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act 2

Learning Task: Mind Mapping
Part I. Direction: Make a mind map of what you have learned on Chapter 2 by follow
the instructions below.
 Enter the Main Topic. Start by
entering the main subject in the center
of the mind map. For this task, main
topic is "Historical Background of
Philippine Literature."
 Brainstorm Topics. Create main
branches to enter your topics.
 Create Sub-Topics. Elaborate on your
topics by creating sub-topics. Make
sure to use very short phrases or even
single words.
 Rearrange the Topics. If you need to rearrange the topics in your mind map,
most software tools allow you to drag-and-drop branches. This will enable you to
structure the topics that you brainstormed.
Note: You may draw it and send a copy as PDF File if you can’t make it on computer or
with the help of application softwares.
Part II. Direction: Put your ideas into paragraphs equivalent of 10 sentences.
Chapter II: Historical Background of Philippine Literature