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Once upon a time, not in the long ago, but in the recent past. There was a school int mountains. The
school had many competent teachers in it. However Mr. Harris was the uniquest of all of them. He
practised life values more than he taught. For example, he always reached his class without being
delayed. Most often he was seen standing outside the class even before the bell for his period rang. He
was meticulous with his teaching, assignments, checking, revision, tests, etc. He kept a healthy distance
between himself and his students. He dressed decently, neatly, and formally. He often taught them skills
such as time-management, self-discipline, punctuality, regularity, perseverance, optimism, patience, etc.
All students considered him a person who had no heart. Now, there was an unobtrusive boy, who always
sat quietly with underlying sadness in his bearing. Mr Harris's insightful eyes could see there was
something wrong in his life. Mr. Harris took the extra care of knowing what was wrong with that student.
Mr. Harris was stunned to know that the student had lost his mother at a very young age; his father was
indifferent to his healthy nurturing. Mr Harris decided to help him in all possible ways. He would often go
to his house with his wife. He would comfort him, teach him personally. He would give him money for his
personal needs. He had instructed the boy not to disclose to anyone at school about this extra care he
would get from him. The time passed. After 10 years, they boy whom Mr Harris had adopted, became an
MD cardiologist. On the day of his wedding with his soulmate, Mr Harris and his wife sat at the place
where his parents would have sat. Mr Harris in his wedding addressed thanked Mr Harris and his wife
and mentioned to the gathering whatever he was it was because of Mr Harris and his wife's love and
care. The gathering of course had some of Mr Harris's other students. They were all flabbergasted at the
revelation. Thus Mr Harris set an example of selfless love and care for someone in need. He did not
preach love; he acted love! His life stands for 'Example is better than precept.'
About twenty of us went for a picnic from school. It was to a picturesque village and we had just finished with
our sightseeing. We had stopped and were looking for a place to have lunch. I had this sudden urge to eat icecream and as luck would have it, saw a board with ‘RAY’S ICECREAMS’ written on it. Why not have a quick icecream, while the team was busy looking for a restaurant? Besides, the bus was stopped and everyone was
I hurried to the ice-cream shop and ordered a double scoop of lemon vanilla flavour. It was heavenly and
delicious and the scoops were huge. Once I finished, I went outside and to my horror found that the bus was
nowhere in sight! I had left my bag with contact details of my teachers and the bus driver in it! I ran from shop
to shop asking about the yellow painted school bus. But no one had a clue! I rushed back to the ice cream shop
and asked the shop keeper if he could help me get back home. He was very kind and called his wife, who
offered to drop me home in her car - an old model fiat. I was glad as I reached home. Mom and Dad were at
work. I immediately called the teachers who were in the bus with me and they were relieved to hear my voice.
Upon realising that I was missing, they had turned back to the village, where the ice-cream shop owner told
them that I was dropped home. I was really embarrassed and sorry for putting my teachers and the bus driver
to trouble. But they were nice and understanding about it, with a note of advice for me – keep your team
When I was 12 years old I got my first pet "Broody". Broody was a dog, a German shepherd. it was very small at
that time and was only about the age of two or three months. He was the cutest puppy I had ever seen and I felt
an instant connection with him. I felt very happy because I got a new friend to play with me. I used to play with
broody all day long, and it was a wonderful experience for me.
Whlie broody and I used to play all day long and I got his full attention on me, I also had given his full
responsibility . I had to take him for a walk everyday. I had to give him bath and showers every week. I had to
teach him all the manners. And all these activities gave me a sense of responsibility and helped me becoming a
better person, who can take care of the responsibilities that he is given.
I love Broody so much and when he passed away, I was the one, who was most upset. It broke me emotionally, I
had lost a friend. It changed me as person. But through his presence in my life, he also gave me a perspective for
life. That this is destiny and we cannot change it. Everybody has to go one day or another, and we have to learn to
live a life without them. We should not be upset that it got over, but we should be happy, that it happened.
Health problems caused by the excessive consumption of fast foods have assumed epidemic proportions all over the world.
According to some people, it is important to impose a high tax on junk food to discourage people from eating such foods. In
my opinion, this will deter only the middle and lower income groups.
To begin with, imposing a higher tax will make fast foods unaffordable to poor people. This will force them to cook proper
meals at home. While this might cause them some inconvenience, it is actually good for their health. However, the taxes will
not discourage affluent consumers from buying fast food. They will continue to consume it. That means increasing the tax on
fast food will have only a marginal effect on its consumption.
Creating awareness about the ill-effects of fast foods is also unlikely to be of much help. Most people who consume fast foods
are actually aware of its health consequences. For instance, a survey conducted in Singapore, one of the developed countries
in the world, revealed that people are compelled to buy fast foods because of their busy schedule even though they are aware
of the health problems.
Perhaps a better solution is to make healthy food more affordable and accessible. One of the main reasons that increase the
consumption of fast foods is that they can be cooked in a matter of minutes. Ready-to-eat foods are also available in
supermarkets. Many people are consuming fast foods because healthier alternatives are not conveniently available.
To conclude, increasing the tax on fast foods will only deter the low income groups from buying them. If the governments
really want to reduce the consumption of fast foods, making healthier alternatives more affordable and accessible is the best
549/91, Buddha Nagar,
24 april,2020
Dear nityam:
I hope this letter finds you enjoying your summer vacation! Well, mine has just started! Just
before the vacation, we celebrated a fire-fighting week. Mock fire safety drills were conducted.
The students sitting in the classes heard the fire alarm and through fire and smoke rushed
out of the classes through emergency exits. The student and teacher fire-fighters took off the
fire-extinguishers from the corridors and rehearsed dousing the flames.
The teachers and the students in the first-aid group along with the school doctor were ready
to render first aid to the injured ones. A unit of the city’s Fire-Brigade department also
participated in one of the drills. The purpose behind the observing of the fire-fighting week
was to make children aware of the fire-fighting skills so that they are prepared for any
emergency in the occurrence of any untoward happening.
The rest is fine. Give regards to uncle and aunt.
Your’s lovely,
Thanking you,
I hope you will look into the matter and do your
level best to maintain these symbols and treasures
of our cultural heritage.
I appeal to you to look into the gravity of the
situation. The damaged parts of these buildings
must be renovated and restored. Such provisions
must be made as keep the tourists from physically
coming very close to these monuments. There
must be fencing around delicate parts of these
buildings so that tourists can just watch them
from a safe distance. Installation of CCTV
cameras, putting guards on duty, cleanliness, and
providing some facilities for the tourists also must
be looked into.
I write to you to express my concern over the
flagrant damage being done to precious and
invaluable historical monuments. What shocks the
most is the negligence and apathy of the civic
authorities to the maintenance and conservation of
these monuments. These monuments are not only
the invaluable symbols of our past civilization, but
also a very rich source of earnings for the local as
well as national economy. The benefits of these
monuments support the lives of many local people.
These historic buildings help create vibrant,
cultural downtowns that engender tourism, art,
festivals, and other activities which in turn draw
investment, revenue, and economic growth. These
historical buildings provide thousands of job
opportunities for thousands of people. I know your
good self must be aware of the consequences if
foreign and local tourists stop visiting these
ramshackle monuments!
Dear Sir,
The Archaeological Survey of India,
The Director,
24 th April, 2020.
545/91, Para,