WRITING THE PROPOSAL RHET 1302 PROPOSAL LENGTH: 250500 WORDS, M L A F O R M AT, 12-POINT F O N T, DOUBLES PA C E D This is an important moment in the research process. How well you’ve crafted your research questions will significantly influence the success of your project. You can change your mind later, but for now, write a brief proposal that outlines your research plan. • What is your thesis? Write a clear and specific explanation of the main claim. • What might be some additional ideas that back up/support your claim (reasons)? • What prior beliefs, assumptions, preconceptions, ideas, or prejudices might be brought to this project (warrants)? FIRST PARAGRAPH • Complete this sentence: “The aim of this paper is….” • Identify the assumptions on which your paper rests. • Note any shortcomings or misrepresentations in other criticism (sources) that your paper will correct or refine. SECOND PARAGRAPH THIRD • Describe the organization of your paper. “First I will discuss…. Next I will examine…. Then I will argue…. In conclusion….” • Describe the kinds of sources you will use. Select good sources. • Acknowledge trends you found in the research related to your topic: What’s going on in the field? PARAGRAPH CONCLUSION • • Sum up your argument. Why is the topic important to you and/or the world?