NURS 2351 – FUNDAMENTALS IN PEDIATRIC CARE Oral Presentations Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Criteria Written Presentation: Face page and table of contents Introducción Goals/ Objectives Strategies to achieve objectives during the presentation Content developoment 2 1 Cover with heading, title, author, date, course, teacher. Includes table of contents and numbered pages. Introduces the topic excellently, relating it to the identified needs. Includes cover and incomplete table of contents. Does not include cover or table of contents. The introduction is not very relevant to the majority of the content and the needs identified Presents some training objectives that are not very precise and are incompletely written. Does not make introduction. Partially presents the strategies to evaluate the achievement of objectives and establishes the time and place of the presentation. (Minimum 2 questions) Clearly explains some of the fundamental concepts and definitions. Presents content with little organization and logical sequence. Does not present strategies for presentation. Formulates all terminal and enabling objectives into clear and specific observable behaviors Identiies strategies to evaluate the achievement of all objectives, establish the time and place of the presentation. (Minimum 4 questions) Demonstrates mastery of the topic and clearly explains all fundamental concepts and definitions and are related to the objectives. 0 Does not present objectives. Does not demonstrate mastery of the topic and the content is irrelevant, disorganized and does not follow a logical sequence. Comments NURS 2351 – FUNDAMENTALS IN PEDIATRIC CARE Oral Presentations Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Drafting Use of audiovisual technology Summary References Presents the content in an organized, brief and precise way with a logical sequence. Excellent syntactic correction, grammar, spelling, organization of ideas and coherence in paragraphs, at the audience level throughout the work. Utiliza diversas técnicas o estrategias audiovisuales para toda la presentación. [Ej. Fascículos, cartelones y otros.] Summarizes the presentation briefly, clearly and precisely, considering all the subtopics discussed. Write all references correctly according to the latest edition of APA, place them in alphabetical order, use at least 4 sources of Occasionally there are deficiencies in syntax, grammar, spelling, and the organization of ideas and paragraphs. Uses few audiovisual techniques or strategies for presentation. Pobre corrección sintáctica, en gramática, no existe organización de ideas y párrafos; no está a nivel de la audiencia en la mayor parte del trabajo. Does not use audiovisual techniques or strategies for presentation. Partially summarizes the presentation. Does not summarize the presentation. References written incorrectly and do not use APA format. Minimum 2 references. Does not present references. NURS 2351 – FUNDAMENTALS IN PEDIATRIC CARE Oral Presentations Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ General Presentation Oral presentation: Implementation: Introduction Content information, recent (published in the last five years), reliable and professional related to the topic. Exemplary presentation, organized in a folder, impeccable spelling, punctuality in the delivery of the work Introduces himself and greets the client. It presents the topic, introduction and objectives in an excellent way and clearly related to what it presents. Demonstrates mastery of the topic, clearly explains concepts and defines fundamental terms. Presents the content in a precise, organized and logical sequence, exploring prior knowledge of the group related to the topic as Acceptable, organized presentation No organization, incorrect spelling It is presented to the client. No relationship is identified between the topic, introduction and objectives. No introduction/ does not present an introduction or objectives. Clearly explains the fundamental concepts. Presents content with little organization and logical sequence. It does not explore the group's prior knowledge related to the topic. Does not demonstrate mastery of the topic and does not explore prior knowledge of the group related to the topic NURS 2351 – FUNDAMENTALS IN PEDIATRIC CARE Oral Presentations Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Audience participation Use of technology Language/ oral Personal proyection planned.ub topics discussed Excellently creatively encourages audience participation in the topic discussion through the use of relevant questions, comments, and examples. Always use various audiovisual techniques or strategies related to the presentation, Always express clearly, without fillers, in an appropriate tone, slowly, with syntactic and grammatical correctness. Exhibits excellent personal posture, projects a professional standard (appropriate attire), maintains eye contact with audience, and expresses self in own words confidently. Integrates the group in a limited way, generates little discussion of the topic It does not encourage audience integration. Occasionally uses audiovisual techniques or strategies. It does not use any audiovisual technique or strategy. Occasionally he expresses himself clearly, has a low tone of voice, and presents several syntactic and grammatical errors. His posture frequently presents deficiencies as well as his professional projection, he rarely makes eye contact with the audience and shows Does not express himself clearly, he uses fillers, a low tone of voice with too many syntactic and grammatical errors. Does not exhibit an adequate personal posture and projects a poor professional level. NURS 2351 – FUNDAMENTALS IN PEDIATRIC CARE Oral Presentations Evaluation Rubric Name: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Student evaluation Compliance with time and time dedicated to the presentation Always evaluate learning according to the established objectives. [minimum 4 questions] Presents at the allotted time and time and uses time wisely in accordance with the topic. Covers expected content as planned. Duration time 18 – 20 minutes dependence on notes. Perform a partial evaluation of learning according to some objectives. [ask two questions] The presentation starts late, but covers most of the expected content. Duration time 10 – 14 minutes or more than 22 minutes Does not carry out learning evaluation. [does not ask questions] Does not present at the indicated time, nor does it cover most of the expected content. Duration 5 minutes or less or more than 25 minutes