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Computer Generations: History & Evolution

1. First Generation
Year Range: 1940s-1950s
Description: The first generation of computers used vacuum tubes for processing. They were
very large and expensive, and required a lot of maintenance.
2. Second Generation
Year Range: 1950s-1960s
Description: The second generation of computers utilized transistors instead of vacuum tubes,
making them smaller, faster, and more reliable.
3. Third Generation
Year Range: 1960s-1970s
Description: The third generation of computers featured integrated circuits, which further
reduced the size and cost of computers and increased their processing power.
4. Fourth Generation
Year Range: 1970s-1980s
Description: The fourth generation of computers introduced microprocessors, allowing for the
development of personal computers and laptops.
5. Fifth Generation
Year Range: 1980s-present
Description: The fifth generation of computers focused on artificial intelligence and parallel
processing, leading to advancements in robotics, speech recognition, and other AI technologies.