TIMELINE AND YOUR IDENTITY SHIFTS Many reality threads [ways of life] exist as a potential within YOUR energetic magnetic field that surround you like a bubble of Light. This thread of information is one of the many possibilities that will assist you to look at your life from a different angle. At any time, you free to change your present way of life. It is always possible to rearrange your life, differently. And as you further read this information will greatly encourage you. There are many possibilities that already exist in your potential future and you can experience that if you so choose. Nothing will change the reality that you live in now unless you replace that present reality with another probable future. It is easy for you to project your awareness into anything that you love to do. You do this every day as you enter a likely awareness of what you are thinking. You are imagination and seeing yourself participating mentally within the vision that you are seeing and you know this could become a probable 1 and an eventual timeline. A timeline is an eventual way of life for you. That awareness can exist if you choose to allow it to become part of life experience. Let say you are inclined to follow a particular path and you follow it and unknowingly this is what you believe you should do. If it works, you do not question your way of life and still you keep yourself bonded to that way of life. You know your habitual lifestyle is a safe way, but it is not necessary your most profitable way of life. Whatever you are imagining it is a possible reality, and this is already within your field of possibilities? If it were not already an existing timeline, you would not even be thinking about it. Within each timeline, there exist a series of thoughts that are knit together by your imagination to form a probable way of life? SHIFTING THINGS TO ANOTHER SPACE There are many reasons why people change their way of life as they proceed to make some change their lifestyle. There are many small ways you can change to a different thread of reality and even without you even noticing it, you do this every day; it is very subtly done. This can be when you rearrange the furniture in your home or begin to travel a different route into town. Even the smallest variation in your daily routine has the ability to create 2 energetic changes that will inspire you to create a particular change in your life. As you start thinking in a certain way concerning what is functioning and existing in your life, this allows you to review another probable way of life and see what else you can do. When you change object around to a new location even a small way in your life, this is telling your subconscious mind to pay attention to what you want. In some way those deliberate actions or object that you are moving around, represents the change that you eventually would like to see happen. What those symbolic actions are meant to do, is to stimulate the arrival of what you intent and what you would like to see happen. This is how a non-verbal affirmation looks like. Those repetitive reminders are reminding your subconscious mind that you are SERIOUS and READY TO LIVE IN A DIFFERENT AWARENESS and you are willing to ALLOW this life’s change to take over and make all things new. This seems simple to do, why not give it a try? It is with your Love that you will anchor your newest version of yourself. Of what you are aware of you have the ability to re-create a new “you” actually merge easily within any arrangement that is coming into your life. 3 CHOOSING A SHIFTING OPTIONS Sometimes out of necessity, you will change timelines because of some crisis or some other unexpected event that come into your life. This would be a high SIGN showing you what is about to happen to you. Those feelings come to you as you are about to enter into a different stage of life. In some cases, the timeline shift is not always one of your choosing, and sometimes a scheduled event happens out of necessity. Some people maintain their fundamental timeline most of their lives, with little variation in their reality. As, by contrast, there are some individuals who are undergoing a lot of reality shifts. It seems they have lived many different lives within the same lifetime. As you become aware of the many threads of reality that exist on different TIMELINES, still you know that each one of these is a different field of possibilities. As you review those multiple choices that are present to you, this gives you a chance to decide which one is best for you. You can choose which awareness is most preferable for you to maintain and this would be what you have in mind to experience? As you support a particular frame of 4 thoughts this will be the attitude that will have the effects on what you have consciously chosen to experience. YOU ARE A GIVER OF LIFE. By paying attention to WHAT CONCERNS YOU, there is no doubt that you are ENERGIZING and creating WHAT YOU FOCUS ON; you are giving it life with your focus thoughts. Each time on your timeline, you focus and meditate you are shortening the amount of time it would take as it comes to manifest in your life. As you concentrate on what you desire to see happen, in your meditation time, you are imagining how it would feel like if you were experiencing that event right now. This will cause you to see how it will feel if the change were already established in your physical life. Those coming events are allowing you to feel before they become actual experiences. For this reason, if a thread of reality does not seem very "probable" at this moment, you can switch your focus attention on another timeline that is interesting you. Your interest will start to grow and the existence of this other new possibilities will become apparent. Imagine yourself on an individual timeline, then within that state of mind become comfortable with your 5 feelings. This is how you will know because; you will start living from this other viewpoint. For this reason, start thinking from your new viewpoint; not from your former way of thinking. This is the existing knowledge that needs to be well understood, if you are to achieve a time shift, this is how it is done. As you create that reality change, you see yourself existing from an individual awareness and you will feel that you are actually there at that moment and yet you are still here where your human body is. ‘It is here and here is there’ and there is much true in this statement FUTURE POSSIBILITY There can be many earth realities to choose from and have their own energy field. You decide which energetic dimension you want to experience. At any given time, there are many realities that are a close vibrational match to your existing way of life. Individual goals are a remote possibility and those have a lower probability of becoming what interest you, but those are still future opportunities. Any threads of reality that are close matches to your present realities are considered future possibilities that you can review later. You are free to shift to other alternate and similar reality at any time. 6 After you have made your choice, then flow with the moment and be aware what comes into your presence and see what happens. You may meet someone on your path, which can lead you to choose another appropriate timeline. When you create or rearrange things in your life, new pathways in your consciousness are this can even expand to newer awareness of yourself and your surroundings. All timeline are possibilities that will continue to bring a new version for you to explore. When you shift to a timeline that has a close resemblance to your present one, the change may be barely detectable. But if you shift your vibration to a sudden and continuous change, it may suddenly seem you are living an entirely different way of life. By activating a Timeline Shifts, you are also able to be aware of another possible future. From what you know you can consciously choose something that you desire and as you begin to energize it with your focus you are creating it. As you shift your focus from what is happening on the physical side, with your imagination you are able to reach a higher awareness. You know you can elevate your thoughts from your present situation to a higher level of 7 consciousness and then you can access other adjacent reality. HOW CAN YOU GIVE LIFE TO YOUR CREATION? Within your meditation you keep adding and changing things with what you are aware of, this you do until you are satisfied with what you have imagined. As you come back to your walking physical reality, you know that you had transcended your physical awareness. And you know what you have indented you were beyond the boundary of your physical awareness. You are finding that your everyday walking conscious awareness is the ‘THE ENERGY VEIL’ that prevents you from focusing on your spiritual awareness. In reality with your meditation, you are able to dissolve the veil. You can break and free yourself from what keeps you attach to this world which is what is holding you from progress you can surely make with your spiritual life. You are able to free yourself from what is restraining and holding your awareness from expressing its freedom. When you are about to enter a new timeline, thoughts arise in your mind and YOU FEEL THE EXCITEMENT of this new timeline because its timing has already begun to 8 energize and manifest in your life. For this reason, you are going to be move and your life will change; in addition, when it is this time for its to manifestation you will know. It is important to choose consciously an alternative reality for what you want to do next. Any timeline shifts that you have undertaken without being aware or concern will often create unfulfilling realities and your way of life will get more chaotic. If you are influenced by the activity of a timeline that has a tendency to takes you further away from your spiritual ALIGNMENT. If this is not correct, you will likely encounter some difficulty on you chosen part. This can also manifest in many different ways, like illness, accidents, and various forms of loss? It is best to review what you are doing and find the cause. Many people think that they are "unlucky" because their superstitious and they do not know any better. The truth needs to be told and such things as "lucky" or "unlucky." Is a misunderstanding needs to be clean up? There is only alignment or lack of adjustment to any timeline that you choose. In other words, the quality of your awareness relates directly to your level of your consciousness and to the degree of your align yourself to your spiritual purpose. BE OPEN AND ALERT 9 It is possible to ask your Soul to guide you by making you more aware of other images of possible timelines that are aligned with your spiritual purpose. Set your intention and stay aware of any information and guidance that comes to you. Remain in a state of alert awareness and pay attention to the sign and symbol that manifest during the day. You will recognize the guidance you need if you are expecting and looking for it. At the odd time, you will receive a flash that concern different possible reality threads and this come to you in many ways. You could be seeing a vision and in another way that can very well appear in a dream. Your subconscious mind is not bounds by any restriction that is imposed by time or space. Also by working with your dreams each day, you will be able to discern those times eventually when you are gifted with an awareness of possible timelines you can shift to. There is other Timelines which are present to you for your consideration. This is when another potential reality begins to seep into your consciousness while you are focus on your current timeline. This like being tempt by showing you a possible contrast to delay, to restrict and to prevent you from going ahead. As you take initial steps toward a new vibration, you may perceive, fully formed, the changes that this new frequency will bring. 10 Any inspiration, you may have is merely an awareness designed to smooth your way through a transition. It offers you a start to steer by, but it is still necessary to continue taking steps to stay focus on your newly-perceive reality. When a timeliness of similar vibration happens to end with those who are involved, this is the time they will experiences a slightly altered feeling. They will finds some things in their life no longer resonate or doesn’t hold the same meaning that it once did. Those involved have reached the end of their own effectiveness and, for this reason, they come to a point where this is the end result of their gathering. WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO FEEL We all know people who are able to transform their awareness that will bring them into the reality of what they focus on. For those people, limitations and UNDESIRED REALITIES HAVE CEASED TO EXISTand what is not part of their life are the emotional upheaval, their physical illness, scarcity, struggle, suffering, and other. This is the powers of your resurrection, it leave behind all that oppose the righteousness of your ascension. This will happens when you free you with 11 this knowledge and this is because you understand what the power of the Law that you are using. This new course of learning is to bring your earth consciousness into harmony with your higher awareness. For this reason, through your earth life’s purpose you are to rely for all of your need on your God-Soul. When your life is done on this earth and you have understood your lessons then your time on this earth is done. By aligning your consciousness with other realities, you are able to access new realities and you can now perceive that from your higher awareness. Highvibrational realities are always aligning with your spiritual purpose. By choosing this alternate timeline, you can begin to align with your highest potential reality, by that completing your Earth school curriculum and the rest will be “Heaven on Earth.” For this reason, the power of this New Earth is the creative transformation of the inner abilities and this is your Soul power to create for you. WHY TIME IS INVOLVE 12 A TIMELINE SHIFT involves perceiving /sensing /visualizing /imagining /feeling the realities you choose and then you create those realities with you focus. During your time of waiting, there is a built-in "lag of time" between your inner awareness and what will appear in your physical reality. This is why the new reality you HAVE adopted takes some time to appear in your physical reality. As long as the calm remains know that sooner or later your inner and your physical realities will align. However, if you maintain thoughts of doubt, you undermine this alignment, and the longer will be the delay. This timeline shift technique allows you to enter into the new awareness that is caused by the creation that you formulated with your imagination. For this reason, if you can imagine /perceive /focus on this new reality, it already exists within your new created focus. Just be comfortable with those feelings and allow this truth to come into existence. The way truths are manifest on Earth at this time; there will always be a lag of time concerning the reconfiguration of your inner reality. In addition, when you refer to your physical reality you see what has shift from your memory has it as already occur this is you working 13 in reverse and taking your clues from your coming reality. Have no doubt the change has been made, then regardless of what your external reality is saying and what it is showing you at this moment. If your perceptual skill is finely tuned, you will be able to recognize its physical reality as looking the same as what you have imagined. From this moment on, you will make decisions from the perspective of your new identity self. Because of those new choices that you made, those are what are pulling you to experience and bringing you to exist on a different timeline. You vibrate differently and it is magnetizing you to a different awareness and various people. It is making you aware of the many possibilities that are found on this apparent timeline. By shifting to this new timeline, you have actually transformed your destiny. A possible obstacle could exist if you still hold onto some unresolved energy, something that is not finish concerning your old timeline. If you are holding onto negative emotions about the old timeline -- or if you try to escape from some aspect of it -- this will only keep you lock into those old realities until you release your past. It is next to impossible to release what you resist. Once you visit and dealt with any possible obstacles, then you are ready to begin the timeline shift process. 14 THE TIMELINE SHIFT PROCESS Let say you want to lose weight as an example; you would have often thought how you would of like to change your present reality. You do not need any outside support like what the system offer. What you focus on creates the change and don’t rely on what is the supposed authority. As you view what you are concern about, this is being created by your Creator Soul. Totally trust your Soul for this type of creation. This is the truth that will free you. Know what you have imagined is what your Soul creates. In your quiet, meditative state, align yourself with this timeline reality. Allow yourself to be filled with what inspire you. See it! Feel it! Look at this situation from your Soul viewpoint. This is the assurance you need as you mentally project yourself ahead in time. As you focus on how you are feeling and as your appearance starts to change the more, you will be encouraged that you are doing the right thing. From this point on, you are acting and seeing the truth from your higher self’s awareness. If you have already accepted a new self-image of yourself, then do not interfere, allow this new knowledge to function. YOUR NEW IDENTITY 15 Open your eyes and look around you. Yes, you are seeing the same physical reality you saw before closing your eyes. However, if you have done the timeline shift process correctly, you are looking at the old reality with a new attitude. Because you now know that all things are created Perfect, and the only one that need to change is you. From this point on, once you have understood, what you focus on, or what you recall or talk about or if you are imagining something, you are creating that something because of your focus. For this reason, what you observe you create. There is no doubt what you see is being created. As you focus, use your emotions because this is the language your Soul understands. This non-verbal communication comes from your heart and certainly not your head. This other is what is known as telepathic and this comes from the outside of you, and its source is endless. This is why you are call to use your heart discernment and trust your heart because it will never deceive you. Both threads of communication are nonverbal. Again you are to choose and those are your choices. Doctor Love 16