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Understanding Evolution: Darwin's Theory & Natural Selection

Understanding Evolution
Course Needs to Covered
1.Origin of Life- Spontaneous generation;
2.Pasteur and Miller experiments;
3. Introduction to cell and cell organelles
Question for Thought
•Earth has millions of other kinds of organisms of every imaginable shape,
size, and habitat.
• This variety of living things is called biological diversity.
•How did all these different organisms arise?
• How are they related?
Who was Charles Darwin?
Born: February 12,1809
Birthplace: The Mount, Shrewsbury, England
Died: April 19,1882
Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried,
Westminster Abbey, London, England
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Voyage of Beagle
Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle
Darwin's Journal of researches, now known as Voyage of the Beagle, was his first book. As
Darwin later recalled in his autobiography 'The voyage of the Beagle has been by far the most
important event in my life and has determined my whole career'. He went on to write:
As far as I can judge of myself I worked to the utmost during the voyage from the mere pleasure of investigation, and
from my strong desire to add a few facts to the great mass of facts in natural science. But I was also ambitious to take
a fair place among scientific men...
How do you think Darwin came up with his
Pattern of Diversity
Patterns of Diversity
Living Organisms and Fossils
As Darwin studied fossils, new questions arose.
u Why had so many of these species disappeared?
u How were they related to living species?
Darwin noticed that different tortoise species lived on islands with different environments.
He realized that the tortoises had traits that allowed them to live in their particular environments.
For example, tortoises that ate plants near the ground had rounded shells and shorter necks.
The smallest, lowest islands were hot, dry, and nearly barren-Hood Island-sparse vegetation
The higher islands had greater rainfall and a different assortment of plants and animals-IsabelaIsland had rich vegetation.
Darwin was fascinated in particular by the land tortoises and marine
iguanas in the Galápagos.
Giant tortoises varied in predictable ways from one island to
The shape of a tortoise's shell could be used to identify which island a
particular tortoise inhabited.
Land Tortoises
Darwin Finches
Blue-Footed Booby
Marine Iguanas
The Journey Home
Ideas that shaped Darwin’s Thinking
Ideas that Shaped Darwin’s Thinking
Lyell argued that the formation of Earth's crust took place through countless
small changes occurring over vast periods of time, all according to known
natural laws. His "uniformitarian" proposal was that the forces molding
the planet today have operated continuously throughout its history
Uniform Processes of Change
The ideas of Hutton and Lyell led to an understanding of “the rock cycle” as we know it today
Charles Bonnet
Born: 13-Mar-1720
Birthplace: Geneva, Switzerland
Location of death: Switzerland
Cause of death: unspecified
Executive summary: Discovered parthenogenesis
Parthenogenesis means that a mother insect can have babies without a father insect.
Lamarck’s Contribution
Jean Baptiste Lamarck was the first to coin the
term “Biology” in 1802.
He believed that this term would permit
botanists and zoologists to share, what life had
in common.
14 August 1809, presented the two volumes of his most important book, Philosophie Zoologique, to
France's Institute National des Sciences et Arts.
Twenty years later, he died penniless, blind and scorned, surrounded by hundreds of unsold copies
of his book.
He was buried in a rented plot, exhumed and 'dispersed' five years later.
Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution
Tendency towards Perfection(Giraffe necks)
Use and Disuse (bird’s using beaks)
Inheritance of Acquired Traits
Population Growth
Thomas Malthus- 19th century English economist
If population grew (more Babies born than die)
u Insufficient living space
u Food runs out
u Darwin applied this theory to animals
Alfred Russell Wallace
Born: January 8, 1823
Birthplace: Great Britain
Died: November 7 1913
Location of death: England
-Discovered Theory of Evolution
Publication of Origin of Species
Russell Wallace wrote an
essay summarizing
evolutionary change from
his fieldwork in Malaysia
Gave Darwin the drive to
publish his findings
Natural Selection & Artificial Selection
Natural Selection
Evolution by Natural Selection
Descent with Modification-Each living organism has descended, with
changes from other species over time
Common Descent- were derived from common ancestors
Evidence of Evolution
Homologous Structures
Evidence for Evolution
Similarities in Early Development
Summary of Darwin’s Theory
Individuals in nature differ from one another
Organisms in nature produce more offspring than can survive, and many
of those who do not survive do not reproduce.
Because more organisms are produce than can survive, each species
must struggle for resources
Each organism is unique, each has advantages and disadvantages in the
struggle for existence
Individuals best suited for the environment survive and reproduce most
Species change over time
Summary of Darwin’s Theory
In evolutionary biology, an evolutionary arms race is an ongoing struggle between competing sets of co-evolving genes,
phenotypic and behavioral traits that develop escalating adaptations and counter-adaptations against each other, resembling
the geopolitical concept of an arms race.
The Escape of the Pathogens: an evolutionary arms race
Human populations are constantly locked in evolutionary arms races with pathogens that invade our bodies. We must
recognize that these pathogens (such as the Coronavirus) are continuously evolving entities in order to develop better
ways to fight them and control their evolution.
Mitochondrial Eve is the female ancestor of all human beings.
The reason is that the mitochondrial DNA passes on only to mothers to children, and the father has no role.
Is Darwin’s theory the only Major One?
What are other theories?
The Cambrian explosion was a moment of incredible diversification of early life, but it may have been a very rapid moment
New protein
New function
New life
Possibility of
What is the probability of a functional protein existing by chance?
Protein of 150 aa
Peptide Bond Success (1:2)
D vs L isomer success 1:20
Imagine a protein of 150 aa
What is chance factor?
Evolution and the origins of life
November 20, 2023
Resilience and Perseverance:
Understand that setbacks are a part of any journey, be it in sports or academics.
Learn to bounce back from failures and setbacks with renewed determination.
Teamwork and Collaboration:
Cricket is a team sport, and success depends on the collective effort of the team.
Similarly, in academic pursuits, collaborating with peers and working as a team can lead to greater achievements.
Continuous Improvement:
Analyze the performance, identify weaknesses, and work on continuous improvement.
In academics, regularly assess your strengths and weaknesses and strive for ongoing personal and academic
Adaptability and Flexibility:
Cricket strategies can change based on the opponent and match conditions.
Similarly, in academic life, be adaptable to different teaching styles, learning methods, and unexpected challenges.
Maintaining Focus Amid Distractions:
In a high-stakes match, focus is crucial. Distractions can lead to errors.
Similarly, in college life, staying focused on academic goals amid various distractions is essential for success.
Balancing Priorities:
Cricket players balance their physical fitness, skills, and mental well-being.
As a student, striking a balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and personal well-being is vital.
Learn from Mistakes:
Analyze mistakes made in the match and use them as learning opportunities.
Similarly, in academics, understand and learn from mistakes, whether they are in exams, projects, or other aspects of
college life.
Sportsmanship and Grace in Defeat:
Accept defeat with grace and sportsmanship.
Apply the same attitude to academic challenges, understanding that not every endeavor will result in immediate success.
Goal Setting and Long-Term Vision:
Cricket teams set goals for tournaments, with a long-term vision in mind.
As a student, set academic and personal goals with a vision for your overall growth and success.
Support System:
Cricket teams have a strong support system, including coaches, teammates, and fans.
Build a support system in college, including professors, classmates, and friends, to help navigate challenges and celebrate
successes together.
•Origin of Life
• Environmental conditions of primitive
• Earth was “born” about 4.5
Billion Years Before Present
• The planets probably formed
from debris cast off from our Sun
following its condensation from
interstellar gas and dust of a
nebula about 5–7 Bybp
• At first, Earth was semi-molten,
but gradually cooled enough to
form a solid rock crust
• The oldest rocks are 3.964
Bybp—from Canada
<4.44 billion years ago
gas loss
n at
C on
nt a
man tle
Atmospheremagma ocean
iv e
• As the rate of radioactive decay slowed, water vapor condensed and fell through the
atmosphere, dissolving gases and forming a “poisonous” rain
• Run-off of rainwater from the land carried dissolved minerals into a shallow proto-ocean
• The collective materials in the proto-ocean formed a “hot, thin primordial soup”
• Earth’s surface was bombarded
by solar energy, especially
ultraviolet (UV) radiation (N.B.,
the ozone layer was not formed
until ca. 600 Mybp)
• Intense electrical storms
generated lightning that
assaulted the surface
• Together, the UV and lightning
provided energy necessary to
arrange simple molecules of
CH4, NH3, PO4 salts, and H2O
into the basic building blocks of
organic compounds, and then
into complex macromolecules
Early gases and water: Origin of life
• As Earth cooled, there was a period
of intense volcanic activity that
released gases into the primitive
atmosphere, primarily
ammonia = NH3
carbon monoxide = CO
hydrogen sulfide = H2S
methane = CH4
nitrogen = N2
water vapor = H2O
Abiogenesis or the origin of life is the natural process by which life has
arisen from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds
Water as a reactant:
Water is not just the solvent in which the chemical reactions of living cells occur; it is very often a direct participant in the reactions.
The formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate is an example of a condensation reaction in which the elements of water are
eliminated. The reverse of this reaction—cleavage accompanied by the addition of the elements of water—is a hydrolysis reaction.
Hydrolysis reactions are also responsible for the enzymatic depolymerization of proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. Water and
carbon dioxide are the end products of the oxidation of fuels such as glucose. The overall reaction can be summarized as
The “metabolic water” formed by oxidation of foods and stored fats is actually enough to allow some animals
in very dry habitats (gerbils, kangaroo rats, camels) to survive for extended periods without drinking water.
The CO2 produced by glucose oxidation is converted in erythrocytes to the more soluble HCO3- , in a reaction
catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase:
In this reaction, water not only is a substrate but also functions in
proton transfer by forming a network of hydrogen-bonded water
molecules through which proton hopping occurs.
Solutes Affect the Colligative Properties of Aqueous Solutions
Solutes of all kinds alter certain physical properties of the solvent, water: its vapor pressure, boiling point, melting point (freezing point),
and osmotic pressure.
These are called colligative (“tied together”) properties. By definition, one of the properties of a solution is a colligative property if it
depends only on the ratio of the number of particles of solute and solvent in the solution, not the identity of the solute.
The effect of solute concentration on the colligative properties of water is independent of the chemical properties of the solute; it depends
only on the number of solute particles (molecules, ions) in a given amount of water.
A compound such as NaCl, which dissociates in solution, has twice the effect on osmotic pressure, for example, as does an equal number of
moles of a non-dissociating solute such as glucose.
Water molecules tend to move from a region of higher water concentration to one of lower water concentration. When two different
aqueous solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane (one that allows the passage of water but not solute molecules), water
molecules diffusing from the region of higher water concentration to that of lower water concentration produce osmotic pressure.
The chemical evolution of organic
molecules (abiogenesis)
Life’s First Steps
Water and
Volcanic Gases
Acetic Acid
Pyruvic Acid
Peptide and
Making amino acids is tricky, even in the laboratory.
We know amino acids exist in some kinds of meteorites and interplanetary dust particles. When they
rain down on a planet's surface, they import the possible building blocks of life, not necessarily life
Scientists think that along the way, there must have been a crucial step that turned atoms into
organisms, but they still don't know what it is.
In 1953, scientist Stanley Miller performed an experiment that may explain what occurred on primitive Earth
billions of years ago.
He sent an electrical charge through a flask of a chemical solution of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and
This created organic compounds including amino acid
Abiotic production of biomolecules. Spark-discharge apparatus used by Miller and Urey in experiments demonstrating abiotic
formation of organic compounds under primitive atmospheric conditions. After subjection of the gaseous contents of the system to
electrical sparks, products were collected by condensation. Biomolecules such as amino acids were among the products.
After Miller's death in 2007, scientists examining sealed vials
preserved from the original experiments were able to show that
there were actually well over 20 different amino acids produced
in Miller's original experiments
• Life began with the first selfreplicating “organism”
• The earliest organism may
have been no more than a
• A ribozyme is an RNA
molecule capable of
enzymatic actions, e.g.,
the self-splicing introns
of some RNAs, which
can excise themselves
from the molecule
without the help of
protein enzymes
• Early life forms were continuously bombarded by UV radiation, causing
mutations that produced new life forms
• As new life forms evolved, the predatory mode appeared
• Consumption of prey organisms required catabolism of their organics through the process
of respiration
• Anaerobic respiration released CO2 into the atmosphere
C6H12O6 → energy + C2H3OH + CO2
• In the atmosphere, UV radiation cleaved CO2 to form ozone
3CO2 → O3 + 3CO
• The ozone accumulated into the ozone layer in the stratosphere, and blocked most of the UV
radiation from penetrating to surface
• Formation of the ozone layer enabled development of terrestrial life forms
• Other organisms developed the ability to utilize energy released from breaking
chemical bonds to manufacture their own organic compounds in the process called
• About 2.7 Bybp, still other organisms developed the ability to utilize energy
from sunlight to manufacture their own organic compounds in the process
called photosynthesis
• Photosynthesis released a new gas into the atmosphere, oxygen
CO2 + H2O → C6H12O6 + O2
• At first, all of the oxygen released by photosynthesis reacted with iron in
the lithosphere
• Gradually, free elements reached oxidized states, and O2 began to
accumulate in the atmosphere
• Because oxygen interferes with anaerobic respiration, another great
change in life occurred, the development of aerobic respiration
C6H12O6 + O2 → energy + CO2+H2O
Appearance of Eukaryotes
Atmospheric pressures of oxygen
• The oxygen-rich atmosphere and aerobic respiration are thought
to have led to the evolution of eukaryotes
Time (Bypb)
The first spike in oxygen levels was a toxic challenge to life and may
have shattered a life-sustaining greenhouse. [Adapted from Kerr, 1999].
• Serial Endosymbiosis Theory
• In the 1970s, scientists hypothesized that eukaryotes arose as free-living bacteria
in symbiosis with some archaebacterial host that became the nucleus-containing
cytoplasm of the resulting eukaryote
• They further hypothesized that organelles were modified from prokaryotic
endosymbionts during eukaryote evolution
The Serial Endosymbiotic Theory explains the origin of nucleated eukaryotic cells by a merging of archaebacterial
and eubacterial cells. The paradigmatic change is that the driving force behind evolution is not ramification but
merging. Lynn Margulis describes the symbiogenetic processes in the language of mechanistic biology in such terms
as "merging", "fusion", and "incorporation". Biosemiotics argues that all cell-cell interactions are (rule-governed)
sign-mediated interactions, i.e., communication processes. As the description of plant communication
demonstrates, the biosemiotic approach is not limited to the level of molecular biology, but is also helpful in
examining all sign-mediated interactions between organisms on the phenotypic level. If biosemiotics also uses the
notions of "language" and "communication" to describe non-human sign-mediated interactions, then the
underlying scientific justification of such usage should be critically considered.
• Evidence in support of SET
• Some organelles possess their own DNA outside the nucleus of the cell
• DNA in organelles is in the form of a convoluted loop
• For each organelle, there is an analog that that has been
identified among living Eubacteria
• Bacteria giving rise to mitochondria were aerobic respirers (and
• similar to modern α purple bacteria
• Bacteria giving rise to plastids were oxygenic phototrophic bacteria
• similar to cyanobacteria, and probably were ingested but not
digested or digestible
• Bacteria giving rise to undulipodia (e.g., cilia, sperm tail, etc., but NOT
true flagella of bacteria)
• similar to spirochetes
Evolution of eukaryotes through endosymbiosis.
The earliest eukaryote, an
anaerobe, acquired
endosymbiotic purple bacteria,
which carried with them their
capacity for aerobic catabolism
and became, over time,
mitochondria. When
photosynthetic cyanobacteria
subsequently became
endosymbionts of some aerobic
eukaryotes, these cells became
the photosynthetic precursors of
modern green algae and plants.
Eukaryotic Cells Evolved from Simpler Precursors in Several Stages Starting about 1.5
billion years ago, the fossil record begins to show evidence of larger and more complex organisms, probably the
earliest eukaryotic cells.
Details of the evolutionary path from non-nucleated to nucleated cells cannot be deduced from the fossil record alone, but
morphological and biochemical comparisons of modern organisms have suggested a sequence of events consistent with the
fossil evidence.
Three major changes must have occurred.
• First, as cells acquired more DNA, the mechanisms required to fold it compactly into discrete complexes with specific
proteins and to divide it equally between daughter cells at cell division became more elaborate. Specialized proteins were
required to stabilize folded DNA and to pull the resulting DNA-protein complexes (chromosomes) apart during cell
• Second, as cells became larger, a system of intracellular membranes developed, including a double membrane surrounding
the DNA. This membrane segregated the nuclear process of RNA synthesis on a DNA template from the cytoplasmic
process of protein synthesis on ribosomes.
• Finally, according to a now widely accepted hypothesis, early eukaryotic cells, which were incapable of photosynthesis or
aerobic metabolism, enveloped aerobic bacteria or photosynthetic bacteria to form endosymbiotic associations that
eventually became permanent. Some aerobic bacteria evolved into the mitochondria of modern eukaryotes, and some
photosynthetic cyanobacteria became the plastids, such as the chloroplasts of green algae, the likely ancestors of modern
plant cells.
Landmarks in the evolution of life on Earth.
At some later stage of evolution, unicellular organisms found it advantageous
to cluster together, thereby acquiring greater motility, efficiency, or
reproductive success than their free-living single-celled competitors.
Further evolution of such clustered organisms led to permanent associations
among individual cells and eventually to specialization within the colony.
The advantages of cellular specialization led to the evolution of increasingly
complex and highly differentiated organisms, in which some cells carried out
the sensory functions, others the digestive, photosynthetic, or reproductive
functions, and so forth.
Many modern multicellular organisms contain hundreds of different cell types,
each specialized for a function that supports the entire organism.
Evolutionary transition from a single RNA replicator to a multiple
replicator network
•Ryo Mizuuchi, Taro Furubayashi & Norikazu Ichihashi
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 1460 (2022) Cite this article
In prebiotic evolution, self-replicating molecules are believed to have evolved into complex living systems
by expanding their information and functions open-endedly. Theoretically, such evolutionary
complexification could occur through successive appearance of novel replicators that interact with one
another to form replication networks. Here we perform long-term evolution experiments of RNA that
replicates using a self-encoded RNA replicase. The RNA diversifies into multiple coexisting host and
parasite lineages, whose frequencies in the population initially fluctuate and gradually stabilize. The final
population, comprising five RNA lineages, forms a replicator network with diverse interactions, including
cooperation to help the replication of all other members. These results support the capability of
molecular replicators to spontaneously develop complexity through Darwinian evolution, a critical step for
the emergence of life.
Scientists in Japan have become the first to create an RNA molecule that can
replicate, diversify, and develop complexity on its own. Simply put, the molecule can
The RNA replication system. The original host RNA replicates via translation of the self-encoded replicase, by which
mutant host RNAs and parasitic RNAs could be generated. b Schematic representation of long-term replication
experiments in water-in-oil droplets. (1) RNA replication was performed at 37 °C for 5 h. (2) Droplets were 5-fold diluted
with new droplets containing the translation system. (3) Droplets were vigorously mixed to induce their random fusion
and division. c Concentration changes of host and parasitic RNAs of different lengths. Host RNA concentrations were
measured by RT-qPCR, and parasitic RNA concentrations were measured from corresponding band intensities after gel
electrophoresis. Parasitic RNA concentrations were not plotted in rounds where they were undetectable.
A possible “RNA world” scenario.
RNA or Related Precursors May Have Been the First Genes and Catalysts
The RNA world scenario is intellectually satisfying, but it leaves unanswered question: where did the nucleotides needed to make the initial RNA
molecules come from? An alternative to this RNA world scenario supposes that simple metabolic pathways evolved first, perhaps at the hot vents
in the ocean floor. A set of linked chemical reactions there might have produced precursors, including nucleotides, before the advent of lipid
membranes or RNA. Without more experimental evidence, neither of these hypotheses can be disproved.
Spontaneous generation THEORY
, the hypothetical process by which living organisms develop from nonliving matter;
The theory of spontaneous generation, first comprehensively posited by Aristotle in his book ”On the
Generation of Animals” around 350 B.C., aims to explain the seemingly sudden emergence of
organisms such as rats, flies and maggots within rotting meat and other decomposable items
This is incorrect theory
In 1668, Francesco Redi, an Italian scientist, designed a scientific experiment to test the spontaneous
creation of maggots by placing fresh meat in each of two different jars. One jar was left open; the other
was covered with a cloth.
John Needham, a microscopist, was a staunch supporter of the aforementioned theory of spontaneous
generation, which was the idea that living organisms can develop from non-living matter. Needham's
most important experiment claimed that microorganisms in broth developed independently of other cells
By sterilizing cultures and keeping them isolated from the open air, Pasteur found that contamination of the
media only occurred upon exposure to the outside environment, showing that some element was needed
to give rise to life.