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Unit 5 Voc

Level D Unit 5 Vocabulary
1. Accomplice
2. Annihilate
3. Arbitrary
4. Brazen
5. Catalyst
6. Exodus
7. Facilitate
8. Incorrigible
9. Latent
10. Militant
11. Morose
12. Opaque
13. Paramount
14. Prattle
15. Rebut
16. Reprimand
17. Servitude
18. Slapdash
19. Stagnant
20. Succumb
My accomplice will annihilate the arbitrary reprimand made by the
incorrigible and militant catalyst. The brazen exodus facilitated by the
morose prattle of those in servitude was slapdash. I will rebut their
stagnant means with a paramount speech. They will see it as opaque but
I know they will have to succumb to me eventually. (followed by evil
Accomplice - noun
• A person who takes part in a crime
• Synonyms: partner in crime, confederate
The accomplice to the murder received a life
Annihilate - verb
• To destroy completely
• Synonyms: obliterate, decimate, demolish
• Antonyms: foster, promote, encourage, nurture
• I will annihilate you in a game of basketball.
Arbitrary - adjective
• Unreasonable; based on one’s wishes or whims
without regard for reason or fairness
• Synonyms: capricious, high-handed, autocratic
• Antonyms: reasoned, rational, objective,
• Arbitrary answers will not help you on the test
next week.
Brazen - adjective
• Shameless, impudent; made of brass
• Synonyms: saucy, bold
• Antonyms: deferential, respectful, self-effacing
• The brazen thief robbed the bank across from
the police station.
Catalyst - noun
• A substance that causes or hastens a chemical
reaction; an agent that causes change
• Synonyms: stimulus, spur, instigator
• The gas was a catalyst for the fire.
Exodus - noun
• A large scale departure or flight
• Synonyms: emigration, escape, hegira
• Antonyms: immigration, influx, arrival, entrance
• Moses led the Jewish people on an exodus out of
Facilitate - verb
• To make easier, to assist
• Synonyms: ease, smooth the way, simplify
• Antonyms: hamper, hinder, obstruct, impede
• You may need an adult to facilitate the
discussion tomorrow.
Incorrigible- adjective
• Not able to be corrected; beyond control
• Synonyms: unruly, intractable, incurable,
• Antonyms: tractable, docile, curable, reparable
• Many of your siblings may be incorrigible.
Latent - adjective
• Hidden, present but not realized
• Synonyms: dormant, inactive, undeveloped
• Antonyms: exposed, manifest, evident
• The CSI took latent fingerprints off the window.
Militant – adjective, noun
• Adj – given to fighting; active and aggressive in
support of a cause
• Noun – an activist
• Synonym: truculent
• Antonym: unassertive, peaceable, passive
• Militant groups have no regard for life.
Morose - adjective
• Having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly
or sociable
• Synonyms: morbid, doleful
• Antonyms: cheerful, blithe,
• jaunty, buoyant
• The students had a morose
attitude after taking the test.
Opaque - adjective
• Not letting light through; not clear or lucid;
dense stupid
• Synonyms: hazy, cloudy, foggy, murky, dull,
• Antonyms: transparent, clear, bright, perceptive
• The opaque liquid was very dirty.
Paramount - adjective
• Chief in importance, above all others
• Synonyms: supreme, foremost, primary,
• Antonyms: secondary, subordinate, ancillary
• Studying for the vocabulary quiz is a paramount
Prattle – verb, noun
• Verb: to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simply
way; to babble
• Noun: baby talk; babble
• Synonyms: verb, chatter, noun twaddle,
gibberish, piffle
• The thief prattled when he was caught.
• Nothing but prattle was coming out of the baby’s
Rebut - verb
• To offer arguments or evidence that contradicts
an assertion; to refute
• Synonyms: disprove, confute, shoot holes in
• Antonyms: confirm, corroborate, substantiate
• I will rebut the argument when it is my turn to
Reprimand – verb, noun
Verb- to scold, find fault with
Noun – a rebuke
Synonyms: reprove, reproach, reproof
Antonyms: praise, pat on the back
• I was reprimanded for getting bad grades.
• He received a reprimand for talking in class.
Servitude – noun
• Slavery, forced labor
• Synonyms: captivity, bondage, thralldom
• Antonyms: freedom, liberty
• Slaves were forced into a lifetime of servitude.
Slapdash - adjective
• Careless and hasty
• Synonyms: cursory, perfunctory, sloppy,
• Antonyms: painstaking, meticulous, thorough,
• The incompetent bank robbers attempted a
slapdash get away.
Stagnant - adjective
• Not running or flowing; foul from standing still;
inactive, sluggish, dull
• Synonyms: still, motionless, inert, fetid
• Antonyms: flowing, running, fresh, sweet
• The stagnant lake smelled like a sewer.
Succumb - verb
• To give way to superior force, yield
• Synonyms: submit, die, expire
• Antonyms: overcome, master, conquer
• Elite quarterbacks never succumb to the