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Future Self Report: Network, Clarity, and Closeness Analysis

Future Self Report
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Welcome to the Future Self Report!
In this feedback report we show you how you think about who you want to be in the future (your “future self”). This
information will help you better understand how you think about, and relate to, your future self and your career. We
also suggest how you can go about reflecting further on who you want to be.
What are future selves?
Have you ever been asked where you see yourself in five years? Was it difficult to answer this question? Did you
feel you had to come up with a clear and convincing story but weren’t actually sure about what you want for your
future? Here is a more playful approach to this question: your future self as a network of ideas and aspirations –
your “future self network”.
Everyone’s future self network is different and unique to them. This feedback consists of three parts:
1. Under the heading Explore you can see your future self network based on your response to the self-reflective
2. Under the heading Quantify you can examine several numerical measures describing your future self.
3. Finally, under Manage you find a summary of your key strengths with respect to managing your development
towards your future self.
The network
This image shows your future self network based on your response to the future work self quiz.
The circles represent the ideas and aspirations you have selected as the ones most important to who you want to be
in the future.
The connections between them show how each pair of aspirations relate to each other. If achieving one aspiration
would also help you achieve the other, this means that there is a strong connection between them.
The colors
We have used an algorithm to find groups of ideas and aspirations that are connected to each other. In the image,
ideas that belong to the same group are drawn in the same color. The precise make-up of the groups is unique to
each person: It is based on which ideas and aspiration you see as connected to each other.
Some networks have only one group. If that is the case for you, all of what you imagine for yourself in the future is
closely connected and part of one single vision.
Often, there are multiple groups in a network. They often show us different areas of the future life we imagine
(such as work and family), different parts of who we are as a person (such as being ambitious and determined on
one hand and caring and patient on the other), or even different pathways we imagine for our future career (such as
aspirations associated with working as a consultant and aspirations associated with working in finance).
Have a look at the groups in your network and try to find a name for each group that describes what it is about.
The sizes
There may be some circles in your network that stand out as bigger than others.
These are the ideas or aspirations that act as linking pins between distinct groups. Often, these core aspirations
reflect your most important values or the characteristics of future self you see as most central to who you are.
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Your Future Self Network
is respected by others
has close and caring relationships
belongs to a hobby group or club
is outgoing/sociable
has achieved a good work/life balance
has bought a house/moved house/payed off their house
has a professional attitude
is intelligent/knowledgeable
has a fulfilling relationship with their spouse/partner
is seen as a role model
is in a bright and airy environment
has a close relationship with their children
is realistic
analyses and evaluates data/information
is admired by others
is seen as a leader
advises others
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
In this section, we zoom in on three quantitative descriptions of your future self: The connectivity of your future
self network, the clarity of your vision of your future self, and the closeness of your future self to your current self.
Understanding the plot
The red line shows your score, while the blue line shows the average score of a comparison group of ca. 1500 students
comparable to you. This way, you can interpret your position relative to the rest of the comparison group and judge
whether it is “relatively high” or “relatively low”. However, keep in mind that generally there is no “best” or “worst”
score for any of the indicators - each pattern comes with specific advantages and challenges.
Average in comparison group
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Future Self Connectivity
People’s future self networks differ in their connectivity. Have a look at the example below. Even though in both
networks we can identify two groups of ideas, the two networks clearly differ in how many connections their are between
the two groups. In the network on the left, the two groups are very clearly distinct from each other with few links
between them. This is a network low in connectivity or, put differently, a network that is relatively differentiated. In
the network on the right, the two groups have many more links between them. This network is high in connectivity
- its groups are relatively integrated.
Low connectivity score: Differentiated future selves
In you have a relatively low connectivity score, then you likely see your future self as a set of relatively clearly
differentiated areas that do not necessarily have much to do with each other - or, at the extreme, may even be in
conflict with each other. This can sometimes make career-related decisions difficult: The choice to invest in one area
comes with the trade-off of not investing in another area. At the same time, setbacks are also more easily contained.
For example, when you get negative feedback in one area of your future self, you still have other areas to fall back
High connectivity score: Integrated future selves
If you have a high connectivity score, this means that your future self network is like a closely knit web. At the
extreme, all your ideas about your future self could fall into a single group, although most of the times there are
multiple groups or areas that are strongly interlinked and integrated. An integrated future self network means that
you have a rather coherent idea of your future self, and the different ideas and aspirations all feed into each other.
This can have some positive consequences: For example, when you get positive feedback related to one specific
aspiration you have for your Future self, you may feel a greater overall sense of progress because growth in one area
feeds into growth in other areas. Of course, the same mechanism can also work in reverse - a setback in one area
may feel like a bigger setback on the overall journey.
As you can see, there are advantages and disadvantages to both differentiation and integration in your future self
network. The connectivity of your future self network simply reflects your own individual style of thinking about your
future self, and it may change over time.
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Future Self Clarity
Future self clarity
This indicator shows how clear your vision for your future self is in your mind. The clarity of your future self can
change over time, and likely fluctuates as you go through different experiences, question the path you have chosen,
and explore other possibilities.
High clarity
If you have a relatively high score, this means that you have a very clear idea of who you want to be in the future.
You can easily “time travel” into the future and imagine your future life. This can be helpful in motivating you to
invest in more future-oriented behaviors - that is, behaviors that are effortful in the short term but have benefits in
the long term. Research shows that a clear vision of one’s future self can motivate people to build skills they will
need in the future, network, and seek advice on their career.
Low clarity
If you have a relatively low score, your vision of your future self is not very clear yet. You may still be exploring
different pathways, or find it difficult to think this far ahead. One way to build a clearer vision of your future self is
simply taking time to reflect on your strengths and aspirations. The future self network is a playful and novel way to
help you reflect on your future without having to start with a clear and specific career goal.
Future Self Closeness
Future self closeness
This indicator shows how close your future self appears to who you currently are.
High closeness
People who see their future self as relatively close to their current self are typically more likely to prioritise long-term
benefits over short-term benefits. For example, they are more likely to save, to exercise, and to maintain good health.
They also tend to have better strategies to deal with stress and setbacks.
Low closeness
On the other hand, people who feel that their current self is quite disconnected from their future self, can feel
particularly motivated to engage in goal-oriented behavior.
The relationship between your current and your future self can change. Research has shown that writing a letter to
your future self in 10 or 20 years detailing how you expect to be then and how this is similar to who you are now
can foster a closer connection between your current and your future self. Vividly imagining how you will look in the
future might also help in making decisions that will benefit you in the long term.
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
What are my strengths in managing my future?
While it can be useful to eventually have a clear vision of your future self, successfully managing one’s future and
career also means being able to adapt to changing circumstances and potentially stressful challenges as well as to
proactively take charge of your one’s professional development. Everyone brings different strengths to this. In this
section, you can examine your particular strengths with respect to adaptability and proactivity.
Note that these strengths are not set in stone but develop over time. This is simply to help you reflect on your
current strength profile.
Having concern enables you to look ahead to the future and prepare for what might come. If you have a high score
in this particular strength, you probably actively try to plan and set goals for your career.
The belief that you have control over yourself and your environment allows you to be decisive and confident, and to
meet expectations.
Being curious makes it more likely that you contemplate different possibilities and scenarios for your future work self
and seek out new experiences, knowledge, and feedback.
Having confidence refers to your belief in your ability to achieve something. Confident people are usually more
comfortable asking for feedback; this then allows them to become more self-aware. Confidence also provides you with
a dose of optimism which can help you to motivate yourself to work towards your aspirations.
Point for reflection
Is there one strength that is more pronounced than others? Or are all four similarly pronounced? Are there any
strengths you wish were more developed? What could you try to further build this strength?
Average in comparison group
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Being proactive in managing your future means taking initiative, making plans and setting goals, seeking advice,
developing skills you may need in the future, and networking. People engage in such behaviors later on in their career
are more likely to be satisfied with their career and often progress more quickly in terms of salary and promotion, so
getting some practice in these behaviors now can be useful for you. Below you can see how you are currently working
towards your future career: by making plans, building skills, networking, and seeking advice. If your scores are
higher, this means you engage in this behavior more frequently.
Note that this simply reflects what you do now. How proactive you are in working towards your future can change
over time, and you can decide to invest more or less time in different behaviors.
Point for reflection
Is there one behavior you engage in more frequently? Is there a behavior your wish you would do more often? What
might be stopping you from doing so?
Average in comparison group
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Growth and Meaning
In this section, you can reflect on your sense of growth, energy, and meaning. As these concepts are deeply personal,
here we do not provide comparison data. Rather, you can interpret your score in absolute terms (on a scale from 1
to 5) and use the information provided in the explanatory text as a starting point for reflection.
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)
Your sense of personal growth
Over the course of our lives, our sense of growing and expanding as a person may vary. At some times we may feel
that we are on our way to realizing our full potential, and that we see improvement in ourselves. At other times, we
may lack this sense of improvement and feel like we are a little stagnant. Here you can see your sense of personal
growth at this moment in your life.
A sense of personal growth often arises when we experience challenges or difficulties. When we are able to reflect on
these and talk about them with someone trusted who is understanding and caring, this can help us better understand
ourselves and make us feel that we are developing as a person.
If you would like to give yourself more opportunities to experience a sense of personal growth, we suggest you do
just that: Reflect on your experiences and what they have taught you about yourself and share these insights with a
supportive person in your life.
Your sense of feeling energized
When you feel energized, this means that you usually feel alert and full of spirit, and that you look forward to each
day. Our sense of energy can fluctuate based on a number of factors.
One way to improve your energy levels is a healthy life style – getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, eating
a nutritious breakfast, and exercising regularly. But your energy levels can also improve if you look for opportunities
to help others. Doing something nice for someone else, even a stranger, can make you aware of the impact you are
having, and boost your energy levels. You may also feel more energized if you turn your attention to the activities
in your life that you are particularly interested in and passionate about. Doing something purely for the interest and
enjoyment it brings you can help you increase your energy levels.
Your sense of meaning
As human beings we have an inherent desire to understand ourselves and how we relate to the world around us. We
experience our life as meaningful when we have a clear understanding of who we are, and of our unique place in the
world. We also experience our life as meaningful when we are aware of what we are trying to accomplish in our lives,
when we feel that our life has purpose and significance. Experiencing our life as meaningful is an important aspect
of well-being. Researchers have found that feeling that our life is meaningful is linked to greater happiness and even
to better physical health.
In the graph you can see your sense of meaning at this point in time. Studies have shown that imagining the future
and thinking about what we may experience can make us see our lives as more meaningful. This is what you have
done as part of this study, so maybe thinking about your future self has had a positive impact on your sense of
meaningfulness. However, your first years of study are also a very intensive experience that may in fact have made
you question what your place in the world will be. Continuing to search for meaning is an important part of the human
experience. Researchers have identified many different factors that can make us experience our lives as meaningful,
such as acting in ways that benefit others or being grateful for the good things in our lives, so these are avenues you
could pursue to boost your sense of meaningfulness.
Questions for self-reflection: What are the sources of meaning in your life? Does imagining the future help you see
your life as meaningful? What experiences make you reflect on the purpose and significance of your life?
(Copyright Strauss, Loermans, Mell & Anseel, 2022)