Clean Rice Grain with Stone Vibrating Screener Rice Grain Bucket Elevator Conveyed Rice Grain Remove small Stone Impurity Conveyed Rice Grain Rice Grain w/out Stone Bucket elevator DE-Stoner Rice Husk Rubber roll Husker Brown Rice w/ husk Husk Aspirator Brown Rice Bucket elevator Removed Unriped Rice Conveyed Brown Rice Bucket elevator Clean Brown Rice Paddy Separation Conveyed Brown Rice Broken Rice Vibrating Screener of Rice Whiten Rice Rice Whitener Unripe Rice Bran Conveyed Sorted Rice Bucket elevator Bucket elevator Clean White Rice Brown Rice Sorter Sorted Rice Conveyed White Rice Water tank Water Jet Rice Polisher Bran Polished Rice Bucket elevator Conveyed Polished Rice Weighed (50kg) of Rice Packing (50kg) of Rice LEGEND: Raw Materials Weighing (50kg) Packed (50kg) of Rice ByProduct Wasted Process Product Materials for Packing Finish Product Bagged Polished Rice Bagger Bag