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Workout Plan: Muscle Groups & Exercises

Sunday: A (Morning D - Quads, Glutes, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Calves
Monday: B (Morning E - Chest, Triceps, Biceps, Forearms)
Tuesday: C (Morning F - Upper Back, Traps, Lats, Lower Back, Rear Delts)
Wednesday: A (Morning D - Quads, Glutes, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Calves
Thursday: B (Morning E - Chest, Triceps, Biceps, Forearms)
Friday: C (Morning F - Upper Back, Traps, Lats, Lower Back, Rear Delts)
Saturday: Full Body (Morning G - (Full Body, Shoulders, Rear Delts)
10 Exercises For Evening Workout
Sunday & Wednesday A - Warm Up (2), Upper Back (2), Traps (2), Lats
(2), Lower Back (1), Rear Delts (2)
Monday & Thursday B - WarmUp (1) Quads (2), Glutes (2), Shoulders (2),
Hamstrings (2), Calves (1)
Tuesday & Friday C - WarmUp (2) Chest (2), Triceps (2), Biceps (2),
Forearms (2)
Full Body - Text
8-10 Exercises For Morning Workout
Sunday & Wednesday D - Quads, Glutes, Shoulders, Hamstrings, Calves
Monday & Thursday E - Chest, Triceps, Biceps, Forearms
Tuesday & Friday F - Upper Back, Traps, Lats, Lower Back, Rear Delts
Saturday F - Shoulders, Rear Delts
Shoulders, Chest, Triceps, Abs:
Shoulders' Warm Up (2.5kg+2.5kg + 4kgx4kg)
- Lying Laterally With Dumbbell On Flat Bench
Elevated Shoulders Push Ups
- Hands shoulder width apart
- Body is in an inverted V shape (= ^)
- Standing on toes with the heels off ground (in the air)
- Head is moving diagonally guiding an angled motion: \
- Vertical forearms
- More difficult variation: feet placed high on a flat bench for
Dumbbells Side Lateral Raises (4kgx4kg + 6kg+6kg)
- Lean chest against a bench 45 or 60 degrees + Extra bench or if
standing: Split stance (one leg stepped forward) knees slightly bent
with the back straight and leaning the torso forward
- Hammer Grip with a slight angle inwards
- Arms slightly bent (don't flex elbows to 90 degrees)
- Thumbless Grip
- Avoid using momentum
- Rotate wrists outwards with the pinkie pointing slightly down
- Raise arms slightly in front of you = in the scapular plane (30-40
- Imagine bringing the elbows out instead of up
- Raise dumbbells until parallel to the floor, elbows and wrists at
shoulder level (avoids shrugging shoulders which leads to training
upper traps more than side delts)
- Allow the scapula (shoulder blades) to rotate upward and move freely
during the movement (don't retract & depress the scapula)
- Add a pause at the top of the movement
Dumbbells Bench Shoulder Press (10kgx10kg)
- Bench 60 - 80 degrees or 90 degrees with the butt positioned slightly
away from the pad and the torso leaning back straight
- Flat neutral back (no arch) move up bottom bench seat or place feet
on a chair to avoid arching back
- Feet planted, using legs to drive the energy and push the weight up
- Forearms perpendicular to the floor all the time
- Fists in a diagonal angle = Rotate your fists inwards = Elbows slightly
tucked in and lift in the scapular plane all the time
- Press the elbows to the ears, Dumbbells move in a straight line not
touching one another (at the top of the movement)
- From a side view: lift the dumbbells in a curved path
- Don't lock out your elbows at the top of the movement
Wall Hand-Stand Push Ups (1rep = 35sec)
- Hands shoulder width apart
- Body is leaning against a wall
Isometric Chest Contraction (Chest Warm Up)
- Good for chest warm up & Improves mind and muscle connection: it
pushes blood to the chest muscles before the workout
- Contract, Squeeze and Hold the chest muscles (see picture)
- 5 sets of 10 secs hold each
Decline Chest Push Ups
- Feet on a chair = Elevated push ups
- For more upper chest involvement: keep the angle between torso &
floor at 30-40 degrees (using a bench which is too high will increase
the involvement of anterior delts instead)
- Hand placement: Lie on the floor face down with the hands above the
head. Move your hands down until your arms are about 45 degrees
away from your body (Hands slightly wider than shoulder width)
- Flare the elbows slightly to about 45 degrees to be more aligned with
the chest muscle
- Hands point outwards slightly
- Elbows are right over your wrists in a straight line, your shoulders
placed over your wrists
- Extend both legs back and contract your quads, glutes and abs
- Keep Body & Back straight
- Pull your shoulders down and rotate your elbows to face backwards
- Forearms Vertical, Perpendicular to the floor
- Start with hands at the nipple level (on bottom of the movement)
- Push yourself up in an angled diagonal path for the hands to end up
at upper chest level on top of the movement
- Allow scapula to move freely throughout the movement: Start to
squeeze shoulder blades together while lowering until chest, stomach
and quads touch the floor and release shoulder blades on the way up
- Imagine pushing the floor away from you (Instead of thinking of
pushing yourself up)
- Avoid from rolling shoulders forward all the time
- Release your hands from the floor to remove momentum and push
back up
Dumbbells Chest Bench Press (10kgx10kg)
- Flat Bench
- Feet planted close to body = Leg Drive: push the legs down &
- Slight back arch
- Rotate hands slightly diagonally inwards
- Elbows slightly bent and tucked in
- Find your arm angle by opening up your arms till Sternoclavicular
joint, Armpit and Elbow form a straight line (=arms in 45 degrees
align better with the upper chest)
- Dumbbells move in a slight arched path (not touching each other at
the top) - As you lift: aim to bring the biceps closer together at top,
stop when elbows straighten
- Lower the dumbbells to about chest level height = full stretch of chest
at bottom (seen at side view) before the shoulders start to rotate
- Actively Squeeze and Contract the chest
- Let the scapula move freely while pressing (retracted (= backwards)
and depressed (= down) shoulder blades at the bottom of the
movement and protracted at the top of the movement but don’t push
the shoulders forward)
- Let the elbows extend at the top of the movement
- Slow down and control eccentric (lowering dumbbells) Pause at the
bottom of the movement, to take out the momentum
- Don't drop the dumbbells too fast - Keep a slow and controlled
Incline Dumbbells Chest Bench Press
- Bench 30 degrees
- Rotate hands slightly diagonally inwards
- Elbows slightly bent and tucked in
- Find your arm angle by opening up your arms till Sternoclavicular
joint, Armpit and Elbow form a straight line (=arms in 45 degrees
align better with the upper chest)
- Brace cores with Flat neutral back (no arch) move up bottom bench
seat or place feet on a chair to avoid arching back
- Dumbbells move in a slight arched path (not touching each other at
the top) - As you lift: aim to bring the biceps closer together at top,
stop when elbows straighten
- Push dumbbells straight up, making the barbell and joints
(Wrists-Elbows-Shoulders) stack in a straight line
- Lower the dumbbells to about chest level height = full stretch of chest
at bottom (seen at side view) before the shoulders start to rotate
- Let the scapula move freely while pressing (retracted (= backwards)
and depressed (= down) shoulder blades at the bottom of the
movement and protracted at the top of the movement but don’t lift the
shoulders forward)
- Actively Squeeze and Contract the chest
- Let the elbows extend at the top of the movement
- Slow down and control eccentric (lowering dumbbells) Pause at the
bottom of the movement, to take out the momentum
- Don't drop the dumbbells too fast - Keep a slow and controlled
Chest Bar Dips - Chair Assisted Dips (7 reps)
- Shoulder width grip
- Elbows tucked close to the body
- Keep the shoulders back during the entire movement - retract the
shoulder blades throughout the movement (don’t round your
shoulders forward)
- Lean forward with your torso to target the chest more
- Align the lower chest (costal pec) so that it is perpendicular to the
- Legs forward- in front (try to avoid moving the legs backwards)
- Body in a straight line at the top of the movement
- Stop descending at the level before the shoulders roll forward
- Arms parallel to the floor (90 degrees angle) at the bottom of the
Incline Chest Push Ups
- Hands high on a flat bench
- Same as chest push up
Triceps Bar Dips - Chair Assisted Dips (7 reps)
- Shoulder width grip
- Elbows tucked close to the body
- Keep the shoulders back during the entire movement
- Try to keep torso upright to target the triceps more
- Try to avoid moving the legs backwards (keep them straight down)
- Body in a straight line at the top of the movement
- Arms parallel to the floor (90 degrees angle) at the bottom of the
Triceps Bodyweight Overhead Extension (with a bench)
- Hands narrow on a bench (the lower the bench angle the harder it will
- Beginner: bench 30 degrees, Knees on the floor, feet in the air (by
- Advanced: bench 45 degrees, body straight, keep ass down (don't
make a tent with your body - by ofek.zaramati)
- Bring head below bench, full triceps stretch
- Keep elbows tucked in & pointing down (don't flare elbows out)
Dumbbells / Barbell Skull Crushers
- Bench 30 degrees + Bench
- Sit higher up on the bench for full range of motion
- Narrower than shoulder width Grip (Barbell)
- Start the movement with slightly extending arms towards the head
(=arms stretched back, not vertical)
- Elbows tucked in and still
- Wrists straight (Barbell)
- Lower the barbell / dumbbells slowly behind the head
Triceps Push Ups
- Hands Narrow grip (foot apart = ~30cm)
- Hands aligned with shoulders position
- Hands Neutral or point outwards slightly
- Elbows tucked close to the body
- Forearms Moving backwards diagonally
- Keep Body & Back straight
- Push Chest out & Retract Shoulder Blades at the bottom of the push
Decline Planks (for pull ups)
- Straight body, Flat back, contract core & glutes
- Arms stretched forward (more than 90 degrees)
Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves, Abs:
Wall Hack Squat
- Place a Roller between lower back and wall
- Place the foot slightly in front of body
- Hold dumbbells with hands straight to the sides
- Back straight with the glutes against the wall during all the motion
Wall Sit (1 rep = 90 sec)
- Hold dumbbells in both hands besides your body
- Back straight against the wall
- Upper legs Perpendicular to the floor, knees bent 90 degrees
Elevated Heel High Barbell Squat (Quads Focused)
● Squat Warm Up: Sit in a deep squat position & pause 5-10 sec
- Place plates under heels (2-3 cm heel elevation)
- Feet hip width apart
- Toes turn out slightly
- Neutral straight spine: flex cores all the time and squeeze glutes,
looking forward down
- Keep tension in the upper back by squeezing the shoulder blades,
bringing the elbows close to the body and pulling the bar into the
upper traps (Squeeze the shoulder blades even before you unrack
the barbell, not after)
- The bar is placed high on the upper traps with a more upright torso
- First at top of the squat: Breathe in, pushing the stomach outward to
brace the core, Brace the core throughout the squat and finally
Breathe out at the top
- Knees pass the toes while squatting down: knee flexion is maximum
at the bottom - (Knee Flexion > Hip Flexion)
- Bar moves in a straight line at the mid-foot level (see picture)
- Hips go up at the same speed with the chest
- Knees always follow the direction of toes (prevents caving in of the
- Standing straight at the top of the movement (avoid hyperextending
the back & squeezing the glutes forward)
Elevated Heel Bulgarian Split Squat - Quads Focused
- Hold dumbbells in both hands / Hold one dumbbell with the opposite
hand to the leg resting on the bench (the other available hand can
rest on a rack for adding stability)
- Hip width apart for balance
- Determine distance from bench / bed (Bulgarian Split Squat Hack:
fitnessflo.pro) & take another smaller step back, to allow the knees
passing over the toes when you squat down
- One foot rests flat on the bench (don’t push with the toes)
- Use a weight as a line indicator of where to place feet (helps avoid
uneven foot placement)
- Add a plate under heel (2-3 cm heel elevation)
- Keep torso relatively straight to focus on quads
- Knees don't pass the toes excessively
- Add difficulty to the exercise by adding elevation underneath foot to
increase range of motion (deeper lunge)
Single Leg Deadlift
- Keep Knees slightly bent
- One hand with dumbbell (opposite to the extended out raised leg)
- Other hand taps bench 45 degrees for support
- Keep back straight (Stop going down once your lower back starts
rounding, usually just below knees)
Leg Supported Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
- One knee (the entire lower leg) on flat bench + bench
- Standing leg’s knee is slightly bent
- Keep back straight (Stop going down once your lower back starts
rounding, usually just below knees)
Barbell Straight Stiff Leg Deadlift / SLDL
- Just outside shoulder width Grip
- Thumbless Grip
- Hip width feet
- Brace core, Neutral spine
- Legs almost straight throughout the movement
- Hip hinge (= pushing the hips-glutes backwards) till the bar just below
knees level (stop when the hips-glutes can’t be pushed back further)
when you only feel a stretch in your hamstrings- hold for a sec
- Put your focus on bringing the hips backward instead of putting the
barbell down (imagine pushing away a sandbag behind you)
- Keep back straight (Stop going down once your lower back starts
rounding, usually just below knees)
- Barbell moves in a straight line not so close to the shins
- Squeeze glutes on the way back up to push the hips forward (don't
- Landmine Version
Towel Leg Curl
- Keep the thighs and body in a straight line when curling
- Hands straight on the floor beside the body
- Stop curling up when the Lower legs are perpendicular to the floor
- Keep the butt in the air all the time
Warm Up: Single Leg Hip Thrust
Barbell Hip Thrust - Glutes Focused
- The bench height is at the level of the tips of your scapula (when you
sit on the floor leaning in front of it, see picture)
- Wide grip outside shoulder width for stability
- Feet placement (Barbell Hip Thrust Hack: fitnessflo.pro)
- Feet inline below the knees forming a 90 degrees vertical leg = glutes
- Feet about shoulder width apart (wider placement targets the inner
thighs more)
- Tip of shoulder blades rest on the bed / bench
- Torso parallel to the floor
- Chin tucked in & looking forward, Core fully engaged, straight spine
- Single Leg Hip Thrust = One Leg straight in the air
Legs Kickbacks (On A Bench)
- Push legs straight out and back (like a frog jump)
Single Leg Dumbbell Calf Raises
- With / Without an elevation beneath toes
- One leg is always in the air with one supported hand
- The Other leg's toes rise along with the other hand holding dumbbell
Back, Rear Delts, Traps, Lower Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs:
Elevated Inverted Rows (Traps)
Scapula Pull Up (Lats, Upper Back)
Chair-Assisted Pull Up (Lats, Upper Back)
Pull Ups
- 1.5x shoulder width grip - Hands just outside shoulder width with
Thumbless Grip, Knuckles facing upward, Elbows flared to the sides
= Upper Back focus
- Chin Up Variation: Hands at shoulder width with Hammer Grip,
Elbows more tucked in to the sides = Lats focus
- Slight back curve
- Keep body tight (brace your core and contract legs)
- Point your toes forward to avoid legs from dangling
- Don't initiate the pull up with Scapula Pull Up exercise!
- Focus on touching the bar with the upper chest, lifting with the chest
- Imagine pulling the bar to the upper chest, instead of thinking of
pulling yourself up with the chin over bar
- Put focus on pulling the elbows instead of hands (think of hands as
- Let the shoulder blades (=scapula) move freely throughout the
- Don't round and roll shoulders forward at the top of the movement Bring the elbows in and down when you pull yourself up
- Limit the ROM by not going down completely - it keeps tension on the
Single Arm Dumbbell Row (Multiple Muscle Focus)
- Lean one hand on a flat bench + Bench
- Torso bent parallel to floor with the back neutral
- Thumbless Grip
- The support arm on the bench is perpendicular to the floor
● Elbow tucked in to the side (Lats Focused)
● Elbow moves in 45 Degrees (Rear Delts Focused)
● Upright Posture with Elbow flares to the side (Upper Back, Traps
- Forearm perpendicular vertical to the floor
- Don't think of pulling the dumbbell's weight - Focus on bringing the
elbow to the hip side in a rowing motion
- Don't rotate the torso - Keep shoulders in a parallel line to the floor at
the top of the pulling
- Don't shrug the shoulders on the way up - keep them down and back
- Don't bend elbows on the way up (targets biceps)
- Release the shoulder blade on the way down - dropping the arm as
far as possible towards the floor
Incline Bench Dumbbells Rear Delts Flyes
- Bench 30 degrees + Bench / Bench 45 degrees
- Dumbbells at a slight angle
- Elbows slightly tucked in
- Move dumbbells diagonally backwards at a 45 degrees angle to your
- Avoid shrugging shoulders
Incline Bench Prone Y's
- Bench 45 degrees
- Hammer Grip
- Dumbbells at a slight angle
- Raise dumbbells wider up above head in a Y shape
- Hold the Dumbbells at the top for a second or two
Underhand Inverted Rows (Biceps)
Standing Dumbbells Curls Against A Wall
- Starting the motion as Hammer Grip
- Keep Elbows & Arms fixed
- Place your hand towards the outside of the dumbbell
- Twist your wrist as you curl so that your pinky finger is higher than the
- Hold for 3 sec at the top (isometric hold) and lower slowly for 5 sec
(eccentric contraction)
- No Momentum
Dead Hang: one set is 30 sec hold (Forearms Grip Strength)
Hammer Dumbbells Curls Against A Wall
- Hammer Grip
- Keep Elbows & Arms fixed
- Hold the dumbbells right at the bottom and squeeze hard to avoid it
from slipping down
- Hold for 3 sec at the top (isometric hold) and lower slowly for 5 sec
(eccentric contraction)
- No Momentum
Decline Planks (for pull ups)
- Straight body, Flat back, contract core & glutes
- Arms stretched forward (more than 90 degrees)