11.11.2015 08:07:00 I/O Protocol Migration Guide RobotWare Paint 6.0 Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 1 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 4 2. LAYOUT CHANGES ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Compact I/O Protocol (16-bit) ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Discrete I/O Protocol (32-bit) ............................................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Extended Discrete I/O Protocol (48-bit) ............................................................................................................ 8 2.4 Command I/O Protocol (64-bit) ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.5 Extended Command I/O Protocol (80-bit) ....................................................................................................... 15 3. REMOVED OUTPUT SIGNALS .................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 MtrlSupplyEna ................................................................................................................................................. 20 3.2 ConveyorHoldReq ........................................................................................................................................... 20 3.3 ManualMode .................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.4 CommandExecuting ......................................................................................................................................... 20 3.5 InModule.......................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.6 OutParam2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 4. REMOVED INPUT SIGNALS ........................................................................................................................ 21 4.1 MtrlSupEnable & MtrlSupDisable................................................................................................................... 21 4.2 NegateInParam1, NegateInParam2 & NegateInParam3 .................................................................................. 21 4.3 ProgramNo & MaterialNo ............................................................................................................................... 21 5. RENAMED SIGNAL NAMES ......................................................................................................................... 22 5.1 ApplicatorError ................................................................................................................................................ 22 5.2 MotorOn .......................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.3 CBSMotorOn ................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.4 OutParam1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 6. REMOVED PAINT COMMANDS ................................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Controller Warm Start (100) ............................................................................................................................ 23 6.2 Spy Log Start (120) & Spy Log Stop (121) ..................................................................................................... 23 6.3 Generate System Dump (122) .......................................................................................................................... 23 6.4 Get Free Program Memory (123)..................................................................................................................... 23 6.5 System Position Teach (210) & System Tool Teach (211) .............................................................................. 23 6.6 Execute Program by String (402)..................................................................................................................... 23 6.7 Material Supply Enable (404) & Material Supply Disable (405) .................................................................... 23 6.8 Get Material Change State (409) ..................................................................................................................... 23 6.9 Get Cavity Material (430) ................................................................................................................................ 23 6.10 Set Cavity Material (431)................................................................................................................................. 23 7. RENUMBERED PAINT COMMANDS ......................................................................................................... 24 7.1 Conversion Table ............................................................................................................................................. 24 8. CHANGED INPUT PARAMETERS ON PAINT COMMANDS ................................................................. 25 Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 2 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 8.1 Execute Program (400) .................................................................................................................................... 25 8.2 Material Load (401) ......................................................................................................................................... 25 8.3 Get Current Job Information (419) .................................................................................................................. 25 8.4 Job Queue Peek (420) ...................................................................................................................................... 25 8.5 Job Queue Append (421) ................................................................................................................................. 25 8.6 Job Queue Insert (422) ..................................................................................................................................... 25 8.7 Job Queue Read Information (424) .................................................................................................................. 25 8.8 Job Queue Modify (427) .................................................................................................................................. 26 9. CHANGED OUTPUT PARAMETERS ON PAINT COMMANDS............................................................. 27 9.1 Get Current Job Information (419) .................................................................................................................. 27 9.2 Job Queue Peek (420) ...................................................................................................................................... 27 9.3 Job Queue Read Information (424) .................................................................................................................. 27 10. REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................. 28 Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 3 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 1. INTRODUCTION This document describes what has been changed in the I/O protocols for RobotWare 6.0 With an emphasis on what is needed to migrate from the similar RobotWare 5 (PntRapid) protocols. The layout diagrams shows a comparison, with changes marked in red. Some signals have been moved around in order to keep the standard protocol layouts at 16, 32, 48 and 64 bits in size. Handling of removed signals is described separately. RobotWare 6.0 has only 4 protocol templates, compared to 5 in RobotWare 5.xx. The two command based protocols have been unified into one single protocol. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 4 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 2. LAYOUT CHANGES 2.1 Compact I/O Protocol (16-bit) Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RW5.xx (PntRapid) AppEnable AppDisable CancelProgram StartSignal ResetError ExStart EraseQueue StopSignal IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo MaterialToggle ProgramToggle RW5.xx (PntRapid) AppEnabled ApplicatorError ReadyHighPri SystemRunning RobotError ProgramLoaded JobInProgress ReadyToReceive IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived MaterialAck ProgramAck Prepared RW 6.xx AppEnable AppDisable CancelProgram StartSignal ResetError ExStart EraseQueue StopSignal IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo MaterialToggle ProgramToggle RW 6.xx AppEnabled AppError ReadyHighPri SystemRunning RobotError ProgramLoaded JobInProgress ReadyToReceive IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived MaterialAck ProgramAck Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 5 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 2.2 Discrete I/O Protocol (32-bit) Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RW5.xx (PntRapid) ModeChangeAck MasterRequest MasterRelease ResetError CancelProgram EraseQueue InhibitProd StartSignal StopSignal CancelMaterial MtrlSupEnable MtrlSupDisable AppEnable AppDisable HVEnable HVDisable ProgramNo ProgramNo ProgramNo ProgramNo ProgramNo ProgramNo ProgramNo MaterialNo MaterialNo MaterialNo MaterialNo MaterialNo MaterialNo MaterialNo ProgramToggle ExStart Prepared RW 6.xx ModeChangeAck MasterRequest MasterRelease ResetError CancelProgram EraseQueue InhibitProd StartSignal StopSignal CancelMaterial ShiftQueue BatchMode AppEnable AppDisable HVEnable HVDisable IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo OptionToggle MaterialToggle ProgramToggle ExStart Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 6 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RW5.xx (PntRapid) AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn MtrlSupplyEna MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat ConveyorHoldReq PotlifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete ManualMode ReadyToReceive MotorOn CommandExecuting ProgramAck ProgramLoaded Prepared RW 6.xx AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn ObjConnected MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat PotLifeWarning PotLifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete GoingToAuto ReadyToReceive MotorIsOn ConveyorRunning IndexAck ProgramLoaded Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 7 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 2.3 Extended Discrete I/O Protocol (48-bit) Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RW5.xx (PntRapid) ModeChangeAck MasterRequest MasterRelease ResetError CancelProgram EraseQueue InhibitProd StartSignal StopSignal CancelMaterial MtrlSupEnable MtrlSupDisable AppEnable AppDisable HVEnable HVDisable <free> <free> <free> <free> <free> <free> <free> <free> <free> ForceMaterial ShiftQueue BatchMode OptionToggle MaterialToggle ProgramToggle ExStart IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo Prepared RW 6.xx ModeChangeAck MasterRequest MasterRelease ResetError CancelProgram EraseQueue InhibitProd StartSignal StopSignal CancelMaterial ShiftQueue BatchMode AppEnable AppDisable HVEnable HVDisable MotorOn MotorOff <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> ForceMaterial OptionToggle1 OptionToggle2 OptionToggle3 MaterialToggle ProgramToggle ExStart IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 8 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Input 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 RW5.xx (PntRapid) IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo RW 6.xx IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo IndexNo RW5.xx (PntRapid) AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn MtrlSupplyEna MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat ConveyorHoldReq PotlifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete ManualMode Prepared RW 6.xx AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn ObjConnected MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat PotLifeWarning PotLifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete GoingToAuto Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 9 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RW5.xx (PntRapid) ReadyToReceive MotorOn CommandExecuting IndexAck ProgramLoaded IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived Prepared RW 6.xx ReadyToReceive MotorIsOn ConveyorRunning IndexAck ProgramLoaded IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived IndexReceived Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 10 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 2.4 Command I/O Protocol (64-bit) Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RW5.xx (PntRapid) Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command <free> CommandToggle InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 StopSignal ResetError InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 Prepared RW 6.xx Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command ParamToggle1 ParamToggle2 ParamToggle3 CommandToggle InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 11 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Input 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RW5.xx (PntRapid) InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 AppDisable HVDisable InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 ParamToggle1 ParamToggle2 RW 6.xx InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 RW5.xx (PntRapid) AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn MtrlSupplyEna Prepared RW 6.xx AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn ObjConnected Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 12 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 RW5.xx (PntRapid) MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat ConveyorHoldReq PotlifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete ManualMode ReadyToReceive MotorOn <free> ProgramAck ProgramLoaded OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 CommandError CommandExecuting CommandAck OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 Prepared RW 6.xx MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat PotLifeWarning PotLifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete GoingToAuto ReadyToReceive MotorIsOn ConveyorRunning CBSMotorIsOn ProgramLoaded CommandOK CommandFailed <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> ParamAck1 ParamAck2 ParamAck3 CommandAck OutData OutData OutData OutData Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 13 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 RW5.xx (PntRapid) OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 ParamAck1 ParamAck2 Prepared RW 6.xx OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 14 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 2.5 Extended Command I/O Protocol (80-bit) Input 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 RW5.xx (PntRapid) Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command <reserved> CommandToggle InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 Prepared RW 6.xx Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command Command ParamToggle1 ParamToggle2 ParamToggle3 CommandToggle InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam1 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 15 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Input 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 RW5.xx (PntRapid) InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 ParamToggle1 ParamToggle2 StopSignal ResetError AppDisable HVDisable NegateInParam1 NegateInParam2 NegateInParam3 <reserved> <reserved> <reserved> <reserved> <reserved> Prepared RW 6.xx InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam2 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 InParam3 <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 16 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Input RW5.xx (PntRapid) 79 <reserved> 80 <reserved> RW 6.xx <N/A> <N/A> Output 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RW 6.xx AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn ObjConnected MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat PotLifeWarning PotLifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete GoingToAuto ReadyToReceive MotorIsOn ConveyorRunning CBSMotorIsOn ProgramLoaded CommandOK CommandFailed <Reserved> <Reserved> RW5.xx (PntRapid) AutomaticMode MasterGranted RunChainClosed RobotError JobInProgress JobPending ReadyHighPri SystemRunning MtrlChRunning MtrlChangeOn MtrlSupplyEna MtrlSupplyError AppEnabled AppError HVEnabled HVError HeartBeat ConveyorHoldReq PotlifeTimeOut HomePos MtrlChangePos ReadyPos UserPos ReposFinished EmergencyStop JobComplete ManualMode ReadyToReceive MotorOn <reserved> ProgramAck ProgramLoaded OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 17 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 RW5.xx (PntRapid) OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam1 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 OutParam2 CommandError CommandExecuting CommandAck ParamAck1 ParamAck2 InModule ObjConnected ConveyorRunning CBSMotorOn PotLifeWarning GoingToAuto <reserved> <reserved> Prepared RW 6.xx <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> <Reserved> ParamAck1 ParamAck2 ParamAck3 CommandAck OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData OutData <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 18 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 Output 78 79 80 RW5.xx (PntRapid) <reserved> <reserved> <reserved> Prepared RW 6.xx <N/A> <N/A> <N/A> Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 19 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 3. REMOVED OUTPUT SIGNALS 3.1 MtrlSupplyEna Material supply function has been removed in RobotWare 6.0. Skipping material change can be performed by sending material index 0 together with a job instead. 3.2 ConveyorHoldReq The “ConveyorHoldReq” signal was never connected to any system function in RobotWare 5.xx, so it has been removed in RobotWare 6.0. 3.3 ManualMode The “ManualMode” status output has been removed in favour of “GoingToAuto” which is a better status to monitor when sending automode acknowledge. The “AutomaticMode” output can be used to determine if the system is not in automatic mode. 3.4 CommandExecuting Using “CommandExecuting” was unreliable in RobotWare 5.xx so it has been removed. Use the “CommandAck” output to determine when command has finished instead. 3.5 InModule This signal was only present in the extended command protocol earlier. Consider using “JobInProgress” instead. 3.6 OutParam2 No standard paint commands give more than one output parameter, so this has been removed to keep the command protocol at 64 bits. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 20 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 4. REMOVED INPUT SIGNALS 4.1 MtrlSupEnable & MtrlSupDisable Material supply function has been removed in RobotWare 6.0. Skipping material change can be performed by sending material index 0 together with a job instead. 4.2 NegateInParam1, NegateInParam2 & NegateInParam3 No paint commands rely on negative input parameters. The only notable exception is the negative quantity in the job queue, but this can be achieved by using the “BatchMode” input signal when appending a job directly with toggle. 4.3 ProgramNo & MaterialNo These have been removed in favor of the common “IndexNo” input, since larger program and material numbers can be toggled in that case. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 21 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 5. RENAMED SIGNAL NAMES 5.1 ApplicatorError Changed to “AppError” in Compact I/O protocol, in order to use same naming as other protocols. 5.2 MotorOn Changed to “MotorIsOn” to avoid conflict with other MotorOn input signal. 5.3 CBSMotorOn Changed to “CBSMotorIsOn” to avoid confusion, since this is a status signal, not an input. 5.4 OutParam1 Changed to “OutData”, since it does not necessarily give the first output parameter, but also the error code in case of command failure. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 22 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 6. REMOVED PAINT COMMANDS 6.1 Controller Warm Start (100) Consider setting separate up system input if this is needed. Or use RobAPI to be able to send all types of restarts. 6.2 Spy Log Start (120) & Spy Log Stop (121) Use RAPID instructions or main console commands to run RAPID spy instead. 6.3 Generate System Dump (122) Use PxTPU to generate system diagnostics file instead, this has more information and is more useful. 6.4 Get Free Program Memory (123) Consider getting information directly in RAPID instead. 6.5 System Position Teach (210) & System Tool Teach (211) Only used by PxTPU, which should now update RAPID data directly with regular RobAPI commands. 6.6 Execute Program by String (402) Cannot be implemented, since paint commands in RW6.0 do not support string input. Use program index (segments) file to map between program index and module name. 6.7 Material Supply Enable (404) & Material Supply Disable (405) Material supply function has been removed in RobotWare 6.0. Skipping material change can be performed by sending material index 0 together with a job instead. 6.8 Get Material Change State (409) For GUIs, use RobAPI2 to get this information. 6.9 Get Cavity Material (430) For GUIs, use RobAPI2 to get this information. 6.10 Set Cavity Material (431) Not possible, since material change may be running isolated on PIB. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 23 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 7. RENUMBERED PAINT COMMANDS 7.1 Conversion Table Some paint commands have changed number to group them into more logical ranges. (100-199 = System Input Wrappers, 200-299 = Material Change, 300-399 = Applicator, 400-499 = Job Queue, 700-799 = CBS) Command Name RW5.xx (PntRapid) RW 6.xx Inhibit Production 105 406 Motor On 200 110 Motor Off 201 111 Material Change Cancel 403 204 Material Change Suspend 407 202 Resume Material Change 408 203 Read Material Consumption 410 310 Calibrate IPS Curve 500 350 Calibrate Rotation Sensor 505 355 Set Accumulated Volume 570 780 Get Accumulated Volume 571 781 Reset Accumulated Volume 572 782 Save Accumulated Volume 579 789 Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 24 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 8. CHANGED INPUT PARAMETERS ON PAINT COMMANDS 8.1 Execute Program (400) 1 = Program Index, 2 = Program Option 1, 3 = Program Option 2, 4 = Program Option 3 8.2 Material Load (401) 1 = Material Index, 2 = Material Option 1, 3 = Material Option 2, 4 = Material Option 3 8.3 Get Current Job Information (419) 1 = Entry Number 8.4 Job Queue Peek (420) 1 = Job ID 8.5 Job Queue Append (421) 1 = Program Index, 2 = Material Index, 3 = Program Option 1, 4 = Program Option 2, 5 = Program Option 3, 6 = Material Option 1, 7 = Material Option 2, 8 = Material Option 3, 9 = Quantity 10 = Job ID (Override default Job ID.) 8.6 Job Queue Insert (422) 1 = Program Index, 2 = Material Index, 3 = Program Option 1, 4 = Program Option 2, 5 = Program Option 3, 6 = Material Option 1, 7 = Material Option 2, 8 = Material Option 3, 9 = Quantity, 10 = Job ID (0 = In front, >0 = In front of that Job ID.) 8.7 Job Queue Read Information (424) 1 = Job ID 2 = Entry Number Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 25 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 8.8 Job Queue Modify (427) 1 = Program Index, 2 = Material Index, 3 = Program Option 1, 4 = Program Option 2, 5 = Program Option 3, 6 = Material Option 1, 7 = Material Option 2, 8 = Material Option 3, 9 = Quantity, 10 = Job ID (Job ID to modify data for.) Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 26 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 9. CHANGED OUTPUT PARAMETERS ON PAINT COMMANDS 9.1 Get Current Job Information (419) 1 = Specific Entry 9.2 Job Queue Peek (420) 1 = Program Index, 2 = Material Index, 3 = Program Option 1, 4 = Program Option 2, 5 = Program Option 3, 6 = Material Option 1, 7 = Material Option 2, 8 = Material Option 3, 9 = Quantity 9.3 Job Queue Read Information (424) 1 = Specific Entry Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 27 28 Rev. ind. 09 11.11.2015 08:07:00 10. REVISION HISTORY Rev Date Author Description 01 3/1-2014 KE Initial version. 02 20/2-2014 KE Updated after change request from DEFAC, and added information on paint commands. 03 10/6-2014 KE Paint command 5 (Flush log buffers) has been re-introduced. 04 2/10-2014 KE Paint commands 419 and 424 re-introduced. Signals “ReadyHighPri” and “InhibitProd” re-introduced. “ObjConnected”, “ShiftQueue” and “ForceMaterial” has changed location. Paint command 105 re-introduced as number 406. 05 4/11-2014 KE Some missing and renamed signals added. “CBSMotorIsOn” re-introduced into command protocol. 06 16/12-2014 KE Added information on paint command 419 parameters. 07 16/1-2015 KE Correction and clarification on parameters for paint commands 419, 420 and 424. 08 5/2-2015 KE Master commands, 1 and 2, re-introduced along with associated signals. 09 3/4-2015 KE Paint command 107 re-introduced. Prepared Responsible department K Erga, 030415 Approved Take over department Status Draft Description NOFAC I/O PROTOCOL MIGRATION GUIDE Page ROBOTWARE PAINT 6.0 No. of pages Document No. ABB AS, Robotics Technical Provisions 28 28 Rev. ind. 09