Takuma Superheated steam 50000 Enthalpy 2785.93 Saturated steam 9100 Enthalpy 2785.93 Boiler feed water 59100 Enthalpy 462 Duty absorped 137344263 Fuel oil 3745 L.H.V 9700 Duty firing 36326500 Eff. 0.9036397 Fuel gas 1772 L.H.V 20500 Duty firing 36326000 Eff. 0.9036521 Natural Gas L.H.V 11720 Natural Gas flow rate 3099.5307 Air flow rate 53187.947 Excess air 7978.1921 Air supply 61166.139 Air to fuel ratio 19.734 Standard kessel Physical properties Kg/hr Kj/kg Kg/hr Kj/kg Kg/hr Kj/kg Kj/hr Kg/hr Kcal/kg kcal/hr Operating pressure 1.5 barg Operating temperature Ambient Density 1.678 kg/m3 Viscosity 0.01145 Cp 38.15118 MW 42.21947 MW Nm3/hr kcal/hr kcal/hr 42.21888 MW Fuel oil L.H.V Duty firing Natural Gas L.H.V Duty firing 3740 9909 155057617.4 3968 9753.7 161932019.8 Kg/hr kcal/kg kj/hr Nm3/hr kcal/Nm3 kj/hr 41459.26 kj/kg 43.07156 MW 40809.48 44.98112 MW Natural Gas kcal/kg 49036.48 Kj/kg Kg/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr Natural Gas 4132.708 Nm3/hr flow rate Air flow rate Excess air 47232.54 Nm3/hr Air supply Air to fuel ratio 3303.662906 56690.85546 8503.628319 65194.48378 19.734 Kg/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr Kg/hr 4404.884 Nm3/hr 50343.23 Nm3/hr