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Globalization: Definition, Theories, and Types

Globalization - is the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries all over the world resulting in the expansion of international activities. It also refers to the movement and integration of goods and people among different countries, which liberalized the trade, also called as free trade. 1987 - The Corporate giants term was coined by Charles Taze Russel, which refers the large national trust and other large enterprises at that time.
1930 - 'Globalize' term was published in an article entitled 'Towards new education' which denoted the holistic view of human experience in education.
1970's - the Globalizatioin term was coined
1961 - The first appearance of Globalization in Webster's Dictionary
Late 1980's - Theodore Levitt popularized the term Globalization
Early 1981's - Globalization was used in an economic sense
Philosophies on the definitions of Globalization 1. Anthony Giddens - Globalization is the intensification of worlwide social relations
2. Poppi (1997) - the debate on globalization has increased over the past decades that it has grown beyon the capabilities of any individual to extract a workable definition on the concept.
3. Richter 2015 - Globalization is a trans-planetary process
4. Robert Cox stated the charateristics of global trend
5. Ohmae in 1992 Globalization is the onset of a new borderless world
6. Arjun Appadurai - Globalization is a world of things
7. Friedman - Globalization is the inexorable integration of markets
World Systems Theory - world economic theory; Core, Peripheral, and Semi-Peripheral; Some countries benefit, while others are ecploited; Looks at the world as unit rather than individual countries
Modernization Theory - the progressive transition from pre-modern or traditional to modern society.
Dependency Theory - The flow of resources for periphery countries to core countries, enriching the latter at the expense of the former
Globalization encompasses:
1. Internationalization - trade and investment
2. Liberalization - freeing market
3. Universalization - cultural interchange
4. Westernization - western culture dominance
Theory of Globalization Heterogeneity - difference
Homogenieity - sameness
Types of Globalization 1. Economic Globalization 2. Cultural Globalization 3. Military Globalization 4. Technological Globalization
5. Political Globalization 6. Ecological Globalization 7. Geographical Globalization Causes of Globalization 1. Improved Communication 2. Improved Transport
3. Free Trade Agreements
4. Global Banking
5. Growth of Multination Corporations