Introduction Of Python Python is a widely used general-purpose, high level programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further developed by the Python Software Foundation. It was designed with an emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their concepts in fewer lines of code. Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. There are two major Python versions: Python 2 and Python 3. Both are quite different. Day-1: Enrollment and basic instructions Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development, Machine Learning applications, along with all cutting-edge technology in Software Industry. Python language is being used by almost all tech-giant companies like – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Uber… etc. The biggest strength of Python is huge collection of standard library which can be used for the following: Machine Learning GUI Applications (like Kivy, Tkinter, PyQt etc. ) Web frameworks like Django (used by YouTube, Instagram, Dropbox) Image processing (like OpenCV, Pillow) Web scraping (like Scrapy, BeautifulSoup, Selenium) Test frameworks Multimedia Scientific computing Text processing and many more. Python Keywords Keywords in Python are reserved words that can not be used as a variable name, function name, or any other identifier. List of Keywords in Python: Keyword Descriptio n and It is a Logical Operator as It is used to create an alias name assert It is used for debugging break Break out a Loop class It is used to define a class continu e Skip the next iteration of a loop Keywor d Descriptio n Keywor d Descriptio n False Represents an expression that will result in not being true. nonloc al It is a nonlocal variable finally It is used with exceptions not It is a Logical Operator for It is used to create Loop or It is a Logical Operator pass pass is used when the user doesn’t want any code to execute raise raise is used to raise exceptions or errors. return return is used to end the execution from To import specific parts of a module global It is used to declare a global variable if To create a Conditional Statement Keyword Descriptio n def It is used to define the Function del It is used to delete an object elif Conditional statements, same as else-if else It is used in a conditional statement except try-except is used to handle these errors Keywor d Descriptio n import It is used to import a module is It is used to test if two variables are equal in To check if a value is present in a Tuple, List, etc. lambda Used to create an anonymous function None It represents a null value Day-2: project analysis Keywor d Descriptio n True Represent s an expression that will result in true. try Try is used to handle errors while While Loop is used to execute a block of statements with with statement is used in exception handling yield yield keyword is used to create a generator function Day-3: module analysis Day:4 IOT and Embedded system explanation and Practice with interfacing kit Day:5 IOT and Embedded system explanation and Practice with interfacing kit Day:6 IOT and Embedded system explanation and Practice with interfacing kit Day-7: Basic language training and programming concept preparation Day-8: Basic language training and programming concept preparation Day-9: Basic language training and programming concept preparation Day-10: Basic python instruction and code preparation An instruction is a command to the computer, a unit of execution. Python code in this case is a set of instructions. It can be presented as a step-bystep recipe. Python code is run by an interpreter, a program that executes instructions strictly, line by line. Like the steps in a recipe, the instructions for the interpreter are written in order and are separated from each other by skipping to the next line. Developers must understand the order of operations in the code, and be able to mentally divide the program into independent parts that are convenient for analysis. Let's look at an example of some code with two instructions. When it's started, two sentences are displayed sequentially on the screen: print('Mother of Dragons.') print('Dracarys!') # => Mother of Dragons. # => Dracarys! We said above that instructions are separated from each other by a line break. But there is another way; they can be separated by a semicolon — ;: print('Mother of Dragons.'); print('Drakarys!') There is no technical difference between the first and second version; the interpreter will understand the instructions the same way. The only difference is that it's inconvenient, physically, to read the second version. It's better to place the instructions under each other. This makes it easier for colleagues to read your code, maintain it, and make changes. Day-11: Basic python instruction and code preparation Basic Python Commands List 1. pip install command Python was used to create the package manager known as pip. It is used to organize and install software packages. The Python Package Index is an online repository of open-source software packages that may be installed using the pip install command. Open Windows PowerShell before using the following syntax to install any package to run this command in Windows. Syntax: pip install package-name 2. type command To determine an object’s type or class, use the type command. syntax: type(object) 3. print command To display a message on the screen or another standard output device, use the print command. Any object, including a string, can serve as a message. Any sort of object, including an integer, a string, a list, a tuple, etc., can be printed with the print command. syntax: print(object) 4. range command When n is not included in the generated numbers, the range command is used to generate a sequence of integers starting by default at 0 and going up to n. This command is primarily used for loops. Syntax: range(start, stop, step) start: is the starting range. Optional; 0 by default. stop: is the number before which you want to stop. It is a Mandatory. step: the increment count. Optional; 1 by default. Learners Also Read: Which Five Python Libraries Are Best For Data Science? 5. input command The input command collects user input. Until a value has been input by the user, the program will not continue. The input function will translate whatever the user types into a string. You must explicitly convert an integer if you want to use it as input. Syntax: input(message) The message is the text you need to display to the user. (Optional) 6. round command This command rounds a number to a particular number of decimal digits. In other words, if a float point value has a certain number of digits after the decimal, you can use the round command to round off the desired number. You can specify the desired number of digits after the decimal. Syntax: round(number, digits) number: it is the floating-point number. digits: it is the count of digits you want after the decimal point. (Optional; By default 0) 7. len command To determine how many elements are contained in an object, use the len command or len() function. The len() function returns the number of characters in the object if it is a string. The number of elements in the list or tuple, if the object is one of them, will be returned. If you attempt to send an integer value to len(), it returns an error. Syntax: len(object) object: it is the object of which you want to determine the length (Required) 8. Loop commands The two basic loop statements in Python are while and for. While the specified condition is true, a series of statements are carried out using the while loop command. Syntax of while loop: while condition: statements update iterator 9. for loop command The for loop command is used to repeatedly run a sequence of statements. This list, tuple, string, dictionary, etc., can be used as the sequence. Syntax: for x in sequence: statements Python Intermediate Commands Certainly, here are some intermediate-level Python commands list and concept that build upon the basics String Commands There are many string commands available in the Python programming language that can be applied to string objects. These commands merely return a new object; they do not alter the original string object. The following are some of the crucial string functions: 1. isalnum(): It determines whether a given string contains alphanumeric characters or not. It gives back a boolean result. Syntax: stringname.isalnum() 2. capitalize(): If the initial character of the string is lowercase, the capitalize() method converts it to uppercase. Nothing happens if the initial character is uppercase, an integer, or any other special character. Syntax: stringname.capitalize() 3. find(): To find a substring within a string, use the find() command. If the substring is present, it provides the index of the first instance; if not, it returns -1. Syntax: string.find(substring) string: it is the string in which you want to search. substring: it is the value that you want to search for. 4. center(): The center command centers a string by using a specified character as the fill character (by default, a space). Syntax:, character) string: the string that you want to align in the center. length: the full length taken by the new string in which both sides will be filled by character and in the center, we will have the original string. character: the character is useful in filling the missing space on every side. Default: it is ” ” (space). Day-12: Basic python instruction and code preparation Python Program to Add Two Numbers Example 1: Add Two Numbers # This program adds two numbers num1 = 1.5 num2 = 6.3 # Add two numbers sum = num1 + num2 # Display the sum print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum)) Run Code Output The sum of 1.5 and 6.3 is 7.8 The program below calculates the sum of two numbers entered by the user. Example 2: Add Two Numbers With User Input # Store input numbers num1 = input('Enter first number: ') num2 = input('Enter second number: ') # Add two numbers sum = float(num1) + float(num2) # Display the sum print('The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}'.format(num1, num2, sum)) Run Code Output Enter first number: 1.5 Enter second number: 6.3 The sum of 1.5 and 6.3 is 7.8 Day-13: Program practice: Day-14: Overall revision about the project Day-15: final completion and certification issue: Conclusion: I believe the trial has shown conclusively that it is both possible and desirable to use Python as the principal teaching language: 1. It is Free (as in both cost and source code). 2. It is trivial to install on a Windows PC allowing students to take their interest further. For many the hurdle of installing a Pascal or C compiler on a Windows machine is either too expensive or too complicated 3. It is a flexible tool that allows both the teaching of traditional procedural programming and modern OOP 4. It can be used to teach a large number of transferable skills 5. It is a real-world programming language that can be and is used in academia and the commercial world 6.It appears to be quicker to learn and, in combination with its many libraries, this offers the possibility of more rapid student development allowing the course to be made more challenging and varied and most importantly, its clean syntax offers increased understanding.