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Manufacturing Systems Design Assignment

MCL 361
Manufacturing Systems Design
Assignment 1
1. The deadline for the assignment submission is Friday (16th Feb’2024, 11:59 PM).
2. The assignment submission is to be done through Moodle only and the acceptable
file format is PDF only.
3. For Problem statement 1, no data has been provided. Each one of you must use a 24
months data set of your choice. The data can be: sales of a company, patients visiting
a hospital, temperature of a city or any other data of your choice.
4. Since, each one of you is given a freedom to use data set of your choice, it is assumed
that the matching of problem statements along with the data sets may not be just a
matter of chance, hence, please avoid using anyone else’s data.
5. Naming convention of your submission PDF should exactly follow as given:
PART A: (10 marks)
a) Using the 24 months dataset of your choice, examine the data on a graph.
b) What patterns do you witness in the graph? Which forecasting models would be
appropriate for forecast from these data?
c) Forecast the demand for the next six months using the suitability of techniques
relevant for the given data.
d) Use QM4 Windows software to repeat the analysis.
e) Repeat the same analysis with Oracle Crystal Ball Software.
f) Comment on the forecasting errors values for each of the methods deployed.
g) Compare the two software’s, in terms of user interface and capabilities.
For parts d) and e), you need to provide stepwise screenshots of using the software,
outputs and any report generated during conducting the exercise and attach it along with
the PDF right where you answer PART A as a whole.
PART B: (5 marks)
Watch the video: Inside the factory, Season 2, Episode 4, Bicycles.
Based on the topics we have covered in the class, prepare a summary of the video that
includes the problems that this company must be facing at various steps of production
planning and control, and ways in which it is managing it. The summary should be based
on the facts shown in the video with a bit of creativity allowed.