Onbekend
CANDLESTICK MAKER – Chris Owen, eienaar
van online Koerant (Turret Media)
Rub a dub dub
Three men in a tub
And who do you think they be?
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candle stick maker;
Turn ‘em out, knaves all three!
Die proloog : <h><b>Reboot<b></h>
9mm pistool
2 mans wat die
regter kom sien/2
men coming to see
the judge
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Wie is die twee
Wie het hulle gestuur?/Who
sent them?
Wat het hulle daar kom
maak?/ What were they doing
Wat moes Xander
doen?/What was Xander told
to do?
Hoekom het sy ma
gegil?/Why did his mom
Hoofstuk 1: skree
Atmosfeer in die huis – soos ‘n opgekrulde slang.
Slang – goed en sleg (good and evil)
Greg op pad Stellenbosch
Universiteit toe.
Ma weer alleen.
Meksikane – 3
Wanneer mense jou nie meer onthou
Earthly death/ burial/ when you are
Hoofstuk 2: vertrek
Greg koop hom ‘n splinternuwe BMW 118i sportmodel.
Hy is op pad na Stellenbosch Universiteit.
Terugflits/Flashback: toe Greg uitving van Ekhardt se verraad. /when Greg found out about
Eckhardt’s betrayal.
Project Nursery Rhyme – viraal gemanipuleerde griepinspuitings/ doctored flu injections. Butcher,
Baker en Candlestick Maker sou baie geld maak deur die vaksine te vervaardig./ The 3 partners
would make a lot of money by manufacturing the vaccine.
Greg ontmoet TJ Lawson, stigter van Lawson Kollege. / Greg meets the founder of Lawson College,
TJ Lawson.
Hoofstuk 2
Vrou in hof met in
swart geklee met
Lady in black with
dark rim specs in
Donker web van armoede/ Dark web of poverty
By ingang van Beaufort-Wes/ as you enter Beaufort
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Omring met berge/ mountains
Groen bome/ green trees
Verskillende koshuise/ different hostels
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Bankie/ seat
Broken Trust – name of art piece by Willem Boshoff
in front of SMAC art studio
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“Sport can
create hope
where once
there was only
despair” N.
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Lewe op Universiteit/life
on campus
Greg ontmoet vir Chloe en haar 2 vriendinne/ Greg
meets Chloe and her 2 friends
Sy nooi hom om vir Vensters te oefen / Invites him to
practice for Vensters
Hy vererg hom vir Chloe, sy is ‘n kuns-student, sy pla
hom gedurig/ he gets irritated with Chloe, she’s an art
student, she constantly bothers him
Greg word die Vrydagaand herken as die Candlestick
maker se seun/Greg recognized as the son of the
Candlestick maker
Greg begin met sy studies/starts studies
Hy hou ander studente op ‘n afstand/keeps
other students at a distance
Plank sê dat hy meisie ontmoet het, Lisa/
Plank met a girl, Lisa
Greg sien die Broken Trust bankie voor die
SMAC kunsgallery/ Greg sees the Broken
Trust stool in front of SMAC art gallery
Dit laat hom aan Eckhardt/Xander dink/
Makes him think of Eckhardt/Xander
Lisa se pa herken vir Greg en beveel hom om
weg te bly van Lisa af/ Lisa’s dad recognizes
Greg and orders him to stay away from Lisa
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Plank is ontsteld want Lisa antwoord nie meer sy
boodskappe nie/ Plank is upset because Lisa is
no longer answering his texts
Greg dink aan al die mense wat hom deesdae
herken/Greg thinks of all the people that has
been recognizing him.
Greg: hy is nie sy pa nie, maar hy dra sy pa se
label. Hulle het klone van hulle pa’s geword./ he
is not his father, but he wears he’s label. They
became clones of their fathers.
Plank stel Greg gerus. Hy kan niks verander nie.
Hy moet sy lewe lei./ Plank reassures Greg. He
cannot change anything. He must live his life.
Greg besluit dat hy die Baker gaan probeer
opspoor./ Greg decides that he wants to seek for
the Baker.
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Greg maak ‘n lysie van wat hy alles van die Baker weet./Greg
makes a list of what he knows about the Baker.
Greg kry ‘n foto van sy pa en dr. Rian Trollip. / Greg gets a
photo of his dad and dr. Rian Trollip.
Wonder of Dr. Trollip die Baker is/Wonders if dr. Trollip is the
Greg kyk op www.plusultramed.co.za se webblad. Sien foto is
afgehaal. /Checks on website. Sees photo has been taken off.
Wayback Machine- internet argief vir ou webblaaie./Internet
archive for web pages no longer in use
Greg vind artikels oor dr. Trollip, hy was gearresteer vir
kinderpornografie, homself opgehang in sy tronksel/Finds
articles about dr. Trollip, he was arrested for child pornography,
hanged himself in his cell.
HOOFSTUK 8: Donker patrone
Greg lees meer oor mev.. Trollip. Daar was ‘n egskeiding./Greg reads up on mrs. Trollip. There was a
Sy was betrokke by ‘n fondsinsameling vir borskanker. Hy kry haar nommer daar. / She was involved
by a fundraiser for breast cancer. He finds her number there.
Hy bel haar, maar kon niks uitvind nie./ He phoned her, but could not find out anything.
Dit klink asof sy dronk is./She seems drunk.
Oom Dirk kom Greg besoek. Hy het gaan nalees oor Greg. /Oom Dirk visits Greg. He did some
reading about Greg.
Oom Dirk vra om verskoning oor wat by die gallery gebeur het./ Oom Dirk apologizes about what
happened at the gallery.
Hy sê Plank en Lisa kan mekaar weer sien. Greg moet ophou met kuber kraking./ He says Plank and
Lisa can see each other. Greg must stop cyber hacking.
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Man met swart leerbaadjie, jeans en valhelm hou sy
woonstel dop./Guy with black leather jacket, jeans and
helmet watches his apartment.
‘n Koerier lewer ‘n pakkie vir Greg af. Binne-in is ‘n
koevert en ‘n boek./Courier delivers a parcel for Greg. It
contains an envelope and book.
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Greg ondersoek Valkyrie./ Greg researches Valkyrie.
‘n Vriend, Dain February, gee Greg ‘n Ritalin pil toe
hy so moeg klas toe kom./Dain February gives Greg a
Ritalin tablet when he seems tired in class.
Greg druk die tablet in sy sak./Greg stuffs the tablet
in his pocket.
Greg ontmoet sy ma se minnaar, André Symington./Greg meets his mom’s lover, André Symington.
Hy is ‘n chemiese ingenieur./ He is a chemical engineer.
Hy besoek sy pa in die tronk, Kgosi Mampuru II-gevangenis. Sy pa en Dok Pienaar is in C-max./Greg
visits his dad in prison. He and Dok Pienaar is in C-max.
Sy pa blameer hom. Toon geen berou./His dad still blames him. Shows no regret.
Op pad uit sien hy vir Dok Pienaar, maak hom vasbeslote om Baker op te spoor./On his way out he
sees Dok Pienaar. Makes him more determined to catch the Baker.
Nicole, Greg se eks-meisie, besoek hom met haar baba./Nicole, Greg’s ex-girlfriend, visits him with
her baby.
Hy vertrek die Sondagaand Kaapstad toe. Kry uitnodiging via sy ma dat die Lawsons hom vir ete
genooi het./ He returns to Cape Town the Sunday evening. Gets an invitation to the Lawson’s for
supper via his mom.
Hy het ‘n emosionele naweek gehad, gekonfronteer met gebroke verhoudings./He had an emotional
weekend, confronted with broken relationships.
Terug by sy woonstel ontdek hy iemand was in sy plek. Niks is egter gesteel nie. / Back in his
apartment he realizes someone was snooping around in his place. Nothing was stolen.
Greg is by die Lawsons se huis in Clifton – groot, weelderig./Greg visits the Lawons’s house in
Clifton – huge mansion, luxurious.
Ontmoet verskeie invloedryke mense/meets various influential people: Joggie Dreyer (korrupte
politikus/ corrupt politician). Genl. Winter (van die weermag/ army general), Sebastiaan Stadler
(ouerige man met skraal gesig en silwergrys hare/ elderly gentleman with thin face and silvergrey
Lawson sien Greg in sy studeerkamer/ Lawson sees Greg in his study
Laaste keer wat Greg vir Xander gesien het – Clarens, Xander en Tom ry in paneelwa, Xander gee
hom 2 vrae om sy pa te vra/Last time Greg saw Xander – Clarens, Xander and Tom driving away in a
panel van, Xander gave Greg 2 questions to ask his father
Greg kontak Xander by Ekk-O, sy ou hackernaam. /Greg contacts Xander by using his old hacker
name, Ekk-O.
HY vertel Xander dat hy sy hulp nodig het/ He tells Xander that he needs his help.
Greg ontvang ‘n kriptiese inskrywing/ Greg received a cryptic answer.
Kriptiese boodskap is ‘n Palindroom(word wat van links na regs dieselfde lees)/Cryptic answer is a
palindrome (word that can be read from left to right, and vice versa).
“Wash the sins, not only the face.” – meaning of palindrome/ betekenis van palindroom.
Xander wil hê Greg moet sy sondes bely./Xander wants Greg to confess his sins.
Plank en Lisa sluit by Greg aan by De Warenmarkt./Plank and Lisa joins Greg at De Warenmarkt.
Terug by sy woonstel tik Greg vir Xander ‘n “belydenis”./ Back at his apartment Greg types his
“confession” to Xander.
HOOFSTUK 16 : ‘n Skim uit die verlede
Greg sien vir Tom, wat Xander gehelp het met sy sosiale manipuleringsaanval./Greg sees Tom, the
one who helped Xander with his social manipulation attack.
Hy wys dat Greg hom moet volg tot by NG kerk./He shows Greg to follow him to NG church.
Xander het hom gestuur. Hy wil nie vir Greg help nie./Xander sent him. He does not want to help
Greg bied hom geld aan om hom te help om die Baker te kry. Tom sê Xander is ryk van
Bitcoins./Greg offers him money to help him to catch the Baker. Tom says Xander don’t need
money, he is rich in Bitcoins.
HOOFSTUK 17:’n Rivier van dooie
Greg kyk weer na die gebrande boek. Kry die woorde Brodi en Cantha. D3/ Greg looks again at the
burnt book. Sees the words Brodi and Cantha. D3.
Lisa en Plank besoek hom. Chloe kom ook in. Hulle eet Greg se kos./ Lisa and Plank comes to visit.
Chloe sees the open door and also comes in. They eat Greg’s food.
Lisa sê volgens haar pa is Greg ‘n hacker. Chloe vra hy moet kampus kameras hack./Lisa says
according to her dad, Greg is a hacker. Chloe wants him to hack into the campus cameras.
Op pad klas toe die volgende oggend, sien Greg die lyk van Tom in die rivier./On his way to class the
next morning Greg sees the body of Tom in the river.
Sy arms en bene is vasgebind en bloed by sy mond./Arms and legs tied en blood by his mouth.
Brug is ‘n keerpunt, simbool van iets donkerders./ Bridge is a turning point, symbol of something
Greg maak video van misdaad. Dain sê vir hom Tom se tong is uitgesny. Waarskuwing dat hy sy
mond moet hou./Greg videos the crime scene. Dain informs him Tom’s tongue was cut out.
Warning to keep quiet.
Greg stuur video na Ekk-O se blog./ Greg sends video to Ekk-O’s blog.
Greg se ma bel hom om te sê sy was die vorige middag in die winkelsentrum agtervolg./Greg’s mom
phones to say she was followed the previous day in the mall.
Greg kry Dropbox-kennisgewing op sy rekenaar – video van sy ma in winkelsentrum./Greg gets a
Dropbox-message – video of his mom in mall.
HOOFSTUK 19: Die ou met die hoodie
Greg se ma reël ekstra sekuriteit en gaan nie alleen uit nie./Greg’s mom organizes extra security and
does not go out alone.
Op pad na die Neelsie toe, sien Greg ‘n ou met ‘n hoodie. Die Xander. Greg sit hom agterna, maar
verloor hom./On his way to the Neelsie, Greg sees a guy with a hoodie. It’s Xander. Greg follows
him but loses him.
Greg gaan na Wilgenhof koshuis om met Plank te praat. Hy vertel hom hy het vir Xander gesien.
Plank waarsku hom om weg te bly van Xander./Greg goes to Plank’s hostel. He tells him he saw
Xander. Plank warns him to stay away from Xander.
Greg gaan terug woonstel toe en sluk die Ritalinpil. Laatnag kry hy ‘n boodskap om vir
Woensdagoggend om halfagt by die inligtingsentrum in Markstraat ‘n afspraak te maak./Back at his
apartment, Greg takes the Ritalin tablet. He gets a late-night message to make an appointment for
Wednesday morning at half past 7 at the information center in Mark street.
Toe Greg verby die aanhoudingselle by die magistraatgebou stap, skree ‘n man sy naam. Hy sê vir
Greg dat hy nie met die Baker moet speel nie en dat sy pa nie veilig is nie./ The Wednesday on his
way, he walked past the holding cells at the magistrate’s building and a man called out to him. He
told Greg not to mess with the Baker and that his father is not safe in jail.
HOOFSTUK 21: Gordiaanse knoop
Gordiaanse knoop – ‘n onoplosbare probleem./Gordian knot – problem that cannot be solved.
Greg vra oom Dirk vir raad. Hy vertel hom van sy soektog na die Baker, dreigement vir sy pa, Tom se
lyk, die gebrande boek, dr. Trollip se vrou en die inbraak by sy woonstel./Greg asks oom Dirk for
advice. He tells him about his search for the Baker, the threat on his father’s life, Tom’s death, the
burnt book, dr. Trollip’s wife and the break-in at his apartment.
Oom Dirk sê hy kan nie nou help nie, maar net vir sy pa ‘n boodskap in die tronk stuur./Oom Dirk
says he cannot help him now, but he can send a message to his dad in jail.
Oom Dirk sê ook dat probleme in die onderwêreld is soos ‘n Gordiaanse knoop,/Oom Dirk also
says that problems in the underworld is like a Gordian knot.
HOOFSTUK 22: ‘n afgryslike einde
Alexander, die Grote, het die Gordiaanse knoop opgelos. Greg wonder of Xander dit ook sal kan
doen./Alexander, the Great, solved the Gordian knot. Greg wonders if Xander will also be able to do
Greg kry ‘n boodskap om die Telegram App op selfoon moet kry./Greg gets a message to get the
Telegram App on his cell.
Greg kry die video van hoe Xander se pa vermoor was./Greg gets the video of how Xander’s dad was
Greg herken nie die 4 mans nie, maar herken die stem van Dok Pienaar./Greg does not recognize
the 4 men, but he does recognize the voice of Dok Pienaar.
Sy pa het die waarheid gepraat, hy was nie daar nie./His father told the truth, he was not at murder.
Hoofstuk 23: gevaarlike pakkies
Greg was geskok oor die wreedheid van Dok Pienaar./Greg is appalled at the cruelty of Dok Pienaar.
Greg tik vir Xander dat hy nie video op server gesit het nie, vra Xander om hom te help om Baker te
kry./Greg tells Xander he did not load video on server and asks Xander to help him to get the Baker.
Xander stuur vir Greg 2 pakkies: ‘n skootrekenaar en ‘n plastieksakkie met “Dangerous things”
op./Xander sends Greg 2 parcels: a laptop and plastic bag with “Dangerous things” written on.
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In die plastieksakkie is ‘n elektroniese skyfie, ook
ander pakkies met alkohollappies, steriele gaas,
pleister, plastiekhandskoene en ‘n vreemde
inspuiting met ‘n naald./ In the plastic bag there
was an electronic chip, also other bags with
alcohol swabs, sterile gauze, band aid, plastic
gloves and an injection needle.
Greg moet hierdie skyfie in sy hand plant deur na
‘n tattoeërwinkel te gaan./Greg is to go to a
tattoo shop to have this micro chip planted in his
Greg weier om dit te doen, maar Xander vorseer
hom anders is hulle deal af./Greg refuses to do
it, but Xander forces him to, otherwise their deal
is off.
Greg gaan vra vir Chloe om hom te help./Greg
asks Chloe to help him.
Hoofstuk 25: fotografiese bewys
Chloe noem vir Greg, Sluiper./Chloe calls Greg, Sluiper.
Greg maak ooreenkoms met Chloe: sy moet sy hand “photoshop” sodat dit lyk asof hy die
transponder ingeplant het en hy sal die sekuriteitskameras vir haar hack./Greg makes an agreement
with Chloe: she must photoshop his hand to make it look like he inserted the transponder and in
return he will hack the security cameras for her.
Chloe doen dit en hulle neem ‘n foto./Chloe helps him and they take a photo.
Terug by sy woonstel is Greg se deur oop. Plank is daar en het die transponder in sy eie hand
ingeplant./Back at his apartment Greg finds his door open and Plank is there. He planted the
transponder in his own hand.
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26: hack
Plank sê hy het gedink dis dwelms en wou dit
probeer./Plank says he thought it was drugs and
wanted to try it.
Greg verduidelik aan Plank dat hulle nou ‘n
probleem het, want Xander vereis dat hy dit in sy
hand moet inplant voordat hulle kan
saamwerk./Greg explains to Plank that they now
sit with a problem because Xander expects Greg
to plant it in his hand before he works with him.
Plank voel hulle kan dit by die hospitaal laat
uithaal, maar Greg verduidelik die risiko’s aan
hom./Plank feels that they can have it removed at
a hospital, but Greg told him it’s too risky.
Greg was woedend vir Plank./Greg was very
angry with Plank.
Hoofstuk 27: instruksies
Greg stuur die “photoshopped” foto vir Xander./ Greg sends the photoshopped photo to Xander.
Xander aktiveer die transponder en sê Greg moet sy ou rekenaar en selfoon vernietig./Xander
activates the transponder and tells Greg to destroy his old laptop and cell phone.
Xander reël dat Greg moet oor 3 dae Istanboel toe vlieg. Greg besef Plank sal moet saamgaan, want
die sleutelwoord vir die skootrekenaar is in sy hand./Xander organizes that Greg flies to Istanbul in 3
days. Greg then realizes that Plank will have to go with as the password to the laptop is in his hand.
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28: vlug na
Greg se skootrekenaar konnekteer deur ‘n VPN met die
internet./Greg’s laptop connects via VPN with the
Voordat Greg sy selfoon weggooi, bel hy sy ma. Hy sê dat
hy vir ‘n rukkie Turkye toe gaan en sy moenie
bekommerd wees nie./ Before Greg destroys his cell
phone, he calls his mother. He tells her he will be going
to Turkey for a few days and she mustn’t worry.
Elf uur later land hulle in Turkye. Plank koop hom ‘n
nuwe simkaart. Greg laat Xander weet hulle het
gearriveer./ Eleven hours later, they land in Turkey. Plank
buys a new sim card. Greg lets Xander know they have
Hulle moet Xander oor 2 en ‘n half uur later by Basilica
Cistern ontmoet./They must meet Xander 2 and a half
hours later at Basilica Cistern.
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Greg en Plank neem ‘n bus na die Sultanahmet-distrik
waar die Basilica Cistern is./Greg and Plank takes a
bus to the Sultanahmet-district where the Basilica
Cistern is.
Greg gaan alleen binne. Hy sien die antieke reservoir
en die reusekop van Medusa./Greg enters the Basilica
alone. He sees the antique reservoir and the giant head
of Medusa.
Medusa(Griekse godin) het slange vir hare. Greg dink
aan die beeld in Stellenbosch waar die slang uit die
beton krul. Hy dink ook aan Xander as ‘n
slang./Medusa (Greek god) has snakes as hair. Greg
thinks back to the concrete statue in Stellenbosch
where the snake comes out of the ground. He thinks
of Xander as also a snake.
Hoofstuk 30: vertroue/wantroue
Greg sien Xander se weerkaatsing in die water. Sy hare is korter en hy het ‘n stoppelbaard./Greg sees
Xander’s refection in the water. His hair is short and he has a stubble beard.
Xander sê dat Greg se gesin gekry het wat hulle verdien het en dat hy Greg sal help, maar hulle is nie
vriende nie./Xander says Greg’s family got what they deserve and that he will help Greg, but they are
by no means friends.
Toe Xander Greg se hand oor die nuwe foon vryf, besef hy daar is fout. Hy sê Greg is net so
onbetroubaar soos sy pa./ When Xander wipes Greg’s hand over the new phone, he realized
something is wrong. He said Greg is unreliable, just like his dad.
Xander sê hulle deal is af. Greg besef hy en Plank is op hul eie./Xander says their deal is off. Greg
realizes that he and Plank are now on their own.
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31: iets
Greg en Plank gaan soek ‘n hotel. Plank
sê hulle moet Istanboel geniet./Greg and
Xander goes looking for a hotel. Plank
suggests that they enjoy Istanbul.
In die eetkamer van die hotel hoor hulle
‘n Afrikaanse stem. Xander se meisie, Ayla
het hom oortuig Greg verdien ‘n tweede
kans./ In the restaurant of the hotel, they
hear an Afrikaans voice. Xander’s
girlfriend, Ayla convinced him Greg needs
a 2nd chance.
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32: ayla
Greg en Plank word voorgestel aan Xander se meisie,
Ayla./Greg and Plank is introduced to Xander’s
girlfriend, Ayla.
Sy is mooi en verstaan Afrikaans, want haar pa was ‘n
Suid-Afrikaner. / She is very pretty and understands
Afrikaans because her dad was South African.
Greg dink sy steek iets weg./ Greg gets the idea that
she’s hiding something.
Hoofstuk 33: prometheus
Greg wil nie die lemonade drink wat Xander hom aanbied nie. Drink slegs nadat Xander gedrink
het./Greg does not trust Xander and doesn’t want to drink the lemonade he offers, until Xander
drinks it first.
Greg wil Baker kry omdat hy moet boet vir sy aandeel in Project Nursery Rhyme./ Greg wants the
Baker to pay for his part in Project Nursery Rhyme.
Xander en Greg beskuldig hulle pa’s onderskeidelik van misdaad en korrupsie./Both Greg and
Xander’s dads were guilty of crimes and corruption.
Xander lyk asof hy beheer verloor. Ayla kalmeer hom met ‘n glas lemonade./Xander looks like he’s
about to lose control. Ayla calms him with a glass of lemonade.
Hoofstuk 33, vervolg
Greg herhaal die feite: persoon is ‘n viroloog, hy het ‘n dodelike griepvirus gemaak, kan ‘n dokter of
chemikus wees./Greg repeats the facts: person is a virologist, hy manufactured a deadly flu virus, can be
doctor or chemist.
Xander wonder of die Baker Tom doodgemaak het./Xander wonders if the Baker killed Tom.
Xander erken hy was in Stellenbosch oor Greg se boodskap oor Tom../Xander admits he was in
Stellenbosch because of Greg’s message about Tom.
Greg vertel van sy oproep aan mev. Trollip en die man by die selle./Greg tells him about his phone call to
mrs. Trollip and the man in the holding cells.
Greg vertel hom nie van die gebrande boek nie./Greg does not tell him about the burnt book.
Die volgende oggend vertel Xander vir Greg van Prometheus: Zeus het hom aan ‘n rots vasgeketting. Elke
dag eet ‘n reuse arend sy lewer en elke aand groei dit terug./The next morning Xander tells the story of
Prometheus: Zeus chained him to a rock. Every day a giant eagle eats his liver and every night it grows