LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 1 ACI-000 Concrete Primer: SP-1 2 3 4 5 ACI-001 ACI-002 ACI-003 ACI-004 6 ACI-005 7 8 9 10 ACI-006 ACI-007 ACI-008 ACI-009 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ACI-010 ACI-011 ACI-012 ACI-013 ACI-014 ACI-015 ACI-016 ACI-017 ACI-018 ACI-019 21 22 23 ACI-020 ACI-021 ACI-022 24 25 26 27 28 29 ACI-023 ACI-024 ACI-025 ACI-026 ACI-027 ACI-028 ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection : SP-2 Manual of Concrete Inspection : SP-2 Formwork for Concrete : SP-4 Specifications for Structural Concrete ACI 301-99: With selected ACI and ASTM references : SP-15 ACI Design Handbook : Design of structural reinforced cocrete elements in accordance with the strength design method of ACI 318-95 : SP-17 Analysis of Structural Systems for Torsion : SP-35 Fiber Reinforced Concrete : SP-44 Reinforced Concrete Columns : SP-50 A Selection of Historic American Papers on Concrete 1876 - 1926 : SP52 Reinforced Concrete Structures in Sismic Zones : SP-53 Shotcrete for Ground Support : SP-54 Accelerated Strength Testing : SP-56 Refractory Concrete : SP-57 Polymers in Concrete : SP-58 Concrete Design : U.S. and european practice : SP-59 Vibrations of Concrete Structures : SP-60 Ferrocement : Materials and aplications : SP-61 Super - Plasticizers in Concrete : SP-62 Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Wind and Earthquake Forces : SP-63 Expansive Cement : SP-64 Performance of concrete in marine environment : SP-65 ACI detailing manual--1994 / ACI Committee 315, Details of Concrete Reinforcement : SP-66 Concrete Shell Buckling : SP-67 Developments in the use of Superplasticizers : SP-68 Applications of Polymer Concrete : SP-69 Joint Sealing and Bearing Systems for Concrete Structures : SP-70 Vol 1 Joint Sealing and Bearing Systems for Concrete Structures : SP-70 Vol 2 ASTM Standards in ACI 301 Strctural Concrete Specifications and 318 Building Code Requirements : SP-71 Autor Mather, Bryant Ozyldirim, Celik LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 30 31 32 33 ACI-029 ACI-030 ACI-031 ACI-032 34 35 ACI-033 ACI-034 40 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 67 ACI-039 ACI-043 ACI-044 ACI-045 ACI-046 ACI-047 ACI-048 ACI-049 ACI-066 68 ACI-067 123 ACI-122 141 ACI-140 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ACI-141 ACI-143 ACI-144 ACI-145 ACI-146 ACI-147 ACI-148 ACI-149 ACI-150 ACI-151 ASTM Standards in ACI 318 Building Code requirements : SP-71 Dynamic Modeling of Concrete Structures : SP-73 Fatigue of Concrete Structures : SP-75 Designing for creep & shrinkage in concrete structures : a tribute to Adrian Pauw : SP-76 Foundations for Equipment & Machinery : SP-78 Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag & Other Mineral by Products in Concrete : SP-79 Vol 1 Innovative Cement Grouting : SP-83 High - Strength concrete : SP-87 Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete Bridges : SP-88 Polymer Concrete : Uses , materials and properties : SP-89 Joint Sealing and Bearing Systems for Concrete Structures : SP-94 Joint Sealing and Bearing Systems for Concrete Structures : SP-94 Vol 2 Properties of Concrete at Early Ages : SP-95 Consolidation of concrete : SP-96 Specifications for Masonry Structures ( ACI 530.1-92 / ASCE 6-92 / TMS 602-92 ) : SP-115 Specifications for Masonry Structures ( ACI 530.1-88 / ASCE 6-88 ) : SP115 Development of Seismic Steel Reinforcement Products and Systems : SP-184 Analisis y Diseño de Edificios de Concreto Reforzado de Acuerdo con los Requisitos del Decreto 1400 de 1994 : Codigo colombiano de construcciones sismo resistentes Seminario Sobre Mamposteria estructural Shotcrete Concrete Foundations Mineral Admixtures Chemical Admixtures Durable Concrete Concrete Durability : Corosion protection Formwork Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Synthetic and Other Non - Metallic Fiber Reinforcement of Concrete Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 ACI-152 ACI-153 ACI-154 ACI-155 ACI-156 ACI-157 ACI-158 160 162 164 165 ACI-159 ACI-161 ACI-163 ACI-164 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 178 179 ACI-166 ACI-167 ACI-168 ACI-169 ACI-170 ACI-171 ACI-172 ACI-177 ACI-178 181 184 185 ACI-180 ACI-183 ACI-184 186 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 ACI-185 ACI-187 ACI-188 ACI-189 ACI-190 ACI-191 ACI-192 ACI-193 Bridge Repair and Rehabilitation Concrete Pavements Seismic Design and Construction High - Performance Concrete Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcement Testing of Transportation Concrete : Bridges and roads Elaboracion , Colocacion y Proteccion del Concreto en Clima Caluroso y Frio ACI 305 ACI 306 Compactacion del Concreto ACI 309 Especificaciones para el Concreto Estructural en Edificios ACI 301 Nuevas Tecnologias para el Estudio de Obras de Infraestructura Requisitos Esenciales para edificios de Concreto Reforzado : Para edificios de tamaño y altura limitados , basado norma ACI 318-02 Reglamento de las Construcciones de Concreto Reforzado ACI 318-89 Norma ACIS 100-81 Requisitos sismicos para edificios Concrete Repair and Restoration Concrete Parking Structures Tilt-Up Construction Lessons from Failures of Concrete Buildings Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures Edificios de Gran Altura Technology of Concrete When Pozzolans Slags and Chemical Admixtures are Used Diseño y Construccion de Puentes Curado del Concreto Practica Recomendable para la Medicion , Mezclado, Transporte y Colocacion del Concreto : ACI - 614 Colocacion del Concreto por Metodos de Bombeo Seminario sobre Patologia de Estructuras Hormigon : Sanear , Reparar , Proteger Slabs on Grade : CCS-1 Cast - in - Place Walls Supported Beams and Slabs Preparation of Notation for Concrete : ACI 104 - 71 Revised 1982 Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete : ACI 309 - 72 Revised 1982 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 195 ACI-194 196 ACI-195 197 ACI-196 198 ACI-197 199 200 201 ACI-198 ACI-199 ACI-200 202 204 ACI-201 ACI-203 205 ACI-204 206 ACI-205 207 208 209 ACI-206 ACI-207 ACI-208 210 ACI-209 211 ACI-210 212 213 ACI-211 ACI-212 214 ACI-213 215 ACI-214 216 ACI-215 Considerations for Design of Concrete Structures Subjected to Fatigue Loading : ACI 215R - 74 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for No - Slump Concrete : ACI 211.3 - 75 Revised 1987 Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures : ACI 349 - 76 Specification for Concrete Masonry Construction : ACI 531.1 - 76 Revised 1981 Hot Weather Concreting : ACI 305R - 77 Cold Weather Concreting Standard Specification for the Construction of end Bearing Drilled Piers : ACI 336.1 - 79 Refractory Concrete : ACI 547R - 79 A Guide to the Use of Waterproofing , Dampproofing, Protective , and Decorative Barrier Systems for Concrete ACI 515.1R - 79 Reapproved 1985 Building Code Requirements for Concrete Masonry Structures : ACI 531 - 79 ; ACI Report 531R - 79 Reinforced Concrete Design for Thermal Effects on Nuclear Power Plant Structures : ACI 349.1R - 80 Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete : ACI 503R - 80 Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials : ACI 117 - 81 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal , Heavyweight , and Mass Concrete : ACI 211.1 - 81 Admixtures for Concrete and Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concrete : ACI 212.1R - 81 ACI 212.2R - 81 Guide for Determining the Fire Endurance of Concrete Elements : ACI 216R - 81 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete : ACI 308 - 81 Specifications for Cast - in - Place Nonreinforced Concrete Pipe : ACI 346 - 81 Indentification and Control of Consolidation - Related Surface Defects in Formed Concrete : ACI 309.2R - 82 Recommendations for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Concrete Bases : ACI 316R - 82 Standard Practice for Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction : ACI 345 - 82 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 217 218 219 ACI-216 ACI-217 ACI-218 220 ACI-219 221 222 223 ACI-220 ACI-221 ACI-222 224 225 ACI-223 ACI-224 226 227 ACI-225 ACI-226 228 229 230 ACI-227 ACI-228 ACI-229 231 232 233 ACI-230 ACI-231 ACI-232 234 235 ACI-233 ACI-234 236 237 ACI-235 ACI-236 238 239 ACI-237 ACI-238 240 ACI-239 241 ACI-240 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete : ACI 318 - 83 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete : ACI 318 M - 83 Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete : ACI 318RM - 83 Commentary on Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete : ACI 318R - 83 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings : ACI 301 - 84 Guide to residential Cast - in - Place Concrete Construction Guide for the Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore Concrete Structures : ACI 357R - 84 Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements : ACI 225R - 85 Guide for Making a Condition Survey of Concrete Pavements : ACI 201.3R - 86 Guide for Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete : ACI 213R - 87 Ground Granulated Blast - Furnance Slag as Cementitious Constituent : ACI 226.1R - 87 Use of Fly Ash in Concrete : ACI 226.3R - 87 Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting : ACI 306.1 - 87 Simplified Version of the Recommended Practice for Evaluation of Strength Test Results : ACI 214.3R - 88 Cold Weather Concreting : ACI 306R - 88 Texturing Concrete Pavements : 325.6R - 88 Recommendations for Designing Prestressed Concrete Pavements : ACI 325.7R - 88 Guide to Formwork for Concrete : ACI 347R - 88 State of the Art Report on Barge Like Concrete Structures : ACI 357.2R - 88 Response of Concrete Buildings to Lateral Forces Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures : ACI 530 - 88 ; ACI 530.1 - 88; ASCE 5 - 88, ASCE 6 - 88 Specifications for Masonry Structures Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures : ACI 530.1 - 88; ASCE 6 - 88 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal Heavyweight and Mass Concrete : ACI 211.1 - 89 Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures : ACI 224R - 89 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 242 ACI-241 243 244 ACI-242 ACI-243 245 ACI-244 246 ACI-245 247 ACI-246 248 ACI-247 249 250 251 ACI-248 ACI-249 ACI-250 252 253 254 ACI-251 ACI-252 ACI-253 255 256 ACI-254 ACI-255 257 258 259 260 261 ACI-256 ACI-257 ACI-258 ACI-259 ACI-260 262 263 ACI-261 ACI-262 264 265 ACI-263 ACI-264 Causes , Evaluation and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures : ACI 224.1R - 89 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings : ACI 301 - 89 In - Place Methods for Determination of Strength of Concrete : ACI 228.1R - 89 Guide for Measuring , Mixing , Transporting and Placing Concrete : ACI 304R - 89 Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete : ACI 318.1 89 ; ACI 318.1R - 89 Building Code Requirements for Structural Plain Concrete : ACI 318.1M 89 ; ACI 318.1RM - 89 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete : ACI 318 - 89; ACI 318R - 89 Use of Epoxy Compounds With Concrete : ACI 503R - 89 Cement and Concrete Terminology : ACI 116R - 90 Standard Practice for the Use of Shrinkage - Compensating Concrete : ACI 223 - 90 Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement for Airports State of the Art Report on Soil Cement : ACI 230.1R - 90 Specifications for Cast in Place Nonreinforced Concrete : ACI 346 - 90; ACI 346R - 90 Guide to Sealing Joints in Concrete Structures : ACI 504R - 90 Specifications for Materials, Proportioning, and Application of Shotcrete : ACI 506.2 - 90 Chemical Admixtures for Copncrete : ACI 212.3R - 91 Guide to Cast - In - Place Architectural Concrete Practice : ACI 303R - 91 Batching, Mixing, and Job Control of Lightweight Concrete : ACI 304.5R - 91 Hot Weather Concreting : ACI 305R - 91 Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Concrete Bases : ACI 325.9R - 91 State - of - the - Art Report on Anchorage to Concreto : ACI 355.1R - 91 State - of - the -Art Report on Control of Two - Way Slab Deflections : ACI 435.9R - 91 Strength Evalution of Existing Concrete Buildings : ACI 437R - 91 Fracture Mechanics of Concrete : Concepts, Models and Determination of Material Properties ; ACI 446.1R - 91 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 266 ACI-265 267 268 ACI-266 ACI-267 269 270 271 ACI-268 ACI-269 ACI-270 272 273 274 275 276 ACI-271 ACI-272 ACI-273 ACI-274 ACI-275 277 278 279 280 ACI-276 ACI-277 ACI-278 ACI-279 281 282 283 284 285 286 ACI-280 ACI-281 ACI-282 ACI-283 ACI-284 ACI-285 287 ACI-286 288 ACI-287 289 290 291 ACI-288 ACI-289 ACI-290 Freacture Mechanics of Concrete : Concepts, Moderls and Determination of Material Properties : ACI 446.1R -91 (Reapproved 1999) Guide to Certification of Shotcrete Nozzlemen : ACI 506.3R - 91 State - of - the -Art Report Refractory Plastics and Ramming Mixes : aci 547.1R - 91 Guide to Durable Concrete : ACI 201.2R - 92 Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension : ACI 224.2R - 92 Guide for the Use of Preplaced Aggregate Concrete for Structural and Mass concrete Applications : ACI 304.1R - 92 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete : ACI 308 - 92 Guide for Desing and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots : ACI 330R - 92 Concrete Shell Structures Practice and Commentary : ACI 334.1R - 92 Routine Maintenance of Concrete Bridges : ACI 345.1R - 92 Analysis and Desing of Reinforced and Prestressed - Concrete Guideway Structures : ACI 358.1R - 92 Desing of Slabs on Grade State - of - the - Art Report on High Strength Concrete : ACI 363R - 92 State - of - the - Art Report on Bond Under Cyclic Loads : ACI 408.2R - 92 Standard Specification for Bonding Hardened Concrete, Steel, Wood, Brick, and Other Materials to Hardened Concrete with a Multi - Component Epoxy Adhesive : ACI 503.1 - 92 Guide for the Selection of Polymer Adhesives with Concrete : ACI 503.5R - 92 Guide for Cast - in - Place Low - Density Concrete : ACI 523.1R - 92 Tilp - Up Concrete Structures : ACI 551R - 92 Cooling And Insulating Systems for Mass Concrete : ACI 207.4R - 93 Erosion of Concrete in Hydraulic Strustures : ACI 210R - 93 Guide fro Selecting Proportions for High - Strength Concrete With Portland Cement and Fly Ash : ACI 211.4R - 93 Guide for the Use of High - Range Water - Reducing Admixtures (Superplasticizers) in Concrete : ACI 212.4R - 93 Causes, Evaluation and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures : ACI 224.1R - 93 Behavior of Fresh Concrete During Vibration : ACI 309.1R -93 Design and Construction of Drilled Piers : ACI 336.3R - 93 Testing Reinforced Concrete Structures for Watertightness : ACI 350.1R - 93 AWWA 400 - 93 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 292 293 294 295 296 ACI-291 ACI-292 ACI-293 ACI-294 ACI-295 297 ACI-296 298 ACI-297 299 300 301 ACI-298 ACI-299 ACI-300 302 ACI-301 303 304 305 306 307 ACI-302 ACI-303 ACI-304 ACI-305 ACI-306 308 309 310 ACI-307 ACI-308 ACI-309 311 312 313 ACI-310 ACI-311 ACI-312 314 315 ACI-313 ACI-314 316 317 ACI-315 ACI-316 Grouting for Support of Equipment and Machinery : ACI 351.1R - 93 Use of Epoxy Compounds with Concrete : ACI 503R -93 Guide to Portland Cement Plastering : ACI 524R - 93 Guide for Precast Concrete Wall Panels : ACI 533R - 93 Guide for Specifying, Proportioning, Mixing, Placing, and Finishing Steel iber Reinforced Concrete : ACI 544.3R - 93 Guide for Mixing and Placing Sulfur Concrete in COnstruction : ACI 548.2R - 93 Standard Specification for Latex - Modified Concrete (LMC) Overlays : ACI 548.4 - 93 State - of - the - Art Report on Ferrocement : ACI 549R - 93 Desing Recommendations for Precast Concrete Structures Practices for Evaluation of Concrete in Existing Massive Structures for Service Conditions : ACI 207.3R - 94 Compendium of Case Histories on Repair of Erosion - Daamaged Concrete in Hydraulic Structures : ACI 210.1R - 94 Use of Natural Pozzolans in Concrete : ACI 232.1R - 94 Standard Specification for Plain Concrete Parking Lost : ACI 330.1 - 94 Standard Specification for Construction of Drilled Piers : ACI 336.1 - 94 Foundations for Static Equipment : ACI 351.2R - 94 Guide for Evaluation of Concrete Structures Pior to Rehabilitation : ACI 364.1R - 94 Guide for the Evaluation of Shotcrete : ACI 506.4R - 94 Guide for Polymer Concrete Overlays : ACI 548.5R – 94 Effect of Restraint, Volume Change, and Reinforcement on Cracking of Mass Concrete : ACI 207.2R - 95 Joints in Concrete Construction :_ ACI 224.3R - 95 In - Place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength : ACI 228.1R - 95 Ground Granulated Blast - Furnace Slag as a Cementitious Constituent in Concrete : ACI 233R - 95 Placing Concrete with Belt Conveyors : ACI 304.4R - 95 Standard Practice for the Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys and Commentary : ACI 307 - 95 ACI 307R - 95 Guide for Concrete Inspection : ACI 311.4R - 95 Guide for Specifying Batch Plant Inspection and Field Testing of Ready Mied Concrete : ACI 311.5R - 95 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 318 ACI-317 319 ACI-318 320 321 ACI-319 ACI-320 322 323 324 ACI-321 ACI-322 ACI-323 325 326 327 ACI-324 ACI-325 ACI-326 328 329 ACI-327 ACI-328 330 331 332 333 334 335 ACI-329 ACI-330 ACI-331 ACI-332 ACI-333 ACI-334 336 337 ACI-335 ACI-336 338 ACI-337 339 ACI-338 340 341 ACI-339 ACI-340 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary : ACI 318 - 95 ACI 318R - 95 State - of - the - Art Report on Roller - Compacted Concrete Pavements : ACI 325.10R - 95 Control of Deflection in Concrete Structures : ACI 435R - 95 Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures : ACI 343R - 95 Building Code Requirements fro Masonry Structures : ACI 530.1 - 95 Specification for Shotcrete : ACI 506.2 - 95 State - of -the -Art Report on Polymer - Modified Concrete : ACI 548.3R - 95 Mass Concrete : ACI 207.1R - 96 Guide for Submittal of Concrete Proportions : ACI 211.5R - 96 Guide For Use of Normal Weight and Heavyweight Aggregates in Concrete : ACI 221R - 96 Corrosion of Metal in Concrete : ACI 222R - 96 Provisional Standard Test Method for Water - Soluble Choloride Available for Corrosion of Embedded Steel in Mortar and Concrete Using the Soxhlet Extractor : ACI 222.1 - 96 Use of Fly Ash in Concrete : ACI 232.2R - 96 Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete : ACI 234R - 96 Standard Specification for Structural Concrete : ACI 301 - 96 Guide For Concrete Floor and Slab Construction :ACI 302.1R - 96 Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods : ACI 304.2R - 96 Heavyweigth Concrete : Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placimg ; ACI 304.3R - 96 Guide for Consolodation of Concrete : ACI 309R - 96 Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety - Related Concrete Structures : ACI 349.3R - 96 Recommendations for Concrete Members Prestressed with Unbonded Tendons : ACI 423.3R – 96 State – of – the Art Report on Fiber Reinforced Plastic Reinforcement to Concrete Structures : ACI 440R – 96 High – Strength Concrete Columns : State of the Art ; ACI 441R – 96 Guide for Precast Cellular Concrete Floor, Roof, and Wall Units : ACI 523.2R – 96 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 342 343 344 ACI-341 ACI-342 ACI-343 345 ACI-344 346 ACI-345 347 ACI-346 348 ACI-347 349 ACI-348 350 ACI-349 351 352 ACI-350 ACI-351 353 354 ACI-352 ACI-353 355 ACI-354 356 ACI-355 357 ACI-356 358 359 360 361 ACI-357 ACI-358 ACI-359 ACI-360 362 363 364 ACI-361 ACI-362 ACI-363 Fiber Reinforced Concrete : ACI 544.1R – 96 Concrete Repair Guide : ACI 546R – 96 Polymer Concrete – Structural Applications – State – of – the – Art Report : ACI 548.6R – 96 Design Recommendations for Precast Concrete Structures : ACI 550R – 96 Guide to a Recommended Format for the Identification of Concrete in a Materials Property Database : ACI 126.1R - 97 Guide for Selecting Proportions for No – Slump Concrete : ACI 211.3 R – 97 Guide for the Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes : ACI 53.6R - 97 Finite Element Analysis of Facture in Concrete Structures: State - of the - Art Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures with Circumferential Tendons : ACI 373R - 97 Guide for the Design of Durable Parking Structures : ACI 362.1R - 97 Concrete Structures for Containment of Hazardous Materials : ACI 350.2R - 97 Embedment Design Examples : ACI 349.2R - 97 Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures : ACI 349 - 97 Standard Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies : ACI 216.1 - 97 Standard Specification for Cast - In - Place Architectural Concrete : ACI 303.1 - 97 Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete Silos and Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials : ACI 313 - 97 Seismic Analysis and Design of Concrete Bridge Systems : ACI 341.2R - 97 Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete : ACI 548.1R - 97 State - of - the - Art Report on Ferrocement : ACI 549R - 97 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete : ACI 211.2 -98 Standard Specification for Curing Concrete : ACI 308.1 - 98 Guide for Structural Maintenance of Parking Structures : ACI 362.2R - 00 Design ang Construction of Circular Wire - and Strand - Wrapped Prestressed - Concrete Structures : ACI 372R - 00 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 365 366 ACI-364 ACI-365 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 ACI-366 ACI-367 ACI-368 ACI-369 ACI-370 ACI-371 ACI-372 ACI-373 ACI-374 ACI-375 377 378 379 380 381 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 ACI-376 ACI-377 ACI-378 ACI-379 ACI-380 ACI-382 ACI-383 ACI-384 ACI-385 ACI-386 ACI-387 ACI-388 ACI-389 ACI-390 ACI-391 393 395 ACI-392 ACI-394 402 ACI-401 Desigm, Manufacture, and Installation of Concrete Piles : ACI 543R - 00 Code Requirements for Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures and Commentary : ACI 350M - 01 ACI 350RM - 01 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures :ACI 530 - 02 Parking Structures : ACI Compilation 3 Computers in Concrete Desing : ACI Compilation 14 Computers in Concrete Construction : ACI Compilacion 15 Quality Assurance in Concrete Construction : ACI Compilation 16 History of Concrete : ACI Bibliography 14 Interaccion estructural en marcos y muros de cortante Fabricacion de concreto y acabados Proyecto y control de mezclas de concreto Concrete Laboratory Testing Technicial Grade I ans Grade II : ACI CP-19 (90) Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician Grade II : ACI CP - 17 (90) Concrete Laboratory Testing Technicial Grade I : ACI CP-16 (90) El concreto de las grandes presas Quality in the Constructed Project Colocacion de concreto por medio de bandas transportadoras : ACI 304 ACI a Century of Progress Varios Seminario Nacional ACI ACI Session for Construction of Concrete Slabs on Grade ACI Seminar for High Strength Concrete ACI Technical Committee Manual ACI Guide to Chapter Organization and Operation Design and Construction of Concrete Slabs on Grade : ACI ACM - 11 (86) Back - to - the Basics Repair of Concrete : ACI SCM - 13 (86) Design of Concrete Parking Structures : problems and solutions ; ACI SCM - 12 (86) Suggested Revisions to Shear Provisions for Building Codes Calidad de la construccion, su seguridad y algunos aspectos de encofrados Recycling concrete and other materials for sustainable development. SP-219 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 403 404 ACI-402 ACI-403 405 ACI-404 406 ACI-405 407 408 409 410 412 413 ACI-406 ACI-407 ACI-408 ACI-409 ACI-411 ACI-412 414 415 416 ACI-413 ACI-414 ACI-415 417 418 ACI-416 ACI-417 419 ACI-418 420 421 423 ACI-419 ACI-420 ACI-422 424 425 426 427 ACI-423 ACI-424 ACI-425 ACI-426 428 ACI-427 Autogenus deformation of concrete. SP-220 Structural Concrete: Behavior to implementation: A symposium honoring James G. MacGregor The art and science of structural concrete design: a symposium honoring Richard W. Furlong : SP-213 Examples for the design of structural concrete with strut-and-tie models : SP-208 Field applications of FRP reinforcements: Case studies: SP-215 Innovations in fiber-reinforced concrete for value : SP 216 High-performance structural lightweight concrete : SP-218 Thin reinforced cement-based products and construction systems : SP-224 Estimación de pérdidas de preesfuerzo Recent developments in the design and specification of concrete pavement systems: SP 181 Structural applications of fiber reinforced concrete: SP 182 Design of two-way slabs, the : SP 183 High-performance concrete and performance and quality of concrete structures : proceedings, second CANMET/ACI international conference, Gramado, RS, Brazil, 1999 : SP 186 High-performance concrete : research to practice : SP 189 Water-cement ratio and other durability parameters: techniques for determination : SP 191 Investigating concrete : selected works of Bryant and Katharine Mather : SP 223 Concrete fundamentals : CCS-0 Shotcrete for the craftsman : CCS-4 Notes on ACI 318-05 building code requirements for structural concrete : with design applications The Contractor's guide to quality concrete construction. Specifications for structural concrete : ACI 301-05 Specifications for structural concrete : ACI 301M-99 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary : ACI 318M-05 Code requirements for environmental engineering concrete structures and commentary : ACI 350 - 01 ACI 350R - 01 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 429 ACI-428 430 ACI-429 431 ACI-430 432 433 ACI-431 ACI-432 434 ACI-433 435 ACI-434 436 437 448 449 ACI-435 ACI-436 ACI-447 ACI-448 450 451 452 ACI-449 ACI-450 ACI-451 453 454 ACI-452 ACI-453 455 456 457 458 ACI-454 ACI-455 ACI-456 ACI-457 459 460 ACI-458 ACI-459 462 466 ACI-461 ACI-465 State-of-the-art report on offshore concrete structures for the Arctic : ACI 357.1R-91 Suggested development, splice, and standard hook provisions for deformed bars in tension Observed deflections of reinforved concrete slab systems, and causes of large deflections : ACI 435.8R - 85 Prestressing concrete structures with FRP tendons : ACI 440.4R-04 Accelerated curing of concrete al atmospheric pressure - State of the art : ACI 517.2R-87 Guide for cellular concretes above 50 pcf, and for aggregate concretes above 50 pcf with compressive strengths less than 2500 psi : ACI 523.3R-93 ACI detailing manual - 2004 / ACI committee 315, details of concrete reinforcement : SP-66 (04) Chemical Admixtures for Concrete : E4-03 Concrete: A pictorial celebration International Symposium on Confined Concrete: SP-238 Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete: ACI 209.1R-05 Cement and Concrete Terminology: ACI 116R-00 Guide for the use of silica fume in concrete: ACI 234R-06 Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials: ACI 302.2R-0 Guide for Consolidation of Concrete: ACI 309R-05 Identification and Control of Visible Effects of Consolidation on Formed Concrete Surface: ACI 309.2R-98 Guide for Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction : ACI 345R-91 Guide for Maintenance of Concrete Bridge Members: ACI 345.1R-06 Guide to Formwork for Concrete: ACI 347-04 Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete and Commentary: ACI 355.2-04/ACI355.2R-04 Concrete Repair Guide: ACI 546R-04 Test Method for Load Capacity of Polymer Concrete Underground Utility Structures: ACI 548.7-04 Impact of the Seismic Design Provisions of the International Building Code Concrete Repair Basics Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 467 470 ACI-466 ACI-469 471 ACI-470 472 473 ACI-471 ACI-472 474 ACI-473 476 478 ACI-475 ACI-477 506 ACI-505 508 509 511 513 ACI-507 ACI-508 ACI-510 ACI-512 514 ACI-513 515 ACI-514 516 ACI-515 517 518 ACI-516 ACI-517 519 ACI-518 520 ACI-519 Concrete Slabs on ground Seminario sobre especificaciones modernas para la construcción de estructuras de concreto. 2008 awards program. Spring convention march 30, 2008 Hyatt regency century plaza. los Angeles, CA. Guide to curing concrete. reported by committee 308. Concrete laboratory testing technician grade I & II. Technician workbook. Publication CP-16/17/18 (94) 2005 masonry standars joint committee code, specification and commentaries Diseño y construcción de pisos y pavimentos. ACI 360 / ACI 302 ACI 360R-92 (Reapproved 1997) Design of slabs on grade. report by ACI committee 360. Building code requierements and specification for masonry structures. Containing Building code requierements and specification for masonry structures (TMS402-08/ ACI 530-08/ ASCE 5-08). Specification for masonry structures. (TMS 602-08/ ACI 530.1-08/ ASCE 6-08) and companion comentaries. Concrete repair manual. Second edition. Volume 1. Concrete repair manual. Second edition. Volume 2. Architectural and decorative concrete Flatwork. Especificaciones para concreto estructural. ACI 301S-05 (versión en español y en sistema métrico) Es un estandar del ACI. Guide for Concrete construction quality systetms in conformance with ISO 9001: ACI 121R-08 Guide for conducting a visual inspection of concrete in service: ACI 201.1R-08 Code requirements for reinforced concrete chimneys (ACI 307-08) and commentary Report of behavior of fresh concrete during vibration: ACI 309.1 R-08 Guide for the analysis, design, and construction of elevated concrete and composite steel-concrete water storage tanks: ACI 371R-08 Specification for type ES (Epoxy Slurry) polymer overlay for bridge and parking garage decks: ACI 548.9-08 Guide for the design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structures: ACI 440.2R-08 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 521 ACI-520 522 ACI-521 523 524 525 ACI-522 ACI-523 ACI-524 526 ACI-525 528 ACI-527 529 530 ACI-528 ACI-529 531 532 ACI-530 ACI-531 533 ACI-532 534 ACI-533 535 ACI-534 536 ACI-535 537 ACI-536 538 ACI-537 539 ACI-538 540 ACI-539 541 542 ACI-540 ACI-541 Specification for construction with fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcing bars: ACI 440.5-08 Specification for carbon and Glass fiber-Reinforced polymer bar materials for concrete reinforcement: ACI 440.6-08 Guide to fiber-reinforced shotcrete: ACI 506.1R-08 Guide to portland cement-based plaster: ACI 524R-08 Guide to specifying, proportioning, and production of fiber-reinforced concrete: ACI 544.3R-08 Guide to Emulating Cast-in-Place Detailing in Precast Concrete: ACI 550.1-09 Guide for use de volumetric-Measuring and continuos - Mixing concrete equipment: ACI 304.6R-09 Guide for Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet: ACI 364.3R-09 Guide for Design and Construction with Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Panels: ACI 523.4R-09 Report on Polymer-Modified Concrete: ACI 548.3R-09 ACI manual of concrete practice 2009. Index with ACI concrete terminology ACI manual of concrete practice 2009. Part 1: ACI 117-06 to ACI 224.3R-95 (08) ACI Manual of concrete practice 2009 - Part 2 - ACI 225R-99 to ACI 315-99 ACI Manual of concrete practice 2009 - Part 3 - ACI 318-08 to ACI 347.2R-05 ACI Manual of concrete practice 2009 - Part 4 - ACI 349-06 to ACI 360R-06 ACI Manual of concrete practice 2009 - Part 5 - ACI 362.1R-97 (02) to ACI 503.7-07 ACI Manual of concrete practice 2009 - Part 6 - ACI 506R-05 to ACI ITG - 5.1-07 Tenth ACI international conference on recent advances in concrete technology and sustainability Issues: SP-261 Ninth ACI International Conference on Superplasticizers and Other Chemical Admixtures: SP-262 Report on soil cement: ACI 230.1R-09 Specification for cast in place concrete pipe: ACI 346-09 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 543 576 577 578 579 588 589 594 ACI-542 ACI-575 ACI-576 ACI-577 ACI-578 ACI-587 ACI-588 ACI-593 595 596 597 598 ACI-594 ACI-595 ACI-596 ACI-597 599 ACI-598 600 ACI-599 601 602 603 604 605 ACI-600 ACI-601 ACI-602 ACI-603 ACI-604 606 ACI-605 607 608 ACI-606 ACI-607 609 ACI-608 610 611 612 ACI-609 ACI-610 ACI-611 Guide for specifying underground shotcrete: ACI 506.5R-09 Health Monitoring Systems and Sensors for Assessing Concrete Transition from Fluid to Solid:Re-examining the Behavior of Seismic Strengthening of Concrete Buildings using FRP Composites Designing Concrete Structures Concrete Heat Development. Self-Consolidating Concrete for Precast Prestressed Applications ACI 231R-10: Report on early age cracking: Causes, Measurement, and mitigation ACI 351.2R-10: Report on foundations for static equipment ACI 360R-10: Guide to design of slabs on ground ACI 363R-10: Report on high strength concrete. ACI 421.2R-10: Guide to seismic design of punching shear reinforcement in flat plates. ACI 423.9M-10: Test method for bleed stability of cementitious Post-Tensioning tendon grout. ACI 544.5R-10: Report on the physical properties and durability of fiber -reinforced concrete. ACI 551.2R-10:Design guide for Tilt-Up concrete panels. ACI 546.2R-10:Guide to underwater repair of concrete ACI 522R-10: Report on pervious concrete Guide for obtaining cores and interpreting compressive strength results. ACI 440.7R-10: Guide for the design and construction of externally bonded fiber- reinforced polymer systems for strengthening unreinforced masonry structures Specification for tolerances for concrete construction and materials (ACI 117-10) and commentary Guide to hot weather concreting. Residential code requirements for structural concrete and commentary. ACI 332-10 Specification for type MMS (Methyl Methacrylate Slurry) Polymer overlays for bridge and parking garage decks. ACI 548.10-10 Report on Floating and Float - In Concrete Structures: ACI 357.2R-10 ACI 223R-10:Guide for the use of shrinkage- compesating concrete. ACI 212.3R-10: Report on chemical admixtures for concrete. Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 613 ACI-612 614 616 ACI-613 ACI-615 620 ACI-619 621 622 ACI-620 ACI-621 623 ACI-622 624 625 ACI-623 ACI-624 626 ACI-625 627 628 ACI-626 ACI-627 629 ACI-628 630 631 632 ACI-629 ACI-630 ACI-631 633 634 ACI-632 ACI-633 635 636 638 639 640 ACI-634 ACI-635 ACI-637 ACI-638 ACI-639 ACI 503.3-10: Specification for producing a skid - resistant surface on concrete by the use of epoxy and aggregate. ACI 306R-10: Guide to cold weather concreting. ACI 423.8R-10: Report on corrosion and repair of grouted multistrand and bar tendon systems. Antoine E. Naaman Symposium : Four Decades of progress in prestressed concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, and thin laminate composites. SP -272 Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. SP-275 Durability Enhancements in Concrete with Fiber Reinforcement . SP276. Recent Advances in Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Bridges-SP-277 Frontiers in the Use of Polymers in Concrete Guide to design of anchorage to concrete: Examples using ACI 318 Appendix D. ACI 355.3R-11 Guide to design and construction practices to mitigate corrosion of reinforcement in concrete structures. ACI 222.3R-11 Guide to evaluation of strength test results of concrete. ACI 214R-11 Guide for seismic rehabilitation of existing concrete frame buildings and commentary. ACI 369R-11 Further examples for the design of structural concrete with stut and tie models. SP-273 Building code requirements and specification for masonry structures. Specifications for structural concrete ACI 301-10 Guide to quality control and assurance of High- Strength concrete: ACI 369.2R-11 Specification of curing concrete: ACI 308.1-11 Qualification of post - installed adhesive anchors in concrete : ACI 355.4-11 Report on roller - compacted mass concrete Guide for concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction: ACI 345R-11 Building code requirements for structural concrete : ACI 318-11 Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade I ACI 543R-12:Guide to design, Manufacture , and installation of concrete piles. Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 641 ACI-640 643 ACI-642 644 645 647 648 ACI-643 ACI-644 ACI-646 ACI-647 649 650 ACI-648 ACI-649 651 ACI-650 652 ACI-651 653 654 ACI-652 ACI-653 655 ACI-654 656 ACI-655 657 ACI-656 658 ACI-657 659 ACI-658 660 ACI-659 661 662 ACI-660 ACI-661 663 ACI-662 ACI 351.1R-12: Report on grouting between foundations and bases for support of equipment and machinery. Behavior of concrete structures subjected to Blast and impact Loadings. SP 281 The Leading Edge of pervious Concrete. SP 282 Innovations in Fire Design of concrete structures. SP 279 Concrete Craftsman Series: Slabs on Ground Andy Scalon Symposium on Serviceability and Safety of concrete structures: From research to practice Guía del Contratista para la construcción en concreto de calidad ACI 301S-10: Especificaciones para concreto estructural (Versión en español y en sistema métrico) Guide for the Application of epoxy and latex adhesives for bonding freshly mixed hardened concretes: ACI 548.11R-12 Guide Test Methods for fiber - Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites for reinforcing or strengthening concrete and masonry Structures: ACI 440.3R-12 Report on Bond of steel reinforcing bars under cyclic loads: ACI 408.2R-12 Guide for the design and construction of durable concrete parking structures: ACI 362.1R-12 Guide for the analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete guideway structures:ACI 343.1R-12 Report on the use of raw or processed natural pozzolans in concrete: ACI 232.1R-12 Twelfth International Conference on recent advances in concrete Technology and Sustainability Issues: SP 289 2012 Tenth International Conference on superplasticizers and other chemical admixtures. SP 288 The economics, performance and sustainability of internally cured concrete. SP 290 Code Requirements for evaluation, repair and rehabilitation of concrete buildings and Commmnetary: ACI 562-13 ACI 229R-13: Report on controlled low strength materials. ACI (308-213) R13:Report on internally cured concrete using prewetted absortive lightweight aggregate. ACI 350.5-12: Specifications for environmental concrete structures. Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 664 665 ACI-663 ACI-664 666 667 668 669 ACI-665 ACI-666 ACI-667 ACI-668 670 671 ACI-669 ACI-670 672 ACI-671 673 ACI-672 674 675 ACI-673 ACI-674 676 677 ACI-675 ACI-676 678 679 680 681 682 ACI-677 ACI-678 ACI-679 ACI-680 ACI-681 683 684 ACI-682 ACI-683 685 686 ACI-684 ACI-685 687 ACI-686 ACI 445.1R-12: Report on torsion in structural concrete ACI 548.12-12: Specification for bonding hardened concrete and steel to hardened concrete with an epoxy adhesive. ACI 550.2r-13: Design guide for connections in precast jointed systems Guide for widening Highway bridges : ACI 345.2R-13 Specification for pervious concrete pavement. ACI 522.1-13 Guide for testing reinforced concrete structural elements under slowly applied simulated seismic loads. ACI 374.2R -13 Guide to selecting protective treatments for concrete. ACI 515.2R-13 Report on nondestructive test methods for evaluation of concrete in structures. ACI 228.2R-13 Guide to design and construction of circular wire and strand wrapped prestressed concrete structures: ACI 372R-13 Guide to design and construction of externally bonded fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) systems for repair and strengthening concrete and masonry structures: ACI 549.4R-13 Design Guide for connections in precast jointed Systems: ACI 550.2R-13 ACI 311.7 -14: Inspection services specification for cast in place concrete cons Guide for submittal of concrete proportions: ACI 211.5R - 14 Code Requirementes for load testing of existing concrete structures : ACI 437.2-13 Specification for Shotcrete: ACI 506.2 -13 Guide to design detailing to mitigate cracking: ACI 224.4R -13 Guide to decorative Concrete: ACI 310R-13 Guide for cellular concrete above 50lb/ft3 (800 Kg /m3) Residential Code Requirements for structural concrete ( CI 332-14) AND COMMENTARY Structural Health Monitoring Technologies.SP 292 Reinforced Concrete Columns with High Strength Concrete and Steel Reinforcement. SP 293 Advances in Green Binder Systems. SP-294 Recent Advances in the Design of Prestressed Concrete Piles in Marine Structures in Seismic Regions. SP-295 Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete— Future Direction: Proceedings of the Hope & Schupack Corrosion Symposium. SP-291 Autor LISTADO DE TÍTULOS ACI Item No. topográfico Título 688 ACI-687 689 690 691 ACI-688 ACI-689 ACI-690 692 ACI-691 693 694 ACI-692 ACI-693 695 696 ACI-694 ACI-695 697 ACI-696 698 ACI-697 699 ACI-698 700 ACI-699 Advanced Materials and Sensors towards Smart Concrete Bridges: Concept, Performance, Evaluation, and Repair. SP-298 Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Sustainable Structures. SP-299 Fracture Mechanics Applications in Concrete SP-300 Modeling of FRP Strengthening Techniques in Concrete Infrastructure SP-301 Una norma y un informe del ACI: / Comentario a Requisitos de Reglamento para Concreto Estructural (ACI 318SR-14) Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces : ACI 347.3R - 13 Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Materials Made by Wet Layuo for External Strengthening of Concrete and Masonry Structures : ACI 440.8-13 Concreto lanzado para el artesano (CCS-4) Code Requirement for Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures (ACI 349-13) and Commentary 211.7R-15: Guide for Proportioning Concrete Mixtures with Ground Limestone and Other Mineral Fillers 351.5-15 Specification for Installation of Epoxy Grout between Foundations and Equipment Bases 440.1R-15 Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with (FRP) Bars 440.9R-15 Guide to Accelerated Conditioning Protocols for Durability Assessment of Internal and External Fiber-Reinforce Autor