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8th Grade Lesson Plan: Our World - Earth & Environment

Long-term plan
Grade: 8
Teacher name: Yespolova Zh.S.
School-kindergarden after named Abay
Theme of the lesson: “Our world”
8.L 1 understand with little or no support the main points in
objectives that this extended talk on a topic “Our planet - Earth”
8.S 7 use appropriate subject – specific vocabulary and syntax to
lesson is
talk on a topic “Our planet - Earth”
contributing to
Lesson objectives
Level of thinking
Assessment criteria
Value links
ICT skills
Learners will be able to:
All learners will be able to:
Understand key words, sentences on the topic “Our planet Earth”.
Most learners will be able to:
Use key vocabulary and understand meaning of a text “Our
planet - Earth”
Some learners will be able to:
give own opinions, do predictions and speak intelligibly on a topic
“Our planet - Earth”
Knowledge, comprehension and application
 Listen and understand essence of the text
 Speak correctly and do tasks
Lifelong learning
World cognition, Biology and Geography
Using videos & pictures, Teacher support sites, slide shares
Planned activities
Beginning Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take
5 mins their places.
Warming up
Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood PPP slide 1
at the beginning of the lesson; students choose one of the
smiles they see on the slide and answer the question
- Teacher introduces lesson objectives and criteria to the
- Students watch a video “Whole world” and follow the
instructions, sing together.
Video 1
Very good! Thank you! Take your seats…
Whole class activity:
- engaging the learner and encouraging speaking through
Teacher asks questions about video “Whole world”:
1. What about this video?
2. What words have you heard in this video?
Students asks questions about video.
Good of you!
Teacher asks synonyms of the word “World” then divide
students into three group according to the synonyms: World,
Earth, Planet
- nominate students and elicit target vocabulary by means of
showing flashcards: world, human, plants, trees, continents,
sea, ocean, lands, countries, mountains, cities, ground,
animals, forests, desserts.
- Teacher reads new vocabulary and give instructions to the
-Students repeat key words after Teacher in chorus then
- Teacher stick flashcards in different order and remove
flashcards one after another
- Students brainstorm words with flashcards and say hidden
Well done!
Teacher read the text “Our planet - Earth”. Students listen the
text. After Teacher give tasks for students according text.
Formative assessment:
- hand out worksheets for matching activity
- set a time limit of 5 minutes; monitor students’ progress
- students matching and that they’ll have 7 mins for this task
- go around the class, monitor and assist if necessary
- in 12 mins collect the papers for further assessment; give
students praising stickers for their work.
- Match a word from the left column to make a collocation
related to the text
a tiny
small or little
to blame
Put these phrases in the correct place on the timeline of an
investigation below:
The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe.
Our planet (craft activity)
Sheets of
Text “Our
planet Earth”
- introduce students to the idea of creating posters
- students do a poster
- after students defend posters
- go back to the criteria and identify where the students are in
terms of achieving lesson objectives:
“Thumbs Up” if you think you understand
“Thumbs down” if you feel you have questions.
5 mins
Ask students to look at criteria they set at the beginning of the
lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and
what needs improvement.
Good bye song
Video 2
Students sing a good-bye song and dance
Additional information
Differentiation – how
do you plan to give
more support? How do
you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Less able students –
greater support by means
of prompts, visuals or
speaking difficult words
More able students –
independent work on
listening and speaking
tasks with little/no
Assessment – how are you
planning to check
learners’ learning?
 Set a time limit of 5
min. And monitor
students progress
 Students matching
and that they’ll have
7 min. for this task
 Go around the class
monitor and assist if
 In 12 min. collect the
papers for further
assessment, give
students prising
Cross - curricular links
ICT links
Work with the SMART board
Use markers for posters
Flashcards, videos
Biology, Geography
Our Planet - Earth
The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place
where human beings can live.
Today, our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and
water pollution, over population are the problems that threaten human life
on Earth.
Who is to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: all of us. Our
forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend
continues, one day we won't have enough oxygen to breath.
The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear
waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already
nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of
extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live
in the seas.
Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. If
nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon
become extinct.
Air pollution is another serious problem. In Cairo just breathing the air is
dangerous — equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The
same holds true for many Russian cities. Factories emit tons of harmful
chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet.
They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. An even
greater threat are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the
consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are.
Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the
money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and
safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered species.
We can recycle litter. We can support green parties and put pressure on
those in power. Together we can save the planet and all of us with it.
Good morning dear trainer, representative and collegues! My name is Zhansaya
surname is Yespolova. According subject program I planned to choose grade, unit
and theme of my lesson. As you see on my presentation… Learning objectives that
my lesson is contributing to speaking and listening abilities.
For my Next step I have chosen lesson objectives that develop learners abilities and
level of thinking skills. For productions lesson and learning objectives I used Piter
Druker’s SMART criteria (1954):
Specific – конкретная I specified my objectives Measurable – измеримая I
measured it with assessment criteria Achievable – достижимая I achieved my lesson
and learning objectives through 5 criteria Realistiс – реалистичная I used it in
practice Timed - определенная по времени I timed my lesson and gave time
learners to speak, to do tasks, to think, to create and assess each other.
In terms the teaching and learning of English, and the learning of languages in
general, active learning is demonstrated by a range of different types of activity
where learners are engaged in a range of engaging physical and cognitive active
activity task frameworks. In active learning I used methods of Collaborative learning,
Regrouping, multi-media presentations, guided-discovery tasks and modeling.
I structured group work that Improves learners interpersonal and communication
skills, Improves acquisition of information and higher-level thinking skills also break
down barriers between learners. I regrouping learners According synonyms of a word
“World”. This method gives my learners determine theme of my lesson and
distinguish synonyms of a word “World”. In Multi-media presentations I used Video
“Whole world” which involves learners to develop of research, ICT skills and give
own opinions. Grammar gaming where my learners are required to use target
language in the Flashcards. I planned this task for extend the vocabulary and show
link between theme “Our world”. Guided-discovery tasks creates the conditions for
my learners to discover a language rule or pattern for themselves. According Text
“Our planet - Earth” my learners develop listening skill, discuss and expands the
horizons. In Craft activity “Our planet” my learners develop creative thinking skills,
share with each other’s ideas, to design, to comment on other group’s opinion, to
generalize theme and to present wall poster. In modeling I exposes learners to the
content of the topic “Our planet – Earth ”and expert thinking simultaneously, also
stimulates reflection on the processes of Matching phrases. I plan this task for found
and sort out specific words, phrases from text, explain connections between words
and phrases.
In accordance criteria based assessment, I find out my learning objectives for
speaking and listening skills. In order to improve speaking and listening skills I
divide learners levels for all, some and most. We know that all Learners’ progress
will be assessed in two ways: Formative Assessment (FA) and Summative
Assessment (SA). For Formative Assessment I’ve chosen peer assessment and
pointed assessment criteria to prove each other’s work. After each task I gave them
praising stickers for All learners when they spoke key words or sentences on the topic
“Our planet-Earth”, for Most learners when they Use specific vocabulary in the their
speech or understand context, general idea of a text “Our planet-Earth”, for Some
learners when they Give own worldview, do predictions for the future themselves and
speak with grammar-lexical structure on a topic “Our planet-Earth”. After I returns an
criteria and identify where my learners, in terms of achieving lesson objectives they
showed “Thumbs Up” if learner think understand “Thumbs down” if learner feel
have some questions. This feedback useful Check class understanding of what we
are teaching. At the end of the lesson I have done reflection. I Asked learners to look
at criteria they set at the beginning of the lesson and think a little and say what they
did well in the lesson and what needs improvement. This reflection useful to
motivate, to encourage and to raise their levels of thinking skills.
Differentiation means different learning differently. In evidence I distinguish my
learners by support, by assessment criteria, by tasks, by outcome and by learning
Less able students – greater support by means of prompts, visuals or speaking
difficult words. More able students – independent work on listening and speaking
tasks with little/no support.
For Less able learners I helped with greater support through modeling words,
showing flashcards, giving examples, repeating difficult words. For more able
learners I helped with little or no support through sharing ideas, giving opinions or
doing predictions on a topic “Our planet - Earth” and listening text, video or
matching phrases. In Differentiation by assessment criteria my Learners will be able
to listen video “Whole world” or text then understand some specific information,
words, phrases, main points of the text “Our planet – Earth” and give opinions,
comments, speak new vocabulary correctly and do craft activity, matching task
according text “Our planet-Earth”. In Differentiation by task
According to the video “Whole world ” and flashcards all learners will be able to
listen ,understand new vocabulary
According to the text “Our planet- Earth” and matching task most learners will be
able to understand meaning , make collocation related to the text
According to the craft activity “Our planet” some learners will be able to do
predictions, give own opinions.
In Differentiation by outcome
FA worksheets: give learners praising stickers for motivation
“Thumbs up”/ “Thumbs down” for checking my lesson
What they did well…/ What needs improvement…. For checking learners progress
According Learning styles
For my audio learners:
classroom discussions on a video “Whole world”, divide and work in three groups
“World/Earth/Planet”, to ask questions on a video “Whole world”
For my visual learners:
flashcards and video “Whole world”, give learners time to sketch out ideas on a wall
poster “Our planet”, use of coloured markers, pens or type of water-based paint
For my Kinaesthetic learners:
watching video “Whole world”, listening to explanations of flashcards, use
flashcards for noting and sorting ideas, learning by doing, not just sitting.
The Importance of micro-teaching
We improving the pedagogical skills of English language in the context of the
updated curriculum and the introduction of the system of criteria-based assessment.
Teachers will know and understand:
the structure of the curriculum and associated course plans, the content and
progression of the curriculum, the purpose and layout of all documentation associated
with the curriculum and its delivery, the model for assessment to be used with the
curriculum, the appropriate pedagogy associated with the curriculum.
Criteria-based assessment
Teachers will use the results of formative and summative assessments in order to
provide feedback to learners and to inform their parents on their child’s academic
progress. I think Criteria-based assessment is very useful to teach English because
learners and parents see their children’s progress, levels and Teachers can prove their
Influence of micro-teaching
In micro teaching we are familiarized with handouts, handbook for teachers, subject
programmes, CLIL book, assessment and lots of English evaluation activities. Also
We do classroom activities, give own point of view, do predictions, do craft
activities, make a poster, note sessions and work in groups.
We use criteria in our lessons and show it in practice to raise students levels, skills
and quality of English subject.
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