German playwright and novelist GUSTAV FREYTAG invented Freytag’s Pyramid in Die Technik des Dramas (Technique of the Drama), an overview of five-act plot structure written in the nineteenth century. EXPOSITION Also known as the introduction or Act I, exposition sets up the setting, or time and location of the story, as well as the main characters, and the atmosphere of the story. RISING ACTION In Act II in Freytag’s Pyramid, which he labeled the “rising movement,” the story builds toward its central conflict by placing obstacles in the path of the protagonists as they attempt to reach their goals. CLIMAX The third act in Freytag’s Pyramid is the part of the story that signals a turning point and occupies the highest point on the plot structure. FALLING ACTION Act IV in Freytag’s Pyramid foreshadows the final outcome of the story. DENOUEMENT The fifth and final act, the denouement— also known as the resolution, conclusion, or moment of catastrophe—is the end of the story. QUESTION NO. 1 QUESTION NO. 1 Move the sticker beside the correct answer. QUESTION NO. 2 Move the sticker beside the correct answer. QUESTION NO. 2 Move the sticker beside the correct answer. QUESTION NO. 3 Move the sticker beside the correct answer. QUESTION NO. 3