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Thesis s17508

Sign Language Translation using Vision Transformers: A Cross-language
This research, explores automated sign language translation by integrating advanced artificial
intelligence techniques. Focusing on the development and assessment of a novel
cross-language training approach, which involves training AI models on one sign language and
then fine-tuning them on another. This method aims to leverage shared features and patterns
across different sign languages, thereby enhancing the model’s ability to accurately translate
sign language into text. The study utilizes Vision Transformers (ViT) and the Roberta language
model to interpret and translate sign language from videos. The research employs two diverse
datasets – LSA64 for Argentinian Sign Language and RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014 T for
German Sign Language, to train and fine-tune the model. The effectiveness of the model is
evaluated through a series of metrics, including ROGUE-2 scores. The study demonstrates
considerable improvements in translation accuracy. Data scarcity is the biggest problem in Sign
Language Translation and this study could be a solution to that.
Sign Language
Sign language is a mode of communication utilized by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community.
Unlike spoken languages that rely on sound, sign language utilizes hand gestures, facial
expressions, and body movements to convey messages. Each country typically has its unique
sign language, much like how people in different countries speak different languages. For
instance, American Sign Language (ASL) is used in the United States while British Sign
Language (BSL) is employed in the United Kingdom. They have distinct differences. Sign
language goes beyond hand signals; it's a rich and detailed language that can express anything
spoken language can range from casual conversations to expressing deep emotions and
engaging in complex discussions.
Sign Language Translation
Sign language translation serves as a link between two distinct realms of communication.
Similar to the way we translate Spanish or Chinese into English or French, sign language
translation involves converting the gestures and expressions of sign language into written or
spoken words. This plays a role in facilitating seamless communication between individuals who
are deaf or hard of hearing and those who do not comprehend sign language. Traditionally
human interpreters have fulfilled this role. Their availability is not always guaranteed. However,
with advancements in technology, we are now witnessing the development of computer systems
that can "observe" someone using sign language and subsequently translate it into text or
speech. Although in its early stages, this technology aims to make conversations more
convenient and inclusive, for everyone regardless of their preferred mode of communication.
Challenges in sign language translation
A key challenge in translating sign language is the scarcity of data. Unlike spoken languages,
which have vast amounts of written texts and recorded speech available for training translation
systems, sign language resources are limited. This is because sign languages have traditionally
relied on visual and gestural communication rather than written or audio records. Finding
enough video data on sign language, which includes varied expressions, gestures, and
contexts, is difficult. This scarcity makes it challenging to train computer systems to accurately
recognize and translate sign languages. Each sign language, being unique to its region, faces
this data shortage, hindering the development of effective and versatile translation tools.
A Cross-language Approach
Given the lack of enough data for each type of sign language, this research introduces an
innovative approach: utilizing cross-language methods. This novel strategy is relatively
unexplored in the field. The idea is to leverage the knowledge from one sign language to aid in
the translation of another, capitalizing on shared patterns and characteristics found across
different sign languages. This approach could revolutionize how we tackle the data scarcity
problem, turning the challenge into an opportunity for innovation. By exploring this uncharted
territory, this research seeks to significantly advance the capabilities of sign language translation
technology, forging new paths in a field where such cross-language methods have not been
thoroughly researched before.
Problem Statement
The main challenge in translating sign language using computers is that there isn't enough
video data of people using sign language. This makes it hard to create computer programs that
can understand and translate sign languages accurately. Also, since each country has its own
unique sign language, like American Sign Language (ASL) in the U.S. and British Sign
Language (BSL) in the U.K., it's tough to build a translation tool that works for all different types.
My research tackles this problem by trying out a new idea: using what we learn from one sign
language to help translate others. This method hasn't been explored before. The aim is to make
a system that can understand different sign languages better, even when there isn't a lot of data
available for each one. This could help create better translation tools, making it easier for people
who are deaf or hard of hearing to communicate with everyone else.
In this chapter, we take a closer look at the important research and developments that have
been done in the field of sign language translation and AI technology. We start by looking at how
sign language has been traditionally translated, noting what has worked well and what hasn't.
Then, we examine how artificial intelligence, with a focus on Vision Transformers, has begun to
revolutionize our approach to understanding and interpreting visual communication.
We also delve into various studies that have utilized insights from one language to enhance
comprehension in another, highlighting the cross-disciplinary applications in this field, which is
known as cross-language approaches. This is important for understanding how we can apply
this idea to sign language. Additionally, this section takes a deep dive into the latest
advancements in using AI for translating sign language, pointing out the exciting progress made
as well as the challenges that still need to be solved.
Traditional Methods of Sign Language Translation
Traditional methods of translating sign language have played a role in facilitating communication
for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. The common approach involves skilled human
interpreters who can translate sign language into spoken or written language in real-time. While
this method is effective it faces challenges such as the number of qualified interpreters and
variations in interpretation quality [1]. To overcome these limitations different manual
transcription systems have been developed, including Stokoe Notation, HamNoSys, and
SignWriting. These systems aim to capture the complexities of sign language, such as
handshapes, movements, and facial expressions [2]. However due to their complexity and
limited usage, in outside research settings, they are not widely practical.
Furthermore, early forms of computer-assisted interpretation, including video relay services
(VRS) and video remote interpreting (VRI), have been employed. These technologies utilize
video conferencing tools to facilitate interpretation but are limited by the quality of the
technology and the interpreter's skill, offering less than fully automated solutions [3].
Additionally, sign language dictionaries and learning resources have been invaluable in
education and self-study. These resources provide visual references for signs but are not
designed for real-time dynamic translation [4].
Despite their foundational role, traditional methods reveal significant limitations, particularly in
real-time applicability and capturing the full spectrum of sign language nuances. This highlights
the need for more advanced solutions, such as AI-driven methods and Vision Transformers, to
improve communication accessibility.
Advances in AI for Sign Language Translation
The field of sign language translation has witnessed significant advancements through the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Initially, the focus was on traditional machine learning
techniques. The advent of deep learning, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), marked a significant milestone. CNNs, known for their
ability to process visual data, have been instrumental in interpreting the visual components of
sign language, such as hand gestures and movements [5]. RNNs, on the other hand, excel in
understanding sequential data, making them suitable for comprehending the temporal dynamics
of sign language [6].
However, the recent emergence of Vision Transformers has brought a new dimension to AI's
capability in this domain. Unlike their predecessors, Vision Transformers process image inputs
by understanding the spatial-temporal patterns, offering nuanced and sophisticated
interpretations of sign language [7]. This innovation presents a leap forward from the earlier
CNN and RNN models, enabling more accurate and context-aware translations [8].
Alongside these technological advancements, there has been a concerted effort to create
comprehensive datasets for sign language. Such datasets are crucial for training AI models and
include diverse expressions and contexts of sign languages, contributing to the overall accuracy
and effectiveness of translation systems [9].
Vision Transformers: Concepts and Applications
Vision Transformers (ViTs) represent a significant evolution in the field of artificial intelligence,
particularly in the realm of computer vision. Originating from the transformer models that
revolutionized natural language processing, ViTs adapt the transformer architecture for visual
data analysis. Unlike traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that process images
through filters and pooling layers, ViTs decompose an image into a sequence of patches and
use self-attention mechanisms to understand the relationship between these patches. This
approach allows them to capture both local and global features of an image, leading to a more
comprehensive understanding of the visual content [10].
The application of ViTs extends beyond standard image classification tasks. In the context of
human action recognition, ViTs have shown remarkable potential. They are particularly adept at
processing sequential and spatial-temporal data, making them well-suited for interpreting the
dynamic and complex nature of action recognition. By analyzing video data as frames, ViTs can
pick up subtle nuances in human actions.[11].
Beyond human action recognition, ViTs have found applications in various fields. In medical
imaging, for example, they assist in diagnosing diseases by analyzing X-rays, MRI scans, and
other medical images with high accuracy. In autonomous vehicles, ViTs contribute to a better
understanding of the vehicle's surroundings, improving navigation and safety features.
Additionally, in the realm of surveillance and security, ViTs enhance the capability of systems to
detect and recognize objects and activities, thereby bolstering security measures [12].
As research continues, the potential applications of Vision Transformers are expanding, offering
promising advancements in various sectors. Their ability to handle complex visual data with
remarkable accuracy and efficiency marks them as a groundbreaking technology in the AI
Research Gap
In the field of sign language translation using AI models, a major challenge is the scarcity of
data. Most AI models for sign language translation are constrained by the limited availability of
extensive datasets for each specific sign language. This scarcity significantly impacts the
effectiveness and accuracy of these models. To tackle this issue, this research introduces a
cross-language approach as a potential solution. The proposed method involves initially training
AI models on one sign language and subsequently fine-tuning them on another. This technique
is designed to leverage the features and patterns learned from the first language to enhance the
translation capabilities for the second language, thereby overcoming the inherent data
The implementation of a cross-language approach could mark a significant improvement in the
performance of AI translation models for sign language. It presents an innovative and strategic
solution to the critical problem of data scarcity, potentially leading to a transformative impact in
the field of sign language translation. By addressing this research gap, the study aims to make
strides toward more accurate and efficient translation tools in the realm of AI and sign language.
This section outlines the methodology adopted for the research, focusing on a cross-language
approach to AI-driven sign language translation. It details the journey from data collection to
model evaluation metrics, emphasizing the application of Vision Transformers. The methodology
is crafted to tackle the data scarcity in sign language translation models, illustrating the
integration of advanced AI techniques with a novel cross-language strategy. This approach is
intended to enhance both the accuracy and adaptability of sign language translation, addressing
the key challenges identified in the field.
Data Collection
In this research, two publicly available distinct datasets are utilized: LSA64, a dataset for
Argentinian Sign Language, and RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014 T, which focuses on German
Sign Language in the context of weather forecasting.
1. LSA64: A Dataset for Argentinian Sign Language
The LSA64 dataset is designed for the Argentinian Sign Language (LSA), consisting of
3200 videos with 10 subjects performing 64 different common signs, including verbs and
It was recorded in two phases: the first with 23 one-handed signs outdoors under natural
light, and the second with 41 signs (22 two-handed and 19 one-handed) indoors under
artificial light. Subjects wore black clothes and fluorescent-colored gloves against a white
background, enhancing hand segmentation.
The signs were performed with minimal constraints to ensure diversity, and all subjects
were non-signers and right-handed. The recordings used a Sony HDR-CX240 camera,
producing videos at a resolution of 1920x1080 at 60 frames per second.
2. RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014 T
The RWTH-PHOENIX Weather 2014 T dataset is a benchmark for continuous sign
language recognition and translation, featuring recordings from the German TV station
PHOENIX. Over three years (2009-2011), daily news and weather forecasts with sign
language interpretation were recorded. A subset of 386 editions was transcribed using
gloss notation, with German speech transcribed through automatic speech recognition
and manual cleaning. The videos, recorded at 25 frames per second with a frame size of
210x260 pixels, feature interpreters in dark clothes against a gray background.
Model Architecture
The model architecture leverages a specialized Video Vision Transformer (ViViT) as the
encoder, specifically designed to handle the dynamic nature of video data. Unlike traditional ViTs
that process static images by dividing them into patches, the Video Vision Transformer
introduces an additional step to capture the temporal dimension present in videos. This is
achieved through a process known as Tubelet Embedding.
Figure: Vision Transformer - dividing images into patches
In this process, instead of treating each frame in isolation, the Video Vision Transformer extracts
volumes from the video clip. These volumes are akin to three-dimensional patches that include
both spatial and temporal data—essentially, a sequence of patches across consecutive frames.
By doing so, it creates a series of tokens that encapsulate the movement and changes over
time, which are crucial for understanding the nuances of sign language in video form.
Figure: Video Vision Transformer - Tubelet Embedding.
Once these video tokens, which now contain rich temporal information, are obtained, they are
flattened and fed into the transformer encoder. This allows the encoder to perform self-attention
not just over the spatial dimensions of the sign language, but also across the sequence of
frames, capturing the flow and transitions of the signing actions.
For decoding, the model employs a transformer architecture similar to Roberta, chosen for its
effectiveness in language comprehension and generation. This decoder is built with multiple
transformer blocks, including a cross-attention layer that is pivotal for integrating the encoder's
visual output. The cross-attention allows the decoder to reference the encoded visual
information and generate relevant text output.
During the training phase, the model learns to predict subsequent tokens based on the visual
input and the preceding textual context. For inference, the model generates text sequentially,
using the decoder's output from one step as the input for the next, and continues this process
until it produces a [EOS] token, denoting the sentence's conclusion. By combining the visual
processing prowess of Vision Transformers with the language fluency of language models like
Roberta, the architecture provides a potent tool for video-to-text translation, capable of
rendering complex visual scenes into accurate and meaningful text descriptions.
Training Process
1. Fine-tune the encoder
The training process begins with a pre-trained Video Vision Transformer model,
specifically "google/vivit-b-16x2-kinetics400". This model has been initially trained on the
Kinetics-400 dataset, which includes a wide variety of human activities and has learned
a rich representation of human movements and actions. The choice of this pre-trained
model is strategic, as it provides a solid foundation of visual features that are relevant for
understanding the complexities of sign language.
Upon integrating the pre-trained Video Vision Transformer as the encoder, the entire
model is initially frozen. This means that the weights of the model, at this stage, are not
updated during the training process.
To further optimize the model for the target dataset, a series of experiments are
conducted by selectively unfreezing higher-level layers of the model. These layers, being
closer to the output, are more specialized in detecting patterns relevant to the task at
hand—in this case, sign language translation.
By unfreezing these layers, they become trainable, and the model can update these
specific weights based on the feedback received from the performance on the LSA64
dataset. This allows the model to refine its feature extraction abilities.
The training process is iterative, involving cycles of training, evaluation, and adjustment.
At each iteration, the model is assessed for its translation accuracy and ability to
generalize across the dataset.
Adjustments are made based on the model's performance, which may include further
unfreezing of layers or tweaking other training parameters such as the learning rate or
batch size.
Throughout the training process, various metrics are monitored to gauge the model's
performance. These include loss functions, accuracy, precision, and f1-score that
provide insight into how well the model is translating the sign language videos.
The best-performing model configuration, determined through these metrics, is selected
for the final model to be used as the encoder.
This training process ensures that the pre-trained “google/vivit-b-16x2-kinetics400” Video
Vision Transformer model is finely tuned to extract specific characteristics from the sign
language videos, enabling effective cross-language sign language translation.
2. Fine-tune the decoder
In this research, the Roberta architecture is employed as the decoder, functioning as a
language model tailored for the task of sign language translation. The decoder's
fine-tuning process is conducted using a specific subset of the RWTH-PHOENIX
Weather 2014 T dataset, which includes 7096 German translation sentences
corresponding to sign language videos. The vocabulary for this task comprises 2887
words, providing a rich language foundation for the model to learn from.
An important advantage of this focused training approach is the efficiency it brings to the
overall training process. As the self-attention layers are refined to better represent
sentence structure, the complexity and time required for training the model are
significantly reduced. Consequently, when the model progresses to the task of
translating sign language, the optimizer can dedicate more resources to fine-tuning the
cross-attention layers. These layers are crucial for integrating the visual input from the
encoder with the language information in the decoder, leading to a more seamless
translation process.
3. Training the Vision Encoder Decoder
After fine-tuning the encoder and decoder parts, the Vision Encoder Decoder module of
the hugging face library is used to combine the previously mentioned encoder and
decoder parts. They're connected by a cross-attention layer, which helps the model pay
attention to the right parts of the video while it translates what it sees into words. By
training this combined model, it gets better at understanding sign language videos and
turning them into written sentences that make sense.
Evaluation Metrics
For the encoder, which processes video input, the metrics of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1
score are utilized, alongside tracking the training and validation loss. These metrics provide a
multi-dimensional view of the encoder's performance, ensuring it accurately and reliably
interprets the visual data from sign language videos.
When fine-tuning the decoder, which is responsible for generating text, the focus shifts to
monitoring the training and validation loss. This helps in understanding how well the decoder is
learning to translate the encoded visual information into coherent text. Additionally, random fill
mask tests are conducted on the decoder. These tests involve randomly masking words in
sentences and having the decoder predict them, which further evaluates its understanding and
generation of language.
For the final sign language translation model, which combines the encoder and decoder, the
ROGUE-2 (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation) metric is applied. ROGUE-2 is
particularly suited for evaluating the quality of translation and text generation models, as it
measures the overlap of bigrams between the generated text and a reference text, providing
insight into the model's translation accuracy and fluency.
Analysis of Model Performance
Fine-tune the encoder
After fine-tuning the ViViT encoder on the LSA64 dataset, which contains 3200 video clips of
Argentinian Sign Language across 64 sign categories, the model achieved promising results.
The process, spanning 30 epochs with a batch size of 8, was tailored to accommodate the large
dataset size, hence the lower number of epochs.
The accuracy graph shows a steady increase before plateauing, indicating that the model
quickly learned to classify the signs correctly and then maintained a high level of performance.
This suggests that the model was able to distinguish between different signs with a high degree
of reliability.
Similarly, the precision graph also shows a consistent ascent and leveling, which signifies that
when the model predicted a particular sign category, it was correct most of the time. This is
important because it means the model wasn't just guessing signs; it was making precise
By experimenting with unfreezing multiple layers during training, the model learned general sign
language features and adapted to the nuances of the LSA64 dataset. The final model achieved,
1. accuracy - 0.906250
2. precision - 0.941570
3. recall - 0.906250 (measures how well the model identifies all relevant instances)
4. F1 score - 0.910188 (harmonic mean of precision and recall)
These figures collectively indicate a well-performing model that is both accurate and reliable in
recognizing and categorizing Argentinian Sign Language signs.
In simpler terms, the model did a great job of learning from the videos. It could tell the signs
apart really well, didn't make many mistakes, and was pretty consistent in its predictions. The
careful training approach, where parts of the model were gradually introduced to learning, paid
off by making sure it didn't just memorize the signs but understood them.
Training the Vision Encoder Decoder
The graph representing the training and validation losses was obtained from the training of the
vision encoder-decoder model over 1000 video samples for 24 epochs. Due to high RAM
demands, a batch size of 2 was used, and an adaptive learning rate was introduced after the
fifth epoch to address overfitting. Although overfitting was mitigated, the graph indicates its
presence as the validation loss plateaus above the training loss.
For further reduction of overfitting, several strategies can be considered:
Regularization Techniques: Regularization methods such as dropout or L1/L2 regularization
may be applied. These methods serve to discourage complexity in the model by penalizing the
loss function for large weights or by randomly omitting neurons during the training process.
Early Stopping: The incorporation of early stopping in the training regimen is advised. This
technique entails halting the training when an increase in validation loss is observed, signaling
the onset of overfitting.
Cross-Validation: The deployment of cross-validation could ensure broader generalization
across various data subsets.
Model Simplification: A reduction in the model's complexity might be warranted. This could be
achieved by decreasing the number of layers or the number of units within each layer.
The results demonstrate that an initial decrease in loss was effectively achieved, suggesting
successful learning. However, the validation loss's failure to continue decreasing alongside the
training loss post-epoch 5, despite the adaptive learning rate, signals residual overfitting. The
implementation of the aforementioned strategies could potentially lead to a further reduction in
validation loss, indicative of a model with enhanced generalization capabilities.
Impact of Cross-language Training
In this section, how training the encoder on the LSA64 Argentinian Sign Language dataset
influences the model’s performance is discussed.
For this evaluation, 100 random, unseen videos from the unutilized samples of the
RWTH-PHOENIX Weather 2014 T dataset were selected as a test set. Two versions of the
model were compared: one with an encoder fine-tuned on the LSA64 dataset, representing the
proposed method, and another without this specialized fine-tuning.
The results, as depicted in the provided graph, show the ROGUE measures for both models.
Although the ROGUE scores for precision, recall, and F-measure are relatively low for both
models, the model with cross-language training exhibits a noticeable improvement across all
three metrics. This suggests that even though the overall scores are modest, the
cross-language approach yields a positive effect on the model's ability to translate sign
language into text.
Specifically, the fine-tuned model demonstrates a better understanding of the context and
nuances of sign language, as indicated by the higher precision and recall. Precision reflects the
model’s ability to produce relevant translations, while recall captures its capacity to identify all
pertinent information. The F-measure, which combines precision and recall, confirms that the
fine-tuning process contributes to a more balanced and effective translation model.
So, the model that learned from the Argentinian Sign Language videos did a better job of
understanding and translating new sign language videos from German Sign Language it hadn't
seen before. Even though there's still a lot of room for improvement, fine-tuning the encoder part
of the model with videos from a different sign language helped it get better at its job.
Following table shows a comparison between reference sentences and those generated by the
Video ID from
X Weather 2014
T Dataset
am tag scheint
verbreitet die
sonne hier und
da ein paar
During the day,
the sun shines,
a few clouds
here and there
Während der
Sonne scheinen
hier und da
During the sun
shines clouds
here and there
auch gewitter
sind dabei
are also present
Gewitter werden
will be
dort regnet oder
schneit es auch
am tag
It rains or snows
there even
during the day
Tagsüber regnet
es dort
rains there
during the day
tiefer luftdruck
bestimmt unser
Low air pressure
determines our
Luft hier ist das
air here is the
auch schnee
bleibt im
bergland immer
noch ein thema
Snow also still
remains an
issue in the
Schnee hier in
den Bergen
Snow present
here in the
In the results presented, it is evident through comparative analysis that while the model
demonstrates a capacity for sign language translation, there are notable discrepancies between
the reference and generated sentences. These inaccuracies highlight the model's current
limitations in fully capturing the complexity of sign language communication. However, the
potential for improvement is significant.
In this research, it was found that using a special training method where the computer learns
from one sign language and then gets better at another (cross-language training) helped
improve how well the computer could translate sign language. Video datasets of Argentinian
Sign Language and another for German Sign Language were used and noticed that this method
made the model’s translations better, even though they weren't perfect. The numbers from our
tests, such as rogue measures, showed that the model was getting more right answers after
training this way. This shows that this idea works and could be used to make even better sign
language translation tools in the future.
The significance of this research is highlighted by its contribution to the advancement of sign
language translation technologies. By demonstrating the potential of cross-language training, it
has been shown that models can be effectively adapted to improve their translation accuracy
across different languages. This approach holds promise for enhancing communication tools for
the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, suggesting that with further refinement, such
technologies could become more accessible and widely used.
5.1 Future Work
For future work, several avenues present themselves based on the findings of this study. A
critical goal will be to increase the prediction speed of the model to enable real-time translation.
This is a feature essential for live conversations and broadcasts. Efforts could focus on
optimizing the model architecture for faster processing without compromising accuracy.
Implementing more efficient algorithms and taking advantage of hardware acceleration are
potential strategies. Additionally, research into lightweight models that maintain high
performance while operating at lower computational costs could make real-time translation more
accessible on various devices.
Also, expanding the datasets to include more sign languages and dialects could further test the
robustness of the cross-language approach. Additionally, incorporating real-time feedback
mechanisms for users to interact with and train the model could improve its practical application.
Exploring the integration of other sensory data may also enhance the translation accuracy for
nuanced signs. Advancements in deep learning architectures, such as transformer models
tailored specifically for sign language, hold the potential for even greater accuracy and fluency.
Lastly, developing user-friendly interfaces and conducting usability studies with the deaf and
hard-of-hearing people will be essential in ensuring that the technologies developed are aligned
with user needs and preferences.
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