International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET) Volume 6, Issue 11, Nov 2015, pp. 17-24, Article ID: IJECET_06_11_003 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6464 and ISSN Online: 0976-6472 © IAEME Publication CRLH LOADED Y-SHAPED UWB ANTENNA FOR RADIO-NAVIGATION/LOCATION Deshdeep Gupta Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMSCET, Bareilly, U.P, India Deergha Agarwal Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMSCET, Bareilly, U.P, India Brijesh Yadav Department of Electronics and Communication, SRMSCET, Bareilly, U.P, India ABSTRACT In this paper, Artificial Magnetic Material based CRLH-TL is deployed into the UWB antenna in order to prevent interference problem with other wireless system in the vicinity. The complementary geometry of proposed CRLH-TL is etched into the Y-shaped UWB antenna. The negative value of permittivity and permeability are verified for inclusion using MATLAB. The antenna performance is measured for Y-shaped patch with one and two inclusion etched. The results are presented in terms of Return Loss, VSWR, and Radiation Pattern. These types of antennas can be used in Real time locating systems(RTLS) such as Aeronautical Radionavigation, Maritime Radionavigation and Radio Astronomy. Key words: Artificial Magnetic material; Ultra-Wideband; Co-Planar waveguide; CRLH-TL, Real Time Locating Systems. Cite this Article: Deshdeep Gupta, Deergha Agarwal and Brijesh Yadav. CRLH Loaded Y-Shaped UWB Antenna For Radio-Navigation/Location. International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology, 6(11), 2015, pp. 17-24. I. INTRODUCTION In Modern telecommunication systems, conventional antennas have reached their technologically outlined limits. To cope up with the high performance demand in the present scenario, alternative techniques ought to be explored which leads to further 17 Deshdeep Gupta, Deergha Agarwal and Brijesh Yadav circuit integration and miniaturization. Artificial Magnetic Materials i.e., Metamaterials are composite human-made materials that have physical and electrical properties not found in natural materials [2][3]. Metamaterials are realized by embedding electrically small metallic inclusions aligned in parallel to a host dielectric medium. In the presence of a magnetic field, an electric current is induced within the inclusions leading to the emergence of an enhanced magnetic response inside the medium at their resonant frequencies. ‘Ultra-wideband’ (UWB) systems have a large absolute bandwidth. These offer specific advantage with respect to signal robustness, information content and/or implementation simplicity. According to Federal Communication Commission (FCC), ‘large absolute bandwidth’, systems have bandwidth more than 500 MHz and it has released the frequency band from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz for high data rate communication in 2002. UWB systems can suppress narrowband interferences, have high resilience to fading, and also leads to a great improvement of the accuracy of ranging and geolocation. If a single antenna can operate in ultra-wideband that can cover multi-band applications, the necessity for multiple-single frequency antennas is not required[1][4]. The electric fields of dominant mode in CPW transmission lines called even quasi-TEM mode, in the two adjacent CPW slots are opposite to each other. Hence, CPW operating in the CPW mode has low frequency dispersion and low radiation loss that makes it appropriate for Ultra-wideband circuit applications [11]. In this research, the idea of using metamaterial depends on replacing each section of the conventional Right Handed (RH) transmission line, by equivalent Composite Right Left Handed Transmission Line (CRLH-TL) implemented using lumped elements. The values of ε and µ for CRLH-TL can take either positive or negative values, depending on the frequency. The LH part in each CRLH TL-based element consists of two seriesconnected capacitors separated by a shunt-connected inductor. On the other hand, the RH part is realized using a conventional TL [5][6][8][10]. By adding filtering structure such as CRLH to the antenna, we can avoid interferences from the nearby narrowband services hence, increasing selectivity of system. Real time locating system utilizes the characteristics of the Radio waves for tracking the locating valuable assets. In UWB localization systems, distance to the target is obtained from time-of-arrival (ToA) of transmitted pulses. UWB use very short pulses which are possible because of wide range of frequencies. Identification of direct signals and reflected signals is done by these short pulses which enables a precise position sensing up to 15 cm by use of the time difference of arrival (TDOA) or the angle of arrival (AOA) of the signals[16]. This paper is organized as follows; Section 2 described Design procedure of inclusion and Proposed antenna, Section 3 describes results for the proposed inclusion and antenna and Section 4 concludes the work for desired applications and results. 2. DESIGN PROCEDURE 2.1. INCLUSION DESIGN The design of proposed CRLH inclusion is shown in Fig.1 along with its distributed model. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed structure, a one-period CRLH resonators backed CPW has been designed as shown in Fig. 2. The inclusion is fabricated on a RT/Duroid 6010LM substrate with a dielectric constant of 10.2 and a thickness of 0.635 mm. 18 CRLH Loaded Y-Shaped UWB Antenna For Radio-Navigation/Location Fig: a) Top view Figure 1 CRLH Unit and its equivalent Distributed Model Figure 2 CPW TL loaded by proposed CRLH unit The capacitive and inductive elements values within a SRR are function of its geometry, both values are considered to be frequency independent. Let the length of the open-ended line (lo.e.) equal the length of the short-ended line (ls.e.) in the inclusion and is denoted by (l). Therefore, the resonant frequencies (first and higher-order resonant frequency) can be expressed as: fn = (2 n − 1) 8.l .cε eff (1) where , n=1,2,3,....., εeff is the effective permittivity of the open- ended and shortended lines, and c is the speed of light in free space. Using (1), it can be shown that the inclusion's first and second resonant frequencies occur at frequencies having guided wavelengths equals eight times and 8/3 times l, respectively. 2.2. ANTENNA DESIGN The proposed antenna is designed on FR4 substrate having permittivity (εr) = 4.4, and thickness (h) = 1.6 mm. The etched CRLH inclusion dimensions and position plays a vital role in designing procedure. 19 Deshdeep Gupta, Gupta Deergha Agarwal and Brijesh Yadav Figure 3 Layout of Y-shaped Patch Besides its Y-shape shape patch as shown in Fig.3, the antenna has a CPW ground plane printed on the back side of a 1.6 mm substrate. The design is simulated using HFSS 14.0 licensed version. Design parameters para are shown in TABLE.1 Figure 4 Layout of Antenna With one and two CRLH inclusion Antenna is first designed with one and then with two CRLH inclusion as shown in Fig.4. By increasing the number of inclusion from one to two leads to increased electrical al length for the proposed antenna. TABLE 1 Design Parameters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Parameter Length of substrate Width of substrate Ltaper1 Ltaper2 Width of CPW strip L2 Value (mm) 23.5 25 1.05 1.55 1.8 4.2 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS DISCUSSI The simulated S-parameter parameter for the proposed inclusion loaded into CPW TL is shown in Fig.5. Two transmission zeros are obtained for the inclusion at resonance frequencies 4.1 GHz and 6.9 GHz. The value for return loss and insertion loss for the ECET/index.asp 20 CRLH Loaded Y-Shaped UWB Antenna For Radio-Navigation/Location proposed inclusion are shown in Table.2. It is observed that value of return loss (< 1) and insertion loss is (> 10), it depicts good bandstop characteristics for the designed one period CPW backed CRLH inclusion. Figure 5 Simulated Return loss response of CRLH loaded CPW TL The graph showing the permittivity and permeability simultaneously near the resonant frequency is plotted in MATLAB shown in Fig.6. This verifies the characteristic of metamaterials i.e. both permittivity and permeability should be negative near the resonant frequency. TABLE 2 Simulated results for CRLH loaded CPW TL Parameter Resonance Frequency Return Loss Insertion Loss Ist Resonance 4.1 GHz 0.40 dB 28.93 dB IInd Resonance 6.9 GHz 0.41 dB 29.42 dB Figure 6 MATLAB Plot For Permittivity And Permeability The return loss vs frequency graph is plotted for the proposed antenna design shown in Fig.7. According to the plot, antenna covers the bandwidth within the assigned band for UWB applications. The simulated bandwidth of the antenna is 1.47 GHz with reference to S11= -10db. 21 Deshdeep Gupta, Deergha Agarwal and Brijesh Yadav Figure 7 S-parameter for proposed antenna design The fractional bandwidth (FBW) for Ultra Wideband antenna must be greater than 20%. Here for the proposed design FBW is 28%. Minimum value for VSWR is taken as unity and it corresponds to perfect match. The plot for VSWR vs frequency is shown in Fig.8. It has value less than 2 for entire range of frequency where UWB nature of the antenna is obtained. Figure 8 VSWR plot for proposed antenna design Fig.9 and Fig.10 shows the radiation pattern at 5.8 GHz for antenna with one and two CRLH inclusion respectively. It can be observed from the plot that antenna exhibits nearly Omni-directional pattern. A system that is designed for continuous coverage can utilize receivers that don’t view a single direction, but look in all directions at once. This allows a single location sensor, (radio receiver) to replace 4 cell type location sensors that only have a 90 degree field of view. Here for the proposed structure area of operation being nearly omni-directional, it deploys the integration application of the antenna for RTLS applications both at receiver and transmitter side. 22 CRLH Loaded Y-Shaped UWB Antenna For Radio-Navigation/Location Figure 9 Radiation pattern for one inclusion antenna Figure 10 Radiation pattern for two inclusion antenna 4. CONCLUSION Future of radio-navigation and radio-location requires antenna and systems capable of efficient operation in desired frequency band and accurate results. The proposed structure with the help of metamaterials provides a promising area for filter etched antenna to work out for real time location. This work provides the study of Y-shaped etched antenna where a band filter helps the antenna to operate in desired frequency band of radio-location and operate there individually without any interference. The use of such antennas in RTLS provide increased interoperability through use of standardized hardware and increased coverage for locating assets. Further, more study can be done to enhance the material and physical properties of antenna for the same. Metamaterials here provide a platform to improve simple antenna’s working capacity. REFERENCES [1] Li L., Zhou Z.-L., Hong J.-S. and Wang B.-Z., “Compact dual-band-notched UWB planar monopole antenna with modified SRR” ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 18th August 2011 Vol. 47 No. 17. 23 Deshdeep Gupta, Deergha Agarwal and Brijesh Yadav [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] Pendry J. B., Holden A. J., Robbins D. J., and Stewart W. 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