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Essay Assessment: Technology & History

Writing skills
Topic 1:
Write an article about the influence of technology and social media on daily life.
You can discuss the positive and negative effects of IT on communication, education, and work.
Presently, society is showing the important of technology and social media for the human. The positive or the negative
effects then those brought on communication, education, and work. This article will discuss, evaluate, and give the
difference point of view about the changing in technology and social media.
One the example of the influence of technology and social media for daily life is Vietnam. Although, Vietnam is not the
country are taking the lead in technology, as a Vietnamese person, I may be saw the changing of my national by
technology and social media. These are the technological advancement in communication, education, and medical.
In the positive hand, technological advancement and social media bring quite lot of positive effects. Firstly, the
communication becomes diversification, everyone can chat, interact with together by the social network like Facebook,
Instagram, X or a lot of another social network. Secondly, the education is also improved thanks to AI, educational
application or modern technological equipment helping the learning and teaching of pupils, student, and teacher
become easier. Finally, the medical was supported so much, had a lot of equipment, machines, medicines help saving
lives a billion people, from over the world.
In the negative hand, technology and social media bring many troubles for daily life. Firstly, social media or social
network are where people can chat, interact, and discuss about something, but sometimes the communications become
toxic, everyone could be verbal attack and defamation in cyberspace. Although, education is developed too much from
the equipment, AI or educational application, but those also are a double-edged sword, it makes pupils and students
become relying on machines and technology then pupils and students lack of independent if they have some hard
questions, they may be collapsed and helpless as they can dependent on machines or technology.
A. Overall Assessment:
Your article discusses the influence of technology and social media on daily life, covering both positive and negative
aspects. You have provided examples and insights regarding the impact on communication, education, and work.
However, there are areas that could be improved for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy.
B. Strengths:
 Your article effectively addresses the topic and presents both positive and negative effects of technology and
social media.
You provide specific examples, such as advancements in communication, education, and medical fields, which
help illustrate your points.
The structure of your article is clear, with separate sections for discussing positive and negative impacts.
C. Areas for Improvement:
1. Introduction:
 The opening sentence could be clearer and more concise to introduce the topic effectively.
2. Grammar and Sentence Structure:
 There are numerous grammatical errors throughout the article, including verb tense inconsistency and
awkward phrasing. For example, "Presently, society is showing the important of technology" should be
"Presently, society is recognizing the importance of technology."
 Some sentences are overly complex and may confuse the reader. Simplifying them would improve readability.
3. Examples and Explanation:
 Provide more specific and relevant examples to support your points, especially regarding the influence of
technology and social media in Vietnam.
 Clarify your points about the positive and negative effects on communication, education, and work to ensure
they are clearly understood.
4. Conclusion:
 The conclusion could be strengthened by summarizing the key points and offering a final thought or
D. Score:
Based on the provided content, I would rate this article a 6 out of 10. While you address the topic adequately,
improvements in grammar, clarity, and depth of analysis would enhance the overall quality of the piece.
Topic 2
Describe an important historical event that you think had a major impact on the world.
Choose an event and present its impact, as well as the learnings from it that can be applied in the
current era.
Japan currently is known as the powerful country with powerful economy, but Japan’s history is recorded a
period that they have to suffer one of the most terribly horrible event in the world. Two nuclear bomb were
dropped on both Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities in 1945 and around between 129 000 to 226 000 people were
died in both of them.
The catastrophe of two nuclear bomb leads to the unconditional surrender of Japanese fascists. So what
events will continue if the United State never dropped two nuclear bomb on both of Japan’s cities. That will be
the continuation for a sequence of the terribly horrible events or the gentle ending with no nuclear bomb and
one paper on negotiating table. Maybe, the paragraph can give you some difference point of view about this
First, if the United State never decides to experiment two nuclear bomb on Japan and continues the wars until
Japanese fascists are completely exhausted – we have two difference point of view. In fact, the continuation of
wars just bring the continuation of blood, flesh and pain poured down on the poor people affected by the
wars. First case, if US army gains an advantage and wins in the war with Japan, it is going to be the same with a
Japan after two nuclear bomb but the consequence is milder. Second case, if Japan wins in the war – quite
hard with Japan's military potential at that time – the world war two will be able to continue until second half
of the 20th century with more human lives fell. The end only really came when the rest of the Allies joined the
Second, some miracles make two enemies who do not share the same tropic sit down and negotiate together
to lead to a peaceful outcome as the Paris Agreement signed on January 27, 1973 between Vietnam and the
United States. If it is real, the world will be never known about the terribly horrible of nuclear bomb, more
than 129 000 people will not die and world history may never have to see the most terrifying "war" without
guns in history, but instead the relationship of "friends" between great powers.
All of them are hypothetical future and are unreal, so this paragraph is only for referrence. However, in any
case, the pain suffered by the Japanese people is indisputable.
A. Overall Assessment:
Your essay describes the impact of the nuclear bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 and explores
hypothetical scenarios if the bombings had not occurred. Additionally, you discuss the potential for negotiation
and peaceful resolutions to conflicts. While your essay covers the topic adequately, there are areas that could
be improved for clarity and depth of analysis.
B. Strengths:
 You provide a clear description of the historical event and its immediate impact on Japan.
 The essay effectively presents alternative scenarios and discusses their potential consequences.
 Your essay emphasizes the importance of peaceful resolutions to conflicts and the avoidance of
further suffering.
C. Areas for Improvement:
1. Clarity and Coherence:
 Some sentences are convoluted and may confuse the reader. Simplify complex ideas to improve
 Ensure that transitions between ideas are smooth to maintain coherence throughout the essay.
2. Depth of Analysis:
 Provide more detailed analysis of the potential consequences of alternative scenarios. Explore the
long-term effects on Japan, the United States, and the world.
Consider discussing the ethical implications of using nuclear weapons and the lessons learned from
this historical event.
3. Grammar and Sentence Structure:
 Review grammar and sentence structure to improve readability. Correct errors such as subject-verb
agreement and awkward phrasing.
4. Conclusion:
 Summarize the key points of the essay and offer a final thought or reflection on the significance of
the historical event.
D. Score:
Based on the provided content, I would rate this essay a 7 out of 10. While you address the topic effectively
and present thought-provoking scenarios, improvements in clarity, depth of analysis, and grammar would
enhance the overall quality of the essay.
Topic 3