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MKT 304 Syllabus: Marketing Management - CSUN

MKT 304 – 13381
Introduction to Marketing Management
Department of Marketing
Sean Keyani, MBA
Office Hours:
Office hours are virtual and after class, please email me if you need to meet in-person in my office.
Saturday 8:15 - 9:15 a.m., Thursday 5:45 – 6:45 p.m., and by appointment
Office hours above are virtual only and the Zoom link is on the homepage of the course.
In-class: 60 minutes after the class meeting. I will hold extra office hours near the paper due dates and will
announce them in class.
sean.keyani@csun.edu - I will respond to your e-mail as quickly as I am able, often within a few hours.
However, please allow up to 48 hours for me to respond.
Noski Auditorium 101
The class meets every Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., please see the class schedule in the syllabus.
This class will require students and instructor to meet on campus at the same time every week throughout
the semester (Saturdays from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.).
• Required: Textbook; Marketing: The Core (Kerin, 9th ed.) With Connect Access Card - ISBN: 9781265725297. This
textbook provides you access to online activities and the textbook and you need this textbook to be able to benefit from
this class and reach the Learning Objectives (LO’s) listed in this syllabus.
o You are enrolled in a course which is part of the myCSUNDigitalAccess (MCDA) program. The MCDA program provides
digital materials to students at a deeply discounted price. The textbook you need for this course is being provided
digitally through the MCDA program. ALL enrolled students will have access to the materials through Canvas by the 1st
day of class, but more likely earlier. If want to keep access throughout the semester you need to do nothing. A charge
will be placed on your CSUN student portal account (just like tuition, but a separate charge) around the 5th or 6th week
of classes. You will then be responsible for paying the university. If you choose to obtain your materials through Canvas,
you have until Friday, February 16, 2024, to Opt-Out (see instructions below). Those who Opt-Out by 2/16/24 will lose
access and will not be charged. Students who do not Opt-Out by the 2/16/24 deadline will be charged, and those
charges will not be reversible (Please see the MCDA & opt-out instructions on the last pages of this syllabus).
o For those students who decide to opt out: please be sure to purchase and register your course material by 09:00 a.m.
on February 17, 2024. The system will not allow you to purchase the material after the date above. Using other versions
of the textbook (ANY other version) is NOT recommended. Please direct any questions regarding the equivalency of the
ISBNs to the publisher’s customer support (1-800-338-3987).
o Also, be sure to use your CSUN email when you register your Connect account online.
Required: SCANTRON SC882-E for in-class exams/quizzes. It is blue (NOT green) and has a section for student ID number.
Required: Please bring a white letter-size copy/printer paper to all the class meetings for in-class quizzes. I scan the
quizzes provided in class, and pages from notebooks, etc., are not acceptable as they can jam the scanner.
Optional: Wall Street Journal; Special Student Rate (Click here). Access to WSJ will help you familiarize yourself with the
current business topics. We will use articles from WSJ for some of the activities in this class; you can pull up the articles
using CSUN library databases (if they are available) or through your student subscription to WSJ.
Optional: Harvard Business Publishing case (For optional extra credit activity). Purchase through the publisher’s Website.
Note: You need to use Google Chrome to access and complete your online assignments. Using Safari to access course
content and assignments is not recommended. You will need access to MS Office Suite and Adobe Reader in this course. To
succeed in this course, you need to have reliable computer and internet connection access. If you ever have any technical
difficulties, accessing the Canvas site materials, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the CSUN IT department that can be
reached at (818) 677-1400 or click here to access the webpage of CSUN IT Help Center.
Either 1) Econ 160 or 300 and a college-level statistics course or 2) ECON 160 or 300 and BUS 104. BUS 302 and 302L are
co/prerequisites for Business majors. All marketing majors must attain a grade of “C” or higher in MKT 304.
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Topics in MKT 304, Course setup, expectations, how to succeed.
Start using the online discussion board to form groups (OR YOU WILL BE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED TO ONE)
Attendance will be monitored starting the first class meeting
Chapter 1: Creating customer relationships and value through marketing (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
What is a Marketing Plan?
Chapter 2: Developing successful marketing and organizational strategies (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 3: Understanding marketing environment, ethical behavior & social resp. (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 4: Understanding consumer behavior (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 5: Understanding organizations as customers (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 6: Understanding and reaching global consumers and markets (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 7: Marketing research: From customer insights to actions (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Situation Analysis Review - Groups Finalized – Group Registration due online before the class meeting.
This schedule does not show all the deliverables in this class. Please refer to the “assignments” tab in Canvas to see the list of all the deliverables and their due dates.
February 19, 2024 – Last day to add/drop the classes
Chapter 8: Market segmentation, targeting and positioning (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 9: Developing new products and services (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Exam 1: Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9 – The exam starts in-class at 9:30 a.m.
Chapter 10: Managing successful products, services and brands (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 11: Pricing products and services (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Situation Analysis (Individual Submission) Due 3/15 at 9:00 a.m.
Situation Analysis (Group Submission) Due 3/16 at 9:00 a.m.
Marketing Plan Review
Spring Recess - No Instruction per CSUN Academic Calendar - No class meeting, office, and GA hours during the recess.
Chapter 14: Implementing interactive and multichannel marketing (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 16: Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 17: Using social media and mobile marketing to connect with consumers (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 12: Managing marketing channels and supply chains (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Marketing Plan (Individual Submission) Due 4/26 at 9:00 a.m.
Marketing Plan (Group Submission) Due 4/27 at 9:00 a.m.
Chapter 13: Retailing and Wholesaling (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 18: Personal Selling and Sales Management (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Chapter 15: Integrated marketing communications and direct marketing (Read this chapter before the class meeting!)
Exam 2: Chapters 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 & 17 – The exam starts in-class at 08:00 a.m.
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Topics include marketing management strategy, implementation, and control; customer satisfaction and consumer behavior;
product development; pricing strategy; marketing communications and promotion; distribution; international marketing; and
marketing environment, laws, and ethics. To enhance critical thinking, communication skills, and leadership skills, the course
work normally includes such elements as classroom discussion, case analyses, computer simulations and experiential exercises,
and written and oral presentations.
Marketing managers must identify, understand, and measure needs and wants; select the most appropriate customer targets,
and develop marketing programs that deliver the desired benefits and organizational objectives.
The objectives of this course are:
• SLO1 - Communication: The student will write professional business reports, deliver strong oral presentations, and create
effective visual materials.
• SLO2 - Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: The student will identify and analyze problems and devise appropriate solutions
using qualitative and quantitative techniques.
• SLO3 - Ethics: The student will identify ethical dilemmas, analyze them from multiple perspectives, develop solutions, and
support their decisions.
• SLO4 - Global Context and Diversity: The student will recognize and evaluate the role of diversity, inclusion, and
multiculturalism in the global business environment.
• SLO5 - Cross-Disciplinary Knowledge: The student will demonstrate proficiency in the functional areas of business as well as
the ability to synthesize and apply this knowledge across disciplines.
By the time you finish this course, you will be able to:
A. Introduce the elements of situation analysis. This involves analyzing a company, the customer, and the industry so that you
can determine major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
B. Provide you with a framework and a set of tools for developing a marketing strategy that uses the marketing mix to address
the opportunities and threats identified in the situation analysis.
C. Enhance your ability to segment a market, identify optimal targets, and position the product.
D. Familiarize you with the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, channels of distribution, and integrated marketing
communications), and enhance your problem solving and decision-making abilities in these operational areas.
E. Understand global context & diversity, and be able to cross-disciplinary knowledge
F. Present examples of firms organizing their marketing efforts and integrating the elements of their marketing programs.
G. Improve your ability to:
o conduct and interpret research
o write professional reports
o work effectively in a team
Keep in mind that to be an effective marketing manager, you cannot simply internalize marketing facts and definitions, but must
use systematic critical thinking, the reasoned application of general underlying principles and strong quantitative and conceptual
Just like every passionate educator, my goal is to ensure a rich and exciting learning experience for my students so they can
apply concepts presented here, in their professional and personal lives. You may want to take “Online readiness selfassessment” survey (click on the link to take the survey) to find out this class is a right fit for you. Also, you want to take the
time to review the setup of this online course at the beginning of the semester and use my office hours and email to ask any
questions you may have.
• You are responsible for all deliverables described in this syllabus. Be sure to read the syllabus carefully. Any changes to the
syllabus will be announced on Canvas and with sufficient notice; if you decide to keep a copy of the syllabus, please ensure
its revision date (shown in the footer of all pages) matches the version posted on Canvas. All assignment and paper due dates
are fixed and extensions will only be granted under extremely exceptional circumstances.
• ANY AND ALL FORMS OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (example: cheating on exams, online posts, fabrication, plagiarism, etc.)
will result in an automatic “F” for the exam/assignment and is grounds for an “F” in the course. Cheating includes the
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
submitting of substantial portions of the same academic work for credit in more than one course without authorization.
Fabrication includes inventing information such as research and/or research data. Plagiarism is defined as “intentionally or
knowingly representing the words, ideas or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.”
• See the University Catalog/Student Conduct Code and/or the Schedule of Classes for definitions and examples of academic
dishonesty. Any form of academic dishonesty, including fabrication, cheating or plagiarism, will result in an automatic F in
the course and possibly expulsion from the University.
• Since Critical thinking/problem solving skills and writing professional business reports are part of the learning outcomes of
this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student. Developing strong competencies in this area will
prepare you for a competitive workplace. Therefore, AI-generated submissions are not permitted and will be treated as
• Cheating on an exam includes letting eyes wander onto another student's exam, talking during an exam, trying to obtain
information about what is on an exam prior to taking it, trying to obtain, or obtaining old exams, or having any "cheat sheet"
during the exam. Going outside your group or outside what I provide you to access others’ work on class projects constitutes
cheating. Using any outside sources during the online exams and quizzes in this class is not allowed; you are expected to stay
on the online exam page throughout the online exam or quiz. Navigating away from the online exam/quiz page constitutes
cheating which will result in an automatic “F” in this class.
• Plagiarism includes copying someone else's work, as well as failing to correctly cite a source. Papers must cite the original
source of data, information, and facts, even if paraphrased. Quotation marks are required with the exact words of another
author or speaker. NOTE: Information obtained in one’s reading or research which is not common knowledge must be
acknowledged. (CSUN Catalog, 2008). This means that you are expected to use a formal style in your in-text citations and
proper referencing on the reference page(s). Please use APA style for your citations and referencing.
Written assignments/communication must demonstrate professionalism, proper grammar, spelling, and clarity of
communication. Assignments handwritten or single-spaced will not be accepted. Poorly written assignments will receive a
lowered grade. Do not let the power of your ideas be affected by poor grammar, spelling, or clarity.
Here are the formatting requirements for the files:
Must have a cover page showing the title of the paper, due date, authors of the paper and class#
• In .pdf format only (Submissions in other file formats will receive no credit)
• Margins 1”, top, bottom, right and left
• Acceptable fonts: Arial or Times New Roman
• Font color: black - Using other colors on the cover page is allowed
• Font height: 12 pts.
• Line spacing: Double
Graduate Assistant(s): Graduate Assistant(s) or ISAs are available in the marketing lab (or virtual lab through Zoom) to answer
your questions. I will advise if your class gets an assigned GA or ISA.
Grade Rebuttals: Please check your grades on Canvas weekly to ensure they are posted and accurate. Canvas notifies you via
email once your activities get graded; please set your notifications for this course correctly. And bring any perceived errors in
your grades to my attention as soon as possible. When you notify me about the perceived error in your grade, be sure to provide
any details you may have. You may want to let me know about the nature of the error (as you perceive it) and provide any
evidence you have that it is an error. If there is a need to review your rebuttal further with you in person, I will work with you
to setup a time to meet virtually during my office hours. I will fully review your request and provide a response within 5 business
days after I receive your email; please be sure to send me a follow up email if you do not hear back from me within 5 business
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
The breakdown of the overall grade for this class is as follows:
Group & Individual
Group & Individual
Exam 1 (In-class)
Exam 2 (In-class)
Situation Analysis Paper (Group &. Individual submissions + Random Checks & Peer Evaluation)
Marketing Plan Paper (Group &. Individual submissions + Random Checks & Peer Evaluation)
SmartBook (SB) assignments
Assignments, participation and online/in-class quizzes
Extra credit (Up to 10 points on one of the grade components)
Note: Tardiness and early departures disrupt the learning environment and are strongly discouraged. I give quizzes/practice
activities during class meetings; only the students who fully attend the class meetings can earn credit for in-class activities.
Plus/minus will be used in grading, including the final course grade. Course grades will be assigned based on the grading scale
below. Grades will be calculated up to 2 decimal places. Please see me early in the semester if you are not sure what calculation
up to 2 decimal places means. NO “round up” will be used when numerical grades will be converted letter grades based on
the grading scale. Please refrain from emailing me after the last exam requesting any form of favoritism. Please consider
using “what if” in Canvas and add zero for the activities you have missed in order to see your accurate grade.
Letter grade
Letter grade
930.00 - 1000
93.00 - 100%
730.00 - 769.99
900.00 - 929.99
90.00 - 92.99%
700.00 - 729.99
870.00 - 899.99
87.00 - 89.99%
670.00 - 699.99
830.00 - 869.99
83.00 - 86.99%
630.00 - 669.99
800.00 - 829.99
80.00 - 82.99%
600.00 - 629.99
770.00 - 799.99
77.00 - 79.99%
599.99 or less
59.99% or less
In this course, Canvas is used extensively for posting course materials, announcements, and related links. It is students’
responsibility to check email and the course website http://canvas.csun.edu/ periodically. Please consider using the tools that
are available to you to ensure you do not miss deadlines. You may want to setup your notifications on Canvas: How do I set my
notification preferences?
Please be sure to subscribe to the “General Discussion Forum” on Canvas. I will post most of the communication in this forum.
The best way to contact me is email; you will usually hear back within 48 hours. Please be sure to use your CSUN email account
when communicating with me, include “MKT 304 – 13381” in the subject line of your email and include your FULL name and
CSUN ID number in the body of the email. For messages sent through Canvas there is no need to include the course and class
number in the subject line. You want to be clear with your question/comment, write concisely and follow the guidelines above.
If you have questions/comments about an assignment, please email me directly and avoid adding a comment to the submission
page of the assignment. For general guidelines regarding email etiquette for students click here.
Please be sure to complete all the assignments through Canvas; you may not see all the activities for this class through Connect.
In addition to the “Home” page, at minimum please consider checking “Syllabus” and “Assignments” pages on Canvas
periodically to see deliverables due in the upcoming days. You may want to consider reviewing Canvas guide pages below:
• How do I set my Canvas notification preferences as a student?
• How do I use the Course Home Page as a student?
• How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?
• What are What-If Grades?
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Please do NOT upload and submit your work as a comment on the assignment page on Canvas, such submissions will not be
considered. Also, for any questions/comments regarding the assignment you submitted, email me directly.
There will be two closed book, closed note, multiple-choice exams. Please refer to the “Grading system” section of this syllabus
for details. Examinations will be based on text readings, lectures, assigned cases, videos, and discussions. Although the exams
will be non-cumulative, material from one exam also may be included on the other one, since concepts build upon one another
in this course.
The quizzes will encompass material from the textbook, videos, and discussions, and will be non-comprehensive. However,
material from one quiz may also be included in the other, as concepts build upon one another in this course.
In-class quizzes/practices may be administered at any point during class meetings and generally will not have make-up
opportunities. I will review and consider excused absences, such as university-excused absences, medical emergencies, the
death of a family member, or severe illness, provided I receive your request with supporting documentation from law
enforcement, a doctor, etc. Additionally, I offer some extra credit points towards the end of the semester to help compensate
for some lost points due to unexcused absences. In-class quizzes typically carry a weight of 10-20 points. The weight and points
allocated to in-class quizzes may vary based on the difficulty level and the total number administered during the semester.
Each online quiz will be accessible for at least several days to ensure you have sufficient time to complete it. Failure to complete
online quizzes/exams before the deadline will result in a score of 0% for that activity. Be sure to start your quizzes at least 3
hours before the announced closing time. All online quizzes and exams may incorporate proctoring features to prevent academic
dishonesty; it is imperative that you adequately prepare for all assignments before attempting them. The system may limit
functions on your computer as necessary during online quizzes or exams. Exams in traditional and hybrid classes are
administered in-class (refer to the grading system outlined in this syllabus).
All assignments are open at the beginning of the semester & technology issues are not an excuse for missing deadlines. To
be safe, start several days before the due dates, create a backup of all your assignments on a hard drive or thumb drive external
to your computer. If you miss a deadline do not send your work over email and refrain from reporting technical issues that do
not exist. Generally, assignment in this course is accompanied with specific guidelines and a grading rubric. Please review the
assignment guidelines and the grading rubric prior to drafting your submission, as this will provide you with a road map for
learning and securing the best possible grade for each assignment.
Online or in-class exams will be open within only a certain period, and you need to start them on time. You will need to bring
your CSUN ID and SCANTRON SC882-E for your in-class exams.
Here are two helpful videos regarding SmartBook 2.0:
Student Overview – SmartBook 2.0
SmartBook 2.0 Reports – Students
Your attendance is crucial, not only for you but for your classmates, too! Every student has something of unique value to add to
the class environment based on your life experience, background, ethic and cultural heritage. Don’t be stingy, come to our
online class and share your talents and knowledge with all of us!
Course material will be posted in advance for your reading; you are expected to attend class meetings prepared and have read
the material as shown in the schedule on the last page of this syllabus. Also, please note that participation is a crucial element
of your grade. Attendance is expected and will be monitored. It will impact your performance, your group, and your group
members will likely reduce your peer evaluation score if you do not attend class and are not up to speed with what is going on
in the class.
Tardiness and early departures disrupt the learning environment and are strongly discouraged. I will keep track of your online
and in-class participation throughout the semester (skipping the class = running the risk of losing 2-5 percent on the overall
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
grade of this class for each class meeting missed). Short in-class quizzes may be used as a tool to gauge your understanding of
the material as well as your attendance. I generally do not offer make-up for in-class quizzes missed unless you have an excused
absence. Travel or any other activity that you chose to schedule/attend during class time will not excuse you from attending the
class. Also, I do not post the recording of the class meetings unless there is a force majeure (Such as a pandemic or natural
disaster) that requires us to take the class fully online.
Please review the class schedule and ensure you will be available to take your exams and class meetings according to the
schedule. No early examinations will be given. Make-up opportunities will be given on-campus, only in case of emergencies or
extraordinary circumstances after review of doctor’s note, police report, etc. I will review student requests for makeup
opportunities on a case-by-case basis and provide time slot(s) for a makeup based on my availability. Generally,
emergencies/extraordinary circumstances are car accident, hospitalization, severe sickness, death of spouse/domestic partner,
child, parent or siblings, university-excused absences and absences related to COVID-19. Your privacy is important to me, please
DO NOT share your personal medical information with me to prove your case (For example do not share hospital/prescription
records with me). You will need to ask your doctor or hospital to provide a note, clearly excusing you from school on the date
and time you were scheduled to take your exam or for the duration a particular activity was open and available to you. The
doctor’s note should show a return to work/school date, so I know when you are available to take your make up exam. Also,
you cannot present evidence regarding an excused absence after you attempted the exam, etc., and simply because you are
not satisfied with your grade.
In this class, we will follow CSUN guidelines regarding health and safety. Providing false information to CSUN and me about
COVID-19 test results, symptoms, exposure, etc. is unethical and unacceptable.
When participating in our meetings/office hours please follow these guidelines:
• Be sure to attend the meetings on time. To protect the security of our Zoom meetings and prevent "Zoombombing," all
students must go through a "waiting room" before entering any virtual meetings in this class. When you join a virtual meeting,
you will have to wait to be admitted to the meeting by our instructor.
• The system will authenticate you as a CSUN student user of Zoom before you enter the meeting or office hours (Use SSO login
to Zoom). If you have any issues with your accounts, etc., please contact CSUN IT and get them resolved.
• For Zoom meetings please arrange to be in a quiet area without loud background noise or interruptions so that you can
provide your complete, focused attention during the session.
• Keep your microphone mute while listening and be sure to mute it again after you are done sharing comments/questions.
• Keep your video on if you do not feel uncomfortable doing so; it will improve your focus and engagement throughout the the
meeting and consequently improve your learning. You want to avoid moving your camera/device around when your video is
• Use the chat feature in Zoom for course-related topics only as sharing unrelated topics will distract all the students in the class
meeting. I will only check the chat area periodically during the Zoom meetings.
• Respectful behavior and professional courtesy is a requirement at all times. Avoid inappropriate gestures/behavior/comments
and any background video/pictures that may distract the class. Please note that I have the option to remove students who
are disruptive from the virtual meetings and/or take disciplinary action through CSUN Student Affairs if need be.
• As a reminder, I do collect attendance data in all the Zoom meetings we have in this class.
• As stated, I expect active participation during the class meetings and may decide to communicate with you directly during the
class meeting to gauge your engagement (which will affect your participation grade). Please refrain from passive listening to
meetings while you are busy with some other activity. Multi-tasking is a myth; it is unlikely that you can benefit from lectures
while you are busy with something else (driving, doing homework, internet browsing, walking, shopping, etc.). In other words,
if you are “multi-tasking” during the class meeting, you are not present in the class.
All students will be working in groups on Situation Analysis and Marketing Plan papers. You are expected to form groups within
the class within the first three weeks of the class or I will assign you to a group. You can use online the discussion board on
Canvas to communicate with your classmates and form a group. If I decide to allow students to join groups online, you can use
“People” in Canvas to join a pre-set group. Please refrain from creating new group names on Canvas, they will be deleted.
Groups will be finalized on the day shown on the class schedule. Splitting groups will negatively affect the performance of the
group and is generally not allowed so, you want to choose your group members carefully. If I determine a group member is not
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
contributing to the work of the group, I may remove them from the group on Canvas. Group members who fail to contribute
to the group activity will receive a lower grade compared to other team members or no credit; individual contribution reviews,
peer evaluation and random group checks that I may conduct during the semester will be used to gauge the contribution of
each group member. Students who do not submit their individual work (student’s contribution to the group paper) for review
by the deadline will receive no credit for the SA and MP papers and may be separated from the group.
If I email and request a meeting with your group, it shows that I am conducting a random check and/or reviewing the
contribution of the group members. I usually invite you to a meeting and request that you email/upload the draft of your work.
Do not disregard such emails as it could impact the grade you will receive on the Situation Analysis and Marketing Plan papers.
I usually allow you several days to prepare for the meeting.
Groups usually go through stages of group formation: forming, storming, norming, performing, and mourning. I expect you to
treat your teammates with professionalism and respect and resolve any issues that may arise with patience and effective
communication. Taking your simple disagreements to your instructor will not earn you credit, and it may show that you are
unable to work as a part of a team. In order to produce an effective product with a group of colleagues, it is vital you learn about
each other (To start, consider reviewing the introduction forum). You need to know how to effectively work together, and this
requires a conversation about each member’s strengths and weaknesses. You will be expected to work in groups with your coworkers in your careers; therefore, this is a great opportunity for you to learn more about yourself and group dynamics.
Your group will probably face several conflicts, miscommunications, or disagreements through this process… how do you plan
to handle that? Effective groups establish certain roles or ways to contribute on a weekly basis. Not everyone will be able to
attend every single meeting and your group may decide that is appropriate if group members contribute in other ways. Each
group member probably has very different educational goals, different styles of communication, and different expectations of
how group work “should” be done. Your group needs to figure this out and I would be glad to meet with you and your group to
support. The SA and MP papers are designed to be done in groups of 3 to 6 students; things happen in people’s lives and
sometimes they need to withdraw from the course due to emergencies etc. You want to have a contingency plan as a group
to manage emergencies. You will have the option to submit your peer evaluation for your teammates at the end of the
semester, and I do take peer evaluations very seriously. Please note that I may decide to use an online peer evaluation system
during the semester once it becomes available through the department of marketing.
My advice: be proactive, network and form a group yourself with the right classmates quickly!
Your contribution to the group work will be monitored.
(Please read carefully - I will not accept excuses later in the semester. Projects in this class require commitment and
accountability - Free riders usually will have to repeat this course):
Disregarding communication from your group and instructor about the group papers is not an option and could negatively
impact your grade and peer reviews. Please consider responding to your group emails and group messages within a day
and actively participate in your group projects. Do not offload your clean-up and citation work to your group members,
the work you share with your group should be ready for submission.
At any point during the semester, I may email you directly and ask you to send me/upload a draft of your contribution to
the group papers within several days. You want to take such emails seriously and respond by the deadline as it has a direct
impact on your grade. The draft you share with me over email must be in .doc or .docx format, 1” all around, 12pt Arial or
Times New Roman font, black text, and double spaced. Your draft should show in-text citations (APA style) and draft of the
references page in APA style, and it should be free from grammatical errors.
All group members are required to submit their individual contribution to the paper on Canvas by the paper deadline. One
group member (Usually admin or backup admins) will also upload the group paper on Canvas by the deadline. Both
submissions are required. If I determine that a student is failing to communicate with the group and/or is failing to
contribute to the group work (=free rider), the “free-rider” will receive a grade that may be up to 5% of the grade the
group earns on the paper. I will separate the student from the group, put them solo in a group on Canvas, and assign them
a grade. This practice applies to both Situation Analysis and Marketing Plan papers and random checks may happen at any
time throughout the semester. The peer evaluation and random monitoring of work are designed to ensure the passive
students fail in their free-riding efforts or hopefully learn to work effectively as a part of the group. (Free riders are”
smart” individuals who try to enjoy and benefit from the work and effort exerted by actively involved students in a group).
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Enrolled students who have unexcused absences during the add/drop period, may not get assigned to a group. Even
though their name may be on the group registration sheets. This is to ensure students do not delegate their work to the
group while they decide to skip required class meetings.
Late work: Most assignments are open when the semester starts (or after add/drop period) so, you have considerable time to
get them done and stay ahead of the class. Files and verbiage submitted as a comment to the assignment will NOT be
considered; be sure to upload and submit your work on Canvas. If you have comments about file(s) you already submitted
on Canvas, send me an email.
SmartBook (SB), quizzes and discussion posts will receive zero credit if not completed by the deadlines. Please note the system
may allow you to complete the SB activities after the due dates for practice (recharge); such practice attempts will earn you no
credit if you did not complete the SBs by the deadlines. Other deliverables are to be uploaded onto Canvas by the due dates.
Papers/WSJ assignments submitted during the class, but after the start of the class will be reduced 20%. Anything submitted
after the class will not be accepted (=zero credit). Remember that with computers, things happen. Be diligent about backing up
your work. Plan ahead, back up often, and finish early. Please note that I can pull reports that track your access and activities in
Canvas and Connect, and refrain from reporting online technical difficulties that do not exist and/or are user-generated issues.
Also, please note that Canvas and Connect Help Desks will not revise your grades or move assignment deadlines in the system
under any circumstances and will report such requests from the students to me.
I know how important it is for you to know your current grade in the class. That is why my priority is to grade most
assignments (except for the SA and MP papers) within 1 week of the deadline, which will be visible on the Canvas Gradebook.
If your grades are not posted within a week after the deadline, or you believe the grade is inaccurate, feel free to email me
about the status of your grade ASAP.
Turnitin: Turnitin is built into Canvas and will automatically check your work for plagiarism; be sure to cite all your sources in
your work and add a reference page (Use APA style for both in-text citations and references page)
Students and faculty each have the responsibility for maintaining a respectful space to express their opinions. Professional
courtesy and consideration for our classroom community are especially important with respect to topics dealing with
differences in race, color, gender and gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, and age.
In this class you will select your own writing topics. Please keep the following in mind as you develop new topics throughout the
course of the semester: consider all of your writing for this class as public. You are encouraged to write on topics that matter to
you, and while this can elicit writing and reflection that may be deeply personal, please be prepared that you may be asked to
share your work with others.
As your instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help maintain a respectful learning environment on our campus. In the event
that you choose to write, speak or otherwise disclose about having experienced sexual misconduct/sexual violence, including
rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking and specify that this violence occurred while
you or the perpetrator were a CSUN student, federal and state laws require that I, as a “responsible employee,” notify our
campus Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator will contact you to inform you of your rights and options as a survivor and
connect you with support resources, including possibilities for holding accountable the person who harmed you. Know that you
will not be forced to share information and your level of involvement will be your choice. CSUN’s Title IX Coordinator is: Barrett
Morris - University Hall, Room 285 Phone: (818) 677-2077; barrett.morris@csun.edu. If you do not want the Title IX Coordinator
notified, instead of disclosing the experience to me, you can speak confidentially with our Campus Care Advocate. CSUN’s Care
Advocate can be contacted at (818) 677-7492. For more information regarding your university rights and options as a survivor
of sexual misconduct/sexual violence, please visit the University’s Title IX website at: http://www.csun.edu/eqd/title-ix . Note:
If it is determined that an alleged perpetrator poses an imminent threat to self or others, or if person(s) under 18 years of age
are involved, our Care Advocate is required to notify our Department of Police Services.
The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to, or treatment or
employment in, its programs and activities. Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, and various state laws prohibit such discrimination. If you need extra assistance with aspects of this
course, please contact the Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) or the National Center on Deafness (NCOD).
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Reasonable and effective accommodations and services will be provided to students if the requests are made in a timely manner
and with appropriate documentation in accordance with federal, state, and university guidelines. Please let me know if you
need further information or assistance from me in order to facilitate your learning experience. If you would like to discuss your
approved accommodation with me, please let me know and we can set up a virtual appointment.
I may decide to give up to 10 points extra credit opportunity. Any extra credit activity will be tagged online; accordingly, if an
activity is not tagged as “Optional” or “Extra credit” it is definitely a required activity for this class.
You are expected to read emails/posts that I send regarding matters related to this course. Please consider setting up your CSUN
email on your handheld device(s) and checking your email periodically to ensure you receive all class communication and
notifications from Canvas and your group. Please note I expect all students to know the course setup, expectations, and syllabus
by the end of the first week of the class. I also expect all students to always communicate with classmates and me with respect
and professionalism.
There is no excuse for disrespectful and inappropriate behavior in class and in the virtual environment.
The university is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy living and learning environment for students, faculty, and staff.
Each member of the campus community should choose behaviors that contribute toward this end. Students are expected to be
good citizens and to engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their university, to be civil to one another and to
others in the campus community, and contribute positively to student and university life (Click here to see Standards for Student
If at any point during the course you have questions regarding the course material or any other course-related issues, and if the
materials and syllabus do not answer the question, you should:
• Post your question to Canvas (General discussion forum) to be answered by other students or me. This is the preferred
method as it allows the entire class to benefit from your question and the response(s).
• If the question is too complicated for the discussion forum, make an appointment or see me during office hours.
• If the issue is a more personal matter, contact me in person or by e-mail and inform me ahead of time if you expect the
discussion to be lengthy so I can book my calendar accordingly.
While e-mail can be an effective tool for instructor/student interaction, it is also used inappropriately sometimes (Please
consider reading: How to Write an Email to Your Instructor). If you have course-related questions, these should be posted to
Canvas so that the entire class can benefit from the question and response(s). Feel free to email me with questions that involve
sensitive or personal information. If you missed a class meeting, make an appointment, and see me during office hours to get
updates or ask your course buddy to give you an update. Unfortunately, I cannot write you a report about what you missed in
a class meeting you were unable to attend. But I would be glad to take your questions regarding that class meeting during office
hours. Questions that need details and interaction must be addressed during office hours.
Course Buddy: You should have a “course buddy.” This is particularly important for students that are not on the roster yet,
because they cannot access Canvas and will not receive course-related emails. Enrolled students can adopt a non-enrolled
course buddy, but they should also have an enrolled course buddy for their own benefit.
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Electronic Devices: You may use tablets or laptops during class for classroom purposes only. However, you must sit in the first
four front rows to ensure minimal disruption. Please avoid the need for me to pause the class and ask you to relocate or close
your handheld device/laptop.
If you are found using your handheld device or laptop for non-course-related activities or your cell phone for any purpose, a
deduction of 5 points will be applied to your grade for this class, and your laptop/handheld device privileges will be revoked.
For emergencies, please exit the classroom to use your cell phone. Students who use electronic devices for classroom use must
use the device above their chair's tablet arm. In other words, anything that you believe should remain private should not be on
the screen of your device during the class meeting.
In-class quizzes: Please bring blank letter-size copy/printer paper to all class meetings for use during in-class quizzes. I scan the
quizzes provided in class, and pages from notebooks, etc., are not acceptable as they can jam the scanner.
Summary: I am looking forward to working with you this semester. I think you will find the material interesting and useful. I
hope to bring it alive through lectures, discussions, and projects. If at any time you have concerns regarding the course or
other aspects of your career, do not hesitate to approach or contact me. My door is always open to you and the best way to
reach me is through email.
You are enrolled in a course which is part of the myCSUNDigitalAccess (MCDA) program. The MCDA program provides digital
materials to students at a deeply discounted price. Some of your materials for this course are being provided digitally through
the MCDA program. · ALL enrolled students will have access to the materials through Canvas by the 1st day of class, but more
likely earlier. If want to keep access throughout the semester you need do nothing. A charge will be placed on your CSUN
student portal account (just like tuition, but a separate charge) around the 5th or 6th week of classes. You will then be
responsible for paying the university. If you choose to obtain your materials elsewhere you have until FRIDAY, 2/16 to Opt-Out
(see instructions below). Those who Opt-Out by 2/16 will lose access and will not be charged. Anyone who does not OptOut by the 2/16/24 deadline will be charged, and those charges will not be reversible.
If you wish to opt out of this program and not purchase access to the required digital materials you will need to follow the
steps below by February 16, 2024:
1. Go to https://accessportal.follett.com/0150
2. Click on Create an Account on the lower right.
3. Create an account using your CSUN email account.
4. Select the course(s) you wish to Opt-Out from. You will receive an email confirming your Opt Out selection, access will be
removed and you will need to purchase the materials elsewhere on your own.
5. If you need further assistance please email digitalaccess@csun.edu or click here to access the FAQ Webpage of the
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.
Most of us, at some point, need a little help. These resources are for students; don't miss out before you graduate!
CSUN has a range of resources to support your academic goals, engagement with campus activities and physical and mental
health. I encourage you to browse the links below throughout the semester and the rest of your time at CSUN. Please let me
know if you would like additional information on any of the resources below. These links are also included on the Canvas site.
Food Pantry at CSUN: Anybody who faces challenges securing food or housing and believes this impacts course
performance, should contact CSUN's Food Pantry website and the corresponding contacts. If you also feel
comfortable contacting me, the department chair, or the Dean's Office, we can also facilitate assistance. You don't
have to be alone in this moment.
Emergency MataCare grants, one-time grants to prevent evictions, urgent child care issues, etc.
University Counseling Center (Bayramian Hall 5th Floor): Did you know part of your tuition covers a certain number of
free counseling sessions each year? Once you leave CSUN, these sessions can cost up to $200 per hour.
Help lines (after hours when the University Counseling is closed) for numerous topics/needs (e.g., suicide, drug, rape,
LGBQT, military, or any crisis). You don't have to manage these feelings alone.
Pride Center offers support and resources to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, & questioning students,
faculty, & staff. (Pride Center flyer)
Learning Resource Center offers tutoring, a writing center, & more
Campus computer labs
To de-stress, invite students to our spa-like Oasis (Oasis flyer) for relaxation or our Student Recreation Center
(SRC) (SRC flyer)
Disabilities Resource Educational Services (DRES), some students with disabilities aren't aware they can receive
Klotz Student Health Center: Numerous health services including primary care, dental, nutritional counseling,
acupuncture, massage and lots more.
Career Center for resume writing & interviewing and much more; Matty's Closet has free professional clothes for
students who need interview or professional attire.
USU for more student services; Clubs & Organizations: Hopefully a dozen people have already advised you to "get
involved" at CSUN in something that interests you. (USU flyer)
Associated Students offers recycling, and a Children's Center providing child care
Financial Aid & Scholarships offers aid for applications
University Library for many additional academic resources
Veterans Resource Center assists CSUN students as they transition from military service to academic success. (VRC
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MKT 304 –SP 2024 - This syllabus is subject to change; Last Revised: 1/07/24.
All contents of this file and the related course intellectual property of the author. Reproduction and distribution of this document or any part of the course (partially or fully) outside CSUN’s DNCBE is strictly prohibited.