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A300 - 60 Ngày Từ Mất Gốc Tới Thành Thạo Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh THPT

.................................................................................................................... 7
True cau va TCr
4: cae Thl
Tieng Anh ....................................................................................... 18
Chuyen De 6: cau Dieu Ki~n va. cau l16'e .....................................................................................32
Chuyen De 7: Cau Bi D(>ng ............................................................................................................35
8: Cau Hoi Duoi ...........................................................................................................40
Chuyen De 9: cau Gian Tiep .........................................................................................................44
1o: Cau So Sanh .........................................................................................................48
Chuyen De 11 : cau Che ................................................................................................................. 53
Chuyen De 12: Danh D(>ng TCr Va D(>ng TCr Nguyen Mau ............................................................ 55
Chuyen De 13: Sl! Hoa Hqp Gifra Chu Ngfr Va D(>ng TCr ............................................................. 61
Chuyen De 14: M~nh De Quan H~ va Rut G<;>n ............................................................................. 65
15: Tfnh TCr Va Cae Cau True Lien Quan ................................................................... 70
16: TCr H;;m Djnh Va DC?i TCr ........................................................................................72
Chuyen De 17: Luqng TCr ..............................................................................................................78
Chuyen De 18: Gi6'i TCr ...................................................................................................................81
Chuyen De 19: M~nh De Tr9ng Ngfr ............................................................................................. 87
Chuyen De 20: Lien TCr ..................................................................................................................93
Chuyen De 21: The Gi€3 Dinh .........................................................................................................97
22: M~nh De Danh Ngfr ..............................................................................................99
23: cau Dao Ngfr ..................................................................................................... 102
24: M(>t
25: cau Chli'e Nang Giao Tiep ................................................................................. 111
1: 50 Cau Luy~n D9ng Ph at Am .............................................................................. 124
Cau True Thong Dl:mg .......................................................................... 1 06
2: 50 Cau Luy~n
............................................................................ 126
3. so Cau
Hoan Thanh cau ................................................................ 128
4. 50 Cau
Sai ... ........... ....... ....... .. ........... ... .... .. .. ......................
Chuyen De 5. 50 Cau Luy$n D<;mg TCr Dong NghTa ................................................................... 136
Chuyen De 6. 50 Cau Luy$n D~ng TCr Trai NghTa ..................................................................... 140
Chuyen De 7. 50 cau Luy$n D~ng Viet L~i cau ........................................................................ 144
Chuyen De 8. Bai Luy$n D~ng Hoan Thanh Do~n Van ............................................................. 152
Chuyen De 9. Bai Luy$n D~ng DQc Hieu - Tra Loi cau Hoi ..................................................... 155
vA HU'6'NG DAN GIAI ······················································································ 162
A. Meo, Bl KIP VA KINH NGHI~M CHQN DAP AN TRAC NGHI~M ...................................... 220
B. SKIMMING & SCANNING - Bl KIP HOA GIAI MQI BAI DQC HIEU ................................... 223
voi mon
thuc thanh hanh
von lieng cho
than Ia
dfeu b~n din lam. Cu6n sach "60 ngay tlr mat goc den thanh th~o Ngfr phap Tieng Anh THPT"
T?p trung on dung, du phan kien thuc t?p trung nhat, tranh on lan man, khong c6 mt,Jc
dfch cv the
cac chuyen
ngfr phap cung v6'i cac chuyen
t?p theo sat noi dung,
giup nang cao hi~u suat ghi nh6' bai.
Tong hqp va cung cap mot
cau true, giup b<;m lam quen v6'i cau true
Tang clfang phan x~ de, thu n~p nhieu phuang phap giai tat, nham nhanh, doan
86 tui nhieu meo, tips tranh bay hay Ia kinh nghi~m c6 1-0-2 tt! cac anh, chi thu khoa, a
khoa di tru6'c
Va d~c bi~t khong the thieu nhfrng loi khuyen hfru fch
vao phong thi c6 tam
ly thoai
mai nhat
80 sach d~c bi$t gom 2 cuon "60 ngay tlr mat goc den th<3mh th~o Ngfr phap Tieng Anh THPT" va
"60 ngay tt! mat goc den thanh th~o Tlr vt,mg Tieng Anh THPT'' se giup b~n VU'qt qua chuang ng~i
cave tlr Vlfng va ngfr phap, giup RUT NGAN thai gian hQC t?p va van dem l~i hi~u qua cao.
Cu6n sach "60 ngay tl.r mat goc den thanh th~o Ngfr phap Tieng Anh THPT" duqc bien so~n b6i
tac gia giau chuyen mon, co f)~ng Nguy~t Ha - mot giao vien nhieu kinh nghi~m trong vi~c bien
so~n cac tai li~u d~y va hQc mon Tieng Anh 6 b?c THPT.
Trong qua trlnh bien so~n cuon sach chac chan khong tranh kh6i thieu s6t, mong cac b~n thong
cam va chia
dong g6p nhfrng y kien, thac mac
cuon sach dt.rqc hoan thi~n han trong nhfrng
ian tai ban sau.
Chuc cac
An h.
nguyen am dan va nguy~n am d6i.
Nguyen am ngan: hi;
in /In/: trong
cut /kAt/: cat
men /men/: dan 6ng
book /bok/: sach
hot /hut/: n6ng
Nguyen am dai: /i:/;
meet /mi:t/:
Ire/; /'J:/; /u:/; /u:/; /3:/.
act /rekt/: hanh d(>ng
manager /'mren.I.d3ar/: quan
loop /lu:p/: vong
last /lu:st/: cuoi cung
term /h:m/: hQc ky, thai h;;tn/ky h;;tn
/e1/; /ao/; leal; loa/;
/fiJI/; /uo/; hal; hi/
basic/' bei.Sik/: co bim
slowly /slao/: ch~m
tour /tuar/: tham quan, du ljch
wear /wear/:
care /kear/: quan tam
noisy /' n'JI.Zi/: on ao
go /gao/: di
- Ph1,.1 am Ia am ph at tCr thanh quan qua mi~mg hay nhfrng am khi ph at ra, Iuong khf tCr thanh
len m6i bi can tr6, bj
- Ph1,.1 am chi phat ra thanh tieng trong loi n6i khi phoi hqp v6'i nguyen am.
/p/; If/; /s/; If/; /k/; It!;
kitty /'ki.ti/: meo con
think /8n)k/: nghT
chubby /'tfAb.i/:
fish /fiJ/: ca
sense /sens/: giac quan
tent /tent/: feu
/b/; /d/; /g/; /d3/; /v/;
girl /g3:1/: co gai
Ia/; Jz/; /3/
business /'biz.ms/: kinh doanh
zoo /zu:/: so thu
casual /' kre3.ju.al/: blnh thw)'ng
duck /dAk/: con vjt
vegetable /'ved3.ta.bal/: rau cu qua
hotel /hau 'tel/: khach s~n
/m/; /n/; 1111; /h/; /1/;
/r/; /j/; /w/
MQt so ph~:~
con l~i
marketing/' ma:.ki.tiiJ/: tiep thi
world /W3:Id/: the gioi
need /ni:d/: nhu cau
round /raund/: vong
Ta can ct! vao am cuoi cua danh tlr ho~c d()ng tlr trU'OC khi dU'Q'C them "s" ho~c "es" de phan bi~t
ba each d<;>c khac nhau nhU' sau: /s/, /Iz/, /z/
each phat am
Diu hi~u
Khi tlt' c6 t~n cung Ia
cac pht,J am /f/, It/, /k/,
/p/, /8/
path~ clap~ kick~ chef~ hit~
bus~ wash~ catch~ fizz~
Khi tlt' c6 t~n cung Ia
cac am /S/, /z/, If/, /tf/,
/3/, /d3/ (thU'CJ'ng c6
t~n cung Ia cac chfr cai
-s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z, -o,
-ge, -ce)
Khi tlt' c6 t~n cung Ia
nguyen am va cac pht,J
am con l~i: /b/, /d/,
/g/, /1/, /m/, /n/, /r/,
;v;, Ia!, ; 11;
rub~ card~ egg~, wall~ nam~ clean~
wear~ liv~ cloth~ tri~ toy~ fear~ day~
pair§.. belong~
Ta can Cti vao am cuoi cua d()ng tlr trU'OC khi dU'Q'C them "ed" de phan bi~t ba each d<;>c khac
nhau nhU' sau: /t/, /d/, hd/.
nhlf Ia /k/, /p/, lsi, If/,
/tf/, If/
Khi tCr c6
am va cac
am con l~i: /b/, lgl, /1/,
/m/, In/, lr/, /vi, ld3/,
Khi cac d9ng tCr ket
thuc bang am It! ho~c
wait.e..d., rent.e..d., add.e..d., decided
MQt so tfnh tlr t~n cung c6
duqc phat am Ia /Id/, nhu sau:
/,midi' e1d3Id/
nhlfng each dQC kh6ng theo nguyen tac tren, rna l~i
~ ~
=ngoan cucmg; kien dinh
=tuoi trung nien
=tran truong
=rach nat
=16m ch6m; nlqm
=thieng lieng
=ac d{>c
=toi t~. ban cung
l>Qng tU' 2 am tU!t, trQng am thLrb'ng
vao am 2.
Danh tU', tfnh tU' 2 am tiet, trQng am
thU'b'ng rai vao am 1.
de'gree; de'cide; ...
trCr: 'offer; 'answer; 'enter; 'listen;
'finish; 'happen ...
'social; 'campus; 'pillow; ...
'tea-cup; 'film-maker; 'short-hand;
'footpath; 'shortlist; ...
Danh tU' ghep c6 trong am chlnh rai
am 1.
Tfnh tU' ghep thLrb'ng nhan am 1, nhLrng
neu tlnh
ghep c6 tCr dau tien Ia tfnh tU'
ho~c tr~ng tU', ho~c ket thuc bang duoi
ed thl trQng am rai vao am 2, d9ng tlr
ghep va tr~ng tlr ghep co trQng am rai
vao am 2.
'home-sick; 'air-sick; 'praiseworthy; ...
ket thuc voi duoi how, what,
where (wh-question words) ... thl nhan
am 1.
NHU'NG: bad-'tempered; short-'sighted, well'informed; double-'click ...
'somehow; 'somewhat ...
ThLrb'ng cac tll' 2 am tiet bat dau bang
thl nhan am 2.
a'bout; a'lone ...
Trong so dem, trQng am se nhan vao
-teen; va nhan vao am 1 neu Ia duoi
'fourty ...
TrQng am chlnh rai vao trLroc cac h$u to:
"ion, ional, ionally".
application, education, collision, provision,
traditional, internationally, etc.
* Ngo~i 1~: television
TrQng am chfnh rai vao trU'<J'c cac h$u to:
"ic, ical, ically".
enthusiastic, optimistic, economics,
statistics, historical, numerical, specifically,
* Ngo~i
Trong am chlnh rai vao trU'<J'c h$u to: "ity".
politics, arithmetic, heretic
ability, university, capacity, community,
electricity, responsibility, etc.
am chfnh roi vao truoc cac am
ostentatious, etc.
Neu chi c6 am "ous" (khong Ia "ious"
ho~c "eous"), dau nhan chfnh d~t ngay truoc
"ous" ho~c hai van truoc "ous".
disastrous, scandalous, populous,
continuous, meticulous, etc.
TrQng am chfnh roi vao truoc cac h$u to:
individual(ly), contractual, perpetual(ly),
continual(ly), etc.
Cac tlr c6 ba am tiet tr6 len, t$n cung c6
1 chung ta dem
nguqc tt1
ra truoc ba am tiet
thl d6 Ia trQng am chfnh.
advocate, communicate, dedicate, illiterate,
accelerate, intimidate, unfortunately,
immediately, deliberately, trustworthy,
industry, etc.
Cac quy h~c tren Ia dau hi$u nh$n biet pho bien de lam phan trQng am, tuy
nhien, Van CO nhieu cac tlr khong theo quy tac, do v$y CaC b~n hQC Sinh nen luy$n t$p
th$t nhieu phan nay de lam bai thanh th~o va chfnh xac nhat.
a. Chu ngfr (Subject = S)
La m<)t danh tLJ', m<)t CI:Jm danh tLJ' hay m<)t d9i tLJ' (Ia ngU'<J'i, Sl! v~t hay Sl! vi~c) thl,J'c hi~n hanh
d<)ng (trong cau chu d<)ng) ho~c bi tac d<)ng b6i hanh d<)ng (trong cau bi d<)ng).
E.g: My mom loves Korean movies.
This house is being bought by my friend.
b. D9ng til' (Verb= V)
La m<)t
tu ho~c m<)t nh6m tu the hi~n hanh d<)ng, hay m<)t tr9ng thai.
E.g: She sleeps very much. (Co ay ngu rat nhieu.)
chi hanh d<)ng
She married two years ago. (Co ay da ket hon each day 2 nam).
chi tr9ng thai (ket hon)
c. Tan ngfr (Object = 0)
La 1 danh tLJ', 1 c1;1m danh tLJ' hay m<)t d9i tLJ' chi nguoi, Sl! v~t ho~c Sl! vi~c chiu tac d<)ng/anh
huang trl,J'C tiep ho~c gian tiep cua d<)ng tlr trong cau.
E.g: I bought a new book yesterday.
Bo ngfr (Complement = C)
La m<)t tfnh tLJ' ho~c m<)t danh tLJ' thuong di sau d<)ng
de bo nghia cho chu ngfr ho~c tan ngfr trong cau.
tu noi (linking verbs) ho~c tan ngfr dung
E.g: She is an engineer. (Co ay Ia m<)t ky su.)
Bo ngfr cho chu ngfr "she".
He considers himself a super star. (Anh ay coi ban than mlnh Ia m<)t siE~u sao.)
a. Cau true: s + v
- Ta se bat g~p m<)t so cau chi c6 duy nhat chu ngfr va d<)ng
11 is snowing.
(Troi dang do tuyet.)
- Nhfrng d<)ng
trong cau true cau nay thuong Ia nhfrng n<)i d<)ng
khong can tan ngfr di cung.)
b. Cau true:
tu (hay con gQi Ia nhfrng d<)ng
- Day Ia cau true rat thong d1;1ng va hay g~p trong tieng Anh.
E.g: 1 like cats. (Toi thfch meo.)
s v
- D<)ng
trong cau true nay thuong Ia nhfrng ngo9i d<)ng tLJ' (hay con gQi Ia nhfrng d<)ng tl.r bat
bu<)c phai c6 tan ngfr di kern.)
gave me
da dua cho toi
vf dv tren, thl"me"
Ia tan
va "a
se Ia tan
Vi hanh
d()ng 6 day Ia "gave" (dua cam cai gl d6 bang tay va dua cho ai d6) -+ Vf).y chi c6 the cam
nh~n hanh
"m6n qua" va "dua" cho chu the Ia "t6i" nen um6n qua" Ia tan ngfr tn!c tiep
d()ng, con "toi" Ia tan ngfr gian tiep khong tri!C tiep tiep nhf).n hanh d()ng.
TCr lo~i c6 the duqc nhf).n biet theo duoi cua danh tCr, d(>ng tCr, tfnh tCr va tr~ng tCr trong Tieng An h.
ngfr, thub'ng dt1ng dau
is the capital of Vietnam.
This movie is interesting.
tCr chlluqng: many, much,
a few, a little, ...
I usually
d(>ng tlr tobe trong cau
a few stu1de1nts
I like music.
sau chu ngfr
up at 7 o'clock.
It was built 5 years ago.
tlr va danh tlr
tlr tobe va d(>ng tlr n6i
true cau so sanh, cam
+ to V va
He is/looks tired.
This dress is as
The weather is too
as that
Trong cau true so/such ... that
It was so noisy that we couldn't
focus on the movie.
often listen to music at night.
Dung tnr6'c d(>ng tCr
f)(rng dau cau ho~c cuoi cau
Unfortunately, I was late for the
f)(rng gifra trQ' d(>ng tCr va d(>ng tCr
I have already read that book.
f)(rng gifra d(>ng tlr tobe va tfnh tlr
She is very nice.
Tfen to
in-/ il-/ ir-/ im-
111\,.;UII t!l.,;i
·u ega I, ,
111 t!;:IIJUII;:IIUI~::,
immoral, ...
- Tfen toil- thuong di v6'i cac tCr bat dau bang L;
- Tien to ir- thuong di v6'i cac tCr bat dau bang R;
- Tien to im- thuong di v6'i cac tCr bat dau bang M ho~c P.
tfen tomang
phu dinh
unhappy, undo,
d"ISappear, d"ISCOnnect , u1;:~ay1
disapproval, ...
mistreat, mistake,
antivirus, antisocial, ...
contraexcac tfen to
non-profit, non-fiction, ...
contradict, contrary,
~.,;u11u afluw
ex-boss, ex-spouse, ...
postgraduate, posterior, ...
preschool, pre-war,
lien quan
thai gian
cactfen to
chi so h.rqng
tfen to mang
nghia con so
repeat, recycle, reuse, ...
semi-final, semi-formal, ...
supervisor, superlative,
11111.,;1 uu1 ya111;:1111,
united, uniform, ...
dec-/ deci-
decade, decimal,
out-/ over-
outnumber, outside, outweigh,
overheat, overload, overtime, ...
return, report, ...
television, telepathy, ...
transform, transplant, transport, ...
teacher, manager, worker, actor, director, visitor, assistant,
attendant, applicant, ...
Verb+ ion
action, invention, discussion, construction, suggestion, ...
development, appointment, refusal, arrival, approval,
entertainment, ...
teaching, building, training, ...
employee, interviewee, trainee, ...
failure, closure, exposure, ...
kindness, sadness, happiness, darkness, ...
safety, loyalty, honesty, cruelty, purity, majority, ...
freedom, wisdom, boredom, ...
warmth, truth, width, ...
guitarist, artist, novelist, physician, magician, musician, ...
capitalism, heroism, patriotism, ...
friendship, relationship, championship, leadership, ...
-a nee/
Cong thU'c
apology, bravery, century, machinery, accuracy,
bankruptcy, ...
damage, baggage, carriage, ...
dependence, appearance, significance,
Adj +en
evacuate, humiliate, congratulate, celebrate, ...
Cong thU'c
careful, hopeful, helpful, careless, useless, harmless, homeless,
peaceful, successful, ...
-ic/ -al/ -ical
-able/ -ible
manly, friendly, cowardly, chilly, ...
childlike, childish, selfish, boyish, manlike, ...
dangerous, mountainous, religious, poisonous, curious,
suspicious, ...
healthy, rainy, snowy, windy, dirty, ...
alcoholic, artistic, academic, natural, national, cultural,
historical, comical, ...
respectable, knowledgeable, reasonable, resistible,
responsible, ...
informative, attentive, responsive, explosive, massive, ...
interesting, excited, fascinating, delighted, ...
Noun +Adj
homesick, lovesick, seasick, worldwide, nationwide, ...
Noun+ P2
home-made, sunburned, hand-made, ...
faithfully, happily, hardly, normally, actively, ...
clockwise, otherwise, likewise, ...
backward, homeward, eastward, ...
each dung
Cong thuc
- Dien ta m<)t Sl,f th~t hi en
nhiE§n, chan ly luon dung.
The sun rises in the East and
sets in the West.
-) S +do/does+ not+ V
- Dien ta m<)t th6i quen, h~mh
d<)ng thtrong xay ra hi~n
My mother always gets up
early in the morning.
?) Do/Does + S + V + 0?
Voi d9ng tll'to be
s +am/is/are+ 0
-) S +am/is/are+ not+
Messi plays football very well.
- Dien ta m<)t hoc;tt d<)ng, ke
The train to London starts at
hoc;tch co djnh theo thoi gian
?) Am/Is/ Are + S + 0?
- Dung trong cau dieu ki~n
loc;ti 1.
- N6i len kha nang cua m<)t
If the weather is beautiful, I will
go fishing.
Khi trong cau c6 cac trc;tng tl:r: a/ways, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom,
rarely, hardly, never, generally, regularly, ...
E.g: My dad always goes to work at 7 a.m.
Khi trong cau xuat hi~n:
Every day, every week, every month, every year, every morning ...
Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ...
Once/twice/three times/four times ... a day/week/month/year, ...
+) S +am/is/are+
V-ing + 0
-) S +am/is/are+ not
+ V-ing + 0
?) Am/Is/ Are + S +
V-ing + 0?
each dung
vr d\1
- Dien ta h~mh d<)ng dang
dien ra va keo dai trong hi~n
The kids are playing in the
garden now.
- Dung v6'i loi de nghi, canh
bao, m~nh l~nh.
Be quiet! Someone is coming.
- Dien ta m<)t hanh d<)ng sap
xay ra trong ttrO'ng lai theo ke
hoc;tch da dinh trtr6'c.
I booked the ticket yesterday. I
am flying to Bangkok
- Dien ta sl,( khong hai long
ho~c phan nan ve vi~c gl d6
khi trong cau c6 a/ways.
He is always complaining.
hate ...
Thl hi~n t9i tiep dien thlfang xu at hi~n cac tCr, cvm tCr sau: now, right now, at present,
at the moment, at this time.
The boy is playing football at the moment.
> Trong cau c6 cac d¢ng tCr: Look!, Listen!, Keep silent!, ...
+) S +have/has+ Vp 2 +
-) S + have/has + not +
Vp2+ 0
?) Have/Has+ S + Vp2
+ 0?
d¢ng da hoan thanh
He has finished all the tasks.
cho t6'i thai diem hi~n t9i ma
khong de c~p t6'i n6 xay ra
khi nao.
- Hanh d¢ng bat dau 6 qua
khlr va dang tiep tt,JC 6 hi~n
She has been in love with him
for nearly two years.
- Hzmh d¢ng da tCrng lam
trlfOC day va bay gia van con
She has played the piano ever
since she was a child.
M¢t kinh nghi~m cho t6'i
thai diem hi~n t9i (thlfang
tlr ever).
That was the most terrible
situation I have ever
Ve m(>t hanh d(>ng
qua khll' nhlfng quan
thai diem n6i.
She has just left for
she can't give you the
documents now.
Trong m(>t so trU'Ong hqp, ta Slr dt,.mg tr~ng thai qua kh(r phan tlr cua d(>ng tlr
to be: BEEN nhU' m(>t d~ng qua kht.f phan tlr cua d(>ng tlr GO.
Mary has been to
= (Mary went and
Mary has gone to
= (Mary went and
came back): Da t6'i Brazil va hi$n t~i da tr6 ve nha.
is in Brazil now): Da t6'i Brazil va hi$n t~i dang 6 d6.
> Sti dt,mg thl hi$n t~i hoan thanh v6'i this morning/this evening/today/this week/this
term, ... khi giai do~n d6 chU'a ket thuc t~i thoi diem n6i.
> Trong thl hi$n t~i hoan thanh thU'O'ng c6 nhfrng tll' sau: already, not... yet just ever,
never, since, for, recently, before, ...
For+ N - quang thoi gian: trong khoimg (for a year, for a long time, ... )
Since+ N - moe/diem thoi gian: tLr khi (since 1992, since June, ... )
So far= until now= up to now= up to the present: cho den bay gio
Cong thuc
+) S + has/have + been
+ V-ing + 0
-) S + hasn't/haven't +
been + V-ing + 0
?) Have/Has+ S +
been+ V-ing + 0?
each dung
- Dung de n6i ve hanh d(>ng
xay ra trong qua khLr, dien ra
liEm tt)C Va tiep tt)C keo dai
den hi$n t~i va ca trong
tU'O'ng lai.
I have been waiting for you for
three hours.
- Dung de dien ta hanh d(>ng
da xay ra, vll'a m6'i ket thuc
nhU'ng ket qua cua hanh
d(>ng van c6 the nhln thay 6
hi$n t~i.
She is tired because she has
been working very hard for
over 5 hours.
Trong cau th1 hi$n t~i hoan thanh tiep dien thU'O'ng xuat hi$n cac tlr, Ct)m tll': All day,
week, since, for, for a long time, in the past week, recently, lately, up until now, so far...
V6'i d9ng tll' thuong
+) S + V-ed + 0
- N6i ve m(>t
xay ra va ket thuc trong qua
I went to
~S+did not/didn1+V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- M(>t th6i quen trong qua
?) Did
+ V + 0?
you, I would not lend
him money.
Doi voi dong tCr "to be":
1/he/she/it (soft) +was
=we/you/they (so nhieu) +were
»-Dong tCr 6 thl qua kh(r bao gam d<)ng tCr c6 quy tac (regular verbs) va dong tCr
tac (irregular verbs).
- Cac dong tCr bat quy tac can phai hQC thuoc trong qua trlnh hQC t~p.
- Doi voi dong tCr c6 quy tac ta them "ed" sau moi
tCr. Chu y cac tnrO'ng hqp
khi chuyen dong tu c6 quy tac:
Dong tCr t~n cung Ia "e", ta chi can cong them "d";
Dong tCr c6 mot am tiet ho~c hai am tiet, t~n cung Ia mot phi.) am, tnroc phi.) am
Ia mot nguyen am, ta nhan doi phi.) am cuoi roi them "ed".
Dong tCr t~n cung Ia "y":
Neu trLroc "y" Ia mot nguyen am (a, , i, o, u) ta cong them "ed"
(E.g: play--+ played)
Neu trLroc "y" Ia phi.) am (cac chfr cai con l9i ) ta doi "y" th~mh "i + ed"
(E.g: study --+ studied)
Trang cau c6 nhfrng tCr, cl.)m tCr: yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, ago,
when in + nam cv the trong qua khu.
At 12 o'clock yesterday, we
were having lunch.
?) Was/Were + S + Ving + 0?
dong dang xay ra thl mot
hanh dong khac xen vao.
Hanh dong dang xay ra chia
th1 qua khCr tiep dien, hanh
xen vao chi a th1
kh(r dan.
when his mother came into the
- Dien d~t hai hanh d9ng
ra dong thai trong qua
- Hanh d9ng l~p di l~p
trong qua khLr va lam
den nglfai khac.
I was taking a bath,
using the computer.
mom was always
about my room
she got there.
Trong diu c6 nhfrng tCr d~c bi~t: while, when, as, at that very moment, at+ thai gian xac
ctjnh trong qua kht.f.
Cong thU'c
+) S +had+ Vpz + 0
-) S +had+ not+ Vpz +
?) Had+ S + Vpz + 0?
each dung
Vi d~;~
- Dien ta 1 hanh d9ng da xay
ra, hoan thanh trw1c 1 hanh
d9ng khac 6 qua khU'.
thl QKHT cho hanh d9ng
ra trl16'c va QKB cho
d9ng xay ra sau.
- Hanh d9ng xay ra trong
khoang thai gian trong
khLr, trl16'c 1 moe thai
- Hanh d9ng xay ra nhlf
dieu ki~n tien quyet cho
d9ng khac.
- Trong cau dieu ki~n lo~i
de dien ta dieu ki~n
thl)'c trong qua khU'.
lived in Hanoi for
when I turned 40.
prepared for the
was ready to do well.
have let you do it.
Khi thl qua khU' hoan thanh dl1Q'c dung ket hqp voi thl qua khU' dan, ta thlfang dung kern
v6'i cac gi6'i tCr va lien tCr nhu: by (c6 nghTa nhtr before), before, after, when, till, until, as
soon as, no sooner... than
E.g: John was ordered to unpack his bags after he had returned from a long journey.
Trong cau thlfang c6 cac tlr/Cl,Jm tlr:
until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after, for, as soon as, by+ time in
the past, ...
before, after, when by, by the time, by the end of+ time in the past.
?) Had +
+ been +
soup, so the kitchen was still
hot and
when she
V-ing + 0?
dien ta mc)t Slf Vi~C
Cac tlr hay xuat hi~n trong thl qua kh(r ho~m th~mh tiep dien: until then by the time, prior
to that time, before, after, ...
E.g: Had you been waiting long before the taxi arrived?
Until then, I had been sleeping.
Prior to that time, the coronavirus had been being controlled by the government.
Are you going to the beach? I
will go with you.
-) s +will+ not+ v + 0
xay ra ngay tc;li luc n6i.
?) Will+ S + V + 0?
N6i ve mc)t dl! doan dlfa
tren kinh nghi~m c6 dugc
trong qua khu.
I think it'll be extremely hot
Don't worry, I'll let everyone
- Dien
can eli'.
will not go to
before the 22nd
- SLI' d1,1ng trong cau dieu ki~n
loc;ii 1, dien ta gia djnh c6 the
xay ra 6 hi~n t~i va
If it
raining soon, we will
go to the cinema.
cac cau hoi: Shall/ ...
we ... cho
> Shall chi dung v6i we va I, khong sfr d1,.mg shall v6i he/she/it/you/they.
Trong cau thuong c6 cac tCr, cl)m tll': tomorrow, next day/next week/next month next year,
in + thai gian, from now on ...
E.g: The prime minister will open the debate in parliament tomorrow.
eong thuc
+) S +is/am/are+
going to + V-inf
-) S + is/am/are+ not
+going to+ V-inf
?) Is/Am/Are+ S +
going to + V-inf?
each dung
- Dung de dien ta m(>t dl!
dinh, ke ho~ch trong tuong
My cousin is going to get
married this year.
-Dung de dien d~t m(>t dl!
doan c6 can cu, c6 dan
chLI'ng cl) the.
Well, we're certainly going
have a varied trip.
next week/next month/next year, ... : tuan t6i/thang t6i/nam t6i, ...
tomorrow: ngay mai; the next day: hom sau, ...
in+ thai gian: trong ... nfra (in 5 minutes: trong 5 phut nfra)
E.g: Tomorrow I am going to the museum with my friends.
eong thuc
+) S + will + be + V-ing
-) S + will not/won't +
be+ V-ing + 0
?) Will+ S +be+ V-ing
each dung
VI d\1
- Dung de n6i ve m(>t hanh
d(>ng xay ra trong tU'O'ng lai t~i
thai diem xac dinh.
At 10 o'clock tomorrow, my
brother and I will be going to
the movie.
- Dung de n6i ve m(>t hanh
d(>ng dang xay ra trong tU'O'ng
lai thl c6 hanh d(>ng khac chen
When you come tomorrow,
they will be cooking dinner.
d(>ng se dien ra va keo
dai lien ti,JC SUOt m(>t khoang
thoi gian 6 tuong lai.
My parents are going to
London, so I'll be staying with
my grandma for the next 2
- Hanh d(>ng se xay ra nhU' m(>t
ph an trong ke ho~ch ho~c m(>t
phan trong thoi gian bieu.
The party will be starting at
ten o'clock.
Trong cau thuong c6 cac cl)m tll': next year, next week, next time, in the future, soon.
Trong cau c6 cac tr~ng tll' chi thoi gian trong tuong lai kem theo thai diem xac dinh:
lai: vao thai
?) Will+ S + have +
Dung de dien ta m9t hanh
hay sl)' vi~c hoan thanh
m(>t hanh d(>ng hay sl)'
khac trong tLrang lai.
I will have finished my task
before 3 o'clock this afternoon.
1 will have made the meal
ready before the time you
come tomorrow.
By +thai gian tLrong lai
By the end of+ thai gian trong tlfang lai
Before+ thai gian tlfong lai
By the time + clause
E.g: By the end of this year, I will have graduated from university.
+) S +will+ have been
+ V-ing + 0
-) S +will+ not+ have
been + V-ing + 0
?) Will+ S +have been
+ V-ing + 0?
xay ra trong qua khLr
dien lien t1,1c den m9t
diem cho trw1c trong
have been staying at
alone for 2 days before
For+ khoang thai gian +by/before+ m6c thai gian trong tvang lai
I will have been working for my company for 10 years by the end of this year.
I will have been learning English for 10 years by the end of this month.
has bought two tickets for
-rnQ,ra-rnra he can't be
- N6i ve kha nang trong qua khli'.
Khi n6i ve kha nang 1<3m gl trong
tlnh hu6ng ct,J the trong qua khli'
(din no h,.rc) thl khong dung
ma thay vao d6 dung cau true
house suddenly caught fire,
they were able to get out of it.
We could get out of it)
able to V.
able to
- C6 the duqc dung de chi kha
nang, thay the cho
va could.
- co the duqc st! dt,Jng 6 3 th1
hi$n t;;:ti, qua khli' va tuang lai.
- I am able to work under pressure.
-He was able to handle the task.
-She will be able to cook a meal
after taking part in cooking class.
duqc dung de yeu diu dieu gl 6 hi$n t;;:ti
E.g: "Can/could you please give me a lift?" - "Of course."
duqc dung de xin phep
"Can/could I ask you a question?" - "Sure. Go ahead!"
)o> Trong van n6i,
dlfQ'C dung thay cho may de dien ta mot St,J' cho phep va the phu
dlfQ'C dung de dien ta mot St,J' cam doan.
E.g: In London buses you can smoke on the upper deck, but you can't smoke downstairs.
Khi dung v6'i dong tCr tri giac,
c6 mot y nghTa tuang duang v6'i thl Tiep dien.
Listen! I think I can hear the sound of the sea.
(khong dung I am hearing)
-You must work harder if you want
-You must be tired after a long
ra loi khuyen
ben ngoai (n<)i quy,
quy djnh ... ).
don't have to ho~c don't
de dien d<;it "khong can phai
-You must be at home before 9 o'
-You mustn't smoke in that area.
- Students have to wear uniforms
when they go to school.
-You don't have to wash the
dishes now.
- Students don't need to write out
the questions when answering
- C6 nghia Ia /lean phat, tlfang tl!
nhl1 have to.
-You will need to hand in the paper
this week.
- £>l1qc xem Ia m<)t lo9i phu dinh cua
-You needn't go right now, need
- Thllong dung de de c~p den Sl/
can thiet ngay tlrC thai. f>liQ'C dung
de xin/cho phep - thl!ong Ia cho
phep khong lam gl d6. Khong dung
de n6i Ve Sl/ can thiet theo th6i
quen chung chung.
-It's OK. You needn't/don't need to
pay for that phone call.
> Must thllong dung cho tlnh huang
cac thl khac.
6 hi~n t1;1i, do d6 can dung have to thay the trong
E.g: You will have to do your best when the exam is coming.
I had to use my mother's laptop because mine was broken.
> Khi n6i voi ai c6 bon ph~n kh6ng dl!qc lam m<)t dieu gl, hay sli dt,mg must not/mustn't
thay vi do not/don't have to.
E.g: We don't have to go to school at the weekend.
Children mustn't cross the street without an adult.
> Don't have to
(kh6ng can thiet)
(kh6ng dl!Q'c phep)
=don't need to: kh6ng can thiet
E.g: You don't have to clean those glasses. They are clean.
(kh6ng can thiet)
> Need c6 the Ia d<)ng tLr thllong va d<)ng tLr khuyet thieu. Khi need Ia d<)ng tLr khuyet
thieu, ta khong dung 6 the khang djnh va chi dl!Q'C dung 6 the phu djnh Va nghi van.
E.g: Need he work so hard?
You needn't go yet, need you?
> Need khi dung 6 the khang dinh phai dl!qc dung voi m<)t tCr mang nghTa phu din h.
Trl!ong hqp nay, theo sau need Ia d<)ng tCr nguyen the khong 'to'.
E.g: I hardly need say how much I enjoyed the holiday.
I'm not sure.
- I wonder if he might go there
-She might not be there yesterday.
- Thtrong dung khi cho y kien ho~c
loi khuyen.
-I think you should do more
- The hi~n st,r bat bu¢c hay bon
ph~n (c6 st,r lt,ra chQn), khong
m?mh bang must.
-In my opinion, the government
should shift to a more inclusive
- The work should be finished
before this weekend.
-You ought to concentrate on your
- Dtra ra loi khuyen ho~c kien nghi.
There ought to be traffic lights at
this crossroads.
- Had better
do st c6 the
dtrqc dung ttrang tt,r nghTa
-Your hair is long. You had better
get it cut.
Had better
-Chi dtrqc dung cho t1nh huong cv
the, ngtroi n6i nh~n thay hanh
d(>ng d6 Ia din thiet va mong dqi
hanh d(>ng d6 se dU'Q'C tht,rc hi~n.
-It's cold. You had better wear
more clothes.
- Dien
ho~c dt,r doan st,r vi~c,
tlnh huong se
-Tomorrow will be a good day.
- Dtra ra loi
-Will you have
cup of tea?
ra m(>t quyet djnh ngay thai
v6i nglfO'i khac ve vi~c b~n
lam ho~c quyet tam lam.
dien ta m(>t gia djnh 6 qua
dl,f doan ve m(>t tlnh
c6 the xay ra.
dung trong IO'i yeu cau, IO'i
ljch Sl,f.
-I'll give you a lift.
- I'll buy that dress.
-At midnight Sarah was still
awake. She would be tired the next
-Would you like orange juice?
-She said she would visit her
grandparents tomorrow.
ve gia djnh - dieu nglfO'i n6i
-I would hate to miss the show.
dung chu yeu trong cau hoi
kien ho~c IO'i khuyen.
Where shall we go tonight?
Will va Would con dU'Q'C dung trong cau de nghj, yeu cau va IO'i mO'i.
E.g: Will you take a photo?
Would you like a cup of tea?
Will dlfqc dung pho bien hon Shall.
>Shall chi dU'Q'C dung v6i we va I
khuyet thieu
to+ have+
each dung
"dang Je ... Je ra phc:ii": dien ta m(>t
dieu nen lam trong qua khlr nhlfng
viii do nao d6 l~i khong xay ra.
"chac han JiL. ": suy doan Ve m(>t Sl,f
must+ have
can't/ couldn't
+have+ Vp2
vi~c trong qua kht1, ph6ng doan c6
logic dl,fa tren nhfrng
trong qua kht1.
"khong the nao ... ": suy dien phu djnh
ve Sl,f vi~c trong qua khLr, trai nghTa
v6i must + have + Vp2.
I've forgotten the address. I should
have written it down.
(Toi quen mat dja chi roi, le ra toi
phai viet l~i cht1!)
The streets are wet. It must have
rained last night.
(DlfO'ng xa U'Ot nhem, t6i qua chac
han trai da mlfa.)
He can't/couldn't have moved the
piano himself.
(Thang be khong the nao tl,f mlnh
di chuyen cay dan dU'O'ng cam
have thrown it away.
(Toi khong biet Ia thu kia
C6 the t6i da vlrt n6 roi.)
"Je ra kh6ng can phai... ": dien mot
hanh d¢ng kh6ng can thiet phai
thl!c hi~n trong qua khLr.
"dang lyra da lam gi" (nhung thl!c
chat cuoi cung l<;ti kh6ng lam).
We needn't have hurried. Now we
are too early.
(Chung ta le ra kh6ng can phai VQi,
giO' xem ra chung ta den som roi.)
I would have bought that CD but I
didn't have enough money.
(Le ra t6i da mua cai dTa nh<;~c d6
nhung t6i khong c6 du tien.)
0 chuyen de nay, cau dieu ki~n va cau U'OC se dU'Q'C tong hQ'p m()t each ngan gQn va de
hieu, ben c~nh d6 cung cap them m()t so each dung, hlnh thlrc khac, giup cac b~n hieu r5
va nang cao kien th(rc ve cau dieu ki~n va cau U'OC.
eau true
If+ S + V (s/es), S +
V (s/es)
If+ S + V (s/es), S +
will/can/may+ V(bare-inf)
each dung
Dien ta m¢t chan ly, Sl! vi~c
lu6n dung, ho~c mang tfnh
khoa hQc.
each dung
Dien ta m()t Sl! vi~c/hanh
d()ng c6 the xay ra 6 hi~n t~i
each dung
If+ S + V(past simple),
S +would/could/should
+ (not) + V(bare-inf)
Dien ta tlnh huang va hanh
d()ng khong the xay ra trong
hi~n t~i ho~c tU'O'ng lai.
eau true
each dung
eau true
S + had +
V(past perfect),
S +would/could/might
(not) + V(bare-inf)
If it's sunny, I will play
eau true
If+ S + had + V(past perfect),
S +would/could/might
(not)+ have V(past
If you pour oil on water, it
If she invited me, I would
come to her party.
VI d\1
Dien ta tlnh huang va hanh
d()ng khong c6 th~t trong
each dung
If I hadn't been absent
yesterday, I would have
VI dl)
Dung de dien ta gia thiet trai
ngU'Q'C VOi qua kht!, ket qua
trai ngU'Q'C VOi hi~n t~i. VI
v~y, ve gia thiet dung cau
If he had worked harder, he
would get a promotion now.
(not) + have V(past perfect)
gia thiet dung cau dfeu ki~n
lo<;~i 2,
dH~u ki~n lo<;~i
------+He loves
married her.
Don't go to work if you still
feel sick.
If clause+ Imperative
If+ Adjective/
Past participle-
If S + were to + V
Sau wish va if only c6 3
If v6i m{>t tlnh tlJ' ho~c
d{>ng tU' qua khCr ph an
tU' thay vi dung m{>t m~nh
Dung "If sb were to do sth",
v6'i y nghTa nhan m<;~nh tlnh
huong kh6ng the xay ra.
lo<;~i m~nh
If disturbed, the birds may
abandon the nest, leaving the
chicks to die.
(= If they are disturbed, the
bird may abandon the nest,
leaving the chicks to die.)
What would you do if you
were to lose your job?
(=What would you do if you
lost your job?)
chi U'Oc muon:
S +wish+ S +
If only
6 tuong lai (Future wish):
mong dieu gl d6 se xay ra
+ V (bare-inf)
I wish I was rich.
xay ra
S +wish+
If only+
+ V(past
I wish I were rich.
Present wish, 1hat Ia trong
16i van trjnh trQng.
If only I knew her name.
S +wish + S + V(past perfect)
If only+ S + V(past perfect)
0 qua khll' (Past wish): Ll'6'c
dieu gl d6 da ho~c da khong
xay ra trong qua khll'.
I wish I had succeeded in the
final exam.
If only you hadn't said that.
Xac djnh chu
ngfr, dong tlr
va tan ngfr va
thl cua dong tlr
trong cau chu
be Vpz
Adv (place)
Ufy tan ngfr
trong cau chu
dong lam chu
ngfr cua cau bi
dong. U3y chu
ngfr trong cau
chu dong lam tan
ngfr va d~t sau
trong cau bi
Adv (place)
S + am/is/ are +
Vpz +
by 0
Bien doi dong
tlr chfnh trong
cau chu dong
thanh d9ng phan
tlr 2 trong cau bi
Adv (time)
Adv (time)
Them To be vao
tnx6'c ph an tll' hai
trong cau bi dong
(To be phai chia
theo thl cua dong
tlr chfnh trong
cau chu dong va
chia theo so cua
chu ngfr trong
cau bi dong).
Hi~n t~i
She has deaned the house for hours. I
been + V,2 + by
her for hours.
+ has/have +
S + has/have +
Vp2 + 0
S +was/were+
I __, The house has been cleaned by I
I Minh bought-that car in 20f8.
Qua kh(r
S + V-ed + 0
Qua kh(r
tiep dien
S +was/were
+ V-ing + 0
He was doing homework at 7 p.m
S +wasI were+
, yesterday.
bemg+ p2 + ·
b +
------? Homework was being done by him
at 7 p.m yesterday.
Qua kh(r
S +had+ Vp2 +
S + had + been +
Vp2 +by+ 0
------?That car was bought by Minh in
1 201a.
Linh had locked the door before
The door had been locked by Linh
before she left.
I will close the window.
Tuong lai
S+will +V+ 0
S +will+ be+
Vp2 +by+ 0
Tuong lai
S + am/is/ are
going to+ V-inf
S +am/is/are
going to + be +
He is going to play football this
------? Football is going to be played by
him this afternoon.
TLrong lai
tiep dien
S +will+ be+
V-ing + 0
S +will+ be+
being+ Vp2 + by
He will be seeing Melisa at yoga
class tonight.
------? Melisa will be being seen by him
at yoga class tonight.
Tuong lai
Tuong lai
tiep dien
S +will+ have
+ Vp2 + 0
S +will+ have
+been + V-ing
S + will + have +
been+ Vp2 +
by+ 0
S + will + have +
been + being +
Vp2 +by+ 0
------?The window will be closed by me.
They will have completed the project
by the end of October.
------?The project will have been
completed (by them) by the end of
By the year 2100, people will h
been using computers for more than
a century.
------?By the end of 2100, computers will
have been being used for more than
a century.
Cau true cau chu d(>ng v6'i d(>ng tLr c6 2 tan ngO': s + v + Oi + Od
Trang d6: Oi (indirect object): tan ngO' gian tiep
(Khong tn)'c tiep chju tac d(>ng cua d(>ng tLr)
Od (direct object): tan ngO' tn)'c tiep
(Tan ngO' tn)'c tiep chju tac d(>ng cua d(>ng tlr)
+ V + Oi + Od
tCr + Oi
* MQt
Cau true cau chu d(>ng: S1 +
They think that she works very
It is + V1 (V p2) that + S2
+V2+ ...
S2 + is/am/are+
V1 (Vp2) +to+ V2(-inf)
hi~n t<;ii
t<;ii hoEm
- ? It is thought that she works very
hard. (TH1)
- Khi V2 chi a 6 thl
t<;ii don ho~c
-?She is thought to work very hard.
- They think that she worked very
hard last year.
S2 + is/am/are+
V1 (Vp2) +to have+
V2(Vp2) + ...
It was + V1 (V p2) + that
+ S2 + V2 + ...
S2 + was/were +
V1 (Vp2) +to+ V2
(infinitive)+ ...
S2 + was/were +
V1 (Vp2) +to+ have+
V2(Vp2) + ...
hoEm thfmh
- ? She is thought to have worked
very hard last year. (TH3)
Khi V1 chi a 6 cac thl
qua khli' (qua khu
qua khli'
khli' hoan
said that she was very
- ? It was said that she was very
kind. (TH1)
- Khi V2 chi a 6 thi
khli' don.
-?She was said to be very kind.
- Khi V2 chi a 6 thl
khli' hoEm thEmh:
said that she had been very
She was said to have
each dung
eau true
- Dung de chi h~mh
xay ra trong hi~n t~i
ho~c ttJO'ng lai.
S + modal verb + V + 0
S + modal verb + be
+ Vpz +by+ 0
S + modal verb +
+ Vpz + 0
S + modal verb +
have been + Vp2
must do this homework.
This homework must be done.
- Khi khong biet hay
khong can biet den
nhan cua hanh
could build this house in
- Khi muon nhan
ng11oi ho~c v$t
hi~n hanh d(>ng v6'i
people may build a new
A new bridge may be built by
-Dung de chi
d(>ng can phai
qua kh(r ho~c
le phai xay ra
khong lam,
hanh d(>ng
chac han phai
trong qua khLr.
should have read this book.
Trong nhfrng cau true sau day, d(>ng tLJ' chi tri giac d11qc gQi Ia "Vs"
each dung
S +to be+ Vs (p2) +
to V
S + Vs + 0 + V-ing
Ch(rng kien toan b9
hanh d(>ng, Slf vi~c
S +to be+ Vs (p2) +
People saw him fall out of the
--+ He was seen to fall out of the
Ch(rng kien ng11oi khac
lam g1 va chi thay m(>t
phan cua hanh d(>ng, Slf
lam g1
S + make + sb + Vinf
S + to be + made +to
+ Vinf
People saw her stealing the
--+ She was seen stealing the
They make me make tea.
I am made to make tea.
clothes every
The clothes have to be washed
by my mother every
I have the hairdresser cut my hair
every month.
I have my hair cut by the
every month.
the TV turned on
Cau m~nh l~nh
+ Vp2
It + tobe + adj + for sb +
Chu ngfr gia it
It + tobe + adj + for
sth +to be Vp2
paper this afternoon.
is difficult for the paper to be
him this afternoon.
hoi duoi (Tag Question) Ia mot d9ng cau hoi ngan duqc d~t 6 dang sau mot cau tran thu~t,
thw1ng duqc sti d1,.1ng trong giao tiep. Cau n6i di truoc cau hoi duoi thw1ng da day du y nghTa
va phan duoi thLrO'ng dung de xac minh l9i thong tin trong cau trlfOC d6.
* Dfeu ki~n 1: Neu ph fa tru6'c Ia cau khang dinh {+) thl ph fa sau Ia phu dinh (-) va nguqc l9i.
* Dfeu ki~n 2: Neu ph fa tru6'c Ia to be th1 ph fa sau phai Ia to be, neu ph fa tru6'c Ia v thl ph fa sau
Ia trq d()ng tCr cua thl d6.
E.g: You are a doctor, aren't you?
She drives so carefully, doesn't she?
Trong cau hoi duoi, luon luon dung cac d9i tCr chu ngfr (1, he, it, they, .. ) de d~t cau hoi.
KHONG dung d9i tCr tan ngfr (me, you, him, her, them, us).
KHONG dung ten rieng ('Nasn't Jimmy Ia sai).
Cau true
-You are my good friend, aren't
V6'i cac thl hi~n t~i
+ S?
-You are not doing your
homework, are you?
tir thuang:
de khang dinh,
don't/doesn't+ S?
-You play this game, don't
- M~nh de phu dinh, do/does
+ S?
- It doesn't work, does it?
* Dqng tir Tobe
V6'i cac thl qua khll
- M~nh de khang dinh,
wasn't/weren't + S?
- We were young, weren't we?
- M~nh de phu dinh,
-She wasn't tall, was she?
was/were + S?
* Dqng tir thuang
- M~nh de khang dinh, didn't
+ S?
He finished his task, didn't
- M~nh de phu dinh, did + S?
-You didn't trust me, did you?
We will attend the game,
won't we?
-You won't go to Ho Chi
de phu dinh, Modal
cannot swim, can she?
must not come late,
must chi Sl/ can thiet
khang d!nh, ta dung
cho cau hoi du6i.
must chi Sl/ cam doan 6
phu dinh must not, ta
must cho cau hoi du6i.
must chi Sl/ dl! doan 6
t9i, ta dl!a vao d(>ng tCr
sau must de ch<;>n d(>ng
cho thfch hqp.
chi Sl/ dl! doan
+ Vp2),
must work until1 Opm,
mustn't come late, must
must be a very kind man,
must have visited here
haven't you?
cho cau hoi
ought to go to school
shouldn't she?
D~ng d~c bi~t
Vi dl;l
-Let's+ V ... ,shall we?
- Let trong cau xin phep, dung will you
-Let's go to the zoo,
-Let us use the telephone, will you?
-Let trong cau de nghi giup, dung may 1
- Let me help you do it, may I ?
I am ... , aren't I?
- I am a student, aren't I?
Nhll'ng neu I am not th11~i dung am I
-I am not easy-going, am I?
V ... (m~nh l~nh thLJ'c), will you?
- Use the laptop, will you?
Neu m~nh de chfnh Ia cau LJ'6'c thl phan
du6i se dung MAY.
- She wishes she would become tall, may
Chu ngfr Ia One
dung One ho~c You.
One can play this song, can't you?
Cau cam than, lay danh tCr trong cau doi
thanh d~i tCr, dung is, am, are.
- What a beautiful dress, isn't it?
Cau dau c6 It seems that + m~nh de, lay
m~nh de sau lam cau hoi du6i.
It seems that you are right, aren't you?
Chu tCr Ia m~nh de danh tCr, dung it trong
cau hoi du6i.
What you have said is wrong, isn't it?
Chu ngfr Ia nothing, anything, something,
everything, that, this, cau hoi du6i phai c6 it.
-Nothing is impossible, is it?
Chu ngfr Ia cac d~i tCr anyone, anybody, no
one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone,
everybody, none ot neither of, thl cau hoi
du6i phai c6 they.
Somebody wanted a drink, didn't they?
Neither S1 nor S2
(khang dinh).
Neither you nor I am a doctor, are we?
- How intelligent you are, aren't you?
Lay du6i ca 2 chu ngfr
- Everything will be alright, won't it?
M~nh de trl.J'6'c dau phay c6 cau true: used
to V, th1 cau hoi du6i Ia: DIDN'T+ S
They used to travel so much, didn't they?
M~nh de trl.J'6'c dau phay c6 cau true: had
better+ V, th1 cau hoi du6i Ia: HADN'T+ S
I had better tell him the truth, hadn't I?
M~nh de trl.J'6'c dau phay c6 cau true: would
rather+ v, cau hoi du6i Ia: WOULDN'T+ s
She would rather go now, wouldn't she?
M~nh de trl.J'CS'c dau phay Ia I WISH, th1 cau
I wish to study English, may I?
hoi du6i Ia MAY I
I think he will come
chfnh c6
not thl du6i lay theo chu ngfr cua
won't he?
de pht,J.
I don't believe Joan can do it, can she?
- Cling mau nay nhung
chu tll' kh6ng phai Ia "/" thl l9i dung m~nh
She thinks he will come, doesn't she?
dau lam cau hoi
gian tiep, hay con gQi Ia cau tlfong thu~t, dlfQ'C dung de thu~t l~i loi n6i cua nglfoi khac
du&i d~ng gian tiep.
Khi muon chuyen cau tn,rc tiep thanh cau gian tiep, din:
- Lui thl: D(>ng tCr can lui 1 th1 ve qua khlr' so v&i thl cua thoi diem n6i.
- Doi ngoi, doi tan ngfr: Cac d~i tCr nhan xung va d~i tCr so hfru khi chuyen tCr loi n6i tn,rc tiep
sang loi n6i gian tiep can duqc thay doi: 1~ he/she, we~ they, you~ 1/ he/ she
- Doi tr~ng til' chi thai gian, noi chon
Trlfc tiep
that day
that night
this morning/evening
that morning/evening
the next day/the following day
the day before/the previous day
next (week)
the next (week)/the following (week)
last (week)
the (week) before/the previous (week)
(three days) ago
(three days) before
Cau true
Trlfc tiep
Hi~n t~i
"I do it," he said.
$ + say(s)/said +
{that)+ S + V
Gian tiep
Qua khudon
He said he did it.
Qua khfr don
Qua khu hoim thimh
"I did it," he said.
He said he had done it.
Hi~n t~i
hoim thimh
"I have done it," he said.
Qua khu hoim thimh
He said he had done it.
Hi~n t~i thlp dien
Qua khu tiep dien
"I am doing it," he said.
He said he was doing it.
He said he had been doing it.
Past modals:
"I will/can/may do it," he
He said he would/could/might do it.
);;;>-says/say to+ 0----? tells/tell+ 0
said to + 0 ----? told + 0
);;;>- Cac trq d<)ng tCr khuyet thieu (modal verbs) sau day khong can thay doi khi chuyen tCr
cau trl)'c tiep sang cau tl!O'ng thu~t: "should': "ought to': "needn't': "would': "could': va
"might". E.g:
- Trl)'c tiep:
"You should send your application tomorrow," Jill said.
- Gian tiep:
Jill told me that I should send my application the next day.
*co the dung
to" thay cho "must":
- Trl)'c tiep:
"I must meet an important customer today," Jack said.
- Gian tiep:
Jack said that he had to meet an important customer that day.
Chung ta Slr dt,mg d<)ng tCr "ask" khi tl!O'ng thu~t cau hoi. Trang khi tl!O'ng thu~t cau hoi chung ta
gifr nguyen thlr tl)' tlr nhli trong CaU tl!Ong thu~t va ll!Q'C bo dau hoi.
+asked(+ 0)/wanted
know /wondered +
did you go for your holiday,
Susan asked.
Wh-questions + s + V (lui
Susan asked Brown where he had
for his holiday.
+asked(+ 0)/wanted
know /wondered +
1\AtnoTn.or + S + V (lui
you the new secretary?" Roger
Roger asked Mary if/whether she was
new secretary.
cau true
M~nh l~nh
S +told/asked+ 0
khang dinh
+toV ...
M~nh l~nh
S + told/ asked + 0
phu dinh
+not to V ...
"Don't talk", Ms Brown told Tom.
--+ Ms Brown told Tom not to talk.
"If Thanh doesn't come, we'll set off without her,"
said David.
--+ Lo9i 2
Lo9i 1
--+ David said that if Thanh didn't come they would
set off without her.
--+ GiG' nguyen
--+ GiG' nguyen
--+ GiG' nguyen
m~nh de
"Sit down", Ms Brown asked Tom.
--+ Ms Brown asked Tom to sit down.
Hlnh thU'e
tU'ang thu~t
dfeu ki~n
"If I were younger, I would learn to play football," Mr.
Roger said.
--+ Mr. Roger said that if he were younger, he would
learn to play football.
"If you had told me about the meeting, I would have
come," said Jenny.
--+ Jenny said if I had told her about the meeting, she
would have come.
"If you pour oil on water, it floats," said my mother.
--+My mother said if I pour oil on water, it floats.
Neu trong cau trl!c tiep c6 cau hoi chua if, khi chuyen th~mh cau tuong thu~t,
if xep 6 cuoi cau.
"If I have a flat tire, what should I do?" he asked.
--+ She asked what she should do (what to do) if she had a flat tire.
cau true
Tell sb (not) to do
Bao ai lam gl
Ask sb (not) to do
cau ai lam gl
cau true
Accuse sb of
Bu(>c t(>i ai ve
dieu gl
Admit doing
ThLJ'a nh~n
dieu gl
Hua lam gl
Threaten to do sth
Invite sb to do
Moi ai lam gl
dieu gl
Remind sb to do sth
Nhac nho ai lam gl
Thank sb for doing
Cam on ai ve
Encourage sb to do
Khuyen khfch ai lam
Warn sb againsth
doing sth
canh bao ai dCrng
lam gl
Beg/implore sb to
do sth
Cau xin ai lam gl
Blame sb for doing
Do loi cho ai ve
Offer to do
dieu gl
dieu gl
dieu gl
So sanh Ia m9t phan ngfr phap quan trQng, dlfQ'C Slr dt,mg rat pho bien trong giao tiep cOng nhlf
trong van viet.
So sanh dlfQ'c sli dt,mg voi ml)c dfch nhan m~mh sl)' v~t sl)' vi$c dlfQ'c n6i toi va t<;to diem nhan
cho sl)' v~t dlfQ'c n6i toi.
- Slr dl)ng de so sanh gifra 2 doi tlfQ'ng (nglfb'i, Sl,l' v~t, Sl)' vi$c, hi$n tlfQ'ng). Voi lo<;ti so sanh nay,
ta se chia ra lam 02 lo<;ti:
+ Voi tr<;tng tLJ'/tfnh tCr ngan.
+ Voi tr<;tng tCr/tfnh tCr dai.
- C6ng thLJ'c chung (dung cho tr<;tng tCr/tfnh tCr ngan):
S + tobe/V + adj/adv + er + than + noun/pronoun
E.g: He runs faster than his brother.
She is shorter than her father.
> Voi tfnh tCr c6 am t~n cung Ia "y" thl phai doi thanh ''i" them "er".
E.g: pretty --+ prettier;
happy --+ happier
> Nhfrng tfnh tCr/tr<;tng tCr dQc tCr hai am tr61en gQi Ia tfnh tCr dai, m9t am gQi Ia tfnh tCr
ngan. Tuy nhien, m9t so tfnh tCr c6 hai van nhlfng ket thuc bang "/e'~ "et'~ "ow'~ "er" van
xem Ia tfnh tCr ngan.
E.g: slow--+ slower
> M9t so tfnh tCr nhlf: senior, junior, superior, inferior, anterior, posterior, ban than chung
da ngl) y so sanh han, nen khong them "more", va theo sau Ia "to" chLJ' khong phai "than".
E.g: For babies, breastfeeding is superior to bottle-feeding.
> Trong trlfb'ng hqp tfnh tCr ngan c6 1 nguyen am nam gifra 2 phl) am thl phai gap d6i phl)
am cuoi de tranh thay doi each dQC.
E.g: fat--+ fatter;
big --+ bigger
> So sanh danh tCr dem dlfQ'C va kh6ng dem dlfQ'C
- Danh tCr cOng c6 the dung de so sanh trong cac trlfb'ng hqp kh6ng bang, nhlfng trlfoc
khi so sanh phai xac djnh xem d6 Ia danh tCr dem dlfqc hay khong dem dlfQ'c, vi dang
trlfoc chung c6 m9t so djnh ngfr dung voi 2 lo<;ti danh tCr d6.
- C6ng thLJ'c:
S + V +as+ many/much/little/few+ noun+ as+ noun/pronoun
S + V +more/fewer/less+ noun+ than+ noun/pronoun
E.g: Don't lose your passport, as I did last year.
They sent more than I had ordered.
She speaks English more fluently than her
> Sau "than" phai
Ia d9i tli' nhan xU'ng chu ngfr, khong phai Ia tan ngfr
Khi so sanh mot v~t ho~c mot ngU'oi voi tat ca nguai ho~c v~t con l9i thl ta phai them
"else" sau anything/anybody.
E.g: She is taller than anybody else in the class.
De nhan m9nh so sanh, c6 the them
s v+
tnroc so sanh:
+ ............ "'
Harry's watch is far more expensive than mine.
He speaks English much more rapidly than he does Spanish.
She goes to the movie theater less
frequently than he does.
(Sau THAN phai Ia d9i tli' nhan xung chu
ngfr, kh6ng duqc Ia tan ngfr.)
Cau true
S + to be/V + as + adj/adv + as +
S +to be/V + not + as + adj/adv + as +
is as cold as ice.
(S + tobe/V) + 0
Mary is not as tall as she thought.
> Voi each so sanh bang nhau cung c6 the dU'Q'C dien dc;tt bang cau true "the same as".
Dung "the same as" ch(r kh6ng dung "the same like".
S + to be + the same + (noun) + as + noun/pronoun
E.g: The black car is as expensive as the white one. =The black car is the same price as
the white one.
> Danh tlr cung c6 the dU'Q'C dung de so sanh trong trub'ng hQ'p nay, nhung nen nho
truoc khi so sanh phai dam bao rang danh tlr d6 phai c6 cac tfnh tlr tuong duong.
S + V +the same + (noun) + as + noun/pronoun
E.g: My school is as high as his.
My school is the same height as his.
> Neu Ia phu dinh, as thu nhat c6 the thay bang so. Sau as phai Ia m¢t dc;ti tll' nhan xung
chu ngfr, khong dtrQ'c Ia m¢t tan ngfr.
E.g: Mandy is not as tall as her father.
Mandy is not so tall as her father.
cau true
S + V +the+ adj/adv +est+ N
S + V +the most/least+ adj/adv + N
is the longest river in the
is the most beautiful girl I have
gioi tlr "in" voi danh tlr so ft.
dl,mg gioi tlr "of" voi danh tlr so nhieu.
of the+ so sanh nhat +noun~ noun Ia so nhieu, d¢ng tll' chi a 6 so ft.
so tlnh tll' tuy~t doi kh6ng duqc dung so sanh hon nhat: unique, extreme, perfect
primary, absolute, supreme.
sanh nhat c6 the duqc bo nghTa bang "much" ho~c "by far"
is the greatest by far.
m¢t so tfnh tll', trc;tng tll' d~c bi~t sau, chung kh6ng tuan theo quy tac chung cua
tlr, trc;tng tlr khac, can ghi nho.
the better you will feel.
So sanh
dong tien
colder it
uncomfortable I become.
... dmg)
The weather gets colder and
Tfnh tCr ngan:
lOy tien
can g)
Tfnh tCr dai:
S + V +more and more+
The exams are becoming
and more difficult.
d9ng so sanh lOy tien, d<)ng tt1 thU'O'ng dung Ia get, become.
chi m<)t ve c6 adj/adv so sanh thl ve con l9i c6 the dung "The more".
phan comparative, neu adj/adv ngan thl them -er, dai thl them more+
more" 6 ve th(r nhat c6 the c6 "that" ho~c khong.
The more (that) you study, the smarter you will become.
The more (that) we know about it, the more we are assured.
Trang trU'O'ng hqp neu ca hai ve deu c6 "it is" thl bo "it is".
The shorter (it is), the better (it is).
Neu ca hai ve deu c6 "tobe" thl
The closer to one of the Earth's pole (is), the greater the gravitational force (is).
not. ..
dung de
cho cac tfnh tt1 ho~c ph6 tt1 dU'Q'c dem ra so sanh dang sau, va chi dLtqc
tfnh tt1 trt!u tlfqng:
I enjoyed Sunday mornings all the more as Sue used to come round to breakfast.
He explained it all carefully, but I was still none the wiser.
much as the other one.
twice as fast
)Po- twice that many/twice that much = gap doi ngan ay ... chi duqc dung trong van n6i,
khong duqc dung trong van viet.
E.g: We have expected 80 people at that rally, but twice that many shown up.
as many as that number).
Harry is the highest boy in my class.
It is Harry who/that is the highest boy in my
My work won the first prize in a craft-making contest.
It was my work that won the first prize in a craftmaking contest.
teacher gave his student an
It was the student that/whom the teacher
met Nga at my birthday party.
gifts to his friends.
It was a lot of gifts that Minh gave to his
- Nga started her school last month.
month that Nga started her school.
(Chi thoi gian)
- Mai and linh were born in that town.
It ~was in that town that Mai and Linhwere~born:~-­
(Chi noi chon)
-You could use the washing machine by reading the
instruction paper.
---+ It is by reading the instruction paper that you
could use the washing machine.
(Chi each thlJ'c/ly do)
- My dad prepared documents for the meeting.
---+ It was for the meeting that my dad prepared
(Chi mi,JC dfch)
cau true
It + is/was + Noun (chi v~t) + that
+be+ Vp2
It + is/was + Noun/pronoun
(chi nguai) + who + be + V p2
Cau true
What Clause + V + is/was +
cau/tlr OU'QC dung de nhan m~nh
My family usually discusses the weather.
It is the weather that is usually discussed (by my
Kevin's fans gave him a lot of flowers and presents.
It was Kevin who was given a lot of flowers and
presents by his fans.
-What Kien likes to eat for breakfast is always
-Where Junny wants to go every weekend is the
movie theater.
voi chl'rc
• My sister keeps tan~~•ng
about her new dress.
You can't succeed
without working hard.
Face: doi dien, ducmg dau
Finish: hoan thanh
Fancy: tuong tuqng; thfch
Give up: tlr b6
Imagine: tuong tuqng
Put off: hoan l9i
Involve: dfnh lfu
Risk: danh lieu
Waste (time, money):
phf (thoi gian, tien b9c)
Can't help: khong the kiem
soat, khong the dung duqc
Can't stand: khong chju
Practise: luyen
E.g: He admitted breaking the glass.
I can't recall meeting that man before.
Chung ta c6 the dung d~i tCr tan ngfr (pronoun object) ho~c tfnh tu so hfru (possessive
adjective) sau cac d(>ng tu tren va dung "Gerund" thea sau.
E.g: His parents don't mind him/his quitting the job.
Apologize for doing
xin loi
Approve of doing
tan thanh
Be/Get used to
doing sth
dan quen voi
Disapprove of
doing sth
khong tan thanh
Feel like doing
cam thay thfch
Prevent (sb) from
ngan can
doing sth
Look forward to
doing sth
trong cho
Succeed in doing
thanh cong
Insist on doing sth
cu khang khang
Congratulate sb on
doing sth
khen ngqi
Be accustomed to
doing sth
quen thu(>c voi
Accuse sb of
cao bu(>c
doing sth
E.g: I really apologize for keeping you waiting.
Finally, they succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.
Cau true
It's no use/good doing sth
It's (not) worth doing sth
There's no point in doing sth
fch gl
dang lam
can thiet phai lam gl
What/How about doing sth?
... thl sao?
Have difficulty/trouble/problems doing
kh6 khan/tro ng~i khi lam vi~c gl
E.g: It's no use learning a foreign language if you don't practice it.
There's no point in explaining to him.
our health.
Tan ngfr
•I don't want my mom
Bo ngfr cho
tan ngfr
Agree: dong
Learn: h9c
Afford: c6 du tH~n
Manage: xoay x6
Appear: to ra; xuat hi~n
Offer: tt,r nguy~n
Arrange: sap xep
Plan: dt,r djnh
Attempt: co gang
Pretend: gia vo
Ask: hoi; yeu diu
Determine: quyet tam
Promise: hlia
Decide: quyet dinh
Refuse: tll' choi
Demand: doi hoi
Resolve: quyet dinh
Deserve: xling dang
Seem: duong nhU'
Expect: mong dqi
Struggle: phan dau
Fail: that b~i
Threaten: de d9a
Grow: tr6 nen
Want: muon
Happen: tlnh co; xay ra
Wish: mong muon, U'OC
Hesitate: do dt,r, IU'ong lt,r
Would like: muon
Hope: hi vQng
Claim: tuyen bo
She finally decided
Please do not hesitate
"'uu-::a~' me
if you have any
Ask: yeu cau
Force: ep bu(>c
Mean: c6 y djnh
Require: yeu cau
Forbid: cam
Get: nhova
Need: can
Cause: gay ra
Help: giup do
Expect: mong dqi
Invite: moi
Remind: nhac nh6
Warn: canh bao
Encourage: khuyen
Leave: cho phep
thuyet ph1,1c
Want/Would like:
Order: ra
Tell: bao
E.g: The robbers forced the cashier to hand over the money.
They invited Carol and me to have dinner with them.
I won't persuade you to take up this game.
E.g: The travel agent advised us to wear casual clothes.
The travel agent advised wearing casual clothes.
He doesn't allow his children to come home late at night.
He doesn't allow coming home late at night.
She recommended me to read the book before seeing the movie.
Nhfrng d(>ng tCr sau day c6 the theo sau bang "Gerund" ho~c "To-infinitive" nhLrng cho y nghTa khac
Verb+ Gerund
I Stop doing sth: Dang lam vi~c g1 roi ngCrng I Stop to do sth: NgCrng l~i de lam m(>t vi~c !
E.g: I stopped smoking two years ago.
E.g: George had been working for hours, so
he stopped to smoke a cigarette.
t,~~~~~' ,,- '' '', '
' ' ' "-~~~'
' ~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~'~~~~,~~,~~~~~'
,~Remember/Forget doing sth: Nh6' ho~c
I Remember/Forget to do sth: Nh6' ho~c quen
1 quen vi$c eta xay ra
m<?t vi~c can phai lam
E.g: I remember meeting that man, but not E.g: I'm sure you didn't remember to lock
1 exactly where.
1 the door. Here's the key.
John forgets watering flowers, so he I
Don't forget to lock the door before
I does that again.
I leaving home.
Try doing sth: Lam tht1 vi~c g1
I Try to do sth: Co gang lam vi~c gl
I E.g: If she's not at home, why don't you try ! E.g: Sally is trying to find a job, now that
ringing her at the office?
I she's finished college.
~r~~~'~-~,'~~,~~~,~-~~''-'--~-~~-'~"~~-L~~- ~'-,~~~~'
- ~~~~'~'~~,~~-~~-~,~~~'-'~--~'
Mean doing sth: C6 nghTa Ia
1 Mean to do sth: Coy lam vi~c g1
I'm sorry, but didn't mean
about her son, then she went
on to talk about her daughter.
Tinh tir
happy to live with them.
Cac tfnh tLr mi<§u ta tfnh chat cua h~mh
d¢ng: easy,
hard to remember all the items in the list.
You are too young to live alone.
Theo sau cac danh tlJ' rna c6 d<;mg d(>ng
tu ho~c tfnh tlJ' tLrong ung ket hqp dLrqc
voi d¢ng tu nguyen the.
Dung sau cac tlJ' chi tht! tl! "the
first/second ... "
+time/a chance/an opportunity+ to
+a good idea/a mistake+ to V
my parents about my decision to buy
Am and was the first student in our village
have the chance to get into university.
I didn't have an opportunity to explain what
It's a good idea to reuse those bottles.
It's a mistake to believe him.
She tried her best to win the competition.
It's time to go home.
tu khuyet thieu (can, could, ... )
"make+ tan ngfr" (khien cho ai...) va
+tan ngfr" (de cho ai...)
"had better" (nen lam gl) va "would
(tha lam gl)
should be careful with your words.
game was funny. It made me enjoy
You'd better wear a raincoat.
heard the bomb go off.
cau m~nh l~nh
the window, please.
Rice and
and butter was all we had.
V (S2)
- Either Trung or I come to the party.
- Not only alcohol but also
cigarettes are banned in public
S1 norS2
3. V6'i cac danh tl! noi v6'i
nhau bang
- Neither my friends nor I am in the
school team.
V (danh tl! dau tien)
-The manager, together with his
assistants, has arrived.
- The kitchen, as well as the toilets,
is painted in blue.
St! ket hQ'p gifra chu tl!
va cac tl! nhU' every,
EveryI each + N
ft + v
Each/every student has to do the
Each of/one of+ N
so nhieu (xac djnh)
Each/every of the students has to
do the homework.
Most of the house was destroyed.
-Three quarters of the earth's
surface is water.
- Some of the tomatoes are too
- Only a third of the students are
qualified for the new course.
6. D~i tl! bat dinh
-Someone has eaten all the food.
- Nobody wants to attend the
7. Cac danh tU' chi sl)' do
Iuong, thai gian, khoang
- Twenty kilometers is too far to
-Five minutes is not enough for me
to do it.
-A hundred thousand dollars is a
big sum of money.
8. Trong mau cau 'There +
be+ N' {C6 ... )
9. Khi tll'
hoi (who, what,
which}, c~:~m tU' ho~c m~nh
de lam chu tlr
V phi) thu(>c danh
tlr d(rng sau
- There are many apples on the
luu y: Neu c6 nhieu
danh tlr thl thU'<1ng
-There is a table and four chairs in
the room.
ket hqp danh tU'
dau tien
-There are four chairs and a table
in the room.
v soft
- Who wants tea?
- What has happened?
- What the boy wants now is a cup
of milk tea.
- Reading books is one of my
favorite hobbies.
10. Danh tU' t~p hQ'p
(collective nouns)
-v soft (neu xet
toan the)
The whole team is playing very well.
(toan the d(>i)
-v so nhieu (neu
My family are early risers. (tU'ng
thanh vien trong nha)
xet tlrng phan/
thanh vien cua n6)
* MQt so danh tll' t~p hQ'p thuong g~p:
army (quan d(>i); club (cau l9c b(>); community (c(>ng dong); college (cao dang);
committee (uy ban); class (lop hQc); audience (khan gia); council (h(>i dong); family (gia
dlnh); group (nh6m); team (d(>i nh6m);jury (h(>i dong xet xt1); crew (d(>i, nh6m); staff
(nhan vien); crowd (dam dong); government (chfnh phu), ...
11. M(>t so danh tll' c6 hlnh
nhfeu ho~c danh tll'
chi v~t gom hai thimh phan
nhu nhau
V so nhieu
* Danh tU' hlnh thU'c nhieu:
goods (hang h6a); belongings (do
dung ca nhan); clothes (quan ao);
earnings (tien kiem dLtqc); outskirts
(vung ven); surroundings (vung xung
* Danh tll' chi v~t gom 2 thimh phan
nhu nhau: scissors (cai keo);
pincers/pliers (cai kim); shorts
(quan so6c); trousers/pants (quan
tay);jeans (quan jeans); glasses/
~pf-'r nr rf-'s (kf1 1), binoculars (1 tg
A pair of binoculars is
necessary for our
Your new pair
* Mon
physics (v~t ly); politics (chfnh tri
hc;>c); economics (kinh te hc;>c);
statistics (men thong ke)
* Can
measles (b~nh s6i);
mumps (b~nh quai bi); rickets (b~nh
coi xuong); AIDS (b~nh AIDS)
* Mon
thao: athletics (di'en
kinh); gymnastics (the dvc d1,.1ng cv);
billiards (mon bi-a); darts (tro nem
phi tieu); dominoes (co domino)
E.g: Mathematics is my favorite
Measles is a dangerous disease.
Dominoes is a good game for
13. Danh tCr du khong c6
s/es nhung van
coi 6 so nhieu
v so nhieu
t~n cung Ia
people (dan chung); children (tre
em); women (phl) nG'); police (cimh
sat); cattle (gia sue 16'n nhlf trau,
bo) ...
Many young people are out of
work now.
Sheep were grazing in the fields.
Danh tCr chi
14b. Danh tCr chi dan
+ nat·lonalltvJ
-English is spoken in many
the world. (tieng Anh)
- The English really like to drink tea.
(nguoi m.r6'c An h)
-The rich help the poor very much.
the rich (nguoi giau); the poor
(nguoi ngheo); the sick (nguoi om);
the dead (nguoi chet); the young
the old
the disabled (ngU'oi khuyet t~t); the
unemployed (ngU'oi that nghi~p ); the
injured/wounded (ngU'oi bi thU'ong) ...
15. The number of+ N so
nhi'eu: so lw;mg
-v soft
-The number of students in the
class is 30.
A number of+ N so nhieu:
-v so nhi'eu
- A number of students were absent
16. Chu ngfr Ia m~nh de
danh ngfr
-v soft
What you are doing is illegal.
(chu ngfr)
o (tan ngfr)
(thay the cho
The boy who you saw yesterday is my friend.
who con dung trong d:lu true
E.g: It is Minh who helped you. (Minh helped you.)
It was the girls who were helped by the man. (The girls were
helped by the man.)
(thay cho v~t
va loai v~t)
s (chu ngfr)
o (tan ngfr)
s (thay cho ca
m~nh de phfa
tru6'c, dfrng sau
dau phay)
I didn't like the hotel which was of low quality.
The house which we paid a visit to is very nice.
She got married to a young guy, which surprised
everybody. (which thay the cho ca m~nh de "She
got married to a young guy", va dieu nay khien moi
nguoi surprised)
cho nguoi)
o (tan ngfr)
The men whom you talked to yesterday were very
C6 y nghTa
- There was a picture in the paper of a man whose
leg had been blown off.
cho nguoi, v~t
ho~c loai v~t)
so hfru: of which
- Whose round is it?
> Cac c~:~m tCr chi so luqng
dU'Q'C dung trU'OC
Which va whose.
Neu trong m~nh
quan h~ c6 gi6'i tCr thl gi6'i tCr c6 the
quan h~, chi ap d~:~ng v6'i
va which.
> C6 the dung which thay cho
s (chu ngfr)
(thay cho
ngub'i, v~t
loai v~t)
... c6 the
dfrng tru6'c.
- The men that talked to you yesterday were very
-This is the hotel that is of low quality.
- The men that you talked to
-He was sent to prison for a crime that he
> Cac truong hqp dung "that"
That duqc dung lams (chu ngO') trong m$nh de quan h$ khi c6 tll' di
little, much, none
E.g: These walls are all that remain of the ancient city.
Khi danh tlr phfa tru6'c chi ca ngU'Oi lan v~t (hon tll').
E.g: I see the girl and her dog that are running in the park.
Sau cac d~i tll' bat d!nh: someone, anybody, nothing, anything, sorne1:hii11CI
no one, ...
That con dU'Q'C dung trong so sanh han nhat.
The most/The best/The least/adj + est +THAT + ...
E.g: This is the most beautiful house that I have ever visited.
That (thay the cho v~t, CI,Jm tlr ho~c d6i khi Ia ca nguoi) con dU'Q'C dung
cau true cau che:
E.g: It was Linh that helped you. (Linh helped you.)
> Cac truong hqp KHONG dung "that"
Kh6ng dung that trong m$nh de quan h$ kh6ng xac djnh.
E.g: Minh introduced me to Luan, who worked with her on the project.
Minh introduced me to Luan, that
Nith her on the project.
0" . . )
Khi c6 gi6'i tll' phfa tru6'c (in, on, at,
Khi thay the cho ca m$nh de dt.fng tru6'c. Truong hqp nay dung Which de
E.g: It rained all day, which was a pity.
V6'i cac tll' chi luqng c6 gi6'i tll' di kem: (neither of, most o" all of, none o"
o" a lot o"···)
C6 y nghTa
- I don't know the school where Linh is
"6t~i dau":
-You should go to a store where you can
C6 y nghTa
- I never forget the day when I first kissed
"khi nao":
- Do you remember the day on which we
on/at which
C6 y nghTa "ly do":
for which
s (chu ngO'),
c6 y nghTa:
"bat Clr ai ma ... "
They did not tell her the reason why (for
they chased her.
y: Why thuong dung sau tll' reason.
Could you give this message to whoever is
charge of sales?
to marry
- Neu d(>ng tLr trong m~nh
6 the chu d(>ng (active), ta dung c!)m hi~n t~i phan tCr
(present participle phrase) thay cho m~nh
- 86 d~i tLr quan h~ va trq d(>ng tlr, dlla d(>ng tlr chlnh ve nguyen mau va them du6i -ing.
The boy who is standing there is my son.
-+The boy standing there is my son.
Do you know the man who caused the accident yesterday?
-+ Do you know the man causing the accident yesterday?
Neu d(>ng tCr trong m~nh de quan h~ 6 the bi d<)ng (passive) ta dung c!)m qua kht1 ph an tCr.
E.g: The plays which were written by him are interesting.
-+The plays written by him are interesting.
ho~c tfnh tlr so sanh
han nhat
Vinh is the best candidate to apply (who applies) for
was the third person to be killed (who was killed) in this
(d~ng bi d(>ng v6'i to V)
a lot of works that I must do.
are six letters which have to be written
There are six letters to be written today.
last girl that was killed there was his daughter.
The last girl to be killed there was his
money to anyone to be bitten
Chung ta c6 the dung To-infinitive (to V) de gian IU'Q'c MDQH khi c6 m(>t trong
cac tl.r: something, anything, nothing, everything, somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody,
somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere. (day cLing Ia kien th(rc ve m~nh de danh
E.g: There was nothing we could do about it- the situation was beyond our control.
was nothing to do about it- the situation was beyond our control.
We need someone who will look after the children while we are at work.
need someone to look after the children while we are at work.
each dung
Bo who,
which ... to be
va gifr nguyen
tfnh tl.r ph fa
VI dl)
Neu ph fa trU'oc that
Ia d~i tl.r phiem chi
nhU' something,
anything, anybody...
There must be something that is wrong.
co dau phay ph fa
trw1c va phai c6 tl.r 2
My grandmother, who is old and sick, never
goes out of the house.
tfnh tl.r tr&len.
Dem tfnh tl.r len trU'oc
danh tl.r.
My grandmother, who is sick, never goes out
of the house.
must be something wrong.
My grandmother, old and sick, never goes
out of the house.
My sick grandmother never goes out of the
I bought a hat which was very beautiful and
NhCi'ng trU'b'ng
hQ'p con l~i
I bought a very beautiful and fashionable
Neu cl)m Hnh tl.r gom
ca danh tl.r, ta chi con
each dung V-ing.
I met a man who was very good at both
English and French.
I met a man being very good at both English
and French.
each rut gQn lo~i nay kha ph(rc t~p, tuy thu(>c vao 3 yeu to: c6 m(>t hay nhieu
tfnh tl.r, danh tl.r dung trU'oc c6 phai Ia phiem chi khong, c6 dau phay hay khong.
- Rut gQn m~nh de thanh m(>t tfnh tl.r ghep bang each tim trong m~nh de m(>t so dem va
danh tl.r di sau n6, sau d6 ta de chung c~nh nhau va them dau g~ch n6i 6 gifra.
- Dem tfnh tl.r ghep d6 ra trU'6'c danh tl.r d(rng trU'6'c who, which ... ; nhfrng phan con l~i bo
tfnh ti:r c6
- Dung ct,Jm danh ti:r khi m~nh
de quan h~ c6 d9ng:
+ danh tirt/'Jf"S
86 who, which va be.
E.g: Football, which is a popular sport, is very good for health.
Football, a popular sport, is very good for health.
Do you like the book which is on the table?
Do you like the book on the table?
Vo Nguyen Giap, who was the first general of Vietnam, passed away 8 years ago.
Vo Nguyen Giap, the first general of Vietnam, passed away 8 years ago.
VI d~
each dung
Dien ta ban chat, tfnh chat cua m(>t
ho~c cai gl d6
It was quite surprising that he
managed to finish the work.
Mang tfnh chu d(>ng
The film was amazing.
Dien ta cam xuc, cho biet ai d6 cam
thay nhU' the nao ve m(>t cai gl d6
Everyone was surprised that he
passed the examination.
Mang tfnh bi d(>ng
I was amazed by the film.
Tr~t ttl
0- Opinion
S- Size
S- Shape
C- Color
0- Origin
M- Material
P- Purpose
Tfnh tlt' chi quan diem,
sv danh gia
Tfnh tlt'
chi kfch co
big (to 16n), small (nh6), short (ngan, lun), tall
(cao), huge (khong lo), ...
old (gia, cO), new (moi), young (tre), ...
chid(> tuoi
chi hlnh dang
Tfnh tlt'
chi mau sac
Tfnh tlt'
round (tron), square (vu6ng), triangular (hlnh
tam giac)
white (trang), yellow (vang), silver (mau b~c),
green (mau xanh h:~c), ...
Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, ...
chi nguon goc
chi chat li~u
Tfnh tlt' chi
ml)c dfch sti dt,.~ng
cau true
pretty (xinh dE?p), ugly (xau xQ, beautiful
(dE?p), lovely (dang yeu), messy (blt'a b(>n), ...
Adj/adv +enough (for
sb) +to V: Du ... (cho ai)
lam gl
gold (bang vang), plastic (bang nhva), leather
(bang da), stone (bang da), ...
sleeping bag (tui ngu), coffee table (ban ca
phe), school bag (c~p di hQc), ...
He is strong enough to lift the box.
I couldn't drink
La tCr thay the cho danh tCr, tranh Slf l~p l~i danh tCr.
Chu ngii
Tan ngii
tht1 nhat
ngoi tht1 hai
ngoi tht1 ba
So nhieu
tht1 nhat
ngoi tht1 hai
ngoi tht1 ba
nhan xung
bat dinh
phan than
Something, someone, somebody, anything, anyone, anybody,
everything, everyone, everybody, nothing, no one, nobody, all, one,
none, other, another, much, less, (a) few, (a) little, enough, each,
either, neither
Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
Who, whom, which, that, whose
quc:m h~
This, that, these, those
chi djnh
Who, whom, whose, what, which
E.g: Who keeps the keys?
Whose umbrella did you borrow?
M~o tCr khong xac djnh dlfqc d~t trlf<1c danh tCr khong xac djnh, tt1c Ia danh tCr d6 dlfqc nhac den
landau tiE~n trong ngfr canh.
each dung
Dung v6'i nghTa giong nhlf any, every
A lion lives in the jungle.
(chi Slf v~t ngau nhh~n)
Dung v6'i danh tCr so ft dem dl!qc
a cup of coffee, a glass of water ...
Trlf6'c mot danh tCr lam bo tuc tCrthanh phan phi,J
He was a famous person.
"a", "an" tnroc danh tl!
What you
Khong dung "a", "an" truoc ten gc;>i
cac bfra an, trl! phi c6 tfnh tCr dung
a delicious dinner
"a" dung tru6'c m¢t phi) am ho~c m¢t nguyen am c6 am Ia phi) am
E.g: a game, a university, ...
"an" dung trU'OC m(>t nguyen am ho~C m(>t am cam
E.g: an egg, an ant, an hour, ...
"an" cOng dung tru6'c cac mau tl,f d~c bi~t dc;>c nhU' m¢t nguyen am
E.g: an SOS, an X-ray, ...
M90 tlr xac djnh the dung trl16'c danh tlr xac djnh, tli'c Ia danh tCr d6 da duqc nhac den trong cau
ho~c dU'Q'C hai ngU'b'i hieu ngam theo ngfr canh giao tiep.
Khi v~t the hay nh6m v~t the Ia duy
nhat ho~c duqc xem Ia duy nhat.
the sun, the world, the earth, ...
Trl16'C m¢t danh tlr neu danh tCr nay
vera duqc de c~p tru6'c d6.
I see a guy. The guy is fixing his car.
Truac m¢t danh tCr neu danh tlr duqc
The teacher that I met yesterday is my sister-inlaw.
xac djnh bang 1 Cl)m tlr ho~c 1 m~nh
the girl in uniform, the boy in blue shirt, ...
f>~t truoc m¢t danh tCr chi m¢t do v~t
Please pass the jar of honey.
rieng bi~t rna ngub'i n6i va ngllb'i nghe
deu hieu.
My father is cooking in the kitchen room.
Truac so sanh nhat (dung tru6'c first,
second, only ... ) khi cac tCr nay duqc
You are the best in my life.
dung nhu tfnh tCr ho~c
So let me start with the second one!
He is the tallest person in the world.
The + danh tCr so ft: tuqng trung cho
m<)t nh6m thu v~t ho~c do v~t.
D~t "the" tru6'c m<)t tfnh tCr de chi m<)t
nh6m ngub'i nhat dinh.
The duqc dung tru6'c nhfrng danh tCr
rieng chi bien, d9i duong, song, quan
diw, day nui, ten quoc gia Ia so nhi'eu
ho~c chi m<)t nh6m (gam cac tieu
bang, dao, v.v.), sa m9c, mien, ...
The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.
The fast-food is more and more prevalent
around the world.
the old (ngub'i gia), the poor (ngub'i ngheo),
rich (ngub'i giau)
the Pacific (Thai Blnh Duong), the United States
(Hqp chung quoc Hoa Ky), the Alps (Day Anpo)
the North of Vietnam (Bac Vi$t Nam), the Gulf of
Mexico (Vjnh Mehico)
The + of + danh ti:r
Nhung n6i: South Africa (Nam Phi), North
America (Bac My), West Germany (Tay Dt1c),
m~c du The North of Spain (Bac Tay Ban Nha),
The Middle East (Trung Dong), The West
(Phuong Tay).
The+ hQ (a d~ng so nhfeu) c6 nghla
Ia Gia dlnh.
The Smiths (Gia dlnh Smith (gam vq va cac
con)), The Browns (Gia dlnh Brown)
Dung "the" neu ta nhac den m<)t dia
diem nao d6 nhung khong duqc sti
d1,mg v6'i dung cht1c nang.
They went to the school to see their children.
VI d~;~
each dung
Tru6'c ten quoc gia so ft, chau lvc, ten
nui, ho, dub'ng pho.
Europe, Asia, France, Wall Street,
(Ngo9i trCr nhfrng nu6'c thea che d<)
Lien bang - gam nhieu bang (state))
Khi danh tCr khong dem duqc ho~c
danh tCr so nhieu dung thea nghla
chung chung.
Tru6'c danh tCr trCru tuqng, trCr khi
danh tlr d6 chi m<)t trub'ng hqp ca
Ta khong dung "the" sau tfnh tCr s6
hfru ho~c sau danh tCr 6 d9ng s6 hfru
I like dogs.
Oranges are good for health.
Men fear death.
The death of his father made him \.;v•••~Jit:Ldy
my friend, Nam's book, khong phai "n;~
friend", "the Nam's book"
TCr h9n dinh chi dinh dung
chi Sl/ xa hay gan cua ai d6 v6'i nguoi n6i, bao gom:
guy over there looks nervous.
pens belong to me.
you see those cats?
TCr h9n dinh s6 hfru, hay con gQi Ia Tfnh tCr s6 hfru, duqc dung de chi vi~c ai d6 dang "s6 hfru"
mot thlr g1 d6, bao gom: myl your,
our, their.
We sold our house last week.
Your wish is my command.
Her dress is from the latest collection.
Kh6ng nham lan Tit
hay con gQi
Its (cua n6) v6'i It's
The cat licks its fur.
Con meo liem long
It's raining.
It is raining.
Troi dang mua.
Look at the bus! It's coming.
Nhln xe
k1a! N6
It is coming
Would you like another cup of coffee?
~ them 1 coc ca phe nfra
voi danh ttr so It
Another reason to reject his offer is ....
them 1 ly do nfra Ia ...
I have no other ideas.
~ y kien khac
voi danh tlr so
There are other jobs you could try.
de chi den (nhfrng)
con 19i trong (nhfrng)
da n6i den tnroc d6
voi danh ttr so It
I enjoyed the first book but I didn't read the
other books in the series.
~ nhfrng cuon con 19i trong series
Where is the other box of candy?
hQp kE;!O COn l9i
Cau true
Enough + danh tlJ'
There are enough chairs for everyone
danh tlJ' "chair"
- I hadn't trained enough for the job.
Tfnh tlJ'/Tr9ng tlJ'/D¢ng tlJ' + Enough
d¢ng tlJ' "train"
- This house isn't big enough for us.
tfnh tlJ' "big"
-We didn't leave early enough.
cau true
tr9ng tlJ' "early"
Both + danh tlf' dem duqc so nhieu
Both restaurants are very good.
Neither + danh tlJ' so ft
Neither restaurant is expensive.
Either + danh tlJ' so It
We can go to either restaurant.
Both of these restaurants are very
Neither of the restaurants is
We can go
either of
LLrqng tCr (Quantifiers) Ia cac tCr chi sollfqng, dl1Q'C d~t trl16'c danh tCr de bo nghTa cho danh tCr.
MQt sollfqng tCrtrong tieng Anh di v6'i danh tCr dem dl1Q'C, so khac l~i di v6'i danh tCr khong dem
dl1Q'C, va m9t sol~i c6 the di v6'i ca danh tCr dem dl1Q'C va khong dem dl1Q'C.
A number of+ danh tCr so nhi'eu
+ d9ng tCr so nhi'eu
The number of + danh tCr so
nhieu + d9ng tCr soft
Few/a few
There aren't many people living here.
A number of countries are overproducing goods.
The number of visitors increases rapidly.
Few people can say that they always tell the truth.
I've checked it several times.
I go for a walk every morning.
• Each day seems to pass very slowly.
> few, little (ft, khong nhi'eu): thlfb'ng c6 nghTa phu djnh, ft khong du de dung
> a few/a little (m9t vai, m9t ft): thlfb'ng c6 nghTa khang dinh, ft dude dung
Vi d~;~
Does the newspaper have much information?
An amount of
He borrowed a large amount of money.
A great deal of
A dishwasher uses a great deal of electricity.
Little/a little
There is little sugar in my coffee.
y: Chung ta thlfb'ng dung "too much" trong cac cau khang dinh de dien ta Sl/ v~t
ho~c slf vi~c d6 qua nhieu.
I waste too much money on comics.
of water is on the floor.
-Would you like some beer?
A lot
-That's a lot of money.
Most (of)
plays tennis most mornings.
of my friends live abroad.
All (of)
workers are in the factory.
money will be donated to the poor children.
th110'ng dung trong cau khang djnh, cau yeu cau, loi mO'i, IO'i de nghi.
thU'O'ng dung trong cau phu dinh, nghi van.
th~p phan, phan so, sl,l' do l110'ng +
d(>ng tCr soft
some, plenty + of+ danh tCr so ft +
d(>ng tCr soft
part, a lot+ of+ danh tCr so nhieu
d(>ng tCr so nhieu
No+ danh tCr soft+ d(>ng tCr
+ danh tCr so nhieu + d(>ng tCr so
of + danh tCr so nhieu + d(>ng
tCr so nhieu
number of+ danh tCr so nhieu +
d(>ng tCr
third of the city is unemployed.
phan ba so dan thimh pho that
of the milk was sour.
ft sera da bi chua.)
ngU'Oi b9n CUa toi muon di CU'.)
No student has finished their assignment.
(Khong c6 h9c sinh nao hoan thanh bai
No people think alike.
(Khong c6 ng11oi nao nghT giong nhau.)
A number of countries are overproducing
(M(>t so n11<S'c dang sim xuat thCra hang
The number of visitors increases rapidly.
(L11qng du khach tang nhanh chong.)
(luc, vao luc): dung cho thai gian trong
ngay va vao nhfrng ngay le
at 5 dclock, at 11:45, at midnight at
Christmas,. ..
DetweEm (gifra hai kho€mg thai gian)
(tnr6'c, trU'6'c khi)
between 6 pm and 8 am, between Monday
and Friday, ...
before lunch, two days before Christmas, the
day before yesterday, ....
She regularly goes for a run before breakfast.
(sau, sau khi)
shortly after six, after lunch, half after seven
in the morning, ...
I'll see you after the meeting.
(trong khoang thai gian)
since (tu, tlr khi)
for two hours, for 20 minutes, for five days,
for a long time, for ages, ...
since ten past six, since Monday, since
yesterday, ...
He'll be at work until/till half past five.
I slept from 9am till/until 4pm.
Up to now he's been quiet.
gi6'i tu chi thai gian kh<k:
(6 trong): dung
chi m¢t vi trf hay
m¢t dja diem
on con dLtqc dung cho dtfbng pho, ~-The paper is on~~my desk~~~~
phlfO'ng ti~n di l9i
at (6, t9i): dung cho m9t vi trf, dia diem
xac dinh ho~c m9t dja chi c6 so nha
at the meeting, at home, at 5 Quang Trung ...
between ... and (6 gifra): dung de mieu
ta vi trf gifra hai nglfoi ho~c hai v~t
The bank is located between a bakery store
and a hospital.
behind (6 dang sau)
in front of (6 dang trlf6'c)
under (6 dLt6'i)
next to: ke ben, ben c9nh
There is a beautiful garden behind my house.
There is a park in front of my house.
The cat is under the table.
The bathroom is next to the kitchen.
Ngoai ra con c6 cac gi6'i tll' chi noi chon khac nhlf:
inside (ben trong), outside (ben ngoai), near (gan), by/beside (ben c9nh), over (6 tren),
above (ph fa tren), opposite (doi di~n), around/round (xung quanh), among (6 gifra nhieu
nglfoi, v~t), ...
Phan lo~i
To, into, onto: den, tiep
c~n va tiep xuc be m~t, 6
phfa ngoai cung cua v~t,
dia diem
Gioi tU'chi
Gioi tll'chi
the each
VI dl;l
Gioi tll'
I go to school everyday.
I go into the room.
The boat was driven onto the rocks.
(Into, onto cung dLtqc
dung v6'i nghTa tlfong tl! to
nhlfng tiep c~n sau han.
Into Ia ben trong cua v~t
ho~c dia diem, con onto
dLtqc sll' dl)ng de the hi~n
chuyen d9ng vao ho~c tren
m9t dia diem Cl) the)
Across: ngang qua
A bird is flying across.
Along: dQc thea
West Cliff Drive runs along the southern
coastline of Santa Cruz.
Round, around, about
a voyage round Halong Bay
With: v6'i
I'm shopping with my brother.
Without kh6ng, kh6ng c6
to travel without a ticket
We all
stress in order to ........ ~~.,..,,,.,.
our best work.
I always keep fruit in the fridge so
flies off it.
For: cho, de
He signed it for me.
Let me do it for you.
Thanks to: nho c6
Thanks to your help, I pa~:>se~d
means of: nho, bang
phuang ti~n
The mathematical calculations Jn\/t"\1\/t::~n
facilitated by means of a rna•""~'"~~" 1 ""~' , • .-,v ...
sb/sth: quan tam
thfch, muon)
LJOI'Y\I .........
sb about sth: nhac ai nh6'
sb of sb/sth: gqi ai nh6' den)
sb/sth: n6i chuy~n ve
sth: nghe n6i ve
sb: nghe tin tuc cua ai)
at sb/sth: nham vao
den t9i
at sb/sth: liec nhln
sb: cuoi (nh9o) ai
about sb/sth: n6i v6'i ai ve
about/of sth: canh bao ve
at sb: Ia mang ai
at sb/sth: nhln cham chu
sth at sb: nem m9nh vao ai
sth to sb: nem cho ai bat)
(sth) at sb/sth: chla vao
sth: n<)p dan xin
for sth: yeu d:lu, xin ai
for sth: do loi cho ai ve
for (doing) sth: tha thll
-Look for sb/sth: tlm kiem
(Look after sb/sth: cham soc)
for sth:
-Search for
tien cho dieu gl
-Wait for sb/sth: cho dqi
4/ Verb+ of
- Accuse sb of (doing) sth: bu(>c tQi ai
- Approve of sth: dong
-Die of/from sth: chet vl
y; chap thu~n
- Disapprove of sth: khong dong
-Consist of sb/sth: gom c6
- Suspect sb of (doing) sth: nghi ngo
51 Verb+ on
on (doing) sth: khang khang
-Congratulate sb on (doing) sth: khen
ngqi ai vi cai gl
-Live on sb/sth: song nho vao
- Rely on: tin
- Depend on: tuy thu(>c vao
on sth: tieu (tien)
6/ Verb + from
- Escape from: tron thmH khoi
-Prevent sb from (doing) sth:
dau kho, ... )
71 Verb+ in
-Believe in sb/sth: tin vao
cong ve
-Specialize in sth: chuyen ve
8/ Verb+ to
-Apologize to sb for (doing) sth: xin loi
ai ve vi$c gl
- Devote to (doing) sth: cong hi en cho vi$c gl
- Complain to sb about sth: phan nan ve
- Explain sth to sb: giai thfch cho ai
- Commit to (doing) sth: cam ket lam
vi$c gl
-Happen to sb/sth: xay ra voi
- Dedicate to (doing) sth: cong hi en cho
vi$c gl
-Prefer ... to ... : thfch ... hon ...
- Describe sth to sb: mo ta cho ai
-Listen to: lang nghe
-Talk/speak to sb: n6i voi ai
9/ Verb+ with
- Collide with: tong, dt,mg vao
- Provide sb with sth: cung cap
- Compare with/to: so sanh voi
(Provide sth for sb: cung cap)
-Fill with: lam day
- Supply sb with sth: cung cap
(Supply sth to sb: cung cap)
10/ Verb + into
- Crash into: tong, dt,mg vao
- Cut into: cat ra thanh
into/Split into: chia ra
-Translate (from a language) into: djch ra
- Ahead
di tnr6'c
-Ashamed of:
-Aware of:
- Jealous of:
- Proud of: hanh
-Certain of/about:
- Confident of:
Scared of: sq
- Short of:
- Envious of: ghen tj
- Sure of: chac
-Fond of: thfch, khoai
- Typical of: tieu bieu
-Available for: c6 san
- Famous for: noi tieng ve
- Eager for: n6ng long cha
-Necessary for: din thiet cho
- Eligible for: du tli cach/tieu chuan
- Useful for sth: c6 fch cho
- Accustomed to: quen v6'i
-Committed to: t$n tt,Jy v6'i
- Contrary to: trai v6'i
Harmful to: c6 h9i cho
- Important to: quan trQng v6'i
- Dedicated to: t$n tt,Jy v6'i
- Equal to: bang v6'i
-Devoted to: t$n tt,Jy v6'i
- Essential to/for: can thiet cho
- Open to: m6 ra cho
- Similar to: tliO'ng tl! voi
-Good at: gi6i ve (good for: tot cho)
-Amazed/astonished/surprised at: kinh
- Bad at: dove (bad for: xau cho)
- Clever at: kheo leo
- Acquainted with: quen voi
-Friendly with: than
-Angry with/at sb about sth:
-Happy with/about: h9nh phuc
-Angry with/at sb for doing sth: gi$n
- Honest with:
- Bored with/fed up with: chan voi
- Identical with: giong h~t voi
th$t voi
- Busy with: b$n ron voi
-Impatient with: mat kien nhan v6'i
- Crowded with: dong due
- Patient with: kien nhan voi
- Disappointed with: that VQng
Pte•aseafe>·-:.+I·C'Tl.Clrl with: hai long v6'i
-Familiar with: quen thUQC voi
with: pho bien voi
- Careful about can th~n ve
- Careless about bat can ve
7I Adjective + from va Adjective + in
-Absent from: vang m~t 6
-Disappointed in/with: that vQng
- Different from: khac v6'i
- Interested in: thfch thu, quan tam
- Free from/ of: tho at kh6i
- Rich in: giau ve
- Safe from: an toEm
- Successful in: thimh cong ve
8/ Adjective + of va Adjective + to
S +to be+ kind/nice/polite/good/
generous/rude/stupid+ to sb
It+ to be+ kind/nice/polite/good/generous/
rude/stupid+ of sb to do sth
tr~tng ngfr chi thai gian c6 the dung dau ho~c cuoi cau.
ngan each v6'i menh
Once: M(>t khi
When: Khi
tn;mg ngfr chi thai
chfnh bang dau phay.
Once you get down to it, you have to try your best.
(M(>t khi b9n bat tay vao lam, b9n phai no h!C het mlnh.)
When it rains, I usually stay home.
(Khi trai mua, toi thuang 6 nha.)
While: Trong khi
By the time: Tru6'c khi
Before: Tru6'c khi
After: Sau khi
Since: Ter khi
Till/until: Cho t6'i khi
I learned a lot of Japanese while I was in Tokyo.
(Toi da hQC duqc kha nhieu tieng Nh~t trong khi song 6 Tokyo.)
By the time I arrived, everyone had left.
(Tru6'c khi toi den, mc;>i nguai da rai di.)
She had learned English before she came to England.
(Co ay hc;>c tieng Anh tru6'c khi co ayden nu6'c Anh.)
He came after night had fallen.
(Anh ayden sau khi man dem buong xuong.)
I haven't seen her since she graduated from high school.
(Toi khong g~p co ay ke tlr khi co ay tot nghiep cap 3.)
I'll stay here till/until you get back.
(Toi se 6 day cho t6'i khi b9n quay l9i.)
As: Khi
I saw her as she was leaving the office.
(Toi thay c6 ay khi c6 ay dang rai van phong.)
As soon as:
As soon as my mom heard the news, she phoned me.
Ngay sau khi
(Ngay sau khi me nghe duqc tin tt!c, me da gc;>i dien cho toi.)
as he entered the room, I heard a terrible explosion.
Just as: vera khi/luc
Clr khi nao
ay vera vao phong th1 toi nghe thay m(>t tieng no khung
(Toi se
it with you whenever you like.
Clr khi nao
As long as: Mien Ia
No sooner ... than ... :
vera moi .... thl da ... .
Khi m~nh cfe tr~ng
ngfr chi thai gian lJ thl
hi~n t~i don.
Khi m~nh de tr~ng
ngfr chi thai gian lJ thl
hi~n t~i hoim thanh.
long as it doesn't rain, we can go out.
Ia troi khong mua, chung ta c6 the ra ngoai di cho'i.)
sooner had he arrived than he wanted to leave.
ay vera moi den da muon roi di.)
Tuong lai don +
until/when/as soon as
Hi$n t9i don
Tuong lai hoan thanh +
by/by the time+ Hi$n
Tuong lai don+ after+
Hi$n t9i hoan thanh
come until it is 9 o'clock.
9 gio, co ay se kh6ng den.)
waited at the hall by the
ay toi th1 toi da cho 6 sanh
work for her grandfather's
after she has graduated
lam vi$c cho c6ng ty cua
khi tot nghi$p d9i hc;>c.)
as soon as she heard the
as soon as+ Qua khU'
ngay khi co ay nghe
playing chess when she
Qua khU' tiep dien +
when+ Qua khU' don
Khi m~nh de tr~ng
ngfr chi thai gian thl
qua khudon.
ay toi, chung t6i dang choi
football since I was 7
Hi$n t9i hoan thanh +
since+ Qua khU' don
Qua khU' hoan thanh +
by the time/before +
Qua kht.f don
Khi m~nh de tr~ng
ngfr chi thai gian lJ thi
qua khu tiep dien.
Qua kht.f tiep dien +
while+ Qua khU' tiep
explained everything
started our work.
giai thfch mc;>i thU' r5 rang
chung toi bat dau cong
chatting with his friends
was teaching the
I will go where you want me to.
(Toi se di noi b9n muon toi di.)
Wherever: Bat
cu dau
Anywhere: Bat
cu dau
Everywhere: Tat ca
Sit wherever you like.
(Ngoi bat
cu aau anh thfch.)
I'll go with you anywhere you go.
(Anh se di cung em t6'i bat
cu dau.)
He looked for his cat everywhere they had gone together.
(Anh ay da tim kiem con meo cua mlnh
da tCrng di cung nhau.)
6 tat ca m<;>i noi rna h<;>
They fought as heroes do.
(H9 chien dau nhu nhfrng nguoi anh hung.)
As/just as/like/the
way: nhula/giong nhu
I love my pets just as they are my babies.
(Toi yeu thu cung nhu the chung Ia con cua toi v~y.)
She looks at him like she saw him for the first time.
(Co ay nhln anh ta nhu the m6'i nhln thay anh ta landau.)
As if/as though: Cu
nhu the Ia, nhu the
so that
In order that
She looked at me as if I were mad.
(Co ay nhln toi nhu the toi bi dien.)
She dresses like that so that everyone will notice her.
(Co ta m~c nhu v~y de m<;>i nguoi chu
y t6'i.)
Some people eat so that they may live. Others seem to live in
order that they may eat.
In case: Phong khi,
trong truong hqp
So: de, vi v~y
We had better take an umbrella in case it should rain.
(Chung ta nen mang theo 6 de phong troi mua.)
gave you a map, so you wouldn't get lost.
(T6i da dua cho b~n m(>t cai ban do de b~n se kh6ng bi l~c.)
He sold the house because it was too small for his family.
(Anh ay ban can nha b6i vi n6 qua nh6 voi gia d1nh anh ay.)
As he was tired, he sat down.
(B6i vi anh ta m~t nen anh ta ngoi xuong.)
Seeing that
Since we have no money, we can't buy it.
(VI chung ta khong c6 tien, chung ta khong the mua n6.)
Seeing that you won't help me, I must do the job myself.
(VI anh kh6ng giup t6i, t6i phai tl)' lam c6ng vi~c cua m1nh.)
They don't go to the movies, for it rains cats and dogs.
(HQ khong di xem phim, vi troi mua tam ta.)
thu6ng do phan tr1nh dien xuat sac cua
Due to/because of the
fact that
He was late yesterday due to the fact that the traffic was
(Hom qua anh ay toi mu(>n b6i vi tac duong nghiem trQng.)
> Since va As thuong dCrng 6 dau cau.
> Because c6 the dCrng 6 dau cau ho~c gifra cau, neu because dCrng 6 gifra cau thl
kh6ng c6 dau phay.
So + tfnh ttr/tr~ng ttr +
that: qua ... den noi rna
Such (a/an) + adj + danh
tl.r +that: qua ... den noi
The coffee is so hot that I cannot drink it.
(Ca phe qua n6ng den noi rna t6i kh6ng the uong duqc.)
It was such a hot day that I took off my jacket.
(Troi n6ng den noi rna t6i da c6i b6 ao khoac.)
cho nen
do d6/h~u
bi huy.)
Doi voi danh tU', cau true
danh tU' de chi muc do.
di kern voi
He brought so much food that we couldn't eat it all.
(Anh ay mang qua nhieu do an den noi chung t6i kh6ng the an het.)
As the result c6 the theo sau b6i "of noun" c6 nghla Ia vl, do.
a result
of Noun
The accident happened as a result of the slippery road.
(Tai n~n xay ra Ia do duong tron.)
du tr6ng anh ta om yeu, thl)'c ra anh ta rat kh6e m~nh.)
of the rain, the football match wasn't canceled.
In spite of/Despite:
du troi mua nhung tr~n bong da van khong bi huy.)
to the bus stop despite being tired.
ta di b9 toi diem xe buy-t m~c du dang met.)
No matter,....
(al)though, duqc
sau boi how,
what you say, I still love her.
du b~n n6i nhl! the nao, toi van yeu c6 ay.)
people like meat with much fat in it whereas others
so nguoi thfch an thit mo, trong khi so khac thl kh6ng.)
film was invested millions of dollars. However, it wasn't
phim nay dl1qc
tlJ' hang tri~u do Ia. Tuy nhien, b(> phim
khong thanh cong nhl1 mong dqi.)
However hard he tried, he couldn't succeed.
(Du co gang den the nao di nfra, anh ay cGng khong thanh
TCr noi However/Nevertheless: tuy nhien, nhl1ng
Howe·ver c6 the dung 6 dau cau (theo sau boi dau phay), gifra cau (trong m(>t c~p dau
ho~c cuoi cau (sau dau phay). Nevertheless c6 the dt1ng gifra ho~c cuoi cau.
film was invested millions of dollars. However, it wasn't as successful as expected.
nay dlJ'qc dau tl1 hang tri~u do Ia. Tuy nhien, b(> phim khong thanh cong nhl1
bank is guarded around the clock, but robberies occur nevertheless.
hang dlJ'Q'C canh gac SUOt ngay dem nhl1ng van xay ra cac VI:J Cl16p.)
Nevertheless, that's good for her.
n6i doi. Tuy nhien, dieu d6 tot cho co ay.)
cvm tu
cac tlr noi sau:
VI, b6'i v1 (giai thfch II do
ho~c mvc dfch)
- I do morning exercise every
for I want to
luu y: Khi for Ia m¢t lien tu, for chi
d(rng 6 gifra cau, sau for phai st!
dt,Jng m<)t m~nh de va trU'OC
c6 dau phay.
And: Va (them, bo sung vao 1 th(r
khac, ket noi thanh phan tU'O'ng
dU'ong nhau)
- I do morning exercise every day to keep fit and
- We were wet and tired.
- Bring the flowers into a warm room and they'll
soon open.
- Fruit is high in important nutrients like vitamins,
minerals, fiber (,) and antioxidants.
Nor: Kh6ng (dung de bo sung y phu
djnh vao y da phu djnh trU'6'C d6)
- I don't like listening to music nor playing sports.
(T6i kh6ng thfch nghe nh~c va cung kh6ng thfch
choi the thao.)
But: Nh11ng (dien ta doi l~p)
-You can invite Keith to the party, but please don't
ask that friend of his.
luu y: but = except
than: Ngo~i tru
Or: Ho~c (them ll)'a chQn khac)
- I don't like anyone but my family.
-You can play games or watch TV.
-You should eat more, or you'll make yourself ill.
You should eat more, if not, you'll make
but: Tuy nhien (dung
v6'i y tr116'c d6)
n6i 1 y
v~y (N6i
cua hanh
ket qua/anh h116ng
vi~c nhac tr116'c
- I took a book with me on my holiday, yet I didn't
read a single page.
- I've started dating a soccer player, so now I can
watch the game each week.
-La nhfrng c~p tCr n6i c6 cht1c nang ket n6i cac tCr, cl)m tCr ho~c m~nh de.
- C~p liem tCr tlfong quan luon phai di v6'i nhau va khong the tach rb'i.
Lien tir ttrong quan
Either ... or: ho~c cai nay/nglfoi nay ho~c
cai kia/nglfoi kia
VI d\1
- I left it either on the table or in the drawer.
- Either John or his friends are going to the
beach today.
- Either you go out of my house or I will call the
Neither ... nor: Khong cai nay, khong cai
- Neither John nor his friends are going to the
beach today.
- Neither they invited me to the party nor I
wanted to go there.
Both ... and: Ca cai nay va cai kia
- I want both the pizza and the sandwich. I'm
very hungry now.
- Both men and women have complained about
the advertisement.
Not only ... but also: Khong nhfrng ... ma
- I'll eat them both: not only the pizza but also
the sandwich.
LU'U y: Khi dlfa not only len dau cau (nhan
m<;lnh) thl phai ap dl)ng dao ngii.
- Not only did he turn up late, (but) he also
forgot his books.
Whether ... or:
cai nay hay cai kia
- I'm going, whether she likes it or not.
-I didn't know whether you'd want the pizza or
the sandwich, so I got you both.
Lien tir ph~:~ thu()c
After/Before +clause, clause: Sau
khi!trlf6'c khi
VI d\1
- He watched TV after he had finished his work.
- Before he watched TV, he had finished his work.
Cac lien tCr tren c6 the dung dau
ho~c gifra 2 m~nh de.
Although/Even though/Though +
clause, clause: M~c du
- Although/Though/Even though he is old, he goes
jogging every morning.
= adj/adv +though/as + S + V, clause
=Old as/though he is, he goes jogging every
= No matter how + adj/adv + S + V,
=No matter how old he is, he goes jogging every
= However+ adj/adv + S + V, clause
=However old he is, he goes jogging every
y: Lien tu c6 the d(rng dau ho~c
gifra 2 menh
- As soon as/the moment I saw her, I knew there
was something wrong.
-I didn't go to school today because/since/as/
now that/on the grounds that it rained so heavily.
luu y: Because of =
virtue of
reason of
to =due to
=as a result of =
for =in view of
-Because of/owing to/due to/by virtue of/as a
result of/by reason of the heavy rain, I didn't go to
school today.
Even if: Ke ca khi!du ... hay khong
- Even if you take a taxi, you'll still miss your train.
-You can't get a job unless you've got
= If you have experience, you can get a job.
order that: f)e lam gl
Until: Cho t6'i khi
- We left early so that we wouldn't
traffic jam.
Hadn't we better wait until Antony's here?
I was washing the dishes while my sister
the floor.
While I accept that he's not perfect in many
resoe1:;ts. I do actually quite like the man.
In case: Trong tnrong hQ'p, phong khi
In case
the event of +
tu lien
cau van mang tfnh
Afterwards: sau nay, roi thl
Besides: ngoai ra
cons4!Qllentlv: do d6, b6'i v~y
du sao, ft nhat
EVE!ntlJally: cuoi cung
Otherwise: each khac,
ie m~t khac
Now: bay gio
Then: roi thl
Still: van con
Thus: nhU' v~y, do d6
Therefore: vi the
First/Second: thu nhat, thl1 hai
Unfortunately: khong may thay
(should) stop smoking.
prefer, urge, recommend,
+to be+ adj +
+ S +(should)
+(not)+ V
essential, obligatory,
best, imperative,
ne<~essarv suggested, crucial,
II'Y\1'"\f"\rt~n-t proposed, urgent,
rloc~•r~hla mandatory,
I'"OI"'f"\iYlrY\•Cnf'10rl vital, •••
- It is essential that the government
take measures to protect the
- It has been proposed that we not
change the topic.
- N/Np + to be +
that+ S +(should)
+ (not) + V-inf
- S + V + N/NP +
that+ S +(should)
+ (not) + V-inf
a good idea, demand, request,
suggestion, a bad idea,
recommendation, preference,
wish, command, insistence,
proposal, ...
- Our suggestion is that he be
elected group-leader.
- It is of importance that she have a
balanced diet.
dinh cOng c6 the dl1Q'c sti d1,.1ng trong cau phu d!nh, tiep dien, b! d{)ng.
that Susan be hired immediately.
Gh1 nhll ai lam gl
If only my
I S + wish + {that) S +
I Vp1
S1 +would
rather/would sooner+
{that) + S2 + Vp1
I Ai a6 U'oc crreu gi
I wish I had/would have a better job,
Ai d6 muon ngU'oi
khac h3m gl
It's {high/about) time+
{that) S + V p1
f>a den luc ai d6
=It's high time+ {for
phai lam gl
I would rather/sooner you gave up
It's high/about time you went to school.
:;: It's high time for you to go to schoolr
0) +to V
+as if/as
though+ S + Vp,
Dien ta dieu kh6ng c6 thl)'c
cau true
If only+ S +had Vp2
S + wish + {that) S +
Cu nhU' the ..,
She says as if she knew everything.
6 qua khLr,
vr d~:~
• Gia nhU' ai
lam gl
If only my father had given
me a present.
Ai d6 U'6'c dieu gl
I wish I had seen the movie yesterday.
Ai d6 muon ngU'Oi
khac lam gl
I would rather/sooner Ann had gone to
C(r nhU' the ...
Mai acted as if she hadn't known
had Vp2
S1 +would rather/
would sooner+ {that)
+ S2 +had Vp2
S + Vs/es+ as if/as
though+ S +had+ Vp2
avj trf danh tu va
tu lam
nhU' danh tu
nhu danh tu.
c6 vai tro nhtr m{)t danh tU'.
tach rai
that: Ia, st,r th~t Ia, vi~c, rang.
... : cac tU' de hoi, dung v6'i net nghTa am
chi, bo sung
y nghTa.
if: c6 hay khong.
M~nh de nay thttO'ng bat dau bang cac tU' de hoi nhtt what,
why, when, where,. .. va tu that.
Nhfrng cau c6 m~nh de danh ngfr lam chu ngfr thttO'ng c6 cau true nhtt sau:
Trang d6, m~nh de bat dau bang tlr de hoi lam chu ngfr trong cau.
That he arrives early surprises me.
Why they are absent is nothing to me.
(Vi~c anh ay di s6'm lam toi ng<;tc nhh§n.)
(V1 sao hQ vang m~t chang c6
y nghTa gl v6'i toi.)
Cau c6 nominal clause lam bo ngfr sau dong tu thttang c6
I don't know what he wants.
(Toi khong biet anh ay muon gl.)
Can you tell me where she is now?
(Anh c6 the cho toi biet
gia co
true nhtt sau:
cau d9ng nay thlfb'ng c6 cau true nhll' sau:
S + V + preposition + where/what/when/why/that ... + S + V
The outcome depends on what the judges are thinking.
(Ket qua cua CUQC thi phl,.l thu(>c vao ban giam khao dang nghT gl)
I disagree with what you guys are saying.
(Toi khong dong tlnh v6'i nhfrng gl rna cac b9n dang n6i)
Nhfrng cau d9ng nay thlfb'ng c6 cau true nhlf sau:
S + to be + what/where/when/why/that ... + S + V
The problem is where is she now.
The main point of this speech is why people should not stay up late.
(Van de Ia bay gib' co ay dang
6 dau?)
(Diem cot 16i cua bai phat bieu nay Ia vi sao mQi nglfb'i khong nen th(rc khuya.)
Trong m¢t so trlfb'ng hqp, m'nh de danh ngfr day du tlfong doi dai, gay ra sl)' l~p Hr. VI v~y, rut
gQn dl!Q'C t90 ra nham rut ngan cau, tranh dai dong va dong thai van dam bao dl!Q'C ngfr nghTa
cua cau.
Rut gQn m~nh de nay chi dl!Q'C phep ap dl,.lng trong cac trlfb'ng hqp dam bao dl!Q'C hai yeu to sau:
M~nh de dong vai tro tan ngfr.
M~nh de c6 chu ngfr va chu ngfr trung v6'i chu ngfr chfnh cua cau.
C6 hai each de rut gQn m~nh de nay, dli'Q'C phan lo9i dl,J'a tren the cua d(>ng tll':
- DU'a d(>ng tLr ve d9ng V-ing (khi d(>ng tll' chfnh dl!Q'C theo sau bai V-ing), thlfb'ng ap dl,.lng v6'i
m~nh de bat dau bang that:
S + V1 +Nominal clause (S + V2 +... )
S + V1 + V2-ing + ....
She enjoys that she is appreciated in the competition.
She enjoys being appreciated in the competition.
- Rut gQn m~nh de bang to V, thll'b'ng dLJ'Q'C ap dl,.lng v6'i m~nh de bat dau bang cac tude hoi.
Hai can not decide
____,. Hai can not
cho danh tlr.
NQi dung
1. Never/Rarely/Hardly/Seldom+
Trq d9ng tU'+ S + V
(Hiem khi)
- Never in my life have I seen such a strange behavior.
= I have never seen such a strange behavior in my life.
(Toi chua tl.rng chll'ng kien h~mh vi I~ nhlf v~y bao gio.)
-Rarely do I go swimming.
= I rarely go swimming.
(Toi rat ft khi di bo'i.)
2. Little
(Gan nhlf khong, hau nhlf khong)
- Little did he know that the course of his life was
about to change.
=He almost did not know that the course of his life
was about to change.
(Anh ta gan nhlf khong biet rang CUQC doi mlnh sap c6
nhfrng thay doi.)
3. Hardly/Scarcely/Barely
+had+ S + V3ted +when+ QK£)
- Hardly had she finished answering the last question
when the bell rang.
= She had hardly finished answering the last question
when the bell rang.
=No sooner+ had+ S + V3ted +
than+ QKf>
= No sooner had she finished answering the last
question than the bell rang.
(Vl.ra m6'i ... thl ... )
(Co ay vCra m6'i tra loi xong cau hoi cuoi cung thl
chuang reo.)
4. aao ngfr voi nhom tU' sau Only
(dao ngfr m~nh de chlnh):
-Only when the famine gets worse will the
government begin to act.
Only then/Only when/Only after/
Only by+ V-ing/Only once ...
=The government will begin to act only when the
famine gets worse.
(Chi khi tlnh tr~mg d6i kern tr6 nem toi t~ han thl chfnh
phu moi bat dau h~mh d¢ng.)
-Only after his wife had left him did he realize how
much she meant to him.
= He only realized how much his wife meant to him
after she had left him.
(Chi sau khi vq anh ta roi di thl anh ta m6'i nh~n ra co
ay c6 y nghTa v6'i anh ta den nhlfong nao.)
-Only by studying hard can you get high scores.
(Chi bang each hQc cham chi thl b~n m6'i d~t diem
was not only robbed of all her belongings but
also came close to being killed.
khong nhfrng bi CU'Op do rna con su}lt bi
until he had retired did he think about having a
til+ s + v
cho t6'i khi '" th1)
didn't think about having a holiday until he had
cho toi khi ong ay nghi hU'U thl ong moi nghi t6'i
di nghi mat.)
once did he apologize for his rudeness.
= He did not apologize for his rudeness even once.
(Anh ay chang xin loi vi SIJ tho lo cua mlnh m¢t lan
did they suspect their partner's honesty.
suspected their partner's honesty.
nghi ngb' tfnh trung thiJC CUa doi tac
9. Under no circumstances+
til+ s + v
ki trlfb'ng hqp/tlnh huong nao
not approach that man under any
tlnh huong nao b~n cung khong nen
ong a6.)
people can tell them
that few
can tell them
(C~p song sinh
Such= so much/great
ft nguoi phan
-Such(= so great/much) was the popularity of the
play that the theater was full every night.
=The play was so popular that the theater was full
every night.
(D(> phu s6ng cua v6 kich qua 16'n den noi ngay nao
r~p hat cOng dong nghit vao buoi toi.)
12. Nor= and neither+ Trq dqng
tU'+ S + V:
- I don't expect children to be rude, nor do I expect
them to be disobeyed.
(Ai d6 cOng khong)
= I don't expect children to be rude, and I don't expect
them to be disobeyed.
(Toi khong muon nhfrng dll'a be tho lo, toi cOng khong
muon chung hU' hong.)
- My father didn't go to university, and neither did my
=Neither my father nor my mother went to university.
(Bo toi khong di hQC d~i hQC, va m~ toi
13. So+ Trq dqng tU'+ S + V:
- I had finished the work before yesterday,
(Ai d6 cOng v~y)
= I had finished the work before yesterday,
also finished the work before yesterday.
(Toi da hoan thanh cong vi~c tru6'c hom
ay cOng v~y.)
- Khi d~t cac tr~ng tll' chi vi trf 6 dau cau de nhan m~nh, chung ta phai dung dao ngfr.
nhien, each dao ngfr v6'i tr~ng tir chi vi trl khong can dung trq d(>ng tlr nhU' each dao
cac tll' c6 y nghTa phu djnh (6 phan tren), ma chung ta se dao luon ca dqng tir len
(dqng tU' van chia theo chu ngii).
- Cac tr~mg tU' chi vi trl (adverbs of position) thuong sfr dl)ng gom c6: along, away,
down, in, oft on, out, up, under va cac tll' here, there.
- Cac d(}ng tir thuong dung gom c6: climb, come, go, fly, hang, lie, run, sit, stand, etc.
E.g: Along the road came a strange procession.
(=A strange procession came along the road.)
On the grass sat an enormous frog.
(=An enormous frog sat on the grass.)
Chung ta c6 the dung dao ngfr khi chu ngfr Ia danh tll', nhung khong
ngfr voi cac tr~ng tll' chi vi trf khi chu ngfr Ia d~i tll' (1, you, he, she, it, we, they).
E.g: Co the n6i: Under the tree sat an old man.
Nhung khong the n6i: Under the tree sat he.
Now is the time to
The time to
If anyone phones/should phone me,
tell them to call back later!
(Neu ai c6 gQi, hay bao he;> gc;>i l9i sau.)
a large area of the sea would be contaminated.
If the chemicals leaked/were to leak, a large area of the sea would be
(Neu h6a chat ro ri, phan lon bien se bi o nhiem.)
E.g: Had she become a lawyer instead of a teacher, she would have earned a
bigger salary.
= If she had become a lawyer instead of a teacher, she would have earned a
bigger salary.
(Neu co ay tr6 thanh lu~t
tien han.)
SU' thay
vi giao vi en, co ay se kiem OU'Q'C nhieu
1. S + V +too+ adj/adv +(for sb) +to do sth
NghTa: qua .... {de cho ai) lam gl
E.g: This lesson is too difficult for me to remember.
(Bai hQC nay qua kh6 de toi nh6' dU'Q'C.)
I'm too young to get married.
{Toi qua tre de lay chong.)
2. S + be/V + so + adj/adv +that + S + V
NghTa: qua ... den noi rna ...
E.g: She is so shy that she can't speak for herself.
{Co ay qua xau ho den noi co ay khong the bi$n h9 cho ban than.)
3. S + be/V + adj/adv + enough + (for sb) + to do sth
NghTa: du ... cho ai d6 lam gl
E.g: She is tall enough to reach the leaves on the tree.
{Co ay du cao de Ch9m t6'i nhfrng chiec Ia tren cay.)
4. Take place
=happen =occur
NghTa: xay ra
E.g: The match took place at My Dinh Stadium last week.
{Tr~n dau dien ra t9i san v~n d9ng My Dlnh vao tuan trU'6'c.)
5. Have/Get+ sth +done (past participle)
NghTa: nho ai ho~c thue ai lam gl
E.g: I had my homework done yesterday.
{Toi nho ngU'oi khac lam bai t~p ve nha ngay hom qua.)
6. leave sb alone
NghTa: de ai yen
E.g: I wish you could leave me alone for a second!
{Toi U'Oc b9n c6 the de toi yen du chi mQt giay thoi.)
7. Put up with+ NN-ing
NghTa: chiu dl!ng
E.g: I can no longer put up with this noise.
{Toi khong the chju dl!ng dU'Q'C tieng on nay lau han nfra.)
8. To prefer+ N/V-ing +to+ N/V-ing.
NghTa: Thfch cai gl!lam gl han cai gl/lam gl
E.g: I prefer apple to orange.
(Toi thfch tao han cam.)
I prefer reading books to listening to music.
{Toi thfch dQc sach han nghe nh9c.)
It is time you had
sb + amount of time + to do sth
nhieu thai gian
lam gl
It takes me 5 minutes to get to school.
(Toi di den tnrong mat 5 phut.)
NghTa: ngan can ai/cai gL. lam gl
He prevented us from parking our car here.
(Anh ay ngan can chung toi do xe 6 day.)
find it +
to do sth
· NghTa: thay (the ne10) ... de lam gL.
E.g: I find it very difficult to learn about English.
(Toi cam thay kh6 h<;>c tieng Anh.)
4. Would rather
V=inf +than
NghTa: thfch lam gL. hon lam gL.
E.g: He would rather play games than read books.
(Anh ay thfch choi game hon dQC sach.)
15. To be amazed at
NghTa: ng~c nhien ve ...
E.g: I was amazed at his big beautiful villa.
(Toi ng~c nhien ve bi~t tht,r to d~p cua anh ay.)
16. To be angry at
NghTa: tt1c gi~n ve ...
E.g: Her mother was very angry at her bad marks.
(M~ co ay rat tt1c gi~n ve diem so thap cua co ay.)
+ ""'" -'li'1""'
17. To be
NghTa: gi6i ve .. ./kem ve ...
E.g: I am good at swimming.
(Toi gi6i boi 19i.)
NghTa: m~t m6i
E.g: My mother was tired of doing too much housework everyday.
(M~ toi m~t m6i vl phai lam qua nhi'eu vi~c nha moi ngay.)
19. Can't stand/can't bear/can't help/can't resist+ V-ing
+can't stand= can't bear+ V-ing: khong the chju duqc,
ky khong thfch
E.g: I can't stand people smoking around me.
(Toi khong the chju dLrQ'C vi~c c6 nguoi hut thuoc 6 gan toi.)
+can't help+ V-ing: Khong the khong
E.g: She can't help coming to his party.
(Co ay khong the khong den buoi ti~c cua anh ay.)
+ can't resist+ V-ing: Khong the cuong l9i
E.g: The child liked ice-cream so much that he couldn't resist eating it.
(C~u be thfch an kem den noi khong the ngl.rng l9i dLrQ'C.)
20. To be keen on/to be fond of + N/V-ing
NghTa: thfch lam gl d6 ...
E.g: My younger sister is fond of playing with her dolls.
(Em gai toi thfch choi voi nhfrng con bup be.)
21. To be interested in+ N/V-ing
NghTa: c6 hung thu voi
E.g: Mrs Brown is interested in going shopping on Sundays.
(Ba Brown c6 hung thu voi vi~c di mua sam vao cac ngay Chu nh~t.)
22. To waste+ time/money+ V-ing
NghTa: ton tien ho~c thai gian/tien b9c lam gL.
E.g: We a/ways waste time playing computer games each day.
(Chung toi luon ton thai gian vao vi~c choi game may tfnh moi ngay.)
23. To spend + amount of time/money+ V-ing
NghTa: danh/tieu ton bao nhieu thai gian/tien b9c lam gL.
E.g: Mr Jim spent a lot of money traveling around the world last year.
(Nam ngoai ong Jim danh ra rat nhieu tien dedi du ljch vong quanh the gioi.)
24. To give up+ V-ing/N
NghTa: tl.r b6 lam gl!cai gL.
E.g: You should give up smoking as soon as possible.
(89n nen tlr b6 hut thuoc cang sam cang tot.)
25. Would like/want/wish + to do sth
NghTa: muon lam gL.
E.g: I would like to go to the cinema with you tonight.
(Toi muon di xem phim voi b9n toi nay.)
26. Had better+ V-inf
NghTa: nen lam gL ..
chan lam cai
thiet phai lam gL.
It is not necessary for you to do this exercise.
(B~n khong can thiet phai lam bai nay.)
NghTa: mong cho, mong dqi lam gL.
E.g: We are looking forward to going on holiday.
(Chung toi mong den ky nghl)
NghTa: cung cap cho ai cai gL.
E.g: Can you provide us with some books in history?
(B~n c6 the dtra cho chung toi m(>t so cuon sach ljch
Slr dtrQ'C khong?)
sth for (to) sb
NghTa: kiem cai gl cho ai
I provide some fruit for children.
(Toi kiem m(>t ft trai cay cho d(ra tre.)
To fail to do sth
NghTa: khong lam dtrqc cai gL./that b~i trong vi~c lam cai gL.
E.g: We failed to do this exercise.
(Chung toi khong lam dtrqc bai t~p nay.)
33. To be succeed in
NghTa: thanh cong trong
lam cai gL.
E.g: We were succeed in passing the exam.
(Chung toi da vtrqt qua ky thi thanh cong.)
34.1t is
kind of sb
NghTa: ai th~t tot bt,mg/tt!
do sth
khi lam gL.
It is very kind of you to help me.
(B~n th~t tt! te khi giup do toi.)
To have no
NghTa: khong biet/khong c6
Don't know
I have no idea of this word
til nay.)
yttrong ve cai gL.
I don't know this word.
36. To advise sb to do sth
NghTa: khuyen ai lam gL.
E.g: Our teacher advises us to study hard.
(Giao vien khuyen chung toi hQc hanh cham chi.)
37. Bring back good memory
NghTa: nhac l~i ky Ll'c d~p de
E.g: Whenever I go to Ba Dinh Square, it often brings back good memories when I was just 4 or 5.
(Moi khi t6i toi quang tnrong Ba Dlnh, t6i thU'O'ng nho l~i nhfrng ky ni~m d~p de khi t6i moi
chi 4 ho~c 5 tuoi.)
-I think/believe/hope/expect/guess so.
-Sure/Actually/Of course/Right.
(DT nhit§n/Chac chan roi.)
-I don't think/believe/expect/suppose so.
(Toi khong nghT/tin/mong/cho rang the.)
- I hope/believe/guess/suppose not.
(Toi hi vong/tin/doan/cho Ia khong.)
- I'm afraid not.
(Toi e Ia khong.)
thuong chua lien tl.r "or" va yeu cau phai chon m¢t dap
lo'i: Ia cau chon m¢t trong hai Sl! ll)'a chon duqc dua ra
cau hoi. Khong dung tl.r "Yes" ho~c "No" de tra loi cau hoi nay.
Are they Chinese or Vietnamese? -They're Vietnamese.
(Ho Ia nguoi Trung Quoc hay Vi$t Nam? - Ho Ia ngw1i Vi$t
Pork or beef?- Beef, please./l'd prefer beef.
(B~n muon thjt lqn hay thjt bo? - Cho toi thjt bo nhe.
bat dau bang cac tl.r de hoi nhu what which, who,
where, when, whl" how, ... de thu th~p thong tin.
can cung cap thong tin neu trong cau hoi.
Which of these pens is yours? - The red one.
(Cai but nao Ia cua b~n?- Cai mau do)
Why did he fail the exam? - Because he didn't prepare well
(T~i sao anh ay thi trU'qt?- Bai vi anh ay khong on t~p ky.)
duoi: thuong dung
acuoi cau hoi.
thong tin v6'i ngfr di$u
IO'i: cung giong nhu cau hoi C6 - Khong.
Jane left early for the first train, didn't she? di sam
Peter made
kip chuyen tau
she did.
he did.
Lai hoi dU'ang:
- Could you show me the way to ... ?
(B~n lam on chi giup toi dw1ng den ... )
-Could you be so kind to show me how to get to ... ?
(B~n c6 the vui long chi giup toi duong den ... )
- Is there a bank near here? /Where's the nearest bank?
(0 day c6 ngan hang khong? /Ngan hang gan nhat 6 dau v~y?)
Lai dap:
-Turn left/right.
(Re trai/phai.)
- Go straight ahead for two blocks and then turn left.
(Di thang qua hai day nha rei re trai.)
Hoi dU'ang ho~c lai
chi dan
{Asking for
directions or
Loi xin dU'Qc chi dan:
- Could you tell me how to ... ?
(B~n lam on chi giup toi lam the nao de... )
- How does this machine work? Do you know?
(Cai may nay ho~t d¢ng the nao? B~n c6 biet khong?)
-Keep walking until you reach/see ....
(CLI' di thang den khi b~n den/thay)
-It's just around the corner.
(N6 6 ngay g6c duong.)
Loi dap:
- First, ... Second, ... Then, .... Finally, ...
(Tru6'c het. .. Ke den ... Tiep theo ... Cuoi cung ... )
-The first step is ... , then ... (Bu6'c dau tit§n Ia ... , rei.. .. )
- Remember to .. ..
(Hay nh6' Ia .... )
-Well, it's very simple.
-Good morning/afternoon/evening.
(Chao buoi sang/chieu/toi.)
-Hi/Hello. Have a good day.
(Chao. Chuc b~n m¢t ngay tot lanh.)
-How are you?/How have you been?/How are things? ...
(B~n d~o nay the nao?)
Hi. I am Peter. And you?
(Chao. Toi ten Peter. Con b9n?)
-Have we met before?
(Tru6'c day chung ta da g~p nhau chua?)
-It's a lovely day, isn't it?
(Hom nay Ia m¢t ngay d~p troi, phai khong?)
-I would like to introduce you to .. ./ ... to you.
(Toi muon gi6'i thi~u b9n v6'i. ../. .. v6'i b9n.)
- I would like you to meet. ..
(Toi muon b9n duqc g~p go v6'i...)
-This is ... .
(Day Ia ... )
- Have you two met before?
(Tru6'c day hai b9n da g~p nhau chua?)
- How do you do?
(Han h9nh duqc g~p b9n.)
-Nice/Pleased/Glad/Great to meet you.
(Han h9nh duqc g~p b9n.)
- Would you like to .... ?
(B 9n co' muon
-I would like to invite you to ...
(Toi muon moi b9n ... )
- Do you feel like/fancy V-ing ... ?
- ....?)
(B 9n co. muon
-Let me ...
(De toi...)
-It is
(Y kien qua tuy~t!)
-That sounds great/fantastic/wonderful/cool/fun.
(Nghe c6 ve hay day.)
-Yes, I'd love to.
(Vang, toi rat thfch.)
-Why not?
(T~i sao khong nhi?)
OK, let's do that.
(Duqc, c(r nhu the di.)
Tlr chOIIiYI mi'Yi:
I - No, thanks.
I (Khong, cam O'n.)
I -I'm afraid I can't.
II (Toi e rang toi khong the.)
-Sorry, but I have another plan.
I (Xin loi, nhU'ng toi c6 ke ho~ch khac roi.)
1-l'd love to but...
I (Toi muon lam nhU'ng ... )
I -Some other time, perhaps.
(Llin khac v~y nhe.)
1 Bao hi~u Slf ra ve va chao t~m bi~t:
!-I'm afraid I have to be going now./1 have to leave now.
I (Erling bay giO tOi ph iii di.)
1 -
It's getting late so quickly.
I (TrO'i mau toi qua.)
I -I had a great time/evening.
I (TOi ra't vui/c6 mQt buOi t6i tuy~t vOi.)
~- I really enjoyed the party and the talk with you.
Ra ve va chao t~m
bi~t (Leaving and
saying goodbye)
(Toi th~t St! thfch buoi ti~c va tro chuy~n v6'i b~n.)
- Goodbye/Bye.
I (T~m bi~t.)
Lai dap:
- I'm glad you had a good time.
(Toi rat vui vi b~n da c6 m(>t khoang thai gian vui ve.)
- I'm glad you like it.
(T6i rift vui ta b<;m thfch n6.)
Thanks for coming.
an b~n da den.)
-You did a good job!/Good job!
-What you did was wonderful/desirable/amazing.
(Nhfrng gl b~n lam duqc th~t tuyet voi/dang ngu6'ng m¢/kinh ng~c.)
-You played the game so well.
(B~n chO'i rat hay.)
- Congratulations!/Congrats!
(Xin chuc mung!)
-You look great/fantastic in your new suit.
(B~n trong th~t tuyet trong b¢ do m6'i.)
-Your dress is very lovely.
(Chiec vay cua b~n th~t dang yeu.)
-You have a great hairstyle!
(Kieu t6c cua b~n th~t tuyet!)
- I wish I had such a nice house like yours.
(lf6'c gl toi c6 ngoi nha xinh xan nht.r the cua b~n.)
- Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
an. Rat vui Ia b~n thfch n6.)
You did so well, too.
(B~n cung lam rat tot.)
-Thank you. I like yours too.
an. Toi cung thfch ... cua
Thank you very much for ...
em rat nhieu ve ... )
- Thank you/Thanks/Many thanks.
(Cam an rat nhieu.)
-It was so kind/nice/good of you to invite us ...
Ia tfr
da moi
to you for ...
toi. .. )
rroi rat biet O'n h
vi .)
-You're welcome.
(Khong c6 chi.)
- Never mind./Not at all.
(Khong c6 chi.)
- Don't mention it/Forget it.
(C6 gl dau. Dung nhac nfra.)
-It's my pleasure (to help you).
(Toi rat vui OU'Q'C giup b~n.)
-I'm glad I could help.
(Toi rat vui Ia c6 the giup dU'Q'c b~n.)
-It was the least we could do for you.
(Chung toi da c6 the lam dU'Q'C hon the nfra.)
Lai xin loi:
- I'm terribly/awfully sorry about that.
(Toi het sCrc xin loi ve dieu d6.)
- I apologize to you for ...
(Toi xin loi b~n ve ... )
-It's totally my fault.
(D6 hoan toan Ia loi cua toi.)
- I didn't mean that. Please accept my apology.
(Toi khong coy lam the. Xin hay chap nh$n loi xin loi cua toi.)
-It will not happen again. I promise.
(Toi hCra Ia dieu d6 se khong xay ra nfra.)
- I shouldn't have done that.
(U§ ra toi khong nen lam the.)
-Please let me know if there is anything I can do to compensate
(Hay n6i cho toi biet Ia toi c6 the lam gl de bu dap l~i dieu d6.)
- It doesn't matter.
(Khong sao dau.)
- Don 't worry about that.
(Dung lo.)
-Forget it./No problem./Never mind./That's all right./OK.
(Khong sao dau.)
-You really don't have to apologize.
(Th$t ra anh khong can phai xin loi dau.)
-I feel sorry for you.
- I think I understand how you feel.
(Toi nghT toi c6
-You have to learn to
(89n phai hc;>c each chap nh$n
-Thank you very much. (Cam
d6 thai.)
-It was very kind/nice/thoughtful/caring/considerate of you.
(B9n th$t Ia tot/tli
-Can/Could/Will/Would you
+ V?
(Lam an ... )
-Would you mind+ V-ing ... ?
(B9n c6 phien khong neu ... )
- Would it be possible ... ?
(Li~u c6 the ... )
- I would be grateful if you could ....
(Toi rat biet
an neu b9n c6 the... )
- I wonder if...
(Toi tl! hoi khong biet... c6
Dong y:
-Sure/Certainly/Of course.
(DT nhi€m Ia
- No problem.
(Khong van
I'm happy.
- I'm afraid I can't. I'm
(Toi e rang khong the. Bay gio toi dang b~n./Toi dang dung n6.)
-I don't think it's possible.
(Toi cho Ia khong the dU'Q'c.)
- Is it OK if I do it later?
(Lat nfra c6 duqc khong?)
Loi xin phep:
-May/Might/Can/Could I + V?
(Xin phep cho toi. .. )
-Do you mind if I+ Vp1 ... ?/Would you mind if I+ Vp1 ... ?
(B~n c6 phien khong neu toi. .. )
-Is it OK if... ?/Do you think I can/could ... ?
(Li~u c6 on khong neu .. ./B~n c6 nghT Ia toi c6 the... )
- Would anyone mind if... ?
(C6 ai phien khong neu ... )
Lai dap:
Xin phep (Asking
for permission)
Dong y:
-Sure/Certainly/Of course/OK.
(Tat nhien roi.)
-Go ahead./You can.
(Ct1 tl)' nhiE§n.)
- Do it! Don't ask.
(C(r lam di! Bung hoi nfra.)
- I'm afraid you can't./1 don't think you can.
(Toi e rang khong dU'Q'C./Toi cho rang khong dU'Q'C.)
-No, you can't/No, not now.
(Khong. Bay gio thl khong.)
Lai than phfen ho~c chi trich:
-You should have asked for permission first.
(Le ra b~n phai xin phep trU'oc.)
You shouldn't have done that.
1, (Le ra b~n khong nen lam dieu d6.)
I - Why on earth didn't you listen to me?
I (Sao b~n l~i khOng chju nghe tOi nhi?)
I -You're late again./You are being late recently.
lJB~n l~i di tre roi./D~o nay b~n toan di tre.)
- No one but you did it!
-ta ....
sorry. I didn't mean that.
y lam
- I'm sorry but the
is ...
(Toi xin loi nhung chuy~n Ia
-Not me!
(Khong phai toi!)
I (totally/completely/absolutely) agree with you.
(Toi hoan toan dong y v6'i b~n.)
- I can't agree with you more.
(Toi hoan toan dong yv6'i b~n.)
- Absolutely./Definitely.
(DI nhiem roi.)
(Chfnh xac.)
-That's true./That's it.
(Dung v~y.)
You are right There is no doubt about it.
(B~n n6i dung. Chang con nghi ngd gl ve dieu d6 nfra.)
That's just what I think.
cung nghl the.)
the b~n dung nhung toi nghl Ia ... )
I may be wrong but...
the toi sai nhung ... )
I see what you mean but I think ...
hieu y b~n nhung toi nghL.)
- I just don't think it's
(Toi khong cho Ia dieu d6 dung ... )
-I don't quite agree because ...
(Toi khong han dong
y b6i vi...)
- You're wrong there.
(B9n sai roi.)
-Personally, I think that...
(Ca nhan toi thl cho rang ... )
Loi hoi y kien:
- What do you think about...?
(B9n nghT gl ve ... ?)
-Tell me what you think about...
(Hay cho toi biet b9n nghT gl ve ... )
-What is your opinion about...?
(Y kien cua b9n ve ... Ia nhlf the nao?)
- How do you feel about...?
Hoi va dua ra y
kien {Asking for
and expressing
(B9n thay the nao ve ... ?)
Loi dua ra y kien:
-In my opinion, .../Personally, ...
(Thea toi thL.)
- In my view, .. ./It seems to me that...
(Thea quan diem cua toi, .../Doi voi toi c6 ve Ia ... )
-As far as I can say ...
(Thea toi dlfqc biet thL.)
-I strongly think/firmly think/believe/feel that...
(Toi thl)'c slf nghT/tin/cam thay Ia ... )
- I must say that...
(T6i phai n6i rang ... )
Loi khuyen ho~c de nghi:
-If I were you, I would ...
(Neu toi Ia b9n thl toi sEL.)
-If I were in your situation/shoes, I would ...
Loi khuyen ho~c de
nghi (Advising or
(Neu toi 6 vao hoan canh cua b9n thl toi se ... )
-It's a good idea to ...
( ... Ia m(>t y hay day.)
-You should/had better. ..
(B9n nen ... )
- It is advisable/recommendable lo ...
(B9n nen ... )
- I would recommend that...
-Shall we
(Chung ta hay... )
-You should/had better. ... or/if... not...
-You should/had better .... Otherwise, ...
(B9n nen ... neu khong thL.)
You should wear a safety helmet while riding, or you'll get a fine.
(B<;m nen d(>i mCi bao hiem khi di xe, neu khong b9n se bi ph9t.)
You shouldn't smoke here. Otherwise, you'll ruin the carpet.
(B9n khong nen hut thuoc 6 day. Neu khong, b9n se lam hong
tam tham.)
- Thank you/Thanks.
(Cam an.)
-I will do it.
(Toi se lam the.)
- Can/May I help you?
(Toi c6 the giup gl cho b9n?)
- Let me help you.
(Be toi giup b9n.)
- How can I help you?
(Toi c6 the giup gl cho b9n?)
-Would you like some help? /Do you need some help?
(B9n c6 can giup gl khong?)
-Yes, please. (Vang.)
-That is great. (Th~t tuy~t.)
- That would be great/fantastic.
(Th~t tuy~t.)
- It would be nice/helpful/fantastic/wonderful if you could.
c6 the lam v~y.)
- Thanks. That would be a great help.
(Cam on. DU'Q'c b~n giup thl tot qua.)
-You're so nice. Thank you so much.
(B~n th~t tot bl)ng. Cam on b~n nhieu.)
- As long as you don't mind.
(DU'Q'C ch(r neu b~n khong phien.)
TU' choi IO'i de nghi giup do:
- No, thanks.
(Khong, cam on.)
- No. That's OK.
(Khong sao dau.)
- Thanks, but I can manage.
Let's go for walk, _ _?
will we
do we
shall we
are we
An old gentleman, who is not sure where to go for the summer holiday, is asking a
travel agent for advice.
- Gentleman: "Can you recommend any places for this summer holiday?"
-Agent" _ _ ."
Yes, please go to other agencies
A package tour to the Spratly Islands would be perfect, sir
I don't think you could afford a tour to Singapore, sir
No, you cannot recommend any places
She was always the _ _ one out at school - she didn't have many friends.
Many newer cars have a much lower fuel _ _ .
unripe too
such ripe
These apples are not _ _ to eat.
ripe enough
unripe so
_ _, we couldn't have continued with the project.
Provided your contribution wouldn't come
Even if you didn't like to contribute
If you hadn't contributed positively
Unless we had your contribution
He _ _ jobs at least four or five times by the end of this year.
will change
will have changed
will be changing
going to change
The doctor _ _ told me not to stay up too late at night is my friend's father.
_ _ it is, the more uncomfortable we feel.
The hotter
The hottest
I almost got struck by a speeding car. It was a _ _ shave.
I said that I remembered _ _ with him in a handicraft village, but he said I was
to working
to work
When he lived in the city, he _ _ to the theater twice a week.
uses to go
has gone
used to go
was going
Housewives find it
to collect all the
He is
take them to the
is our relative from
Tomorrow we'll go to Noi Bai Airport to meet Maryam,
coming near the dog as it could become very fierce
The house owner
warned me against
advised me
stopped me
accused me of
The government is thinking of bringing
endangered animals.
that her whole face turned red.
Anita was so
a law to prohibit the killing of
But for the fact that I had owed him a favor, I
to help him.
would have agreed
wouldn't have agreed
couldn't agree
would agree
I was talking to my teacher, my friends were waiting outside the room.
So that
I have asked my boss _ _ me one day off to take my mom to see the doctor.
to give
has given
the development of a country, the government need carry out economic
Whether it's English
mathematics, at Exeter we call our classes Harkness
classes and our teachers Harkness teachers.
she is young, she's the most famous artisan in the village.
Mary can manage to pay off her huge debt when it is due or not is still a big
Make sure you
hotel before you come to our
in summer.
Computers offer a much greater degree of _ _ in the way work can be organized.
Would you mind _ _ the door?
to open
The inscription on the tombstone had been worn _ _ by the weather and could
scarcely be read.
. Dr. Smith asked that Mark _ _ his research paper before the end of the month.
"This roast beef is delicious." - " _ _."
I'm glad you like it
No, don't worry
I don't, either
Sure. I'd love to
"Why did you buy these oranges?"- "They were _ _ I could find. "
more cheap
the cheapest ones
the most cheap
Many hundred years ago, there were _ _ fishing villages and harbours in England.
a few
a little
It was so noisy outside that she couldn't concentrate _ _ her work.
_ _ the film a dozen times, she knew the dialogues by heart.
Being watched
Having been watched
Having watched
I _ _ my old school last week.
am visiting
have visited
The _ _ _ of the moon for the Earth causes tides.
He was offered the job thanks to his _ _ performance during his job interview.
Bella still agreed to go climbing with us _ _ her fear of heights.
in spite of
. We are talking about the writer _ _ _ latest book is one of the best-sellers this
_ _ the phone rang later that night did Tom remember the appointment.
No sooner
Not until
Just before
The building has a smoke detector _ _ any fires can be detected immediately.
so that
such as
so as to
Helen has come _ _ a brilliant idea for losing weight.
out on
through for
across to
up with
Chi Minh
lot of
the recent
Those boys took a long ladder
so as to
What would you like to have
the outbreak of flu.
Infected chickens were
the ball from the roof.
so that
so to
. Nam rides his red bicycle to school every morning with his sister, does he?
does he
I read in the newspaper that Italy didn't get to the quarter finals last year and France
didn't neither.
the newspaper
didn't get
last year
didn't neither
Mrs. Steven, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the
along with
All of the cities in Texas. San
All of
in Texas
are planning
the festivals
probably the most picturesque.
most picturesque
Each of the members of the group were made to write a report every week.
to write
Because of the approaching storm, the wind began to blow hard and the sky became
dark as evening.
Because of
to blow hard
Although people knew about electricity since ancient times, they have only been
harnessing its power for about 250 years.
11 is hoped for all present-day infectious diseases will be conquered.
will be conquered
1n safari parks, which wild animals roam freely. visitors are forbidden to get out of
their cars.
to get out of
I didn't feel like to go to work this morning because it was raining hard.
to go
to work
raining hard
. Since fireworks are dangerous, many countries have laws preventing businesses to
sell them.
to sell
Some studies show that young babies prefer the smell of milk to those of other
Daisy has such many things to do that she has no time to go out.
to do
to go out
Robotic devices are created to perform complicate, repetitive, and sometimes
dangerous tasks.
Heathrow is
They was told to plan -"'-"-"~~!.;:;!.
Artificial intelligence
insight into the future.
more time last
on time
After rising the flag to commemorate the
The longest -'-'--'-"''-""-'-'-=-'---'--"~-""-~ the Mid-Atlantic
most of it lies under the ocean.
mountain range
not hardly
John congratulated us
didn't know~~~~
very well.
each other
There are probably around 7,1 00
1\..IY!U\.1'1..•"" ,.,.,-,.nrii/IY"II"i
Grover Cleveland was
the only
Staying in a hotel
in the world.
twice ~~~C!-'. .t'l.n.,., ..,..., a room in
The scholarship
unique opportunity.
to study
It's no
. If I were her, I will quit that job immediately and look for another one.
will quit
another one
Video cameras pick .Y.Q the light that reflecting from an object.
It is important that you turned off the heater every morning before you leave for
turned off
The World Health Organization's main activities are carrying of research on medical
development and improving international health care.
main activities
carrying of
The economy is heavy dependent on industry, and economic growth has always
been of greater concern than environmental preservation.
has always been
of greater concern
What happened in that city were a reaction from city worker, including firemen and
policemen who had been laid off from their jobs.
had been
The last person leaving the room must turn off the lights.
The last
turn off
the lights
Until the invention of the telephone, skyscrapers were not consider very practical.
The more near the Tet holiday come, the more exciting the children feel.
The more near
Tet holiday
the more
The children were so amusing at the cartoon that they couldn't stop laughing.
Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.
Hardly he had
the office
The Blue Zones Solution
had forgotten
one of g_ best-sellers this year. It was written by Dan
this year
The number of people infected with COVID-19 have increased in the past few weeks.
She was anxious about the interview because she failed three interviews before.
There are so much chickens in the garden that I can't count them__gJJ_.
so much
Modern art is on display at the Guggenheim Museum, a building with an unusually
Modern art
a building
was explaining
So extensive
bodies of
in the world.
the lakes are
are viewed
fresh water
in the world
My elder sister failed her final exam, which depressed my parents.
Many people say that he is always a good plumber.
a person who picks plums
a person who makes water pipes
a person who supplies water
a person who repairs water pipes
The power failure at dinnertime caused consternation among the city's housewives.
It is considered wise to keep silent when one is angry because saying anything then
may make matters worse.
Many scientists agree that global warming poses great threats to all species on Earth.
With the dawn of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric conditions on Earth
may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.
Bacteria can be both detrimental and helpful to humans, depending on the specific
type and effect.
He is an honest man. You can rely on him to do a good job.
put up with
base on
count on
take in
Helen Keller, blind and deaf from an early age, developed her sense of smell so finely
that she could identify friends by their personal odors.
communicate with
He is really over the moon with his success.
Whenever Susan invites us to dinner, she customarily prepares a lot of delicious
Mobile libraries bring books to children in many small communities. These libraries
travel from towns to towns in cars, vans, or trucks.
staying in one place
moving from place to place
can be bent easily and quickly
changing shape easily and often
If the children are ill, we will put off going to France this winter.
According to Freud, dreams can be interpreted as the fulfillment of wishes.
wanted tickets to
was offered
much more than usual
will soon be eradicated in our
and more
=-"-"--"-=~~~"""'--"'== because he never
steers me
frightens me
to tell you that you have
sources of energy~
Oil is one of the
most important
irritates me
selected for the
most difficult
most popular
most expensive
I think we can safely say now that we have got our money back, we are "-"-""''-"-"'-""'--"""-''-""-
have been successful
have not got wet
have got no water
, GCSEs are
14-16-year-old students.
have failed
but they are the most common qualifications taken by
The foreign teacher read the sentence slowly and
so the children could
understand it.
The dog saw his
in the pool of water.
Really bright comets, which scare some people, occur only a few times each
We can use either
or non-verbal forms of communication.
facial expressions
Although we argued with him for a long time, he ==--"-"-"-'~~~
felt sorry for us
changed his decision
refused to change
wanted to continue
My parents are going to
if they find out we had a party here.
become angry
become scared
The girls were deeply
by that sentimental movie.
Salt has been used for centuries as a method of
In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental
something to suffer
something enjoyable
something sad
something to entertain
. She was a devoted teacher. She spent most of her time teaching and taking care of
her students.
Most bears spend the better part of winter in a continual state of hibernation.
The aircraft carrier is indispensable in naval operations against sea and shore based
There is growing concern about the daily habits of human beings that are slowly
destroying the environment.
Aquatic sports have long been acknowledged as excellent ways to take physical
If petrol price 92.-Y.R any more, I shall have to use a bicycle.
The advanced technologies will change the course of modern medical history.
Parents usually show strong disapproval if their children come home too late at
Thanks to the invention of microscope, biologists can now gain insights into the
nature of human cells.
deep understanding
in-depth studies
spectacular sightings
far-sighted views
He wasn't able to manage with the stresses and strains of the job.
. "Be quick! We must speed up if we don't want to miss the train"
Because of cutbacks in council spending, plans for the new swimming pool had to
be shelved.
Extra time, repeated instruction and appropriate modeling are some effective
solutions to help children with cognitive impairments.
Tired of
he handed in his
an unimportant person
a small group of
a significant instrument
There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the environment.
Every time he opens his mouth, he immediately
what he said. He's always
making a mistake
saying things upsetting
doing things in the wrong order
Mary was promoted to manager of the shop as she was the most =-=--""=--""'-"-"==
worker for the job.
One of the reasons why families break up is that parents are always critical of each
Last year, the rush hour delayed our trip to the airport and as a result, we had to
change our flight.
the time of the year when people don't like shopping
the hour in the afternoon when people do not travel on the road
the hour in the morning when the traffic is easy
the time during each day when traffic is at its easiest
Two weeks ago, when 1 was looking for a new pair of jeans in the night market, 1 ran
into Mai.
called loudly
met very quickly
saw by chance
arranged to meet
Visitors to the Church of St. Menoux in France believed the fallacy that they could
cure their headaches by sticking their heads into a hole in a stone altar.
actual fact
false idea
true belief
children's story
My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance.
be confident
be optimistic
be pessimistic
be smart
The number of tourists visiting Europe has decreased greatly since the outbreak of
No deep understanding of the Solar System can be achieved without an appreciation
of the basic properties of the Sun.
I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish.
In 1989, a ban was given on all international trade in ivory.
In remote communities, it's important to replenish stocks before the winter sets in.
. John and Lien are two of a kind- both perfectionists!
differ from each other
lead healthy lifestyles
overcome cultural differences
share common values
She is a generous old woman. She has given most of her wealth to a charity
women's liberation
''I'm sorry I can't
out this weekend
very bored
very scared
for users, but ,....,..,,, ... -r,.... .,. .."'" dozens of e>ar,~r~'ta websites
typhoon were
The consequences of
very idle
due to the lack of precautionary
It is convenient because it's portable,
A laptop has both benefits and
but not all people can afford it because of its high cost.
The government is not prepared to
this situation any longer.
Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has Jm:Hn~~ its trade
relations with other countries.
from time to time
once in a while
very often
It took Clarke a long time to get over the
of her marriage.
She decided to remain
and devote her life to helping the homeless and
They are nasty,
people who are a law unto themselves.
the final exam with .!!.!!.JII...'~--""-"'==·
I would be happy to~~=~'-""'-"--="--"-""'=·
with the idea
to agree with the idea
to support the idea
to approve with the idea
in your new job.
They need to import a great deal of sports equipment from Japan.
The new laws to conserve wildlife in the area will come into force next month.
After five days on trial, the court found him innocent of the crime and he was
. Polluted water and increased water temperature have driven many species to the
verge of extinction.
Population growth rates
among regions and even among countries within the
same region.
remain unstable
stay unchanged
If you are at a loose end this weekend, I will show you round the city.
People use conditioners to keep cool and comfortable in hot and humid weather.
We left Hanoi when I was six, so my recollections of it are rather faint.
He was not a good father. He neglected his children.
took care of
No one knew exactly what would happen to a human being in space.
The city's transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.
Human inventions have shaped civilizations and transformed life on the Earth.
Volunteering offers you a chance to gain experience in the field that you are
interested in.
. Today students are under a lot of pressure due to the high expectations from their
parents and teachers.
The kids persisted with their soccer game even though recess was over.
I could only propose a partial solution to the crisis in the company.
The investigation revealed some rather unexpected results.
appearance, she
In many cultures,
the hotel and
their head.
We've been walking all over town today, so I think we're just going to head back to
for a while.
take a seat
•~"~~ 141 ~'~~~~' 11 "~"~~
sit down
stand up
the danger to himself, Freddie dived into the river to save the puppy.
. No matter how hard Fred tried to lose weight, he did not succeed.
However hard Fred tried, he could not lose weight.
Fred tried very hard to lose weight and succeeded.
It was hard for Fred to lose weight as he never succeeded.
It did not matter whether Fred couldn't lose his weight.
It is rumored that the oil price is going to increase by 5%.
People rumor about going to increase the oil price by 5%.
The oil price is rumored to be on the point of increasing by5%.
The oil price rumors to be on the point of increasing by 5%.
It is rumored to be going the oil price to increase by 5%.
She last phoned her close friend two months ago.
She hasn't phoned her close friend for two months.
She has phoned her close friend for two months.
She didn't phone her close friend two months ago.
She has two months to phone her close friend.
It is a pity that I can't speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I could speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I couldn't speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I can speak English like a native speaker.
I wish I have spoken English like a native speaker.
Alvin said to Dan, "I didn't use your cassette player! Someone else did, not me."
Alvin blamed Dan for using his cassette player, saying that someone else had.
Alvin denied having used Dan's cassette player, saying that someone else had.
Alvin refused to use Dan's cassette player, saying that someone else had.
Alvin made Dan use his cassette player, saying that someone else had.
"Have you ever tried water skiing, Tom?" she asked.
She asked Tom whether he had ever tried water skiing.
She asked Tom whether he has ever tried water skiing.
She asked Tom had he ever tried water skiing.
She asked Tom if you had ever tried water skiing.
Although she is intelligent, she doesn't do well at school.
In spite of intelligent, but she doesn't do well at school.
Despite being intelligent, she doesn't do well at school.
the fact that she is tnt~EHIIiCJern
I would
it hadn't been so
not late when called you.
so I did not call you.
but I called you.
It was not late but I did not
It is not necessary for you to wear formal
You needn't wear formal clothes to the
"" 1 '"''~"'''H:J•c
You must wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
You would wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
You can't wear formal clothes to the party this evening.
He last went out with his friends a month ago.
He didn't go out with his friends a month ago.
He has gone out with his friends for a month.
He has a month to go out with his friends.
He hasn't gone out with his friends for a month.
All of the courses I have taken, this one is the hardest but most interesting.
All of the courses I have taken are easier than and as interesting as this one.
All of the courses I have taken are tougher and more fascinating than this.
No other course I have taken was harder nor less fascinating than this.
No other course I have taken was as tough nor as fascinating as this one.
This is the first time I have gone out for a picnic.
I have ever gone out for a picnic.
I have never gone out for a picnic before.
I had ever gone out for a picnic before.
I have gone out for a picnic before.
It started to rain at 2 o'clock and it is still raining.
It has
raining at 2 o'clock.
It has
raining since 2 o'clock.
It has
raining for 2 o'clock.
It has
raining in
"Let's give her more information about our plan next week," said Michael.
ug~Jested giving her more information about their plan the following week.
Michael n"'"...:r!Jr"'";:,.'";:..._.r~ that he would give her more information about their plan next week.
them for not giving her more information about their plan the following week.
The president offered his congratulations to the players when they won the cup.
The president congratulated the players on their winning the match.
When they won the cup, the players had been offered some congratulations from the president.
The president would offered the players congratulations if they won the match.
The president congratulated that the players had won the cup.
It was wrong of you to criticize her in front of her colleagues.
You are wrong about criticizing her in front of her colleagues.
You shouldn't have criticized her in front of her colleagues.
You didn't need to criticize her in the presence of her colleagues.
You must be mistaken about criticizing her with her colleagues.
Even though all their money had been returned, they continued to complain.
They continued to complain but all their money had been returned.
They kept on complaining in spite of being given a full refund.
They didn't stop complaining until all their money had been returned.
They didn't stop complaining after they had received most of their money back.
The living room isn't as big as the kitchen.
The living room is bigger than the kitchen.
The kitchen is smaller than the living room.
The kitchen is bigger than the living room.
The kitchen isn't as big as the living room.
He was annoyed because I walked across his field.
He objected to me because I walked across his field.
He objected to me to have walked across his field.
He objected to my walking across his field.
He objected for me to walk across his field.
They are going to hold next year's conference in Hanoi.
Next year's conference is going to hold in Hanoi.
Next year's conference is going to be held in Hanoi.
Hanoi is going to hold next year's conference.
Hanoi is going to be held next year's conference .
. Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the
The workshop was held so late that few people attended it.
The workshop was held earlier so that more people would attend.
Fewer people attended the workshop because of the early announcement.
Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the workshop.
"You should take better care of your health," said Tom's mother.
Tom's mother promised to take better care of his health.
Tom's mother ordered him to take better care of his health.
I'm sure it was not our
since it was
with us.
been our
continuously all night since it was
It must have been our
continuously all night since it was
It can't
inside with us.
inside with us.
barking continuously all night since it was sleeping inside with us.
It should have been our
It could have been our
c-'"""''"'''n ....
barking continuously all night since it was sleeping inside with us.
Your mother is more kind-hearted than anyone.
is more kind-hearted than your mother.
Your mother is less kind-hearted than everyone.
There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother.
Your mother is not as kind-hearted as everyone.
Eating with chopsticks feels strange to Jonathan.
with chopsticks isn't what Jonathan used to.
Jonathan is not used to eating with chopsticks.
Jonathan tries eating with chopsticks.
Jonathan didn't use to eat with chopsticks.
I whispered as I didn't want anybody to hear our conversation.
Since nobody wanted to hear our conversation, I whispered.
So as not to hear our conversation, I whispered.
Because I whispered, anybody heard our conversation.
I lowered my voice in order that our conversation couldn't be heard.
Scientists have not produced
A miraculous
has not been
has not been
miraculous drug which can cure AIDS.
scientists who can cure AIDS.
A miraculous
which can cure AIDS has not
A miraculous
who can cure AIDS have not been
he loved
he didn't
by scientists.
her for what she had done.
her for what she had done as he loved her.
her for what she had done because she didn't love him.
She didn't love him as much as he loved her.
he didn't
her for what she had done.
No crime is more serious than murder.
Murder is the least serious of all crime.
Murder is the most serious of all crimes.
Everyone is very afraid of murder.
Murder is the dangerous crime .
. The government knows the extent of the problem. The government needs to take
action soon.
The government knows the extent of the problem whereas it needs to take action soon.
The government knows the extent of the problem so that it needs to take action soon.
Knowing the extent of the problem, the government needs to take action soon.
Knowing the extent of the problem, or else the government needs to take action soon.
A speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare. I can't remember his name.
I can't remember the name of the speaker who will come to talk with William Shakespeare.
A speaker who will come to talk about William Shakespeare, I can't remember his name.
The speaker whose name I can't remember will come to talk about William Shakespeare.
The speaker will come to talk about William Shakespeare whose name I can't remember.
The old man is working in this factory. I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
The old man is working in this factory which I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
The old man whom I borrowed his bicycle yesterday is working in this factory.
The old man whose bicycle I borrowed yesterday is working in this factory.
The old man whom is working in this factory I borrowed his bicycle yesterday.
The agreement ended six-month negotiation. It was signed yesterday.
The agreement ended six-month agreement was signed yesterday.
The agreement signed yesterday lasted six months.
The negotiation which lasted six months was signed yesterday.
The agreement which was signed yesterday ended six-month negotiation.
He didn't take his father's advice. That's why he is out of work.
If he had taken his father's advice, he would not have been out of work.
If he took his father's advice, he would not be out of work.
If he had taken his father's advice, he would not be out of work.
If he takes his father's advice, he will not be out of work.
It was an interesting novel. I, therefore, stayed up all night to finish it.
Though it was an interesting novel, I stayed up all night to finish it.
Unless it was an interesting novel, I would stay up all night to finish it.
So interesting was the novel that I stayed up all night to finish it.
I stayed up all night to finish the novel, therefore, it was interesting.
The more forests we cut
'~-"'"'"'" 1'""'
we cut down
forests we cut
The more we cut down +.,.,.,.,,.,,.,.,,""'
Cup U20.
That everyone was
World Cup U20.
in the last minutes to win
That Vietnam defeated
in the last minutes to win a
John is studying hard. He doesn't want
at the
fail the
John is studying hard in order not to fail the next exam.
John is studying hard in order that he not fail the next exam.
John is studying hard so as to fail the next exam.
John is studying hard in order to not to fail the next exam.
Mike doesn't feel well
If only Mike had felt well
He can't
out with his friends.
he couldn't have gone out with his friends.
If Mike had felt well today, he couldn't have
out with his friends.
Mike wishes he felt well today so that he could go out with his friends.
Provided that Mike feels well today, he can't go out with his friends.
When the unemployment rate is high, the crime rate is
also high.
The unemployment rate and the crime rate are both
The higher the unemployment rate
The unemployment rate is as high as the crime rate.
The high rate of unemployment
on the
He felt very tired. He was determined
continue to climb up
He felt so tired that he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
Feeling very tired, he was determined
continue to climb up the mountain.
Tired as he might, he was determined to continue to climb up the mountain.
As result of his
There was a
series' success.
he was determined to continue
increase in
climb up the mountain.
In 2020, Samsung's profits increased considerably thanks to its successful Z Flip series.
Samsung's revenue dropped dramatically in 2020 as a result of its successful Z Flip series.
Jane really wants to buy a new computer. She doesn't have enough money.
Provided that Jane has enough money, she can't buy a new computer.
If only Jane had had enough money, she couldn't have bought a new computer.
If Jane had had enough money, she couldn't have bought a new computer.
Jane wishes she had enough money so that she could buy a new computer.
Students are forbidden to bring electronic devices into the exam room. There is no
exception whatsoever.
Under no circumstances are students allowed to bring electronic devices into the exam room.
By no means were students allowed to bring electronic devices into the exam room.
At no time are students banned from bringing electronic devices into the exam room.
On no occasion are students banned from bringing electronic devices into the exam room.
They drove fifteen miles off the main road. Also, they had nothing to eat for the day.
They drove fifteen miles off the main road until they had something to eat for the day.
They neither drove fifteen miles off the main road nor had anything to eat for the day.
Not only did they drive fifteen miles off the main road, they also had nothing to eat for the day.
Driving fifteen miles off the main road that day, they eventually had something to eat for the
My mother is very busy with her work at the office. She still takes good care of us.
My mother is so busy with her work at the office that she cannot take good care of us.
Because my mother is very busy with her work at the office, she takes good care of us.
In spite of being very busy with her work at the office, my mother takes good care of us.
My mother is too busy with her work at the office to take good care of us.
I'm sure Julia didn't break your mirror. She was at the library with me yesterday.
Julia mightn't have been at the library with me yesterday because she broke your mirror.
Julia needn't have broken your mirror because she was at the library with me yesterday.
Julia can't have broken your mirror because she was at the library with me yesterday.
Julia shouldn't have been at the library with me because she broke your mirror yesterday.
The COVID-19 pandemic broke out. The government implemented social distancing
in some provinces right then.
Only if the government implemented social distancing in some provinces did the COVID-19
pandemic break out.
No sooner had the COVID-19 pandemic broken out than the government implemented social
distancing in some provinces.
Not until the COVID-19 pandemic broke out did the government implement social distancing
in some provinces right then.
Hardly had the government implemented social distancing in some provinces when the
COVID-19 pandemic broke out.
years, the young
the young
has worked as
Television is still one of our most popular forms of entertainment. It brings people closer.
_ _ families still watch shows or enjoy live sports programmes together. Television gives
people something to talk about at school and at work and it often gets us talking about important
_ _,television- like everything else in the world today- is changing.
The most important
_ _ on television recently has been technology. Computers and the
Internet have completely changed the way we get information and entertainment. Watching films
and videos online is becoming more and more popular. Computers and smartphones,
are much cheaper than ever before, help people choose their favourite programmes quickly and
more effectively. Today, as life is getting faster, our mobile screens are the best way to watch
programmes anywhere we like. Therefore, television stations have to change the way they make
_ _ what they want.
shows in order to give
(Adapted from Gateway by Spencer and Edwards)
For example
Speaking on the role of parents in building reading habits for their children, journalist Ph an Dang
_ _ of young children's habits are strongly influenced by those around them.
Hence, in order for children to develop reading habits, adults must become role models
_ _, play a particularly
actively encourage, and inspire children's love for books. Adults,
important part in cultivating children's reading habits." He also suggested some useful tips for
parents as follows: Each family should have one bookcase. Children see it in the house and have
their first physical interaction with books. Parents should also demonstrate their reading habits
to children. Otherwise, they can hardly encourage their children to read. Finally, parents should
spare some time each day to read to children, which helps shape their reading habit.
At an international school, parents are given chances to
_ _ children in their learning,
especially in reading activities. The school organizes a variety of activities to inspire students to
read more. In particular, the Book Review activities such as reading books with children, parents
going to classes to share about books, etc. received enthusiastic support from parents. Hundreds
of stories were widely circulated in parents' online groups. Shared reading time really
the bonds between parents and children. Furthermore, many perspectives and experiences on
how to maintain a reading habit were provided.
(Adapted from https://vietnamnews. vn/)
ludicrous that the
that grew up in the "social"
graduating from Facebook to lnstagram, has trouble with loneliness. But among millennials, it's
found that
of all millennia Is could not name
common. One
because it can be symptomatic of other forms of
a single friend. Loneliness is hard to
emotional turmoil, depression, for instance.
feeling lonely is not a mental illness in its
own right, the two are often strongly linked, and it is often a complex response to perceived
isolation or lack of social connection.
It perhaps makes sense that loneliness is especially taboo among those
_ _ friendships
ostensibly number in the thousands. But this is part of the problem: the connection between
loneliness and social media is well established. For all their virtues, we know that
media platforms exploit the psychology of the user to keep that user glued to the screen. Having
grown up with social media, millennials have been especially vulnerable to its worst psychological
effects, such as creating an illusory impression of connection. And this, unsurprisingly, can
translate to a feeling of loneliness in the
(Adapted from The Guardian)
In many places across Asia, eating dog meat is a century-old tradition. Dog meat is thought to
help people cope with the intense heat of the summer.
believe it helps to regulate the
internal body temperature. Consumption reaches its annual
during the summer. However, it
is also consumed steadily throughout the year, especially in the context of all-male social
meat trade
young people
gatherings. There is a growing Chinese opposition to the
in China are far more likely to think of
as companions than cuisine.
is now the first city in China to ban the consumption of
meat. Aside from the
concerns mentioned above, the trade is dangerous. The World Health Organization has
meat trade could
including rabies.
meat will no longer
be allowed to be sold at restaurants as well as live markets. The new legislation includes a
..,., •. m,.no,ni' ban on the consumption of
much closer
""""~'"'~"'r'n"'n'"" with humans than all other animals. The ban also clarifies
animal meat
and chicken.
People living in rural areas of Britain are more (1) _ _ about the future and happier about
their quality of life than people in cities and towns, a new survey has found.
_ _ out to record how people feel about their lives, found
The Countryside Living Index
that the satisfaction ratings of people living in the countryside leapt by 10.7 per cent
the first and second quarters of 2013, with their views about the cost of living, education and
crime all improving. People in both rural and urban areas said that they felt more optimistic about
health, education, and the environment, but the positive change was much more pronounced
_ _. People from urban areas also said that they were
among country-dwellers than city
increasingly more worried about crime than those in the countryside and overall, the rise in
perceived quality of life was three times higher in the countryside than in the cities.
Tim Price, who carried out the study, said: The recession made life in the countryside very
tough for many people, so it's great news to see concerns about the cost of living easing.'
However, for young people the lack of rural jobs paying a living
continue to make it hard for them to live in the countryside.
_ _ and housing costs
As we go about our
a second
to our own
u-....~-t•r-·"" 1
structure and vocabulary. However, when learning a new language, many people find they have a
focuses your attention
understanding of their first language. Learning a second
on the grammatical rules constructions of that
gives people a new
insight into their own
and ultimately leads to them improving their mother
will improve their everyday lives.
l'll"""' ....
global understanding of the world we live in. Even
Learning a new language gives you a
learning a few
never mind
whole language, you will access many
cultures around the world and understand the differences between the two countries.
Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and is extremely satisfying.
Once the hard work and effort has
you will experience many benefits associated with
learning a new language and you will have a newfound confidence.
What is the
of learning
mentioned in the
Improve first
Improve understanding of the world
Better job
What does the word
The hard work and effort
Costing a lot of money
Taking a long time
What opinion will the author
Learning a new language helps
agree with?
improve their mother
a new
Only children should learn a new
Achievement of
Grammatical structure and vocabulary of that
Grammatical rules constructions of that
the word
oa~;sa~Je r
Cars have become a popular means of transport for people, especially those who live in big cities.
However, those densely populated cities have to face with pollution and traffic jams because of
the rapid increase in the number of private cars. Nowadays, some city centers around the world
don't allow cars to enter. These no-car zones are areas for people, bicycles and public transport
London: Eight million people live in the center of London and another two million people go to
work there every day. The city center has a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At
lunchtime and after work, many people go there for a break.
Tokyo: Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people, but there are no cars. These
modern no-car zones are very popular and people like shopping there.
Bogota: In the past, Bogota was polluted because there were lots of cars and traffic. Now the city
center is a no-car zone and the air is clean! Many people don't have a car and half a million people
go to work by bus every morning.
Melbourne: In many cities, people don't like shopping in the center. But in Melbourne, Bourke
Street is popular because there are lots of great shops and no cars. This area attracts people not
only to the shops but also to the cozy small cafe with great food during lunchtime .
. What is NOT a problem in many cities?
traffic congestion
no-car zones
high population
How many residents are there in the center of London?
8 million
2 million
10 million
5 million
Which word does NOT correctly describe the no-car zones in Tokyo?
How is the center of Bogota now?
Which places in Bourke Street do people often visit at midday?
shopping centers
small shops
parking areas
Today we hear more and more about the importance of getting enough sleep. Sleep can give
energy to both our bodies and our brains. It can also affect our feelings, behaviour, and memory.
Studies have shown that people in some countries spend less time sleeping and more time
working. But our bodies cannot work well without enough sleep. Losing just one or two hours of
sleep a night, over a long period of time, can badly affect our health. We cannot work for many
hours; we can get angry easily; and we can even lose our IQ points. That explains why, without
enough sleep, an intelligent person may have difficulty doing daily tasks.
Studies have also shown that the time of year seems to affect how much sleep we need. People
usually sleep longer in the winter, sometimes as much as 14 hours a night. However, in the
summer, they sometimes sleep as little as six hours, without having any problems.
(Adapted from Strategic Reading by Richards and Eckstut-Didier)
becomes worse.
can finish their
The word
have less time to work.
Our bodies can work better.
2 is closest in meaning to
The word
consequence of
in paragraph 3 refers to
Over the last decade, there has been rapid growth in Vietnam's energy industry. The demand for
electricity in Vietnam has significantly increased in line with
overall economic growth.
According to the national data, the average daily electricity consumption was 615 million kWh per
day in the first few months of 2020, an increase by 7.5 percent compared with 2019. Although
many sectors and businesses were impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, the country's
electricity consumption still rose.
Vietnam has been impacted by pollution and climate change so it requires the country to reform
the power sector and adopt an effective transition to a renewable energy system. Such a shift
these problems, ensure energy security, and meet the growing demand for
would help
electricity of business activities and economic and industrial development.
The Vietnamese government adopted the Renewable Energy Development Strategy by 2030 with
an outlook to 2050. The plan focused on expanding "the scale and increasing the proportion of
renewable energy sources," solving "the issues of energy supply to the urban area/' contributing
to promotion of production development, and building "a society which economically and
effectively uses the friendly environmentally natural resources." Vietnam aims to unconditionally
reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 8 percent by 2030 and its conditional
is to
reduce GHG emission by 25 percent by 2030.
While renewable energy is a fast-growing sector in Asian
broadly, Vietnam can be
ran,-:.rrian as a good place for investing in this sector. The Vietnamese renewable energy market
will be regulated in terms of power
has risen gradually. In Vietnam, renewable energy
and power
execution process,
the power
and approvals and consents from the relevant authorities.
Under the Vietnamese law on investment, foreign investors can
100 percent
ownership of Vietnamese
in the energy sector and can trade in different types such
as 100
invested company, joint ventures or public-private partnership and BOT
Vietnam has
for renewable energy
attention to the solar and wind energy
in the
The country has great potential for the renewable energy industry, which helps it take a cleaner
and more secure energy pathway.
(Adapted from The Diplomat)
: Which title best reflects the main idea of the passage?
Vietnam's Energy Industry Affected By The Coronavirus Pandemic
Renewable Energy- A Stagnant Sector In Vietnam
The Demand For Vietnam's Energy Industry In The Future
Developing Vietnam's Renewable Energy Industry
The word "its" in paragraph 1 refers to _ _ .
economic growth
energy industry
Vietnam needs to reform the power sector and adopt an effective transition because
this would promote the influence of pollution and climate change and meet the country's
this would secure the energy industry and fulfill the requirement of economic and industrial
Vietnamese government needed to reconstruct its system in order to secure the energy
humanity has ignored the negative consequences caused by pollution and climate change
The word "mitigate" in paragraph 2 is closest to _ _ .
Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
Vietnam has committed to cut greenhouse emissions by 25 percent with its own efforts.
Vietnam has tightened some policies for alternative resources.
Vietnamese government has countenanced foreign investors in the field of energy.
Joint ventures or public-private partnerships and BOT will not be allowed in Vietnam.
The word "incorporate" in paragraph 5 mostly means _ _ .
. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
Vietnam is making a big push into the renewable energy sector to meet its demand.
Vietnam's renewable energy has the potential to meet its economic needs.
Vietnam has emerged as one of Asia's strongest economic performers in recent years.
The Vietnamese government has adopted new rules in favour of foreign investment.
As the Internet has become more and more popular, we may be reading a great deal more than
we used to. However, the way we are reading materials on the Internet, or online reading, is very
different from the way we traditionally read printed materials.
In the traditional way of reading, we would start at the beginning of a book and read through to
the end. In online reading, in contrast, we start reading a page, but may never finish it because a
link on that page leads us to a passage on a different page, and so on. As we go from one page
to another, we have to remember lots of different ideas at the same time. This new way of reading
is quite different from the traditional one.
The world is l"h~lnn•nn
world, just as
consider how to maintain our critical,
meet new demands in the modern
II'VII"\rtf'T~t"\T for
(Adapted from Insight by Roberts and
· Which of the following is the best title for the
More Reading, Less Analysis?
Is Technology Changing Writing?
Less Reading, More Problems?
Is Reading Changing Technology?
According to paragraph 2, as we read a page online, we
always read from the beginning till the end
may not finish reading the whole page
never read the first part of the page
The word
The word
tend to read the last part before anything
in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
"if in paragraph 3 refers to _ _ .
online reading
what we read
The word ............... h+" in paragraph 4
the brain
Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
We read online materials in the same way as we read printed materials.
Possibly our brains are changing to meet new demands in the modern world.
Multitasking enables us to work quickly and think creatively.
In the traditional way of reading, we would read from the beginning through to the end .
. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
The brain does not play an important role in the traditional way of reading.
The traditional way of reading allows people to read at a deep level.
We used to read much more in the
than we do now.
Online reading maintains critical and deeper reading skills.
Recently, campaigners have encouraged us to buy local food. This reduces 'food miles', that is,
the distance food travels to
from the producer to the retailer. Buying local
lowers the carbon footprint and is more environmentally friendly .
the real
as that. If our aim is to reduce carbon arn,•c-c·•'"'"''"'
to a 2008
11 %
of carbon emissions in the food production process result from transportation, and only 4%
originated from the final delivery of the product from the producer to the retailer. Other processes,
including fertilisation, storage, heating and irrigation, contribute much more.
In fact, imported food often has a lower carbon footprint than locally grown food. Take apples,
for example. In autumn, when apples are harvested, the best option for a British resident is to buy
British apples. However, the apples we buy in winter or spring have been kept refrigerated for
months, and this uses up a lot of energy. Heating also uses a lot of energy, which is why growing
tomatoes in heated greenhouses in the UK is less environmentally friendly than importing them
from Spain, where the crop grows well in the local climate.
We must also take into account the type of transport. Transporting food by air creates about 50
times more emissions than shipping it. However, only a small proportion of goods are flown to
the consumer country, and these are usually high-value, perishable items that we cannot produce
locally, such as seafood and out-of-season berries. For example, beans flown in from Kenya are
grown in sunny fields using manual labour and natural fertilizers, unlike in Britain, where we use
oil-based fertilizers and diesel machinery. Therefore, the total carbon footprint is still lower.
It's also worth remembering that a product's journey does not end at the supermarket. The
distance consumers travel to buy their food, and the kind of transport they use will also add to
their carbon footprint. So driving a long way to shop for food will negate any environmental
benefits of buying locally grown produce. Furthermore, choosing local over imported food can
also badly affect people in developing countries. If the farmers are unable to sell produce
overseas, they will have less income to afford necessities and to raise children.
Some supermarkets have been trying to raise awareness of food miles by labeling foods with
stickers that show it has been imported by air. But ultimately, the message this gives is too
simple. Lots of different factors contribute to a food's carbon footprint besides the distance it
has traveled.
, What is the text about?
The importance of buying locally produced food
The reasons why food miles campaigns are too simple
The advantages of importing food from overseas
The problems caused by transporting food
According to a study, 11% is _ _ .
the percentage of food that is produced and sold locally
the percentage of energy in food production used to transport food from producer to retailer
the percentage of energy in food production used for any kind of transport
the percentage of food which is imported from overseas
The phrase "take into account" is closest in meaning to _ _ .
Seafood is given as an example of food which _ _ .
is transported by air unnecessarily
is expensive and goes bad quickly
people in poor countries rely on for income
is usually transported by ship
Which of these does the writer
in poor countries
to Britain from New Zealand in
imported by air from Kenya
Making a long journey to buy food produced locally
The writer thinks that labeling food which has been transported by air _ _ .
will raise environmental awareness
helps people to shop more ethically
does not tell a full, accurate story
give false information about the product
: Phan dLrQ'C 99ch chan 6 "sings" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lzl, con l9i phat am Ia lsi.
Phan dlfQ'C 99Ch chan 6 "develops" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dugc 99ch chan 6 "manages" dLrQ'C phat am Ia hzl, con l9i phat am Ia Is/.
Phan dlfQ'C 99Ch chan 6 "camels" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lzl, con 19i phat am Ia lsi.
Phan dlfQ'C 99Ch chan 6 "profits" OlfQ'C phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dlfQ'C 99Ch chan 6 "biscuits" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dlfQ'C 99ch chan 6 "nights" phat am Ia lsi, con l9i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dlfQ'C g9Ch chan 6 "shakes" phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dlfQ'C g9Ch chan 6 "airports" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "halves" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lzl, con 19i phat am Ia lsi.
: Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "potatoes dugc phat am Ia lzl, con 19i phat am Ia hzl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "sweets" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lsi, con 19i phat am Ia lzl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "lorries" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lzl con 19i phat am Ia hzl.
Phan dl1Q'C g9ch chan 6 "serves" dLrQ'C phat am Ia lzl con l9i phat am Ia lsi.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "pens" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lzl, con l~i Ia lsi.
Phan dl1Q'C g9ch chan 6 ''removed", dLrQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con l9i Ia It/.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "lived" dlfQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con 19i Ia It/.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "displayed" dlfQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con 19i Ia hdl.
Phan OU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "neglected" dlfQ'C phat am Ia hdl, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan dl1Q'C g9ch chan 6 "moved" dLrQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con l9i Ia It!.
: Phan dlfQ'C g9Ch chan 6 "existed" dlfQ'C phat am Ia hdl, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "attracted" dlfQ'C phat am Ia hdl, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "jumped" OlfQ'C phat am Ia It/, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan OU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "knocked" dlfQ'C phat am Ia It/, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "engaged" OlfQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con 19i Ia hdl.
Phan dl1Q'C g9ch chan 6 "exploited" dugc phat am Ia hdl, con l9i Ia ldl.
Phan dlfQ'C g9Ch chan 6 "decorated" dlfQ'C phat am lahdl, con 19i Ia ldl.
Phan dl1Q'C g9ch chan 6 "watched" dugc phat am Ia It/, con l9i Ia hdl.
Phan dU'Q'C g9Ch chan 6 "played" dlfQ'C phat am Ia ldl, con 19i Ia It/
Phan g9ch chan 6 "marked" dugc phat am Ia It/, con l9i Ia hdl.
: Phan g9ch chan 6 "benefit" dlfQ'C phat am Ia lei, con l9i Ia am cam.
Ia hi.
chan a
chan a"cheer"
chan 6
Ia /eu/.
Ia /i:/
Ia /d3/, con l9i /g/.
Ia /u/, con l9i Ia /u:/.
Ia /a:/, con l9i Ia
Phan g9ch chan 6 urule" dugc phat am Ia /u:/, con l9i Ia /u/.
: Phan g9ch chan 6 "hard" dugc phcH am
Phan g9ch chan 6 "group" OU'Q'C phat am Ia /u:/, con l9i Ia /u/.
phat am Ia /k/, con l~i Ia /t.f/.
a"honest" Ia am cam, con l9i Ia /h/.
Phan g9ch chan a"swear" OU'Q'C phat am Ia leal, con l9i Ia hal .
Phan g9ch chan
Phan g9ch chan
Ia /tf/, con l9i Ia /k/.
Ia hi, con l9i Ia /a:/.
Phan g9ch chan a "pull" OlfQ'C phat am Ia /u/, con l9i Ia /ju/.
Phan g9ch chan a "pear" dugc phat am Ia leal, con l9i Ia /3:/.
. Phan g9ch chan 6 "cello" OU'Q'C phat am
Phan g9ch chan 6 "average" dugc phat am
: Dap an "appoint" tr<;mg am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "reply" trQng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "concern" trQng am rO'i vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "different" trQng am roi vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "contribute" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am dau tien.
Dap an "difficulty" trQng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am thlJ' hai.
Dap an "coffee" trQng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "circumstances" trQng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ'
Dap an "predict" trQng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "bottle" trQng am roi vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
: Dap an "delicate" trQng am roi vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thlr hai.
Dap an "situation" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "imagine" trQng am roi vao am thlJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "fountain" trQng am roi vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "monitor" trQng am roi am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "considerate" trQng am rO'i vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' ba.
Dap an "disadvantage" tr9ng am rO'i vao am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau
Dap an "sedentary" tr9ng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "obligatory" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thlr ba.
Dap an "Japanese" tr9ng am rO'i am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i am thlr dau tien.
: Dap an "operate" tr9ng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "attendance" trQng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i rO'i vao am dau tien.
Dap an "overtime" trQng am roi vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thlr ba.
Dap an "curriculum" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
Dap an "data" tr9ng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "auditorium" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "suffer" trQng am rO'i vao am dau tien. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "introduce" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLr hai.
Dap an "personnel" tr9ng am roi vao am thLJ' ba. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am thLJ' hai.
Dap an "terrific" trQng am roi vao am thLJ' hai. Cac tCr con l9i roi vao am dau tien.
am thlr hal.
an "document"
an "disaster"
"1/ ...... n r t " ' l l " r ' \ A
an "prediction"
am rai vao am th(r
rO'i vao am
th(r hai.
vao am
an "encourage" trQng am rai vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con lt;:~i roi vao am dau tien.
:Dap an "influence" trQng am rai vao am
tien. Cac ttl con
roi vao am thU' hai.
an "computer" trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con lt;:~i roi vao am dau tien.
an "device" trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con
an "struggle" trQng am roi vao am
an "eventuar' trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con
roi vao am dau tien.
tien. Cac ttl con
an "committee" trQng am roi vao am thU' hai. Cac ttl con
an "purpose" trQng am roi vao am
tien. Cac ttl con
an "creative" trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con
roi vao am th(r hai.
roi vao am
roi vao am th(r ba.
roi vao am th(r hai.
roi vao am th(r ba.
an "diverse" trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con I?Ji roi vao am dau tien.
an "example" trQng am roi vao am th(r hai. Cac ttl con I?Ji roi vao am
~ cau hoi duoi.
M~nh de chfnh 6 d9ng khang djnh, phan duoi 6 d9ng phu djnh va ngUQ'C l9i.
Voi Let's
v thl cau hoi duoi ta dung shall we.
T9m dich: Chung ta hay di nhe, duqc khong?
Day Ia cau giao tiep.
GQ'i y 1 g6i du ljch cho khach hang -> tra loi dung dieu ma khach hang hoi
T9m djch:- Quy ong: B9n c6 the gQ'i y cho toi dja diem nao dedi vao kl nghi he nam nay khong?
- Nhan vit§n: M9t chuyen di trQn g6i den quan dao Truong Sa se Ia Iva chQn hoan hao, thua ngai.
Cau hoi ve thanh ngfr.
the odd one out/ the odd man out: khac bi~t, l9c loai, nguoi/v~t khong giong nhfrng thanh vien
con 19i trong nh6m
T9m djch: Co ay luon Ia ke l9c loai t9i truong- co ay khong c6 nhieu b9n be.
Cau hoi tt:r vvng.
fuel consumption: sv tieu tht:J nang luqng
situation: tlnh huang
information: thong tin
expansion: Sl! khuech truong, m6 r<)ng
T9m dich: Nhieu lo9i xe o to c6 mfrc tieu tht,J nang luqng thap.
Cau true: Adj + enough
T9m djch: Nhfrng qua tao nay chua du chfn de an.
Cau dieu ki~n lo9i 3: If+ S + had Vpz,
s + would have Vpz
T9m djch: Neu khong c6 b9n d6ng g6p tfch CI/C, chung ta da khong the tiep tt,JC dl! an nay.
Thl tuong lai hoan thanh:
s + will + have + Vp2
Dien ta m<)t hanh d<)ng ho~c Sl! vi~c se hoan tat truoc m<)t thoi diem xac djnh trong tUO'ng lai.
ThU'Ong dUQ'C dung voi cac tlr va Ct,Jm tlr chi thoi gian nhlf: by + thoi gian trong tlfO'ng lai, by the
end of+ thoi gian trong ttrong lai, by the time ..., before + thoi gian trong ttrong lai.
T9m djch: Anh ay se nhay vi~c ft nhat Ia bon den nam lan cho den cuoi nam nay.
Phfa trtroc o trong Ia danh tt:r chi nguoi "the doctor" dong vai tro chu ngfr, nen can
dien d9i tt:r quan h~ thay the cho ngtroi.
T9m djch: Vi bac sT, ngtroi da d~n toi khong nen thLrc qua khuya, chfnh Ia bo cua b9n toi.
Cau true so sanh.
the+ adj-er/more adj + S + V, the adj-er/more adj + S + V: cang ... cang
T9m djch: Thoi tiet cang n6ng, chung ta cang cam thay kh6 chju.
nhu bi
true: remember +
toi nh&
Cau bi d¢ng v&i thl hi$n
Vitamin C
nhanh chong.
Ta sti d1,mg m~o tu "the" v1 dang n6i
T~m djch: Cac ba nQi
trq cam thay
danh tu cv
-labour saving devices.
dang hO'n khi lam vi$c nha nhb' vao Sl)' phat minh
thiet bi giup tiet kiem sue lao d¢ng.
Tu noi.
however: tuy nhien
but nhung
T~m djch: Anh ay se gom tat ca tui va b6 chung ra bai rae.
Ph fa tru&c 6 trong Ia ten nguoi "Maryam" va c6
he thay cho nguoi.
dich: Ngay mai chung toi se
phay, nen
tu quan
hang cua chung toi tlr
Warn sb against + V-ing: canh bao ai dll'ng lam vi$c gl
Advise + sb +to V: khuyen ai lam gl
Stop sb from + V-ing: ngan can ai lam gl
Accuse sb of+ V-ing: bu¢c tQi ai lam gl
T~m dich: Chu nha canh bao toi dll'ng den gan con ch6 vi n6 c6 the bat chqt tr6 nen hung hang.
cvm d¢ng tll'.
bring in a law: ban hanh m¢t
T~m dich: Chfnh phu
viec ban hanh m¢t
nhfrng loai
nguy co bi tuyet chung.
Tfnh tll' duoi -ed dung
sv v~t hi$n tuqng, sv viec nao d6.
Tfnh tll' duoi -ing dung
T~m djch: Atina xau ho
tfnh each, tfnh chat,
sl)' v~t, hi en
=But for+ N/Without + N/But for the fact that S1 had+ Vp2 ... , S2 would/could/might have Vp2 ... :
Neu nhtr khong phai...thL.
T~m djch: Neu nhtr khong phai con
nq (on) anh ay thl toi se khong dong y giup anh ay dau .
.Cau true hai h~mh dong xay ra song song.
T~m dich: Trong khi toi dang n6i chuy~n voi co giao, thl b~n toi dqi 6 ben ngoai.
vu~;;;~ll.!'VI 22.Cau true:
s +asked+ 0 +to V: nha/yeu cau/bao ai lam gl
T~m djch: Toi da hoi sep xin nghi mot ngay de dtra m~ di kham b~nh.
ouestton 23.Cau hoi tl.r vi,J'ng.
rise (v): tang
promote (v): thuc day
grow (v): ph at trien
increase (v): gia tang
T~m djch: De thuc day sl)' phat trien cua mot dat ntroc, chlnh phu can tien hanh cai each kinh te.
uuestaon 24.Cau true: whether A orB: Bat ke Ia A hay B
T~m djch: Bat ke Ia tieng Anh hay toan thl 6 Exeter, chung toi gQi lop hQc Ia lop Harkness va gQi
giao vien Ia giao vien Harkness.
~uo::::;;:H.IVII 25.M~nh de nhlfQ'ng bo.
T~m djch: M~c du con tre, nhtrng co ay Ia ngh~ nhan noi tieng nhat trong lang.
"""""'';;;>::;'"'""' 26.M~nh de danh tl.r voi Whether+ S + V (or not).
T~m djch: Li~u Mary c6 the tra het khoan
nq lon kia hay khong van Ia van de con bongo.
uu;estlon 27.Cau hoi tl.r vl)'ng.
book (v): d~t cho
keep (v): gifr
put (v): d~t, de
buy (v): mua
T~m djch: Dam bao rang b~n d~t phong khach s~n trtroc khi den dao, nhat Ia vao mua he.
uuestiOn 28.Cau hoi tl.r lo~i. 6 trong can mot danh tl.r.
T~m dich: May vi tfnh c6 do linh ho~t cao hon nhieu trong each to chuc cong vi~c.
~""'.""""~"""'' 29.Cau true: Would you mind + V-ing?
T~m dich: Phien b~n m6 ctia ra giup toi.
uues11on JO.Cvm dong tl.r.
wear away:
ma dan, mong dan
wear off: (cam xuc, tac dong) dan dan bien mat
wear out hong hoc, toe tua do dung qua nhieu ho~c qua Iau (khong con sti dvng dtrQ'c nfra)
wear on: (thai gian) troi qua ch~m ch~p
T~m djch: Chfr viet tren bia m(> da bi
ma di do thai tiet va kh6 c6 the dQC dtrQ'C.
.Cau gia djnh voi d(>ng tl.r "ask"
S1 + ask+ that + S2 + V-inf
T~m djch: Giao SU' Smith yeu cau Mark n(>p bai lu~n nghien c(ru trtr6c ngay cuoi cung cua thang.
a f~w + danh tu
nhieu: co m¢t chut, du
va "viliages" Ia danh tu
di v6i "a few"
T~m djch: Hang tram nam ve trU'6'c, c6 rat ft lang chai va ben tau
anU'6'c Anh.
Question vv~•vc;;H.I true: concentrate on sth.
T~m djch: Ben ngoai qua on den noi co ay khong the t~p trung vao cong vi~c.
tu hoan thanh: having+ Vp2
Dung de rut gQn m~nh de khi hanh d¢ng trong m~nh de d6 xay ra trU'6'c.
T~m djch: Co ay da xem b¢ phim nay ca ta lan roi nen da thu¢c lau lau cac
cau c6 "last week" Ia dau hi~u cua thl qua khti don.
djch: Tuan trU'6'c toi dave tham trU'ong cu.
'w£""'"'"'~'"n, 3RCau hoi tlr lo~i.
Sau "the" can m¢t danh tu.
T~m dich: Ll,l'c hap dan cua M~t Trang doi voi Trai Bat t~o nen thuy trieu.
OUieStlon 39.Cau hoi tlr loSti.
0 trong can m¢t tlnh tll'.
T~m djch: Anh ay dU'Q'C nh~n vao lam nho man the hi~n an tU'Q'ng trong buoi phong van.
de tr9ng ngfr chi slf nhU'qng b¢.
in spite of+ N/NP/V-ing, clause
T9m djch: Bella van dong
ydi leo nui cung chung toi m~c du co ay sq d¢ cao .
.M~nh de quan h~.
"whose" Ia dSti tu quan h~ s6 hfru dU'qc dung nhLr m¢t tu h~n djnh dung trLr6'c danh tu, each dung
tLrong tlf nhU' his, her, its hay their.
T~m djch: Chung toi dang ban ve tac gia c6 cuon sach moi nhat Ia m¢t trong nhfrng cuon ban
ch~y nhat nam.
ngfr voi Not until.
Cau true: Not until+ S1 + V1 + trq d¢ng tu + S2 + V2: mai den khi...thL.
TStm djch: Mai cho toi khi di~n tho~i reo vao t6i hom d6, Tom moi nho ra cu¢c hen.
true: so that+ clause,
TStm dich: Toa nha c6 thiet bi bao chay
chi ml)c dfch.
c6 the xac dinh c6 hoa hoStn ngay l~p tuc.
d¢ng tu: come up with: nay ra
djch: Helen da
kien cho
y tU'6ng.
giam can.
"times" 6 day Ia danh tll' dem dU'Q'C c6 nghTa Ia solan.
T~m djch: Toi da den thanh ph6 Ho Chf Minh nhieu lan roi.
cau hoi tll' vl)'ng.
produce (v): san xuat
recycle (v): tai che
waste (v): b6 phf
preserve (v): bao quan
T~m dich: Gia'y l()n c6 the dLrqc slJ' dt,mg l~i sau khi da dLrqc tai che.
. Thl qua khLr tiep dien dien ta hai hanh d()ng xay ra dong thai trong qua khLJ'.
Cau true: S +was/were+ V-ing.
T~m djch: Trong khi cac quy ong dang thao lu~n ve cac
Sl! ki~n gan day, thl cac quy ba dang n6i
chuy~n ve thai tiet.
C(,lm d()ng tll': be in charge of= be responsible for: chiu trach nhi~m
T~m dich: Nhfrng conga bi nhiem b~nh dLrqc cho Ia nguyen nhan cua sl)' bung phat b~nh cum.
C(,lm ph6 tll' chi m(,lc dfch.
so as to/in order to + V: de rna
T~m djch: May c~u be kia lay m()t chiec thang dai de lay qua bong tll' mai nha xu6ng.
Gi6'i tLr.
have sth for lunch: an gl d6 bfra trlJ'a
T~m dich: Bfra trU'a b~n muon an gl?
cau hoi
duoi 6
nao Nam cling
phu dinh va
xe den truong v6'i chi
phai khong?
didn't neither ------? didn't either
not...either: cling khong
Do ban than neither
mangy phu djnh nen se khong xuat hi~n trong cau phu dinh.
T~m djch: Toi d9c tren bao rangY da khong vao dw;:tc t(r ket nam ngoai va Phap cOng vf).y.
are------? is
Sl! hoa hqp gifra chu ngfr va d¢ng tCr. Hai danh tCr/d~i tCr duqc noi b6i "along with", d(>ng tCr chia
theo danh tCr dau tien.
T~m djch: Ba Steven cung v6'i nhfrng nguoi anh em h9 tCr New Mexico dang len ke ho~ch tham
dl! le hoi.
All of------? Of all
All of N so nhieu
Of all + Ns: trong so
T~m djch: Trang tat cac ca cac thanh pho 6 Texas, San Antonia chac chan Ia thanh pho tho m¢ng
were ------? was
Cau true: each of the Ns + V(so It)
T~m djch: Moi thanh vien trong nh6m
duqc yeu cau viet bao cao hang tuan.
as------? like
as: lien tCr/ph6 tCr trw1c m(>t m~nh dEVph6 tCr khac/m~nh
tlfO'ng dong (A cung nhlf B)
like: gi6'i tCr tru6'c danh tCr/d~i tLr
vi can bao
hi~n Sl! so sanh (thl!C
A khong the Ia B)
thoi m~nh va
hi~n Sl!
1 gi6'i tlr,
nhlf ban
knew ------? have known
Thl hi~n t~i hoan thanh:
s +haven't/hasn't+ Vp2
ta m(>t hanh d(>ng da hoan thanh cho t6'i thoi
xua, nhung m6'i chi khai thac
du con nguoi da
250 nam.
tu thoi
c6 thoi
ouest1on 8Jor ~ that
M~nh de danh ngfr: It is hoped that + clause: hy VQng Ia
That+ m~nh de d6ng vai tro Ia m()t cvm danh til trong cau.
TGlm djch: Hy VQng Ia tat ca cac can b~nh truyen nhiem hi~n tGli se bi che ngl,l'.
Tr9ng til quan h~ where chi noi tron, thay cho at/on/in+ which; there
Safari park: cong vien da sinh hay con g9i Ia cong vien d()ng v~t hoang da safari
T9m djch: Trong cac cong vien da sinh, noi d()ng v~t hoang da dU'Q'C tha tl,l' do, du khach bj cam
ra kh6i xe cua mlnh.
Cau true: feel like + V-ing
T9m djch: Sang nay toi khong muon di lam chut nao vi troi mU'a to qua .
.to sell
from sell
Cau true: prevent sb from doing sth: ngan/cam ai lam gl
T9m djch: V1 phao hoa rat nguy hil~m nen nhieu quoc gia c61u~t cam cac doanh nghi~p ban chung.
Cau true: prefer sth to sth: thfch cai gl hon cai gl
"the smell" Ia danh til khong dem dU'qc nen phai dung "that" de thay the. Those thay the cho danh
til so nhieu.
T9m djch: MQt so nghien cfru cho thay rang tre nh6 thfch mui sfra hon mui cua nhfrng chat long
Cau true so that v6'i danh til dem dU'qc so nhieu: S + V +so many/ few+
+that+ S + V
T9m djch: Daisy c6 qua nhieu vi~c phai lam nen co ay khong c6 thai gian dedi choi.
Tfnh til bo nghTa cho "tasks", cau true tU'O'ng dU'ong trong cau.
T9m dich: Cac thiet bi robot dU'qc t9o ra de thvc hi~n cac nhi~m vv phfrc t9p, l~p di l~p l9i va doi
khi Ia nguy hiem
5. wasn't
hadn't been
Cau true cau U'ac trai v6'i qua kh(r: s + wish(es) +(that)+ s +had+ Vp2
T9m djch: Peter U'oc gl mlnh khong bi ph9t vi di h9c mu()n ngay hom qua.
6.take off~ taking off
Lien tlr "and" noi 2 hay nhieu ve tlfO'ng dong v6'i nhau ve m~t ngfr phap.
T9m djch: Heathrow Ia m(>t san bay rat tap n~p. B9n luon c6 the thay may bay h9 canh va
cat canh.
sv hoa hqp gifra chu ngfr va d(>ng til. Danh til so It d(>ng til chi a so ft.
T9m djch: Giup do h9c sinh khuyet t~t hoa nh~p v6'i c(>ng dong va thanh cong trong h9c t~p Ia
m(>t hanh d(>ng y nghTa.
di v6'i tobe Ia were.
Cl)m tCr: convert to/into sth: chuyen
T~m djch: Trf tu~ nhan
nhln sau
chuyen doi thong tin thanh tri thuc va
tuong lai.
. had
had had
Cau ciieu ki$n lo~i 3: If+ s +had+ Vp2, S +would/could/might+ have+ Vp2
T~m dich: Neu tuan tru6'c chung ta c6 nhieu thai gian hon, thl chung ta chac chan da ho~m thanh
dt,r an dung
to raise: khien cho cai gl di chuyen cao hon
to rise: tang len, di len
rise Ia noi dong tCr (intransitive verb) nen khong c6 tan ngfr.
T~m djch: Sau khi phat co ky ni$m ngay
le, thi tru6ng da c6 mot bai phat bieu dai.
not hardly ---7 hardly
hardly: hau nhu khong, do da mang nghTa phu djnh nen khong dung chung v6'i "not".
djch: Day nui dai nhat, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (song nui gifra D~i Tay Duong), hau nhu khong nhln
thay duqc vi phan 16'n n6 nam du6'i long d~i duong.
congratulate sb on (doing) sth: chuc mCrng ai ve cai gl
T~m djch: John chuc mung chung toi ve ket qua xuat
cua chung toi m~c du chung toi khong
biet ve nhau nhieu lam.
(which are) spoken
Rut gc;m m$nh de quan h$ d9ng bi dong, dung P2.
T~m djch: C6 khoang
7100 ngon ngfr duqc n6i tren the gi6'i.
to serve
quan h$ rut g<;m bang to V khi danh tCr
last, so sanh nhat, ml)c dfch ... bo nghTa
tru6'c c6 the only, the
T9m dich: Grover Cleveland Ia tong thong My duy nhat phl)c Vl) hai nhi$m ky khong lien
more than
as much as
So sanh boi so: S + V +multiple numbers+ as+ much/many/adj/adv + (N) +as+
T~m djch:
khach S9n
unique /ju'ni:k/:
hai ian thue mot phong
ky tuc xa mot
c6 am
am nen
T;;tm dich: HQc bong rna Wilson nh~n duqc de nghien c(ru ljch sti t<;~i Cambridge Ia m(>t ca h(>i c6
m9t khong hai.
to learning ~ learning
Cau true: It's no good doing sth: khong hi~u qua/vo fch khi lam gl
T;;tm djch: Th~t vo fch neu b;;tn hQC m(>t ngon ngfr khac va roi khong Slr dl)ng thlfb'ng xuyen.
V-ing Ia hlnh th(rc rut gQn cua m~nh de quan h~ chu d(>ng. 0 day phai dung hlnh thLrc rut gQn cua
m~nh de quan h~ bi d(>ng: outlets designed for= outlets that are designed for
T;;tm djch: Day di~n mang dong di~n de chieu sang va o cam dU'Q'C thiet ke cho cac thiet bi gia
. will
would quit
Cau true cau dieu ki~n lo;;ti 2.
T;;tm djch: Neu toi Ia co ay, toi se b6 ngay cong vi~c d6 va di tim vi~c khac.
tu quan h~ "that" duqc dung de thay the cho "the light", ta chi a d(>ng tu theo ngoi so ft.
T;;tm djch: May quay video thu nh~n anh sang phan chieu tlr m(>t v~t the.
turned off ~ turn off
Cau true gia dinh:
s + be + adj + that + s + V-inf
T;;tm djch: Dieu quan trQng Ia b;;tn can tat lo su6i moi sang tru6'c khi b;;tn di hQc
carrying of ~ carrying out
carry out: tien hanh, thl)'c hi~n
T;;tm djch: Cac ho;;tt d¢ng chfnh cua To ch(rc Y te The gi6'i Ia thl)'c hi~n nghien c(ru ve phat trien y
te va cai thi~n cham SOC SlrC khoe quoc te.
heavy ~ heavily
tu dung truoc tfnh tude bo nghia cho tfnh tu.
T;;tm djch: Nen kinh te phl) thu(>c nhieu vao cong nghi~p, va tang trlf6ng kinh te luon dU'Q'C quan
tam han ca vi~c bao v~ moi trub'ng.
sv hoa hqp gifra chu ngfr va d(>ng tu: Chu ngfr Ia m~nh de danh ngfr thl d(>ng tu chi a so ft.
T;;tm djch: Nhfrng gl xay ra 6 thanh ph6 d6 Ia phan (rng tlr cac cong nhan thanh ph6, bao gam ca
lfnh ClrU hoa va canh sat, nhfrng nglfb'i da bi cho thai Vi~c.
to leave
Rut gQn m~nh de quan h~ c6 so thLr tl)', last, only, ... dung to V.
T;;tm djch: Nguoi cuoi cung ra kh6i phong phai tat dim.
Cau duqc chia 6 d;;tng bi d(>ng, d(>ng
tu phai 6 d;;tng Vp2.
T~m dich: Cho den khi di~n tho~i duqc phat minh, cac tea nha chQc trb'i duqc cho Ia phi thl)'c te.
The more near ~ The nearer
tu ngan khong c6 more.
T~m djch: Tet den cang gan, bQn tre cang hao hung.
· vU'a m6L.thl
khi cac tCr
tn.r6'c so simh nhat
nhu tfnh tU' ho~c dc;1i tCr.
Tc;1m djch: The Blue Zones Solution Ia m<)t trong nhfrng san pham ban chc;1y nhat nam nay. N6 duqc
viet b6i Dan Buettner.
imaginable -+ imaginary
Imaginary (adj): mang tfnh tu6ng tuqng, hu cau, khong c6 th~t
Imaginable (adj): c6 the tu6ng tuqng duqc
Tc;1m dich: Nhfrng nhan v~t nhu ba tiem hay phu thuy trong hoc;1t hlnh thuan tuy
Ia hu cau.
failed -+ had failed
Thl qua khll' hoan thanh dien ta 2 hanh d<)ng cung xay ra trong qua khu, ta dung thl qua khu hoan
thanh cho hanh d<)ng xay ra tru6'c va qua khu don cho himh d<)ng xay ra sau.
Tc;1m djch: Co ay rat lo lang ve buoi phong van vi co ay da truqt 3 lan tru6'c d6.
so much
so many
Do "chickens" Ia danh tCr dem duqc so nhieu nen phai dung "many".
Tc;1m djch: C6 nhieu ga trong vuon den noi t6i khong the dem het duqc.
unusually-+ unusual
Tfnh tCr d(rng tru6'c danh tCr de bo nghTa cho danh tCr.
Tc;1m djch: Ngh~ thu~t hi~n dc;1i duqc trung bay tc;1i Bao tang Guggenheim, m<)t toa nha c6 thiet
d<)c dao.
consists-+ that consists of/which consists of/consisting of
quan h~ (nghTa chu d<)ng)
Tc;1m dich: M<)t doc;1n van Ia m<)t phan
quan t6'i mQt chu de.
van ban rna bao gom m<)t ho~c nhieu cau van cung lien
to give-+ giving
Cau true tuang duong.
Tc;1m djch: TU' dien tieng Anh Oxford noi tieng vi chua nhieu nghTa khac nhau cua tCr va dua ra cac
vf d1,.1 thl,.l'c
threw -+ was throwing
While dung
hai hanh
the lakes are ~ are the lakes
Dao ngO': So+ Adj/ Adv + trq d()ng tCr + S + V +that-clause
T~m djch: Nhfrng chiec ho r()ng den noi chung dU'qc coi
the gioi.
nguon cht!a nU'<J'c ngQt lon nhat tren
lam cho ai d6 hai long, vui ve
embarrass sb: lam cho ai thay
T~m djch: Chi gai t6i da tnxqt ky thi cu6i ky, dieu d6 khien bo m~ t6i rat chan nan.
plumber= a person who repairs water pipes: thQ' Slra ong ntJ'OC
T~m dich: Nhieu nglf<J'i n6i rang anh ay lu6n Ia m(>t thq stra ong nLr6'c gi6i.
consternation (n): St,r that kinh, sfrng SOt
dismay (n): Sl/ hoang hot, mat tinh than
disability (n): st,r tan t~t, bat lt,rc
deliberation (n): St,r th~n trQng, can nhac
distaste (n): st,r chan ghet
T~m dich: Dong ph1,.1c Ia bat bu(>c t~i nhieu trLrong hoc 6 Vi~t Nam.
wise (adj) = sensible (adj): khan ngoan
generous (adj): hao ph6ng
modest (adj): khiem ton
careless (adj): v6 tam
T~m djch: Sl)' c6 mat di~n vao gio an t6i khien cac ba n(>i trq song 6 thanh pho v6 cung lo lang.
threat (n) :::: risk (n): moi de dQa
care (n): st,r quan tam
hope (n): st,r hi vong
fear (n): noi SQ'
T~m djch: Nhieu nha khoa hQC dong
tren Trai Dat.
dawn (n)
y rang
beginning (n): sl)'
st,r n6ng len toan cau de dQa den tat ca cac sinh v~t
expansion (n): st,r m6 r(>ng
continuation (n): st,r tiep dien
outcome (n): h~u qua
T~m d!ch: Sau khi bat dau kham pha vu tr1,.1, quan ni~m bau khf quyen tren Trai
trong h~ m~t troi cang dU'Q'C cung CO.
detrimental (adj) = harmful (adj): c6 h~i, bat lqi, gay nhieu thi~t h~i
useful (adj): c6 tac d1,.1ng, hfru d1,.1ng
productive (adj): nang
fatal (adj): trf m~ng,
Ia duy nhat
T~m dich: Vi khuan c6 the vera gay h~i vera c6 fch cho con ngU'oi, tuy thuoc vao lo~i va t<:k dt,mg
ct) the.
rely on = count on: dt)'a dam, tin tU'6ng vao
take in: dU'a ai, cai gl vao phfa trong
base on: dt)'a tren
put up with: chju dt)'ng ai/cai gl
T~m dich: Anh ay Ia m9t ngU'oi dan ong trung tht)'c. B~n c6 the tin tU'6ng vao anh ay de hoan thanh
tot cong vi~c.
identify (v): nh~n d~ng, nh~n biet = recognize: (v) nh~n ra
classify (v): phan lo~i
communicate with (v): giao tiep v6'i
describe (v): mota
T~m djch: Helen Keller, bi mu va diec ter khi con nh6, da phat trien khLJ'u giac nh~y ben den mLJ'c
co c6 the nh~n biet b~n be bang mui cua hQ.
over the moon =delighted: vui sU'6'ng, hai long
T~m djch: Anh ay rat vui sU'6'ng v6'i thanh cong cua mlnh .
. customarily (adv): theo thU'ong I~= usually (adv): thong thU'ong, thU'ong xuyen
naturally (adv): mot each tl! nhien
necessarily (adv): can thiet, nhat thiet
certainly (adv): chac chan
T~m djch: Bat cLJ' khi nao Susan moi chung toi an toi, co ay thU'O'ng chuan bi rat nhieu do an ngon.
mobile (n/adj): (c6 tfnh) di dong, IU'u dong = moving from place to place: di chuyen
ter noi nay sang noi khac >< staying in one place: 6 mot cho
can be bent easily and quickly: c6 the bi uon cong m9t each de dang va nhanh chong
changing shape easily and often: thay doi hlnh dang de dang va thU'ong xuyen
T~m dich: Thu vi~n di dong mang sach den cho tre em 6 nhieu c(>ng dong nh6. Cac thU' vi~n nay
di ter thi tran nay sang thi tran khac bang 0 to ho~c xe tai.
put off (v) = postpone (v): trl hoan, lui ljch
consider (v): can nhac
display (v): trung bay
T~m djch: Neu bQn tre bi om, chung ta se hoan chuyen di den Phap vao mua dong nay.
fulfillment (n): st)' tht)'c hi~n. hoan thi~n =completion (n): st)' hoan thanh
attainment (n): St! d~t dU'Q'c
performance (n): St)' bieu dien, man bieu dien
conclusion (n): ket lu~n
T~m djch: Theo Freud, giac mo c6 the dU'Q'c hieu Ia st)' tht)'c hi~n nhfrng U'6'c mong.
pay through her nose = pay much more than usual: tieu qua tay
T~m djch: Carissa muon c6 ve xem buoi hoa nh~c den noi co san sang tieu qua tay de c6 chung.
evolve (v): lien quan
mu chfr
qua no.
irritate sb: h3m ai tU'c
steer (v)
move (v): chuyen
djch: Anh ta lam toi tU'c
glad (adj)
ciien vl anh ta c(r khong ngung noi.
happy (adj): vui ve, vui mung
lazy (adj): h.roi bieng
safe (adj): an toan
quick (adj): nhanh chong
T~m djch: Toi thl)'c sl)' vui mung thong bao v6'i b~n rang b~n da trung tuyen cho cong vi$c nay.
most important: chfnh, quan trc;mg
T~m djch: Dau Ia m¢t trong nhfrng nguon nang luqng quan trQng nha't.
home and dry = successful : thanh cong
T~m djch: Toi nghT gio chung taco the yen tam ma noi rang chung ta
lay l~i duqc tien, chung
ta thanh cong roi.
compulsory (adj)
=required (adj): mang tfnh
fulfilled (adj): th6a man
specialized (adj): chuyen ve
applied (adj): lien quan den U'ng d1,mg
T~m djch: Chung chi Giao dvc Trung hQc pho thong khong bat bu¢c, nhung chung Ia chCrng chi
pho bien nhat ma hQC sinh 14 - 16 tuoi thi.
precisely (adv)
=exactly (adv): chfnh xac
promptly (adv): nhanh chong
slowly (adv): ch~m ch~p
immediately (adv): ngay l~p tCrc
dich: Giao vi en nucrc ngoai
tCr tCr va chfnh
do do
sinh co the hieu
reflection (n): Sl)' phan chieu, hlnh anh phan chieu ::::
imagination (n): St!
(n): h1nh anh
bone (n): xuang
leash (n):
xfch (thu nuoi)
T~m djch: Chu ch6 nhln thay hlnh anh phan chieu
scare (v)
attract (v): thu hut,
(v): lam sq
lam cho
vung nucrc.
excite (v): lam cho hao hU'c, phan khfch
T~m djch: Nhfrng sao choi c6 do sang Cl,l'C 16'n rna lam cho mot so nglf<J'i hoang
sq chi xay ra mot
vai H3n moi the ky.
verbal = speech: lai n6i
posture= gesture: cli$u bo, cfr chi
facial expression: bieu cam khuon m~t
T~m djch: Chung ta c6 the sfr d1,mg cac h1nh thU'c giao tiep bang lai n6i ho~c khong lo'i.
stand one's ground: gifr vfrng l~p trLrang =refuse to change: tCr choi thay cloi
felt sorry for us: cam thay tiec cho chung toi
changed his decision: cla thay cloi quyet cljnh cua mlnh
wanted to continue: muon tiep t1,1c
T~m djch: M~c du chung toi cla tranh cai v6'i anh ay trong mot thai gian dai, anh ay van gifr vfrng
l~p trlfang cua mlnh.
hit the roof= become angry: tU'c gi~n
T ~m djch: 86 m~ toi se rat tLrc gi~n neu hQ biet chung ta cla m6 ti$c 6 clay.
be affected: bi cam dong= be touched: xuc dong
calm (adj): b1nh tTnh
be annoyed: bi lam phi'en, bl,l'c m1nh
sad (adj): buon
T~m djch: Cac co gai cla bi cam dong sau sac b6i bo phim t1nh cam cl6.
(to) preserve sth =(to) conserve sth: bao quan, bao ton thl1 g1 cl6
displaying: trlnh bay
cooking: nau nlf6'ng
seasoning: them gia vj
T~m djch: Muoi cllfQ'C
Slr di,Jng trong nhieu the ky nhlf mot phLrong thLrc debao quan thl,l'C pham.
burden (n): ganh n~ng = something to suffer: cai g1 cl6 phai ganh chju
something enjoyable: cai g1 cl6 thu vi
something sad: clieu gl cl6 buon
something to entertain: cai gl d6 de giai trf
T~m djch:
0 mot SO nLr6'c, ganh n~ng djch b$nh c6 the cllfQ'C ngan ch~n nha cai thi$n moi trlf<)'ng .
. devoted (adj) = dedicated (adj): nhi$t huyet, c6 tam, c6ng hien, t~n t1,1y
polite (adj): ljch Sl!
lazy (adj): ILrai bieng
honest (adj): trung thl,l'c
T ~m djch: Co ay Ia mot giao vi
hQc sinh cua mlnh.
em t~n t1,1y. Co danh phan 16'n thai gian de giang d~y va cham s6c
state= condition (n): tlnh tr~ng, tr~ng thai
country (n): dat nLr6'c
perception (n): cam giac, cam nh~n
unnecessary (adj):
exotic (adj):
novel (adj): m&i I~
Tau san
thu tren
va tren bO'.
affecting: anh hU'6ng
deepening: dao sau
T~m djch: Ngay cang c6 nhieu lo ng~i ve nhfrng th6i quen hang
con nguO'i dang dan huy
moi trU'O'ng.
be acknowledged as sth
be recognized as sth: duqc cong
reduce (v): giam thieu
encourage (v): ung h¢
practice (v): luy~n t~p
T~m djch: The thao dU'6'i nlf6'c tlr lau da duqc cong nh~n Ia each tuy~t vO'i
luy~n t~p the d1,1c.
go up = increase (v): tang len
raise (v): nhac len, giuong len, nho len
ascend (v): leo len, treo len, thang cap
develop (v): phat trien
T~m djch: Neu gia xang dau tiep t~:~c tang nfra, toi se phai Slr dvng xe d~p.
advanced (adj) =progressive (adj): tien b¢, tien trien, tien tien
behind (adv): phfa sau
praise (v): khen ngqi, tan duong
attractive (adj): loi cuon, thu hut
T~m dich: Cac cong ngh~ tien tien se thay doi tien trlnh
y hoc hi~n d~i.
disapproval (n) =objection (n): sl)' phan doi
sympathy (n):
dong cam
patience (n): sl)' kien nhan
agreement (n): Sl! tan thanh
T~m djch: Cac b~c cha me thuO'ng to ra phan doi gay gat neu con cai hQ ve nha qua mu¢n vao
ban dem.
insights (n)
understanding: sl)'
in-depth studies: nghien cuu chuyen sau
spectacular sightings: nhfrng canh tuqng ngo~n mvc
nhln xa
sl! hieu
T~m djch: Nho co Sl! phat minh cua kfnh hien vi, cac nha sinh v~t hQC bay gio da hieu biet sau han
nO'a ve te bao cua con ngl1oi.
manage = handle: dl1ang dau, co gang xoay
succeed (v): thanh cong
administer (v): thi hanh
acquire (v): d~t dl1Q'C
T~m djch: Anh ay khong the xoay
sa v6'i ap II!C va kho khan trong cong vi~c .
. speed up: tang toe, nhanh chong = hurry (adj): v¢i va, nhanh han
delay (v): trl hoan
stop (v): dung l~i
push (v): day
T~m djch: "Nhanh len! Chung ta phai nhanh han neu khong muon
15' chuyen tau."
shelve (v): gac l~i = delay (v): trl hoan
disapprove (v): phan doi, khong dong
T~m djch: Do cat giam chi tieu trong hQi dong, cac ke ho~ch cho ho bai m6'i da phai gac l~i.
solution (n) =answer (n): giai phap
problem (n): van de
element (n): yeu to
opinion (n):
y kien
T~m djch: Vi~c tang thai gian giang d~y, hl16'ng dan l~p di l~p l~i va lam mau thfch hQ'p Ia m¢t so
giai phap hi~u qua de ho trq nhfrng tre em bi suy giam nh~n thlJ'c.
by hand = manually (adv): bang tay, thu cong
spiritually (adv): tinh than
automatically (adv): tl! d¢ng
mechanically (adv): may moe
T~m djch: Nhfrng may nay Ia nhfrng kieu may cG va phai v~n hanh bang tay.
at random: ngau nhien =at will: theo
y thfch, tl! do, khong bi troi bu¢c
at stake: lam nguy, bide dQa
at once: ngay
at hand: trong tam v6'i, trong tam tay
T~m djch: Bo m~ anh ay tin tl1ang anh ay hoan toan. Anh ay co the lam mQi thlr tuy thfch.
come up (v) = happen (v): xay ra
arrive (v): den
clean (v): dQn d~p
encounter (v): bat g~p, ch~m tran, d1,mg d¢
T~m djch: Bat cCr khi nao xay ra van de, chung toi deu thao lu~n chan thanh v6'i nhau va tim ra giai
phap nhanh chong.
concern (n)
attraction (n): Sl! chu y
(n): Sl! suy
nghT/quan sat
T9m djch: Ngay cang c6 nhieu moi lo ng9i ve each ma con ng110'i da
huy m6i tr110'ng.
put your foot in your mouth = say sth upsetting: n6i gl d6 lam ng110'i khac buon
speaking directly: n6i thang
doing things in the wrong order: lam nhfrng
kh6ng dung tht! tl,l'
talking too much: n6i qua nhieu
T9m djch: M6i lan mo mi~ng n6i gl d6, anh
lam ng110'i khac buon.
l9i hoi h~n ngay l~p t!lc. Anh
lu6n n6i nhfrng
able and efficient= competent (adj): c6 kha nang, nang ll,l'c
trustworthy (adj)
reliable (adj): dang tin c~y
experienced (adj): c6 nhieu kinh nghi~m
T9m djch: Mary d11qc thang chfrc lam quan ly cua cfra hang vl co ay Ia nhan vien c6 nang ll,l'c va
dem ISti hi~u qua nhat cho c6ng vi~c.
1. 8
I 11. A
10. A
critical of sb/sth: chi trfch ai/cai gl >< supportive (adj): ung h(>, giup do
unaware (adj): khong
ythuc dugc
intolerant (adj): khong d(> lugng
tired (adj): m~t m6i
T~m dich: M(>t trong nhfrng nguyen nhan khien gia dlnh do vo Ia do cha mE? luon chi trfch nhau.
rush hour: gio cao diem, tac nghen >< the time during each day when traffic is at its
easiest khoang thoi gian giao thong thong thoang nhat
the time of the year when people don't like shopping: thoi diem trong nam khi mQi nguoi khong
thfch mua sam
the hour in the afternoon when people do not travel on the road: khoang thoi gian vao buoi chi'eu
khi mQi nguoi khong di l~i tren duong
the hour in the morning when the traffic is easy: khoang thoi gian vao buoi sang khi giao thong
de dang
T~m djch: Nam ngoai, gio cao diem da lam ch~m chuyen di cua chung toi den san bay va ket qua
Ia chung toi phai doi chuyen bay.
run into = see by chance: tlnh co g~p >< arrange to meet sap xep de g~p
call loudly: gQi to
meet very quicky:
T~m djch: Hai tuan truoc, khi toi dang tim m(>t chiec quan jean moi 6 chq dem, toi tlnh co g~p
fallacy= false idea: quan ni~m sai lam ><true belief: niem tin dung
children's story: chuy~n thieu nhi
T~m dich: Du khach den tham Nha tho Thanh Menoux 6 Phap tin vao quan ni~m sai lam rang h9
c6 the chO'a dau dau bang each dua dau vao lo tren ban tho bang da.
look on the bright side = be optimistic:
quan, tfch cl)'c >< be pessimistic: bi quan
be confident: tl)' tin
be smart: thong minh
T~m djch: Anh hQ cua toi c6 XU huang nhln vao khfa c~nh tfch Cl)'C trong bat ky hoan canh nao.
greatly (adv) = sharply (adv)
nhE? nhang, khong dang ke
=remarkably (adv): m(>t each dang ke >< slightly (adv):
heavily: m(>t each n~ng ne
T~m djch:
luqng du khach den tham quan chau Au da giam m(>t each dang ke tlf' khi bung ph at
djch COVID 19.
thCra thai
moderate (adj): ctieu
noi t6i nu6i
ban (n) :::: prohibition (n): cam, l~nh cam
allowance (n): Sl/ cho phep
destruction (n): Sl/ huy ho~i
exploitation (n): Sl/ khai thc:k
T~m djch: Nam
1989, m<)t l~nh cam da dU'Q'C ban h~mh voi tat ca cac lo~i hlnh buon ban nga voi.
replenish (v): bo sung, lam day (l~i) >< reduce (v): giam, bOt
refill (v): lam day
repeat (v): l~p l~i
remake (v): lam l~i
T~m djch:
0 vung sau vung xa, bo sung do dl! trcr tr116'c khi mua dong t6'i rat quan trQng.
~ be two of a kind: giong nhau >< differ from each other: khac nhau
lead healthy lifestyle: c6 loi song kh6e m~nh
overcome cultural differences: v11Q't qua kh6 khan ve van h6a
share common values: chi a se gia tr
T~m dich: John va Lien rat giong nhau- ca hai deu cau toan!
generous (adj):::: kind (adj): hao ph6ng, tot bl,mg ><mean (adj): xau tfnh
amicable (adj): than m~t
hospitable (adj): hieu khach
T~m dich: Ba ay Ia mot ng110'i hao ph6ng. Ba da trao phan 16'n tai san cua mlnh cho mot to cht1c
tCr thi~n.
significant (adj): quan trQng, dang ke
unimportant (adj): khong quan trQng
controlled (adj): d11qc kiem soat
political (adj): thuoc chfnh trj
(adj): khong
T~m djch: Da c6 nhcrng thay doi dang ke trong cuoc song cua phl) ncr ke tCr phong trao giai ph6ng
phl) ncr.
ron ng~p
up to my ears = very
very bored:
very idle: rimh rang
very scared: rat sq hai
Toi xin loi
di choi
inconvenient (adj): bat ti~n, kh6ng phu hqp >< handy (adj): thu~n ti~n, ti~n lqi
useful (adj): hfru dl)ng
proper (adj): dung, chfnh xc:k
ideal (adj): ly tuong
T~m dich: £>ieu nay kh6ng chi gay bat ti~n cho nguoi dung rna vi~c duy trl hang chl)c trang web
rieng bi~t cung Ia m<)t van de dau dau ve quc!m trj.
disastrous (adj): tham khoc, gay ra thi~t h~i lon >< beneficial (adj): dem l~i IQ'i fch
physical (adj): thu<)c ve v~t chat
severe (adj): nghiem trc;>ng, n~ng ne
T~m djch: H~u qua cua can bao rat tham khoc do thieu cac bi~n phap phong tranh.
drawback (n) =downside (n): m~t trai, bat IQ'i >< advantage (n): lqi fch
effect (n): tac dl)ng, anh hlfong
cheapness (n): Sl)' re
T~m djch: May tfnh xach tay c6 ca lqi fch va h~n che. N6 thu~n ti~n vi c6 the xach tay, nhung
khong phai ai cung c6 the mua duqc vi gia thanh cao.
tolerate (v): chju dl)'ng >< avoid (v): tron tranh
accept (v): chap nh~n
suffer (v): cam chju
allow (v): cho phep
T~m dich: Chfnh phu kh6ng san sang chju dl)'ng tlnh tr~ng nay lau han nfra.
promote (v) = boost (v): khuyen khfch, nang do, thuc day >< restrict (v): h~n che
balance (v): can bang
expand (v): mo r<)ng
T~m dich: Vi~c Vi~t Nam gia nh~p To chuc Thuong m~i The gioi (WTO) da thuc day quan h~
voi cac nuoc khac.
once in a blue moon = seldom: rat hiem, hiem khi >< very often: thuong xuyen
from time to time= once in a while: thinh thoang, d6i khi
T~m djch: Em gai t6i song
6 New York, vi
v~y hiem lam t6i moi g~p dlfQ'C con be .
. breakup = end (n): Sl! ket thuc, chi a tay >< start (n): bat dau, khoi dau
introduction (n): Sl! gioi thi~u
divorce (n): ly h6n
T~m djch: Clarke mat m<)t thai gian dai de Vlfqt qua CUQC hon nhan do v5' cua co ay.
celibate (adj) = single (adj): (song) d<)c than >< married (adj): da ket hon
divorced (adj): daly hon
separated (adj): da chia tay
T~m dich: Co ay quyet djnh song d<)c than va danh ca doi mlnh giup d5' nhfrng nguoi vo gia elf va
tre mo coi.
identical (adj) = similar (adj): giong ><different (adj): khac
genuine (adj): th~t ><fake (adj): gia
Trll' khi hai chfr
lam thea
y m!nh.
(n): lqi fch
go along with the idea to agree with the idea: dong tlnh v6'i
with the idea: khong dong tlnh v6'i y kien
y kien
to rliC'!:lf'll"t~a
to approve with the ideas: ung h¢ y kien
to support the idea
Tc;1m djch: T6i rat vui ve tan dong
y kien nay.
punctuality (n): Sl/ dung gio
being late: mu¢n, tre
being efficient: hi~u qua
being courteous: ljch Sl/
being cheerful: vui ve
Tc;1m djch: Bung gio Ia dieu bat bu¢c trong c6ng vi~c m6'i cua bc;1n.
import (v): nh~p khau >< export (v): xuat khau
Tc;1m djch: HQ can nh~p khau m¢t luqng 16'n trang thiet bj the thao tlr Nh~t Ban.
conserve (v)
protect (v): bao ton, bao v~
destroy (v): pha huy
eliminate (v): loc;1i b6
pollute (v): 6 nhiem
Tc;lm djch: Bc;lO lu~t m6'i ve bao ton d¢ng v~t hoang da trong khu VI/C se c6 hi~u ll,fC vao thang sau.
innocent (adj): v6 t¢i ><guilty (adj): c6 t¢i
benevolent: nhan tll'
innovative: c6 sang kien each tan
naive: ngay tho
Tc;lm djch: Sau nam ngay xet Xlr, tea an tuyen bo anh ta v6 t¢i va anh ta duqc
tv do.
contaminated (adj): 6 nhiem >< purified (adj): Sc;lch, tinh khiet
enriched (adj): giau, nhieu
djch: Nguon nu6'c 6 nhiem va nhi~t
vary (adj): thay doi
nhieu loai
unchanged: kh6ng thay doi
retrain (v): ngan tr6
remain unstable: van con mat on dinh
fluctuate (v): thay doi that thuong
gifra cac khu VI/C Va
khu VI/C
at a loose end =free (adj): ranh roi ><occupied (adj): b~n r()n
confident (adj): tl,f tin
reluctant (adj): mien cLrong
T~m djch: Neu cuoi tuan nay b~n ranh roi, toi se dLJ'a b~n di ngam xung quanh thanh pho.
humid (adj) = moist (adj): am >< dry (adj): kho
wet (adj): Lr6t
clean (adj): s~ch
T~m djch: MQi ngLJ'<Yi dung dfeu hoa de mat me vade chiu trong thai tiet n6ng am.
faint (adj) mo nh~t >< clear (adj): ro rang
explicable (adj): c6 the giai thfch dLrqc
unintelligible (adj): kh6 hieu
ambiguous (adj): rna ho
T~m djch: Chung toi roi Ha N()i khi toi sau tuoi, vi v~y nhfrng hoi (rc cua toi ve n6 kha mo nh~t.
neglect (v): ng6 Ia, b6 m~c >< take care of: cham s6c
punish (v): ph~t
blame (v): trach m6c, do loi
disregard (v): khong ton trQng
·T~m dich: 6ng ta khong phai m9t ngLroi bo tot. 6ng ta luon ng6 Ia con mlnh.
exactly (adv): chfnh xac ><wrongly (adv): sai
casually (adv): gian di, blnh thLrong, khong trang trQng
informally (adv): than m~t. khong trang trQng
flexibly (adv): linh ho~t
T~m djch: Khong ai biet chfnh xac dieu gl se xay ra v6'i con ngLroi 6 ngoai khong gian.
efficient (adj) = effective (adj): c6 hi~u qua >< ineffective: khong c6 hi~u qua
capable (adj): c6 kha nang
proficient (adj): tai gioi, thanh th~o
T~m djch: H~ thong giao thong cua thanh pho Ia m()t trong nhfrng h~ thong hi~u qua nhat 6 chau
shape (v) =form (v): hlnh thanh, dinh hlnh ><destroy (v): pha huy
remain (v): duy trl
T~m djch: Nhfrng phat minh cua con ngli'Oi da djnh hlnh cac nen van minh va bien doi CUQC song
tren Trai Dat.
gain (v) = obtain (v): CO dLJ'Q'C, d~t dLJ'Q'C >< lose (v): mat di
create (v): t~o ra
use (v): sti d~:~ng
T~m djch: Tlnh nguy~n cung cap co h9i cho b~n tfch lOy kinh nghi~m 61Tnh vl,fc b~n h(rng thu .
. pressure (n): ap ll,fc >< relaxation (n): thLJ' gian
nervousness (n): Sl! lo lang
emotion (n): cam xuc
continue (v):
halfway (adv):
dli'O'ng, nll'a chlf'ng
djch: T6i chi c6 the
predictable: c6 the dl/ doan tru6'c
positive: tfch Cl/C
impressive: an tU'Q'ng
T9m dich: Cu¢c dieu tra cho thay m¢t so ket qua kha bat ngo.
intolerable (adj): kh6ng the Chju noi >< bearable (adj): CO the chju dl/ng dU'Q'C
elusive (adj): kh6 nam bat
altered (adj): c6 the thay doi, dieu chinh
intensified (adj): m9nh them, tang cli'O'ng
T9m dich: MU'c ma con dau tr6 nen khong the chju dt!ng dl!Q'c duQ'c gQi Ia ngu6'ng chiu dau.
talented (adj): tai nang >< incompetent (adj): kh6ng CO nang ll/C
unsatisfying (adj): khong hai long
accomplished (adj): c6 tai nang, ky thu~t cao
brilliant (adj): tai gi6i, tai nang, tuyet voi
Du trong c6 ve Vl)ng ve, co ay thl/C Sl/ Ia m¢t nghe sT dU'Ong dim tai nang.
T?m djch:
indiscriminate (adj): khong phan biet, bCra bai ><selective (adj): c6 chQn ll!a
wholesale (adj): buon sf, hang lo9t.
disciplined (adj): c6 ky lu~t.
unconscious (adj): bat tinh.
T9m djch: Viec Slr dl)ng phan b6n blf'a bai c6 the gay ra cac van
nod (v): g~t (dau)
lau dai.
shake (v): lac (dau)
turn (v): xoay
point (v): chi
wave (v): vay
T9m djch:
0 nhieu nen van hoa, ngl!Oi ta the hien Sl/ dong tlnh bang each
take the weight off your legs =sit down: ngoi xuong
stand up: dd'ng len
take a seat: moi ngoi
walk (v): di
T9m djch: Hom nay chung toi
khach S?n va ngoi nghi mQt luc.
di b¢ khap thanh pho, vi v~y toi nghT chung toi se quay
ignore (v): ph6t lo >< notice (v): chu
neglect (v): xao nhang
overlook (v): nhln qua
T~m djch: 86 qua moi nguy hiem cho ban than, Freddie l~n xuong song de ClrU chu ch6 con.
No matter + what/how, .. + S + V,
V : du
T9m djch: Cho du Fred c6 co gang the nao
nao di nfra
giam can, anh ay van kh6ng thanh c6ng.
Du Fred c6 co gang the nao di chang nfra, anh ay van kh6ng
giam can.
Bi dong v6'i cau tuO'ng thu~t (bi dong kep)
People/they+ think/say/suppose/rumor+ that+ clause
= It+ to be+ thought/said/supposed/rumored ... + that+ clause
= S +to be +thought/said/supposed/rumored...
to+ V-inf
T9m djch: C6 tin don rang gia dau se tang 5%.
Gia dau dliQ'C don Ia se tang len 5%.
Chuyen doi til hi~n t9i hoan thanh sang qua khu don
last + qua kh(r don + ago
=hi~n t9i hoan thanh + for ...
T9m dich: Lan cuoi c6 ay gQi di~n cho b9n than cua mlnh Ia hai thang tru6'c.
C6 ay da kh6ng gQi di~n cho b9n than cua mlnh trong hai thang.
Cau lfOC 6 hi~n t9i dien ta mong lfOC kh6ng c6 th~t 6 hi~n t9i ho~c gia djnh mot dieu
tn3i nglfQ'c so voi thl!c te.
Cau true:
s + wish(es) +(that)+ S + V-ed/did not V.
T9m dich: Tiec Ia t6i kh6ng the n6i tieng Anh nhlf nguO'i ban
T6i lfOC rang mlnh c6 the n6i tieng Anh nhlf ngliO'i ban
deny + V-ing: phu nh~n lam gl
refuse + to V: til choi lam gl
T9m djch: Alvin n6i v6'i Dan: "T6i kh6ng dung may cat-xet cua b9n! La nguO'i khac dung, kh6ng
phai toi."
Alvin phu nh~n eTa dung cat-xet cua Dan, n6i
Ia nguO'i khac da dung.
Tl!O'ng thu~t cau hoi Yes/No
Cau trl!c
"Have/Has+ S +ever+ Ved/ Ved?", S1 said to S2.
Cau tlfO'ng thu~t: S1 +asked S2 +if/ whether+ S + V (lui 1 thl)
da bao giO' thfr trlfqt nu6'c chlla, Tom?" c6 ay hoi.
C6 ay hoi Tom rang anh ay eTa tilng thtr truqt nu6'c chua.
ngfr chi Sl/ nhuqng bo
+ s + v:
Despite/In spite of+ N/V-ing/the fact that+ clause:
T9m djch: M~c du thong minh, co ay hQc khong gioi 6 truong.
Cau dieu ki~n lo9i 3: If+ s +had+ Vp2, S +would/could/might+ have+ Vp2
T9m djch: Neu khong phai qua mu¢n thl toi da gQi b9n roi.
_,. Mu(>n qua roi nem toi da khong gQi b9n.
be not necessary (for sb) to V
=needn't + V-inf: khong can thiet lam gl
can't + V-inf: khong the lam gl
must + V-inf: phai lam gl
would+ V-inf: se lam gl
T9m dich: B9n khong nhat thiet phai m~c trang phvc lich sl)' toi bG'a ti~c toi nay.
_,. Bgn khong can phai m~c trang phl)C ljch Sl)' den bG'a ti~c toi nay dau.
S +last+ Vp1 + 0 +[time]+ ago
_,. S + have/has + not + Vp2 + for + [time]
T9m djch: Anh ay di choi voi b9n cua mlnh ter thang
_,.£)a m¢t thang roi anh ay khong di chai voi bgn cua mlnh .
. So sanh nhat: S + be + the + short adj-est/the most + long adj
So sanh han: S1 +be+ short adj-er/more + long adj +than+ S2
T9m djch: Trong tat ca cac mon toi terng hQc, day Ia mon kh6 nhat nhung thu vj nhat.
_,. Khong c6 man· nao toi terng hQc ma vera kh6 vera thu vj nhu mon nay.
This is the first time: day Ia !an dau tiem
=... never. .. before: chua bao gio... truoc d6
never = at no time before now: chua bao gio
Th1 hi~n t9i hoan thanh dien ta m¢t kinh nghi~m cho toi thoi diem hi~n t9i.
T9m dich: Day Ia !an dau th~n toi di chai da ngo9i.
_,. Toi chua terng di da ngo9i truac day.
Th1 hi~n t9i hoan thanh tiep dien dien ta hanh d¢ng b~h dau 6 qua kh(r va con dang
tiep tvc 6 hi~n t9i, nhan m9nh tfnh lien tvc.
Cau true: S + have/has been + V-ing
T9m djch: Troi bat dau
_,. Troi da
mua ter luc 2 gio va bay gio van dang mua.
mua suot ter luc 2 gio.
suggest doing sth: de nghj lam gl
propose that sb do sth: de xuat rang
blame sb for doing sth: do loi cho ai ve vi~c gl
want to do sth: muon lam gl
T9m djch: "Hay cung cap cho co ay nhieu thong tin han ve ke ho9ch cua chung ta vao tuan
Michael n6i.
~ Michael de nghi cung cap cho co ay nhieu thong tin han ve ke ho9ch cua hQ vao tuan sau.
to congratulate sb on sth/doing sth: chuc merng ai ve cai gl!lam gl
T 9m djch: Tong thong gtii loi chuc merng den cac cau thu khi hQ gianh dUQ'C cup.
~Tong thong chuc merng cac cau thu da gianh chien thang trong tr~n dau.
shouldn't have
fact that
hQ da
tra l9i, hQ
tl)C phan nan.
HQ tiep tl)C ph~m nan m~c du da dli'Q'C ho~m tra day du tien.
So sanh bang: S1 + tobe + (not) + as + adj + as + S2
So sanh hon: S1 + tobe + adj (ngan)-er +than S2
Phu djnh
so sanh bang
so sanh hon
T9m djch: Phong khach khong to bang phong bep.
Phong bep 16'n hon phong khach.
object to+ N/V-ing: phan doi/khong dong tlnh vi$c gl
T9m djch: Anh ay thay kh6 chju vl toi bang qua canh dong cua anh ay.
Anh ay khong dong tlnh vi$c toi bang qua canh dong cua anh ay.
Bi d(>ng v6'i thl tll'ang lai gan:
S +am/is/are going to+ V-infi + 0
S +am/is/are going to+ be+ P2
next year's conference Ia chu ngfr soft nen ta chia d(>ng tl.r so ft.
T9m djch: HQ se to ch(rc h(>i nghj nam t6'i t9i Ha N(>i.
H(>i nghi nam t6'i se dU'Q'c to chLrc t9i Ha N(>i.
Dao ngfr: Had+ S + Vpz. S +would/ could have+ Vpz
T9m dich: Neu thong bao dU'Q'c dU'a ra s6'm han, nhieu ngli'O'i hon se tham di! h(>i thao.
B6i vi thong bao khong dU'Q'c dll'a ra s6'm han nen ft ngU'O'i den nghe h(>i thao.
Cau true: S +should/ought to/had better+ V ho~c If I were you ... ho~c Why don't
you+ V?
Cau gian tiep:
s +advised sb +(not) to V: ai khuyen ai (khong) lam gl
T9m djch: "Con nen cham s6c s(rc khoe cua ban than tot hon." M~ Tom n6i.
--+ M~
Tom khuyen anh ay nen cham s6c SlrC kh6e
catch sb doing sth: bat g~p ai
mlnh hO'n.
lam gl
be caught red-handed: bi bat qua tang (dang lam gl)
catch sb do sth: g~p ai lam gl (quan sat hanh d(>ng tU' khi n6 bat
T9m djch: Ten tr(>m da bi canh sat t6m gQn khi
den khi n6 ket thuc)
vao can h(>.
qua tang ten tr(>m d(>t nh~p vao can h(>.
can't have Vpz:
must have
nhl11 00%.
should have Vp2: le ra phai, le ra n€m lam trong qua khu nhung da khong lam.
could have Vp2: c6 le da, dien d~t m9t dieu gl d6 c6 the xay ra nhung nguoi n6i khong dam chac.
T~m djch: Toi chac chan rang khong phai ch6 cua chung toi sua lien ti,JC ca dem vl n6 ngu trong
nha v6'i chung toi.
Khong the nao Ia ch6 cua chung da sua lien ti,JC ca dem qua vi n6 ngu trong nha cung v6'i chung
Cau true as ... as trong so sanh: S1 + V/to be (not)+ as+ Adv/ Adj +as+ S2
T~m djch: M~ cua b~n Ia nguoi tot b1,1ng han bat c(r ai.
Khong c6 ai tot b1,1ng nhu m~ cua b~n.
be used to+ V-ing: quen v6'i
used to + V: da tung (th6i quen
gl d6
ahi~n t~i)
T~m dich: An bang dua th~t I~ lung v6'i Jonathan.
Jonathan khong quen an bang dGa.
as + m~nh de: vi
in order that + m~nh de: de ma ...
so as (not) to do sth =de (khong) lam gl d6
T~m djch: Toi n6i tham vi toi khong muon ai nghe thay CUQC tro chuy~n cua chung toi.
~ Toi h~ thap giQng de CUQC n6i chuy~n cua Chung toi khong bj nghe thay.
Bi d(>ng v6'i thl hi~n t~i hoan thanh: S +have/has (not)+ been+ Vp2 +(by+ 0)
T~m djch: Cac nha khoa hQc chua t~o ra dU'Q'c lo~i thuoc ky di~u c6 the chfra tri 'H9i chung suy
giam mien djch
anguoi'. (b~nh AIDS)
~ Lo~i thuoc ky di~u c6 the chfra trj 'H(>i ch(rng suy giam mien djch
angU'O'i' van chua dU'Q'C cac
nha khoa hQc t~o ra.
Much as+ clause =Though/Although/Even though+ clause:
du ....
Much as he loved her= No matter how much he loved her: bat ke anh ay yeu co ay nhieu nhU' the
T~m djch: Du yeu co ay nhieu den may, anh ay cung khong tha thLr cho nhfrng gl co ay da lam.
~ Du yeu co ay nhung anh ay khong tha thlr cho nhfrng gl co ay da lam.
So sanh han v6'i tfnh
tu dai: S +to be/V + more/less + adj/adv +than +
So sanh nhat v6'i tfnh tCr/tr~ng tCr dai: S +to be/V +the most+ adj/adv +Noun/Pronoun
T~m dich: Khong c6 t9i ac nao nghiem trQng han giet nguoi.
~ Giet nguoi Ia nghiem trQng nhat trong so cac t(>i ac.
. Hi~n t~i phan tCr (V-ing) dung de mieu ta 2 hanh d(>ng xay ra cung m(>t thai diem va
c6 cung chu ngfr.
T~m djch: Chfnh phu biet
muc dQ cua van de. Chfnh phu can s6'm hanh d(>ng.
Biet dU'Q'C mLrc dQ cua van de, chfnh phu can s6'm hanh d(>ng.
whose + danh ttl: thay cho tfnh ttl so hfru + danh ttl;
who(m) + V/S + V: thay the cho m9t danh ttl chi nguoi; dong vai tro chu ngfr/tan ngfr.
.... N (thing) +which+ V +
"Which" lam chu
thuc 6
thoa thu~n
ky vao hom qua.
vao hom qua cia
ki~n hon hqp
true: If+ S + had+ Vp2,
dam phan.
3 -2 dien
khll', ket qua
a hi~n
+would (not) + V-inf
T9m djch: Anh ay khong nghe IO'i bo. £>6 Ia ly do anh ay that nghi~p.
th1 anh ay cia khong bi that nghi~p.
-+ Neu anh ay nghe loi
Dao ngfr: So+ adj/adv +be+
+that+ clause:
noima ...
T9m dich: £>6 Ia mot cuon tieu thuyet thu vj. Toi th(rc ca ciem
-+ Cuon tieu thuyet ci6 thu vi den noi toi thU'c suet
het n6.
het n6.
the more+ N + S + V, the+ short adj/adv-er + S + V: cang ... cang ...
dich: Chung ta
nhieu rung. Trai
-+Chung ta
nhieu rung, Trai
n6ng hem.
danh ngfr: That/Whether/Wh_ + S + V1 + 0 + V2 + ...
T9m djch: Vi$t Nam cia danh b9i Nh~t Ban trong nhfrng phut cuoi
gianh mot suat tham dl! vong
chung ket U20 the gi6'i. Dieu nay khien mQi nguoi vo cung ng9c nhien.
-+ Vi$c Vi~t Nam danh b9i Nh~t Ban trong phut ch6t
phai ng9c nhien.
in order (not) to + V
in order that+ clause:
T?Jm djch: John
gianh mot suat dl! World Cup U20 khien
so as (not) to: de (khong) lam gl
lam g1
cham chf.
cham chi
khong muon
khong bi truqt trong ky thi
+wish+ s +
khU' dan): dien
-+ Mike u6'c gl
dich: Khi ty I~
mong muon trai
di chai v6'i
Cau true so sanh
-+ Ty 1$
The + so sanh han + S1 + V1, the + so sanh han + S2 + V2
cao, ty I~ t()i
cao thl ty 1$
T~m djch: Anh ay cam thay rat m~t m6i. Tuy nhien, anh ay van quyet tam tiep tl)c leo len nui.
Du anh ay c6 cam thay m~t, anh ay van quyet tam tiep tl)C leo nui.
thanks to = because of: nho c6, vl
as a result of: do, v1
T~m djch: Doanh thu cua Samsung da tang dang ke vao nam
2020. D6 Ia nho sl)' thanh cong cua
z Flip.
Vao nam 2020, lgi nhu~n cua Samsung da tang len dang ke nho vao Sl)' thanh cong cua dong
san pham Z Flip.
Cau U'<S'c trai v6'i hi~n t~i: S + wish(es) + S + V(past) + ...
T~m djch: Jane rat muon mua may tfnh m6'i. Co ay khong c6 du ti'en.
Jane lfOC rang co ay c6 du tien de mua may tfnh m6'i.
Dao ngfr
Under no circumstances + trg cl(>ng tlr + S + V: bat c(r trlfO'ng hgp nao cung khong
tu + S + V: v1 bat cLr If do nao
tu + s + V: khong m(>t luc nao
In no way+ trg d(>ng tu + s + V: khong doi nao
On no account+ trg d(>ng
At no time+ trg d(>ng
T~m djch: Nghiem cam hQc sinh mang cac thiet bi di~n tlr vao phong thi. Khong c6 bat ky ngo~i
Trong bat ky trlfO'ng hgp nao hQC sinh cung khong dlfQ'C phep dem thiet bj di~n tlr vao phong
Cau true v6'i "Not only... but also ... ": S +not only+ V + 0 +but also+ V + 0
=Not only + trg d(>ng tu + s + d(>ng tu chfnh, but S + also + V: ... khong nhfrng ... ma con
T~m djch: HQ da lai xe each dlfong chfnh
15 d~m. HQ cung khong c6 gl de an ngay hom d6.
HQ khong nhfrng lai xe each kh6i dlfO'ng chfnh 15 d~m rna cung chang c6 g1 de an ca ngay hom
M~nh de triimg ngfr chi sl)' nhlfgng b(>
Despite/In spite of+ N/V-ing/the fact that+ clause:
S + V + so + adv I adj + 0 that + clause: qua den noi rna
s + v +too+ adv I
adj +
o (for sb) to do sth: qua de rna
T~m djch: M~ toi rat b~n r(>n v6'i cong vi~c cua m1nh t~i van phong. Ba ay van cham s6c tot cho
chung toi.
M~c du rat b~n r(>n v6'i cong vi~c cua mlnh t~i van phong, m~ toi cham s6c tot cho chung toi.
can't+ have + Vp2 : "khong the niw ... ": suy dien phd djnh ve sl)' vi~c trong qua khLr,
tn§i v6'i must+ have+ V3/-ed.
may/might have+ Vp2 (c6 the Ia ... ): suy doan ve m(>t hanh d(>ng trong qua khLr khong chac chan.
needn't+ have+ Vp2 (le ra khong can phai...): dien ta m(>t hanh d(>ng khong can thiet phai thl,J'c
hi~n trong qua khLr.
should/ought to+ have+ Vp2: (dangle ... le ra phai): dien ta m(>t dieu nen lam trong qua khLr nhlfng
vllf do nao d6 l~i khong xay ra.
T~m djch: Toi chac chan Julia khong lam vo glfO'ng cua b~n. Co ay da 6 thlf vi~n v6'i toi hom qua.
dich: Co
c6 nhieu kinh
vi$n trong nhieu nam.
-+ TU'ng lam tlnh
vien 6 b$nh vi$n nhieu
v6'i toi.
many: dung cho danh tl.r so nhieu dem dlfQ'c, chu yeu trong cau khang din h.
much: dung cho danh tl.r soft, khong dem OlfQ'C, dung trong cau nghi van.
every/each thlfb'ng dCrng trlf<JC danh tlr dem OlfQ'C soft de chi den ca nh6m, t~p hQ'p.
Trfch bai: (1) Many families still watch shows or enjoy live sports programmes together.
T9m djch: Nhieu gia dlnh van cung nhau xem cac chlfO'ng trlnh truyen hlnh ho~c thlf6ng thCrc cac
chlfong trlnh the thao trlfc tiep.
Lien tl.r.
however: tuy nhien, dm;>'c st1 dl)ng de chi slf tlfong ph an, doi l~p.
otherwise: m~t khac, dlfQ'c dung khi dlfa ra m()t y kien khac
for example: vf dl)
Trfch bai: (2) However. television- like everything else in the world today- is changing.
T9m dich: Tuy nhien, truyen hlnh- giong nhlf mQi thCr khac tren the gi6'i ngay nay- dang thay doi.
influence (n): anh hlf6ng (influence eli v6'i gi6'i tl.r on)
ability (n): kha nang
advantage (n): IQ'i fch
strength (n): diem m~nh
Trfch bai: The most important (3} influence on television recently has been technology.
T9m dich: Gan day, cong ngh~ Ia yeu to anh hlf6ng nhieu nhat den truyen hlnh.
D~i tl.r quan h~ which dlfQ'c dung de thay the cho danh tl.r chi v~t (computers and
smartphones) va c6 vai tro nhlf chu ngfr ho~c tan ngfr trong cau.
Trfch bai: Computers and smartphones, (4) which are much cheaper than ever before, help people
choose their favourite programmes quickly and more effectively.
T~m dich: May tfnh va di~n tho9i thong minh re han bao gio het, giup mQi nglfb'i llfa chQn chlfong
trlnh yeu thfch cua mlnh m()t each nhanh chong va hi~u qua han.
viewer (n): nglfoi xem (qua TV ho~c Internet)
presenter (n): nglfb'i nglfb'i thuyet trlnh, gi6'i thi~u
visitor (n): du khach
spectator (n): khan gia xem trlfC tiep (thlfb'ng Ia ve the thao)
Trfch bai: Therefore, television stations have to change the way they make shows in order to give
(5) viewers what they want.
T~m dich: VI v~y, cac dai truyen hlnh phai thay doi each lam chlfong trlnh de mang den cho nglfoi
xem nhfrng gl hQ muon.
other va another
ta phai dung another.
Trfch bai:
on the role of "'"''"'"""''r"' in
habits for their r-rlllrtr.e•n
Phan Dang highlighted,
of young children's habits are strongly influenced by those
around them ... "
dich: N6i ve vai tro cua cha m~ trong vi~c xay dl)'ng th6i quen dQc sach cho con em mlnh,
nha baa Phan Dang nhan m~nh: "Nhieu th6i quen cua tre nho bi anh huang m~nh me b6i nhfrng
nguoi xung quanh ... "
D9i tiJ quan h~ who thay the cho danh tiJ chi nguoi.
actively encourage, and inspire children's love for books.
T9m dich: Do d6,
em hlnh thanh th6i quen dQc sach, nguoi 16'n phai tr6 thanh tam guong
tfch Cl)'C khuyen khfch va khO'i d~y tlnh
sach cua tre em.
Lien tiJ.
therefore: vi the, vi
however: tuy nh1en
even though:
Trfch bai: Adults,
T9m dich: Do d6, nguoi 16'n dong mot vai tro
OQC sach cua tre em.
accompany (v): di cung v6'i,
quan trQng trong
xay dl)'ng th6i quen
elaborate (v/adj): ti ml, trau chuot,
(v): hqp
c(>ng tac
(v): giup lch cho
Trfch bai: At an international
learning, especially in
Ia ho9t
phl) huynh c6 CO' h(>i
v6'i cai gl
chances to
children in their
hanh cung
Trlch bai: Hundreds of stories were widely circulated in parents' online groups. Shared reading
time really {5) tightened the bonds between parents and children.
T~m djch: Hang tram cau chuy~n dU'Q'C lan truyen r(>ng rai trong cac nh6m tn,rc tuyen cua ph1,.1
huynh. GiO' dQC chung da thl)'c Sl)' that ch~t tlnh cam gifra cha mf? va con cai.
influence (v): lam anh hU'O'ng
concern (v): quan tam, lo ng~i
exert (v): co gang, gang sU'c
Trlch bai: Loneliness is hard to {1) address because it can be symptomatic of other forms of
emotional turmoil, depression, for instance.
T~m djch: Co don rat kh6 giai quyet vi n6 c6 the Ia tri~u chU'ng cua cac d~ng roi lo~n cam xuc
khac, chang h~n nhU' tram cam.
Lien Hr.
Hence: vi the, vi v~y
Nevertheless: tuy the, dau v~y
However: tuy nhien
however va nevertheless thU'O'ng dung t~i dau cau khi n6i ve Sl)' tU'Ong ph an gifra hai y kien. Trong
m9t so trU'O'ng hqp, chung van c6 the dung agifra ho~c cuoi cau, nhU'ng trm)'c va sau phai c6 dau
Trlch bai: {2) Although feeling lonely is not a mental illness in its own right, the two are often
strongly linked, and it is often a complex response to perceived isolation or lack of social
T~m djch: M~c du ban than cam thay co don khong phai Ia m9t b~nh tam than, nhU'ng ca hai
thU'O'ng c6 moi lien h~ ch~t che voi nhau va n6 thU'O'ng Ia m9t phan Lrng phLrc t~p doi voi Sl)' co l~p
ho~c thieu ket noi xa h9i trong nh~n thLrc.
D~i tll' quan h~ whose dU'Q'c dung de chi sl)' so hfru cho danh tll' chi ngU'O'i ho~c v~t
clung trU'OC, OU'Q'C dung thay cho cac tfnh tlr so hfru his, her, their, its.
Trlch bai: It perhaps makes sense that loneliness is especially taboo among those {3) whose
friendships ostensibly number in the thousands.
T~m dich: C6 le cGng c6 ly khi co don Ia clieu d~c bi~t cam kY. cloi voi nhfrng ngU'O'i c6 so IU'qng
be len toi hang nghln ngU'O'i.
LU'Q'ng tll'.
many: dung cho danh tll' so nhieu clem dU'qc, chu yeu trong cau khang din h.
much: dung cho danh tlr so It, khong dem dU'Q'C, dung trong cau nghi van.
every: dung cho danh tll' dem dU'qc so It de chi den ca nh6m, t~p hqp.
little: dung cho danh tll' kh6ng dem dU'Q'c, thU'O'ng mang nghTa phu cljnh.
inactive (adj):
Trfch bai: And this, unsurprisingly, can translate to a feeling of loneliness in the
T~m dich: Va dieu nay, khong c6 g1
ng~c nhien, c6 the chuyen thanh
co don trong
the gi&i tht!c.
tu so nhieu dem cflrqc, chu yeu trong cau khang dinh.
ft, khong
duqc, dung trong cau nghi van.
much: dung cho danh tu
any dll'ng tru6'c danh tu dem duqc so nhieu va danh tu khong dem duqc, dung trong cau phu dinh
many: dung cho danh
va cau hoi.
some dll'ng tru6'c danh tu dem dtrQ'c
djnh va cau hoi.
nhieu va danh tu
dung trong cau khang
Trfch bai: In many places across Asia, eating dog meat is a century-old tradition. Dog meat is
thought to help people cope with the intense heat of the summer.
believe it helps to
regulate the internal body temperature.
T~m djch: 0 nhieu noi tren khap chau A, an thjt ch61a m(lt truyen thong hang the ky. Thit ch6 dLrQ'C
cho Ia c6 the giup con ngub'i chong chQi v6'i cai n6ng gay gat cua mua he. Nhieu ngtrb'i tin rang
n6 giup dieu chlnh nhi~t d9 ben trong co the.
because: vi
however: tuy nhien
l'lOC~niTO' m~c
Trfch bai: There is a growing Chinese
to the
meat trade
in China are far more likely to think of dogs as companions than cuisine.
c6 nhieu St! phan
vi nhfrng ngub'i tre tuoi 6 Trung Quoc thub'ng coi ch6 Ia
ethical (adj): thu(lc
dishonest (adj): kh6ng trung tht!c
chlnh tri
doi v6'i
buon ban thit ch6
hanh hon Ia m6n an.
Trfch bai: Shenzhen is now the first city in China to ban the consumption of dog meat. Aside from
the (3) ethical concerns mentioned above, the trade is dangerous.
T~m djch: Tham Quyen hi$n Ia thanh pho dau tien
nhfrng lo ng~i ve d~O d(rc dU'Q'C de C~p
6 Trung Quae cam tieu th1,.1 thjt ch6. Ben
6 tren, Vi$c buan ban rat nguy hi em.
establish (v): thanh l~p, thiet l~p
evaluate (v): danh gia
compromise (v): th6a hi$p
illustrate (v): minh hQa
Trfch bai: The new legislation includes a permanent ban on the consumption of dog meat as these
pets have (4) established a much closer relationship with humans than all other animals.
T~m djch: Lu~t m6'i bao gam l$nh cam vTnh vien vi$c tieu th1,.1 thjt ch6 vi nhfrng v~t nuai nay da
thiet l~p moi quan h$ gan gOi hon v6'i con ngU'oi so v6'i tat ca cac d<)ng v~t khac.
D~i tl.r quan h$ which thay the cho danh tl.r chi v~t "animals".
Trfch bai: The ban also clarifies (5) which animal meat may be eaten: pig, cattle, sheep, rabbit,
and chicken.
T~m djch: L$nh cam cGng neu r5 nhfrng lo~i thjt d<)ng v~t nao c6 the dU'Q'C an: lqn, gia sue, eCru,
tho va ga.
pessimistic: bi quan
truthful: trung thl)'c
satisfactory: hai long
Dl!a vao ve sau c6 "happier", ta chQn optimistic.
Trfch bai: People living in rural areas of Britain are more (1) optimistic about the future and
happier about their quality of life than people in cities and towns, a new survey has found.
T~m djch: M<)t CUQC khao sat m6'i cho thay nhfrng ngU'oi song
6 cac vung nang than cua Anh l~c
quan ve tU'Ong lai va h~nh phuc hon ve chat IU'Q'ng CUQC song cua hQ so v6'i nhfrng ngU'oi song 6
cac thanh pho va thi tran.
carry out: tien hanh
work out: t~p the dt,.~c
find out: tim ra, phat hi$n
Trfch bai: The Countryside Living Index (2) carried out to record how people feel about their lives ...
T~m djch: Khao sat "Chi so chat IU'Q'ng CUQC song 6 nang than"dU'Q'C thl)'c hi$n de ghi l~i cam nh~n
CUa mQi ngU'oi ve CUQC song cua hQ, ...
between ... and ... : gifra ... va
Trfch bai: ... found that the satisfaction ratings of people living in the countryside leapt by 10.7 per
cent (3) between the first and second quarters of 2013, with their views about the cost of living,
education and crime all improving.
di CU
quan han
6 n6ng th6n so v6'i
living wage: luang sinh ho;;tt toi thieu
wage: tien luang, tien cong (thuong tra thee gio, ngay, tuan)
salary: luang-
tien ma nhan vien OUQ'C tra cho cong Vi~c cua hQ (thLrong
thee thang).
fee: tien thu lao, tien thu6ng/phf
income: thu nh~p (tat
nguon thu)
the lack of rural jobs paying
Trfch bai: However, for young
costs continue to make it hard for them to live in the countryside.
and housing
T;;tm dich: Tuy nhien, doi voi nhfrng nguoi tre tuoi, nang than thieu vi(f!c lam voi muc luang du
song Va chi phf nha 6 tiep tl,JC khien hQ kh6 song 6 nong thon.
. LQ'i fch nao cua vi~c hQc ngoc;1i ngfr KHONG dU'Q'C de c~p den trong bai?
A. Thanh tt,ru
B. Cai thi~n ngon ngfr m~ de
C. Nang cao hieu biet ve the gi6i
D. Trien vQng trong cong vi~c
Thong tin:
Doc;1n 2: This experience gives people a new insight into their own language and ultimately leads
to them improving their mother tongue. which will improve their everyday lives. ----+ Improve first
Doc;1n 3: Learning a new language gives you a greater global understanding of the world we live
in. ----+ Improve understanding of the world
Doc;1n 4: Learning a new language is an achievement anyone can be proud of and is extremely
satisfying.----+ Achievement
"Better job prospect" (Trien VQng trong cong vi~c) khong duqc de c~p trong bai.
Tc;1m djch: Trai nghi~m nay mang den cho mQi nguoi cai nh1n m6i ve ngon ngfr cua hQ va cuoi
cung dan den Vi~C hQ cai thi~n tieng m~ de, dieu nay se cai thi~n CUQC song hang ngay cua hQ.----+
Cai thi~n ngon ngfr m~ de
HQC m(>t ngon ngfr m6i mang l<;ii cho bc;1n Sl,l' hieu biet r(>ng hon ve the gi6i chung ta dang song.
----+ Nang cao hieu biet ve the gioi
HQC m(>t ngon ngfr moi Ia m(>t thanh tl,fU rna bat Clr ai cGng c6 the tt,r hao va vo cung hai long.
----+Thanh tt,ru
TCr "dedication" nghTa Ia gl?
----+ The hard work and effort: St,r cham chi va no lt,rc
Thong tin: Learning a new language takes time and dedication.
Tc;1m djch: HQC m(>t ngon ngfr moi din c6 thoi gian va Sl,l' no lt,rc.
Y kien
nao tac gia KHONG dong y?
A. HQC m(>t ngon ngfr moi giup mQi ngU'oi cai thi~n tieng m~ de cua hQ.
B. HQC m(>t ngon ngfr m6i rat thu vj.
c. Chi tre em moi nen hQc m(>t ngon ngfr moi.
D. Thanh tfch hQc m(>t ngon ngfr moi c6 the Ia niem tt,r hao cua bc;1n.
Thong tin: Learning a second language is exciting and beneficial at all ages.
Tc;1m dich: HQc ngon ngfr thu hai thu viva c6 lqi 6 mQi lua tuoi.
Cl)m tCr "This experience" am chi dieu g1 trong bai?
A. Hieu biet nhieu hon ve ngon ngfr m~ de cua hQ
B. Cau true ngfr phap va tlr vt,rng cua ngon ngfr d6
C. Cau true quy Uk ngfr phap cua ngon ngfr d6
D. HQC ngon ngfr th(r hai (ngoc;1i ngfr)
va cuoi cung giup hQ
cvm tCr
nghTa Ia gl?
mang 19i ket qua tot
Thong tin: Once the hard work and effort has
you will
associated with learning a new language and you will have a newfound confidence.
T9m djch: Mot khi cham chi va no h)'C dU'Q'C den dap, b9n se nh$n dU'Q'C nhieu lqi fch lien quan den
Vi~C hQC mot ngon ngfr m6'i Va b9n Se CO mot St)' tt)' tin m6'i.
HQC mot ngon ngfr m6'i can c6 thai gian va St)' no lt)'c. Mot khi b9n lam dU'Q'C th1 vi~c thong th90
ngon ngfr tht! hai mang l9i nhieu lqi fch va co hoi. Hoc ngo9i ngfr thu vi va c6 lqi cho mQi lt!a tuoi.
N6 mang l9i nhO'ng lqi fch thiet tht)'c, tang trf tu~ va nhieu lqi fch khac.
Khi chung ta song tCrng ngay, chung ta hi em khi nghT den cau true ngfr phap va tLr Vt)'ng trong tieng
m~ de. Tuy nhien, khi hQC mot ngon ngO' m6'i, nhieu ngll'O'i thay rang hQ hieu r5 han ve tieng m~
de cua hQ. HQC ngon ngfr tht! hai t$p trung St)' chu y cua b9n vao cac cau true quy tac ngfr phap
cua ngon ngO' d6. Trai nghi~m nay mang l9i cho mQi ngll'O'i mot cai nhln m6'i
ngon ngO' cua hQ
Va CUOi cung giup hQ cai thi~n tieng m~ de, Va cai thi~n CUOC song hang ngay cua hQ.
HQC mot ngon ngfr m6'i mang 19i cho b9n St)' hieu biet bao quat ve the gi6'i chung ta dang song.
Ngay ca khi chi hQC mot vai cvm tCr, dCrng b$n tam den ca mot ngon ngfr, b9n se tiep c$n dlfQ'C
nhieu nen van h6a hap dan tren the gi6'i Va hieu dlfQ'C St)' khac bi~t gifra hai quoc gia.
HQc mot ngon ngfr m6'i Ia mot thanh tt)'u rna bat ct! ai cOng c6 the tt)' hao va vo cung hai long. MQt
khi St)' cham chi Va no it)'C da dU'Q'C den dap, b9n Se nh$n dU'Q'C nhieu IQ'i fch lien quan den Vi~C
hQC mot ngon ngfr m6'i Va b9n Se tim thay dU'Q'C St)' tt)' tin m6'i.
6 nhiem
C. Khu Vt)'C cam 0 to
D. Dan ell' dong due
h_ave to face with pollution and =~'--J.=~
Thong tin: However, those
because of the rapid increase in the number of private cars. -+ Khong c6 No-car zones
T9m dich: Tuy nhiE§n, nhO'ng thanh pho dong dan ell' l9i phai
dll'O'ng do
lll'Q'ng 0 to ca nhan tang nhanh.
tam thanh
Luan Don Ia bao nhieu?
v6'i tlnh tr9ng o nhiem va
Thong tin: Eight million people live in the center of London and another two million people go to
work there every day.
T~m djch: C6 8 tri~u ctr dan song 6 d6 va 2 tri~u Ia so ngtroi den Luan Don de lam vi~c moi ngay.
TLr nao KHQNG mh~u ta dung ve khu VI,J'C cam o to 6 Tokyo?
A. noi tieng
B. dong due
C. hi~n d~i
D. d~p
Thong tin: Parts of Tokyo are always crowded with hundreds of people, but there are no cars.
These modern no-car zones are very popular and people like shopping there.
T~m dich: Cac khu vl,fc cua Tokyo luon dong due voi hang tram ngwJ'i, nhtrng khong c6 xe hoi.
Nhfrng khu VI,J'C cam 0 to hi~n d~i nay rat noi tieng va mQi ngtroi thfch mua sam 6 d6.
Trung tam thanh pho Bogota bay gio the nao?
A. Dong due
6 nhiem
C. S~ch se
D. Yen tTnh
Thong tin: Now the city center is a no-car zone and the air is clean.
T~m djch: Bay gio trung tam thanh phola m9t khu VI,J'C khong xe hoi va khong khf thl trong lanh.
MQi ngtroi thtrong lui toi dia diem nao 6 pho Bourke vao gifra ngay?
A. Trung tam mua sam
B. CLI'a hang nh6
D. Quan ca phe
Khu vlfc
Thong tin: This area attracts people not only to the shops but also to the cozy small cafe with
great food during lunchtime.
T~m djch: Khu VI,J'C nay thu hut mQi ngtroi den khong chi cac Clra hang ma con den quan ca phe
nh6 am cung voi nhfrng m6n an tuy~t voi trong gio an tnJ'a.
6 to da tr6 thanh phtrong ti~n di l~i pho bien cua ngtroi dan, d~c bi~t Ia nhfrng ngtroi dan song t~i
cac thanh pholon. Tuy nhien, nhfrng thanh pho dong dan CU' l~i phai doi m~t voi tlnh tr~ng o nhiem
va tac dtrong do so ltrQ'ng o to rieng tang nhanh. Ngay nay, m9t so trung tam thanh pho tren the
gioi khong cho phep 0 to di vao. Nhfrng khu VI,J'C cam 0 to nay Ia khu VI,J'C chi danh cho ngtroi di
b¢, xe d~p va phtrong ti~n giao thong cong c¢ng.
London: Tam tri~u ngtroi song 6 trung tam London va hai tri~u ngtroi khac den d6 lam vi~c moi
ngay. Trung tam thanh pho c6 rat nhieu cong vien d~p voi cac buoi ca nh~c mien phf. Vao gio an
trtra va sau gio lam vi~c, nhieu ngtroi den d6 de nghi ngoi.
Tokyo: Cac khu VI,J'C cua Tokyo luon dong due den hang tram ngtroi, nhtrng khong c6 xe hoi. Nhfrng
khu VI,J'C cam 0 to hi~n d~i nay rat pho bien va mQi ngtroi thfch mua sam 6 d6.
Bogota: Trtroc day, Bogota bi o nhiem vi c6 nhieu o to va xe c¢ qua l~i. Bay gio trung tam thanh
pho Ia m9t khu VI,J'C cam 0 to va khong khf trong lanh! Nhieu ngtroi khong c6 0 to va nLra tri~u
ngtroi di lam bang xe buy-t moi sang.
Melbourne: 0 nhieu noi, mQi ngtroi khong thfch mua sam 6 trung tam thanh pho. Nhtrng 6
Melbourne, pho Bourke noi tieng vl c6 rat nhieu Clra hang 16'n va khong c6 xe hoi. Khu VI,J'C nay thu
hut mQi ngtroi khong chi den cac Clra hang rna con den quan ca phe nh6 am cung VOi nhfrng m6n
an tuy~t voi trong gio an trtra.
boi giac ngu?
A. trf nho
C. hf:mh vi
D. che
an uong
can give energy to both our bodies and our brains. It can also affect our ~~Wh
T~m djch: Giac ngu c6 the cung cap nang luqng cho ca co the va bo nao cua chung ta. N6 cung
c6 the anh huong den cam giac, hanh vi va trf nho cua chung ta.
Theo do~n 2, dieu nao sau day c6 the Ia h~u qua cua vi~c mat ngu?
A. Strc khoe cua chung ta tro nen toi
B. MQi nguai c6 ft thai gian han de lam vi~c.
C. MQi nguai c6 the hoan thanh cong vi~c hang ngay cua mlnh.
ca the chung ta c6 the ho~t dong tot han.
Thong tin: But our bodies cannot work well without enough sleep. Losing just one or two hours of
sleep a night, over a long period of time, can badly
our health.
T~m dich: Nhung co the chung ta khong the ho~t dong tot neu khong ngu du giac. Chi mat mot
ho~c hai gia ngu moi dem trong thai gian dai cung CO the anh huong XaU den SlrC khoe cua Chung
A. thong minh
B. xau xf
C. can th~n
D. tli'c
C. van
D. nghien cli'u
intelligent (adj) =clever (adj): thong minh
A. gia
B. nguai
Thong tin:
However, in the summer,
longer in the winter, sometimes as much as 14 hours
as little as six
T~m djch:
lau han vao mua
nhien, vao mua he, doi khi hQ chi ngu 6 gia dong ho ma khong
nhieu han
14 gio
Cac nghiE~n cLI'u da chi ra rang ngli'Oi dan 6 m(>t so quoc gia d~tnh It thoi gian han de ngu va nhieu
thoi gian hem de lam vi~c. NhLJ'ng cathe chung ta khong the ho9t d(>ng tot neu khong ngu du giac.
Chi mat m(>t ho~c hai gio ngu moi dem trong thoi gian dai, c6 the anh hlf6ng xau den sU'c kh6e
cua chung ta. Chung ta khong the lam vi~c trong nhieu gio; chung ta c6 the de dang noi gi~n; va
chung ta th~m chi diem IQ cua chung ta c6 the bi tl)t. Dieu d6 giai thfch t9i sao neu khong ngu du
giac, m(>t ngLJ'O'i thong minh c6 the g~p kh6 khan trong vi~c thl)'c hi~n cac cong vi~c hang ngay.
Cac nghien ClrU cOng chi ra rang thoi gian trong nam dLJ'O'ng nhLJ' anh hLJ'6ng den vi~c chung ta
can ngu baa nhieu. MQi ngli'O'i thli'O'ng ngu lau han vao mua dong, doi khi len den 14 gio m(>t dem.
Tuy nhien, vao mua he, doi khi hQ chi ngu 6 gio dong ho rna khong g~p bat Clr van de gl.
. Tieu de nao the hi~n r5 nhat y chlnh cua do9n van?
A. Nganh nang ILJ'Q'ng cua Vi~t Nam bi anh hlf6ng b6i d9i djch Coronavirus
B. Nang ILJ'Q'ng tai t9o- M(>t ITnh vl)'c trl tr~ 6 Vi~t Nam
C. Nhu cau doi v6'i nganh nang ILJ'Q'ng cua Vi~t Nam trong tlfang lai
D. Phat trien nganh nang ILI'Q'ng tai t~m cua Vi~t Nam
Thong tin: Over the last decade, there has been rapid growth in Vietnam's energy industry.
Vietnam has been impacted by pollution and climate change so it requires the country to reform
the power sector and adopt an effective transition to a renewable energy system.
While renewable energy is a fast-growing sector in Asian countries, broadly, Vietnam can be
regarded as a good place for investing in this sector. The Vietnamese renewable energy market
has risen gradually.
The country has great potential for the renewable energy industry, which helps it take a cleaner
and more secure energy pathway.
development of Vietnam's renewable energy industry.
T9m djch: Trang th~p ky qua, da c6 sl)' phat trien nhanh chong trong nganh nang ILJ'Q'ng cua Vi~t
Vi~t Nam dang chju tac d(>ng cua o nhiem va bien doi khl h~u, vi v~y Vi~t Nam dbi hoi phai cai
each nganh di~n va ap dl)ng m(>t qua trlnh chuyen doi hi~u qua sang h~ thong nang ILJ'Q'ng tai t9o.
Trang khi nang ILJ'Q'ng tai t9o Ia m(>t ITnh vl)'c dang ph at trien nhanh 6 cac nLJ'6'c Chau A n6i chung,
Vi~t Nam c6 the dLJ'Q'C coi Ia m(>t nai tot de dau tlf vao ITnh Vl)'C nay. Thj trli'O'ng nang ILJ'Q'ng tai t90
Vi~t Nam da tang dan len.
Vi~t Nam c6 tiem nang to 16'n cho nganh nang ILJ'Q'ng tai t9o, giup nLJ'6'c nay c6 m(>t con dLJ'ong
nang ILJ'Q'ng S9Ch han va an toan han.
~ Xuyen suot bai n6i ve vi~c phat trien nganh nang ILI'Q'ng tai t90 cua Vi~t Nam.
Tt1 "its" trong do9n 1 de c~p den _ _ .
c. tang trlf6ng kinh te
D. cong
nang ILJ'qng
Thong tin: The demand for electricity in Vietnam has significantly increased in line with its overall
economic growth.
Thong tin: Vietnam has been
to reform the power sector and
a shift would help
chiu tac
phai cai each nganh di~n va ap dt,mg
A. xac djnh
nha kfnh
Nam da cam
rieng mlnh.
B. Vi~t Nam da that ch~t mot
thay the.
C. Chfnh phu Vi~t Nam khuyen khfch cac nha
D. Cac h1nh thLI'c lien doanh
lTnh V!,fC nang IU'qng.
phep 6
Thong tin: Under the Vietnamese law on
investors can
ownership of Vietnamese
in the energy sector and can trade in
invested company,
C. Vi~t Nam cla noi l€:n Ia m9t trong nhfrng nen kinh te phat trien m~nh nhat Chau
nam gan clay.
A trong
D. Chfnh phu Vi~t Nam cla ap dt,mg cac quy cljnh m6i c6 lqi cho clau tU' nU'6c ngoai.
Thong tin: The demand for electricity in Vietnam has significantly increased in line with its overall
economic growth.
The Vietnamese government adopted the Renewable Energy Development Strategy by 2030 with
an outlook to 2050.
In Vietnam, renewable energy projects will be regulated in terms of power development plans, the
power purchasers and power purchase agreement execution process, and approvals and
consents from the relevant authorities.
____,.It can be seen that Vietnam has put a lot of effort into developing the renewable energy industry
so that it can meet the needs of domestic use.
T~m djch: Nhu cau sli dt,.mg cli~n 6 Vi~t Nam cla tang len clang ke cung v6i toe c19 tang trU'6ng kinh
te chung.
Chfnh phu Vi~t Nam cla thong qua Chien IU'Q'C phat trien nang IU'qng tai t~o den nam 2030, tam
nhln den nam 2050.
T~i Vi~t Nam, cac dl,f an nang IU'qng tai t~o se clU'Q'C dieu chinh ve quy ho~ch phat trien cli~n ll,fc,
doi tlfqng mua di~n va quy trlnh thl,fc hi~n hqp dong mua ban cli~n cung nhU' phe duy~t va dong
cua cac co quan c6 lien quan.
____,. Tl.r cl6 c6 the thay clU'Q'C Vi~t Nam bora rat nhi'eu no ll,fc de phat trien nganh nang llfqng tai t~o
de c6 the clap Lrng dU'Q'C nhu cau Slr dt,mg trong nU'OC.
Trang th~p ky qua, ngfmh nang IU'qng cua Vi~t Nam cla c6 Sl,f phat trien nhanh chong. Nhu cau slr
dt,mg cli~n 6 Vi~t Nam da tang len clang ke cung v6i toe d9 tang trU'6ng kinh te chung. Thea so
li~u quoc gia, mfrc tieu tht,J cli~n trung blnh hang ngay Ia 615 tri~u kWh moi ngay trong vai thang
dau nam 2020, tang 7,5% so v6i nam 2019. M~c du nhi'eu ITnh Vl,fC va doanh nghi~p bi anh hU'6ng
b6i d~i djch Corona, nhlfng muc tieu tht,J cli~n cua ca nU'6c van tang.
Vi~t Nam bi anh hU'6ng cua o nhiem va bien cloi khf h~u, do d6, cloi hoi phai cai each nganh cli~n
va ap dt,.~ng chuyen cloi hi~u qua sang h~ thong nang llfqng tai t~o. Sl,f thay cloi nhU' v~y se giup
giam thieu nhfrng van de nay, clam baa an ninh nang IU'qng va clap frng nhu cau ngay cang tang
ve cli~n cua cac ho~t cl()ng kinh doanh va phat trien kinh te va cong nghi~p.
Chfnh phu Vi~t Nam cla thong qua Chien IU'qc Phat trien Nang IU'qng tai t~o den nam 2030, tam
nhln den nam 2050. Ke ho9ch nay t~p trung vao vi~c m6 r()ng "quy mo va tang ty trQng cac nguon
nang IU'qng tai t~o", giai quyet "cac van de cung cap nang IU'Q'ng cho khu Vl,fC do thj", g6p phan
thuc day phat trien san XUat va xay dl,fng "m()t xa hQi Slr dt,.~ng tiet ki~m va hi~U qua cac nguon tai
nguyen thien nhien than thi~n v6i moi trU'O'ng". Vi~t Nam d~t mt,.~c tieu giam vo clieu ki~n 8% phat
thai khf nha kfnh (GHG) vao nam 2030 va mt,.~c tieu c6 clieu ki~n Ia giam 25% ph at thai khf nha kfnh
vao nam 2030.
Trang khi nang IU'qng tai t~o Ia m9t ITnh vl,fc clang ph at trien nhanh 6 cac nU'6c Chau A n6i chung,
Vi~t Nam c6 the clU'qc coi Ia m9t noi tot de clau tU' vao ITnh vl,fc nay. Thi trU'O'ng nang IU'qng tai t~o
Vi~t Nam cla tang dan len. T~i Vi~t Nam, c<k dl,f an nang IU'qng tai t~o se clU'Q'c clieu chinh ve quy
ho~ch ph at trien cli~n ll,fc, doi tU'qng mua cli~n va quy trlnh thl,fc hi~n hqp dong mua ban cli~n cung
nhlf phe duy~t va dong y cua cac co quan c6 lien quan.
tfch hem?
sau va hieu ky,
much less likely to
what we read in a critical way or
thCr g1 kh;:k
page, but may never finish it because
page, and so on.
Tc;1m djch: Da nhi~m rat hfru fch trong m()t so moi tnxong lam vi~c nhat djnh, nhung no cGng khien
chung ta kho dQc 6 mt1c d9 ky cang han.
TCr "insight" trong doc;1n 4 de c~p den _ _ .
A. dia vi
B. hieu biet
c. slf ton trQng
D. thai a¢
insight (n): Slf thau hieu sau sac= understanding (n): Sl/ hieu biet, am hieu
Dieu nao sau day KHONG dung theo doc;1n van?
A. Chung ta d9c tai li~u trlfc tuyen giong nhu each chung ta d9c tai li~u in.
B. Co the nao cua chung ta dang thay doi de clap LJ'ng nhfrng nhu cau m6'i trong the gi6'i hi~n d9i.
c. Da nhi~m cho phep chung ta lam vi~c nhanh chong va suy nghT sang tc;1o.
D. Theo each dQC truyen thong, chung ta se dQC tlr dau den cuoi.
Thong tin: However, the way we are reading materials on the Internet, or online reading, is very
different from the way we traditionally read printed materials.
T<;lm djch: Tuy nhien, each chung ta dQc tai li~u tren Internet, hay dQC trlfC tuyen, rat khac v6'i each
chung ta dQc tai li~u in truyen thong.
Dieu nao sau day co the duqc suy ra tCr doc;1n van?
B9 nao khong dong vai tro quan trQng trong
each d9c truyen thong.
B. each dQC truyen thong cho phep mQi nglfO'i dQC 6 trlnh d¢ sau.
c. Tru6'c day chung ta d9c nhieu han bay gio.
D. DQC tri/C tuyen duy trl ky nang dQC tU' duy phan bi~n va dQC sau han.
Thong tin: In online reading, the brain gets better than ever at doing many tasks at the same time,
or multitasking; and thanks to this, we can work quickly and think creatively. Multitasking is useful
in certain working environments, but it also makes it more difficult for us to read at a deep level.
-+Online reading makes it more difficult for us to read at a deep level.
-+ Traditional way of reading allows us to read at a deeper level.
Tc;1m dich: Khi d9c trlfc tuyen, b9 nao tr6 nen tot han bao gio het khi thlfc hi~n nhieu nhi~m vi)
cung luc, ho~c da nhi~m; va nho do, chung taco the lam vi~c nhanh chong va suy nghT sang tc;1o.
Da nhi~m rat hfru fch trong m()t so moi trlfO'ng lam vi~c nhat djnh, nhung no cGng khien chung ta
kho dQC 6 mLJ'c d() sau han.
-+ DQc trlfc tuyen khien chung ta kho d9c han 6 mt1c d9 sau.
-+ Cach dQC truyen thong cho phep Chung ta dQC 6 mLJ'c dQ sau han.
Khi Internet ngay cang tr6 nen pho bien, chung taco the dQc nhieu han tru6'c day. Tuy nhien, each
chung ta dQC tai li~u tren Internet, hay dQC tri/C tuyen, rat khac v6'i each chung ta dQC tai li~u in
truyen thong.
Theo each dQC truyen thong, chung ta se bElt dau tlr dau m()t cuon sach va dQC het cho den cuoi.
Nguqc lc;1i, khi d9c trlfc tuyen, chung ta bat dau dQc m()t trang, nhung co the khong bao gio hoan
thanh no b6i vi m()t lien ket tren trang do dan chung ta den m()t doc;1n van tren m9t trang khac, v.v.
Khi chung ta eli tCr trang nay sang trang khac, chung ta phai nh6' rat nhieu y tu6ng khac nhau cung
m()t luc. Cach dQC m6'i nay kha khac SO VOi each dQC truyen thong.
DQc tri/C tuyen coca lfU diem va khuyet diem. Khi dQC tri/C tuyen, b9 nao tr6 nen tot han bao giO'
het khi thl)'c hi~n nhieu nhi~m v1,.1 cung luc, ho~c da nhi~m; va nho do, chung ta co the lam vi~c
vi~c mua thlfc pham
B. Ly do cac chien djch "d~m dub'ng thi/C pham" qua don gian.
Lqi the cua vi~c nh~p khau Iuong thlfc tll' nu6'c ngoai
D. Cac van
do v~n chuyen thl)'c pham
If our aim is to reduce carbon
Thong tin: However,
emissions, we must look at the whole farming process, not just transportation. If our aim is to
reduce carbon emissions, we must look at the whole farming process. not just transportation.
Lots of different factors contribute to a food's carbon footprint besides the
---+ C6 nhieu van
phai can nhac ngoai quang dub'ng v~n chuyen, cac chien djch
chua bao quat duqc cac van de
it has
don gian,
T:;~m dich: Tuy nhien, cau chuy~n thlfc te kh6ng don
nhu v~y. Neu mt,Jc tieu
chung ta Ia
giam luqng khf thai carbon, ta phai xem xet toan b9 qua trlnh canh tac, kh6ng chi v~n chuyen.
Rat nhieu yeu to khac nhau gop phan vao luqng khf thai cacbon
each ma n6 da di chuyen.
thlfc ph am ben c<;1nh khoang
Thea nghien eCru, 11% Ia
A. phan tram thlfc pham
B. phan tram nang luqng trong
xuat den ngub'i ban le
C. phan tram nang luqng
eCru nam
chuyen va chi 4% c6
nha ban
hlnh there
Ct,Jm tLJ' "take into account" gan nghTa nhat v6'i _ _ .
A. can nhac
B. giam gia
take into account
C. bo qua
D. thfch LJ'ng
=consider: can nhac, tfnh den
Thong tin: We must also take into account the type of transport.
T~m dich: Chung ta cGng phai tfnh den lo~i hlnh v$n tai.
Hai san dU'Q'C dU'a ra nhU' m(>t vf dt,J ve thl,I'C pham - - ·
A. dU'Q'C v$n chuyen bang duong hang kh6ng m(>t each kh6ng can thiet
B. dat tien va nhanh hong
c. nguoi dan 6 cac nu6'c ngheo dl,fa vao de c6 thu nh$p
D. thuong duqc v$n chuyen bang tau bien
Thong tin: However, only a small proportion of goods are flown to the consumer country, and
these are usually high-value. perishable items that we cannot produce locally, such as seafood
and out-of-season berries.
T~m djch: Tuy nhien, chi m(>t ty I~ nho hang h6a duqc v$n chuyen den nu6'c tieu tht,J va day thuong
Ia nhfrng m~t hang c6 gia tri cao, de hu hong rna chung ta kh6ng the san xuat t~i dia phuong,
chang h~n nhU' hai san Va trai cay trai VI).
Theo bai dQc, ca chua Tay Ban Nha va d$u Kenya giong nhau nhU' the nao?
A. Chung deu duqc v$n chuyen bang duong hang khong.
B. ca hai deu duqc trong bang each sfr dt,Jng ph an bon tl! nhien.
c. Chung deu duqc trong ngoai troi.
D. Ca hai deu c6 dau chan cacbon cao.
Thong tin: Heating also uses a lot of energy, which is why growing tomatoes in heated
greenhouses in the UK is less environmentally friendly than importing them from Spain. where the
crop grows well in the local climate.
For example, beans flown in from Kenya are grown in sunny fields using manual labour and
natural fertilizers, unlike in Britain, where we use oil-based fertilizers and diesel machinery.
D$u Kenya va ca chua Tay Ban Nha deu dU'Q'C trong ngoai troi
T~m dich: H~ thong su6i cGng su dt,Jng nhieu nang luqng, d6 Ia ly do t~i sao vi~c trong ca chua
trong nha kfnh c6 h~ thong su6i 6 Anh kern than thi~n v6'i moi truong han so v6'i nh$p khau tLJ' Tay
Ban Nha, noi cay trong ph at trien tot trong khf h$u dia phuong.
VI dt,J, d$u tlr Kenya duqc trong tren nhfrng canh dong day nang bang each Slr dt,Jng lao d(>ng thu
cong va phan b6n tl! nhien, khong giong nhu 6 Anh, noi chung toi su dt,Jng phan b6n goc dau va
may m6c diesel.
Nguoi viet KHQNG ung hQ y nao trong cac y sau?
A. Ho trQ' nang dan 6 cac nu6'c ngheo
B. Nh$p khau tao tLr New Zealand vao Anh vao mua xuan
c. Mua d$u nh$p khau bang duong hang khong tLJ' Kenya
D. Thl,fC hi~n m(>t CUQC hanh trlnh dai de mua thl,I'C pham dU'Q'C san xuat t~i dja phU'O'ng
Thong tin: So driving a long way to shop for food will negate any environmental benefits of buying
locally grown produce.
tin sai
Thong tin: Some supermarkets have been trying to raise awareness of food miles by labeling
foods with stickers that show it has been
air. But !ITU'Yi"",'""n' ~LOJ~s.ru~~LID~
is too simple. Lots of different factors contribute to a food's carbon footprint besides the distance
it has traveled.
Ngoai quang dub'ng v~n chuyen, con rat nhieu yeu to khac anh hu6ng, vi$c dan nhan chua the
hi$n het duqc thong di$p muon truyen tai t6'i mQi ngub'i
T<::~m dich: M<)t so sieu thj da co gang nang cao nh~n thfrc ve d~m dub'ng tht,rc pham bang each
dan nhan dan cho thl,fc pham duqc nh~p khau bang dub'ng hang khong. Nhung cuoi cung, thong
di$p nay qua don gian. Rat nhieu yeu to khac nhau g6p phan vao luqng khf thai carbon cua thl,fc
pham ben C?~nh khoang each ma n6 d§ di chuyen.
Gan day, cac nha v~n d<)ng da khuyen khfch chung ta mua thl,fc pham dia phuong. Dieu nay
lam giam "d~m dub'ng thl,fc pham", tfrc Ia quang dub'ng thl,fc pham di tll' nha san xuat den nha
ban Ie. Do d6, mua thl,fc ph am dia phuong lam giam luqng khf thai cacbon va than thi$n v6'i moi
trub'ng hem.
Tuy nhien, cau chuy$n thl,fc te khong don gian nhu v~y. Neu mvc tieu cua chung ta Ia giam
luqng khf thai cacbon, ta phai xem xet toan b<) qua trlnh canh tac, khong chi v~n chuyen. Theo
m<)t nghien ClrU nam 2008, chi CO 11% ILXQ'ng khf thai cacbon trong qua trlnh san XUat thl,fC pham
Ia do v~n chuyen va chl4% c6 nguon goc tll' vi$c v~n chuyen san pham cuoi cung tll' nha san xuat
den nha ban le. Cac qua trlnh khac, bao gom b6n phan, bao quan, SU'Oi am va tl16'i tieu, d6ng g6p
nhieu hon nfra.
Tren thl,fc te, thl,fc ph am nh~p khau thub'ng c6 luqng khf thai cacbon thap hon thl,fc ph am trong
t<::~i dia phuong. Lay vf dv nhu tao. Vao mua thu, khi tao duqc thu ho<::~ch, lt,ra chQn tot nhat cho
nguoi dan Anh Ia mua tao Anh. Tuy nhien, nhfrng qua tao chung ta mua vao mua dong ho~c mua
xuan da dl1Q'C bao quan trong tu l9nh trong nhieu thang, va dieu nay tieu ton rat nhieu nang ILXQ'ng.
H$ thong su6i cOng sll' dvng nhieu nang luqng, d6 Ia ly do t<::~i sao vi$c trong ca chua trong nha
thong su6i 6 Anh kem than thi$n v6'i moi trub'ng hon so v6'i nh~p khau tll' Tay Ban Nha,
kfnh c6
noi cay trong ph at trien tot trong khf h~u dia phuong.
Chung ta cOng phai tfnh den lo<::~i hlnh v~n tai. V~n chuyen thl,fc pham bang duong hang khong
ra luqng khf thai nhieu hon khoang so lan so v6'i v~n chuyen duong thuy. Tuy nhien, chi c6
m<)t ty 1$
hang h6a duqc v~n chuyen
nu6'c tieu thl,.l va day thuong Ia nhfrng m~t hang c6
trj cao,
hong ma chung ta khong the
phuong, chang h<::~n nhu hai
va trai
trong tren nhfrng canh dong
trai VI,J. Vf dt,J,
nhu6 Anh, noi chung t6i
GOng can nho rang hanh trlnh cua m(>t sim pham khong ket thuc 6 sieu thj. Khoang each rna
ngU'oi tieu dung di chuyen de mua thl,l'c ph am va lo~i phuong ti~n giao thong rna h<;> sll' dt,mg cOng
se lam tang them llf<;mg khf thai cacbon cua h<;>. VI v~y, lai xe m(>t quang duong dai de mua thl,l'c
pham Se lam dao nglf<;>'C bat ky l<;>'i fch moi trlfong nao cua Vi~C mua san pham dlf<;>'C trong t~i dja
phuong. Hon nfra, vi~c ll,l'a ch<;>n thl,l'c ph am dia phuong thay vi thl,l'c ph am nh~p khau cOng c6 the
anh hl16ng xau den ngU'oi dan 6 cac nU'oc dang phat trien. Neu nong dan khong the ban san ph am
ra nU'OC ngoai, h<;> se c6 ft thu nh~p hon de trang trai nhu cau thiet yeu va nuoi d~y con cai.
M(>t so siE~u thj da co gang nang cao nh~n th(rc ve d~m dlfong thl,I'C pham bang each dan nhan
cho thl,I'C pham dlf<;>'C nh~p khau bang duong hang khong. Nhlfng cuoi cung, thong di~p nay qua
don gian. Rat nhieu yeu to khac nhau g6p phan vao IU'<;>'ng khf thai carbon cua thl,l'c pham ben
c~nh khoang each rna n6 da di chuyen.
LU'U y, m~o lam bai thi se khong chfnh xac 100%. Vi~c Slr dl)ng m~o chi giup cac b9n tang toe thai
gian lam bai, chac chan ve phU'O'ng an cua mlnh hO'n va tang them CO' hQi khi "bf" trong phong thi.
V6'i phan ngfr am dU'Q'C chia thanh 2 phan, phat am va trQng am. V6'i phan phat am c6 the Ia cac
d9ng bai hoi ve each phat am nguyen am, phi) am trong tlr ho~c each phat am "s" va "ed".
M~o nh6' each phat am "s"
Neu tlr ket thuc bang-s, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x, -z (-ze), -o, -ge, -ce thl ta phat am Ia /Iz/
M~o: "San-sang-chung-sherc-xin-z-o-g6p-com"
VD: changes /Iz/; practices /Iz/
Neu tlr ket thuc bang: -/o/, -p, -k, -f, -t thl phat am Ia /s/
M~o: 'Thai phong kien phU'ong Tay"
VD: cooks /s/; stops /s/
Nhfrng tLr ket thuc bang cac am con l9i phat am Ia /z/
VD: plays /z/, stands /z/ ...
M~o nh6' each phat am "ed"
Ph at am ed Ia /Id/ khi tu t~n cung bang cac ph~:~ am /d/, It!
"To di day": khi nao c6 It! va /d/ thl dQC thanh "di" terc /Id/
Phat am ed Ia It! khi tlr t~n cung bang cac ph~:~ am /p/, /k/, If/, Is/, If/, /tf/, thU'ong c6
ket thuc cuoi Ia ch, sh, k, p, f, s
M~o: "Chu Sha khong phai fan Sam Sam"
Phat am ed Ia /d/ khi tLJ't~n cung bang cac ph~:~ am /b/, /g/, /v/, /z/, /3/, /d3/, /o/, /m/, In/,
lr)/, /1/, /r/ va cac nguyen am
M~o: Lo9i tru nhe!
Kinh nghi~m ch«;m trc;mg am
V6'i phan trQng am, cac b9n on t~p l9i kien there CO' ban phan trQng am. Thong thU'ong de thi se
bao gem 2 cau, 1 cau d9ng 2 am tiet va 1 cau d9ng 3 - 4 am tiet.
V6'i d9ng 2 am tiet, cac b9n IU'u y kien there d¢ng tlr c6 2 am tiet, trQng am roi vao am tiet ther hai;
danh tlr va tfnh tlr c6 2 am tiet c6 trQng am roi vao am tiet ther nhat, ph an nay Cl/C ky hfru fch. Cac
b9n cLing nen IU'u y m9t so tu d~c bi~t 6 phan nay nfra nhe, vl de thi c6 the ra vao tu d~c bi~t, vf
d~:~ "happen" (Ia d¢ng tlr nhl1ng trQng am roi vao am dau tien).
De thi c6 3 cau tim loi sai, thong thU'ong de thi se kiem tra 3 don vi kien there khac nhau. Nhfrng
d9ng kien there thU'ong dU'Q'C kiem tra nhat 6 phan tlm loi sai Ia: Sl! hoa hqp chu vj, cau true song
song, tlr lo9i, thl cua d¢ng tu, m~nh de quan h~.
Nhln vao phan g9ch chan Ia d¢ng tLr, xem c6 chi a sai thl khong? C6 hoa hqp chu vi khong?
Nhln vao cau xem c6 cac lien tLJ'thu¢c c~:~m FAN BOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) khong?
Neu c6 thl xem cac phan g9ch chan, cac phan noi b6i cac tLr FANBOYS da thong nhat
hlnh there chU'a? (VD cung them duoi -ing, ho~c cung thl, ho~c cung Ia danh tlr ... )
M¢t IU'u y nfra Ia, neu b9n chac chan cau tlm loi sai ther nhat nam 6 kien there A (vf d~:~: m~nh de
quan h~), thl hai cau tlm loi sai con l9i gan nhl1 se khong roi vao phan kien there A nfra. Ly do Ia
ma tr~n de thi thU'ong se khong dl1a 2 cau cung m¢t n9i dung vao m9t d9ng bai.
nay thl
bc;m chf can
th~t ky kien thuc Ia duqc, b6i
nhfrng tlnh huang
trong sach. Khi lam bai d~ng nay, luu y:
da c6
ChQn cau tra loi trong t1nh huang dap
ljch Sl/ nhat: c6
c6 m()t
phuong an phan
van, nhlfng nen nh6', chung ta phai ChQn dap an dung nhat nem cau nao the hi~m Sl/ ljch
an dung.
Sl/ (tat nhien van dung ngfr canh) thuong se Ia
V6'i nhfrng cau c6 dau cham than thuong Ia nhfrng cau cam than, c6 the Ia idioms
cac cau true thuong dung cua nguoi ban xu, va nghTa cua cau d6 nhfeu luc khong the dich
word-by-word duqc. Vf d1,.1: Beats me! mang nghTa "Toi chju/Toi khong biet dau!" chu
khong phai Ia "Danh toi" dau nhe. The nen phai
bi~t luu y khi djch. Nhfrng cau nhu
v~y trong phan ly thuyet de c~p kha nhieu, cac b~n chi can dQc ky Ia se lam tot thoi.
M9t quy lu~t bat thanh van khi bien so~n cau hoi d~ng nay Ia, tll' duqc hoi 6 cau goc thuong se
kh6 hO'n cac tCr 6 4 phuong an va ngfr canh cua cau van se giup cac b~n doan duqc SO' be) nghTa
cua tCr goc. Do d6 neu khong biet nghTa cua tCr g~ch chan, hay dQc th~t ky ngfr canh va doan
nghTa, sau d6 thay tCrng tCr 6 phuong an lan luqt vao tCr g~ch chan, dQc len xem cau c6 muqt ve
nghTa khong nhe.
M9t luu y CI/C ky quan trQng
tranh mat diem oan Ia khi lam bai, hay nh6' mlnh da lam bai tlr
dong nghTa roi thl phai c6 d~ng tCr trai nghTa, neu khong thea quan tfnh l~i tim tCr dong nghTa day!
Hay nh1n th~t ky chfr CLOSEST va OPPOSITE! Bai nay ma mat diem nhu v~y thl rat dang tiec.
cOng da tfnh t6'i truong hqp nay roi, nen trong bai thuong se c6 2 c~p tCr: 1 tll' dong
Nguoi ra
nghTa v6'i tll' g~ch chan, 1 tll' trai nghTa v6'i tCr g~ch chan va 2 tCr gay nhieu thea hai xu huang: tfch
CI/C Va tieu CI/C. M~o nay CI/C ky hfru fch nhe, nam bat
m~o th1 CO the lo~i trlr
lost confidence
an: d6 Ia
an A va 8 lan
studied harder
V~y Ia chung ta da lo~i trll'
mlnh nhe.
vao cau va
Khang djnh l~i 2 c~p xu huong tfch CI/C/ti<~u CI/C (ml,JC dfch de nam dLJ'Q'C each ra de, xu
huong cua cau van).
Tfch ClfC: phU'ong an A
Tieu ClfC: phU'Ong an B, C va 0
Xem cau van Ia mang nghTa tieu CI/C hay tfch ClfC: cau van n6i ve "h<;>c t~p nghiem tuc va ky thi
dang den gan" Ia m(>t d~ng tfch CI/C, bai nay d~ng OPPOSITE nen cac phuong an thLJ'<1ng se theo
mau sac tieu CI/C va trai ngLJ'Q'C nghTa VOi cau van.
~ Dap an dung c6 kha nang roi vao B, C, D. Tiep theo ta c6 the phan tfch tiep theo each 1 de xac
djnh dLJ'Q'C dap an de dang hon.
Dap an cho cau tren Ia phuong an B.
Ta c6: Pull one's socks up: no 11/C cham chi hon/co gang cai thi~n cong vi~c >< became lazy: tr6
nen ILJ'<1i bieng.
T~m djch: Da den luc b~n can no 11/C cham chi hon va bat dau h<;>c t~p nghiem tUc. Ky thi cuoi ky
cua b~n dang den gan.
Voi d~ng nay, kien tht.fc tong hqp CI/C ky da d~ng, nhLJ'ng thLJ'Ong se roi vao cac cau true: dao ngfr,
m~nh de quan h~, cau dieu ki~n, cau tuong thu~t. Cac b~n on th~t ky phan nay nhe!
Bai hoan thanh do~n van se gom 5 cho trong, kiem tra kien tht.fc tl.r vlfng, ngfr phap (thuong Ia thl,
m~nh de quan h~, lien tl.r, tl.r lo~i), gioi tl.r (thuong Ia cau kh6). Phan nay khong c6 m~o ct.,J the, cac
b~n hay d<;>c ILJ'Ot bai de nam dLJ'qc y chfnh cua bai truoc, sau d6 bat tay vao tung cau.
D~ng dQC hieu theo de thi nam 2021 chia thanh 2 lo~i: dQC hieu 5 cau va dQC hieu 7 cau (nhieu
cau kh6 hon).
Cac cau hoi d<;>c hieu thuong c6 cac d~ng sau:
cau nay nen lam sau cung, vl khi d6 cac b~n da nam dU'Q'C
so b9 n(>i dung bai khi lam cac cau khac, tlr d6 dU'a ra ket lu~n chuan hon.
cac b~n sli dt.,Jng m~o tuong tl/ m~o 6 ph an 'Tlt' dong nghTa-Tlt' trai nghTa" nhe.
de biet tlr "it", "they" thay the cho tlr nao, cac b~n hay dQC l~i cau chua tlr d6 va
cau truoc cau day! ThU'ong d~i tlt' d6 se Ia danh tlt' nam trong 2 cau tren.
thong tin chac chan 6 trong bai, c6 san, thU'ong chi thay doi each viet,
dien d~t khac.
VD: Dap an n6i ve vi~c dan so se gia h6a trong tuong lai, va thong tin trong do~n van Ia tuoi thQ
tang cao do nguoi dan an nhieu rau cu qua (trlfc tiep).
cac phU'ong an phai suy lu~n tlr thong tin trong bai, chlr
khong c6 san nhLJ' 6 d~ng cau hoi TRUE/NOT TRUE, thuong c6 cac tlr "may", "might". T6m l~i, phai
Ia y suy lu~n ra, cht.f khong c6 san trong bai (phai lay thong tin trong bai, suy lu~n theo logic thong
VD: Dap an n6i ve vi~c dan so se gia h6a trong tuong lai, va thong tin trong do~n van Ia an nhieu
rau cu qua se giup song khoe va ft b~nh t~t hon (suy lu~n).
M9t IU'U y CI/C ky quan tr<;>ng Ia cac cau hoi thLJ'Ong se di theo thLr tl/ xuat hi~n trong do~n·van nen
cac b~n Clr khoanh vung de lam nhe! Ky nang
cac b~n ap dt.,Jng thuan thl,JC
bang each luy~n nhieu de va rut ra kinh nghi~m cho chfnh ban than mlnh.
y chfnh, nha d6
Khi doG:m van qua dai va thai gian c6 h9n,
giup ta doc duqc nQi dung chfnh
cOng nhU' quan diem ma tac gia muon neu len trong tt1ng do9n, xem tac gia dang phan doi, dong
tlnh hay trung l~p. TLr d6 nam bat dU'Q'C nhfrng thong tin quan trQng va quyet djnh c6 nen eli sau
vao OQC d09n d6 hay kh6ng.
XaC djnh OU'Q'C ni;)i
: Doc phan tieu
dung chfnh trong bai viet.
DQC cac diu
cua tCrng dOG:ln, cac cau chu de nay thU'ang Ia cau dau
tien cua bai dQC. Nhung d6i khi dOG:ln van IG:li dU'Q'C m6 dau bang cau hoi hay cau dan dat, thl khi
d6 ciu
IG:li thU'ang nam cuoi dOG:ln.
83: DQC
chu y tra lai cac cau hoi
Nhfrng tlr
quan trQng trong d09n van cac b9n nen nam bat thU'ang OU'Q'C
nap dU'Oi d9ng danh tlr,
cac tlr OU'Q'C in d~m hay Viet hoa.
Nguai dQC can nam dU'Q'C logic trlnh bay cua bai bang each dt,ra vao cac maJrkmtn
(tlr dau hi$u) nhu:
(dau tiem),
(tht! hai),
(cuoi cung), Dec~aw;e
(sau d6), includes (bao gom) va nhfrng tCr chi thai gian khac, v.v.
Nhfrng tt1 nay se giup cho nguai doc nhanh chong nh~n ra do9n van duqc trlnh bay theo
each nao:
(li$t ke),
(so sanh-doi l~p), time-order (theo thlr tt,r
thai gian), va
(nguyen nhan-ket qua).
DQc tCr tren
dtr6'i va tir tnii qua
v6'i mot
nhanh. Day Ia doc lay y, do d6
khong nen bo qua bat Ctl d09n nao CUa bai
"ltrat" cho nhanh VJ nhU' V~Y se rat
Does that sound like a scary experience? It can be! What we've just described is called
sleep paralysis. It affects around eight percent of the population. The condition causes
the loss of muscle control while falling asleep or waking up. This loss of muscle control
is also called atonia. It's actually a normal part of the sleep cycle during REM sleep. It
stops your muscles from responding to dreams and keeps you safe in bed until you
C. A person with sleep paralysis experiences atonia outside of the REM cycle. Most people
with the condition also have hallucinations. This can include out-of-body experiences,
like the feeling of flying. People may also feel pressure in their chest. Perhaps the scariest
form of these hallucinations involves the perception of a dangerous person or presence.
D. How is sleep paralysis treated? The first step is to talk with an expert. Doctors often start
by asking patients about their sleep habits. They may even ask them to keep a sleep
journal to learn more about their routine. Many patients also take part in a sleep study.
That way, an expert can observe them while they sleep.
(2a) Sau khi dQC h.rat (skim), nhln vao cau 1 - 3, co gang nha xem nhling thong tin sau nama
phan nao trong bai d QC.
1. Ways to deal with sleep paralysis
2. What's happening to the body during sleep paralysis?
3. Symptoms of sleep paralysis
A. Near the beginning
B. In the middle
C. At the end
(2b) DQC l~i thong tin cau 1 - 3 ben tren, noi thong tin vai cac do~n (A-D) trong bai dQC.
(2a) 1C; 2B; 3A
(2b) 1 D; 2C; 3A
La dQC nhanh bai viet th~t nhanh vai ml)C dfch tim kiem dO' li$u, thong tin Cl) the can thiet cho vi$c
tra loi cau hoi.
Scanning (DQC quet) ClfC kl quan trQng trong bai thi dQC vi doi khi qua phan Skimming ta da nam
bat dUQ'C nhfrng y chfnh, nhung de tra loi dUQ'C cau hoi phan reading ta can ch(J y vao each Slr
dl)ng tCr ngfr cua tac gia neu khong se rat de bi danh ICra.
Scanning (DQC quet) duqc ap dl)ng khi can tim kiem cac dO' li$u trong bai viet nhu ten rieng, so
li$U, ngay thang, ho~c cac Cl)m tlr ma khong can hieu r5 n()i dung CUa bai dQC.
Scanning (DQC quet) duqc ap dl)ng cho cac d~ng bai nhu cau hoi tCr Vlfng, cau hoi thong tin chi
tiet, cau hoi d~i tlr trong bai dQC.
B1: Ph an tfch each to chfrc bai kh6a truac khi bat dau Scanning.
B2: Luon luon djnh huang va ghi nha trong dau rang ta dang tim kiem thong tin gl. Djnh huang
d6 Ia lo~i thong tin gl, danh tCr riemg hay so tCr, ngay thang, ... doi vai cau hoi chi tiet. Doi vai cac
Dua mat th~t nhanh nhln vao nhieu dong cung m()t luc.
Khi tim thay thong tin hay dCrng l~i va d<;>c toan b() cau hay do~n chua thong tin.
theo duong ziczac tCr dU'6'i len tren va tCr phai qua trai
chac chan
bi chu yvao n()i dung cua bai OQC.
The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some
say evidence may
earliest wigs were made up to 100,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they were worn by the
ancient Egyptians. Many wigs today look just like natural hair. You may have seen wigs in a
Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were made by machines. They're on.:!=s•zefits-all and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well for costumes and other basic needs.
However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made headpieces made
from human hair are better in quality.
Custom-made wigs are made by hand. Wig makers use real human hair that's donated or sold
to them. Their first step is to make a bust of the head of the person the wig is for. This helps them
make sure the wig will fit well and match the person's natural hairline. Once the bust has been
made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig. Then, they choose the hair that will be
used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs to make sure they are all facing the same
direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together and use a hackle to remove very short hairs.
Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut washed, and disinfected. It may also be permanently
curled or waved. Finally, it can be attached to the foundation. This is done through a process
called knotting. A wig maker uses a needle to attach the hair to the foundation. In total, they'll
make about 30,000-40,000 knots for one full wig.
The entire process of making a wig can take a long time. Some
may be
in as little
many would argue
one or two months. Others may take up to six months.
custom-made wigs are worth the wait! A well-cared for wig can last several years.
A. 100,000 years
B. ancient 1-rn.rn-tt~::.nc
G. synthetic hair
D. bust
curled or waved
six months
2. sau khi hoim thanh m~;~c 1, tra lai cac cau hoi sau:
Cau 1: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A. Wigs have existed since ancient times.
B. Only Egyptians used wigs.
C. Ancient Egyptians hated wigs.
D. Wigs represented a person's social status.
Cau 2: It is implied in the first paragraph that _ _ .
A. Machine-made wigs are more expensive.
B. People use wigs just because they are bald.
C. Custom wigs are higher in quality.
D. Wigs are hardly seen on Halloween.
Cau 3: The phrase "one-size-fit-all" is closest in meaning with _ _ .
A. for certain people
B. suitable for everyone
C. custom-made
D. small and uncomfortable
Cau 4: According to the passage, wigs makers have to ensure the hairs are all facing the same
direction _ _ .
A. while making bust.
B. before making wigs.
C. during making foundation.
D. after the hair being hackled.
Cau 5. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Wigs in the Workplace: Wearing a Wig at Any Job
B. An Ancient Egyptian Wig: A Status Symbol
C. Why Do Egyptians Wear Wigs?
D. How Wigs are Made?
cau 1: A
Thong tin: The earliest wigs date back thousands of years. Some experts say evidence may
suggest the earliest wigs were made up to 100,000 years ago. It's certain, though, that they
were worn by the ancient Egyptians.
cau 2: c
Thong tin: However, people who wear wigs regularly will likely tell you that custom-made
headpieces made from human hair are better in quality.
Cau 3: B
Thong tin: You may have seen wigs in a Halloween or costume shop before. Most of these were
made by machines. They're one-size-fits-all and made from synthetic hair. These wigs work well
for costumes and other basic needs.
one-size-fits-all = suitable for everyone: (kfch co) phu hqp cho tat ca mQi nguoi
Cau 4: B
Thong tin: Once the bust has been made, the wig maker can make a foundation for the wig.
Then, they choose the hair that will be used. Before making the wig, they have to sort the hairs
to make sure they are all facing the same direction. Then, wig makers bind the hairs together
and use a hackle to remove very short hairs. Once the hair has been hackled, it's cut, washed,
and disinfected.
or costume
to them.( ... )
lam bai.
tCr kh6a quan
Sau khi
ajnh auqc tlr kh6a thl hay tim n6
tim n(>i
Luc nay, ap dt.mg ky nang Skim dQc lu6't nhanh van
dung chfnh cua bai va khoanh vung cau tra lot
Khi dQc, t~p trung cau chu de aau tiE~n con cac phan con l~i OQC ll16't. Nhuthe, ta se xac ajnh auqc
aap an thea tung cau hoi c6 6 ao~n van nao.
Cau tra IO'i d~ng Multiple Choice thea thu tt! n€m
van c6 cau
IO'i thu nhat th1
cau, ao~n chua cau tra IO'i thu 2 se kh6ng xa.
B116c 3:
Chu y nhfrng tlr kh6a aa g~ch chan 6 cau hoi va cac phuang an auqc cho san. Can ket hqp g~ch
chan cac t(r kh6a quan trQng ma b~n thay 6 bai OQC alan OQC Skim dau th§n.
Thay tLr kh6a 6 dau thl tht!C hi~n g~ch chan l~i de xac djnh khoanh vung cau hoi.
thl con c6
Neu thay c6 nhfrng tlr kh6a, tll' chu chat can chu y thl g~ch chan lu6n. Ngoai
tU' kh6a
c6 tam quan trQng v6'i to an van ban.
C6 the ket hqp ca hai ky nang Skim va Scan khi dQc bai.
Bm>'c 4:
Bl16'c thu 2, 3 ap dvng ky thu~t Skim, Scan tlr kh6a, ta tim duqc do~n van chua cau hoi, tLr kh6a
va den 70% cau tra loi 6 gan tlr kh6a nay. Bl16'c 4 can dQC chi tiet hem.
Dt!a thea tCr kh6a va do~n van da tim Ol1Q'C, ta m6 r(>ng va dQC chi tiet de biet duqc y va cau tra
loi dung.
Tang 11, 029 Ph~m Van B~ch, Yen Hoa, cau Giay Ha N9i.
£>i~n tho~i: 024 2214 7815 (hotline 0969.803.959)
Chi nhanh: 143 Pasteur, PhuCing 6, Qu~n 3, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh
£>T: (08) 39106962
Ch!u trach nhi$m xuat ban:
Giam doc- Tong bien t~p:
Bien t~p: TRAN TH! MAl LAN
che ban:
Trinh bay bla:
f)oi tac lien ket xuat ban: Cong tyTNHH Giao d~c Ed micro
f)ja chi: Tang 4, nha 25T2, 16 NOS, khu do thj f)ong Nam, auong Tran Duy Hung,
Phuong Trung Hoa, Qu~n Cau Giay, Thanh pho Ha N9i, Vi~t Nam
In 5000 ban kho 19 x 27 t<;li C6ng ty CP In va Thu'dng m<;)i NgQc Hu'ng
D!a chi: so 296 du'ong Phuc Dien, to dEm pho sot Phuong xuan Phu'dng,
Qu~n Nam
S6 xac
Tu Liem, Thanh pho Ha N(>i.
nh~n DKXB 1266-2022/CXBIPH/31-36/TN
Quyet djnh xuat ban so 962/QD-NXBTN, ngay 22/04/2022
In xong va n(>p lu'u chieu nam 2022.