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2D Superconductor Critical States: Magnetic Field Analysis

Physica C 212 ( 1993 ) 216-222
Critical states in 2D disk-shaped type-II superconductors
in periodic external magnetic field
J. Z h u a, J o h n M e s t e r b, J a m e s Locldaart b.c a n d J o h n T u r n e a u r e b
" Department oJApplied Physics, StarbOard University, Stan/brd, C4 94305, USA
b Hansen Physics Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, C'4 94305, US:t
Physics Department, San Francisco State UniversiO', San Francisco, ( ~4 94132, US4
Received 24 March 1993
Followingthe procedure of Mikheenko and Kuzovlev,we present analytical solutions of field and current patterns in thin film
disk-shaped type-ll superconductors in perpendicular time-varying periodic external magnetic fields. We also calculate the magnetic moment and effective susceptibility.The analysis is carried out within the framework of the critical state model assuming a
constant critical current. Our results are compared to that of Mikheenko and Kuzovlev;and we discuss the discrepancies.
I. Introduction
There has been a lot of interest in the critical state
model [ 1,2 ] in disk-shaped type-II superconductors
with external magnetic fields applied perpendicular
to the disk [ 3 - 8 ] . Frankel [3] and D~iumling and
Larbalestier [4] employed numerical methods to
obtain field and current patterns in disk-shaped superconductor films assuming constant critical currents and also A n d e r s o n - K i m [9] type critical currents. D~iumling and Larbalestier [4] found that in
superconductor films, the characteristic screening
field is ~jcd, where Jc is the critical current density,
and d is the thickness of the film; thus an external
field is considered a weak field if it is not much larger
than the characteristic field jcd. However, for superconductor films, even weak magnetic fields can penetrate into the film if it is applied perpendicular to
the film plane, because of large demagnetization el:
fects2 Device application has been an area where weak
magnetic fields are often considered [ 10-12 ] ; constant critical currents are usually assumed in applying the critical state model. Assuming constant critical currents, Mikheenko and Kuzovlev [ 8 ] recently
have found analytical solutions for current and field
patterns in 2D superconducting disks in external
fields in the framework of the critical state model.
Considering a disk-shaped superconducting sample
in a time-varying periodic external field, Mikheenko
and Kuzovlev construct the current configuration in
2D disk-shaped superconductors by analogy to that
of a long cylinder [8]. They believe that, in a periodic external field, two flux penetration regions can
form with critical currents flowing in opposite direction, i.e. +1, in the region b < r < R , and - l , in
the region a < r < h, where R is the radius of the sample, where l~=j,d.
In this paper, we present solutions to the field and
current patterns in thin film 2D disk-shaped superconductors in a periodic external field; we also give
analytical solutions to the magnetic m o m e n t and the
effective magnetic susceptibility. We show' that the
analogy of current patterns between a thin film disk
and a long cylindrical superconductor is not valid.
We also compare our results to that of Mikheenko
and Kuzovlev, and discuss the discrepancies.
We follow the procedures by Mikheenko and Kuzovlev [ 8 ], so we can compare our results with theirs.
2. Theory
We consider a disk-shaped superconducto. film
with external magnetic field t i applied along the sdirection, which is perpendicular to the film plane,
after the sample is zero-field cooled ( Z F C ) .
0921-4534/93/$06.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Zhu et al. / Criticalstatesin type-Hsuperconductors
We assume that the film thickness d is approximately less than 22, where 2 is the L o n d o n penetration depth; the factor of 2 is included since shielding
currents flow on both sides o f the film. Circulating
currents in the film plane are treated as having uniform density in the thickness direction of the superconductor. We also assume that the external magnetic field H is weak enough so that the critical
current in the film is independent o f the local density
o f trapped vortices, or
Jc × d = constant,
( 1)
where j¢ is the critical current density, and d is the
thickness of the film. However, the actual situation
may be more complicated. U n d e r the above assumptions, an elegant analytical solution can be
found for circulating currents I(r) and the magnetic
m o m e n t M in 2D disk-shaped superconductors.
Shielding currents only flow in the circumferential
direction because of the symmetry of the sample. The
magnetic m o m e n t M therefore is
complete elliptic integrals of the first and the second
2.1. The Meissner state
In this state, there is no flux penetration of any
kind, or
A thin film disk can be treated as an extremely flat
ellipsoid whose z direction axis shrinks to zero. Following the calculations presented by Landau [ 13 ],
one obtains,
Hr(r,z--.O)= - 2 Ho sign(z) r
The surface current
4rt I ( r )
r 2 •
I(r) is
=Hr(r, z = 0 + ) -Hr(r, z = 0 - ) ,
R 2n
M= ~cc~ ~ rl(r)rdrdO.
The radial direction field Hr(r, z) and the z direction field Hz(r, z) are [13], respectively,
l(r)=- ~HoF
where the function F is defined as [ 8]
Hr(r, z)= -£ | Gr(r,p, z)I(p) d# ,
F(x)= 4 x / l _ x 2'
if x < 1
if x > 1 .
The M can now be calculated,
Hz(r,z)= 2 j" Gz(r,p,z)I(p) dp,
M(Ho) =
where the functions Gr and Gz are
~--~HoR3 ;
a well-known result [ 13 ]. The magnetic field in the
film plane generated by the shielding current (6) is
[ _ K ( k ) + p2+rZ+Z2E(k)l
-- x/(p+r)2+z2
(p-- r)Zq-z 2
Hz(r, z = 0 ) =HoQ(r/R) ,
where the function Q is defined as [8 ]
[K(k)+ p 2 - - r 2 Z2
- ~/(p+r)Z+z 2 L
k2=4pr/[(p+r)Z+z2], and K and E are
- arcsin x +
.I. Zhu et al. / ( 'rmca[ states in O'pe-ll supercondu('lot.~
2.2. The intermediate .s'lal¢'
First, let us consider a case where the external field
is increased monotonically from zero to the maxim u m field H0 after the sample becomes superconducting. For the sake o f simplicity, only field and
current patterns o f the m a x i m u m field tlo are considered. We assume that magnetic vortices penetrate
into the sample symmetrically to a radius o f a(lli,)
in the external field. Thus the critical current j , d flows
in the ring a < r < R, while the magnetic field remains
free o f t r a p p e d vortices in the inner ring r < a(lto ).
Mikheenko and Kuzovlev [8] suggested that the
shielding current l(r) flowing in the sample can bc
viewed as a linear combination o f currents ofeq. (6),
/ , d ( l t t - ( r l j ).
t li)~
The solution to the above equation has been lbund
by Mikheenko and Kuzovlev:
IV(r, l l . ) _ clio t'x,'l-it./R)=
Equation (8) can be solved for a(Ho), yielding
(11,, ]
a = R / c o s h \1I~ } "
where tt,.=(2~/c)j.d is the characteristic critical
field. The magnetic moment M of the 2D disk-shaped
superconductor film is
lto f (F , )-I
14(l, H o ) d l .
II.R =,l arccos R. +
where l,V(I. Ito) is the weight function. Substituting
eq. (7) into eq. (4). we have.
~ ttoR % ( ft'I'']
and the shielding current is
f 14(/, tto) d / =
Equation (7) can also be understood [8] in this way:
the current configuration ( c / @ t ) F ( r / I )
a < l < R, generates a constant uniform unit magnetic
field inside the ring r < l ; the total field generated in
the ring r < a by the circulating currents is thus
- t t o Iff I'I'(1, tto) dl, which cancels the applied magnetic field tlo in the inner ring r<a, or - I l o ! f f ~I'(/,
Ho) dl+llo=O. The total magnetic field generated
by shielding currents ( 7 ) and the external field in
the film plane is
H=(r. z = 0 ) = l t o
i [Q(r/I) + 1 ] W(/, tto) d/.
f F(r/l) W(I. He) dl
] O ( a - ,)
where 0 is the step function: the function S is defined
to be same as in referencc [8]:
I [
, sinh
~- - - : ~ - -
I.vil I .
We now consider the case when the external field
is monotonically decreased to a field tl ( ]tf] ~ tl.).
after having been increased monotonically from zero
to the m a x i m u m field tto. Analytical solutions to
current and field patterns can be found for this case.
If wc notice that
1t = till + 1I*.
I I * - 11- lli,.
The weight function W e a n be obtained from the fact
that a constant critical current flows in the ring
a < r < R , that is
[ /'[~ R - a : ~ 3 )~
l(r) = - L - arctan[n
~i5~ i>
the problem can be lreated as a superposition
following two case.
(1) In the Z F C sample, the external field
creased monotonically from zero to H,,.
The sample has a critical current of" 1,.
(2) In the Z F C sample, the external field
creased monotonically from zero to H - t l o .
ever. the critical current flowing in the sample
of the
is m-
is deHowis 211.
J. Zhu et al. / Critical states in type-H superconductors
The magnetic moment and shielding currents of the
second case can be easily found by substituting - I ¢
with 2Ic ( o r - H ~ with 2H¢), and Ho with H* (or
H - H o ) into solutions for the first case:
H* ")
2 (H_Ho)R3S(~)
rent +2Ic is induced in the ring b<r<R in the second case; the net shielding current of the sample is
+I~ in the ring b< r<R after summing the currents
from both cases, satisfying the critical state model
and the critical current criterion II(r)I ~<I~.
Superposing solutions of the magnetic moment and
current patterns for case 1 and case 2 give the exact
analytical solutions of the magnetic moment and the
shielding current,
arctan 5 ~ f ~ _ r 2 )
+2IcO(r-b) ,
- 3-~ (H-H°)R3
/cosh\ _ - ~ / ,
where b is the radius to which the vortices have penetrated into the disk sample in the second case. The
critical current 2I~ in the second case can be understood this way: a shielding current - I ¢ is induced in
the ring a < r< R in the first case, and a shielding cur-
+ 2Ic2arctan[-R/Rz-bz''/z-]r
~-~_r2 ) ]O(b-r)
+2IcO(r-b) .
solid line : results of this paper
broken line : results of Mikheenko and Kuzovlev'
Fig. 1. Normalized current patterns in a 2D disk-shaped superconductor calculated using eq. (14) for Ho = 2He, and H = He. Corresponding field patterns are shown in fig. 2. Mikheenko and Kuzovlev's results are also shown for comparison.
J. Zhu el al. / ( "rttica/ states in l)Tw-ll superconducmr~
line: l-esulb, of this paper
hroken line: rcsuhs of Mikheenk,~ and K u / o v l c k
0.5 !
) 2
. . . .
(I 6~
(I 7
(i H
Fig. 2. N o r m a l i z e d field patterns in a 2D disk-shaped s u p e r c o n d u c t o r calculated using cqs. {9) and (14) for tlo= 2t1~.. and l l = It,
C o r r e s p o n d i n g current patterns are shown in fig. 1. M i k h e e n k o and K u z o v l e v ' s results are also shown for comparison.
J 5\
(I. t) ~
s(flid line " results ot this papei
broken line : results of Mikheenko and K u z o v l e \
• '\\
d. l i
Fig. 3. N o r m a l i z e d effective m a g n e t i c susceptibility Zeer(Ho/tlc )/Zen-( 0 ), calculated using eq. ( 21 ) t o r a 2D s u p e r c o n d u c t i n g disk sample,
M i k h e e n k o a n d K u z o v l e v ' s results are also shown for comparison.
J. Zhu et al. / Criticalstatesin type-Hsuperconductors
solutions o f eqs. (18) and (19). We have now complete analytical solutions to the field and current patterns for 2D disk-shaped superconductors in a periodic external field. When using a time-varying
periodic field in experiments, one usually measured
the effective magnetic susceptibility Zeff, which is averaged over a period [8 ]. In this case, we find
Also, following the definition of shielding currents in
eq. (7), we obtain the weight function,
2rtlc (
W(r, Ho)= -~o \ r x / q - ( r / R ) 2
The z direction magnetic field in the film plane of
the sample can be calculated using eqs. (4) and (20).
As the external field is further reduced to the mini m u m field - H o , the final state o f the superconductor is the same as if the external field had been decreased monotonically to - H o from zero directly for
the ZFC sample, which is expected.
If the external field is increased after the minim u m field - H o is reached, current and field patterns can be calculated in a similar way as presented
above. We now have H = - H o + H * ,
H*=H+Ho. The magnetic moment, shielding currents, and the weight function can be obtained by
substituting I¢ with - I c , and Ho with - H o (or simply using H*=H+Ho) into the corresponding relations for the external field. Once the external field
Ho is reached, if the field is reduced we recover the
Z~ff= ~Zo
i cos 7'sin 2 ~2 S (\H~
H° sin2
3. Discussion
A superconducting disk is an extreme case of a cylinder whose length is much smaller than that of its
radius; therefore, the end effects are no longer negligible, but in fact constitute the dominant factor in
this problem. Since circulating currents only flow in
solid line: res
broken line: results of Mikheenko and Kuz0x~
'" t
' ,,
o .
where ~ = t o t and H=Ho cos(a~t). Equation (21)
shows that Zefrdecreases as ~ 1/Ho at large Ho, which
is different from the ~ 1 / H 3/2 dependence as concluded to by Mikheenko and Kuzovlev.
Fig. 4. Magnetic moment M(H) calculated using eq. (18) for a 2D superconducting disk-shaped superconductor in a time-varying
periodic weak external magnetic field; external fields are applied after the sample becomes superconducting. Here Mo= (2/3n )H~.R3.
J. Z h u et al. / Critwal states m type-ll superconductol:s
circumferential direction, we have
j~ = ~ (OH~/Oz- OtlJOr) .
I OH,/Ozl is much larger than IOHSOrl for weak external fields except at the center of the disk; the circulating current mainly comes from the term OHJOz,
rather than from OHJOr, in contrast to the case of a
long cylindrical sample. In 2D disk-shaped superconductors, as the external field is decreased from
the maximum field Ho, the current flowing in the
outer region b < r < R is the critical current + I ~ but
the current l ( r ) flowing in the inner region a < r < tJ
is neither +Ic nor - l c ; it is a function of location
and must satisfy the critical current constraint
I I ( r ) [ < It. Considerable shielding currents also flow
in the vortex-free region r < a, which is very different
from the case o f a long cylindrical sample.
Figure 1 shows an example of current patterns for
Ho = 2He and H = H,. calculated using eq. (20); fig.
2 shows the z direction field patterns in the film plane
for the same condition calculated using eqs. (9) and
(20). Current and field patterns calculated using the
weight function of Mikheenko and Kuzovlev are also
shown for comparison in figs. 1 and 2; their results
show an abrupt j u m p in the current which is unphysical in a 2D disk-shaped superconductor. Figure
3 illustrates our theoretical result of the effective susceptibility given by eq. 121 ) and that o f Mikheenko
and Kuzovlev; our results are generally larger than
theirs. Figure 4 shows the magnetic hysteresis loop
of a 2D disk-shaped superconductor in a time-vaNing periodic external field for tto=3tt~ using eq.
(18): our hysteresis loop is thinner than that of
Mikheenko and Kuzovlev; the abrupt j u m p in their
shielding currents is the reason for the fattening o1"
their magnetic hysteresis loop, because the abrupt
j u m p in shielding currents artificially enhances the
shielding capability of the thin film 2D superconductor disk.
This work was supported by NASA Contract
NAS8-36125 fl'om the George C. Marshall Space
Flight Center.
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