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Information Security Lifecycle & Risk Management

Section 1:
Security Throughout the Information
1. Importance of Security Across Phases:
- Security considerations should be integrated into every phase of the information lifecycle.
- Avoiding Band-Aid solutions at the end is crucial due to increased costs, time consumption, and
inadequate problem resolution.
2. Consent in Information Lifecycle:
- Consent is a critical aspect of the information lifecycle, involving both data collection and its
subsequent usage.
- Compliance with regulations, such as GDPR in the EU, highlights the necessity for clear awareness
and consent from individuals.
3. GDPR and Information Lifecycle Phases:
- GDPR specifies requirements for data collection, storage, processing, sharing, deletion, and
- European Union citizens have rights concerning access, correction, and removal of their data,
irrespective of its physical storage location.
4. Protecting Sensitive Data:
- Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes elements like social insurance numbers, credit
card details, etc.
- Protected Health Information (PHI) involves sensitive medical data. Laws and regulations aim to
safeguard such data.
5. Anonymization Techniques:
- Anonymization is crucial for privacy, and GDPR allows the use of anonymized data without user
- Techniques include pseudonymization, tokenization, and data masking to safeguard privacy while
enabling useful analysis.
6. Data Minimization:
- Data minimization involves limiting stored data to what is necessary and legally permissible.
- PCI DSS is an example, where only essential credit card information is retained for transaction
7. Data Sovereignty:
- Data sovereignty considers the physical location of data and its implications for applicable laws
and regulations.
- Azure Cloud example illustrates the importance of knowing where data is stored and replicated.
Business Impact Analysis:
1. RPO and RTO:
- Recovery Point Objective (RPO) defines the maximum tolerable data loss, influencing backup
- Recovery Time Objective (RTO) sets the maximum allowable downtime, crucial for critical systems
like e-commerce.
2. Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA):
- PIA assesses the impact of a potential privacy breach and ensures compliance with data
protection laws.
3. Privacy Threshold Assessment (PTA):
- PTA is an initial step in understanding sensitive data, its nature, and applicable laws and
Quantitative and Qualitative Risk
**1. Qualitative Risk Assessments:**
- Involves subjective opinions on threat likelihood, realized threat impact, and assigns severity
**2. Quantitative Risk Assessments:**
- Involves calculating Single Loss Expectancy (SLE), Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE) for risk
Security Controls:
**1. Security Control Types:**
- Deterrent controls (e.g., login warning banners), compensating controls (e.g., network isolation
for IoT devices).
**2. Security Control Categories:**
- Managerial/Administrative controls and Operational controls.
**3. Security Control Implementation:**
- Solutions like malware scanners mitigate threats and can be implemented differently based on
platforms, vendors, or user requirements.
Risk Management Concepts:
- **Risk Types:** Environmental, Person-made (riots, terrorism, sabotage), Internal (malicious
insider, malware), External (DDoS attacks).
### Threat Intelligence:
- Threat intelligence is a crucial aspect of risk management, providing insights into potential threats
and vulnerabilities.
Additional Concepts:
- **Data Classification:**
- Government classification, Standard classification (PII, PHI, Proprietary, Public/Private, Critical,
- **Data Sovereignty and Azure Cloud:**
- Understanding the physical location of data and its replication to ensure compliance with laws.
**Note:** The notes cover a broad range of topics, emphasizing the importance of security, consent,
data protection, and risk management across various phases of the information lifecycle.
Data Destruction and Sanitization:
**1. Introduction:
The importance of securely decommissioning equipment, including storage media, to
prevent data recovery by unauthorized parties.
**2. Physical Destruction of Storage Media:
Various physical forms of data (paper documents, film, magnetic tape) can be destroyed
through methods like burning, pulping, shredding, or pulverizing.
Example: Hard disk shredding device physically destroys disks to prevent data retrieval.
3. Digital Media Sanitization:
For failed devices or end-of-life equipment, digital media sanitization is essential.
Organizations may have policies dictating the fate of decommissioned equipment (reuse,
donation, destruction).
4. Asset Inventory Management:
Updating asset inventory is crucial to reflect changes in the equipment's status, especially
when it reaches end-of-life.
5. Disk Wiping Tools:
Disk wiping tools are employed for both hard disk drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD).
These tools ensure multiple overwrites of randomized data, making it challenging to recover
any information.
6. Degaussing for Hard Disk Drives:
Degaussing involves applying a strong magnetic field to HDD platters, rendering data
inaccessible by removing magnetism.
Not applicable to solid-state drives (SSD).
7. Hard Disk Scrubber Tool:
Demonstrated use of the Hard Disk Scrubber Tool for wiping a USB thumb drive.
Options for different scrubbing methods, including DOD-recommended nine-stage overwrite
for enhanced security.
8. Cryptographic Erasure:
Cryptographic erasure involves removing the encryption key, rendering encrypted data
inaccessible without decryption.
Particularly useful for decommissioning storage devices that used encryption, such as selfencrypting drives.
9. Importance of Secure Data Destruction:
Emphasizes the critical need to protect data at its end-of-life through physical and digital
destruction methods.
Highlighted methods include shredding, pulverizing, degaussing, multi-pass wipes, and
cryptographic erasure.
10. Considerations for Data Protection:
Acknowledges the importance of considering the ways to protect data at its end-of-life stage.
Encourages the adoption of secure data destruction practices to safeguard sensitive
Summarizes the various data destruction methods, emphasizing the significance of ensuring
data cannot be recovered when equipment is decommissioned
Managing Personnel and Organizational Security Policies
1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):
Consistent and repeatable ways for personnel to conduct tasks.
Example: Inserting a security card before sending sensitive emails.
2. Personnel Management Policies:
Enforcing policies like mandatory vacations and job role rotation to identify anomalies and
reduce fraud.
Separation of duties to prevent internal fraud, though collusion remains a challenge.
3. Hiring Policies and Background Checks:
Scrutinizing potential employees through social media scraping, internet searches,
background checks, and interviews.
National Security Agency (NSA) example: Detailed checks to avoid potential threats to
national security.
4. Third-Party Background Check Services:
Utilizing services like Hire Right for criminal record searches, credit reports, and employment
Integral for risk management in human resources.
5. Onboarding Process:
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) to ensure confidentiality.
Security awareness training during onboarding.
Issuing security badges and devices, aligning with policies.
6. Clean Desk Policies:
Ensuring sensitive information is not left unattended.
Implementing shredding practices to mitigate dumpster diving.
7. Mobile Device Management (MDM) and BYOD:
MDM for centralized management of mobile devices.
Balancing the benefits and risks of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.
8. User Training and Awareness:
Periodic, role-specific training.
Computer-based training (CBT), gamification, and phishing simulations.
Lunch and learn sessions to make learning enjoyable.
9. Offboarding Process:
Termination or resignation letters and exit interviews.
Return of equipment and data backup.
Knowledge transfer to successors.
Account disablement and deletion based on organizational security policies.
10. Continuous Risk Management:
Background checks, onboarding, training, and offboarding contribute to a secure IT
Balancing personnel management and security policies is essential for holistic risk
Robust personnel management, encompassing hiring, onboarding, training, and offboarding,
is crucial for effective risk management in an organization.
Alignment with security policies ensures a secure and resilient IT environment.
Managing Third-Party Risk in Organizations
1. Introduction to Third-Party Risk Management:
Organizations often outsource certain skill sets or services to third parties.
Third-party risk management involves ensuring the security of outsourced services and
2. Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA) for Third Parties:
Used in quality assurance, especially in industries with robotic equipment.
Ensuring third-party skills, like recalibrating robotic machinery, meet security standards.
3. Risks Related to Outsourced Software and Hardware:
Risks associated with using unsupported or end-of-life hardware and software.
Examples include vulnerabilities arising from outdated operating systems.
4. Cloud Service Providers and Security:
Assessing the security of public cloud providers.
Overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) security accreditations.
Shared responsibility model: Both cloud provider and consumer share compliance
5. Supply Chain Security Risks:
Risks involving contractors accessing corporate resources.
Data privacy notices for temporary credentials.
Challenges and security considerations during company mergers.
6. Security in Software Development:
Ensuring developers use trusted components from third parties.
Trustworthiness of third-party components to prevent security vulnerabilities.
7. Encryption and Key Management in Cloud Services:
Demonstrating Microsoft Azure's default encryption for storage accounts.
Enabling customer-managed keys for regulatory compliance.
Overview of using Azure Key Vault for storing encryption keys.
8. Data Loss Prevention (DLP):
Preventing unauthorized data sharing with Data Loss Prevention (DLP).
Implementing policies like watermarking documents and encryption before email
Various software DLP solutions for on-premises and cloud environments.
9. Conclusion on Third-Party Risk Management:
Managing third-party risks involves evaluating hardware, software, and services used in the
Addressing vulnerabilities, securing data, and implementing measures to prevent data
10. Overall Implications for Risk Management:
Comprehensive risk management involves addressing personnel, security, and third-party
Ongoing assessment and adaptation of security measures ensure a resilient and secure
organizational ecosystem.
Business Agreements and Security Considerations
1. Interconnection Security Agreement (ISA):
Legally binding agreements for connecting networks between organizations or government
May require compliance with specific security regulations, encryption standards, and
mandatory training.
Common in data sharing scenarios, business partnerships, and company mergers.
2. Service Level Agreement (SLA):
A contractual document between service providers and consumers, guaranteeing service
SLAs include consequences for service unavailability and service credit policies.
Examined a Microsoft Azure SLA for virtual machines to understand terms and uptime
3. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA):
MOU outlines broad terms of an agreement between two parties.
MOA is more detailed and specifies the terms of a business arrangement.
Used to establish mutual understanding and commitments between parties.
4. Business Partnership Agreement (BPA):
A legal document outlining obligations, investments, and decision-making powers in a
business partnership.
Defines responsibilities and contributions of each party involved in the agreement.
5. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA):
Protects sensitive information from being disclosed externally.
Commonly used during user onboarding, security audits, and in scenarios involving trade
Examined an example of a penetration testing NDA that stipulates rules of engagement and
6. Security Considerations in Agreements:
Input from cybersecurity specialists is crucial to ensure the right security controls are
Technical and business-based agreements require careful consideration of security
Awareness of various agreements and their applications in different scenarios is essential for
Security+ exam preparation.
7. Conclusion:
Understanding and navigating different types of business agreements is integral to effective
risk management.
Security professionals play a vital role in ensuring the inclusion of appropriate security
measures in agreements.
The Security+ exam assesses knowledge of these agreements and their application in realworld scenarios.
Sample Exam Question: Threat Actor in a DDoS Attack Scenario
A government official announces a new policy on a controversial social issue at a press
Attackers globally, with differing views from the government, launch a DDoS attack rendering
government websites unreachable.
Question: What type of threat actor is characterized in this scenario?
1. Hacktivist
2. Script Kiddie
3. State-Sponsored Attacker
4. Criminal Syndicate
Hacktivist: Individuals or groups with a common ideology, often launching attacks to make
their views known or influence public opinion.
Script Kiddie: Inexperienced individuals who use existing tools and tutorials for attacks.
State-Sponsored Attacker: Nation-state involvement in cyber-espionage or cyber-warfare.
Criminal Syndicate: Organized crime groups using IT for illicit activities.
Understanding threat actor types and their motivations is crucial for analyzing scenarios and
identifying the most appropriate classification.
The Security+ exam may present scenarios requiring the application of knowledge about
threat actors and their characteristics.